Frontier Press - Frontier House


Frontier Press - Frontier House
Frontier Press
July 2012
Volume 22, Issue 7
Director’s Thoughts — By Renee Schell
Inside this
MSU Update
& Reporting
AU Update &
CDU Update
& Reporting
Pet Spot
Well, we are moving along with the construction
project! A contractor has been selected for the
remodel/expansion of our building. We soon
hope to hear when they can actually get started.
In the meantime, we have been discussing what
to do while the construction takes over the building. Because the construction will impact the
whole building, we will need to relocate our Clubhouse temporarily. Recently, Clubhouse colleagues toured a building that is available for
lease. This building is right across the street from
Frontier House which will make the transition
easier for Clubhouse colleagues-we won‟t have
far to move and we get to watch the construction
as it happens! We are just waiting to see if the
price is right to decide if we can lease it. Feel free
to take a look at the construction plans which are
hanging in the HUB.
Some of you may have already seen the Frontier
House video we had produced a few months ago.
Great news—it now can be viewed by going to our
website: I am so very proud
that we finally have a website and a professional
video to adequately portray what Frontier House
is. Check it out and share with others!
A few months ago, we heard that there were
some changes to a document called the „Uniform
Service Coding Manual‟ for 2012. This document
sets forth the requirements of billing procedure
codes for covered mental health services. The
exciting change for us is that the definition for
Clubhouse programs identifies one as having
ICCD Accreditation and is, therefore, an Evidence-Based Practice. However, with this
change, comes a requirement that we complete a
daily note for every member who participates in
the Clubhouse. This has been coming down the
pipeline for quite some time so it isn‟t by surprise.
We are accepting this change with positive and
encouraging attitudes. We will be piloting 2 different daily notes through July. We then will decide
which note best fits the requirement and works for
our members. The notes will be found at the front
desk, next to the sign in/out book. When members
are leaving for the day, they are asked to complete
a quick daily note. The member‟s unit staff will
then take the note and add additional comments.
The notes will also be used when unit staff is working on monthly summaries. In the short-term, we
will be archiving these notes in case we ever need
to pull them for an audit. However at a later date,
we will be entering these notes into the electronic
medical record system on the computers. My goal
for the next year is to have a sign in/out kiosk at
the front desk instead of a sign in/out book. The
daily notes will be part of the sign out process on
the kiosk. This is very important work for all of us
to welcome with open-arms.
Our conference planning is going well. It is getting
closer and closer….and we are getting excited! Our
conference logo looks great (check it out below!)
Clubhouse member Doug Donnelly did a great job
creating the logo and then a graphic artist turned it
into electronic form. Last month, we kicked off the
registration for the 12th Western Regional Clubhouse Conference. We haven‟t received many registrations yet, but it is still fairly early. We will be
mailing out the conference information again soon.
We hope to be able to send many of our Clubhouse
members, staff, and a few Advisory Board members
to the conference. You can go to our website: to check out conference information.
We will keep you posted as we get closer!
12th Western Regional Clubhouse Conference
September 30 – October 3, 2012
This conference will be brought to you by the
Colorado Clubhouse Association, a partnership between Frontier House and Spirit
Crossing Clubhouses and other recoverybased programs from the Western Region of
the U.S. and worldwide. The mission is to empower, build, and strengthen Clubhouse programs through education, collaboration and
consultation. There will be a variety of work-
shops and keynote speakers presenting Clubhouse best practices. The theme for the conference will be “Together we are Strong!”
Thanks to Frontier House Colleague Doug D.
for creating the logo for us! For more information please e-mail:
Page 2
July 2012
1 1:10 Rockies
2 9:30 Employment Espresso
10:30 FF&E Committee Mtg.
3 2:00 Wellness
Mtg.– booth
1:30 Menu Planning
4 Independence
day (Open 8—1)
9:00 Parade
5 1:00 Grocery
6 4-6 FAC:
Birthdays &
7 6:30-9:30
Bingo @ Bingo
9 10-12 CDU
2:00 Fundraising
10 10-2 Orientation
10:30 Marketing
Committee Meeting
2:00 Wellness Mtg.
11 1:30 Program
12 7:30 Advisory
Board Meeting
2:00 Job Developing mtg
13 4-6 FAC:
Bittersweet Park
14 Movie @ Carmike 5
16 10:30 FF&E
Committee Mtg.
1:30 Calendar
17 10:00 CCA Mtg.
1:30 Menu Planning
2:00 Wellness Mtg.
– booth
4:00 Empl Supper
18 1:30 Program
2:30 Job Development Mtg
3:30 Guadalupe
19 1:00 Grocery
20 4-6 FAC:
Movie & Popcorn
23 10:30 Marketing Committee
24 10-1 Steering
Committee Mtg @
Spirit Crossing
10-2 Orientation
2:00 Wellness Mtg.
25 10-12 CDU Work- 26 2:00 Job Develshop
oping mtg
1:30 Program Mtg
27 8-5 Celebration
of Life
30 10:30 FF&E
Committee Mtg.
31 1:30 Menu Planning
1 1:30 Program
3 4-6 FAC:
Birthdays &
4 8-10 Fundraiser: Applebee‟s Pancake
2 1:00 Grocery
In addition to the above scheduled activities for the month, there are also very important
standing daily meetings. A great way to get involved in the Work Ordered Day of the Clubhouse is to attend these meetings.
Every morning at 9:00 am all Clubhouse Colleagues meet in the dining room for a morning
meeting. This meeting is a great opportunity for all Colleagues to greet one another before
going to unit meetings at 9:15. Unit meetings are held both at 9:15 am and 1:00 pm each
day to organize the day and get everyone involved!
Page 3
Member Services Unit (MSU) Update
Tadaaaa! The
vending machines at the
are stocked!
Tina P. is a
great vender!
We are working on repairing the downstairs vending
Thank you for
your patience.
Food boxes to members: 9
Meals served: 482
Avg. # Served per day: 22
Avg. cost per lunch: $3.07
Number of Fri. Activities: 5
Number of Sat. Outings: 3
Number of Holidays: 0
Avg. Daily Mtg. Attendance: 7
know, but she is eager to meet all of
her new Colleagues!
Please stop in and
give her a warm welcome to Frontier
Lunch attendance has been a little
low this month, but hopefully it will
increase now that we have a chef on
board! (See below)
MSU Colleagues are looking forward
to having a retreat to reorganize
some things and think of new ways to
make our unit even greater! Stay
tuned for further details… Go MSU!
We have been very busy in the Member
Services Unit! I don’t know
about all of you, but I (Angela)
am SUPER excited to have our
new staff, Darci, on board! She
started on June 25th and has
been getting settled in and fa- Lunch
miliar with our program and getting to know people. There are a Snack Bar
lot of names and faces to get to
June 2012
Expenses Profit/Loss
Meet Darci Hata! (New MSU Staff)
What is your favorite animal?
What is your favorite food? Beets
What is your favorite color?
What do you like to do for fun?
Biking/Rollerblading with her
husband and dog
If you could visit any place,
where would it be? Japan
What is your favorite movie?
Donnie Darko
We are welcoming our newest staff to
the MSU this month! Darci Hata will be
working alongside Angela to help make
the MSU even greater! Darci is enthusiastic about working at Frontier House
and being a part of the community. She
is very energetic and... (get this) a chef!
Her chef skills will come in handy for
meal ideas and preparation. We encourage everyone to come in and put her
skills to the test and come get to know
her. Members are doing great familiarizing her with how the Clubhouse works
and introducing all of our unit tasks.
Thanks to everyone who has already welcomed her!
Darci has a wonderful husband named
Ian, a pitbull/boxer named Buddha and a
kitty named Disco. She works on a farm
in her spare time and loves to cook at
home. She is interested in assisting people in learning how to cook at home, so
come on in and sharpen up your cookin‟
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate;
only love can do that. —Martin Luther King Jr.
Page 4
Administrative Unit (AU) Update
REPORT: (Numbers
reflect 2 months
prior for
Average unit meeting
attendance: 5
Orientation Referrals: 12
Number Attending
Orientation: 5
Number Becoming
Members: 4
to sign in
and out and
do your
House has a
Just search for “Frontier
House of Greeley”
...our page to receive
updates and event
for more information or
to sign up and create
your own page!
Hello from the Administrative Unit! On the
whole, our unit tasks continue to be completed
in a timely way, though we‟ve missed a few unit
Colleagues...possibly due to the intense heat of
the last few weeks. Colleagues in the AU are
looking forward to the July 27th “Celebration of
Wellness event which will be held in
Sterling, Colorado. Unit Colleagues have been
brain-storming ideas for the two “spheres” of
wellness for which we are responsible as a
Clubhouse: the “Intellectual Sphere” and the
“Financial Sphere.” We‟ve had some lively
discussion in our unit regarding creative ways to
invite people to assess their “wellness” in these
areas and encourage them to set new, attainable
goals in these two areas. On another note, the
Clubhouse received some words of thanks from
a Colleague who is an active AU member. We
thought it was appropriate to print it in our
Unit Update with his permission. These
words of gratitude were written by George
Linfor. “I haven‟t gone to FH lately, due to
my recent ankle injury. I want to thank all of
the friends and Colleagues for their support
and understanding. Sometime after my ankle
heals, I will cook my famous Taco Salad at
FH and will do my comedy act again. I want
to give a special thanks to FH for their
understanding and I want to give a special
thanks to my neighbors for all their help
during my injury. I really like to come to
Frontier House to see my friends and to
participate in the Work-Ordered Day.” All of
us at the Clubhouse appreciate your words,
George. Thanks for writing this letter.
Spirituality (not just for the birds)
The role that spirituality plays in people’s
lives is being researched more and more
by health care professionals.
society is talking more and more freely
about spirituality. The shift is towards values
that concern the heart and our relationships with
others. It is basically a renewed interest in the
quality of our lives. Spirituality emphasizes the
healing of the whole person, not just the disease.
Spirituality has been found to be a very important
part of a person’s well-being. But too often, this
aspect is ignored, or even seen as being part of
their illness. The basic desire in all of us is to be
heard. We need to listen to each other, not only
with our ears, but also with our hearts. Paul Tillich,
a Christian theologian, once said that “Our
spirituality is the ground of our being.” Spirituality
is generally considered to be broader and more
inclusive than religion. Religion is usually tied to a
particular faith tradition or institution. Spirituality
can help a person feel (more) connected to
something bigger than themselves, or help them
make sense of their experiences. Spirituality often
involves experiences of: a sense of belonging, a
deep-seated sense of meaning and purpose in life,
a sense of connection of ‘the deeply personal with
the universal’, acceptance, integration and a sense
of wholeness
These experiences are part of being human.
Spirituality can help a person feel connected to
something bigger than themselves, or help them
make sense of their experiences. Spirituality is not
tied to any particular religious belief or tradition.
Although culture and specific beliefs can play a
part in spirituality, every person has their own
by Charlotte B.
unique experience of spirituality.
Some questions to help one to begin thinking
about spirituality include: What sustains you?
What keeps you going in times of difficulty? What
do you think life is all about? Other questions to
think about: What is your life all about? Is there
anything that gives you a sense of meaning or
purpose? What do the next few weeks hold for
you? What about the next few months? The next
few years? What are your main fears about the
future? What, if anything, gives you hope?
Rabbi Nachman, an eighteenth-century Jewish
sage, has advised us to set aside a specific time
each day to calmly review our life. He suggests
that as we evaluate what we are doing, we should
think about whether it is worth devoting our life
to it
Paul Tournier says that what is spiritual in a
person is a need for relationship with one’s
neighbor, with society, with nature, and with God
(or a higher power, if one believes in that)
Some Spiritual Practices you can try:
You can: Give of yourself in acts of compassion
(including work, especially teamwork), engage in
deep reflection (contemplation), follow traditions
of yoga, Tai Chi & similar disciplined practices,
spend time enjoying nature, spend time in
contemplative reading (of literature, poetry,
philosophy, etc.), appreciate the arts, be
creative—in painting, sculpture, cookery,
gardening, etc.
Spirituality is deeply personal. Try to discover
what works for you.
Page 5
Career Development Unit (CDU) Update
Malissa B.
June 1st
Doris H.
June 16th
Jay B.
June 19th
George L.
June 22nd
Jayme C.
June 28th
David J.
June 30th
Jesse B.
July 5th
Gloria P.
July 6th
Margaret W.
July 8th
Patricia B.
July 9th
Mary Ann M.
July 9th
On June 22 the Career Development Unit
(CDU) had its first focus meeting to reorganize and brainstorm ways to be more
efficient and effective. Snacks were
provided for the group, including multigrain crackers with hummus, whole-wheat
bagels with cream cheese, grapes and
apples, and a veggie tray. After
brainstorming, the group talked about
current unit tasks and what tasks they
wanted to develop for the future. During
brainstorming, the members of the unit
explained what compelled them to choose
the unit, and what the name of the unit
means to them. People expressed that they
chose the unit for skill-building with
applications and the quiet, serene
atmosphere of the basement area. When
asking people what they wanted to learn in
Stacy M.
July 10th
Employment Anniversary
Eileen K.
July 12th
Paul Hernandez
Bre T.
July 13th
Angela W.
July 13th
Dan H.
July 19th
Adrian R.
July 20th
Krystal R.
July 23rd
Ed D.
July 31st
Congratulations to our
newest TE Placements!
Mary Ann Monge
Paul has been working with
North Range Behavioral Health
for 14 years!
This is a list of birthdays for
active members. Happy Birthday to all those with JULY
birthdays... and some honorable mentions with JUNE BDays (as last month they were
the unit, Microsoft programs such as
Word, and PowerPoint were mentioned, as
well as learning games to increase interest
in learning typing and other skills.
Members of the CDU also talked about
how working and getting back into the
community was an intriguing aspect of the
unit. There was quite a bit of talk about
Supported Education and how that would
fit into the unit. The idea of member tutors
and tutors from the local colleges was
brought up to help members in Supported
Education to get more focused help with
their educational goals. All in all, the
meeting went very well. We were able to
redo our task board and create some great
ideas for future classes. Thanks to all
whom attended!
Batter Up Cakes
Cisco Mendez
Paul works as a custodian. His
various task include cleaning up
indoors as well as watering plants
Christ Community Church
Frontier House is a program of North Range Behavioral Health and is proudly accredited with the
International Center for Clubhouse Development.
A Place to GROW!
Phone - 970-347-2128
FAX- 970-356-3777
1407 8th Avenue
Greeley CO, 80631
Frontier House
Your furry friend
could be
the next
pet for
Pet Spot!
Just bring
in a photo
and this
space is
Cisco‟s dogs: Julius, Hector,
T.J. and Zoe
Your pets are important to us too!
Mental health professionals and researchers are confirming what pet owners have always known: Relationships with animals have many mental health and psychosocial
benefits. These benefits are increasingly being harnessed by animal-assisted therapy
(AAT) programs, particularly in mental health settings.
Please keep the pictures coming… the „Pet Spot‟ is still going strong!

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