Contents - Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc.


Contents - Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc.
“Working together to grow together”…………….
2014 Autumn
Vol.1 Issue 6
THANK YOU—to the Clubs of District IIB for hosting Michigan Garden Clubs 83rd Annual Convention “Youth
are our Future.” The Convention Committee worked together to present a fun and educational day. We appreciate all
the support of the clubs and the hard work of the Convention Committee. The outstanding speaker, Jessica Wright,
inspired us all to include youth in our garden club’s programs and activities.
As we kick off our Fall Garden Club’s events remember to include information for our members about the
Central Region Fall Convention in Chaska, MN. Check out details on 2014 Convention,
“Autumn Splendor” October 9-11, 2014 Oak Ridge Hotel & Conference Center, Chaska, MN.
Elevator Speech? Can you describe “What a Garden Club is” in a few sentences between floors on an
elevator? Share your “Elevator Speech” about “What is a Garden Club?” and/or “What does MGC do?” We’ll have a
column with these “Elevator Speeches” in our next Through the Garden Gate. ( )
Garden Club members, your Michigan Garden Club Board of Directors are available to serve your club. Would
you like to know more about MGC Scholarship Program? Sue Wittick: Would you like to present a
special club member with a MGC Life Membership? Ruth Moline: Has your club heard about World
Gardening? Kit Gunn: For programs or information on Gardening and Environmental
(Aboriculture, Environmental Issues, Horticulture Issues) contact: Virginia Froehlich: Civic
Affairs (Blue Star Memorials, Civic Affairs, Habitat for Humanity, Legislation, Garden Therapy) contact: Sandra Haines Board Members are ready to provide information and programs at your request. Don’t
forget Karen Motawi has a wonderful program on Loda Lake: Let us hear from you.
Michigan Garden Clubs’ 2015 State Convention will be at the Odawa Casino Resort on June 3-5, 2015, in
Petoskey. Everyone is invited to join in the celebration of installing Marilyn McIntosh as the next MGC President. The
clubs of District V will host this special Convention. COME JOIN THE FUN!
It is with sadness that I report that our talented and creative Editor, Judy Carr, is unable to continue designing
and typing our Gate. Her doctor has advised her that all the typing required to do this is causing her great arthritis pain.
We will miss her beautiful Gates! I have put this issue together by copying Judy’s previous formats.
Thank you, Judy, for all your beautiful work. Deannie
Yes, the NGC National Convention MAY 2 – 6, 2016 is going to be GRAND since it’s
will be in Grand Rapids, at the Amway Grand; situated on the Grand River.
Many Chairmen are in place and exciting plans are being made. Dr. Douglas
Tallamy will be the Keynote speaker. There will also be a Tri-refresher planned for May
2, at Fredrik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park and the National Flower Arrangers are
planning to have some special exhibits featuring the National Parks, on May 3. The Life
Member dinner is scheduled for May 4 with entertainment to be announced. Then there
will be day tours before the official NGC Convention starts on May 5
Some member club fund raising is being planned. We’re hoping that there will be
major statewide participation in both pre-convention preparation and actual attendance.
This is a time to show how great the State of Michigan is and that our hospitality will be
over the top. MGC member suggestions are welcomed! Counting on you all.
Marge McGoff, Chairman; Sharon Yantis and Carol Brodbeck, Vice chairs
Deannie Picciotti, President 1
NGC 2016 Convention
Loda Lake News
Life Membership
World Gardening
MGC Scholarship News
District Meetings & News
Awards Chair
Elevator Speech
Environmental Issues
Note from Judy
Michigan Garden
Clubs, Inc.
Official publication
A 501(c)3 Organization
Thru the Garden Gate
Publication Editor
Calendar Events,
Jeanne Poll
Judy DeJaegher, Webmaster
Executive Board President,
Deannie Picciotti
Working Together to
Grow Together
1 Vice President
Sandra Haines, 2nd Vice President
Susan Kropschot, 3rd Vice President
Virginia Froehlich, 4th Vice President
Carol Sue Brodbeck,
Recording Secretary
Jeanne Poll, Corresponding Secretary,
Janice Thelen ,Treasurer
Nancy Stark, Advisor/ Nominating
Karen Motawi, Database Manager
Mary Pulick, Roster
Lynn Dinvald
Loda Lake News
Nothing ever stays the same at Loda Lake! In addition to the changes
brought by the seasons and changing weather patterns, the cooperative
management team of MGC and US Forest Service members have more
plans afoot. Since a group of Boy Scouts blazed the cultural trail around
many of the building foundations remaining from the 1930’s, it has been
inaccessible until this year with the completion of the MGC pavilion. A
brand new descriptive sign is being installed in August. (See attached
Other changes are in store as well. A Rain Garden will be installed near
the entrance to catch the hillside runoff next to the new drive and a
fenced area is planned for the old farm field. The fenced area will be
accessible to hikers but not to the deer that have been hampering some
of our plant restoration efforts.
If your club has not yet enjoyed the “Loda Experience,” and would like to arrange a docent led
hike, contact me at
Many thanks are in order to the following clubs and individuals who have contributed to the MGC
Loda Lake Fund and the Loda Lake Endowment Fund held at the Fremont Area Community
Foundation. Your contributions are what make it all happen!
Meridian Garden Club, Brighton Garden Club memorial for Louis Morand, Ma Me Ne Sewong
Garden Club, Williamston Red Cedar Garden Club, Brighton Garden Club, South Haven Garden
Club memorial for Steve French, Grand Ledge Garden Club, River Valley Garden Club, Hillsdale
Garden Club, Howell Garden Club memorial for George Winegar, Meridian Garden Club for
speaker Karen Motawi, District IV to honor Flower Show Judges, Gale Merrill/Pointe Garden
Club, Evening Blossoms Garden Club memorial for Martin Smith, Tri-cities Garden Club, Lynn
Dinvald memorial for Jean Moran, Pam Larkin/Sweetwater Evening Garden Club, Edie Ho
memorial for Jean Moran, Loch Alpine Garden Club, Juniper Garden Club, Niles Garden Club,
Great Lakes Gardeners, River City Wild Ones, Elk Rapids Garden Club, Holland Garden Club,
Dewitt Milennium Garden Club memorial for Linda Deines, Livonia Garden Club to honor Mary
Pulick, Garden Club of Greater Lansing, Trillium Garden Club
Match Day Contributors: (Contributions on that day were matched by the Fremont Community
Joyce Letreille, Carol Brodbeck, Peggy Tully, J. McKeon Andersen, Deannie Picciotti, Karen
Motawi, Janet Skeberdis, Carol Brock, Janice Thelen, Sharon & Joseph Yantis, MGC District I,
Rainbow Lakes Garden Club, Michigan Botanical Club, White Pine Chapter, Wildflower Assn of
Michigan, Garden Club of Pentwater, Grosse Ile Garden Club, Canadian Lakes Garden Club,
Kent Garden Club, Garden Club of Dearborn, North Farmington Garden Club, Muskegon County
Garden Club, Lakeshore Garden Club of Lexington, Rockford Garden Club, Big Rapids Garden
Club, Mason County Garden Club, Touch the Earth Garden Club, Garden Forum of Berrien
Springs, Club of Little Gardens, White Cloud
Garden Club, Fremont Garden Club,
Looking Glass Garden Club
President, NGC, Inc.
Linda Nelson
Getting Ready to Cut the Ribbon:
Making a World of Difference
–Choices Matter”
Loda Lake’s New Facilities : May 17, 2014
Nancy Stark, Lynn Dinvald, Karen Motawi
Deannie Picciotti
C R Director, Gerry Ford
“Share, Care, & Protect our Future”
The official publication of
Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc.
Member of Central Region and
National Garden Clubs, Inc.
A 501(c)3 Organization
Karen Motawi, Chair
Cutting the Ribbon:
Deannie Picciotti, MGC President and
Dale Twing, Fremont Community
Foundation member, cut the ribbon to open
the new pavilion and improved facilities,
May 17, 2014
MGC Life Membership
GC of Dearborn
Colon GC
El Rapids GC
The Friendly GC
Kalamazoo GC
Livonia GC
Ruth Moline, Chair
Before we get deep into all the activities of Fall, I want to look back at last year---June 1, 2013
to May 31, 2014. It was a banner year for new MGC, Inc. Life Memberships. All 66 names of
those new Life Members were published in the “Gate.” I haven’t counted the number of
different clubs that honored members last year, but so far this year, 6/1/14 – 5/31/15, twelve
clubs have awarded 15 Life Memberships. Ready to get on the bandwagon? Choose a
member to honor, complete an application that can be found at or by
contacting me. Send your application with a check to me and I will prepare a packet with a
farmable certificate, a membership card, a special letter and a pin if you have purchased one.
Here’s a list of our new LM’s and their garden clubs.
Pat Knoop
MaNeNeSewong Karen Mendrea
Kathy Schemmel
Mason Co. GC
Judy Bertram
Sue Finlayson, Ellen Frohriep MCC/MGC Tim Banfield, Robert Schutzki
Barbara Stein
Petal Pushers
Suzanne Budrow
Janet Keys
Tri-Cities GC
Lynne Kinkema
Barbara Perkett
Williamston Red Cedar GC Cynthia Kauffman, Arla Weaver
In the Summer ‘14’ “Gate” three new LM’s lost their garden clubs in the transfer from my computer to the editor’s
computer. Here are the members with their correct clubs. Lakeshore GC of Lexington—Rachael Hoffmann,
Lawrence GC—LaVonne Ballett, Meridian GC—Sue Wittick.
Ruth Moline, MGC, Inc., Life Membership 33788 Angeline Ave. Livonia, MI 48150-5629 734-525-3167
World Gardening
Kit Gunn, Chair
Thank you to the following clubs and individuals for their generous donations to World Gardening.
This past June $2,655 was sent to the Belize National 4-H Foundation for high school scholarships. Without
our support the scholarship recipients would not have been able to continue their educations. They are very
grateful for our help.
G. C. of Dearborn
Williamston Red Cedar G. C.
Charlevoix G. C.
Livonia G. C.
Great Lakes Gardeners
River Valley G. C.
Holland G.C.
G. C. of Greater Lansing
The Pointe G. C.
Kalamazoo G. C.
Saline Stone & Thistle C. G.
Kent G. C.
Edelweiss G. C.
Sweetwater Evening G. C.
Loch Alpine G. C.
The Little G. C.
Sunshine Arrangers Guild
Elk Rapids G. C.
Juniper G. C.
DeWitt Millennium G. C.
Mt. Pleasant G. C .
Milan G. C.
Spirit of the Woods G. C.
Grow & Show G. C.
Caro G. C.
Patti Mack, Adora Crook, Carol Carzon
Matching funds from Charles Mott Foundation
Memorial donations for Betty Marish, Eleanor Lusky and Ann Apeseche from the G. C. of Dearborn
Honorarium for District IV Flower Shower Judges, Lauren Taylor and Jim Kusmier
Scholarship Committee Report
Sue Wittick, Chair
A big thank you is due to the following clubs, districts, organizations, and individuals who have
contributed to the Scholarship Fund. Gifts to the MGC scholarship fund make a big difference in the lives of
qualifying students who have academic majors closely tied to MGC objectives. These donations are also
excellent ways to honor the memory of friends or relatives who have died or to
honor the service of individuals who have contributed to your club or to your family.
Information on the MGC Scholarship Program is available on the MGC
If you have questions or suggestions, please contact me: or 517-242-8259.
Alice Mesaros VI
Anonymous Donations from 6-3-14 state convention
Barbara Donahue IIB
Bev Johnson IIB
Cathoriene Keesaer IIB
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Chemical City Garden Club VI
Christine Nilsson
Crystal Bartlett IV
Cyndy Tonkavich V
DeWitt Millenium Garden Club IIB
Diann Jackman IIB
District V
Dixie Lahti IIB
Donna Dolinski VI
Dorothy Pulloor IIB
Elaine Curtis IV
Elk Rapids Garden Club V
Gail Meadows IIB
Gloria Roudebush VI
Great Lakes Gardeners VI
Greenville Garden Club IV
Grow & Show Garden Club III
Hill & Dale Garden Club I
Holland Garden Club IV
Jan Litchfield IIB
Jane Johnson IIB
Jeannine Parker IIB
Jenny Bond IIB
Joan Wright IIB
Judith Turnbull IIB
Judy Chapman IIB
Judy DeJaegher VI
Kathlyn Butus III
Kathy Clary VI
Kay Dion IV
Kent Garden Club IV
Lillian Vanhouten IIB
Livonia Garden Club I
Loch Alpine Garden Club IIA
Marianne Campbell I
Mary Weathers IIB
Meridian Garden Club IIB
Michiana Landscape Study Club III
Mid-Michigan Flower Arrangers Guild VI
Mt. Pleasant Garden Club VI
Muskegon County Garden Club IV
Nancy Haspala V
Nancy Stark-Higgins VI
Pat Rintamaki V
Rebecca Miller
Saline Stone & Thistle Garden Club IIA
The Garden Club of Greater Lansing IIB
Trillium Garden Club V
West Michigan Flower Arranger's Guild IV
District I Fall District Meeting
Sherry Sanelli, District I Director
In The Blue
Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at the Double Tree by Hilton in Port Huron
and hosted by the Blue Water Garden Club. Cost $25. Registration and
coffee will begin at 9:15 a.m. and the Meeting at 10:15 a.m.
Our morning program will be “Cordon Bleu Herbs,” by Judy Cornellier. Judy is a
charter member and four time president of Troy GC as well as a member of the Herb Society in
Southern MI and a
Master Gardener. She gives lectures at Garden
Clubs, Master
Gardeners and herbal conferences, is chairman of the
herb garden at
Cranbrook public gardens, is a former beekeeper and
works at Telly's
After the luncheon, Pauline Flynn will present “Blue Inspirations.” Pauline is a District 1 member and past District
Director, for many years she was heavily involved in the District Flower Show at the Silverdome and Ford Field. She is
a Master Judge who exhibited at the World Flower Show in Boston, has designs in the book, “Flower Arranging, The
American Way” and several Vision of Beauty calendars. Pauline’s designs will interpret all things Blue.
Just for fun, think about wearing something BLUE!
Questions: Sherry Sanelli, 586-752-3734,
District IIA Fall District Meeting
Becki Jaeger, District IIA Director
“Discovering Natures Treasures” October 18, 2014 Cost: $25
Morenci Bible Fellowship-224 W. Main St. Morenci, MI 49256
Hosted by Morenci Garden Club
Morning Refreshments VENDORS
10:00-10:30 Welcome and announcements & Business Meeting
10:30-11:45 Morning Program: Anita Prats: “Birds and their Habitat”
Everyone becomes an artist-You will be amazed!!!
GARDEN PHOTO BOOTH: “Grab a prop, and strike a pose!”
Oh so much fun, by yourself or as a group. Photos free to all.
Please come and join us in:
“Discovering Natures Treasurer”
and have lots of fun.
Morenci Garden Club
District IIB Fall Meeting
Barb Benner, District IIB Director
Howell Garden Club presents:
“Olde Time Harvest”
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Johnson Center of Cleary University
3725 Cleary Drive
Howell, MI 48843
Please come and enjoy a day with us that offers registration, light breakfast treats,
interesting vendors, multiple door prize baskets, and a lovely lunch, sure to satisfy in every way!
Cranbrook Institute’s morning presentation about making your yard and
garden hospitable to critters that can be beneficial is a program that will stimulate
thought and action. Expect to see live wildlife and learn about native plants to attract
“good” wildlife.
Enjoy our afternoon speaker, George Papadelis, owner of Telly’s
Greenhouses in Troy and Shelby Township as he shares his personal journey
through the nursery business. His infectious personality will be cause for smiles.
Come and have a chuckle on us!
For more information contact: Lillian Van Houten: 517-404-9784
District III Fall Meeting
Karen Gentile, District III Director
Hosted by the
Club of Little Gardens October 21, 2014 Cost $27.00
at The Riverside Church, 207 East Michigan, Three Rivers, MI 49093.
The presenter for the day will be Janet Macunovich a Michigan State
University Master Gardener known for her lively, down-to-earth style. Janet also
teaches classes in garden design and maintenance techniques, is a published
author and has written columns for the Detroit News, e-magazine’s
“What’s Coming Up” and “Fine Gardening.” Her morning program will be
“Michigan Wildflowers in the Perennial Garden” followed after lunch by
“Never Stop Growing:” In Pursuit of Low Maintenance, all the years of our
The day will begin at 8:30 a.m.
This event qualifies for 3 hours continuing education credit for
Master Gardeners.
**We want to thank all those clubs & garden club members who helped to
make our first District III Flower Show “Through a Child’s Eyes” a Great
Success. Thank you all so much, Karen
District IV Fall District Meeting
Lynn Miller, District IV Director
The District IV Fall Meeting, “Our Town”, will be hosted by Kent Garden Club on
Monday, September 29, 2014. It will be held in the Cork Restaurant at the Watermark
Country Club, 5500 Cascade Road, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The theme, “Our Town”,
explores new and exciting things happening in the gardening world in the Grand Rapids
Members will learn about:
The Japanese Garden at Frederik Meijer Gardens, which opens in June, 2015. Steve
LaWarre is the Director of Horticulture at the Botanical Gardens and has been involved with
the development of the Japanese Gardens from the beginning of the process. He will share
his personal perspective on this authentic additions to Meijer Gardens.
Hear about the unique Rooftop Greenhouse at the Downtown Market.
See how a previous rose gardener, Pam Bouma Miller changed to growing hops for Beer City USA. Pam who is
the CFO of Hopyards of Kent and former Kent Garden Club member will speak on Growing and Harvesting Hops for
Local Breweries.
The cost of the meeting is $30 and includes a continental brunch, lunch, speakers, district meeting and a
vendor shopping experience. Registration begins at 8 am and the day will end by 3 pm. For more information
contact Lynn Miller at
District V Fall News
Kathleen Johnson, District V Director
Petoskey Area Garden Club, Inc
80th Anniversary and Dedication of the Blue Star Memorial Marker,
Thursday, September 18th, 4:00 at the Gazebo Pennsylvania Park, Petoskey
Garden Study School Series 18--Course 1
Monday, October 6 and Tuesday, October 7, 2014,
Botanic Garden at Historic Barns Park, Traverse City Mi
Hosted by District V
Contact Information : Nancy Collard, 231-943-8697, or
Terry Harding 231-947-0568, Please register on or before September 30,2014.
District V - Fall 2014 Meeting Thursday, September 25 at Little River Casino Resort in Manistee.
(Details were in the last Through the Garden Gate)
Any questions please call:
Kathy Johnson
District V Director
District VI Fall Meeting
Ronnie Dush, District VI Director
MGC District VI Fall Meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 14th, 2014 at the
Genesys Banquet and Conference Center in Grand Blanc, MI.
The day starts at 8:45 am and ends at 3:30 pm, registration is $28.00
The host club is Goodrich Garden Club with the theme
Our morning speaker will be Tom Dominick presenting “Bee ing in the Garden”.
Tom & his wife are active in the 7 Ponds Nature Center in Dryden, MI, and
belong to the S.E. Michigan Bee Keeper’s Association (SEMBKA), and attend
many different
conferences. Eight years
ago he told his wife “I’ve got a new adventure.”
She said “You know nothing about bees!” But,
after getting on line and finding more information, -the rest is history.
Our afternoon speaker is Ila Kelley, from the Ruth
Mott Foundation, Applewood, presenting: “Bulbs: A
bright idea for glorious spring color”.
Ila has worked at Applewood since 1985.
She received her Bachelor of Science Degree in
Horticulture from Michigan State University. Ila
oversees the solar/production greenhouses,
exhibition, cut flower garden, butterfly garden,
Friendly Frog landscape plantings and the director
of the summer floriculture seasonal intern. Her responsibilities include greenhouse plant production, cut
flower production, floral arrangements and plant display in the main house and the design of annual
plantings in Applewood’s gardens.
If you have any question please contact MGC District VI Director Ronnie Dush. or Call: 989-307-0248
MGC Awards Chair: Carol Beckius
Carol Beckius our new Awards Chair has served on MGC Board of Directors as Second Vice President and
District III Director.
MGC Awards are due before November 1, 2014.
Send your Books of Evidence either by mailing a paper copy or emailing a copy to:
Carol Beckius
MGC Awards Chair
5727 Briarhill Dr.
Portage, MI 49024-9536
ELEVATOR SPEECH: Garden Club is an organization of all volunteers; men and women educating
members and public about best practices in gardening, landscaping, conservation and protecting our
environment. The more we know the better choices we make. “Choices Matter!”
What is Permaculture?
Ron Overton, Environmental Issues
Permaculture is a combination of the words: permanent and agriculture. It uses a variety of techniques and ideas taken from the natural world and applies them as
appropriate towards creating a landscape modeled after nature but that still includes
humans. You work with nature to create a more fully functioning ecosystem in your
own back yard. It incorporates things like organic gardening, renewable energy, recycling, rain gardens, and natural building.
While most of us are not interested in changing our yards into a self-sufficient
farm, we can still use the various design principles. I have still found several to be
extremely interesting when appraising my landscape. There are about a dozen standards, but I’ll share two of my favorites.
Optimize the use of the edge. The edge represents where two ecosystems meet and where the
activity is. It’s where the party is. Where the lawn meets the woods you get an interaction of the species
that live in each. In addition, you get a new set of species that live in the transitional zone. If you want to
increase wildlife in your yard, you need to increase the amount of edge.
There are many examples of edges in your yard. Fence/yard edges create micro-climates with varying amounts of sun/shade, hot/cold, wind/protection, etc. The water/soil edge is a good example. If your
water feature has nooks and crannies and inlets, it has more edge to plant than if it is perfectly round.
However, they say to optimize the edge. There can also be times when you want to minimize edge.
In your garden you might want to have more bed and less path. Permaculture suggests doing this with a
keyhole shaped garden. It devotes less space to pathway (edge), than if it was planted in traditional rows.
Another principle is each element performs multiple functions. That plant is pretty and smells
good. This one provides nectar and is a larvae host plant with good fall color. That fence is a trellis but also
a sunscreen and wind block. When you’re buying a new shrub consider it from a multi-tasking perspective.
Also consider how it will interact with your existing plants. If that sounds crazy, think back to the Indians’
Three Sisters. They planted corn, squash and pole beans together. Oh, and they did it on mounds to extend the growing season. Permaculture provides a new way of looking at my landscape that I have found
very useful. Helpful Resources: Gaia’s Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, 2ndEd, Toby
Hemenway Permaculture Design, Aranya The Permaculture Handbook, Peter Bane
September 10, 2014
Wednesday-Thursday, September 10 & 11
Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc., Fall Board Meeting
September 15, 2014
Owosso—Blue Star Memorial Dedication
Monday, September 15 — the Owosso Garden Club
(District VI) will hold a Blue Star dedication ceremony
at 12 noon. It will be located in Fayette Square,
Owosso. For additional information contact Connie
Thornburg, 989-834-5888
Wednesday, September 10 –- 1:00-5:00. Finance
Committee-Hampton Inn, 2500 Coolidge Road,
Lansing, 517-324-2072.
Thursday, September 11 – 9:30-2:00. Winter Board
of Directors, Plymouth Congregational Church, 2001 September 18, 2014
East Grand River, Lansing.
Petoskey –Blue Star Memorial Dedication
Thursday, September 18 — The Petoskey Area
September 12, 2014
Garden Club will host a Blue Stare Memorial
South Haven—Flower Show
Dedication as part of their 80th Anniversary
Friday & Saturday, September 12 & 13 — The
Celebration at 4:00 pm. Contact: Nancy Graham
South Haven Garden Club will be hosting it’s 50th
Annual Standard Flower Show at the South Haven
Memorial Library 314 Broadway, South Haven,
September 24, 2014
Friday: 1:00 pm—5:00 pm and Saturday: 10:00 am— National Garden Clubs Fall 2014 Board Meeting
Tuesday-Sunday, September 24-28 -- National
2:00 pm.
Garden Clubs, Inc., Fall Board Meeting in Des
Moines, Iowa.
September 24, 2014
District V - Leadership Training Meeting
Wednesday, September 24 -- Leadership Training
Workshop at the Little River Casino Resort hosted by
District V. For information, contact Kathleen
Johnson, District V Director,
September 25, 2014
District V - Fall 2014 Meeting Thursday,
September 25 -- District V Fall Meeting -- "A Light in
the Garden" will be hosted by the Spirit of the Woods,
Portage Lake and Periwinkle Garden Clubs at
the Little River Casino Resort in Manistee. Terry
Pepper, President of the Michigan Lighthouse
Keepers Association, will speak about area
lighthouses and lighthouse keepers' gardens.
Carolyn Thayer of "Designs in Bloom" will talk about
ways to integrate Michigan native plants into
many types of landscapes. Lunch will be catered by
the resort. For more information contact Sally Cook,
September 29, 2014
District IV - Fall 2014 Meeting
Monday, September 29 -- District IV Fall Meeting
will be hosted by Kent Garden Club at the Watermark
Country Club on Cascade Rd. in Grand Rapids,
MI. Steve LaWarre, Director of Horticulture at the
Frederik Meijer Gardens will present a program on
the progress of the new Japanese Garden, which will
open in June 2015. Pam Miller, CFO and Marketing
for HOPYARDS of KENT will speak on growing hops
in Michigan. Did you know that hops are grown in the
same conditions as roses? Contact person: Anne
October 1, 2014
School - Landscape Design School, Course III
Wednesday & Thursday, October 1 & 2 -Landscape Design School, Course III. Hosted by
District IIA at the Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 1800
North Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, 48105. For more
information, contact local chairman, Mary Pulick
at or 734-476-2453.
October 2, 2014
Glen Arbor—Peter Hatch Presentation
Thursday, October 2, —9:00 am—1:00 pm, at The
Homestead, 1 Wood Ridge Road, Glen Arbor, the
Glen Lake Garden Club is co-sponsoring this event.
Peter Hatch, retired director of the gardens at
Monticello, will explore the legacy of Jefferson’s
gardening in a morning lecture that includes lunch.
“Monticello’s Revolutionary Garden: An Ellis Island of
Fruits and Vegetables” will highlight the 1,000-footlong garden laboratory that inspired a new American
cuisine and provided an enduring legacy for the farm
to table movement today. Book signing to follow. The
$35 admission includes lunch and an opportunity to
walk along the Crystal River with Peter Hatch,
concluding at 2:15 PM. Morning lecture is $20 for
advance registrants; $25 for day-of-participants.
October 6, 2014
School - Gardening Study, Course I
Monday & Tuesday, October 6 & 7 -- Gardening
Study School Series 18 Course I. Traverse City. For
more information contact Co-Chairs, Nancy
Collard: 231-943-697, or
Terry Harding: 231-947-0568,
Download the information and registration by
clicking here.
October 9, 2014
2014 Central Region Convention
Thursday-Saturday, October 9-11 -- The Central
Region Convention will take place in Minneapolis,
Minnesota. “Autumn Splendor” Oak Ridge
Conference Center, Chaska, Minnesota. Registrar
Beverly Munson 612-869-7220
October 14, 2014
District VI - Fall 2014 Meeting
Tuesday, October 14 -- District VI Fall
Meeting. Genesys Banquet & Conference Center in
Grand Blanc. Goodrich GC Host
Contact Ronnie Dush or
989-307-0248 for further information.
October 15, 2014
Yearbook Judging
Wednesday, October 15 — 10:00 am –2:00 pm
Plymouth Congregational Church,
2001 E. Grand River Ave. Lansing MI 49912.
Bernadine: Cell 517-281-6998,
Deannie: Cell 616-283-7744
October 16, 2014
District IIB - Fall 2014 Meeting
Thursday, October 16 -- District IIB Fall Meeting will
be held at the Johnson Center, Cleary College in
Howell. “Olde Time Harvest” follow. Registration
Continental Breakfast at 8:30 am. Contact is Lillian
Van Houten, 517-546-5476
October 21, 2014
District III - Fall 2014 Meeting
Tuesday, October 21 -- AUTUMN GARDENS IN
RIVER COUNTRY. The Club of Little Gardens will host
the 2014 District III Fall Meeting at Riverside Church in
Three Rivers, MI. Janet Macunovich author, educator and
garden designer will present two programs: Cost $27
Contact: Karen 269-664-6555
October 22, 2014
District I - Fall 2014 Meeting
Wednesday, October 22 -- Double Tree Hilton in
Port Huron. Host: Blue Water GC. Registration
begins 9:15 am, Business Meeting 10:15 am.
Cost: $25
Contact: Sherry Sanelli 586-752-3734
October 23, 2014
School - Environmental Studies, Course IV
Thursday & Friday, October 23 & 24 -Environmental Studies School, Course IV, 9 a.m.4 p.m., Pleasant Ridge Community Center, 4 Ridge
Road, Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069. Pleasant Ridge is
a northern suburb of Detroit near the I-75 and I-696
intersection and at the I-696 (10 Mile Rd.) Woodward
Ave. intersection. For further information please
contact Anastatia (Stacey) Stutcher at 85 Amherst
Rd., Pleasant Ridge, Mi 48069, (248) 5466538;
Thursday, April 9 –- 9:30-2:00. Spring Board of
Directors, Plymouth Congregational Church,
2001 East Grand River, Lansing.
April 13, 2015
School - Gardening Study, Course II
Monday & Tuesday, April 13-14 -- Course II will be
offered. More details to follow.
April 16, 2015
District I - Spring 2015 Meeting
Thursday, April 16 -- District I Spring
Meeting. Details to follow.
May 7, 2015
School - Landscape Design School - Course IV
Thursday & Friday, May 7 & 8 -- Landscape
Design School, Course IV. Hosted by District IIA at
Matthaei Botanical Gardens, 1800 North Dixboro
Road, Ann Arbor, 48105. For more information,
contact local chairman, Mary Pulick
at or 734-476-2453.
November 5, 2014
Board Meeting/Finance Committee Meeting Winter 2014
Wednesday, November 5 –- 1:00-5:00. Finance
Committee-Hampton Inn, 2500 Coolidge Road,
Lansing, 517-324-2072.
Thursday, November 6 – 9:30-2:00. Winter Board
of Directors, Plymouth Congregational Church,
2001 East Grand River, Lansing.
May 11, 2015
NGC - 2015 National Convention
Monday-Monday, May 11-18 -- National
Convention, Louisville, Kentucky (Installation Year)
December 6, 2014
Dearborn-18th Annual Holly Berry Brunch
Saturday, December 6 —Dearborn Inn, 20301
Oakwood Blvd.:10:00—2:00
10:00 am View Raffle Items
11:30 Brunch (Cash Bar)
Early Bird Tickets-$30/after Nov. 1st $35
Contact Mary Bugeia 313-562-7524
September 15, 2015
National Garden Clubs Fall 2015 Board Meeting
Tuesday-Saturday, September 15-19 -- National
Garden Clubs, Inc. Fall Board Meeting in St. Louis,
Cadillac - 14th Annual Holiday Home Tour
Saturday, December 6 -- The Cadillac Garden Club
presents their 14th annual Holiday Home Tour,
10:00 - 3:00. Visit four area homes decorated in the
season's finest! Discounted advance tickets. Sales
begin Nov. 1st.
Call 231-501-9047 for more information.
April 8, 2015
Board Meeting/Finance Committee Meeting Spring 2015
Wednesday April 8 –- 1:00-5:00. Finance
Committee-Hampton Inn, 2500 Coolidge Road,
Lansing, 517-324-2072.
June 3, 2015
2015 MGC Convention
Wednesday-Friday, June 3-5 -- The MGC
Convention will be hosted by District V and take
place at the Odawa Casino Resort in Petoskey.
October 3, 2015
Central Region Annual Meeting
Saturday-Monday, October 3-5 -- More details to
October 12, 2015
School - Gardening Study, Course III
Monday-Tuesday, October 12-13 -- Course III will
be offered. More details to follow.
Check the Calendar on the website for holiday
events in your area or nearby. Get friends
together and enjoy a day trip. The website often
gets updated and has last minute details.
Judy DeJaegher —
Michigan Garden Clubs
2394 Sunset Bluff Dr.
Holland, MI 49424-2235
A Note From Judy:
Judith K Carr, Retiring Editor: To all my friends across the State, I have enjoyed
working as publication editor for “Thru the Garden Gate” and I am going to miss
you all. Unfortunately I have developed a complication to arthritis in my hands.
Doctors have told me I must stop using my fingers and intensify treatments.
Strangely some of those treatments are in my back. It’s complicated. Anyone
who needs any advice or help with an article can easily contact me. In the mean
time, I know Deannie will find a good replacement. Maddie Mae and I sure will
miss hearing from and seeing all of you. Your notes of appreciation and letting
me know of something you liked in the Gate were so heartwarming and I still
have them all. To Blaze and other fluffs, we will miss your stories too!
Love to you all, Judy
Our Mission
Is to provide education resources and networking
opportunities for our members and to promote the love of
gardening, floral and landscape design, and civic and
environmental responsibility.