Frontier Press - Frontier House
Frontier Press - Frontier House
Frontier Press July 2013 Volume 23, Issue 7 Director’s Thoughts — By Renee The summer is here already and it is going FAST! Summer is always a fun time for our Clubhouse with many outdoor activities scheduled. We are planning on going to the Carnival, the 4th of July Parade, Estes Park, the zoo, maybe Elitches, and camping. This season already has been exciting because we now have a newly landscaped property and a freshly sealed parking lot. We are gleaming with beauty!! Thank you to North Range for giving us a nice face lift! Inside this issue: July Calendar 2 ACU Update 3 & Reporting CNU Update 4 & Reporting Recipe of the 4 Month Employment 7 Recognition CDU Update 7 & Reporting July Birthdays 7 Pet Spot 8 Our new landscaping is Fabulous! We also planned a Clubhouse picture day in June. We gathered several colleagues for a large group picture. We encouraged everyone to wear their FH t-shirt and we gave away some t-shirts to members who did not have one. We took an awesome picture, and we were able to provide a free hotdog lunch as a result of a large donation of food (thanks Bobbi!). Another big thing that is happening for our Clubhouse this summer is that we are scheduled to attend Colleague Training from August 12—August 23. Our training team is comprised of 2 staff (Angela and Tim), 2 members (Charlotte and Jeremy), and myself. We will be heading out to Gateway House in South Carolina. It has been over 5 years since we last attended training so it is definitely time. The training team is very excited about this opportunity for various reasons. Clubhouse Training provides us with specific expertise and focus on making our Clubhouse stronger. The training involves more than studying and discussing the Clubhouse Standards. It is experiential. The main focus is active participation in an Accredited Clubhouse community. This involves engagement in a work unit, attendance at unit and house meetings, site visits to employment sites and Clubhouse housing, and visits with board members and administrators. Training also includes consultations with experienced Clubhouse Colleagues in developing the Action Plan. Clubhouse training is not merely a matter of what you read, or what the research says. It is what you experience and believe in. The training team recently met to prepare for our trip out to South Carolina. During the next several weeks, we will be meeting to come up with some areas we would like to focus on during training. In order to do this, we reviewed our last accreditation report from 2011 to look at any recommendations that we have yet to meet. The awesome thing is that we have already met about 90% of the recommendations from that accreditation visit! So we are looking at areas in our Clubhouse where we can be better and stronger. One of the goals of our training team is that we want our entire Clubhouse community to have the opportunity to be a part of this experience as well. Since we can’t pack up our Clubhouse and take everyone with us (even though we would love to!), we are having open discussions at our weekly Clubhouse meeting about ideas, suggestions, and feedback that our training team will be tasked with exploring while at Gateway House. Our hope is that colleagues will feel included in the training which will help with the overall buy-in and acceptance of the goals on the Action Plan. After returning from training, it is the responsibility of the training team to work with the Clubhouse community in implementing all the goals on the Action Plan. We will hold a post-training meeting to present the entire Action Plan and discuss feedback, comments, suggestions, concerns. Again, the purpose is to provide the opportunity for colleagues to feel like this process is not just for the training team but for the Clubhouse as a whole. With all of this going on for us, this summer is flying by. Make sure you stop in and be a part of all this exciting stuff happening! And…….GET CLUBHOUSE!! What a lovely group picture! Welcome to the world, Yani Norika Hata Mickells! Congratulations to staff member, Darci and her husband Ian on the birth of their beautiful baby girl! Born: 6/14/13 @ 4:45 pm—5 lbs 3.1 oz, 18” long Page 2 July 2013 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 9:30 Employment Espresso 3 10-11:30 Resume Workshop 1:30 Clubhouse Meeting 3:00 TE Updates Meeting 4 Independence Day (Open 8-1) 5 2:00 Employment Banquet Planning Meeting 4-6 FAC Birthdays and Bingo @ FH 6 10-3 Greeley Stampede— Carnival 7 8 1:30 Healthy Cookin’ (TBD) 9 10-2 Orientation 1:30 Menu Planning 2:00 Fundraising Meeting 3:00 Exercise Experience 10 10-11:30 Application Workshop 1:30 Clubhouse Meeting 3:00 Job Development Meeting Short List 11 7:30 Advisory Board Meeting 1-4 Grocery Shopping 3:00 Fun Fitness 12 4-6 FAC: Mini 13 11-3 Golf @ Family Horseback FunPlex Riding in Estes Park 14 15 1:30 Healthy Cookin’ (TBD) 16 10-12 CCA Meeting @ Spirit Crossing 1:30 Wellness 2:00 Fundraising Meeting 3:00 Exercise Experience 4:00 Employment 17 10-11:30 Interview Workshop 10:00 Food Bank 1:30 Clubhouse Meeting 18 1:30 National 19 1:00 Grocery 20 Parks Pass & Fishing Shopping License Presentation 4-6 FAC: Bowling 2:00 DVR Status @ Chippers Lanes Chart Mtg 3:00 Fun Fitness 21 22 1:30 Calendar 23 10-2 Orientation Planning 1:30 Menu Planning 2:00 Wellness Meeting 3:00 Exercise Experience 24 10-11:30 Members’ Job Needs Workshop 1:30 Clubhouse Mtg 3:00 Contact follow up Mtg 3:30 Guadalupe Meal 25 1-4 Grocery Shopping 3:00 Fun Fitness 28 29 31 10:00 Food Bank 10-11:30 Members’ Job Needs Workshop 1:30 Clubhouse Mtg 3:00 Job Development Meeting 30 3:00 Exercise Experience 4:00 Movie @ Carmike Theater 26 10-2 Consumer Advisory Board Wellness Fair @ NRBH 4-6 FAC: Root Beer Floats & Movie @ FH 27 In addition to the above scheduled activities for the month, there are also very important standing daily meetings. A great way to get involved in the Work Ordered Day of the Clubhouse is to attend these meetings. Every morning at 9:00 am all Clubhouse Colleagues meet in the dining room for a morning meeting. This meeting is a great opportunity for all Colleagues to greet one another before going to unit meetings at 9:15. Unit meetings are held both at 9:15 am and 1:00 pm each day to organize the day and get everyone involved! Page 3 Administrative & Clerical Unit (ACU) Update ACU MONTHLY REPORT: (Numbers reflect 2 months prior for accuracy) Outreach is a cornerstone of clubhouse life! Average unit meeting attendance: 5 Orientation Referrals: 9 Number Attending Orientation: 18 Number Becoming Members: 16 Did You Know… The early Greeks believed that the presence or absence of particular substances in the body dictated a person’s character. Many Japanese people believe that a person’s blood type determines their personality. Your thumb is about the same size as your nose. Phrenology (study of the size and shape of the skull) states the mental abilities and personal characteristics result from the size and shape of a person’s head. Chewing gum boosts your brain power. A person can deliberately change his or her personality to a point. It is not easy, but it is possible. Dogs can be trained to identify the scent of lung cancer long before symptoms develop. George L. -(The author of Frontier House’s current reach out letter). On June 7th, the ACU unit engaged in an active reach out trip to Kenton Manor, to visit our members who have been unable to come to Frontier House lately. The visiting group consisted of one senior house member (George L.), and two new members (Ivan M. & Jeremy D.). The members were able to visit 5 of our recovering members, and spread a little “good will” and hope. One particular note was the fact that George L. had written a personalized outreach letter that was given to each of the people who were visited. His letter had a pro- found and obvious effect on the members who read their letters. It seems that putting his thoughts and feelings for his fellow members down on paper, cut right through the potential awkwardness of an unexpected “home visit”. Reaching out to members who cannot, or have not come to Frontier House is immensely important. The inability to attend all work-order-days is of course expected. This could be due to a number of issues. When members are isolating, reach out is extremely important. Mental illness, as well as most substance abuse issues, thrive in situations where an individual is cut-off from their support system. By reaching out through phone calls, e-mail, letters, postcards, or home visits, the goal is to break a member out of isolation, and re-engage them with a supportive community. In the future months, the ACU unit, and Frontier House as a whole will be expanding the reach out capabilities of Frontier House. The overall clubhouse goal will be to make sure that none of our members “slip through the cracks”, and simply disappear. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!! Tawnie C. : 6/25 CNU Susan M. : 6/11 ACU Gerald J. : 6/25 ACU Rosa W. : 6/11 CNU Jesse G. : 6/25 CNU Kristie D. : 6/11 CDU Kim B. : 6/25 ACU Pearl L. : 6/11 CDU Page 4 Culinary & Nutrition Unit (CNU) CNU MONTHLY REPORTING FOR March 2013 Most exciting news for the -Cross-contamination CNU is the arrival of Darci -Glove Safety & sanitization and her husband’s baby girl, Yani. Born 6/14 at 4:45pm -Health tips 5lbs. 3oz. 18 inches. -Benefits to eating fruits and Intern Debbie is making a vegetables reference and kitchen man- -Hand washing tips ual for the Unit where members can reference -Knife safety and use while working in the Unit. Some of March 2013 the topics included in Income Expenses Profit/Loss her manual are: Lunch 667.80 1370.22 -702.42 Food boxes to members: 7 Meals served: 514 Avg. # Served per day: 24 Avg. cost per lunch: $1.70 Number of Fri. Activities: 5 Number of Weekend Outings: 3 Number of Holidays: 1 Avg. Daily Mtg. Attendance: 15 Snack Bar 304.47 312.52 -8.05 Vending 145.60 64.87 80.73 Diane Dunn’s Banana Bread Ingredients: Directions: 3 eggs Beat eggs until light and foamy 1 cup oil ( or substitute 1 cup applesauce) Add and mix oil, sugar, banana, vanilla 2 cups sugar 2 cups mashed ripe bananas Add and mix salt, flour, baking soda, cinnamon 1 tablespoon vanilla If using, add and mix nuts 3 cups flour Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees 1 teaspoon baking soda In 2 greased loaf pans, fill 2/3 full with mix 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon Bake 1 hour or until a tooth pick inserted comes out clean Page 5 JULY BIRTHDAYS! Kevin T 2 Jesse B 5 Margaret W 8 Brandon W 9 Patricia B 9 MaryAnn M 9 Erica P 10 Roger N 10 Tawnie C 16 Phillip S 19 Maria R 20 Krystal R 23 Aaron L 24 Sherri D 25 Mark B 27 Alan S 28 Darci H 30 This is a list of birthdays for active members. Happy Birthday to all those with July Birthdays!!! Career Development Unit Update Since launching the job seeking skills workshop Wednesday from 10:00am-11:30am, the CDU has been successful with helping members in all three work units to get assistance with creating/ cri tiqui ng resum es, online applications and assessments, interview techniques, and the best practices in interviewing. These workshops have proven to be beneficial and educational for members who are working towards obtaining gainful employment. We will soon start working on our Employment and Recognition Board. We have been brainstorming on ideas for our theme and have decided that our theme will be puzzle pieces. It is very exciting to start getting different ideas from everyone. Our next planning meeting is on July 5th at 2pm. We will be choosing the template on the Employment and Education Recognition Board which will be used for our annual banquet to recognize those members that have worked or gone to school in the year 2013. This month the unit is going to offer an additional workshop every Wednesday from 11:30am-1:00pm. Smoking Cessation Classes will be offered to clubhouse members and staff. Smoking is a habit that effects everyone and Frontier House wants to support anyone wanting to quit and begin focusing on a healthier you. Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely. -Karen Kaiser Clark Employment Anniversaries What do you like most about your job? CDU MONTHLY REPORTING: May Total active members working: 48 Members in Transitional Employment: 12 Members in Supported Employment: 16 Members in Independent Employment: 20 Members served in DVR in since July 2012: 22 Members successfully closed with DVR: 8 “I like working side by side “I can listen to music while I with my coworkers.” work, I like my coworkers - Paul Hernandez NRBH/ and boss, and the best thing TRT & ARP: 15 Years!!! is the teamwork!” - Shaun Chavez Centennial Park Library: 3 years!!! “I like interacting with the customers and coworkers.” - Mark Bradley Taco Bell: 1 year!!! Frontier House is a program of North Range Behavioral Health and is proudly accredited with Clubhouse International and a member of the Colorado Clubhouse Association. Phone - 970-347-2128 FAX- 970-356-3777 1407 8th Avenue Greeley CO, 80631 Frontier House Your furry friend could be the next featured pet for the Pet Spot! Just bring in a photo and this space is yours! Tiger Charlotte’s famous pets!!!! Priscilla Your pets are important to us too! Mental health professionals and researchers are confirming what pet owners have always known: Relationships with animals have many mental health and psychosocial benefits. These benefits are increasingly being harnessed by animal-assisted therapy (AAT) programs, particularly in mental health settings.
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Frontier Press - Frontier House
Frontier House is a program of North Range Behavioral Health and is proudly accredited with the
International Center for Clubhouse Development.
A Place to GROW!