1923 Carter County S.. - Oklahoma History Website
1923 Carter County S.. - Oklahoma History Website
PLAT>SCHoOL: DISTR'IGT NO:_69 NEW ZION VALUATION $118,116 CENSUS RANGE._ _-'- - RANGE '2 126 E B, e:,T ,~' ~ ~~~~~~r--+--+--t--I 1 ~'_+4j..~~~~~~'f__t__1~~_t_~+__'1~_+___t_:_~ i ~1--~~I--~~~~~~I--~~r--f--I-f--t--........,r--t---l~I--i~ ~~~+_~-+-~.......~_f_~L_f~f)--t_~+_~_+_4'.I___t_"""'"f'L_;_~~__'1'~ LAIOOUT ,AND ORGANIZED A PPBOVFJ) .nu,Y, ARDJ.10RE, OKLAHOMA. 1919 DESC'RIPTIVE BOUNDARY~AN~~_QFFICIALRECORD OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.---6L BEGIN~nNG ATTHESOU~H" E~\ST" COR. OF SEC. 13, 3' SOUTH-,.RANGE 2',EAST, THENCE' EAST,TO THE S.E. COR. OF SEC. 18, TnE:WE- NORTH' TO EAST CEN. ,LI.NE OF SEC. ,18, THENCE NORTH TO EAST CEH. LINE OF SEC. 16"THE;JCE SO'UTH-TO S.E~ COR. 'OF SEC. 28, THENCE EAST.~O THE H.R., THEHCE WITH THE R.R~ to THE 'CREEK, THENCE ALONG T'HE CREEK TO THE S.W.COR. OF SEC. 31, TrtENCE NORTH TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SCHOOL BOARD-W.' B. KiNCHLOE, Director C. FowLER, Clerk (333) I. W. STEWART, Member NEW ZION SCHOOL NEW ZION SCHOOL DISTRICT 69 New Zion District 69 is located west of Berwyn. school offering eight grades of work. New Zion is a two teacher It is believed that this school district wil,l, in the near future, realize the wisdom of petitioning to become a part of some adjoining district in order to give the children a better graded s~hool, as well as an opportunity to attend high school. District 69 joins Springer on the south,Mt.Washington on the north and Berwyn. Consolidated on the west, and it would mean better school advantages for the '~ections that comprise district 69 to be added to anyone of these three districts, or perhaps, to be divided and added to each of the three districts. Carter County is fast coming to realize the benefits of centralized schools. Good school work has been accomplished in the New Zion School under the direction of Mrs. Lucy Eldridge, Principal, and Miss Clara Williams, Assistant. (334) PLAT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 70 SPRINGDALE VALUATIO~_J146, 630 CENSUS 106 RAtlGE .1t-.. . . . - t-+-+--+-t--+--f-ll-I-'.........+-+--+-+-+-+--t---..-1HI--I--4---l ~ HTt-1rT-t-H-rt-i-r-r-H-rt-1r-.t--r-H-+--b=~ ~~~~ jttt1!!!!!1$=1 ~ ~H-+-I--+-~I-+-+-++-~I-+-+-++-~I-+-+-++--!----'I ~1-*"+--ll--+-"""*-+-f---t----l"""""Ht-+--Wr+--,~ ~I-+-+-+++-+-+""""*,,...,I-If--I-+-~::g~ LAID OUT AND ORGANIZED ARDMORE. OKLAHOMA. APPROVED JULY. 1920 DESCRIPTIVE BOUNDARY AND OFFICIAL RECORD OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.-----1l.!..... BEGINNING AT THE S.W. COR. SEC. 5, 5 SOUTH, 2 EAST, THENCE EAST 4 MILES, THENCE NORTH It MILES, THENCE WEST 1 MILE, T~ICE NORTH TO R.I.R.R., THENCE FOLLOWING THE R.R. WEST TO A POINT ON THE CEN. LINE OF SEC. 29, THENCE SOUTH TO THE NORTH LINE OF SEC. 13, THENCE WEST 660 FT., THENCE SOUTH TO THE NORTH LINE OF SEC. 5, THENCE EAST TO THE S.E. COR. SEC. 33, THENCE'SOUTH 1320 FT., THENCE WEST TO THE VffiST LINE OF SEC. 5, THENCE SOUTH TO THE S.W. COR. SEC. ~, PLACE OF BEGINNING. SCHOOL BOARD-J. M. CROSBY, Director B. A. HOLtDAY, Clerk (335) G. M. TREAT, Member SPRINGDALE SCHOOL SPRINGDALE SCHOOr. AND PUPILS, DISTRICT 70 Springdale is located in a· great truck growing region two and a half miles east of the fair grounds. Springdale began its existence as a part of the Mary Niblack School District 15, in 1912 and it began its existence as a new district, number 70, in 1918. There is a substantial one-story building 24x42 feet, a concrete storm cellar in which is installed a Willys Electric Lighting plant, a good well, brick-walled, which furnishes an abundance of water. ," The school house is attractively furnished inside; new shades for the windows, a clock, pictures and ·new flags. Seventy-two. pupils -have been enroll cd dming this ierm of schooL Springdale '.has organized a Parent-Teacher Club which has held several beneficial meetings during the term, the most notable one being occasioned by Mr. A. 1. Hardy lecturing about his trip through "The Holy Land." The Sunday School had .a community Christmas Tree, at which the teachers and pupils gave a Christmas Program. This community feels deeply the loss of a good citizen in the death of former school director, Mr. W. H. Brooks. The eighth grade pupils are: Lucille Wisdom, Dora Vernon, John Treat, Bessie Treat, Rains Stracner, Rena Stracner, Sadie Ginn and La Floy Davis. Three of these· Inipils, Luciile Wisdom, Dora Vernon and John Treat are but fourteen years old, Among the pupils of the Springdale., School are some very active club members, and prizes for the past year totaled over $70.00, with several free trips to the State Fair, and Muskogee Fair. Bessie Treat won ninth pi-ize on canning at the County Fair, the amount of which was $3.00, and she won $1.50 on her canning at the Muskogee Fair. Bessie Treat won fifth prize ($4.50) on cornbread mullins and she demonstrated in bread-making at the County Fair. (336) ~~~- - - --- -_._- -- ----, George Treat won first prize on peanuts (512.00) and a trip to the State Fair. John Treat won 3rd prize on peanuts $10.00 Freddie Tyler won 12th prize on peanuts Carroll Turner won 2nd prize on poultry 1.00 21.50 and a trip to the Slate Fair. Lilla Belle Turner won 11th prize on poultry 10.00 Sadie Ginn won first prize on canned peaches l.OO Sa_die Ginn won 4th prize on sewing Henry Stmcner won 3rd prize;_ on tomatoes The patrons of Springd~le 4.00 .50 are progressive. Quite a number had exhibits at th~ fair and won prizes. Some of the exhibits were farm booths. Springdale region is especil!~ n'oted for its- fine watermelons, sweet potatoes and peanuts. A. K. BUSBY, Principal, MRS. A. K. BusBY, Assistant. MRS. A. K. BUSBY, Assistant. A. K. B SBY, Principal. .. SPRINGDALE SCHOOL BOARD G. M. TREAT, Member B. A. HOLIDAY, Clerk W. H. BROOKS, Director (337) PLAT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.. 71 BERWYN CONSOLIDATED VALUATION $711,88~ CENSUS 469 LAID OUT AND ORGANIZED ARDMORE, OKTAHQMA APPROVED.SEPTEMBER, 1921 OESCRIPTIVE BOUNDARY AND OFFICIAL RECORD OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.--'ll BEGINNING AT THE NORTH WEST COR. OF SEC. 6, THENCE EAST TO WASHITA RIVER, THENCE SOUTH EAST FOLLOWING THE RIVER TO THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF SECTION 33, THENCE DUE SOUTH TO THE HALF SECTION LINE OF SECTION 4, THENCE WEST FOLLOWING CADDO CREEK TO SOUTH WEST CORNER OF SECTION .35, THENCE NORTH EAST FOLLOWING THE GULF COLORADO & SANTA FE R.R. TO SOUTS LINE OF SECTION 26, THENCE WEST TO WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SECTION 27, THENCE NORTH ALONG T$,.WEST. BOUNDARY LINE OF SECTIONS 27, 22, 15 AND 10, THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH BOUliDARY LINE OF SECTIONS 3, 2 AND 1 TO GULF COLORADO & SANTA FE R.R. TO ~INT OF BEGINNING.. SCHOOL BOARD---O. A. SPARKS, Director V AN E. (338) IRWIN, Clerk F. M. ADAMS, Member BERWYN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL BERWYN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 71 In 1860 when the Chickasaws and Choctaws decided to cast their Confederate States, the President of the United States made no signs found that the secessions of the Chickasaws were to take Berwyn from Lincoln forthwith proceeded to seriously object to this taking away of as Berwyn. lots with that of the of objection until he the Union. President so important a place Then again, in the course of human events, when the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe R. R. Co., and Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, were racing to get into the Red Man's Land it was for no other purpose than to get into Berwyn first. The Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe won, and today it is proud of this achievement for no other reason but that it passes through the wonderful town of Berwyn. And why all of this waste of energy, stnvmg to excel? It is all plain enough now. It was for the sole purpose to develop the community around Berwyn for the organization of the first Consolidated School District in Carter County, Oklahoma. This was only possible through the untiring energy and vim of our very efficient County Superintendent, Mrs. Zaneis. The records of her office will show that for the purpose of consolidation, she made no less than twenty-four trips to Berwyn before the work of consolidation was completed. Today we are proud of the results of these efforts. We have one of the nicest, best equipped buildings in the county and one that cost the least for the amount of room of any in the county. We boast of being the only district to consolidate without having to vote additional bonds to care for the greater number of pupils. We are accredited for sixteen units, and will become an independent district another year.. .We have vocational education in connection with our regula~ wo~k. Another year, it is. our intention to add typewriting and shorthand to our regular curriculum. E. A. GILDER, Superintendent. (339) BERWYN TEACHERS' HOME, STOCK JuDGL G SCENES, BERWYN BOYS' BASKETBALL TEAM, BERWYN DOMESTIC SCIENCE CLASS (340) VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE ..•• -----@~-••.. BERWYN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL As one of the chief forward steps in the progress of the Berwyn Consolidated School it was resolved by the school board to add voca tional agriculture to their course of study, and on recommendation of Mr. J. W. Bridges, State Supervisor of Vocational Agricultural Education, a qualified teacher was secured for this work. This work joins very closely the school and agricultural interests of the district and it educates to the farm instead of away from it. 'fhe first year's work in vocational agricul ture is given to the study of animal husbandry and consists of a study of the broader principles of livestock farming, together with detailed study of the various classes and breeds of live stock, including poultry, found on Oklahoma Farms. A large share of the time is spent in judging work wherein the boys are instructed in a practical manner in the recognition of the proper conformation of the various classes of livestock. A. G. OURSLER, Vocalional Agricultural Teacher. The work in Animal Husballliry is supplenH'nteu with farm shop work. The idea here is threerold; First. 10 teaeh lhe need of a work shop or shed, with proper lools, where the farmer and his boys' may work on rainy or olher idle days, doing jobs which otherwise would go undone; Seeond; to leaeh the proper lise. man;pulation and care of tools which should be in' the farm shop: Third. to inspire the boys with a desire to make conveniences which will make work easier around Ihe farm. for men and especially for the women and to make enjoyment greater. Among the arlieles Iliade in the work shop this year are; filing cabinets, bookcases, reading table" kitehen tables and cabinets with built-in bins, drawers, etc., kiddie cars, wagon jaeks. milking stools, sleds, ehieken coops, ironing boards. library tables, farm gates, wood-work hench(>s. forge work, soldpring work, harness repairing and oiling and many other practical things. A number of boys have purchased pure bred sows' lind are raising pure bred hogs, and in this way their interest in farm work and life is being retained and strengthened. The Agricultural Class is a live, active, inlerested group of boys, with great ambitions and a desire to do. The class motto is: "Plan your work, then work the plan." Submitted by A. C. Oursler, Instructor of Vocational Agriculture. (340 FORMER SCHOOL DISTRICTS 10, 11 and 13, THAT NOW COMPOSE CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT 71 (342) " ." PUPILS AND TEACHERS. OF BERWYN CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL (343) [::II Ii IElI 11::=]1 IElI IElI IElI Ii ~ ~ ~ ~ (I ~ ~ J. B. WHITE ~ Four Ward Schools in City of Ardmore Ardmore Junior High School Ardmore High School Ardmore Separate Schools All School Buildings in City of Wilson Zaneis Consolidated School Fox Consolidated School Dundee High School Mt. Washington School Springer School Pleasant Ifill School ~ ~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111 ~ ~ Besides School work we invite you to investigate various other public buildings as well' as many homes built under our plans and supervision. 11I1II11111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111I11111111111111 Efficient and Prompt Service on any Building Enterprise ~ [::I [ ~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I ~ w m SCHOOL PLANS AND SUPERVISION A SPECIALTY ~ ~ ~ ~ Examples of Our Work ~ ~ Ardmore, Oklahoma ~ m ~ ARCHITECT m IElI I Ell IElI (344) ~ ~ m ~ ~ II II J[::I I Ell 1[31 II W IB ; PLAT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.-----.7L ZANEIS CONSOUDATED VALUATION $4,367,246 a.'r< CENSUS 306 Rur. ~ W J:s,x '2. W'i c.,T Ran.. 1-++-t-++-I-+-+-1f-++-l-++-+-+-+-4-+-+-+-+-~ j t-t-t-t-t-+-+-+-+-+-+--+-+-+++-+++++++-+--1 A If-44--+Hl--J-+Ha+-+-H~+~H4-~~--4--1 l F== ~I-t-t-t-HHH--t--+--+-t-t-+-+-+++++++++-l ~ H4-++-,iHH--+-+-H4+4-'H4+-4-H-+-+-1 ~. ~++--+-+I>-~1-1 -=;__ _.; 1--t-t--t-1-t-t .. il--t-I_ ... ARDNORE, OKLAHOhlA. APPROYJlD NOVEMBER. 1921 DESCRIPTIVE BOUNDARY AND OFFICIAL RECORD OF S'CHOOL DISTRICT NO.~ DEGINIlING AT THE VlE~T CEN. LINE OF SEC. 18, TIIP. 4 SOUT~, RANGE 3 WEST, THENCE EAS~' TO THE EAST CEll. LINE OF SEC. 16, T:lENCE SOUTH 1 MILE TO T~E EAST CEN. LINE OF ~EC. 21, THENCE EAST TO THE CEN. OF SEC. 19, TiYP. 4 SOUTH, RANGE 2 'NEST, THENCE SOUTH TO THE CEIl. OF SEC. 7, TWP. 5 SOUTH, RAIlGS 2 WEST, THl!:NCE WEST TO TilE WEST CEll. LINB OF SEC. 10, TWP. 5 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, THENCE SOUTH TO THE S.E. COR. OF SEC; 33, THl!:NCE WEST TO THE S.W. COR. SEC. 31, THENCE NORTH TO THE WEST CEN. LINE OF SEC. 18, TWP. 4 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, PLACE OF BEGINNING. SCHOOL BOARD-H. E. KIMBRELL, Director J. B. CODD, Clerk (345) C. T. GRIFFIN, Member - :-----.. ,', , , / ... ZANEIS CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT 72 KATE GALT ZANEIS In naming our school "Zaneis" we do it out of appreciation to Mrs. Kate Galt Zaneis, County Superintendent, whose earnest and untiring efforts have not only brought to the chil.dren of our district, but to our entire County a. higher standard of schools. Signed: H. E. KIMBRELL, Director. J. B. CUDD, Clerk. C. T. GRIFFIN, Member. Pupils of Consolidated District 72. (346) FORMER SCHOOL DISTRICTS 56, 58 AND 59, THAT NOW COMPOSE CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT 72 (347) A. A. ROGERS; SUPERINTENDENT OF ZANEIS CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL Twenty-six years teaching experience in three schools, Frederick, Hobart and Wilson. Science (348) ZANEIS SCHOOL SHOWI:o.:C TRANSPORTATION TRUCKS SUP~RINTE:-i'DENT A. A. ROGERS AND \rIFE r\T HO~E ON THE SCHOOL TEACHERS AT THEIR HO"E ON SCHOOL CA"PliS (349) CA:\IPUS SCHOOL BOARD OF ZANEIS CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 72 H. E. KIMBRELL Director J. B. CUDD Clerk C. T. GRIFFIN Member (350) ZANEIS CONSOLIDi\TED SCHOOL ....----.@..-.-.... This school, while one of the youngest, is at the same ti~e, one of the best and largest in the county. In fact, it is to be doubted if there is a rural school in the state with better appointments and standing than has this school. While the school is strictly a rural school, it offers every advantage of the city schools and at the same time offering many advantages not offered by any city school of the state. The Zaneis School stands today as an everlasting tribute to the unrelenting efforts and untiring energy of our present County Superintendent, Mrs. Kate Galt Zaneis, for whom the school was named. We believe that we can say reciprocally that the school is proud of the name and in turn that Mrs. Zaneis should be proud of the school. . Soon after Mrs. Zaneis assumed the duties of Superintendent of Schools of this county, she saw the need and possibility of a high school for the children of this part of the county. She immediately initiated the move in that direction and. with the splendid co-operation of a number of the best people in this part of the county, the dream was soon a reality. It must not be thought that this was done without strong opposition on, the part of a number of the citizens who were to be affected by the move. But Mrs. Zaneis had a splendid vision. and she persistently reflected this vision until the people were convinced and now all are loud in' their praise of the school and our people would be glad to explain the many advantages that ,this kind of school holds over the old idea. For if a move were started to go' back to the old regim'e, our patrons would rise as a unit and oppose it. The patrons of this district are proud of 1\1rs. Zaneis and those who were opposed to the movement and to, her personally, are her best friends now. The school now has an enrollment of 347 pupils including 67 in the high school with five teacr.ers doing exclusively high school work. It is now a fully affiliated and accredited four year· high school, in fact, is accredited for twenty-three units which is remarkably good for a school only two years old. The district proper consists of about sixty square miles of territory and an assessed valua tion of approximately $4,500,000, which is second in valuation only to Ardmore in Carter County. The school is fast becoming a community and all the children hold a high regard for the school and are loyal to the core. Through the influence of the school board the Community Institute C0rps from the State University spent a number of days with the school doing a great amount of good for both the school and the community in general. Thus the children of this part of the country have been drawn close to the state university. This corps of teachers tells us that this was the eighty-second school of the state they had visited and was the first strictly rural school they had visited. A very peculiar condition exists in this district relative to the enrollment and classifica tion of pupils of the school. Every experienced teacher will tell you that some one of the first three grades of school is the largest class in school, but the largest class in this school is the freshman class of the high school. The reason for this is easily explained as follow~: It means that there were a number of pupils who finished the eighth grade· from one to three years ago and were just waiting for a chance to get to some kind of school offering a higher course. This is what Mrs. Zaneis saw that prompted her to undertake to establish a high school here. Mrs. Zaneis was ably assisted in her work by .a broad minded. school board and while we are heavily indebted to Mrs. Zaneis, the school board is deserving much honor for their hearty co-operation in this work. This school is justly proud of her school board and feels that as long as men like our present board hold the destiny of ,t?e school in their hand that we will continue to prosper. These men are interested not only in this school, but iri the cause of education in general. The board is composed of the following men: H. E. Kimbrell, -Director, J. B. Cudd, Clerk, and C. T. Griffin, Member, and to the~ abQV'e- 'board may be -v~ry largely attributed whatever degree of success the Zaneis School maybave accomplished (351) HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY ....---@.-.-.... The faculty of Zaneis High School is composed of five teachers doing excl usively high school work. EPoch teacher has an A. B. or B. S. degree from our own State University. MRS. THERESA SPARKS CONNER, A. B. Wesleyan College, Bloomington, Ill. M. A. Degree, Oklahoma University English PEARL D. MILLER Graduate of North Texas Normal, Denton, Texas History XOE WEBB Graduate of Oklahoma University Mathematics and Spanish (3S:) SELMA BODOVITZ, A. B. Oklahoma University Commercial Department French and Latin • AVA BRADLEY Graduate of Louisville Conservatory of Music Publ ic School Music and Voice CELESTE CALD-NELL Student of Oklahoma City College Cotty Nevado, Mo. Piano ,. .. ' I' (353) , ._.,_ ... .... I· i FACULTY FOR THE GRADES ..•• ~ @ ~ -••.. The Faculty for the grades of Zaneis School is composed of eight teachers all of whom are Normal Graduates CARL HELBACH Graduate of Southeastern State Teachers' College, Durant Departmental Work in Junior High School Athletic Coach MRS. A. A. ROGERS Graduate of Southeastern State Teachers' College, Durant Departmental Work in Junior High School Domestic Science MRS. LOUIS TABB Student Southeastern State Teachers' College, Durant (354) 'IRS. MARY HOOVER Student of Southeastern State Teachers' College, Durant Intermediate MARY Student or R. LEE Southeastern State Tenchers' College, Durant Public Spe3king ALPHA BELL CLARK Graduate of Southe3stern State Teachers' College, Durant Second Grade Art Gratitude i, herein expressed to Miss Alpha Bell Clark who executed much of the art work in the Journal of Carter County Schools. (355) BEATRICE MILLER CUDD MRS. GEORGIA SCOTT Special Permanent Certificate Primary North Texas Normal, Denton, Texas THE JANITOR Mr. C. H. Howell, High School Inspector, was heard to remark, "The management of a school is invested in a school board, a corps of teachers and a janitor, but verily I say unto you that the greatest of these is the janitor." It seems to us that a report of the Zaneis School cannot be quite complete without some word concerning our worthy janitor, Mr. G. H. Tipps. The same spirit of industry and hearty co-operation that marks the conduct of the teachers is found in Mr. Tipps. He is always pleasant and agreeable, ready with any kind of service and assists the management in the conduct of the school. He is appreciated, not only by the teaching force, but by the student body as well. The building is always faultlessly clean, the rooms are always warm and thoroughly dusted. He is on the job, early at morning and stays until late at night. And in case of extra enter tainments giving him extra work, no complaint has he uttered. It would be difficult to find all these virtues so· well blended in any other one man. PUBLIC SPEAKING CLASS, MARY LEE, INSTRUCTOR (356) SCHOOL ACTIVITIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS ..•• ----@~-••.. Among the different school organizations are: the Dramatic Club which is a live organiza~ tion and has full and complete charge of all high school plays. It is better than to make a cast of characters from one class. If for instance, we desire to put on a junior class play, the Dramatic Club will present the play and the cast is made from the club members rather than from the individual members of the junior class. The same applies to any class in the high school. The club is now making arrangements to present "All on Account of Polly", a very pretty little high school play. The Girls' Canning Club is another school organization and will work with our Demon stration Agent, Mrs. Church. Our Debating Club has shown much interest and a number of the pupils have shown their mettle in that line of work all of which reminds one that you do not know what you will find out in the country. Weare proud of our debating team. The entire school is divided into two different literary societies. The Philologians and the Pierians. There is perhaps more real rivalry between these two societies than any other part of the school. They give a program every two weeks, each society alternating and each time trying to give a better program than the other. The leaders are Mrs. Conner for the Pierians and Miss Lee for the Philologians. The Girls" Glee Club, under the instruction of both Miss Bradley and Miss Caldwell, is doing splendid work and keen interest is being taken by the members of the club. The entire school is strong for the Glee Club. The Boys' Pig Club is one of the features of the school and judging from the number of registered hogs the boys have purchased, one would know that great interest is being taken in that line. The boys have bought about 23 head of registered gilts and returns are already being realized in the shape of large litters of pigs. A number of the high school girls have shown an interest in this line and a number belong to the club. We predict that the next county fair will see a number of high school contestants in thee big hog show. Doyle Laten is president of the club. The Durocs and Poland-Chinas are the two breeds being tried. This work is being furthered by the County Agent. ATHLETICS This school believes that the physical man is a necessary factor in the properly balanced finished product. In fact we still adhere to the old idea of properly cultivating the heart, the head and the hand. With this in mind we selected a teacher who knows athletics as he knows history or geography and is able to tell a boy what to do and show him how to do it. This was our first year in the athletic field and while we were forced to play schools in football that had been playing a number of years, we made a splendid showing. Mr. Carl Helbach, the· athletic coach, has made an enviable record for himself as well as for his protege. Football boys won eight and lost four games and they played all the leading teams of Carter County, teams that have been playing all the leading teams of Carter County, teams that have been playing the game for four years. In the basket ball division, we were equally fortunate, losing only to Wilson and Healdton. But these teams have been playing stellar basket ball for a number of years. The school is justly proud of her boys and their peerless record for this their first year in athletics. As to the girls' record, we make a better showing as we were defeated only twice and won eight games. Our girls' team played every team in the county save Ardmore. In the basket ball tournament at Healdton, the girls brought back the loving cup in class "A" for this part of the state. This contest was a gruelling one, but the Zaneis Girls showed their fighting spirit by winning out in the finals with colors flying. A splendid gymnasium is now in course of construction and' 'will be ready for use at the beginning of next year's school so that we expect a still better showing next year,. especially. in the line of basket ball. . Both the girls' and boys' teams were forced to play on "open'~ court this year and ~ere consequently handicapped when forced to play in a gym. We will have both our girls' and:'boys' coaches with us again next year and we are looking forward to a brilliant year in athletics. Miss Mary Lee has had charge of the girls and deserves much credit in making pennant winners of the girls the first year. Mr. Helbach is now lining up his warriors for a try at base ball and hopes to have "the boys going in good shape by the time school closes. The boys are an unknown quantity in that field of sport, but the coach is an untiring fellow and the school has learned to depend on his making a winner of the boys. (357) ZANEIS FOOTBALL TEAM, CARL HELBACH, COACH ZANEIS BOYS' BASKETRALL TEAM, CARL HF,LB.-\('H. COACH Z.-\NF.IS GIRLS' BASKET HALL TEAM, l\1.-\RY R. LEE, CO.-\CII (358) The school colors seldom, if ever, trail in of the county. We are banner with the Black County. are black and cardinal and we are led to believe that our colors will the dust when we have had equal opportunity with most any of the schools trying to serve notice on all followers of athletics that we hope to see the and Cardinal sharing their pro rata part of the athletic honors of Carter TRANSPORTATION In many respects the transportation problem in a consolidated school is quite an improve Inellt to the ordinary method of walking to school even in the cities and we want to set forth these advantages which are as follows, that is, as far as this particular school is concerned: In the first place every child rides tu school and everyone of them bring their lunch which Jneans that all children are on tilne every day both nlorning and afternoon. We have no tardies and the habit uf truancy is an unknown tenn as tu practice .in the Zaneis School. We have nut yet heard of a single case of truancy. We believe this is a r~cord of which any school might well be proud. No trouble, fights or playing on the way to or from school as the truck drivers are all grown people and have full and complete charge of the pupils to and from school. This is a provision of the law and is a good one. I believe no other school in the state can boast of such a record unless it be a consolidated school and transporting all her children to and froln school. This is a lnuch larger factor thaft- one would think at first. It absolutely does away with 900/0 uf the ordinary school troubles, then .with supervised play on the campus, friction between or among the children is reduced to the minimum. Transportation in this school is affected by six regular and specially arranged trucks, having tops and weather proof curtains with sufficient seating capacity for from 25 to 40 children. Some of these trucks make two trips both morning and afternoon. They run on regular schedllle time and are far more dependable than the time schedule of many of our trains, purporting to run on regular arrivals at the school building. ' In case a pupil grows seriously sick, they are pronlptly sent home in one of the school trucks as a driver is always on hand for that purpose. This part is one of the most satisfact~ry oepartments of the school. BUILDING AND GROUNDS The school building is a substantially built brick of sixteen rUOlllS and an auditorium with a seating capacity of 500. This means that there are 500 opera chairs now fastened down to the floor and at least, in case of necessity, 100 more people could be acconlmodated. The building is tnodern in every way, lnodeI'll windows, blackboards, floors, ventilation "and lightIng with a complete system of good deep well water with adequatti pressure from an elevated water tower that makes drinking from the sanitary fountains a real pleasure. The build ing is built on the unit system, broad corridors and halls and the entire structure as near fire proof as modern methods and workmen can make them. The auditorium is placed exactly in the center of the building and yet it receives its light and ventilation from the outside, having a liberal sized court on both sides of the auditorium. There are 146 windows in the huilding [n fact the lighting and heating of the building is ide;}l as the following statement from S. L. Smith, member of the National Commission on School House Planning will indicate: ."I have just tested the light in your class rooms with my foot candle meter and find it ideal. The color scheme, the excellent orientation and ample window area, together with. the tan adjustable shades make an ideal lighting effect, readily adjustable to all weather· conditions. Signed, S. L. SMITH, :NIember National Commission of School House Planning, Nashville, Tenn.'" October 15, 1922. The building is equipped with two· basements in which are located all the toilets which are thoroughly sanitary and connected with sewer and -septic tank. In the. basements are to be found lavatories and other accessories. In addition to ample room, the blackboards surfaces are on three sides of each room with extension blackboard at the top for use by the teacher and on one side there is· an extension of beaver board on which may be fastened all kinds of manu scripts and other exhibits without interfering with the regular blackboard space. Each and every room has its own separate cloak room with heat and ventilation for each. This is an item not found in many buildings. A splendid gymnasium is now in course of construction and will be completed before the beginning of next school. This gym will be one of the best as well as the largest in this part of the state. Heat, lights and both hot and cold water, shower and toilets. Two class rooms will be in this building which will be used for domestic science and art and the other for manual training. (359) PUPILS OF ZANEIS SCHOOL (360) The building· is situated on the north side of a ten acre campus and is admirably situated on the south side of the public highway midway between "'Tilson and Ringling. There is also a four room teacherage, a twelve room te~chers' dormitory, garage for six trucks and a neat little home for the janitor. All the houses are furnished with electric lights, gas and water. On the south side of the campus· is plenty of room for a small experiment plot for horticulture or truck farming. EQUIPME~T The entire plant is thoroughly equipped with two 120 volt Delco Motors that provide plenty of light for all surrounding buildings, rooms and homes for the teachers as well as for the garage for the trucks. In addition there is plenty of power with which to pump water from a well of deep. water (350 feet), furnish power for the manual training shops and supply ample heat for the domestic science room. The heating plant is one of the best in the state, there being installed the double boiler with 52 radiators. It is the l\Ioline System and the boilers are the American Ideal. Natural gas is used in heating and no trouble has developed in any way. The campus is well supplied with all kinds of play equipment in the way of giant stride, ocean wave, swings, trapese, chutes and teeter-totters, giving plenty of play equipment for the grade children of the school. In the science department there is ample equipment for the teaching of general science, physical geography, agriculture and zoology. While the school is only one year old, the library is not large but is growing steadily. There are a.bout 300 volumes divided as follows: 50 volumes of English and the classics. 60 volumes of history. 30 volumes on education, psychology, pedagogy, etc. 50 volumes of fiction. 24 volumes in science. 1 set Nelson's loose leaf encyclopedia. 6 sets of the Book of Knowledge. 6 sets of the World Book. 2 sets Standard Encyclopedia. We have no separate room for the library, but have books arranged for the various rooms. All books on history of whatsoever nature are to be found in the history room, books on English or fiction are to be found in the English room, etc., while books of reference are in each room. We have found by actual experience that when pupils pass to the library for reference work, that usually there are others there for the ostensible purpose and the result is a good time, while if these books are in their respective class rooms, the teacher in charge will be able to tell whether earnest research is being made or just pretense. The commercial department is equipped with splendid commercial desks fitted with drawers and filing cabinets with pigeon holes for stationery, envelopes, etc. Here are to be found 10 Woodstock Typewriters all in good shape. Most all the desks are the tubular semi-steel pattern excepting the study hall and recitation rooms of the high school. In the study hall will be found the improved Moulthrop Chair Desk and the class rooms are equipped with the regulation recita tion chairs with tablet arms. . To avoid the dust during the dry dusty periods, the janitor uses the vacuum s~eeper. We find this particularly advantageous as this practically eliminates the dust. The school is well supplied with wall maps for geography as well as maps for the study of history including maps for Ancient, Medieval and ~lodern History. In the science hall are to be found a goodly nunlber of charts for the teaching of physiology and agriculture. The superintendent's office is nicely equipped and his large desk is supplied with a number of electric buttons by which he may summon anyone of the high school teachers or the janitor as he desires and in addition he may call a change of high school recitation period or have classes pass from study hall to recitation rooms by pressing a button. In like manner, the janitor pumps water from a .well 350 feet deep by pressing an electric button. A large water tower maintains sufficient pressure to keep the bubblers in good. shape. CURRICULUM This school offers 23 units for the high school, all of which are accepted by the State University as the school has been fully affiliated with that institution. The grades are offering those subjects called for in the course of study and are following the course rigidly. (361) PUPILS OF ZANEIS SCHOOL ( 361) Pt..;PILS OF Z.\).:EIS SCHOOL TI-tt: :\BOn: GROUP IS THE PIE!UAS LITER..\R\* SOCIETY THE: GROUP BI:::LOW rs THE Pl-lJLOLOGI . \N LITERARY SOCIETY (363) GEl~~3!i ~ ~ ~ ~ I[3EI~~31[31 lEI~===SIG ~ ~ ~ ~ ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA Citizen of ~ ~~ 1[31 F. E.W ATSON ~,~,~,~,~~~""S,2~,!,~,~,~,!,2~"",~~!?",,,,~,,!,Y,!.,~,""~,~~,!.,~,~,~,~ ~ ~ I[3EI~~31[31 c~::·=:~or·;ifteen ~ Years. ~ Tax Payer of Carter County Efficient Service Rendered Carter County in the Construction . ~ ~ of Various Homes, Buildings and Bridges. For Examples of Schools Built by F. E. Watson, see: Buildings in City of Wilson, ~ ~ Also ~ Fox Consolidated School, ~ Zaneis Consolidated School ~ ~ Are You Going to Build-A Home, a School, a Bridge ? ~ ~ Anything: ~ I W t:JG:r==:====:311 See F. E. W a t son I[3EI~~31[31 1[31 (364) IElEI~~31[31 I W lEI~~:::lIG PLAT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 73 REXROAT CONSOLIDATED VALUATION $365,520 CENSUS 410 ~ W \7 ST RANGE \. W i $,. LAID OUT AND ORGANIZED APPROVED MARCH, ARDMORE, OKTAHOMA 1922 DESCRIPTIVE BOUNDARY AND OFFICIAL RECORD OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.~ BEGINNING AT THE CEll. OF SEC.• ~1, TWP. 3 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, THENCE EAST TO THE EAST CEN. LINE OF SEC. 34, THENCE SOUTH TO THE S.E. COR. OF SEC. 34, THENCE EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SECS. 35, 36 AND 31 TO THE S. E. COR. OF SEC. 31, TWP. 3 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WEST, THENCE SOUTH TO THE S.E. COR. SEC. 6, TWP. 4 SOUTH, RANGE 1 WEST, THENCE EAST TO THE SOUTH CEN. LINE OF SEC. 4, THENCE SOUTH TO THE CEN. OF SEC. 16, THENCE WEST TO THE WEST CEN. LINE OF SEC. 17, THENCE SOUTH TO THE CEN. LINE BETWEEN SECS. 19 AND 20, THENCE WEST TO THE WEST CEN. LINE OF SEC. 19, THENCE SOUTH TO THE S. W. COR. SEC. 19, THENCE WEST TO THE S.W. COR. SEC. 24, TWP. 4 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, THENCE NORTH TO THE N.W. COR. SEC. 24, THENCE WEST TO THE SOUTH CEN. LINE OF SEC. 18, THENCE NORTR TO THE eEN. OF SEC. 31, TWP. 3 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, PLACE OF BEGINNING. SCHOOL BOARD-S. M. WILSON, Director w. (365) F. CLOWDUS, Clerk J. S. REED, Member REXROAT CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL REXROAT CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT 73 .,. U. T. REXROAT The school board of Consolidated District 73 hereby requests Kate Galt Zaneis, Superintendent, to record the name of our new school and di~ttict as Rexroat Consolidated 73. Our community feels that this is an honor due a man who h?s lived among us for more than thirty years and who has furthered all progressive movements for the general community welfare. Coun~y (366) S. 1\1. REXROAT SCHOOL BOARD WILSON, Diredur J. S. lhw Memher W. F. CLOWIlUS, Clerk REXRO..I,T nCljLTY TOP ROW-R. H. G. ALBRIGHT, ZllATTIE Vf:.-\L BOTTOi\I ROW-RuTH FREDl.-\:>;, LILIA:>; i\IOSELY, EDITH WHITE, H. W. ROSE, Superintendent (3671 ABANDONED SCHOOLS IN REXROAT CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT 73 (368) REXROAT CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL ..•• ~ @ ~ -•... Some thirty years ago the settlers in the now Rex roat Consolidated School District organized their first public school. They donated the funds with which to build a one-room, log school house and because of the nature of the ,material in the roof, it was called "Iron Top." Money was secured for the paymem of the services of the teacher by subscription and the first tea'cher to serve was the Honorable U. T. Rex roat, now prominent in the development of the oil resources of our county. As the years passed we out-grew the little log school house and it was replaced with a larger, one room, plank building which was named Pleasant Grove because of 'its situation in a beautiful oak grove. This brings us down to the oil boom which was caused by the extension of the Dillard Oil Field into the Pleasant Grove District in the year 1919. During this time the little town of Rexroat was estab lished which brought many children into the district. This building then became inadequate for the needs of the community and another room was added. Soon thereafter the entire building burned and then it became necessary to use the church edifice and other buildings for school purposes. This condition brought about the efforts of Mrs. Kate Galt Zaneis, i H. W. ROSE, Superintendent . Superintendent of Schools, and the patrons of the district to consolidate with the Keller and Blue Rib bon Districts which culminated in the erection of a large eight room brick building, one .. mile east of the town of Rexroat, and the consolidation of the districts. Had it not been for the untiring efforts of Mrs. Zaneis and the splendid support of the community this educational monu ment might not have been erected. After consolidation many names were considered for the district. Owing to the continued efforts and assistance of Hon. U. T. Rexroat in the district since !Ie taught at Old Iro.n Top, and in order, to perpetuate his name the school board decided to name the new orgam,zation "Rexroat Consolidated School." The personnel of the teaching staff at this time, is: Hugh W. Rose, Principal; Prof. R. H. G. Albright, Misses Lilian Mosely, Mattie Veal, Edith White and Ruth Freeman. In the years to come our district will boast of a consolidated high school with from eight to twel,ve teachers and ample conveyance to carry the pupils to and from school. I may add that there is now a movement on foot to build a new gymnasium so that our children shall have physical development as well as literary advantages. The board of trustees is composed of Messrs. S. M. Wilson, Director; W. F. Clowdus, Clerk, and 1. S Reed, Member, who give unexcelled attention to their duties and under whose super vision the school work is progressing so satisfactorily. ' HUGH W. ROSE, Superintendent. .... ~....... '.;...~:-~ " .,4," ,.:iI!, ofo·~ .. ,·~~·:~ REXROAT SCHOOL PLANT SHOWING HOME OF SUPERINTENDENT AT THE RIGHT AND TEACHERS' HOME AT THE LEFT (369) .":~~i<-;~'< j 7~ii!P:; FERRIS BATCHLOR CAPTAIN OF FOOTBALL AND BASKET BALL SQUAD .REXROAT FOOTBALL TEAM (370) r 11 11 . I' -. ..~._~! +~ t-~" '.: ,..' . .•"..'. ) nEXROAT GIRLS' BASKET BALL TEAM AND RUTH FREEMAN, COACH REXROAT PUPILS AND HUGH W. ROSE, SUPERINTENDENT (3 i 1) REXROAT PUPILS AND MISS EDITH WHITE, TEACHER . .,. '. ( t REXROAT PUPILS AND R. H. G. ALBRIGHT, TEACHER (372) PUPILS OF REXROAT SCHOOL AND MISS MATTIE VEAL, TEACHER , I' PUPILS OF REXROAT SCHOOL AND MISS RUTH FREEMAN, TEACHER i (373) EJi ~ ~ Leachman - Johnson Motor Company Authorized Ford and Forclson Dealers ~ ~ ~ rn ~ .. . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn ~ t ~ Corner A Street and 1st Avenue, Southwest ARDMORE,OKLAHOMA Specialty-Trucks for Transporting Chilc!ren in Consolidated Districts ..•• -------@~-••.. Do you want a Ford Touring Car Ford Runabout Ford Coupe Ford Sedan Ford Tractor Ford Truck Ford Chassis Ford Motor Genuine Ford Parts Efficient Ford Service ..•• -------@.... - Leachman-Johnson Can Serve You W [::Il ..t.:"t,'· YJ' •... (374 ) PLAT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO._7A_ FOX. CONSOLIDATED VALUATION $446,335 ....... L'lIC· ,,,.,- CENSUS 435 ...... i-5-x ~ ~ " ~1 . I l'"' f I I ; '\ - -. ~ I -= I ~ ,~ ~ ~ i ; I~ / I V;~ ~ , I ~ \ ~ I i ,1!1/!1·1",t!."~I",, ('" fI t !~~I::.~;;:,.)~ ~.~. ~ IJ;,«"",,:':"' ~ 'fit l?(~~~~,~~.:~ '''''''' ~_. -- < ___ --- - .~. 'ii§'£:J~ - , I _. ............ ..,"'r~ ,,~ Wit, .. , .... I ,.. El.C LAID OUT AND ORGANIZED ApPROVED ApRn ARDMORE, 1922" OKI.AHOlAA. DESCRIPTIVE BOUNDARY AND OFFICIAl- RECORD OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO._7_4_ _ BEGINlIING AT THE CEN. OF SEC. 28, TWP. 1 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, THENCE EAST TO THE EAST CEN. LINE OF SEC. 27, THENCE NORTH TO THB N. E. COR, SEC. 27, THENCE EAST TO THE NORTH CEN. LINE OF SEC. 25, TllKIlCE SOUTH.TO T!IE SOUTH CEN. LINE OF SEC. 36, THENCE WEST TO THE S.'/I. COR. OF SEC. 36, TaENCB SOUTH TO THE S.W. COR. SEC. 12, TWP. 2 SOUTH, RANGE 3 lVEST, THENCE EAST ONE QUARTER OF A IIlLE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SEC. 12, THENCE SOUTH OllE-HALF MILE, THENCB EAST ONE_HALF IIILE, THENCE SOUTH ONE-HALF MILE TO FLAG CREEK ON THE SOl1rH LINE OF SEC. 13, TllKIlCE FOLLOWING THE CREJ-;K SOUTH AND EAST TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SEC. 19, TWP. 2 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, THENCE WEST TO THE S.W. COR. SEC. 19, THENCE SOUTH ONE-HALF IIILE, THENCE WEST ONE-HALF IIILE TO THE CEN. OF SEC. 25, TWP. 2 SOUTH, HANGE 3 WEST, THENCE SOUTH TO THE CEN. OF SEC. 36, THENCE lVEST TO THE CER. OF SEC. 35, THENCE SOUTH TO THE SOl1rH CEN. LINE OF SEC. '1"111'. 3 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, THENCE WEST TO THE NORTH CEN. LINE OF SEC. 15, THENCE SOUTH TO THE CEN. OF SIlC. 15, THENCE WEST TO THE WEST CEN. LINB OF SEC. 18, THENCE NORTH. TO THE N.W. COR. SEC. 6, THENCE EAST TO THE N.E. COR. SEC. 6, THENCE NORTii TO THE WEST CEIl. LINE OF SEC. 32, TWP. 2 SOl1rH, RANGE 3 WEST, THENCE EAST TO THE EAST CEN•. LINE' OF SEC. 32, THENCE NORTH TO THE ~IEST CEN. LIllE OF SEC. 16,. TiIh"llCE ',AST TO THE EAST CEN. LINE OF SEC. 16, THENCE NORTH TO THE EAST CEN. LINE OF SEC. 4, THENCE llEST TO THE CEN. OF SEC. 4, THENCE NORTH TO THE CEN. OF SEC. 28, TW\'. 1 SOl1rH,. RANGB 3 lTE:sT, pLACE OF BIDINNING. n, SCHOOL BOARD-W. M. KIRKPATRICK, Director- J:H: (3 is) THOMPSON; Clerk H. T. PRUlTI, Member FOX ·CO·NSOLIDATED SCHOOL ...... --,. ,. .. . . '.>' .-,.~. -- .. -, .• ,-:. .. ..... ~ ,.---r;'1 - ,.,., .. , -_ .... '",::" FOX CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT 74 Fox Consolidated District 74 is composed of former school districts Snider Chapel, 38, Fox, 52, and Buckhorn, 53. This consolidated district was formed in the spring of 192'2, and was the third group. of districts to co-operate with the movement in Carter County to raise the standard of rural schools by consolidation. The vote to consolidate was almost unanimous Despite the harmony and co-operation of this consolidated district in an effort to establish :] well-graded school offering high school courses, the question of locating the Fox Consolidated School caused some delay and friction. There was a disposition on the part of some in the district to build the school in the little town of Fox which lies a mile and a half north of the center of the district, the center of the district having been certified by the County Engineer to be just south of Pike City. Some court procedure was necessary to legaUy fix the building site and the district court established the center to be the same as had formerly been certified to by the County Engineer, and January found aU the trouble settled, and at present writing the Fox Consolidated School is completed and the teachers for the coming year ale employed. During this school year the grades and one year of high school work were maintained in the various abandoned schools in the district, the church at Pike City being also used to accom modate children living in the south part of the district. (376) A mention of the Fox District would be incomplete without commendation of the excellent school work rendered the children of this community by'Misses Bonnie and Bryan Duston, !'diss Bonnie Duston being principal of Fox District 52, and Miss Bryan Duston assistant at the time of the consol idation of the three school dis tricts. Mlich credit is due to these two young women who worked untiringly to bring about a better school condition for the children in the Fox Oil Fields. Miss Bonnie Duston was elected principal of the Fox Con solidated School, hut after her marriage to Mr. Paul Nagle she resigned and her sister, Miss Bryan Duston, was elected to fill the vacancy. The boys' and girls' club work has been organized in Consolidated District 74, the girls having as their spon sor, Mrs. Earl Evans, and the boys being directed hy the vocational agricultural teacher, Mr. C. A. Clausell. The students of this district are very enthusiastic about BRYAN DUSTON, Principal the farm club work which is supervised hy the Bome Demonstration and Farm Agents. The outlook for Fox Consolidated School bespeaks a well-graded, centralized school, with accredited high school courses, together with Domestic Scien~e, Vocational Agriculture and special science courses. At present writing Fox is the only accredited high school north of Healdton and west of the Wheeler Consolidated Schoo!. The pupils are transported to school hy auto trucks. It is believed that this school will not only serve the pupils of District 74 with better school advantages, but convince the smaller surrounding schools that centralized schools will give to rural children . a hetter opportunity. Teachers employed in this district during school year 1922-1923 are: Miss Bryan Duston, Principal; C. A. Clausen, Vocational Agriculture, Mrs. Earl Evans, Domestic Science, Miss Gladys Lawrence, Miss Corrine Ballard, Miss Anna Smith, Asa Welch and Mrs.. Mathews. GROUPS OF PUPILS IX THE Fox CONSOLIDATED DISTRICT OVAL-CORRINE BALLARD, C. A. CLAUSEN, l\IRS. MATHEWS, TEACHERS (378) ". L'.J FORMER SCHOOL DISTRICTS 38. 52 A~D 53. TH.U CONSOLID"ATED DIsnilCT 74 (3i9) OW CO;\IPOSE FOX J. C. PENNEY COMPANY, A NATION WIDE INSTITUTION . . ---@------.. . What Factor Do You Consider When Deciding Where To Buy Your Clothing, Shoes and Hats Do you buy for cash to save the difference between cash and credit prices? If you do J. C. Penney Co., serves you to splendid advantage. Do you prefer to buy where everybody pays the same price? If you do the J. C. Penney Co., store is the one you are seeking. Do you desire to buy where the prices are marked in plain figures? remember every article in the J. C. Penney Co., Store· is so marked. If you do, Do you believe that buying for 371 stores makes it possible to buy at lowest prices? If you do, you will be inclined to expect lowest prices at this store. Do you prefer to carry home the articles you buy to save paying delivery charges? . If you do, remember nothing is added to our prices for delivery expenses. The saving is yours. D6 you wish to avoid buying defective merchandise? .no undesirable goods are bought by us. If you do, be assured Do you know that you are required to pay the added expenses where collectors are employed? If you ·desire to avoid paying such unnecessary expenses, buy at our store. Do you prefer newest merchandise to ·select from when you are buying? you do, our rapid selling assures you newest assortments at all times. If Do you desire the assurance that every purchase will prove satisfactory to you? If you do, that is sufficient reason for you to buy constantly at this store. Many other reasons why you ~n buy to best advaIJltage at the J. C. Penney Co. Store will be apparent to you beginnjng with your first purchase. .••• ------@~- Opposite Post Office. ••.. Ardmore, Okla. 371 Busy Stores J.. C. PENNEY COMP ANY J. C. PENNEY COMPANY, A NATION WIDE INSTITUTION (380) SCHOOLS MAINTAINED IN CARTER COUNTY FOR NEGRO CHILDREN ...• ~@~-: •... All of the schools in Carter County maintained for negro children are designated as separate schools, except Tatums, District 50, which is the only district in Carter County th,at has more negro children of school age than there are white children of school age. There are in this district, according to the enumeration of January, 1923, twenty white children and two hundred fifty-one negro children TATUMS SCHOOL DISTRICT 50 There are two buildings for negro children in District 50, a four-room concrete building at Tatums and Franklin, a two-teacher school, three miles south of Tatums to accommodate the negro children in the extreme eastern part of the district. District 50 is strictly a farming section and the work of the vocational agricultural teacher, is not only a help in teaching the boys scientific farming, but this department also gives ~ instruction to th'e adults of the community. The department of vocational agriculture is equipped with a laboratory for seed testing and germination, and also has a workshop where the boys are trained to do such work as will qualify them to meet the needs of the farm. (381) DOUGLAS SCHOOL The nep;ro children in Ardmore in grades attend this school. the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and high school ~\ , " (' ........ \. WARD SCHOOL FOR NEGRO CHILDREN Ward School for negro children in _-\rdmore where the first four grades are taught, Ardmore Separate Schools are maintained by Carter County under the supervision of the Cit)' Superintendent and Board of Education. (382) Xearly se\"en thou~and dollar:; was obtained from Julius Rosenwald to aid in the construction of these buildings" Funds Irere also obta·ined from John D. Rockeieller of the General Education Board, the Jeannes Foundation Fund, and the Slater Fund. _-\ \·ocational agricultural teacher is employed at Lincoln School, hali of whose salar)f is paid by the state, in order to teach negro children scientific farming. Rosenwald Funds made pO~5ible an indus trial room in each of the abo\"e schoob where Dome~tic Science is taught to the negro girls. (383) (384) LINCOLN SEPARATE SCHOOL Lincoln Separate School, located in Berwyn Consolidated District 71, replaces six schools of the below type. At the time Lincoln School was built there was only one more negro child in the City of Ardmore than the Census Report showed negro children in the Berwyn Vicinity. Lincoln School is an economy to Carter County as the funds that formerly maintained six poor schools now provide a Vocational School for the negro children who attended Washita Separate School in District 1, Antwine Separate School in District 7, Mt. Pleasant Separate School in District 10, Berwyn Separate School in District 11, Academy Separate School in District 12, and Abramville Separate School in District 13. The pupils of Lincoln School are trained in Domestic Science and Scientific Farming. The best educators of today advocate Vocatonal Training for negro children. Numerous funds are open to schools promoting Vocational Courses and while the Lincoln School is maintained by Carter County, the Slater Fund, General Education Board and the Rosenwald Fund supply financial support to this school. John D. Rockefeller furnished the Domestic Science and Manual Training Departments and the State pays half the salary of the Vocational Agricultural Teacher. The shop for vocational training was built from the material of an abandoned school. The Domestic Science Hall, which also accommodates the teachers as a home, was largely made possible through the Rosenwald Fund. TYPES OF ABANDONED SCHOOLS (385) .... --- FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF EACH FAMILY I-IEAD RENDERING SCHOLASTIC CENSUS, JANUARY, 1923 (Family Heads of Ardmore and 'ViIsoD omitted-see their City Directories) ...• ..........-.@~-•... Alber.:ion, S. L., Route 1, Ardmore Adams, Henry, Durwood Allen, H. A., Hoxbar Adkins, Eli, Hoxbar .Arnold, Mrs. Belle, Provence Alexander, A. C., Ardmore Adair, Fred, Springer Route, Ardmore Adkins, Curt, Hoxbar Alford, J. F., Ardmore Arnold, Sam, Springer Ammons, C. A., Springer Ashley, J. B., Newport Arnold, S. E., Springer Adams, D. H., Route A, Ardmore Adams, G. G., Route A, Ardmore Arnold, C. C., Route A, Ardmore Adams, G. c., Route A, Ardmore Anderson, Gibbie, Ardmore Abshire, A. E., Ardmore Ashley, J. T., Brock Abshire, W. J., Brock Austin, R. B., Lone Grove Arnold, Ira, Lone Grove Arnold, George, Lone Grove Adamson, 1\'lr5. D. W., Lone Grove Addington, Alice, Lone Grove Adams, R. D., Lone Grove Arnold, J. H., Newport Arnold, C. A., Newport Ashley, J. C., Newport Alexander, Robert, Wibon Alexander, U. R., Wilson Ashley, Tom, Wilson Akers, Jackie, Woodford Akers, G. T., Woodford Akers, Mrs. L. D., Woodford Alverson, Mrs. Edna, Woodford Akers, G. B., Woodford Amerson, Dr. G. 'V., l\Iilo Amerson, Henry D., ~lilo Akers, H. H., Milo Armstrong, W. W., Milo Ann>trong, J. W., Milo Arnold, E. D., Lone Grove Arnold, W. D., Lone Grove Alexander, R. D., Wilson Allen, S. A., Wiloon Allen, R. L., Wilson Allen, D.O., Wilson Allen, G. A., Wi'son Archev. Tom, Hewitt Ainsworth, Mrs. W. W., Wilson Ainsworth, L. A" \Vilson Adams, Elmer, Hewitt Acree, Mrs. E. L., Wilson Auld" M. J., Wilson Aker3, Irwin, Graham Airinglon, 'Monroe, Graham Au'd, V. L., Milo Ashton, 1I1n. W. F., Pooleville Allen, W. E., Graham Allgood, Will, Tussy Abous;ie, E. ill., Wirt .-\.boussie, J. G., "'irt .-\rmstrong, 'Vm., )Ic:\lann ,\rnold, I. G., ilidiann. Atteberry, 1Ilrs., Wirt Allen, C. W., lIIelIlann Anderson, A. D., Healdton Adcox, H., Wirt Adams, R. E., Wirt .-\.bbott, J. W., Berwyn Akins, Charlie, Ardmore Aldridge, lIIart, Berwyn Abbott, J. W., Berwyn .-\kers, Jim, \Vilson Adams, W. H., Wilson Byrd, A. J., Ardmore Adams, Wiley, Wilenn Bell, L. G., Ardmore Addington, W. H., Wilson Bridges, l\li11ie, Ardmore Adams, H. C., \Vilson Back, Hattie, Ardmore Annason, 1II. S., Wilson Apala, Kizzie, Keller Bick, Walter, Ardmore Archard, i\1ox, Fox Bishop, D. M., Ardmore Ard, Oscar, Healdton Ball, Berry, Ardmore Albertson, F. C., Fox Bell, A. C., Springer Blalock, H. E., Springer Armstrong, W. A., Healdton Allen, r. A., Zita Bolen, Jess, Springer Burch, Will, Springer Adams, ]. W., Fox Bush, Mr., Springer Anderson, Arnold, Healdton Allen, ]. R., Healdton Bow, Alvis, Springer Adams, F. B., Healdton Bayes, J. T., Springer Alton, J. M., Healdton Blasenga,me, J. S., Springer Alexander, Matilda, Healdton Bungarner, C. A., Newport Allen, lIIrs. Rhoda, Healdton Butler, A. D., Newport Allen, O. T., Healdton Beal, Joe, Newport Alsley, ]. A., Healdton Bohanan, J. A., Springer Amirew, N. J., Healdton Bow, A. D., Springer Andrew, D. R., Healdton Bearden, B. J., Springer Allred, C. W., Healdton Burns, W. N., Springer Auld, E. A., Healdton Beli, Hen'ry, Springer Ad",ms, B. R., Healdton Brewer, Mrs. S. A., Springer Adams, W. H., Healdton Butler, J. T., Rt. A, Bx. 129, Ardmore Allsup, Mrs. L. M., Healdton Beard, C. B., Rt. A, Bx. 106, Ardmore Browning, James C., Ardmore Amonstraut, D. L., Healdton Arnold, L. B., Healdton Bratcher, M. H., Ardmore Arnold, Mary, Healdton Biggs, W. T., Ardmore Bedford, E., Ardmore Barrett, John, Berwyn Bunsolus, S. E., Berwyn Beard, E. L., Ardmore Blain, F. E., Berwyn Baker, E., Ardmore Barnett, A. G., Route I, Ardmore Buckholts, G. W., Ardmore Beck, lIIrs. M. L., Brock Brumley, 1. B., Route I, Ardmore Barber, H. A., Route 1, Ardmore Boucher, A. L., Brock Barn"s, Nina, Route I, Ardmore Beard, Mrs. Olie, Brock Billing" J. W., Route I, Ardmore Bigham, B. a., Brock Brown; Flovd S., Ardmore Bigham, ]. H., Brock Beckham, F. 5 .. Provence Burns, 'V. F., Brock Byrne, T. T., Provence Buck, T. ]., B,ock Burns, 'V. C., Provence Butler, E. G., Overbrook Baze, Frank, Box 299, Ardmore Beckham, C. S., Provence Briscoe, J. H., Ardmore Byrne, W. R., McMillan Busby, T. F., McMillan Bryant, W. D., Cheek Butler, ]. F., Hoxbar Barker, J. W., Cheek Bingham, C. B., Rt. I, Bx. 37, ArdmoreBa,gle, D. H., Brock Brown, R. W., Rt. I, Bx. 36, ArdmoreBearden, J. W., Brock Burleson, T. ]1., Provence Branch, J. D., Lone Grove Burleson, S. A., Provence Butts, W. lII., Lone Grove Biles, lIlary L., Provence Ballew, Mrs. Delia, Lone Grove llolwing, ]. H., Provence Baxter, J. A., Lone Grove Bigbie, l\'Irs. C. H., Lone Grove Burnam, S. P., Provence Boucher, lIlrs. C. H., Lone Grove Butler, B. F., Provence Brownie, Dellie l Lone Grove Bahner, R;- 'V., Ardmore Byrnes, Clint, Ardmore Bell, 1I1rs. HettIe, Lone Grove Brown, Chas., Berwyn Byrd, lIlrs. C. E., Lone Grove Brown, H., Berwyn Black, l\lrs. Ada, Lone Grove Brown, Sam, Berwyn Beard, J. R., Lone Grove Berhman, W. N., Ardmore Buskirk, Will Van, Lone Grove Bush, W. B., Ardmore Burdue, C. 111., Newport Brown, W. J., Ardmore Bruce, C. c., Newport Brown, Jim, Springer Burger, J. C., Newport Buck, Walter, Springer Rt., Ardmore Balthrop, C. B., Newport Ballard, F. ill., Ardmore Bruett, S. i\I., Newport Burk, :0<. L., Ardmore Beaudord, .-\.. R., Wilson Be\'il, Odus, Wilson Bray, W. T., Ardmore Bray, J. P., Ardmore Brown, i\1. L., Cheek Ballard, Lee, Ardmore Bruant, Ethel L., Woodford Bundy, lIIrs. E. P., Ardmore Buchannon, Texie, Woodford Burris, ]. H., Hoxbar Burks, Lee, Woodford Bussell, Viola, Ardmore Burks, T. B., Woodford Beard, illollie, Ardmore Britton, Mrs. Lizzie, 1IIilo Brewster, E. lIl., Ardmore Bailey, lIl. F., Milo Beard, 'Yillie, Ardmore Bromley, 'V. 'V., Lone Grove Bussey, ~Ir., 'Vilson Baptiste, Frizel1, Brock Berry, Luther, Ardmore Balew, T. S., Wilson Brooms, L. W., Wilson Belt, lIIrs. C. N., Ardmore (386) • OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. , .\\" ......'J,•• ___L . . ..... : ,-"~"<:",,.-.--...~., , . FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) Bell, Waiter, Wilson Behrens, J. 1., Wil,on Baker,J. A., Hewitt Black, ~I. :\1., Wilson Burris, U. A., \VilsolJ Burge3S, J. A., Wilson Blaekburn, A. F., Wilson B:odgett, W. T., Wil,on Brown, John, Wilson Brown, A. B., Wilso, Brown, S. 111., Wilson Blair, R. V., Wilson Burleso" G. 1., Wilson Brown, J. c., Wilson Blair, J. J., Wil,on Bingham, Frank, Graham Barker, Albert, Graham Briscoe, Sam, Graham Blevin'S, Lee, Graham Bears, :Mr., Graham Bennett, C. C., Grah"'m Bri£coe, ~7m., Graham Bennett, J. H., Graham Briscoe, T. J, Graham Brooks, J. c., Graham Barnwell, Dr. J T., Graham Beck, I. F., Graham Byrd, J W., Graham Byrd, L. E., Graham Bea.ly, G. F., Milo Burges, E. W., Milo Burton, J. A., Poo~eville Byrd, M., Pooleville Bonham, Mrs. A., Pooleville Burch, D. E., Alpers Bumgarner, J. S., Alper> Brittain, William, Pooleville BeH, J. N., Pooleville Bettes, Clarence, Graham Mrs. Ruby, Graham Brown, Z. A., Healdton Brown, W. A" Healdton Bennett, S. E., Wilson Bailey, J. S., Wilson Battle, R. J.. Wilson Bagley, J T., Wilson Bailey, J. M., Wilson Burnett, G. W., Alma Blair, J. S" Alma Ilramlett, J., Alma Blair, 1. C., Alma Bumpas, W. T., Alma Bo~ler, Brown, N. T., Alma Beddo, Fred, Tussy Berry, W. W" Tussy Brown, Willie, Tussy Brown, R. L., Newport Button, J. A., Newport Bishop, George, Newport Butler, III. A., Newport Baxter, J N., Wirt Bettes, S. D., McMann Brown, J. F., McMann Bean, W. T., Wirt Bigler, W. J" Wirt Busby, J R" Wirt Boyd, N. H., Healdton Borton, J. F., Healton Baton, E., :\lcillann Bass, R. B., Wirt Box, C. V., 1I1dlann Bass, ]. 5., \Yirt Brundage, :\1. J.. Wirt Boling, A. J., Wirt Brown, C. c., Wirt Burnes, D. H., Wirt Barber, W. A., Wirt Burkett, J. H., Wirt Ba,xter, J' :\1., Wirt Bulla, J. c., ~lcillann Burkhalter, Sam, Wirt Benton, Dee, Wirt Bryant, J S., Wirt Baker, A. D., Wirt Beavers, :\1. B., lIldlann Bryant, R. E., lIlclIlann Baker, C. J., McMann Burge, J W., :\1c:\Iann Hurk, Claude, MclIlann Brandon, S. A" Wirt Baylor, Lui"" Wirt Bass, Joe, Wirt Brown, J S., Healdton Brown, W. E" Wirt Bagley, J. E., Mcillann Burns, J. III., Wirt Barnett, R. A., Wirt Beard, L. c., Wirt Barbarick, W. W" Ringling Braziel, A. E., Healdton Bo!in, \-V. 0., Healdton Barcherding, J 1., He",ldtun Byers, J. W., Healdton Barger, G. S., Healdton Blackburn, Dan, Healdton Bales, J W., Healdton Butler, Alley, Healdton Birdsall, S. A., Healdton Brown, Guy, Healdton Bray, E. L., Healdton Dlack, Julia, Healdton Baker, V. H., Healdton Braboy, JR., Healdton Brant, L. J.. Healdton Brown, R. L., Healdton Burch, N. M., Healdton Brown, C. H., Healdton Baker, M. A., Healdton Bedford, S. I., Healdton Bryant, S. V., Hea'dton Bryant, A. M., Healdton Bray, D, W., Healdton Bray, Mrs. John, Healdton Burnett, W. U., Healdton Bice, Ed. M., Healdton Bingham, J G., Healdton Bachman, Mrs. F. G., Healdton Burrow, R. 1., Healdton Brandon, N. A., Healdton Brandon, 111. A., Healdton Brown, Mrs. E. T., He",ldton Brooks, O. A., Healdton B'ocklinger, Mrs. W. T., Healdton Bascom, Mary, Hea'dton Boyce, R. J., Healdton Brashear, Mrs. Bettha, Healdton Birch, Lula, Healdton Beck, Mrs. V. H., Healdton Blevins, Walter, Healdton Baker, Mr>. Anna, Healdton Boatright, J H., Healdton Craighead, R. J.. Berwyn Cavner, R, c., Route I, Ardmore Croskill, Mike, Route I, Ardmore Cowan, S. A., Raute I, Ardmore Brewer, !o.Iattie, V/irt Burns, R. E., Wirt Brav, Will, Overbrook Buck, 111. A" Route A, Ardmore Blevins, T. F., Zita Bled,aw, Lewis, Healdton Blackwell, F. S., Zita Burns, T. A., Zita Berryhill, J F., Berwyn B~a"o:k, W. A., Springer Butler, T. B., Springer Burke, T. c., Ardmore Bramsford, Buck, Ardmore Blevins, W. A., Ardmore Bartley, W. J., Ardmore Ba:s, Ora, Ardmore Brooks, W. H., Ardmore Booth, O. E" Berwyn Banning, C. W., Berwyn Black, Yance, Berwyn Brown, D. J., Berwyn Brock, G. A., Berwyn Baker, J P., Healdton Billingsley, F. S., Orr Brown, A. A., Wilson Baggs, W. W., Wilson Burns, W. J.. Wilson Baker, Ella D., Wilson Black, J. N., Wilson Beck, F. L" Wilson Bay, Cora, Wilson Bussell, H. A., Wilson Byrnes, T. J.. Wilson Bain, J c., Wilson Bolles, E, D., Wilson Beavers, Lillie, Keller Cavner, Annie, Route 1, Ardmore Cavner, J W., Route I, Ardmore Croskill, H. H., Route I, Ardmore Carrell, B. E., Route I, Ardmore Cavner, Tobe, Route I, Ardmore Crabb, W. B., Route I, Ardmore Collins, M. J.. Route I, Ardmore Clinton, J. 1., Ardmore Clayton, L. M., Durwood Cole, JR., Durwood Clayton, E. L., Durwood Calvin, Clayton, Durwood Cornell, C. A., Provence Cox, E. Q., Hoxbar Cox, J R., Hoxbar Co'eman, S. Y., Hoxbar Craddock, R. B., Hoxbar Cook, W. D., Hoxbar Conder, W. A., Hoxbar Cox, H. 0., Hoxbar Clinton, John, Route I, Ardmore Collins, Richard, Route I, Ardmore Cole, L. G., Provence Cook, lIlamie, Springer Route, Ardmore Cochran, Tilden, Ardmore Clifton, John, Ardmore Clifton, W. C., Ardmore Chandler, W. M" Ardmore Calley, Mrs. M. C., Ardmore Callaway, T. H" Ardmore Cole, J S., Overbrook Coleman, Eliza, Hoxbar Burleson. Gertrude, Wilson Brown, J M., Wilson Br",nning, J T., Wilson Brown, III. E., Hewitt Batchelor, J 1., Wlson Butler, A. S., Fox Bunting, W. D., Fox Bull, Wm., Zita Burleson, W. A., Fox Bethell, G. H. Fox Bethke, Otto, Fox Butler, L. F., Fox Ballard, J. M., Graham Ballard, Mrs. Viola, Healdton Bumpas, C. A., Alma Blankenship, Alice, Alma Butler, R. P., Fox Best, F. 111., Fox Bull, :\1. C., Zita Bull, J. 111., Zita Byrd, L. B., H£aldton Boyer, D. F., Zita Bruemmer, F..D., Healdton Brown, :\1. c., Healdton Rennett, :\Irs. lIlabel, Healdton Beall, H. P., Healdton Boyett, H. I., Healdton Brantley, Myrtle, Healdton Braziel, R. A., Healdton Banick, J H., Healdton Bruce, J. W., Healdton Barnett, E. R., Healdton Bates, L. C., Healdton Balents, George, Healdton Baker, H. 1., Heald ton Burris, C. 1., Healdton Barber, E. R., Healdton Carpenter, Perry, Ardmore Coe, Cora, Ardmore Coyle, Bud, Ardmore Criner, !\Iaggie, Ardmore Criner, J. B" Ardmore Criner, Etta, Ardmore Carpenter, W. W., Ardmore Coyle, Jim, Ardmore (387) • OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COlTNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) Cook, A. J., Ardmore Cargo, :\1. J., "Vilson Culley, H. S., Ardmore Cass, J. H., \Vilson Cole, Ada, Ardmore Collins, H. N., Graham Cole, ~Irs. HaHie, Ardmore Chance, "Taldon, Graham Cox, ~Irs. \Villie, ~Iilo Cox, J. J., Ardmore ... Curley, V. A., Pooleville Conger, Henry J., Ardmore Capps, H. E., Pooleville Cruce, J. E., Box 958, Ardmore Cruckshank, Leonard, Springer Cunningham, \V. L., Pooleville Cowder, C. 0., Alpers Clements, Alfred, Springer Chapman, Andrew, Springer Chandler, Wilson, Alpers Christion, G. W., Milo Cannon, J. W., Graham Coffman, G. E., Springer Collins, J. F., Fox Cannon, 1\1. J., Pooleville Coffman, J. W., Springer Capps, H. E., Pooleville Coffman, "Villard, Springer Cox, J. J., Glenn Crowell, J. D., Gra·ham Chase, E. G., Healdton Charles, S. :M., Glenn Chapman, A. J., Springer Combs, J. W., Healdton Cannon, C. T., Rt. A, Bx.ll1, ArdmoreCummings, S. E., \\Tilson Cottle, W. F., Route A, Ardmore Conley, J. J., \Vil-=on Copeland, J. J., Rt.A, Bx.113, ArdmoreConnelly, W. S., Wilson Conard, Frank, Rt. A, Bx. 96, ArdmoreCo~e, Will, Wilson Cox, J. G., Alma Cooksey, L. C., Route A, Ardmore Cast, W. H., Rt. A, Bx. 119, Ardmore Carrol, A. J., Alma Carson, J. B., Alma Cannon, Belle, Route A, Ardmore Camp, A. E., Alma Cooley, B. F., Ardmore Current, Ethel, Tussy Carroll, Leila., Ardmore Current, J. W., Tussy Cordell, C. L., Ardmore Chaney, G. W., Ardmore Casey, W. P., Pernell Cummings, A. B., Ardmore Covey, S. B., Tussy Clayton, W. Y., Ardmore Corfin, R. E., Tussy Cooper, Jacob, Brock Carbin, John, Tussy Coplin, J. F., Brock Copeland, P. J., Newport Copeland, W. H., Brock Christon, S. F., Milo Copeland, Ernest, Brock Clark, 1\1. D., Newport Carroll, M., Brock Choate, J. L., Wirt Cartright, J. E., Brock Clark, W. E., Wirt Cathey, Clarence, Cheek Cooley, H. \V., McMa.nn Copeland, J. N., Brock Caldwell, A. F., Wirt Clements, Lee, Cheek Christie, C. C., Wirt Clements, J. A., Brock Campbell, C. H., McMann Copeland, 1\1., Lone Grove Cox, L. A., Wirt Colling, Decie, Lone Grove Chastain, A. J., Wirt Cook, Paul, \Virt Coffey, A. W., Lone Grove Canada, Lula, Wirt Clifton, W. J., Lone Grove Clifton, W. ]., Lone Grove Craddock, J. \\T., Wirt Craft, F. E., Wirt Coffey, Mrs. M. W., Lone Grove Carter, J. G., 1\fc1\1ann Coffey, E. W., Lone Grove Cook, Mrs. H. A., Lone Grove Clower, J. S., Wirt Carpenter, S. A., Lone Grove Chastain, Lee, Wirt Cooper, Bob, Wirt Click, J. W., Lone Grove Crockett, J. T., Lone Grove Chastain, Frank, \Virt Clendenin, S. A., Newport Crabree, Frank, "Virt Copeland, Sam, Newport Calger, Leslie, Wirt Cypert, R. W., Newport Combs, J. W., \Virt Clapp, :Mary, "Virt Chisholm, J. L., Newport Clowdus, L. I •. , Newport Cantrell, J. N., Healdton Camp, 1. I., Newport Cargill, H. L., Healdton Clowdus, Tom, Newport Cargill, S. M., Healdton Cox, O. H., Oswalt Clark, J. D., Healdton Camp, L. N., Wilson Cryer, W. L., Zita Cofer, W. A., Zita Calley, E. R., Woodford Calley, Georgia, Woodford Carter, W. T., Healdton Clements, W. D., Woodford Crowder, M. W., Zita Clifton, T. L., Ardmore Coody, J. E., Woodford Clifton, T. L. Jr., Ardmore Cox, W. H., 1\lilo Craddock, J. D., 1\lilo Cullins, G. 1\1., Berwyn Cochran, P. M., Springer Caldwell, D. H., 1\lilo Crittendon, H. T., Ardmore Caldwell, E. N., l\Iilo Childress, Mrs. 1\1. L., 1\lilo Crosby, J. M., Ardmore Conard, W. C., :Milo Carlon, \V. E., Berwyn Conway, \V. E., Benvyn Cochran, J. J., Milo Chase, A. D., lUBo Crow, R. L., Berwyn Canneberry, A. C., Berwyn Crawford, J. J., Lone Grove Carraway, Lucy, Rt. 1, Bx. 125, Wilson Cowan, T. H., Berwyn Cain, W. 1\1., Hewitt Cowan, J, E., Berwyn Clifton, C. B., \Vilson Cudd, J. B., Route 2, \Vilson Copeland, Si, \Vilson Campbell, Cleburne, \Vilson Cook, S. D., Healdton Clark, M. 1\1., Wilson Claxton, W. C., \\Tilson Craft, \Vill, \Vilson Copeland, J., Wilson Clevenger, Joe, \-Vilson Cox, L. ]., \Vilson Craig, S. 1\1., l\Iilo Copeland, J. J., l\1ilo Cosey, E. T., \Vilson Carey, ]. T., \-Virt Carel, J. S., \Vilson Copeland, S. P., \Vilson Cornish, Earl, \Virt Cook, 1\1. A., \Vilson Carter, John. Ringling Cox, J. 1\1., \Vilson Conyerg, ]. T., \Vilson Clark, E. 1\1., \Vilson Cox, John, \Yilson Carlisle, T. C., \Vilson Camp, Arch, \Vilson Carnes, ~Ia,ud, \Vilson Cook, G. G., \\Tilson Cox, C. B., \Vilson Clowdus, \V. F., Keller Carrol, A. B., Keller Cohea, G. \Y., Keller Crow, 1\1. T., \Vilson Clevenger, J. \V., Route 2, \Vilson Cline, R. G., Hewitt Curry, T. D., "Vilson Crow, G. R., Hewitt Coffey, l\L 0., \Vilson Campbell, R. B., \Vilson Cawthorn, F. C., \Vilson Cross, E. B., Fox Cutright, Chas. \V., Fox Cooper, A. 1\1., Healdton Caudle, L. H., Healdton Cordell, J. C., Fox Carey, E. D., Fox Cook, O. C., Healdton Carpenter, N. R., Fox Calvery, K. G., Fox Cassity, G. W., Fox Creel, S. D., Dixie Carns, \\T. C., Healdton Cotton, Mrs. Maggie, Healdton Cordill, \\T. C., Healdton Christopher, T. C., Healdton Chamberlin, Hazel R., Healdton Corts, E. \V., Healdton Carnes, 1\Irs. Ellen, Healdton Carson, T. J., Hea~dton Clark, ]. C., Healdton Cole, C. R., Healdton Couch, \V. R., Healdton Cutshall, \V. L., Healdton Chaney, T. N., Healdton Cole, W. M., Healdton Cooper, W. T., Healdton Clark, "V. C., Healdton Caudill, R. J., Healdton Cantrell, D. E., Healdton Camp, "V. J., Healdton Culberson, S. B., Healdton Copass, J. H., Healdton Chandler, W. L., Healdton Colbert, T. W., Healdton' Custer, Fays, Healdton Cannan, R. L., Healdton Cameron, 1\-1rs. J, H., Healdton Cowles, E. ]., Hea,ldton Congleton, G. F., Healdton Coley, \V. G., Healdton Crawford, James, Healdton Cross, J. R., Healdton Culberson, E. C., Healdton Caudill, R. J., Healdton Chilton, W. C., Healdton Cornelius, W. L., Healdton , Cooper, A. 1\1., Healdton Crim, G. R., Healdton Caviness, R. E., Healdton Caudell, S. P., Hea·ldton Cox, E. A., Healdton Carothers, T. G., Healdton Chron, \V. S.. Healdton Cutshall, J. \V., Healdton Couch, J. T., Healdton Carlock, A. C., Healdton Chamless, ~Irs. J. ~I., Healdton Carmichael, Roy, Healdton Case, A. B .. Hea·ldton Cower, L. B., Healdton Cowdry, ~Irs. V. E., Healdton Carr, )lrs. Gene, Healdton Carpenter, Henr\', Healdton Denson, C. D., Berwyn Dunn, D. \V., Route 1, Ardmore Dunn, Pearl, Ardmore Davis, C. A., Dunvood Davis, D. D., Durwood (!8S) OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA., FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY,ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) Donovan, G. E., Provence Duncan, C. C., \Virt Dotson, J. ~I., \Virt Darling, ]. D., Ardmore Davis, J. C., Ardmore Dawson, J. \V., Route A, Ardmore Damron, R. 0., Springer Davis, 0., Hea-Idton Duncan, R., Springer Dunn, R. A., Healdton Dickson, A. E., Springer Davis, G. L., Ardmore Deatherage, A. G., Springer Dove, J. B., Healdton Davenport, C. H., Glenn Dougherty, B. P., \Vilson Davenport, N., Glenn Deberry, Dock, \Vilson Daniels, 'Vill , 'Vilson Denham, \V. B., Glenn Doggett, ]. 'V., Ringling Drain, K . .A., 'Voodford Denney, L. L., 'Voodford Davis, L. C., Ringling Dorsey, J. ~I., Springer Duke, :Myrtie, Ringling Davis, C. M., Rt. A, Bx. 106, ArdmoreDuty, \V. S., \Vilson Dougherty, Geo. Ardmore Dodd, C. L., Healdton Dillard, C. F., Ardmore Denham, O. A., Wilson Dunn, Ed, Ardmore Dickinson, C. E., Wilson Duck, E. C., Ardmore Dempsey, J. H., \Vilson Dabult, J. 1., Brock Dunlap, H. C., 'Vilson Daniel, 1. R., Lone Grove Davis, John, Hewitt Dean, A. B., Lone Grove Delap, S. C., Wilson Dinwiddie, Mrs., Lone Grove Drake, J. H., 'Vilson Drummond, 1'lrs. S. E., Lone Grove Duncan, \V. R., Healdton Donham, R. D., Lone Grove Droker, W. H., Wilson Dool, T. 0., Hea~dton Denney, ]. 0., Lone Grove Dixon, W. S., Newport Davis, C. S., Fox Davis, Arch, Wilson Daugherty, G. L., Fox Dunn, Sam, Oswald Drury, W. H., Zita • Dickson, Mrs. W. B. o Woodford Dement, E. S., Bea,ldton Dry, Annie, Woodford Davis, N. 1'1., Healdton Davis, J. P., Woodford Dennis, W. F., Healdton Duncan, W. W., Woodford Dill, J. C., Hea,ldtoll Dunham, L\'lrs. George, Woodford Dillard, E. R., Healdton Davis, Hubert, Lone Grove Dawson, G. L., Healdton Davis, Mrs. Thos., Route. 1, Box. 132,DeSpain, W. N., Healdton Wilson Dyer, W. H., Healdton Downey, C. W., Wilson Dulaney, G. A., Healdton Desham, R. L., Wilson Driggers, Geo., Healdton Dearborn, J. 'V., Wilson Dulaney, A. M., Healdton Davis, D. E., Wilson Daggs, J. C., Healdton Duncan, C. W., Wilson Drake, Miss, Healdton Davis, Ed, Wilson Draper, T. B., Healdton Drake, J. H., Wilson Daniel, L. E., Healdton Dye, W. R., Wilson Daniel, W. P., Healdton Donn, 1'lrs. J. K., Wilson Dale, Mrs. R. E., Healdton Davis, J. R., Wilson Drury, Jo F., Healdton Dowling, W. H., Milo Davis, J. S., Healdton Dickey, J. CO, Milo Dupre, L. A., Healdton Davis, Jess, Graham David30n, Chas., Healdton Dickerson, ~L L., Graham Davis, John A., Healdton Duesler, L. D., Graham Dennis, :Mrs. Josie, Healdton Davis, Arthur, Graham Dooney, Roy, Healdton Duke, W. G., Graham Dawtion, ]. Wo, Healdton Dickerson, Clifton, Milo Elleman, C. R., Berwyn Curley, V. A., Pooleville Edwards, H. C., Route 1, Ardmore Ellis, W. F., Route 1, Ardmore Duell, Will, Pooleville Dickinson, F. P~, Pooleville Ellis, J. A., Route 1, Ardmore Davis, E. A., Pooleville Edwards, C. E., Route 1, Ardmore Dickimon, l'frs. Lillie, Pooleville Edwards, Mrs. Guss, Route 1, Ardmore Dadson, Jesse, Alpers Elison, Hardy, Ardmore Davis, C. T., Graham Eades, John, Durwood Dickerson, Lillie, Pooleville Elledge, T. T., Provence Dickerson, A. L., Graham Elledge, E. F., Provence Dobbins, G. E., Zita Easley, J. A., Provence Dunigan, J. C., Wilson Evans, Abe, Ardmore Dumas, R. L., 'Vilson Elliott, A. 1\1., Ardmore Denny, ~Iandy, Alma Edwards, L. P., Ardmore Denny, 'V. T., Alma Evans, Charley, Springer, Rt. Ardmore Edwards, Jim, Springer Rt., Ardmore Drake, Joe, Tussy Ellis, \V. H., Ardmore Dunn, W. F., Tussy Elli3, ]. H., Ardmore Dougherty, ]. H., Newport Donnelly, \V. H., 1'1cMann Ellis, Sallie, Ardmore Dawson, \V. H., l\IcMann Ezell, T. J., Brock Darr, 1\1. G., Wirt Estes, J. F., Cheek Dees, C. E., "Virt Envin, 'V. A., Brock Dayhoff, D. J., ~Ie-~Iann Ed\"ards, ~Iike, Lone Grove Davis, ]. 1\1., \Virt Evans," ~Iary A., Lone Grove Dennis, Luther, 'Virt Emery, ,V. 'V., 'Vibon Dawson, \V. :M., Healdton Elliott, G. 'V., l\Iilo Davis, l\Iyrtle, Healdton Eases, ]. B., Hewitt Easterwood, Abb, \Vilson Dye, l'Iunn, Ringling Dodd, H. H., \Virt Ezell, G. E., 'Vi}son Ea\Oes, Jo E., Graham Davenport, B. S., "Mc~Iann Duncan, H. C., 'Virt Edwards, Earl, Graham Davidson, Jim, 'Virt Elmore, Zack, Graham Dawson, \V., l\Icl\Iann Elliott, G. \V., l\Iilo Eaves, S. A., Tatums Evans, S. E., Graham Ellis, B. B., Healdton Edington, J. ~I., \Vilson Edson, E. T., Wilson English, S. A., \Vilson ~ason, J. T., Alma Easlon, N. B., Tussy Etier, Robert, Tussy Easley, Joe L., Tussy Ellis, C. L., Newport Epley, L., \Virt Etchienson, M., ~Ic~Iann Eudy, C. 0., :Mcl\Iann Elliott, l\1rs. ~Iayttee, \Virt Edwards, W. L., Healdton Eaton, D. G., \Virt Ea3t, J. W., Healdton Elmore, J. D., Zita England, Pearl, Zita Edmonson, W. S., Healdton Eldridge, l\Irs. Lucy, Ardmore Elmore, G. M., Berwyn Elliott, G. n., Ardmore Emberling, J. W., Healdton Evert, Jess, \Vilson Eakins, J. A., Wilson Eason, \V. S., Fox Evans, A. F., Alma Eck, G. J., Healdton Ellis, D. E., Healdton Elder,L. H., Healdton Elmore, B. T., Healdton Ebbs, E. R., Healdton Edwards, D. E., Hea,ldton Everett, J. E., Healdton Eylar, Harry, Healdton Eylar, J. J., Healdton Earley, W. L., Healdton England, L. A., Healdton Ford, 1'1. L., Ardmore Fry, W. F., Ardmore :Fry, \Vill, Ardmore Fox, G. \V., Durwood Fraley, J. F., Durwood Folsom, B. S., Durwood Fanning, G. A., Durwood Fair, ]. W., Provence Fuller, David, Provence Floyd, 'V. R., Ardmore Ford, Frank, Ardmore Ford, 1'1ary A., Ardmore Ferguson, H. l, Ardmore Ford, F. E., Hoxbar Frazier, 1. S., Springer Finley, L. D., Ardmore Foster, M. ~1., Ardmore Factor, Henry, Brock Flowers, W. A., Brock Fame, J. F., Route A, Ardmore Factor, H. 0., Brock Flowers, Belle, Cheek Fay, Tom, Cheek Finley, ]. D., Lone Grove Fisher, "Mrs. J. To, Lone Grove Ford, Ella, Newport Fuller, J. V., Newport Fortune, Jim, Newport Fuller, 1\1. L., Newport Farr, Bill, Oswalt Fuller, J. B., Cheek Faulkner, G. A., Woodford Farr, A. P' ~Iilo Fielder, R. L., Woodford Fikes, O. D., Lone Grove Franklin, R. E., Hewitt Fitzsimmons, A. 'V., 'Vilson Fitzsimmons, S. H., \Vilson Frost, J. H., Wilson Foster, j. \V., \Vilson Fowler, Henry, Graham Franklin, 'V. H., Graham Foglestrom, Alex, Graham Fox, H. R., Pooleville Fikes, C. L., Alpers Fogle, ~Irs. Eva, Graham l (389) OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. j. FOR COPIES OF J01TRNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS 'WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS--:-(Continued) Fuller, Kew, Graham Franks, ]. E., Alma Fraley, Tivis, Alma Fletcher, G. \V., Alma Farmer, W. J., Wirt Frazier, M. C., Wirt Ferguson, \Vm., Wirt Fletcher, F. R., Wirt Fergu~on, T. E., \Virt Fank, W. G., Wirt Fletcher, G. H., l\lc1\lann Ferrell, J. W., Wirt French, C. 1\1., Wirt Fomby, J. H., Overbrook Farue, Vv'. J., Ardmore Fletcher, Howard, Springer Flick, Hazel, Berwyn Fagley, R. A., Berwyn Farley, l\!Irs. Lu, Berwyn Franklin, L. 1\1., Berwyn Ford, M. L., Wilson Fewell, G. L., Ringling Flood, R. 'V., Wilson Fagen, Mrs., Wilson Fate, W. L., \Vilson Fleming, 1\1. H., Wilson Fenter, A. E., Hewitt Freel, ]. B., Fox Fore, D. J" Fox Fore, A. L., Healdton Fore, 1\1. L., Healdton Fore, W. D., Healdton Fletcher, J. J., Healdton Fletcher, S. D., Healdton Frain, R. C., Healdton Ford, B. S., Healdton Forrester, W. \V., Healdton Fish, J. D., Healdton Fox, H. J., Healdton Furr, Tom, Healdton Fowler, C. S., Healdton Fanning, A. R., Healdton Frost, W. S., Healdton Frost, B. S., Healdton Fugate, S. C., Healdton Freeman, R. F., Healdton Ford, 1\ln. G. 1\1., Healdton Fuller, Jeff, Healdton Fow:er, J, C., Healdton Forbess, D. M., Healdton Fronterhouse, Mrs. L., Healdton Fann, 1\1. P., Hea.ldton Faulkenburg, Ethel, Healdton Finley, Odie, Healdton Fox, R. C., Healdton Gilliam, J. 0., Route 1, Ardmore Groomer, G. C., Route 1, Ardmore Greece, 1\1innie. Route 1, Ardmore Greenwav, J, C., Route 1, Ardmore Garner, T. M., Route 1, Ardmore Green, \V. A., Route 1, Ardmore Gilliam, J. F., Route 1, Ardmore Gideon, F. L., Route 1, Ardmore Gibbs, Harve, Route 1, Ardmore Gilliam, T. 1\1., Ardmore Guinn, A. E., Ardmore Garner, W. T., Hoxbar Gullett, Haden, Hoxbar Gale, ]. \V., Provence Gardner, G. C., Provence Griffis, John, Ardmore Grant, L., Springer Goodman, \V. 1\1., Ardmore Garrett, E. H., Ardmore Goodin, \V. L., Ardmore Giles, P. P., Overbrook Grant, E. A., Ardmore Gunn, R. 0., Springer Gravitte, J. W., Springer Genn, Henrv, Springer Genn, 1\lrs. "Lydia, Springer Godfrey, ]. R., Springer Griffin, E. E., Springer Griffin, C. F., Springer Gladden, \V. C., Springer Goble, E. A., Route A, Ardmore Gillam, H. T., 111 B N\V, Ardmore Gray, R. E., \Vilson Gatlin, R. E., Rt. A, Bx. 25, Ardmore Gray, Bascom, \Vilson Gaither, A. B., \Vilson Gill, Chas. F., Ardmore Ginn, Beu:ah, Ardmore Gilliam, \V. L., Wilson Gr;ffin, T. C., Ardmore Gwinn, J. \V., \\Tilson Griffin, La.ura, Ardmore Gist. E. F., 'Vilson Gilder, E. A., Ardmore Griffin, J. C., \Vilson Gaylor, Eli, Overbrook Gunter, S. ~1., Keller Good, Delia, Box 299, Ardmore Goff, S. F., Hewitt Gaylor, E. H., Overbrook Garner, J. G., Hewitt Gardner, J. A., Brock Gross, E. B., Fox Graves, E. P., Cheek Gandy, R. L., Healdton Gedis, ]. A., Zita Griffin, V. W., Cheek Graves, S. H., Cheek Gilley, H. J" Fox Gossitt, A. F., Healdton Graves, P. F., Cheek Gilleland, C. K .. Cheek Gordon, J. D., Healdton Grover, R. W., Lone Grove Gordon, F. A., Healdton Gaunt, Mrs. C. E., Lone Grove Gay, H. C., Zita Gauntt, J, W., Lone Grove Ginn, T. J., Zita Gold, \V. R., Lone Grove Griffin, J, R., Dixie Gossett, \V. C., Healdton Griffin, H. P., Newport Gastinnean, J. E., Newport Gandy, G. \V., Healdton Goldsmith, Bell, Healdton Gray, M. J" 03walt G03::ett, W. C., Healdton Gorbet, \V. E., \Voodford Gay, J. L., Healdton Gunsolus, E. L., \Voodford Gravitt, E. S., Healdton Greer, W. H., Woodford Galson, H. L., Healdton Goodwin, W. H., Milo Golson, Della, Healdton Griffin, E. L., Hewitt Grifford, C. 0., Rt. 1, Bx. 135, Wilson Grear, Emma, Healdton Gibson, J. L., Rt. 1, Bx. 122, Wilson Gee, l\1rs. O. R., Healdton Green, P. E., Healdton Greenwood, W. J" Wilson Garver, B. F., Healdton Glenn, E. T., Wlson Glenn, W. R., Wilson Graves, C. 1\1., Healdton Gregory, R. L., Wilson Gentis, H. I., Healdton Gay, D. M., Healdton Greer, Frank, Milo Gurey, Mrs. G. A., Graham Gupton, \V. E., HealdtoIll Gwinn, G. W., Graha,m Gay, J, W., Healdton Griffith, Lum, Graham Garrett, J, C., Healdton Gardner, R. B., 1\1i~o Grumbles, E. D., Healdton Goadman, J. G., Pooleville Green, W. D., Healdton Garnah, Ed, Pooleville Gaddis, Mrs. J. W., Healdton Graves, J, A., Healdton Garrett, W. M., Alpers Garr, W. A., Healdto:1 Gibbs, P. A., Graham Gibbs, Mrs. M. A., Wilson Green, N. C., Healdton Gilmore, Lina G!over, T. T., Wilson Grumbler, J. L., Route 1, Alma Goodwin, 1\Irs. Cora, Healdton Gray, George, Tussy Greenwood, A. 1\1., Healdton Galoob, Samule, Healdton Garrett, Tom, Tussy Hicks, J. 0., Route 1, Ardmore Gunter, S. 0., Tussy Gibson, J. D., Newport Harbour, H. H., Route 1, Ardmore Holmes, ]. 1\'1., Ardmore Garner, J, K., Newport Hatchcock, Florence, Ardmore Gazzaway, ]. W., Newport Hunter, :l\1ary, Ardmore Grounds, H. C., Newport Hughey, Clyde, Ardmore Green, W. L., Wirt Hunter, H. W., Ardmore Gardner, A. \V., Wirt Hunter, W. C., Ardmore Gilmore, W. T., Wirt Goodwin, Fred, \Virt Hall, J, H., Durwood Hughey, C. A., Durwood Guthrie, C. 0., Wirt Hughey, G. J" Durwood Guess, A. E., 1\1c1\lann Gibson, M. R., 1\lc1\lann Henshaw, John, Provence Gifford, 'V. H., Wirt Hitt, G. \V., Provence Grabowsky, Victor, Healdton Howard, C., Provence Gifford, E. E., \Virt Harris, Bill, Route 1, Ardmore Green, W. L., \Virt Howell, Richard, Route 1, Ardmore Gentry, Mr., Route A, Ardmore Holley, J, V., Provence Guinn, H. G., Healdton Harris, C. F., Provence Gib,::o:1, 1\1r5. F. 1\1., Zita Henshaw, Ben, Provence Grant, \V. A., Hea!dton Hawley, N. R., Provence Harris, A. W., Provence Graham, R. 0., Healdton Genn, \Vm., Springer Hendrickson, J, T., Ardmore Ham, Mrs. J. \V., Ardmore Gillasfy, W. A., Ardmore Ginn, C. L., Ardmore Hoover, N. 1\1., Springer Re, Ardmore Howard, H. E., Ardmore Guffey, l\lrs. 'Maggie, Berwyn Go~meyer, 1\1rs. John, Berwyn Hawkins, J. C., Ardmore Hamilton, R. 1\1., Ardmore Gist, ~I. C., Berwyn Gilder, E. A., Berwyn Hawkins, J. P., Ardmore Hamm, 1\1. F., Hoxbar Gillespie, Dr. L. D., Berwyn Hollis, Thos., Ardmore Griggs, J, C., \Vilson Goodjoinon, R. F., \Vilson Herring, \V. J" Ardmore Hooks, W. F., Ardmore Gaines, G. \V., \Vilson Hedges, \V. K., Ardmore Gilliam, H. L., \Vilson Harkins, L. :\J., Ardmore Goode, J. T., \Vilson Harkins, H. C., Ardmore Goodman, J, B., Ringling Heron, J. \V., Ardmore Gray, J. C., Ringling Heron, L. L., Ardmore Griffin, C. T., Ringling Hacke, George, Brock Gaither, ]. F., Hea·ldton (390) OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. -FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL -OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) Henson, C. A., Ardmore Horton, 'V. S., Ardmore Hignight, J. H., Ardmore Heartsill, C. C., Springer Higgins, H. A., Springer Hickman, ~Irs. U. R., Springer Herron, George, Springer Hargrove, J. H., Springer Hill, Grover, Springer Hammer, Jess, Springer Hunter, E. F., Newport Henderson, J. D., Newport Hamm, Roy, Springer Hamm, Sherman, Springer Holiday, A. J., Springer Harkins, J. H., Route A, Ardmore Hammett, "V. W., Route A, Ardmore Hattensty, Jessie, Route A, Ardmore Hattensty, Paul, Route A, Ardmore Horton, H. S., Ardmore Heenan, J. A., Ardmore Heron, T. J., Ardmore Holbrook, T. H., Ardmore Howell, J. L., Ardmore Hardin, J. 'V., Brock Hickaby, H. H., Brock Harmon, "V. 1\1., Brock Hensley, Leona,rd, Brock Hughes, J. 'V., Brock Holbrook, J. H., Brock Hammer, Everett, Brock Hammer, J. T., Brock Harmon, J. "V., Brock Hermeck, C. A., Brock Harrington, Eugenia, Brock Hammer, J. H., Brock Harris, \V. G., Brock Holbrook, W. H., Brock Hackersmith, J. \V., Brock Holmes, F. E., Ardmore Hays, ]. 1\'r., Brock Hiegle, L. C., Box 299, Ardmore Hanway, Audrey, Cheek Harrell, Joe, Cheek Henry, Edna, Cheek Henry, Joe, Cheek Howard, J, R., Cheek Hudgins, Lee, Cheek Henry, Johnie, Cheek Hare, C. S., Cheek Hunt, Effie, Lone Grove Hathaway, "V. G., Lone Grove Hea.rtsill, J. A., Lone Grove Harkins, A. H., Lone Grove Hoggard, 1\1r5. J. W., Lone Grove Hodges, F., Newport Howell, B., Lone Grove Hutchinson, 'V. F., Lone Grove Hart, 1. H., Newport Higdon, "V. C., Newport Henry, J. P., Newport Hacker, ]. "V., Cheek Hardin, 1\1rs. Arthur, "Voodford High, 1. 1\1., Woodford Hitt, J. N., Milo Harper, D. G., 1\1ilo Hays, B. C., :l\Iilo Hunt, Ira D., \Voodford Hunt, 'V. T., 1\Iilo Harpes, C. H., 1\Ii10 Hardeman, Alfred, :Milo Hall, T. C., Rt. 1, Bx. 135, 'Vilson Holliman, J. D., \Vilson HoI oway , J. 1'1., 'Vilson Hann, \V. A., Wilson Holoway, 'V. "V., "Vilson Holoway, R. H., \Vilson Ho~der, N. T., \Vilson Hunziker, 1\1., \Vilson Holliman, J. T., \Vil::on Henderson, J. 5., 'Vilson Holder, 'V. 'V., 'Vilson Holt, D. C., 'Vilson Hancock, Robert, 'Vilson Hennington, R., \Vilson Hickey, T. L., 'Vilson Hunter, ]. H., 'Vilson Hunt, E. P., 'Vilson Hale, 'V. S., 'Vilson Hicks, Oseie, ~lilo High, A. V., 'Vilwn Hanks, G. 'V., 'Vilson Harris, D. E., \Vilson Hunter, R. 1\1., 'Vilson Heinston, A. \V., \Vilson Harris, L. H., 'Vilson Hutson, J. R., Graham Ho!man, Joe, Graham Harris, Frank, Graham Harris, ~lrs. Joe, Graham Hitt, H. 1\1., ~1ilo Henson, G. \V., 1\Iilo Harris, 'V. B., Pooleville Harris, T. N., Poo~eville Harri:;, 'V. H., Pooleville Harris, C. H., Pooleville Harre~son, J. -E., Pooleville Headrick, Charles, Alpers Harmon, C. H., Pooleville Harmon, L. H., roo'evi1le Harmon, G. E., Pooleville Hopson, J. A" Graham Hill, E. J., Healdton Hamilton, E. D., "Vilson Horn, l\Iattie, \Vilson Hester, John, Wilson Hunt, Joe, \Vilson Hunt, J. 1\1., "Vilson Hamilton, G. H., \Vilson Howard, W. I'L, \Vilson Hanson, John, 'Vilson Hoffman, J. L., \Vilson Han::on, Burl, Alma Harris, H. B., Alma Han'is, John, Tussy Ham, P. H., Tussy Holybee, R. E., Newport Higgason, W. P., \Virt Hood, J, B., 'Virt Hammer, G. W., Wirt Henson, H., "Virt Harwell, Louis, 'Virt Hogue, C. L., :MclV1ann Hammon', H. IV1., Wirt Higgason, \V. P., "Virt Hud::on, L. 0., Wirt Holder, Pearl, 'Virt Hunt, L. H., Wirt Henson, S. B., \Virt Hodge, Emma, Wirt Holder, Lee, Wirt Hughes, John, "Virt Harles, Chas., Wirt Higginbotham, E. H., \Virt Henson, E. H., "Virt Hughes, 1\lrs. Bonnie, \Virt Hines, S. J" \Virt Hale, D. V., Wirt Howard, L. T., Wirt Hurt, John, "Virt Hawkins, Arthur, 'Virt Hardy, Clyde, 'Virt Hunt, R., 'Virt Harmon, 1. D., \Virt Hartman, Peter, 'Virt Haragan, Earn, Zita Haraga,n\ 1. T., Zita Hamilton. F. 1\1., Healdton Hodge, 'V. l\1., Healdton Hodge, R. A., Healdton Hignight, 'Villiam, Ardmore Hill, A. C., Berwyn Heard, 'V. 1., Springer Huckaby, 1. N., Ardmore Hall, J. A., Ardmore Holley, J. E., Ardmore Holiday, B. A., Ardmore Henderson, Charlie, Berwyn Howard, Tom A., Benvyn Hankins, S. D., Berwyn Hutson, B., Berwyn Haney, H. H., Berwyn Hardy, C. C., Berwyn Hardy, Xoble, Benvyn Humphries, B. G., Berwyn Heard, 'V. 1., Berwyn Holinhead, B. H., 'ViLo:l Harwell, John, 'Vilson Humphrej, 'V. S., 'YiLon Eaye.3, C. C., 'Vilson Halcomb, J. 'V., 'Vilson Harper, S. E., 'ViLo.l Hawo8d, Jim, 'Vilson Ht:rringto:1, Les3, 'Vil:~o::1 Hopkins, A. J., Ring:ing Hodg~, G. P., 'Vilson Hammond, B. ~1., 'Vil~on EO;1kins, H. ]., 'Vilson Huckaby, G. B., 'Vil~o:1 Hogard, T. B., \Vilson Harrell, 'V. ~1., Wibon Hays, C. H., 'Vilson Flammond, B. 1\1., 'Vil~on Hopkins, H. J., 'Vilson Huckaby, G. B., \Vilson Hogard, T. B., \\Tilson Harrell, \V. 1\1., Wit'on t!ays, C. H., "Vilson Howard, F. 1\1., Hea'dton Huley, E. \V., Healdton Hendrick~on, R. H., Healdton Holiday, H., Hea·!dton Harkins, ]. E., Healdton Ho ;kins, F. L.,Healdton Hobaugh, S. E., Healdton Hodge, F. J., Healdton Hodge, ]. F., Healdton Huddleston, J. \V., Healdton Harr:s, J. A., Healdton' Howerton, 1\1. A., Healdton Heard, W. R., Healdton Hedrick, D. J., Healdton Harri:;, Frank, Healdton Ham, D. R., Hea.ldton Hedges, Greenip, Healdton Howard, D. L., Healdton' Hopson, Dudley, Hea~dton H ogus, A. R., Heald ton Helton, C. P., Healdton Henderson, H. ~., Healdton Holcomb, B. R., Healdton Horn, J. E., Healdton Hendrix, S. E., Healdton Hart, ]. 1\L, Healdton Hutchens, Otho, Healdton Huddleston, C.S., Healdton Hall. 1\1. A., Hea~dton Hargrove, 'V. F., Healdton Ho~der, E. H., Healdton Harkins, 1\1rs. S. A., Healdton Hipp, A. L., Healdton Heflin, E. A., Healdton Hamm, J. 1\1., Healdton Hutchins, R., Healdton Hutchin~on, J. H., Healdton Hill, T. F., Healdton Hieronymus, Paul, Healdton! Hair, D. ~1., Healdton Hall, 'V. S., Healdton Helms, Harry, Healdton Horne, S. :\L, Healdton Hendrickson, ]. \V., Healdton Hodgin, L. R., Healdton Harvell, J. T., Healdton Hughes, \V. H., Healdton Harr:s, T. H., Healdton HaHahan, 'V. A., Healdton Hogue, C. R., Hea,ldton HO'..I::e, C. L., Healdton Hall, J. H., Healdton Hodge.:;, E. D., HealdtorI' Hunt, J. R., Healdton HO'..lse, R. 'V., Healdton Hankins, H. B., Healdton Hutchinson, E. E., Healdton Hoplin, :\lr.3. H~ H., Healdton Hen~on, C. 'V., Healdton Henkins, Lula, Healdton (391) OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) Jones, H. C., Hewitt Heath, E. B., Healdton Jackson, G. L., Fox Harris, R. L., Healdton Jennings, G. F., Fox Hitchcock, H. H., Healdton Jenkins, T. N., Zita Hurt, W. L., Healdton Jackson, T. C., tiealdton Hughes, W.O., Healdton Johnson, Oscar, Healdton Hieronymus, J. H., Healdton Jones, Jennie, Healdton Holder, W. R., Healdton Johnson, P. W., Healdton Henderson, Z. R., Healdton Johnson, W. J., Healdton Issac, King, Ardmore Jones, T. F., Healdton Irvin, J. D., Springer Jones, W. A., Healdton Ingram, Toss, Ringling Johnson, J. A., Healdton Ingram, J. P., Fox Jones, E. :\1., Hea,ldton Ince, J. A., Zta Johnson, C. R., Healdton Irwin, W. E., Fox Ingram, L. L., Healdton Jeffers, 'V. L., Healdton Jackson, W. 1'1., Healdton Jones, Claude l, Route 1, Ardmore Johnson, l\lrs. Ramsey, Healdton Jones, Ernest, Ardmore Jordon, T. A., Healdton Jones, l T., Provence Jenkins, George, Healdton Jones, J. H., Provence Johnson, V. C., Hea~dton Jones, G. R., Provence John"o", J\!fr<;. L. S., Healdton Jones, Bert, Provence Jones, 1\lrs. :Minnie, Ardmore Johnson, Ed L., Healdton King, J. R., D'..lrwocd Jackson, S. B., Ardmore Juett, L. l, Springer Rt., Ardmore King, C. C., Durwood James, Robert, Springer Rt., Ardmore Kestler, 1\1. E., Durwood Keller, Annie, Ardmore Jones, S. S., Ardmore Kyle, Ed, Springer Jones, Sam, Ardmore Kellett, S. A., Ardmore Jones, Jas., Ardmore Keller, C. P., Ardmore Johnston, L. S., Ardmore Jordon, G. T., Ardmore Kiby, Jesse, Ardmore King, A. Q., Ardmore Jackson, Joe, Ardmore Key, W. R., Ardmore Jackson, John, Ardmore Kelton, L. R., Ardmore Jackson, IN., Springer Kyle, Elvin, Springer Johnson, J. 1\1., Springer Kuntz, Joe A., Springer Jones, B. R., 1\lilo Kuntz, Jake, Springer Jones, A. L., Glenn Kyle, Jesse, Newport Jones, H. C., Springer Johnson, W. E., Route A, Ardmore Kinard, L. T., Newport Kyle, L. 1\1., Springer Johns, E. N., Ardmore Kyle, O. L., Route A, Ardmore Jones, J. G., Ardmore Johnson, W. A., Brock Karr, S. W., Route A, Ardmore Knoff, B., Ardmore Johnson, l C., Brock Johnson, J. S., Brock Kendall, G. 'V., Ardmore Jackson, R. H., Brock Kaufman, Jacob, Route A, Ardmore Jay, J. C., Cheek Kersey, E., Cheek Jones, 1. L., Lone Grove Koskie, 1\1. T., Lone Grove Jeffreys, l A., Newport Kelley, 1\:lrs. Bell, Lone Grove Jones, Sis, Cheek Kieth, :Mrs. L., Lone Grove Jones, \V. 1\1., Wilsoll! Kelley, l 1\:1., Lone Grove Jones, L. H., Woodford King, H. G., Newport Jones, Oce, Woodford Kirby, J. W., Cheek Johnson, :Mrs. l\:lyrtle, Woodford Knight, Sarah, Oswalt Kilcrease, l\lrs. T. Y., Woodford Johnson, J. 'V., :Milo Jones, W. L., Rt. 1, Bx. 130, Wilson Kerbo, J. 1\1., Woodford Johnson, Cole, Rt. 1, Bx. 129, Wilson Kyle, l K., :Milo Jordon, A. M., Lone Grove Kennedy, C. H., 1\:lilo Jones, l D., Wilson Kennedy, J. R., 1\lilo Justice, Mrs. T~nnie, Lone Grove Knight, 1\lrs. 1\1. 1\1., :Milo Jones, Sam, 'Vilson Keith, Sam, Lone Grove Johnson, C. L., \Vilson Keith, E. C., Lone Grove Jones, W. M., Wilson Kiffer, \V. 1\1., Rt. 1, Bx. 93, Wi~son Jenkins, J. H., Wilson Kizer, :Mrs. Ella, 'Vilson Jackson, 1\Irs. Homer, \Vilson Kincheloe, J. E., \Vilson Kirkpatrick, Steve, Wilson Jones, J. J., 1\:lilo Jones, F. P., 'Vilson Knutson, l H., 'Vilson Johnson, Katie, 1\lilo Knutson, Claud, Wilson Johnston, Ves, Pooleville Keeton, G. C., 'Vilson James, L. 1\/1., Pooleville Knight, C. l, Graham James, R., Graha,m Killian, H. P., Graham Jones, T. J., Wilson Kemp, F. A., Graham Jones, T. V., Newport Kennedy, L. N., Fox Jordon, Jip, Wirt Knight, T. J., Healdton Jackson, 'V. D., 'Virt King, J. C., Wilson Jordon, J. 'V., 'Virt . Kincheloe, B. 1\1., 'Vilson King, Nettie, Alma Johnson, 'V. S., 'Virt Jackson, J. E., 'Virt Kennemer, Tom, Tussy Jones, J. E., \Virt Kamp, R. E., 'Virt Jones, D. C., Berwyn Knox, 'V. E., l\lcl\Iann Jackson, l, Berwyn Keck, O. L., 'Virt Johnson, l !\I., Berwyn Klengenberg, A. C., \Virt Jones, S. J., 'Vilson Kelley, H. A., Healdton Jackson, Sid, 'Vilson Kennedy, 'V. L., Healdton Johnsol1, l D., Ringling Kincheloe, 'V. B., Springer Jones, Pearl, 'Vil~on King, Felix, Ardmore Justice, Z. B., \Vilson Kinney, Sam, Ardmore Jordan, ~1. C., \Vilson Kimbrell, Ollie, \Vilson Kimbrell, 'V. 0., 'Vilson Kimllrell, H. E., 'Vilson Kennedy, Green, \Vilson Kips, George, 'Vilson Kerr, J. B., Ringling Kerley, l\Irs. H. A., Ringling Kimbrell, T. B., 'Vilson Kerr, 1\L 'V., 'Vilson Keenan, \V. R., 'Yilson Keenan, John, \Vilson Kelley, John, Keller Kirkpatrick, 'V. l\t1., Fox Kirkpatrick, G. C., Fox Kelley, J. A., Fox Kern, 1\1. J., Zita Kennedy, C. E., Healdton Kennedy, R. L., Healdton Kidd, F. :M., Healdton Kincaid, Tom, Healdton Kelley, J. W., Healdton King, E. D., Healdton Knight, A. R., Healdton Keller, R. H., Healdton Kanady, A. B., Healdton· Kelley, Clyde, Healdton Kyker, B. E., Healdton Knight, l S., Healdton Kyle, W. R., Healdton Killingsworth, W. A., Healdton Kendrick, :Mr., Healdton Keirsey, W. C., Healdton Love, A. C., Berwyn Leonard, lVI., Nellda Leonard, Lee, 1\lulkey Little, J. T., Provence Love, Jack, Provence Love, G. T., Hoxbar Love, S. W., Provence Love, J. H., Hoxbar Lowe, J. R., Provence Loyd, H. H., Provence Luckey, J. R., Ardmore Love, 1\1., Hoxbar Lemons, Frank, Ardmore Locke, Ammie, Overbrook Leonhardt, l\lrs. S. C., Ardmore Longino, H. A., Ardmore Lobesteine, Geo., Springer Lee, J. 0., Springer Lawrence, 1\lrs. A., Springer Lancaster, Douglas, Springer Latham, P. W., Springer Luth~r.,l Henry, Springer Lee, 1'IJ. P., Glenn Lee, Bud, Glenn Lucas, 'V. C., Glenn Logan, Ellen, Springer Lay, A. I.., Route A, Ardmore La31ey, O. L., Ardmore Lasley, G. \V., Ardmore Lumpkins, C. P., Ardmore Lynch, Arthur, Ardmore Layton, Frank, Ardmore Lamkins, S. H., Route A, Ardmore Lee, D. F., Route A, Ardmore Lee, 'V. C., Lone Grove Langley, :Mrs. Oscar, Lone Grove Loughridge, J. C., Lone Grove Long, E. H., Lone Grove Long, 'V. P., Lone Grove Lewis, J. 1\1., Route A, Ardmore Luna, O. L., Newport Lowery, John, Newport Loard, John, \Vilson Lumpkins, 'V. H., 'Voodford Leath, l H., 'Voodford Lowe, J. F., Woodford Largent, T. V., Route 1, 'Vilson Lewellen, D. 1\:1., 'Vilson Lee, A. G., 'Vilson Lowry, :Milton, 'Vilson Lamb, ]. A., l\Iilo Lewellyn, J. R., Graham Lyles, H. P., Graham Lewellyn, J. R., Graham Long, \V. B., Pooleville (~0.?) OWL,DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY;'·ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COITNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) :\1cXeme, J. P., 'Vilson Lobstein, J. E., Pooleville :\Iitchell, \V. ~1., Overbrook ~lurchison, E. A., Ardmore Lashley, R. J., Pooleville :\Iaddox, C. L., Ardmore Lanham, C. 1., Pooleville :\1artin, 'V. C., 'Vilson :\1cCauley, ~Iyrtle, Ardmore Lumbert, Sam, Graham :\1cKinney, C. 1\1., Ardmore :\1ullens, 'V. E., Hewitt Lockwood, ]. H., \Vilson :\1cCauley, J. H., Ardmore :\IcClaill', H. C., Wilson ~lills, T. H., 'Vil~on Lewis, 'V. S., 'Vilson :\1orris, Tom, Ardmore :\1cGee, C. :\1., 'Vilson Linton, G. B., Alma :\1addock, J. E., Ardmore Leaf, X. L., Pernell :\1cDaniel, 'V. :\1., Springer :\1organ, J. \V., 'Vilson Lewis, R. L., Tussy :\1ichaels, :\1rs. A. A., \Vilson :\1cDaniel, O. A., Springer :\Ieeks, Willie, Springer :\Ieeks, \Vill, \Vilson Lambert, 1. F., :\1c:\'1ann :\Ioore, T. D., Springer ;\1onshawson, W., l\1ilo Lightfoot, J. 1., ftlc:Mann :\1cCreary, John, 'Vilson Looney, J G., Wirt :\1oren, H., Springer Lvles, Robt., 'Virt :\1urchant, J. C., Springer :\1eadows, A. \V., Wilson l\1orris, Joe, Springer :\1alone, George, l\lilo Lotspick, :\lark, Wirt Lumpkins, Jim, Wirt l\Iilam, :Mrs. R. D., Springer :\lcGehee, C. C., \Vilson ~\Iorris, Lee, Graham Lotspick, A. J, Wirt l\1itchell, C., Springer Lotson, H. S., \Virt :\1cBride, S. T., Graham ;\1cPherson, Mrs. Rhoda, Newport Little, E. G., Overbrook :\1cClanahan, Chas., Graham l\1itchell, A. J" Springer LeBeau, C. A., Healdton :\1cClain, J. A., Springer ~rcCourtney, James, Graham Lee, Ellen, Ardmore :\1eyers, A., Springer :\1arney, Lewis, Graham Lynch, J. T., Ardmore l\Iills, George, Springer l\Iilton, Lester, Graham Lavers, J. 0., Ardmore l\Iinton, R. C., Springer ,Maulden, Lizzie, Pooleville Lisby, J. H., Berwyn :\1itchell, D. G., Kewport }1auldin, G. D., l\Iilo Little, W. P., Berwyn :\IcOmber, G. W., Rt. A, Bx. 117, :\1auldill', 'V. F., Pooleville Lamb, A. 1\1., Wilson Ardmore l\lorrow, J. \V., l\lilo McCauley, Elmer, Rt. A, Bx. 106, l\1cGill, \V. C., 1\Iilo Little, W. R., Wilson Landreth, Bob, Wilson Ardmore ~IcBee, R. T., ,Milo :l\Iiller, J. C., Pooleville Lambert, F. V., Wilson 1\Iitchell, J. H., Route A, Ardmore McDonald, A. S., Ardmore 1\1ajors, 1'1rs. lV1innie, Pooleville Lockwood, W. L., Ringling Landreth, T. 1., Wilson ~\Iorrison, G. P., Ardmore Mathews, J. ]., Graham Lowery, B. C., '''Tilson l\litchell, 1'.1. D., Ardmore l\1cDonald, E. L., Graham Ledford, John, \Vilson l\Ialone, G. H., Ardmore :Martin, 1\1. E., Healdton Lyles, l\Iary 1., Fox l\Iayo, G. W., Ardmore ;\Iaxey, S. B., Healdton Lawson, 1. 1\1., Fox l\Iinter, O. l\1., Ardmore l\Iorrison, T. Y., Wirt l\Iiller, Lee, Wilson Lusk, D. H., Alma l\IcDougal, W. R., Ardmore Lindsay, 1\1. IV1., Healdton l\lcl\Iillan, G. H., \Vilson l\Ierriett, W. A., Brock Lemons, Lee, Healdton :Moody, W. H., Wilson Miller, Irwin, Brock l\IiIler, S. A., Wilson Lanthrik, J. A., Healdton Maerz, lVIrs. John, Brock Leonard, ]. M., Healdton IHurphy, C. IV1., Brock . l\Icl\lillan, W. IV1., Alma Love, Fred B., Healdton l\Ieeks, D. B., Ardmore :~\Iartin, ]. P., Alma Mofield, W. H., Route A, Ardmore Lahman, John, Healdton l\Ieans, Jack, Alma Lenderman, C. 1., Healdton 3IcCartney, 'V. IV1., Brock l\[ontgomery, J. L., Alma Layton, John, Healdton ' :Morrison, 1\lrs. Frank, Rt. A, Ardmorel\Iyers, L. H., Alma Lewis, W. B., Healdton l\ilcPhetridge, Jim, Cheek :Morgan, L. 0., Alma Leaf, E. 1., Healdton 1\1organ , G. C., Alma 'Maddox, ]. B., Lone Grove Lichlyter, Anna, Healdton l'Iaddox, ]. A., Lone Grove 1\1 iller, Cain B., Tussy 1'1cKnown, \V. L., Lone Grove Leath, R. E., Healdton 1\Iurray, T. H., Tussy Lowery, :1\1rs. Ida, Healdton l\IcDowell, :l\Irs. Ellie, Lone Grove l\IcNeill, Cobert, Tussy l\IcCollough, Henry, Lone Grove l\IcCarty, O. L., Tussy Lewis, R. B., Healdton Morgan, J. A., Lone Grove McCauley, 'V. E., Healdton Lowery, Bert, Healdton Loftin, :Mrs. Dora, Healdton l\IcCollough, 1'1rs. A. G., Lone Grove l\1axey, S. B., Healdton Littrell, Horace, Healdton May, Charles, Lone Grove l\loore, J, I, l\1cl\lann Langley, A., Healdton Manley, Mrs. J. W., Lone Grove McCord, A. W., Wirt Lawrence, J. F., Healdton McCurty, D. B., Lone Grove McQueen, J. G., Wirt lVlcCraw, ]. R., Lone Grove Langston, J. H., Healdton 1\Iiller, Fran, \Virt Loomis, J. M., Healdton 1'1itchell, B. F., Lone Grove 'McLaughlin, 1\1. G., Wirt l'Iiller, Y. 1\'1., Wirt llondon, James M., Healdton l\Iitchell, C. S., Route A, Ardmore 'McKinney, Less, Route A, Ardmore l\Ieekin, J 0., Wirt Lemasters, L. S., Healdton :\Iartin, G. H., Newport l\Iassey, ]. 'V., 1\lcl\tlann :l\Iitchell, 1'lrs. R. L., Berwyn :Moore, E. L., Route 1, Ardmore l\Iorris, \V. 1., Lone Grove l\Ierrell, ]. M., l\IcMann :l\Iitchell, Roy, Route 1, Ardmore l\laddox, C. E., Newport l\1oses, 1V1. B., l\tlclVlann l\lcFarland, F. L., Wirt :\1iller, J. 1\'1., Newport 1\1itchell, Sam, Route 1, Ardmore l'Iartin, Luther, Newport :\IcKinney, 'V. H., Wirt l\Ioates, S. T., Ardmore l\IcKee, E. A., Ardmore l\Iason, \V. \V., Oswalt l\IcCarty, O. P., :McMann :Moore, J. F., Durwood l\Joyers, J. A., Cheek l\lcGauhy, \V. F., Healdton :\IcKee, C. S., Durwood l\IcClendon, L. T., \Vilson l\Iinter, W. C., \Virt :\IcKee, J. A., 'Virt l\lcClure, \V. N., Provence l\IcGuire, A. L., 'Voodford l\IcNeedy, E. T., Provence l\Iiles, Laura, 'Voodford l\Iajors, A. F., \Virt Meek, :Mrs. J. B., \Voodford :\IcGuire, J. A., Hoxbar :\Iumaugh, S. F., Wirt :\Iyers, G. 'V., \Voodford ~\Iorris, A., Hoxbar :\Iorrow, ]. L., 'Virt l\Iorris, Druce, Hoxbar :\Ieek, J. R., \Voodford :\Iyrphy, C. 1\1., Healdton :\Iiller, ,V. R., \Voodford :\lcCowan, A. J" \Virt :\lc1\lullin, S. A., Route 1, Ardmore ~Iinyard, John, Route 1, Ardmore :\IcKiddy, Guy, 'Voodford :\Iurry, Jim, 'Virt JIcPhetridge, F. D., Route 1, Ardmore:\IcCant5, J. F., \Voodford l\IcCoy, G. 'V., \Virt ~Iarsh, ~Ir., Route 1, Ardmore :\Iorrow, J. L., 'Virt l\IcGoodwin, J. G., 'Voodford l\Iarty, 1. R., \Virt :\IcDowell, 1. F., Provence l\IcBee, R. D., \Voodford 1\Icl\Iurry, nIrs. Ardmore :\Ianuss, Carroll, \Virt :\IcComber, 'Yes, 'Voodford :McNeely, Henry; Ardmore l\IcCauley, George, Wirt :\IcDowel1, E. R., 'Voodford l\Iorrow, Sam, Wirt l\Iitchell, Henry, Ardmore l\Iartin, C. B., l\1ilo l\Iartin, Lem, \Virt l\Ioore, E. L., Ardmore l\Iyrick, O. F., l\lilo :\IcCol1um, \V. G., Ardmore :\Iyers, B. L., l\Iilo :\Iaxey, S. B., \Virt Jlurray, ]. A., \Virt :\Iorris, G. L., :\1ilo l\Ioore, G. A., Ardmore :\[cGahee, ]. 'V., l\lilo l\Iourne, G. C., 'Virt Jlayo, Annie, Ardmore l\Ioneyham, ]. 'V., Ardmore l\Iichael, Paul, Rt. 1, Bx. 128, \Vilson JIuse, S. P., l\lc:\lann :\Ierritt, J. T., 'Vilson Jlontgomery, O. 1\1., Ardmore :\Iyers, ]. L., 'Virt :\Ianitzkey, Annie, \Vilson Jlorras, James, Overbrook l\Iay, Ben, Ardmore (393) OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. FOR- COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COIJNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) JIcAfee, W. E., Healdton ~Ianes, A. C., Healdton l'Iitchell, W. J., Healdton l\Iilligan, J. C., Zita ~Iarvin, S. 'V., Healdton :McDow, O. B., Zita ~litchell, L. C., Ardmore ~liller, C. ~L, Ardmore lVlitchell, J. \V., Ardmore Massey, I. A., Berwyn l\fyers, E. L., Benvyn :Moore, E. E., Berwyn :Mayes, A. 1'1., Berwyn :Massey, T. H., Berwyn 1\'1iller, C. M., Ardmore :Martin, J. F., Wilsoll! :l\1orris, J. T., Healdton lVIatthews, G. F., Ringling :Means, John, Orr }IcCurley, J. M., Wilson l\IcCune, E. C., Wilson ~IcCeill, Josie, Wilson :Marris, Irene, Wilson :Massey, N. E., Wilson :Markham, H. :M., Wilson :Murdock, J. P., Wilson ~lcEuin, R. W., Wilson ~lcKnight, P. L., Keller l\lcClure, J. \V., Wilson Murell, W. A., Keller :Murphy, G. 1\1., Wilson ~Iartin, C. ~1.,Wilson ~Iercher, F. G., Hewitt :Mathew, F. J., Fox Mayfield, J. C., Healdton 1\/Ieeks, F. J., Graham ~Iiller, E. S., Fox ~1iller, W. S., Fox Mason, J. W., Fox l\IcClain, R. 0., Fox :Milton, H., Fox l\loyer, C. H., Fox ~lcLain, W. A., Fox l\loore, J. T., Fox McLain, Lory, Fox lVIeans, Pete, Alma Martin, 'V. L., Tatums ~larker, W. H., Healdton :Mauck, J. ~1., Gra~lam ~fcLain, L. W., Fox :Milson, J. C., Wirt :Mahaffy, O. C., Healdton 1\lcClanahan, J." E., Healdton ~looneyham, 1. J., Healdton Massad, M. J., Healdton McNeil, A. M., Healdton ~'lcl\lillen, H. L., Healdton lVIetz, A. J., Healdton l\Iurtishaw, W. J., Healdton ~'IcDonald, A. ~1., Healdton ~finor, ~lrs. L. A., Healdton l\lorgan, Mrs. P., Healdton lVIassey, V. B., Healdton :McCoy, G. W., Healdton l\Ianton, E. J., Healdton l\loore, Poston, Healdtoo l\Ioore, Harry, Healdton. 1\Iarchant, 1. :M., Healdton :McGee, W. C., Healdton ~/Iarty, A. F., Healdton l\Iorris, H. C., Healdton l\fartin, J. G., Healdton ~leasles, A. 'V., Hea,ldton ~Iichael, S. A., Healdton ~Iorrison, Lee, Healdton l\Iartin, ~Irs. A. C., Healdton ~Iedlock, G. L., Healdton :Miller, J. R., Healdton l\Ioore, J. ~1., Healdton l\Ic~ight, \V. F., Healdton :\IcClellin, L. H., Healdton :\Iouser, :Mary, Healdton l\Iagness, L. J., Healdton l\Ioore, J. 1\1., Healdton l\iorgan, J. C., Hea,ldton :Morris, C. \V., Healdton }Ioore, W. E., Healdton l\Ioon, John, Healdton ~IcClendon, \V. H., Healdton ~[aples, Gilbert, Healdton l\Ioffett, Fred, Healdton :McClanahan, W. P., Healdton l\IcClinton, l\Irs. G. H. l\Iauldin, J. L., Hea,ldton :Moore, C. J., Healdton l\Ieador, A. J., Healdton l\IcGuire, H. C., Healdton l\IcCanne, T. P., Healdton l\Iartin, J. D., Healdton l\Iorrow, 'V. E., Healdton ~Iitcham, A. L., Healdton l\Iautubby, Vessie, Healdton :McAlester, A. ~1., Healdton l\IcDaniel, E. E., Healdton ~Iayes, R. A., Healdton ~IcGee, \V. L., Healdton North, J. A., Provence Nelson, E. T., Ardmore Neatherlin, Mrs. W. E., Ardmore Norton, H. H., Newport Newman, J. T., Glenn Norris, A. D., Ardmore Ned, l\Iarvin, Brock Nelson, Mrs. R. A., Lone Grove Newman, J., Newport Nobles, D. E., Woodford Nobles, A. T., Milo Neeley, E. E., Box 593, Wilson Neil, E. W., Wilson Newman, Lee, Graham Needham, J. A., Pooleville Newman, W. \V., Zita Nivens, T. A., Alma Nelson, John, Alma Norton, Henry, Tussy Nicholson, J. A., Wirt Newman, G. C., Wirt Nicholson, W. M., :McMann Newman, Mr., Wirt Nicholson, B. A., Wirt Nichols, Bob, Overbrook Nutt, W. E., Ardmore Ned, Willis, Springer Ned, Frank, Springer Nolan, A. V., Berwyn Noland, H. M., Berwyn Newell, ~I. F., \Vilson Nash, G. W., Hewitt Norvill, J. F., Wilson Nunn, W. T., Fox Norris, J. W., Zita Nutt, A. T., Healdton Neighbrough, Joe, Healdton Nolen, T. H., Healdton Noble, J. D., Healdton Nickle, John A., Healdton Nue, L., Healdton Nash, O. C., Healdton Nichols, Mrs. Nora, Healdton Nessmith, Bessie, Healdton Overstreet, R. A., Hoxbar O'Daniel, l\Iary, Route 1, Ardmore Owens, H. C., Provence Owens, l\[rs. G. L., Provence Oakley, Jess, Ardmore Owen, L. ~1., Ardmore Orner, Alma, Ardmore Owens, J. H., Springer Odell, R. R., Ardmore Overstreet, Bill, Cheek Overstreet, Bailey, Cheek Overstreet, Thomas, Cheek Osborn, \Villie, Lone Grove Owen, G. R., \Vilson Orr, O. B., \Virt Oakley, ~Irs. C. P., Overbrook Oursler, A. C., Berwyn O'Xeal, J.B., Ringling Owens, B. B., \Vilson Owens, 'V. C., \Vilson O'Brien, F. lVI., Fox Ogletree, J. ~L, Healdton O'Dell, J. K., Healdton Ogletree, A. 1\1., Fox Owens, J. B., Healdton Otis, Katherine, Healdton Odom, C. C., Healdton Ovant, C. B., Healdton Ownsbey, Fannie, Healdton Overley, D. W., Healdton Osgood, E. R., Healdton Oglesby, U. S., Healdton Poe, \V. T., Route 1, Ardmore Plew, Ben, Ardmore Park, E. E., Dunvood Pinkard, Arthur, Provence Pritchard, J. A., Ardmore Palmer, S. A., Route 1, Ardmore Parlier, J. lVI., Provence Pulis, J. S., Ardmore Pittman, E. D., Glenn Pistole, S. B., Ardmore Pap, A., Ardmore Paschall, B. F., Ardmore Phillips, Sallie, Ardmore Parker, H. D., Ardmore Porter, G. A., Ardmore Pritchett, Carrie, Ardmore Pritchett, G. B., Ardmore Pritchett, O. R., Ardmore Palmer, l\Irs. Chas., Ardmore Pope, W. H., Ardmore Parker, Chas., L., Ardmore Pennell, Will, Springer Porter, S. T., Springer Parker, W. I., Springer Patton, Willie, Springer Patton, Siggle, Springer Parker, Buck, Springer Pierce, J. E., Springer Pool, J. W., Springer Patton, John, Springer Putman, H. L., Springer Pruitt, M. E., Springer Plew, A. E., Springer Patton, L., Springer Prestage, W. H., Springer Payne, Dave, Springer Payne, E. 1\1., Route A, Ardmore Phifer, W. H., Newport Payne, A. C., Rt. A, Ex. 118, Ardmore Pettijohn, N. L., Rt. A, Bx. 129, Ard more Paschall, T. E., Ardmore Perkins, T.A., Ardmore Puckett, C. B., Ardmore Payne, P. L., Ardmore Porter, Angline, Ardmore Pruitt, C. D., Brock Payne, lVIrs. B. S., Brock Porter, Geo., Brock Phelps, A. G., Brock Pierce, W. 1\1., Cheek Pierce, C. H., Lone Grove Pierce, O. P., Lone Grove Proctor, 'V. N., Lone Grove Pitcock, S. A., Lone Grove Phillips, C. C., Lone Grove Pruitt, 1'1. L., Lone Grove Phillips, J. C., Lone Grove Price, J. B., Lone Grove Payne, T. R., Lone Grove Poole, D. S., Lone Grove Pierce, 'V. B., Lone Grove Potts, G. 'V., Lone Grove Potts, l\Irs. Dillard, Lone Grove Price, Billy, Lone Grove Price, P. H., Lone Grove Pollock, Leonard, Newport Powell, \V. N., Newport Phillips, \V. ~1., Oswalt Phillips, Lacy, Oswalt Perkins, \V. A., Oswalt Pierce, L. G., \Vilson Presley, l\Irs. Arthur, \Voodford Pifer, A. R., \Voodford Parker, ~Irs. \V. \V., \Voodford Powers, A. Y., lVIilo (394) OWL DRUG STORE (HE"FLINS~) PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) Plummer, \V. R., Lone Grove Price, R. T., Lone Grove Patterson, H. C., \Vilson Potts, \V. ~1., \Vilson Parish, :Maggie, Wilson Plyler, E. B., \Vilson Pike, D. P., \Vilson Patrick, :Mary, \Vilson Powell, J. E., \Vilson Pierce, G. G., \Vilson Petty, J. E., 'Vilson fowers, \V. B., Wilson Petty, G. T., \Vilson Prude, C. C., Graham Ponder, Andy, Graham Pruitt, Tip, Graham Ponder, 1\Irs. J. E., Graham Pollock, L. L., Graham Pierce, Chesley, Graham Pierce, J. C., 1\Iilo Plank, John P., ~Iilo Poole, T. F., Pooleville Pierce, James, Pooleville Pearson, D. A., Alpers Poe, C. B., Alpers Pearson, James, Alpers Price, Earl, Alpers Pierce, B. T., Alpers Perkins, Sam, Tatums Palmer, J. F., Hea,ldton Parks, J. B., Alma Parks, "Martha, Alma Paschall, F. C., Alma Pressfrove, W. \V., Alma Page, John, Tussy Pritchard, R. 0., Tussy Page, Carl, Tussy Price, J. A., :Mcl\lann Pirtle, Wm., \Virt Pryor, J. H., McMann Palmer, H. 1V1., 1\lcl\lann Putman, Jennie, l\lc1\lann Parrett, G. C., Wirt Par50n, G. 1\1., Wirt Paul, F. W., Wirt Patterson, 1\lrs. Julia, Wirt Perry, W. H., McMann Pearson, J. R., Healdton Pollard, C. 0., :McMann Pennington, Frank, Wirt Pollard, W. B., 1\IcMann Phipps, R. D., \Virt Phelps, Joe, Wirt Poague, W. E., Wirt Peden, W. A., Wirt Phillips, C. H., Wirt Phillips, Howard, Wirt Parker, H. J., Wirt Prater, L. P., Wirt Peterson, Tom, Wirt Potts, E. W., Healdton Putman, Jesse, Wirt Proctor, H. I., Wirt Prater, J. H., Wirt Price, L., \Virt Perkins, 'V. H., Wirt Paul, J., Healdton Prince, J. T., 'Virt Parker, G. 1\1., Healdton Pace, Earnest, Wirt Pelton, J. N., Route A, Ardmore Patrick, J. P., Healdton Putman, Richard, Healdton Pruitt, Con, Zita Pulis, R. 0., Zita Polk, G. J., Healdton Poague, :Mrs. J. D., Healdton Porter, E. C., Springer Palmer, F. L., Springer Payne, E., Berwyn Pace, J. \V., Ardmore Pollard, F. 1\1., Ardmore Pogue, A. T., Berwyn Priest, J. J., Berwyn Pitman, D. G., Benvyn Phelps, J. N., Berwyn Payne, E. D., Berwyn Patton, Alvia, Benvyn Pitman, \V. D., Berwyn Page, \Vill, Berwyn Pittman, G. H., Berwyn Phillips, T. H., Ringling Pollock, T. J., Ardmore Pass, J. J., 'Vilson Phillips, Lee, \Vilson Parthemore, E. R., \Vilson Penn, \V. E., 'Vilson Pulis, R. H., Wilson Pulis, O. C., \Vilson Pruitt, J. C., Fox Petray, L. J., Fox Pierce, l\Iartin, Fox Presley, T. A., Fox Pruitt, T. R., Fox Pruitt, H. T., Alma Pierce, S. D., Zita Pierce, IVlinnie, Zita Parker, Ed, Dixie Poston, J. S., Healdton Payne, S. C., Healdton Pense, J. D., Healdton l'onder, J. V., Healdton Plemons, H. A., Healdton Powers, C. J., Healdton Pruitt, l\Irs. E. A., Healdton Peden, C. H., Healdton Pipins, C. J., Healdton Pike, Ida, Hea,ldton Puckett, 1\1. L., Healdton Pipkin, Jake A., Healdton Potts, A. J., Healdton Pierce, 1\L L., Healdton Pickens, J. W., Healdton Pane, C. E., Healdton Polk, John, Healdton Parish, 1\lrs. Guy, Healdton rrollock, Geo., Healdton Parker, Viola, Healdton Pierce, D.O., . . Healdton Parker, Mr3. V. A., Healdton Peacock, B. S., Healdton Poteet, Mrs. J. S., Healdton Powell, M. L., Healdton Perkins, Henry, Healdton Purcell, C. E., Healdton Parker, J. W., Healdton Patterson, J. W., Healdton Pierson, Will, Healdton Pareons, G. W., Healdton Phelps, E. D., Healdton Pruitt, B. E., Healdton Phelps, C. A., Healdton Pearson, Omar, Healdton Patton, W. H., Healdton Qualls, S. J., Zita Quinlin, Julia, Wilson Rose, G. E., Berwyn Ross, J. L., Route 1, Ardmore Robbins, Floyd, Ardmore Reynolds, \V. B., Ardmore Ramsey, A. F., Durwood Riner, R. A., Provence Reeves, L., Provence Robins, J. R., Ardmore Rynson, Alec, Route 1, Ardmore Russell, 1\1. R., Route 1, Ardmore Richardson, Harry, Route 1, Ardmore Rogers, Alvada, Provence Ratliff, O. R., Ardmore Roberts, \V. 'V., Ardmore Randolph, R. R., Berwyn Rasha, John, Ardmore Riddle, J. R., Ardmore Royal, l\Iaudie, Ardmore Renow, Ed, Ardmore Reynolds, lVlrs. F. S., Ardmore Rainer, Clara, Ardmore Rainer, l\Irs. Lizzie, Ardmore Rice, E. C., Ardmore Ross, Lee, Springer Rose, J. B., Springer Richardson, l\lrs., Springer Rhodes, Hugh, Springer Roe, C. E., Springer Ross, T. S., Xewport Reed, :Myrtle, ~Iilo R03s, \V. F., Newport Rice, E. H., Springer Rambo, J., Glenn Roberts, C. A., 'Voodford Ratliff, A., Newport Rose, Callie, Ardmore Rogers, R. H., Ardmore Riddle, S., Brock Ray, J. E., Route A, Ardmore Rudd, C. L., Route A, Ardmore Roberts, G. B., Cheek Ro;e, :Mrs. Daisy, Lone Grove Richardson, IV1. C., Route A, Ardmore Roberts, 'V. H., Newport Reed, Bud, Woodford Roberts, S. F., \Voodford Rme, :Mrs. D. C., Woodford Rise, E. F., Woodford Reid, J. L., 1\lilo Reed, C. T., Woodford Redding, I. W., :Milo Rogers, T. \V., 1\lilo Risner, T. L., Lone Grove Reeves, J. 1\1., Wilson Rambo, J. F., Wilson Roherts, J. P., Wilson Rohinson, F., Wilson Richards, J. A., Wilson Razzell, Frank, Graham Razzell, 1\lrs. W. L., Graham Razzett, Steve, Graham Robertson, L. L., Alpers Robertson, Maude, Alpers Rankin, Charles, Alpers Rogers, W. S., Healdton Richardson, A. B., Healdton Richman, C. R., Wilson Ragsdale, J. W., Alma Ray, R. R., Alma Ratliff, D. W., Alma Ratliff, A. G., Alma Riddle, A. L., Tussy Rogers, J. H., Newport Reynolds, J. M., Keller Rice, E. L., Hea,ldton Robinson, J. A., Wirt Rowe, C. A., l\Ic1\Iann Robison, J. L., Wirt Rice, W. B., 'Wirt Richardson, D., MclVlann Roberts, S. E., Wirt Robinson, N. G., Wirt Roberts, J. H., McMann Roberson, C. W., 1\lcMann Russell, H. C., 1\Icl\Ianl1' Rich, Buster, l\lclVlann Rice, D. F., Wirt Rawley, G. J., Healdton Ratliff, W. B., Healdton Renfro, Lizzie, Wirt Roman, J. L., Wirt Ratliss, S. l\1., Wirt Riddle, Roy, Wirt Rice, C. F., Wirt Ramsey, W. H., Wirt Rogers, 1\1. l\1., Healdton Reynolds, J. R., Healdton Ramsey, \V., \Virt Robertson, L. A., Wirt Riley, G. W., Wirt Ross, Bud, Overbrook Robison, B. B., Graham Ross, K. C., Healdton Reid, :l\Iollie, Ardmore Rich, 'V. S., Ardmore Reeder, L. D., Ardmore Ross, A. L., Ardmore Rupard, 'V. C., Ardmore Rice, Jack, Berwyn Reid, Tom, Berwyn Rowan, H. P.," Berwyn Roland, H. D., Berwyn (395) OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) Smith, J. H., Springer Rogers, A. A., Wilson Sta,ggs, L. T., Pooleville Smith, J. L., Springer Rainey, G. W., Healdton Staggs, \V. L., Pooleville Rushing, J. R., Wilson Stroud, \Valter, Springer Saddler, Ed, Alpers Rexroat, A. B., Wilson Sam,. Frost, Springer Shafer, C. S., Pooleville Roebuck, Ed, Wilson Stansberry, Pierce, Springer Smith, A. V., Pooleville Rowland, H., Wilson Sisk, :M. A., Springer Starkey, O. C., Graham Smth, J. A., Newport Roberts, A. R., Wilson Simmons, ]. A., Healdton Smith, F. A., Milo Richardson, J. 0., Wilson Smith, A. T., \Virt Smith, Lon, Springer Reed, J. S., Wilson Satterfield, W. F. S., 1\IIcMann Rushing, C. G., Hewitt Spencer, L. F., \Voodford Schuman, John, Healdton Randolph, W. L., Fox Smith, R. V., Springer Simmons, R. H., \Vilson Richardson, J. W., Healdton Sloan, T. J., Springer Snow, T. A., Alma Russell, J. B., Healdton Stewart, H. F., Springer Smart, P. 1\1., Alma Smith, C. B., Springer Roberts, W. L., Graham Shoemake, J. C., Tussy Roach, G. W., Alma, Stillwell, A. H., Springer Sawyer, B. S., Wirt Ray, W. S., Healdton Smith, L. L., Springer Strelow, F. H., MclVlann Smith, T. N., Ardmore Reeves, J. E., Healdton Strong, J. S., Wirt Rice, 1\1rs. Andie, Healdton Smith, \Valter E., Route A, Ardmore Sanders, G. C., Wirt Rushing, L. P., Healdton Smith, L. E., Ardmore Smith, W. H., Wirt Riggs, B. A., Healdton Smith, W. lVI., Ardmore Stanley, J. T., Wirt Stoker, J. R., Ardmore Reaves, E. B., Healdton Surrat, Claude, Wirt Rimbey, W. S., Healdton Stafford, R. F. C., Brock Satterfield, F. L., \Virt Suttle, E. A., Brock Robison, H. H., Healdton Smith, E., Wirt Rushing, W. D., Healdton Sanders, D. N., Brock Smith, H. S., lVlcMann Sullivan, A. S. L., Rt. A, Ardmore Reed, S. H., Healdton Stanley, W. W., Wirt Rakestraw, G. W., Healdton Stally, C. A., Route A, Ardmore Samuel, Bob, Wirt Shannon, Joe, :McMann Sears, L. F., Cheek Roberts, J. E., Healdton Rector, S. E., Healdton Smith, Mary, Cheek Space, E., Wirt Sears, J. W., Cheek Rivers, R. T., Healdton Stokes, \V. L., Wirt Reid, Helen, Healdton Stinnett, C. W., Brock Sears, Aam, Wirt Ray, ]. R., Healdton Smith, Carl, Healdton Stephenson, J. J., Cheek Smith, W. L., Brock Sanders, Alice, Healdton Renwick, Annie, Healdton Shepperd, D. W., Lone Grove Rushing, T. M., Healdton Sears, W. R., Healdton Robert, Dow, Healdton Spears, W. E., Lone Grove Self, :M., Wirt Scantlin, Mrs. J. C., Lone Grove Reatherston, R. C., Healdton Stevenson, M. J., Wirt Smith, Edson, Wirt Rogers, Mabel, Healdton Stephens, G. "V., Lone Grove Simpson, 1\1rs. Sallie, Lone Grove Rapp, H. L., Healdton Skinner, B. G., Healdton Robbers, C. W., Healdton Simpson, :Mollie, Lone Grove Sims, Cha6., Healdton Slaton, ]. S., McMann Ramsey, Mrs. King J., Healdton Sisney, Mrs. A. J., Lone Grove Sanders, R. 1\1., 1\IIcMann Raper, W. M., Healdton Stoker, D. B., Lone Grove Roberts, S. J., Healdton Sexton, C. C., Lone Grove Saverline, J. W., McMann Rutherford, A. B., Healdton Stringer, 1\1rs. E. A., Lone Grove Sheafer, B., Wirt Spence, A. J., Wirt Russell, Mrs. A., HealdtoJ;l Simpson, F. E., Lone Grove Stewart, B. E., McMann Stanley, J. E., Route A, Ardmore Rachel, E. A., Healdton Simpson, Haden, Route A, Ardmore Sexton, S. G., McMann Rankin, G. M., Healdton Sizemore, Parker, Healdton Sullivan, J. T., Lone Grove ,Ramey, Mary, Healdton Surber, R. C., Berwyn Stubblefield, W. H., Lone Grove Stanford, W. J., McMann Stephens, W. R., \Virt Snelson, R. M., Route 1, Ardmore Schwart, Jeff, Cheek Sanders, C. W., Wirt Stewart, Sam, Cheek Saddler, G. A., Route 1, Ardmore Stafford, O. J.; Healdton Shields, Mrs. 1\11. E., Route 1, ArdmoreStewart, 'V. T., Wilson Self, C. H., Wirt Smith, Alta, Route 1, Ardmore Stewart, Ollie, Wilson Speake, Jimmie T., Woodford Sorrell, ]. "V., Healdton Sampley, E. H., Route 1, Ardmore Speake, .Mrs. J. E., Woodford Stanford, W. J., 1\1cMann Sanders, J. L., Ardmore Sanders, Hattie B., Ardmore Strong, ]. S., Wirt Satterwhite, 1\lelvin, Woodford Sturin, Milum, Overbrook Smith, Dock, Woodford Segler, Mrs. C. A., Ardmore Shoemaker, l\learcy, Overbrook Smith, S. V., Woodford Stinson, W. K., Durwood Shrader, C. H., Healdton Stafford, Lee, Durwood Scott, P. W., :Milo Shrader, George, Healdton Reed, C. T., Woodford Shurley, J. C., McMillan Shrader, Bob, Healdton Stewart, Nettie, Provence Redding, 1. W., l\Iilo Smart, J. M., Zita Shaw, Walter, Provence Rogers, T. W., 1\1ilo Sargent, A. D., Zita Smith, :Mack, Wilson Snyder, S. A., Hoxbar Smith, T. 1\1., Healdton. Sewell, W. S., Provence Sims, O. W., Hewitt Stevens, \V. M., Springer Smither, J. H., Provence Stewart, J. C., Wilson Stewart, J. H., Ardmore Sma.llwood, J. H., Wilson Smith, F. E., Provence Stewart, 1. W., Ardmore Sciner, E. C., Ardmore Stewart, A. B., Cheek Stribbling, Jim, Berwyn Sides, E. N., Wilson Story, E., Ardmore Sutton, A. 1\1., Berwyn Sarter, 1\1rs. Belle, Ardmore Sawyers, J. A., \Vilson Saunders, T. A., Ardmore Sharp, J. W., Berwyn Simmons, C. A., \Vilson Shelton, \V. 0., Ardmore Stewart, J. G., Springer Speirs, C. T., "Vilson Stracmer, W. M., Ardmore Schoberry, 1\1. E., Ardmore Suter, \V. A., "Vilson Scott, \V., Ardmore Smith, J. E., \Vilson Shankles, Joe, Ardmore John, Ardmore SummOilS, Smith, H. D., Ardmore Smith, Ed, Graham Smith, J. 0., Ardmore Shaw, G. \V., Ardmore Sparks, Scott, Graham Sims, 1\lrs. C., Ardmore Smith, Rev. F. A., Graham Shepherd, H. N., Ardmore Spain, D. E., Berwyn Sims, J. S., Graham Simpkins, J. S., Ardmore Suggs, \V. T., Berwyn Smith, Bill, Graham Sampson, John, Provence Sparks, O. A., Berwyn Schmidd, E. E., Graham Stewart, G. H., Ardmore Spangler, E. K., Berwyn Smith, Edna 0., l\'1iIo Simmons, B. F., Ardmore Sflmpley, "V. W., Berwyn Skinner, "V. G., 1\Iilo Shaw, G. C., Ardmore Simmons, B., Berwyn Staples, Mrs. Jim, 818 W. Broadway, Stubblefield, D. H., Pooleville Setliff, 1\IIrs. Carrie, Berwyn Ardmore Stubblefield, Jessie, Pooleville Stephens, \V. 1\1., Berwyn Slate, J. 'V., 1\Iilo Stallcup, Jim, Ardmore Smith, IVI., Berwyn Selfridge, C. F., Ardmore Slate, W. M., :Milo Stamps, E., Berwyn Simpson, Oscar, Ardmore Sorrels, C. B., Pooleville Session, Berry, Ringling Senter, A. L., Ardmore Stringer, \V. A., Pooleville Smith, W. H., Ardmore Stroud, E. L., Pooleville SciYally, 'V. B., 'Vilson (396) OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DIRECTORY OF FAMILY HEADS-(Continued) Sutton, Pansy, Wilson Smith, J. c., Wilson Smith, J. R., Healdton Shannon, :\1., Ringling Schrader, Hiram, Ringling Shawson, T. J., Wilson Speck, L. A., Wilson Shields, W. W., Wilson Spence, J. D., Wilson Skinner, T. G., Wilson Steelman, M. A., Wilson Shores, W. B., Wilson Salyer, G. B., Keller Stobs, Broz, Wilson Shorrock, T. A., Wilson Stoneford, J. S., Wilson Smith, W. Z., Hewitt Senior, 111., Wilson Shores, John, Wilson Smith, T. E., Hewitt Smith, Clyde, Hewitt Smith, Myrtle, Hewitt Sisco, E. F., Wilson Sparks, H. N., Hewitt Stephens, Geo., Wilson Steel, R. W., Fox Stoker, A., Fox Smith, Wm. Healdton Stellmacher, W. H., Fox Smith, Wm., Fox Smith, Curtis, Fox Shunoy, Mrs. Tom, Fox Shipman, J. A., Zita Schofield, J. F., Fox Serr, Ed, Wirt Smith, A. G., Healdton Swinney, O. E., Healdton Skaggs, J. N., Fox Smith, L., Fox Stilley, Evie, Fox Sherred, J. T., Healdton Snider. G. C., Alma Stinnett, E., Fox Savage, W., Healdton Smith, W. S., Zita Smith, Jim, Zita Sudderth, Hattie, Zita Schofield, W. D., Healdton Stewart, L. M., Healdton Sims, R. L., Healdton L., Healdton Smith, Strawn, Dayton, Healdton Sides, '.\'lollie, Healdton Sloan, 11-1. A., Healdton Smith, J. B., Healdton Summers, J. E., Healdton Soughward, W. H., Healdton Skaggs, C. D., Healdton Sorrells, R. P., Healdton Spencer, L. R., Healdton Sims, A. M., Healdton Stone, E. R., Healdton Simon, A. D., Healdton Sanders, H. L., Healdton Stanley, C. T., Healdton Smith, Angie, Healdton Sanders, A. L., Healdton Stellmacher, W. H., Healdton Smith, T. J., Healdton Stampili, W. P., Healdton Shortt, J. F., Healdton Sparks, J. H., Healdton Shewmake, R. D., Healdton Simrell, H. C., Healdton Sanders, L. F., Healdton Sparkman, L. A., Healdton Stone, C. L., Healdton Sari house, Walter, Healdton Skaggs, Claud E., Healdton Skinner, R. L., Healdton Sadler, Mat, Healdton Smith, Dr. J. H., Healdton Stechman, C., Hea·ldton Sharrock. Mrs. '!II. L., Healdton Sadler, Charley, Healdton Silvers, F. L., Healdton r. r. r. r. r. r. r. Spellman, C. E., Healdton Smith, :\1. :\1., Healdton Swanner, W. S., Healdton Stewart, S. X., Healdton Stewart, D. H., Healdton Sou th, Leo, Healdton W., Healdton Stapp, Smith, D. F., Healdton Smith, H. B., Healdton Sweeney, E. T., Healdton Stephens, S. A., Healdton Shell, E. D., Healdton Shipmarr, Mrs. Harry, Healdton Skaggs, P. A., Healdton Stafford, F. M., Healdton Southerland, Myrtle, Healdton Saied, 1Ilack, Healdton Sharrad, J. D., Healdton Sanders, A. W., Healdton Shilling, D. D., Healdton Shartze, l\frs. ~1innie, Healdton Taylor, Berwyn Thomas, Hick, Route I, Ardmore Thoma., H. M., Route 1, Ardmore Thomas, John, Route 1, Ardmore Taylor, Hester, Ardmore Truce, l\finnie, Ardmore Thomason, W. M., Durwood Tindall, R. A., Provence Thornton, A., Provence Thornton, 1. T., Provence Thompson, H. F., Provence Thomason, E. c., Ardmore Tarver, F. B., Ardmore Thompson, A. B., Springer Taylor, L. H., Ardmore Thomas, C. C., Ardmore Tolleson, L. S., Ardmore Tolleson, E. R., Ardmore r. r. Turner, 1\1. A., Ardmore Turner, Lillian, Ardmore Taylor, J.. Ardmore Thompson, Chatman, Ardmore Treat, Cora, Ardmore Thrasher, W. T., Springer Trimmer, F. J., Springer Thrasher, W. T., Springer Tinnel, 1I1rs. Lora, Springer Tudor, Mrs. S. C.• Milo Tinker, Mrs. Leadie, Newport Tedder, Homer, Newport Tillison, Wm.,· Springer Thompson, C. C., Springer Terry, S. W .• Springer Tate, J. C., Route A, Ardmore Taylor, D. T .• Ardmore Taylor, R. E., Ardmore Tedder, L. C., Ardmore Thornburgh, S. H., Brock Taylor, 0., Cheek Temple, Vada Spears, Lone Grove Talley, W., Brock Talley, M., Lone Grove Thompson, W. L., Lone Grove Tadlock. W. B., Lone Grove Tucker, V., Lone Grove Taliferro, Mrs. O. W., Lone Grove Talifrrro, R., Lone Grove Tanner, Mrs. G. F., Lone Grove Tucker, Mrs. F. W., Lone Grove Taylor, \V. H., \Vilson Tryon, W., Cheek Thomasson, 1I1rs. Ida. Woodford Taylor, :\Irs. Dow, Woodford Truesdell, T. B., Milo Tannahill, L., Milo Troop, J. A., Rt. 1, Bx. 127, Wilson Troop, F. R., Rt. 1, Bx. 131, Wilson Troop, J L., Rt. 1, Bx. 123, Wilson Thomas, 'Melvin, Wilson Taylor, H. E., Wilson Thornton, Flossie. Wilson Tavlor, E. J., Wilson Tuck, A. H., Wilson Taylor, J. L., Wilson Thompson, R03a, \Vilson r. r. r. r. r. r. Thompson, E. H., Wilson Thompson, R. S., Wilson Thompson, R. E. W., Wilson Tedder, E. c., Wilson Thompson, A. A., Wilson Thompson, J W., Wilson Tanner, X. A., Milo Taylor, S. R., Wilson Trail, Charlie, Graham Tilley, G. P., Graham Turner, Ben F., Graham Thomason, Louis, Graham Tillie, C. P., Graham Testerman, W. A., Graham Thurman, T. B., Milo Thomas, V. R., Pooleville Trout, R. B., Pooleville Trout, R. W., Pooleville Thomp,on, Joe, Pooleville Thomas, S., McMann Thompson, J. H., Wilson Taylor, A. H., Wilson Tiuis, J. W., Alma' Trammell, J. H., Wirt Thomas, S. 0., McMann Thompson, Henry, Wirt Turner, Roy, Healdton Thompson, Alfred, Wirt Thomas, J. L., Wirt Tucker, G. E., Wirt Tipton, E. E., Wirt Thompson, R. A., Healdton Tolbert, J. A., Healdton Tate, C. W., Zila Tague, 'Elige, Zita Toops, W. G., Zita Thomison, W. H., Ardmore Treat, G. M., Ardmore Tucker, J. T., Berwyn Treece, S. J., Benvyn Taylor, Euberta, Berwyn Thomas, J. B... Berwyn Thomas, C. H., Berwyn Thomas, O. D., Berwyn Thomas, C. C., Berwyn Taylor, A. P., Berwyn Tuck, C. C., Healdton Tipp, Mark, Wilson Tipps, Bob, Wilson Tipps, Grover; Wilson Tripplett, John, Wilson Talley, J A., Wilson Tucker, C. L., Wilson Thomas, N. M., Wilson Thompson, W. M., Wilson Tipps, D. H., Wilson Todd, John, Wilson Thayer, Cha<;o G., Wilson Tomlinson, A., \Vilson Taylor, R. A., Fox Tipton, L. S., Alma Turner, W. J" Zita Thompson, J. H., Fox Taylor, J. H., Healdton Thompson, 1111'S. Jim, Healdton Tate, S. L., Healdton Timmans, E. A., Healdton Thompkil1'S, J A., Healdton Thompson, T. W., Healdton Todd, H. 111., Healdton Thompson, 111. B., Healdton Tell, :\1. D., Healdton Teel, E. D., Healdton lII., Healdton Thomas, Tucker, Bert, Healdton Tayer, N. Healdton Thompson, J. A., Healdton Tyner, H. A., Healdton Taylor, Oscar, Healdton Tavel', F., Healdton Tontz, G. V., Healdton Teague, W. D., Healdton Thompson, L. B., Healdton Tucker, T. A., Healdton Thompson, J. R., Healdton Taylor, R. C., Healdton r. r. r., (39i) OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. ·_--..,....,.,"". FOR COPIES OF JOURNAL OF CARTER COUNTY SCHOOLS WRITE MRS. KATE GALT ZANEIS, 117 STANLEY, ARDMORE, OKLA. CARTER COUNTY DlRECTORY.OF FAMILY HEADS-(Conlinued) Wilkerson, L. r., Ardmore Whaley, W. 1.., Wirt Thompson, W. E., Healdton Tuck, C. T., Healdton Todd, T. T., Healdton Thompson, R. G., Healdton Thacker, Pearl, Healdton Turner, W. A., Healdton Taylor, Dr. J. J., Healdton l'nderwood, S. B., Healdton upchurch, T. B., Hewitt '"eal, Frances, Ardmore \'anee, J. M., Ardmore Veal, Mrs. :1\1. H., Ardmore Vaughn, B., Ardmore Vaile, J. H., Brock Vaughn, C. S., Cheek Vaughn, D. R., Brock Vansill, Mrs. lIIary, Woodford Vansill, E., Wilson Vansill, Mary, Wilson Vestal, Mrs. Lizzie, Pooleville Vewlan, Jeda, Alpers Vestal, J. M., Graham Vowell, J. 1.., Healdton Vickrey, R. E., Healdton Vanskike, L. R., Wirt Venters, A. S., Zita Vernon, J. D., Ardmore Vineyard, R. E., Berwyn Vance, George, Berwyn Veal, G. C., Keller Vernon, J. Y., Healdton VernIJn, R. E., Healdton Vendenberg. V. M., Healdton Walker, H. E., Berwyn Wynn, W. W., Nebo White, Lys.h, Ardmore West, Sam, Ardmore Warner, L. 1.., Ardmore Warner, Henry, Ardmore Wells, W. A., Ardmore Ward, F. T., Durwood Wilmond, Dora, Durwood Williams, H. C., Durwood Webb, K. F., Durwood . WendIng, L. W., Durwood Wells, E. C., Route I, Ardmore Willis, D. N., Ardmore Wa.lters, C. W., Ardmore Watkins, A. A., Ardmore White, Louise, Ardmore Wallace, D. M., Berwyn White, Marvin, Ardmore Wilson, John, Ardmore Williams, C. A., Ardmore Wilson, S. B., Ardmore West, Ben, Ardmore Walker, Frank, Ardmore Wortham, W. A., Ardmore' Watson, Richard, Ardmore Watson, N. E., Ardmore Whitson, W. F., Ardmore Williams, Jack, Ardmore Wiggins, E. 0., Route A, Ardmore Webster. O. C., ArdmQre Willis, Charley, Ardmote Wilson, ·Chas. A., Ardmore West, J. ·R., Ardmore Wilkins, W. F., Ardmore Williams, lIraggie, Ardmore Waddington, Mrs., Ardmore Willia.ms, Gilbert, Springer Watson, J. T., Springer Walker, W. T., Springer Walden, ,Ira. Ada, Springer Woods, G. W., Springer Wisdom, Dick, Springer Wisdom, Elmer, Springer Walker, J. T., Springer Wallis, lIIrs. Elmer, Newport Windom, Aulton, Springer Worthy, J. S., Springer Wisdom, 111., Springer Wood .. C. J.. Newport Wright, D. 1.., Route A, Ardmore \Vilson, ~Iinnie, Ardmore Wilcox, IV. A., Ardmore Watkins, Jim, Ardmore Williams, J. W., Ardmore Webb, A. W., Ardmore Whipp, W. N., Ardmore Willingham, R. T., Ardmore Wray, W. R., Ardmore Welch, T. V., Ardmore Wilson, S. E., Ardmore Woods, N. J., Brock West, James, Brock Wiggins, W. B., Route A, Ardmore 'Viggins, C. M" Route A, Ardmore Wheat, S. E., Route A, Ardmore \\'atson, 153, Brock Watson, Nancy, Ardmore Wallace, Elmer, Brock Wallace, A. B., Lone Grove Wallace, S. A., Lone Grove Wisenhunt, D. W., Lone Grove Webb, R. E., Lone Grove Warren, J. O. Lone Grove Ward, A. 1.., Ardmore Weaver, L. H., Newport Wright. Dora, Newport Way, F. M., Wilson White, Mrs. Lena, Wilson Walker, Charley, Wilson Webb, J. H., Wilson Wallace, Mrs. M. 1.., Woodford Wygle, J. R., Woodford Wallis, Mrs. A. W., Woodford Watson, W. D., Woodford Wells, G. W., Woodford Wallace, Mrs. Nettie, Woodford Ward, J. 1.., Milo Ward, A. J., Milo Williford, Joe, Woodford Ward, H. J.. Wilson Wa.lker, B. F., Wilson Wheeler, Ernest, Wilson Webb, J. W., Wilson West, W. C., Wilson Walker, Mrs. Annie, Wilson Watson, C. S., Wilson Walker, Ettie, Wil,on Wilson, G. W., Wilson Wood, E., Wilson West, W. c., Wilson Woods, Joe, Graham Wiggen,ton, Mrs. G. E., Healdton Wadkins, J. D., Graham Womack, Will, Graham Wise, C. H., Graham Williams, Bill, Graham • Wadkins, Thomas, Graham Watson, W. B., Pooleville Watson, A. E., Pooleville Ward, T. J.. Pooleville Woods, E. B., Graham Welch, H. J., Healdton Williams, G. H., Wilson Williamson, W. D., Wilson Witer, T. F., Wil,on Williams, Bina, Wilson Williams, B. J., Wilson Williams, V. W. Wilson Williams, S. A., Wilson \\'ilIiams, J. W., Alma Wylie, H. H., Alma Willeford, Asa, AIlT'a Whitley, Mrs. L. B., Alma Womack, W. L., Tatum5 Weatherford, John, Tussy White, lIIomoe, Tussy Weatherford, T. 1.., Tussy Wright, Mack, Tussy \\'ebb, C. 1.., Newport Whitaker, C. R., Wirt Wallace, C. c., Wirt Walter, E. A., Healdton Wood, Ernest, Wirt Williamson, H. R., Wirt Wagner, Fred, Wirt Wicker, R. Goo McMann Welcher, J. S. Wirt Walker, J. F., Wirt Wilsort, W. M., McMann White, Walter, Wirt Williams, Joe, Wirt Warden, Albert, Wirt Wisdom, Jack, Healdton Wilkes, J. 1.., Wirt Wilson, C. B., Wirt Wilson, J. W., Wirt Williams, Jno., Wirt Walker, Paul, Wirt Wilson, W. G., Wirt Walk, J. W., Wirt Walker, W. T., Wirt Wagonseller, W. S., Wirt Wilmoth, Geo. W., Wirt Walker, T. J., Wirt Wright, W. B., Wirt Wilson, J. W., Wirt Whitson, R. 1.., Overbrook Woods, Mrs. S. R., Zita Weaver, J. F., Zita Wheat, E. F., Zi!a Williams, G. M., Springer West, E. D., Ardmore Williams, J. 1.., Berwyn Williams, Gleabert, Springer 'Williams, Marcus, Springer Wisdom, G. H., Ardmore Woodward, Mrs. J. G., Berwyn Whitmore, J. 1.., Berwyn Wiley, W. B., Berwyn Wortham, Mrs. R. P., Berwyn White, John, Berwyn Williams, J. L., Berwyn West, E. B., Ardmore Weston, J. E., Berwyn Ward, Jim, Healdton Worsham, Sam, Wilson Worsham, G. 0., Wilson Wood, H. J.. Wilson Wood, W. G., Healdton Webb, Jack, Wilson Walker, P. M., Wilson Walker, W. S., Ringling Worsham, John, Wilson Williams, J. C., Ringling Williamson, V. A., Ringling Watts, Jim, Wilso" Wilson, S. M., Wilson Weatherbee, W. J., Wilson Whittaker, W. W., Wilson White, C. A., Wilson Wolfe, J. c., Wilson Walker, D. B., Wilson Woolsey, M. R., Wilson Wilfong, W. H., Hewitt Williams, G. M., Fox Wyatt, J. R., Healdton Wood, A. lII., Fox Welch, A. B., Fox Webb, J. c., Fox Williams, C. D., Fox Webb, F. J., Healdton Webb, J. A., Healdton Wright, A. C., Fox \Vright, G. W., Fox IVells, R. P., Healdton Wise, 111. D., Healdton Watson, R. E., Healdton Weaver, J. B., Healdton Wise, G. H., Healdton \\'ise, 'linnie, Healdton Watkins, 111. L., Healdton Wilson, lIlrs. 111. 1.., Healdton Williams, C. E., Healdton \\'eldon, F. E., Healdton Weldon, J. L., Healdton Wheeler, D. P., Healdton Woq;}, H. ,I., Healdton Wara, 'f. N., Healdton Winn, T. A., Healdton \\'inn, B. T., Healdton \\'omack. R. H., Healdton Watts, G. D., Healdton (398) OWL DRUG STORE (HEFLINS') PHONE 10, WILSON, OKLA. i: i .