dgsc news network - Downers Grove Sportsmen`s Club
dgsc news network - Downers Grove Sportsmen`s Club
Volume 10, Issue 2 DGSC NEWS NETWORK February 2010 UpComing Events From The President’s Desk: ∗ Feb 8th 7pm ~ Board Meeting During the past few weeks I have spent a lot of time looking at DGSC history and talking to many of our long time members. We are celebrating our 60th year in 2010. This is based upon the official incorporation of Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club as a not for profit corporation With the State of Illinois in 1950. I also found a short write up and some old By Laws that reflect our current set in many ways. There was also history that states that Downers Grove Sportsman’s (with an A) was formed in 1936 by a group of individuals “dedicated to the conservation of our natural resources, forests and waters, and the propagation of game and wildlife.” Interesting reading but the fact we are still (74 years later) an organization with a common goal is a huge accomplishment. I also spend a lot of time at the club because I enjoy what our club has to offer. This past week one of our new Shooting members (January 2010) ask me what he could do to help DGSC. If we all looked at the club in the same manner we will be here for many years to come. Spring is coming and there are many projects in the works. We can use everyone’s input to make 2010 our best year yet! See you at the club Jim Olin ∗ Feb 20th 2pm ~ AIM Program `10 Registration ∗ Feb 28th ~ 1pm Erienna Hunt Club Tower Shoot to Benefit AIM Program ∗ March 7th ~ Dog Bird Challenge ∗ March 13th ~ St Patrick Fundraiser Heartland Flyers - AIM ∗ March 21st ~ General Membership Meeting 8:30am ∗ March 27th ~ Possible Recob Visit ∗ April 24th ~ Eric Weikum Shoot Announcements: • Condolences to Frank DeGrazia who sadly lost his mother • Condolences to Ronald & Maurice Johnson who sadly lost their mother • Condolences to John Dolezal who sadly lost his mother in law • Tuesday(s) Fox River Distributors *www.downersgrovesc.com for more information Vice President’s Remarks: Thank you to everyone that has turned in their renewal applications with all the proper copies and information. Please make sure when you get new NRA and/or FOID cards to please turn in a copy at the club so we have a valid NRA and FOID expiration date on file. Thank you also to The Fredricks who have completed the initial set of 2010 badges to date. Please make sure you stop at the club and request your new badge and start wearing it. If you have any problems with your badge or your badge isn’t there please contact either myself or Deb and we will correct the issue. Finally for those looking to fulfill some Probationary Hours I have some clerical filing work that needs to be done. Please contact me via email or phone if your interested in picking up some needed hours. Dan Lucsay Shotgun Sports Review: Greetings Shooters, Winter has finally got us in it’s grip, but the club is open for our enjoyment! As stated before the club will be open weather permitting, but please call to ensure that it is in fact open. Our workers are definitely willing to work in this weather for our enjoyment so please give them an “Atta boy” when you see them. Tuesday seems to be the big day during the week, and there is a chance that we will be keeping the club open later on Tuesdays or maybe on another day. When the weather gets a bit nicer we will be open on the 1st Wednesday of each month for ATA Targets Only for those that wish to get some registered targets in for the year. I didn’t have the minimum in for last year for several reasons, but this should help those that are trying to get the numbers. We will have to have 3 shooters for each venue (i.e. 16yrd, handicap, doubles). The price will get cheaper as you shoot more targets resulting in savings for the shooter. Also on the 3rd Thursday of the month there will be a Big 50 program for those interested in registering targets that way again at a substantial savings to the shooter. The calendar for this year is filling up fast so if your contemplating an event at the club please contact myself or a board member to get it setup. We’d like to accommodate all events members wish to have so we need to coordinate dates asap. This is your club so if you’d like to give something a try please let one of us know and we will give it a try. See you on the firing line. Rick Gibbs D GSC N E WS N E T WO R K PAGE 2 Officers President Jim Olin (815) 922-0000 jolin@downersgrovesc.com Vice President & Membership Dan Lucsay (815) 207-1375 dlucsay@downersgrovesc.com Secretary Don Fredrick (630) 746-7885 dfredrick@downersgrovesc.com Treasurer Frank DeGrazia (773) 927-3007 fdegrazia@downersgrovesc.com Directors Buildings Debra Fredrick (630) 862-9971 debrafredrick@downersgrovesc.com Entertainment Jan Groynch (630) 759-5971 jgronych@downersgrovesc.com Grounds Pete Weber (815) 730-0078 pweber@downersgrovesc.com Hunting & Fishing Chuck Feuillan (312) 316-3352 cfeuillan@downersgrovesc.com Legal & Insurance Mike Gucciard (773) 881-4817 mgucciard@downersgrovesc.com Maintenance Mark Gronych (815) 634-2833 mgronych@downersgrovesc.com NRA John Dolezal (708) 246-0945 jdolezal@downersgrovesc.com Shotgun Sports Rick Gibbs (815) 476-5052 rgibbs@downersgrovesc.com Youth & Community Relations Dean Merkle (708) 935-0800 dmerkle@downersgrovesc.com Other Club Support ATA Jeff Gibbs (815) 478-4494 jgibbs@downersgrovesc.com Communications (WebMaster, Newsletter) Debra Fredrick (630) 862-9971 debrafredrick@downersgrovesc.com Renew Your NRA at the Club V O LU M E 1 0 , ISSU E 2 Hunting/Fishing News: With the State upland season over, hunting is now for released birds only. Remember to put leg tags on all harvested birds before leaving the club. On March 7th we will hold the 1st annual DGSC Bird dog Challenge. A hunter and his dog will have 15 minutes to harvest 4 birds. The doubles class will give 2 hunters and their dog 20 minutes to harvest 6 birds. There will be separate Pointing, flushing and puppy classes. Cost will be $75 for single hunters and $125 for doubles. Complete rules and entry forms are available at the club. Chuck Feuillan Youth/Community Relations: February has many events for the 2010 AIM Youth Program - Heartland Flyers. To start Saturday Feb 20th we will be holding our 2010 registration. The meeting will start at 2pm. This meeting is for all existing shooters/ families and any one else interested in getting their young shooters involved in the team. Beginners in the sport are always welcome. Then on Sunday February 28th 1pm there will be a benefit tower shoot for the AIM Youth Program – Heartland Flyers. This tower shoot will be held at Erienna Hunt Club. The tower shoot will cost $125 with a clean up shoot afterwards, 50/50, and dinner. Please contact me if you have any questions and are interested. Dean Merkle Sporting Clays/5 Stand News: Club Shoots and NSCA Shoots are planned and on the calendar for 2010. First shoot of 2010 will be a Sporting Clay DGSC Club Shoot on May 8th. Please continue to check the DGSC website and newsletter calendar for reminders of these dates. We can always use volunteers on the days of Club Shoots and will need them for the NSCA shoots we are running this year. Please contact Mark Gronych if your interested. The Winter is still hitting hard, if you’d like to shoot the Sporting Clay Course please make sure to call ahead and make sure its open. Mark Gronych ATA News: 2010 ATA shoots hosted by DGSC are listed on the DGSC website and are in the 2010 club calendar. The first DGSC ATA shoot of 2010 is in July, however there will be a few Target Only and Big 50s at DGSC before then. As always volunteers are very much needed and appreciated – please contact Jeff Gibbs if your interested in helping out. Jeff Gibbs Legal/Insurance Information: Remember due to the fact that there are already two Bylaw changes to be considered at the next Senior Member’s meeting in March, the Board agreed to hold publication of the updated Bylaws until those motions were considered. The Board has agreed that the best way to have timely updated Bylaws is to publish them on the DGSC web site. Members can then download or print the information on their computers. For those members who are not able to access the DGSC web site, copies of the Bylaws will be printed and provided to you. Please contact Mike Gucciard by phone at 708-254-2614, or by e-mail at mpgucciard@yahoo.com if you have any questions or request. Mike Gucciard Remember SAVE TIME & MONEY renew your NRA at the club while you’re there shooting. 1 yr renewal/membership $25 when done at DGSC PAGE 3 D GSC N E WS N E T WO R K V O LU M E 1 0 , ISSU E 2 Proposed By Law Change to be voted on @ March General Membership Meeting: Article XIII. Finances and Fiscal Year Section 4 A committee designated by the Board of Directors and submitted at a regular general membership meeting of the Club shall make a thorough audit of the financial records of the Club at least once each year. Submitted at Dec 2009 General Membership Meeting add statement - Audit results will be reported to the board of directors and general membership. Proposed By Law Change to be voted on @ March General Membership Meeting: Article V. Duties of Officers Section 3. Treasurer (Portion of Interest) The Treasurer, with input from the President and all Committee chairs, will prepare an annual budget. The budget will be presented to Board of Directors' on or before the March meeting. Based on discussions at that meeting the Treasurer will finalize the annual budget and the President will present the final annual budget to the membership for approval on or before the March General Members Meeting. The Board will not approve or authorize extraordinary expenditures until the annual budget has been approved. If the Treasurer fails to prepare a proposed budget or if the President fails to present the proposed budget or if the Board of Directors fails to recommend the proposed budget, the budget last approved by the Board of Directors shall be the budget adopted subject to the amendment by the Board of Directors. Submitted at Dec 2009 General Membership Meeting change procedure to be - The Annual Budget process should begin at the Sept General Membership Meeting, with a presentation of the final budget at the Dec General Membership Meeting for Approval. V O LU M E 1 0 , ISSU E 2 D GSC N E WS N E T WO R K PAGE 4 If you have any dates that you would like added to the calendar, or if you have any information to include in the newsletter please contact a Board Member. ATA Shoots @ DGSC Sat July 17th & Sun July 18th ~ Chicago Grand Sun Aug 22nd ~ Northern Zone Indian Shoot Sat Sept 11th & Sun Sept 12th ~ Northern Zone Sun Oct 3rd ~ Grundy County Fall Handicap Targets Only @ DGSC TBD (Possible 1st Wed of month) Big 50s @ DGSC TBD (Possible 2nd Thurs of month) NSCA Shoots @ DGSC Sat July 31st & Sun Aug 1st Sat Sept 25th & Sun Sept 26th Sporting Clay Club Shoots @ DGSC Sat May 8th, Sun June 13th, Sat July 10th, Sun Aug 15th, Sat Sept 11th General Membership Meetings DGSC Sunday Morning 8:30am • March 21st • November 21st • December 19th Home Run Inn ~ Darien Monday Night 7:00pm 2010 DGSC Flea Market planned for May 8th - More details to come! • May 17th • July 19th • September 20th Advertisements Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club Address: 4700 W. Old Stage Road P.O. Box 270 Morris, Illinois 60450 Phone: 815/941-1366 Web: www.downersgrovesc.com Email: dgsc@downersgrovesc.com Merkle Tile CERAMIC MABLE GRANITE CUSTOM CERAMIC and STONE INSTALLATION Free Estimates Insured Dean Merkle 708-935-0800 8/08 5-08 5-09 5-08 5-08 5-08 5-06 5-08 5-08 Downers Grove Sportsmen’s Club P.O. Box 270 Morris, IL 60450 g Meetin s r e b m e enior M S AM t x e N , 8: 30 t s 1 2 b March en’s Clu m Sunday s t r o Sp Grove s r e n w At Do FIRST CLASS
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