THRiVE-2 Supervisors


THRiVE-2 Supervisors
THRiVE-2 Supervisors
1. Kennedy
Gulu University
Area of expertise
Significant publications in area of expertise
(list up to five)
Educational Psychology
1. Amone-P Olak K, Otim BN, Opio G, Ovuga E, MeiserStedman R. War experiences and psychotic symptoms
among former child soldiers in Northern Uganda: the
mediating role of post-war hardships – the WAYS Study.
South African Journal of Psychology, Published Online
first: [24 Oct 2014].
DOI: 10.1177/0081246314556567
2. Amone-P Olak K, Lekhutlile T, Meiser-Stedman R, Ovuga
E. Mediators of the relation between war experiences and
suicidal ideation among former child soldiers in Northern
Uganda: the WAYS study. BMC Psychiatry.
2014 Sep 24;14(1):271. DOI:10.1186/s12888-014-0271-2
3. Amone-P’Olak K, Ovuga E, Croudace TJ, Jones PB,
Abbott R. (In Press).The influence of different types of war
experiences on depression and anxiety in a Ugandan
cohort of war-affected youth: the WAYS study. Social
Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Published
Online First: [10 April 2014]; 0:1–10.
4. Amone-P’Olak K, Jones PB, Meiser-Stedman R, Abbott
RA, Ayella-Ataro PS, Amone J, Ovuga E. War
experiences, general functioning and barriers to care
among former child soldiers in Northern Uganda: the
WAYS study. J Public Health 2014;0:1–9.
5. Amone-P’Olak K, Stochl J, Ovuga E, Abbott R, MeiserStedman R, Croudace TJ, Jones PB. Postwar
environment and long-term mental health problems in
former child soldiers in Northern Uganda: the WAYS
study. J Epidemiol Community Health 2014; 68(5): 425430. DOI:10.1136/jech-2013-203042
2. Elizabeth Auma
Gulu University
3. James Okello
Gulu University
Infectious Diseases and
Neglected Tropical
1. Meyer AC, Kendi CK, Penner JA, Odhiambo N, Otieno B,
Omondi E, Opiyo E, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR. The impact of
routine cryptococcal antigen screening on survival among
HIV-infected individuals with advanced
immunosuppression in Kenya. Trop Med Int Health. 2013
2. Mutika GN, Opiyo E, Robinson AS. Assessing mating
performance of male Glossina pallidipes (Diptera:
Glossinidae) using a walk-in field cage. Bull Entomol Res.
2001 Aug;91(4):281-8.
3. Bosompem KM, Masake RA, Assoku RK, Opiyo EA,
Nantulya VM. Field evaluation of a dot-ELISA for the
detection and differentiation of trypanosome species in
infected tsetse flies (Glossina spp.). Parasitology. 1996
Feb;112 ( Pt 2):205-11.
4. Wellde BT, Chumo DA, Onyango FK, Reardon MJ,
Roberts LM, Njogu AR, Opiyo EA. Trypanosoma vivax:
disseminated intravascular coagulation in cattle. Ann Trop
Med Parasitol. 1989 Aug;83 Suppl 1:177-83.
5. Wellde BT, Waema D, Chumo DA, Reardon MJ, Oloo F,
Njogu AR, Opiyo EA, Mugutu S.Review of tsetse control
measures taken in the Lambwe Valley in 1980-1984. Ann
Trop Med Parasitol. 1989 Aug;83 Suppl 1:119-25.
Child Psychiatry
1. Okello J, De Schryver M, Musisi S, Broekaert E, Derluyn
I. Differential roles of childhood adversities and stressful
war experiences in the development of mental health
symptoms in post-war adolescents in northern Uganda.
BMC Psychiatry. 2014 Sep 9;14(1):260.
2. Nakimuli-Mpungu E, Wamala K, Okello J, Alderman S,
Odokonyero R, Musisi S, Mojtabai R, Mills EJ. Outcomes,
feasibility and acceptability of a group support
psychotherapeutic intervention for depressed HIV affected
Ugandan adults: a pilot study. J Affect Disord. 2014
3. Nakimuli-Mpungu E, Wamala K, Okello J, Alderman S,
Odokonyero R, Musisi S, Mojtabai R. Developing a
culturally sensitive group support intervention for
depression among HIV infected and non-infected
Ugandan adults: a qualitative study. J Affect Disord. 2014
Jul;163:10-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2014.03.042. Epub 2014
Apr 1.
4. Klasen F, Reissmann S, Voss C, Okello J. The Guiltless
Guilty: Trauma-Related Guilt and Psychopathology in
Former Ugandan Child Soldiers. Child Psychiatry Hum
Dev. 2014 May 16.
5. Okello J, Nakimuli-Mpungu E, Musisi S, Broekaert E,
Derluyn I. The association between attachment and
mental health symptoms among school-going adolescents
in northern Uganda: the moderating role of war-related
trauma. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 10;9(3):e88494.
4. Grace AkelloAyebare
Gulu University
Medical Anthropology
1. Akello., G, K.J. Fisher & Z. Goldstein (2014) Silenced:
psychosocial interventions and neglected priorities in wartorn northern Uganda. Innovia 22:5-10.
2. Van den Berg, S., G. Akello & S. Sonpar (2013) The first
decade of intervention: facts, figures, trends.
Intervention11(1) 52-76.
3. Akello, G.(2012) The importance of the autobiographic self
during research among wartime children in northern
Uganda. Medische Atropologie 24(2) 289-300.
4. Akello, G., Richters A. & Ovuga E. (2011) Children's
management of compliants symptomatic of psychological
distress. A critical analysis of the different approaches in
northern Uganda. African journal of traumatic stress 1(2)
5. Akello, G., Richters, A., Reis R., (2010) Silencing
distressed children in the context of war: An analysis of its
causes and health consequences. Social Sciences &
medicine 71(2): 213-220.
5. Constantine
Steven Loum
Gulu University
Medical Anthropology
1. Loum, L.S.C. (2014). Caregiving and the experience of
health and illness in children living with HIV/AIDS in Gulu
district northern Uganda: an ethnographic research
narrative. The Patient Experience Journal, Vol. 1(1; 20):
153-162. Available at:
2. Olayo, R., Wafula, C., Aseyo, E., Loum, C. And Kaseje D.
(2014). A quasi-experimental assessment of the
effectiveness of the community health strategy on health
outcomes in Kenya. BMC Health Services Research;
14(Suppl 1):S3) doi:10.1186/1472-6963-14-S1-S3
3. Loum, L.S.C. (2013). Understanding the linkages in
organizational and human relations: A review of social
network analysis. The Qualitative Report, 19(Rev. 1), 1-6.
4. Loum, L.S.C. (2013). Strategies for data gathering and
reporting voices from the field: A review of Applied
Ethnography: Guidelines for field research. The Qualitative
Report, 18(Rev. 22), 1-7.
5. Loum, L.S.C. (2013). Choices, responsibility, and tradeoffs: A review of designing research in the social sciences.
The Qualitative Report, 18(Rev. 13), 1-4.
6. Emilio Ovuga
Gulu University
Mental Health
1. Elialilia S. Okello, Catherine Abbo, Wilson W. Muhwezi,
7. Eugene
mental health/HIV
interface, mental health
epidemiology, suicidology
Grace Akello, Emilio Ovuga. Mental health literacy
among secondary school students in North and Central
Uganda: a qualitative study, World Cultural Psychiatry
Research Review 2014, 9 (3): 70-80
Yukari C Manabe, James D Campbell, Emilio Ovuga,
Samuel Maling, Robert C Bollinger, Nelson Sewankambo;
Optimisation of the Medical Education Partnership
Initiative to address African health-care challenges; Vol 2 July 2014, e392
Sarah Wilker, Iris Kolassa, Dominique de Quervain,
Andreas Papassotiropoulos, Anett Pfeiffer, Birke
Lingenfelder, Emilio Ovuga, Thomas Elbert, The Role of
FKBP5 Genotype in Moderating Long-Term Effectiveness
of Exposure-Based Psychotherapy for Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder; Translational Psychiatry (2014) 4, e403;
Amone-P Olak K, Otim BN, Opio G, Ovuga E, MeiserStedman R. War experiences and psychotic
among former child soldiers in Northern Uganda: the
mediating role of post-war hardships the WAYS Study.
South African Journal of Psychology, Published Online
first: [24 Oct 2014]. [Epub ahead of print]. DOI:
Amone-P Olak K, Lekhutlile T, Meiser-Stedman R, Ovuga
E. Mediators of the relation between war experiences and
suicidal ideation among former child soldiers in Northern
Uganda: the WAYS study. BMC Psychiatry. 2014 Sep
24;14(1):271. [Epub ahead of print] DOI:10.1186/s12888014-0271-2
1. Kinyanda E, Weiss HA, Mungherera M, Onyango-Mangen
P, Ngabirano E, Kajungu R, Kagugube J, Muhwezi W,
Muron J, Patel V. Prevalence and risk factors of attempted
8. Janet Seeley
social aspects of health,
HIV, non-communicable
diseases (NCDs), poverty,
suicide in adult war-affected population of eastern
Uganda. Crisis. 2013;34(5):314-23.
Kinyanda E, Kizza R, Abbo C, Ndyanabangi S, Levin J.
Prevalence and risk factors of depression in childhood and
adolescence as seen in four districts of North-Eastern
Uganda. BMC Int Health Hum Rights. 2013; 13:19.
Kinyanda E, Hoskins S, Nakku J, Nawaz S, Patel V.
Prevalence and risk factors of major depressive disorder
in HIV/AIDS as seen in semi-urban Entebbe district,
Uganda. BMC Psychiatry. 2011; 11:205.
Kinyanda E, Wamala D, Musisi S, Hjelmeland H. Suicide
in urban Kampala, Uganda: a preliminary exploration. Afr
Health Sci. 2011; 11(2):219-27.
Maling S, Todd J, Van der Paal L, Grosskurth H, Kinyanda
E. HIV-1 seroprevalence and risk factors for HIV infection
among first-time psychiatricadmissions in Uganda. AIDS
Care. 2011; 23(2):171-8.
1. Kasedde, S., A. M. Doyle, J. A. Seeley and D. Ross
(2014). "They are not always a burden: Older people and
child fostering in Uganda during the HIV epidemic." Social
Science and Medicine 113: 161-168.
2. Mbonye, M., R. Rutakumwa, H. Weiss and J. Seeley
(2014). "Alcohol consumption and high risk sexual
behaviour among female sex workers in Uganda." African
Journal of AIDS Research 13(2): 145-151.
3. Riha, J., A. Karabarinde, G. Ssenyomo, S. Allender, G.
Asiki, A. Kamali, E. H. Young, M. S. Sandhu and J. Seeley
(2014). "Urbanicity and Lifestyle Risk Factors for
Cardiometabolic Diseases in Rural Uganda: A CrossSectional Study." PLoS Medicine 11(7): e1001683.
4. Bernays, S., J. Seeley, T. Rhodes and Z. Mupambireyi
(2014). "What am I ‘living’ with? Growing up with HIV in
Uganda and Zimbabwe." Sociology of Health and Illness
(in press).
de Vries, J., A. Abayomi, J. Brandful, K. Littler, E.
Madden, P. Marshall, O. Oukem-Boyer and J. Seeley (2014).
"A perpetual source of DNA or something really different:
ethical issues in the creation of cell lines for African genomics
research." BMC Medical Ethics 15(1): 60.
9. Anatoli Kamali
HIV epidemiology, NCD
epidemiology, Microbicide
and vaccine trials
1. Price MA, Wallis CL, Lakhi S, Karita E, Kamali A, Anzala
O, Sanders EJ, Bekker L, Twesigye R, Hunter E, Kaleebu
P, Kayitenkore K, Allen S, Ruzagira E, Mwangome M,
Mutua G, Amornkul PN, Stevens G, Pond S, Schaefer M,
Papathanasopoulos M, Stevens W, Gilmour J.
Transmitted HIV Type 1 drug resistance among individuals
with recent HIV infection in East and Southern Africa.
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses 2011; 27:5-12.
2. Ramjee G, Kamali A, McCormack S: The last decade of
microbicide clinical trials in Africa: from hypothesis to
facts. AIDS 2010; 24(Suppl 4):S40–S49.
3. McCormack S, Ramjee G, Kamali A, Rees H, Crook AM,
Gafos M, Jentsch U, Pool R, Chisembele M, Kapiga S,
Mutemwa R, Vallely A, Palanee T, Sookrajh Y, Lacey CJ,
Darbyshire J, Grosskurth H, Profy A, Nunn A, Hayes R,
Weber J. PRO2000 vaginal gel for prevention of HIV-1
infection (Microbicides Development Programme 301): a
phase 3, randomised, double-blind, parallel-group trial.
Lancet 2010; 376(9749):1329-1337.
4. Parkes-Ratanshi R, Bufumbo L, Nyanzi-Wakholi B, Levin
J, Grosskurth H, Lalloo DG, Kamali A. Barriers to starting
ART and how they can be overcome: individual and
operational factors associated with early and late start of
treatment. Tropical Medicine and International Health
2010 Nov;15(11):1347-1356.
5. Kamali A. What is new in HIV⁄AIDS research in developing
countries? Tropical Medicine and International Health
2010; 15(8):975-980.
10. Pala Pietro
11. Jennifer
1. Pala P, Message S, Johnston S, Openshaw P. Increased
aeroallergen-specific IL-4 producing T cells in asthmatic
adults. Clinical Experimental Allergy 2002; 32:1739-1744.
2. Pala P, Bjarnason R, Sigurbergsson F, Sigurs N,
Openshaw PJM. Enhanced IL-4 responses in children with
a history of respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis in
infancy. European Respiratory Journal 2002; 20:376-382.
3. Pala P, Hussell T, Openshaw P. Flow cytometric
Measurement of Intracellular Cytokines: application to
immunopathology. Journal of Immunological Methods
2000; 243:107-124.
4. Pala P, Verhoef A, Lamb JR, Openshaw PJM. Single cell
analysis of cytokine expression kinetics by human CD4+ T
cell clones during activation or tolerance induction.
Immunology 2000; 49:1-12.
5. Bruck C, Thiriart C, Fabry L, Francotte M, Pala P, Van
Opstal O, Culp J, Rosenberg M, De Wilde M, Heidt P,
Heeney J. HIV-1 envelope-elicited neutralizing antibody
titres correlate with protection and virus load in
chimpanzees. Vaccine 1994; 12:1141-1148.
1. Serwanga J, Mugaba S, Betty A, Pimego E, Walker S,
Munderi P, Gilks C, Gotch F, Gorsskurth H, Kaleebu P.
CD8 T-Cell Responses before and after Structured
Treatment Interruption in Ugandan Adults Who Initiated
ART with CD4 T Cells <200 Cell/μL: The DART Trial STI
2. Chen H, Xiang ZQ, Li Y, Kurupati RK, Jia B, Bian A, Zhou
DM, Hutnick N, Yuan S, Gray C, Serwanga J, Auma B,
Kaleebu P, Zhou X, Betts MR, Ertl HC. Adenovirus-based
vaccines: comparison of vectors from three species of
adenoviridae. Journal of Virology 2010; 84(20):10522-32.
3. Walker LM, Phogat SK, Chan-Hui PY, Wagner D, Phung
P, Goss JL, Wrin T, Simek MD, Fling S, Mitcham JL,
Lehrman JK, Priddy FH, Olsen OA, Frey SM, Hammond
PW, Protocol G Principal Investigators, Kaminsky S, Zamb
T, Moyle M, Koff WC, Poignard P, Burton DR. Broad and
potent neutralizing antibodies from an African donor reveal
a new HIV-1 vaccine target. Science 2009;
4. Serwanga J, Shafer LA, Pimego E, Auma B, Watera C,
Rowland S, Yirrell D, Pala P, Grosskurth H, Whitworth J,
Gotch F, Kaleebu. Host HLA B*allele-associated multiclade Gag T-cell recognition correlates with slow HIV-1
disease progression in antiretroviral therapy-naïve
5. Ndembi N, Lyagoba F, Nanteza B, Kushemererwa G,
Serwanga J, Katongole-Mbidde E, Grosskurth H, Kaleebu
P, Uganda HIV Drug Resistance Working Group.
Transmitted antiretroviral drug resistance surveillance
among newly HIV type 1-diagnosed women attending an
antenatal clinic in Entebbe, Uganda. AIDS Research and
Human Retroviruses 2008; 24(6):889-895.
12. Margaret
development in children
Mpairwe H, Ndibazza J, Webb EL, Nampijja M, Muhangi
L, Apule B, Lule S, Akurut H, Kizito D, Kakande M,
Jones FM, Fitzsimmons CM, Muwanga M, Rodrigues
LC, Dunne DW, Elliott AM. Maternal hookworm modifies
risk factors for childhood eczema: results from a birth
cohort in Uganda. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2014;
13. Jacqueline K
Muhangi L, Lule SA, Mpairwe H, Ndibazza J, Kizza M,
Nampijja M, Nakazibwe E, Kihembo M, Elliott AM, Webb
EL. Maternal HIV infection and other factors associated
with growth outcomes of HIV-uninfected infants in
Entebbe, Uganda. Public Health Nutr. 2013; 16(9):154857.
Nampijja M, Apule B, Lule S, Akurut H, Muhangi L,
Webb EL, Lewis C, Elliott AM, Alcock KJ. Effects of
maternal worm infections and anthelminthic treatment
during pregnancy on infant motor and neurocognitive
functioning. J Int Neuropsychol Soc. 2012;18(6):101930.
Nampijja M, Apule B, Lule S, Akurut H, Muhangi L,
Elliott AM, Alcock KJ.Adaptation of Western measures
of cognition for assessing 5-year-old semi-urban
Ugandan children. Br J Educ Psychol. 2010; 80(Pt
Elliott AM, Kizza M, Quigley MA, Ndibazza J, Nampijja
M, Muhangi L, Morison L, Namujju PB, Muwanga M,
Kabatereine N, Whitworth JA. The impact of helminths
on the response to immunization and on the incidence of
infection and disease in childhood in Uganda: design of
a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, factorial
trial of deworming interventions delivered in pregnancy
and early childhood. Clin Trials. 2007;4(1):42-57.
1. Webb EL, Kyosiimire-Lugemwa J, Kizito D, Nkurunziza P,
Lule S, Muhangi L,Muwanga M, Kaleebu P, Elliott AM.
The effect of anthelmintic treatment during pregnancy on
HIV plasma viral load: results from a randomized, doubleblind,placebo-controlled trial in Uganda. J Acquir Immune
Defic Syndr. 2012; 60(3):307-13.
2. Webb EL, Mawa PA, Ndibazza J, Kizito D, Namatovu A,
Kyosiimire-Lugemwa J,Nanteza B, Nampijja M, Muhangi
L, Woodburn PW, Akurut H, Mpairwe H, Akello M, Lyadda
N, Bukusuba J, Kihembo M, Kizza M, Kizindo R, Nabulime
J, Ameke C, Namujju PB, Tweyongyere R, Muwanga M,
Whitworth JA, Elliott AM. Effect of single-dose anthelmintic
treatment during pregnancy on an infant's response to
immunisation and on susceptibility to infectious diseases
in infancy: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial. Lancet. 2011; 377(9759):52-62.
3. Kaleebu P, Nankya IL, Yirrell DL, Shafer LA, KyosiimireLugemwa J, Lule DB,Morgan D, Beddows S, Weber J,
Whitworth JA. Relation between chemokine receptor use,
disease stage, and HIV-1 subtypes A and D: results from
a rural Ugandan cohort. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
2007; 45(1):28-33.
4. Talisuna AO, Kyosiimire-Lugemwa J, Langi P,
Mutabingwa TK, Watkins W, Van Marck E, Egwang T,
D'Alessandro U. Role of the pfcrt codon 76 mutation as a
molecular marker for population-based surveillance of
chloroquine (CQ)-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria
in Ugandan sentinel sites with high CQ resistance. Trans
R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2002; 96(5):551-6.
5. Kyosiimire-Lugemwa J, Nalunkuma-Kazibwe AJ, Mujuzi
G, Mulindwa H, Talisuna A, Egwang TG. The Lys-76-Thr
mutation in PfCRT and chloroquine resistance in
Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Uganda. Trans R
Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2002; 96(1):91-5.
14. Rob Newton
Cancer epidemiology
1. Waddell KM, Kagame K, Ndamira A, Twinamasiko A,
Picton SV, Simmons IG, Revill P, Johnston WT, Newton
R. Improving survival of retinoblastoma in Uganda. Br J
Ophthalmol. 2015; pii: bjophthalmol-2014-306206.
2. Asiki G, Baisley K, Kamali A, Kaleebu P, Seeley J, Newton
R. A prospective study of trends in consumption of
cigarettes and alcohol among adults in a rural Ugandan
population cohort, 1994-2011. Trop Med Int Health. 2014
Dec 15. doi: 10.1111/tmi.12451.
3. Wakeham K, Johnston WT, Nalwoga A, Webb EL,
Mayanja BN, Miley W, Elliott AM, Whitby D, Newton R.
Trends in Kaposi's sarcoma-associated Herpesvirus
antibodies prior to the development of HIV-associated
Kaposi's sarcoma: A nested case-control study. Int J
Cancer. 2014;doi: 10.1002/ijc.29329.
4. Waddell KM, Kagame K, Ndamira A, Twinamasiko A,
Picton SV, Simmons IG, Johnston WT, Newton R. Clinical
features and survival among children with retinoblastoma
in Uganda. Br J Ophthalmol. 2014 Sep 12. pii:
5. Asiki G, Seeley J, Srey C, Baisley K, Lightfoot T, Archileo
K, Agol D, Abaasa A, Wakeham K, Routledge MN, Wild
CP, Newton R, Gong YY. A pilot study to evaluate
aflatoxin exposure in a rural Ugandan population. Trop
Med Int Health. 2014; 19(5):592-9.
15. Jessica
Statistics and
1. DART Trial Team. Routine versus clinically driven
laboratory monitoring of HIV antiretroviral therapy in Africa
(DART): a randomization non-inferiority trial. Lancet 2010;
375 (9709):123-131.
2. Shafer LA, Biraro S, Nakiyingi-Miiro J, Kamali A,
Ssematimba D, Ouma J, Ojwiya A, Hughes P, van der
Paal, L, Whitworth J, Opio A, Grosskurth H. HIV
prevalence and incidence are no longer falling in
southwest Uganda: evidence from a rural population
cohort 1989-2005 AIDS 2008; 22(13):1641-1649.
3. Watera C, Todd J, Mutonyi G, Miiro G, Mpendo J, Hughes
P, Nakiyingi-Miiro J, Whitworth J, Grosskurth H. Effects of
cotrimoxazole on hematologic parameters in HIV-infected
adults in a community-based clinic in Entebbe, Uganda.
Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 2007;
4. Biraro S, Morison L, Nakiyingi-Miiro J, Whitworth JAG,
Grosskurth H. The role of vertical transmission and Health
Care-related factors in HIV infection of children: A
community study in rural Uganda. Journal of Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome 2007; 44(2):222-228.
5. Cooke GS, Tosh K, Ramaley PA, Kaleebu P, Zhuang J,
Nakiyingi J, Watera C, Gilks CF, French N, Whitworth JA,
Hill AV. A Polymorphism that reduces RANTES expression
is associated with protection from death in HIV-seropositive
Ugandans with advanced disease. The Journal Infectious
Diseases 2006; 194:666-669.
16. Sam Biraro
HIV epidemiology, NCD
epidemiology, HSV
1. Kabami J, Turyakira E, Biraro S, Bajunirwe F. Increasing
incidence of pregnancy among women receiving HIV care
and treatment at a large urban facility in western Uganda.
Reprod Health. 2014; 6;11:81.
2. Biraro S, Kamali A, White R, Karabarinde A, Nsiimire
Ssendagala J, Grosskurth H, Weiss HA. Effect of HSV-2
on population-level trends in HIV incidence in Uganda
between 1990 and 2007. Trop Med Int Health. 2013
3. Zhang L, Maher D, Munyagwa M, Kasamba I, Levin J,
Biraro S, Grosskurth H. Trends in child mortality: a
prospective, population-based cohort study in a rural
population in south-west Uganda. Paediatr Int Child
Health. 2013; 33(1):23-31.
4. Biraro S, Ruzagira E, Kamali A, Whitworth J, Grosskurth
H, Weiss HA. HIV-1 transmission within marriage in rural
5. Asiki G, Murphy G, Nakiyingi-Miiro J, Seeley J, Nsubuga
RN, Karabarinde A, Waswa L, Biraro S, Kasamba I,
Pomilla C, Maher D, Young EH, Kamali A, Sandhu MS;
GPC team. The general population cohort in rural southwestern Uganda: a platform for communicable and noncommunicable disease studies. Int J Epidemiol. 2013;
17. James Okello
Gerontology Epidemiology
1. Kuteesa MO, Wright S, Seeley J, Mugisha J, Kinyanda E,
Kakembo F, Mwesigwa R, Scholten F. Experiences of
HIV-related stigma among HIV-positive older persons in
Uganda--a mixed methods analysis. SAHARA J.
2. Mugisha JO, Kuper H, Seeley J. Older people's perception
of anemia in rural southwest Uganda. J Aging Health.
2014; 26(2):316-32.
3. Mugisha JO, Baisley K, Asiki G, Seeley J, Kuper H.
Prevalence, types, risk factors and clinical correlates of
anaemia in older people in a rural Ugandan population.
PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e78394.
4. Mayanja BN, Ekoru K, Namugenyi H, Lubega R, Mugisha
JO. Patients' worries before starting antiretroviral therapy
and their association with treatment adherence and
outcomes: a prospective study in rural Uganda, 2004 2009. BMC Res Notes. 2013;6:187.
5. Mugisha J, Scholten F, Owilla S, Naidoo N, Seeley J,
Chatterji S, Kowal P,Boerma T. Caregiving responsibilities
and burden among older people by HIV status and other
determinants in Uganda. AIDS Care. 2013;25(11):1341-8.
18. Josephine
Entomology, Vector
Biology, molecular biology
1. Mulamba C, Riveron JM, Ibrahim SS, Irving H, Barnes KG,
Mukwaya LG, Birungi J, Wondji CS. Widespread
19. Godfrey Siu
Medical anthropology and
sociology (gender,
masculinity and health
seeking, parenting)
pyrethroid and DDT resistance in the major malaria vector
Anopheles funestus in East Africa is driven by metabolic
resistance mechanisms. PLoS One. 2014;9(10):e110058.
Mahamud A, Kamadjeu R, Webeck J, Mbaeyi C,
Baranyikwa MT, Birungi J, Nurbile Y, Ehrhardt D, Shukla
H, Chatterjee A, Mulugeta A. Effectiveness of oral polio
vaccination against paralytic poliomyelitis: a matched
case-control study in Somalia. J Infect Dis. 2014;210
Suppl 1:S187-93.
Kamadjeu R, Mahamud A, Webeck J, Baranyikwa MT,
Chatterjee A, Bile YN, Birungi J, Mbaeyi C, Mulugeta A.
Polio outbreak investigation and response in Somalia,
2013. J Infect Dis. 2014 Nov 1;210 Suppl 1:S181-6.
Muyanja E, Ssemaganda A, Ngauv P, Cubas R, Perrin H,
Srinivasan D, Canderan G,Lawson B, Kopycinski J,
Graham AS, Rowe DK, Smith MJ, Isern S, Michael S,
Silvestri G, Vanderford TH, Castro E, Pantaleo G, Singer
J, Gillmour J, Kiwanuka, Nanvubya A, Schmidt C, Birungi
J, Cox J, Haddad EK, Kaleebu P, Fast P, Sekaly RP,
Trautmann L. Immune activation alters cellular and
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26. Dominic Mosha
Malaria in pregnancy,
27. Matthew Kirby
malaria control, vector
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5. Njai HF, Ewings FM, Lyimo E, Foulongne V, Ngerageza
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1. Mukama LJ, Moran A, Nyindo M, Philemon R, Msuya L.
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among children with type 1 diabetes mellitus in Moshi,
Tanzania. Pediatr Diabetes. 2013 May;14(3):211-6. doi:
10.1111/pedi.12005. Epub 2013 Jan 25.
2. Neuhann HF, Warter-Neuhann C, Lyaruu I, Msuya L.
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1. Mwendo EM, Mtuy TB, Renju J, Rutherford GW, Nondi J,
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2. Todd J, Heyderman RS, Musoke P, Peto T. When enough
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1. Manongi R, Mushi D, Kessy J, Salome S, Njau B.
Does training on performance based financing make a
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1. Mukama LJ, Moran A, Nyindo M, Philemon R, Msuya L.
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2. Neuhann HF, Warter-Neuhann C, Lyaruu I, Msuya L.
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3. Nsheha AH, Dow DE, Kapanda GE, Hamel BC, Msuya
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28;17:238. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2014.17.238.2280.
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4. Mumburi LP, Hamel BC, Philemon RN, Kapanda GN,
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Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre in Moshi, Tanzania.
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5. Gray KD, Cunningham CK, Clifton DC, Afwamba IA,
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Prevalence of mycobacteremia among HIV-infected
infants and children in northern Tanzania. Pediatr Infect
Dis J. 2013 Jul;32(7):754-6.
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1. Mahande MJ, Anne Kjersti Daltveit, Joseph Obure,
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2. Mahande MJ, Anne S Dalveit, Blandina T Mmbaga,
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3. Enid Simon Chiwanga, Gileard Massenga, Pendo
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Majige Selemani, Mathew A Mwanyangala, Sigilbert
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5. Michael Johnson Mahande, Anne Kjersti Dalveit,
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Corneli AL, Deese J, Wang M, Taylor D, Ahmed K,
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A, Van Damme L; FEM-PrEP Study Group. FEMPrEP: adherence patterns and factors associated with
adherence to a daily oral study product for preexposure prophylaxis. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr.
2014 Jul 1;66(3):324-31. doi:
Manongi R, Mushi D, Kessy J, Salome S, Njau B.
50. Prof. Clifford
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Vector-borne diseases;
Integrated vector
management (IVM);
Multi-sectoral approaches
to health;
Health policy and
Does training on performance based financing make a
difference in performance and quality of health care
delivery? Health care provider's perspective in
Rungwe Tanzania. BMC Health Serv Res. 2014 Apr
4;14:154. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-154.
Mbwele B, Ide N, Mrema J, Ward Sarah A, Melnick J,
Manongi R. Learning from health care workers'
opinions for improving quality of neonatal health care
in kilimanjaro region, northeast Tanzania. Ann Med
Health Sci Res. 2014 Jan;4(1):105-14. doi:
Mujugira A, Magaret AS, Celum C, Baeten JM,
Lingappa JR, Morrow RA, Fife KH, Delany-Moretlwe
S, de Bruyn G, Bukusi EA, Karita E, Kapiga S, Corey
L, Wald A; Partners in Prevention HSV/HIV
Transmission Study TeamDaily acyclovir to decrease
herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) transmission
from HSV-2/HIV-1 coinfected persons: a randomized
controlled trial. J Infect Dis. 2013 Nov 1;208(9):136674. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jit333. Epub 2013 Jul 30.
Mbwele B, Ide NL, Reddy E, Ward SA, Melnick JA,
Masokoto FA, Manongi R. Quality of neonatal
healthcare in Kilimanjaro region, northeast Tanzania:
learning from mothers' experiences. BMC Pediatr.
2013 May 3;13:68. doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-13-68.
Mutero CM, Kramer RA, Paul C, Lesser A, Miranda ML,
Mboera LEG, Kiptui R, Kabatereine N, Ameneshewa B
(2014). Factors influencing malaria control policy-making
in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. Malaria Journal, 13:
305. Available online at:
Mutero, C.M., Schlodder, D., Kabatereine, N., Kramer, R.
(2012). Integrated vector management for malaria
control in Uganda: knowledge, perceptions and policy
Environment and health
51. Daniel Masiga,
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Vector genetics &
genomics, Molecular
Parasitology, Molecular
Systematics, Infectious
disease diagnosis and
development. Malaria Journal: 11:21. Available online at:
Ng’ang’a, P.N., Jayasinghe, G., Kimani, V., Shililu, J.,
Kabutha, C., Kabuage, L., Githure, J., Mutero, C. (2009).
Bed net use and associated factors in a rice farming
community in central Kenya. Malaria Journal, 8:64 (online
publication: ).
Kramer, R., Dickinson, K.L., Johnson, R.W., Anderson,
R.M., Fowler, V.G., Miranda, M.L., Mutero, C.M.,
Saterson, K.A., Wiener, J.B. (2009). Using decision
analysis to improve malaria control policy making. Health
Policy, 92: 133-140.
Mutero, C.M., Kabutha, C., Kimani, V., Kabuage, L.,
Gitau, G., Ssennyonga, J.,Githure, J., Muthami, L., Kaida,
A., Musyoka, L., Kiarie, E., Oganda, M. (2004). A
transdisciplinary perspective on the links between malaria
and agroecosystems in Kenya. Acta Tropica, 89: 171186
International Glossina Genome Initiative (2014).
Genome sequence of the tsetse fly (Glossina morsitans):
vector of African trypanosomiasis. Science 344: 380-6.
doi: 10.1126/science.1249656.
Obiero GF, Mireji PO, Nyanjom SR, Christoffels A,
Robertson HM, Masiga DK (2014) Odorant and
Gustatory Receptors in the Tsetse Fly Glossina
morsitans morsitans. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 8(4):e2663.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0002663.
Ciosi M, Masiga DK, Turner CMR (2014) Laboratory
Colonisation and Genetic Bottlenecks in the Tsetse Fly
Glossina pallidipes. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 8(2): e2697.
Lutomiah J, Omondi D, Masiga D, Mutai C, Mireji PO,
Ongus J, Linthicum KJ and Sand R (2014). Bloodmeal
analysis and virus detection in bloodfed mosquitoes
52. Baldwyn Torto,
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (icipe)
Chemical ecology of
collected during the 2006-2007 Rift Valley fever outbreak
in Kenya. Journal of Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases
(In Press).
Mancini E, Tammaro F, Baldini F, Calzetta M, Serrao A,
George P, Morlais I, Masiga D, Sharakhov IV, Rogers
DW, Catteruccia F, della Torre A (2011). Molecular
characterization and evolution of a gene family encoding
for male-specific reproductive proteins in the African
malaria vector Anopheles gambiae. BMC Evol Biol. 2011
Oct 6;11(1):292. PMID: 21978124.
Sabina W. Wachira, Sabar Omar, Julia W. Jacob, Martin
Wahome, Hans T Alborn, David R Spring, Daniel K
Masiga and Baldwyn Torto 2014. Toxicity of six plant
extracts and two pyridine alkaloids from Ricinus
communis against the malaria vector Anopheles
gambiae. Parasites and Vectors 7:312.
Vincent O. Nyasembe, Peter E.A. Teal, Patrick Sawa,
James H. Tumlinson, Christian Borgemeister and
Baldwyn Torto (2014). Plasmodium falciparum Infection
Increases Anopheles gambiae Attraction to Nectar
Sources and Sugar Uptake, Current Biology 24, 1-5: (highlighted in
Nature; 505, 457, 2014 doi:10.1038/505457b).
Vincent O. Nyasembe, David P. Tchouassi, Hillary K.
Kirwa, Woodbridge A. Foster, Peter E. A. Teal, Christian
Borgemeister and Baldwyn Torto (2014). Development
and Assessment of Plant-based Synthetic Odor Baits for
Surveillance and Control of Malaria Vectors. PLoS One
9(2): e89818. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089818
Tchouassi, D. P., Sang, R., Sole, C.L. Bastos, A.D.S.,
Teal, P.E.A., Borgemeister, C. and Torto, B. (2013).
Common Host-derived Chemicals Increase Catches of
Disease-transmitting Mosquitoes and can improve early
warning systems for Rift Valley Fever Virus. PLoS Negl
53. Benard Kulohoma,
54. Tobias Landmann,
Centre for Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (icipe),
Earth Observation
evolutionary biology,
population genetics and
molecular epidemiology
Trop Dis 7(1): e2007.
Tchouassi, D. P., Sang, R., Sole, C. L., Bastos, A.D.S.,
Mithoefer, K. Torto, B., (2012). Sheep Skin Odor
Improves Trap Captures of Mosquito Vectors of Rift
Valley Fever. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 6(11): e1879.
1. Piliation of invasive Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates in
the era prior to pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
introduction, in Malawi. Kulohoma BW, Gray K,
Kamng'ona A, Cornick J, Bentley SD, Heyderman RS,
Everett DB. Clin Vaccine Immunol. 2013 Nov;
2. Genomic identification of a novel cotrimoxazole
resistance genotype and its prevalence amongst
Streptococcus pneumoniae in Malawi. Cornick JE, Harris
SR, Parry CM, Moore MJ, Jassi C, Kamng'ona A,
Kulohoma B, Heyderman RS, Bentley SD, Everett DB. J
Antimicrob Chemother. 2013 Sep 29.
Population Genetic Structure of Streptococcus
pneumoniae in Kilifi, Kenya, prior to the Introduction of
Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine. Brueggemann AB,
Muroki BM, Kulohoma BW, Karani A, Wanjiru E, Morpeth
S, Kamau T, Sharif S, Scott J A G. PLoS ONE 8(11):
e81539. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0081539. 2014
Remote sensing, GIS,
1. Palamuleni, L.G., Annegarn, H.J., Landmann, T. (2010):
landscape ecology,
Land cover mapping in the Upper Shire River catchment
disease mapping, species
in Malawi using Landsat satellite data. Geocarto
diversity modelling,
International, Vol. 25 (7), pp. 503-523
integrative Earth
2. Landmann, T., Schramm, M., Colditz, R., Dietz, A., Dech,
Observation (EO)
S. (2010): Wide Area Wetland Mapping in Semi-Arid
Africa Using 250-Meter MODIS Metrics and Topographic
Variables. Remote Sensing, Vol. 2 (7), pp. 1751-1766
3. Landmann T., Schramm, M.., Huettich, C., Dech, S.
(2012): MODIS change vector analysis (CVA) for
55. Jeremy Herren,
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Endosymbiosis, Vector
Biology, Population
Genetics Microbiology,
Insect Immunity, HostParasite interactions
56. James Mutunga,
Centre of Insect
Insect Toxicology,
Insecticide Resistance,
assessing climate induced dynamics within the Linyanti
wetland in Southern Africa, Remote Sensing Letters,
Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 1-10
Landmann, T. and Dubovyk, O. (2014) 'Spatial analysis of
human-induced vegetation productivity decline over
eastern Africa using a decade (2001–2011) of medium
resolution MODIS time-series data', International Journal
of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 33(0),
Herren JK*, Paredes JC, Schüpfer F and Lemaitre B*
(2014). Regulation of Insect Endosymbiont Proliferation
by Lipid Availability. Elife. 3:e02964
Herren JK, Paredes JC, Schüpfer F, Lemaitre B (2013)
Vertical Transmission of a Drosophila Endosymbiont Via
Cooption of the Yolk Transport and Internalization
Machinery. mBio. 4:e00532–12.
Herren JK, Lemaitre B (2011) Spiroplasma and host
immunity: activation of humoral immune responses
increases endosymbiont load and susceptibility to certain
Gram-negative bacterial pathogens in Drosophila
melanogaster. Cellular Microbiology. 13:1385–1396.
Unckless RL, Boelio LM, Herren JK, Jaenike J (2009)
Wolbachia as populations within individual insects:
causes and consequences of density variation in natural
populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B:
Biological Sciences. 276:2805–2811.
Herren JK*, Gordon I, Holland P and Smith D (2007) The
butterfly Danaus chrysippus (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
in Kenya is variably infected with respect to genotype and
body size by a maternally transmitted male-killing
endosymbiont (Spiroplasma) International Journal of
Tropical Insect Science. 27: 62–69
Bloomquist, Jeffrey; Mutunga, James; Islam, Rafique;
Verma, Astha; Ma, Ming; Totrov, Max; Carlier, Paul
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Vector control
57. Jandouwe
Villinger, PhD
Centre of Insect
Vectored pathogen
(2014). Voltage-Sensitive Potassium Kv2 Channels as
New Targets for Insecticides (in) ACS Books:
Biopesticides: State of the Art and Future Opportunities
(Accepted for publication).
James M. Mutunga, Dhana Raj Boina, Troy D. Anderson,
Jeffrey R. Bloomquist, Paul R. Carlier, Dawn M. Wong,
Polo C.-H. Lam and Maxim. M. Totrov (2013).
of bis(n)-tacrines
on blattella
germanica and
melanogaster acetylcholinesterase. Archives of Insect
Biochemistry and Physiology 83 (4): 180-194.
Wong DM, Li J, Chen Q-H, Han Q, Mutunga JM, et al.
(2012). Select small core structure carbamates exhibit
high contact toxicity to ‘‘Carbamate-Resistant’’ Strain
malaria mosquitoes, Anopheles gambiae (Akron). PLoS
ONE 7(10): e46712. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046712
Joshua A. Hartsel, Dawn M. Wong, James M. Mutunga,
Ming Ma, Troy D. Anderson, Ania Wysinski, Rafique
Islam, Eric A. Wong, Sally L. Paulson, Jianyong Li, Polo
C.-H. Lam, Maxim Totrov, Jeffrey R. Bloomquist, Paul R.
Carlier (2012). "Re-engineering aryl carbamates to confer
high selectivity for inhibition of Anopheles gambiae vs
human acetylcholinesterase" Bioorganic & Medicinal
Chemistry Letters 22: 4593-4598.
James M. Mutunga, Troy D. Anderson, Dawn M.
Wong, Paul R. Carlier, and Jeffrey R. Bloomquist (2010).
Inhibition of Blattella germanica (German cockroach)
acetylcholinesterase by tacrine dimers: Prospects for the
molecular design of a selective insecticide for a
household pest. Pesticides in Household, Structural and
Residential Pest Management, American Chemical
Society book chapter, Oxford
Niassy, S., Subramanian, S., Ekesi, S., Bargul, J. L.,
Villinger, J. & Maniania, N. K. (2013) Use of Metarhizium
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
58. Wolfgang Richard
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Vector Biology/Control
Medical Parasitology
anisopliae chitinase genes for genotyping and virulence
characterization. BioMed Research International 2013,
Article ID 465213, 9 pages.
Villinger, J. & Waldman, B. (2012) Social discrimination
by quantitative assessment of immunogenetic
similarity. Proc. R. Soc. B.279, 4368-4374.
*Barribeau, S., *Villinger, J. & Waldman, B. (2012)
Ecological immunogenetics of life history traits in a model
amphibian. Biology Letters 8, 405-407. (*contributed
Villinger, J. & Waldman, B. (2008) Self-referent MHC type
matching in frog tadpoles. Proc. R. Soc. B. 275, 12251230.
*Barribeau, S., *Villinger, J. & Waldman, B. (2008) Major
histocompatibility complex based resistance to a common
bacterial pathogen of amphibians. PLoS ONE 3(7),
e2692. (*contributed equally)
Imbahale SS, Abonyo OK, Aduogo OP, Githure JI,
Mukabana WR, 2013, Conflict between the Need for
Income and the Necessity of Controlling Endemic
Malaria. J Ecosys Ecograph 3: 129.
Mukabana W.R., Collins K. Mweresa, Bruno Otieno,
Philemon Omusula, Renate C. Smallegange, Joop J.A.
van Loon and Willem Takken, 2012, A novel synthetic
odorant blend for trapping of malaria and other African
mosquito species, Journal of Chemical Ecology, 38:235–
Opiyo, P., Mukabana, W.R., Kiche, I.O., Mathenge, E.M.,
Killeen, G.F., Fillinger, U., 2007, An exploratory study of
community factors relevant for participatory malaria
control on Rusinga Island, western Kenya. Malaria
Journal, 6: 48
Mukabana, W.R., K. Kannady, G.M. Kiama, J. Ijumba,
E.M. Mathenge, I. Kiche, G. Nkwengulila, L.E.G. Mboera,
59. Henri E. Z.
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
60. Rosemary Sang,
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Arbovirologist (Arbovirus
Ecology/Epidemiology and
Virus Vector Interaction)
D. Mtasiwa, Y. Yamagata, I. van Schayk, B.G.J. Knols,
S.W. Lindsay, M. Caldas de Castro, H. Mshinda, M.
Tanner, U. Fillinger, & G.F. Killeen. 2006, Ecologists can
enable communities to implement malaria vector control
in Africa. Malaria Journal, 5 (1): 9.
Mukabana, W.R., Takken, W., Killeen, G.F. & Knols,
B.G.J., 2007, Clinical malaria reduces human
attractiveness to mosquitoes. Proceedings of the
Netherlands Entomological Society. 18, 125-129.
Sansao A. Pedro, Shirley Abelman, Frank T.
Ndjomatchoua, Rosemary, Henri E.Z. Tonnang Sang
2014. Stability, bifurcation and chaos analysis of vectorborne disease model with application to Rift Valley fever
PLOS (In Press).
Tonnang, Z.E.H, David P. Tchouassi Lilian K. Igweta,
Henry Juarez, and Rousseau F Djouaka 2014. Zoom in at
African country level: potential climate induced changes
in areas of suitability for survival of malaria vectorsInternational Journal of Health Geographics 13:12
Tonnang, Z.E.H., Richard Kangalawe and Pius Yanda
2010. Predicting and mapping under climate change
scenarios, the potential distribution of malaria vectors in
Africa. Malaria Journal 9:111.
Lwande OW, Lutomiah J, Obanda V, Gakuya F, Mutisya
J, Mulwa F, Michuki G, Chepkorir E, Fischer A, Venter M,
Sang R. Isolation of tick and mosquito-borne arboviruses
from ticks sampled from livestock and wild animal hosts in
Ijara District, Kenya. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2013
Lwande OW, Irura Z, Tigoi C, Chepkorir E, Orindi B,
Musila L, Venter M,Fischer A, Sang R. Seroprevalence of
Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Ijara District,
Kenya. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2012 Aug 27. [Epub
ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 22925021
61. Juliette Ongus,
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Virology, Molecular
62. Rob Skilton, PhD
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Molecular parasitology,
3. David P. Tchouassi, Rosemary Sang, Catherine L. Sole,
Armanda D.S. Bastos, Lee W. Cohnstaedt, Baldwyn
Torto. Trapping of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) vectors using
Light Emitting Diode (LED) CDC traps in two arboviral
disease hot spots in Kenya. Parasites & Vectors 2012,
4. Odhiambo C, Venter M, Limbaso K, Swanepoel R, Sang
R. Genome sequence analysis of in vitro and in vivo
phenotypes of bunyamwera and Ngari virus isolates from
northern Kenya. PLoS One. 2014 Aug 25;9. 5. Sang R,
Lutomiah J, Koka H, Makio A, Chepkorir E, Ochieng C,
Yalwala S, Mutisya J, Musila L, Richardson JH, Miller BR,
Schnabel D. Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in
Hyalommid ticks, northeastern Kenya. Emerg Infect Dis.
2011 Aug;17(8):1502-5. PubMed PMID: 21801635.
1. Awando, J. A., Ongus, J. R., Ouma, C. and Mwau, M.
(2013). Seroprevalence of Anti-Dengue Virus 2
Serocomplex Antibodies in out-patients with fever visiting
selected hospitals in rural parts of Western Kenya in
2010-2011: a cross sectional study. The Pan African
Medical Journal. 16: 73.
2. Balinandi, S., Bakamutumaho, B., Kayiwa, J. T., Ongus,
J., Oundo, J., Awor, A. C., and Lutwama, J. J. (2013).
The Viral Aetiology of Influenza-like Illness in Kampala
and Entebe, Uganda, 2008. African Journal of Laboratory
Medicine Vol 2, No 1: 1-5.
3. Shaviya, N., Mang’era, M. C., Makokha, W. F., Kimani, F.
T. and Ongus J.R. (2012). Expansion of the wild-type
pfcrt 76K allele in Plasmodium falciparum populations in
Mbita, Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences 22:176187
1. Githaka, N., Konnai, S., Skilton, R., Kariuki, E., Kanduma,
E., Murata, S., Ohashi, K. (2013). Genotypic variations in
field isolates of Theileria species infecting giraffes (Giraffa
Ecology (ICIPE)
63. Daisy Salifu, PhD
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
camelopardalis tippelskirchi and Giraffa camelopardalis
reticulata) in Kenya. Parasitol. Int. 62, 448–453.
Malak, A.K., Mpoke, L., Banak, J., Muriuki, S., Skilton,
R.A., Odongo, D., Sunter, J., Kiara, H., (2012) Prevalence
of livestock diseases and their impact on livelihoods in
Central Equatoria State, Southern Sudan. Prev. Vet. Med.
104, 216–23.
Kamau, L., Skilton, R. a, Odongo, D.O., Mwaura, S.,
Githaka, N., Kanduma, E., Obura, M., Kabiru, E., Orago,
A., Musoke, A., Bishop, R.P. (2011) Differential
transcription of two highly divergent gut-expressed Bm86
antigen gene homologues in the tick Rhipicephalus
appendiculatus (Acari: Ixodida). Insect Mol. Biol. 20, 105–
Thekisoe, O.M.M., Rambritch, N.E., Nakao, R., Bazie,
R.S., Mbati, P., Namangala, B., Malele, I., Skilton, R.A.,
Jongejan, F., Sugimoto, C., Kawazu, S.-I., Inoue, N.
(2010) Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP)
assays for detection of Theileria parva infections targeting
the PIM and p150 genes. Int. J. Parasitol. 40, 55–61.
Sunter, J.D., Patel, S.P., Skilton, R.A., Githaka, N.,
Knowles, D.P., Scoles, G.A., Nene, V., de Villiers, E.,
Bishop, R.P. (2008) A novel SINE family occurs
frequently in both genomic DNA and transcribed
sequences in ixodid ticks of the arthropod sub-phylum
Chelicerata. Gene 415, 13–22.
Salifu D. and Burn B. (2006). An investigation of Quasilikelihood methods and response variable transformation
for analysing aggregated insect counts data. East African
Journal of Statistics. Vol. 2: 994-999.
Murungi L K, Knapp M, Salifu D, Wesonga J, Nyende A,
Masinde P and Torto B (2011). Differential effects of
various African nightshade species on the fecundity and
movement of Tetranychus evansi (Acari: Tetranychidae).
64. Collins Kalwale
Mweresa, PhD
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Vector Biology/Control
Medical Parasitology
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science 31(4):
Musundire R, Chabi-Olaye A, Salifu D and and Kruger K
(2012). Host Plant-Related Parasitism and Host Feeding
Activities of Diglyphus isaea (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
on Liriomyza huidobrensis, Liriomyza sativae, and
Liriomyza trifolii (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Journal of
Economic Entomology. 105(1): 161-168
Khamis F.M., Masiga D.K., Mohamed S.A., Salifu D., de
Meyer M. and Ekesi S. (2012). Taxonomic Identity of the
Invasive Fruit Fly Pest, Bactrocera invadens:
Concordance in Morphometry and DNA Barcoding. PloS
One 7(9): e44862. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0044862.
Appiah E.F., Ekesi D., Salifu D., Afreh-Nuamah K.,
Obeng-Ofori D., Khamis F. and Mohammed S.A. (2013).
Effect of temperature on immature development and
longevity of two introduced opiine parasitoids on
Bactrocera invadens. Journal of Applied Entomology. doi:
Imbahale, S., C.K. Mweresa, W. Takken and W.R.
Mukabana. 2011. Development of environmental tools for
anopheline larval control. Parasites and Vectors, 4:130.
Mukabana, W.R., C.K. Mweresa, B. Otieno, P. Omusula,
R.C.Smallegange, J.J.A. van Loon and W. Takken. 2012.
A novel synthetic odorant blend for trapping of malaria
and other African mosquito species. Journal of Chemical
Ecology, 38:235-244.
Sawa P, S.A. Shekalagh, C.J. Drakeley. C.J. Sutherland,
C.K. Mweresa,
A.Y. Baidjoe, A. Manjurano, R.A.
Kavishe, K.B. Beshir, R.U. Yussuf, S.A. Omar , C.C.
Hermsen, L. Okell, H.D. Schallig, R.W. Sauerwein, R.L.
Hallett and T. Bousema. 2013. Malaria transmission after
dihydroartemisininpiperaquine: a randomized trial. Journal of Infectious
65. David P
Tchouassi, PhD
Centre of Insect
Physiology and
Ecology (ICIPE)
Behavioural and Chemical
ecology; population
genetics; vector-borne
disease transmission
dynamics; arbovirology
Diseases, 207(11):1637-45.
4. Mweresa, C.K., P. Omusula, B. Otieno, J.J.A. van Loon,
W. Takken and W.R. Mukabana. 2014. Molasses as a
source of carbon dioxide for attracting the malaria
mosquito Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles funestus.
Malaria Journal, 13:160.
5. Mweresa, C.K., W.R. Mukabana, P. Omusula, B. Otieno,
W. Takken and J.J.A. van Loon.2014. Evaluation of textile
substrates for dispensing synthetic attractants for malaria
mosquitoes. Parasites & Vectors, 7:376.
1. Jacqueline Kasiiti Lichoti, Absolomon Kihara, Abuu A.
Oriko, Leonard Ateya Okutoyi,James Ogaa Wauna, David
P. Tchouassi, Caroline C. Tigoi, Steve Kemp, Rosemary
Sang and Rees Murithi Mbabu (2014). Detection of Rift
Valley fever virus interepidemic activity in some hotspot
areas of Kenya by animal sentinel surveillance, 2009–
2012. Veterinary Medicine International, Volume 2014,
Article ID 379010, 8 pages.
2. Vincent O. Nyasembe, David P. Tchouassi, Hillary K.
Kirwa, Woodbridge A. Foster, Peter E. A. Teal, Christian
Borgemeister and Baldwyn Torto (2014). Development
and Assessment of Plant-based Synthetic Odor Baits for
Surveillance and Control of Malaria Vectors. PloS One
3. David P. Tchouassi, Rosemary Sang, Catherine L. Sole,
Armanda D.S. Bastos, Peter E.A. Teal, Christian
Borgemeister and Baldwyn Torto (2013). Common Hostderived Chemicals Increase Catches of Diseasetransmitting Mosquitoes and can Improve Early Warning
Systems for Rift Valley Fever Virus. Plos Negl Tropical
Dis 7(1): e2007.
4. David P. Tchouassi, Rosemary Sang, Catherine L. Sole,
Armanda D. S. Bastos, Klaus Mithoefer, Baldwyn Torto.
(2012). Sheep Skin Odor Improves Trap Captures of
Mosquito Vectors of Rift Valley Fever. PLoS Negl Trop
Dis 6(11): e1879.
5. David P. Tchouassi, Isabella A Quakyi, Ebenezer A
Addison, Kwabena M Bosompem, Michael D Wilson,
Maxwell A Appawu, Charles A Brown, Daniel A Boakye
(2012). Characterization of malaria transmission by vector
populations for improved interventions during the dry
season in the Kpone-on-Sea area of coastal Ghana.
Parasites & Vectors 5:212.
66. Anne W.T,
Jomo Kenyatta
University of
Agriculture and
Technology, Juja
Population genetics
Biotechnology Molecular
1. Muya M. S., Kamweya A., Kariuki A., Muigai A.W.T, and
Ngene S.M. (2013) Using range condition assessment to
optimize wildlife stocking in Tindress Wildlife Sanctuary,
Nakuru District, Kenya. Rangeland Ecology &
Management. In-Press. Online copy available at DOI:
2. Kwallah A. ole, Inoue S., Muigai A.W.T, Kubo T., Sang
R., Morita K., Mwau M. (2013). A real-time reverse
transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification
assay for the rapid detection of yellow fever virus. Journal
of Virological Methods. 193: 23-27; DOI
3. Nyamache, A.K., Muigai A.W.T, Nganga Z., Khamadi,
S.A. (2013). Profile of HIV Type 1 Coreceptor Tropism
Among Kenyan Patients from 2009 to 2010. AIDS
Research and Human Retroviruses.
DOI:10.1089/aid.2012.0284. (Published on line on
4. Muigai A.W.T and Hanotte O. (2013). The Origin of
African Sheep: Archaeological and Genetic Perspectives.
African Archaeological Review. African Archaeological
Review 30 (1): 39-50. DOI 10.1007/s10437-013-9129-0
Nyamache, A.K., Muigai A.W.T., Nganga Z., Khamadi,
S.A. (2013). Circulating Trends of Non-B HIV Type 1
67. Prof. Rebecca
Jomo Kenyatta
University of
Agriculture and
Technology, Juja
Immunology and
68. Dr. Steven Ger
Jomo Kenyatta
University of
Agriculture and
Insect Vectors: Olfaction,
Salivary gland Proteome,
Population genetics
Pathogens: Host-parasite
Subtypes Among Kenyan Individuals. AIDS Research
and Human Retroviruses, 29 (2) 400-403, DOI:
10.1089/aid.2012.0213 Ombech E., Muigai A.W.T and
Wanzala, P. (2012). Awareness of cervical cancer risk
factors and practice of Pap smear testing among female
primary school teachers in Kasarani division, Nairobi
Kenya. African Journal of Health Sciences, 21: 121-132
Julius, Waihenya Rebecca, Kimani Francis, Ng’ang’a
Zipporah, Cytokine levels associated with experimental
malaria pathology during Plasmodium berghei ANKA
infection in a mouse model Mugweru
Joab O. Nyamagiri, Faith I. Onditi, Lucy Ochola, Rebecca
Waihenya, Hastings S. Ozwara Matiru Viviene and
Francis W. Muregi. Plasmodium knowlesi Ligand-receptor
Process in Baboon (Papioanubis) Placenta
Jerome Wendoh, Rebecca Waihenya, Rosemary Saya,
Elias Awino,Vishvannath Nene, Lucilla Steinaa. Perforin
Expression in Theileria parva Specific Cytotoxic T Cells
Correlates withCytotoxicity
Kebira N A, Waihenya, F. Okoth, Matilu Mwau Khamadi
.A.S2*Extent of drug resistance mutations among HIV--1
positive drug—naiive patients in Kenya
H.D. Mazigo, N.J.S. Lwambo, G.M. Mkoji, L.M. Laurent,
E.J. Kweka And R. Waihenya. Anaemia and
organomegaly associated with parasitic infections among
schoolchildren in Sengerema District, north‐western
1. Henry M. Kariithi, Sjef Boeren , İkbal Agah İnce,
Edwin K. Murungi, Irene K. Meki, Everlyne O. Otieno,
Steven R. G. Nyanjom, Just M. Vlak and
Adly M. M. Abd-Alla. (2015). Analysis of Salivary
Gland Proteomes of Two Glossina Species With
Differential Hytrosavirus Pathologies. Proteomes
2015, 3, 1-x manuscripts; doi:10.3390/pr30x000x
interactions, Proteomics
Martin O. Ogwang, Damaris A. Odeny, Jane Ngaira
Fred W. Wamunyokoli, Daniel K. Masiga and Steven
R. G. Nyanjom. (2015). Expression Profile Analysis of
Glossina morsitans morsitans Odorant Binding
Proteins in Glossina fuscipes fuscipes antennae and
leg (Under review)
3 Everlyn Kamau, Joseph K. Ng'ang'a, Steven R. G.
Nyanjom, Mark Wamalwa. (2015). Homology-based
prediction of protein-protein interactions between
Theileria parva and bovine host Bos taurus.
Bioinformatics (Under review)
4 International Glossina Genome Initiative (2014)
Genome sequence of the tsetse fly (Glossina
morsitans): Vector of African trypanosomiasis.
Science 344, 380 – 386.
5 Obiero G.F.O., Mireji P.O., Nyanjom S.R.G.,
Christoffels A., Robertson H.M. and Masiga D.K.
(2014) Odorant and gustatory receptors in the tsetse
fly Glossina morsitans morsitans. PLoS Neglected
Tropical Diseases 8 (4), e2663.
6 S. R. G. Nyanjom, H. Chen, T. Gebre-Michael, E.
Bekele, J. Shililu, J. Githure, J. C. Beier and G. Yan.
(2003). Population Genetic Structure of Anopheles
arabiensis mosquitoes in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Journal
of Heredity:94(6): 457-463.
1. Kamau L., Muhia-Matoke D. (2014). Association between
Anopheles gambiae s.s. larval development time and the
2La chromosomal inversion (Submitted to PLOS ONE)
2. Muhia - Matoke D., Kamau L., Shililu J., Bayoh N. M.,
Gimnig J. E., Walker E.D. (2014). “Decline in frequency of
the 2La chromosomal inversion in Anopheles gambiae
69. Damaris
70. Matoke Muhia,
ICIPE & Kenya
Medical Research
Institute (KEMRI)
Molecular and Vector
71. Dr. David Odongo
School of
Sciences, The
University of
Molecular Parasitology
s.s. in western Kenya: Correlation with increase in
ownership of insecticide treated bed nets”. (Submitted to
Malaria Journal)
Mathias D.K., Ochomo E.O., Atieli F., Ombok M., Bayoh
M.N., Olang G., Muhia-Matoke D., Kamau L., Vulule J.M.,
Hamel M.J., Hawley W.A., Walker E.D. and Gimnig J.E.
(2011). “Spatial and temporal variation in the kdr allele
L1014S in Anopheles gambiae s.s. and phenotypic
variability in susceptibility to insecticides in Western
Kenya”. Malaria Journal Vol. 10: 10
Kamau L., Agai D., Matoke D., Wachira L., Gikandi G.,
Vulule J (2007). “Status of insecticide susceptibility in
Anopheles gambiae s.l. and Anopheles funestus
mosquitoes from Western Kenya”. Journal of Insect
Science Vol. 8: 1536-2442
Naftaly Githaka, Satoru Konnai, Richard Bishop, David
Odongo, Isaac Lekolool, Edward Kariuki, Francis Gakuya,
Lucy Kamau, Masayoshi Isezaki, Shiro Murata and
Kazuhiko Ohashi (2014) Identification and sequence
characterization of novel Theileria genotypes from the
waterbuck (Kobus defassa) in a Theileria parva-endemic
area in Kenya Veterinary Parasitology 202(3-4):180-93
Tom Ong’uti Osebe, David Odongo and Richard Bishop
(2012) Molecular cloning, sequencing and recombinant
expression of a putative tick protective antigen from three
ixodid ticks African Journal of Biotechnology 11(84):
Cassandra Olds, Stephen Mwaura, David Crowder, David
Odongo, Monique van Oers, Jeb Owen, Richard Bishop,
Claudia Daubenberger (2012) Immunization of cattle with
Ra86 impedes Rhipicephalus appendiculatus nymphal-toadult molting Tick and Tick-Borne Diseases 3(3):170-8
Malak, A.K., Mpoke, L., Banak, J., Muriuki, S., Skilton, R.,
Odongo, D., Kiara, H (2012) Prevalence of livestock
72. Saidi Kapiga
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
IDs (HIV and other (STIs),
NCDs (e.g. CVD,
diabetes) and
Reproductive Health
diseases and their impact on livelihoods in Central
Equatoria State, southern Sudan Preventive Veterinary.
Medicine 104:216-223
David Odongo Margaret Saimo, Stephen Mwaura, Just
M. Vlak, Anthony J. Musoke, George W. Lubega, Richard
Bishop and Monique M. van Oers (2011) Recombinant
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus gut (Ra86) and salivary
gland cement (Trp64) proteins as candidate antigens for
inclusion in tick vaccines: protective effects of Ra86 on
infestation with adult R. appendiculatus Vaccine:
Development and Therapy, Dove press1: 15–23
Kapiga S. Non-communicable diseases in sub-Saharan
Africa: a new global health priority and opportunity. Int J
Epidemiol 2011;40:902-3.
Van Damme L. Corneli A, Ahmed K, Agot K, Lombaard J,
Kapiga S, Malaheleha M, Owino F, Manongi R, Onyango
J, Temu L, Monedi MC, Mak’Oketch P, Makanda M,
Reblin I, Makatu SE, Saylor L, Kiernan H, Kirkendale S,
Wong C, Grant R, Kashuba A, Nanda K, Mandala J,
Fransen K, Deese J, Crucitti T, Mastro TD, Taylor D, on
behalf of the FEM-PrEP study group. Preexposure
prophylaxis for HIV infection among African women. N
Engl J Med 2012;367:411-22.
Kapiga SH, Ewings FM, Ao T, Chilongani J, Mongi A,
Baisley K, Francis S, Andreasen A, Hashim R, WatsonJones D, Changalucha J, Hayes R. The epidemiology of
HIV and HSV-2 infections among women participating in
microbicide and vaccine feasibility studies in northern
Tanzania. PLoS ONE 2013;8(7): e68825.
Mongi AS, Baisley K, Ao TT, Chilongani J, AguirreAndreasen A, Francis SC, Shao J, Hayes R, Kapiga S.
Factors associated with problem drinking among women
employed in food and recreational facilities in northern
Tanzania. PLoS ONE 2013;8(12):e84447.
73. Heiner Grosskurth
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
IDs (HIV and other STIs)
and NCDs (e.g. CVD,
5. Peck R, Mghamba J, Vanobberghen F, Kavishe B,
Rugarabamu V, Smeeth L, Hayes R, Grosskurth H,
Kapiga S. Preparedness of Tanzanian health facilities for
outpatient primary care of hypertension and diabetes: a
cross-sectional survey. Lancet Glob Health
1. Woodd S, Grosskurth H, Levin J, Amuron B, Namara G,
Coutinho A, Jaffar S: Home-based versus clinic-based
care for patients starting antiretroviral therapy with low
CD4 counts in Uganda: findings from a clusterrandomised trial. AIDS. 2014;28(4):569-76. doi: 10.1097/
PMID: 24468997
2. Munderi P, Grosskurth H, Droti B, Ross DA. What are the
essential components of HIV treatment and care
services in low and middle-income countries? An
overview by settings and levels of the health care system
AIDS 2012 Dec;26 Suppl 2:S97-S103. doi:
10.1097/QAD.0b013e32835bdde6. PMID: 23303438
3. Maher D, Waswa L, Baisley K, Karabarinde A, Unwin N,
Grosskurth H: Distribution of hyperglycaemia and related
cardiovascular diseases factors in low-income countries: a
cross-sectional population based survey in rural Uganda.
Int J Epidemiol. 2011; 40: 160-171
4. Peck R, Mghamba J, Vanobberghen F, Kavishe B,
Rugarabamu V, Smeeth V, Hayes R, Grosskurth H,
Kapiga S. Preparedness of Tanzanian health facilities for
outpatient primary care of hypertension and diabetes: a
cross-sectional survey. Lancet Glob Health. 2014
May;2(5):e285-e292. PMID: 24818084
5. Vandepitte J, Weiss H, Bukenya J, Nakubulwa S,
Mayanja Y, Matovu G, Kyakuwa N, Hughes P, Hayes R,
Grosskurth H: Alcohol use, Mycoplasma genitalium and
other STIs associated with HIV incidence among women
at high risk in Kampala, Uganda. J AIDS 2013. J Acquir
74. Christian Holm
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
NCDs (mental health))
75. George PrayGod
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
IDs (TB and HIV) and
NCDs, (diabetes mellitus,
and other chronic noncommunicable diseases)
Immune Defic Syndr. 2013 Jan 1;62(1):119-26. doi:
10.1097/QAI.0b013e3182777167. PMID: 23075920
Walker J, Holm Hansen C, Martin P, Symeonides S,
Ramessur R, Murray G, Sharpe M. 2014, " Prevalence,
associations and adequacy of treatment of major
depression in 21,151 cancer outpatients: a cross-sectional
analysis of routinely collected clinical data", Lancet
Psychiatry, 2014 Aug 28. DOI: 10.1016/S22150366(14)70313-X.
Sharpe M, Walker J, Holm Hansen C, Martin P,
Symeonides S, Gourley C, Wall L, Weller D, Murray G.
2014, "Integrated collaborative care for comorbid major
depression in cancer patients (SMaRT Oncology-2): a
multicentre randomised controlled effectiveness trial", The
Lancet, 2014 Aug 28. DOI: doi:10.1016/S01406736(14)61231-9.
Holm Hansen C, Walker J, Thekkumpurath P, Kleiboer A,
Beale C, Sawhney A, Murray G, Sharpe M. 2013, 4.
“Screening medical patients for distress and depression:
does measurement in the clinic prior to the consultation
overestimate distress measured at home?”, Psychological
Medicine, vol. 43, pp. 2121–2128
Holm Hansen C, Weir C, Warner P, Critchley H. 2013, “An
integrated approach to the development of a Bayesian
response-adaptive dose-finding study using SAS and
WinBUGS”, Trials, vol. 14 (Suppl 1):O74.
Holm Hansen C, Murray G, Sharpe M. 2013, “Using
evidence from observational healthcare data to inform a
trial design”, Trials, vol. 14 (Suppl 1):O1.
Jeremiah K, Denti P, Chigutsa E, Faurholt-Jepsen D,
PrayGod G, Range N, Castel S, Wiesner L, Hagen CM,
Christiansen M, Changalucha J, McIlleron H, Friis H,
Andersen AB: Nutritional supplementation increases
rifampin exposure among tuberculosis patients coinfected
76. Kidola Jeremiah
National Institute
for Medical
IDs (TB and HIV) and
NCDs (Diabetes).
with HIV. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2014;58:34683474.
Faurholt-Jepsen D, Range N, PrayGod G, Jeremiah K,
Faurholt-Jepsen M, Aabye MG, Changalucha J,
Christensen DL, Grewal HM, Martinussen T, Krarup H,
Witte DR, Andersen AB, Friis H: Diabetes is a strong
predictor of mortality during tuberculosis treatment: A
prospective cohort study among tuberculosis patients
from Mwanza, Tanzania. Trop Med Int Health
PrayGod G, Range N, Faurholt-Jepsen D, Jeremiah K,
Faurholt-Jepsen M, Aabye MG, Jensen L, Jensen AV,
Grewal HM, Magnussen P, Changalucha J, Andersen AB,
Friis H: The effect of energy-protein supplementation on
weight, body composition and handgrip strength among
pulmonary tuberculosis hiv-co-infected patients:
Randomised controlled trial in Mwanza, Tanzania. Br J
Nutr 2012;107:263-271.
Faurholt-Jepsen D, Range N, PrayGod G, Jeremiah K,
Faurholt-Jepsen M, Aabye MG, Changalucha J,
Christensen DL, Pipper CB, Krarup H, Witte DR,
Andersen AB, Friis H: Diabetes is a risk factor for
pulmonary tuberculosis: A case-control study from
Mwanza, Tanzania. PLoS One 2011;6:e24215.
PrayGod G, Range N, Faurholt-Jepsen D, Jeremiah K,
Faurholt-Jepsen M, Aabye MG, Jensen L, Jensen AV,
Grewal HM, Magnussen P, Changalucha J, Andersen AB,
Friis H: Daily multi-micronutrient supplementation during
tuberculosis treatment increases weight and grip strength
among hiv-uninfected but not HIV-infected patients in
Mwanza, Tanzania. J Nutr 2011;141:685-691.
Stavrum R, PrayGod G, Range N, Faurholt-Jepsen D,
Jeremiah K, Faurholt-Jepsen M, Krarup H, Aabye MG,
Changalucha J, Friis H, Andersen AB, Grewal HM.
Intervention Trials
Increased level of acute phase reactants in patients
infected with modern Mycobacterium tuberculosis
genotypes in Mwanza, Tanzania.BMC Infect Dis. 2014
Jun 5;14:309. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-14-309.
Jeremiah K, Denti P, Chigutsa E, Faurholt-Jepsen D,
PrayGod G, Range N, Castel S, Wiesner L, Hagen CM,
Christiansen M, Changalucha J, McIlleron H, Friis H,
Andersen AB. Nutritional Supplementation Increases
Rifampin Exposure among Tuberculosis Patients
Coinfected with HIV.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014
Jun;58(6):3468-74. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02307-13. Epub
2014 Apr 7.
Faurholt-Jepsen D, Aabye MG, Jensen AV, Range N,
Praygod G, Jeremiah K, Changalucha J, Faurholt-Jepsen
M, Jensen L, Jensen SM, Krarup H, Ravn P, Friis H,
Andersen AB. Diabetes is associated with lower
tuberculosis antigen-specific interferon gamma release in
Tanzanian tuberculosis patients and non-tuberculosis
controls.Scand J Infect Dis. 2014 May;46(5):384-91. doi:
10.3109/00365548.2014.885657. Epub 2014 Mar 12.
Chantler T, Cheah PY, Miiro G, Hantrakum V, Nanvubya
A, Ayuo E, Kivaya E, Kidola J, Kaleebu P, Parker M,
Njuguna P, Ashley E, Guerin PJ, Lang T. International
health research monitoring: exploring a scientific and a
cooperative approach using participatory action
research.BMJ Open. 2014 Feb 17;4(2):e004104. doi:
Faurholt-Jepsen D, Range N, Praygod G, Jeremiah K,
Faurholt-Jepsen M, Aabye MG, Changalucha J, Ritz C,
Christensen DL, Jørgensen ME, Andersen AB, Friis H.
The association between conventional risk factors and
diabetes is weak among urban Tanzanians. Diabetes
Care. 2014 Jan;37(1):e5-6. doi: 10.2337/dc13-1905
77. Safari Kinung’hi
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
NTDs (Schistosomiasis
and other neglected
tropical diseases) and IDS
(malaria and HIV)
1. Sarah Pedersen., Amanda Wilkinson., Aura Andreasen.,
David Warhurst., Safari Kinung’hi., Mark Urassa., Denna
Michael., John Chamgalucha., Jim Todd., Joann M
McDermid (2014). Cryptosporidium Prevalence and Risk
Factors among Mothers and their Infants 0 to 6 Months in
Rural and Semi-Rural Northwest Tanzania: A Prospective
Cohort Study. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases. In
2. Teckla Angelo., Francis Shahada., Ayubu Kassuku.,
Humphrey Mazigo., Curtis Kariuki., Anouk Gouvras.,
David Rollinson., Safari Kinung’hi (2014). Population
Abundance and Disease Transmission Potential of Snail
intermediate hosts of Human Schistosomiasis in Fishing
Communities of Mwanza region, North-western, Tanzania.
International Journal of science and Research. Volume 3
Issue 8, August 2014, 1230-1236.
3. Safari M. Kinung’hi., Pascal Magnussen., Godfrey M.
Kaatano., Coleman Kishamawe., Birgitte J. Vennervald
(2014). Malaria and Helminth Co-Infections in School and
Preschool Children: A Cross-Sectional Study in Magu
District, North-Western Tanzania. PLoS ONE 9 (1):
4. Mashauri, Fabian; Kinung’hi, Safari; Kaatano, Godfrey;
Magesa, Stephen; Kishamawe, Coleman; Mwanga,
Joseph; Nnko, Soori; Malima, Robert; Mero, Chacha;
Mboera, Leonard (2013). Impact of indoor residual
spraying of lambdacyhalothrin on malaria prevalence and
anemia in an epidemic-prone district of Muleba, NorthWestern Tanzania. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 88 (5), 841849.
5. Humphrey D. Mazigo., Fred Nuwaha., Safari M.
Kinung’hi., Domenica Morona., Jorg Heukelbach., David
W. Dunne (2013). Epidemiology and interactions of
Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Schistosoma mansoni
in Sub-Saharan Africa. Infectious Diseases of Poverty,
2013, 2:2.
78. Alfaxard
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
IDs (malaria)
1. Saguti, F, Balthazary, S, Manjurano, A, Max, R, Tenu, F,
Francis, F, Shekalaghe, SA and Kavishe, RA, '
Relationship between alpha+-thalassaemia and
glutathione-S-transferases polymorphisms in children with
severe malaria in Tanzania ', Tanzania Journal of Health
Research , 15(2) 2013.
2. Sawa, P, Shekalaghe, SA, Drakeley, CJ, Sutherland, CJ,
Mweresa, CK, Baidjoe, AY, Manjurano, A, Kavishe, RA,
Beshir, KB, Yussuf, RU, Omar,SA, Hermsen, CC, Okell,
L, Schallig, HDFH, Sauerwein, RW, Hallett, RL,
Bousema, T, ' Malaria transmission after artemetherlumefantrine and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine: a
randomized trial', J Infect Dis,2013; 207(11): 1637-1645.
3. Manjurano A, Clark TG, Nadjm B, Mtove G, Wangai H,
Sepulveda N, Campino SG, Maxwell CC, Olomi R,
Rockett KR, Jeffreys A, MalariaGen consortium, Riley EM,
Reyburn H, Drakeley C, ' Candidate human genetic
polymorphisms and severe malaria in a Tanzanian
population', PLos One, 7 (2012), e47463.
4. Manjurano A, Okell L, Lukindo T, Reyburn H, Olomi R,
Roper C, Clark TG, Joseph S, Riley E and Drakeley C,
'Association of submicroscopic malaria parasites carriage
with transmission intensity in Northeastern Tanzania',
Malaria Journal, 10:370 (2011).
5. Mtove G , Hendriksen I, Amos B, Mrema H, Mandia V,
Manjurano A, Muro F, Sykes A, Hildenwall H, Whitty CJM
and Reyburn H, 'Antimalarial treatment directed by rapid
diagnostic test results in children living in a malariaendemic area of Tanzania', Malaria Journal, 10:290
79. Jackline Mosha
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
IDs (malaria) and
Reproductive health
80. Mark S. Urassa
National Institute
for Medical
IDs (HIV) and
Reproductive health
1. Mosha JF, Sturrock HJ, Greenwood B, Sutherland CJ,
Gadalla NB, Atwal S, Hemelaar S, Brown JM, Drakeley C,
Kibiki G, Bousema T, Chandramohan D, Gosling RD. “Hot
spot or not: a comparison of spatial statistical methods to
predict prospective malaria infections.” Malar J. 2014 Feb
11;13(1):53. doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-13-53. PMID:
2. Mosha JF, Sturrock HJ, Greenhouse B, Greenwood B,
Sutherland CJ, Gadalla N, Atwal S, Drakeley C, Kibiki G,
Bousema T, Chandramohan D, Gosling R. “Epidemiology
of subpatent Plasmodium falciparum infection:
implications for detection of hotspots with imperfect
diagnostics.” Malar J. 2013 Jul 1;12:221. doi:
3. Sweeney S, Mosha JF, Terris-Prestholt F, Sollis KA, Kelly
H, Changalucha J, Peeling RW. “The costs of accessible
quality assured syphilis diagnostics: informing quality
systems for rapid syphilis tests in a Tanzanian setting.”
Health Policy Plan. 2013 Jul 27
4. Mohammed A, Ndaro A, Kalinga A, Manjurano A, Mosha
JF, Mosha DF, van Zwetselaar M, Koenderink JB, Mosha
FW, Alifrangis M, Reyburn H, Roper C, Kavishe RA.
“Trends in chloroquine resistance marker, Pfcrt-K76T
mutation ten years after chloroquine withdrawal in
Tanzania.” Malar J. 2013 Nov 14;12:415. doi:
5. Gosling RD, Okell L, Mosha J, Chandramohan D. “The
role of antimalarial treatment in the elimination of malaria.”
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2011 Nov;17(11):1617-23. doi:
10.1111/j.1469-0691.2011.03660.x. Epub 2011 Sep 26.
1. Pieter W Smit, Thomas van der Vlis, David Mabey, John
Changalucha, Julius Mngara, Benjamin D Clark, Aura
Andreasen, Jim Todd, Mark Urassa, Basia Zaba and
Intervention Trials
81. Joseph R.
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
NTDs (Schistosomiasis)
and IDs (HIV and malaria)
and Reproductive health
Rosanna W Peeling. The development and validation of
dried blood spots for external quality assurance of syphilis
serology. BMC Infectious Diseases 2013,
13:102 doi:10.1186/1471-2334-13-102.
Raphael Isingo, Alison Wringe, Jim Todd, Mark Urassa,
Doris Mbata, Griter Maiseli, Rose Manyalla, John
Changalucha, Julius Mngara, Ester Mwinuka, Basia Zaba.
Trends in the uptake of voluntary counseling and testing
for HIV in rural Tanzania in the context of the scale up of
antiretroviral therapy. TM&IH Volume 17, Issue 8, pages
e15–e25, August 2012
Busza J, Zaba B, Urassa M. The “Seeded” Focus Group:
A strategy to recruit HIV+ community members into
treatment research. Sex Transm Infect 2009;85 212-215
Lopman B, Cook A, Smith J, Chawira G, Urassa M,
Kumogola Y, Isingo R, Ihekweazu C, Ruwende J, Ndege
M, Gregson S, Zaba B, Boerma T.Verbal autopsy can
consistently measure AIDS mortality: a validation study in
Tanzania and Zimbabwe. J Epidemiol Community Health.
2010 Apr;64(4):330-4. Epub 2009 Oct 23.
Keogh SC, Urassa M, Kumogola Y, Mngara J, Zaba B.
Reproductive behaviour and HIV status of antenatal
clients in northern Tanzania: opportunities for family
planning and preventing mother-to-child transmission
integration. AIDS. 2009 Nov;23 Suppl 1:S27-35
Mwanga JR, Lwambo NJS, Rumisha SF, Vounatsou P,
Utzinger J. Dynamics of people’s socio-economic status in
the face of schistosomiasis control intervention in
Ukerewe district, Tanzania. Acta Tropica 128 (2013) 399406.
Fabian M. Mashauri, Safari M. Kinunghi,’ Godfrey M
Kaatano, Stephen M. Magesa, Colman Kishamawe,
Joseph R Mwanga, Soori E Nnko, Robert C. Malima,
Chacha N. Mero, and Leonard E. G. Mboera. Impact of
82. Fabian Mashauri
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
IDs (Malaria)
indoor residual spraying of lambdacyhalothrin on malaria
prevalence and anemia in an epidemic-prone district of
Muleba, north-western Tanzania. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg.
88 (5), 2013, pp. 841-849 doi:10.4269/ajtmh.12-0412.
Mosha FF, Wambura M, Mwanga JR, Mosha JF, Mshana
G, and Changalucha J. Readiness of health facilities to
deliver safe male circumcision services in Tanzania: a
descriptive study. Health Care in Low-resource Settings
2013; 1e9: 34-39.
Safari M. Kinunghi’, Fabian Mashauri, Joseph R Mwanga,
Soori E Nnko, Godfrey M Kaatano, Robert Malima,
Colman Kishamawe, Stephen Magesa and Leonard E G
Mboera. Knowledge, attitudes and practices about
malaria among communities in an epidemic prone district
of Muleba, North-western Tanzania. BMC Public Health
2010; 10: 395.
Gerry Mshana, Mwita Wambura, Joseph Mwanga, Jacklin
Mosha, Frank Mosha and John Changalucha. ‘Traditional
Male Circumcision Practices among the Kurya of Northeastern Tanzania and Implications for National
Programme.’ AIDS Care 2011; 23 (9) 1111-1116.
Fabian M. Mashauri, Safari M. Kinung’hi, Godfrey M.
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Assessment of Quality Assurance in HIV Testing in Health
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5. Mashauri, F.M., Takako Tamo, Ataru Tsuzuki, Susumu
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in the Yona Forest, Northern Okinawa, Japan Southeast
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83. Mwita Wambura
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
IDs (HIV) and
Reproductive health
1. Mosha F, Wambura M, Mwanga J, Mosha J, Mshana G,
, Changalucha J (2013). Readiness of health facilities to
deliver safe male circumcision services in Tanzania: a
descriptive study Healthcare in Low-resource Settings;
volume 1:e9.| DOI: 10.4081/hls.2013.e9.
2. Mshana G , Wambura M, Mwanga J, Mosha J, Mosha F,
Changalucha J (2011). 'Traditional male circumcision
practices among the Kurya of North-eastern Tanzania and
implications for national programmes', AIDS Care, First
published on: 05 April 2011 (iFirst), DOI:
3. Wambura M, Mwanga J, Mosha J, Mshana G, Mosha F,
Changalucha J (2011). Acceptability of child circumcision
in a clinical-based setting in the traditionally circumcising
communities in Tarime, Tanzania. BMC Public Health
11:373 pg 1-8. Published on 23 May 2011.
4. Mwanga J, Wambura M, Mosha J, Mshana G, Mosha F,
Changalucha J (2011). Policy environment and male
circumcision for HIV prevention: Findings from a situation
analysis study in Tanzania. BMC Public Health 11:506,
DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-506. Published on 28 June
5. Mwita W., Urassa M., Isingo R., Ndege M., Marston M.,
Slaymaker E., Mngara J., Changalucha J., Zaba B.
(2007). “HIV prevalence and incidence in Northern
Tanzania: results from 10 years of follow-up in an open
cohort study”. JAIDS 2007 46(5): 616-623.
84. Rebecca Balira
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
IDs (HIV and STI) and
Reproductive Health and
“Missed Opportunities: Poor Linkage into Ongoing Care
for HIV-Positive Pregnant Women in Mwanza, Tanzania”.
Watson-Jones D, Balira R, Ross DA, Weiss HA, Mabey D.
PLoS One. 2012;7(7):e40091. Epub 2012 Jul 9.
2. “Community knowledge, attitude and practice towards
sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection in
Biharamulo and Muleba districts in Kagera Region,
Tanzania” Temu MM, Changalucha JM, Mosha FF,
Mwanga JR, Siza JE, Balira R. Tanzania J Health Res.
2008 Oct, 10 (4): 213-9
3. “Effect of herpes simplex suppression on incidence of HIV
among women in Tanzania” Watson-Jones D, Weiss H A,
Rusizoka M, Changalucha J, Baisley K, Mugeye K,
Tanton C, Ross D, Everett D, Clayton T, Balira R, Knight
L, Hambleton I, Le Goff J, Belec L, Hayes R. Epub 2008
Mar 12. Erratum in: N Engl J Med. 2010 Apr
4. “Risk factors for herpes simplex virus type 2 and HIV
among women at high risk in northwestern Tanzania:
preparing for an HSV-2 intervention trial” Watson-Jones
85. Soori Elisamia A
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
IDs (HIV and malaria) and
Reproductive health
D, Weiss H A, Rusizoka M, Baisley K, Mugeye K,
Changalucha J, Everett D, Balira R, Knight L, Ross D,
Hayes R J. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2007 46 (5):
“Microbicides Development Program Tanzania Baseline
Characteristics of An Occupational Cohort and
Reattendance at 3 Months” Valley A, Kasindi S,
Hambleton IR, Knight L, Chirwa T, Balira R, Changalucha
J, Watson-Jones D, Everett D, Gavyole A, Moyes J,
Pujades-Rodriguez, Ross DA, Hayes RJ; Sex Transm.
Dis. 2007 Mar 29;
MacQueen KM, Chen M, Ramirez C, Nnko SEA, Earp
KM (2014) Comparison of Closed-Ended, Open-Ended,
and Perceived Informed Consent Comprehension
Measures for a Mock HIV PreventionTrial among Women
in Tanzania. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105720.
John Dusabe, Soori Nnko, John Changalucha, Zaina
Mchome, Brenda Kitilya, Gregory Payne, Elisabeth
Mapella and Angela Obasi (2013) Design of a communitybased mobile phone text message referral intervention in
Tanzania. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2013; 0:
1–3 DOI: 10.1177/1357633X13492291
Mack N, Ramirez CB, Friedland B, Nnko S (2013) Lost in
Translation: Assessing Effectiveness of Focus Group
Questioning Techniques to Develop Improved Translation
of Terminology Used in HIV Prevention Clinical Trials.
PLoS ONE 8(9): e73799.
Kinung'hi SM, Mashauri F, Mwanga JR, Nnko SE,
Kaatano GM, Malima R, Kishamawe C, Magesa S &
Mboera LEG (2010). Knowledge, attitudes and practices
about malaria among communities: Comparing epidemic
and non-epidemic prone communities of Muleba district,
86. Joyce Wamoyi
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
Reproductive Health and
IDs (HIV and other STIS).
North-western Tanzania. BMC Public Health 2010, 10:395
doi:10.1186 / 1471-2458-10-395.
5. Nnko SE, Whyte SR, Geissler WP & Aagaard JH (2012).
Scepticism towards insecticide treated mosquito nets for
malaria control in rural community in north-western
Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Health Research, 14(2),
April 2012. Doi:
1. Wamoyi J, Wight D (2014). “Dying a hero”: Parents’ and
young people’s discourses on concurrent sexual
partnerships in rural Tanzania. BMC Public Health,
14:742 (22 July 2014)
2. Wamoyi J, Wight D (2014). “Mum never loved me.” How
structural factors influence adolescent sexual and
reproductive health through parent-child connectedness:
A qualitative study in rural Tanzania. African Journal of
AIDS Research, 13:2, 169-178, DOI:
3. Wamoyi J, Mshana G, Doyle A M, Ross D A (2013).
Recall, relevance and application of an in-school sexual
and reproductive health intervention 7-9 years later:
perspectives of rural Tanzanian young people. Health
Promotion International, 28(3):311-21. doi:
4. Wamoyi J, Fenwick A, Urassa M, Zaba B, Stones W
(2011.) “Women’s Bodies are Shops”: Beliefs about
Transactional Sex and Implications for Understanding
Gender Power and HIV Prevention in Tanzania. Archives
of Sexual Behavior: Volume 40, Issue 1, Page 5
5. Wamoyi J, Fenwick A, Urassa M, Zaba B, Stones W
(2011). Parental control and monitoring of young people's
sexual behaviour in rural North-Western Tanzania:
Implications for sexual and reproductive health
interventions. BMC Public Health,
87. Gerry Mshana
88. Joseph Olobo
National Institute
for Medical
Intervention Trials
NCDs (Epilepsy,
Parkinson disease,
Hypertension) and IDs
1. Gourlay A, Mshana G, Birdthistle I, Bulugu G, Zaba B,
Urassa M. (2014) Using vignettes in qualitative research
to explore barriers and facilitating factors to the uptake of
prevention of mother-to-child transmission services in
rural Tanzania: a critical analysis. BMC Med Res
Methodol; 11:21
2. Mshana G, Dotchin CL, Walker RW. (2011). 'We call it
the shaking illness': perceptions and experiences of
Parkinson's disease in rural northern Tanzania. BMC
Public Health; 11:219
3. Mshana G, Wambura M, Mwanga J, Mosha J, Mosha F,
Changalucha J. (2011) Traditional male circumcision
practices among the Kurya of North-eastern Tanzania
and implications for national programmes. AIDS Care;
4. Mushi D, Hunter E, Mtuya C, Mshana G, Aris E, Walker
R. (2011) Social-cultural aspects of epilepsy in Kilimanjaro
Region, Tanzania: knowledge and experience among
patients and carers. Epilepsy Behav; 20(2):338-43.
5. Mshana G, Hampshire K, Panter-Brick C, Walker R
(2008).Urban-rural contrasts in explanatory models and
treatment-seeking behaviours for stroke in Tanzania.
Journal of Biosocial Sciences; 40:35-52
1. Bayigga L, Nabatanzi R, Sekiziyivu PN, Mayanja-Kizza H,
Kamya MR, Kambugu A, Olobo J, Kiragga A, Kirimunda
S, Joloba M, Nakanjako D. High CD56++CD16- natural
killer (NK) cells among suboptimal immune responders
after four years of suppressive antiretroviral therapy in an
African adult HIV treatment cohort. BMC Immunol. 2014
Jan 31;15:2.
2. Musa A, Khalil E, Hailu A, Olobo J, Balasegaram M,
89. Moses L. Joloba
Omollo R, Edwards T, Rashid J, Mbui J, Musa B, Abuzaid
AA, Ahmed O, Fadlalla A, El-Hassan A, Mueller M, Mucee
G, Njoroge S, Manduku V, Mutuma G, Apadet L, Lodenyo
H, Mutea D, Kirigi G, Yifru S, Mengistu G, Hurissa Z, Hailu
W, Weldegebreal T, Tafes H, Mekonnen Y, Makonnen E,
Ndegwa S, Sagaki P, Kimutai R, Kesusu J, Owiti R, Ellis
S, Wasunna M. Sodium stibogluconate (SSG) &
paromomycin combination compared to SSG for visceral
leishmaniasis in East Africa: a randomised controlled trial.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2012;6(6):e1674. doi:
10.1371/journal.pntd.0001674. Epub 2012 Jun 19.
Mugisha L, Kaiser M, Ellerbrok H, Pauli G, Opuda-Asibo
J, Joseph OO, Leendertz FH. The "original" hepatitis B
virus of Eastern chimpanzees (Pan trogrodytes
schweinfurthii). Virus Res. 2011 Jan;155(1):372-5.
Habte A, Geletu M, Olobo JO, Kidane D, Negesse Y,
Yassin MA, Kifle B, Abate G, Harboe M, Aseff A. T cell
mediated immune responses in patients with tuberculous
lymphadenitis from Butajira, southern Ethiopia. Ethiop
Med J. 2004 Apr;42 Suppl 1:29-35.
Yassin MA, Olobo JO, Kidane D, Negesse Y, Shimeles E,
Tadesse A, Demissie A, Britton S, Harboe M, Aseffa A,
Abate G. Diagnosis of tuberculous lymphadenitis in
Butajira, rural Ethiopia. Scand J Infect Dis.
Ssengooba W, Nakiyingi L, Armstrong DT, Cobelens FG,
Alland D, Manabe YC, Dorman SE, Ellner JJ, Joloba ML.
Clinical Utility of a Novel Molecular Assay in Various
Combination Strategies with Existing Methods for
Diagnosis of HIV-Related Tuberculosis in Uganda. PLoS
One. 2014 Sep 15;9(9):e107595.
Joloba ML, Johnson JL, Feng PJ, Bozeman L, Goldberg
SV, Morgan K, Gitta P, Boom HW, Heilig CM, MayanjaKizza H, Eisenach KD. What is the most reliable solid
90. Henry Wabinga
NCDs-Oncology, NTDs
culture medium for tuberculosis treatment trials?
Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2014 May;94(3):311-6. doi:
10.1016/ Epub 2014 Mar 19.
3. Wampande EM, Mupere E, Debanne SM, Asiimwe BB,
Nsereko M, Mayanja H, Eisenach K, Kaplan G, Boom
HW, Gagneux S, Joloba ML. Long-term dominance of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Uganda family in peri-urban
Kampala-Uganda is not associated with cavitary disease.
BMC Infect Dis. 2013 Oct 17;13:484. doi: 10.1186/14712334-13-484.
4. Lee J, Armstrong DT, Ssengooba W, Park JA, Yu Y,
Mumbowa F, Namaganda C, Mboowa G, Nakayita G,
Armakovitch S, Chien G, Cho SN, Via LE, Barry CE 3rd,
Ellner JJ, Alland D, Dorman SE, Joloba ML Sensititre
MYCOTB MIC plate for testing Mycobacterium
tuberculosis susceptibility to first- and second-line drugs.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2014;58(1):11-8. doi:
10.1128/AAC.01209-13. Epub 2013 Oct 7.
5. Kateete DP, Kabugo U, Baluku H, Nyakarahuka L, Kyobe
S, Okee M, Najjuka CF, Joloba ML. Prevalence and
antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of bacteria from
milkmen and cows with clinical mastitis in and around
Kampala, Uganda.PLoS One. 2013 May 7;8(5):e63413.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0063413. Print 2013.
1. Sentongo E, Wabinga H. Tungiasis presenting as a soft
tissue oral lesion. BMC Oral Health. 2014 Sep
3;14(1):112. doi: 10.1186/1472-6831-14-112.
2. Wabinga HR, Nambooze S, Amulen PM, Okello C, Mbus
L, Parkin DM. Trends in the incidence of cancer in
Kampala, Uganda 1991-2010. Int J Cancer. 2014 Jul
15;135(2):432-9. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28661. Epub 2014 Feb
3. Kitara DL, Wabinga HR.Pancreatic cancer in an 18-yearold boy. Afr Health Sci. 2011 Sep;11(3):449-53.
91. Jackson JB.
IDs-cross cutting
92. Anne R. Katahoire
sciences, M/RH, NTDs
4. Wabinga H, Parkin DM, Nambooze S, Amero J.
Cancer survival in Kampala, Uganda, 1993-1997. IARC Sci
Publ. 2011;(162):243-7.
5. Nabadda S, Odida M, Wabinga H. Myelodysplasia in
Ugandan patients with HIV/AIDS: an autopsy study. East
Afr Med J. 2011 Jan;88(1):24-7.
1. Mukonzo JK, Owen JS, Ogwal-Okeng J, Kuteesa RB,
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modification: suggestions for an African population and
the different CYP2B6 genotypes. PLoS One. 2014 Jan
2. Nanzigu S, Kiguba R, Kabanda J, Mukonzo JK, Waako P,
Kityo C, Makumbi F. Poor immunological recovery among
severely immunosuppressed antiretroviral therapy-naïve
Ugandans. HIV AIDS (Auckl). 2013 Dec 6;5:309-19.
3. Mukonzo JK, Namuwenge PM, Okure G, Mwesige B,
Namusisi OK, Mukanga D. Over-the-counter suboptimal
dispensing of antibiotics in Uganda. J Multidiscip Healthc.
2013 Aug 20;6:303-10.
4. Mukonzo JK, Okwera A, Nakasujja N, Luzze H, Sebuwufu
D, Ogwal-Okeng J, Waako P, Gustafsson LL, Aklillu E.
Influence of efavirenz pharmacokinetics and
pharmacogenetics on neuropsychological disorders in
Ugandan HIV-positive patients with or without
tuberculosis: a prospective cohort study. BMC Infect Dis.
2013 Jun 4;13:261.
5. Mbuagbaw L, Morfaw F, Kunda JE, Mukonzo JK, Kastner
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1. Kajubi P, Whyte S, Muhumuza S, Kyaddondo
D, Katahoire AR. Communication between HIV-infected
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93. James Tumwine
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2. Muhumuza S, Olsen A, Katahoire A, Kiragga AN, Nuwaha
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mass treatment for schistosomiasis in Uganda: a cluster
randomized trial. PLoS Med. 2014 May
3. Muhumuza S, Olsen A, Nuwaha F, Katahoire A.
Understanding low uptake of mass treatment for intestinal
schistosomiasis among school children: a qualitative
study in jinja district, Uganda. J Biosoc Sci. 2014 Apr
4. Aarø LE, Mathews C, Kaaya S, Katahoire AR, Onya H,
Abraham C, Klepp KI, Wubs A, Eggers SM, de Vries H.
Promoting sexual and reproductive health among
adolescents in southern and eastern Africa (PREPARE):
project design and conceptual framework. BMC Public
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5. Muhumuza S, Katahoire A, Nuwaha F, Olsen A.
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important but not sufficient strategy for improving
praziquantel uptake in Schistosoma mansoni control
programs: serial cross sectional surveys in Uganda. BMC
Infect Dis. 2013 Dec 13;13:590.
1. Tumwine JK. Infections and non-communicable diseases
that just refuse to go away.
Afr Health Sci. 2013 Dec;13(4):i-iv.
2. Tumwine JK, Vandemaele K, Chungong S, Richer M,
Anker M, Ayana Y, Opoka ML, Klaucke DN, Quarello A,
Spencer PS.Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of
nodding syndrome in Mundri County, southern Sudan. Afr
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3. Tumwine JK. Non-communicable diseases are reaching
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4. Tumwine JK. Nodding syndrome, infections and sexuality.
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5. Namasopo SO, Ndugwa C, Tumwine JK. Hepatitis C and
blood transfusion among children attending the Sickle Cell
Clinic at Mulago Hospital, Uganda.Afr Health Sci. 2013
Jun;13(2):255-60. doi: 10.4314/ahs.v13i2.8.
1. Sebunya R, Musiime V, Kitaka SB, Ndeezi G Incidence
and risk factors for first line anti retroviral treatment failure
among Ugandan children attending an urban HIV clinic.
AIDS Res Ther. 2013 Nov 11;10(1):25. doi:
2. Ndeezi G. Nodding disease or syndrome: what is the way
forward? Afr Health Sci. 2012 Sep;12(3):240-1.
3. Ndeezi G, Tylleskar T, Ndugwa CM, Tumwine JK.
Multiple micronutrient supplementation does not reduce
diarrhoea morbidity in Ugandan HIV-infected children: a
randomised controlled trial.
Paediatr Int Child Health. 2012 Feb;32(1):14-21. doi:
4. Ndeezi G, Tylleskar T, Ndugwa CM, Tumwine JK.
Multiple micronutrient supplementation does not reduce
diarrhoea morbidity in Ugandan HIV-infected children: a
randomised controlled trial.
Paediatr Int Child Health. 2012 Feb;32(1):14-21. doi:
5. Namiiro FB, Mugalu J, McAdams RM, Ndeezi G. Poor
birth weight recovery among low birth weight/preterm
infants following hospital discharge in Kampala, Uganda.
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth.
2012 Jan 9;12:1. doi: 10.1186/1471-2393-12-1.
1. Ochola E, Ocama P, Orach CG, Nankinga ZK, Kalyango
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patients with selected chronic diseases in a community
pharmacy in Uganda. BMC Health Serv Res. 2012 Sep
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Kalyango JN, Rutebemberwa E, Alfven T, Ssali S,
Peterson S, Karamagi C. Performance of community
health workers under integrated community case
management of childhood illnesses in eastern Uganda.
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Nankinga Z, Muliira JK, Kalyango J, Nankabirwa J,
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associated with utilization of insecticide-treated nets in
children seeking health care at a Ugandan hospital:
perspective of child caregivers. J Community Health. 2012
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Inzaule S, Otieno J, Kalyango J, Nafisa L, Kabugo C,
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Nabongo P, Verver S, Nangobi E, Mutunzi R, Wajja A,
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Colebunders R, Musoke P. Two year mortality and
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Uganda. BMC Public Health. 2014 Apr 5;14:314. doi:
Barlow-Mosha L, Eckard AR, McComsey GA, Musoke
PM. Metabolic complications and treatment of perinatally
HIV-infected children and adolescents. J Int AIDS Soc.
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97. Victor Musiime
3. Evaluation Sekadde MP, Wobudeya E, Joloba ML,
Ssengooba W, Kisembo H, Bakeera-Kitaka S, Musoke P.
of the Xpert MTB/RIF test for the diagnosis of childhood
pulmonary tuberculosis in Uganda: a cross-sectional
diagnostic study. BMC Infect Dis. 2013 Mar 12;13:133.
doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-13-133.
4. Mudiope PK, Kim S, Wabwire D, Nyende L, Bagenda D,
Mubiru M, Mulira R, Elbireer S, Namukwaya Z, Fowler
MG, Musoke P.
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nevirapine. Trop Med Int Health. 2013 Mar;18(3):344-51.
doi: 10.1111/tmi.12054. Epub 2013 Jan 4.
5. Musoke P, Guay LA, Bagenda D, Mirochnick M, Nakabiito
C, Fleming T, Elliott T, Horton S, Dransfield K, Pav JW,
Murarka A, Allen M, Fowler MG, Mofenson L, Hom D,
Mmiro F, Jackson JB. AIDS. 1999 Mar 11;13(4):479-86. A
phase I/II study of the safety and pharmacokinetics of
nevirapine in HIV-1-infected pregnant Ugandan women
and their neonates (HIVNET 006).
1. Musiime V, Cook A, Bakeera-Kitaka S, Vhembo T,
Lutakome J, Keishanyu R, Prendergast AJ, Lubwama S,
Robertson V, Hughes P, Nathoo K, Munderi P, Klein N,
Musoke P, Gibb DM; ARROW Trial Team. Bacteremia,
causative agents and antimicrobial susceptibility among
HIV-1-infected children on antiretroviral therapy in
Uganda and Zimbabwe. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2013
Aug;32(8):856-62. doi: 10.1097/INF.0b013e31828c3991.
2. Musiime V, Kaudha E, Kayiwa J, Mirembe G, Odera M,
Kizito H, Nankya I, Ssali F, Kityo C, Colebunders R,
Mugyenyi P. Antiretroviral drug resistance profiles and
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98. Ezekiel Mupere
2013 Mar;29(3):449-55. doi: 10.1089/aid.2012.0283.
Epub 2013 Jan 11.
Musiime V, Kayiwa J, Kiconco M, Tamale W, Alima H,
Mugerwa H, Abwola M, Apilli E, Ahimbisibwe F, Kizito H,
Abongomera G, Namusoke A, Makabayi A, Kiweewa F,
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to antiretroviral therapy of HIV type 1-infected children in
urban and rural settings of Uganda.
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2012 Dec;28(12):1647-57.
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Musiime V, Fillekes Q, Kekitiinwa A, Kendall L, Keishanyu
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AS, Burger D, Gibb DM. The pharmacokinetics and
acceptability of lopinavir/ritonavir minitab sprinkles,
tablets, and syrups in african HIV-infected children. J
Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2014 Jun 1;66(2):148-54.
Musiime V, Cook A, Kayiwa J, Zangata D, Nansubuga C,
Arach B, Kenny J, Wavamunno P, Komunyena J,
Kabamba D, Asiimwe AR, Mirembe G, Abongomera G,
Mulenga V, Kekitiinwa A, Kityo C, Walker SA, Klein N,
Gibb DM; CHAPAS-3 trial team. Anthropometric
measurements and lipid profiles to detect early
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Mupere E, Malone L, Zalwango S, Okwera A, Nsereko M,
Tisch DJ, Parraga IM, Stein CM, Mugerwa R, Boom WH,
Mayanja HK, Whalen CC; Tuberculosis Research Unit at
Case Western Reserve University. Wasting among
Uganda men with pulmonary tuberculosis is associated
with linear regain in lean tissue mass during and after
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2014 Jan 13;14:24. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-14-24.
99. Harriet MayanjaKizza
IDS-HIV/AIDS, Malaria,
2. Mupere E, Parraga IM, Tisch DJ, Mayanja HK, Whalen
CC. Low nutrient intake among adult women and patients
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Louis Muwazi
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4. Mbalinda SN, Plover CM, Burnham G, Kaye D, Mwanika
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5. Mwanika A, Okullo I, Kaye DK, Muhwezi W, Atuyambe L,
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2. Muwazi L, Rwenyonyi CM, Nkamba M, Kutesa A, Kagawa
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Periodontal conditions, low birth weight and preterm birth
Rose Nabirye
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Kutesa A, Nkamba EM, Muwazi L, Buwembo W, Rwenyonyi
CM. Weight, height and eruption times of permanent teeth
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3. Buwembo W, Kutesa A, Muwazi L, Rwenyonyi CM.
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premolars in a Ugandan population: a cross sectional
study.BMC Oral Health. 2012 Jul 23;12:23.
4. Rwenyonyi CM, Kutesa A, Muwazi L, Okullo I, Kasangaki
A, Kekitinwa A. Oral Manifestations in HIV/AIDS-Infected
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1. Munabi IG, Buwembo W, Kitara DL, Ochieng J, Nabirye
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2. Njie-Carr V, Kalengé S, Kelley J, Wilson A, Muliira JK,
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4. Mwanika A, Okullo I, Kaye DK, Muhwezi W, Atuyambe L,
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5. Kaye D, Mwanika A, Burnham G, Chang LW, Mbalinda
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Efficacy of a Plasmodium vivax malaria vaccine using
ChAd63 and modified vaccinia Ankara expressing
thrombospondin-related anonymous protein as assessed
with transgenic Plasmodium berghei parasites. Bauza K,
Malinauskas T, Pfander C, Anar B, Jones EY, Billker O,
Hill AV, Reyes-Sandoval A. Infect Immun. 2014
Mar;82(3):1277-86. doi: 10.1128/IAI.01187-13. Epub 2013
Dec 30. PMID: 24379295
The malarial serine protease SUB1 plays an essential role
in parasite liver stage development. Suarez C, Volkmann
K, Gomes AR, Billker O, Blackman MJ. PLoS Pathog.
2013;9(12):e1003811. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003811.
Epub 2013 Dec 12. PMID:24348254
Bennett DA, Arnold SE, Valenzuela MJ, Brayne C,
Schneider JA (2014), “Cognitive and social lifestyle: links
with neuropathology and cognition in late life.” Acta
Neuropathol 127(1):137-50 Details
Brayne C (2014), “A population perspective on the IWG-2
research diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's
disease.” Lancet Neurol 13(6):532-4 Details
Cosco TD, Prina AM, Perales J, Stephan BC, Brayne C
(2014), “Operational definitions of successful aging: a
systematic review.” Int Psychogeriatr 26(3):373-81Details
4. Davis DH, Barnes LE, Stephan BM, MacLullich AM,
176. Prof Graham J.
Professor of
Department of
Development and
Maternal health.
Reproduction, Pregnancy,
Placentation, Human
placental development
and function, preeclampsia
Meagher D, Copeland J, Matthews FE, Brayne C
(2014), “The descriptive epidemiology of delirium
symptoms in a large population-based cohort study:
results from the Medical Research Council Cognitive
Function and Ageing Study (MRC CFAS).” BMC
Geriatr 14(1):87 Details
Dufouil C, Brayne C (2014), “The continuing challenge of
turning promising observational evidence about risk for
dementia to evidence supporting prevention.” JAMA Intern
Med 174(3):333-5 Details
Differential activation of placental unfolded protein
response pathways implies heterogeneity in causation of
early- and late-onset pre-eclampsia.Yung HW, Atkinson
D, Campion-Smith T, Olovsson M, Charnock-Jones DS,
Burton GJ. J Pathol. 2014 Oct;234(2):262-76. doi:
10.1002/path.4394. Epub 2014 Aug 6. PMID:24931423
An obesogenic diet during mouse pregnancy modifies
maternal nutrient partitioning and the fetal growth
trajectory. Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Vaughan OR, Haro M,
Cooper WN, Musial B, Charalambous M, Pestana D,
Ayyar S, Ferguson-Smith AC, Burton GJ, Constancia M,
Fowden AL. FASEB J. 2013 Oct;27(10):3928-37. doi:
10.1096/fj.13-234823. Epub 2013 Jun 27.
The role of apoptosis on trophoblast cell invasion in the
placental bed of normotensive and preeclamptic
pregnancies. Naicker T, Dorsamy E, Ramsuran D, Burton
GJ, Moodley J. Hypertens Pregnancy. 2013
Aug;32(3):245-56. doi: 10.3109/10641955.2013.796969.
Epub 2013 Jun 19. PMID: 23782106
Cindrova-Davies, T., Herrera, E.A., Niu, Y., Kingdom, J.,
Giussani, D.A. and Burton, G.J. (2013) Reduced
cystathionine -lyase and increased miR-21 are
177. Prof Mark
Reader, Dept of
NTDs. Trypanosome host
interactions: Trypanosome
Molecular Biology,
Bioinformatics, Variant
Surface Glycoprotein,
VSG, Comparative
Genomics, Host Parasite
Interactions, gene
associated with increased vascular resistance in growthrestricted pregnancies: hydrogen sulfide as a placental
vasodilator. Am J Pathol, in press.
Yung, H.W., Hemberger, M., Watson, E.D., Senner, C.E.,
Jones, C.P., Kaufman, R.J., Charnock-Jones, D.S. and
Burton, G.J. (2012) Endoplasmic reticulum stress disrupts
placental morphogenesis: implications for human
intrauterine growth restriction. J Pathol, 228, 554-564.
Depletion of the RNA-Binding Protein RBP33 Results in
Increased Expression of Silenced RNA Polymerase II
Transcripts in Trypanosoma brucei. Fernández-Moya SM,
Carrington M, Estévez AM. PLoS One. 2014 Sep
12;9(9):e107608. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107608.
eCollection 2014. PMID:25215501.
SLaP mapper: A webserver for identifying and quantifying
spliced-leader addition and polyadenylation site usage in
kinetoplastid genomes. Fiebig M, Gluenz E, Carrington M,
Kelly S. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2014 Aug 8;196(2):71-74.
doi: 10.1016/j.molbiopara.2014.07.012.PMID: 25111964
A short RNA stem-loop is necessary and sufficient for
repression of gene expression during early logarithmic
phase in trypanosomes. Fernández-Moya SM, Carrington
M, Estévez AM. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014;42(11):7201-9.
doi: 10.1093/nar/gku358. Epub 2014 May 9. PMID:
Evolution of the primate trypanolytic factor APOL1.
Thomson R, Genovese G, Canon C, Kovacsics D, Higgins
MK, Carrington M, Winkler CA, Kopp J, Rotimi C,
Adeyemo A, Doumatey A, Ayodo G, Alper SL, Pollak MR,
Friedman DJ, Raper J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014
May 20;111(20):E2130-9. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1400699111.
Epub 2014 May 7. PMID: 24808134
Sequence variation and structural conservation allows
development of novel function and immune evasion in
178. Revd Dr.
Alasdair Coles
Senior Lecturer in
Dept of Clinical
NCD. Multiple Sclerosis
and Demylenating
diseases in Africa:
Neuromyelitis , Optica,
Demyelination, Multiple
sclerosis, Monoclonal
Alemtuzumab, Campath1H
179. Prof John
Professor of
Epidemiology and
Medicine, and
Head of Dept of
Public Health and
Primary Care
NCD. Epidemiology
determinants of
cardiovascular disease in
Africa: Screening and risk
prediction, Medicines
development, International
parasite surface protein families. Higgins MK, Carrington
M. Protein Sci. 2014 Apr;23(4):354-65. doi:
10.1002/pro.2428. Epub 2014 Feb 19. PMID:24442723
Alemtuzumab treatment of multiple sclerosis: long-term
safety and efficacy. Tuohy O, Costelloe L, Hill-Cawthorne
G, Bjornson I, Harding K, Robertson N, May K, Button T,
Azzopardi L, Kousin-Ezewu O, Jones J, Compston DA,
Coles A. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2014 May 21. pii:
jnnp-2014-307721. doi: 10.1136/jnnp-2014-307721.
Mode of action and clinical studies with alemtuzumab.
Jones JL, Coles AJ. Exp Neurol. 2014 May 2. pii: S00144886(14)00120-4. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2014.04.018.
Long-term remission with rituximab in refractory leucinerich glioma inactivated 1 antibody encephalitis. Brown JW,
Martin PJ, Thorpe JW, Michell AW, Coles AJ, Cox AL,
Vincent A, Zandi MS. J Neuroimmunol. 2014 Jun
15;271(1-2):66-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2014.03.012.
Epub 2014 Mar 21. PMID: 24703099
Product licences for alemtuzumab and multiple sclerosis.
Coles AJ, Compston A; 70 signatories. Lancet. 2014 Mar
8;383(9920):867-8. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)604402.PMID:24607095
Jones JL, Thompson SA, Loh P, Davies JL, Tuohy
OC, Curry AJ, Azzopardi L, Hill-Cawthorne G, Fahey
MT, Compston A, Coles AJ (2013), “Human
autoimmunity after lymphocyte depletion is caused by
homeostatic T-cell proliferation.” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S
A 110(50):20200-5 Details
The INTERVAL trial to determine whether intervals
between blood donations can be safely and acceptably
decreased to optimise blood supply: study protocol for a
randomised controlled trial. Moore C, Sambrook J, Walker
M, Tolkien Z, Kaptoge S, Allen D, Mehenny S, Mant J, Di
Angelantonio E, Thompson SG, Ouwehand W, Roberts
vascular health, Genelifestyle interplay, Systems
genomics, Blood donor
health, Quantitative
180. Prof Gordon
Head of
Wellcome Trust
Sanger Institute
NTDs Infectioius Diseases
& TB. Host pathogen
interactions, genetic
analysis: Antibiotic
resistance, Salmonella
Typhi, Vaccines, typhoid,
Malaria, TB, enteric
DJ, Danesh J. Trials. 2014 Sep 17;15(1):363. PMID:
Association of dietary, circulating, and supplement Fatty
acids with coronary risk. Di Angelantonio E, Chowdhury
R, Forouhi NG, Danesh J. Ann Intern Med. 2014 Sep
16;161(6):458-9. doi: 10.7326/L14-501811.PMID:25222403
Metabolic mediators of body-mass index and
cardiovascular risk. Wormser D, Wood AM, Di
Angelantonio E, Thompson SG, Danesh J; Emerging Risk
Factors Collaboration. Lancet. 2014 Jun
14;383(9934):2042-3. doi: 10.1016/S01406736(14)60991-0. No abstract available. PMID: 24931685
The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration: Kaptoge
S…[310 co-authors]…Danesh J. C-reactive protein,
fibrinogen, and cardiovascular disease prediction. N Engl
J Med 2012;367:1310-20.
The Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration: Di
Angelantonio…[205 co-authors]…Danesh J. Lipid-related
markers and cardiovascular disease prediction. JAMA
Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi and the Pathogenesis
of Typhoid Fever.Dougan G, Baker S. Annu Rev
Microbiol. 2014 Sep 8;68:317-36. doi: 10.1146/annurevmicro-091313-103739. PMID: 25208300
Intracontinental spread of human invasive Salmonella
Typhimurium pathovariants in sub-Saharan Africa.
Okoro CK, Kingsley RA, Connor TR, Harris SR, Parry
CM, Al-Mashhadani MN, Kariuki S, Msefula CL, Gordon
MA, de Pinna E, Wain J, Heyderman RS, Obaro
S, Alonso PL, Mandomando I, MacLennan CA, Tapia
MD, Levine MM, Tennant SM, Parkhill J and Dougan
GNature genetics 2012;44;11;121521PUBMED: 23023330; PMC: 3491877;
DOI: 10.1038/ng.2423
3. IFITM3 restricts the morbidity and mortality
181. Dr John
Reader in
Dept of Veterinary
NCD. Human red blood
cell pathophysiology:
cellular pathophysiology,
articular chondrocytes,
homeostasis, sickle cell
associated with influenza.Everitt AR, Clare S, Pertel
T, John SP, Wash RS, Smith SE, Chin CR, Feeley
EM, Sims JS, Adams DJ, Wise HM, Kane L,Goulding
D, Digard P, Anttila V, Baillie JK, Walsh TS, Hume
DA, Palotie A, Xue Y, Colonna V, Tyler-Smith C, Dunning
J,Gordon SB, GenISIS Investigators, MOSAIC
Investigators, Smyth RL, Openshaw PJ, Dougan G, Brass
AL and Kellam P Nature 2012;484;7395;519-23
PUBMED: 22446628 ; PMC: 3648786;
DOI: 10.1038/nature10921
Targeted restoration of the intestinal microbiota with
a simple, defined bacteriotherapy resolves relapsing
Clostridium difficile disease in mice. Lawley TD, Clare
S, Walker AW, Stares MD, Connor TR, Raisen
C, Goulding D, Rad R, Schreiber F, Brandt C, Deakin
LJ,Pickard DJ, Duncan SH, Flint HJ, Clark TG, Parkhill
J and Dougan G PLoS pathogens 2012;8;10;e1002995
PUBMED: 23133377; PMC: 3486913;
DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1002995
Hannemann, A., Cytlak, U. M., Gbotosho, O. T., Rees, D.
C., Tewari, S. & Gibson, J. S. (2013). Effects of o-vanillin
on K+ transport of red blood cells from patients with sickle
cell disease. Blood Cells, Molecules & Disease In press.
Cytlak, U. M., Hannemann, A., Rees, D. C. & Gibson, J.
S. (2013). Identification of the Ca2+ entry pathway
involved in deoxygenation-induced phosphatidylserine
exposure in red blood cells from patients with sickle cell
disease. Pflug Archiv. 465, 2652-2660.
Milligan, C., Rees, D. C., Ellory, J. C., Osei, A., Browning,
J. A., Hannemann, A. & Gibson, J. S. (2013). A nonelectrolyte haemolysis assay for diagnosis and prognosis
of sickle cell disease. J. Physiol. 591, 1463-1474.
4. Milner, P. I., Smith, H. C., Robinson, R., Wilkins, R. J.
182. Dr Effrossyni
Clinical Director,
Diseases, Dept of
Medicine and MRC
Fellow, MRC Dept
of Epidemiology
Epidemiology of
enterovirus and
emerging infectious
diseases: Pathogen
biology and evolution,
Epidemiology and
mathematical modelling,
interactions, Virology,
Genetic epidemiology,
Diabetes Mellitus,
Enterovirus, Coxsackie B,
Hepatitis, TB.
& Gibson, J. S. (2013). Growth factor regulation of
intracellular pH homeostasis under hypoxic conditions in
isolated equine articular chondrocytes. J. Orthop.
Res. 31, 197-203.
Ma, Y.-L., Rees, D. C., Gibson, J. S. & Ellory, J. C.
(2012). The conductance of red blood cells from sickle cell
patients: ion selectivity and inhibitors. J. Physiol. 590,
Cottle LE, Gkrania-Klotsas E, Williams HJ, Brindle HE,
Carmichael AJ, Fry G, Beeching NJ. A multinational
outbreak of histoplasmosis following a biology field trip in
the ugandan rainforest. J Travel Med. 2013 Mar;20(2):837. doi:10.1111/jtm.12012. Epub 2013 Jan 30. PubMed
PMID: 23464714.
Gkrania-Klotsas E, Langenberg C, Sharp SJ, Luben R,
Khaw KT, Wareham NJ.
Seropositivity and higher IgG antibody levels against
Cytomegalovirus are associated with mortality in the
population based EPIC-Norfolk cohort. Clin Infect Dis.
2013 Feb 26. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:
Bloomfield MG, Carmichael AJ, Gkrania-Klotsas E.
Mortality in Clostridium difficile infection: a prospective
analysis of risk predictors. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol.
2013 Feb 24. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:
Lim PL, Han P, Chen LH, MacDonald S, Pandey P, Hale
D, Schlagenhauf P, Loutan L, Wilder-Smith A, Davis XM,
Freedman DO; GeoSentinel Surveillance Network.
Expatriates ill after travel: results from the Geosentinel
Surveillance Network. BMC Infect Dis. 2012 Dec
31;12:386. doi: 10.1186/1471-2334-12-386. PubMed
PMID: 23273048.
183. Dr Julia
University Lecturer
and Royal Society
Research Fellow,
Dept of Applied
Mathematics and
Theoretical Physics
NTDs Infectious
Diseases & Crosscutting. Mathematics
and Infectious Disease
Dynamics: Mathematical
modelling, Influenza,
Computation, Within-host
dynamics, Strain
dynamics, Epidemic
control, Pathogen
Evolution, Genome
5. Gkrania-Klotsas E, Langenberg C, Sharp SJ, Luben R,
Khaw KT, Wareham NJ.
Higher immunoglobulin G antibody levels against
cytomegalovirus are associated with incident ischemic
heart disease in the population-based EPIC-Norfolk
cohort. J Infect Dis. 2012 Dec 15;206(12):1897-903. doi:
10.1093/infdis/jis620. Epub 2012 Oct 8. PubMed PMID:
1. Demonstrating the use of high-volume electronic medical
claims data to monitor local and regional influenza activity
in the US. Viboud C, Charu V, Olson D, Ballesteros S,
Gog J, Khan F, Grenfell B, Simonsen L. PLoS One. 2014
Jul 29;9(7):e102429. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102429.
eCollection 2014.PMID:25072598
2. Spatial Transmission of 2009 Pandemic Influenza in the
US. Gog JR, Ballesteros S, Viboud C, Simonsen L,
Bjornstad ON, Shaman J, Chao DL, Khan F, Grenfell
BT.PLoS Comput Biol. 2014 Jun 12;10(6):e1003635. doi:
10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003635. eCollection 2014
3. Identification of a novel splice variant form of the influenza
A virus M2 ion channel with an antigenically distinct
ectodomain. Wise HM, Hutchinson EC, Jagger BW, Stuart
AD, Kang ZH, Robb N, Schwartzman LM, Kash JC, Fodor
E, Firth AE, Gog JR, Taubenberger JK, Digard P. PLoS
Pathog. 2012;8(11):e1002998. doi:
10.1371/journal.ppat.1002998. Epub 2012 Nov
4. The role of social contacts and original antigenic sin in
shaping the age pattern of immunity to seasonal
influenza. Kucharski AJ, Gog JR. PLoS Comput Biol.
2012;8(10):e1002741. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002741.
Epub 2012 Oct 25.PMID:23133346
5. Gog, J.R. and Murcia, A. and Osterman, N. and Restif, O.
184. Dr Gail
Senior Investigator
Scientist, Elsie
Laboratory, MRC
Human Nutrition
Fulbourn Road,
NCD. Bone, Nutrition,
Calcium, Vitamin D,
Pregnancy, Lactation,
Growth, Body
composition, Dietary
assessment, Chronic
disease, Migration,
185. Prof Ian
Professor of
Virology, Division
of Virology
Disease/Maternal health.
Virology, gastroenteritis,
Norovirus, Calicivirus,
and McKinley, T.J. and Sheppard, M. and Achouri, S. and
Wei, B. and Mastroeni, P. and Wood, J.L.N. and Maskell
D.J. and Cicuta P. and Bryant C.E. Dynamics of
Salmonella infection of macrophages at the single cell
level Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2012
Prentice, A.M., Ward, K.A., Goldberg, G.R., Jarjou, L.M.,
Moore, S.E., Fulford, A.J., Prentice, A. (2013) Critical
windows for nutritional interventions against
stunting Am J Clin Nutr 97: 5, 911-918
Sawo, Y., Jarjou, L.M., Goldberg, G.R., Laskey, M.A.,
Prentice, A. (2013) Bone mineral changes after
lactation in Gambian women accustomed to a low
calcium intake Eur J Clin Nutr
Schoenmakers, I., Francis, R.M., McColl, E., Chadwick,
T., Goldberg, G.R., Harle, C., Yarnall, A., Wilkinson, J.,
Parker, J., Prentice, A., Aspray, T. (2013)Vitamin D
supplementation in older people (VDOP): Study
protocol for a randomised controlled intervention trial
with monthly oral dosing with 12,000 IU, 24,000 IU or
48,000 IU of vitamin D3 Trials 14: 1, 299
Schoenmakers, I., Jarjou, L.M., Goldberg, G.R., Tsoi, K.,
Harnpanich, D., Prentice, A. (2013) Acute response to
oral calcium loading in pregnant and lactating women
with a low calcium intake: a pilot study Osteoporos
Int 24: 8, 2301-8
Jarjou, L.M.A., Sawo, Y., Goldberg, G.R., Laskey, M.A.,
Cole, T.J., Prentice, A. (2013) Unexpected long-term
effects of calcium supplementation in pregnancy on
maternal bone outcomes in women with a low calcium
intake: a follow-up study Am J Clin Nutr 98: 3, 723-730
Identification of protein interaction partners in mammalian
cells using SILAC-immunoprecipitation quantitative
proteomics. Emmott E, Goodfellow I. J Vis Exp. 2014 Jul
6;(89). doi: 10.3791/51656. PMID: 25046639
Hepatitis E virus, HEV
2. Genogroup IV and VI Canine Noroviruses Interact with
186. Dr Peter
Cancer Research
UK Clinician
Scientist, Honorary
Physician and
Senior Research
Associate, Division
of Virology, Dept of
Diseases. Human
Papilloma Virus, HIV and
Cancer: NK, virology,
innate immunity , virus,
natural killer cells , PBC
Histo-Blood Group Antigens. Caddy S, Breiman A, le
Pendu J, Goodfellow I.
J Virol. 2014 Sep 15;88(18):10377-91. doi:
10.1128/JVI.01008-14. Epub 2014 Jul 9. PMID: 25008923
Noroviruses: a global cause of acute gastroenteritis.
Desselberger U, Goodfellow I. Lancet Infect Dis. 2014
Aug;14(8):664-5. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(14)70776-5.
Epub 2014 Jun 26. PMID:24981040
Detection of protein-protein interactions using tandem
affinity purification. Goodfellow I, Bailey D. Methods Mol
Biol. 2014;1177:121-33. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-10342_10. PMID:24943319
De-escalation treatment protocols for human
papillomavirus-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell
carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis of
current clinical trials. Masterson L, Moualed D, Liu ZW,
Howard JE, Dwivedi RC, Tysome JR, Benson R, Sterling
JC, Sudhoff H, Jani P, Goon PK. Eur J Cancer. 2014 Aug
1. pii: S0959-8049(14)00797-7. doi:
10.1016/j.ejca.2014.07.001.Review. PMID: 25091798
Testing for 'threads' and leucocyte esterase in first-void
urine to exclude the diagnosis of non-specific urethritis in
asymptomatic men. Pallawela SN, Sonnex C, Burdett J,
Cooper D, Nethercott K, Thomas CM, Goon P, Webb H,
Carne C. Sex Health. 2014 Jul;11(3):283-4. doi:
10.1071/SH13190. PMID:24717166
De-escalation treatment protocols for human
papillomavirus-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell
carcinoma. Masterson L, Moualed D, Masood A, Dwivedi
RC, Benson R, Sterling JC, Rhodes KM, Sudhoff H, Jani
P, Goon P. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Feb
15;2:CD010271. doi:
4. Detection of specific HPV subtypes responsible for the
187. Dr Andrew
Senior Lecturer in
Bacterial Pathogenesis:
Drug discovery and
vaccinology, Resistance
and immunity and
infection, Epidemiology,
Molecular Genetics,
Genome science, Host
pathogen interactions,
Host response, Systems
188. Prof Robert
Professor of
Geography, Dept
Cross-cutting. Spatial
Analysis and the
Geography of Health
pathogenesis of condylomata acuminata. Hawkins MG,
Winder DM, Ball SL, Vaughan K, Sonnex C, Stanley MA,
Sterling JC, Goon PK. Virol J. 2013 May 1;10:137. doi:
10.1186/1743-422X-10-137. PMID: 23634957
HPV infection, anal intra-epithelial neoplasia (AIN) and
anal cancer: current issues. Stanley MA, Winder DM,
Sterling JC, Goon PK.BMC Cancer. 2012 Sep 8;12:398.
doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-12-398. PMID:22958276
Kaiser P, Regoes R, Lengefeld J, Slack E, Grant AJ,
Ackermann M, Hardt W-D. (2014) Cecum lymph node
dendritic cells harbor slow-growing bacteria phenotypically
tolerant to antibiotic treatment. PLoS Biol. 12(2):e1001793
Mastroeni P and Grant A.(2013) Dynamics of spread
of Salmonella enterica in the systemic
compartment. Microbes. Infect. 15, 849-857
Kaiser P, Slack E, Grant AJ, Hardt W-D, Regoes RR.
(2013) Lymph node colonization dynamics after ortall
Salmonella Typhimurium infection in mice. PLoS Pathog.
Restif O, Goh YS, Palayret M, Grant AJ, McKinley TJ,
Clark MR, Mastroeni P. Quantification of the effects of
antibodies on the extra-and intracellular dynamics
of Salmonella enterica. (2012) J. R. Soc. Interface.
Grant AJ*, Morgan FLE, McKInley TJ, Foster GL, Maskell
DJ, Mastroeni P. (2012)
Attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium lacking the
pathogenicity island-2 type 3 secretion system grow to
high bacterial numbers inside phagocytes in mice. PLoS
Pathog. 8(12): e1003070 (*Corresponding author)
J.Wang, R.P.Haining, T.Liu, L.Li and C.Jiang. "Sandwich
Estimation for Multi-Unit Reporting on a Stratified
Heterogeneous Surface." Environment and Planning,
of Geography
189. Dr Frank
University Lecturer
and Royal Society
Research Fellow,
Dept of Genetics
Malaria, NTDs Genetics
and Evolution of Insect
Vectors: Mosquito,
Vector, Malaria, Filariasis,
aedes, Dengue, Parasite,
Genetics, Immunity,
Rickettsia, Viruses
A. 2013, 45(10), 2515-2534.
2. D.A.Griffith, Y.Chun, M.O'Kelly, B.J.L. Berry, R.P.Haining
and M-P Kwan. "Geographical Analysis: Its first forty
years." Geographical Analysis, 2013, 45, 1-27.
3. Lawson AB, Dean C, Waller L, Haining R. GEOMED 2011
Special Issue. Editorial. Spatiotemporal Epidemiol. 2012
Jun;3(2):93 PMID: 22682435
4. Ge E, Haining R, Li CP, Yu Z, Waye MY, Chu KH, Leung
Y Using knowledge fusion to analyze avian influenza
H5N1 in East and Southeast Asia. PLoS One.
5. R.Haining and J.Law 'Geographical Information Systems
models and spatial data analysis.' In A.Batabyal and
P.Nijkamp (eds) Research Tools in Natural Resource and
Environmental Economics, 2011. World Scientific
Publishing, Singapore, p.377-402
1. Longdon, B, Brockhurst, MA, Russell, CA, Welch, JJ and
Jiggins, FM 2014 The Evolution and Genetics of Virus
Host Shifts. PLoS Pathogens. In Press
2. Martinez, J, Longdon, B, Bauer, S, Chan, Y-S, Miller, WJ,
Bourtzis, K, Teixeira, L and Jiggins, FM 2014 Symbionts
commonly provide broad spectrum resistance to viruses in
insects: a comparative analysis of Wolbachia strains.
PLoS Pathogens. 9: e1004369 [PDF]
3. Quinn, A, Juneja, P and Jiggins, FM 2014 Estimates of
allele-specific expression in Drosophila with a single
genome sequence and RNA-seq data. Bioinformatics. In
4. Wilfert, L and Jiggins, FM 2014 Flies on the move: an
inherited virus mirrors Drosophila melanogaster's elusive
ecology and demography. Molecular Ecology. 23, 2093–
2104 [PDF]
5. Juneja, P, Osei-Poku, J, Ho, YS, Ariani, CV, Palmer, WJ,
Pain, A and Jiggins, FM 2014 Assembly of the Genome of
190. Dr Alexander
Design Centre,
Dept of
Health services
research. Healthcare
Design: Simulation in
Healthcare, Systems
modelling, Complex
systems, Systems
approach, Systems
thinking, Service Design
191. Prof Andrew
Professor of
Infectious Diseases/HIV.
Retrovirus and rotavirus
the Disease Vector Aedes aegypti onto a Genetic Linkage
Map Allows Mapping of Genes Affecting Disease
Transmission. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 8:
e2652 [PDF]
Gracey, F and Komashie, A and Malley, D (2012) Models,
Simulations and Metacognition: Reflections on
Interactions between Systems Engineering and
Neuropsychology in Brain Injury Rehabilitation. BRAIN
INJURY, 26. pp. 619-620. ISSN 0269-9052
KOMASHIE, A., Jun, T., Dodds, S., Rayner, H., Thane,
S., Mitchell-Baker, A.and Clarkson, P. J. (2011) 'SICK
SYSTEMS: Towards a generic conceptual representation
of healthcare systems' Proceedings of the 18th
International Conference on Engineering Design
(ICED11), Vol. 4 (pp. 430440).
Mousavi, A., KOMASHIE, A., and Tavakoli, S. (2011)
Proc. 43rd Winter Simulation Conference, 2011, Arizona,
USA.(S. Jain, R. R. Creasey, J. Himmelspach, K. P.
White, & M. Fu, Eds.).
Komashie, A and Mousavi, A and Gore, J (2008) Using
Discrete Event Simulation (DES) to manage theatre
operations in healthcare: An audit-based case
study.Proceedings - UKSim 10th International Conference
on Computer Modelling and Simulation,
EUROSIM/UKSim2008. pp. 360-365.
Komashie, A and Mousavi, A and Gore, J (2007) Quality
management in healthcare and industry: A comparative
review and emerging themes. Journal of Management
History, 13. pp. 359-370.
Current perspectives on RNA secondary structure
probing. Kenyon J, Prestwood L, Lever A. Biochem Soc
Diseases, Dept of
192. Prof Nick
molecular biology: HIV,
Rotavirus, Molecular
biology, Structural biology,
RNA packaging, RNA
structure, Pathogen
biology and evolution,
NCD. Nutrition, Disease,
Professor of
Human Population Growth and Poverty in
Biology and Health; Developing Countries
Deputy Head, Dept
of Biological
Trans. 2014 Aug 1
2. Targeting RNA-protein interactions within the human
immunodeficiency virus type 1 lifecycle.Bell NM,
L'Hernault A, Murat P, Richards JE, Lever AM,
Balasubramanian S. Biochemistry. 2013 Dec 23
3. World AIDS Day: together we will stop HIV transmission
and conquer AIDS. Wainberg MA, Lever A. Retrovirology.
2013 Nov 15
4. Further characterisation of rotavirus cores: Ss(+)RNAs
can be packaged in vitro but packaging lacks sequence
specificity. Desselberger U, Richards J, Tchertanov L,
Lepault J, Lever A, Burrone O, Cohen J. Virus Res. 2013
Dec 26
5. Experimental pathways towards developing a rotavirus
reverse genetics system: synthetic full length rotavirus
ssRNAs are neither infectious nor translated in permissive
cells. Richards JE, Desselberger U, Lever AM.PLoS One.
2013 Sep 3
1. Krzyżanowska M & Mascie-Taylor CGN (2014)
Educational and social class assortative mating in fertile
British couples. Annals of Human Biology
2. Basu Mallick C, Iliescu FM, Möls M, Hill S, Tamang R,
Chaubey G, Goto R, Ho SY, Gallego Romero I, Crivellaro
F, Hudjashov G, Rai N, Metspalu M, Mascie-Taylor CGN,
Pitchappan R, Singh L, Mirazon-Lahr M, Thangaraj K,
Villems R & Kivisild (2013) The light skin allele of
SLC24A5 in South Asians and Europeans shares identity
by descent. PLoS Genetics. 9(11):e1003912.
3. Rohner F, Northrop-Clewes C, Tschannen AB, Bosso PE,
Kouassi-Gohou V, Erhardt JG, Bui M, Zimmermann MB
&Mascie-Taylor CGN (2013) Prevalence and public
health relevance of micronutrient deficiencies and
undernutrition in pre-school children and women of
reproductive age in Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa. Public
193. Dr TJ
Associate in
Infectious Diseases
Consortium, Dept
of Veterinary
Statistical Methodology
For Studying Infectious
Diseases: Statistical
modelling, Bayesian
methods, MCMC,
Influenza, Salmonellosis
194. Dr Richard
MRC Clinician
Scientist Fellow,
MRC Cognition &
Brain Sciences
Mental Health. PostTraumatic Stress Disorder
: anxiety, trauma, children,
adolescents, genetic and
Health Nutrition. 4:1-13.
4. Krzyżanowska M & Mascie-Taylor CGN (2013) Biosocial
correlates of intergenerational social mobility in a British
cohort. Journal of Biosocial Science, 45(4):481-96.
5. Mascie-Taylor CGN (2012) Is Bangladesh going through
an epidemiological and nutritional transition?, Collegium
antropologicum, 36(4):1155-9.
1. The demography of free‐roaming dog populations and
applications to disease and population controlMK M
orters, TJ McKinley, O Restif, AJK Conlan, S Cleaveland,
Journal of Applied Ecology 2014
2. Simulation-based Bayesian inference for epidemic models
TJ McKinley, JV Ross, R Deardon, AR Cook
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 2014
3. Achieving population-level immunity in rabies to freeroaming dogs in Africa and Asia MK Morters, TJ
McKinley, DL Horton, S Cleaveland, JP Schoeman, PLOS
4. Bayesian Model Choice in Cumulative Link Ordinal
Regression Models TJ McKinley, M Morters, JLN Wood
5. Nested sampling for bayesian model comparison in the
context of salmonella disease dynamics R Dybowski, TJ
McKinley, P Mastroeni, O Restif PloS one 8 (12), e82317
1. Amone-P’Olak, K., Stochl, J., Ovuga, E., Abbott, R.,
Meiser-Stedman, R., Croudace, T.J., & Jones, P.B.
(2014). Post-war Environment and Long-Term Mental
Health Problems in Former Child Soldiers in Northern
Uganda: The WAYS Study. Journal of Epidemiology &
Community Health.
2. Amone-P’Olak, K., Jones, P.B., Meiser-Stedman, R.,
Abbott, R., Ayella-ataro, P., & Ovuga, E. (2014) War
experiences, General Functioning, and Barriers to Care
195. Dr Gos
Biology Institute,
Dept of Applied
Mathematics and
Physics; Dept of
Genomics; Synthetic
among Former Child Soldiers in Northern Uganda: The
WAYS Study. Journal of Public Health.
Meiser-Stedman, R., Shepperd, A., Glucksman, E.,
Dalgleish, T., Yule, W., & Smith, P. (2014). Thought
control strategies and rumination in youth with acute
stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder following
single-event trauma. Journal of Child and Adolescent
Psychopharmacology, 24, 47-51. Open Access pdf
Amone-P’Olak, K., Jones, P.B., Abbott, R., MeiserStedman, R., Ovuga, E., & Croudace, T.J. (2013). Cohort
profile: mental health following extreme trauma in a
northern Ugandan cohort of War-Affected Youth Study
(The WAYS Study). SpringerPlus, 2, 1-11. pdf
Nixon, R.D.V., Meiser-Stedman, R., Dalgleish, T., Yule,
W., Clark, D.M., Perrin, S., & Smith, P. (2013). The Child
PTSD Symptom Scale: An update and replication of its
psychometric properties.Psychological Assessment,
25, 1025-1031.
esyN: Network Building, Sharing and Publishing. Bean
DM, Heimbach J, Ficorella L, Micklem G, Oliver SG,
Favrin G. PLoS One. 2014 Sep 2;9(9):e106035. doi:
10.1371/journal.pone.0106035. eCollection 2014.
InterMine: extensive web services for modern biology.
Kalderimis A, Lyne R, Butano D, Contrino S, Lyne M,
Heimbach J, Hu F, Smith R, Stěpán R, Sullivan J,
Micklem G. Nucleic Acids Res. 2014 Jul;42(Web Server
issue):W468-72. doi: 10.1093/nar/gku301. Epub 2014 Apr
Identification of microRNAs in the coral Stylophora
pistillata. Liew YJ, Aranda M, Carr A, Baumgarten S,
Zoccola D, Tambutté S, Allemand D, Micklem G, Voolstra
CR. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 21;9(3):e91101. doi:
10.1371/journal.pone.0091101. eCollection 2014
BioJS DAGViewer: A reusable JavaScript component
196. Prof Ashley
Professor of
Immunology, Dept
of Pathology
Maternal health.
Immune Systems &
Regulation Of
Placentation: Preeclampsia, Still-birth,
Recurrent miscarriage and
Poor fetal growth
197. Dr Sergey
Royal Society
Research Fellow,
Dept of Medicine
Infectious Disease/TB.
Genetics of Infection
(TB): Tuberculosis,
for displaying directed graphs. Kalderimis A, Stepan R,
Sullivan J, Lyne R, Lyne M, Micklem G. F1000Res. 2014
Feb 13;3:51. doi: 10.12688/f1000research.3-51.v1.
eCollection 2014
Integrating microRNA and mRNA expression profiling in
Symbiodinium microadriaticum, a dinoflagellate symbiont
of reef-building corals. Baumgarten S, Bayer T, Aranda M,
Liew YJ, Carr A, Micklem G, Voolstra CR. BMC
Genomics. 2013 Oct 12;14:704.doi: 10.1186/1471-216414-704.
Hiby SE, Apps R, Chazara O, Farrell LE, Magnus P,
Trogstad L, Gjessing HK, Carrington M, Moffett A.
(2014) Maternal KIR in combination with paternal HLA-C2
regulate human birth weight. J Immunol. 192(11):5069-73.
Moffett A, Colucci F. (2014) Uterine NK cells: active
regulators at the maternal-fetal interface. J Clin
Invest. 124(5):1872-9.
Kieckbusch J, Gaynor LM, Moffett A, Colucci F. (2014)
MHC-dependent inhibition of uterine NK cells impedes
fetal growth and decidual vascular remodelling. Nat
Commun 5:3359.
Nakimuli A, Chazara O, Byamugisha J, Elliott AM,
Kaleebu P, Mirembe F,Moffett A. (2014) Pre-eclampsia,
pregnancy and parturition in women of African
ancestry. American Journal of Obstetrics and
Gynecology 210(6):510-520.
Nakimuli A, Elliott AM, Kaleebu P, Moffett A, Mirembe F.
Hypertension persisting after pre-eclampsia: a prospective
cohort study at Mulago Hospital, Uganda. PLoS One Dec
Angulo I, Vadas O, Garçon F, Banham-Hall E, Plagnol V,
Leahy TR, Baxendale H, Coulter T, Curtis J, Wu C, BlakePalmer K, Perisic O, Smyth D, Maes M, Fiddler C, Juss J,
Genetic susceptibility,
Enterovirus, Host
pathogen interaction,
Immunity and host
Immunogenetics, Innate
198. Dr Michelle
Lecturer in
Mechanics of
Materials, Dept of
Maternal health.
Engineering Factors In
Premature Birth:
Biomedical engineering,
mechanics of connective
Cilliers D, Markelj G, Chandra A, Farmer G, Kielkowska A,
Clark J, Kracker S, Debré M, Picard C, Pellier I, Jabado
N, Morris JA, Barcenas-Morales G, Fischer A, Stephens
L, Hawkins P, Barrett JC, Abinun M, Clatworthy M,
Durandy A, Doffinger R, Chilvers E, Cant AJ,
Kumararatne D, Okkenhaug K, Williams RL, Condliffe A*,
Nejentsev S*. Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase δ Gene
Mutation Predisposes to Respiratory Infection and Airway
Damage. Science. 2013 Oct 17. *shared senior authors
Burns SO, Zenner, HL, Plagnol, V, Curtis, J, Mok, K,
Eisenhut, M, Kumararatne, D, Doffinger, R, Thrasher, AJ,
_Nejentsev, S: LRBA gene deletion in a patient
presenting with autoimmunity without
hypogammaglobulinemia. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2012;
Plagnol V, Curtis J, Epstein M, Mok K, Stebbings E,
Grigoriadou S, Wood NW, Hambleton S, Burns SO,
Thrasher A, Kumararatne D, Doffinger R, Nejentsev S: A
robust model for read count data in exome sequencing
experiments and implications for copy number variant
calling. Bioinformatics 28:2747-54, 2012
Thye T, Owusu-Dabo E, Vannberg FO, van Crevel R,
Curtis J, Sahiratmadja E, Balabanova Y, Ehmen C,
Muntau B, Ruge G, Sievertsen J, Gyapong J,
Nikolayevskyy V, Hill PC, Sirugo G, Drobniewsk F, van de
Vosse E, Newport M, Alisjahbana B, Nejentsev S,
Ottenhoff THM, Hill AVS, Horstmann RD, Meyer
CG: Common variants at 11p13 are associated with
susceptibility to tuberculosis. Nat Genet 44:257-9, 2012
Yao, W and Yoshida, K and Fernandez, M and Vink,
J and Wapner, RJ and Ananth, CV and Oyen,
ML and Myers, KM (2014) Measuring the compressive
viscoelastic mechanical properties of human cervical
tissue using indentation. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater,
tissues, injury, premature
birth, arthritis, biomimetics
34. pp. 18-26.
2. Tonsomboon, K and Koh, CT and Oyen, ML (2014) Time-
199. Prof Julian
Head of Pathogen
Wellcome Trust
Sanger Institute
Genomics Of Bacterial
Pathogens: Genome,
Bioinformatics, Genetics,
Molecular Biology, HostPathogen Interaction,
Pathogen Evolution,
Infection, Epidemiology,
Bacteriology, Genomics,
Typhoid Fever,
dependent fracture toughness of cornea. J Mech Behav
Biomed Mater, 34. pp. 116-123.
Abernathy, MR and Hough, J and Martin, IW and Rowan,
S and Oyen, M and Linn, C and Faller,
JE (2014) Investigation of the Young's modulus and
thermal expansion of amorphous titania-doped tantala
films. Appl Opt, 53. pp. 3196-3202. ISSN 1559-128X
Liu, K-K and Oyen, ML (2014) Nanobiomechanics of living
materials Introduction. INTERFACE FOCUS, 4. ISSN
Caliari, SR and Mozdzen, LC and Armitage, O and Oyen,
ML and Harley, BA (2014)Award Winner in the Young
Investigator Category, 2014 Society for Biomaterials
Annual Meeting and Exposition, Denver, Colorado, April
16-19, 2014: Periodically perforated core-shell collagen
biomaterials balance cell infiltration, bioactivity, and
mechanical properties. J Biomed Mater Res A, 102. pp.
Out-of-Africa migration and Neolithic coexpansion of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis with modern humans.
Comas I, Coscolla M, Luo T, Borrell S, Holt KE, KatoMaeda M, Parkhill J, Malla B, Berg S, Thwaites
G, Yeboah-Manu D,Bothamley G, Mei J, Wei L, Bentley
S, Harris SR, Niemann S, Diel R, Aseffa A, Gao Q, Young
D and Gagneux S Nature genetics 2013;45;10;1176-82
PUBMED:23995134; PMC: 3800747;
DOI: 10.1038/ng.2744
What has high-throughput sequencing ever done for
us? Parkhill J Nature reviews.
Microbiology 2013;11;10;664-5 PUBMED: 23979431;
DOI: 10.1038/nrmicro3112
Distinguishable epidemics of multidrug-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus,
Shigellosis, Burkholderia
Tuberculosis, Diphtheria,
200. Dr Emma
Research Leader,
RAND Europe;
Visiting Senior
Research Fellow,
IPH, University of
Cambridge; Visiting
Senior Fellow,
London School of
Economics and
Political Science
Heath services research.
Health Services
Mixed methods research,
Qualitative research,
Hospital ethnography,
Maternal- neonatal and
child health, Quality of
care, Global health,
Globalization and health,
Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 in different hosts.
Mather AE, Reid SW, Maskell DJ, Parkhill J, Fookes
MC, Harris SR, Brown DJ, Coia JE, Mulvey MR, Gilmour
MW,Petrovska L, de Pinna E, Kuroda M, Akiba
M, Izumiya H, Connor TR, Suchard MA, Lemey P, Mellor
DJ, Haydon DT andThomson NR Science (New York,
N.Y.) 2013;341;6153;1514-7 PUBMED: 24030491;
PMC: 4012302; DOI: 10.1126/science.1240578
4. Rapid bacterial whole-genome sequencing to
enhance diagnostic and public health microbiology.
Reuter S, Ellington MJ, Cartwright EJ, Köser CU, Török
ME, Gouliouris T, Harris SR, Brown NM, Holden
MT, Quail M,Parkhill J, Smith GP, Bentley
SD and Peacock SJ JAMA internal
medicine 2013;173;15;1397-404PUBMED: 23857503;
PMC: 4001082;
DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.7734
5. Whole-genome sequencing for rapid susceptibility
testing of M. tuberculosis.Köser CU, Bryant JM, Becq
J, Török ME, Ellington MJ, Marti-Renom MA, Carmichael
AJ, Parkhill J, Smith GP andPeacock SJ The New
England journal of medicine 2013;369;3;290-2
PUBMED: 23863072; PMC: 3836233;
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMc1215305
1. Multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial evaluating
implementation of a fire prevention Injury Prevention
Briefing in children’s centres: study protocol
Deave, Toity, Towner, Elizabeth, McColl, Elaine, Reading,
Richard, Sutton, Alex, Coupland, Carol, Cooper, Nicola,
Stewart, Jane, Hayes, Mike, Pitchforth, Emma, Watson,
Michael and Kendrick, Denise (2014) Multicentre cluster
randomised controlled trial evaluating implementation of a
fire prevention Injury Prevention Briefing in children’s
centres: study protocol. BMC Public Health, 14 (1). p. 69.
Emergency care
201. Dr Julian
Group Leader,
Wellcome Trust
Sanger Institute
Malaria. Host-Parasite
Interactions At The
Molecular Level In
Malaria, Plasmodium
falciparum, Host-parasite
interactions, Parasite
motility, Red blood cell
invasion, Genetic diversity
ISSN 1471-2458
Recent RAND publications
Ellen Nolte, Emma Pitchforth, Celine Miani, Sheena Mc
Hugh. The changing hospital landscape: An
exploration of international experiences (Aug 5,
2014) Report
Daniel Schweppenstedde, Saba Hinrichs, Uzor Ogbu,
Eric C. Schneider, Dionne S. Kringos, Niek S. Klazinga,
Judith Healy, Lauri Vuorenkoski, Reinhard Busse, Benoit
Guerin, Emma Pitchforth, Ellen Nolte. Regulating quality
and safety of health and social care: International
experiences (Feb 7, 2014) Report
Mark W. Friedberg, Kristin R. Van Busum, Peggy G.
Chen, Frances Aunon, Chau Pham, John Caloyeras,
Soeren Mattke, Emma Pitchforth, Denise D. Quigley,
Robert H. Brook, F. Jay Crosson, Michael Tutty. Factors
Affecting Physician Professional Satisfaction (Oct 11,
2013) Research Brief
Mark W. Friedberg, Peggy G. Chen, Kristin R. Van
Busum, Frances Aunon, Chau Pham, John Caloyeras,
Soeren Mattke, Emma Pitchforth, Denise D. Quigley,
Robert H. Brook, F. Jay Crosson, Michael Tutty. Factors
Affecting Physician Professional Satisfaction and
Their Implications for Patient Care, Health Systems,
and Health Policy (Oct 8, 2013) Report
Quantitation of malaria parasite-erythrocyte cell-cell
interactions using optical tweezers. Crick AJ, Theron M,
Tiffert T, Lew VL, Cicuta P, Rayner JC. Biophys J. 2014
Aug 19
New antigens for a multicomponent blood-stage malaria
vaccine. Osier FH, Mackinnon MJ, Crosnier C, Fegan G,
Kamuyu G, Wanaguru M, Ogada E, McDade B, Rayner
JC, Wright GJ, Marsh K. Sci Transl Med. 2014 Jul 30
Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte invasion: combining
202. Dr Mark
Epidemiologist at
the Health
Protection Agency
and affiliated
Lecturer, University
of Cambridge Dept
of Public Health &
Primary Care
Malaria/ infectious
diseases, Cross-cutting.
Infection Malaria,
Infectious diseases,
Infection Surveillance,
Epidemiology, Health
Protection, Public Health,
Enteric viral infections,
Antibiotic resistance,
Immunisation, Malaria,
Epidemiology training
function with immune evasion. Wright GJ, Rayner JC.
PLoS Pathog. 2014 Mar 20
Towards a comprehensive Plasmodium falciparum
merozoite cell surface and secreted recombinant protein
library. Zenonos ZA, Rayner JC, Wright GJ. Malar J. 2014
Mar 12
A member of the Plasmodium falciparum PHIST family
binds to the erythrocyte cytoskeleton component band
4.1. Parish LA, Mai DW, Jones ML, Kitson EL, Rayner JC.
Malar J. 2013 May 1
Outbreak of mumps in a school setting, United Kingdom,
2013. Aasheim ET, Inns T, Trindall A, Emmett L, Brown
KE, Williams CJ, Reacher M. Hum Vaccin Immunother.
2014 Jun 19
Incidence and risk factors for drug intolerance and
association with incomplete treatment for tuberculosis:
analysis of national case registers for England, Wales and
Northern Ireland, 2001-2010. Smith C, Abubakar I,
Thomas HL, Anderson L, Lipman M, Reacher M. Thorax.
2014 Oct
Evaluation of community-based trichiasis surgery in
Northwest Ethiopia. Pearson K, Habte D, Zerihun M, King
JD, Gebre T, Emerson PM, Reacher MH, Ngondi JM.
Ethiop J Health Sci. 2013 Jul
Programme to vaccinate poultry workers against seasonal
influenza: options for delivery in the East of England.
Vivancos R, Reacher M, Cosford P; East of England
Poultry Workers Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Group.
Zoonoses Public Health. 2011 Feb
Personal protective equipment and risk for avian influenza
(H7N3). Morgan O, Kuhne M, Nair P, Verlander NQ,
Preece R, McDougal M, Zambon M, Reacher M. Emerg
Infect Dis. 2009 Jan
Dr Alice
Cambridge Group
for the History of
Population and
Social Structure,
Dept of Geography
IMaternal health etc.
Demography: Mortality,
Fertility, Population,
Census, Midwives, Health
visitors, Infant feeding,
Social structure
1. Alice Reid, Eilidh Garrett & Simon Szreter (forthcoming
204. Dr Olivier
Royal Society
Research Fellow,
Dept of Veterinary
Infectious Disease
Dynamics &
Mathematical Models:
mathematical modelling,
population dynamics,
evolution, bacterial
2014), 'Residential mobility and child mortality in early
twentieth century Belfast', in New approaches of death in
the cities during the health transition, Diego Ramiro,
Michel Oris, Lucia Pozzi (eds), Springer.
Allen Kabagenyi , Larissa Jennings, Alice Reid, Gorette
Nalwadda, James Ntozi, Lynn Atuyambe (2014), 'Barriers
to male involvement in contraceptive uptake and
reproductive health services: a qualitative study of men
and women's perceptions in two rural districts in
Uganda', Reproductive Health 11:21,
Alice Reid & Eilidh Garrett (2012), 'Doctors and the
causes of neonatal death in nineteenth century
Scotland', Annales de Demographie
Historique 2012(1):149-179.
Alice Reid (2012), 'Mrs Killer and Dr Crook: birth
attendants and birth outcomes in early twentieth century
Derbyshire', Medical History, 56(4): 511-530. DOI:
10.1017/mdh.2012.30. Link to paper.
Eilidh Garrett, Alice Reid & Simon Szreter (2012), 'Fertility
and child mortality in a household setting: comparative
perspectives from UK censuses, 18611921', Popolazione e Storia, 2010(2) 59-82.
The effects of vaccination and immunity on bacterial
infection dynamics in vivo. Coward C, Restif O, Dybowski
R, Grant AJ, Maskell DJ, Mastroeni P. PLoS Pathog. 2014
Sep 1
Spread and Transmission of Bacterial Pathogens in
Experimental Populations of the Nematode
Caenorhabditis elegans. Diaz SA, Restif O. Appl Environ
Microbiol. 2014 Sep
Nested sampling for Bayesian model comparison in the
context of Salmonella disease dynamics. Dybowski R,
205. Prof Martin
Professor of Health
Services Research,
Institute of Public
NCD/Health Systems.
Health Services
Research & Quality Of
Care, Primary Care
206. Prof Derek
Professor of
Infectious Disease
Informatics, Dept of
Malaria & NTDs.
Antigenic Variation In
Malaria & Dengue Fever:
influenza, antigenic,
McKinley TJ, Mastroeni P, Restif O. PLoS One. 2013 Dec
Modelling the dynamics of an experimental host-pathogen
microcosm within a hierarchical Bayesian framework.
Lunn D, Goudie RJ, Wei C, Kaltz O, Restif O. PLoS One.
2013 Aug 2
Demography of straw-colored fruit bats in Ghana.
Hayman DT, McCrea R, Restif O, Suu-Ire R, Fooks AR,
Wood JL, Cunningham AA, Rowcliffe JM. J Mammal.
2012 Oct
Langenberg, C. et al., 2014. Gene-lifestyle interaction and
type 2 diabetes: the EPIC interact case-cohort
study. PLoS medicine, 11(5), p.e1001647. (Download)
Roland, M. & Nolte, E., 2014. The future shape of primary
care. The British Journal of General Practice: The Journal
of the Royal College of General Practitioners, 64(619),
pp.63–64. (Download)
Burt, J. et al., 2014. Assessing communication quality of
consultations in primary care: initial reliability of the Global
Consultation Rating Scale, based on the CalgaryCambridge Guide to the Medical Interview. BMJ open,
4(3), p.e004339. (Download)
Ahmed, F., Burt, J. & Roland, M., 2014. Measuring Patient
Experience: Concepts and Methods. The
Patient. (Download)
Roland, M. & Campbell, S., 2014. Successes and failures
of pay for performance in the United Kingdom. The New
England Journal of Medicine, 370(20), pp.1944–
1949. (Download)
Koel, BF; Burke, DF; Bestebroer, TM; van der Vliet, S;
Zondag, GCM; Vervaet, G; Skepner, E; Lewis, NS;
Spronken, MIJ; Russell, CA; Eropkin, MY; Hurt, AC; Barr,
IG; de Jong, JC; Rimmelzwaan, GF; Osterhaus, ADME;
Fouchier, RAM; Smith, DJ. Substitutions near the
immunization, pathogen
evolution, Epidemiology
and mathematical
modelling, Virology
receptor binding site determine major antigenic change
during influenza virus evolution. Science. (In Press, Oct
Colin A. Russell, Judith M. Fonville, André E. X. Brown,
David F. Burke, David L. Smith, Sarah L. James, Sander
Herfst, Sander van Boheemen, Martin Linster, Eefje J.
Schrauwen, Leah Katzelnick, Ana Mosterín, Thijs Kuiken,
Eileen Maher, Gabriele Neumann, Albert D. M. E.
Osterhaus, Yoshihiro Kawaoka, Ron A. M. Fouchier,
and Derek J. Smith. 2012. The Potential for Respiratory
Droplet-Transmissible A/H5N1 Influenza Virus to Evolve
in a Mammalian Host. Science 336 (6088):1541-1547
Airborne transmission of influenza A/H5N1 virus between
ferrets. Herfst S, Schrauwen EJ, Linster M, Chutinimitkul
S, de Wit E, Munster VJ, Sorrell EM, Bestebroer TM,
Burke DF, Smith DJ, Rimmelzwaan GF, Osterhaus AD,
Fouchier RA. Science.22;336(6088):1534-41.
Garten RJ, Davis CT, Russell CA, Shu B, Lindstrom S,
Balish A, Sessions WM, Xu X, Skepner E, Deyde V,
Okomo-Adhiambo M, Gubareva L, Barnes J, Smith CB,
Emery SL, Hillman MJ, Rivailler P, Smagala J, de Graaf
M, Burke DF, Fouchier RA, Pappas C, Alpuche-Aranda
CM, López-Gatell H, Olivera H, López I, Myers CA, Faix
D, Blair PJ, Yu C, Keene KM, Dotson PD Jr, Boxrud D,
Sambol AR, Abid SH, St George K, Bannerman T, Moore
AL, Stringer DJ, Blevins P, Demmler-Harrison GJ,
Ginsberg M, Kriner P, Waterman S, Smole S, Guevara
HF, Belongia EA, Clark PA, Beatrice ST, Donis R, Katz J,
Finelli L, Bridges CB, Shaw M, Jernigan DB, Uyeki
TM, Smith DJ, Klimov AI, Cox NJ. 2009. Antigenic and
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207. Prof Kenneth
Professor of
Cambridge Institute
for Medical
Research and Dept
of Medicine
Malaria. Immunity,
Autoimmunity &
Regulation In Malaria
Grenfell BT. 2009. Quantifying the impact of immune
escape on transmission dynamics of
influenza. Science 326: 726-728
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Mansfield JC, Gearry R, Dunstan S, Williams TN, Barton
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Espéli M, Clatworthy MR, Bökers S, Lawlor KE, Cutler AJ,
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208. Dr Estee
Consultant in
NCD/TB. Diagnosis &
Management Of TB &
CNS Infections In Africa
209. Prof Ian
Professor of
Therapeutics and
NCD. Experimental and
Translational Medicine:
1. Köser CU, Bryant JM, Becq J, Török ME, Ellington MJ,
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2. Paterson GK, Harrison EM, Craven EF, Petersen A,
Larsen AR, Ellington MJ, Török ME, Peacock SJ, Parkhill
J, Zadoks RN, Holmes MA. Incidence and
characterisation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) from nasal colonisation in participants
attending a cattle veterinary conference in the UK. PLoS
One. 2013 Jul 15;8(7):e68463.
3. Reuter S, Ellington MJ, Cartwright EJ, Köser CU, Török
ME, Gouliouris T, Harris SR, Brown NM, Holden MTG,
Quail M, Raven K, Parkhill J, Smith GP, Bentley SD,
Peacock SJ. Rapid whole genome sequencing improves
diagnostic and public health microbiology. JAMA Intern
Med. 2013 Jul 15. doi:
4. Harris SR, Török ME, Cartwright EJP, Quail M, Peacock
SJ, Parkhill J. Read and assembly metrics do not affect
clinical utility of rapid whole genome sequencing platforms
for mapping outbreaks. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Jul
5. Cartwright EJ, Paterson GK, Raven KE, Harrison EM,
Gouliouris T, Kearns A, Pichon B, Edwards G, Skov RL,
Larsen AR, Holmes MA, Parkhill J, Peacock SJ, Török
ME. Use of VITEK 2 antimicrobial susceptibility profile to
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1. Ben-Shlomo Y, Spears M, Boustred C, May M,
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Cambridge Clinical
Trials Unit,
Vascular Research
Biological pathways,
Systemic hypertension,
hypertension, stroke
arterial stiffness,
endothelial function
210. Dr Shona
Department of
NTDs. Schistosomiasis,
Chen CH, Cruickshank JK, Hwang SJ, Lakatta EG,
Laurent S, Maldonado J, Mitchell GF, Najjar SS,
Newman AB, Ohishi M, Pannier B, Pereira T, Vasan
RS, Shokawa T, Sutton-Tyrell K, Verbeke F, Wang KL,
Webb DJ, Willum Hansen T, Zoungas S, McEniery CM,
Cockcroft JR, Wilkinson IB (2014), “Aortic pulse wave
velocity improves cardiovascular event prediction: an
individual participant meta-analysis of
prospective observational data from 17,635 subjects.” J
Am Coll Cardiol 63(7):636-46 Details
Everett TR, Wilkinson IB, Mahendru AA, McEniery CM,
Garner SF, Goodall AH, Lees CC (2014), “Snitrosoglutathione improves haemodynamics in earlyonset pre-eclampsia.” Br J Clin Pharmacol Details
Fisk M, Gajendragadkar PR, Mäki-Petäjä KM,
Wilkinson IB, Cheriyan J (2014), “Therapeutic potential
of p38 MAP kinase inhibition in the management of
cardiovascular disease.” Am J Cardiovasc
Drugs 14(3):155-65 Details
Gajendragadkar PR, Hubsch A, Mäki-Petäjä KM, Serg
M, Wilkinson IB, Cheriyan J (2014), “Effects of oral
lycopene supplementation on vascular function in patients
with cardiovascular disease and healthy volunteers: a
randomised controlled trial.” PLoS
One 9(6):e99070 Details
Johal T, Lees CC, Everett TR, Wilkinson IB (2014),
“The nitric oxide pathway and possible therapeutic options
in pre-eclampsia.” Br J Clin Pharmacol 78(2):24457Details
Wilson S, Jones FM, van Dam GJ, Corstjens PL, Riveau
G, Fitzsimmons CM, Sacko M, Vennervald BJ, Dunne DW
(2014). Human Schistosoma haematobium anti-fecundity
immunity is dependent on transmission intensity and is
associated with Immunoglobulin G1 to worm-derived
David Mabey
Trachoma, sexually
transmitted infections
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epidemiology, control
antigens. J Inf Disease (epub ahead of print).
2. Wilson S, Jones FM, Kenty L-C, Mwatha JK, Kimani G,
Kariuki HC, Dunne DW (2014). Post-treatment changes in
cytokines induced by Schistosoma mansoni egg and
worm antigens: dissociation of immunity and morbidity
associated type-2 responses. J Inf Disease 209: 17921800.
3. Wilson S, Jones FM, Fofana HKM, Doucouré A, Landouré
A, Kimani G, Mwatha JK, Sacko M, Vennervald BJ,
Dunne DW (2013). Rapidly boosted plasma IL-5 induced
by treatment of human schistosomiasis haematobium is
dependent on antigen dose, IgE and eosinophils. PLoS
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4. WILSON S, Vennervald BJ, Dunne DW (2011). Chronic
hepatosplenomegaly in African school children: a
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Kariuki HC, Vennervald BJ, Ouma JH, Muchiri E, Dunne
DW (2008). Hepatosplenomegaly is associated with low
regulatory and Th2 responses to schistosome antigens in
childhood schistosomiasis and malaria co-infection.
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1. Mabey D, Solomon A, Foster A. Trachoma Seminar.
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2. Anthony W Solomon, Martin J Holland, Neal D E
Alexander, Patrick A Massae, Aura Aguirre, Angels
Natividad-Sancho, Sandra Molina, Salesia Safari, John F
Shao, Rosanna W Peeling, Sheila K West, Robin L Bailey,
Allen Foster, David C W Mabey. Mass treatment with
single-dose azithromycin for trachoma. New England
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3. Mabey DC, Sollis KA, Kelly HA, Benzaken AS,
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Simon Brooker
epidemiology and control
of NTDs and malaria
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Telek Ayove, Wendy Houniei, Regina Wangnapi, Sibauk V
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Anna R. Last, Chrissy h. Roberts, Eunice Cassama, Meno
Nabicassa, Sandra Molina-Gonzalez, Sarah E. Burr, David
C.W. Mabey, Robin L. Bailey, and Martin J. Holland.
Plasmid copy number and disease severity in naturally
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Alison Grant
HIV, tuberculosis,
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clinical trials
Eleanor Riley
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disease, vaccines, malaria
to predict prospective malaria infections. Mosha JF,
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Churchyard GJ, Fielding KL, Lewis JJ, Coetzee L, Corbett
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2. Cunnington, A.J., Bretscher, M.T., Nogaro, S.I., Riley,
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3. White, M., Nielsen, C., White, M., McGregor, R.H.C.,
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5. Goodier, M.R., White, M.J., Darboe, A., Goncalves, A.,
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Hazel Dockrell
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2. Cliff JM, Lee JS, Constantinou N, Cho JE, Clark TG,
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Kathy Baisley
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3. Broad heparin-binding haemagglutinin-specific cytokine
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5. Lalor MK, Ben-Smith A, Gorak-Stolinska P, Weir RE,
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1. Derrick, T. ; Roberts, C.H. ; Rajasekhar, M. ; Burr, S.E. ;
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Sarah Staedke
Malaria control, febrile
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surveillance, and
4. Ohman, H.; Bailey, R.; Natividad, A.; Ragoussis, J.;
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Ugandan schoolchildren: a randomised placebo-controlled
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3. Staedke SG, Chandler CI, Diliberto D, Maiteki-Sebuguzi
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Helen Weiss
epidemiology, randomised
controlled trials, HIV,
mental health
5. Staedke SG, Mwebaza N, Kamya MR, Clark TD, Dorsey
G, Rosenthal PJ, Whitty CJ (2009) Home management of
malaria with artemether-lumefantrine compared with
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1. Francis JM, Grosskurth H, Changlucha J, Kapiga SH,
Weiss HA. The prevalence of alcohol use among young
people in Eastern Africa: Systematic review and metaanalysis. Trop Med Int Health. 2014 Jan 31. doi:
2. Chatterjee S, Naik S, John S, Dabholkar H, Balaji M,
Koschosrke M, Varghese M, Rangaswamy T, Weiss HA,
Williams P, Patel V, Thornicroft G. Effectiveness of a
community-based intervention for people with
schizophrenia and their caregivers in India: The COPSI
randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2014 Apr
19;383(9926):1385-94. doi: 10.1016/S01406736(13)62629-X. Epub 2014 Mar 5.
3. Patel V, Weiss HA, Chowdhary N, Naik S, Pednekar S,
Chatterjee S, De Silva M, Bhat B, Araya R, King M, Simon
G, Verdeli H, Kirkwood BR. The effectiveness of a lay
health worker led intervention for depressive and anxiety
disorders in primary care: the Manas cluster randomized
controlled trial in Goa, India. Lancet Dec
18;376(9758):2086-95. Epub 2010 Dec 13.
4. Vandepitte J, Bukenya J, Weiss HA, Nakubulwa S,
Francis SC, Hughes P, Hayes RJ, Grosskurth H. HIV and
Other Sexually Transmitted Infections in a Cohort of
Women Involved in High-Risk Sexual Behavior in
Kampala, Uganda. Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
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5. Vandepitte J, Weiss HA, Bukenya J, Nakubulwa S,
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Grosskurth H. Alcohol Use, Mycoplasma genitalium, and
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Taane Clark
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medical statistics
vaccination in Tanzanian schoolgirls: cluster-randomised
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Sow PS, Watson-Jones D, Kiviat N, Changalucha J, Diallo
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David Moore
MDRTB transmission and
management, diagnostics,
TB control
3. Kranzer K, Houben R, Glynn JR, Bekker LG, Wood R,
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4. Lawn SD, Kerkhoff AD, Vogt M, Ghebrekristos Y,
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tuberculosis diagnosed during screening prior to
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5. Lawn SD, Mwaba P, Bates M, Piatek A, Alexander H,
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Advances in tuberculosis diagnostics: the Xpert MTB/RIF
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1. Sheen P, Couvin D, Grandjean L, Zimic M, Dominguez M,
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Anthony Scott
Epidemiology of invasive
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Vaccine evaluations,
Pneumonia in childhood
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2. Etyang AO, Munge K, Bunyasi E, Matata L, Ndila C,
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JAG. The Burden of Disease Among Hospitalized Adults
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of HIV and NCDs, Clinical
5. Nair H, Simoes EA, Rudan I, Gessner BD, AzzizBaumgartner E, Zhang JS, Feikin DR, Mackenzie GA,
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regional burden of hospital admissions for severe acute
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2. Joseph N, Tihana Bicanic, Angela Loyse, Daniel
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Jaffar and Thomas Harrison. Determinants of Mortality in
a Combined Cohort of 501 Patients with HIV-associated
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3. Woodd SL, Grosskurth H, Levin J, Amuron B, Namara G,
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233. Laura
statistics, TB, NCDs
year follow-up study. PLOS ONE 2013; 8(10): e78243
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1. Araújo, GS; Pereira, SM; Santos, DN; Marinho, JM;
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2. Barreto, ML; Pilger, D; Pereira, SM; Genser, B; Cruz, AA;
Cunha, SS; Sant'Anna, C; Hijjar, MA; Ichihara, MY;
Rodrigues, LC; (2014) Causes of variation in BCG vaccine
efficacy: Examining evidence from the BCG REVAC
cluster randomized trial to explore the masking and the
blocking hypotheses. Vaccine. ISSN 0264-410X DOI:
3. Cartaxo, CG; Rodrigues, LC; Braga, CP; Ximenes, RA;
(2014) Measuring the accuracy of a point system to
diagnose tuberculosis in children with a negative smear or
with no smear or culture. Journal of epidemiology and
global health, 4 (1). pp. 29-34. ISSN 2210-6006 DOI:
4. Endara, PF; Cooper, PJ; Plattsmills, TAE; Workman, LJ;
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Urban Residence Modifies The Association Between
Atopy and Wheeze. The Journal of allergy and clinical
immunology, 133 (2). AB14-AB14. ISSN 0091-6749
5. Ichihara, MY; Rodrigues, LC; Teles Santos, CA; Teixeira,
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JP; Barreto, ML; (2014) Effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine
against hospitalized rotavirus diarrhea: A case-control
study. Vaccine. ISSN 0264-410X DOI:
234. Diana
leprosy, leishmaniaiss,
skin diseases, clinical
1. The INFIR cohort: analysis of histological and
immunological features at baseline. Diana NJ Lockwood,
Lavanya Suneetha, Karuna Devi Sagili, Meher Vani
Chaduvula, Ismail Mohd, Wim van Brakel B, Peter
Nicholls, Sujai Suneetha. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2011
Dec;5(12):e1327. Epub 2011 Dec 13. This study showed
that up regulatory cytokines are present in Leprosy Type 1
2. Early Diagnosis of Neuropathy in Leprosy-Comparing
Diagnostic Tests in a Large Prospective Study (the INFIR
Cohort Study). Van Brakel WH, Nicholls PG, Wilder-Smith
EP, Das L, Barkataki P and Lockwood DN; on behalf of
the INFIR Study Group. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2008
2(4):e212. This finding from a prospective cohort study
showed that temperature sensation is the first modality to
be affected in leprosy neuropathy
3. A phase two randomised controlled double blind trial of
high dose intravenous methylprednisolone and oral
prednisolone versus intravenous Normal saline and oral
prednisolone in individuals with leprosy Type 1 reactions
and /or nerve function impairment. Walker SL, Nicholls
PG, Dhakal S, Hawksworth RA, Mahat K, Lockwood DNJ.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011 Apr 12;5(4):e1041. This RCT
showed that giving 3 days of IV methylprednisolone at the
start of reaction treatment was not effective. It is an
important negative finding.
4. Monitoring Toxicity Associated with Parenteral Sodium
Stibogluconate in the Day-Case Management of Returned
Travellers with New World Cutaneous Leishmaniasis.
Wise. E, Armstrong M, Watson J Lockwood DN PLoS
Negl Trop Dis June 2012 6(6):e1688. This UK based
study showed that Imported Cutaneous leishamnasis can
be safey treated in the outpatients and has minimal
Mark Rowland
Malaria vector control,
community randomised
5. Investigation of neuropathic pain (NP) in treated leprosy
patient in Ethiopia, a cross-sectional study. Haroun OM,
Hietaharju A, Bizuneh E, Tesfaye F, Brandsma W,
Haanpää M, Rice AS Lockwood DNJ Pain. 2012 Aug;
153(8):1620-4. This was the first study in Africa using
standardised tools to measure neuropathic pain and show
that 15% of treated leprosy patients have neuropathic
1. West PA, Protopopoff N, Wright A, Kivaju Z, Tigererwa R,
Mosha F, Kisinza W, Rowland M, Kleinschmidt I. (2014).
Indoor residual spraying in combination with insecticidetreated nets compared to insecticide-treated nets alone for
protection against malaria: a cluster randomised trial in
Tanzania. PLoS Med 11(4): e1001630.
2. Ngufor C, N’Guessan R, Fagbohoun J, Odjo A, Malone D,
Akogbeto M, Rowland M. (2014) Olyset Duo (a
pyriproxyfen and permethrin mixture net): an experimental
hut trial against pyrethroid resistant Anopheles gambiae
and Culex quinquefasciatus in Southern Benin. PLoS
ONE 9(4): e93603.
3. N'Guessan R, Ngufor C, Kudom AA, Boko P, Odjo A,
Malone D, Rowland M. (2014). Mosquito nets treated with
a mixture of chlorfenapyr and alphacypermethrin control
pyrethroid resistant Anopheles gambiae and Culex
quinquefasciatus Mosquitoes in West Africa. PLoS One.
9(2): e87710.
4. Guidelines for laboratory and field-testing of long-lasting
insecticidal nets. WHO/HTM/NTD/WHOPES/2013.3.
WHO, Geneva.
5. Rowland M, Boko P, Odjo A, Asidi A, Akogbeto M, et al.
(2013) A new long-lasting indoor residual formulation of
the organophosphate insecticide pirimiphos methyl for
prolonged control of pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes: an
experimental hut trial in Benin. PLoS ONE 8, e69516.
Liam Smeeth
NCDs, genomics, use of
electronic health records,
primary care
Helen Weiss
epidemiology, randomised
controlled trials, HIV,
mental health
1. Bhaskaran K, Douglas I, Forbes H, dos-Santos-Silva I,
Leon D, Smeeth L. Body mass index and risk of 22
specific cancers: a population-based cohort study of 5.2
million UK adults. Lancet 2014 pii: S0140-6736(14)608928.
2. H3Africa Consortium. Research capacity. Enabling the
genomic revolution in Africa. Science. 2014 Jun
3. Rapsomaniki E, Tiommis A, George J, Pujades-Rodriguez
M, Shah AD, Denaxas S, White IR, Caulfield MJ,
Deanfield JE, Smeeth L, Williams B, Hingorani A,
Hemingway H. Blood pressure and incidence of twelve
cardiovascular diseases: lifetime risks, healthy life-years
lost, and age-specific associations in 1.25 million people.
Lancet 2014;383:1899-911.
4. Peck R, Mghamba J, Vanobberghen F, Kavishe B,
Rugarabamu V, Smeeth L, Hayes R, Grosskurth H,
Kapiga S. Preparedness of Tanzanian health facilities for
outpatient primary care of hypertension and diabetes: a
cross-sectional survey. Lancet Glob Health 2014;2:e285e292.
5. Etyang AO, Munge K, Bunyasi EW, Matata L, Ndila C,
Kapesa S, Owiti M, Khandwalla I, Brent AJ, Tsofa B,
Kabibu P, Morpeth S, Bauni E, Otiende M, Ojal J, Ayieko
P, Knoll MD, Smeeth L, Williams TN, Griffiths UK, Scott
JA. Burden of disease in adults admitted to hospital in
rural region of coastal Kenya: an analysis of data from
linked clinical and demographic surveillance systems.
Lancet Glob Health 2014;2:e216-24.
1. Francis JM, Grosskurth H, Changlucha J, Kapiga SH,
Weiss HA. The prevalence of alcohol use among young
people in Eastern Africa: Systematic review and metaanalysis. Trop Med Int Health. 2014 Jan 31. doi:
238. Suzanne
nutrition and infectious
2. Chatterjee S, Naik S, John S, Dabholkar H, Balaji M,
Koschosrke M, Varghese M, Rangaswamy T, Weiss HA,
Williams P, Patel V, Thornicroft G. Effectiveness of a
community-based intervention for people with
schizophrenia and their caregivers in India: The COPSI
randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2014 Apr
19;383(9926):1385-94. doi: 10.1016/S01406736(13)62629-X. Epub 2014 Mar 5.
3. Patel V, Weiss HA, Chowdhary N, Naik S, Pednekar S,
Chatterjee S, De Silva M, Bhat B, Araya R, King M, Simon
G, Verdeli H, Kirkwood BR. The effectiveness of a lay
health worker led intervention for depressive and anxiety
disorders in primary care: the Manas cluster randomized
controlled trial in Goa, India. Lancet Dec
18;376(9758):2086-95. Epub 2010 Dec 13.
4. Vandepitte J, Bukenya J, Weiss HA, Nakubulwa S,
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Hunt KA, Mistry V, Bockett NA, Ahmad T, Ban M, Barker
280. Lisa
Nutrition, Functional
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281. Kai
Policy In Health &
Innovation: Evidencebased policy in health and
innovation, Public health,
Mental health,
activity.Provision of health
care to marginal groups
and IDPs, Post conflict
282. David
Population Genetics &
Zoonotic Viral Diseases:
Genomics, miRNA
JN, Barrett JC, Blackburn H, Brand O, Burren O, Capon
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Canine sarcomas
Canine, miRNA
283. Margaret
HIV-encoded protein, Nef,
trafficking of proteins
within a host cell: Cell
biology, HIV, Nef,
Proteomics, Microscopy,
Trafficking, Clathrin
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284. Ruth
Medical anthropology:
African anthropology,
Anthropology of public
health / global health,
health and medicine, East
285. Branwyn
Social anthropology:
Gender, Sex Work, HIV,
286. Mila
Palliative / End of life
care: Research synthesis,
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Systematic reviews, End
of life care palliative care,
Philosophy of medicine,
Philosophy of science,
Health-related values,
Mind-body medicine,
Organisational change
287. Sharon
Bacterial Disease
MRSA,Typhus, Infectious
diseases, Microbiology,
Laboratory diagnosis,
Antimicrobial resistance,
Molecular diagnostics,
Molecular epidemiology,
Bacterial genotyping, Who
‘Evidence’. At
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Cytoskeleton, Motors,
Tumour Suppressor,
290. Michelle
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Biomedical engineering,
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