Newsletter April 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota


Newsletter April 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
APRIL 2015
Aberdeen ABATE
2015 Bike Show
& Dance
April 25th & 26th Page 4
Bismarck, ND
May 8th-10th Page 5
June 5th & 6th Page 6
Governor Daugaard signing SB85 - Handlebar Repeal
(From the left) Dianna Miller (lobbyist) ,Marcia Kaup & Lori Butler (Oahe ABATE)
Governor Daugaard, Representative Dan Kaiser and Senator Terri Haverly.
Officers, Board of Directors
& Committee Chairpersons
Chaplains Report
Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff
MRF Application
Around the State w/Phil
Phil Hohm
ABATE of SD Chapter
ABATE of SD Supporters
Good Times Calendar
Application for Membership
Business Supporter
State Supporter Business
New ABATE of SD Members 21
Renewing Memberships
ABATE of South Dakota, Inc.
#243 2601 S. Minnesota Ave. STE 105
Sioux Falls, SD 57105-4750
State Officers
State Committee Chairpersons
Coordinator - Jiggs Cressy
(605) 391-6361 email:
Vice - Coordinator - Rod “Thumper” Hersrud
(605) 690-1364 email:
Treasurer - Jan Weismantel
(605) 225-5474 email:
Legislative Officer - John Steele
(605) 661-4895 email:
Secretary - Bobbie Mathews
(605) 354-1226 email:
Membership Secretary - Karline Clark
(605) 430-1670 email:
State MRF Representative - John Steele
(605) 661-4895 email:
State Products Manager - Trudie Hersrud
(605) 697-5708 email:
State Promotions - Wayne Lettau
(605) 720-0263 email:
State Webmaster - Darrel Killion
(605) 256-2188 email:
State Historian - John Addy
(605) 296-3354 email:
State Board of Directors
Aberdeen ............................................... Mark Schuett
Black Hills...................... Wayne Lettau (605) 720-0263
East Central ....................Dale England (605) 291-9035
Lake ................................ Dan Nugent (605) 256-3728
Lewis & Clark... ......Kevin Frangenberg (605) 364-7672
North East ...................... Curt Watkins (605) 280-5860
Northstar .......................... Ray Bokker (605) 835-8065
Oahe ..................... Lori Butler
Rushmore ................ Sunshine Minzlaff (605) 787-9136
Sioux Falls .............................. Al Luze (605) 521-9557
Sioux River .................. Cal Stainbrook (605) 627-5306
South Central ........ ...Duane Chalmers (605) 487-6210
South East .......... …...Larry Reemts
Those Guys .................. Dennis Hasche (605) 321-6305
Windriders.......................... Phil Hohm (605) 352-7009
Zzen ........................John “Slack” Addy (605) 296-3354
Freedom Flyer
Informed Motorcyclists Political
Action Committee
IMPAC is the political arm of ABATE of
SD. IMPAC money is used to support
legislative candidates, pay for lobbyists,
fight NEGATIVE or support positive
legislation at the State or Federal
Our Liberty, Freedom of Choice
and Safety depends on IMPAC
in our state.
Freedom Flyer Advertising Rates
1 mo
3 mo
6 mo
12 mo
Business Card $10
$ 25
$ 50
$ 90
1/4 Page
$ 50
1/2 Page
$ 85
Full Page
Editor - Susan Lettau
1723 Main St
Sturgis, SD 57785
(605) 720-0263 Hm
(605) 490-1593 Cell
Articles are due by the 15th of the month.
ABATE Chapter Events: $45.00 Full Page
DISCLAIMER: The FREEDOM FLYER is an official publication of ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Contents may be republished in whole or in part with proper attribution. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained within this
publication. Advertisements in this newsletter are paid ads and do not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of ABATE of South Dakota. We thank our advertisers for their patronage as they enable our constant fight for our rights. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER INDEMNIFICATION: The
Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of the advertisement. The FREEDOM FLYER shall not be liable or responsible for any error in any advertisement except to give the advertiser credit for so much space occupied by the
advertisement as is materially affected by the error; credit shall be by refund or replication of the advertisement at the election of the FREEDOM FLYER. Such credit shall not be given for more than one incorrect insertion unless the Editor is notified in writing of the error before the
repetition of the insertion. When the Advertiser wishes to correct or change copy submitted as a “proof”, the Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for the changes or correction unless they are received by the FREEDOM FLYER within a reasonable length of time before the deadline for
publication. If an advertisement is requested to run after copy deadline, the Freedom Flyer will not honor the adjustment request if an error occurs. No specific page or portion shall be guaranteed. The Advertiser or Agency shall indemnify the FREEDOM FLYER for any attorney’s fees
incurred in defending against claims, pay any judgment against the Newspaper; and pay associated expenses and losses that are caused by the publication of any advertisement submitted or published at the discretion of the Advertiser or Agency, including claims for libel, copyright
infringement, and invasion of privacy.
No report available at time of publication
Psalm 23 talks about "The Lord is my
shepherd." If you know anything
about sheep they need a shepherd or
leader or they go astray. I recently
read a story about a sheep in
Istanbul, Turkey, in 2005 got
confused & jumped off a cliff. Before
it was all over nearly 1500 sheep
followed that one lost sheep & also
jumped off that cliff & died. When
sheep don't have leadership & don't
know which way to go they become
confused & just follow the other
members of the flock.
Ever been on a run & maybe you
arrived a little late & didn't hear all
the instructions like where the group
was going & all of a sudden people
were pulling out so you started your
bike & fell into the group. You took off
fat, dumb & happy & it never dawned
on you that you didn't have a clue
where you were going. How hard
could it be just follow the bike in front
of you. Right? How hard could that
be? Then, you looked up & the traffic
signal up ahead was about to turn red
& the pack all made it thru except for
you & the people behind you. Before
the light turned green it finally
dawned on you that you had no idea
where the group was going or how to
get there & now because you were up
front you were the "LEADER". How
scary is that. Now you know how the
sheep feels. As the light changes to
green, you look up ahead & notice
that one of the riders noticed what
happened & he pulled off and waited
for you to catch up. Just as you
approached where he was waiting he
pulled out & took over as your leader
as you give take a big breath & feel
relieved. Back on track & following
someone that new where he was
leading the group. What a relief.
The same is with Christ if we ask him
to forgive us & lead us in all that we
do we will never have to worry about
where we are going. He assures us of
that. As we read the last line of the
23 Psalm the psalmist writes, Surely
goodness & mercy shall follow me all
the days of my life; & I will dwell in
the house of the Lord forever.
Like the sheep & the biker in this
story do you want to not know where
you are going or do you want Jesus to
lead you & end up in the House of the
Lord forever like the psalmist says?
God bless you all & have a safe, fun
Ride safe and ride often.
In His service,
Auggie and Sunshine
No report available at time of publication
Page 7
It is the beginning of March as I am starting my April
column. The weather was kind of nasty today with a little
snow and lot of wind. Yesterday, Norma and I took my
brother, Chuck, to the airport in Sioux Falls so that he
could go back to his home in San Diego. I asked Chuck
where he wanted to go to do lunch and he said Hu-Hots.
As usual, the food and service were great! Since we had
a little time, we drove through downtown Sioux Falls and
I thought we might check out the falls. But, alas, it was
not much to see as it was all frozen over. I guess I don’t
know what I expected to see.
Once again South Dakota ABATE members have prevailed
in helping to change a bad law and making it a better
one. Senate Bill 85 which was a bill to repeal the high
handlebar law was recently signed by Governor Dennis
Daugaard. There was not one single opponent that
testified against the bill. The previous high handlebar law
stated that your handlebars on a motorcycle couldn’t be
higher than your shoulders. That was a problem for
motorcyclists from other states which don’t have any
restrictions on handlebar height when they were traveling
through South Dakota especially during the Sturgis Rally
in August. Now, everyone should be on the same page
and it should make it a lot easier for law enforcement in
that they have one less thing to worry about during the
Sturgis Rally. We want to give a big thank you to the
ABATE members that contacted their legislators and also
testified for SB 85 before the various committees. Our
lobbyist, Dianna Miller, really got us all fired up at
Legislative Days last January to get the old law repealed.
The act of repealing any law is usually a very difficult
task. But, this shows that with the determination of a lot
of people good things can be done. The new South
Dakota joke is that the handlebars on your motorcycles
can be of any height as long as you can get your bike
underneath the overpasses on the interstate highways.
On my Facebook page, most of the comments about the
repealing of the handlebar height law were positive ones.
But, there were some uniformed people that said if high
handlebars looked unsafe they surely were. But, there
are no statistics to prove that having high handlebars
makes your motorcycle more prone to accidents.
For me, it is sometimes fun to think about things that
happened years ago. I would guess that the older you
get the more things you may have to remember which I
guess just makes common sense. The other day I was
thinking about some adventures I had with my daughter,
Amy, when she was first growing up. When she was only
two years old, I already had her riding with me on my
motorcycle. She would sit in front of me partly on the
gas tank with her little hands grabbing unto my arms. I
had a little helmet for her and often times she would fall
asleep and her helmet would hit the gas tank which
would wake her up. Then, she would turn her head
around and give me that look in asking me what just
happened. When Amy was four years old, she did a lot of
traveling with me in my semi as I was trucking over the
road at that time. We traveled to California, Texas, and
throughout the Midwest. We would sometimes be gone
for over ten days and I am still surprised that her
mother let me take her for that length of time. Amy had
some nursery rhyme cassettes tapes that she would play
over and over again. After a while, it would start driving
me nuts and I would hide them in different parts of the
cab. But, Amy always would find them and continue to
play them to her hearts content. When Amy was in high
school, she played one of those tapes in my pickup and I
couldn’t believe that she still had them. She had a good
laugh at how I reacted to hearing that tape again. At
one time when Amy was with me in the truck, we had
some time so we went to a movie at a large mall in
Iowa. We went to see the first Muppet movie and when
it was over we were walking around the mall and all of
sudden Amy was gone and out of my sight. I had about
the scariest feeling I have ever had and it seemed that
my heart went into my stomach. All of a sudden, I saw
her standing in line by the movie theater. I asked her
what was going on and she said that she just wanted to
see the movie again! When Amy was in grade school,
she learned how to ride an ATV and dirt bike. When
Amy was learning to drive all I had were vehicles with
manual transmissions. She did a lot of driving on my
old 73 Chevy pickup which had a three on a tree. I
taught her how to do some drifting in a snow packed
field and also how to drive in and out of a ditch without
having a panic attack. Some years later Amy was
driving her pickup with a bumper horse trailer and hit
some ice and went into the ditch. But with her driving
skills she was able to keep everything in an upright
position. Now her daughter, Ellie, is five years old and it
is like having Amy growing up all over again. Ellie and I
do some serious coloring and working with stickers. Ellie
really enjoys the puzzles in her magazine and she often
gets the answer before I do.
Today it is 56 degrees out and I would guess a lot of
bikers are on the roads for the first time this year.
There is some snow, ice, and mushy gravel still in front
of my garage. If I could get my trike out, I really don’t
know where I would go. In fact, just a few minutes ago
I started the trike up and she took off the first second I
hit the starter. What an amazing sound she made! Just
like music to my ears. Soon spring will be here and we
all will be doing what some of us enjoy most.
Until next Month
Phil Hohm
Aberdeen ABATE
Meeting 2015
Present Members: 26
Sec Report: Read & accepted
Treas Report: Read & accepted
News: Shane informed
everyone that the South Dakota
Handlebar height repeal SB85 was
successful & as of July 1st 2015 if you
can reach ‘em and they don’t hit the
overpass you will be legal in S.D.
Nevada Sen. Gustavson introduced a
Helmet bill to allow adults the
freedom of choice SB142.
New Mexico had 2 Helmet bills killed
Feb 24th. One was to mandate
helmet usage for all motorcyclists &
the other to levy a fee to riders who
choose not to sweat to death under a
helmet. Both bills failed. Way to go
New Mexico!
Nebraska has a Helmet repeal bill
currently being debated. (At time of
writing this article it has been
amended to allow those 21 & older to
choose & is still proceeding forward)
write this I believe we can still do
We received a thank you card from better.
Frank Benoit for the plant that was
sent to his Mother’s funeral.
And I want to remind everyone that
the Freedom Flyer now is listing
There a motion, discussion and 2nd to “Members Renewing” towards the
start our 1st gun raffle for 2015 with back near the registration form. If
proceeds to go towards scholarships you’re currently an Aberdeen Member
for beginner rider course graduates you may contact me or Cindy and get
and our general fund. Since proceeds us your $25 and we’ll get your
of this raffle will “kill 2 birds” the r e n e w a l i n A S A P s i n c e y o u r
present members voted to have a 500 information is already on file.
ticket maximum for $10 each and
have 3 prizes so the odds of winning Also we have AWARENESS signs
are actually greater than our previous available! I wont make a special trip
to deliver but you can pick them up
wherever you see the ABATE trailer or
If at least 400 tickets are sold I can bring them to Aberdeen if I
by Sunday April 26 we will make a drive a car or truck.
decision if we want to draw during
Bike Show awards. Otherwise we will And as always >>> Please renew
draw at a meeting or major event your memberships<<< We’re still
after all 500 tickets are sold.
hoping to see over 100 Aberdeen
ABATE Members soon
1st prize = Ruger model 1911 R1
Stainless .45 auto
(Winner may One last reminder >>> BIKE SHOW
accept a smaller $500 cash prize or is April 24 & 25 at the Dakota
trade for another “In stock” gun)
Events Center. Get your registrations
2nd prize = $200 gift card to Ken’s in early to get in the drawing or to get
Sporting Goods
the spots you want. We may possibly
3rd prize = $50 gift card to Kens be turning people away again by the
Sporting Goods
start of the show.
Old Business: “Don’t be a Welfare
Biker” shirts were on hand and sell for
$15 each. We will order more again
so if we don’t have your size please
let us know and we’ll get one ordered.
Support your local ABATE
organization hats are also done and
sell for $10 each.
Pop machine status was discussed Thank you for supporting your local
and decisions tabled for now to ABATE chapter and visit our Aberdeen
concentrate on the Bike Show.
ABATE Inc. web-pages to learn more
about us at
Flyers and registration forms are
available and anyone wishing to
participate or help is asked to
Weather proof clear Aberdeen ABATE or call Shane at 605-228-6283
3” round stickers are also in and sell
IMPAC Split-pot: $33 was won by
for $1 ea
Dick L. With the other $33 going
“Proud Supporter of Aberdeen ABATE” towards our running total.
stickers are here too and will be IMPAC 2015 = $99 pledged
distributed free to business’ or WHEEL INN 2015 = $670
individuals who want them & donate/ Rider Course 2015 = $0
Sponsor any of our major events.
Adjourn: 8:10 pm
New business: Bike Show 2015 TShirt designs are finalized & we are Next Meeting: April 4th 7:00
currently taking orders.
pm Eagles Room A
T-shirt pocket or not = $15
Long sleeved $20 No pockets
Women’s Tanks if pre-ordered $15
Hats $12
Prez Notes: We signed 2 new
members again this meeting. That’s 7
new people in 2 months, not bad but
with riding season already here as I
The Feb. 22, 2015 meeting of BH
ABATE was called to order by Pres.
Darlene. Pledge of Allegiance was led
by Cindy. Chapter prayer was led by
Roll call was taken with Road Captain
Clair absent.
There were fifteen
people in attendance.
Thanks for
taking time to come!!
Pres. Darlene thanked all that worked
the Sno Ball Dance & the Dart
Our chapter is very
proud of our volunteers who step up
& help with our functions.
Vice Pres. Jim had nothing to report.
Sec. Barbie asked if there were any
corrections to the minutes.
Hoppy's ride is to the Eye of the
Needle, not eye of the eagle. Diane
motioned to accept the minutes
with the co rrectio n.
seconded. Motion passed.
Treasurer Susan gave the dollar
reports. Beth motioned to accept &
Marie seconded. Motion passed.
Sgt. at Arms Mac stated that when
speaking to him, use his good ear so
he can hear exactly what you are
saying. Be safe out there.
Membership Sec. Susan stated that
there are 141 members & 31
affiliates. We now have 3,069 friends
on Facebook.
State Rep. Wayne stated that the
Handle Bar Repeal Bill is on the
Governor's desk for signing.
helmet repeal law is in their bicameral
legislative process. Nominations
are being accept for State ABATE
Road Captain #2 Big Al stated that he
is trying to get the bike ready for the
riding season. Don't forget the
mileage contest.
ASK Road Program had two calls on
potholes. Darlene stated that there
will be lots of potholes showing
up. She contacted the people who
made the calls. Is the S.D. Road
Hazard program being utilized
enough?? She will write an article for
the Freedom Flyer giving information
& asking the State members if it is
being used enough to justify keeping
the program going. Wayne & Darlene
shared information to the members
on the Road Hazard program.
LRC Beth reported on what
happening at the MRF level.
was May State ABATE Awareness Ride to
Pierre will be set up by Wayne &
Auggie for west river.
Sno Ball Dance had a good overview.
Oasis Fireside was very happy to have
us. Susan gave the dollar report on
the event.
Pres. Darlene asked if
there were any improvements
that can be made. - Close the area
when the silent auction is done. –
People asked if we could shorten the
silent auction time.
- Have band
announce what is happening during
the event more often. - More auction
space is needed. - We will close the
table area off at the end. - Use the
band to make announcements more
often. - Close silent auction at 9:30.
Wayne motioned that we use the
Oasis for next year. Jim seconded.
Motion passed. Date for next year
is Feb. 13, 2016.
Band was
awesome. Thunder Road will be asked
to come back for next year. Darlene
to contact them.
Dart Tournament report was given by
Susan. Tony stated that the Oasis
would like to have our dart
tournaments at their facility. People
want us to sponsor two tournaments
a year. Fall and Jan. Tony to get a
software program to help run the
Susan & Tony will
check on future tournament issues.
Mileage contest form is in the
newsletter. Contest explained to new
History by Mac had no actions.
Products will be ordered.
motioned to order a dozen shirts of
various sizes. Jim seconded.
Motion passed. Darlene will check on
sleeveless shirts.
State & Joint Passports were
explained to new members. Susan to
check with Rushmore on a date to
Bike show schedule was passed
around for volunteers.
Ed Netterberg Weekend in June. Get
your reservations in ASAP.
Meet In The Middle is July 19th.
Memorial ride for Hoppy is May 16th.
Heartland Steam
N.D. in May.
Dates for the ERC courses were
To be published in our
newsletter. Susan asked if we keep
the reimbursements upon passing the
courses at $60.00 & $75.00. All said
Barbie asked if the 75th Sturgis Rally
will make more people attend the
Whitewood Social? Would more
money be needed for food? Wayne to
take questions to State Board
Affiliate of the Month goes to the
Oasis Fireside.
Thank you for
supporting BH ABATE.
Members of the Month are all that
helped with the Sno Ball Dance.
Change for IMPAC raised $18.68.
50/50 was won by Diane.
50/50 funds were discussed. Barbie
motioned to switch the 50/50 fund
from Ed Netterberg to Joe's Fund at
this time. Diane seconded Motion
Susan asked if we donate to STATE
ABATE or switch to MRF at this
Jim motioned to donate
$300.00 to MRF.
Beth seconded.
Motion passed.
Big Al asked if we can get pictures put
on our web site. We will check with
Marie will be our
Susan can put
pictures on Facebook also.
Bike Show March 14 and 15.
Wild Game Feed at Outpost March
Mac is getting old....I told you, Mac, I
would put your announcement in. Ha
Thanks to the Side Hack for the good
There being no further business or
discussions, Diane motioned to
adjourn with all in favor.
Be safe!! GOD's Blessings to all.
Bismarck, Submitted by Barbie :o)
Happy Easter to all!!!!
March 7, 2015 7:00 PM at Teezers:
Minutes of LAKE ABATE:
The regular meeting of LAKE ABATE
was called to order by President,
Aaron Verhey.
Silent roll call: 14 members were
No News. See Chapter Rep page 2
OLD BUSINESS: SB85 (Senate Bill
85) to repeal handlebar height law
passed without any opposition. As of
July 1 there will no restrictions on
handlebar height. Thanks to everyone
who called/contacted legislators to
voice our concerns regarding this bill.
Also, a special thanks to Jiggs Cressy
for his leadership, those who took
personal time to testify, and the
legislators who sponsored and
supported the bill.
The Secretary’s report -Was read by
Rod H. with a motion by Dave H. to
approve and second by Angie R. The NEW BUSINESS: Aaron V. wants to
reactivate our membership committee
motion carried.
in order to maintain retention and
Treasurer’s report – There was no recruit new members. Angie R.
treasurer’s report.
volunteered to join this committee.
State Rep report – There was no state Aaron also challenges all members to
rep report as there wasn’t a meeting sign up at least one new member
and/or bring a current member to
No News. See Chapter Rep page 2
No News. See Chapter Rep page 2
The Northstar group meeting was possible.
Marcy 7, 2015 at the Pheasant Bar in
New Business – Congratulations to
the following people: President is now
Dave Lewis called the meeting to Randy Farley, Vice President is Dave
He started the first “Old Lewis, Sandy Hall is now secretary.
Business” by thanking the four Ray Bokker remains treasurer. Please
jumpers that participated in the Snow welcome new member, Deanna Clark!
Shoe Polar Plunge.
It was then
reported that Witten bar is no longer Dawn
Two fun runs were discussed and
Lane Connot is checking on dates.
Possibly June 13, 2015. The idea for
the 2nd run is to go to the Badlands
and spend the night at a KOA and do
some grillin and chillin!
Ray announced that May 16, 2015 the
State Awareness run to Pierre. This
will be discussed later to see if
anyone will be attending.
Most of the hoodies are sold. Some
large pullovers are left.
order for zipper sweatshirts is now
being ordered.
The caps did not
arrive so they will be made as soon as
Kim V. made a motion to offer a three
year membership for $60 as an
additional option. Angie did second
the motion and the motion carried.
May is motorcycle awareness month.
Jeff G. is checking on ordering a
banner pertaining to awareness.
Others members are also looking for
different methods for displaying
awareness as well.
Sioux Falls ABATE Swap Meet is
March 21 & 22 at the Sioux Falls
Arena/Convention Center.
Madison Firemen’s dance is April 11.
March 14, 2015 – Mower’s & More
& Brad Bruns, will meet before the New Business: There will be a Meet
next meeting for review. The 1st in the Middle Ride again this year with
President Brad Bruns called the
reading will be at the April meeting.
Black Hills ABATE. More information
meeting to order at 6:44pm with 18
will be available as the ride gets
members present.
President Brad Bruns will appoint
closer. It was in July last year so keep
event committees to consist of one
Treasurer Bill Poppenga gave the
that in mind when making your
officer & at least 3 members.
Treasurer’s Report & accepted as
summer plans. Some of the members
Brandon, Jolene, Tina F. & Bill P. will
who went last year said it was a fun
be the committee for the Awareness
day and ride.
Membership Secretary Jolene Juneau Run. Brandon, Marcia, Kevin S, Bill P.
reported that there are 60 members & Bonnie will comprise the committee The next meeting will be held on Sat,
and 2 renewals.
for the Fun Run.
April 11 in Bill’s Garage beginning at
6:30pm. SOL & 50/50 drawings will
Secretary Marcia Kaup requested The Onslaught be playing on Saturday
be held. Donations for the Top Rider
comments for any deletions or night at the Fun Run. Bill M. made a
cash prize will be taken & a Pot Luck
corrections to the minutes. There motion to have Medicine Creek Band
will follow the meeting. Bring a dish
being none, the February stand as play on Friday night if willing & able.
to pass if you wish.
Dennis 2nd the motion. Following
discussion, Brandon motioned to Marcia made a motion to adjourn,
State Rep Lori Butler was absent.
table, 2nd by Bonnie, motion carried.
Jolene seconded the motion &
Marcia passed on a message from her
adjournment was at 8:00 PM.
to let everyone know that the Brandon presented the idea of
Handlebar Height Repeal bill passed & upgrading & expanding electrical Tina won the 50/50 drawing. Mark
has been signed by Governor hookups for the Fun Run. He will get Adams was drawn for SOL & was not
Daugaard. Lori sent her thanks to pricing if the owners agree. Tina F. present.
everyone that contacted legislators made a motion to charge an
Marcia Kaup - Oahe ABATE Secretary
a n d t e s t i f i e d i n c o m m i t t e e s , additional fee for hooking up to
c o m m e n t i n g , “ T h i s w h a t o u r electricity, 2 by David S. After much Oahe ABATE website - http://
organization is about – BE PROUD!”
discussion Bill M. made a motion to
table the motion to the next meeting. Email:
Road Captain Dawn Trapp reported
Marcia 2nd & the motion carried. The
she is working on the route for the
event committee will hold a meeting
to discuss options regarding any
changes to admission. Marcia will
Old Business: Awareness Run will be
send an email out for meeting date &
held May 16 in conjunction with the
time so members can attend if they
May BOD meeting. The picnic shelter
at Lilly Park in Ft. Pierre has been
reserved. Lori will also get posters St. Patrick’s Day Parade will be held
made to distribute. Everyone is to on Tues, March 17. Line-up will be at
meet at the Capitol at noon. Dice Run 4:30 with the parade beginning at
hands will be available for $10. 5:15. Anyone wishing to ride in the
Bonnie reported the schools have the parade should meet on the south side
applications & the deadline is early of George Morris Middle School.
April. Officers will meet to choose the Marcia will try to find out where the
recipient as soon as applications are motorcycles will be in the lineup &
will notify members by email.
The chapter is selling raffle tickets for
a 17# ham. Prices are 1 chance for
$1.00 or 6 chances for $5.00. Tickets
need to be turned into Brad on March
27. The winner will be drawn on Sat,
March 28.
The By-laws committee, Bonnie
London, Brandon Butler, Marcia Kaup
Heartland STEAM will be held May 810 in Bismarck ND. Oahe will pay for
2 registrations for $50.00 & 1 hotel
room for two nights at $98.00 per
night. Brandon & Marcia are planning
on attending. If anyone else is
interested in going, contact Brad.
The March 2, 2015 general
membership meeting of Rushmore
ABATE was called to order by Pres.
Craig. Pledge of Allegiance was led
by Sgt. at Arms Mike. Chapter prayer
was led by Chaplain Auggie.
to use the satellite offices in S.D. to
get a hold of Rounds. Auggie gave
highlights on Sunshine and his
scholarships for MRF.
Road Hazard steward Barbie stated
that there were two calls for Sioux
Falls on their pot holes.
Bike Raffle----Craig gave Mary and BA
the gift card the chapter got for them
for a kudos on a successful Bike
Mary read BA's report.
Drawing will be March 21st at 4 pm at
BH Harley.
Membership Party--Bill reported all
bands are sponsored and paid
for. Rohde working on the display
Silent auction items are
Pres. Craig thanked BA and Mary for a poster.
very well done Bike Raffle.
Vice Pres. Hilary reminded everyone BHAB has no March meeting.
that the Bike Show is March 14 and
Jiggs and
The Rushmore booth will promote our Handle Bar bill passed.
events and have products on hand for Craig thanked all who helped get the
sale. She will be passing around a word out.
Road cleanup to be done later.
sign up sheet for volunteers.
Sec. Barbie had mail to distribute and Affiliate signs are still being
distributed. Let Bill know if you can
newsletters to share.
Treasurer Kim gave the dollar help deliver some.
Jiggs motioned to accept Wild Game Feed is March 22nd.
Rohde said it will be done as a
and Mike seconded. Motion passed.
State Rep. Sunshine thanked all that raffle. Donations will be accepted for
were involved in getting the word out the raffle.
Safety Seminar information was
to the legislatures on SB 85.
Membership Sec. Karline stated that shared by Jiggs.
there are 52 affiliates and 314 Susan gave a Joint Passport
She went over the report. Very few books have been
sold. She will not publish them
expiring members and affiliates.
Sgt. at Arms Mike stated, "I got next time if more are not sold.
LRC Ginny absent and no report.
Auggie asked about the Yahoo group
STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS notices and if they are being sent
PR Janet has Rushmore ABATE out? No they are not being
appreciation cards for members to sent out at present. Phil will ask Clay
take and use. She has worked on about it.
press releases for the Wild Game Jiggs mentioned that the Wisconsin
Feed, the Safety Seminar and the ABATE newsletter had an article
saying they send out text
Bike Raffle giveaway.
Road Captain Nate reported that the alerts. Will be looked into for S.D.
Sno and Shine Run went well. and local.
Tire quotes for big trailer will be
Everyone had a good time.
checked on by Cheryl R.
Newsletter editor Ginny is absent.
Products Manager Hilary stated that
the new products are here and selling MEMBER OF THE MONTH goes to
very well.
She reported on the Jiggs for all the work he did on SB
Counts Car Show and SFJ Swap Meet. 85. Thanks Jiggs.
MRF Rep. Jiggs stated that the
motorcycle check point issue needs to
be pushed. Sunshine told everyone
Roll call was taken with Angie
excused and Ginny being absent.
There were no corrections to the Feb.
minutes. Phil motioned to accept and
Sunshine seconded. Motion passed.
No bills were presented at this
Time out Bar, J Bar, and Clock
Tower. Thanks for supporting
Rushmore ABATE.
A certificate of
appreciation is going to Counts of the
Cobblestone Car Club.
Door prizes were won by Jeremy and
SHOULDA/COULDA of $40.00 would
have went to Corey G., BA, or Steve
N., but sorry, none of you were here
to accept.
Beings there were no
winners, next meeting is $60.00.
Chance for a chance on the bike ticket
went to Karline. The left over ticket
money of $74.00 goes to IMPAC.
Congrats Karline.
50/50 of $44.00 was won by
Stan. He donated $14.00 of it to
IMPAC. Congrats Stan and thanks.
Heartland Steam is in Bismarck, N.D.
in May.
Bike Show is March 14 and 14.
BH ABATE has gas raffle tickets for
sale. See Barbie or Susan.
Karline has DHS yearbook fund raiser
coupons for TGIF on March 16th.
BHAB meting is April 13th.
CMA Run For The Son ride is May
Thank you to BH Harley for the sloppy
joes and thank you to everyone else
that pot lucked it!!!!
There being no further business,
Auggie and Jiggs motioned to adjourn
with all in favor.
Be safe!! GOD bless all!!
Submitted by Barbie :o)
Happy Easter!!!!
Page 13
No News. See Chapter Rep page 2
who pitched in to help.
State Report: Senate Bill SB85
has been signed by Governor
Dennis Daugaard. As of July, SD
will not have a handle bar height
Card Game: Cindy picked the 2 of
hearts so the pot increases.
New Business: Heartland Steam
January 50/50 – Bill Wellnitz
will be held in Bismarck ND May 8
February 50/50 – Tom Dahmen
-10. Pre-registration deadline is
April 17.
“It’s good to have an end to
towards; but it’s the
nd journey
Bobby made a motion and Rod 2
matters in the end”
it to pay the registration fee for
any Sioux River members who
MRF Report: HR1861 bill to seek
to block grant funding for wants to attend.
Announcements: Next meeting
is April 4th 5:00 at Jim’s Tap.
Minnesota House Bill HF59
motorcyclists are trying to abolish
Motorcycle profiling practices.
Old Business: The City will
purchase Motorcycle Only Parking
signs and install them this spring
in the designated parking spots.
Still looking for a trailer. Tom and
Bill will call a couple of places for
more information.
Kiwanis Pancake Feed was a huge
success. Thank You to everyone
Page 14
Lars brought the meeting to order. A
moment of silence for the military and
fallen. Keep in our thoughts the 11
service members who lost their lives
in Florida.
them. Approved by the chapter to
purchase them.
A discussion on selling taverns and/or
hotdogs during the bike show. Asking
the Junior class to participate with us.
We will split the proceeds. I will touch
base with Nikki Gray and see if they
would be interested.
41 members new and old showed up!
Motion was made to leave the entry
Secretaries minutes were read. No fee $10 and if you signed up as a
corrections or additions, motion to member that day the entry fee would
be waived. Seconded and all
approve, seconded.
approved. The breakfast /bike
Treasurer's report was read. Motion blessing and Mayors ride will
be Sunday morning. The parade will
to approve, seconded.
be on Saturday morning. I will check
Duane gave last report as State on a time and spot at the next Fish
Representative. Thank you Duane. Day meeting.
Old business...Fish Days report.. Mike
Wentland needs to get judges lined
up. Roger Miller, Justin Bouza both
volunteered to help mike Swanson.
They will get together with him before
Fish Days. We passed around a
picture of the trophies ordered
through Sun Gold Trophies. Motion to
approve Michelle to pay for them.
Also a discussion on medallions for
Jim Leines donated a Harley wind
chime to sell chances. No action was
taken at this time.
would hate to start my riding season
on a sad occasion such as a funeral of
a friend. Along with these warnings
please make sure your bike is in
proper working order by paying
attention to tire pressure and brake
lights and such things that may play a
role in your safety.
Hi All
Once again the month has moved by
much too quickly and I am struggling
to get everything done. The last few
days have provided us with very nice
weather to get out and ride. I hope
you did get a few miles put on the
seat of your favorite form of
transportation. I have not been so
lucky. Please be careful when out
riding these early spring days. The
crazies are not used to see
motorcyclist yet so keep a watchful
eye on the cages. Also watch for all
the sand on the roads, this may be as
tricky to navigate as anything else.
When you match up a left turning
cage and a motorcycle unable to stop
as quickly due to the sandy
intersection guess who is going to
lose! You may be totally in the right
but it isn’t going to matter if you are
not around to enjoy another ride. So
Please proceed with extra caution
and use your common sense while
out and about on that scooter.
The cancer poker run was brought up
again. Jim will do some research as to
when a good date would be. Set that
date and have it annually.
State meeting is March 21st. Anyone
wanting to go get a hold of Roger.
Our next meeting is April 10 at the
VFW at 6:30.
Leo won the 50/50 and donated it
back to the chapter.
A motion
Till next meeting-I hope all 41 show
up again-we need lots of volunteer
time and donations for Fish days.
Thanks for volunteering Ruth Leines.
Our election for President and state
representative was held. Lars remains
President and Roger Frankenstein is
new State rep.
along with new members to your
chapter so please read this mag to
see if you or any of your friends are
up for renewal. Or Better yet to get
the names of any new members and
invite them out for a ride. So here is
the list of Southeast members due
in April.
Gary Decker
Scott Neuberger
As many of you already know Abate
Tony Roark
Eppo Reemts
of South Dakota has helped repel the
Mike Stough
Mark Garrison
handlebar height restrictions.
may now have handle bars of any I see my name is on the list so I
height on your rides. Safety and guess I better pull out the check book
comfort should be your primary after getting this sent.
concerns as you ponder what size of
Ride Safe and watch out for the
apes you want to put on your ride.
Just because your scoot may look
awesome with those long reach bars Eppo
if you are not able to ride due to
injury or because you bike is in the
shop getting fixed because of the
inability to handle it properly who
cares how awesome it looks.
The membership secretary asked me
once again to put a list of people up
for renewal in the newsletter. You are
also able to find out if you are due to
renew elsewhere in the Freedom Flyer
Page 15
was a record! Thanks to the Sioux
Falls and Zzen chapter members for
Next meeting is March 29th at joining in the fun. Thanks to Gary for
setting the party up, and to Sport
2pm at the SF American Legion
Bowl for hosting the event. Here are
*Future meetings listed at the the results:
end of the minutes
Women high series – Julie, Women
Meeting called to order at 2pm with high game – Margo
72 members present.
Men high series – Scott beat Stu by 3
Lori Christensen has passed away, pins, Men high game - Scott
after a brief battle with cancer.
Thoughts go out to Crazy Dave and Traveling trophy went to Selina of the
Sioux Falls chapter
her family.
Our thoughts are also with Randy &
Jan Wilson after the passing of
Randy's father.
We are still in need of a lot of help to
staff our booths at the Motorcycle
Expo. A sign up sheet is being passed
around. Please help out, if you can.
Previous month's meeting minutes
approved with no changes.
State Rep Report:
Those Guys has 48 members that
have been active for 10 years or
more. Let's keep up the good work on
the retention!
July – meeting will be 7/12
September – meeting will be 8/30
50/50 of $96 went to Charlie who
donated $30 back to the chapter.
raffle Those Guys ABATE
VP Report
Children's Home Society poker run -
Summer Ride guide update –The
guide will be printed soon.
businesses will be in the Summer
Ride book, and will be available to sell
at the swap meet. 500 books will be
printed. Those Guys members will be
selling the books, as well as J & L.
The wrap up party will coincide with
the 9/26 poker run. Thanks to the
group for all their hard work!
Wink from the 38 Roadhouse has
donated $425 to the Children's Home
Society poker run. Thanks for the
continued support!
Old Business:
Because of conflicts with holidays, we
moved the following TG monthly
SOL of $20 would have gone to
Rodney Smart. Drawing will be $30
We are making another TG shirt run.
next month.
Prepaid orders will be taken at the
end of the meeting. Sweatshirts, t- Welcome to new members: Chris
shirts, shop shirts and tanks are all Blake, Mike Jurgensen, Brenda
Kuyper, Tami Leih, Eldon Larson, Jay
Lawrence, Chad Ridgway, Cindy
A while back, it was decided that the
Shatzer, Terry Steineke, Chad Belisle
charter members of Those Guys will
(return), Tony & Ammy Counterman
no longer need to pay yearly dues.
The list of 5 charter members has
been finalized. Thanks for starting the Thanks to Dave & Iggy for taking the
mic and serenading us with “Happy
Trails”. This will surely be another fun
New Business:
addition to our meetings!
The Motorcycle Expo booths have
Motion to adjourn. Motion seconded
been paid for. Those Guys has 2
and approved.
booths and the Combat Vets have a
booth next to ours. Booth set up will Upcoming meeting dates:
be Friday night around 6pm. We will
meeting due to
be selling the Ride Guide books, March 29 (April
Deadwood poker run sign up, Easter), May 3 , June 1st
SB85 has been signed by the
governor and will be effective 7/1/15.
Great job everyone! If you get a
chance to meet Senator Ernie Otten,
thank him for all of his help with this memberships,
Deadwood Poker Run update – The
ride will start at Otis' in Worthing, and
head to Winner the first day. The
bowling alley will host the group
Friday night. Final destination in
Deadwood has not been finalized.
Shirts will be available at the Expo.
security and ticket sales help. There
are still spots in the motorcycle show
as well.
A big thank you to the South Dakota
Pork Producers who will be donating
the pork for the CHS poker run in
July. This is the 2nd year they have
made this generous donation.
Other supporters of the CHS poker
run are The Garage, Jono's and the
Bar Code. If you are setting up a
poker run, please include them on
your route.
Due to Easter falling on the 1st
Sunday of April, our April meeting will
be held March 29th at 2pm.
Mark from Sioux Falls ABATE spoke
The bowling party at Sport Bowl was about the Expo and fielded questions.
a success. We had 49 bowlers, which They are still looking for volunteer
Windriders members present at the
March 2nd meeting were as follows:
Joey Harms, Phil & Norma Hohm,
Schaun & Shelley Schnathorst, Bill &
Kasey Bindert, Don & Stacey Gurnon,
Gennae Danks, and Gary Heath.
talked mostly about our upcoming
Chili/Contest and Minnow Races on
March 14th at the Red Arrow Bar in
Huron. Chili contest will be from 5:00
to 7:00 and the minnow races from
7:00 to 9:00. Following that Keith
Murphy will have a live band
performing for us all to enjoy. Phil
will be in charge of getting the money
bags ready for the various events.
Both Phil and Norma will be taking in
the money and keeping track of it.
Todd and Dawn Meyers will be in
charge of the 50/50 drawing. With
that drawing we will also be giving
away a lot of door prizes. Schaun will
be in charge of the minnow races with
Gary’s assistance.
Shelley will
purchase items needed such as
bowls, spoons, napkins, etc.
Kasey, and Gennae will help where
We will be selling the
Universal Poker Cards for $20. Any
ABATE event or anyone’s poker run
events during the summer months
can be counted as any entry on this
card with up to eight events. We will
draw the wining hand at our Annual
Toy Run on August 29th. If you have
attended up to eight events you can
then draw eight cards and then pick
your best five cards for your hand.
We will also be selling raffle tickets
for the 10/22 AR Ruger Rifle for $5 or
three for $10 or a book of ten for
$30. This rifle will be given away at
the Toy Run in August. Work needs
to start for the planning of our bike
show during Wheel Jam on June 7th.
given as VP was absent.
out his written report. Norma made a
motion that we accept Phil’s report
and Stacey seconded the motion.
STATE REP REPORT: Phil told us
that SB 85 was signed into law by our
governor and went through both
houses with all yes votes. We want to
thank our legislatures from District 22
who helped us in repealing this law.
They include Peggy Gibson, Dick
Werner and Jim White.
The law
repealed the high handlebar law
which stated that your handlebars
couldn’t be higher than your
shoulders. With SB 85 there is now no
limit on the height of handlebars on a
motorcycle. This makes it a lot easier
for out of state bikers that visit our
state during the Sturgis Rally. They
then are not breaking our laws by
having handlebars that are too high.
Gary made a motion that we accept
Phil’s report and Joey seconded the
be getting everything ready for our
Annual Culver Scholarship Poker Run
on May 10 out of Wolsey, SD.
that need to renew are Dallas
Almond, Roger Graffunder, Debbie
Busch, and Todd & Dawn Meyers. One
of our members that renewed was
Gayle Kludt (3yr). To renew your
membership send $25 for one year or
$60 for three years to Windriders
PO Box 289
Huron, SD
57350. Remember if you move or
change your address your Freedom
Flyer will not be forwarded to you as
it is mailed 3rd class. Let Phil know if
your address had been changed at
Don made a motion at 7:30 to
adjourn the meeting and Gary
seconded the motion.
Minutes were taken by Shelley and
typed, edited, and sent to the
Freedom Flyer by Phil
April, I saw you. Yeah, you found that
break in the weather. The sun was
shining on you and as you blasted off
with that ear to ear grin that wasn`t
coming off, you remembered what
you had been missing since the snow
was biting you in the ass.
What a day. Thoughts of suggesting
to your boss something anatomically
improbable, just keep on riding, all of
those things that you couldn`t do
because it was too f ing cold, just
keep on riding, the business, the ol`
lady, the bills, the appointments, the
cops, oh shit, better slow down a little
bit, just keep on riding.
Hey, no
bugs. Reminds me of when last I had
to park it except it`s warmer, just
keep riding. Just me, the machine
and the open road. Getting thirsty
and so is the bike. The sun hasn`t
been peeking out of those clouds
lately and that cross wind is startin`
to be a bitch. That`s alright. I`ve got
my gauntlets in the bag, right?
They`re in there with my clears,
right? Along with the spare plugs and
all those things I carry when on the
road? Did I leave them on the bench?
I was only going for a putt!
So let`s talk about preparation. No,
I`m not talking about basic gear that
you regret that you didn`t have as
you were freezing your ass off on the
return trip. I`m talking about at the
driveway. Hit those brakes hard
before you get to the end of the
block. Before you have to stop. Is the
throttle sticking? Is the mirror where
it`s supposed to be? Clutch working
right? Excessive chain noise, primary
included? Those with belts check the
tracking and play. Those under
warranty look at all these things, too.
Especially if you are a new rider. It is
your responsibility to learn all of the
idiosyncrasies of your particular
model. They are all different.
Also remember that the general
public is blind to you. They will look
through you so don`t even think that
just because there was eye contact
that you even registered. Ride like
you are invisible And they are trying
to kill you! Give yourself an out.
Always have an alternate route in
case of a bad scenario. Never get
trapped behind a cage at a light. Stay
far enough behind and off to the side
so you have an escape. Watch your
mirror at the light so if someone
doesn`t stop, you can get out of the
way. This is one of the few times that
you can actually see out of it anyway.
Enough safety tips. Those of us,
seasoned, won`t need them and
those that need them probably won`t
listen. Remember me saying, check
those brakes? Well, before you grab a
handful of that, make sure that
you`re not surfing on all the sand
that has accumulated over the winter.
These tend to pile up at intersections
and at the bottom of the hill. Cleaning
the streets is not a large priority for
the gov entities. Besides, it takes
money from their budget to properly
maintain the streets.
March meeting was held at
Battlecreek. John Harris has resigned
as Treasurer and Leanne has been
appointed to fill his term. The first
vote was taken on a proposed by law
change. The second will be May 2 at
Hillbilly`s in Alcester. I urge all who
can to attend. There is no April
Ride safe.
ABATE of SD Supporters
The businesses and groups or individuals listed support ABATE of SD
through the Business Supporter program. Please return their support with
your patronage.
1481 Grille, Arlington (March 2015)
Pheasant Bar, Winner (January 2016)
38 Road House, Sioux Falls (September 2015)
Puzzled Bar, Parker (September 2014)
American Legion Post 174, Lennox (January. 2016)
Prostrollo Auto Mall, Madison (April 2015)
American Legion Post 15, Sioux Falls (March. 2016)
Pub House, Madison (March 2016)
Beamers Pub, Lennox (February 2015)
Red Rock, Brandon (January 2016)
Black Hills Harley Davidson, Rapid City (July 2015)
Redline Tavern, Yale (June 2015)
Blue Jay C-Store, Egan (April 2015)
Renegades Saloon (April 2015)
Buffalo Restaurant, Murdo (March 2016)
Safari Bar & Grill, Renner (April 2015)
Chancellor Bar, Chancellor (January 2015)
Sport Bowl Lounge, Sioux Falls (April 2015)
Cheap Shots, Sioux Falls (January 2016)
Steve’s Bar & Grill, Trent (April 2015)
Clark County Riders, Brookings (February 2015)
Taylor Repair, Gregory (September 2015)
Cottonwood, Yankton (July 2014)
TeeZers, Madison (December 2014)
D’s Fastfood & Catering, Aberdeen (December 2015)
The Baltic Lounge, Baltic (May 2014)
Dakota Beverage, Sioux Falls (May 2015)
The Barcode Bar & Grill, Sioux Falls (December 2015)
Dakota Insurance, Brookings/Baltic (December 2014)
The Garage, Sioux Falls (May 2015)
Davis Bar, Davis (March 2015)
Tormanen’s Bar, Badger (May 2015)
Edgar’s Old Fashioned Soda Fntn, Elk Point (May2015)
W Dees, Gayville (July 2015)
FM Crusaders, Aberdeen (March 2015)
Gregory Lanes, Gregory (April 2015)
Hillbilly’s Bar, Grill & Casino, Alcester (March 2015)
Howler’s Bar & Grille, Vermillion (March 2015)
HuHot Mongolian Grill, Sioux Falls (September 2015)
J & L Harley-Davidson, Sioux Falls/Watertown (Jan 2016)
Jake’s Place, Monroe (September 2015)
Jane’s Little Coalinga, Sioux Falls (May 2015)
Jim’s Tap, Brookings (April 2015)
Kulm Tasty Treats Cafe, Kulm, ND (June 2015)
Main Street Bikes & Trikes, Granville, IA (August 2015)
Main Street Humboldt Bar, Humboldt, SD (July 2015)
Monarch Steakhouse & Lounge, Renner (August 2015)
North Star Saloon, Dixon (January 2015)
Old 77 Bar & Grill, Dell Rapids (December 2015)
On the Rocks, Canton (January 2016)
Important note: If you are participating in the ABATE
of South Dakota, Inc. State Poker Run, please add the
new business supporters listed above to your State Poker
Run booklet. If you have any questions please contact
your State Rep for more information.
The Good Times Calendar is provided free of charge to ABATE of South Dakota members and chapters. Any motorcycle related event will be listed for free, also. All dates/times/places are subject to change.
The dates and events listed herein are NOT guaranteed to be correct, as many items are supplied by sources outside of the Freedom Flyer. Events listed in bold print are official events/meetings of ABATE
of South Dakota and members are encouraged to attend. For more information about any of these events, contact the chapter, organization, or business listed with the event or see individual ads that may be
printed elsewhere in this publication.
ABATE of South Dakota 2015
Good Times Calendar
Mar 25th - 28th – A Bike Week
May 14th - 16th – Bikers in the Beltway
Washington, DC
Mar 28th - 3rd Annual Safety Seminar
TREA - Rapid City, SD
Mar 29th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting
Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis
12 noon
April 7th - Rushmore ABATE Meeting
Eagles, Rapid City
6:00 pm May 23rd - East Central ABATE
Bike blessing/Ride to Egan (weather permitting)
7:00 pm
April 11th - East Central ABATE meeting
Family bowling
Kings Lanes, Madison, SD
April 11th - Southeast ABATE Meeting 11:00 am
Bertz Bar, Beresford, SD
April 14th –Northeast ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
7:00 pm
12 noon
April 26th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
6:00 pm
June 2nd - Rushmore ABATE Meeting
Eagles, Rapid City
7:00 pm
June 6th –Aberdeen ABATE Camp Dreamakers Poker Run
Leaving Wylie Park Race track
June 6th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
6:00 pm
June 11th - 13th - ND ABATE State Rally
Menoken Grove, ND
June 12th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
May 2nd – CMA 2015 “Run for the Sun”
Huron, SD
7:00 pm
May 8th - 10th - Heartland STEAM
Bismarck, ND
June 19th & 20th - Ed Netterberg Memorial
Weekend - Nemo, SD
June 19th & 20th - East Central ABATE
Family Campout - Madison, SD
June 6th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
May 9th -Sioux Falls ABATE - Hot Dog Feed &
Poker Run
May 10th - 16th – Myrtle Beach Bike Week
May 12th –Northeast ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
June 6th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
May 5th - Rushmore ABATE Meeting
Eagles, Rapid City
May 30th Aberdeen ABATE Motorcycle
Awareness Poker Run & Dance
June 5th - 7th - Windriders Wheel Jam
State Fairgrounds, Huron, SD
April 25th - 26th Aberdeen ABATE/FM
Crusader Bike Show
Dakota Events Center, Aberdeen, SD
May 2nd -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
6:30 pm
May 27th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting
Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis
June 5th & 6th - Rushmore ABATE Rally
Shade Valley Campground - Sturgis, SD
April 23rd - 25th– Laughlin River Run
Laughlin, NV
April 26th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting
Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis
2:00 pm
May 16th - State BOD Meeting
American Legion, Pierre, SD
April 4th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
May 16th - Oahe ABATE Awareness Ride
June 20th - Black Hills Area Bikers Ride for the
June 26th & 27th - Oahe ABATE Fun Run
Pierre, SD
7:00 pm June 26th & 27th - Those Guys ABATE Deadwood
7:00 pm
July 2nd - 5th - Freedom Rally
Algona, IA
Sept 1st - Rushmore ABATE Meeting
Eagles, Rapid City
July 3rd- Cackle Brothers Sign Up - 5:00 pm
Poker Run Melgaard Park, Aberdeen, SD
Sept 4th & 5th – ABATE of Kansas Labor Day Rally
– Perry Lake, KS
7:00 pm
July 7th - Rushmore ABATE Meeting
Eagles, Rapid City
July 11th - Bruce Hofer’s Relic Run
July 11th - North Star Poker Run
Winner, SD
July 17th-19th - Aberdeen ABATE 35th Annual
Pierpont Wheel Inn
Pierpont Lake
July 17th-18th - Beartooth Rally
Red Lodge, MT
1:00 pm
July 18th - State BOD Meeting
American Legion, Pierre, SD
6:00 pm
Sept 5th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office (Date may be rescheduled)
11:00 am
Sept 12th - East Central ABATE
Pot Luck/Game Day
Scott & Heather’s - Arlington, SD
Sept 12th - Lewis & Clark ABATE
Fall Run
Sept 12th - Oahe ABATE PJ party &
6:30 pm
Sept 19th - State BOD Meeting
American Legion, Pierre, SD
1:00 pm
Sept 19th – BH Area Bikers Ultimate Canyon Ride
July 18th - East Central ABATE
Bike Run
Sept 19th - East Central ABATE
Trap Shoot
July 19th - ABATE Meet in the Middle Ride
Black Hills/Oahe Chapters
9:00 am
Sept 24th – 26th – Meeting of the Minds
Milwaukee, WI
July 19th - Children’s Home Society Run
September 26th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
ABATE Poker Run
July 22nd - Black Hills ABATE Meeting
Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis
6:30 pm
July 25th - Combat Vets Big Paws Canine Poker
Run & Raffle
6:00 pm
July 25th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
5:00 pm
Aug 1st – Rice Honda BH Moonlight
Poker Run
Sign Up - 9:00 - 11:00 am
Aug 2nd - BH ABATE
Black Hills Charity Poker Run
Sturgis, SD
Aug 6th - Whitewood Social Hour
Whitewood Park, Whitewood, SD
Oct 6th - Rushmore ABATE Meeting
Eagles, Rapid City
7:00 pm
4:00 pm
Oct 24th – Rushmore ABATE Halloween Party
Oct 25th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting
Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis
Aug 15th - East Central ABATE Officer’s meeting Schmidty’s
Aug 16th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run
Nov 3rd - Rushmore ABATE Meeting
Eagles, Rapid City
Nov 7th - East Central ABATE
Christmas Party
Social Hour
Nov 7th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
Aug 21st & 22nd - Bottum’s Up Run
Marmarth, ND
6:30 pm
Aug 28th-30th- Fun Run to LaCrosse, WI
Brookings, SD
Aug 29th – North Star Nostalgia Poker
Run – Winner, SD
6:00 pm
Oct 3rd -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting
Chapter Office
12:00 noon
Aug 26th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting
Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis
Oct 10th - East Central ABATE
Supper/meeting - 1481 Grille
Aug 2nd - 8th - Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
Aug 3rd - Lake ABATE Sturgis Poker Run
12:00 sign up
Hill City, SD
Sept 30th - Black Hills ABATE Meeting 6:30 pm
Side Hack Saloon, Sturgis
7:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
6:00 pm
Nov 15th -Sioux Falls ABATE - Chili Feed &
Cooking Contest
Nov 21st - State BOD Meeting
American Legion, Pierre, SD
1:00 pm
Nov 22nd - Black Hills ABATE Meeting
Hack Saloon, Sturgis
noon Side
Page 21
Welcome NEW Members
The following is a list of new members to ABATE of South Dakota, listed by chapter.
If the spelling is wrong, please notify your chapter membership secretary.
Page 22
Members up for Renewal in April
The following is a list of members of ABATE of South Dakota, listed by chapter that are
renewing this month.
ABERDEEN - Frank Benoit, Lisa Davis, Ryan Freeman, Delbert Kaup, Cindy Lunders, Robert Sayer,
Everett Schnoor, Joel Vig
BLACK HILLS: Bruce Becker, Keith Bender, Robert Brown, Cindy Carlson, Dale Claymore, Kevin Cordill,
Ben Frerichs, Gwenda Gorsuch, Gary Hopkins, Steve Horner, Larry Hurley, Kenneth Hutton, Thomas
Jankord, Rick Kendall, John Knapp, Kevin Lowther, Rock Reman, Lee Schmunk, John Schwabauer, Martin
Shaw, Neil Tschetter, Ray Witte
EAST CENTRAL :Jeff Gates, Pete Stemper
LAKE : Tim Begeman, Dave & Sara Hare, Jeff & Lynn Landeen, Dennis & Teresa Miller, Darin & Teresa
Namken, Terry Olson, Deani & Shaun Riedesel, Nick & Traci Smith, Doug Spielmann, Jayne & Kim Ver
LEWIS & CLARK: Kim Ackley, J Pat Fagan, Kevin Frangenberg, Penny Gregorio, Chad Harris, Tami
Keller, Kevin Opsahl, Gary Pigney, Laurie & Rod Wiedmeier
NORTH EAST: Gary Haight, Brian Moe, William Moe Jr, Junior Vande Zande
NORTHSTAR: Bob Frank, Joyce & Larry Shavlik
OAHE: Craig Andre, Gene Geffre, William Green, Jolene Juneau, Gary Schmitdgen
RUSHMORE: Wayne Andrews, Debra Christie, Mike & Karline Clark, Kathy Houchin, Brian Jackson, Kim
Morrison, Jason & Lee Ann Sims, Justin Steele, Shane Verel
SIOUX FALLS: Jon Arey, Kenneth & Linda Askren, Robert Boekhoff, Jim Buckley, Jeff Coster, Blaine
Eilts, Ken Feist, James Hickenbotham, Dave Hult, Roger Leggett, Paul McCollar, Don Olson, Larry &
Nancy Reemts, Leisa Reeve, Steven Rogers, Daniel Seppanen, Mike Vonsik
SIOUX RIVER: Wayne Hillestad
SOUTH EAST: Ben Bonnema, Gary Decker, Mike Hammer, Roger Hofer, Glen Kunkel, Larry McPherson,
Scott Neuberger, Larry Reemts, Anthony Roark, John Robertson, Mike Stough, Mike Top, Tony Tulio
SUPPORTERS – BUSINESS: Backyard Motorcycles LLC, Blue Jay C-Store, Gregory Lanes, Jim’s Tap,
Prostrollo Motor Co, Renegades Saloon, Sports Bowl Lounge, The Garage, Tormanen’s Bar & Grill
THOSE GUYS: Shaun Hagen, Julie Pick, Scott Wentzel
WINDRIDERS: Carey Dennis, Peggy Gibson, Don Gurnon, Doug Hooth, Steven Tello
ZZEN: Brian Imes, Laurie Thompson, Merle Vandenberg
Page 23
Application for Membership
I wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc., and one of the
following chapters. Enclosed are my $25 yearly dues. $5 of
which is a contribution to IMPAC and $20 to the general fund of
ABATE. Canadian dues are $44 – other countries’ dues are $50
due to the high cost of postage. Dues are subject to change at
any time.
Aberdeen ........................... 511N Main St, Ipswich SD 57451
Black Hills ............................. PO Box 761 Sturgis, SD 57785
East Central ......................... 21 Bay Rd. Madison, SD 57042
Lake ................................... PO Box 168 Madison, SD 57042
Lewis & Clark .......................PO Box 255 Yankton, SD 57078
North East .............. 1707 2nd Ave NE, Watertown, SD 57201
North Star...................33695 SD Hwy 44 Gregory, SD 57533
Oahe ...................................... PO Box 331 Pierre, SD 57501
Rushmore ....................... PO Box 1223 Rapid City, SD 57709
Sioux Falls ..................... PO Box 2431 Sioux Falls, SD 57101
Sioux River ....................... PO Box 191 Brookings, SD 57006
South Central ...................PO Box 23, Lake Andes, SD 57356
South East .......................... PO Box 42 Vermillion, SD 57069
Sturgis .. #243 2601 S Minnesota Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Those Guys .......... 2605 W Kingston Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57107
Windriders ............................. PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350
Zzen ............................. 120 Zeliff Ave. Sherman, SD 57030
Address Change
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________
City: ___________________State: _____ Zip Code:________
Phone: __________________(Hm) __________________(Cell)
Voting District: ______________________________________
E-mail Address: _____________________________________
(Optional- used for ABATE Business Only)
Please send completed application with check or money
order to the chapter of your choice at their address listed
above (Membership dues or donations to ABATE of South
Dakota, Inc. or the individual chapters listed herein are
NOT tax deductible).
I agree to comply with all ABATE of SD’s rules for sanctioned
ABATE of SD events. I understand all benefits become effective
upon receipt of my membership card.
Signature _______________________________________
(Information on this form is intended for use of ABATE of SD and is not
sold or distributed outside of this organization)
I do not wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. at this time,
or I am already a member and I would like to donate to the
Informed Motorcyclist Political Action Committee (IMPAC).
Enclosed please find a check or money order in the amount of $
_______. I understand this donation is not tax deductible and
will be used to safeguard the interests of motorcyclists in the
State of South Dakota.
Signature (required)__________________________________
Name – Please Print _________________________________
Page 24
substituted for the business card ad. Below are the
prices for larger ads to be run for one year.
ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporter Program
ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporters are those
businesses, groups and individuals who pledge support Prices include Business Supporter dues (please note:
with a $100 yearly donation. For your donation, you normal page size is 8¼” by 10½”):
receive during the year:
1/4 page - $275.00
1/2 page - $425.00
♦ A plaque to display in your establishment
(please indicate 1 column or 2 column. 1 column will
♦ Twelve business card size ads in the FREEDOM cover ½ of page from top to bottom, 2 column will
cover top or bottom half of page)
♦ A $25 credit on a larger ad to be use at your
Full page - $725.00
♦ A monthly listing under ABATE SUPPORTERS in the Ads submitted must be black and white, camera
ready. If no ad is provided, the Editor reserves the
right to create one based on the information received.
♦ You are furthering ABATE’s cause to promote A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota, Inc., the Freedom Flyer,
motorcycling in South Dakota.
and the individual members are not responsible for
errors, omissions, or reprint quality of submitted ads.
In the event of a dispute, the Editor may replace a
If you are interested in becoming an ABATE of
disputed ad and/or extend the business supporter
South Dakota Supporter, write:
dues by one (1) month at Editor’s discretion. Pursuant
ABATE of South Dakota, Inc.
to approval by the Board of Directors of A.B.A.T.E. of
South Dakota, Inc., the Editor may refuse or remove
c/o Jan Weismantel
any ad deemed discriminatory or against the best
305 15th Avenue NE, Aberdeen, SD 57401
interests of this organization. In the case of removal,
the Board may authorize a refund.
Business Supporter dues are not tax deductible except Please remove the section below and mail it to the
as a business expense.
address listed above with a check payable to ABATE of
A year’s subscription to the FREEDOM FLYER.
The above-mentioned Business Card size ad refers to a South Dakota.
standard business card. The Freedom Flyer reserves
the right to make minor adjustments to the size to fit
the space as necessary.
Larger ads may be
Business Name:
Contact Person:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Ad size (circle one):
Amount enclosed:
Business Card
Please mail to : ABATE of South Dakota
c/o Jan Weismantel
305 15th Avenue NE
Aberdeen, SD 57401
1/4 Page
1/2 Page
Full Page
Make check payable to - ABATE of South Dakota
Page 25
Free to all ABATE of South Dakota members. Each ad will
be printed until advertiser requests removal by
contacting the Editor. The Advertiser is responsible for
all content and/or corrections.
FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas FOR SALE: 2008 Yamaha Vstar 1100cc, Blue,
111 cubic inch motor, many extras. windshield, soft side saddle bags, luggage carrier,
$19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666
oil relocator put on June 2014, very nice looking
bike!! New Battery! $4400 located in Mitchell, SD
FOR SALE: 1982 FLT Big Twin Tour Glide-85%
Call Jason 605-630-2592 or Carm 605-830-2981
original, Lots or EXTRA’S, NO frame alterations,
Accessories - bike lift, tools, doc’s, cover, manuals, FOR SALE:
oil, lubes, cleaning goodies, air cover & rear tire/
▪ 3 pouch windshield bag (Genuine Harley
frame snake lock. Excellent clean bike. $11,500.
Davidson $50.00
Located in Whitewood, SD #605-722-3859
▪ Seat handle for passenger, chrome comes up
FOR SALE: 2007 Yamaha V-Star 1100cc, like new,
beside passenger & bolts under seat $25.00
black, windshield, leather saddle bags, driver floor
boards. I’ve converted it to heal-toe shift, but could ▪ 7” & 9” Windshields for bagger 2013 & older,
smoked in color (brand new) $30.00 each
easily be switched back. $6500 firm. 605-2060126; email
▪ 2011 Ultra Saddle bag guards, excellent shape
FOR SALE: Easy Riders Magazines. 162 magazines
from 1973 to 1991. Various condition, from still in
▪ Trailer hitch for 1995-2007 Street Glide Road
the plastic wrapper to not so good. Very good deal
King or Ultra, black in color, under fender,
at $3.00 an issue. Call me and then come by and
horizontal receiver $200.00
look at them. Only stipulation. It’s all or none. 605▪ 2008 Street Glide Wire spoke rims & tires,
Metzler Marathon ME 880 MT908/16 72H, Rear
FOR SALE: 1979 FLH Brown w/gold flake, 12,000
140/90B 16 M/C 77H, $275.00
All original w/tour pak, rear light bar,
▪ 2006 Street Glide, $34,000, black in color,
$7,500 OBO. Call Mike at 605-352-2678.
chrome front end, front lowers, Sundowner
FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas
seat, Thunder Header pipes, Apprx 5,000 on
111 cubic inch motor, many extras.
tires, has double docking kit on rear for back
$19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666
rest & luggage rack
FOR SALE: 2002 Dyna Twin Cam 88 Police
Defender, FXDP. No saddle bags but the running
boards, controls & dual disc brakes are still intact.
Carbureted & fast. Needs some cleaning. Black
2ith 16” fat Apes, windshield, sissy bar, 38,000.
Please Let Editor Know of Sold Items.
Warner, SD
$6,500. #605-228-6283 or email
FOR SALE: 2003 883 Harley w/Screaming Eagle
upgrade. Bike has 10,000 miles. Purple underlights
on bike w/purple spark plug lines. Purple flames on
tank & fenders. $9,000 PERFECT shape! #402340-4809 - Pickstown, SD
FOR SALE: Men’s pair of Harley Davidson boots,
(Still have the tags on them) Zipper opening with
steel toe, size 9M, $169.00 new.
Will sell for
Call Del at Hm#605-853-3233 or
Page 26
2400 W. Madison
Sioux Falls, SD
Kulm’s Tasty Treats Café
D's Business supporter card (2).JPG
13 1st Avenue SW
Kulm, ND 58456
Page 27
912 N. Dakota Street * Vermillion, SD 57069
47409 258th St
Renner, SD
Puzzled Bar
Parker, SD
11 to Close
7 Days a Week
Food Available
Page 31
Freedom Flyer
Susan Lettau
1723 Main Street
Sturgis, SD 57785
Phone: 605-720-0263
Cell: 605-490-1593
Please contact your membership secretary with
any address change. Your Freedom Flyer will not
be forwarded to your new address.
Next State Board of Directors Meeting will
be May 16th, 2015 at 2:00 pm
American Legion — Pierre, SD

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