T en n essee M o to rcy clist


T en n essee M o to rcy clist
Until 1796, there was a state in the United States called Franklin. Today it’s known as Tennessee.
Volume 21, Issue 5
MAY 2006
Tennessee Motorcyclist
A RESOLUTION to designate May, 2006, as “Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month” in Tennessee.
WHEREAS, safety is the highest priority for the streets and highways of our
state and cities; and
WHEREAS, many thousands of Tennessee residents and visitors enjoy motorcycling as an energyenergy-efficient mode of transportation and as an enjoyable recreational activity; and
WHEREAS, increased awareness and knowledge of the rules of the road, combined with the development of good riding skills, are necessary for the safe operation of all vehicles; and
WHEREAS, education of both motorcycle riders and operators of other motor
vehicles is necessary to reduce the pain, suffering, and economic losses of traffic crashes; now, therefore,
HUNDRED FOURTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, THE SENATE CONCURRING, that the General Assembly hereby designates the month of May, 2006, as
"Motorcycle Safety and Awareness Month" in Tennessee and urges all citizens
to join in this observance.
The two years of the 104th General Assembly didn't exactly paint CMT/ABATE as a
bunch of losers. So far, we've worked 8 bills and have been successful 8 times. Last
year's effort brought us the MRF' Legislative Achievement Award. That singled us
out as being the best at legislative affairs of all 50 states. They don't exactly give that
one out for getting lucky and falling off a log.
We have a Director who knows how to lead and has a vision of where we need to go.
We have a statewide event poised to finally make us some serious money. We have an
exciting Safety and Ed program that is just now shaping up. We have a slate of officers and Charter Directors that is the best I've ever seen since I've been involved with
this outfit.
In other words, we are getting stronger and better each day and there is no end in
sight as to what we can achieve. Additionally, we have, for the most part, left the Jr.
High bickering, negativism and destructive behavior behind us and that leaves us all
free to work on the stuff that we joined in order to do. Plus, we'll have a little fun together along the way. Life is good.
Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right
handed people! BUT only 2,284 motorcyclists died in 1998 HMMMMMMMM
Page 2
Contacts Corporate Level
Corporate Director
Brooklyn Tom 865-354-8813 brooklyntomtenn@peoplepc.com
Asst. Corp. Director
Dean Lucas 931-761-8038
Corporate Secretary
Kim Peterson 615-826-1736 secretary@cmtabate.com
Corporate Treasurer
Malisa Turner 662-890-3573 malisaturner69@yahoo.com
Activities Chair
John Carter 865-805-2984
Legislative Chair
John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.net
Membership Chair
Maria Carter 865-805-2984 membership@cmtabate.com
Newspaper Chair
Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312 editor@cmtabate.com
Products Chair
Bob Munsell 901-373-5314 rlmunsell@fedex.com
Safety & Education
Cindy Davidson 615-325-5041
Sgt. At Arms
Mark Miller 931-582-4092 wolfmotorcycles@aol.com
Public Relations
Mike Hays (615) 495-0070 PR@cmtabate.com
Steven Lundwall (615) 491-6768 steve@slundwall.com
John Pierce (901) 409-7170 mrf@cmtabate.com
Pastor Ron Baptiste
Bob Celmer
Office Manager
Suzanne Fisher 615-262-1119 Info@cmtabate.com
Battle Ground
Buffalo River
The opinions
expressed in
this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and
opinions of CMT/ABATE or
the Tennessee Motorcyclist.
CMT/ABATE,INC. and the
Tennessee Motorcyclist reserve the right to refuse or
edit any article, photo, letter,
or advertisement they decide
is not in the best interest of
the organization and it’s members. Readers :Although
CMT/ABATE supports it’s advertisers, it does not guarantee the service of those advertisers. Please use the same
discretion you would with any
business. If in doubt, contact
the Better Business Bureau.
All typos are purely for entertainment purposes.
Meeting Times
Mark Carter 615-848-2974
1st Sunday@ 3 Mark’s home call for directions
Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312
last Saturday@ noon E & E Bar Waynesboro
Dickson Humphreys
Mark Miller 931-582-4092 wolfmotorcycles@aol.com 3rd Sun.@ 4 Piccadilly Club Hwy 70
Harpeth River
Tony Davis 615-952-3311
2nd Tues@7 Country Café Hwy 100 Fairview
Mike Hays 615-495-0070
3rd Tues@ 7 Logan's Roadhouse, 24th and Elliston
Place (near Vanderbilt)
Music City
Tom Kyner 423-272-4834 tlkyner@charter.net
Wendall Baldwin
1st Mon@ 6 Rush Street Stone Dr. Kingsport
1st Sun@ 2 Dilligaf's Bar, Old Hickory
Robertson County
Marlin Rood 615-390-6754 milo62@earthlink.net
1st Tues@ 7 Torino’s Hwy 41 Springfield
Smith Wilson
Bullit 615-758-8267
1st Sun@ 2 - 26 Bob Moore Ln Carthage
Soaring Eagle
John Carter 865-805-2984
1st Sun@ 7 China Garden Clinton Hwy
Steve Ward 731-989-7168
1st Sun@ 2 Elks Club Henderson
Harley Davidson 615-325-5041
3rd Thurs@ 7 Sputniks
Tennessee Valley
Mark Moore 423-570-0250 Yog1958@yahoo.com
3rd Sun@ 2 Mac’s Pub Brainerd Rd Chattanooga
Upper Cumberland
Tom Measles 931-260-1523
1st Sun @ noon call for location
Danny Sullivan 731-235-3407
1st Sat @ 6 White City Sharon
Warren County
Randy Williams 931-815-2224
1st Sat @ 3pm Charley’s BBQ 1124 Sparta St
Wheels of Thunder
John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.net
1st Thurs @ 7 Pig-N-Whistle 7144 Winchester Rd
In Luke 10:30-35 we read an account of what
has been termed “The Good Samaritan.”
A certain man went down from Jerusalem to
Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped
him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.
First let’s notice that he “went down,” every
time we lower our standers for someone else, it
always ends up costing us. Also notice that he
“fell among thieves”, he was not kidnapped! He
chose to sit down with them and I am sure they
didn’t inform him that they were thieves. Like
some of us, we didn’t fall into drugs, alcohol or a
violent life style, we started hanging around
these people and we ended up just like this fellow, beat up by family members and friends,
stripped of all our possessions, hurt, left all
alone, then left for dead.
Page 3
Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc.
The Biker Church Outreach Center
Founder: Pastor Ron Baptiste
Sunday Worship 10:30a Wed@ 7:00p
300 10th Ave. E Springfield, TN 37172
man, went to him, bound up his wounds, pouring on
him oil and wine, picked him up, put him on his own
donkey, brought him to an Inn and took care of him.
And if that wasn’t enough, he paid for the room and
told the Inn keeper to take care of this beaten man,
and he would pay for all of his expenses.
We must all learn to recover from a fall, physically,
emotionally, and financially. In life, we will all have
mishaps that can’t be avoided, but there are a lot
In the next verse we read that a Priest came by,
can avoid. Most of the battle scars on my body
saw him and passed by on the other side. Then
are from fighting other people’s battles. Just rememwe read that a Levite came by, looked at him
ber, help can come from the most unlikely sources, and
and he also passed by on the other side. Now
both of these men were from the church group, the ones you think should help, won’t give you the time
and they prejudged the man beaten. They both of day, if you don’t dress like them, talk like them, and
thought that this man beaten was a beggar and act like them. Keep in mind that all these school teachwanted nothing to do with him. Little did they ers that are molesting our children, dress up nice every
day, priest that wear white collars that molest chilknow that the man beaten was also a Church
man and was not a beggar? Have you ever had dren, all dress up like some one they think they can
people prejudge you according to the state your trust. Now I’m not saying that all teachers and Priest
are child molesters, but they sure don’t have a hard
in, rather than your whole life experiences?
time judging all bikers into one category. I’m just sayNow we read about a Samaritan, an outcast
ing; “don’t judge a book by looking at the cover.” To be
from this society, sounds like a biker to me!
found faithful, Pastor Ron
That this man had compassion on the beaten
Deadline for submissions will be the 15th of the month for the next month’s publication. Articles submitted after this date will be held for the next month, with the exception of time sensitive material. We welcome your opinions, comments, complaints, and suggestions. Articles and photos pertaining to all things
motorcycle, (legislation, safety, events, etc) are welcome. Photos must include credits (whom, what, when
and where). All articles must be legible. All submissions must include the authors name, address, and
phone number. This is for verification purposes only, and will not be published without express permission of the author. Articles may be edited for content, clarity, grammar and spelling. Formatting changes
may occur as a result of conversion. Please list originating program for all electronic submissions. All ad
copy must be sent to 437 Wildcat Hollow Rd Hohenwald TN 38462 or emailed to editor @cmtabate.com.
All ad payments should be sent to the main office at CMT/ABATE, INC. P.O. Box 160223 Nashville, TN
3 7 2 1 6 - 0 2 2 3 include what ad and for how long paid.
Got something to sell? Got something you want? Place your classified ad today, only $3 can reach
motorcyclists across the state. Call or email today. 931 796 4312 or editor@cmtabate.com
Page 4
Director’s Cut
Well I have just completed my first 30 days
as Director. Since the election I have been to
several charter meetings and events as well as
Nashville for the vote on our Right of way bill. I
also attended a meet the candidates’ night
where I met the Republican candidate for Governor Jim Bryson. I also got my bike but due to
a dead battery, having a Trike kit put on, and a
problem with the automatic shift have only gotten to ride twice, but at least I got it! Now for
more serious matters.
What I want to talk about here is team work. A
long time ago, during the great depression,
Franklin Roosevelt said “we have nothing to
fear but fear itself"
In CMT/ABATE I would say "we have nothing to fear but ourselves" We have to fear disharmony and bickering among ourselves. What
I call BIKER BABIES, those who whine and cry
about everything. They don't like this person or
that person, they don't like what the board decided, they want their way or nothing. What we
need is to focus on is our mission. Our mission
to amend the helmet law, strengthen the right
of way law, pursue safety and Education awareness.
How can we accomplish this? We have to concentrate not on the person but on the mission.
What does this mean? It means you do not have
to like or agree with the person who does a particular job. What you have to do is respect what
they are doing if it moves the organization forward. It means you don't try to resist or damage
anyone’s efforts because you don't agree with
that particular person. One of the things about
being Director is that, unlike other positions,
you have to be very careful about what and how
you say it (not my strongest virtue). Why? Because helping people work together, despite differences, is part of the job. We have a lot of different people, ideas and backgrounds in our organization. Let’s respect other’s rights to their
opinions and focus on working together differences toward our common goals. If we do I can
promise only one thing WE WILL BE SUCCESSFULL.
Brooklyn Tom Corporate Director
To all Charter Directors:
I’d like to ask each of you to take a few
minutes and get on the CMT/ABATE website to make sure the information listed
for your charter is correct.
I have had several members complaining about not getting their membership
packets. When I cannot get a hold of the
individual, I then try to contact the director of the charter. When the information
on the website is incorrect or not useable,
there’s only so much I can do.
I would appreciate your help.
Maria Carter
Membership Chair
1305 Murfreesboro Pike Nashville TN 37217-2635
serving West Nashville Cheatham and Williamson counties
615 746-4835
Mobile 944-9806
A Ace Window Cleaning
And maintenance company
Commercial, high rise, residential
P.O. Box 276
Joelton, TN 37080
Page 5
Wakin’ the Dragon Biker Rally Update
By the time you receive this, there will be just over 30 days prior to our biggest event of the year. We
have that time to continue to work on selling sponsorships and collect items from supporting businesses
that can be given away during our stage games and the like. Please put every effort possible into collecting these items. We could also use a few more volunteers to help with parking at the event. If anyone is
willing to put in a few hours during the event, please let me know as soon as possible.
The venue is coming along real well. Jody has really shifted into high gear to ensure that the facilities
are excellent for this and any future of our events which we would like to hold there.
There are still a couple of needs. If anyone has access to a large tent, open sided, we could sure use 3
of them.10’ x 20’ would be ideal. Or, if you know where we could get a good deal on renting them, anything could help. Ideally, we need them no later than Thursday, as we need to be set up and ready to go
by first thing Friday morning.
Gates are officially open at 10am Friday morning, so we really must be set up Thursday night. If we
need to UPS or Fed-Ex any gear we need prior to your arrival, let me know. As the site is a little over 50
miles from my home, I am planning to go down the Sunday before and just focus on getting everything
ready. Don’t forget to bring or send all banners that the charters have available so that we can get them
The list of folks who have volunteered to help with various aspects of this event is huge. I will take the
opportunity to list all of them following the event. Our most recent group of volunteers is the new Music
City Charter. They have volunteered to man the ‘Non-alcohol’ beverage booth. All proceeds from this
booth are 100% to our organization so, its’ function is particularly important.
This will be an excellent event, one that our organization can be proud of, give us outstanding exposure to the bikers in our area and significantly help our financial situation for the coming year. Come out
and join the fun.
Warren County
We opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag out on the shady lawn at the picnic tables with
Charley. There were only 5 of us present in the middle of a beautiful afternoon so we agreed that we
would keep this short and to the point. Randy was out of town and sent his regrets that he could not attend.
We all decided we didn’t feel comfortable making the decisions on the mileage competition and would
prefer to have Randy & Bruce present in the decision making anyways. We did agree that we few would
qualify for the eligible mileage for attending the meeting.
The members present were updated that the no children under 9 Bill had just been successfully defeated. The April 29 flyers were passed out and they include an “Alert” about the bill. Rhonda shared
that the flyers were already printed and hopes they may work to get some local bikers fired up enough to
come out and support our event. Charley also made sure to pass out some Relay for Life event flyers.
It was addressed that the Saturday meeting time is
now going to be an obvious conflict with riding opportunities and events. Rhonda addressed Randy’s
travel schedule and Linda’s school schedule. We determined that our next meeting would be held on the
second Tuesday of May and maybe we could decide
further from there.
Proud Sponsor of the Wakin’ the
Dragon Biker Rally
With that, Buddy Dunlap motioned that we adjourn to the lovely riding weather and he was unanimously agreed with.
Present this ad for $1.00 off Hardees’ delicious Thickburger.
Page 6
Robertson Report
April 4th meeting was called to order and we were
led in pledge. Pastor Ron opened up in prayer.
There were 30 in attendance.
Charter Director:
Director Marlin welcomed everyone.
Marlin called for officer's reports.
Chaplain's Report: Pastor Ron reminded everyone
again of the Annual Rally in June at Covenant
Confirmers Ministries and asked everyone to begin
making plans to attend. Help is needed to pass out
flyers and get the word out. Food and fun free for
you and your family. Family friendly...children
welcome! Lots of activities. Live bands all day!
Pastor Ron also announced that he is in the process
of building a medical team to help bikers and their
families. More details to come.
Treasurer's Report:
Report Kevin reported that our charter has a 1300.95 balance in general acct. We have
$195.00 in our Down Biker's Fund. Our charter's
proceeds for the swap meet were 402.67. We wrote
a check for $250.00 to "Waking the Dragon".
Safety and Ed:
Ed In regard to the right-of-way violation, we're pushing for $500.00 fine, 6 months jail
and 6 months license suspension instead of just
sending a bill in the mail to violators. Marlin told
everyone about bill HR279-Gang Law. Vote no!
This law states that any two people similarly
dressed to be considered a gang. Everyone needs to
vote. Look on the web-site for information about
your representative and who to contact.
Products T-shirts are being printed and we will
have them for sale at our May meeting.
Activities Report:
Report "Waking the Dragon" will be the
official state rally. Let's all give our support and
attend. It will be a really nice ride in June. TriCounty Rally will be the 9th of Sept. in Adams on
the "Red". We will use the Southern Thunder Rally
name. This falls on the same weekend as the BOD
meeting so the meeting will be held that Sunday at
the rally in Adams. Everyone welcome to attend.
New Business:
Business At the March BOD meeting,
Brooklyn Tom was elected president and Kim Peterson secretary. Marlin announced that he was
approached by a fourth charter (Music City) to join
in our efforts for the STR. Marlin spoke with Sumner Charter and they were fine with it. Marlin
asked what our charter thought about it and a motion was made to accept Music City's involvement
and the vote was unanimous. The more effort put
into the rally-the greater the success. Our charter voted to make this a family event but we still
need to get the votes of the other charters before a
final decision is made. There will be a planning
meeting on April 9th in Hendersonville and this
will be discussed. We have an opportunity to
make this an incredible event. If the helmet law
passes, we could have a huge turnout. We need
firm commitments from everyone to make it a
success. Elaine asked for names and phone numbers of those willing to help.
Finally, Marlin addressed the issue of our current meeting place. It has become obvious that
we need to move. Kevin was assigned to speak
with a couple of restaurants to try to secure a
place before our next meeting. El Alteno has
agreed to let us meet in their restaurant in the
back dining room area. Our May 2nd meeting
will be held there at 7:00pm. It is located on Memorial by the tobacco shop and by Hollingsworth.
Let's have a good turnout in appreciation of El
Alteno opening their doors to us! Meeting adjourned. Donations were made. See you in May!
Page 7
Music City
Music city charter held it's first official meeting
on April 2nd. We had 16 members and 4 guests, 3
of which became members.
Wendall spoke about the BOD meeting and
also the Boycott on June Bug Boogie, when Carol
Crowson had come in with an announcement
from Herbert about repealing the colors at his
event. The charter discussed when to hold our
first charter event and that we would also like to
volunteer for the Beverage booth at WtD. We
have 11 volunteers so far. Tattoo Bob asked that
since 2 events are going on the week-end of April
15th that those who do not help Nashville at the
state booth to please attend the D/H bike show.
He will be going and will lead any one wanting to
go. Elections for Activities and Leg. officer will
be held in May. If you wish to run for this office
please contact Suzanne or Wendall. 50/50 was
won by Wayne Shaub and donated back to charter. We now have $17.00 in the bank. We want
to welcome new members: Tim & Country, Wayne
Shaub, Batman & Faith, Ashley Chadwick, Paul
Everyone have a great month and RIDE,RIDE,
RIDE FREE, Suzanne
Buffalo River
Not a lot to report, but we have gotten some new
members. The next event we have going is a joint
venture with Dickson/ Humphreys and Southwest
for the 4th of July Weekend. We had a great time
at the D/H Bike and Tattoo show, thanks guys.
Our meetings are almost always (weather permitting) riding meetings, so if anyone is in the area
come on and hang out for a while. Shiny side up.....
We had planned to make this a riding meeting.
The group ride was to have started at Biker Rags
and run to the Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort in
south Maryville, have our meeting and then continue the ride. The ride was to be led by our Activities officer, Ken Hobbs (Kinkster) and his wife
Cathy, our charter Secretary.
On their way home Saturday afternoon, April 1st,
they were rear ended while trying to make a right
hand turn onto their street while riding their bike.
Both were taken to the U.T. Medical Center.
Kinkster had several broken ribs, a concussion and
many scrapes and cuts. Cat was beat up pretty bad
but managed to not have broken bones.
Darren picked up the responsibilities for leading
the ride but a storm hit while members were staging. Several members were visiting the hospital
and it was decided to scrap the ride. So, as Maria
and I were already at Punkin Center, our ‘meeting”
was myself, Maria, Randy Gracy and Jody Montgomery. As you might imagine, the meeting focused
exclusively on the Wakin the Dragon Rally and its’
promotion in the From the Handlebars Magazine,
of which, Randy is editor.
Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, please join
our charter in giving thanks that Kinkster and Cat
will have the opportunity to recover and ride again.
We will be back on track for May’s meeting.
God bless each of you and, please ride safe.
Not a lot of info for this months paper. Meeting
was postponed until the 30th, so no minutes. Hope
to catch up on everything in next month’s paper.
We had a good turn out for the Bike and Tattoo
show on the 15th. Congrats to all the winners. Will
have details and hopefully pictures to publish next
time. Try to attend our meeting on April 30th at
Thunder Alley @ 4pm. BE SAFE!
“ Custom Hauling/ Enclosed Trailers
Springfield, Tennessee
David E. England
Owner/ Operator
Battleground Report
Our meetings have had a very low attendance rate, so
there is not much to report. See ya next month. Meetings are the 1st Sunday 3pm @ Mark’s house. Please
call for directions.
Page 8
TN Valley Report
Meeting called to order. Pledge said. 10 members
Membership We’re holding at 60 plus members.
Treasury We have $1926.00 in the bank.
Activities: The State Event is schedule for first
weekend in June. Location Punkin Patch, Maryville, TN at the annual ‘Waking the Dragon’ Bike
The Dart Run was a success. Our next event will be
in September, which will be the Teddy Bear Run.
We will not have the Chambliss Children’s Run in
July this year as originally planned.
Legislative: STATE SIDE:
Right Of Way bill is working its way through committee and looks to being passed on the merits that
it is a good bill that benefits the general public not
just motorcyclists. Helmet Bill will start in the subfinance committee. Details given.
Federal side:
side Information and details given on:
HR 2046 bill that will give you right to repair your
bike or car or have someone else work on it.
HR 2793 bill that will close the loop hole allowing
insurance companies to deny claims by stating certain activities are too dangerous, such as motorcycling, horseback riding, skiing, bicycling and jogging.
Other organizational news:
news No other organizational representatives present.
Open Form:
Form Yog urged caution and to ride safely
stated he'd had admitted two injured cyclists in his
ICU unit the last week. The Trauma season is upon
Next Meeting:
Meeting As we have done for the last couple
of years starting in May and ending in August the
charter will have a monthly ride instead of a
monthly meeting.
For our first ride Yog asked that we support Mac’s
Poker Run that is being held the same day as our
meeting time. Members will get a newsletter updating our legislative efforts and other pertinent information including where we're riding to that month
by mail.
Meeting was adjourned.
Life is a journey, so enjoy the ride and take the long
way home... Yog
HWY 20
Southwest Report
With 7 members & 1 guest present we started the
meeting. Officers present were Director Taz, Asst.
Director Frank, Legislative Terry, Treasurer Debbie, & Secretary/Sergeant at arms Steve. There
was a discussion on the upcoming "Blessing of the
Bikes" on April 29 in Parsons, TN. Frank discussed the B.O.D. meeting with the charter. Next,
Terry informed the charter on the Legislative
bills. The helmet bill is 3/4 of a way of being
passed. Talk to your elected Representatives,
folks so that we can "be free in TN ". The bill pertaining to no 10 year old or younger passengers
on a bike is DEAD.
While Terry had the floor there was a discussion
on the "Waking the Dragon” rally. Sounds like a
lot of fun, ya'll try to go & support this. The rally
date is June 2 & 3, Punkin center Maryville, TN.
Admission $35. If you plan on going be at the next
charter meeting, so we will know who is going &
who is not. Ride safe, Steve
Page 9
A Call To Action Re: WTD
Brothers and sisters,
I am, once again, soliciting your help and all
out effort to continue to work on getting further
sponsorships for our rally. We have an excellent
opportunity during the next 40 days to replace
monies which we took from our state funds to
“buy in” to the rally. Every penny we raise goes
100% to CMT/ABATE. Additionally, holding an
outdoor rally can be somewhat of a risk due to
weather considerations. The more sponsorships
that are sold, the less the negative effect would
be on our state’s finances if we have a less than
desired turn out for the event. PLEASE do everything you can!
Also, if some potential sponsors do not want
to put up cash but, are willing to donate items
which could be used as prizes for the various
games and activities at the rally, please take
advantage of it. Anything contributed will be
very much appreciated and will fulfill a need. I
am hoping that we will not have to take additional monies to buy prize gifts. Again, PLEASE
help us make this rally an outstanding success.
BTW, if you were wondering what kind of facility our rally will be held, the Punkin Center
Motorcycle Resort has just gone through a
Health board inspection this last week. The resort campground received a 100% rating from
the Department of Health. The deli in the campground received a 99% rating due to no thermometer conspicuously displayed in the freezer.
This, of course, was corrected immediately.
This goes a long way towards telling the story of
the quality of our partners’ resort and its’ facilities as well as his commitment to having a first
class rally. Also, I have approximately 2000 flyers for the rally that I will be sending out to all
charters for which I have an address this week.
They were expensive so don’t waste a one but,
please help me get them out far and wide.
Be careful out on the roads my friends. The
carnage has already begun here in Tennessee.
Two bikers were killed in our area last Thursday from ROW violations. This speaks nothing
of the one’s, even among our members, who are
still recuperating from ROW violation injuries.
108 West Main Street, Lebanon, TN
We Sew on Patches Leather Good’s Sold
Coats Vests & Chaps
MonMon- Fri 8:00 - 5:30
Sat 8:00 –12:00
Repair Done on: *Chaps *Shoes
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Page 10
But, You Didn't See Me
Page 11
Dedicated to all we have lost.
I saw you, hug your purse closer to you in the grocery store line. But, you didn't see me, put an
extra $10.00 in the collection plate last Sunday.
I saw you, pull your child closer when we passed each other on the sidewalk. But, you didn't
see me, playing Santa at the local mall.
I saw you, change your mind about going into the restaurant. But, you didn't see me, attending
a meeting to raise more money for the hurricane relief.
I saw you, roll up your window and shake your head when I drove by. But, you didn't see me,
driving behind you when you flicked your cigarette butt out the car window.
I saw you, frown at me when I smiled at your children. But, you didn't see me, when I took
time off from work to run toys to the homeless.
I saw you, stare at my long hair. But, you didn't see me, and my friends cut ten inches off for
Locks of Love.
I saw you, roll your eyes at our leather coats and gloves. But, you didn't see me, and my brothers donate our old coats and gloves to those that had none.
I saw you, look in fright at my tattoos. But, you didn't see me, cry as my children where born
and have their name written over and in my heart.
I saw you, change lanes while rushing off to go somewhere. But, you didn't see me, going home
to be with my family.
I saw you, complain about how loud and noisy our bikes can be. But, you didn't see me, when
you were changing the CD and drifted into my lane.
I saw you, yelling at your kids in the car. But, you didn't see me, pat my child's hands, knowing he was safe behind me.
I saw you, reading the newspaper or map as you drove down the road. But, you didn't see me,
squeeze my wife's leg when she told me to take the next turn.
I saw you, race down the road in the rain. But, you didn't see me, get soaked to the skin so my
son could have the car to go on his date.
I saw you, run the yellow light just to save a few minutes of time. But, you didn't see me, trying to turn right.
I saw you, cut me off because you needed to be in the lane I was in. But, you didn't see me,
leave the road.
I saw you, waiting impatiently for my friends to pass. But, you didn't see me.
I wasn't there.
I saw you, go home to your family. But, you didn't see me.
Because, I died that day you cut me off.
May the Angels of my brothers and sisters who have gone before me guard my travels,
for they know the perils of the road ...
Page 12
If anyone is on here that has already renewed
or if you have renewed in the last few months,
please contact us .Apologies for any inconvenience. If anyone is not receiving a paper that
is a current full member, or if you have
moved, please contact Sarge at 931-796-4312
or email at editor@cmtabate.com
May Renewals Due.
Howard & Kay
Jason & Misty
Gary W & Mary
Jerry & Deborah Usry
Dale & Tamala Yarbrough
Darren & Brenda
Page 13
Page 14
12th–14th U/C weekend party
9th TN Valley Charity Run
noon @ Mac’s Pub
27th D/H Run watch for details
2nd2nd-3rd Wakin the Dragon Maryville
4th S/west Riding meeting 10am
@ the Elks Lodge Henderson
18th U/C Fun Run
24th S/W Poker Run
22nd22nd-24th Bent Fork Bike Fest
8th8th-9th Sumner Run
19th19th-21st Hawg Holler Bike Fest
27th27th-28th Vietnam Vets Event
@Parkers Crossroads exit 108 I-40
10th U/C Legis. Run
Soaring Eagle Legislative Run
15th U/C Fun Run
30th TN Valley Teddy Bear
Run noon @ Mac’s Pub
15th15th-16th D/H Natchez Trace Run
29th–30th B/R Bluegrass Jam
1st Sumner County Bikers For Boobs
Run - Cancer awareness benefit
13th Nashville Scavenger Hunt
8th Warren County 3rd annul Run
for the Hills Swap Meet & Bike Show
20th U/C Fun Run
25th25th-27th S/W Rodeo
1st –2nd Warren Liberty Ride
8th8th-10th Hawg Holler Bike Fest Fall
N/E mtg @ 6
R/Co mtg @ 7 El
B/R Halloween Party
April 2006
D/H Food Drive
28th D/H Toy Run 1PM @
4th U/C watch for details
TN Valley Fall Run
1st1st-3rd WoT Freedom Bash
8TH Soaring Eagle
D/H Poker Run
WoT mtg@ 7
W/C mtg @ 3
Vol mtg @ 6
U/C weekend party
U/C weekend
Sumner Mtg @
7 Sputniks
Hawg Holler Bike
Hawg Holler
Bike Fest
B/R Mtg
7 U/C mtg@ 1pm
SWest mtg @ 2
B/G mtg @ 3
S/E mtg @7
Sm/W mtg@
TN V mtg @ 2
D/H mtg @ 4
H/R mtg @ 7
Nash mtg@ 7
Logan’s Elliston Av
U/C weekend party
Hawg Holler Bike
Vets Event
Vietnam Vets
Event @Parkers
Crossroads exit 108
Page 15
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Email: info@cmtabate.com
Suzanne Fisher, Office
CMT/ABATE, INC. Tennessee Motorcyclist Advertising Contract Fill out and return to :
437 Wildcat Hollow Rd. Hohenwald, TN 38462
Phone: 931931-796796-4312 Fax: 931931-796796-4312 EE-mail editor@cmtabate.com
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Kimball Bar owners may not let patrons make loud, unusual
Knoxville In front of their buildings, all businesses must have a
"hitching post.
Lenior Co When you pull up to a stop sign you must fire a gun
out the window to warn horse carriages that you are coming.
Lexington By law, anyone who has been drinking is "sober" until
he or she "cannot hold onto the ground. It is illegal to transport
an ice cream cone in your pocket, or eat ice cream on the sidewalk. Spitting on the sidewalk is prohibited.
Memphis Illegal for a woman to drive a car unless there is a
man either running or walking in front of it waving a red flag to
warn approaching motorists and pedestrians .It's illegal for frogs
to croak after 11 PM. Panhandlers must first obtain a $10 permit before begging on the streets of downtown Memphis. It is
illegal to give any pie to fellow diners.
State Laws You can't shoot any game other than whales from a
moving automobile.
More than 8 women may not live in the same house because that
would constitute a brothel.
It is illegal to use a lasso to catch a fish.
Oneida An ordinance forbids anyone to sing the song "It Ain't
Goin' To Rain No Mo'
Nashville Spitting is prohibited on sidewalks. No person may
keep a cheetah as a pet. Males may not be sexually aroused in
public. Throwing stones is prohibited as it might break a window. To play pinball, one must be 18 years old.
A publication of CMT/ABATE, INC.
P.O. BOX 160223 NASHVILLE,TN 3721637216-0223
Dyersburg It is illegal for a woman to call a man for a date.
Co. You may not have more than five inoperable vehiFayette Co
cles on a piece of property
Non--profit Organization
A Non
Bell Buckle One may not throw bottles at a tree.
If anyone has any suggestions for things that need to be changed,
things they would like to see, or any other comment in regards to
the newspaper feel free to call or email. Sarge 931-796-4312 editor@cmtabate.com shinerunner@bellsouth.net or USPS at address below... Any other correspondence needs to be directed to the
office at the address above.
City or County Laws in Tennessee
437 Wildcat Hollow Rd Hohenwald, TN 38462
Check out our website!!
Just so You Know....just in case you want to
go whaling

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