T en n essee M o to rcy clist


T en n essee M o to rcy clist
Hoppy Easter!!
Volume 21, Issue 4
APRIL 2006
Tennessee Motorcyclist
Inside this issue:
Events Calendar
Contact Info
Chaplains Corner
Charter Reports
Wakin’ the Dragon Biker RallyRally-2006 Update
As many of you are aware, the venue for this year’s Wakin’ the Dragon Biker Rally,
our biggest event of the year, has changed. This change was required because Blount
County, where the Smoky Mountain Speedway is located, bought the speedway and
surrounding property in order to build a fairground.
The county commission was keen for us to continue to hold the rally at the new fairgrounds but, the newly formed Fairground committee was going to need months before they could grant us a permit. The original promoter of the rally and our current
partner Jody Montgomery, who co-owns the Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort with
his wife, knew we could not wait that long before we had a definite answer. Not feeling he had the choice, he moved the rally to the resort.
As a result, several other things about the rally had to change for the 2006 event. As
the resort’s entertainment facility (stage area) is smaller than what we had at the
speedway, the name band entertainment had to be put on hold until 2007. Regional
southern rock bands have been booked in there place for 2006. Due to this, the entrance fee for the rally was lowered to $20.00 each. The space available for vendors is
smaller and the open camping areas are smaller. There will be some RV spots available which are not at the speedway location. The numerous cabins which are on the
premises were all rented out within the first few hours of Punkin Center’s opening
day, March 1.
We will also need to shuttle persons and, for late comers, their gear if camping, from
the parking area to the rally site. Several parking attendants will be needed from our
ranks to help ensure some level of order. The resort will be a lot more cozy than the
open 95 acre speedway site. This will be especially noticeable in the evening hours as
folks return from their day’s exploration of the mountains and the bands crank up.
In general, the rally had to be scaled back a bit. In doing so, we greatly lessened the
amount of expense and overhead that will have to be taken from the gate funds. Our
percentage split of profits did not change from its’ original form.
We are hopeful that the Blount County Fairgrounds committee will get all of there
bureaucratic type work done so that we can be back to that venue for 2007. If anyone
has questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 865-805-2984 or wakinthedragon@cmtabate.com .
John Carter aka Renegade
Page 2
Board Of Directors
Corporate Director
Including 1 Rep from Each Charter
Brooklyn Tom 865-354-8813 brooklyntomtenn@peoplepc.com
Asst. Corp. Director
Dean Lucas 931-761-8038
Corporate Secretary
Kim Peterson 615-826-1736 secretary@cmtabate.com
Corporate Treasurer Malisa Turner 662-890-3573 malisaturner69@yahoo.com
Activities Chair
Accepting Resumes
Legislative Chair
John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.net
Membership Chair
Maria Carter 865-805-2984
Newspaper Chair
Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312 editor@cmtabate.com
Products Chair
Bob Munsell 901-373-5314 rlmunsell@fedex.com
Safety & Education
Cindy Davidson 615-325-5041
Non Voting
Sgt. At Arms
Mark Miller 931-582-4092
Public Relations
Mike Hays (615) 495-0070
Steven Lundwall (615) 491-6768
John Pierce (901) 409-7170
Pastor Ron Baptiste
Bob Celmer
Office Manager
Suzanne Fisher 615-262-1119
Battle Ground
Mark Carter 615-848-2974
Meeting Times
1st Sunday@ 3 Mark’s home call for directions
Buffalo River
Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312
last Saturday@ noon E & E Bar Waynesboro
Dickson Humphreys
Mark Miller 931-582-4092 wolfmotorcycles@aol.com
3rd Sun.@ 4 Piccadilly Club Hwy 70
Harpeth River
Tony Davis 615-952-3311
2nd Tues@7 Country Café Hwy 100 Fairview
Mike Hays 615-495-0070
3rd Tues@ 7 Logan's Roadhouse, 24th and Elliston
Place (near Vanderbilt)
Tom Kyner 423-272-4834 tlkyner@charter.net
1st Mon@ 6 Rush Street Stone Dr. Kingsport
Robertson County
Marlin Rood 615-390-6754 milo62@earthlink.net
1st Tues@ 7 Torino’s Hwy 41 Springfield
Smith Wilson
Bullit 615-758-8267
1st Sun@ 2 - 26 Bob Moore Ln Carthage
Soaring Eagle
John Carter 865-805-2984
1st Sun@ 7 China Garden Clinton Hwy
Steve Ward 731-989-7168
1st Sun@ 2 Elks Club Henderson
Harley Davidson 615-325-5041
3rd Thurs@ 7 Sputniks
Mark Moore 423-570-0250 Yog1958@yahoo.com
3rd Sun@ 2 Mac’s Pub Brainerd Rd Chattanooga
Tom Measles 931-260-1523
1st Sun @ noon call for location
Danny Sullivan 731-235-3407
1st Sat @ 6 White City Sharon
Warren County
Randy Williams 931-815-2224
1st Sat @ 3pm Charley’s BBQ 1124 Sparta St
Wheels of Thunder
John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.net
Tennessee Valley
Upper Cumberland
1st Thurs @ 7 Pig-N-Whistle 7144 Winchester Rd
Deadline for submissions will be the 15th of the month for the next month’s publication. Articles submitted after
this date will be held for the next month, with the exception of time sensitive material. We welcome your opinions,
comments, complaints, and suggestions. Articles and photos pertaining to all things motorcycle, (legislation, safety,
events, etc) are welcome. Photos must include credits (whom, what, when and where). All articles must be legible.
All submissions must include the authors name, address, and phone number. This is for verification purposes only,
and will not be published without express permission of the author. Articles may be edited for content, clarity, grammar and spelling. Formatting changes may occur as a result of conversion. Please list originating program for all
electronic submissions. All ad copy must be sent to 437 Wildcat Hollow Rd Hohenwald TN 38462 or emailed to editor @cmtabate.com. All ad payments should be sent to the main office at CMT/ABATE, INC. P.O. Box 160223 Nashville, TN 3 7 2 1 6 - 0 2 2 3 include what ad and for how long paid.
Chaplain’s Corner
Page 3
Covenant Confirmers Ministries Inc.
The Biker Church Outreach Center
Founder: Pastor Ron Baptiste
Position vs. Condition
In the book of Galatians 2:20, the Apostle Paul
writes; “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I
Sunday Worship 10:30a Wed@ 7:00p
300 10th Ave. E Springfield, TN 37172
live; yet not I but Christ liveth in me.”
The Apostle Paul defiantly had a bikers mentally,
he was a misfit, a rebel and an outcast, and often
spoke his mind regardless of who he was around.
Even the original twelve disciples didn’t want to
hang around him. Paul at one time was a leader
in the Jewish religion and his job was to kill or
imprison all Christians. Now after his conversion,
the religious leaders turned on him and the
Christians didn’t trust him. So now he is out
there with no support, all on his on, preaching the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul had even said at one
time, “I have wronged no man.” I couldn’t understand how he could say that after he had so many
Christians killed. Until I understood what he was
saying here in Galatians 2:20. Paul realized that
his old man had been crucified with Christ and all
of his past was not only forgiven, but forgotten as
Paul’s Position was that he was a new man in Jesus Christ that now lived inside of him, now his
condition was that nobody trusted him or wanted
to hang with him, but he went on to write two
thirds of the New Testament, established the government of the Church, and was so powerful, that
when one of the Churches needed correction, he
would just simply write them a letter, he didn’t
have to show up in person.
Christians today must understand their Position
in Christ, I know that some are still dealing with
certain issues in their life, but that is their Condition. It may be drugs, alcohol, sex, whatever it is;
it is just a condition in your life. You must know
your Position in Christ while you wrestle with
your Condition.
June 3rd; 4th
Annual M/M Rally @
Covenant Confirmers Biker
Church, Springfield,
Cash Run $1000.00 best hand
$200.00 worst hand
Bike Rodeo $1000.00 1st place
$200.00 2nd place
$100.00 3rd place
Understanding your Position; “I am crucified with
Christ nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” This Position will help you overcome
your Condition. But what I have seen to often in
people’s lives, they let their Condition determine
their Position in life. Bring your Condition in line
with your Position as a child of the King. Stop letting your past determine your future. Stop believing what your family, friends and co-workers say
about you and start believing what God’s Word says
about you, “I can do all things through Christ that
strengthens me.”
To be found faithful, Pastor Ron
The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of
CMT/ABATE,INC. and the Tennessee Motorcyclist reserve
CMT/ABATE or the Tennessee Motorcyclist. CMT/ABATE,INC
the right to refuse or edit any article, photo, letter, or advertisement they decide is not in the best interest of the organization and it’s members. Readers :Although CMT/ABATE supports it’s advertisers, it
does not guarantee the service of those advertisers. Please use the same discretion you would with any
business. If in doubt, contact the Better Business Bureau.
Got something to sell? Got something you want? Place your ad today, only $3 and reaches approx.
1200 motorcyclists a month. Call the newspaper or send it in today. 931 796 4312 editor@cmtabate.com
Page 4
Opinions and Editorials
Many of the immigrants that come to the United States today are not here to become "good Americans". I resent them for that. They still live, eat and breath the same politics, food, religion, culture,
mind set, heritage, customs, rituals, morals, etc. as if they were still in the old country. They are in every
way and with every drop of blood still foreign to us and loyal to their old government and countrymen.
They love our milk and honey, but they are systematically undermining our nation and our way of life.
As I heard a much anointed man say one time, "gimme, gimme, gimme, my name is Jimmy". What a
shame. The original immigrants of old, whether Irish, Scottish, English, Dutch, German, etc. came to
this country to, and did become "good Americans". They retained their heritage and at the same time
learned American history and American customs. They learned to speak the language and became working, productive members of this society and they prospered. Any legal immigrant that comes to this
country in order to better himself, his family's condition, will integrate and become a part of the solution
to our country's problems, is all right by me! But, if this is not your home, then go home!
You are an essential part of the official motorcyclists' rights organization for the 16th state admitted
to the Union, the Great State of Tennessee. This state was originally the western territory of one of the
13 Colonies, North Carolina. I myself was not born here. But, I have never called any place else home.
Many of you have, but now Tennessee is your home. Are you a Tennessean?
Tennessee is not a line on a map. It is not just part of America. It is America! It is not part of the
South. It is the South! The Tennessee state government is not a regional agent for the federal government. It is the only earthly agent between you and the federal government. We are the Volunteer State.
The official state animal is the raccoon. The state bird is the mockingbird, the state flower is the Iris, the
state tree is the tulip poplar, and the capitol is Nashville. Tennessee was admitted to the union of states
in 1796. John Sevier was the first governor. Davy Crockett, Sam Houston, Andy Jackson, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Alvin C. York, Sam Davis, James K. Polk, W.C. Handy, Sequoyah, Admiral Farragut,
Wilma Rudolph, Uncle Dave Macon, Bishop General Leonidas Polk, Edward Carmack, Jacques Timothy
Demonbreun, and James Robertson, were all Tennesseans, though not all born here. It's not about
where you are born. It is about where you call home. Jesus of Bethlehem? No. It is where He was born,
but He is a Nazarene. Andrew Jackson, of South Carolina? No. It is where he was born, but he was a
We are Concerned Motorcyclists of Tennessee. We are political and we have an agenda. Safety, education, good legislation, etc. blah, blah, blah. Mostly we want to ride free! After all, we are either free men
(and women) or we aren't! If you are not interested in safety, education, good legislation, preserving personal freedom, restoring personal freedom or riding free, this is not the organization for you. If you are
not here in Tennessee to better yourself, your family, and to integrate and become a part of the solution
to our state's problems, go home. Go home and make "home" a better place to ride and to live. Send us a
post card from time to time, and let us know about your progress and if we can be of any help. Remember that CMT "was formed to preserve freedom and safety for all Tennesseans who enjoy motorcycling".
We cannot accomplish our goals as an organization without first becoming good Tennesseans!
Marlin Rood (Robertson County Charter Director) milo62@earthlink.net
615 746-4835
Mobile 944-9806
A Ace Window Cleaning
And maintenance company
Commercial, high rise, residential
P.O. Box 276
Joelton, TN 37080
Director’s Cut
Well I want to thank the members of
CMT/ABATE of Tennessee for electing
me to the position of Director. I will
work hard to justify the faith you have
put in me.
Page 5
Upper Cumberland Report
Ron called meeting to order and led us all in the pledge of allegiance. We voted to waive reading of last month's minutes.
Dean gave us the treasurer's report. Legislative report- A bill
has been proposed making it illegal to ride a person under the
age of 9 on a motorcycle. How wrong is this! Let's fight to stop
We have a good board with positive
this! Call your reps and let them know how you feel about
ideas for the future. Malisa is whipping SB2468! We also need to keep work on our helmet modification
the treasury position into shape as is
bill and right of way violations bill!
Kim the secretary position. Cindy has
Old Business- BOD meeting is on Sunday- March 12th, voting
worked hard on the by-laws and is
on State By-law changes.
Waking the Dragon Rally- Everyworking on an in school motorcycle
thing has changed! I don't know what's going on. Sorry! Brookawareness program. John Pierce our
lyn/ Tennessee Tom has donated $250 in Upper Cumberland's
Legislative chair is working on our
name. Thanks Tom!!! We voted to donate an additional $250 for
bills after coming off a very successful
a larger sponsorship. Activities- Harley Drags in Bowling
last year. Dean our Assistant Director
Green KY- March 24-26. Junebug Boogie- June 15- 18.
is a steady rock I can depend on and
New Business- We voted to have the Charter Fun Run Books
does a lot behind the scenes. Jeanna
Get your sponsors! April 2nd meeting will be at the
Bradley is turning out a excellent
newsletter. John Carter has stepped up Hawg Barn at 12:00 noon. May 7th meeting will be at Ridge
Runners in Clay Co at 1:00. Clay Co is in our charter and we
and entered the race for Activities
chair. Maria is getting the membership have not had any meetings here. Let's have a good turn out for
this! Their address is...6157 McCormick Ridge Rd. Whitleyville,
list into fighting shape. This is just a
partial list of the good people we have TN 38588. Their phone number is (931) 258- 4511. Call them or
me at (931) 252- 4766 for directions.
and the fine job they are doing.
Membership drawing - Gary Vaughn. Not here! Hat Trick
In the coming two years we will continue to strive for our goals of passing was won by Mike Norris! Way to go Mike! Nominations for new
the helmet modification law. strength- officers pretty much gave us our new officers for the coming
term. They are as follows... Dir- LD, Assistant Dir- Johnny Roening the ROW violation and penalty
law, work on rider education, becoming bichaud, Treas- Dean Lucas, Activities- Lee, Sec- Lynn, Sgt-atfinancially sound, improving communi- arms- Ron. We would like to thank Herbert and Helen Clark of
Scooters and Hooters for having us. Thank you! Meeting adcation with the board and the members, streamlining the by-laws improv- journed! Until next month- Ride safe and free! - Lynn
ing the running of BOD meetings,
keeping old members, and recruiting
new members.
If we pull together thinking not of
our differences but keeping our eyes on
the common goals we have together, we
can accomplish anything we set our
mind on. How do I know this is true. I
have seen it happen during my experience in another state ABATE.
I need your help in accomplishing
this agenda. I may steer the ship but
it's the members and the board that
supply the power and the direction.
Ride Safe and Free, Brooklyn Tom Corporate Director CMT/ABATE of
Elections were held at the Board of
Directors meeting on Sunday March
Congratulations going out to
Director–– Brooklyn Tom of Upper CumDirector
Secretary–– Kim Peterson of Sumner
Membership-- Maria Carter of Soaring
Page 6
Robertson Report
March 7th meeting was called to order and Jimmy
Goodwin led us in the pledge for Roland Verchota.
Welcome back Roland! Pastor Ron opened up in
prayer. There were 48 in attendance for the second
month in a row!
Charter Director: Marlin welcomed everyone
and especially the following visitors: Brooklyn Tom
(running for State Director) and his wife, Maureen,
Shorty, Twanger and Carol, all from the Nashville
Charter, along with Dave and Kim Peterson,
Harley and Cindy Davidson from the Sumner Charter. We joined with Nashville and Sumner Charters for our recent, very successful swap meet. We
will discuss more details of the swap meet later in
the meeting. Marlin called for officers' reports.
Chaplain's Report: Pastor Ron recognized Dave
Peterson from the Sumner Charter to speak about
a recent run for a boy recently killed on a sports
bike in Nashville. Dave announced that over 100
bikes showed up. He spoke with representatives of
the clubs and invited them to attend some of our
meetings and consider joining CMT. Dave will be
meeting with leaders of the sports bike clubs in
April and will be making plans to go into the
schools together for Safety and Education programs. Also, Pastor Ron reminded everyone again
of the Annual Rally in June at Covenant Confirmers Ministries and asked everyone to begin making
plans to attend. He announced that the purse had
been "upped" since our last meeting. Cash Run:
Best hand $1000.00, 2nd best = $300.00, 3rd best =
$200.00 and worst hand = $200.00. $10.00 per
hand. Bike Rodeo: First place = $1000.00, Second
Place = $200.00 and Third Place = $100.00. Entry
fee for each event is $10.00, if you enter all events,
$15.00. Food and fun free for you and your family.
Family friendly...children welcome! Lots of activities, and live bands all day! This is not a fund
Treasurer's Report: Kevin reported that our
charter has $568.62 balance in general acct. We
have $173.27 in our Down Biker's Fund. .
Products: Kathy is still working on t-shirts and
other products. Hope to have new info at April
New Business: Marlin called for report from anyone who might know the outcome of the benefit in
February for Roland and Vicky. It was announced
$5400.00 was raised! Roland and Vicky expressed their thanks to everyone for their support
and prayers.
Marlin made motion that we elect a new representative for Safety and Ed since Ann has been
unable to attend our past few meetings. David
England seconded and vote was unanimous.
Marlin asked if anyone was interested in taking
on that role so that we could begin to get back
into the schools with our Safety and Ed program.
Pastor Ron agreed to help in that position until
someone was elected since he already has a relationship with the school. Thanks, Pastor Ron!
Anyone interested in that position, please see
Kim Peterson from Sumner County brought the
following report on the outcome of our recent
swap meet:
Vendors = 1500.00, Door = 2980.00, Vendors Donated = 90.00, Misc. (rodeo, bike corral, etc) =
182.00. After all expenses paid out, each charter
grossed 1339.00. After rent and state's 40%,
there was a 603.00 net for each charter.
Thanks to everyone for their hard work. We will
be talking about another joint event with Sumner
and Nashville in the near future. We will get
with Elaine and begin planning for a rally in Adams in September.
Warren County Charter has issued a challenge to
each charter to buy a banner to be displayed at
"Waking the Dragon" for $250.00. Jimmy Goodwin made motion to accept the challenge, seconded by David England, motion carried.
Marlin announced the upcoming election for
State Director. He invited both candidates to
speak at our charter meeting, Brooklyn Tom and
John Carter. John Carter was unable to attend
and Brooklyn Tom spoke briefly and gave us his
background experience. He stated that he has
the time to devote to the office. He would work
for better communication between the board and
the charters, assure that finances are being handled properly, and promote Abate events that will
bring money into the state. He stated that although the helmet law was important, he felt that
education and safety were equally important. We
need to educate people on who we are and what
we're doing. continued next page
Page 7
The March 5th, 2006 meeting started at 7:00pm
with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of
silence. We had 12 members present and 4
Ken Hobbs stated that he would like our charter to participate in a 4-15-06 Memorial ride for
Lee Box in Brunswick, GA. The Honda Hoot will
be in town 6-22-06. We are planning a “Freedom
Party” during the event and will again take the
opportunity to get in Honda Motor Companies
face with our cause. We will also have information booths at Coyote Joe’s through the week.
The Bunkin County Chapter of CBA of North
Carolina will hold their annual ‘kick ass’ rally at
Hot Springs, NC; all who would like to join ShortRound and Renegade to attend one of our closest
state’s events, contact Renegade ASAP. The
NCOM conference will be held in Louisville, KY
May 11-13, 2006.
Robertson continued from previous page
Kim Peterson also spoke. She is running for State
Secretary. Her goal would be more organization,
more communication. She is currently the membership chairman for Sumner County and she will
be bringing some excellent ideas regarding membership and renewals into the position.
Marlin announced that BOD meeting was this
Sunday, March 12th. Election will be held for new
director and secretary. Also there will be a vote to
accept changes made to the bylaws. Marlin asked
the Charter how they wanted him to vote. Jimmy
Goodwin made a motion that Marlin vote his conscience. Seconded by Rebecca and vote was unanimous.
Finally, Marlin announced that he had extra newspapers for anyone who didn't receive theirs and for
anyone who might want to give some out. Our
newspapers, along with our bumper stickers, are
great recruiting tools. Meeting adjourned. A donation was made to Roland and Vicky Verchota from
Brooklyn Tom. See you in April! Kathy
The Warren County Charter has challenged all
the other charters in TN to pitch in a minimum of
a $250.00 sponsorship to go towards the “Wakin’
the Dragon”. It would cut the $10,000 we need to
raise down to ($250.00 x 17 charters) $5,750.00.
Ken Hobbs made the motion to collect this evening for the Rally. The vote for the open State Director’s position took place at this time.
A van was rented by one of our members and 7
members of our charter went to Nashville for Legislative Day. Maria Carter has been acting as the
State Membership Officer. She will be running
for the State Officer position at the next BOD
meeting set for March 12, 2006. There were several minutes of discussion concerning the by-laws
changes. The changes voted on by the charter will
be presented at the next BOD meeting. The charter voted to support the Wakin’ the Dragon by
surpassing the stated challenge.
The floor was open for any other business Ken Hobbs suggested that we hold our meetings
before a ride. Starting with the next meeting on
4-2-06, the meeting will start at 1:30 pm. at
Smoky Mountain HD with the ride starting at
2:00 to 2:30p.m. The charter agreed. They’re being no further business this meeting, was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Cathy Hobbs- Secretary
Page 8
Meeting began @ 4:PM.Pokeman led us in the
pledge. Meeting was called to order. We had 16
members and 3 guests.
We welcome Brooklyn Tom- State Director,
Maria Carter- membership, and Kim Peterson–
Secretary. Our Bike and Tattoo show is on April
15th @ the VFW in Dickson. It runs from 10am6pm. A DJ will be provided for provided for entertainment, plus much more. There will be several
door prizes. Trophies will be awarded for best in
show for all classes. ALL MEMBERS WHO
would like to help out, when you arrive find Mark
to see where help is needed. We hope to have a
photo shoot of the winners if at all possible. So
mark your calendars, this will be a great way to
start Spring’06.
APRIL 11 Annual Mule Day Ride meet at Thunder Alley @ 10am and ride to S&G in Columbia.
APRIL 22 Special meeting called to turn in all
tickets for TV to be given away at the Bike Show.
We will meet at Decker’s house @ 4:PM. We need
to have all tickets turned in at this time. If you
need directions, please contact Mark.
As April 16 is Easter Sunday, we decided to have
our April meeting on the 30th instead, Thunder
Alley 4PM.
108 West Main Street, Lebanon, TN
We Sew on Patches
Leather Good’s Sold
Coats Vests & Chaps
Hours: MondayMonday- Friday 8:00 - 5:30
Saturday 8:00 –12:00
Repair Done on: *Chaps *Shoes &Boots
*Jackets *Snaps & Zippers
Battleground Report
We discussed starting a down biker fund for
our charter. This is truly a good cause. We all
need help at one time or another. It is nice to
know that we can depend on each other in good
times as well as bad. This is a good thing that we
will discuss further.
Our meetings have had a very low attendance rate, so
there is not much to report. See ya next month. Meetings are the 1st Sunday 3pm @ Mark’s house. Please
call for directions.
Mark needs to know how many plan on attending the Wakin’ the Dragon event, so he can start
making reservations. Please contact Mark as soon
as you can. Also if you want to help out with the
games @ the Dragon, please see Pokeman, Jimmy
Tiewire, or Mark. Believe me, they welcome all
volunteers. We want to help make this a safe and
fun time for everyone.
No minutes to report for January, New Year’s Day,
no attendance, all officers present- no members.
Smith/Wilson Report
No minutes to report for February, Super Bowl Sunday.
No minutes to report for March; no attendance; officers met and posted notice at Robin’s Roost, in regards to upcoming meetings.
Notice : Smith/Wilson Charter of
Try to attend our April meeting on the 30th.
We will be holding charter elections. I think I cov- CMT/ABATE’s meeting on April 2 will be held at 26
ered everything.....OH I ALMOST FORGOT. ONE Bob Moore Lane in Carthage, (where Jeff and Lisa
Methner used to live) at 2pm. Contact Bullit at 615MORE THING ...........
Ride Safe, Ruth
TN Valley Report
Page 9
Meeting called to order. Pledge said. Members 11
14 PEOPLE attended the meeting, Tommy led the
pledge, since Harley was out of town (we missed your
Membership We’re holding at 60 plus members. candid conversation Harley). Tommy Crooks did a
Will be receiving the newest membership update great job of covering for you.
soon. This will enable us to contact members
Since we forgot to do the 50/50, Tommy made us all
about the renewal dates
dig deep in our pockets to come up with a whopping
Treasury We have $1554.53 money in the
$10.00 donation….guess we will remember the 50/50
next time.
Activities: The State Event is schedule for first BusinessBusiness Sumner will be trying to do a monthly ride
weekend in June. Location Punkin Patch, Mary- on the 3rd Sat of every month, watch for details or
ville, TN at the annual ‘Waking the Dragon’ Bike call or email one of us. Previously, Sumner anRally. We have raised around $3100.00. We are
nounced a ride on April 8th and to watch for details,
still looking for sponsors.
we will instead do a ride on April 15th (3rd sat). Tom
Dart Run next Saturday. Please attend and
bring some friends
STATE SIDE: Right Of Way bill is being written
and will be sent to committee soon. We are looking to make it a Class ‘B’ felony which could include penalties of license suspension up to 6
Helmet Bill will start in the sub-finance committee. At this time our chances look as good as they
ever had. Details given.
Federal side: HR 2046 bill right to repair your
bike or car or have someone else work on it.
Brooklyn took the initiative to get the state products
going. State Thunder Rally (STR) was mentioned, it
will be a tri charter event, Robertson, Sumner &
Nashville. Watch for details. Bikers for Boobs event;
we need to set a date and have t-shirts made, need a
sponsor as well.
requested volunteers to help out,
she has received word that we will be getting a grant
for this, anyone available to help her out in any way
please give her a shout or email.
Nashville Report
The Nashville charter of CMT/ABATE met at Logan’s
HR 2793 bill will close the loop hole allowing in- Roadhouse on March 21st with 13 members and one
surance companies to deny claims by stating cer- guest present. Discussions centered around the recent
tain activities are too dangerous, such as motor- BOD meeting, Wakin' the Dragon and Shell Summerlin gave us a legislative update.
cycling, horseback riding, skiing, bicycling and
Thanks, Twanger
Handed paper out explaining the bills with federal Representative and Senator’s addresses and
phone numbers.
BOD update:
update Election winners Brooklyn Tom
Corporate Director, Maria Carter Membership –
Chairman, Kim Peterson -Sectary.
Other organizational news: HOG, GA ABATE ,
CMA news update given.
Meeting was adjourned
Life is a journey, so enjoy the ride and take the
long way home. Yog
Southwest Report
With 9 members & 3 guests we got our meeting
started. Officers present Director, Asst, Director,
Legislative, Sergeant at Arms/Secretary.
Charter discussed elections for B.O.D. positions. Discussion of bills in Nashville was also discussed.
Southern Cruisers Riding Club will be holding their
teddy bear run March 12.
Blessing of the bikes April 30 12:30 in Parsons at St.
Ride safe, Steve
" Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in
sideways, totally worn out, and shouting......"Holy Cow"...."Dude"........."What a ride !!!!!"
Page 10
Warren County Report
We opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. There
were six charter members present and five
guests. We were graced with the presence of Mr.
ABATE himself, our State Assistant Director
Dean Lucas. We also were visited by State Director Candidate Brooklyn Tom Quaranto.
Director’s Report
We revisited the Wakin the Dragon Banner Sponsorship for $250 and voted in favor of Randy taking a check to the March Board of Director’s
meeting and presenting it to our Comptroller
John Carter. Randy asked if everyone got his
Newsletter and had extras available if they had
not. He also asked if everyone is getting their paper and if they had seen the new format. He
brought copies of the March issue and invited everyone to pass them along to a rider when they
were done reading it.
Randy showed off the CMA Charter Certificate
which the Chapter was awarded last month in
Clarksville. The Holy Spirit Reigns Chapter was
over a year in the making to become officially recognized by the home office.
Treasurer’s Report
We had $468.61 after a $20 donation at last meeting. Minus the $250 Rally Banner that leaves us
to $218.61
Secretary’s Report
Rhonda explained that it would take a very long
meeting all by its self to discuss what all the ByLaws Committee has come up with to recommend
to the Board. We’ve been providing copies at the
meetings and they can also be located on the website. If you have any issues it is your last chance
to inquire, protest or suggest on the By-laws
changes before Randy votes at the Board of Director’s meeting.
Products Report
We are in need of a new Chairman since David
Netherley went and moved away on us. We have
just a couple hats remaining and few t-shirts.
Charter patches are available for $5 & $10 on a
pre-purchase basis.
Legislative Report
Rhonda shared the deadline for registration is
March 31st and had voter registration cards
available for anyone to take to someone to get
them registered if they are not. Primary elections
really do count ant is important to be heard in
those votes as well. Our fellow rider, good friend
and charter member, Dale Potter will be running
for re-election of District Attorney after the Primaries. If you intend to support him, them get out
and vote for a lesser candidate to help his out come
later. If you think Primaries and county government is not so important to motorcyclists then
think NOISE ORDINANCES. Those come from the
County government and too many bikers in other
counties across the states have found out just how
important it is to know and vote for your county
Activities Report
Bruce reminded us we have the April 29th Choice
Ride and that riders will have a choice to either
take a smaller Riddle Ride or a longer Poker Run or
even both. We will begin out of Mid Tenn Honda
and end up at Charley’s Bar-B-Q.
We also passed out a mileage competition sheet for
everyone to look over and come back with ideas to
implement it starting next Charter meeting. Any
member wishing a copy of this is more than welcome to contact Randy to see it.
With all our charter business complete, Randy gave
the floor to Brooklyn Tom to address the Charter
and how he would serve us if he were to be elected
State Director. He also stated that if he were not
elected he would fully support John Carter. After
Tom’s address, Randy read a letter from John
Carter in the newspaper for the charter to get a full
view of how to vote.
After our vote, Buddy Dunlap was present with a
guest and so we were able to adjourn. After the
close of the meeting we had two membership renewals.
Page 11
Wheels Of Thunder Report
Director John Pierce called the meeting to order
at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited
followed by a moment of silence for our fallen
brothers and sisters.
Treasurer’s Report – Jim reported we have
$363.76 in our account.
Minutes – A motion was made to dismiss the
reading of last month’s minutes and to accept
them as published (paper) and posted (web site
www.cmtabate-wheelsofthunder.com ), under the
meeting date. (Also known as “Motion 1”)
Director’s Statement – JP indicated our by-laws
originally came from the Outlaws and had been
amended, adjusted, etc. over the years. Six
months ago a committee was formed to make improvements. The committee was made up of members mostly from Nashville and Knoxville. Their
recommended changes are on the State Web site,
with changes in red. A local review committee
was formed and to review and suggest approval
or rejected by each change. Bob Celmer indicated
he felt more work was needed, but the state committee had done a good job. JP said he was glad to
see the legislative chair be an executive level so
there will be an odd number of executive positions. We discussed how the voting would be done
at the BOD, but that was not information JP had
been informed about. Gary Acton suggested we
should put our committee’s draft on our web site
for members to comment on. Papa made a motion
to accept our committee decisions for voting at
BOD. It was seconded and approved. JP agreed
we should post our committee’s decisions on our
web site. John indicated Cindy Davidson, State
Safety & Ed chair, worked very hard getting the
changes to the by-laws.
The Wakin’ the Dragon Rally is our fundraising
event for 2006. Last year they had over 6,000 in
attended and if we sell $20,000 in sponsorships
we get 30 percent of the gate. We did $14,000 at
the first STR. To date we have $500, two charters
for $250 each. JP suggested we pass the hat since
we’re close to broke – we gave all our money to
the state. The hat was passed and when it came
back, $410 had been collected! The check will be
presented at the Mar. BOD meeting.
Political issuesissues There are two Right of Way
bills. And John will discuss and decide what we
get behind. The kid bill in the senate has a new
bill prohibiting children under 9 on bikes. This bill
has a sponsor in both houses. He is still working on
the lid law and now has brain trauma data from
2003 and 2004. Harley Davidson has a bill to remove the cap on private companies for training
Membership –We had 35 people present at tonight’s meeting. One new member joined tonight.
We also had 1 guest. In the past 2 months we have
gained 31 NEW members!
ActivitiesActivities April 15 is the scheduled date for our
poker run. So far there has been little enthusiasm
for it, as many other events are happening during
this time of year. We discussed and decided to continue forward. We will have flyers for the event by
the bike show March 17, as we will have a booth
there. Malisa indicated at the state level, tax returns have not been filed in a timely manner and
this had been occupying most of her time.
ProductsProducts No report. The Easy Rider Show was a
good success, but Cappy has the products.
WebmasterWebmaster Bob indicated the web site would be
moving soon to a less costly site or a free site. Everyone agreed a free site is a good thing.
New BusinessBusiness- Brooklyn Tom was to make an appearance, but never arrived. John gave us a brief
summary of the candidates for state director. John
Carter started the Knoxville Charter, Soaring Eagle, is employed full time and is the comptroller for
Wakin The Dragon. He is a very capable candidate.
Brooklyn Tom is an old time rights member and
was in Florida ABATE before starting the Three
Rivers charter here in Tennessee. He was in an accident a while back and is still not riding, he is retired. A motion was made and seconded to cast our
charter’s vote for John Carter. It was approved.
Malisa thanked the 8 people in the van that went
to Legislative Day and the three brave members
that rode. There were a total of 67 members in attendance.
AnnouncementsAnnouncements Wild Pigs Poker run is Sunday
April 2 at Sidecar Café, and the Sheriff’s Teddy
Bear Parade is on April 1, leaving Bumpus on
Whitten at 1:00PM Club NewsNews SCMC – Sweetheart Poker Run was a big success.
A motion was made to adjourn. It was seconded
and approved by the membership. We’re outta
here! It is 8:20PM
Page 12
Legislative Update
Youth Passenger Bill “NO KIDS UNDER 9 YRS
THIS BILL IS DEAD for 2006 – Take the kids riding!
Senator Raymond Finney introduced SB2468 which
reads as follows: Motor Vehicles - Prohibits any
person under the age of 10 years to ride or be carried on a motorcycle; imposes penalties for motorcycle operators who violate this section. - Amends
TCA Title 55, Chapter 50, Part 5 and Title 55,
Chapter 8, Part 1.
Senator Thelma Harper (SB3032) and Representative Nathan Vaughn (HB3311) have also introduced similar legislation, which would prohibit children under 9 from riding. CMT/ABATE strongly
opposed this bill which takes away your right to
ride your child or grandchild on your motorcycle.
NHTSA statistics show no fatalities in this category
since 1994. While any fatality is sad, this is not an
epidemic that requires legislation. CMT/ABATE
worked to make sure this bill did not pass and it
Helmet Modification Bill
Senate Bill (SB0807) and House Bill (HB0456)
HWY 20
CMT/ABATE continues the effort to bring freedom of choice to the motorcyclists of Tennessee. Traffic
Safety - Requires driver and passenger of motorcycle, motorized bicycle, or motor driven cycle to wear
"motorcycle helmet" instead of "crash helmet"; exempts persons 21 years and older from such requirement. - Amends TCA Section 55-9-302. This bill will allow riders 21 and over the right to ride with or
without a helmet. Call your state senator and representative TODAY! Ask for their support on Senate
Bill (SB0807) and House Bill (HB0456). You can look up their numbers at www.legislature.state.tn.us
Right of Way Violations Bill
SB3696 by Southerland. HB3431 by Tidwell. This bill was born to close the gap between a simple running a stop sign, running a red light, etc. fine and vehicle manslaughter. In right of way accidents involving motorcycles, bicycles and pedestrians there is no middle ground. Many times when serious injury
or death occurs it has to be written up by law enforcement as an accident due to not meeting the criteria
of manslaughter. This bill will give law enforcement some choices of fines and charges when people violate the right of way of motorcyclists and others
Resume For State Activities Chair
I would like to publicly congratulate Brooklyn Tom on his election to Executive Director. I support him
fully in working towards moving this organization forward. I have solidified that commitment last Sunday night by formally applying for the now open State Activities Chairman position. So, if you thought
you were hearing about Wakin' the Dragon before, hang on! Tom and I have, through our recent emails,
created a common dialogue. Each of us sees a very promising future. I would also like to thank all of
those who supported my run for the position. Simply said, now let's get to work.
Ride safe, John "Renegade" Carter Director Soaring Eagle Charter CMT/ABATE of Tennessee
Page 13
Farewell from Rhonda
I would like to leave the Office of Secretary with some parting thanks to our membership. Randy and
I will be building a home all year and this was a major factor in why I did not run for re-election.
I am extremely honored to have served this fine organization. I have watched us grow leaps and
bounds in these two short years and I am proud to have been part of that experience.
I'm still very interested in serving as Mid-state RLC if our Legislative Chair would like to engage that
capacity. I would love to see a commitment to a communication form beyond the limits of the Yahoo
group. As I say often, I want to be part of the solution not part of the problem. So with that desire, I am
offering myself available to send out email alerts to the large database we previously acquired from signups on the website.
Most importantly, I'd like to strongly urge our Board and Officers to accept a new top priority for our
organization. I think the single most important thing they can do as our leadership is shut down gossip,
in-fighting, cliques and hierarchies. These persistent problems have been allowed to take far too much
time away from the real mission statement of this organization: Motorcycling Rights. Why do we burn
so much energy and passion fighting amongst our own brethren? Opinions and concepts don't win every
time. We need to learn to forgive, forget and move on without little battles stirring among us.
As for every member, I issue a challenge to rise above the petty human nature that every volunteer
organization must resist. When someone comes to you with gossip, I encourage you to state how very
disappointing it is when you hear it because it is such a waste of good energy. It's amazing what happens when someone approaching with gossip is gently asked "Now who or what good does this information serve?" They are either trying to earn a brownie point or trying to feel better about themselves because they are talking down about someone else. If they can't build themselves up by their own accomplishments or service, then they do it by tearing someone else down. Please don't lower yourself to their
need to rise up by tearing someone else down.
In my experience with this organization, this is the ultimate forward direction we need to take. Otherwise our wicks will burn hot and quickly from both ends and then where will this organization be left?
I'd like to see us continue to do work that amazes our peers.
Eleanor Roosevelt said it best. "Great minds talk about ideas. Average minds talk about events.
Small minds talk about people." Let's strive to be the great minds that we are individually and collectively and continue to kick butt as the premiere SMRO of the States.
Again, thank you for your confidence and dedication, Rhonda Williams
Current Boosters Gold Members-U/C Charter exp-8/06 Dean Lucas exp 5/06
Silver Members—D/H Charter exp-6/07
Want to do something wonderful? Want to do something to make yourself proud? Want to do something
to help your newspaper ?? It is easy, it is simple:
Become a booster for the TENNESSEE MOTORCYCLIST newspaper!! Fill out the form below, include
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Page 14
April Renewals Due.
B/ R
Jimmy & Connie
Lenny & Linda
Butch & Faith
Harvey & Patricia
Danny & Rachel
Geoffrey Linda Kiely
Ken & Cathy
S/ E
S/ E
S/ E
S/ E
Rob & Victoria
A/L ladies swim naked, or to make you get out of the pond
If anyone is on here that has already renewed or if you
have renewed in the last few months, please contact us
.Apologies for any inconvenience. If anyone is not receiving a paper that is a current full member, or if you
have moved, please contact Sarge at 931-796-4312 or
email at editor@cmtabate.com
"The Old Biker" Bad Joke of The
The old Biker had a large pond out back, fixed up
nicely with picnic tables, a barbecue pit, horseshoe
courts, and some apple and peach trees. The pond was
properly shaped and fixed up for swimming when it
was built. One evening, the old scooter tramp decided
to go down to the pond and look it over. He hadn't been
there for a while. He grabbed a five gallon bucket to
bring back some fruit. As he neared the pond, he heard
voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came
closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny
dipping in his pond. As he approached, he made the
women aware of his presence. At once, they all went to
the deep end. One of the women shouted to him, "We're
not coming out until you leave." The old Biker frowned,
"I did not come down here to watch you young
naked." Holding up the bucket, he said, "I'm here to
feed the alligator."
Moral: Old Bikers can still think faster than most!
Page 15
Page 16
A Brief History of the TN Flag : Part 1 of a series of
TN State facts
The Tennessee State Flag was designed by Captain LeRoy Reeves of the Third Regiment, Tennessee Infantry. Captain Reeves explained the design of his flag as follows: The three stars are of pure white, rep-
resenting the three grand divisions of the state. They are bound together by the endless circle of the blue
field the symbol being three bound together in one-an indissoluble trinity. The large field is crimson. The
final blue bar relieves the sameness of the crimson field and prevents the flag from showing too much
creation when hanging limp. The white edgings contrast more strongly the other colors. This flag was
adopted as the official flag of the State of Tennessee by an act of the Legislature passed and approved
April 17, 1905. The design of the flag was described by that act, Chapter 498 of the Public Acts of
1905nother common problem with the Tennessee flag is the issue of "which way is up,"
Despite the generally good example of the state government, as often as not Tennesseans will fly
their flag upside down. The United States Postal Service helped to compound the problem in 1976, when
a series of postage stamps were issued featuring the flags of the states. The Tennessee flag stamp displayed the flag upside down. Despite protests by state officials, the Postal Service insisted that the
stamp was correct, and continued to print Tennessee's flag belly-up. The Tennessee flag law specifies:
The arrangement of the three (3) stars shall be such that the centers of no two stars shall be in a line
parallel to either the side or the end of the flag, but intermediate between the same; and the highest star
shall be the one nearest the upper confined corner of the flag. The law also specifies that the circular
blue field, not including the white margin, is to have a diameter equal to one-half the width of the flag.
Flag manufacturers often ignore that specification, and at times flags can be seen on which the blue disc
occupies almost all of the red field. The illustration below depicts the correct dimensions for the official
Tennessee State Flag.
"Work like you don't need the money, love
like you've never been hurt, and dance like
you do when nobody's watching."
Proud Sponsor of the Wakin’ the
Dragon Biker Rally
Present this ad for $1.00 off Hardees’ delicious Thickburger.
Page 17
#06NR07 - MRF Sound And Emissions Initiative
The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) is currently involved in a Sound and Emissions Initiative
to make certain all motorcyclists, small shops and
custom builders are represented in the development
of national and international sound and emission
actions. On February 3rd and 4th 2006, Dave
Dwyer, MRF Assistant in Government Relations,
and Kirk Willard, MRF Vice President attended the
V-Twin Expo in Cincinnati meeting with several
representatives from the aftermarket industry including MIC American V-Twin Committee members,
media and an advisor to Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA). Legislative issues relating
to current and proposed EPA regulations and proposed sound regulations were discussed. Teleconferences and additional meetings have and will
continue to be conducted in the future.
On February 7th, 2006, MRF Vice President of Government Relations, Jeff Hennie and MRF Vice President Kirk Willard met with EPA officials from the
Office of Air and Radiation in Washington D.C. to
discuss and clarify the MRF position and review
statements made by EPA representatives during a
Regulation 41 Informal group meeting on motorcycle
noise emissions in Milwaukee, WI conducted under
the United Nations Economic Commission for
Europe (UNECE). The MRF presented information
related to recent developments by both the motorcycle industry and rider groups concerning motorcycle
sound issues. Also in February 2006 the International Motorcycle Cooperation Group comprised of
MRF, Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations (FEMA), American Motorcyclists' Association
(AMA) and Federation Internationale de Motorcyclisme (FIM) met in Geneva, Switzerland to address
sound and emission issues currently being discussed
by the United Nations.
Furthermore, MRF Vice President Kirk Willard attended the fifth Regulation 41informal group meeting on motorcycle sound emissions, the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
(WP29) and the Working Party on Noise (GRB) .
During those meetings FEMA and the MRF discovered exhaust emissions limit values were being reintroduced for consideration within the World Motorcycle Test Cycle (WMTC) test platform. In addition,
there was lengthy informal discussion in Geneva
about efforts being made in Europe to begin work on
a stricter emissions and noise standards.
In light of this development, Bob Tomlins, FEMA
Assistant General Secretary, will be representing the International Motorcycle Cooperation
Group (MRF, FEMA, FIM and AMA) in Pune,
India April 20-21st, 2006. In conjunction with
international participation, MRF members and
SMROs are visiting Washington DC to lobby
members of Congress. Members of both the
House and the Senate are receiving updates
from their constituents on these key issues.
In addition, the MRF anticipates several meetings related to these issues during the International Motorcycle Safety Conference taking place
the last weekend of March in California. MRF
board members Jeff Hennie, Kirk Willard, and
Jay Jackson will be in attendance and while the
focus of the meetings is safety, we expect a dialog regarding emission and sound issues to take
place as well.
In an effort to tie all this information together to
benefit our nations' motorcyclists the MRF has
scheduled a meeting at the EPA's National Vehicle Fuel Emissions Laboratory in early April to
discuss both emission and sound issues.
"The overwhelming response the MRF has received from our EPA questionnaire and the
amount and level of discussions we are having
with these various stakeholders convinces me we
are on the right path. We will continue our efforts to represent and protect our interests with
what appears to be the eventual move toward
tighter noise and exhaust emission limit values
in a significantly emerging global environment,”
said Kirk Willard. "Our participation at home
and abroad will be instrumental in ensuring law
makers, regulators and manufacturers will consider our point of view and listen to our concerns."
Buffalo River
We had a blast at our St Paddy’s Thaw Run. 14
people participated. Congratulations to Kat on
Best Hand, and to Maureen for Worst Hand. Slim
won the auction for the bike. Thanks to Maureen, Tom and Dean for making that long trip
down here. Our next thing is the D/H Bike Show,
on April 15. Oops, almost forgot the Mule Day
Event at S&G, April 1. See ya there.
Page 18
15th D/H Bike Show noon @ VFW
15th WoT Legislative Run (rain
date 5-6-06)
22nd Soaring Eagle membership
Skull Bone Bike Rally
29th29th-30th Sumner Alcohol Free
29th Warren Legis. fundraiser
30th S/west Blessing of the Bikes @
4th S/west Riding meeting 10am @
the Elks Lodge Henderson
18th U/C Fun Run
24th S/W Poker Run
19th19th-21st Hawg Holler Bike Fest
27th D/H Run watch for details
27th27th-28th Vietnam Vets Event
@Parkers Crossroads exit 108 I-40
8th8th-10th Hawg Holler Bike Fest Fall
10th U/C Legis. Run
22nd22nd-24th Bent Fork Bike Fest
1st –2nd Warren Liberty Ride
Soaring Eagle Legislative Run
4th U/C watch for details
8th8th-9th Sumner Run
9th TN Valley Charity Run
noon @ Mac’s Pub
15th U/C Fun Run
15th15th-16th D/H Natchez Trace Run
1st Sumner County Bikers For Boobs
Run - Cancer awareness benefit
8th Warren County 3rd annul Run
for the Hills Swap Meet & Bike Show
29th–30th B/R Bluegrass Jam
TN Valley Fall Run
13th Nashville Scavenger Hunt
20th U/C Fun Run
B/R Halloween Party
April 2006
D/H Food Drive
28th D/H Toy Run 1PM @
25th25th-27th S/W Rodeo
D/H Poker Run
30th TN Valley Teddy Bear
Run noon @ Mac’s Pub
8TH Soaring Eagle
2nd2nd-3rd Wakin the Dragon Maryville
1st1st-3rd WoT Freedom Bash
12th–14th U/C weekend party
19th –21st Thunder on the River
W/C mtg @ 3
Vol mtg @ 6
2 U/C mtg@ 1pm
SWest mtg @ 2
B/G mtg @ 3
S/E mtg @7
Sm/W mtg@
N/E mtg @ 6
R/Co mtg@ 7
WoT mtg@ 7
Sumner Mtg @ 7
H/R mtg @ 7
D/H Bike Show
Sumner event
WoT Legislative Run
TN V mtg @ 2
D/H mtg @ 4
Nash mtg@ 7
Logan’s Elliston Av
Soaring Eagle
B/R Mtg @12
30 S/west Blessing of
the Bikes @ noon
Skull Bone
Bike Rally
thru the
Legis. fundrsr
Sumner Alcohol
Page 19
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CMT/ABATE, INC. Tennessee Motorcyclist Advertising Contract Fill out and return to :
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A publication of CMT/ABATE, INC.
P.O. BOX 160223 NASHVILLE,TN 3721637216-0223
A NonNon-profit Organization
If anyone has any suggestions for things that need to be changed,
things they would like to see, or any other comment in regards to
the newspaper feel free to call or email. Sarge 931-796-4312 editor@cmtabate.com shinerunner@bellsouth.net or USPS at address below... Any other correspondence needs to be directed to the
office at the address above.
437 Wildcat Hollow Rd Hohenwald, TN 38462
Check out our website!!
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