Tennessee Motorcyclist CMT/ABATE PG 3 Education not Legislation JAN TM.pmd JANUARY 2006 Volume 21, Issue 1 CONCERNED MOTORCYCLISTS OF TENNESSEE / AMERICAN BIKERS ACTIVE TOWARDS EDUCATION Happy New Year ! New Location, New Opportunity During our process of searching for the best site for our Southern Thunder Rally (STR) an offer was made to us by Jody Montgomery and the Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort to combine the two events. As you might know, the events were held on the same weekend last year. Wakin the Dragon had near seven times the number of attendees as did we. We worked through the initial financials and came to the conclusion that this would be quite advantageous for CMT/ABATE and Punkin Center. When the motion to merge the events was brought to our Board of Directors, an amendment was added to completely shelve the STR and to partner with Jody exclusively on the Wakin the Dragon rally. Jody is a staunch advocate of CMT/ABATE’s efforts and the battle we fight for Tennessee’s motorcyclists. As we are somewhat lacking for time before the 2006 event (June 2 and 3),all members are encouraged to aggressively sell banner/advertising space for the rally (please see the package for detail). We have a very aggressive timeline to make this happen as there is a “buy in” for us to be partners in this event. Because of where the Dragon is located and its’ appeal to motorcyclist from far and wide, we will be setting up a (large) ABATE tent where we will encourage ABATE organizations from NC, GA, SC, KY and beyond to have information and a presence. I am also working on a proposal to be forwarded to our neighboring state’s SMRO’s relative to the advertising sales. Mark your calendars and plan to attend a premium biker rally in perhaps the most desired motorcyclists’ destination location in the country. Feel free to contact me if there are any questions. The best email address is renegade_in_tn@... or (865) 805-2984, Ride safe, John “Renegade” Carter, Director Soaring Eagle Charter 1 Entrance to Punkin Center Wakin’ the Dragon Biker Rally Presented by PUNKIN CENTER MOTORCYCLE RESORT & CMT/ABATE Supporting Biker’s Rights and Liberties in the Great State of Tennessee We would like to invite you to sponsor the fastest growing motorcycle event in the United States. “The Dragon” an 11 mile stretch of road between TN and NC is gaining respect throughout the United States and Europe as one of the most popular motorcycle destinations in the world. Our rally is quickly becoming the ‘official opening’ of Riding the Dragon Season. inside this issue pg resumes reports 2 3 4-9 10-11 12 -13 activities / calendar 14-15 contact info chaplains corner/ reports 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM PG 2 CMT/ABATE Tennessee Motorcyclist CONTACT INFO Board Of Directors Including 1 Rep from Each Charter Corp. Director Mark ‘Yog’ Moore 423-570-0250 yog1958@yahoo.com Asst. Corp. Director Dean Lucas 931-761-8038 Corp. Secretary Rhonda Williams 931-815-2224 secretary@cmtabate.com Corp. Treasurer Malisa Turner 662-890-3573 malisaturner69@yahoo.com Activities Chair Ann Stout 615-382-7650 electroglide91@earthlink.net Legislative Chair John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.net Membership Chair Gary Acton 901-867-9846 membership@cmtabate.com Newspaper Chair Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312 editor@cmtabate.com Products Chair Bob Munsell 901-373-5314 rlmunsell@fedex.com Safety & Education Cindy Davidson 615-325-5041 Charter Battle Ground Mark Carter 615-848-2974 Buffalo River Dickson Humphreys Harpeth River Contact Non VotingRepresentatives Sgt. at Arms Mark Miller 931-582-4092 wolfmotorcycles@aol.com Pub. Rel. Mike Hays 615-495-0070 PR@cmtabate.com NCOM Rep Steven Lundwall 615-4916768 steve@slundwall.com MRF Rep John Pierce 901-409-7170 mrf@cmtabate.com Chaplain Pastor Ron Baptiste chaplain@cmtabate.com Webmaster Bob Celmer webmaster@cmtabate.com Meeting Time And Location 1st Sunday@ 3 Mark’s home call for directions Jeanna Bradley 931-796-4312 Shinerunner@bellsouth.net last Sat @ noon E & E Bar Waynesboro Mark Miller 931-582-4092 Tony Davis 615-952-3311 wolfmotorcycles@aol.com www.abateofmiddletenn.org 3rd Sun.@ 4 Picadilly Club Hwy 70 2nd Tues@7 Country Café Hwy 100 Fairview Nashville Mike Hays 615-870-0502 or 615-495-0070 miketwang@comcast.net 3rd Tues@ 7 Coach’s Sports Grill Goodlettsville Northeast Tom Kyner 423-272-4834 tlkyner@charter.net 4th Mon@ 6 call for location Robertson County Marlin Rood 615-390-6754 milo62@earthlink.net 1st Tues@7 call for location Smith Wilson Wray Schott 615-449-5588 call for location Soaring Eagle John Carter 865-925-3815 1st Sun@ 7 China Garden Clinton Hwy Southwest Steve Ward 731-989-7168 Sumner Tennessee Valley Upper Cumberland Volunteer Warren County Wheels of Thunder JAN TM.pmd 1st Sun@ 2 Elks Club Henderson Harley Davidson 615-325-5041 c_davidson@bellsouth.net www.sumnerabate.com 3rd Thurs@ 7 Sputniks Mark Moore 423-570-0250 Yog1958@yahoo.com 3rd Sun@2 Brenda’s Lounge Hwy 11 Ootlewah Tom Measles 931-260-1523 1st Sun @ noon call for location Danny Sullivan 731-235-3407 Lindasully5@earthlink.com 1st sat@ 6 White City Sharon Randy Williams 931-815-2224 Rnrwilliams@blomand.net 2nd Tues @ 6:30 Charlie’s BBQ 1124 Sparta St John Pierce 901-409-7170 fogman@bellsouth.netwww.cmtabate-wheelsofthunder.com 1st Thurs @ 7 Pig-N-Whistle 7144 Winchester Rd. Memphis 2 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM Tennessee Motorcyclist CMT/ABATE PG 3 CHAPLAIN’S CORNER: WORDS Deadline for submissions will be the 15th of the month for the next month’s publication. Articles submitted after this date will be held for the next month, with the exception of time sensitive material. We welcome your opinions, comments, complaints, and suggestions. Articles and photos pertaining to motorcycling, motorcycle legislation, motorcycling safety, and motorcycle events are welcome. Photos must include whom or what is in the photo, and when and where it was taken. All articles must be legible. All submissions must include the authors name, address, and phone number. This is for verification purposes only, and will not be published without the express permission of the author. Articles may be edited for content, clarity, grammer and spelling. Formatting changes may occur as a result of electronic conversion. MS Office Pro2003 and Adobe Pagemaker 7 are used for this publication. Please list originating program for all electronic submissions. Our entire world is framed by the words that we hear, wither they be positive or negative, they determine our outcome in life. There is a battle going on for the Words that come out of your mouth, that battle is between good and evil, God and Satan. The weapons being used are movies, TV, radio, and even the internet. These weapons produce the Words that you hear and they enter into your thought life. These Words frame your thinking/ your thinking produces your actions/ your actions produce your habits/ your habits produce your character/ your character produces your decisions/ your decisions produce your DESTINY! It all goes back to the Words that frame your world. Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue:” I had to ask myself, how is it that the tongue is so powerful? Gen.1: the phrase; “And God said” appears nine times, then in verse 31; we read, “And God saw everything He had made, and it was very good.” So God didn’t roll up His big sleeves and go to work, He spoke it into existence! But I found my answer in verse 26; “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Not only were we made to COVENANT look like God, we were made to be a speaking spirit just like God. Most of the problems in our life come from our own mouth, “if there a cold going around, I’ll catch it, I catch one every year,” and you do! “Well I just hate Monday’s, it’s the worst day of the week,” and it is! Mat.26:69 Peter denied Jesus three times with his mouth; he put a spiritual law into motion. Then after the crucifixion, and after the resurrection, Jesus had to undo what Peter put into action with his mouth. John 21:15-17 we read that Jesus asked Peter three times, “Peter, do you love me.” Peter then confessed with his mouth three times, “Yes Lord, you know that I love you!” Jesus was not hard of hearing, nor did He have a lapse of memory. Jesus knew He had to undo the spiritual law that Peter put into motion when he denied Him three times, because Peter was a speaking spirit. (Gen.1:26). This is why when we ask, beg or plead for God’s help, nothing happens. God is only moved by His Word, not by our emotions. To speak His Word, is to know His Word! To be found faithful, Pastor Ron CONFI RMER S MI NI SRI ES,I NC Founder / Pastor Ron Baptiste The Biker Church Outreach Center Sunday Worship 10:30 am Wednesday 7:00pm 615 -384-9010 www.covenantconfirmers.org 300 10th Ave. E Springfield, TN 37172 The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of CMT/ABATE or the Tennessee Motorcyclist. CMT/ABATE,INC. and the Tennessee Motorcyclist reserve the right to refuse or edit any article, photo, letter, or advertisement they decide is not in the best interest of the organization and it’s members. Readers Be Advised. Although CMT/ABATE supports it’s advertisers, it does not guarantee the service of those advertisers. Please use the same discretion you would with any business. If in doubt, contact the Better Business Bureau. JAN TM.pmd 3 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM PG 2 CMT/ABATE Tennessee Motorcyclist Dickson / Humphreys Yog's Notes It?s the New Year January 2006! Out with the old and in with the new, time to start those new resolutions and move forward. For CMT/ABATE there is much to look forward to and much to do in 2006. February: Legislative Day is set for February 7th. I urge everyone who can attend to please do so. Legislators who get to meet and greet those who live in their district makes a world of difference and helps John out in his lobbying efforts. Our legislative agenda includes continuing the 'Freedom of Choice' bill, and strengthening the 'Right of Way' laws.There will be new legislation introduced such as the bill that will allow motorcyclist the use of the emergency lane when traffic is back up on the interstate. March: In March we will elect new corporate director, corporate sectary, and state membership director and we will be deciding on proposed by-law changes. June: Then there is 'Waking the Dragon' event in Maryville.This event holds great promise for the organization in monetary terms and giving us exposure to motorcyclist all over the state of Tennessee to show who we are and what we’re about. In addition to all of the above the Home office is moving to the Inglewood area just north of Nashville, please note the new address. Ride Safe ,Yog Helmets are good for something! JAN TM.pmd 4 After sending out postcards to all of our members about attending the meeting at Thunder Alley on Sat rather than Sun., about a third of our membership showed up along with 3 guests from Buffalo River; and a handful of guests. Mark led the pledge and then read an editorial that challenged our supporters, State Rep. Susan Lynn and Sen. Mae Beavers about the helmet issue. It stated how our insurance rates will skyrocket if the helmet is abolished and all of the typical anti helmet talk that the anti biker people like to write about. We applaud our Sen. Beavers for standing her ground stating that she believed in the right of freedom of choice and she did not think it would add any increased costs to Tennesseans. A rebuttal editorial is in the works. Bob talked about the Helmet, ROW and turn signal bills that we will be working on next year. He also urged everyone to make a showing on Feb. 7th on the Hill for our Legislative Day. Friday, Jan 20th we will have our own D/H Legislative/ Membership Drive. Fred is organizing the Blue Balls/ Frozen Nipples Run on New years Day. We also will be meeting at Thunder Alley on Jan 7th at 3pm for a meeting to organize some of the many things that our charter has coming up next year and get er done. A free private room was offered by Doug Pendergrass for our meetings at Thunder Alley and we voted to move our regular meetings there. We are still considering a new day and time to meet and that will be decided at our next get together. Postcards will be sent to the membership with all of the changes. We will be combining forces with Buffalo River this summer to have a Piney River Party that will include bands, rodeo, rafting and an all around good time. Everyone is invited. We also talked about the upcoming Tail of the Dragon in June and some of the responsibilities we will have in order to make it a success. We will have more to come on that later. A phone tree is in the works so that all of our members will be up to date on news and events. Thank you Lenny and Linda for stepping up to the Activities Chair and for all of your other contributions. Poky and Thumper are on to hard times and a $50 gift card is coming their way. At the end of the meeting a card was presented to Bob with donations from everyone in it to help his family cope with the sudden illness of his wife Terri. Afterward we enjoyed our Christmas Party and 24 people had fun during the dirty gift exchange. Many free gifts were raffled off, a mini bar run by our Treasurer Sara, the delicious food everyone brought and the great company made for a joyous time for everyone. Bylaws Report At the December 11 Board of Directors meeting, the bylaws committee submitted suggested changes to the bylaws. Copies of the suggested changes were given to every Charter Director present with instruction to take back to the charters. We need every member to review the changes and vote on them at your charter meetings. These bylaw changes are also available on cmtabate.com, just click on the link to bylaw changes. In the event you are unable to get on the website or obtain a copy from your charter director or for questions or comments, please contact myself (Cindy Davidson) or Mike Hays at the contact information below. There have been changes made to the Charter bylaws and some State Position. The bylaws committee has not been able to review all the bylaws yet; these are just some suggestion we have. We will be submitting more changes later. Thank you for making your voice heard silence never makes changes. Ride Safe Bylaws Committee Chairmen. Cindy Davidson Mike Hays 615 325 5041 Home 615 495 0070 Cell c_davidson@bellsouth.net miketwang@comcast.net 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM Tennessee Motorcyclist CMT/ABATE PG 3 Robertson County Harpeth River The Harpeth River Charter of CMT/ ABATE has taken the last couple of months off. We will start meeting again in January to discuss the future of the charter and the direction we see the state organization going. As a group we are concerned about many things including leadership and inattention to the by-laws. All members past and present will be notified by mail of the meeting time and date. Steven Lundwall Sec/Tres . Harpeth River Charter Nashville The Nashville Charter met December 20 with a good turnout for 5 days before the jolly old fat man comes around. Plans are now coming together for the 2nd annual CMT/ABATE Swap Meet & Bike Show, February 26th at the Music Valley Events Center in Nashville. Sumner, Robertson and Nashville are teaming up to host the event. The Music Valley Events Center features 8,000 square feet of space so expect lots of vendors as motorcyclists get ready to break ‘em out for the spring. Mark this one on your calendar, it’s going to be a BIG EVENT! Anyone interested in a booth should contact Suzanne at the state office or Twanger at 615 4950070. There will be both indoor and outdoor spots as well as a bike corral for those who would like to sell a bike. Look for complete details in the February newsletter. December 6th meeting was called to order by Jimmy Goodwin and he led us in pledge. Pastor Ron Baptiste opened up in prayer. There were 40 in attendance. Charter Director: Marlin welcomed everyone and called for officer’s reports. Chaplain’s Report: Pastor Ron wished everyone a happy holiday. Invited everyone to New Year’s Eve party at the church. Thanked everyone for a good year. Treasurer’s Report: Kevin reported $886.95 balance in general acct. We took in 1465.25 at our Swap Meet: paid 265.00 to the fair board, 400.00 to CMT (40%) $200.00 the Thunder Roads for our ad. We have $183.82 in our Down Biker’s Fund. $31.00 in “Lauren” Fund (Rick’s Granddaughter) Jimmy Goodwin made motion that the money in the Lauren fund be transferred to the Down Bikers Fund. Second by Tojo. Vote was unanimous. Kevin announced that there were several memberships up for renewal. Reminded everyone that they could not vote in tonight’s officer election or hold an office unless their membership was current. Safety and Ed: Ann reported that approval from the Robertson County School Board will allow us to contact principals to go into the local schools and present our Safety and Ed program. Ann asked for help in contacting the schools so that we can present in each Classified Ads Wanted: CB750's Dead or Alive..... call HondamaticDaddy 931-2156660 For Sale: 1999 Honda Rebel 250- Black, 4672 miles Perfect road bike for teaching a newbie, $1600 will deliver within 100 miles 2001 750 Vulcan, Chrome accessories: highway bars, crash guard, extended sissy bar,homemade hitch, straight pipes and loading ramp. Call Andre Seilheimer 423-715-1524 Place your ad today, it is only $3 and reaches more than1200 motorcyclists a month. Call the office or send it in today. Tennessee Motorcyclist 437 Wildcat Hollow Rd Hohenwald TN 38462 931-796-4312 or email JAN TM.pmd editor@cmtabate.com 5 school before the end of the year. Activities Report: Pam reported that our November Swap Meet at the Robertson County Fairgrounds was a great success. We had 23 booths. Thanks to everyone for their help. Pam announced that she will not run again for Activities Director for 2006 and thanked everyone for a good year. Thanks Pam, for all of your hard work! Director’s Report: Marlin announced that several issues will be discussed at the BOD meeting on Dec. 11th. There will be discussion and a vote taken on the definition of ABATE. There will also be discussion between our charter, Sumner County and Nashville regarding combining some of our events. New Business: Marlin asked if everyone wanted to set age limit for STR. Motion was made to set age limit at 18 and older, second, unanimous. Still have not nailed down location for STR, will learn more at this weeks BOD and will give you an update at January meeting. Elections for officers were as follows: Director - Marlin Asst Director - Tojo Charter Rep - to be determined - Marlin asked for volunteers to step up. Secretary/Products - Kathy Activities - Elaine Safety and Ed - Ann (Ann would like for someone to consider taking over this position) Treasurer - Kevin Chaplain-PastorRon Sgt of Arms - Roland All nominations made, seconded and votes unanimous! Let’s make this our best year ever! David England made a donation to the Down Biker’s Fund - Thanks, David! Meeting adjourned. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Kathy ‘’We don’t wear leather to look mean; we wear it for the purpose it serves. A helmet doesn’t work, but leather does.’’Sputnik 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM PG 2 CMT/ABATE Tennessee Motorcyclist Safety and Education I have just received the position of Safety and Education for CMT/ABATE. I will do the best that I can. Bob Edwards shoes are big ones to fill. Especially for those that have not met me yet, I am a tad smaller then Bob so I may need some help. I would like to spend my time working on Safety and Education in the school system, drivers education classes, etc. I have already started working on some things in this area, we also need to come up with ways to spend money from the State of Tennessee, and look into grants or making CMT/ABATE have a PAC group that may be able to receive grants for Safety and Education. I would like to take the Safety and Ed position to new levels to be able to serve CMT/ ABATE and it’s growth. I feel the only way to achieve this is through subcommittee. This is a way to get the most with what we have. Don’t worry Subcommittees don’t have to be boring. We can achieve what we set out to do and still enjoy new friendship along the way. CMT/ABATE is changing not only on the state level, but in the charters too. It is time we stop complaining about what we think needs to be down and get out and get them done. The only requirement you need is to have a passion for the public to be more aware of us and a good sense of humor. Don’t think you have to be from Middle TN to do this, riding season is fast approaching and we can all use a nice ride, plus the telephone service was invented awhile back, we can give it a try to. If you want to be part of a team that gets things done, and have fun doing it contact me at 615 325 5041, or at c_davidson@bellsouth.net Thanks & Ride Safe Cindy Davidson Safety and Education Guns Don’t Kill People People With Cell Phones Do! Sumner County December 15, Cold night, 10 days before Christmas, busy time of year. But we still manage to scrap together 12 people for a meeting. Congratulations to Mark and Debbie Davis for the impending birth of their grandchildren (TWINS!!!) Harley was our flagpole. We were joined by a family of 5 that were eating dinner. No really, we invaded them but they were dully impressed seeing a bunch of bikers saying the pledge of allegiance. Harley did a pretty good job watching how he expressed himself during the time young kids were there, but was quite relieved when they finished and left. The main topics were Activities, Wakin the dragon state rally, bylaws and John Pierce. Tammy Wilson did pretty good informing us about stuff we are going to do. April 8, we are having a mystery ride. We will be informed of how long ½ day ride all the way up to a 2 day thing. Who ever proposes where we go gets to lead this rowdy bunch. April 29 and 30, here is the big one, so different for bikers; The Tennessee Dry Run. An event to promote Responsible Drinking, We have asked Soaring Eagle and Wheels of Thunder to join us on this one. More details on that later. June 17, the charter is going to the Junebug Boogie together, just for fun. July 8, Summer Fun Ride, consists of a run with a Hog Roast and rodeo after. August 4 is Street Rod National Run to Louisville Ky. Tommy Wilson got put on the spot for this one, His idea he gets to lead. October 1, Bikers for Boobs, raise money for Breast Cancer. The biggest decision was doing plenty of riding on free weekends. We are forming a buddy list for riding, cook outs, etc. We are going together with Davidson and Robertson on A Swap Meet this spring, still ironing out details on that one. Jeff Hollins then challenge the group to come up with t-shirts by the next meeting, we need them and if we don’t come up with something stunning we are going with the old ones. So everyone is suppose to go thru there closets and pick out their favorites, bring it to a meeting, and we will take the best of each one and come up with a shirt. Different idea, we can’t wait to see what ideas come of this. Everyone was given bylaws and we decided to go over a little every meeting. It was voted on to give John Pierce $100.00 to help with expenses for the Legislative session. Mark then wanted to know if we could get John to come and talk with our charter a couple times to update us during session. Mainly because as every one agreed he is a very interesting guy to speak with and they want to get to know him better. Tammy suggested when he comes we can take up a collection to help him more. Jeff agreed as he put it to paying him like a preacher. We all agreed to have our next meeting at Sputniks on January 19, 2006. Meeting was adjourned and everyone just BS for the next ½ hour to hour after the meeting. Ride Safe Everyone and Have a great 2006 As for Sumner County we are spending it riding. Mobile 944-9806 615 746-4835 C L A R EN CE D H A WKI N S A Ace Window Cleaning And maintenance company Commercial, high rise, residential P.O. Box 276 Joelton, TN 37080 JAN TM.pmd 6 Insured 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM Tennessee Motorcyclist CMT/ABATE PG 3 Soaring Eagle As this charter meeting was to be followed by our Christmas party and chili cook off, we moved the meeting date, time and venue to Saturday, December 3rd at 6:00 pm at John and Maria Carter’s home.The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm sharp with the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 14 members and 2 guests present. The minutes from our last meeting were accepted unanimously as posted. The treasurer’s report was read and accepted.Old business centered mainly on the upcoming BOD meeting and the necessary charter votes which would need to be brought there. We also discussed the vote which was to be taken relative to the STR and the Wakin the Dragon Biker Rally. Discussion then moved to the requirements of this rally from this charter if it did indeed move to southeast Tennessee.John also reminded the members that we are still in search for a charter PR officer. We have a new charter member with PR experience who has noted that she would be interested. We will work on that one in the coming weeks.We also briefly discussed the need for an activities calendar to be solidified.New business was very short as members were in the party mood and getting hungry. John announced that he wanted the charter to know before anyone else that he was submitting his resume for the open State Director position which is to be voted on in March. Brief discussion followed as to the implications. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote and the party began. B.A.D.D. Bikers Against Dumb Drivers JAN TM.pmd 7 H angov ers, Ins tall ed and Servi ced at Brenda’s Lounge I-75 exit 11(Ooltewah) North 3 miles on right LIVE BANDS on Weekends *Best Burgers in Town *Large Screen TV CMT/ABATE TN Valley *Pool Tables Charter Meetings are 3rd Sundays at 2 pm all 10432 S. Lee Hwy Ooltewah, TN 37363 motorcyclis ts welc ome 423-238-6 176 Noon til 3am 7 Days a week Advertising Suggestions It’s not my original idea but someone, maybe Sarge, suggested to me at the Board meeting. Maybe Mark Miller too. Our local newspaper puts up headlines and teases with the first paragraph. Then you have to be a subscriber to get the full story. I strongly believe this is the route we should consider for our newspaper on the website. Members can put in their membership ID number. I also believe that people could subscribe at a lesser dollar to obtain access to the paper on line. If nothing else, it will help increase the hit number ratio on our website. Also could improve the advertising dollar if the advertiser knows the add will be in the online paper as well. But won’t hurt our advertising potential for them to spend $25 set up and $25 per pane of advertising (to allow flashing opportunity) on our main page or events page. Just food for thought. I also believe the Sarge should get a portion of the set up fee as a commission for turning a paper ad into a webpage profit as well. I believe it is at the discretion of the Webmaster and Corp Director to make this happen so maybe some more money could start rolling in to both the State's and Jeanna's coffers. Ya’ll chew on this and get back with me for any questions is you wish... http://www.southernstandard.net Rhonda 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM PG 2 CMT/ABATE Tennessee Motorcyclist Warren County We opened with our Pledge of Allegiance. There were 10 members present and 1 guest, Edd Walker, who joined at the close of the meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Nominations for Charter Officers were accepted. We will be holding elections at the January meeting with “Write In” space available for every position. TREASURERS: We currently have a treasury of $448.11. Randy presented ½ of our Charter Treasury at the Board of Directors meeting to help the state offset the budget crunch. Linda Kieley was unable to attend our meeting due to college finals. She asked that it be expressed that her next semester schedule will not allow her to attend Tuesday evening charter meetings. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion was held about the meeting date conflicts with Randy’s schedule as well. The charter decided to move the meetings to the first Saturday of the month at 3pm at Charley’s Bar-B-Q until further notice to better accommodate these officer needs. Mike encouraged each one of us to invite friends (non members) to New Years party at his house. Last year we got 2 new members from our Christmas party. PRODUCTS: Charley advised us that due to new commitments he must resign as our Products Chair. He’d like to see someone with the time to take it over. It was mentioned that David Netherley might enjoy the position and he was nominated. His name will be on the January elections under Products. We all would like to thank Charley for all his time and effort these past 2 years in seeing we are the best dressed Charter in all of CMT-ABATE. SECRETARY/ LEGISLATIVE REPORT: We were advised to save February 7 th as our designate “sick” day or vacation day. Rhonda shared what an awesome experience it was this year and promised that it is bound to be just as exciting again in 2006. She believes that it was because of a five member meeting with our Senator that he turned from long time opponent to vote three times in committee and twice on the floor in favor of our helmet freedom of choices. The Legislative Session will be shorter this JAN TM.pmd 8 year and likely end sometime in April. Our Legislators will be very interested in serving constituents for their future November election. Helmet bill is alive and well. It only needs to pass through one final committee to get to the House Floor for a full vote. We are very excited about this coming session and need all available leather clad bodies at the Legislative Rally day in February. Rhonda also shared with the charter some of the other potential legislative actions that the Chairman and Team are considering for this coming session. ACTIVITIES: We discussed the New Years Party at Mike Moffit’s home. It is a BYOB. If you plan to attend please contact Mike at home for a covered dish idea to bring over. CMA will be hosting their 1st Annual Gary Rains Memorial Polar Bear Run on January 1st . They will gather at 9:00 am Ryan’s Steakhouse for breakfast, a service and Blessing of the Bikes. They will leave by 11am and head to the Million Dollar Bridge outside of Woodbury where other riders gather from all around. It should be a great ride and what a way to bring in the New Year, if you’re not skeered. Hope to see lots of you there! DIRECTORS REPORT: Rhonda read the Director’s statement since Randy was out of town on business. He wanted to make sure we knew that 2005 was a banner year for the state as well as our local charter. Repealing the Ape Hanger Law as well as our multiple other legislative victories. Because of these, CMT/ ABATE was awarded by MRF the State Legislative Award for our successful year at the capital. As a charter, we made the front page on the Southern Standard for our two Motorcycle Safety and Awareness billboards in Warren County. The Board of Directors meeting was wrapped up for the Charter. The Board voted to move the State office to a donated building centrally located in Nashville. We voted to hire a new Office manager at a salary of $600 a month. We also voted to appoint a new Newspaper Editor at a salary of $250 a month. The newspaper will be coming in a new and updated format. It will also be available by email instead only by snail mail. If you are interested, let the office know to sign you up for it. The By-law Committee provided the Charter Director with a large list of proposed changes. These can be viewed online through our website or you can get with Randy or Rhonda for a hard copy. Thanks to our charter contribution and the contribution of several others, our state treasury is now at $14,500. We are a great organization, especially this charter! With all this business taken care of and the appointment of at least one member for every officer chairman position for election next month in 45 minutes, we adjourned. Randy, Rhonda and the Warren County Charter would like to wish that everyone enjoyed a very thankful Christmas Holiday and a prosperous New Year!!! Rhonda Got Liberty? www.solriders.com Show your support for liberty by joining the most extreme activists in the country onlineand take an active part in your future! Join our email list at www.solriders.com/lists/index.html Check out our line of patches, stickers,and our DOT approved hatat www.solriders.com/products (We also have Tommy Middle Finger wear) For more info 724-537-2438 or-480-456-1024 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM Tennessee Motorcyclist CMT/ABATE PG 3 Wheels of Thunder Director John Pierce called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by a moment of silence for our fallen brothers and sisters. Treasurer’s Report – Jim reported we have $3,800.83 in our account. Minutes –A motion was made to dismiss the reading of last month’s minutes and to accept them as published in the newspaper and posted on the web site. The motion was seconded and approved. Minutes can be found on our web site, www.cmtabatewheelsofthunder.com, under the meeting date. (AKA Motion 1) Director’s Statement – John told us of a rally in east Tennessee called “Waking the Dragon” around Deal’s Gap. We may be teaming up with the promoter of that event for our annual state fundraising event. Membership – We had 42 people present at tonight’s meeting. Fourteen (14) new members joined tonight. They are: Kelvin Clark, Keith Rogers, Clarence Richards III, Kim Duckett, Oliver McKay, Roderick Cheeks, Wayne Jones, Brian Sanders, Fred Peete, Sr., Frederick Thornton (all from the Wolf Pak), Billy and Christy Sandy, Sherry Mars, and Robert Ferguson. Welcome to you all! We also received three renewals tonight. Activities- The Toy Run to LeBonheur Children’s Hospital will be December 3. A flier is posted on the website as well as a wish list from the hospital. Kickstands up at 10:00 at Kawasaki of Memphis on Hwy 70. Coffee by CMA. The challenge has been made to see which group can bring in the most toys. The MSVRA has won the last two years. We will “party” afterwards at High Point downtown. A drop off box will be at The Crossing (formally Holiday’s).Our annual Christmas party will be December 4 at The Crossing (Holiday’s) beginning at 3:00 pm. The club will provide the ham. Everything else is pot luck. Beer will be available for purchase from the bar. Please do not bring your own. Publicity- Karen has contacted the media about the toy run this Saturday. Political-The helmet bill is about ¾ of the way through Committee. Legislative Day is February 7th. Anyone wishing to go should contact John. It will include a meeting with your legislator and a visit to the House of Representatives where our Safety and Awareness Proclamation will be voted on. Products-Bob has a full store set up tonight and everything is on sale! Webmaster Check out the website. New “buttons” have been added for the albums. New Business –It was brought up that our membership in MRF has expired. A motion was made to renew this membership for $100. The members approved. A vote was taken on what ABATE stands for. Our members approved: A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments. Announcements- Club NewsSCMC – thanks to everyone who supported the Southern Cross at the Veterans Thunder Rally at Sam’s Town. Boozefighters will have a group ride on Sunday.A motion was made to adjourn. It was seconded and approved by the membership. We’re outta here! Secretary’s Note: The Toy Run for LeBonheur Children’s Hospital was a huge success. While the amount of bikes was down from last year, the amount of toys almost tripled! A total of 10,716 toys were collected on December 3 and delivered in two UHaul trucks. Congratulations to the Wolf Pack who brought one of the trucks with 5,000 toys inside. They won the toy challenge this year hands down. At the December BoD meeting, John Pierce of WofT presented a $1800 check from his charter to be specifically designated into a Legislative Account. >>>>>>>> <<<<< Randy Williams of Warren Co Charter presented a $448.12 check which represents 1/2 of their treasurery in response to a challenge made by Dean Lucas at the last BoD meeting. JAN TM.pmd 9 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM PG 2 CMT/ABATE Tennessee Motorcyclist Resumes – CMT/ABATE State Director______ Resumes are being accepted for state level posistions of Director, Secretary, and Membership Director. Please submit a letter of interest to the newspaper. The next deadline is January 15. The vote will be taken at the March B.O.D. meeting. Brothers and sisters, please allow the following to serve as my resume for the State Director’s position to be elected at our March BOD meeting. For those who don’t know me, here is a bit of personal information. Myself and several generations before me are native Tennesseans. I was born in Nashville in 1953, the son of a Baptist preacher. I am a Vietnam Veteran having served my country from 1972-1976 in the U.S. Air Force and was honorably discharged. I have lived and worked all over the world and moved back ‘home’ to Tennessee in 1999. I have two children, one grandchild and a wonderful wife named Maria (who we affectionately call “ShortRound”). My civilian career began as a Computer Engineer providing technical support to Regional, National and then International geographical territories. I later moved into Technical Marketing, Product Marketing and Program Management. Each of these functions focused on product and process improvement. I have been certified on several business and process improvement methodologies and have used them extensively. I have been responsible for many startup organizations and small companies including several with which I have had personal financial interests. Eventually, I burned out on the computer industry and got out of it shortly after moving back to Tennessee. I am currently self-employed and sub-contract within the Recreational Vehicle industry. I have been a ‘freedom fighter’ for many years in several different arenas. I am a staunch believer that if we do not fight to regain and preserve the Liberties guaranteed us in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights, we will lose them altogether. The most enjoyable and rewarding of these experiences has been and continues to be motorcycle rights. I am passionate about our works’ importance, not only to the end of preserving our lifestyle but, more importantly, the life and limb of our fellow bikers. I see our organization with two prime components: Number 1 is the business which allows us to pursue Number 2, our legislative campaigns. I am a strong proponent that the business of our state organization must be managed appropriately and that our members hold the Executive Board of Directors as responsible. The only reason we are here is to influence legislation and the only way we can continue to do that effectively is to have a strong business presence. I would like the opportunity to serve this organization by utilizing my training, skills and passion to bring the business of this organization up to par and beyond. Will it be challenging, you bet! Will I make mistakes, yes sir! Will I rock some folks boat, yes ma’am. But, I will give it 100%. Thank you for your time and consideration, John “Renegade” Carter Director, Soaring Eagle Charter JAN TM.pmd 10 I wish to put my name in for consideration for the position of Corporate Director. I have been a member of Abate of Florida and CMT/Abate of Tennessee for the Past 12 years. I started out as legislative rep, served as Vice President, and President of several chapters in Florida. I also served on the state board for a year as the Products person. I served for seven years as our chapter rep to the state meetings in Florida. Since moving to Tennessee I attended meetings as the charter rep and was charter Director until my severe accident in August of 2003. I am a life member of Abate of Florida and CMT/Abate of Tennessee. I owned and ran a stationery store in Long Island New York and a lawn service in Palm Beach Co. Fla, until I went back to College at age 31. I hold a B.A. degree in Psychology and an ME.d in Counseling from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton Florida. I worked with Injured workers under a contract with Vocational Rehabilitation, Juvenile felons on probation, State and Federal inmates at a halfway house and until I went on Disability I taught special Ed in the Palm Beach Co. school system. I am retired on disability so I can devote full time to CMT/ Abate I was on the front lines of Florida’s fight to successfully change the helmet law. I watched Abate of Florida go from broke and disorganized to a powerfull organization. I believe there is no reason why we cannot grow into a powerfull organization. I know from my severe accident that even though I was told what I could not do, with hard work and determination you can overcome all obstacles. First we need leadership from the top to take the members imput and ideas and shape them into the goals of CMT/ Abate. We need to work together from the members to the board, no one can do the job without the help and cooperation of others. We need to be on a sound financial basis. We need to be politically active so we are listened to by our friends and enemies. We need to introduce legislation we want and defeat legislation we oppose. We need to speak with one voice. We can debate among ourselves but when we speak to the public we need to be united. Last but not least we need to accept anyone that shares our interests and goals whether they ride a motorcycle or not. Many people in history have traded freedom for safety, what they always wind up with in the end is slavery. Brooklyn Tom QUOTABLE QUOTES: “Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.” Sir Ernest Benn (1875-1954), publisher and public speaker. 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM Tennessee Motorcyclist CMT/ABATE PG 3 Resume for Corporate Secretary Kim Peterson Letter To Members 98 Edgehill Lane Hendersonville, Tn. 37075 Phone:(615)826-1736 Mobile(615)604-8896 E-mail: JKIP53@ aol.com Kim Peterson Objective :To obtain a challenging and responsible position within a reputable company that will afford me the opportunity to utilize my knowledge and past experience while affording me the opportunity for continued growth and development. Work experience Realty Title Mt. Juliet, TN 04/05-Present Processor / Closer Order entry, title clearing, tax verification Processing, balancing and collecting / issuing funds on all accounts, customer refunds on all overages, bank deposits, wire transfers Closing loans as needed Answering multi line phone system Roof Maintenance, Inc. Nashville, TN 07/04-04/05 Office Manager Answering multi line phone system A/R, A/P, Payroll Various reports / projects as assigned Bank Deposits, Bank Reconciliation Invoice reconciliation Gruenberg Home Builders, Inc. Lebanon, TN 06/04- Present Bookkeeper (Part Time / 1-2 evening weekly, Business owned by Personal Friend) A/R, A/P Various reports / projects as assigned Bank Reconciliation Invoice reconciliation Transcontinental Title Nashville, TN 02/03 – 06/04 Assistant Branch Manager / Funder Over seeing general operations of office in branch managers absence Processing, balancing and collecting / issuing funds on all accounts, customer refunds on all overages, bank deposits, wire transfers Order entry, title clearing, tax verification Answering of multi-line phone system Closing loans as needed Notary Commission State of Tennessee, Expires 01/15/08 Crossmark Nashville, TN 04/98 – 02/03 Administrative Assistant Responsible for setting up promotions with local retailers on behalf of whole sellers Balance all promotional allowances with invoices Place orders for individual retailers to wholesalers, handling as many as twenty accounts at any given time. Education / Computer Experience 2000 New Horizons Computer Learning Center Nashville, TN. Earned certifications in the following software: Scanning, Windows 98, Windows ME, FrontPage 2000, Excel 2000, Word 2000, PowerPoint 2000, HTML 4 1968 - 1972 Cromwell High School Cromwell, Ct College Prep Courses Microsoft Office : Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access Windows 95,96,97,98, ME, 2000, XP Gators, QuickBooks, QuickBooks Contractors Edition, QuickBooks Pro, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Soft Pro References JAN TM.pmd Attention Abate Members:Abate is turning a corner, you now have to make a decision to turn the corner with us or not. This New Year gives us a fresh start to let go of all the negativities we members have been holding on to. We had a great Legislative Year in 2005 and our gearing up for another good one despite the obstacles ahead. But now is the time for all our members to get back on the horse and make this organization what we want it to be. We have a great opportunity handed to us by Jodie Montgomery. The reason he is offering this to Abate is because he believes in our cause and wants to see us achieve our goals of No Helmet, Stiffer ROW bill, Public Motorcycle Messages and Awareness in the School System. For those of you that don’t know Jodie is an ex- Marine/old biker. The profit Abate stands to make is more than we could ever think of making before, and all we have to do is sell sponsorships, work security, bike games, bike show and help at the gate. We are being given the opportunity to become a strong successful organization such as some of our fellow states. For those of you thinking; we have heard this before; the financial end will be handled by our State Treasurer and Jodie’s CPA. No Receipt no Money, Everything will be down to the penny and Abate will have access to view all documents at any time. So for those of you that really want to see this organization turn the corner and get our message out there, we ask you let go of the past and let’s build Abate to its true potential. So get involved in your charter again and Wakin the Dragon/CMT ABATE Rally. You will want to be along for this ride and be one of the ones that help build CMT/ ABATE of TN. Get excited, new things are happening and changes are coming. Thank you, A Fellow Member Available upon request 11 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM PG 2 CMT/ABATE Tennessee Motorcyclist GETTING GOOD PR Getting good PR is a must sometimes and a good thing all the time. Each charter ideally has a PR committee chair who coordinates with local and regional media regarding runs, events or any other activity. Local media care most about local people. So, telling your hometown newspaper, radio or T.V. station the RT story is the most effective way to garner good PR. If you don’t know your media, they don’t know you. At the state level, Public Relations involves working with the legislative director and state officers to insure that the organization’s messages are given the opportunity for publicity when so desired. When the “vented” helmet laws became legal, The PR Committee took it to the press. There was good coverage in both Nashville and Memphis. Charters should consider opportunities such as Editor's Note that to get coverage on the local level. As PR chair, I would like to see each charter appoint a PR contact person. This would be helpful in creating a PR loop (preferably via email) that can pass information back and forth as necessary. We can also exchange contact information for localities. For example, I have a spreadsheet with all the Legislative Plaza press corp, and that includes your local reporters. I’m sure many charters have relationships with the local newspaper editor and those can also be helpful to me. Anyone interested in swapping contatcts, send me an e-mail to miketwang@comcast.net or call me at 615 495-0070 The end result of good PR for CMT/ABATE is more members. FTF “Forward to Freedom” Twanger Hello, Apologies for the late delivery of this issue. We are still trying to get all the details chased down. I promise I am working on getting timely and ontime news to all our members, just bear with me. Also please try to sell some advertising to your local haunts, supporters and hangouts. Due to the new format the a rates have been updated. Ads are also available for the online version. Oh yeah, we have an online version, so in order to cut costs let us know if you would rather have the electronic delivery. It is a PDF file delivered right to your inbox, on the first of the month, imagine that.If anyone has any suggestions for things that need to be changed, things they would like to see, letters to the editor, or any other comment in regards to the newspaper feel free to call or email … Sarge 931-76-4312 editor@cmtabate.com shinerunner@bellsouth.net Fri. Feb. 26, 2006 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. Admission $ 5 Location Music Valley Events Center 7215 Music Valley Drive McGavock Pike across fro m 2 n d Opryland Hotel Entrance Bike Show! All Brands Welcome Weather Permitting 8,000 sq ft Indoors 16,000 Outside New & used Parts & Accessories Food & Drin ks Door Pri zes Bike Cor ral Sell your Bike Just $ 5 PARTS ! PA RTS & MORE PA RTS Vendor Spaces fro m $10 (10x 10 Outside) Inside Spaces Start at $25 (10 x 10) 8 ft Tables 4 rent $5 Limited # Available c_davidson@bellsouth.net DOORS OP EN FOR V ENDORS AT 5 A.M. cerbis2@yahoo.com ELEC TRIC AV AILABL E For more Information: 615 495 0070 miketwang@comc ast.net 615 325 5041 615 593 1281 Riding Season is fast approaching; Come get your gear There a re over 400,000 registered motorcycles in the State of TN we are Y OUR Motorcycl e Rights Organization. We are the ones who fight for your right to ride. Join us and make sure your rights are protected Call Toll Fre e 866-462 - 2283 JAN TM.pmd 12 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM Tennessee Motorcyclist CMT/ABATE PG 3 Forms Our Mission: CMT/ABATE, Inc. is not a “Biker Club”, but a nonprofit, political organization that was formed to preserve freedom and safety for all Tennesseans who enjoy motorcycling. Our major goals are to modify existing laws that are detrimental to motorcycle safety and enjoyment, and to enact new legislation in support of all motorcyclists who ride in Tennessee. If you are concerned about preserving personal freedom and motorcycle safety, please join us. Check One: New Member [ ] Renewal [ ] Change Of Address [ ] If Renewal: Member ID # __________________ Expires:_________________ Check One: Full Member [ ] Associate [ ] Junior [ ] Life Member [ ] Full: $25.00; Associate: $15.00; Junior: $10.00; Lifetime: $200.00 Please Print Name _______________________________________________________ Date_____________________ Address ______________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State _________________ Zip+ 4 _______________________ Phone # - Home _________________________________ Phone # - Work ___________________________________________ Email Address __________________________________________________ Region __________________ Local Charter Name _____________________ Registered Voter: Yes [ ] No [ ] House District ______ Senate District ______ Referred By: ____________________________________________ For Office Use Only Amount Paid $______Rec’d By ___________ Check# _______Cash__________ CMT/ABATE, INC. Tennessee Motorcyclist 437 Wildcat Hollow Rd. Hohenwald, TN 38462 Phone: 931-796-4312 Fax: 931-796-4312 E-mail editor@cmtabate.com Size of Ad Cost per month Full Page (8X10) 6 mos. *10% disc. 12 mos. *15% disc. 130.00 700.00 1325.00 Half Page (5X8) 70.00 375.00 715.00 Quarter Page (5X4) 45.00 250.00 460.00 Business Card 20.00 110.00 205.00 5.00 30.00 55.00 Member’s card *AD SIZE IS APPROXIMATE Customer Name_______________________________________ TENNESSEE MOTORCYCLIST BOOSTER CLUB Want to do something wonderful ???? Want to do something to make yourself proud ???Want to do something to help your newspaper ?? t is easy, it is simple: Become a booster for the TENNESSEE MOTORCYCLIST newspaper !!!!!!Fill out the form below and include your payment!You will receive a commemorative pin and your name published for a year as a TENNESSEE MOTORCYCLIST BOOSTER !! Basic Booster $ 10.00 Phone#_________________________email ___________________________ Bronze Booster $ 25.00 Size of Add: Full______ Half______ Quarter______ Business Card______ Silver Booster $ 50.00 Term: 1-Month_____ 6-Months ____12-Months____ Other __________ Gold Booster $ 100.00 Ad To Run: From _____________________To_____________________ Name:_______________________________ Online _____yes _______no Address: ________________________ Customer Signature __________________________________ City,________________________________ TM Representative ___________________________________ State,______ Zip:_______________ Special Instructions:_____________________________________________ Phone#:______________________________ Amount Enclosed_________________________ NOTICE: Deadline is the 15th of the month for the following month’s issue. Sorry, ad payments are non-refundable. A typesetting fee will be charged for all noncamera ready ads. All ads must be prepaid; 6-month and 1 year contracts will be accepted with ½ down-payment. *Discounts only apply to prepaid ads. JAN TM.pmd 13 Type Booster:_____________________ 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM PG 2 CMT/ABATE Tennessee Motorcyclist Activities Report Another year gone by and here we are starting new adventures. The Board has approved a new business venture for us. We are in partnership with the Punkin Center Motorcycle Resort to put on the 2006 “Wakin the Dragon Biker Rally” on the weekend of June 2. Our main responsibility is to raise money such as we did for the STR and being that we are all pros at that, well……. Sponsorship packages have been sent out to all of the Directors and anyone else on the emailing list for the corporate office. If you are not on that list please contact some one who is or the office and get a copy, every dollar raised will be a huge help. The more we raise the more we will be able to ‘bring home’ correct details on how this works can be gotten from John Carter, Ann Stout or Cindy Davidson. Other ways we can earn more money is by running things like the bike games and rodeo, D/ H has stepped up to coordinate these things so please call Mark and let him know you will be glad to help. We will also be helping at the gate so you can get in touch with Darren Dunn to let him know you can help there. Harley at Sumner County is cooking up some more ways for us to make money so keep you eye out for details on those ideas.This is going to be a huge opportunity to not only make some major bucks but to become more visible to the general public as an organization. We will have a large CMT/ABATE information booth/tent, here we will have all of the information about what we have accomplished on the hill this session. We may even have some of our friends from the hill there to tell us how they plan on helping us in the future as well. I’m not going to keep you too long I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy “what ever other holiday you celebrate” this wonderful Season. If you are traveling remember to give yourself extra time to make it there safely. If you are staying home remember those of us out there moving about and say an extra little prayer for our safe returns. Thanks everyone for such a successful year, looks like we are heading into the next one a couple of steps ahead so let’s keep going that way. Keep it in the wind, Mother Stout, Yama, Olive oil and Bean. Happy New Year!!! January 2006 Sun 1 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 National Hangover Day 8 Session opens for State Legislators 15 16 17 D/H membership drive – ThunderAlley 22 23 24 29 30 31 JAN TM.pmd 14 25 26 27 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM 28 Tennessee Motorcyclist CMT/ABATE PG 3 Activities Calender for 2006 January 2006 June 2nd Wakin the Dragon - Maryville TN 10th Session opens for state legislators 3rd Wakin the Dragon - Maryville TN 20th D/H membership drive Thunder 4th Southwest Riding meeting 10 AM @ the Elks Lodge Henderson TN Alley in Dickson TN 18th Upper Cumberland Fun Run watch February 4th Easy Rider Bike Show - Cook Calendar for details 24th S/W Poker Run Convenstion Center - Memphis July 7th LOBBY DAY!!! 14th Buf. River Valentines day Masacre 1st Warren County Liberty Ride Dance @ E&E - 7PM 2nd Warren County Liberty Ride 4th INDEPENDENCE DAY 26th Nashville Swap Meet Upper Cumberland March 18th Buff. River St.Paddy’s Thaw Run 8TH Soaring Eagle - watch for details Sumner County Run @ E&Es noon Sumner County Run 25th TN Valley Dart Run noon @ Mac’s 9TH Pub TN Valley Charity Run noon @ April Mac’s Pub 15th Upper Cumberland Fun Run 8th Sumner County watch for details 9th Sumner County watch for details D/H Natchez Trace Run 15th D/H Bike Shownoon @ The VFW 16th D/H Natchez Trace Run 29th Buff. River Bluegrass Jam WoT Legislative Run - watch for watch calendar for details details (rain date 5-6-06) 22nd Soaring Eagle membership drive 30th Buff. River Blue grass Jam watch calendar for details 28th Skull Bone Bike Rally 29th Sumner County Alcohol Free Ride August Warren County Legislative 13th Nashville Scavenger Hunt fundraiser - watch for details watch calendar for details 20th Upper Cumberland Fun Run Skull Bone Bike Rally 30th Sumner County Alcohol Free Ride 25th S/W Rodeo Southwest Blessing of the Bikes 26th S/W Rodeo 27th S/W Rodeo noon Skull Bone Bike Rally September May 1st WoT Freedom Bash WoT Freedom Bash 12th Upper Cumberland weekend party 2nd WoT Freedom Bash 13th Upper Cumberland weekend party 3rd 14th Upper Cumberland weekend party 4th LABOR DAY 8th Hawg Holler Bike Fest Fall 19th Thunder on the River Hawg Holler Bike Fest Fall Hawg Holler Bike Fest Spring 9th 20th Thunder on the River 10th Upper Cumberland Legislative Hawg Holler Bike Fest Spring Run Hawg Holler Bike Fest Fall 21st Thunder on the River 22nd Bent Fork Bike Fest Hawg Holler Bike Fest Spring 27th D/H Run watch for details 23rd Soaring Eagle Legislative Run Bent Fork Bike Fest Vietnam Veterans Event @ Parkers 24th Bent Fork Bike Fest Crossroads - exit 108 on I-40 28th Vietnam Veterans Event @ 30th D/H Poker Run TN Valley Teddy Bear Run Parkers Crossroads - I-40 exit108 noon @ Mac’s Pub 29th Vietnam Veterans Event @ Parkers Crossroads - exit 108 on I-40 Support the Events, Support Memorial Day October 1st Sumner County Bikers For Boobs Run - Cancer awareness benefit watch for details 8th Warren County 3rd annual Run for the Hills Swap Meet & Bike Show - watch for details 15th TN Valley Fall Run watch calendar for details 27th D/H Food Drive -watch for details 28th Buff. River Halloween Party D/H Toy Run 1PM @ Charlotte 31st Halloween November 5th Robertson County watch for details 11th Soaring Eagle Vet Appreciation Run S/W Toy Run - watch for details 12th Southwest Toy Run noon @ the Jackson Walmart 18th D/H Turkey Shoot-watch for details December 2nd Sumner County Food Drive & Christmas Party - watch for details 3rd Southwest “eatin' meetin' ” Pot luck and ‘Dirty Santa’ watch for details 9th Nashville Christmas Party - watch for details Soaring Eagle Christmas Party watch for details 10th Activities Calendar meeting noon @ the BoD meeting 15th D/H Dirty Christmas Party 7PM Thunder Alley 17th WoT Christmas party - watch for details 25th CHRISTMAS DAY 31st NEW YEAR’S EVE Buff.River New Years party @E&E Waynesboro our Cause, Meet New People, and Have Fun JAN TM.pmd 15 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM PG 2 CMT/ABATE Tennessee Motorcyclist Find out what CMT/ABATE is doing to Improve Motorcycle Riding And Protecting Your Right to Ride Free in Tennessee Everyone is Welcome to the Dickson/ Humphreys Charter Legislative/Membership Drive — Friday – Jan. 20th – 7:30 pm Thunder Alley - Dickson, TN. Call Mark Miller at 931-582-4092 Our Guest Speakers Include: Our Local State Legislators and CMT/ABATE’s State Legislative Chairman; John Pierce C.M.T./A.B.A.T.E., Inc. A Non-profit Organization TENNESSEEMOTORCYCLIST 437 Wildcat Hollow Rd Hohenwald , TN 38462 (931) 796-4312 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID HOHENWALD, TN PERMIT NO. 3 DATED MATERIAL Check out our Website! cmtabate.com Check out our Website! cmtabate.com Capital Hill Legislative Day 10 am Feb 7 We've Moved! The state office is moving to Nash ville. The new address is CMT/ABATE, INC. P.O. BOX 160223 NASHVILLE,TN 37216-0223 Any and all correspondance other than newspaper related needs to be sent to that address. The phone number is currently still the same . 615-683-6608 JAN TM.pmd 16 12/31/2005, 1:34 AM