of the mayor - Shavano Park
of the mayor - Shavano Park
CITY OF SHAVANO PARK JANUARY 2016 ROADRUNNER THE NEWSLETTER FOR THE CITIZENS OF SHAVANO PARK NOTE FROM THE MAYOR: INSIDE THIS ISSUE Note from Mayor, Cont. ..................2 The new year arrives and the old year passes. Many of us enjoyed fireworks, parties, and football bowl season, while others were sledding, skiing, or sleeping. As a child, I was relegated to “sleeper” class, but as the new year approached, I still had an anticipation - the appearance of annual social cartoons. At New Year’s, they depicted a teetering Father Time, stooped over and sporting his scythe, as he handed over his duties to Baby New Year. Each year’s cartoons were different, as each represented a different place in time for our nation. Many were as crudely drawn as James Thurber illustrations, while others demonstrated Norman Rockwell detail. In all cases, the really good ones had more to say about the past year (and our hopes for the next) than a 1,000 word essay. As I have aged, I have experienced how Baby New Year becomes a visibly aged Father Time, but being a hopeless romantic (or for some, a crazy old man), I eagerly await the arrival of the next Baby New Year. Like you, I hope he offers good cheer, good companions, good experiences, good health and a loved one with whom to share them. For some of us, each year offers a predictable recipe of football season’s end (for months of agony or TV emancipation), black eyed peas (for good luck), resolve to let last year’s worries remain buried (for protection of sanity), and those pesky resolutions (for so many things, including preservation of hope). The most common resolutions are change jobs, go to school, make a difference, improve finances, organize something, focus on important relationships, and lose weight. Of these, many are impossible without help, and each resolution maker will find a friend or loved one’s participation in fulfilling your hopes and dreams invaluable. As a community, this New Year’s resolution is much like each prior years’ – make our community better than it was the prior year. For over 28 years, Mary and I have called Shavano Park home, and with almost every passing year, I have observed that our community was notably better than it was the year before. Yes, there were fragments of our community who would be more satisfied if nothing were done about roads, acquisition of fire trucks, hiring fulltime police/fire personnel, and any number of things, but even when such persons achieved a position of power, forward momentum would continue as community Grinch’s were squashed. (Continued on page 2) SHAVANOPARK.ORG Office of the City Manager .............3 Fire Department Blotter ..................4 Police Department Blotter ..............4 Oak Tree Trimming.........................5 Christmas Tree Collection...............5 Public Works...................................6 Dining Out Group............................7 Women's Club.................................7 Coffee With A Cop...........................8 Cookie Contest Winners.................8 Neighborhood Watch......................9 You Asked................................10-11 Annual Holiday Event..............12-14 2016 Recycling Schedule.............14 IMPORTANT DATES • January 1st - New Year’s Day, City Offices Closed • January 6- Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, 6:30 p.m. • January 18- Martin Luther King Jr. Day, City Offices Closed • January 25- City Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. Page 2 JANUARY 2016 (Continued from page 1) CITY OF SHAVANO PARK INFORMATION In the coming year, I assure you that those responsible for guiding our community remain faithful to the needs of all and watchful of the demands made by the few. While some encourage pursuit of personal agendas, the truth of the matter is that you cannot please everyone, and hence, responsible persons shun personal agendas as they pursue community balance. CITY COUNCIL Hon. Bob Werner 310 Fawn Drive 210-867-0441 mayor@shavanopark.org For the coming year, our City administration will remain committed to continued prompt attention to citizen inquiries, complaints, and needs. Our police/fire personnel will be stalwart in providing the protection you expect. Finally, public works personnel will continue to deliver services ensuring uninterrupted City-provided infrastructure under their new director, Brandon Peterson. Mayor Pro Tem, Michele Bunting Ross 99 Bent Oak 210-479-6464 mross@shavanopark.org Alderman Heintzelman 115 Saddletree Rd. 210-408-7680 bheintzelman@shavanopark.org Our community is more than any one person or group of persons, and as faithful citizens, I hope that as our City personnel deliver on the promises made to you, that you will in turn loyally answer the call of those in need, earnestly embrace the principles on which we are joined, faithfully hold true to the person you are and passionately aspire to be the person you are called to be. Alderman Mary Ann Hisel 106 Elm Spring 210-317-9769 mhisel@shavanopark.org On behalf of our City staff, council members, board/ commission members and me, I wish you a very Happy New Year! Alderman Vicky Maisel 111 Painted Post 210-764-7520 vmaisel@shavanopark.org Hon. Bob Werner, Mayor Alderman Allan Berrier 126 Calais Way 210-286-8883 aberrier@shavanopark.org HELPFUL PHONE NUMBERS City Hall.................................................................................493-3478 City Hall.................................................................................492-3816 Public Works..........................................................................492-2841 Municipal Court....................................................................492-2607 Police Administration...........................................................492-9248 Fire Administration...............................................................492-1111 Allied Waste Customer Service............................................648-5222 DeZavala-Shavano Veterinary Clinic.....................................699-3939 Non Emergency Fire/EMS, Police.........................................804-0110 Emergency Fire/EMS, Police...........................................................911 City Hall hours of operation are: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm SHAVANOPARK.ORG Municipal Court hours of operation are: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Page 3 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER: Permit before you Build! Avoid Code Violations City Ordinances require property owners to submit plans and apply for a permit before you pour concrete or build on your property. The reasons for permitting are to ensure your structure is safe and that it complies with our laws. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this requirement and often when they build without permit they later discover the building doesn’t meet code or it has to be moved. When you permit, a detailed plans review occurs and we help you avoid issues. to a principal building or principal use; and is subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the comfort, convenience and necessity of occupants of the principal building or principal use served; and contributes to the comfort, convenience and necessity of and is located on the same building lot as the principal building or principal use served. An accessory use may be part of the principal building. Servants' quarters, as herein defined, are an accessory building or use. Sec. 36-36. - A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 PUD Single-Family Residential Districts. (d) Exterior architectural features. Each new structure must possess an exterior in keeping with the residence and general atmosphere of the surrounding area. Portable Buildings. Sec. 36-36 (h) “Except in A-1 District, a single unattached portable building (movable) constructed of light metal, wood or fiberglass used for storage only, not greater than 200 square feet in size and not more than eight feet high measured from grade level to the top of the side wall may be erected in the rear yard providing the building is suitably screened from adjacent property and is unattached and without solid foundation. The highest point of the building may not exceed 12 feet from existing grade. In A-1 District, two unattached portable buildings described in this subsection shall be permitted. No portable building higher than eight feet in height measured from grade level to the buildings highest point shall be permitted in the building setbacks.” Accessory Buildings. Sec. 36-1. - Definitions. Accessory building or use. means a building or use customarily incident Happy New Year 2016! Bill Hill, City Manager Shavano Market Report A common code violation is building an accessory building in the restricted “setback” area your property line. For the most part, no permanent structures are allowed in the setback. Although a single portable building (moveable without foundation) is allowed in the rear yard setback, it cannot be over 8 feet. The tricky part is that setback requirements vary depending on the zoning district you reside. Additionally, the material in which you build matters! Status PCH PND ACT AO ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT AO ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT AO ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT NEW ACT ACT ACT 14610 96 108 106 95 4422 115 110 111 431 15911 4415 114 4411 603 127 355 4403 108 143 106 227 4422 116 211 323 117 4 202 302 527 104 531 112 215 503 *ACT-Active Address NW Military Hwy Cliffside Dr S Hunters Branch Tuscarora Trail Shavano Dr Yorkshire Ct Calais Way Painted Post Ln Calais Way Hampton Way NW Military Hwy Eton Place Painted Post Ln Essex Pl Geddington Binham Heights Regent Circle Cameron Ct Bobcat Bend Hampton Way Lacey Oak Granville Way Bayberry Row Painted Post Ln Post Oak Way Pagoda Oak Ripple Creek St De Zavala Pl Blackjack Oak Princeton Oak Berwick Town Tuscany Way Berwick Town Ottawa Run Winding Ln Berwick Town AO-Active with Option PCH-Price Change List Price BR $379,900.00 5 $395,000.00 4 $399,500.00 4 $406,100.00 4 $425,000.00 3 $464,500.00 3 $475,000.00 3 $475,000.00 4 $499,000.00 3 $499,900.00 3 $510,000.00 4 $567,425.00 3 $575,000.00 4 $589,987.00 3 $591,600.00 3 $599,000.00 3 $624,999.00 4 $685,000.00 3 $695,000.00 4 $725,000.00 3 $729,000.00 4 $745,000.00 4 $749,000.00 3 $749,900.00 4 $845,000.00 6 $995,000.00 4 $998,000.00 4 $1,149,900.00 3 $1,150,000.00 5 $1,384,999.00 5 $1,390,000.00 4 $1,390,000.00 5 $1,750,000.00 5 $1,850,000.00 4 $1,895,000.00 3 $2,450,000.00 5 PND-Pending FB 3 2 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 3 5 4 4 2 5 6 5 4 5 4 4 4 PDB-Pending-accepting backups SqFt 3020 2222 3165 3503 2058 2075 2621 3083 2844 2432 2983 2642 3478 2883 2615 2936 3452 2997 4004 3437 3696 3890 3756 4902 6767 5121 4456 5148 6641 6391 5185 4702 6405 5695 5479 7119 Pool Yes Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes BOM-Back on Market SHAVANOPARK.ORG REALTOR®, GRI, ALHS Accredited Luxury Homes Specialist Platinum Top 50 Finalist Five Star Realtor as Seen In Texas Monthly (210) 857-2371 Email: PaulaChristo@KW.com Website: www.LuxurySAHomes.com Page 4 JANUARY 2016 FIRE BLOTTER POLICE BLOTTER Fire Administration - 492-1111 Police Administration - 492-9248 76 Total Fire Department Calls for November 2015 11 Fire Alarms in City 7 House Fire Alarm in Shavano Park 4 Commercial Fire Alarms in Shavano Park In November 2015 the Shavano Park Police Department responded to a total of (1) nineteen criminal calls. Michael Naughton Fire Chief 22 Rescue/EMS Calls 20 EMS Calls – not motor vehicle accidents 2 EMS Calls- motor vehicle accidents 29 Service Calls 10 Standby (Residential Activated Fire Alarms, Bexar-Bulverde) 4 Standby (Commercial Activated Fire Alarms, Bexar Bulverde) 8 Standby (Residential Activated Fire Alarms, Leon Springs) 2 Standby (Commercial Activated Fire Alarms, Leon Springs) 4 Standby (Residential Activated Fire Alarms, Hollywood Park) 1 Standby (Residential Activated Fire Alarm, District 7) David Creed Police Chief 4 Arrest of Wanted Person 2 Assaults 1 Burglary 3 Criminal Mischief 1 DWI 5 Narcotics Violations 1 Robbery 2 Thefts The Shavano Park Police Department also responded to: 5 48 15 22 6 5 16 232 8 2 9 61 1 8 11 9 4 12 9 Good Intent Calls 2 Assist Bexar Bulverde (cancelled en route) 1 Assist Castle Hills (cancelled en route) 3 Assist Leon Springs Fire Department (cancelled en route) 3 Assist Hollywood Park (Cancelled en route) 5 Public Assist 1 Welfare check 2 assist resident with water leaks 2 Assist with smell Minor Accidents Alarm Calls Animal Calls Assist Fire Department/EMS Assist Other Law Enforcement Agencies Assist the Public City Ordinance Violations Crime Preventions Disturbances Emergency Detention Information Out of Town / Patrol-by Requests Suspicious Circumstances Suspicious Persons Suspicious Vehicles Traffic Hazards Welfare Concern 911 Hang-up Calls Personalized Service for All of Your Plumbing Needs Residential and Commercial custom designs for new construction, additions & remodeling Gallos Plumbing Service Co. Call 210 679-0000 or 210 669-4645 M-36478 Licensed and Insured john travis / architect • Electronic Line Locating • Sewer Camera Inspections • Foundation Leak Repair • Yard Leaks • Additions and Remodeling to Kitchen and Bath • Service and Repair • Sewer Drain Cleaning pho.: (210) 481-3022 / cell: (210) 683-3834 jtravis2@satx.rr.com • Water Heaters • Gas Tests • 24/7 Emergency Response All Major Credit Cards Accepted www.gallosplumbing.com SHAVANOPARK.ORG Page 5 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK TRIM OAK TREES NOW December, January, July, August and September are the approved months for trimming your Oaks. Trimming during the proper time is the first major step in preventing the spread of Oak Wilt. Oak Wilt is spread in several ways. These five months are the safest months to trim but precautions are still necessary. 1 Hire smart! Employ a knowledgeable tree trimming service to trim your trees. 2 Get your permit. You or your tree trimmer will need to go to SP City Hall to get a permit. The permit costs $35.00 and is valid for ten (10) days. 3 Every cut or wound must be painted over within 30 minutes of the cut. The less professional trimmers will want to do all the cutting, then go back to paint. That is not acceptable as too much time can pass and cuts can easily be missed. The best practice is to spray as you go. 4 Your trimmer is responsible for hauling away all the brush and debris created. Oak Wilt has devastated 35+ acres of Hollywood Park and has been detected both here in Shavano Park and in Hidden Forest. Please help Shavano Park protect our beautiful oak trees. CHRISTMAS TREE COLLECTION Curbside Christmas tree collection is scheduled for the week of January 11th – January 15th. Please have your Christmas trees out on the curb no later than 7 am on January 11th. Christmas trees may be placed out at the full length; there is no need to cut them in half. Please ensure the trees are stripped of any lights, ornaments and stands. Our mission is about life! Senior Living Community www.iwretire.org • Independent Retirement Living • Assisted Living • Memory Care • Extended Nursing Care • In-Home Care & Concierge Services 4707 Broadway St. | San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 829-7561 Serving the San Antonio community since 1988. The Village at Incarnate Word ministry is a work of compassion and merciful love, not duty. Steeped in rich history and tradition, we invite you to experience The Village at Incarnate Word Lifestyle. License # s 000777 (AL-A) 101505 (AL-B), 100473 (ALZ), 011872 (HCSSA) SHAVANOPARK.ORG Page 6 JANUARY 2016 FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works - 492-2841 The beautiful fall foliage has now come and gone, bringing in the cold winter air. With the predictions of a cold wet winter; we must remind ourselves to protect the 3 P’s… Pets, Plants, and most importantly our Pipes. Please remember to winterize your outside faucets, and/or any exposed pipes that are outside your house. With cold nights and then warmer day time temperatures, our pipes are more susceptible to breaking. Please remember that if you see a leak around the meter or in the road to pick up the phone and call Public Works (210) 492-2841, we will come by to check it out and fix any leak. If the leak is in the yard or one of the outside pipes of your house, please call a local plumber to come assist. So let’s protect those pipe and wrap them for a long winters nap! Pipe insulation, used to warp any outside pipe. Basic outside hose bib cover can be found at any local hardware store. Cowboy Cleaners 0 DOWN 0 INTEREST for 60 Months* Free Home Pick Up & Delivery Call 341-5555 or 326-0291 Schedule your free consultation & get a professional window & door evaluation with options to customize your home. (210) 319-7080 Owned by a Shavano Park Resident *Offer expires 1/31/16. Plan 6060. 65 month loan. This loan has a 0% APR for the life of the loan. You will have no payments due for the first five months following approval of the loan. Five months after approval, the principal balance will be divided equally over 60 monthly payments. There is no prepayment penalty. SHAVANOPARK.ORG Page 7 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK Shavano Park Women’s Club News The Employee Appreciation Luncheon and business meeting will be held at City Hall on Thursday, January 14th. The business meeting will begin at 10 a.m. followed by the luncheon at 11:30 Shavano Park employees and current council members. Shavano Creek and Friends Dining Out Group Forming Thursday January 21th, 2016 Join us at 6:30pm at 103 Box Oak Enjoy a light dinner and come discuss this exciting new ideas Questions? Want more information? Call Dee at 493-5512 Or Liz at 479-0977 The Shavano Park Women’s Club will provide the meat and members are asked to contribute a selection of side dishes or desserts and assist in serving. This is a great opportunity to enjoy a great lunch and get to know our dedicated Shavano Park employees. Please contact Jolanda Bradley 492-3002, (jolandabradley@gmail.com) or Elfie Palmer 314-8298 (elfie@skycipher.com) if you are planning to attend and your choice of side dish. If you are not a member but would like to become one, please contact Glenda Bibb at 493-8889. Dues are $ 20.00 per year. Elfie Palmer President SPWC SEPTIC Residential & Commercial Proudly Serving South Texas for over 10 Years! BECAUSE THINGS HAPPEN • Conventional Septic & Aerobic Installations • Aerobic Maintenance Contracts WE’RE • Septic Tank Cleaning • Drain Field Repairs OPEN!! • Real Estate Inspections 25 OFF Any Service $ Licensed & Insured #0S0028816 #0S0023596 #MP0001294 (210) CONTACT 210-504-4837 875-3625 PrestigeER.com mjseptic@satx.rr.com Hablamos Español LOCATION 1604 & Bitters Senior Citizen & Military Discounts SHAVANOPARK.ORG HERE WHEN YOU NEED US Page 8 JANUARY 2016 “Coffee With a Cop” By Chief David Creed Shavano Park Police invites you to have coffee with a cop. Once a month, Shavano Park PD will meet with local residents or business owners at a pre-announced location where police officers will be available to visit, answer questions, or hear comments or concerns about events happening in and around Shavano Park. December 8th marked the first event, held at Starbucks at NW Military and 1604. Fifteen local residents from the Cliffside Drive and Bent Oak Drive neighborhoods stopped in to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and visit with Chief Creed and Detective Sgt. Blanca Deleon. We shared some crime prevention tips, some safety awareness lessons, and received a lot of information about what is going on in some of the Shavano Park neighborhoods. Shavano Park First Annual Cookie Contest Submitted by Alderman Vicky Maisel The new addition to this year’s holiday event – A Cookie Baking Contest – showcased the excellent baking talents of our Shavano Park residents. Andrew Walters (our resident cookie eater) created the contest, donated the prizes and enjoyed meeting the bakers as they dropped off their creations. A big thank you to Andrew for a fun contest. The winners of this year’s contest are: Best named - “Trees on Bikeway” by Marci Hughes The Grinch Would Steal Theses –“Polar Pies” by Tate and Till Smith The next Coffee With a Cop is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 9:30 a.m. at the Whataburger in the ALON Shopping Center, NW Military Hwy at Wurzbach Pkwy. We hope to see you there. Sandy Claws Fuel – “Spirit of the Season” by Gwen Mitchell MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY IN OBSERVANCE OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY, SHAVANO PARK CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, JANUARY 18, 2016 OFFICES WILL RE-OPEN FOR BUSINESS AT 8:00 AM ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 2016 E. L. Smith Plumbing Since 1948 www.elsmith.com 210-736-1606 M-8217 s es sin rs Bu ea In 20 Y Es Fr tim ee at es FOR EMERGENCIES, PLEASE CALL 9-1-1 FOR NON-EMERGENCIES, PLEASE CALL 804-0110 Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who participated. After the judging, the attendees at the Holiday Event got to taste the entries and there wasn’t even a cookie crumb leftover. “These were some of the best cookies I have ever eaten” said James Hubby, one of the judges. Andrew is already looking forward to next year’s contest. Judging by the reaction of the crowd who tasted the cookies – so are we! Thank you Shavano Park Bakers for making this an awesome event. • Painting • Small or Large Repairs • Drywall Repair & Installation • Remodeling • Electrical • Deck Construction • Ceramic Work • Rotted Wood Replacement • Window & Door Replacement • We do it all–large or small Irwin Dreyfus Angie’s 210-885-8465 List Email at diversified1@icloud.com A+ Rating www.diversifiedremodeling.net SHAVANOPARK.ORG Page 9 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK Weapon: Gun, knife, club, bat, crowbar Clothing: Coat, jacket, shirt, pants, dress, shorts, gloves, tie, scarf, vest, bandana, tennis shoes, sandals Weight: Heavy, thin Age: Approximate, young, older, middle-aged Race: Complexion, nationality, ethnicity Other: anything unusual, backpack Neighborhood WATCH News Crime Prevention – The Neighborhood WATCH Program GET INVOLVED IN SAFETY: “IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING” Submitted by Etta Fanning In Neighborhood WATCH we talk about the importance of becoming a good witness. Being able to give the police an accurate description of a “suspicious character”, break-in or burglary is often times one of the most crucial things a witness can do. A description of a suspect or incident is valuable information to help the police with the investigation after the incident. Chief Creed says “if something seems not right, report it, and there is no incident too small for a police officer to check it out.” The most important features to report are sex, race, height, weight, approximate age, hair color, eye color, clothing, and any scars, marks or tattoos. Work from top to bottom, making mental notes of all of the following items that you can, of the incident and the suspect. Then write down this information as soon as you can after an incident so that you can report as much information as possible. Any description you can provide is helpful to the police. A safe community is a top priority to homeowners. Neighborhood WATCH, in addition to forwarding crime ALERTS from the police to Neighborhood WATCH members, places HUGE focus on crime prevention on a day-to-day basis as you go in and out of your garage, walk the dog, drive on your street, etc. ACTION STEPS: Height: Compare to something around them Sex: Male, Female or unknown Hair: Color, length, style, sig, hat Eyes: Color, glasses Voice: Language, accent, lisp, loud, soft Face: Nose, lips, teeth, scars, mustache, beard, goatee, sideburns 1. Meet your neighbors and pay attention to your neighborhood. What does normal look like? 2. Lock your doors, use your home alarms, lock your vehicles, and remove valuables from sight. This is not your grandmother’s day of unlocked doors. 3. Be alert. 4. Join the Neighborhood WATCH program and register so that you receive email with SAFETY INFO and ALERTS, and Neighborhood WATCH communication. Hosted by AARP Driver Safety Course Learn about new traffic laws and be eligible for insurance rate reduction. Thursday, January 28th, 2016 12:00 (noon) – 4:00pm $15 for AARP members $20 for non-members 20500 Huebner Road San Antonio, Texas www.independencehill.com RSVP by January 26th (210) 209-8404 Refreshments served Full Service Apartments, Assisted Living and Neighborhood of Homes SHAVANOPARK.ORG Lic #100102 Page 10 JANUARY 2016 You Asked… ARTICLES FOR JANUARY RR Presented By: Mayor Pro Tem Michele Bunting Ross You Asked… DID EVERY PROPERTY IN SHAVANO PARK HAVE A 10% PROPERTY VALUE INCREASE THIS YEAR? Presented By: Mayor Pro Tem Michele Bunting Ross 1) NO, in fact, some property values, and corresponding taxes, actually went down. (Source: BCAD.org) DID EVERY PROPERTY IN SHAVANO PARK HAVE A 10% PROPERTY VALUE INCREASE THIS YEAR? 2) For as little as $60 a month paid in Shavano Park property taxes, residents receive professional city services NO, in that fact, some property down. (Source: including Police, Fire &1) EMS rival anyvalues, city and in corresponding response taxes, timeactually andwent service. Our BCAD.org) staff is paid commensurate 2) For as little as $60 a month paid in Shavano Park property taxes, residents receive professional city services with the market and, of course, your elected officials work for all citizens, for free. Our general budget provides including Police, Fire & EMS that rival any city in response time and service. Our staff is paid commensurate all basic services which include police, EMS, works, limited programs, events and with the market and, fire, of course, yourpublic elected officials workadministration for all citizens, for free.and Our general budget provides activities that are educational social, enhancing all basic and services which include police, fire, community EMS, public works,spirit. administration and limited programs, events and activities that are educational and social, enhancing community spirit. 3) Here arePark 10 actual Shavano Park examples residence examples showing variances from 2015 to 2016: 3) Here are 10 actual Shavano residence showing variances from 2015 to 2016: RESIDENCE LOCATION Shavano Dr Elm Spring Ripple Creek Bent Oak Fawn Drive Calais Way Painted Post Shavano Drive Post Oak Way Hampton Way 2016 SP INCREASE/DECREASE PROP TAX FROM PRIOR YEAR AMT $ 724.96 $15.60 $ 945.84 $19.25 $1,188.37 $98.86 $1,244.60 $125.87 $1,249.40 $27.24 $1,260.91 Over 65 decreased $20.56 $1,281.00 $27.92 $1,559.56 Decreased $50.45 NEW PER DAY INCREASE $.04 $.05 $.27 $.34 $.07 NEW PER MONTH INCREASE $1.30 $1.60 $8.24 $10.49 $2.27 $.08 $2.33 TOTAL PER MONTH COST $60.41 $78.82 $99.03 $103.72 $104.12 $105.08 $106.75 $129.96 $1,632.14 Over 65 no increase $136.01 $1,857.49 Over 65 decreased $66.07 $154.79 (Source: Bcad.org) HOW MUCH ARE WE SPENDING ON CITY-SPONSORED EVENTS? The event budget is $16,000 this year. The City-Sponsored events paid for with general revenue are: Movie Night, Free Service Call for Military, Holiday, Arbor/Earth Day & July 4th. $ Fire Fighters, Police Dept and EMS! 59 National Night Out budget is $5,000 and is paid for with sales tax dollars out of the Crime Control Fund - not property taxes and is organized and managed by the Police Department. The City pays for ALL banners, signage, trinkets, etc. for every house sponsoring a block party as well as hosting an event at City Hall. n Heati g A/C & Combo There are 1734 Shavano Park residential and commercial properties paying property taxes. No more than $9.23 A YEAR (actually lower because we receive underwriting) will be paid by each property if we used ALL the $16K OCTOBURRR SAVINGS MONTH!!! Trade in your old inefficient Heating System and GET a Complete System installed for $4,197.00 ! Not all air conditioning companies are the same. Our people, our processes and our product is what makes all the difference! Check thermostat & calibrate SuperBoost Tune-Up 19 $ Check filter & filter system Check Freon levels Test all electrical components/motors/compressor Test system for proper operation Check for gas leaks & carbon monoxide Check ductwork for proper airflow, dust mites, mildew, etc. Perform opti-scan of plenums & coils (electronic visualization technology) Perform temperature optimization of critical components (infared technology) Digitally analyze refrigerant data (subcool/super heat) Clean & treat drainlines ($152 value) Chemically wash condenser coils ($189 value) Spray Biofresh to prevent mildew build up ($132 value) Clean & test all safety controls for winter Service Call Not valid with any offer or coupon. Expires 03/31/16. FREE Insulation and Thermostat with purchase of any high efficiency unit Not valid with any offer or coupon. Expires 03/31/16. Tune up combo A/C & Heat pid Response Ra TACLB28228E Super Tune-Up Technicians SHAVANOPARK.ORG Page 11 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK HOW MUCH ARE WE SPENDING ON CITY-SPONSORED EVENTS? The event budget is $16,000 this year. The City-Sponsored events paid for with general revenue are: Movie Night, Holiday, Arbor/Earth Day & July 4th. National Night Out budget is $5,000 and is paid for with sales tax dollars out of the Crime Control Fund - not property taxes and is organized and managed by the Police Department. The City pays for ALL banners, signage, trinkets, etc. for every house sponsoring a block party as well as hosting an event at City Hall. There are 1734 Shavano Park residential commercial properties paying property more than budgeted for events.and Breaking it down even farther, we budget approximately $9.23 ataxes. year per No property, divided by $9.23 A YEAR (actually lower because underwriting) will be paid by each property if we used ALL the $16K 4 events, we whichreceive makes each event $2.31 per property in our budget. budgeted for events. Breaking it down even farther, we budget approximately $9.23 a year per property, divided by 4 events, which makes each event $2.31 per property in our budget. 2015 HOLIDAY EVENT BUDGET BUDGETED $5000.00 EXPENSES MINUS CASH DONATIONS $3204.05 Santa display area, crafts, mailing, face painting, decorations $1180.00 Trolley & games were underwritten ACTUAL EXPENSES $2024.05 Under budget $2975.95 COST PER SHAVANO PARK PROPERTY FOR HOLIDAY EVENT IN-KIND DONATIONS $1.17 Event included Santa, elf, professional photos, crafts, prizes, games, live entertainment, decorations, baking contest, etc. $3000.00 New menorah, gifts, prizes, crafts, decorations SHAVANOPARK.ORG Page 12 JANUARY 2016 again this year kicking off the Christmas tree lighting. We are so proud of the Blattman choir and honored they perform for us each year. ANNUAL HOLIDAY EVENT WRAP-UP This year we had a trolley running from the Walmart Neighbor Store to the event and back. Many residents found parking difficult around City Hall so they chose to take the trolley. It made continuous runs from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Cavender Cadillac and Republic Services completely underwrote the trolley service and Walmart Neighborhood Market allowed us the use their parking lot. Submitted By: Councilwoman Vicky Maisel Saturday December 5th, Shavano Park held its second annual Holiday Event. Over 600 guests enjoyed the festivities. Visiting over 25 vendor booth, we all discovered that Shavano Park has some of the most talented and creative residents. It was an amazing display of art, food and crafts created and sold by our neighbors. Many of us did our Christmas and Chanukah shopping at the event. We are a community that gratefully shares its blessings. Thanks to you we raised over $250 in cash and a full barrel of food for the Food Bank. This year the City of Shavano Park donated more food and money than last year’s event. The evening culminated with the lighting of our living Christmas tree which has grown 3 feet. Mayor Werner led the countdown and flipped the switch to light the tree. Santa arrived on a shiny red fire truck and was met by a happy crowd of 2-legged and 4-legged friends. Elf Lucinda signed in the guests for photos and helped the children sign “Naughty or Nice list” before meeting Santa. Santa sat with over 150 children and 20 4-legged friends to take pictures. We have some of the nicest and most honest children, some actually admitted to being occasionally naughty so they signed on the naughty side of the list. No event could be possible without the help of many. Brandon Peterson, our new Public Works Director, and the fine folks at Public Works were a tremendous help. Thank you to the Shavano Park Women’s Club for decorating the outside of the city hall building and lobby. Special thanks to our City Secretary Zina Tedford and her family. Please see the lists of sponsors and volunteers highlighted throughout this newsletter. Mary Werner, Michele Ross, Andrew Walters and I totally enjoyed planning and organizing this event. Craft making was once again a big hit with kids of all ages. Kids made Popsicle stick snowflakes, Christmas ornaments and pine cone Christmas trees. There was hardly a sequin, button or fuzzy cotton ball left over. Each child left with a bag (they decorated) full of their beautiful artistic creations. This year we added six carnival games and everyone was a winner and went home with a bag of prizes. It was great fun to see kids challenging their parents to a game. Young, and those of us who are still young at heart, were wearing a variety of Christmas motif faces after getting their faces painted. Entertainment was provided by The Brothers Heintzelman (they are our own Council member Heintzelman’s sons) they played Holiday music all afternoon and announced all the comings and goings of the event. Inside the council chambers and on the patio in the arts and crafts area music was provided by “Texas Strings”. The young musicians were amazing. Also, the Blattman choir performed RENE PIÑA Oak Wilt Specialist 7380 Grissom Rd. San Antonio, TX 78251 Providing Quality Service Since 1989 SHAVANOPARK.ORG 210.561.0155 www.artistictrees.net Certified Arborist #TX-3713A Professional Tree & Landscaping Service Experienced • Dependable • Caring Neighborhood News CITY OF SHAVANO PARK Ad Proof A SPECIAL THANK YOU Proofing Instructions Page 13 ▪ Please carefully review your ad for errors, paying particular attention to contact information (phone TO OUR RESIDENT VOLUNTEERS number, website, address, etc.) and other details. Submitted by: Councilwoman Vicky Maisel ▪ Please notify me via email or fax by the deadline below of any corrections required. These volunteers gave their time Note: and energy ▪ If you require no corrections, please respond via email or fax saying “I APPROVE.” This to make Publicatio responseWould constitutes acceptance of responsibility for anyhad errors in your ad. Neighborhood sure everyone a memorable time and their efforts Do you remember being a teenager? News will not be responsible for errors overlooked this point. you have spent the day helping children are greatlyatappreciated. Janua make arts and crafts, play games or DJ all Please note: afternoon? Well these Shavano ▪ WePark have followed your original instructions as closely as possible and thisColemere is not an opportunity to Mike News young folks did just that and I redesign want toyour ad. Significant changes to your ad may incur an additional charge. Kelly Kautz thank them for all their help.▪ Basic ad layout is a free service offered to all advertisers; if you require detailed and/or Maggie Kautz time-consuming layout, an additional charge may be assessed. Shav ▪ Ads requiring more than three proofs before approval may incur anBarbara additionalPiwinski charge. Pierce Heintzelman Susan Rhem Truett Heintzelman PROOF 1 PROOF 2 PROOF 3 (final) Ms Roe & the Blattman Choir Brianna Kautz at 3:00 pm Please respond by: Tuesday, December 29David Ross John Piwinski Note: If you do not respond by the time specified, we will attempt to contact you via telephone and/or email. If after 2 contact attempts you have not responded, we will run the ad as-is. Danny Simmerman Collin Respondek Unless otherwise arranged, we will run the above ad in future issues unless notified of updates prior to the next issue’s Lucinda Smith Austin Respondek deadline. This ad is to be used for Neighborhood News, Inc. publications only. Unless this ad was originally provided to us as camera-ready, reprinting of this ad in any other publications is prohibited without permission. Neighborhood Candice Wilson News, Inc. is Billy Rhodes not responsible for errors beyond the cost of the actual ad space. ©Neighborhood News, Inc. Bruce & Angela Wright Sarah Trippy Phone: 210.558.3160 ext. 5835 Outside San Antonio: 866.558.3160 Fax: 210.558.3163 Outside San Antonio: 866.558.3163 Email: j.danielle@neighborhoodnews.com OUR HOLIDAY EVENT SPONSORS RESERVE THE DATE!!! rd 3 Annual Holiday Event December 3, 2016 We are already starting to plan for next year to make an even better event. If you are interested in helping or have ideas for next year – we would love to hear from you. This is after all for our community to join together for the holiday season and make friends and memories. Contact: Vicky Maisel at vmaisel@shavanopark.org , Michele Ross at mross@shavanopark.org or Mary Werner at big5ws@sbcglobal.net. SHAVANOPARK.ORG A Big Big NEW SHAVANO PARK LISTINGS thank you 111 Cliffside Drive $1,050,000 to our event sponsors who contributed to help www.111cliffsideshavanopark.com make the Holiday Event a great success. 230 Granville Way $ 840,000 www.230granvillewaywillowwood.com These fine sponsors supplied the gifts from Santa, 128 Elm for Spring $ 380,000 the prizes the games, decorations, craft www.128elmspringshavanopark.com supplies, and underwrote the games and trolley service. Michele Bunting Ross Alamo Insurance Group/Brown & Brown Broker/Owner, Bunting Ross Realty michelebross@sbcglobal.net Lone Star Insurance Inc 210-413-2622 Bunting Ross Realty ABR, CLHMS, CRS, GRI, MRP, EPOR, TRLP 2016 Chair Elect, San Antonio Board of Realtors® Cavender Cadillac Mayor Pro Team, Shavano Park Cowboy Cleaners Liz Jauer Certified Travel Consultant Page 14 JANUARY 2016 OUR HOLIDAY EVENT SPONSORS January T W T S M A Big Big 3 4 5 6thank you 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 to our event sponsors who contributed to help 24 25 26 27 28 make the Holiday Event a great31success. These fine sponsors supplied the gifts fromMay Santa, S M T W T the prizes for the games, decorations, 1 2 craft 3 4 5 supplies, and underwrote the games 8 9 and 10 trolley 11 12 service. 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31& Brown Alamo Insurance Group/Brown January T W T S M F S 1 1 2 7 8 4 5 6 7January 8 9 S M T W T F S 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 16 121 2 22 18 19 20 21 22 23 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 28 29 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M 3 10 17 24 31 CITY OF PARK CITY OFSHAVANO SHAVANO PARK 2016 RECYCLE CALENDAR 2016 CALENDAR RepublicRECYCLE Services Phone: 210-304-2700 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK 2016 RECYCLE CALENDAR Republic Services Phone: 210-304-2700 February March April Republic Services Phone: 210-304-2700 T 2 9 S16 23 W T F S 3 4 5 6 10February 11 12 13 M 17 T18W 19T 20 F 124 225 3 264 275 S M 6 7 T 1 8 M 15 22 7 29 W T F S S M T W T 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 April 6 7 9March 10 11 12 T W W 14T 16 17 T18 F 19S 10 S 11M 12T 13 1 224 325 426 5 17 18 19 20 21 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 24 3 25 26 27 28 30 31 F 1 8 F 15 1 22 8 29 S 2 9 S16 2 23 9 30 S S13 14 February March 620 21 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 T F S F S 10 11 12 S13 14M15 16T 14 W15 16T17 18 F19 2027S 28136 14 S15 16M17 18T19 W 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 424 25 526 276 20 21 22 23 24 251 26 17 18 19 20 211 22 23 2 21 3 2 3 2027 21284 2922 30235 1 2 24 May July 24 25 26August 28 June 27 28 29 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 S 8 M 9T 31W T 7F S 8 S M T F 12 S T W 11 T F 12 S 9 T 10W 11 13S M T 6W T7 F 8S S 9 M 10 1 2 3 4 5 May 6 7 1 2June3 4 1 2 August 3 4 5 6 July 1 2 15 18W11 T19 8 916 10S 11 12 7 S817 13F S203 S4 M513 7 T 815 15 7S 8M 17 9 T 10W18 11T 12 13 M 14 T 13 W 14 T F 5 S16 T6 W14 F 9S 16 F 19 S M 9 T 10 4 19 5 20 6 15 16 17 1 182 193 204 215 612 713 14 15 16 1 19 2 203 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 116 2 14 151 162 173 18 22 23 25 22 232324 8 259 21 10 2711 28 12 13 7 22 8 23 9 26 10 26 11 1327 5 21 621 72222 8239 23 9 10 11 13 22 26 19 14 20 521 24 27 17 183 19420 20 217 228 24 23 24 25 25 122626 27 10 26 11 27 12 13 17 18 19 20 29 30 3115 16 17 18 19 20 26 2127 12 28 13 2914 3015 16 19 2024 25 28 1429153016 28142915 3016 31 2927 28 19 20 21 22 23 26 2731 17 1827 2821 29 29 30 22 23 28 24 25 26 19 20 22 23 30 21 22 31 23 24 25 26 27 29 F 6 13 20 27 26 27 28 30 31 September T W T F S September S M 1T 2W 3T 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 11 12 13 4 145 15 6 16 7 178 13 23 14 24 15 18 19 20 112112 22 20 30 21 22 25 26 27 182819 29 S M S M 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 November T November W T F S S S M1 T2 W3 T4 F 5 S 6 7 8 19 10 2 311 412 5 1 8 13 14 6 15 7 16 8 917 1018111912 15 20 21 13 14 22 1523 1624 1725 182619 22 27 28 20 29 21 22 30 23 24 25 26 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 30 31 October T W T F S October S M T W T 1F 4 5 6 7 8 211 312 413 5 146 15 7 9 1019112012211322 14 18 1625 1726 18271928202921 S M 28 29 30 S M S 3 10 17 24 31 December TDecember W T F S T W T1 F2 S3 6 7 18 29 10 3 13 6 14 7 15 8 16 9 1017 13 21 14 15 20 22 16 23 1724 20 28 21 29 22 23 27 30 2431 June July F S S M 4 5 2 23 3 S S M 9T T F S S M T 114W T F S 91010 W 125 16161717 12 1811 19 7 2 3 4 1 2 23232424 1 18 19 25 26 14 25 26 527 28 729 30308 31 9 10 11 13 3 4 5 25 626 27 728 29 830 319 21 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 RECYCLING 28 19 20 21 22 RESIDENTIAL 23RESIDENTIAL 26 27 17 PROGRAM 18 19 20 21 22 23 RECYCLING PROGRAM all acceptable intointo designated container** **Place all acceptable materials designated recycling container** 26 **Place 27 28 29 30 materials 24 25recycling 26 27 28 29 30 31 Acceptable Acceptable List: List: November Newspaper - October dry, unsoiled Newspaper - dry, unsoiled S SAluminum M TCansW T F S S M T W T F S Aluminum Cans 3 1 1 2 3 4 5 Bi-Metal Cans-tin/steel Cans-tin/steel 2 Clear 3 or Cloudy 4 Plastics 5 6 - PETE 7 &8HDPE 10 Bi-Metal 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cloudy Plastics 10 11 12 - PETE 13 & 14HDPE 15 17 Clear 9orCardboard 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and Cereal boxes boxes20 21 22 16 17and Cereal 18 19 24 Cardboard 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Magazines 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 Magazines Non-Acceptable List: 30 31 Non-Acceptable List: S 7 14 21 28 Lone Star Insurance Inc September Bunting RossSRealty M T W T F S 1 2 Cavender Cadillac 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 Cowboy Cleaners 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 20 21 22 23 18 Liz Jauer Certified Travel Consultant 25 26 27 28 29 30 25 Republic Services Glass Southwest Exteriors Glass Kitchen and Food Waste KitchenTear andResistant Food Waste Envelopes Tomas Palmer RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING PROGRAM Pressure Sensitive Tear Resistant EnvelopesAdhesive Friends of Shavano Park Wood or Metal **Place all acceptable materials into designated recycling Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Wood or Metal Any questions comments or concerns please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department at 210-304-2700 or you can visit our website at www.disposal.com or the City of Shavano Park website at www.shavanopark.org. Acceptable List: Any questions comments or concerns please feel free to contact our Customer Service Department at 210-304-2700 or you can visit our website at www.disposal.com or the City of Shavano Park website at www.shavanopark.org. Newspaper - dry, unsoiled Aluminum Cans Bi-Metal Cans-tin/steel or Cloudy Plastics - PETE & HDPE “We change your smile, you changeClear the world.” Our office excels at cosmetic dentistry, implants, veneers, invisalign as well as all areas of dentistry. We treatCardboard each patient, one at a time, in a warm and friendly environment. Insured & Bonded and Cereal boxes Magazines Non-Acceptable List: NO JOB TOO SMALL--WE DO IT ALL Glass 14603 Huebner Rd. Suite 3501 San Antonio, TX 78230 Kitchen and Food Waste License TECL # 30576 Accepting Delta, Cigna and VA Vouchers. Financing available. Tear Resistant Envelopes Phone: 210-344-5754 - www.creatingbeautifulsmiles.org Pressure SHAVANOPARK.ORG Sensitive Adhesive •Residential •Commercial (210) 684-8500 www.alamohandymantx.com www.facebook.com/alamohandymantx https://twitter.com/alamohandyman Changing the face of dentistry one smile at a time! “My first appointment at Advanced Smile Care was absolutely amazing. The staff is incredible, compassionate and respectful. The dental care is top of the line and thorough. Your beautiful, healthy smile starts here. You have to see this place in person!” -Stephanie W, San Antonio, Texas 210.585.3712 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK 900 SADDLETREE COURT (210) 493-3478 SHAVANOPARK.0RG PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN ANTONIO,TX PERMIT NO. 1568 Time Dated JANUARY 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 New Year’s Day – City Offices Closed 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. R R 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 Martin Luther King Jr. Day – City Offices Closed Municipal Court @ 4:00 p.m. R 24 25 R 26 27 28 City Council Meeting @ 6;30 p.m. 31 FEBRUARY 2016 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 3 15 18 22 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. Presidents’ Day City Offices Closed Municipal Court @4:00 p.m. City Council Meeting @6:30 p.m. R- Recycle Day Published and distributed by: Neighborhood News, Inc. 3740 Colony Drive Suite 120 San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 558-3160 * (210) 558-3163 fax Info@NeighborhoodNews.com www.NeighborhoodNews.com For advertising sales and information please call or send an email to Sales@NeighborhoodNews.com Articles that appear in Shavano Park newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of Neighborhood News, Inc. and their publication does not constitute an endorsement therein. The appearance of any advertisement in Summerfield newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by Neighborhood News, Inc. of the goods or services advertised. Neighborhood News, Inc. is not responsible for errors beyond the cost of the actual ad space. Any publication of Neighborhood News, Inc., whether draft or final is the sole property of Neighborhood News, Inc. and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way, whether in print or electronically, without the express written consent of Neighborhood News, Inc. ©Neighborhood News, Inc.
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