SDA June05 - Southern DuPage ABATE
SDA June05 - Southern DuPage ABATE
Southern DuPage A.B.A.T.E. June 2005 A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois Vol. 8 Issue 6 A Brotherhood Aimed Toward Education Inside this Issue 02 Calendar of Events 03 Renewals 04 Safety & Ed. Report 05 Membership 06 Business Ads 07 Legislative Not Inside This Issue Photos of Paris Hilton with her clothes on. Hunting mosquitoes with a .357 magnum. Viagra leads to blindness. Hey, you were warned about that as a kid Scratch & Sniff Centerfold Southern DuPage A.B.A.T.E. Newsletter Published monthly, 7 to 10 days after the deadline. Then again, it might be two weeks, you never know. Articles must be received by 5:00 pm on Friday, following the chapter meeting, to be considered for publication. Editor— Dale Irvin The Mission of A.B.A.T.E., of Illinois is to preserve the universal right to a safe, unrestricted, motorcycling environment. To fulfill this Mission we will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Safeguard the rights of all motorcyclists. Endorse safety and educational programs. Promote unity through involvement. Advocate political awareness and action. Promote motorcycling enjoyment. President, Jimbo Fischer Up & Running On All Cylinders After a rather turbulent start to the year, your Southern DuPage Chapter of ABATE of Illinois is running on all cylinders again, with many thanks to the following Board members. Our Charter Board member since the inception of Southern DuPage in 1997, Jim Regis, and all the rest of the Board, Jim Hendrix, Pat Anderson, Dick Anderson, Rich Ingalls, Grumpy Bill, Dale Irvin, Rick Olson “RO”, Betty Miller and Dan “Spike” Kazmer, without your help and dedication to the Chapter, we could have blown a gasket. Instead, a great 4th Annual Topless Poker Run is in the making. A fun country route of over 100 mi. without a stoplight, and plenty of food, good people, and fun and games. Only thing is, by the time this is published, it will all be history. We had our Special Chapter Election May 23rd. and I would like to welcome the new Chapter Vice Pres. Jim Koontz on Board. Other things we will be concentrating on in the near future will be keeping an eye on legislation coming down the pipeline. Naturally there will be helmet ordinances, and motorcycle confiscation issues we will be keeping track of. So when you get a notice in your email to call you senator and representative about a particular issue, DO IT. One of my favorite sayings is, ”Let your voice be heard, or it will be like you were never here.” ABATE of Illinois is dedicated to preserving a safe unrestricted motorcycle riding environment. We are committed to the educational programs at high schools, to teach new drivers to watch for, and share the road with motorcycles. We are committed to our own, share the road, and ride responsibly safety programs. Several weeks ago, while being the first person at an auto on auto accident, I was dealt a very rude awakening when another vehicle slammed into the accident scene, throwing me and one of the already crashed vehicles several feet . So I am first off, thankful to my Guardian Angel for getting me out of that situation alive. Second, I am strongly suggesting that this summer if you see a Dick “Slider” Gilmore accident scene management class, take it. Besides helping somebody else, it may save your life. It will also do you tremendous good to attend our monthly meetings and hear our Safety Ed. Officer Dick Anderson give his take on riding safely. Continued on page four Calendar June 11— Arrowhead Valley Chapter Hawaiian Run 17-19 ABATE of Illinois Annual State Party - Altamont 27— Chapter Meeting— Warrenville VFW July 9— South Suburban Chapter— 17th Annual Helmet Roast Marseilles 16— Dog Days Of Thunder BPMC Dupage County, Elgin 24— ATI Foundation “Cruisin’ For Kids”, Aurora For more information go to 25— Chapter Meeting— Warrenville VFW August 19-21 Northern Ill ABATE— Barnyard Boogie 22 Chapter Meeting— Warrenville VFW 27 Arrowhead Valley ABATE— Mystery Run Indicates Flag Event Got an event you want to plug? Send the info to Editorial by The Editor - Dale Irvin Chapter Officers President Jim Fischer Vice President Jim Koontz Secretary Pat Anderson Treasurer Jim Hendrix Membership Jim Regis Safety & Education Dick Anderson Public Relations Betty Miller Legislative Bill “Grumpy” Lloyd State Representative Rick Olson Newsletter Dale Irvin Webmaster (appointed position) Dan “Spike” Kazmer Email Administrator (appointed) Rich Ingalls We are currently halfway through 2005 which means it is time to fully embrace the 21st century, and when I say “embrace” I mean we need to lift up its top and see what is underneath. The underlying precept of the new millennium is the concept of cyber-space, that immense network of electronic impulses that serve to bring us e-mail, eBay, and internet porn. You gotta love it. Now, I can’t offer you any internet porn per se, but I can offer you fast and easy access to this very newsletter every month from the convenience of your computer. All I need is for you to give me your e-mail address. Why bog down your mailman with an extra piece of mail every month? Why bog down your chapter with the added expense of printing and mailing that newsletter. And most importantly, why bog me down with the job of stamping and sending that newsletter every month when I could be doing more important things like finding new internet porn sites I can direct you to. So please, for the sake of your chapter, the mail service, and me, start getting your newsletter by e-mail every month. If you do, I will happily send you a free gift, an autographed copy of my book, “Outlaw Wisdom.” There’s no naked pictures in the book but it is filled with good advice and plenty of laughs. Send an e-mail today to and be sure to include your address so I know where to send the book. Your chapter will love you, I will love you, and when you go on line to get your e-mailed newsletter, you can check out internet porn at the same time. Dale A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois Registration & Renewal Form Renewals should be sent to Southern DuPage A.B.A.T.E. @ - P.O. Box 3521 · Lisle, IL. 60532-8521 JANUARY Albert Franzen Steve and Mari Vichi What’s wrong with you people? It’s only 25 freakin’ dollars to insure your rights FEBRUARY Wm and Barbara Luckenbill Marlene Miciunas Michael & Connie Schmidt Ray Wardell Penny Wolf You guys aren’t much better MARCH Anthony & Denise Jacobazzi Jeffrey McGraw It was due in March, now it’s June. What part of the calendar don’t you understand? APRIL Rick Bernard Kurt Lentsch Nick Romano You are one month overdue. If we were a credit card, we’d be charging interest right about now. MAY Leo Foertsch Judi Harrington Julie Kosanovich William Mumper Hal Reinke Ron Vesely Dig in your wallets and dig out some dough. As we like to say, freedom isn’t free! JUNE You know who you are but if you forgot, we will be mocking you next month. TEMPORARY RECEIPT – A.B.A.T.E. of ILLINOIS MEMBERSHIP Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing Application Name (s) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount paid ______________ Date paid ______________________ Application taken by: ___________________________________________ (This is your receipt until you receive your membership card) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A.B.A.T.E. of ILLINOIS MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION New Member (1) _____ (2) _____ Renewal (1) _____ (2) _____ Membership # (1) ______________ (2) ______________ Date _______________ Original Date Joined (if renewal) (1) _________ (2) _________ Chapter Preference ___________________________________________________ Name (1) _____________________________________________________________ (2) ______________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________ State _________Zip _____________________________ Phone (________) _________________________ County _________________________ Email address (1) __________________________________________________(2) ___________________________________________________ Congressional District ___________ Senatorial District ___________ Representative District ___________ Registered Voter (1) ______ (2) _____ Date of Birth (1) ________________ (2) ________________ Occupation (1) ___________________________ (2) __________________________ Completed a MSF Course (1) _____ (2) _____ Where did you hear about ABATE ____________________________________________________ ··· $2.00 of each members dues is allocated to lobbying expense. ··· MEMBERSHIP & RENEWAL FEES: $25.00 PER SINGLE YEAR $45.00 PER YEAR COUPLE · MONEYSAVER SPECIAL: $100.00 - 5 YEARS / SINGLE $180.00 - 5 YEARS / COUPLE · ABATE-PAC SUPPORT: Add $1.00 per year to above dues amount to support legislative contributions. MAKE CHECK PAYABLE & MAIL TO: A.B.A.T.E. of ILLINOIS · P.O. Box 3521 · Lisle, IL. 60532-8521 · MUST BE 18 TO JOIN · 309-343-6588 · 800-87-ABATE · FAX 309-343-6387 I understand that A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois cannot assume responsibility for my safety and that if I participate in any sanctioned event, I do so voluntarily, assuming all risk; I release and hold A.B.A.T.E. harmless for any injury or loss to my personal property which may result there from. I understand this means that I agree not to sue A.B.A.T.E. for any injury resulting to myself or my property at any event. I agree to comply with the Bylaws and act in the best interest of A.B.A.T.E. of Illinois. A copy of ABATE-PAC’s report is or will be filed with the State Board of Elections, Springfield, IL. Signature (s) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Safety & Education - Dick Anderson Way to go, SDA members, Grumpy and Julie. Combined, about 1600 kids were taught this month. It was fun watching the big macho guys look at little Julie as she told them she drove a big rig truck for over eight years and safely logged over one million miles!! Small but tough - a great big thanks to both of you!!!!. As we head to the open roads to enjoy our few freedoms that are left, let us review some important emergency rules just in case we come upon an accident, or, God-forbid, one of our friends is involved in an accident. Preparing by putting together a simple first aid kit is a smart plan. All major retailers now carry various size kits that meet different situations. Rule #1: If you arrive upon an accident, or witness a fellow ride involved in an accident, before doing anything else - SECURE THE AREA. Is the scene safe? What happened? If the area is not safe (such as downed power lines, chemical spill, speeding traffic), do not go near the victim. Stay a safe distance away and call 9-11 immediately. Don’t put yourself in danger- injured heroes are no help to anyone. Rule #2: If you think the area is secured and you go to the victim, once again assess the scene for dangers that you may have missed before. Are there other victims that you may have initially missed? If other bystanders are present, direct them to help isolate the scene from potential dangers, such as traffic. Rule #3: If the above steps are taken successfully and you reach the victim, look for life-threatening emergencies. Is the victim CONSCIOUS? If so, talk to them, reassure them that professional help is on the way, and keep them from moving around or getting up! When Pat went down this past summer due to road construction, a gentleman blocked the scene with his car, went to her aid, reassured her not to get up, then helped to assess her injuries by doing a head to toe check. Very professional! Rule #4: If the person is unconscious, do not move them unless both of you are in immediate danger, or you have to move them to provide immediate care. Rule #5: Check for BREATHING, PULSE, SEVERE BLEEDING. Rule #6: If you have had first aid training, then remember the ABCs. Remember, if you are the first on the scene, you can only give limited first aid. If you haven’t taken a first responder course lately, do so. Ride Safely and Intelligently —— Dick Anderson, Safety & Ed Officer Jimbo - Continued from page 1 Now that I am on the subject of our monthly meetings. Attendance has been on the rise, which is great to see, specially at break time when we have snacks, refreshments and the commiserating of Chapter members, and guests. But then as always, good things have to have an ending point, and this Chapter has without a doubt in my mind, the best meeting wrap-up in the State, with our own “KING of Comedy”, our Sergeant at Laughs, Dale Irvin. If you don’t go home with a smile on your face, and feeling good after listening to Dale give his rendition of the Chapter meeting, then it may be time to set an appointment up with your therapist. So I hope to see you at the next Chapter meeting, always the 4th. Monday of the month. June 27th. Till then, remember the important three “R”s of life. Respect of self Respect of others Responsibility for your actions Jimbo - your Chapter President Membership - Jim Regis We have around 150 members with 1 new member and 8 renewals. Please do your chapter a favor. As you read the newsletter, if you see name of someone you know in the expiring memberships column, remind them to renew their ABATE membership the next time you see them. Please welcome new member George Krempel. And please give us your e-mail address so Dale can graciously mail your newsletter on the cheap. Thank you for renewing: Bob and Kristen Hamnik, Mike Mihetz, Russ Odean, Jean Pare', Joseph Seitz, Wayne Stamm, Charles Wyman. If you've changed your e-mail address, please let me know. We can keep our newsletter costs down by sending your newsletter by e-mail. My e-mail address is And don't forget to keep me posted if you change your address, phone number, etc. Be seeing you, Jim 4 th Annual Topless Poker Run Event Recap The early morning of June 5th 2005, brought dire warnings of the possibility of raging thunderstorms with hell fire and brimstone just for good measure. It may have intimidated the faint of heart, but not the 120 motorcycle sport enthusiasts, from six different Chapters of ABATE and several Independent Chapters. To boot, all the weather forecasts turned out to be wrong. All we had was some short sprinkles between stops 2&3. Feed back is starting to come in, and it sounds like a great time was had by one and all. An enjoyable country route, cool stops, and nothing but compliments about the food at the end of ride party, which was brought to us by Lee & Eddies Catering. A somewhat well stocked raffle table gave our Chapter’s one and only King of Comedy, our Sergeant at Laughs Dale Irvin, plenty of ammo to work the crowd into a near frenzy with his unique style of humor. The icing on the cake just may be that this looks like it has the makings of being the most profitable Poker Run yet for our Chapter. So with no further ado, I want to say a great big THANKS to all that attended, and a Very Special THANKS to all the Volunteers that helped put this ride together: Nancy”Blondie”Dunham, Jim Koontz, Rick Olson, Linda Pasetti, Gene & Ali Montgomery, Pat & Dick Anderson, & Ron & Betty Miller for manning the run stops. Buddy Watson for security and parking, Dan “Spike” Kazmer for da music. Thanks continue to Gil Klingberg & Ronda, as well as Chet & Lori Granowski for the spectacular job on selling the different game tickets. Barb Fischer & Jack Gorey, for getting us a great buffet together from Lee & Eddies. Grumpy Bill for running sweep and being the general overseer of screw ups. Jim Hendrix, Jim Regis, Jewel Wescot & Phil Chop for taking care of registration, and our Sergeant at Laughs Dale Irvin, for making everyone laugh and go home feeling good. Last, but not least, the Warrenville VFW Post, Comdr. Mike Wellington, Sally Schmugalo Women’s Auxiliary, and John Devaney of the Men’s Auxiliary, and all of their volunteers at the Warrenville VFW Hall, for their help and hospitality. If I left anybody out, please excuse me; just come to the next Chapter meeting June 27th and ball me out. Once again, thanks to everyone who attended. Southern DuPage ABATE is YOUR Chapter. Without your involvement, these fun events couldn’t happen. To those who missed the ride, sorry, you missed a good time. Remember now. Live free, ride safe, love your brothers and sisters. Jimbo – your Chapter President Southern DuPage ABATE ABATE of ILLINOIS Inc. 5.99% B&B CUSTOM, LLC Bill Luckenbill (630) 879-0264 Joe Benda Owner H-D Servicing 630-673-3452 Batavia, IL. APR Legislative, Bill “Grumpy” Lloyd A preliminary report released 4/23/05 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that the number of motorcycle fatalities increased once again in 2004 rising from 2116 in 1997 to 3927 last year. Motorcycle registrations have also increased significantly since 1997, rising over 40 percent through 2003. Naturally, as motorcycle registrations increase, so will motorcycle accidents and fatalities. According to the figures released in this study, motorcycle vehicle miles traveled have DECREASED 5.4 percent from 1997 to 2003 – the same time period during which motorcycle registrations INCREASED over 40 percent. MRF representatives have been told on more than one occasion by NHTSA, the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) that the annual vehicle miles traveled reported by individual states are either inaccurate or counted as zero because they were not reportable at all. There is a significant contradiction in the figures published in this report that reflects those inaccuracies. MRF is preparing a letter to NHTSA asking why they would report, publish and distribute figures and statistics that they admit are absolutely inaccurate. The MRF takes the position that the validity of the entire report can be called into question if significant figures included are known to be misrepresented. Another example of our tax dollars at work. The US House and Senate have both passed theTEA-21 legislation after numerous extensions of the old law. It authorizes $285 Billion to be spent over the next five years on all sorts of highway safety and improvement things. Of particular interest to us is the money allocated for grants to be made to the various states specifically designated for motorcycle rider training. The previous language regarding prohibitions on NHTSA lobbying states to pass helmet laws remains as does language directing them to keep an “accident prevention” focus over an “injury reduction” focus, and language prohibiting the banning of motorcycles on federally funded highways. President Bush has threatened to veto this bill if it came in over $284 Billion. We’ll have to wait and see if he will let congress save face for $1 Billion. Back in our beloved home state where we have the finest politicians that money can buy, the Illinois House PASSED HB 934 which would prohibit cities from seizing motorcycles for noise violations. The seizure bill was set to be heard in the senate but the committee deadline passed without it being heard. We have asked for an extension on this legislation but unless the general assembly goes into over time the chances of them hearing it this year are slim. In the Illinois House HB 730 would have let us sue a city that tickets a motorcyclist for any infraction that is contrary to the state vehicle code. After passing the House on a vote of 101-5, the punitive damage bill did not have the votes to pass the senate so was never called. Many legislators did not fully believe that municipalities would do such a thing... Passing the House with just 2 votes, HB-1148 the snowmobile helmet bill was assigned to the Senate transportation committee last month. However, Senator John Cullerton of Chicago, of all people, passed on debating the bill due to a lack of votes Also stuck in the Rules Committee is HB 796 which ups the ante “if he or she unintentionally kills an individual or an unborn child while operating or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle, motorcycle, snowmobile or watercraft…” “Provides that a violation is a Class A misdemeanor. Provides that if either the driver or operator is not legally empowered to be driving or operating the vehicle, …. or is operated illegally, the penalty is a Class 4 felony. Provides that a second or subsequent conviction is a Class 4 felony.” Right now there is nothing in the law beyond a traffic ticket to recognize the consequences of killing somebody with a car unless the driver can be proven to be DUI, hit and run , or admit to doing it intentionally,. A Class A misdemeanor is good for less than one year in jail and a fine. A Class 4 felony is good for a minimum of one year in jail and a fine. It’s a start. Again we have a local guy on the House Rules Committee. He is Brent Hassert and the phone number at his Romeoville office is 739-7063. At present, penalties for killing a biker have been stiffened in MA, NY, NC, PA, VA, WA, and WV. Similar laws are under consideration in AR, CA, GA, IA, IL, MD, MN, MO, NJ, OK, OR, and TX. Grumpy FOR SALE Vintage, 1984 “Ironhead” Sportster: Meetings are held the 4th Monday of each month, at the Warrenville, IL. VFW Post 8081. 3 S. 371 Mignin Dr. Meetings start at 7:00 pm 600mi. on professionally rebuilt engine. Dark Blue metalflake paint: Slipstream Windshield: Willie&Max Saddle Bags: Dyna 2000 Single Fire Electronic Ignition, with VOES. All Chrome Hand Controls: Totally Chromed front end, Triple Trees, Lowers, and Caliper: Custom Chrome 60 Spoke Front Wheel W/New Dunlap K49 G/T: New Dunlap K49 rear tire: Chrome Cam & Primary Covers, & Chain Guard: Lindby Highway Bars: Mustang Touring Sea.: Chrome Oil Tank, Rear Master Cylinder cover& more: Did I mention this bike has some Chrome? This is a trouble free Vintage piece of Harley Davidson History. Eligible for Antique Plates this year. All Stock parts. Gas tank, seat, etc. go with the bike. Can send pictures via e-mail. Priced to sell, and have fun with. Call Jimbo – 630-960-0074 If you have something to sell, you can do it here FREE. Just get a description of your items, price, contact numbers, and any other vital statistics to me no later than one week after the monthly meeting. Then, sit back and wait for the phone to ring...assuming of course that you put your phone number in the ad. Ads will run for three months or until I get tired of looking at them. Editor’s note: Somebody please buy this bike so can get rid of this ad and run some nudie pictures instead. ——————— –——————— For Sale Pull-behind motorcycle trailer.$2500.00 For pictures go to: Ph. 630-378-9704 Receive this newsletter by Email, notify Membership Officer ABATE OF ILLINOIS SOUTHERN DUPAGE ABATE P.O. BOX 3521 LISLE, IL 60532-8521 EMAIL: June 2005 IN FREEDOM WE TRUST
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