breves lalique galleries
breves lalique galleries
Is s u e d b y B R E V E S L A L IQ U E G A L L E R IE S BREVES LALIQUE GA L L E R J E S IMPERIAL COURT, 2 BASIL ST K N I G H T S B R I DGE, LONDON. S.W.3 with illustrations o f s ome characteristic examples o f his work from the permanent exhibition at BREVES LA LIQ U E GALLERI ES I M P E R I A L 2 . B A S I L C O U R T S T R E E T K N I G H T S B R I D G E L O N D O N . S .W. 3 g la s s , th e re h a s n e v e r b e e n s u c h a c o n su m m a te m a s te r as R en e L a liq u e . F o r L a liq u e n o t o n ly p ossesses a ric h im a g in a tio n a n d an u n e rr in g sense e x tra o rd in a ry o f fo rm — h e fa c u lty fo r has e x p lo itin g c o lo u r a n d te x tu re o f th e glass itself. v e rs a tility is a s to n ish in g . cate, fan ta stic, b iz a rre , an th e H is H e c a n b e d eli or v ig o ro u s , yet his style alw ays h a rm o n ise s w ith his su b ject, a n d th e o rig in a lity o f th e tr u e a rtis t m ark s all his w o rk . advanced seem ed to U n d e r his h a n d s glass has a d e g re e in c re d ib le c e n tu ry ag o . even th a t w o u ld a q u a rte r have of a I n his P a ris s tu d io h e d esig n s n o t o n ly ta b le w a re , sc en t b o ttles, a n d a w e a lth o f d e c o ra tiv e o b je c ts, b u t illu m in a te d b o w ls w h ic h a c h ie v e effects o f u n im a g in e d be a u ty . H e h as e v e n c re a te d a series o f m asc o ts f o r m o to r cars. L a liq u e , in d e e d , is th e p io n e e r in th e A g e o f G lass w h ic h is n o w a t its b e g in n in g . Page Two Lalique is here seen in various moods. The Firebird screen assumes an almost ethereal beauty when illuminated from the bronze base. The scent bottles show how he can invest even small objects w ith grace and distinction. P age Three The Carp is illuminated with a soft orange light. The large vase is embel lished with intaglio ivy-leaf design, the smaller with a fern frond pattern. Note how Lalique has captured the quick sweep of the swallows’ wings. Page Four L aliq u e can create on a grand scale w ith equal success, as this im pressive ex am p le proves. T h e fou n tain illus trated is in the L id o A rcad e, C ham ps E lysées, opened in 1926 . L ik e a ll his w orks, it harm onises p erfectly w ith beautifu l surroundings. Page Five Table glass figures largely among Lalique’s productions. This group includes the “ Bacchante” Vase, “ M arguerite” Decanter, “ F aun ” M enu H older, “ Dragon F ly ” K nife R est, also various glasses fo r water and wine— all fam ous fo r their originality. Page Six N u d e studies reveal y e t another aspect o f L a liq u e’s fa r-ra n g in g genius. H is w ork is pervaded by the qualities o f the sculptor, and the exquisite line and curve o f his figures convey a sense o f th e r h y th m o f real life. Page Seven Observe how cunningly Lalique em ploys decoration, and how his style in the vase, th e inkstand and the candlestick is perfectly appropriate to the subject. S im p le or ornate, his creations are a lw ays fu ll o f character. Page Eight The motor mascots designed byLalique achieve a rare combination of beauty and distinction. They are moulded from a special glass, untarnishable and almost unbreakable. At night, their charm is enhanced by concealed illumination in soft colours. Page Nine In the sphere of interior illumination, Lalique has achieved wonderful new effects. Among his lighting pieces there are hanging bowls, table lamps, cornices, lustres, lanterns and screens— all beautiful in form and richly decorated. Those interestedinthegeneral subject of lighting should applyfor our booklet. Page Ten Lalique Lights are available either as single ornamental pieces or as an integral part of the decoration of a room. Beautiful in themselves, they lend a rare and elusive beauty to the light which they radiate. Page Eleven Architects are familiar with many of Lalique’s famous lighting pieces, such as the example “Grapes" illustrated above. In collaboration with Breves, Ltd., original schemes of Lalique Lighting can be designedfor a complete house or building. Page Twelve Those who visited the Exposition des Arts Décoratifs in 1925 will remember the massive plaques embodied in the wrought-iron gates at the entrance to the Lalique Pavilion. The highest praise of such work has come from architects and other creative artists. Page Thirteen The original inkstand of this design was specially made for M. Poincaré. This is one of Lalique’s most exclusive creations, the “edition” being limited to twenty, of which M. Poincaré acquired No. 1, the example shown above being No. 2. Page Fourteen H E e n te rp ris in g g e n iu s o f L a liq u e a lo n e re v e a le d th e fu ll p o ssib ilities o f glass as a n a rtistic m ed iu m . T o -d a y glass ap p ears in n e w fo rm s, serves n e w p u rp o se s, a n d is ev en re c o g n ise d as a m o st d esirable a lte rn a tiv e to silver. N o t th e least o f th e a ttra c tio n s o f L a liq u e G lass is th e b re a d th o f its appeal. T h e re are pieces w h ic h im m ed ia te ly s trik e a re s p o n s iv e n o te w ith th e c o n n o isse u r, th e h u n tsm a n , th e m o to ris t, th e a rtist, o r th e m a n o r w o m a n w h o lo v es b e a u ty fo r its o w n sake. I t is th e su p rem e trib u te to L a liq u e th a t h e can appeal so in tim a tely to su c h w id e ly differing tem p e ra m en ts. A t B re v e s’ L a liq u e G alleries his w o r k is to b e seen in all its lav ish v ariety . H e re it is p o ssib le to a c q u ire a sin g le exq u isite sp ecim en to b e s to w u p o n a frie n d , a service o f glass f o r th e tab le, o r a lo v ely h a n g in g b o w l to a d o rn a ro o m . A n d i f d esired , a c o m p le te schem e o f in te rio r illu m in a tio n can b e p la n n e d to h a rm o n ise w ith th e d e c o ra tiv e fea tu re s o f y o u r h o m e. Page Fifteen HE e x a m p le s illu s tra te d i n t h e p re c e d in g p a g e s are re p re s e n ta tiv e o f th e v a rio u s p h a ses o f L a liq u e ’s a r t ; b u t as th e p r o d u c tio n is lim ite d , c e rta in o f th ese m ay n o t n o w b e available. F o r th e c o n v e n ie n c e o f p a tro n s , we in c lu d e sev eral lo o se illu stra tio n s o f th e la te st specim ens r e c e iv e d fro m P a ris . W e sh all b e h a p p y to q u o te p ric e s f o r p ieces illu s tra te d in th e m a in b o d y o f th e b o o k , o n re q u e st. Page Sixteen BBH 3461 3460 3462 1 3460— Jardiniere, Acanthes, in grey, green, or brow n- £5 15 6 3461— Jardiniere, Gazelles (frosted glass) - - - £7 7 0 3462— Jardiniere, Birds (grey frosted glass) - - - £10 10 0 284 233 2 285 291 Animal Ashtrays in clear glass, 12/6. In opal, green, amber or fume, 14/6. BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 282 280 3 278 279 279—Oval Leaves Ashtray, in opal, blue, and green 282— Octagonal Birds’ Ashtray in colours 280— Medicis in opal, blue, and green - - - - 278— Archer Ashtray in opal, blue and green, amber and fume £1 £1 £1 £1 5 15 17 10 0 0 6 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 43 41 4 44 41— Lily of the Valley Sandwich Box in opal green £4 43— Sirens’ Sandwich Box, in opal, blue or amber 4 44— W ater Grasshopper in opal, green and blue - 4 42— “ Fish” Sandwich Box, in opal or amber - 5 42 10 15 12 5 0 0 6 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES IMPERIAL CO U RT, 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON, S. W. 3 75 77 3884 I 7 5 — R oger Powder Box, black enamel d e s ig n ; also in opal - £2 7 77 — Eglantine Powder Box, in opal - 3 3 3 8 8 4 — Butter D ish “ Gatinais ” in grey, green, blue and brown - 2 5 1— Peacock Pow der Box, in colours - 4 17 6 0 0 6 BREVES L A L IQ U E G ALLERIES IM PER IA L C O U R T , 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON, S. W.3 5 63 5 64 63 6 64 5— Powder Box, engraved design Louveciennes 63— Maidenhair Powder Box in colours 64— Peacock and Leaves Powder Box in colours - £4 - 1£ £1 4 0 2 6 2 6 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 59 62 76 76— Po w d er B o s, St. N ectar 62— D eer P o w d er Box in colours 59— Po w d er Box, H ares, in colours - - £ 0 12 £1 2 2 6 6 6 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 7 999 993 988 997 999— Vase, 993— Vase, 997— Vase, 988— Vase, O ran, in colours four sparrows Bacchante, in colours Egrets, in colours - 14 14 21 11 guineas guineas guineas guineas BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES IM PERIAL C O U R T , 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) K N IG H TSBRIDGE, LONDON, S. W.3 8 982 975 3701 976 9 8 2 --Vase, Ronsard (frosted glass) 9 7 5 --Vase, Deer H andles (clear glass, coloured handles) 3 7 0 1 --W ine-cooler, Fern Leaves 9 7 6 - -Vase, O rnis - £5 15 5 6 6 5 6 6 6 0 0 0 BREVES L A L IQUE GALLERIES IM PERIA L C O U R T, 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON, S.W.3 9 991 942 986 972 991-—Vase, 942-—Vase, 986-—Vase, 972-—Vase, Reflets, in opal and colours - £1 15 2 12 Hares, in opal 4 4 Avalon, in colours 4 4 Danaid, in opal and brow n - 0 6 0 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES IM PERIAL C O U R T , 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON, S.W.3 10 897 886 883 11 897— Vase, Honesty Leaves in colours - £8 18 6 883— Toilet W ater Bottle in colour - 15 guineas 886— Vase, Masques and Figures in opal 11 guineas BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES IM PERIAL C O U R T, (S E C O N D 2 BASIL STREET, FL O O R -LI FT) KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON, S.W.3 962 875 964 967 964—Vase, Oranges, black enamel design 875—Vase, Antelopes, black enamel design 962—Vase, Senlis (unique), purple glass, bronze handles - - - - - 967—Vase, Cluny (unique), purple glass, bronze handles - - - - - - - 20 gns. 20 gns. * 37 gns. 38 gns. BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 12 3203 3204 3202 3200 3201 3011 3009 3010 Shell BowIs for fruit, in opal : 3200 - £1 1 0 3201 - - - £0 17 6 3202 £0 12 6 3203 £ 0 10 6 3204 £0 7 6 Shell Plate: 3009 Opal blue 3010 3011 3012 Dessert Plate3013—Ice Plate - £1 5 £1 2 £1 1 £ 0 17 £0 13 0 6 0 6 6 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 13 994 984 1008 14 989 989 — Vase, 994 — Vase, 984 — Vase, 1008— Vase, Paris, in opal N adia, clear glass, coloured handles Small Beech, in colours O leron (small), in colours - 3 - £2 2 - £1 15 0 0 0 - £1 7 6 £3 998 963 3700 1002 963— Vase, T w o D oves, in opal and fum e 3700— W inecooler, V ine, in c olours 998— Vase, M acaw 1002— Vase, Marisa, in colours - £ 5 15 £6 6 £14 14 £6 6 6 0 0 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 15 3753 3001 3755 16 3750 3402 3753—Goblet, dogs -£ 1 12 3001—Plate, chasse hounds en graved design £3 12 3755— Goblet, chasse hounds £ 1 15 3750— Goblet, figured coloured stem - £2 10 6 6 0 0 3401 3402—Glass, epines Unique Glass 3401—Glass, grapes 3751— Glass, four frogs - - £0 12 £3 10 £0 12 £2 10 3751 6 0 (S o ld ) 6 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 880 880 990 880— Vase, Pigeon Handles - - £12 12 990— Vase, Pierrefonds, in frosted grey Amber - 9 9 10 10 0 0 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES IM PERIAL C O U R T , 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) KNIG HTSBRIDG E, LONDON, S.W.3 18 3700 3102 17 3700—Finger Bowl, Flowers, brown or green enamelled design - - - 3102—Finger Bowl, Grapes £ \ 10 0 £0 8 6 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 3155 3767 3159 3156 3159 Decanter, Six Heads, in grey and brown 3767—Decanter Marguerites 3155 Decanter Reine Marguerites 3156—Decanter Masques - - £6 16 6 - £3 17 6 - £5 17 6 £6 6 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 19 909 903 908 929 903—Vase, six figures in relief 909—Engraved Cornflowers 929—Vase, Thistles, clear glass design in colours 908—Engraved Thorns, in clear glass and colour design - - - - - - £7 7 0 £6 6 0 £4 4 0 £5 5 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 20 24 23 27 22 27 27—Powder Box, Two Pigeons, in colours 24—Two Dancers, grey or brown, frosted ........................................ glass 23— Swans, grey or brown 22— Powder Puffs, small, colours - £ 1 15 0 £3 £3 £3 3 0 3 0 3 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 21 5112 S et W in g e n . 5110 5111 5113 5109 5108 Set R ic q u e w i h r . 5103 5104 5105 5106 5107 5102 Set S t. N abor. Set M a rgaret (U n i w ih r ). 5121 5122 5123 5125 5124 5120 5115 5116 5117 5118 5119 5114 S e t W in g e n . 5108—Decanter 5112—Champagne Glass 5110—W hite W ine 5111— Port 5113—Liqueur 5109—W ater Each. £ 1 1 - 5107—Champagne, brown white 0 Per doz. 0 0 0 0 0 Per doz. - £7 10 0 - £6 18 0 £2 14 £ 2 8 £1 16 £1 16 £2 14 Set St. Nabor. 5120—Decanter 5121—Water 5122—White Wine 5123—Port 5125—Liqueur 5124—Champagne - S et R i cquewi hr , with white ow rbn Each. designed stem. 5102—Decanter, b rown £1 10 0 white £1 5 0 Per doz. 5103—Water, brown £7 10 0 white - £6 18 0 5104—White Wine, brown £7 10 0 white £6 18 0 £6 18 0 5105— Port, brown £6 6 0 white £6 18 0 5106— Liqueur, brown white £6 6 0 Each. - £l 10 0 Per doz. £6 6 0 £ 6 6 0 - £5 14 0 - £5 14 0 - £ 6 6 0 Each. Set Margaret (Uniwihr). - £1 10 0 5114—Decanter Per doz. - £ 6 6 0 5115—Water - £ 6 6 0 5116—White Wine 5117—Port - £5 14 0 5118—Champagne - £ 6 6 0 5119—Liqueur - £5 14 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 22 971 967 23 971— Vase, Nanking, black and white enamelled design 967— Lagamar, black and white enamelled design - £6 16 6 17 7 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 24 Firebird Screen (engraved glass with bronze base) Peacock Screen (engraved glass with bronze base) 26 gns. 80 gns. BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 376 390 2 5 3003 377 390— Plate Gazelles, in grey or opal blue £3 15 37 6 — O ndine Plate, in opal blue - 10 10 377— Fish Plate, in opal blue or amber 12 12 3003— Plate, Sirens, in opal - 3 3 0 0 0 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES IMPERIAL CO U R T, 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON, S.W.3 427 426 26 440 426— Inkpot, Butterflies 427— Inkstand, Deer 440—Inkstand, Birds - - £3 15 0 £10 10 0 £ 77 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 486 476 483 2651 2650 27 490 494 Scent Bottles :— 2651—Perfume Burner, Siren, opal colouring - £3 17 6 486—Concave Flowers £ 1 7 6 476—Pavot £3 3 0 483—Olives - - £\ 2 6 475 496 2650—Perfume Burner, Butter flies, brown or opal - £3 17 6 490—Two engraved figures - £5 5 0 494—Currants - - - - £3 3 0 475—Four Grasshoppers - £2 12 6 496—Three Swallows - - £3 3 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 491 493 28 519 493— Apple Blossom - - - - - - 491— Salamander Scent Bottle, in colours 519—Perfume Bottle, Cactus 519a— Perfume Bottle, Cactus, frosted surface £ - 519a 5 1/2 gns. 10 0 1 7 6 7 6 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 5020 5021 5022 5023 5024 30 5072 5072 5073 Decanter Selestat. Each. W hite Stopper £1 1 0 Black and W hite S topper £1 2 6 Glasses : Per doz. 5073 W ater, W hite £4 10 0 Black and W hite £5 0 0 5074 W hite Wine, W hite £4 10 0 5074 5075 5074—W hite W ine, Black and W hite 5075—Sherry, W hite Black and W hite 5076—Cham pagne, W hite Black and W hite - 5076 Per doz. £5 0 0 £4 10 0 £5 0 0 £4 10 0 £5 0 0 5020 D ecanter H ageneau Glasses :— 5021 - W ater 5022—W hite W ine 5023—Sherry 5024—Champagne - Each. £ 1 1 0 Per doz. - £4 10 0 - £4 10 0 - £4 10 0 - £4 10 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 5005 5006 5007 5008 5009 31 5010 5011 5010— D ecanter Colmar Set Colmar Glasses :— 5011—W ater 5012- W h ite Wine 5013—Sherry 5014—Champagne - - 5012 Each. £ 1 1 0 Per doz. £4 10 0 £4 10 0 £4 10 0 £4 10 0 5013 5014 5005— D ecanter B arr Glasses :— 5006—WTater 5007—W hite W ine 5008—Sherry 5009—Champagne - Each. 1 0 Per doz. - £4 10 0 - £4 10 0 - £4 10 0 - £4 10 0 - £1 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 5093 5095 5092 5096 5094 29 5062 5092—Decanter Thionville :— White stopper Black and white stop per Glasses :— 5093—Water, white ,, black and white 5063 5064 5065 5066 Each. Per doz. Each. white5095--Sherrv, £4 10 0 5062—Decanter Ribeauville - £ 1 1 0 £1 1 0 „ black and white £5 0 0 Glasses :— Per doz. £ 1 2 6 5096--Champagne, white £4 10 0 5063—Water £4 10 0 Per doz. black and white £5 0 0 5064—White Wine £4 10 0 £4 10 0 5094--White Wine, white £4 10 0 5065—Sherry £4 10 0 £5 0 0 ,, black and white £5 0 0 5066—Champagne £4 10 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 55 53 32 54 55— Cigarette Box, K hedive, in colours 53— C igarette Box, Swallows, in colours 54— Zinnia C igarette Box, in colours - - - £2 10 0 - - - 1£ £1 10 0 10 0 15 2 16 25 3CO 3 26 15— Scarabs Box, in colours - 16— Chrysanthemum Box, in colours 2—Coq, engraved 26— Japanese Flowers - - - 25— Veronique - - - - - - - - - - - - - £2 £2 £5 £3 £2 2 5 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 37 35 34 31 Powder Boxes :— 35—Two Birds and Flowers in frosted grey or brown £3 37—Three Vases in frosted grey or brown -£3 34 3 0 3 0 31— V ictory in colours 34—Two Birds in frosted grey or brown 36—Masques in frosted grey or brown £3 36 3 0 £3 3 0 £2 3 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 178 183 198 182 181 36 Seals :— Eagle’s Head, brown or grey . . . . £2 5 0 178—Cornflowers in colours - £1 10 0 183—Grasshopper in colours - £1 5 0 182—Fish in colours 198—Parrots and Flowers 181—Draped Figure Winged Figure, engraved 197 £\ 15 £2 5 £2 2 £5 15 0 0 0 6 200 Love in a Swing - - £5 15 6 197—Butterflies, engraved - £3 3 0 200—Engraved Figures and Flowers - £5 15 6 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 79 79— Romeo Cigar Box, in frosted glass 80—Corona Cigar Box, in frosted glass - £7 17 6 £7 17 6 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 35 675 11 30 37 39 38 Powder Boxes :— 30 —Three Peacocks £3 675—Mirror Narcisse, frosted glass . . . - £9 11—Two Figures, frosted grey and brown £3 3 0 9 0 3 0 33 38 —S ta r in frosted grey frosted grey and brown 33 — One Vase in frosted grey 0 £3 3 £3 £3 3 0 3 0 39 —Cherubs, BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 3509 38 3500 3501 3509—Holders, Fruit and Flowers, in grey or brown, each 3500—Menu Holders, Figures, in grey or brown 3501—Menu Holders, Sparrows, in grey or brown, each £0 10 6 0 £11 £ 0 15 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 156 383 393 156— Blotter, Mulberry, in frosted grey or brown £3 15 383— Convolvulus Plate, in opal blue or amber 1 2 393— Bowl, Armentieres 5 5 0 6 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES IM PERIAL C O U R T , 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) KNIGHTSBRIDGE, LONDON, s. W.3 40 62 376 514 833 382 3500 3501 3003 3 76- Large O n d in e Plate, £10 10s. 0d. 833 S tatuette, Suzanne, 7 1/2guineas 3500 M enu H olders, Figurines, £ 1 1s. 0d 380 Siren Bowl £ 2 5s. 0d. 3003--S iren Plate, £ 3 3s. 0d. 62 514 D e er Pow der Box, £1 2s. 6d. A m phitrite Perfum e B ottle, £1 10s. 0d. 382- Lily Bowl, £2 10s. 0d. 3051 M enu H olders, B irds, 15s. 0d. BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES IM P E R IA L C O U R T , 2 BASIL ST R E E T , (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) K N I GHTSBRIDGE, LONDO N, S .W.3 41 934 905 893 947 905— Lovebird Vase in opal 934— Carp Vase in colours 947— Laurels Vase in opal 893— Archer Vase in colours 6 1/2 guineas 4 guineas 2 guineas 10 guineas BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES IM P E R IA L C O U R T , 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) KN1GHTSBR1DGE, LONDON, S.W.3 42 288 284 66 1 289 258 507 508 3510 504 8 66 Dancer Powder Box, various colours, £1 1s. 0d. 289 Lucie Ashtray, 15s 0d. 507 Eucalytus Scent Bottle. £1 10s. 0d. 3510 Menu Holders, fruit and flowers, 10s. 6d. 8 Angels and Perfume Burner Pow der Box, 3guineas 288 Lady of the Fountain Ashtray, £1 2s. 6d. 258 Lovebird Clock, £4 15s. 0d.; painted face, £5 5s. 0d. 490 490--Engraved Figures, Perfume Bottle, 5guineas 284 -Crystal Ashtray, various animals, in crystal, opal and amber, 12s. 6d. and 14s 6d. 1--Peacock Box, £4 17s. 6d. 508 -Shell Scent Bottle, various colours, 18s. 6d. 504 Pan Scent Bottle, £1 1s. 0d. B R E V E S L A L IQ U E G A L L E R IE S IMPERIAL COURT, 2 BASIL STREET, (SECOND FLOOR-LIFT) K N IG H TSB R IDG E, LO N D O N , S.W.3 43 5086 909 5086a 5083 5082 5084 5085 3200 3407 3406 3006 909—Cornflower Vase engraved,£6 6s. 0d. 5083-4-5-6-6a—W inepressers Glasses (5 sizes), 7s. 6d. each. 5082—Winepressers Decanter, £ 1 1s. 0d. 3200—Shell Bowl and Plate, 17s. 6d. and £ 1 1s. 0d. 3407 -L otus Cups for fruit, salad or souffle, 3s. 6d. 3406--P oppy Cups for fruit, salad or souffle, 3s. 6d. 3 006--L otus Finger Bowl and Plate. 6s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 44 3880 3763 3878 3 8 8 0 --C ocktail Shaker, Cock and Plum es (In frosted w hite, grey o r brow n). 3 7 6 3 --G ra p e Glasses each 3 8 7 8 --G ra p e Shaker (In frosted w hite, grey o r brow n). £6 6 0 £0 10 6 3 1/2 guineas BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 45 1013 1015 1014 1013—-B o w l T ristan, w ith handles 1014—-V ase M alesherbes, blue -Salm onedes Vase, 1015— blue - b row n, green o r blue in green, b row n or in green, b ro w n o r - 46 £ 5 15 6 5 0 £ 1 2 12 0 £2 2168A 2169A 2163A 2169A— St. V incent, in frosted glass o r brow n 2168A— L am ps-G avanie, in frosted glass 2163A— M ulberry Leaves, in frosted glass or b ro w n - 47 £ 1 4 14 £15 15 0 0 £16 16 0 Myosotis 611 (No. 1) 612 (No. 2) 614 613 (No 3) 578 Fleurette 582 579 580 577 576 575 611— Myos ot i s Toi l et Wa t e r Bot t l e 612— .......................................... .......................................................................... 613— „ „ ,, ............................................................... 614— P o wd e r Bo x - - - - ( I n bl ue, green o r b ro w n ). 578— N ail P o lish er 579— P in T r a y ........................................................................................... 582— F le u re tte C om b T ra y 580— F le u re tte S e t— S c e n t B o ttle , large 577— ,, ,, ,, ,, m ed iu m 576— „ „ ,, ,, sm all 575— ,, ,, S ponge B ow l - 48 £10 10 0 9 £ £8 9 8 0 0 £10 10 0 £1 £0 £1 £1 £1 £ 1 1 17 10 17 15 10 £ 1 10 0 6 0 6 0 0 0 398 Veronique 397 Mont Dore 396 49 397— Opal Fruit Bowl, Veronique 398—Birds Fruit Bowl, in opal 396—Mont Dore Fruit Bowl, in opal £1 £1 £1 2 6 5 6 6 0 BREVES LALIQUE GALLERIES 5 0 2166 2164 Camelia. Cardam ine. £15 15 0 £15 15 0 (All in frosted glass.) 2165 Cyclamen. £15 15 0 294 296 295 297 51 298 298— M artinique - 4 5 /- 296— Jamaica - 35 /- 295— T ob ag o - 2 7 /6 297— G renada - 4 2 /- 294— Cuba - 27/ 6 - - - (All in green o r brow n.) 52 1331 1332 1333 1337 1331— Bracken, transparent D eep green o r blue 1333— Cocks, transparent D eep green o r blue £5 15 £6 6 £5 15 £6 6 6 0 6 0 1332— Sophora, transparent D eep green or blue 1337-—D ogs, transparent D eep green or blue - - £5 15 6 6 £5 15 £6 6 £6 0 6 0 1330 1336 1340 53 1334 1334--B ird s, transparent blue D eep blue o r green 1336-—Rennaisance - 5 1/2 G uineas. 6 6 1330--C h ic k s, tran sp aren t blue D eep blue o r green 1340--L ily o f the Valley - 5 1/2 G uineas. 6 1/2 6 1/2 „ „
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