February 2016 - Shavano Park
February 2016 - Shavano Park
CITY OF SHAVANO PARK FEBRUARY 2016 ROADRUNNER THE NEWSLETTER FOR THE CITIZENS OF SHAVANO PARK NOTE FROM THE MAYOR: INSIDE THIS ISSUE This month, City Manager Bill Hill’s Roadrunner article updates proposed changes to NW Military Hwy and the MPO process (which funds such state and regional projects). Based on current and projected traffic flow on NW Military Hwy, the proposed changes are very important for our community, and I encourage each of us to be attentive. While NW Military Hwy is our most important traffic consideration, I would like to share three additional traffic considerations with you. They concern a light just south of NW Military Hwy and Loop 1604, a turnaround lane on Loop 1604, and acquisition of a portable radar speed sign. While some citizens are under the impression that cities makes decisions in a knee jerk fashion, I would like to assure you that most of the positive planning for our community has involved years of planning before the average citizen notes proposed changes. Many of the commercial, residential and civic changes we will see this year have been in the works for anywhere from two to 10 years. In fact, the current planning for a proposed light at the intersection of NW Military Hwy and Collins Circle/ Pond Hill Road started just over 10 years ago. At that time, our city leaders recognized NW Military Hwy’s growing traffic congestion, and they negotiated for a traffic light to protect crossover east/west traffic off Collins Circle/Pond Hill Road. This is an excellent example of city leaders looking forward to reduce traffic hazards. It is also an excellent example of sound fiscal planning – the costs of the necessary traffic study and (Continued on page 2) SHAVANOPARK.ORG Note from Mayor, Cont....................2 Office of the City Manager..............3 Fire Department Blotter...................4 Police Department Blotter...............4 I-Info................................................ 5 Shavano Park Fire Department......5 You Asked.......................................6 NW Military Presentation................7 Arbor Day/Earth Day.......................8 President's Day...............................9 Website Re-Design.........................9 Shavano Park Women's Club......10 Candidate Forum..........................12 Important Dates For Candidates..13 Oak Tree Trimming.......................14 IMPORTANT DATES • February 3- Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, 6:30 p.m. • February 15- Presidents' Day, City Offices Closed • February 22- City Council Meeting, 6:30 p.m. • February 22 - 26 - Shavano Park Brush Pick Up Page 2 FEBRUARY 2016 (Continued from page 1) CITY OF SHAVANO PARK INFORMATION light have both been fully underwritten by parties other than our community. Kudos to Mayor Pete Fleischhacker and former Council members Clint Glenny, Jim Bastoni, Phil Jackson, Don Wallace, and Carol Sloan. CITY COUNCIL Hon. Bob Werner 310 Fawn Drive 210-867-0441 mayor@shavanopark.org While we anticipate that the proposed light will aid traffic flow for citizens and visitors off Collins Circle/Pond Hill Road, we are also pleased with the current commitment from TxDOT to install turnaround lanes at Loop 1604 and NW Military Hwy. The turnaround lanes will eliminate part of the congestion presently at Loop 1604 approaching NW Military Hwy. With the turnaround lanes, we also hope that use of Lockhill-Selma Road as an alternate thoroughfare will decrease. This change has been under discussion with TxDOT for a couple of years. The final traffic change concerns the acquisition of a portable radar speed sign. While that seems mundane, it reminds each of us of the importance of safe speeds on our residential streets. We are all neighbors, and when persons drive at unsafe speeds on any street in our community, we place pedestrians and other drivers at risk. If you feel your neighborhood is experiencing above unsafe speeds, please contact Chief David Creed so we can monitor the situation and report back to you. Hon. Bob Werner, Mayor Personalized Service for All of Your Plumbing Needs Residential and Commercial Gallos Plumbing Service Co. Call 210 679-0000 or 210 669-4645 M-36478 Licensed and Insured • Electronic Line Locating • Sewer Camera Inspections • Foundation Leak Repair • Yard Leaks • Additions and Remodeling to Kitchen and Bath • Service and Repair • Sewer Drain Cleaning • Water Heaters • Gas Tests • 24/7 Emergency Response All Major Credit Cards Accepted www.gallosplumbing.com Mayor Pro Tem, Michele Bunting Ross 99 Bent Oak 210-413-2622 mross@shavanopark.org Alderman Heintzelman 115 Saddletree Rd. 210-408-7680 bheintzelman@shavanopark.org Alderman Mary Ann Hisel 106 Elm Spring 210-317-9769 mhisel@shavanopark.org Alderman Vicky Maisel 111 Painted Post 210-764-7520 vmaisel@shavanopark.org Alderman Allan Berrier 126 Calais Way 210-286-8883 aberrier@shavanopark.org HELPFUL PHONE NUMBERS City Hall.................................................................................493-3478 City Hall.................................................................................492-3816 Public Works..........................................................................492-2841 Municipal Court....................................................................492-2607 Police Administration...........................................................492-9248 Fire Administration...............................................................492-1111 Allied Waste Customer Service............................................648-5222 DeZavala-Shavano Veterinary Clinic.....................................699-3939 Non Emergency Fire/EMS, Police.........................................804-0110 Emergency Fire/EMS, Police...........................................................911 City Hall hours of operation are: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm SHAVANOPARK.ORG Municipal Court hours of operation are: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm CITY OF SHAVANO PARK Neighborhood News Page 3 Ad Proof OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER: Proofing Instructions ▪ Please carefully review your ad for errors, paying particular attention to contact information (phone number, website, address, etc.) and other details. ▪ Please notify me via email or fax by the deadline below of any corrections required. ▪ If you require no corrections, please respond via email or fax saying “I APPROVE.” Note: This Month(s): The MPO Board will Publication conduct a public meeting on Shavano has acceptance worked closely with for TxDOT forin your responsePark constitutes of responsibility any errors ad. Neighborhood Thursday, February 25th from 6-8 p.m. at the Leon almost year improvements Newsawill notto be determine responsible for errors overlookednecessary at this point.to February 2016 Valley Conference Center, 6421 Evers Road, Leon Valley, ensure safety and reduce congestion on the stretch of Please note: Texas 78130. At this meeting, citizens will be able to NW Military Hwy that runs through our city (Huebner ▪ We have followed your original instructions as closely as possible and this is not an opportunity to speak on behalf of the projects that are important to Road to Loop 1604). In December, an improvement Newsletter(s): redesign your ad. Significant changes to your ad may incur an additional charge. them. If you are interested in speaking, please contact project was submitted to the Alamo Area Metropolitan ▪ Basic adOrganization layout is a free service offered all advertisers; if you require detailed me and/or in order to coordinate efforts. Planning (MPO) totocompete for Federal Shavano Park time-consuming layout, an additional charge may be assessed. Grants. The proposed project would be paid for by ▪ Ads requiring more than three proofs before approval may incur additional charge. An on-line survey will be conducted February 22nd Federal and State funding at no cost to the City.anThe – March 3rd at www.alamoareampo.org/yourmove. improvement plan calls for a continuous 2-way turn PROOF 1 PROOF 2 PROOF 3 (final) Please go online and provide support to our project. It lane with a bike lanes and sidewalks. is important that we express our support for our project Please respond by: Thursday, January 14 at 3:00 pm to increase the City’s chances it will be selected. Other Across the there werewe41 proposed projects Note: If you do notregion, respond by the time specified, will attempt to contact you via telephone and/or email. If after 2 contact sponsors will be championing their own projects. submitted valued at $414.6M. There attempts you have not responded, we will run the ad as-is. is only $100M in Unless otherwise arranged, we will run the above ad in future issues unless notified of updates prior to the next issue’s Federal Grants available (so roughly only 25% will make is to be used for Neighborhood News, Inc. publications only. Unless this ad was originally provided to us We will be posting this information on our website thedeadline. cut).ThisInadJanuary and February, the MPO will score as camera-ready, reprinting of this ad in any other publications is prohibited without permission. Neighborhood News, Inc. is and order the proposed the February, not rank responsible for errors beyond the cost of theprojects. actual ad space.In©Neighborhood News, Inc. and providing as it becomes available. Please contact me if you want to assist or if you have any questions the MPO will conduct a series of public workshops Phone: 210.558.3160 ext. 5835 Outside San Antonio: 866.558.3160 regarding this initiative. and hold online voting. YOUR PARTICIPATION CAN Fax: 210.558.3163 Outside San Antonio: 866.558.3163 INFLUENCE WHICH PROJECTS ARE SELECTED – Email: j.danielle@neighborhoodnews.com INCLUDING OUR OWN IN SHAVANO PARK! Bill Hill, City Manager Shavano Market Report Public Support for NW Military Highway Improvements Status AO BOM NEW PND ACT ACT ACT ACT PCH ACT PND ACT NEW ACT ACT ACT PCH ACT ACT PCH ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT AO ACT NEW ACT ACT ACT ACT ACT NEW PCH ACT ACT Str # 97 14610 128 96 108 95 115 110 431 111 15911 4415 4411 114 603 127 355 4403 108 4422 143 106 227 116 230 211 323 111 4 202 302 527 104 306 215 531 112 *ACT-Active Street Name List Price Bent Oak Dr $379,000 NW Military Hwy $379,900 Elm Spring Ln $380,000 Cliffside Dr $395,000 S Hunters Branch St $399,500 Shavano Dr $425,000 Calais Way $475,000 Painted Post Ln $475,000 Hampton Way $475,000 Calais Way $499,000 NW Military Hwy $510,000 Eton Place $567,425 Essex Pl $569,987 Painted Post Ln $575,000 Geddington $591,600 Binham Heights $599,000 Regent Circle $599,000 Cameron Ct $685,000 Bobcat Bend $695,000 Bayberry Row $724,900 Hampton Way $725,000 Lacey Oak $729,000 Granville Way $742,000 Painted Post Ln $749,900 Granville Way $840,000 Post Oak Way $845,000 Pagoda Oak $995,000 Cliffside Dr $1,050,000 De Zavala Pl $1,149,900 Blackjack Oak $1,150,000 Princeton Oak $1,384,999 Berwick Town $1,390,000 Tuscany Way $1,390,000 Berkeley Oak $1,399,000 Winding Ln $1,695,000 Berwick Town $1,750,000 Ottawa Run $1,850,000 AO-Active with Option PCH-Price Change PND-Pending BR 4 5 3 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 6 4 4 3 5 5 4 5 5 3 5 4 FB 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 5 4 3 2 5 6 5 4 5 4 5 4 PDB-Pending-accepting backups SqFt 3127 3020 2559 2222 3165 2058 2621 3083 2432 2844 2983 2642 2883 3478 2615 2936 3452 2997 4004 3756 3437 3696 3890 4902 4096 6767 5121 6397 5148 6641 6391 5185 4702 6072 5479 6405 5695 Pool No Yes No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes BOM-Back on Market SHAVANOPARK.ORG REALTOR®, GRI, ALHS Accredited Luxury Homes Specialist Platinum Top 50 Finalist Five Star Realtor as Seen In Texas Monthly (210) 857-2371 Email: PaulaChristo@KW.com Website: www.paulachristo.com Page 4 FEBRUARY 2016 FIRE BLOTTER POLICE BLOTTER Fire Administration - 492-1111 Police Administration - 492-9248 72 Total Fire Department Calls for DECEMBER 2015 10 Fire Alarms 4 House Fire Alarm in Shavano Park 3 Commercial Fire Alarms in Shavano Park 1 Commercial Fire Alarm made location Castle Hills 2 Structure fires in Bexar Bulverde In December 2015 the Shavano Park Police Department responded to a total of (16) sixteen criminal calls. Michael Naughton Fire Chief 16 Rescue/EMS Calls 13 EMS Calls – not motor vehicle accidents 2 EMS Calls- motor vehicle accidents 1 Assist Leon Valley with EMS David Creed Police Chief 4 Arrest of Wanted Person 1 Burglary of Building 3 Burglary of Vehicles 1 Criminal Mischief 4 Narcotics Violations 3Thefts 33 Service Calls 15 Standby (Residential Activated Fire Alarms, BexarBulverde) 4 Standby (Commercial Activated Fire Alarms, Bexar Bulverde) 11 Standby (Residential Activated Fire Alarms, Leon Springs) 2 Standby (Commercial Activated Fire Alarms, Leon Springs) 1 Standby (Residential Activated Fire Alarm, Leon Valley) 7 Good Intent Calls 1 Assist Bexar Bulverde (cancelled en route) 3 Assist Castle Hills (cancelled en route) 1 Assist Leon Springs Fire Department (cancelled en route) 2 Assist Hollywood Park (Cancelled en route) 6 Public Assist 1 Welfare check 1 assist resident with water leaks 2 Assist with removal of smoke 1 Assist with locked car 1 Assist agency with blown transormer Helping our Seniors, LLC Keeping our Seniors at Home & Independent Let us help you! We provide affordable non-medical care and companionship for seniors who want to stay in their own homes. Services include: • Meal planning/preparation • Grocery shopping • Transportation to outings & appointments (min. required) • Light housekeeping/laundry • Medication reminders • Daycare, overnight, or 24-hour care Call Martha Cave • (210) 492-8100 SHAVANOPARK.ORG The Shavano Park Police Department also responded to: 5 Minor Accidents 45 Alarm Calls 12 Animal Calls 14 Assist Fire Department/EMS 8 Assist Other Law Enforcement Agencies 3 Assist the Public 40 City Ordinance Violations 209 Crime Preventions 8Disturbances 1 Emergency Detention 11 Information 60 Out of Town / Patrol-by Requests 3 Recovered / Found Property 2 Sudden / Natural / Unattended Deaths 2 Suspicious Circumstances 7 Suspicious Persons 18 Suspicious Vehicles 2 Traffic Hazards 3 Welfare Concern 5 911 Hang-up Calls Page 5 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK Shavano Park Residents Use i-INFO to Stay Informed Submitted by Police Chief David Creed Recently, I had a resident ask me how she could find out if something significant was happening in Shavano Park. The City of Shavano Park offers a method of information sharing that includes criminal activity alerts, utility problems or emergencies, and general event awareness. The system is named i-INFO. Simply subscribing to this no cost service allows the City of Shavano Park to alert citizens to special weather advisories and other information of interest. Sign up for i-INFO information sharing service by going to the City of Shavano Park website at www. shavanopark.org and click on the i-INFO button on the scrolling screen at the top of the home page. You can choose which information you wish to be informed of and you can unsubscribe at any time. The good part is that there is no cost to you. The Shavano Park Police Department uses this method to send safety alerts of criminal activity so that citizens can remain abreast of burglary, theft or other criminal activity information, information that helps you remain informed and safe. Stay safe by staying informed. CITY OF SHAVANO PARK FIRE DEPARTMENT The Shavano Park Fire Department is dedicated to providing a high level of safety and emergency services, protecting the lives and livelihoods of the citizens and visitors of Shavano Park. As such, the fire departments day-to-day operations are performed with that mission in mind. On January 6th, the Texas Commission on Fire Protection made an unannounced compliance inspection of the Shavano Park Fire Department. This inspection consists of a comprehensive examination of the fire departments standard operating procedures, training records, fire vehicles, personnel protective equipment and much more. Upon completion of all aspects of this inspection, the Texas Commission on Fire Protection acknowledged Shavano Park Fire Departments dedication to excellence by noting zero deficiencies in all areas. Shavano Park Fire Departments desire to exceed national standards also extends to its Emergency Medical Services. Last year, the Texas Department of State Health Services for EMS compliance awarded the fire department with a perfect score after its unannounced inspection. These inspection results demonstrate Shavano Park Fire Departments commitment to excellence across all aspects of public safety. If you have questions regarding i-INFO, feel free to contact Shavano Park Police at 492-9248 or City Hall at 493-3478. BECAUSE THINGS HAPPEN s es sin rs Bu ea In 20 Y Es Fr tim ee at es Don’t miss the Coffee with a Cop at Starbucks, 16852 NW Military Hwy on Wednesday, February 17th at 9:30 a.m. • Painting • Small or Large Repairs • Drywall Repair & Installation • Remodeling • Electrical • Deck Construction • Ceramic Work • Rotted Wood Replacement • Window & Door Replacement • We do it all–large or small Irwin Dreyfus Angie’s 210-885-8465 List Email at diversified1@icloud.com A+ Rating www.diversifiedremodeling.net SHAVANOPARK.ORG WE’RE OPEN!! CONTACT 210-504-4837 LOCATION 1604 & Bitters PrestigeER.com HERE WHEN YOU NEED US Page 6 FEBRUARY 2016 YOU ASKED… A column addressing issues and questions posed by citizens. Submitted By: Mayor Pro Tem Michele Bunting Ross WHY IS CITY COUNCIL REVIEWING THE FREE USE OF THE INTERIOR OF CITY HALL FOR NON-CITY BUSINESS AND CREATING A USE POLICY? #1 The CITY MANAGER requested Council create a policy as it is Council’s job to do so. No one on Council placed the item on the agenda. #2 The use of the inside of City Hall has been on prior agendas multiple times in the past. Most recently, Etta Fanning and Mary Werner were on a sub-committee regarding this topic, followed again by Mary Werner and Vicky Maisel but no policy was created. Discussion was focused on: • The fact that City Hall does not have a fire sprinkler system. • Spending an estimated $150,000 to retro-fit fire safety for use. • City Attorney offered three options – restrictive (only use for city business), semi-restrictive (limited use which opens the City to possible liability), open use (anyone can use). Our mission is about life! The Village at Incarnate Word Senior Living Community • Independent Retirement Living • Assisted Living • Memory Care • Extended Nursing Care • In-Home Care & Concierge Services Y’all are invited to our Cowboy Breakfast Friday, February 12 • 8 a.m. • CHRISTUS Heritage Hall The Village at Incarnate Word • 4707 Broadway #3 Our attorney advised that we needed a policy. The safest, defensible stance is to allow either no one to use council chambers or everyone. Everyone means non-residents and ANY group whether desirable or not. #4 As request, Council formed a sub-committee to review the options. Mary Ann Hisel and I were appointed. The sub-committee reviewed the legal options, other city’s policies, current use and citizen feedback. Alderman Hisel and I AGREED on the draft that was presented for DISCUSSION. The draft was a combination of documents. The draft exemplifies the most restrictive use that is legally defensible. So the decision Council has to make is: • Whether or not we restrict the use completely, allow some use and hope we don't get sued if we deny anyone or just allow everyone. You can't legally say it should be open only to residents of Shavano Park or a limited group without opening the City to possible litigation. • Whether or not the desire of some to use City Hall for non-City business outweighs the concern of allowing an undesirable group to use our facility. • If non-City business groups or individuals are allowed to use the facility, should they be required to pay a fee for use? Considerations: • Liability, insurance • General maintenance and wear and tear on facility and furniture • Staff time for coordination, setup, take down, clean up, bathrooms • Septic, safety, utilities, intrusion of events during work hours, parking All but one of 17 similar sized cities contacted do not allow use of City Hall for non-City business and the one City that allows very limited use, requires a fee be paid. Enjoy breakfast, fellowship, door prizes and entertainment! Country Western attire is encouraged. There is no legal constitutional right to use the interior of City Hall for non-City business. RSVP ya here to 829-7561, ext. 114 Please feel free to contact sub-committee members Michele Ross or Mary Ann Hisel with questions or to provide feedback. FREE! 4707 Broadway St. | San Antonio, TX 78209 | www.iwretire.org License #’s 000777 (AL-A) 101505 (AL-B), 100473 (ALZ), 011872 (HCSSA) Call us today for a FREE consultation or to learn more about how we can help. NOTE: All facts pertaining to City business are verifiable in Shavano Park City records. SHAVANOPARK.ORG CITY OF SHAVANO PARK Neighborhood News Page 7 INTERESTED IN THE FUTURE OF THE SHAVANO PARK STRETCH OF NW MILITARY? Ad Proof Submitted By: Mayor Pro Tem Michele Bunting Ross & Alderman Vicky Maisel Proofing Instructions ▪ Please carefully review your ad for errors, paying particular attention to contact information (phone SPECIAL PRESENTATION ON THE NW MILITARY MPO PROCESS – number, website, address, etc.) and other details. STRAIGHT ▪ Please notify me via emailFROM or fax by theTHE deadlineEXPERTS. below of any corrections required. ▪ If you require no corrections, please respond via email or fax saying “I APPROVE.” Note: This response constitutes acceptance of responsibility for any errors in your ad. Neighborhood News will not be responsible for errors overlooked at this point. Guest Presenters: •Kevin Wolff, Commissioner, Bexar County note: Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization •Isidro “Sid” Martinez,Please Director, ▪ We have followed your original instructions as closely as possible and this is not an opportunity to •Representative from TxDot redesign your ad. Significant changes to your ad may incur an additional charge. Publicatio ▪ Basic ad layout is a free service offered to all advertisers; if you require detailed and/or time-consuming layout,Military, an additionalbetween charge may beHuebner assessed. What develops on our stretch of NW and 1604, is critical ▪ Ads requiring than three proofs before mayof incurNW an additional charge.Although City and especially important tomore those who live onapproval or off Military. to our TxDot makes the final decision, as citizens,1we each have a2stake in what happens. PROOF PROOF PROOF 3 (final)With all of the new development in our City and around our City, NW Military will continue to have December 29 at 3:00 Please respond by: Tuesday, increased traffic and we need to stand together to make our desires for pm its development Note: If you do not respond by the time specified, we will attempt to contact you via telephone and/or email. If after 2 contact known. Learning aboutattempts the you process is awecritical to success. While P&Z and staff have have not responded, will run the adstep as-is. otherwise arranged, we will run the above ad in future issues unless notified of updatespublic prior to the next issue’s is a strong worked hard to create aUnless plan that meets the technical requirements, input deadline. This ad is to be used for Neighborhood News, Inc. publications only. Unless this ad was originally provided to us component in the Board’s project selection as camera-ready, reprinting of this ad in anyprocess. other publications is prohibited without permission. Neighborhood News, Inc. is not responsible for errors beyond the cost of the actual ad space. ©Neighborhood News, Inc. Please plan to attend Phone: the February 22nd City Council Meeting order to learn about 210.558.3160 ext. 5835 Outside San Antonio:in 866.558.3160 Fax: 210.558.3163 Outside San Antonio: 866.558.3163 the process and what role you can play to strengthen our City’s chances for success in j.danielle@neighborhoodnews.com developing NW MilitaryEmail: the way we’d like to see it developed. Cowboy Cleaners NEW SHAVANO PARK LISTINGS Free Home Pick Up & Delivery 111 Cliffside Drive $1,050,000 www.111cliffsideshavanopark.com 230 Granville Way $ 840,000 www.230granvillewaywillowwood.com 128 Elm Spring $ 380,000 www.128elmspringshavanopark.com Call 341-5555 or 326-0291 Michele Bunting Ross Broker/Owner, Bunting Ross Realty michelebross@sbcglobal.net 210-413-2622 Owned by a Shavano Park Resident ABR, CLHMS, CRS, GRI, MRP, EPOR, TRLP 2016 Chair Elect, San Antonio Board of Realtors® Mayor Pro Team, Shavano Park SHAVANOPARK.ORG Janua News Shav Page 8 FEBRUARY 2016 0 DOWN 0 INTEREST The City of Shavano Park Presents Arbor Day & Earth Day for 60 Months* Saturday, April 23rd, 2016 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. 900 Saddletree Court Shavano Park, Texas 78231 SAVE THE DATE!! For more information, visit www.shavanopark.org Schedule your free consultation & get a professional window & door evaluation with options to customize your home. (210) 319-7080 *Offer expires 2/29/16. Plan 6060. 65 month loan. This loan has a 0% APR for the life of the loan. You will have no payments due for the first five months following approval of the loan. Five months after approval, the principal balance will be divided equally over 60 monthly payments. There is no prepayment penalty. Classes— Oak Wilt—What is it? How to avoid it? What to do if you have it? Trees—What are the best trees to plant? Kid Craft Zone Eco-Friendly Vendorsbooth application @ www.shavanopark.org Fun Activities For All Ages! Recycling Information Food Trucks Petting Zoo Recycle Electronics & Shred Old Documents More Info – Contact Vicky at vmaisel@shavanopark.org, vmaisel@shavanopark.org Mary at big5ws@sbcglobal.net , , big5ws@sbcglobal.net Michele at mross@shavanopark.org www.shavanopark.org or Randy Smith at randyasmith@yahoo.com LOOK FOR MORE DETAILS IN THE MARCH ISSUE OF THE ROAD RUNNER SHAVANOPARK.ORG Page 9 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK SHAVANO PARK’S DIGITAL HOME GETS A MAKEOVER THE SHAVANO PARK CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2016 IN OBSERVANCE OF PRESIDENT’S DAY. CITY OFFICES WILL RE-OPEN FOR BUSINESS ON The City’s website, www.shavanopark.org, has a new look and offers improved functionality after a redesign lead by Revize, Inc. The City contracted Revize in May of 2015 after a competitive bidding process that spring. The new website, launched January 4, 2016, has a host of new features available including: • Sleek modern design fit for any mobile device. Try visiting our page on your phone or tablet of choice! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2016 AT 8:00 A.M. FOR EMERGENCIES, PLEASE CALL 911. FOR NON-EMERGENCIES, PLEASE CALL 804-0110. • Fillable forms. Need to contact City staff? Notice a potential code violation? Have Feedback for the website? You can handle all those tasks and more on our website. SEPTIC Residential & Commercial • Easy to find agendas, minutes and financial records. Research the activities of your government easily. Proudly Serving South Texas for over 10 Years! • E-notify. A particular page interest you? Click the sign E-notify logo that follows you around on the page to sign up and receive automatic email notifications whenever the page is updated! • Conventional Septic & Aerobic Installations • Improved Accessibility. The new website is far easier for the blind or otherwise impaired to access via screen readers. • Aerobic Maintenance Contracts • Septic Tank Cleaning • Improved Security. Revize maintains web server security through application of appropriate patches and upgrades, security testing, vulnerability scans, monitoring of logs, and backups of data and operating systems. Web and network administrators monitor the web servers 24/7 to protect against potential threats. The City also has launched a new Twitter account, @ ShavanoPark; follow us for news and updates on City happenings! The City’s facebook page (search for City of Shavano Park) also received a makeover and will be hosting more pictures for you to browse in the future. If you have comments or questions on the website contact the City webmaster at planner/ism@shavanopark.org. • Drain Field Repairs • Real Estate Inspections 25 OFF Any Service $ Licensed & Insured #0S0028816 #0S0023596 #MP0001294 (210) 875-3625 mjseptic@satx.rr.com Hablamos Español SHAVANOPARK.ORG Senior Citizen & Military Discounts Page 10 FEBRUARY 2016 Thank you Shavano Park Women’s Club! Shavano Park Women’s Club News Thank you Bill and Marcia Stipek for hosting our annual holiday celebration at your home! The holiday decorations were beautiful, the food our talented members prepared was delicious and most of all the warmth and cheer of good friends made the event special and fun! Even the notso-ugly sweaters were a big hit! Every holiday season our women’s club members take time out of their busy schedules to come and decorate our City Hall. THANK YOU ladies for making our entry and foyer beautiful for staff and customers! The Tri-Club Luncheon and Style Show will take place on Thursday, February 11th. . The Shavano Park Women’s Club is hosting this year’s event at the Dominion County Club from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. If you are looking for that special outfit, don’t miss this opportunity to see the beautiful fashions from Jolie Boutique located at the Alon Towne Center and modeled by our very own club members. Estimated Cost is $ 32.00. Please send your check to Glenda Bibb at 109 Ottawa Run, 78231. Guests are welcome. Carpool is leaving City Hall @ 11.00 a.m. Please let Glenda know if you need a ride or are able to drive and take passengers. glbibb@satx.rr.com or 493-8889. Elfie Palmer custom designs for new construction, additions & remodeling john travis / architect pho.: (210) 481-3022 / cell: (210) 683-3834 jtravis2@satx.rr.com SHAVANOPARK.ORG Changing the face of dentistry one smile at a time! “My first appointment at Advanced Smile Care was absolutely amazing. The staff is incredible, compassionate and respectful. The dental care is top of the line and thorough. Your beautiful, healthy smile starts here. You have to see this place in person!” -Stephanie W, San Antonio, Texas 210.585.3712 Page 12 FEBRUARY 2016 CANDIDATE FORUM April 4, 7:00-8:30PM – Shavano Park City Hall City of Shavano Park General Election Saturday, May 7, 2016 The City of Shavano Park residents will have an opportunity to elect three (3) Aldermen. Filing for a place on the ballot begins January 20, 2016 and ends at 5:00 p.m. February 19, 2016. City offices are closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. For additional information, please contact City Secretary Zina Tedford at 210.493.3478 x240 or email ztedford@shavanopark.org Another opportunity to meet the candidates for Shavano Park City Council – You’re invited to submit questions for the Candidate Forum, in preparation to meet and hear city council candidates before the May 7 election. David A. Crockett, PhD., Professor and Chair, Political Science at Trinity University (1999-present), will facilitate this Candidate Forum, sponsored by Neighborhood WATCH. Dr. Crockett, in all of his courses, strives to introduce students to great ideas and important concepts about the nature of politics, justice, and liberty. Yes, he is related (as a first cousin five times removed) to the famous Davy Crockett, and he enjoys giving tours of the Alamo. Dr. Crockett was a communications officer in the U.S. Army after college. His primary teaching and research interests are in the field of American politics, with focus on the American presidency. He has authored numerous publications concerning the leadership and electoral dilemmas confronted by presidents from the opposition party. Dr. Crockett currently teaches American Politics, American Presidency, Elections and Campaigns, and Classical Political Thought. Dr. Crockett will facilitate the Candidate Forum to include YOUR questions. Please put “Shavano Park Candidate Forum” in the subject and email your question/s directly to Dr. Crockett at dcrocket@trinity.edu. Also, provide him with a short rationale why your question is important to the electorate in Shavano Park. IT’S NOT TOO EARLY…DO IT NOW, AND THEN MARK YOUR CALENDARS TO ATTEND! SHAVANOPARK.ORG Page 13 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK Important Dates for Candidates City of Shavano Park, Texas General Election – May 7, 2016 January 20, 2016 First day to file an application for a place on the ballot April 25, 2016 First day for Early Voting by personal appearance February 19, 2016 Last day to file an application for a place on the ballot (Must be received by 5 p.m.) April 29, 2016 Due date for filing 2nd report of candidate/ officeholder campaign finance report (Must be received by 5 p.m. or midnight if filed electronically) February 26, 2016 Last day for a candidate to withdraw application for a place on the ballot (Must be received in writing by 5 p.m.) May 03, 2016 Last day for Early Voting by personal appearance at the Shavano Park City Hall February 25-29, 2016 Conduct drawing for order of names on ballot (Date subject to change – all candidates will be notified) April 07, 2016 Last day to submit voter registration application in time to vote at May 7th election April 07, 2016 Due date for filing 1st report of candidate/ officeholder campaign finance report (Must be received by 5 p.m. or midnight if filed electronically) May 07, 2016 ***ELECTION DAY*** 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. May 10-18, 2016 Period for Official canvass (Date subject to change – all candidates will be notified) Oaths of office for newly elected officials (Date subject to change – all candidates will be notified) July 15, 2016 Last day for timely filing of semi-annual report of contributions and expenditures from campaigns. D.A. DESIGNS The Month of Love is here, In addition to your loved ones, do your furniture and drapes need a little love too? Just give us a call, We’ll help you with all. RENE PIÑA Oak Wilt Specialist 7380 Grissom Rd. San Antonio, TX 78251 Providing Quality Service Since 1989 210.561.0155 www.artistictrees.net Certified Arborist #TX-3713A CALL (210) 601-2436 or Professional Tree & Landscaping Service Experienced • Dependable • Caring Email deanallendesigns@gmail.com Locally owned and operated SHAVANOPARK.ORG Page 14 FEBRUARY 2016 Oak Tree Trimming is over til July! A tree trimming permit must be obtained from the City of Shavano Park prior to the trimming of any type of Oak tree. Oak trees may only be trimmed during the months of December & January and July, August & September in an effort to prevent the spread of oak wilt. You may trim any other species of trees at any time without a tree trimming permit. If you have an emergency situation (tree damage) caused by wind or other accident, you may trim the damaged limb, however, you must first obtain an emergency tree trimming permit from the City of Shavano Park. Please contact the permitting office at 493-3478 x200 for additional information. Please be sure to paint the wound immediately after cutting. Due to scheduling constraints, brush/large item pickup does not coincide with our approved tree trimming months. Please do not trim your Oaks at this time. Please help us protect our beautiful Oak trees. The next “move” is yours... Make it a good one! Full Service Apartments, Assisted Living and Neighborhood of Homes You’ll be surprised how easy it is to leave the cooking, cleaning and home maintenance behind! Call us for lunch and a tour to see why everyone loves living at Independence Hill! 20450 Huebner Road, San Antonio, Texas 78258 SHAVANOPARK.ORG (210) 209-8404 www.independencehill.com Lic #100102 Page 15 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK SHAVANO PARK BRUSH PICK UP Insured & Bonded The annual Brush/Bulky pick up is scheduled for February 22nd – 26th. There is a ten (10) cubic yard limit per household, any amount exceeding this limit will not be picked up and will be reported to the City. For comparison - One (1) cubic yard is two (2) 95 gallon carts. Citizens are provided one (1) 95 gallon cart. NO JOB TOO SMALL--WE DO IT ALL •Residential •Commercial (210) 684-8500 License TECL # 30576 Accepted Materials: www.alamohandymantx.com www.facebook.com/alamohandymantx https://twitter.com/alamohandyman Shrubs / Tree Branches / Woody Vines / Other herbaceous and woody plants BBQ grills (without compressed gas tanks) Materials Not Accepted: Carpeting Household Trash Fencing Hazardous Materials (paints, household cleaners) Furniture Compressed Gas Tanks Mattresses Tires Toilets Televisions Water heaters Computers Appliances ***Refrigerators, freezers, and a/c window units will be collected only if refrigerant has been removed and the appliance is tagged and certified, indicating removal of refrigerant***. Medical Waste ADVERTISE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD NEWSLETTER CONTACT US TODAY! Sales@NeighborhoodNews.com Appliances with refrigerant that have not been removed and certified. Part time position for Small office in Castle Hills. Be right-hand to Certified Financial Planner. Process applications for insurance and securities products, provide customer service to clients, misc office duties. Background check will be req’d. Email Resume To: JAKusch@sbcglobal.net SHAVANOPARK.ORG E. L. Smith Plumbing Since 1948 www.elsmith.com 210-736-1606 M-8217 CITY OF SHAVANO PARK 900 SADDLETREE COURT (210) 493-3478 SHAVANOPARK.0RG PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN ANTONIO,TX PERMIT NO. 1568 Time Dated FEBRUARY 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday 2 3 Thursday Friday Saturday 4 5 6 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. R R 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 26 27 Presidents' Day City Offices Closed Joint Primary Election Early Voting(16th – 26th)* R 21 22 Municipal Court @ 4:00 p.m. R 23 24 25 City Council Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. Shavano Park Brush Pick Up (22nd-26th) 28 29 MARCH 2016 Mar. 1 Joint Primary Election Mar. 2 Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. Mar. 17Municipal Court@4:00 p.m. Mar. 28 City Council Meeting @6:30 p.m. R- Recycle Day *check www.shavanopark.org for hours / locations Published and distributed by: Neighborhood News, Inc. 3740 Colony Drive Suite 120 San Antonio, TX 78230 (210) 558-3160 * (210) 558-3163 fax Info@NeighborhoodNews.com www.NeighborhoodNews.com For advertising sales and information please call or send an email to Sales@NeighborhoodNews.com Articles that appear in Shavano Park newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of Neighborhood News, Inc. and their publication does not constitute an endorsement therein. The appearance of any advertisement in Summerfield newsletter does not constitute an endorsement by Neighborhood News, Inc. of the goods or services advertised. Neighborhood News, Inc. is not responsible for errors beyond the cost of the actual ad space. Any publication of Neighborhood News, Inc., whether draft or final is the sole property of Neighborhood News, Inc. and cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way, whether in print or electronically, without the express written consent of Neighborhood News, Inc. ©Neighborhood News, Inc.
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