January, 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
January, 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
I : A.B.A.T.E. OF S OUTH DISSUE AKOTA, INC. NSIDE THIS A BROTHERHOOD FOR AWARENESS, TRAINING & EDUCATION VOLUME 33, ISSUE 1 FREEDOM FLYER JANUARY 2015 Legislative Day Agenda 2015 Thursday ~ American Legion-January 15, 2015 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Registration table opens IMPAC Meeting (Open to Membership) Dianna’s Report Meet and Greet Legislators Friday ~ State Capitol - January 16, 2015 7 am to 10 am 10:00 am 10:30 am Coffee & Rolls in Wings Group Photo Committees & Capitol Self-Tours Friday ~ American Legion - January 16, 2015 11:30 am 1:00 pm 2:30 to 3:30 pm 3:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 pm Lunch (Hosted by Sioux Falls Chapter) Opening Ceremonies Presentation - TBA Presentations - TBA Social / Break Dinner (Hosted by Oahe Chapter) Presentation of Awards & Address by State Coordinator Minnow Races Membership Social Saturday ~ American Legion - January 17, 2015 9:00 am 10:00 am Breakfast (Hosted by Zzen Chapter) Board Meeting INSIDE THIS ISSUE: State Coordinator’s Report Jiggs Cressy 3 Letter to the Editor 7 Good Times Calendar 20-21 Chaplains Report Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff 3 Around the State w/Phil Phil Hohm 8 New ABATE of SD Members/ Application for Membership 22 MRF/ Legislative Report John Steele/MRF Application 4 ABATE of SD Chapter Reports 9-18 Business Supporter Application 23 November Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 5-6 ABATE of SD Supporters 19 Classifieds 24 FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 2 ABATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, INC. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. #243 2601 S. Minnesota Ave. STE 105 Sioux Falls, SD 57105-4750 State Officers State Committee Chairpersons Coordinator - Jiggs Cressy (605) 391-6361 email: jac98fxd@aol.com Vice - Coordinator - Rod “Thumper” Hersrud (605) 690-1364 email: trudie@brookings.net Treasurer - Jan Weismantel (605) 225-5474 email: jaws305@abe.midco.net Legislative Officer - John Steele (605) 661-4895 email: sdimpacchair@yahoo.com Secretary - Bobbie Mathews (605) 354-1226 email: abatesdsecretary@gmail.com Membership Secretary - Karline Clark (605) 430-1670 email: kcspoiled@rap.midco.net State MRF Representative - John Steele (605) 661-4895 email: sdmrfrep@yahoo.com State Products Manager - Trudie Hersrud (605) 697-5708 email: trudie@brookings.net State Promotions - Wayne Lettau (605) 720-0263 email: tiny77_69@yahoo.com State Webmaster - Darrel Killion (605) 256-2188 email: killond1@yahoo.com State Historian - John Addy (605) 296-3354 email: slacksd@aol.com State Board of Directors Aberdeen ............................................... Mark Schuett Black Hills...................... Wayne Lettau (605) 720-0263 East Central ....................Dale England (605) 291-9035 Lake ................................ Dan Nugent (605) 256-3728 Lewis & Clark... .......... Lloyd Vanburen (605) 263-3263 North East ...................... Curt Watkins (605) 280-5860 Northstar .......................... Ray Bokker (605) 835-8065 Oahe ..................... Lori Butler staterep@oaheabate.com Rushmore ................ Sunshine Minzlaff (605) 787-9136 Sioux Falls .............................. Al Luze (605) 521-9557 Sioux River .................. Cal Stainbrook (605) 627-5306 South Central ........ ...Duane Chalmers (605) 487-6210 South East .......... …...Larry Reemts zzeppor@gmail.com Those Guys .................. Dennis Hasche (605) 321-6305 Windriders.......................... Phil Hohm (605) 352-7009 Zzen ........................John “Slack” Addy (605) 296-3354 Freedom Flyer IMPAC Informed Motorcyclists Political Action Committee IMPAC is the political arm of ABATE of SD. IMPAC money is used to support legislative candidates, pay for lobbyists, fight NEGATIVE or support positive legislation at the State or Federal levels. Our Liberty, Freedom of Choice and Safety depends on IMPAC in our state. Freedom Flyer Advertising Rates 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo Business Card $10 $ 25 $ 50 $ 90 1/4 Page $20 $ 50 $100 $200 1/2 Page $35 $ 85 $175 $350 Full Page $65 $160 $325 $650 Editor - Susan Lettau 1723 Main St Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 720-0263 Hm (605) 490-1593 Cell Email: sdfreedomflyer@gmail.com Articles are due by the 15th of the month. ABATE Chapter Events: $45.00 Full Page DISCLAIMER: The FREEDOM FLYER is an official publication of ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Contents may be republished in whole or in part with proper attribution. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained within this publication. Advertisements in this newsletter are paid ads and do not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of ABATE of South Dakota. We thank our advertisers for their patronage as they enable our constant fight for our rights. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER INDEMNIFICATION: The Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of the advertisement. The FREEDOM FLYER shall not be liable or responsible for any error in any advertisement except to give the advertiser credit for so much space occupied by the advertisement as is materially affected by the error; credit shall be by refund or replication of the advertisement at the election of the FREEDOM FLYER. Such credit shall not be given for more than one incorrect insertion unless the Editor is notified in writing of the error before the repetition of the insertion. When the Advertiser wishes to correct or change copy submitted as a “proof”, the Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for the changes or correction unless they are received by the FREEDOM FLYER within a reasonable length of time before the deadline for publication. If an advertisement is requested to run after copy deadline, the Freedom Flyer will not honor the adjustment request if an error occurs. No specific page or portion shall be guaranteed. The Advertiser or Agency shall indemnify the FREEDOM FLYER for any attorney’s fees incurred in defending against claims, pay any judgment against the Newspaper; and pay associated expenses and losses that are caused by the publication of any advertisement submitted or published at the discretion of the Advertiser or Agency, including claims for libel, copyright infringement, and invasion of privacy. PAGE 3 FREEDOM FLYER STATE COORDINATOR’S REPORT - JIGGS CRESSY HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!! and show your legislator know that you are willing to make a sacrifice to get this passed. soon and we need as many leather clad freedom fighters as we can in the halls of the Statehouse. So please plan on attending and bring a friend with When the bill comes before you. a committee please make an effort to come and “I predict future happiness for testify, or contact the Americans, if they can prevent the legislators sitting on the government from wasting the committee to let them labors of the people under the know that you want this pretense of taking care of them.” passed. ― Thomas Jefferson With a new year come new hopes and new dreams. And for ABATE of South Dakota it is no different. As of the writing of this article we ▪ are going to introduce a bill in this year’s legislature to repeal the handlebar height restriction. We have listened to the vocal membership and are going forward with this effort. This is going to be an uphill battle and we are going to need lots of help Like I said this is going to be an from the membership. So what uphill battle and we are going to Keep Your Knees in the Breeze can you do as a member? need all the membership help that ▪ Read the information on we can get. This needs to be a Jiggs why it needs to be grassroots effort on all sides. If repealed in this newsletter. you ride with apes I will be expecting you to join us in this ▪ Contact your legislator and effort to repeal the antiquated explain why we want to law. If you know someone who real this antiquated law. rides with apes please pass this ▪ Ask your legislator if they on to them and if they are not would sponsor or co- ABATE members please sign them sponsor this bill. up. ▪ Come to legislative days Legislative days will be coming up ABATE CHAPLAIN’S CORNER - AUGGIE & SUNSHINE MINZLAFF Life is an Echo "What you send out - comes back What you sow - you reap What you give - you get What you see in others - exists in you Remember - life is an echo It always gets back to you; so give it goodness" (Author unknown) If you find happiness, people may God!" (Author unknown) be jealous. Be happy anyway. 1 Thess 5:11 "Therefore comfort The good you do today may be each other and edify (build up) forgotten tomorrow. Do good one another just as you are anyway. doing." Give the world the best you have It can be a hard job (or a heavy and it may never b e load) but many of us are already enough. Give your best anyway. doing it. Let's make this a year we all pitch in and help ABATE, "People are often unreasonable For you see, in the end, it is MRF and one another! and self-centered. Forgive them between you and God. It was anyway. never between you and them Ride FREE, Ride safe, and ride anyway." (Mother Teresa) often. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be "Always pray to have eyes that In His service, kind anyway. see the best in people, a heart Sunshine and Auggie that forgives the worst, a mind If you are honest, people may that forgets the bad, and a soul cheat you. Be honest anyway. that never loses faith in FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 4 MRF REPORT & LEGISLATIVE OFFICER REPORT - JOHN STEELE As I’m sure everyone is aware, the U.S. Congress is still as contentious as ever. As this article is being written, they are trying to get so me nominations done & passing a huge spending bill so they can leave for Christmas recess. Our MRF VP of Government Relations, Jeff Hennie, recently reported the following; “The House Oversight Committee held a hearing on the EPA's handling of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The committee findings are that the RFS needs to be changed to reflect the current fuel landscape. They determined that it’s far too difficult to find traditional, ethanol-free fuel. It was noted that some municipalities have no other option other than ethanol blends. The purpose of the RFS was to allow for the sale of ethanol, but at the same time, traditional fuels should be available as well. The Congress is likely to act on ethanol bills in the next Congress. The assumptions of the RFS have not come to fruition, & are likely to be addressed. In fact, during the hearing the committee specifically mentioned how the higher ethanol blends are damaging to motorcycles.” Our state legislative session starts January 13th & will last until March 13th. Legislative Days are January 15, 16 and 17. This next session will see a big Highway/Bridge funding bill as I reported last month & we will need to watch it very carefully. Also, as I reported last month we will be pursuing the repeal of the handlebar height statute. This repeal is going to require membership to get active in supporting this repeal by contacting their respective legislators while in Pierre & also when they’re home at cracker barrels. We will see opposition from law enforcement and we need to be familiar with & be able to articulate our arguments for the repeal clearly and with the same information. Last month I included the reasons for repeal of the handlebar height law. At the heart of the argument to repeal this statute, it comes down to a case of harassment. This statute is commonly used as a cause to stop & proceed to look for other violations. The vast majority of tickets are warning tickets & happen during the Sturgis motorcycle rally. There are neighboring states that have no restrictions on handlebar height so this puts a lot of visitors to our state in the position of being harassed for something that is legal at home while they are here to enjoy our state. The following states have no restrictions; legal where they live & something that has no evidence of being unsafe. During this year’s Legislative Days we will have a representative from the Highway Patrol to give their view on why this law is needed. Please be sure to attend. Check out South Dakota Legislature website at; http://legis.sd.gov/ Then make sure you sign up for “ESubscribe”. With this you can track bills online & get email alerts when something changes with that bill, gets assigned for a committee hearing, etc. You can also search current bills using just a keyword like “motorcycle” or look through current statutes. Another resource to use during session is our own website at; http://www.abatesd.com/, then clicking on the “Legislative” link. Current bills of interest to us will be posted there with updates. I hope we see a good showing this year to Legislative Days as we have plenty of reasons to be involved between the highway funding & our Minnesota, Iowa, Arkansas, Colorado, handlebar height repeal effort. See Idaho, Kentucky, Montana, Oregon, you in Pierre! Pennsylvania, New Mexico, North Ride Safe and Sober! Carolina, Virginia. This means a lot of visitors to our state John Steele being harassed for something that is Legislative Officer MRF Rep FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 5 Please note: The Board of Directors meeting minutes printed here have been edited for space and other concerns. A complete copy of these minutes has been presented to the Board of Directors for their approval and/or corrections at the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting. If approved, true and correct copies of the minutes will be available by contacting the State Secretary or any of the Board of Directors listed on page 2. When requesting a copy, please indicate which chapter you are a member of, if any. (Postage and copying fees may be required to obtain a copy). ABATE of South Dakota Board of Directors Meeting November 15, 2014 American Legion, Pierre SD Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Aberdeen: Mark Schuett - absent Black Hills: Wayne Lettau - present East Central: Dale England - absent Lake: Dan Nugent - absent Lewis and Clark: Lloyd VanBuren - absent NorthEast: Curt Watkins - absent North Star: Ray Boker - absent Oahe: Lori Butler - present Rushmore: Sunshine Minzlaff – Karline Clark subbing SouthEast: Larry Reemts - present Sioux Falls: Al Luze - present Sioux River: Cal Stainbrook - excused SouthCentral - Duane Chalmer – Lars subbing Those Guys: Dennis Hasche – Gail VanderPol Subbing Windriders: Phil Hohm - present Zzen: John Addy “Slack - present State Officers: Coordinator: Jiggs Cressy - present Vice Coordinator: Rod Hersrud - excused Secretary: Bobbie Matthews – Susan Lettau subbing Treasurer: Jan Weismantel - excused Membership Secretary: Gail VanderPol - present Newsletter Editor: Susan Lettau - present Legislative Officer: John Steele - excused Secretary’s Report: Bobbie sent a message thanking us for covering for her while her daughter is in the hospital. She greatly appreciates the support and the help! Wayne Lettau moved to accept the minutes as published in the newsletter and Phil Hohm seconded. Motion passed with no opposition. Treasurer’s Report: Balances were given for ABATE of SD, IMPAC and the ABATE of SD Foundation. Motion there will be room to put more information on events. Hopefully, this will help get more information out on the chapter’s events. Committee Reports: Promotions committee: Nothing new to report. Newspaper Boxes: Nothing new to report. MRF Rep. Report: Senator Thune has been elected as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation so items will be go through his committee. We need to make sure that he hears our voice. Congress is in the process of figuring out who is in charge of what right now. Hopefully we will be able to get items passed once things are settled. MRF is in need of members. They have come dangerously close to having to close their office in D.C. If you aren’t a member of MRF, please join. They need your support. IMPAC Legislative Officer Report: The IMPAC committee is in the process of finalizing things for Legislative Days. They are looking for suggestions from the Board as to what they should give for gifts to the Legislators. Trudie has some suggestions of gifts that she will be emailing out to the reps for them to look at. If you have any suggestions, please let Trudie know. Jiggs passed out a form to all of the reps to update their chapter officer’s information. He asked them to complete it and get back to him. There was a handout given to all of the reps on “Talking Points”. Wayne encouraged everyone to get familiar with the information on this handout and also provide the information to your members. This information will be helpful when talking with your representatives about the handlebar height issue. Diane feels that the handlebar height issue may be a fight with the Highway Patrol as they are using this as probable cause to pull people over. This is discrimination and should be gotten rid of. Talk with your members. Get to know your legislators. This is your right! We will need a sponsor or co-sponsors to present this bill so please talk with your legislators. was passed by Wayne Lettau and seconded by Phil Hohm, Jiggs attended an Interim Committee Summer Study meeting on November 6th & 7th. $240 million dollars is and carried with no opposition. needed for road repair. There will be 19 bills presented Membership Secretary’s Report: In October, we took making changes to Vehicle Excise Tax, Tax on Dyed in 18 new members and November we have taken in 17 Diesel, Gas Tax, Ethanol Tax, Motor Vehicle Registration new members. Phil made a motion to accept and Wayne fees, Ag Vehicles, Electric/hybrid cars/motorcycles, seconded. This passed with no opposition. This will be Bridge Fund and Wheel Tax. You will be hearing about all the last meeting for Gail VanderPol. She is retiring as of this. Membership Secretary after 18 years! The Board thanked Gail for all of her years in this position. Karline State Products Manager Report: Trudie has a bill for Clark from Rushmore Chapter (Rapid City) is taking over $135.15 to turn in for license plate decals. She just purchased decals for motorcycles at this time. Susan has the position from Gail. approximately 15 of the decals for vehicles if anyone is Newsletter Editor’s Report: Susan brought to the interested in those. boards attention that the Good Times Calendar will be changing in 2015. It is being expanded to a full page so Page 6 Motorcycle Awareness, Training, and Education Grant: There is no grant at this time. The Foundation Committee met before the meeting but there weren’t enough officers present for a quorum. Jiggs will be holding a Go to Meeting with the ABATE of SD Foundation committee to discuss some items. Susan asked if there was anything being done with setting the motorcycle map up as an app for phones. Jiggs said that Bobbie had been working on this but that he isn’t sure where she is at with it right now. FREEDOM FLYER ANNOUNCEMENTS: Black Hills – check for $200.00 for Legislative Days and $300.00 for the general fund. South Central – They are having a food drive on December 6th with a meeting before. It will start at 6:30 pm at the VFW in Lake Andes. They will be accepting canned foods and toys and will be having a potluck and live band. They presented a check for $200.00 to IMPAC. Sioux Falls – delivering toys on December 13th. They will be riding their motorcycles so bring your bikes. “Freedom Fighters Memorial” for Members Lost Committee: Nothing new at this time. Slack and Wayne Those Guys – bowling party in February will meet after the meeting to discuss some items. Zzen – Slack reported on Meeting of the Minds. After OLD BUSINESS: 2014, all vehicles must have digital recorders. There are questions as to who owns this information/records. He Statewide Poker Run: Susan asked if the Board was reported that the MRF office in D.C. was in danger of interested in doing this another year. We have sold 40 closing. It costs $195,000 a year to keep that office books this year. There is no cost to the State to do this open. Please encourage everyone to become a member so anything taken in is all profit. Wayne Lettau made a of MRF to keep this office open. motion and Phil Hohm seconded to do again for 2015, motion passed with no opposition. Windriders – check for $100.00 for Legislative Days and $200.00 to the general fund. NEW BUSINESS: Rushmore – they have tickets for their motorcycle that Legislative Days: (food preparation, reserve rooms, they are raffling off. This year it is a Superior Blue “103” speakers, contact governor’s office, and welcome Harley Davidson Street Glide FLHX. They only have 1500 registration room) Everything is ready for Legislative tickets for sale. Days. They are going to have a Chinese Auction and Door Prizes so they are asking for donations from the Oahe – Christmas Toy Run on December 12th. Their chapters. They are still checking on some possibilities for chapter is now a sustaining member of the MRF. speakers. There will be 50/50 drawing. Jiggs urged chapters to get their member of the year awards ready to Sioux River – check for $300.00 for Legislative Days be presented. Lori will get ABATE’s name in to provide ABATE of South Dakota has been a sustaining member of the Capital Journal to the legislators. the MRF for 22 years. Review of Tax Status: Jiggs will contact Jan about this. ABATE of SD Foundation: The Foundation Committee met before the meeting but there weren’t enough officers May Awareness Run to Pierre: (begin planning) Phil present for a quorum. Jiggs will be holding a Go to agreed to do the Awareness Run again in 2015. He said Meeting with the committee to discuss some items. that he won’t try to set it up for the chapters to meet one Respectfully Submitted, another but the chapters may want to travel in groups. Heartland STEAM Committee: Jiggs passed out information to the Board on 5 hotels in Sioux Falls that have sent quotes for holding Heartland STEAM in 2016. The board discussed the prices of rooms, meeting rooms, parking and location of each of the hotels proposals. After much discussion, Wayne Lettau made a motion and Al Luze seconded to go with the Ramkota Hotel. The motion carried with no opposition. Bobbie Matthews – Susan Lettau subbing State Secretary ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Jiggs Cressy, State Coordinator ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Rod Hersrud, Vice Coordinator The 2015 Heartland STEAM will be held in Bismarck, ND ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. on May 8th – 10th, 2015. Please consider going and supporting them. They welcome any types of donations for both the live and silent auctions. Susan will check with them to see about getting a flyer to put in the Freedom Flyer. Video Conferencing: There was a question asked about video conferencing the BOD meetings when the weather is bad like today. Jiggs said he wasn’t aware that the weather was to be as bad as it was. It will be considered in the future. PAGE 7 FREEDOM FLYER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR On Saturday, our family lost a dear friend. Shirley Knouse spent over a year battling cancer but that's one of the things that her memory brings to mindshe was full of life and full of love. I am grateful for her strength and energy and the years we did get to share with this beautiful lady. My deepest sympathies to her family. talent, or green backs. With that generosity, we were able to ensure once again that each of those 71 kids had something from Santa to unwrap. You guys are awesome! If you're one of those folks, thanks for sharing that Christmas spirit. If you missed out or we've piqued your interest, let me know-have I got a job for you! At that same time, another celebration of life and It is called living, not watching, so get out there & giving was happening here in Sioux Falls. We had do something. What will we do with these days an unusually warm December day for our 29th we're given? annual Toy Run. 73 bikes brought out over 100 bikers to help Ol' Santa deliver gifts and some Thanks be to God for this new day and the Christmas joy to the students at Childrens' Care opportunity it brings. Merry Christmas & see ya Hospital. We were fortunate to have SO many next year. helping hands this year. At the risk of leaving out a single one of you, I want to thank all of the angels, -Dawn H. elves & even the trolls who gave of their time, Sioux Falls ABATE Page 8 FREEDOM FLYER AROUND THE STATE WITH PHIL It is about the middle of November 2014 as I am starting my column for January 2015. It has really been cold especially considering this is only November and we got a lot of winter left to deal with. Last night is was -4 degrees and what I am wondering is what to expect for temperatures in the month of January. I am really not very excited about looking at my heating bill coming up way too soon. I have a friend that has lived by Lake Byron for almost twenty years and he said that the lake froze over completely in one night which has never happened in all the time he lived there. Today was the opening of deer rifle season. It is almost like a scared holiday in these parts. I heard recently that the state of Wisconsin was going to make the opening of deer season a state holiday. I don’t know if that is true but it sounds like a great idea to me. My neighbor, Keith, shot a nice 4x 5 buck this morning at 7:18AM. It just happened that it was about 200 yards north of my farm. I didn’t have a deer license myself and so I saved a nice buck for my neighbor. I locked it in my barn and let it out early this morning. I hope that he appreciated that! Yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving by eating too much great tasting food! Sometimes it is good to think of some of the things we are thankful for. The day after Thanksgiving Norma was babysitting her daughter’s three boys. She had ordered a large supreme Dominos pizza. By the time the pizza arrived several more people arrived to enjoy the pizza. Norma told me that she was thankful that she got one piece of the pizza. I told her that she needed to eat faster if she expected to get more than one piece. When I and my siblings were growing up Mom would fry up a big bunch of chicken and put it in the middle of the table in a large bowl. Whoever ate the fastest got the most food. I was always glad that I was the fastest eater in the family. On this Thanksgiving weekend I am thankful that I have Christian parents who taught us kids what the work ethic is. My brother, Chuck and I moved many irrigation pipes and hauled a lot of bales during the summer months. We weren’t always happy about doing that work but I guess in the long run it didn’t hurt us and probably kept us out of a lot of trouble. I am also thankful for a great wife and that we still have good health for the most part. We are in a lot of organizations and have made some great friends along the way. In conclusion I am thankful for the freedoms we have in this country and that we can worship without worrying about someone cutting off our heads if we disagree with them. It is now almost the middle of December and Christmas is not very far away. For most of us this is one of the happiest days of the year. But for single people and ones who have lost loved ones is can be a very sad and lonely time of year. If you know someone who is alone this Christmas invite them to your family Christmas gathering. I have personally done this in years past and it is a great feeling to make someone’s Christmas a happy occasion. Our local ABATE Chapter does give gifts for the Salvation Army Angel Tree. The toys we collect at our annual toy run also go to the Salvation Army to give to kids at Christmas. Every kid deserves something given to them at Christmas as this should be a joyous time for everyone especially the children. It is now about the middle of December and the weather is more like spring than winter. Yesterday it was 58 degrees in Sioux Falls. I took my brother, Chuck, to Sioux Falls to catch a flight back to his home in San Diego. When we arrived in Sioux Falls we went to the China Express Restaurant for lunch. I probably eat there several times a year and the lady that owns the restaurant always greets me and gives me some wonton soup without me ever asking for it. At one of my visits there she saw me getting out of my pickup and told the help to get some wonton soup cooking! They really have some great tasting and freshly cooked food . For the second time Chuck and I went to the used motorcycle shop at J&L Harley. He is really interested in getting a bike and I think riding with his brother is one of the things on his bucket list. We have all heard of flights that have gone terribly wrong. My brother really had one of those experiences this past week. His flight from San Diego was suppose to go to Chicago and then to Sioux Falls. It left at 7:00 in the morning and he needed to get up at about 4:30. But he didn’t hear his alarm clock and when he woke up it was daylight and his flight was already in the air. As he was in a frantic state he did get another flight for a cost of an additional $70. That flight was going to Dallas but had a four hour delay because of some issues with how the cargo was loaded in the belly of the plane. So he was late getting to Dallas and missed his flight connection to Minneapolis. When he finally arrived in Dallas there were about 60 people that were looking for different flights and only one person to help them in doing so. Chuck said the airline people were arrogant and didn’t seem to care about anyone. They put Chuck and others up at a very seedy motel and were suppose to catch a ride on a motel van which never arrived. So they had to take a cab to the motel. Chuck finally did arrive in Sioux Falls but almost a day later than he planned.. Some of it was his own fault as getting up late but almost everything that could go wrong did. I haven’t done any flying since 2007 and I don’t plan to change that. Now that Norma and I are retired we do have time to drive to our designation and enjoy the trip in doing so. Don’t forget about Legislative Days in Pierre on January 15th to 17th. There will be some great food served by our ABATE Chapters. It is also a great place to meet new people and have some good times with old friends. I always learn something new about how the legislative systems works and how we as ABATE members can make a big difference. See you there! Until next Month Phil Hohm PAGE 9 FREEDOM FLYER ABERDEEN CHAPTER NEWS Aberdeen ABATE Dec 13 Mtg Christmas Party, Eagles Room (A) & it for attending Legislative days in equals 40-50 bikers I figure. Pierre Jan 15-17. The Smith & Wesson M&P raffle is Present Members: >>> 38 <<< IMPAC Split-pot: $51 was won by still going so everyone please try to Sec Report: Read & accepted one of our newest members Lisa L. sell your tickets or turn them back in Treas Report: Read & accepted With the other $51 going towards so someone else can give it a try. We our running total. hope to draw Jan 3rd if all 220 are State News: Shane reminded IMPAC = $406 pledged sold. everyone about the proposed Handle WHEEL INN 2015 = $558 bar height repeal & also that we Rider Course = $750 has been Legislative Days in Pierre, (Biker currently have more Awareness signs distributed to 10 recipients Lobby Days) to some of you, is right that any member may request. Chris around the corner Jan 15-17 & A. asked for a sign. Adjourn: 7:05 pm for Food and Gift Aberdeen ABATE is again giving $50 exchange to any current member that attends Old Business: The body was so get a hold of me or Cindy if you reminded of Legislative Days in Next Meeting: Jan 3rd 7:00 want some gas money. You don’t Pierre Jan 15-17. pm Eagles Room A have to accept the money but it’s there if it helps you attend. I believe Officer nominations were again Prez Notes: First I’d like to welcome we had 13 Aberdeen people last asked for. (none) Officers will remain our newest members, Kari Breske, year. It’s a good time and numbers same as 2014 except there may be Arlen Peterson, Jodee Cox, Lisa Lynn are always a good thing in Pierre. some additions to the Bike Show & Michelle Brown. committee. And as always >>> Please renew I’d also like to thank everyone who your memberships<<< We’re still Smith & Wesson M&P raffle is not yet attended our Christmas party after hoping to see over 100 Aberdeen sold out so ticket stubs and money the meeting. We ordered enough ABATE Members soon was asked to be turned in ASAP for food for about 60 people and used people who are having trouble selling approximately 50 plates, so that them. As soon as we sellout, we will draw the winner at the next regular meeting. All but 1 book has been distributed but only 80 of the 220 ticket stub have been turned in. New business: Our 4’x6’ Flag is done & hanging in the room with us! We have (5) new members with us and (1) returning Officer from many years ago who originally signed our President up for ABATE in the late ‘80’s. Bike Show committee thus far will be both the “Shane’s”, Loren, Chris Reder, Todd B., & Cindy. Chris will help field calls and act as “coordinator” for lack of a better title. We are scheduling a meeting with the Hotel Alliance for Jan and hope to have a meeting before Legislative Days. A motion, 2nd & almost unanimous vote was held to again give $50 expense money to any current Aberdeen ABATE member who wants FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 10 BLACK HILLS CHAPTER The November 30th meeting of BH ABATE was called to order by President Darlene. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mac. Chapter prayer was done by Jim. Roll call was taken with all present except for secretary was excused. Members present were Beth, Wayne, Susan, Darlene, Jim, Mary, Al and Mac. OFFICER REPORTS President Darlene didn’t have anything to report. Vice President – nothing to report. Sec. Barbie was excused. Darlene asked if everyone had read the minutes in the newsletter. Wayne made a motion to accept the minutes as written and Jim seconded. Motion passed. Treasurer Susan gave the dollar reports. Beth motioned to accept the report and Wayne seconded. Motion passed. Sgt. at Arms Mac stated that he hopes everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather. He said it amazes him when he sees people out riding on the streets when they are covered with ice and snow. Membership Sec. Susan gave numbers of 132 members and 33 affiliates. We have 2713 Facebook friends. Susan said that she put the membership application on the Facebook page. There has been some interest from people wondering if they can be a member if they don’t live in SD and that she has told them yes, they can. Darlene said to tell them that they will know what is going on for the rally if they become a member. State Rep. Wayne had his report in the newsletter. He reported that Rep Thune was elected as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation. We will need to develop a close personal relationship with him to make sure that he hears our voice. We are going to drop the handle bar repeal bill. There have been meetings with the Highway Patrol and Public Safety and they have indicated that they are neutral on this subject. John Steele will be sending out a list of “Talking Points” to the LRC and State Rep of each chapter. Members will need to study this & make themselves familiar with the items on this list. Members will also need to attend any caucus to discuss this with our representatives. Heartland STEAM is in Bismarck, ND in 2015 and will be in South Dakota in 2015. The Board of Directors discussed the proposals received from several hotels in Sioux Falls and decided on the Ramkota for the 2016 Heartland STEAM. Plans for Legislative Days are being finalized except they are still determining main speaker. If you know of someone that has something educational to speak about, please suggest them to Wayne or John Steele. Road Captain Al said he took his battery out of his bike, so it is officially winter. LRC Beth stated that the IRS scrapped the “Cease & Desist proposal that they wanted small nonprofit organizations to cease any political action before an election. Also, that the CDC is continuing to pursue the helmet law. COMMITTEE REPORTS Sno Ball Dance – Darlene has talked with the Oasis about the SnoBall but she is going to stop to visit with the owner after today’s meeting. She checked with several bands but has decided on a band from ND by the name of Thunder Road. They are trying to get established in the area. We need to help promote them for this event. We have some donations already but we appreciate any that would like to be donated. Susan has posters ready. Dart Tournament - Tony has been working with the Side Hack to secure a date for the dart tournament. Ed Netterberg Weekend – will be June 19th & 20th, 2015 at Nemo Guest Ranch. Contact them with your name before the first of the year if you are interested in reserving a cabin or campsite. Tell them you are with ABATE. This is the same weekend as the BHAB Ride For The Forgotten. Meet In The Middle is July 19th. Passports – Susan is working on them and they are just about ready. Legislative Days – Darlene asked how many people would be attending and as of now about 6 people from the chapter will be going. Susan said that she still had not heard back from Clay with Harley regarding the outstanding check. She will try to contact him again. She also had a bill for toner that she had purchased for her printer at home and asked to be reimbursed. Mac made a motion and Jim seconded to do this. Motion passed. NEW BUSINESS We will need to be deciding on our member of the year at the next m e et i n g . If y o u h a v e a n y suggestions, please get this to Darlene. Motorcycle Stickers – ABATE of SD has purchased more motorcycle stickers. There was discussion about the chapter purchasing them and it was decided to just by them from the state when we need them. Gas Raffle – Darlene asked if we were interested in doing another gas raffle. It has been profitable in the past. Wayne made a motion and Jim seconded to proceed with the raffle. Motion passed. Member of the Month is Beth for accepting the LRC position. Thanks Beth! Affiliates of the Month are Desaree School of Beauty, Pete’s V-Twin, Outdo or Mo to rsports and JJ’s Engraving. Thank you for supporting BH ABATE. Coins for IMPAC raised $13.38. 50/50 of $12.00 was won by Susan. She donated $10.00 to the Joe Engler fund. ANNOUNCEMENTS BHAB shopping is buying gifts for 7 nursing homes/assisted living in the Sturgis area. They are shopping for the residents on Dec. 1st at Kmart. Wrapping is Dec. 2nd at a BH Harley Davidson location off of Deadwood Avenue. There being no further business or discussion--Motion to adjourn. All in favor. OLD BUSINESS History – nothing to report Dec. meeting is a potluck!! Products – we will need to purchase Susan Lettau – Subbing for Barb some items before the bike show. FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 11 EASTCENTRAL NEWS No News. See Chapter Rep page 2 LAKE CHAPTER NEWS State Rep report – There was no December 13 at Ace Hardware. Please State Rep report. bring baked goods to Ace by 8AM. Dec 6, 2014 7:00 PM at Teezers: OLD BUSINESS: November chili-cook off results: BestKaren Mannie, Hottest-Martin Voeltz The regular meeting of LAKE ABATE and Most Unique- Kevin Eichaker. was called to order by President, Also a big thanks to Teezers for Aaron Verhey. hosting this event and for donating Silent roll call: 12 members were prizes as well. present. Christmas Raffle: We have 67 tickets The Secretary’s report -Was read by left to sell if anyone would like them. Rod H. with a motion by Jim M. to The drawing will be held December approve and second by Andrew N. 16. Jim M will announce the results The motion carried. on the radio. Big thanks to Teresa Treasurer’s report – Was read by Jim Johnson for having the gun stock M. with a motion by Angie R. to engraved with our logo. It looks approve and second by Dave H. The great! Minutes of LAKE ABATE: motion carried. Bake Sale: Our chapter bake sale is NEW BUSINESS: Lake ABATE Christmas Party: Our Christmas party will be Jan 10 at the American Legion starting at 6PM (above the downtown armory). This will be a potluck and also bring a white elephant gift. No January meeting Kim V made a motion to give IMPAC $500 and the State $300. Kim also suggested we put a cap of $150 to buy a print from Crossed Brushes and then sell 50/50 tickets with the proceeds also going to IMPAC and State. Angie R did second the motion and the motion carried. Page 12 FREEDOM FLYER LEWIS & CLARK CHAPTER NEWS The December 6, 2014 the meeting State Representative: Kevin was called to order by Ron Galvan, Frangenberg Treasurer: Robin Sparks Sr. Co-Secretary: Ron Galvan & Laurie The Sec. Report was read by Kevin. Wiedmiere The minutes were approved as read. Sgt. Of Arms will be appointed by the Treasurer Report: Robin gave her new Pres. report and there were no questions The schedule of events for 2015 were and approved as given. discussed and decided on. There are some small changes so read your State Rep. Report: No report event card carefully. Laurie There were no new nominations for Wiedmiere will see to the printing of officers for the 2015 year. the cards. The Fall Run was discussed th A l l c a n d i d a t e s w e r e r u n n i n g and set for September the 12 2015. unopposed: The new officers for the Robin and Laurie will see to the 2015 year are: purchasing of the stuff animals for the President: Lynn Conrad Vice President: John “Gundy” Gunderson NORTHEAST CHAPTER Hey there fellow riders, This months meeting went good. We had 6 members and one guest attend. We had our officers reports and then we talked about a poker run or a run that would meet and get together with other chapters. We tabled that for now. We need to talk to other chapters and find the right date to have this. Rick called the meeting to order. Vonda seconded it. First order discussed was the parades. Rick was in charge of the Armour Float. The parade was held November 29 th . Thanks Johnny, Sherri, Vonda & Peewee for making the trip to help. We heard a lot of good comments. This parade went so good, the float was also used in Platte on December 3rd for their parade of lights. Thanks Peewee for being on the bike to make a bit of sweet noise! Rick thanked the crew that helped Randy on the float for Winner. Hope you all had as much fun as we did. Rod and Laurie Wiedmiere long time members and supporters of Lewis & Clark ABATE were at the December meeting. It was great to see them. We invite and encourage all past members, current members that have or had other work or family obligations, to come and join us when ever possible. New members are always welcome. Our meetings are on the first Saturday of each month at Cozy’s Inn on Highway 50 – starting at 1:00 P.M sharp. Be safe and enjoy the holiday season. Santa give away. The Santa visit will th be Saturday the 20 of December at Ronald (Ron) V Galvan, Sr. Sec. 1:00 at Avera SHH. Thanks to Laurie, Lewis & Clark ABATE One sad thing that happened is, we lost one of our long time and loyal members, Lavern Winge. He passed away on December 1st due to health problems. Lavern belonged to ABATE of SD, American Legion Riders, Patriot Guard Riders, Rolling Thunder, and Iron Butt Association. That was just the motorcycle organizations he belonged to. The church was full of family friends and fellow riders from all the organizations that he belonged to. The funeral was short and sweet, just the way he wanted. We had his bike parked right inside the entrance of the church. He will be sorrowfully missed. May he have the wind at his back and smooth riding. From his friends at NE ABATE. Be safe Rick Sorry, I did not have a list of all who Thanks Marty Herman & Brad Whitley for renewing their memberships. We like to welcome Lane rd would also Our next meeting will be January 3 Connot-Winner, Dan Riedl-Winner & at 7 pm. Bring your ideas on Jennifer Marks of Winner. Summer bike runs. Rick motioned to adjourn & Randy Everyone remember the Snowshoe seconded the motion. Polar Plunge run is January 24. We plan to meet at Bubba’s in Gregory at Hope Santa is good to everyone & all 11 am & leave from there for Mills, is safe in 2015. NE. After the plunge, we will meet NORTHSTAR CHPTR NEWS participated but thanks to all. The Northstar group met on Dec 6th at the Pheasant Bar in Winner. We gathered for a potluck meal & had a few good laughs. Thanks Shelli and all who attended. Robin and “Santa”. back at the Pheasant for February’s meeting. Thank you Dave Lewis for setting up our new Facebook page. To get into this, go to ABATE of S D N o r t h st a r Chaper.com. PAGE 13 support for this legislation. The next state meeting is Saturday, Jan. 17 at Pres Brandon called the meeting to the Legion. The Zzen Chapter will be order at 6:42 pm with 14 members hosting a breakfast at the meeting. present. Road Captain Dennis Bruce had nothing Treas Steve didn’t give a Treasurer’s to report. Report due to the amounts would not be Old Business: New officers will begin correct due to the Fundraiser receipts & their duties at the January meeting. expenses haven’t been tallied yet. Brandon accepted nomination for Vice Expect a complete report in January. Pres. Brad Bruns will step up to Memb Sec-Bonnie reported that there President; Marcia has one more year as are 67 members & gave a list of those Secretary. The new officers & their needing to renew & contact status. positions are: Treasurer-Bill Poppenga; There were 5 total renewal or new Memb Sec-Jolene Juneau; State Repmemberships received at the fundraiser Lori Butler; Road Captain-Dawn Trapp & last night. Sgt-of-Arms-Kip Eickhoff. President Brandon thanked all the outgoing Sec Marcia reported that there was a officers for their service & special typo regarding the date of the meeting thanks to Brandon for being President 6 being the 13th not the 12th as Nov out of 7 yrs & Steve Schwellenbach for minutes stated & the Road Captain his 7 consecutive years as Treasurer. position that Dawn Trap was voted in Bonnie was thanked for her past 2 yrs was omitted. Marcia apologized for the of being Membership Secretary. errors in the minutes & stated the Members were encouraged to invite corrections were put on past members to attend a meeting OaheABATE.com. again. Maybe they will decide to be State Rep Lori reported that the total members again. state membership is at 1351 as of the Discussion was held on changing the Nov. This meeting was Gail's last after even t coordin a tor to a n even t 17+ years of serving as the State Memb management committee. The decision Secretary. Thank you Gail for your was tabled until the next meeting. service!. The new State Memb Secretary is Karline Clark. Susan, the newsletter The Christmas Party/Toy Run Fundraiser editor, will start including more event was held on Friday, Dec 12 at Eastside details on the Good Times Calendar. Pub & Casino. We had a very good Rep. John Thune is up for the Science, turnout & raised an awesome amount of Commerce & Transp Committee. If he money that was used on Saturday to becomes the chair, we'll need to build a purchase gifts for 75 kids in area strong relationship with his office. communities. The winner of the Minnow ABATE Legislative Days will be held Jan. Races was “Dick” who was raced by 15-16 & the schedule is in the latest Trent Darth. Derek & Julie Diedrich won F r e e d o m F l y e r . C h a p t e r s a r e the first mystery prize and Jeff Ice was encouraged to bring auction items. high bidder of the mystery prize that Once again our chapter will host dinner was auctioned. There were several on Friday. We'll also be holding minnow items that were either auctioned or races Friday night after awards. raffled off also. The 50/50 drawing was won by Koz & $100 given back with a STEAM in 2015 will be held in Bismarck, challenge to match the donation. Bill ND on May 8-10. SD will host STEAM in Meagher & Joe Kelley met the match & 2016 in Sioux Falls on April 1-2. In this donated a total of $100 each. Travis upcoming Legislative Session, we WILL Duffy earned bragging rights for be pursuing the handlebar height winning the Chili Cook-off. Winners of repeal! We need every member to be a the Raffle Prizes were: 1st place – 32” part of this by talking with their local Smart HD TV-Mark Heier; 2nd Place – Legislators. Read & know the talking $200 Running Gift Card-Misty points the state has put together. Come Siedschlaw; 3rd Place - $100 gas card— to Legislative Days & talk with them. Cal Christie. Congratulations to all! They need to hear our voices & see our Thanks to the members for selling OAHE CHAPTER NEWS FREEDOM FLYER tickets & a bigger thank you to those who purchased tickets! Rich & Wendy Trujillo donated $100 to purchase toys for the kids. A bag of stuffed animals were donated by Gene & Linda Dickson. The Moose Lodge in Ft. Pierre collected toys & donated them. Thank you all! Thank you to every member who helped in any way to organize & worked that night to pull off a successful fundraiser & Christmas Party. Thanks also to Rob & Bridgett at Eastside for allowing us to hold the event there. Sat, Dec 13 was Pie Day at the Capitol. A dozen or so members meet at Bubba Ra y’s. T h ere were 8 elves on motorcycles with Santa on a trike that did a cruise around town before heading to the Capitol where toys were handed out to the kids & Santa had his picture taken with kids of all ages. Some of the group then headed to Kmart to meet others to purchase the gifts for the 75 kids. Wrapping & sorting according to family was scheduled to take place after the meeting & delivery to the agency in charge of the names we had on Sunday. Legislative Days is Jan 15-17. Since there will be action taken to repeal the handlebar height limit law it is important for members to attend the Meet & Greet on Thursday evening and go to the Capitol on Friday to talk to the legislators about supporting the appeal. The agenda will be in the Freedom Flyer. Oahe ABATE Chapter is in charge of the supper on Friday evening. Jolene reported that Travis Duffy of Last Call Heroes BBQ will be cooking the meat. A meeting of the committee will be planned in the next few weeks to iron out the rest of the details. New Business: The donation amount to give to IMPAC was discussed. Kip motioned to donate the amount of $500. Koz seconded & the motion carried. The next meeting will be held Sat, Jan 10th. The location will be announced in the reminder email & will be put on oaheabate.com as soon as it is determined. The meeting will begin at 6:30PM. Drawings & donations will be taken & pot luck will follow the meeting. Bring a dish to pass if you want. With no further business to discuss Lori made a motion to adjourn the meeting with Tina seconding. Motion carried FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 14 RUSHMORE CHAPTER NEWS President John called the RU ABATE meeting of 12-9-14 to order. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Sgt. at Arms, Mr. Mike. Chaplain Auggie led the chapter in prayer. Pres. John asked if there were any new people here. Cheryl introduced one person. Roll call was taken with perfect attendance. Yeah!!!!! One board position is open. Days. It is very informative. Jiggs added more information on Legislative Days Jan. 15, 16 & 17. State ABATE board is pursuing the Handle Bar issue. Wayne also added comments on the Handle Bar issue. Membership Sec. - Karline reported we have 321 members & 55 affiliates. Dec. 20th she would like to stuff envelopes with the pocket calendars. Sgt. at Arms - Mike had nothing to report, but keep us on track to get through the meeting. Guest Speakers were our presidential nominees, Bill Hanson & Craig Waddington. Election speeches were STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS PR - Janet handed out certificates to given by both. Members of the Month from last The Nov. membership meeting month. John T. & Bill Hanson were minutes had no additions or thanked for their service with some gifts. corrections. Phil motioned & Mike seconded to accept as Road Captain is open. Newsletter editor - Ginny had nothing presented. Motion passed. Newsletter hard copies Bills were presented by John for to report. plates & utensils for the potluck and a were out & arrived by the meeting reimbursement to Corey B. for his date. motorcycle course. Phil motioned & Products Manager - Hilary will be meeting with Purple Panther (Deb) & Wayne seconded to pay these bills. discussing new products for our Motion passed. inventory. Web Page - John reported that Clay is OFFICER REPORTS Lots of Pres. John gave his farewell as keeping it current. President & thanked all for the information on it. support he was given. He wished MRF Rep. - Jiggs stated that everyone a Merry Christmas & a legislative elections are done. John Thune is involved with different Happy New Year. Vice Pres. Hilary reminded all to get committees. Transportation is one, their 50/50 & chance on the bike so stay in touch with what is going on & contact him. tickets. Treasurer Kim gave the dollar reports Road Hazard Steward - Barbie asked on the accounts. Jiggs motioned & if there have been any bike mishaps Bill seconded to accept the report. All None. Good job everyone. Be careful when riding or driving as the weather in favor. Sec. Barbie had mail, newsletters changes are happening. from Neb. & N.D., & wished everyone a Merry Christmas & a Happy New AD HOC COMMITTEES Bike Raffle report by BA. Ticket sales Year. LRC Rep. - Ginny encourages all to are going great. Maybe able to give it support MRF. Colo. ABATE has lost its away in March. The card swipe we funds by criminal means & is asking are using is working well for cards. other ABATE members in the states to Membership Party report was given donate to them. She wished all a by Bill. Bands are getting scheduled & committee is working on the Merry Christmas. State Rep. - Sunshine thanked Karline planning. Volunteers are needed. The & Mike for covering for her at the Bike Rodeo has no chairman at this State ABATE board meeting in time. No v. Her repo rt is in the Black Hills Area Biker report was newsletter. She announced that given by Barbie. She thanked those that came out for the shopping & Karline is our new State ABATE Membership Sec. Attend Legislative wrapping. Presents for 211 residents were bought. We had to spend less on them this year as the poker runs & donations were down in dollar numbers, but no one was left out. A thank you card was sent around from BHAB. Passport information was shared by Susan. They are available for purchase as of now. Thank you Susan. The 2015 calendar is done. Ginny had a report on it. OLD BUSINESS Handle Bar issue is being pursued. Road Cleanup on hold. Mailing of newsletters seems to be worked out. Spare tire mounts on the two trailers will be worked on by BA. Thanks BA!! Affiliate signs are here. Bill would like help distributing them. Thanks Bill!! The IPad or Tablet to use for credit cards is tabled for now. Card swipe is working well. NEW BUSINESS Door prizes were given out during the meeting. Winners are Lex, Tammy B., & BA. Congratulations to all. Tires are needed for the beer trailer. Quotes will be gotten. Jiggs stated that March 28th will be the Third Annual Safety Seminar at Trea at 10 am. Member Of The Month is Tammy Bechard. Thanks for your volunteering. Affiliate Of The Month goes to Spizzirre Press. Chance for a Chance on the bike tickets go to Kim, Craig, Kim & Phil. Congrats. 50/50 of $81.00 went to Corey Bechard. Congratulations.. Shoulda/Coulda of $200.00 could have went to Scott Multz, Chris Hovland, Carrel Lich, or Brian Jackson, but sorry you weren't here to collect. Next name drawn was John Haas & he was present to accept. Congratulations John. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dec. 12th is a fund raiser for Jacob. Legislative Days is Jan. 15-17. Heartland Steam BH ABATE Sno Ball is Feb. 14th. The new RU ABATE president is Craig Waddington. Congratulations Craig. Jiggs motioned to adjourn. All in favor. Page 15 SIOUX FALLS CHAPTER NEWS Hello Sioux Falls Chapter members. I'm Back! I've noticed that the newsletter has been missing our Chapters news of late, so I jumped back in to take it on again. By the time you get this, the Toy Run will be over. Likely there will be news of that event in next months issue. I just wanted to touch on a little fund raiser we had at the last minute for the Toy Run. The Poker Runs have just not been raising enough money, so at the last minute we came up with a Chile feed/ cook off. It was a last minute thing with almost no advertising & I know the notification to many of you came too late. That event at the Humbolt Bar on the second Sunday of November worked out very well. The locals & the bar were very accommodating & pitched in on the event. I expect that next year it will go much better & I suspect it will become an important fund raiser for the Toy Run, especially since we will have a better idea on how to do it plus more advertising. Moving onto our 2015 Motorcycle Expo. Since we are moving the event to the Sioux Falls convention Center, mu c h a ddi ti o n al wo r k wi l l be involved. One major change will be FREEDOM FLYER the Bike show portion. All entrants will be free up until March 1st. There will be some restrictions, only to keep it organized & to keep the quality of the show up. We are also adding an Off Road class. It is all a part of our plan to convert the Expo from a more vendor type event to a motorcycle show. Vendors will never go away but because of changing times, we need to move on. That building has plenty of room for any changes that come across. We are also planning on a Saturday night music event. We are not expecting to make money on it & we'll be happy to break even. It is mostly to give people more than just a show. Something that will provide a community atmosphere. Some of us also want to have a little fun in the evening. I would like to say that we have the usual half dozen people on the committee to help organize & make decisions for the Expo. Unfortunately, Mark has had to shoulder nearly the entire burden himself. A few of us try to make organizational meetings & take on some chores but I'm afraid he is finding it a little overwhelming. The reason I'm mentioning this is because we believe this trend will continue when it comes to a lack of volunteers to help out. Mark suggested that for the 2016 event, we hire a We collected a 5-gallon pail of pop tabs that Bill & Janelle will take to Ronald McDonald House in January. Bill & Wow, did we have fun at our annual Janelle won the 2014 villain contest & Christmas party!! We got to stuff were awarded a nice bottle of wine. ourselves full of yummy, tasty foods & then held our Ugly Sweater Contest. The 2014 Free Membership drawing There were red cardinals perched on was won by Rod Hersrud. shoulders & other unusual homemade Congratulations Thumper! creations, even a stunning poncho. The winners of this years' contest went to Bill reported on some trailer bids to the Christian & Kris with matching Mr. & Chapter. The trailer committee will try Ms. reindeer sweaters that depicted to finalize their decision & purchase a both the front view & rear view. trailer during the upcoming winter Absolutely breath-taking & oh so months. funny! Well done, you definitely deserve the traveling trophy. Legislation Days are January 1517th in Pierre. Trudie has reserved four The white elephant gift exchange was rooms for Sioux River ABATE members as entertaining as ever. Brad got a new at the Super 8. Plan to attend. It is apron to wear to our pancake feeds. educational, informative & very (My gut still hurts from laughing so entertaining. Meals on Friday are hard!!) Good food, good people, good provided by South Dakota ABATE times. SIOUX RIVER CHAPTER NEWS professional promoter. I agree. It's simply time to take the event to the next level. I suggested that we make a decision on who that promoter will be by the 2015 event so this individual can familiarize himself with our event for future reference. If anyone has any idea of a qualified person that would do it for a reasonable fee, let us know, and please, come to our meetings to give us your input. On another note; the mini-pocket rocket bike raffle is up & running. Raffle tickets will be the same price as last year. $1 each or $10 for 15. Stop by at a meeting to pick some up to sell. One other subject we need to discuss is our Chapter web site. We need to revamp that as soon as possible to help promote our Motorcycle Expo. Unfortunately, no one seems to know how to do a web site in our Chapter. The cost of having it professionally done appears to be prohibitive. If anyone has a suggestion, jump in, soon. Starting with January, we will be signing up volunteers to work the Motorcycl e Expo which will be held March 21 -22, 2015. Don't be shy. Ken Feist Chapters so expenses would only be for transportation & room costs. Sioux River will be paying the cost of the Legislator's breakfast this year. We will cross our fingers & hope for good traveling weather this year. Upcoming events: - January 3rd- Sioux River Chapter Meeting 5pm at Jim's Tap - February 7th- Sioux River Chapter Meeting 5pm at Jim's Tap (Annual Chili & Salsa Contest) - February 21st- Kiwanis Pancake Feed - February 21st- Buffalo Ridge Chili Feed/Silent Auction at Ghent, MN "Four Wheels move the Body, Two Wheels move the Soul" Peace out, Ja-Nellie FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 16 SOUTH CENTRAL NEWS at 5 pm at the VFW. Dec 5,2014 Justin won the 50/50 and donated it back to the chapter. Motion was Lars brought meeting to order, a made to adjourn seconded moment of silence for military and approved-LET"S EAT!! fallen. We want to give a BIG THANK This is our 2nd annual Potluck YOU to everyone that donated to Christmas Party/ Toy and Food our food and toy drive!! We took Drive. We had 22 members in a lot of food items for the local present. food pantry. Just as successful with the toys for Dept of Social Rog and Lars attended the State Services. Thank you to Roy King meeting in November. We need and the Boys for playing for our to get our voice out there on small crowd and donating issues. Read your Freedom Flyer their time! for more information. Merry Christmas and Happy New We need everyone to get their Year to all. renewals in. Till next year! Michelle gave treasurer's report. Amanda Next meeting will be January 10th SOUTHEAST CHAPTER NEWS. Hi everyone, I hope everyone found time to get one or two rides in this fall. The days around Thanksgiving were very nice & I seen lots of people out on their bikes. I thought that those would be the last days but we have been blessed with a couple of near 60 degree days here in the middle of December as well. Maybe Mother Nature has a mild winter planned so we can enjoy a ride sometime in January and February also. That would sure shorten the winter for many of us. Remember to check your tire pressures and things before going for your winter rides as the cooler weather can affect the psi of your tires. Our December meeting was well attended and very enjoyable. I would like to Thank Howlers in Vermillion for allowing us to have our meeting there. A few of the Patriot Guard Riders show up for our meeting. Thanks guys for what you do! If you have never heard of the Patriot Guard Riders please check them out at www.patriotguard.org and see what these guys do. Also for those of you in the Sioux Falls area you may contact Randy at reward1948@yahoo.com for more info and how to join. At the December meeting we learned of a conflict for the Southeast Chapters 5th annual Chili Cook off. To resolve this matter it was decided change the date of the Chili Cook Off to February 14, 2015. Yes you can now show the love of your life that you are an awesome cook and enter a pot of your finest chili at this event. We will hold our meeting at 2:00PM and the cook off will start about 3:00pm. The event will be held at Flannery’s Pub on main street of Elk Point. Entry of a chili is free with prizes in four different categories. To enter or for more information you may contact us at southeast.abate@gmail.com or message us through our Facebook page. Our meetings have changed slightly due to the chili cook off so here is the new schedule: January 10th 2015 Otis’s Bar and Grill Worthing 11:00AM February 14th 2015 Flannery’s Pub Elk Point 2:00PM Chili Cook Off 3:00PM March 14th 2015 Davis Bar Davis 11:00AM April 11th 2015 Bertz Bar Beresford 11:00AM Eppo Page 17 THOSE GUYS CHAPTER NEWS Next meeting is January 4th at 2pm at the SF American Legion *Monthly meetings are being held the 1st Sunday of the month, starting in January Meeting called to order at 1:40pm with 54 members present. State Rep Report: Gail made it to Pierre for the November State Board meeting, despite the snow storm. Very few people showed up, so it was a short meeting. She distributed an information sheet a b ou t r e p e al i n g t h e h i g h handlebar law. Included on this sheet, are talking points to bring up to your representative. ABATE will be working on getting this law repealed. Legislative Days are 1/15 & 1/16 – on Friday night they are having minnow races and a Chinese auction. Those Guys reserved 4 rooms, and they are full. 2016 Heartland Steam will be held in Sioux Falls at the Ramkota April 1st & 2nd. Gail is no longer the State Membership coordinator, but will remain the Those Guys membership contact. Thanks to Gail for all her work during all these years. FREEDOM FLYER order. A vote was taken, and 12 people were interested. Another vote was taken, and many were interested in having a party. A January 4 t h pot luck was discussed, to be held during our meeting, and 22 people were interested. Marisa from the Legion suggested having the Legion cater a meal, after the January 4th meeting. A vote was taken, and our Christmas party will be Sunday January 4th at the Legion, after the meeting, and Prime Rib will be served. Marisa will offer $1 taps. Dessert will be pot luck. June 6th (Jeff Joneson) June 12th (Dennis) June 26th-27th – Deadwood Poker Run July 11th – Hofer's Relic Run July 19th – Society Run Children's Home July 25th – Big Paws Canine benefit Run/Raffle (CVMA) August 16th (Donna & Gail) September 26th (Julie Schultz) Children's Home Society Christmas present fund is at New Business: $520. Passing the hat gained On 7/25/2015, the Combat Vets another $108. group are going to hold a benefit Don't forget, the next meeting will poker run and raffle for Big Paws be Sunday, January 4th at 2pm Canine, and are looking for Those sharp. Christmas party to follow. Guys help. This group trains No December meeting. service dogs for Vets and First Responders, and sells them for $1 Those Guys will be getting 3 to Vets and First Responders. It booths at the Swap Meet this costs approximately $5,000 to year. CVM will pay for one. train a dog for service. Charlie will Members needing to renew: Jill help with the organization of this & Steve Butterfield, Garry charity run, and TG will promote Daggitt, Dave Delay, Brenda during our poker runs. Fredericks, Dave Kott, Tim & Pam The Those Guys Bowling party will Larson, Rich Minder be Saturday 2/21/2015 at Welcome to our new member: 1:30pm at the Sport Bowl. A full Cheri Bohnenkamp page Freedom Flyer ad is being paid for by Sport Bowl. The ad will 50/50 of $75 went to Jeff Krell. invite all other chapters to the He donated this back to the CHS party. Slinger will help design the Christmas party fund. ad. SOL of $150 would have gone to No VP report as Iggy is not Poker run book is getting present due to illness. sponsors. Deadline to be included Old Business: in the book is 12/15/2014. Books The new t-shirt orders are will not be stamped and no poker finalized and ready to printed. The hands will be drawn. The books shirts will be distributed at the will contain advertising. At the January meeting. The chapter end of the season, a party will be held and raffle prizes will be ordered 12 extra shirts. drawn for. The cover of the book, Jeff Joneson checked on the with your name, will be used as Monarch Lounge for our Christmas your ticket. party on 12/27. They can seat about 70 people, and we could 2015 Those Guys Poker Runs: individually order off a party April 26th (Charlie) menu. Prices vary on what you Clay Hegseth. Next month will be $160. Motion to adjourn. seconded and approved. Motion Upcoming meeting dates: January 4th, February 1st and March 1st Winter is nature's way of telling you to polish. FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 18 WINDRIDERS CHAPTER NEWS Next Meeting: January 5th 2015 Location: Scoreboard in Huron Meeting @ 6:30 Supper @ 6:00 Auction on Friday evening of Legislative Days. Phil will contact our legislatures from district 22 and encourage them to attend the meet and greet session on Thursday evening of legislative days. Phil will again be in charge of the South Dakota ABATE IMPAC Run on May 16th. Norma made a motion to accept Phil’s report and Don seconded it. Members attending the December 1st meeting were as follows: Phil & Norma Hohm, Joey Harms, Todd & Dawn Meyers, Don & Stacey Gurnon, Shelley & Schaun Schnathorst. VICE-PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Non given a VP was absent. TREASURER’S REPORT: Phil handed out his written report. PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Norma, Norma made a motion to accept Shelley, and Stacey will be buying Phil’s report and Stacey seconded items for the Salvation Army the motion. Angel Trees. No new officers STATE REP REPORT: Phil reported that South Dakota ABATE will work on getting the high handlebar law repealed through the South Dakota State Legislature in their January session. For more information on the repealing of this law read about in the December Freedom Flyer. Remember that Legislative Days is coming up on January 15th -17 th . Phil is encouraging members to attend this event. Windriders will be giving members $50 for expenses if they attend legislative days. Don made that a motion and Shelley seconded it. We will also be giving some of our t-shirts for prizes at the Chinese were nominated. At present the people nominated are: PRESIDENT – Schaun Schnathorst VICE-PRESIDENT – Steve Lovett SECRETARY – Shelley Schnathorst TREASURER – Phil Hohm STATE REP Phil Hohm ZZEN CHAPTER NEWS No News. See Chapter Rep page 2 Elections of officers will be at the January 2015 meeting. Dawn Meyers was nominated for the Windriders member of the year. The Windriders chili contest and minnow races will be on March 14th. Schaun will be contacting the Keith Murphy at the Red Arrow Bar for more information on this event which will be in the February Chapter News. Phil will be buying the gun for our toy run raffle from Leader Hardware in Mitchell. We have decided to get the same kind of gun we had at the raffle last year which will be a Ruger AR 10/22 rifle. Phil made a motion to approve Schaun’s report and Joey seconded the motion. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: Windriders has 48 members. Members that need to renew are as follows: Dallas Almond, Roger Graffunder, and Jeff McGirr. Member that renewed is Wil Kleinsasser. To renew your membership send $25 for one year or $60 for three years to Windriders ABATE PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350. Remember if you move or change your address your Freedom Flyer will not be forwarded to you as it is mailed 3rd class. Let Phil know if your address has been changed @ easyph@santel.net Don made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Shelley seconded the motion. Minutes were taken by Shelley and typed, edited, and sent to the Freedom Flyer by Phil “LET THOSE WHO RIDE DECIDE” FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 19 ABATE of SD Supporters The businesses and groups or individuals listed support ABATE of SD through the Business Supporter program. Please return their support with your patronage. 1481 Grille, Arlington (March 2015) Puzzled Bar, Parker (September 2014) 38 Road House, Sioux Falls (September 2015) Prostrollo Auto Mall, Madison (April 2015) American Legion Post 174, Lennox (January. 2015) Redline Tavern, Yale (June 2015) Backyard Motorcycles, LLC, Sioux Falls (March 2015) Renegades Saloon (April 2015) Beamers Pub, Lennox (February 2015) Safari Bar & Grill, Renner (April 2015) Black Hills Harley Davidson, Rapid City (July 2015) Sport Bowl Lounge, Sioux Falls (April 2015) Blue Jay C-Store, Egan (April 2015) Steve’s Bar & Grill, Trent (April 2015) Buffalo Restaurant, Murdo (March 2015) Taylor Repair, Gregory (September 2015) Chancellor Bar, Chancellor (January 2015) TeeZers, Madison (December 2014) Cheb’s on Main, Canton (May 2014) The Baltic Lounge, Baltic (May 2014) Cottonwood, Yankton (July 2014) The Barcode Bar & Grill, Sioux Falls (December 2015) D’s Fastfood & Catering, Aberdeen (December 2014) The Garage, Sioux Falls (May 2015) Dakota Beverage, Sioux Falls (May 2015) Tormanen’s Bar, Badger (May 2015) Dakota Insurance, Brookings/Baltic (December 2014) W Dees, Gayville (July 2015) Davis Bar, Davis (March 2015) Edgar’s Old Fashioned Soda Fntn, Elk Point (May2015) FM Crusaders, Aberdeen (March 2015) Gregory Lanes, Gregory (April 2015) Hillbilly’s Bar, Grill & Casino, Alcester (March 2015) Howler’s Bar & Grille, Vermillion (March 2015) HuHot Mongolian Grill, Sioux Falls (September 2015) J & L Harley-Davidson, Sioux Falls/Watertown (Jan 2015) Jake’s Place, Monroe (September 2014) Jane’s Little Coalinga, Sioux Falls (May 2015) Jim’s Tap, Brookings (April 2015) Kulm Tasty Treats Cafe, Kulm, ND (June 2015) Main Street Bikes & Trikes, Granville, IA (August 2015) Main Street Humboldt Bar, Humboldt, SD (July 2015) Monarch Steakhouse & Lounge, Renner (August 2015) North Star Saloon, Dixon (January 2015) Old 77 Bar & Grill, Dell Rapids (December 2014) Petersen Motors, Pierre (January 2015) Pheasant Bar, Winner (January 2015) Important note: If you are participating in the ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. State Poker Run, please add the new business supporters listed above to your State Poker Run booklet. If you have any questions please contact your State Rep for more information. PAGE 20 FREEDOM FLYER The Good Times Calendar is provided free of charge to ABATE of South Dakota members and chapters. Any motorcycle related event will be listed for free, also. All dates/times/places are subject to change. The dates and events listed herein are NOT guaranteed to be correct, as many items are supplied by sources outside of the Freedom Flyer. Events listed in bold print are official events/meetings of ABATE of South Dakota and members are encouraged to attend. For more information about any of these events, contact the chapter, organization, or business listed with the event or see individual ads that may be printed elsewhere in this publication. ABATE of South Dakota 2014 - 2015 Good Times Calendar DECEMBER FEBRUARY Dec 25th - Christmas Dec 28th - Those Guys ABATE meeting 1:30 pm JANUARY Feb 7th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting/ Chapter Office 6:00 pm Feb 7th -Sioux River ABATE Meeting/ Annual Chili & Salsa Contest - Jim’s Tap 5:00 pm Feb 7th - Zzen ABATE meeting Puzzled Bar, Parker, SD 1:00 pm 7:00 pm Jan 3rd-Aberdeen ABATE Meeting/ Eagles - Room A 7:00 pm Feb 14th - Black Hills ABATE Sno Ball Band - “Thunder Road” Fireside/Oasis, Sturgis, SD Jan 3rd-North Star ABATE Meeting/ Pheasant Bar 7:00 pm Feb 14th - East Central ABATE Goofy Golf, Madison, SD Jan 3rd-Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting/ Chapter Office 6:00 pm Jan 1st - New Year’s Day Feb 14th - Southeast ABATE Meeting Flannery’s Pub, Elk Point Chili Cook Off 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 1:30 pm 5:00 pm Feb 21st - Those Guys ABATE Bowling Party Sport Bowl, Sioux Falls, SD Jan 3rd-Lewis & Clark ABATE Meeting/ 1:00 pm Feb 21st –Kiwanis Pancake Feed Xmas Party Potluck & Gift Exchange Cozy’s Inn February 21st- Buffalo Ridge Chili Feed/Silent 6:00 pm Auction at Ghent, MN Jan 3rd-Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting/ Chapter Office Jan 3rd-Sioux River ABATE Meeting/ Jim’s Tap Jan 3rd - Zzen ABATE meeting Beamers, Lennox, SD 1:00 pm Jan 4th - Those Guys ABATE meeting 2:00 pm Jan 5th - Windriders ABATE meeting 6:30 pm Jan 10th - East Central ABATE Game night/potluck - VFW, Madison, SD Jan 10th - Lake ABATE Christmas party - American Legion Jan 10th - Southeast ABATE meeting Otis’s Bar & Grill - Worthing 6:00 pm Mar 7th -Sioux Falls ABATE Meeting/ pm Chapter Office Mar 7th - Zzen ABATE meeting Battle Creek Campground, Canistota, SD 6:00 1:00 pm Mar 14th - East Central ABATE Chili Cook-off/Minnow races 11:00 am Teezers, Madison, SD Jan 15th - 16th - Legislative Days American Legion - 6:00 pm State Capital - 7:00 am Pierre, SD Jan 17th- State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD MARCH 10:00 am Jan 24th - Northstar ABATE Polar Bear Plunge Mar 14th - Southeast ABATE Meeting Davis Bar, Davis, SD 11:00 am Mar 21st - State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD 1:00 pm Mar 21st & 22nd - Sioux Falls ABATE/ Motorcycle Expo Sioux Falls Convention Center Mar 28th - 3rd Annual Safety Seminar TREA - Rapid City, SD FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 21 ABATE of South Dakota Good Times Calendar APRIL AUGUST April 11th - East Central ABATE meeting Family bowling Kings Lanes, Madison, SD Aug 2nd - 8th - Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Aug 2nd - Black Hills ABATE April 11th - Southeast ABATE Meeting 11:00 am Black Hills Charity Poker Run Bertz Bar, Beresford, SD Sign Up - 9:00 - 11:00 am Sturgis, SD April 25th - 26thAberdeen ABATE/FM Crusader Bike Show Aug 3rd - Lake ABATE Sturgis Poker Run Dakota Events Center, Aberdeen, SD 11:00-12:00 sign up Hill City, SD April 26th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run Aug 6th - Whitewood Social Hour 12:00 noon MAY Whitewood Park Whitewood, SD May 8th - 10th - Heartland STEAM Bismarck, ND Aug 15th - East Central ABATE Officer’s meeting - Schmidty’s May 16th - SD ABATEIMPAC Run May 16th - State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD 2:00 pm Aug 16th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run May 23rd - East Central ABATE Bike blessing/Ride to Egan (weather permitting) Aug 28th-30th- Fun Run to LaCrosse, WI Brookings, SD May 30th - Aberdeen ABATE Motorcycle 1:00 pm SEPTEMBER Awareness Poker Run & Dance Sept 12th - East Central ABATE Eagles Club, Aberdeen, SD Pot Luck/Game Day Scott & Heather’s - Arlington, SD JUNE June 6th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run June 12th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run June 19th & 20th - East Central ABATE Family Campout - Madison, SD Sept 12th - Lewis & Clark ABATE Fall Run Sept 19th - State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD 1:00 pm Sept 19th - East Central ABATE Trap Shoot June 26th & 27th - Those Guys ABATE Deadwood Poker September 26th - Those Guys ABATE Poker Run JULY OCTOBER July 3rd- Cackle Brothers Poker Run Sign Up - 5:00 pm Melgaard Park, Aberdeen, SD Oct 10th - East Central ABATE Supper/meeting - 1481 Grille 4:00 pm NOVEMBER July 11th - Hofer’s Relic Run July 17th-19th - Aberdeen ABATE 35th Annual Pierpont Wheel Inn Pierpont Lake July 18th - State BOD Meeting American Legion, Pierre, SD 11:00 am Nov 7th - East Central ABATE Christmas Party Social Hour Supper Nov 21st - State BOD Meeting 1:00 pm American Legion, Pierre, SD July 18th - East Central ABATE Bike Run July 19th - Children’s Home Society Run July 25th - Combat Vets Big Paws Canine Poker Run & Raffle DECEMBER 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 1:00 pm FREEDOM FLYER Page 22 Welcome New Members The following is a list of new members to ABATE of South Dakota, listed by chapter. If the spelling is wrong, please notify your chapter membership secretary. NEW MEMBERS ABERDEEN: Chris & Brenda Aman Application for Membership I wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc., and one of the following chapters. Enclosed are my $25 yearly dues. $5 of which is a contribution to IMPAC and $20 to the general fund of ABATE. Canadian dues are $44 – other countries’ dues are $50 due to the high cost of postage. Dues are subject to change at any time. Aberdeen ........................... 511N Main St, Ipswich SD 57451 Black Hills ............................. PO Box 761 Sturgis, SD 57785 East Central ..........................21 Bay Rd. Madison, SD 57042 BLACK HILLS: Lake.................................... PO Box 168 Madison, SD 57042 Lewis & Clark ....................... PO Box 255 Yankton, SD 57078 North East .............. 1707 2nd Ave NE, Watertown, SD 57201 EAST CENTRAL: Matt & Sharon Bezenek North Star .................. 33695 SD Hwy 44 Gregory, SD 57533 Oahe ...................................... PO Box 331 Pierre, SD 57501 LAKE: Rushmore ....................... PO Box 1223 Rapid City, SD 57709 Sioux Falls ..................... PO Box 2431 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 Sioux River ....................... PO Box 191 Brookings, SD 57006 LEWIS & CLARK: South Central ................... PO Box 23, Lake Andes, SD 57356 South East .......................... PO Box 42 Vermillion, SD 57069 NORTH EAST: Sturgis ................ 2605 W Kingston Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Those Guys .......... 2605 W Kingston Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Windriders ..............................PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350 NORTHSTAR: Mike Boyer, Lane Connot, Jennifer Marks, Dan Riedl, Tim Wittmayer Zzen ............................. 120 Zeliff Ave. Sherman, SD 57030 New Renewal Address Change Name: ____________________________________________ OAHE: Address: __________________________________________ City: ___________________State: _____ Zip Code:________ RUSHMORE: Travis Adamson, Kerrena Arguello Phone: __________________(Hm) __________________(Cell) Voting District: ______________________________________ SIOUX FALLS: E-mail Address: _____________________________________ (Optional- used for ABATE Business Only) SIOUX RIVER: SOUTH CENTRAL: Cindy Mengenhauser SOUTH EAST: Theo Feekes, Russel Hagen, Sheila Jacobson STURGIS: THOSE GUYS: Cheri Bohnenkamp WINDRIDERS: ZZEN: Please send completed application with check or money order to the chapter of your choice at their address listed above (Membership dues or donations to ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. or the individual chapters listed herein are NOT tax deductible). I agree to comply with all ABATE of SD’s rules for sanctioned ABATE of SD events. I understand all benefits become effective upon receipt of my membership card. Signature _______________________________________ (Information on this form is intended for use of ABATE of SD and is not sold or distributed outside of this organization) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not wish to join ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. at this time, or I am already a member and I would like to donate to the Informed Motorcyclist Political Action Committee (IMPAC). Enclosed please find a check or money order in the amount of $ _______. I understand this donation is not tax deductible and will be used to safeguard the interests of motorcyclists in the State of South Dakota. Signature (required)__________________________________ Name – Please Print _________________________________ Page 23 FREEDOM FLYER the space as necessary. Larger ads may be substituted for the business card ad. Below are the ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporters are those prices for larger ads to be run for one year. businesses, groups and individuals who pledge support with a $100 yearly donation. For your donation, you Prices include Business Supporter dues (please note: receive during the year: normal page size is 8¼” by 10½”): ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporter Program ♦ A plaque to display in your establishment ♦ Twelve business card size ads in the FREEDOM (please indicate 1 column or 2 column. 1 column will FLYER cover ½ of page from top to bottom, 2 column will A $25 credit on a larger ad to be use at your cover top or bottom half of page) discretion. A monthly listing under ABATE SUPPORTERS in the Full page - $725.00 ♦ ♦ 1/4 page - $275.00 1/2 page - $425.00 FREEDOM FLYER Ads submitted must be black and white, camera ready. If no ad is provided, the Editor reserves the ♦ You are furthering ABATE’s cause to promote right to create one based on the information received. motorcycling in South Dakota. A.B.A.T.E. of South Dakota, Inc., the Freedom Flyer, and the individual members are not responsible for errors, omissions, or reprint quality of submitted ads. If you are interested in becoming an ABATE of In the event of a dispute, the Editor may replace a South Dakota Supporter, write: disputed ad and/or extend the business supporter ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. dues by one (1) month at Editor’s discretion. Pursuant to approval by the Board of Directors of A.B.A.T.E. of c/o Linda Askren South Dakota, Inc., the Editor may refuse or remove 120 Zeliff Ave., Sherman, SD 57030 any ad deemed discriminatory or against the best E-mail: kbobpow@yahoo.com interests of this organization. In the case of removal, the Board may authorize a refund. ♦ A year’s subscription to the FREEDOM FLYER. Business Supporter dues are not tax deductible except as a business expense. The above-mentioned Business Card size ad refers to a standard business card. The Freedom Flyer reserves the right to make minor adjustments to the size to fit Please remove the section below and mail it to the address listed above with a check payable to ABATE of South Dakota. BUSINESS SUPPORTER APPLICATION Business Name: Address: City: State: Contact Person: New: Zip Code: Phone Number: Renewal: Ad size (circle one): Amount enclosed: Business Card $100.00 Please mail to : ABATE of South Dakota c/o Linda Askren 120 Zeliff Avenue Sherman, SD 57030 1/4 Page 1/2 Page Full Page $275.00 $425.00 $725.00 Make check payable to - ABATE of South Dakota Page 24 FREEDOM FLYER CLASSIFIEDS Free to all ABATE of South Dakota members. Each ad will be printed until advertiser requests removal by contacting the Editor. The Advertiser is responsible for all content and/or corrections. FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas FOR SALE: 2006 Honda Shadow Aero 750, black, Chopper. 111 cubic inch motor, many extras. windshield, 10130 miles. Always stored inside. Very $19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666 well taken care of - must see to appreciate, a really great bike! $3800 call or text 605-481-2718FOR SALE: 1982 FLT Big Twin Tour Glide-85% Lake Andes,SD or email-babycat1958@hotmail.com original, Lots or EXTRA’S, NO frame alterations, Accessories - bike lift, tools, doc’s, cover, manuals, oil, lubes, cleaning goodies, air cover & rear tire/ Please Let Editor Know of Sold Items. frame snake lock. Excellent clean bike. $11,500. Located in Whitewood, SD #605-722-3859 FOR SALE: 2007 Yamaha V-Star 1100cc, like new, black, windshield, leather saddle bags, driver floor boards. I’ve converted it to heal-toe shift, but could easily be switched back. $6500 firm. 605-2060126; email vickien@knology.net. FOR SALE: Easy Riders Magazines. 162 magazines from 1973 to 1991. Various condition, from still in the plastic wrapper to not so good. Very good deal at $3.00 an issue. Call me and then come by and look at them. Only stipulation. It’s all or none. 605391-6999. FOR SALE: 1979 FLH Brown w/gold flake, 12,000 miles. All original w/tour pak, rear light bar, $7,500 OBO. Call Mike at 605-352-2678. FOR SALE: 2004 American Iron Horse Texas Chopper. 111 cubic inch motor, many extras. $19,500 or Best Offer. 605-430-0666 FOR SALE: 2002 Dyna Twin Cam 88 Police Defender, FXDP. No saddle bags but the running boards, controls & dual disc brakes are still intact. 2 exhausts go with. Carbureted & fast. Needs some cleaning. Black 2ith 16” fat Apes, windshield, sissy bar, 38,000. Warner, SD $6.800. FOR SALE: 2003 883 Harley w/Screaming Eagle upgrade. Bike has 10,000 miles. Purple underlights on bike w/purple spark plug lines. Purple flames on tank & fenders. $9,000 PERFECT shape! #402340-4809 - Pickstown, SD FOR SALE: Men’s pair of Harley Davidson boots, (Still have the tags on them) Zipper opening with steel toe, size 9M, $169.00 new. Will sell for $100.00. Call Del at Hm#605-853-3233 or Cell#605-870-0797. I ride because I love freedom, independence, and the movement of the ground beneath Page 25 FREEDOM FLYER 605-370-1341 2400 W. Madison Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Page 26 FREEDOM FLYER Kulm’s Tasty Treats Café May 13 1st Avenue SW Kulm, ND 58456 #701-647-2865 Page 27 FREEDOM FLYER 912 N. Dakota Street * Vermillion, SD 57069 PAGE 28 FREEDOM FLYER 47409 258th St Renner, SD 57055 Steakhouse #605-332-4411 Lounge #605-332-2681 PAGE 29 FREEDOM FLYER FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 30 Puzzled Bar Parker, SD 11 to Close 7 Days a Week 605-297-0401 Food Available Page 31 FREEDOM FLYER ABATE OF SD, INC. Freedom Flyer Susan Lettau 1723 Main Street Sturgis, SD 57785 Phone: 605-720-0263 Cell: 605-490-1593 Email: sdfreedomflyer@gmail.com WEBSITE: WWW.ABATESD.COM DEDICATED TO THE FREEDOM OF THE ROAD! Please contact your membership secretary with any address change. Your Freedom Flyer will not be forwarded to your new address. Next State Board of Directors Meeting will be January 17th, 2015 at 10:00 am American Legion — Pierre, SD
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