February 2015 Newsletter
February 2015 Newsletter
OUR MISSION: RESTORING FISH POPULATIONS TO HISTORIC LEVELS STEPPIN’ OUT The Florence Salmon & Trout Enhancement Program Newsletter Great Return of Steelhead To Whittaker Creek Trap Based on January returns at the Whittaker Creek trap, the 2015 Winter Steelhead season is poised to be a very good year for anglers intent on hooking one of these great winter fish in the Siuslaw basin. From trap opening to January 29, there were 400 steelhead counted by Salmon and B ra d Pa r k s removes a healthy female steelhead from the trap to the fish tubes to be transported to the Munsel trap site for the new spawning program. Terry Talbot (left) and Bob Occhi offer a s s i s t a n c e. T h e f i s h a re m o v e d from the trap to the ODFW truck for the trip down to the Munsel trap. Trout Enhancement Program volunteers at the trap. “Many of the fish that are returning are really good-sized three-salt fish,” remarked club president Ron Caputo. “It is definitely time to get your gear out and find those spots to hook into these steelhead.” In comparing January returns in the last four years, there have been more than double the numbers thus far. In 2012, just 81 steelhead had returned during the month of January; in 2013, 182 were counted coming through the trap. Last year, slowed by lack of water in December and January, volunteers had counted just 123 steelhead returning to Whittaker Creek. Even though the rains have diminished in the last week, a couple of really good storms moved the fish upriver, bringing up some beautiful, chrome bright Steelhead. VISIT THE WEBSITE: www.florencestep.com FEBRUARY, 2015 February, 2015 Calendar of Events January 30-February 1 KEZI Eugene Boat & Sportsmen’s Show at Lane Events Center. Dean Hendricks’ presents at the Big Fish Tank display. $2 off Bi-Mart coupon (Friday and Sunday only). Info: laneeventscenter.org Wednesday, Feb. 4 “I Caught It; Now What?” Chef Mark Stephens of Three Rivers Casino shares tips and recipes for preparing your Oregon fish catch to dazzle your friends. Reports on trap work, spawning program, hatchery updates and more in business meeting preceding the talk. 7 p.m. Public is invited. Elks Lodge, 12th st., Florence Thursdays in February Siuslaw Elementary School third graders visit the Whittaker Creek trap site Wednesday, February 18 Board Meeting, 4 p.m. Elks’ Lodge, 12th st., Florence Work Party Schedules Tuesdays and Thursdays Saturdays as needed 9 a.m. Meet at the STEP Shed Carpool to Whittaker Creek PAGE 1 OUR MISSION: RESTORING FISH POPULATIONS TO HISTORIC LEVELS FEBRUARY, 2015 I Caught It. Now What Can I Do? An opportunity to learn new ways to prepare the fish that are caught locally will be shared at the Wednesday, February 4 meeting of the Florence Salmon and Trout Enhancement Program. The group meets at 7 p.m. at the Elks’ Lodge in Florence. The public is invited. Mark Stephens, a longtime chef currently working as lead cook at Three Rivers Casino, will share some of his techniques and recipes with the group. Stephens has worked previously as a cook at 13 Coins Restaurant in Seattle and at Planet Hollywood. He plans to bring recipes for different species caught on the Oregon coast, including salmon, steelhead, trout, rock fish, ling cod and halibut. In addition to his work as a chef, Stephens holds a captain’s license as a tugboat operator. He worked as a chef on boats, and then obtained his captain’s license, piloting tugboats. He was called back into that profession during the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, working at ground zero to recover oil by spreading booms Prior to Stephens’ talk, the club will hold a short business meeting. Reports on the activities at the Whittaker Trap and other projects will be shared. Caring for our community also means caring for the world around us. STEP Up and get involved in club projects P.O. BOX 1322 Florence, OR 97439 Not for profit tax TIN #93-1121056 President Ron Caputo roncaputo@charter.net 541-997-4961 Vice President Rick Samuelson cvsams@msn.com 541-902-1954 Secretary Open Position Treasurer Craig Brandt brandt8877@msn.com 208-336-8877 Newsletter Editor Becky Goehring bravabecky@yahoo.com 541-997-9046 At-Large Directors Bob Anderson, Bill Hennig, Jim Jordan, Tim Hansen, Brad Parks and Skip Rosenbalm Hatchery Crew 541-997-3558 (on-site phone) Jack Armer, manager Ron Caputo, team leader STEP SHED Craig Brandt We are proud to offer our support to STEP. co o s b ay f lo re n c e ro s e bu rg VISIT THE WEBSITE: www.florencestep.com PAGE 2 OUR MISSION: RESTORING FISH POPULATIONS TO HISTORIC LEVELS FEBRUARY, 2015 Tidbits From the Tackle Box! Editor’s Note: From time to time, this column will run with ideas, stories, classified ads and items sent to the editor from the membership. If you want to contribute a tidbit, please send it to Becky at bravabecky@yahoo.com. The Ocean Salmon Industry Group (OSIG) will hold its annual pre-planning meeting Thursday, February 26 at the Hallmark Resort in Newport. The meeting will provide an early look at the 2015 salmon forecasts and develop Oregon preferred recreational and commercial troll ocean salmon fishing concepts to take forward through the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC) regulation setting process. The meeting is open to all ocean sport fishing anglers and charter operators, commercial troll fishers and any others interested in participating in the development of ocean salmon fishery regulations for the 2015 ocean salmon seasons. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. with presentations beginning at 10 a.m. The day concludes at 3:30 p.m. with a lunch break from 12 to 1 p.m. Agenda and briefing materials will be posted online at www.dfw.state.or.us/MRP/salmon The massive Pacific Northwest Sportsmen’s Show & Sport Fishing Boat Show returns to the Portland Expo Center February 4-8. Admission is $12 adults, $5 juniors (6-16) or $18 for a two-day pass. There are downloadable coupons, good for $2 off, at the show’s website, thesportshows.com Seminars are held each day for fishing, hunting, camp cooking, baiting techniques and more. The show runs from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday. For more information, a list of seminar topics and directions, visit the website, the sportshows.com ServPro’s Sportsmen’s & Outdoor Recreation Show happens the first weekend in February in Eugene. Our own Dean Hendricks, of North Country Lures and Flies, will hold several demonstrations at the large fish tank display. The group’s second show will be held in Roseburg February 13-15 at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Complex. Bi-Mart has $2 off coupon (good Friday and Sunday only) for both shows. Friday night is Free Senior Night, with seniors 65 and up admitted free from 5-9 p.m., courtesy of Seven Feathers Resort. For information, go to the website, exposureshows.com Randy’s Riverview Market and Deli on the way to Whittaker and Green Creeks -- Come in and say hi! Good Food! Fried Chicken Pizza Espresso Deli Groceries Liquor VISIT THE WEBSITE: www.florencestep.com Fishing Gear! At the Corner of Highways 36 & 126 in Mapleton 541-268-4478 PAGE 3 OUR MISSION: RESTORING FISH POPULATIONS TO HISTORIC LEVELS FEBRUARY, 2015 President’s Musings Ron Caputo Get After Those Great Fighting Fish! “Steelhead”. It’s one of the best fighting fish, pound for pound, that you'll ever catch. I fished for steelhead for 20 years before I caught my first fish. Mostly because I was using the wrong kind of gear. I caught my first steelhead on the Salmon River behind the Golf course at The Inn at The Mountain. It fought like trout but it was much larger and stronger. Since I caught that fish, I have caught several steelhead each year. I have never really felt them bite my bait. They seem to just show up on the end of my line. Then the fight begins. They jump. They shake their head. They make long runs. If they turn sideways in the current you usually lose them. It's human against fish, if you have tight knots, strong arms, and smart fishing skills you will probably win. When I moved here 20 years, I had to learn how to fish for steelhead in the Siuslaw. I went fishing with several guides and I joined the Florence STEP club. I fished from drift boats on Lake Creek and the Siuslaw. I fished from shore from tidewater to Whittaker Creek without much success. I fished Lake Creek from the shore from Swisshome to Greenleaf creek with good success. There is lots of good bank access for fishing on Lake Creek. Don’t forget to fish at the mouth of Green Creek; we are putting 5,000 Steelhead smolts there every year. Those fish wait in Lake Creek for high water so they can go on up and spawn. After fishing for Steelhead for 20 years, here's some of the things I learned: 1. Early in the season (November and December) fish the lower Main River above tidewater. Drift fish or Plunk lures or bait. 2. January fish the mid river and Lake Creek from the shore or drift boat. Side drift eggs or sand shrimp. 3. February & March continue to fish Lake Creek and the upper Siuslaw. Throw plugs, spinners, or side drift bait. 4. Remember that the stretch from Whittaker Creek to Wildcat Creek is open until April 15th. It’s your last chance so throw everything you got at them. So far this year a third of the Steelhead we are seeing at the Whittaker trap are large three-salt fish in the 12- 16 pound range, so when you are fishing tie good knots and check your drag often. You could catch your largest Steelhead of all this year. Last week we measured a giant fin-clipped Steelhead that was caught from the bank below Whittaker Creek. According to our chart it was 19 pounds. We are seeing some fish coming into our traps with hooks in their mouths, If you want your favorite lure back it’s in a bucket somewhere in the STEP shed. Last year most of the fish in our traps were in the 6-10 pound range which is typical of hatchery steelhead. The largest fin clipped Steelhead that I have caught was 14 pounds. I caught it fishing with Tom VanderPlaat on the Wilson River as part of the 2011 STEP Conference fishing trips. The next rain storm will be another wave of fish. Get out there and get your share of these mighty fighting fish. Ada Grange #570 BINGO! Jay & Cindy Cable 75 Harbor St., Ste. 100 Florence, OR 97439 It’s Here! Bridgeport Wine Shop! havetackle, bait, tackle, We Bait, food:food all at the Port boat Launch at the Port boat launch 541-997-5091 541-997-5093 fax bridgeportmarket@yahoo.com VISIT THE WEBSITE: www.florencestep.com Saturday, February 21 Spaghetti Dinner! Donations are welcomed Regular menu also will be available 5:00 p.m. Kitchen Opens 6:00 p.m. BINGO Questions? Call Nancy Flatley, 541-997-2380 10 Miles Out Canary Rd. PAGE 4 OUR MISSION: RESTORING FISH POPULATIONS TO HISTORIC LEVELS FEBRUARY, 2015 New Spawning Program Underway The new spawning program for the Winter Steelhead Broodstock Program is underway with good results thus far. The program moves all spawning work to the STEP Shed and its Munsel Trap site, with the exception of some optional, limited spawning for education purposes at Whittaker Creek. Steelhead are still counted and moved through Whittaker Creek trap. Each Tuesday, pairs of fish are transported from Whittaker Creek to the Munsel Creek trap site and released into the raceway. The number of pairs is determined by ODFW’s STEP Biologist Christine Clapp. Twice a month, on Tuesdays, the spawning crew meets at Munsel Creek to check the fish and spawn out the pairs that are “ripe” and ready to spawn. Using oxygen in the belly of the female, as shown in the photo at right, helps release the eggs with less impact on the hen. When spawning is completed, volunteers help express the oxygen from her cavity before releasing the fish back into the creek, to return to the Siuslaw River and the Pacific Ocean. To date, 48 pair of winter steelhead have been transferred to the Munsel Creek trap and 19 pair have been spawned. That work has accounted for some 31,000 eggs fertilized and growing in the Florence STEP Hatchery and another 28,500 eggs in trays at the Alsea Hatchery. “We have a really good crew, actually three teams, that are working with the spawning and hatchery work,” noted Ron Caputo, who has been coordinating the spawning and hatchery efforts, in part to assist Hatchery Manager Jack Armer. “The teams are in picking eggs, and keeping an eye each day to make sure that all is running smoothly at the site.” Spawning work will continue throughout the Winter Steelhead season. Any volunteers interested in helping out, should come to the STEP Shed on Tuesdays or contact Caputo at 541-997-4961. Science Program Needs You! The Wednesday Science Lab program at Siuslaw Elementary School needs a few good men and women! Laura Smith, coordinator of the all volunteer program, is looking for volunteers on Wednesdays. There are two 45-minute sessions at 10:45 a.m. and 11:40 a.m. and three 30 minute sessions: 12:55 p.m., 1:30 p.m. and 2:10 p.m. These are fourth and fifth grade students. Volunteers must be cleared through the main office and sign in daily at the Elementary School. For more information, contact Laura Smith at smith.laura.w@gmail.com Volunteer work crews meet every two weeks at the Munsel Creek trap site to spawn adult steelhead that are “ripe” and ready. The fish are moved down from Whittaker each Tuesday, into the raceway pen. Once spawned, the fish are released to return to the Sius- HART FINANCIAL SERVICES Jimmie L. Hart, EA, LTC Income Tax Consulting & Preparation -- E-Filing Accounting & Bookkeeping Services 1845 Hwy. 126--Florence 541-902-9109 VISIT THE WEBSITE: www.florencestep.com PAGE 5 OUR MISSION: RESTORING FISH POPULATIONS TO HISTORIC LEVELS FEBRUARY, 2015 Turn in Your Tags, Win a Prize SALEM, Ore. – Anglers who turn in their 2014 combined angling tag and/or hatchery harvest tag before May 15, 2015 could win one of over 100 outdoor products or gift cards from Bi-Mart. The prize drawing will be held on June 5, 2015. ODFW is sponsoring the promotion to try to increase the number of returned tags. Currently, the department estimates, only about 20 percent of anglers return their combined tags, which are required to fish for salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and Pacific halibut. “We get a lot of important har vest information from har vest tags,” said John Seabourne, operations manager for the ODFW Fish Division. The information is used to determine harvest rates and effort rates in Oregon’s salmon, steelhead, sturgeon and halibut fisheries. The information is also posted on the ODFW website where anglers can check the harvest rates in their favorite water bodies. Anglers who return their tags by the May 16 deadline will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win prizes that include Bi-Mart gift cards and Okuma rod and reel combos. Completed tags can be returned in person to any ODFW office or license agent. Anglers many also mail their tags to ODFW Tag Returns, 4034 Fairview Industrial Dr. SE, Salem, Ore. 97302. Rogue River Expects Banner Steelhead Season River guides and anglers drifting down the middle Rogue River on January 8 boated seven winter steelhead. That was an early success, seeming more like a mid-February outing. That result, and the returns seen at the Cole River Hatchery, have anglers who fish for winter steelhead anticipating a great season ahead. Along with the wild fall chinook salmon, the Rogue Basin’s winter steelhead run is one of its most robust returns, with fish widely distributed and stalked by anglers in the main-stem Rogue and its two major tributaries, the Applegate and Illinois rivers. Some of the effect of the earlier returns may be due to the removal in 2009 of Savage Rapids Dam and the demolition of the Gold Ray Dam a year later, the mainstream Rogue’s two major impediments. Downstream, however, the early showings would not be affected by those dam removals. Late December heavy rains provided good migration conditions for early-run fish. Some anglers think there is a relationship between salmon and steelhead runs. When the salmon run is down, the steelhead runs are up and vice versa. Chinook and coho returns were down in 2014 on the Rogue. (from Medford Mail Tribune, Mark Freeman) VISIT THE WEBSITE: www.florencestep.com WITH STEP Investing in the Future of our Community! 777 Highway 101, Florence, OR PAGE 6 OUR MISSION: RESTORING FISH POPULATIONS TO HISTORIC LEVELS FEBRUARY, 2015 Rainbow Trout Return To The Lakes! While some anglers are busy stalking the feisty winter steelhead, others are gearing up for the 2015 Rainbow Trout season on the lakes and lagoons. February marks the beginning of the Rainbow Trout season throughout Oregon as ODFW Stocking Trucks begin to make their visits to deliver healthy fish to favorite lakes, ponds and streams. In the Florence area, that means anglers will be heading out to several local spots to try and hook some of the big trophy rainbows that will be included in the deliveries. The week of February 9-13 marks the first deliveries to lakes and lagoons in our region. Here is the schedule: Larger Trophy Total Stocking Count Water Body Regular Alder Lake 1350 36 1386 Buck Lake 850 36 886 Carter Lake 1500 Cleawox 5000 150 5150 Dune Lake 1350 36 1386 Munsel Lake 1000 150 2650 Perkins Lake 200 36 236 Siltcoos Lagoon 850 70 920 1500 1500 Subsequent deliveries will be on March 16, April 6, 13, 20, 27 and May 4, 11 and 18. The final run will be the first week of June at Cleawox Lake, in time for Free Fishing weekend. Schedules are subject to change without notice. Check the weekly recreation report for in-season changes at the ODFW website. To see the complete listing for the 2015 Northwest Region Weekly Trout Stocking Schedule, go to the website: http://www.dfw.state.or.us/resources/fishing/trout_stocking_schedules/2015/North_Coast_2015.pdf STEP Sponsors and Friends Once again, we have created a way for area businesses, residents and friends to support the work that STEP does and be recognized for donations. The categories will be Salmon ($100 or more) Steelhead ($50-$99) and Rainbow Trout (up to $49). This is a fantastic way for your friends, who so enjoy hearing about your adventures with STEP, for businesses that might like to give a one time donation or those who would like to support the work we do. Taxdeductible. donations should be mailed to STEP, PO BOX 1322, Florence, OR 97439. SALMON Rick’s Custom Caps North Country Lures and Flies Ginny and Gary Kelley VISIT THE WEBSITE: www.florencestep.com PAGE 7 OUR MISSION: RESTORING FISH POPULATIONS TO HISTORIC LEVELS FEBRUARY, 2015 STEP PO BOX 1322 Florence OR 97439 VISIT THE WEBSITE: www.florencestep.com PAGE 8