Statewide CMT/ABATE New Year Kick Off Party
Statewide CMT/ABATE New Year Kick Off Party
Tennessee Motorcyclist *New Address* P.O. Box 1991 Madison, TN 37116 Phone: 615.860.1991 January 2012 Mark your calendars !! Legislative Lobby Day Statewide CMT/ABATE New Year Kick Off Party February 7th, 2012 More information found on page 13 January 21,2012 Everyone is invited! Details on Page 14 The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessary reflect the views and opinions of CMT/ABATE of the Tennessee Motorcyclist. CMT/ ABATE, Inc. and the Tennessee Motorcyclist reserve the right to refuse or edit any article, photo, letter or advertisement they decide is not in the best interest of the organization and its members. Readers, although CMT/ABATE supports its advertisers, it does not guarantee the service of those advertisers. Please use the same discretion you would with any business. If in doubt, contact the Better Business Bureau. Contacts Corporate Level Corporate Director Asst. Corporate Director Corporate Secretary Corporate Treasurer Legislative/MRF Safety & Education Membership Newspaper Products Activities Chaplain NCOM Office Manager Webmaster At Large PR/Communications Phone: 615-262-1119 Brooklyn Tom Marlin Rood Brenda Redditt Bette Stewart Rhonda Williams Batman Jelly Bean Amy Flatt Faith Hawkins Kevin Chapnick Jack Jones Angel Richardson Dean Lucas Bob Celmer Johann Forbus Carol Simpson 865-354-8813 615-390-6754 901-853-7632 615-579-6035 931-205 2644 615-456-2317 615-579-4112 248-884-1880 931-761-8038 615-390-5645 615-944-9797 The objects and purposes of the Corporation shall be to form a united motorcyclist’s organization both at the individual local level and at the state level. The Members of the Corporation shall be dedicated to promoting fair motorcycle legislation and shall insure their freedom by working to prevent enactment of, or to repeal/modify existing unfair motorcycle legislation. The Corporation’s Members shall promote and maintain motorcycling safety and awareness programs in the community. Charter Contacts Meeting Times Buffalo River Lisa Darden 931-796-4842 Caney Fork Terry Presley 615-642-8025 Dickson/Humphreys/ Terry Davis 615-446-0064 Hickman Knoxville Spencer “Doc” Perry 865-216-9407 Montgomery County Wally Baez 615-977-1248 1st Thursday @ 7, Mike’s Bar Hohenwald 1st Saturday of the month @ 4, at Lolly's, 342 Lebanon Hwy, Carthage 3rd Thursday @ 7, VFW Dickson 4th Sunday @ 1, Clinton Hwy Harley Davidson, Knoxville 2nd ThursdayA7 p.m., Shoneys on 2nd Street, Clarksville Music City Wendell Baldwin 615-838-1490 1st Sunday @ 2, Scully’s Madison Nashville Jack Jones 615-579-4112 3rd Thursday @ 7, Bikini Beach Antioch Pike, Nashville Northeast Tom Kyner 423-272-4834 1st Monday @ 7, Sagebrush Kingsport Piney River Reed Smith 865-603-6635 Robertson County Roland Verchota 615-533-6368 NEW Charter! 2nd Sunday @ 1 433 Shutin Gap Rd., Spring City 1st Tuesday @ 7, Piggy Pit Springfield Smith-Wilson Kimberley Marlin 615-310-3436 1st Sunday @ 2, T&A Cycles Lebanon Stones River Teresa Hemphill 931-446-8899 3rd Sunday @ 4, Rocking Chair Cafe Smyrna Sumner County Mark Davis 615-859-3333 Mark Moore 423-570-0250 3rd Thursday @ 7, VFW Hendersonville 3rd Sunday @ 2, Spectatar's Brainerd Rd, Chattanooga Upper Cumberland Rob Erwin 931-879-3899 1st Sunday * Call for Details Wheels of Thunder Bob Celmer 901-465-7381 1st Thursday @ 7, Panchos 717 N. White Station Rd., Memphis Tennessee Valley 2 Resume for Corporate Director In the late seventies I joined with other bikers in the Nashville area to form the Committee for the Repeal of the Helmet Law. On September 21, 1982, we changed the CRHL into Concerned Motorcyclists of Tennessee. And the rest, as they say, is history. A big part of this history has always been how are we going to pay the bills. Now we have money in the bank. But I want more. I want to know this organization has a stable financial future. I want to see it buy it’s own land, and not be dependent on anybody else. I know this can happen, but I believe it will take everybody working together to make it happen. Want to be a part of this amazing organization? Fill out the application below & submit with membership dues to the CMT/ABATE office. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION New Member Renewal Member Number: _____________________ Type of Membership Desired: I ask for your support in March, and together we can change our world. Full Member $25 ______ Couple Member $40 ______ Associate $15______ Junior $10______ Lifetime Membership $300______ Thank you, Dean Lucas 931-761-8038 Change of Address: PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name: _______________________________ Address: _____________________________ RESUME for SECRETARY City: ________________________________ Brenda Redditt 155 Bancroft Avenue Collierville, Tn. 38017-1507 901-853-7632 State: ______________ Zip: ____________ Phone: _______________________________ 12/12/2011 Email: _______________________________ To CMT/ABATE Members, I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve as the Corporate Secretary of CMT/ABATE, Inc. Motorcyclists are faced with many challenges and I am ready for the work ahead to make sure the rights of motorcyclists are protected. I would like to “Thank You” for your support in the past and would deeply appreciate your vote on March 11. Charter You Would like to Join: I wish each of you a happy and blessed holiday season and all the best in 2011! 3 _____________________________________ Are you a Registered Voter? Yes No How would like to receive your newsletter? Email US Mail Please mail to: CMT/ABATE, Inc. P.O. Box 1991 Madison, TN 37116 615-860-1991 “TO THE HILL!” I share this information so that our Committee Members will understand why I will not be able to represent all of their wishes next month at the capitol. While I thoroughly understand and truly respect the Board’s wishes, I do feel that the time sacrificed by our Legislative Committee in some part or portion merited a higher level of regard in final decisions. In hindsight, I should have made this very point before we voted at the Board meeting. There might still be a small window of opportunity to re-dress in our March Board of Director’s agenda. To the Hill!!! So by vote of the full Board, we will submit two new Adult Choice Helmet Liberty bills. One will be without any insurance language. The second will have a $15,000 insurance coverage condition. We will focus our lobby on the 1st bill and hold the 2nd for back up. We will resist any and all attempts to attach an amendment with insurance language unless it becomes apparent that it will surely fail without it. We still have the reciprocity bill sponsored by John Tidwell in the hopper for last-resorts as well. The phrase “Slow as Christmas” must have been authored by a child or on behalf of a child’s perspective. Seems to me like it comes ‘round every quarter any more! With that in mind and my ever growing list of not-done-yet, I will keep this report as brief as possible. Please continue sending in your tourism post cards! Any and all cards are needed to be used while lobbying the capitol. Ideally, 10,000 cards would make a huge statement. So please print some off and carry with you. Be a spokesperson with everyone you come in contact with! We will continue to look into and evaluate the possibilities of beefing up our ROWV law. We will work with Angie and Jerry Clinard’s assistance to tighten the I introduced at the Board of Director’s meeting a “Patch loop holes that allowed law enforcement’s own discretion Incentive Program”. The details of this program were sent whether to arrest a non-licensed operator when involved home with your charter Directors. It has also gone out on in an accident that caused harm or death to another. the email list. By the beginning of legislative session, you will be provided with position statements, example letters Both of these causes are very worthy and time demanding. And of course we must also look at every bill introduced and conversation points. You will also be introduced to to determine if it poses a threat to TN motorcyclist’s safety your Regional Legislative Coordinator. or constitutional rights. But I am committed to serve this organization to the best of my abilities and look forward This will help information from the district’s grassroots become quickly shared as we lobby the capitol. Plus there to representing each one of you with my highest honor. are some cool patches involved that you can earn for Respectfully, bragging rights. If you want more information on this Rhonda Rae Williams program, please contact your Charter Director, At-large YOUR Legislative Director Coordinator or get your email on the PR/ Communications list. 931-205-2644 mobile Dozens of loyal members sacrificed a beautiful Saturday and packed our meeting space to attend our Legislative Retreat. We discussed every possibility nearly to exhaust before we voted on our future legislative agenda. In the interest of time, I presented to the Board a very minimal ‘cliff notes’ edition of our meeting for their hopeful approval. “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.” Ronald Reagan 1911 - 2004 4 Board Of Director's 2012 Calendar of events Cmt/abate of Tennessee 1:00pm CST VFW Post 9851 73 New Shackle Island Rd Hendersonville, TN January 2012 Sun Mon Tue 1 2 3 SMW UPCU MUSCTY NE ROB 8 9 10 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri Sat 6 7 CF 13 14 20 21 27 28 BR WOT 11 Piney River 12 MON 15 TV SR 16 17 22 23 24 30 31 18 19 DHH NASH SUM 25 26 KNO TV 29 Carol Simpson suffered a stroke last month and is recovering at home. She has approached her recovery with the same tenacity she has with everything and has surprised everyone with the progress she has made. The doctors have told her to slow down and avoid stress. It goes against everything in her but she is trying. :) Here is wishing her a speedy recovery ! Did we miss something or make an error? It was not intentional. Please keep us informed. Send event dates, articles, minutes, pictures etc to editor@ cmtabate .com no later than the 12th of month prior to when you would like information to appear. 5 News & Events (Mark Your Calendars) JAN 2012 1:1 DHH Blue Balls/Hard Nipples Ride 1:21 New Years Kick Off Party-Nashville FEB 2012 2:4 Easyriders Bike Show, Knoxville 2:7 Legislative Lobby Day 2:17 Deadline for State Wide Poker Run Book Sponsors MARCH 2012 3:24 Shellyville Swap Meet-Spring Thaw 3:11 Board of Directors 3:31 Mules Days-Columbia APRIL 2012 4:14 CaFo Sway meet 4:14 MoCo Poker Run 4:21 Tri County Swap Meet-Nashville 4:27 Benefit for Pastor Ron 4:28 DHH Bike Show and Swap Meet MAY 2012 5:5 DHH Poker Run 5:12 Liberty RAlly 5:19 SmWi Bike Show and Swap Meet 5:19 MuCi Poker Run 5:20 CaFo Fun Run JUNE 2012 6:9 Legislative Retreat 6:9 Sum Hog Roast 6-16 Nash Union Mission Charity Event 6:10 Board of Directors 6:23 DHH State Points Rodeo JULY 2012 7:1 State Event 7:14 SmWi Robin Long Memorial Poker Run 7:21 CaFo Canoe Run 7:21 DHH Canoe Poker Run AUGUST 2012 8:11 MoCo Second Annual Blood Run 8:24,25,26 Southern Thunder RAlly SEPTEMBER 2012 9:7,8,9 SmWi State Point Rodeo 9:9 Board of Directors meeting 9:28,29,30 WOT BAsh 9:15 CaFo Fun Run 9:15 MuCi Toy Run OCTOBER 2012 State Rodeo Finals 10:6 State Rodeo Finals 10:13 CaFo Houl at the Moon Toy Run 10:27 DHH 25th Annual Toy Run NOVEMBER 2012 11:3 RoCo Memory Ride 11:4 SmWi Toy Run and Chili Cook Off 11:10 DHH Toy Run 11:17 RoCo Toy Run DECEMBER 2012 12:1 Sum Food Drive 12:8 Legislative Retreat 12:8 WOT Toy Run 12:9 Board of Directors 12:15 MuCi Christmas Party March 11, 2012 Welcome, Stones River Charter. The charter's application for acceptance in CMT/ABATE, Inc. was approved at December Board meeting. Charter contact is director Teresa Hemphill. WELCOME Stones River!! link up with American Legion at 1100 hrs. Tamara-Voting for new officers has to be completed. Lance motioned and Rick seconded. Michelle nominated Jesse Henne for Director and Dan seconded, all in favor all ayes.Rick nominated Michelle Gardner for Assistant Director and Lance seconded, all in favor all ayes.Wally nominated Tamara Henne for Secretary and Michelle seconded, all in favor all ayes. Jesse nominated Lance for Treasurer and Edwardo seconded, all in favor all ayes. Tamara nominated Rick for Sergeant of Arms and Michelle seconded, all in favor all ayes. Old Business: Michelle brought up Thanksgiving serving and helping out to stamp out hunger with the Manna café, Jesse and Tamara volunteered at Kroger for the Stamp out Hunger day and Lance, Michelle, and Rick helped serve the homeless on Thanksgiving Day and it went great. We will try to help again next year. Ashley thanked everyone for their donation to the Angel Tree gifts she will pick them up and donate for us. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm to continue the Christmas party. MONTGOMERY CHARTER CMT ABATE MEETING MINUTES 8 December 2011 Everyone met at 6 pm to start the Christmas party, and then the meeting came to order at 6:50 pm. Members Present: Wally Baez-Director Jesse Henne-Assistant Director Tamara Henne-Secretary Lance Logue-Treasurer Deborah Baez Michelle C. Gardner Rick McCarthy Eduardo Martorony Daniel Denormandie Pledge of Allegiance. Jesse and Wally brought up the new policies, rules and guidelines from the BOD. Everyone will review and comment on, it will be posted on the website. Minutes read by Tamara Henne from last monthmotion to accept minutes by Lance and Jesse seconded. Motion passed. New Business Tamara– Group photo taken see attached. Jesse – New Years kick-off party for the BOD in Nashville. Lance –for the Good of the Order-Wreathes across America is Saturday at the Kentucky Veterans Cemetery, would like everyone to attend, we will 6 Music City Music City Charter Meeting was held at "Skullys" and called to order by Wendell at 2:00pm Dec 4th 2011. We had 21 members attending Billy led the pledge The Music City Charter Christmas party will be 4pm on Dec 17th at "Skullys". Please bring a covered dish and a good appetite. Glenn will cook the Turkeys and Wendell and Billy will cook the hams. We received a thank you card from "Christian Community Outreach Ctr" for the donations and support from the charter. Our 2nd toy run went very well and a big thank you for all who came out and supported!!! Thanks Glenn for the music and "Skullys for hosting the run!!! Marlene, Rose, Jim and Goose ya'll always show our charter and guest the most amazing time. Thanks So Much!!! Let's not forgot the kickoff party at the Days Inn in Nashville. Get your rooms booked at $55.00! Bring a covered dish. The Crossroads Band will be playing for us. BYOB Billy and Tiffany announced April 17th 2012 as their wedding date. More info later. Congrats!!! Motion was made to adjourn by Bob and 2nd by Renate. We hope everyone has had a blessed Christmas and safe one! May the New Year bring everyone peace, joy, love, laughter and a Helluva lot of great riding. Sharon Hope your Thanksgiving was blessed and have a very Merry Christmas!!! Sharon 7 Robertson County CMT ABATE The Robertson County CMT Abate minutes for our meeting of December 6, 2011 at The Piggy Pit. We would like to thank The Piggy Pit for the great home cooked meal that was prepared for us. We sure do appreciate what you gals do for us! Sam called the meeting to order and we opened with the pledge. Marlin lead us in prayer. Roland thanked everyone for coming (attendance tonight approximately 30-34 people). Roland announced that tonight is Election of Officers for 2012. Roland announced that he has enjoyed being the Director and would like to continue to be Director. Roland announced that George, our Chaplin wasn’t present due to him being at work, but that he would be glad to be Chaplin for 2012. Pamela had nothing to announce but stated that she would like to be secretary again if voted in. I would like to thank Kathy for telling me that I had done a great job of being a secretary. To everyone I have enjoyed and do sincerely appreciate the opportunity to be secretary of our awesome and growing Charter. I enjoy writing our good news, bad news, great events…etc….to be published in our Newsletter…..shooting for 2 pages of Newsletter of things that our Charter does ….so hopefully the 2012 will bring more and exciting things for us to share with all readers of CMT ABATE Newsletter! Treva announced that our General Fund is $2,160.00. Treva announced that she would love to be our Treasurer again. Treva announced that Patches sent the Charter a thank you card for our contribution for her. Your welcome Patches your in our thoughts and prayers and we wish you a full and speedy recovery! Roland announced that Donna and Frank Monfette were not at the meeting tonight and they had said that due to family matters, work and other things they can’t do Membership or Legislative offices. They were kind to give us a goodie bag of goodies and a real nice card. We all understand that sometimes there is not enough hours in a day to do all that is needed, but we would like to thank you for the great job that you both did in Membership and Legislative. Hope to see you guys soon! Roland announced that Kathy was kind enough to fill in for Membership for the last couple months of 2011. Kathy announced that she would love to hold the office of Membership. Kathy handed out tri fold flyers (that she and Marlin designed) for everyone to hand-out wherever you are, so that we can spread the word of our Robertson County CMT Abate Charter. Samantha announced that our Christmas Party is at Springfield Inn on Saturday, December 17th. Sure hope everyone comes….guaranteed to have fun! We had a blast last year but plan to have a bigger time this year……! Samantha announced that she has a couple of hoodies with her for sale tonight. See her after the meeting to place any order of products….your order can be back as early as our next January meeting. Treva and Samantha will keep doing Products until anyone comes forward to do it. Keep us the great job gals! Samantha said that she would love to do Activities again for 2012.. A BIG THANK YOU to the BARGAIN BROWSER for our ads re: our Charter, and also A BIG THANK YOU to Marlin for the great structure of the Ad. Great job….Good job….you go Marlin….and you to Kathy sure you were involved too……lol…lol! Sam had nothing to announce but he stated he would be glad to be Sgt. Of Arms again. Tim had nothing to announce but he stated he would be glad to be Assistant Director again. Treva said sure no one else wants to be Assistant Director you don’t have to say nothing but you sure do have to work hard. Tim if we haven’t told you before your hard work is certainly appreciated more than you know…..and oh yeah Roland your hard work is certainly appreciated too….you two guys were always there! Also, others are appreciated for your hard work in 2011.and before then…. but Amy will only allow me so much space in this Newsletter to name every single person….LOL…LOL…LOL….THANK YOU Amy for all your help in 2011 and the years to come! Our thoughts and prayers go out to Carol Simpson who has had a stroke; and Jeff Taylor who is having health issues; and Wade’s Mother… all are in our thoughts and prayers! Wanda (my jello shooter lady) thanked everyone for our contribution for her husband, William…..girl you guys are welcome you know we all love you both…..your both in our prayers! Marlin announced that the In Memory Ride was a success and we gathered more toys this year for the 8 CHILDREN than last year! This is great and thanks to all who participated………I am certain there will be a lot of smiling children’s faces this Christmas! A thank you to all the BLOCKERS for the Toy Run…..great job as usual….lol…lol…lol! Marlin announced that Senator Kerry Roberts was on board with our Helmet Law…..this is good! Kevin announced that this Saturday at 1:00 p.m. that he and several others are meeting at Music City RaceWay for a possible place for our 2012 STR….everyone is welcome to come check out the grounds. Meeting was djourned……….was a long meeting tonight….but after all this was OFFICER ELECTION night for 2012. The final results of the OFFICER ELECTION was as follows: Director: Roland Verchota Assistant Director: Tim Sugg Secretary: Pamela Cobb Treasurer: Treva Garrison Sgt. Of Arms: Sam Jones Activities: Samantha Stubblefield Products: Samantha Stubblefield/Treva Garrison Membership: Kathy Rood Legislative: Marlin Rood Chaplain: George Mooneyhan CONGRAT’S TO ALL OFFICERS THAT WAS ELECTED TONIGHT….AS WELL AS MYSELF….LOL…LOL…LOL! THIS IS A PROMISE AS OFFICERS… WE STATE THAT WE ALL WILL DO OUR VERY BEST TO MAKE THE ROBERTSON COUNTY CMT ABATE CHARTER…..MORE OF A GREATER SUCCESS IN THE COMING YEAR 2012! WE WOULD LIKE TO INVITE EVERYONE TO COME JOIN US THE 2ND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH AT THE PIGGY PIT AT 1700 KIRBY STREET IN SPRINGFIELD, TENNESSEE AT 7:00 P.M. Pamela Cobb Printed with permission from the MRF E-MAIL NEWS Motorcycle Riders Foundation: Senate Committee Passes Highway Safety Bill Wednesday, December 14, 2011 Today, the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation passed a sweeping safety bill known as the Motor Vehicle and Highway Safety Improvement Act (S. 1449). The bill passed by voice vote. Earlier this week, Senator Lautenberg (DNJ) filed an amendment that would have gutted the popular federal motorcycle education and awareness grants, known as the 2010 funds. The Motorcycle Riders Foundation is pleased to report that Lautenberg did not call that amendment for a vote. Due to an overwhelming response from the motorcycle community, the 2010 grants are safe for now. Also under attack was the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) lobby ban. This law prohibits NHTSA from using federal money to lobby State legislatures, uninvited. The way S. 1449 was drafted, it removed this lobby ban. Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) introduced a number of amendments to maintain the ban and the necessary amendments were agreed to, by unanimous consent of the full committee. The one sticking point that remains is at least, the least troublesome. That being said, it is still something that will keep the attention of the MRF lobby efforts. The trouble lies in a provision in S. 1449 that calls out motorcycle helmets in the list of definitions as "motor vehicle equipment". Previously, the list simply stated: "any device or an article or apparel... that is not a system, part, or component of a motor vehicle". The MRF would like to thank all the State motorcycle rights organizations and everyone else who helped with this legislation. The bill passed today will likely move on to be a part of the larger Highway Bill which could happen in early 2012. The MRF will keep you informed on this issue. 9 Working for you... December 2011 Board Meeting Beefy accepts his first place trophy for the 2011 Points Rodeo presented by Activities Chairman Kevin Chapnick Beefy accepts Patches 2nd place 2011 points rodeo trophy. Whose is bigger? Hmmmm? 10 Wheels of Thunder legislative things going on in many states. Brenda gave a summary of the Legislative retreat. It was great! Meeting Minutes Perkins Restaurant December 1, 2011 Activities – Toy Run – The date is December 3rd. Details were discussed and confirmed. Director Bob Celmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, New Business – The BOD wants to hire someone to followed by a moment of silence for manage the website. The group discussed fairly our fallen brothers and sisters. unfavorably, but wants to see an estimated budget. Gary made a correction to last month’s minutes. Al made a A motion was made to adjourn. It was seconded passed motion to waive the reading of last month’s minutes and to unanimously. Its 8:26 and we’re outta here! accept them as posted on the web site, with correction made. Dale seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Minutes can be found on our web site, under the meeting date. WANTED: Lynn reported our current bank balance, and we reviewed deposits and bills paid for November. We had 9 members and 0 guests present at tonight’s meeting. Director’s Statement - Bob reminded us that elections are coming up in February. Positions up for election are: Charter Director, Secretary, and all Chair positions. Nominations were made and will be confirmed before announcing who is running. Speeches will be in January, and elections in February. Please make plans to attend these meetings. If you would like to nominate anyone else, please email Joy at Copies of the vacation cards were passed out. The legislative chair wants us to fill out these cards if we go to a helmet choice state. This will help show the money bikers are spending to vacation in these states and that TN could be benefitting from the revenue. Please help us distribute these cards to everyone. The state New Year’s Banquet will be January 21st in Nashville. Members get in free with a potluck dish. This is also a great opportunity for a membership drive. A draft of the updated S.O.P.’s (Standard Operating Procedures) was passed around for the group to review. Legislation- To reach Gary use this email: Gary passed out a copy of the NCOM summary that Joy emailed. Gary also passed out a summary page telling about Resume for bid/proposal for new webmaster. The board would like to consider feasibility to pay a nominal monthly fee for a professional webmaster. Your bid/proposal should provide price and details for 2 different possibilities: 1. Refresh existing website and update with events and time sensitive legislative alerts; or 2. Build a new site and include the monthly services mentioned in #1 This work will be performed as a Board Member position or in joint effort with a Board elected Webmaster to oversee and concur with all changes. Finder’s fee commissions for sales of advertising found by for-hire webmaster will also be considered. Please submit resume to for review by appointed Board members for consideration. 11 SID’S CYCLES NASHVILLE, TN 615-904-4191 Looking for a custom motorcycle? Need help restoring your antique motorcycle? Sid can build the motorcycle you want at an affordable price. WWW.SIDSCYCLES.COM Randy-n-Rhonda Williams Smartt, TN THIS EDITORIAL IS AN OPINION OF A CMT/ABATE MEMBER AND NOT THE OFFICIAL POSITION OF THE CMT/ ABATE ORGANIZATION. DEFENDING FREEDOM 931-314-1832 Authentic Wood-fired Cuisine Specializing in: Written by Frank Lannom … In Defense of the Citizen Accused, 137 Public Square Lebanon, Tennessee 37087 Brisket, Butts, Birds & Bones (ribs) Frank is on his honeymoon. Watch this space next month for another informative essay about Freedom. Catering Events - Reunions - Weddings - Holiday Meats Best Wishes and Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lannom! LEGISLATIVE LOBBY DAY! < TUESDAY > FEBRUARY 7, 2012 @ the TENNESSEE STATE CAPITOL Hello Fellow ABATE Members— Any ABATE members who have trikes or who are interested in trikes are invited to contact Brothers of the Third Wheel (BTW) for a free copy of our TRIKER magazine. BTW is s a not-for-profit organization in its 29th year. Our purpose is to put trikers in touch with trikers for fun, friendship and technical help. We have chapters in every state and province and several foreign countries. The founders of BTW were instrumental in starting ABATE of Illnois Blackhawk Chapter and are always anxious to help fellow trikers and ABATE members. If you would like any further information or to obtain a complimentary issue of our TRIKER magazine, please contact us at BTW, HC 71Box 183-5 Ava, MO 656088938 or email us at or call us at 417-683-9096 Sincerely, Donna Downs Meet in the Legislative Plaza Lobby (at the bottom of the double escalators) at 10 A.M. SHARP. This is your chance to be seen, heard AND to make a difference Please contact Rhonda to let her know how many are attending from your charter so we will have enough info packets. Contact: Rhonda Rae Williams YOUR Legislative Director 931-205-2644 mobile This event is open to all Bikers with patriot hearts. You do not have to be a CMT/ABATE member to attend Lobby Day. BTW (Headquarters Office Manager) 13 ALL CHARTERS!! CMT/ABATE, Inc.’s 30th Anniversary! NEW YEAR KICK-0FF MEMBERSHIP DRIVE BANQUET/DANCE/PARTY Social Hour 5:30 p.m., Dinner 6:30 p.m. Band 7:30 p.m. Saturday, January 21, 2012 Days Inn, Spring Street, Nashville TOTALLY RENOVATED –WOW! - SKYVIEW ROOM-9TH FLOOR Special Hotel Room Rate-$55 plus Taxes CALL SOON--mention CMT/ABATE MOTORCYCLISTS ROOM RESERVATIONS-615 254 1551-DAYS INN More information ? 615 944 9797 OR Beef Roast, Band, Decorations & Tableware hosted by Nashville & Sumner Charters CMT/ABATE Members free!!! Bring a Side Dish—this is a FEAST—DHH bringing their famous smoked meats!!! NON-Members -- $10. Membership Applications available at the door Everyone welcome!!! BRING YOUR OWN BEVERAGES-ICE AND CUPS PROVIDED NEW!!!! --CROSSROADS BAND Appreciation Awards For Special Guests 50/50 DRAWING- BIG BUCKS!! 14 Smith Wilson Charter SMITH WILSON MINUTES Dec 4th 2011 was called to order at 11;20 by Scott, who also led the pledge. All officer's were present except Treasurer & product's. There were 26 members &3 visitors in attendance. Director & Assistant welcomed all. Secretary Report given & Approved. Legisative Report- Bullit nailed down calender of events. Membership, Debbie welcomed all & aknowledged Larry & Dennie Lane, vender's from our Sept Rodeo, James & Leslie Sullivan 2 new members! December Birth Days are Austin Maxwell 4th, Alan Jones 7th, Jonny Barrell 14th & Roger Peach 29th. Old Business; Motion to have 2012 Rodeo at Baca Site, Voted on & approved. New Business - Gold Booster Certificate received and Gold Pin and will be displayed at T&A Cycles. Motion to adjourn at ll?40. One last thing....Charter went on Needy Family Run to V.A. Home! Later, Ruth New Business: Lee talked about STR 2011. Lee motion that our charter not participate/support STR 2012 if held My Place Bar at Red River. Trina 2nd voted, accepted. BOD is Dec 11 December 4, 2011 Jan 10 2012 Legislators start up, No Old Business. Ron opened meeting at 12:30pm at Hawg Barn. Dave led Get Well Carol Simpson. Our annual Charter Fun Run us in the Pledge. Winners are: 1st place Lee $100, 2nd Dean $50 and Lee Secretary Report: Nov minutes accepted as in paper. We 3rd place $25. Congrats!!! had 4 renewals, Dave Roxbury, Sybil Stewart, Harry & 2012 Fun Run sponsorship forms are in. Dean has forms. Joann Stewart Meetings in 2012 Jan 1 Red Barn, Livingston, Feb 5 Happy B-lated Birthday to Postman. December Birthdays Scooters Biker Bar, Cookeville, March 4 Gearheads are Jake Watson & Trina Goodsell Cookeville We had 10 members and 5 guest present. Great to see Thank you Johnny for the good food and THANK YOU everyone! to the Hawg Barn for having us! Trina motion to adMileage contest winners: journ, Dean 2nd, meeting adjourned. MERRY CHRIST1st Place Lee 8,938 miles MAS EVERYONE. SEE YA ALL NEXT YEAR! 2nd place Dale 6,586 miles RIDE SAFE AND FREE, CYA'LL NEXT MONTH! 3rd Theresa 1,251 miles Lee received a trophy for 1 year and won consolation Trina Goodsell (MERMAID) prize. Dean gave treasury report and Legislative retreat report. Lee gave Activities report. Ron gave Directors report "Photo Press", Look Twice Save a Life Signs. Friday Dec 9 at 11:30am. Mayors office in Town Hall, Brydstown, TN Hope to see everyone there. Upper Cumberland CMT/Abate 16 BE A BOOSTER 2012 !! CMT/ABATE NEEDS YOU! For a limited time we have some Vintage Booster Pins we would like to give away to boosters of the Tennessee Motorcyclist newsletter! The booster program was created in the 1990’s to give individuals and charters the opportunity to provide extra support for the newsletter. Some of the pins have resurfaced and are available for a limited time. Give to the cause you believe in, support CMT/ ABATE and our ever-improving newsletter. Basic Booster of $10.00 Pin Bronze Booster of $25.00 Pin Silver Booster of $50.00 Pin Gold Booster of $100.00 (Limited Pins) Certificate of Appreciation Plus a FREE T SHIRT for Gold ! Basic $10 Give from your heart! Bronze $25 Silver $50 Gold $100 + (shirt size ___) Business Name _____________________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City ____________ Zip ________ Mail to: CMT/ABATE, Inc PO Box 160223, Nashville TN 37216 Or you may contribute online at to Questions? Suggestions? Contact:PR/Communications. Carol Simpson Tennessee Motorcyclist Boosters Gold Jack Rollins exp 12/11 Robertson Co exp 11/12 Upper Cumberland exp 12/12 Jim Hubbard exp 12/12 Smith Wilson exp 12/12 Basic Teresa Hemphill exp 1/12 Denny Hemphill exp 1/2 (Basic $10, Bronze $25, Silver $50, Gold $100) Meet the Caney Fork Charter! Caney Fork December 3, 2011 Meeting called to order @ 4:06. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jim Mitchell. Treasurer’s report was given. Minutes were read by the Secretary. Carol talked by upcoming events for 2012. Christmas party is December 17, 2011 at Lolly’s starts at 5:00. Everyone is expected to bring a dish to pass. We will also be sorting the food and toys before the party. Please arrive early to help. Terry showed 3 designs for our t-shirts. Decided to table it until next meeting. The charter donated a $75.00 gift card to Ken Strony. His house burned down and he lost everything. Ken was very happy for the donation and thanked the charter. The families that we are assisting have been chosen. In addition to the food and toys already collected the charter will also donate a gift card to each family. Cards were passed out for Tourism. The state would like information by from bike riders, such as bike friendly hotels, restaurants etc. Welcome to new members Jim and Candy Mitchell. This takes us up to 49 members Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Next meeting January 7, 2012 4:00 at Lolly’s Nanci 18 Full Page—$130/mo. Half Page—$70/mo. Quarter page— $45/mo. Business Card—$20/mo. If Interested, please complete form, and return with payment to CMT/ABATE Inc. @ P.O. Box # 160223 Nashville, TN 37216-0223 Buffalo River Caney Fork DHH Knoxville Montgomery Co Music City Nashville Northeast Robertson Co. Smith/Wilson Sumner Tennessee Valley Upper Cumberland Wheels of Thunder Pledge $10 $10 $50 $5 YTD $60 $120 $300 $60 $75 $100 $7.50 $125 $10 $75 $25 $25 $50 $900 $1200 $76 $1500 $495.20 $1175 $300 $300 $600 Business Name: __________________ Contact: ________________________ Phone #: _______________________ Email: _________________________ Size of Ad: _____________________ Members _______________________________ Customer Signature _______________________________ Date Special Instructions: ______________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Deadline is the 10th of the month for the following month’s issue. Ad payments are non-refundable. A typesetting fee may be charged for non-print ready ads. Please forward artwork in jpeg format if possible to Welcome New Members! AtLa Debbie Wilson RoCo Amy Karns RoCo Nathan Townsend Nash Jerry Clinard Nash Angela Clinard SmWi Ron Van Hook SmWi Austin Maxwell SmWi Jeanette Adams SmWi Ben Burkhart SmWi William Stewart SmWi Ray Dias SmWi James Sullivan 19 SmWi STRi AtLa CaFo CaFo MuCi MuCi MuCi MuCi MuCi SmWi MuCi Leslie Sullivan JC Meeks Graydon Wheeler Jimmy Mitchell Cammy Mitchell Leroy Land Donald Allgood Verna Murphy Chester Mathias Martin Smith Aaron de Vogel Ricky Brown CMT/ABATE Advertise in the TENNESSEE MOTORCYCLIST Thanks for Your Support!! Charter Support for State
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