Rudolf Weber in conversation with Dietmar Eberle Full


Rudolf Weber in conversation with Dietmar Eberle Full
Nr. 35 Edition 1/2007
Rudolf Weber in conversation with Dietmar Eberle
Full speed ahead with platform screen doors
How secure is your hardware?
from page 4
Case Studies
from page 11
from page 24
from page 26
from page 30
“Security has a great deal to do with familiarity”
Saflok and La Gard join the Kaba family
Silca expands in the Netherlands and India
Hanover Airport launches into the future
“Intelligent City” wisely equipped
Only the best for guests
A trendsetter – and not just in fashion
Pharmaceutical production in a high-tech cube
All systems running smoothly
Secure flourishing in a gardening nation
Well-adapted security for distribution clients
Secure landmark on the banks of the Danube
Brand new installation for Europe’s biggest fire brigade training center
More comfort and security for people in need of care
A masterpiece unveiled
High-performance security for the army
Full speed ahead with platform screen doors
Heavy doors easily moved
Kaba elolegic: digital versatility
Flexible thanks to mobile time recording
Double security made simple
The intelligent locker lock
A lean solution where things get tight
How secure is your hardware?
Kaba at “Security China”
Interactive exhibition pavilion “Métro Cube”
Kaba and SAP – integrated thinking
Trade shows
Cover Photo: Ascot is the UK’s premier horseracing course, located in Windsor, near London | It is the home of one of the most prestigious
annual horseracing events in the world, the Royal Ascot. Visitors typically include members of the British Royal Family and high-profile
personalities from international business, arts and politics. Following a major redevelopment, the racecourse reopened in June 2006, where
among other improvements, security and comfort levels were enhanced using a master-suite solution including 1200 Kaba CNS locks.
More about this topic in our next issue in September 2007.
Portada: Ascot es el hipódromo más prestigioso de Gran Bretaña | Está situado en Windsor, lugar próximo a Londres, y aquí se celebra la
“Royal Ascot”, una de las carreras de caballos más famosas del mundo. Cada año se dan cita aquí miembros de la familia real inglesa y
personalidades mundiales del mundo de la economía, el arte y la política. Tras una larga fase de restauración el hipódromo volvió a abrir sus
puertas en junio de 2006. Desde entonces 1.200 cerraduras Kaba CNS velan por la seguridad y el confort en todo el recinto. Encontrarán
información detallada sobre este tema en la edición de Septiembre 2007 de Security Update.
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Security Update no. 35–1/2007
New worlds
“Why does a door or a key have a particular significance?
Because they connect worlds, one with another.” This
was part of a conversation which took place in January between Rudolf Weber, CEO of the Kaba Group, and the
Austrian architect and professor Dietmar Eberle. How
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini,
Chief Communications
does the architect see the subject of security? What is the
importance of technology in his work? In this discussion,
Nuevos mundos | “¿Por qué tienen una puerthe issue of security is explored not just from the usual technical point
ta o una llave una importancia especial ? –
of view but also from a philosophical one. You can read what they
Porque conectan mundos entre sí”. Esta es
una cita del diálogo entablado el pasado mes
said on pages 4 to 7.
de enero entre Rudolf Weber, CEO del Grupo
Kaba, y el arquitecto y profesor austriaco
Dietmar Eberle. ¿Cómo enfoca el arquitecto el
tema seguridad? ¿Qué lugar ocupa la tecnología en su tarea profesional? En este diálogo
el tema seguridad es tratado no sólo desde
el aspecto tecnológico, sino también desde el
filosófico. En las páginas 4 a 7 puede leer el
diàlogo completo.
También la empresa Computerized Security
Systems Inc. (CSS) se adentra en nuevos
mundos. Desde la adquisición en otoño de
2006, las marcas de CSS Saflok y La Gard
son parte del Grupo Kaba. En esta edición
de Security Update queremos saludar de forma especial a los clientes y empleados de
CSS y presentar a los lectores a estos nuevos
miembros de Kaba. En las páginas 8 y 9
encontrará información sobre estas dos marcas, conocidas por sus excelentes sistemas
de cierre y acceso.
Si ha estado últimamente en Hong Kong
quizás le habrá llamado la atención lo tranquilas y cómodas que son las estaciones
de metro de las Urban Lines. Las Platform
Screen Doors o “puertas de andenes” son
uno de los factores que contribuyen en
gran medida a este agradable efecto. Debido
a las ventajas que ofrece, su uso se está
haciendo cada vez más popular, no sólo en
Asia sino también en Europa. Kaba Gilgen
fue desde el inicio uno de los pioneros en este
segmento de mercado tan prometedor.
Más información en el artículo de las páginas
24 y 25.
Computerized Security Systems Inc. (CSS) is also entering new worlds:
the company, with its Saflok and La Gard brands, became part of
the Kaba Group in October of last year. In this spring edition of Security Update, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to the
customers and staff of CSS and to introduce these new Kaba members
to our readership. Read about the first-class locking and access
systems for which the two brands are known on pages 8 to 9.
If you have visited Hong Kong recently, you may have noticed how
quiet and pleasant the metro stations are along the urban lines.
Platform screen doors play a key part in creating this atmosphere.
The benefits they bring make them ever more popular, in Europe
as well as in Asia. Kaba Gilgen was at the forefront of this very modern
area of business from the outset. Learn more about it in the article
on pages 24 and 25.
I wish you an enjoyable read.
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini
Security Update no. 35–1/2007
“Security has a great deal to do with familiarity”
What is the significance of a locking system for architecture? Rudolf Weber, CEO of the Kaba Group,
meets Dietmar Eberle, Professor of Architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
and co-owner of the international architectural firm Baumschlager-Eberle.
Rudolf Weber in conversation
with Dietmar Eberle, Professor of
Architecture at the ETH Zurich.
“ Continuity is
an important
success factor.”
Rudolf Weber (RW) Architecture has
RW I expect you’re right! (laughs). For
always fascinated me and I have a
us as a security and technology group,
very special relationship with it: in fact,
architects are very important partners.
the only reason I didn’t actually become
How do you as an architect see the
an architect is because I can’t draw
subject of security?
all that well. So I opted to study civil
engineering instead.
DE As we know, security has a great deal
to do with familiarity. The things we
Dietmar Eberle (DE) Architects, you
are familiar with are the things we all
know, have two peculiar characteris-
accept most easily. We don’t need to
tics: they are the lowest-paid group of
worry about the familiar, because we
academics, but – as compensation
know it. Interestingly, the improvements
for that – they also have the longest life
that the latest technology can offer
us seem to make no difference to this.
I expect your firm could have stopped
developing and producing keys a
long time ago, replacing them with fully
electronic security systems.
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Security Update no. 35–1/2007
RW In principle, yes, you’re right. Life
could be made a whole lot simpler with
modern technology. But most people
would not want to give up the traditional
key. They have grown up with the key
and are familiar with it. When we recommend keyless access systems to our
customers, the same questions are always asked: can it operate without any
sort of key at all? Can we gain access
even if the power goes down? And so on.
Precedence is given to what is familiar.
DE It has always been the case that
technological possibilities do not decide
what is implemented and produced. It
is familiarity or, in other words, convention, which decides.
RW At the same time, this familiarity
varies in different cultures. In the
People’s Republic of China, for instance,
electronic access systems have become
standard much more quickly, particularly
on business premises. Many people in
RW You’re right, the customers value
Asia have never seen a reversible key in
the feeling of security they have when a
their day-to-day lives and are therefore
new product makes use of an earlier
more open to the latest achievements in
application. That is why we have had
our industry.
success with mechatronics – the combination of mechanical locking systems
DE The idea of a secure key lock is not
with digital functions. Also, faith in
so deeply rooted in the culture of these
technology in and of itself does not rule
regions. So they are not concerned
today: technology is applied for the
whether they use a key or a chip. In our
benefit of the user. A lot of importance
part of the world, on the other hand,
is attached to this, in our planning and
a key with integrated chip will continue to
development meetings. We often have
gain easier acceptance than, for ins-
to compare the technical security
tance, a cell phone as an access medium.
and reliability of a locking system against
“ Technology is
subject to our
its design and convenience. What is
your focus here as an architect?
Security Update no. 35–1/2007
RW That includes the familiar hand
movement you have to make to open
from one world into another.
DE There is no doubt that technology is
subject to our perceptions. What we
as people feel, imagine, see. At the end of
the day, it is not just the security technology which is important, but also the
context in which it is applied. It is in fact
the application which determines the
technology, not the other way round. This
brings us back to our first subject. It is
no accident that certain technologies are
successful in very particular areas.
RW We have the greatest success with
new technologies where the new features
are much needed. For residents in an
old people’s home, for instance, it can be
a great relief if they can open doors
without having to put the key in the lock.
“ Technology is
applied for
the benefit of
the user.”
DE We all want to live in a peaceful,
– We have talked about what makes a
idyllic country, and preferably in the mid-
technology successful. But what makes
dle of town. So what we perceive as
an architect successful?
quality of life is neither one nor the other.
What we are really attracted to is having
DE In society there are expectations,
it all at the same time. This brings us
feelings, fears and hopes which are more
to the best subject in architecture: tran-
than the preserve of just one individual –
sition. What makes a room exciting is
and these are what combine to make
the transition from one element to anoth-
up the Zeitgeist, the spirit of the age. If,
er. – Why does the key have a particular
as an architect, you do something which
significance? Because it connects worlds.
speaks to this Zeitgeist, then you will
In my view, a key or a door never
be successful. But that is no secret
excludes a world, but is always the transi-
reserved for architects, it applies in all
tion from one world to another. What
makes a locking system interesting is that
it makes this transition possible for us.
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Security Update no. 35–1/2007
RW Another factor in success is continuity. One of our staff was asked recently
what our company does better than the
others. He thought about it and then said:
“We might not do everything better, but
we are focused on continuity. The others
may also bring a tasty meal to the table,
but we cook constant quality.” If we have
continuity in our management and always
try to justify our decisions from a longterm perspective, then we will have a certain advantage in the market.
“La seguridad está muy relacionada con la
confianza” | Rudolf Weber, CEO del Grupo
Kaba y el arquitecto austriaco Dietmar Eberle
tienen un encuentro para intercambiar
opiniones. Eberle es el fundador y copropietario del grupo Baumschlager-Eberle y
desde 1999 profesor de arquitectura en la
Escuela Técnica Superior de la Confederación (ETH) en Zurich. Según Eberle la
tecnología está muy relacionada con la confianza. La experiencia nos demuestra que
las posibilidades técnicas no son el factor
fundamental a la hora de decidir qué se
va a producir o a realizar. En realidad el factor
decisivo es la confianza que el usuario
tiene en los productos. Esto explica el éxito
de Kaba, por ejemplo en el campo de la
mecatrónica, es decir, la combinación de sistemas de cierre mecánicos con funciones
digitales, afirma Rudolf Weber. El diálogo finaliza con la pregunta sobre los factores que
hacen de Kaba una empresa con éxito. “La
continuidad que tenemos en la dirección
de la empresa y nuestro esfuerzo en razonar
las decisiones tomadas pensando siempre
a largo plazo nos dan una cierta ventaja de
mercado,” señala Rudolf Weber.
The Eichgut residential development
(bottom) in Winterthur, Switzerland, certified as meeting Swiss Minergie standard P,
was opened in 2005. Other buildings by
Baumschlager-Eberle can be found around
the world – for example, the MOMA highrise apartments in Beijing, China (top),
which are among the first energy-efficient
buildings in Asia.
Dietmar Eberle (main picture), founder and
co-owner of the Baumschlager-Eberle architectural firm, was born in 1952 in Hittisau,
Austria. He studied at the Vienna University of Technology, and set up a joint
architects’ office with Carlo Baumschlager
in 1985. At the same, he taught in Hanover,
Vienna, Linz, Zurich, New York and Darmstadt. In 1999, he became Professor of
Architecture and Head of the Centre for
Cultural Studies in Architecture at the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
Security Update no. 35–1/2007
Saflok and La Gard join the Kaba family
With the purchase of Computerized Security Systems Inc. (CSS) in autumn 2006, Kaba acquired two brands
renowned for their high-quality locking and access management systems: Saflok and La Gard. The acquisition strengthens not only Kaba, but also these two new members of the Kaba family. The outlook is bright.
Back in 1977, a small company called
industry, Kaba and Saflok have tradition-
Val-Safe in Troy, Michigan (USA), devel-
ally focused on different segments.
oped the first cost-effective safe specifi-
Working together, we can now implement
cally for hotel rooms. Today, 30 years
a partnership approach in addressing
later, the company is called Saflok. Its
the entire market.”
products are among the most technologi-
The acquisition creates the poten-
cally sophisticated in the security market,
tial for high value-added synergies in
and the brand is known all over the world.
development, production, marketing
Countless Saflok electronic access con-
and distribution. “The Saflok Messenger
trol systems are in use across the globe,
is particularly exciting,” says Frank
mainly in the hotel industry, but also in
Belflower, Head of Access + Key Systems
residential, commercial and government
Americas. “Saflok is the first company to
convert stand-alone, battery-operated
As a member of the Kaba Group,
door locks to a next generation wireless
Saflok is now embarking on a new
system. Such high-tech solutions close a
chapter in its history. One of manage-
gap in Kaba’s product portfolio.”
ment’s key goals is to combine Kaba’s
Belflower is impressed with the spirit
and Saflok’s strengths in the hotel
of cooperation demonstrated by both
market. “It is really exciting that we have
sides: “Transitioning from competitors to
been acquired by someone who knows
colleagues can often be difficult. But in
the security business,” says Kerry
this case, a spirit of cooperation, respect
Hirschy, Saflok Senior Vice President
and excitement has been evident from
of Sales and Marketing. “In the lodging
day one.”
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Security Update no. 35–1/2007
Saflok will be opening doors for Kaba
in the future. For example with its
Odyssey hotel lock: this lock with
illuminated card slot offers both technical polish and top-class design.
Excitement building at La Gard
The CSS acquisition also brings
In sales, La Gard has so far focused
on end-users, while Kaba has usually
together two market leaders: La Gard, the
been represented on the market through
well-known manufacturer of medium se-
OEM clients. “We feel the way La Gard
curity electronic locking devices for safes
has gone to market is the ideal sales
and vaults, and Kaba, the number one
model,” says Steve Wolf, Sales Director
player in the high-security market. The in-
at Kaba. “So we want to continue
tegration of the two companies presents
with this strategy, which will help us to
significant development potential for the
strengthen relationships with our
distribution partners.”
“While La Gard and Kaba have been
According to Ashley Prall, General
competitors over the years, there will
Manager of Kaba Mas in Lexington,
be enough product differentiation to
Kentucky (USA), employees at both
enable us to properly position each of
companies are excited about this new
announced the formation of the global
the companies based upon their core
chapter in their history: “To echo Frank
Safe Locks Division, led by Carl Sideranko.
strengths,” says Carl Sideranko, Head of
Belflower’s comment, the spirit of
The global organization is built around
the newly formed Safe Locks Division.
cooperation between La Gard und Kaba
two Strategic Business Segments: Safe
“We will carefully evaluate the product
has been exceptional from day one.”
Locks Europe and Safe Locks Americas/
offering of each company, eliminate
Thus, nothing stands in the way of a very
Asia Pacific. “This is a tremendous
duplication and present a clearly defined
successful partnership.
opportunity for all division employees,”
New Safe Locks Division
On July 1, 2006, the Kaba Group
product portfolio to the market. Kaba
says Sideranko. “While we may be small
now has the right solution for every appli-
in number, this is truly a global struc-
cation in all price ranges.”
ture.” A focused market approach, strong
brand awareness and a large installed
“Smartpoint”: La Gard’s biometric
safe lock uses a Light Emitting Sensor
(LES) and can read fingerprints even
under difficult conditions.
Saflok y La Gard refuerzan la familia Kaba |
En otoño de 2006 Kaba adquirió la empresa
Computerized Security Systems Inc. (CSS),
que tiene dos conocidas marcas de sistemas
de cierre y control de acceso: Saflok y La
Gard. La adquisición no solamente refuerza a
Kaba, sino también a los dos nuevos miembros de la familia, a la vez que abre perspectivas muy prometedoras.
El 1 de julio de 2006 Kaba anunció además la
creación de una división de Safe Locks bajo la
dirección del norteamericano Carl Sideranko.
La nueva organización está compuesta por
los dos sectores estratégicos Safe Locks Europa y Safe Locks America/Asia Pacífico. La
Gard es el miembro más joven en este sector.
base has the Safe Locks Division poised
for growth and profitability.
With the acquisition of CSS from
Masco, La Gard is the newest addition
to the division. La Gard’s innovative
products and strong global distribution
network will contribute immediately in
revenue and earnings.
Security Update no. 35– 1/2007
Silca expands in the Netherlands and India
Kaba’s Italian affiliate Silca S.p.A. recently signed two important contracts: a joint venture to manufacture
and distribute key copying machines and keys in India, and the acquisition of a distributor in the Netherlands. With these new developments, Silca is expanding its global presence and establishing a foothold
in India. Silca is the world’s leading manufacturer of key blanks, key coding machines and transponder keys.
In October 2006, Silca launched a
blanks and metal sheets as well as
For the time being, the new Silca
joint venture with Tuff Engineering Pri-
rotor assembly. The company employs
company will continue to use the
vate Ltd. The aim of the new joint-owned
around 300 people at its site in Noida
Cillekens name, which enjoys an excel-
company is to manufacture and distribute
near New Delhi.
lent reputation and high brand aware-
key copying machines and keys to the
Within the next few months, Tuff will
ness in the Dutch market. For the former
replacement key market in India as well
be changing its name to Minda Silca
owners of the company Jacques
as to the OEM sector. “This partnership
Engineering Ltd, and its replacement key
and Hanneke Cillekens, who have been
gives us a strategically important entry
products will in future bear the Silca logo.
Silca’s loyal distribution partners for
into one of the world’s fastest growing
markets,” explains Roberto Gaspari, Head
of Key + Ident Systems EU/AP. The goal
many years, the sale is an ideal solution
Acquisition in the Netherlands
In autumn 2006, Silca also bought
is firstly to establish Silca products in the
the family-owned company H. J. Cillekens
SAARC countries India, Bangladesh,
& Zn. B.V. in order to strengthen its pres-
Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and
ence in the Netherlands. Cillekens is one
the Maldives; secondly, to take the
of the major dealers in key blanks and
OEM business to the next stage in the
mechanical locks. “This acquisition may
ASEAN members, including Indonesia,
give us the opportunity to act more
Thailand and Vietnam. The local OEM
directly in the market. Joining our direct
market, in which Tuff is already operating
knowledge of the market and its needs
successfully, will be promoted even more
with the strong relations with our existing
Dutch partners will, we are sure, offer
Tuff Engineering is a manufactur-
ness in the area. Our ability to forge
important conglomerate that makes
partnerships with the best dealers in the
products for, among others, the Indian
world has been a central factor in our
automotive and motorbike industry.
success,” says Roberto Gaspari.
Expansión de Silca en India y Holanda |
La empresa italiana Kaba Gesellschaft Silca
S.p.A, líder mundial en la fabricación de matrices para llaves, máquinas de codificación de
llaves y llaves transponder, ha firmado recientemente dos importantes contratos: una joint
venture con Tuff Engineering Private Ltd.
para la fabricación y distribución de llaves y
máquinas duplicadoras de llaves en India, así
como la adquisición de la empresa familiar
H.J. Cillekens & Zn. B.V., uno de los principales intermediarios de Holanda. De esta forma
Silca amplia su presencia global a la vez que
se instala en India.
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Security Update no. 35–1/2007
further opportunities to boost our busi-
ing arm of the Indian Minda Group, an
Tuff specializes in the production of key
within the context of their succession
Key moment for Silca: the Kaba affiliate
gains a foothold in India through a
joint venture. Pictured: the Tuff
Engineering production site in Noida
near New Delhi.
Hanover Airport launches into the future
Kaba one-way corridors have been operating successfully in several European airports for some years now.
Hanover Airport has opted for a specially modified Kaba solution with additional security features.
Thanks to its central location in
the baggage reclaim. Eight more one-way
Europe, Hanover Airport, opened in 1952,
corridors, in a longer version, i.e. with
plays an increasingly important role
four successive door systems, guide
in national and international aviation.
passengers from the baggage reclaim
Around six million people a year pass
towards the exit.
through its three interconnected terminals.
In accordance with the Schengen
Kaba’s well-proven corridors were
equipped with additional security
features for the Hanover Airport project:
Agreement, passengers arriving at
video monitoring built into the ceiling
Hanover are directed into the “Schen-
detects passengers moving in the wrong
gen” or “Non-Schengen” zones of the
direction, while a 2D system automati-
terminal, depending on what country
cally triggers an alarm should a passen-
their flight departed from. It is important
ger try to throw an object across the
to keep these different passenger flows
corridor. These additional features make
separate. In order to ensure that this
the one-way corridors some of the most
happens, 20 one-way corridors from
secure that Kaba has ever installed in an
Kaba have recently been installed at
several gates. Orthos PIL-M02 one-way
corridors guide passenger flows towards
Kaba has installed a total of 28 one-way
corridors at Hanover Airport. Heralding
the arrival of unprecedented security
and separated “Schengen”-based passenger flows.
El aeropuerto de Hannover despega hacia el
futuro | En distintos aeropuertos europeos
están en funcionamiento los pasillos antiretorno de Kaba con gran éxito. El aeropuerto
de Hannover ha instalado recientemente
20 pasillos en una versión especial con funciones de seguridad adicionales. Un equipo de
videovigilancia instalado en el techo detecta
a las personas que se mueven en dirección
no autorizada, mientras que un sistema de 2D
activa una alarma en caso de que alguien
arroje un objeto a través del pasillo. Estos sistemas adicionales de seguridad hacen de
los pasillos de Hannover los de más alto nivel
de seguridad entre los instalados hasta la
fecha en aeropuertos.
Security Update no. 35–1/2007
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“Intelligent City” wisely equipped
UE Square in Singapore is also called “The Intelligent City”. Having been in place for ten years and thus
displaying upgrade limitations, its access control system was not up to meeting today’s increasing security
requirements. Kaba exos 9300 came out on top as the alternative.
UE Square is a mixed development in
The “Intelligent City” relies on Kaba:
the newly implemented access
control system is compatible with the
existing 263 HID readers and the
3,000 cards in circulation.
Equipamiento bien planeado para una
“ciudad inteligente” | El UE Square, también
conocido como “ciudad inteligente” es un
innovador complejo residencial de Singapur.
Para el equipamiento del sistema de control de acceso de la urbanización, ya en funcionamiento desde hace diez años, UE Square
ha elegido una solución Kaba: el sistema
Exos 9300 se adapta a los 263 lectores HID
ya instalados y a las 3.000 tarjetas en circulación. El nuevo sistema, en funcionamiento
desde el mes de marzo, ofrece a la empresa
explotadora una solución atractiva, no sólo
en lo referente a costes de mantenimiento,
sino también en cuanto a la eficacia y el confort de uso.
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Security Update no. 35–1/2007
been a customer of Kaba Singapore for
Singapore, comprising an 18-story office
more than ten years with a mechanical
block, a 15-story block of service apart-
system and thus felt that Kaba under-
ments, a 19-story residential building and
stood its interests and concerns.
a 3-story basement car park. Completed
The Exos 9300 system builds on the
in 1997, the complex is also dubbed “The
complex’s existing 263 HID readers and
Intelligent City”. Because of upgrade limi-
the 3,000 cards which were already in
tations, the ten-year-old access control
use. The ten elevators are equipped
system used in the complex was no lon-
with functions such as access point man-
ger up to meeting today’s increasing
agement as well as visitor and tenant
security requirements.
management and have comprehensive
UE Square outlined a number of criteria in selecting a new system. Factors
upgrade options.
The upgrade of the entire access
which were of crucial importance includ-
control system was completed in March
ed the reliability of the vendor and the
2007 and provides the customer with an
sophistication of his advanced equipment
extremely attractive solution in terms
and software. The upgrade and expansion
both of operating costs and of reliability
capability of the system were also key
and convenience.
factors in the decision.
Kaba exos 9300 fulfilled all criteria –
no surprise, then, that UE Square opted
for this solution. Also, UE Square has
Only the best for guests
The Sheraton Centre is located in the heart of Toronto’s world-class shopping, dining and theater district.
As a 1,377-room property, it spares no expense to provide the best for its clientele – including a top-notch
security system.
In the Sheraton Centre Toronto,
doors which are ajar. If a room is not
a stringent security blueprint is applied
occupied, the thermostat can be lowered
to the entire facility. Saflok locks with
and then raised again centrally when
infrared modules effectively control all
a new guest is on the way to the room. If
access to the property. Technology and
it is a repeat customer, the system has
innovation were the driving forces behind
the ability to recall the guest’s room pref-
this installation: the Saflok MT lock is
erence settings and adjust the settings
the best in its class and ensures sophisti-
cated, multi-tiered access control with
As well as improving levels of securi-
complete audit and interrogation capa-
ty and energy management, the new se-
curity installation also makes a significant
The locks for the hotel complex
Para los clientes, lo mejor | El Sheraton
Centre es un complejo hotelero de 1.377 habitacionesen situado en el centro de Toronto.
Las cerraduras Saflok MT aseguran un control de las diferentes entradas al edificio.
El sistema inalámbrico de control de acceso
Messenger genera una serie de funciones
complementarias: gracias a la comunicación
bidireccional por control remoto entre cada
cerradura y el servidor central se puede
por ejemplo encender el termostato de la
habitación desde la recepción, antes de que
el cliente llegue a su cuarto.
contribution to customer experience in
were also selected with energy manage-
the hotel.
ment goals in mind. When a guest enters
the room, the lock’s transceiver engages
the thermostat’s transceiver to ensure
automatically that the temperature and
ventilation are just right.
The hotel has also installed the Messenger wireless access control system,
which allows remote, bi-directional
communication between each individual
lock and a central server. This makes a
range of additional system functions
possible: rooms can be reassigned directly at reception, and there is automatic
notification of locks with low batteries or
The best for guests: when repeat
guests arrive at their hotel room at
the Sheraton Centre Toronto, the
temperature and ventilation have
already been adjusted automatically, matching preferences on file
from previous visits.
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| 13
A trendsetter – and not just in fashion
Success in the fashion industry requires a high level of flexibility in operations. This also applies to staff
working hours. The fashion label Diesel relies on a time recording system from Kaba.
System à la mode: around 240 staff
in eleven Diesel stores in Germany
enter their flexi hours at Kaba terminals, using a contactless chip.
The international designer clothing
As well as the Düsseldorf location,
company Diesel makes a wide-ranging
eleven more Diesel stores in Germany are
collection of jeans, other clothes and
now connected to the system via a dedi-
accessories. The Diesel brand bears the
cated VPN line: around 240 employees
stamp of Renzo Rosso, the fashion vision-
enter their flexi hours at Kaba terminals
ary who founded the company in 1978.
by means of a contactless chip. The
Today, Diesel is one of the world’s leading
entries are saved on a central server, and
trendsetters in new styles, materials and
store managers can make corrections
production methods.
or additions at any time at the touch of a
Diesel introduced a new time record-
button. Andreas Mosler from Diesel’s IT
ing system for staff at its Düsseldorf
department says: “With this system we
location several years ago with a view to
have been able to introduce a reliable and
simplifying its operating processes. The
lasting time recording solution in a very
system, produced by Kaba and its partner
short space of time. We are very happy
UCI Software, manages information such
with how easy the application is to use,
as entry and exit, flexi-time, part time,
with the Kaba terminals and with the col-
shifts, vacations, breaks, cost centers and
laboration with UCI.”
staff pay categories. All entries are evalu-
ated by the software and are available at
all times for the purposes of information
and further processing.
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Marcando tendencias no sólo en la moda |
Para triunfar en el mundo de la moda hay que
ser muy flexible a nivel operativo. Con el fin
de simplificar sus procesos empresariales,
Diesel introdujo hace ya unos años un nuevo
sistema de gestión de personal en su sede de
Düsseldorf. El sistema de Kaba y la empresa
asociada UCI Software GmbH gestiona los
tiempos de ausencia, así como la adjudicación
de costes y las nóminas de todos los empleados. Ahora ya hay once tiendas de Diesel en
toda Alemania conectadas al sistema, que
almacena todos los registros en un servidor.
Pharmaceutical production in a high-tech cube
At the center of the Littoral industrial park on the Swiss shores of Lake Geneva stands a large blue shimmering glass cube. What is concealed behind the reflections of the sky and the lake? Automatic sliding doors
from Kaba – also made of glass, of course – open up the world of Ferring.
in the UK and the USA. It has production
that even the production areas in the
last 20 years Ferring Pharmaceuticals has
Founded in 1950 in Malmö, over the
sites in Germany, Denmark and the
innermost part of the building enjoy
blossomed into a global, specialized bio-
Czech Republic, and now also employs
natural daylight. Automatic sliding doors
pharmaceuticals company with a total of
250 people on the shores of Lake Geneva
from Kaba provide the opening into this
40 offices in the world’s key markets.
in Switzerland.
transparent world: a company for the
The company develops, manufactures and
Ferring has had its head office in
future and for health – “on the Body’s
sells innovative products in the areas of
French-speaking Switzerland for six
own Terms”.
gynecology, urology, gastroenterology,
years, and is now the proud owner of a
endocrinology and obstetrics. Ferring’s
23,000 m2 glass complex in Saint-Prex.
products are now used in more than
This architectural masterpiece is the
70 countries in selected areas of treat-
creation of the Dolci Architecte/Tekhne
Management consortium based in
This research-based company em-
Yverdon-les-Bains and Lausanne. The
ploys more than 2,500 staff worldwide.
15-meter-high facade and all internal
Its proud research tradition has its origin
walls are made of glass, which means
Industria farmacéutica en un cubo de cristal | Ferring International Center SA es una empresa
altamente especializada en productos biofarmacéuticos, presente en los principales mercados mundiales a través de sus 40 sucursales. El consorcio, fuertemente orientado a la investigación, cuenta con más de 2.500 empleados. Recientemente Ferring se instaló junto al lago de
Ginebra. El edificio es un cubo de cristal de 23.000 m2. La fachada de 15 metros de altura,
así como todas las paredes interiores son de cristal, permitiendo que la luz natural entre incluso
a las áreas de fabricación situadas en el centro del edificio. Este mundo transparente abre
sus puertas a los empleados y visitantes – son puertas correderas Kaba.
The high-tech glass complex built
on the shores of Lake Geneva
for Ferring International Center SA
is pure transparency – helped by
Kaba’s automatic sliding glass doors.
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| 15
All systems running smoothly
Flottweg is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of decanter centrifuges. With the help of Kaba
and its partner tisoware, the company has been working to optimize its production processes.
Flottweg was founded in 1932 and
upon them. This was also true of staff
began to develop and manufacture de-
deployment planning. Flottweg therefore
canters in the mid-1950s. Over the years,
decided to put in place sagebäurer’s
the company has acquired considerable
b2 ERP system with integrated time
technical expertise in different separation
recording, production data collection and
applications and now leads the market
access security components from tiso-
in separation technology. Flottweg prod-
ware, in combination with Kaba terminals.
ucts are established worldwide: in mining
The new data collection system enables
and machining, the chemical and phar-
maximum productivity to be achieved
maceutical industries and in the food sec-
through flexible working hours. It also
tor, Flottweg is a much respected brand.
allows ongoing optimization of manufac-
Another of the company’s specialty areas
turing processes: deviations from target
of business is the treatment of waste
values are swiftly detected, and recal-
water or oil sludge. Flottweg’s clientele
culations can be performed at any time.
includes major groups like BASF and
The tisoware production control station
Nestlé, as well as municipal authorities as
provides a readily available visual over-
in Hamburg, Sydney, Barcelona and Turin.
It was becoming increasingly clear
that the systems for production planning
and management were no longer able
to meet the strict requirements placed
view of all production process data.
Producción con sistema | Flottweg es una de
las empresas líderes a nivel mundial en la fabricación de centrifugadoras de decantación.
Con el apoyo de Kaba y de la empresa colaboradora tisoware, Flottweg ha optimizado la
planificación de sus capacidad productiva.
El recién implementado sistema BDE permite,
gracias a los horarios flexibles de trabajo,
conseguir una productividad máxima y a la
vez optimizar los procesos de fabricación.
Toda variación de los valores prefijados se
puede detectar rápidamente, siendo posible
en todo momento corregir el cálculo inicial.
Increasing productivity and optimizing
manufacturing processes: the new
data collection system used in production keeps things running smoothly.
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Security Update no. 35–1/2007
Secure flourishing in a gardening nation
With more than 2,500 garden centers nationwide, Britain more than deserves its reputation as a gardening
nation. Since 1991, the UK garden products market has doubled to an estimated 5 billion pounds. The business is flourishing – and Kaba with it.
The doors at the garden centers
open automatically – green thumbs
are reserved for the plants.
Klondyke is one of the UK’s largest
Telescopic doors have been installed to
independent chains of garden centers
the entrances of the restaurant, main
and remains family-owned. At 18 sites
plant areas and feature buildings. All
throughout the country, customers can
automatic doors are suitable for disabled
buy anything from seeds to garden
furniture – something for every eager
Kaba was awarded the contract after
gardener. The garden centers also
having completed a series of successful
provide a pleasant environment in which
installations for Klondyke in the past.
to celebrate seasonal events or have a
Project Manager Chris Mackie says: “We
relaxing meal. This mirrors a current
instructed our contractor to specify
trend: Klondyke is becoming more of a
Kaba Door Systems for the project as we
“destination center” where consumers
have been happy with their performance
can spend a family day out.
in the past. Installation of the doors
Klondyke recently opened a new
Crecimiento seguro en el país de los jardines |
Klondyke es una de las mayores cadenas independientes de centros de jardinería en Gran
Bretaña. Gracias al éxito de la cooperación
con Klondyke en años pasados, a Kaba se le
adjudicó el equipamiento de la nueva sucursal
en Houghton Hall: puertas correderas automáticas y puertas telescópicas abren el paso
a los visitantes a un mundo multicolor de jardinería.
was done efficiently and caused no dis-
facility, Houghton Hall near Carlisle. Kaba
ruption to other construction works.
installed a total of eight straight sliding
The doors have been operating well and
automatic door systems across the
we would specify Kaba Door Systems
7,000 m2 site, including four sets of bi-
parting doors to the main entrance.
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| 17
Well-adapted security for distribution clients
At its conveniently located site in Neuendorf, Switzerland, Transag Swiss AG operates a modern distribution
center extending over 40,000 m2. Using a Kaba Total Access solution, access can be granted online and in
real time; all movements can easily be traced.
A well-adapted infrastructure, close
He relies on the Kaba exos 9300 online
proximity to the freeway network and a
access system for the central issuing and
direct rail link are the advantages of the
management of access rights for all
new distribution center at the Härkingen
gates, doors and elevators at the distri-
freeway junction in Switzerland.
bution center. Hansmartin Graf also
Around 300 staff working for three
tenant companies come in and out of the
administers the access system for the
different companies. One thing he does
Transag Swiss AG distribution center
not need to worry about, however, is the
every day. The warehousing areas of the
system evaluations: “The tenants each
tenants need to be clearly separated, as
have individual reading rights for the
they each have differing security require-
system evaluations from Kaba exos 9300.
ments. Whilst the pharmaceuticals whole-
So they can see for themselves at any
saler, for instance, has to adhere to spe-
time what access rights were recorded at
cial provisions applying to the storage of
what point in time.” The open system
medicines, with the transport company it
structure also means that the companies
is the duty-free depot which has particu-
at the center can use their staff badges
lar security needs.
originally issued for their head office lo-
“When it comes to security, Kaba is
the best in the world,” says Hansmartin
Graf, who works for the center’s operator.
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Distributing security: Kaba exos 9300
covers the differing security needs
of three separate companies and controls access authorization for over
300 staff.
Seguridad a la medida para clientes de logística | La empresa Transag Swiss AG, con sede
en Neuendorf (Suiza), gestiona desde este
lugar estratégicamente situado un centro de
logística de 40.000 m2 . La empresa ha instalado una solución Kaba exos 9300 para
administrar y adjudicar las autorizaciones de
acceso. “En materia de seguridad, Kaba es
campeón mundial” – declara Hansmartin Graf,
de la empresa explotadora. La adjudicación
de autorizaciones se realiza ahora online y en
tiempo real, pudiendo comprobarse en todo
momento los movimientos registrados.
Secure landmark on the banks of the Danube
Situated right on the banks of the Danube, the Hungarian parliament building with its neo-Gothic
architecture is a wonderful sight. Security at the busiest entrances to the city’s famous landmark is
provided by stylish sensor barriers and turnstiles.
With its plethora of towers and gables, the 96-meter-high neo-Gothic edifice
is together with St Stephen’s Basilica
Budapest’s tallest building. It was constructed between 1885 and 1904 and designed
by the Hungarian architect Imre Steindl;
his inspiration was Westminster Palace,
the seat of the British parliament in
London. Steindl’s intention in designing
this extraordinary building was to under-
Sovereign style: for Hungary’s parliament building, opened over a hundred
years ago, Kaba produced special
Charon sensor barriers and Kerberos
turnstiles in brass.
line Hungary’s claim to national sovereignty and to reflect the greatness of the
The colossal edifice has 10 courtyards, 27 entrances, 29 stairwells and
691 rooms – among them more than 200
for official events and receptions. It
also houses the offices and rooms of the
President of the Republic, the Prime
Minister and the National Assembly.
Whether heads of state, guests of
the parliament or tourists – all enter and
leave the building through Kaba installations. These provide security at the
eight exterior entrances and at the
entrance to the deputies’ offices. Charon
sensor barriers and Kerberos turnstiles
were specially produced in brass for
this commission. Thanks to their topquality design and considered choice of
materials – the guiding elements of
the barriers are partly made in wood –
these high-tech security installations are
integrated stylishly into the historic
parliament building.
Atracción segura a orillas del Danubio | El edificio del Parlamento húngaro en Budapest es
el símbolo de la ciudad del Danubio. Este edificio neogótico de 96 metros de altura fue construido entre 1885 y 1904, inspirado en el Palacio de Westminster, sede del Parlamento británico.
Las entradas al edificio se aseguraron con pasillos de control de acceso y torniquetes Kaba de
atractivo diseño. Gracias a la sofisticada selección de los materiales, estos equipos de alta
tecnología armonizan perfectamente con el edificio histórico.
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| 19
Brand new installation for Europe’s biggest
fire brigade training center
Since July 2006, the fire brigade training center in Tulln, Austria, is equipped with an ultra-modern
security system: Kaba’s exos access system, combined with CardLink, allows easy, centralized
management and a high level of administrative flexibility.
Lower Austria’s provincial fire bri-
dispersed around the campus provide
gade training center is the biggest and
wireless security and are linked directly
most modern center of its kind in Europe.
into the whole system.
Construction of a new 80,000 m2 com-
Easy, centralized management of
plex began in Spring 2004. The highest
the entire security system, a high level of
requirements had to be met – and that
administrative flexibility and optimal
also applied to the new security system:
ways of extending the system: these are
what was needed was flexible access
the biggest advantages of the installa-
authorization, maximum cost/benefit effi-
tion. A single key with integrated Legic
ciency in procurement and low operating
chip serves the user at all access points
and maintenance costs. Furthermore, a
– including the accommodations area.
single, unified system was required for
In total, the security system includes
the accommodation, the training section
50 online access points, 85 digital cylin-
and the operations center.
ders, 25 call stations and over 700
The solution selected – Kaba’s exos
lock cylinders. With construction com-
combined with CardLink – records the
pleted in July 2006, Lower Austria’s
data for around 14,000 course partici-
provincial fire brigade training center
pants a year in a central system and man-
combines modern training methods with
ages their access to the accommodation
state-of-the-art security technology.
and the training section. With CardLink,
the access points to the training buildings
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Security Update no. 35–1/2007
Nuevo equipo para la escuela de bomberos
más grande de Europa | El centro de formación de bomberos de Tulln en Austria, con un
área de 80.000 m2, es el más grande de este
tipo en Europa. Recientemente se instaló en
el complejo de edificios un sistema de control
de acceso Kaba exos de última generación,
combinado con CardLink. El sistema gestiona
anualmente los datos de unos 14.000 asistentes a los cursos y de su acceso al recinto.
CardLink permite asegurar de forma inalámbrica los puntos de entrada a los diferentes
lugares de entrenamiento distribuidos por
todo el terreno e incluir los datos en el sistema central.
Top quality: a single key with
integrated Legic chip provides access
to the training areas and to the
accommodation at Europe’s biggest
fire brigade training center.
More comfort and security for people
in need of care
A modern care center in Den Bosch, the Netherlands, has installed a Kaba elolegic electronic
locking system to provide more comfort and security to its residents while maintaining the efficiency
of care provision.
Careful technology for all involved:
Kaba elolegic ensures organizational
efficiency combined with individual
The SSW Housing Association aims
The Kaba elolegic locking system
Kaba’s unique ability to combine
to enable occupants to stay at home
with 100 compact cylinders and central
mechanical and electronic cylinders, elec-
self-sufficiently for as long as possible.
access management software was chosen
tronic door components and card readers
SSW’s service partner, the De Nieuwebrug
to fulfil this need. The system, which
with one identification medium was cru-
Foundation, provides highly efficient
includes trace-back functionality, enables
cial in winning the contract. The project
“intra mural” care within the building as
the security staff to manage the access
was realized in conjunction with Kaba’s
well as “extra mural” care in the neigh-
rights of care workers electronically.
partner, Donders Security, which was
borhood. Cooperation between the two
A single key provides access for the rele-
the consultant for the solution and for
organizations therefore makes sense.
vant care worker to all the necessary
technical installation and commissioning.
areas for the required duration. This way,
There are plans to integrate the Kaba
People living in De Nieuwenhage can
take out a “care contract”. This makes
the service center responsible for key
elolegic solution into five further projects
necessary an intelligent security system
management has the perfect tool for
in the future.
that provides efficient access to care
handling ever-changing access require-
workers, e.g. in case of an emergency.
ments with a minimum of effort.
Más confort y seguridad para personas necesitadas de cuidados | El centro de atención
Nieuwenhage situado en Den Bosch, Holanda, ha instalado recientemente un sistema de cierre
electrónico de Kaba elolegic. El sistema ofrece a los residentes del centro más confort y
seguridad. Dispone de una gestión centralizada y de una función de seguimiento. La nueva solución permite al personal del centro el acceso a todas las zonas relevantes del centro durante
un período de tiempo definido – todo ello utilizando una sola llave.
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| 21
A masterpiece unveiled
The Suzhou Museum is a masterly combination of modern and traditional architecture. At the beginning of
last October, the Chinese American architect Ieoh Ming Pei opened his legacy to his birth place in a grand
ceremony. Sliding doors from Kaba integrate harmoniously into the whole.
Masterly in their own ways: the automatic sliding doors in the Suzhou
Museum cope admirably with any
number of visitors.
Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the world’s
ing steel, concrete and glass reflect
most respected architects and achieved
Pei’s modern style. But the building also
international fame with key works such
blends harmoniously with its environ-
as the glass pyramid at the Louvre
ment: sloping roofs, composed of geo-
in Paris and the Hong Kong Bank of China
metrical figures, appeal to Suzhou’s
Tower in Hong Kong. In 2002, the now
traditional architecture.
90-year-old architect took on the chal-
Since its opening at the beginning
lenge of designing a new museum
of October 2006, the museum has at-
for his birth place Suzhou. A fitting new
tracted more than 300,000 visitors from
building was to be created in the essence
all over the world. In order to ensure
of two important historical monuments of
optimal control of visitor flows, the team
the city – the 19th-century residence of
of architects opted to install automatic
Prince Zhong and “The Humble Adminis-
sliding doors from Kaba – these perfectly
trator’s Garden” from the 16th century,
blend in with the building’s hybrid design
which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
and integrate harmoniously into the
Pei has created a legacy for his home
town which combines modern building
techniques and the traditional architecture of Suzhou in masterly fashion.
The first-time visitor is surprised by the
abrupt change between high and low
spaces, appearing scattered yet perfectly
arranged. Light external construction us22 |
Security Update no. 35–1/2007
overall creation.
Obra de arte al descubierto | El arquitecto
norteamericano de origen chino Ieoh Ming
Pei – conocido por el diseño de la pirámide de
cristal en el Museo del Louvre o la torre del
Hong Kong Bank of China en Hong Kong –
ha creado con el Museo Suzhou una obra que
combina magistralmente la construcción
moderna con la arquitectura tradicional. A
principios de octubre de 2006 el arquitecto,
que tiene 90 años, inauguró esta obra en
su ciudad natal en el marco de una solemne
ceremonia. Las puertas correderas automáticas de Kaba regulan el flujo de peatones,
adaptándose con armonía al estilo de la obra.
High-performance security for the army
When choosing an access control system for the Fort Lewis army base in the USA, flexibility and ease of
handling and management were the key decision factors. Kaba’s E-Plex 5000 was the ideal solution.
The Fort Lewis army base near
Kaba’s E-Plex 5000 was chosen as
Seattle, Washington, is an extremely busy
the security solution for the barracks
place. It is one of the last stopovers for
at Fort Lewis. It is an ideal choice because
American troops prior to deployment
this PIN-based system gives the soldiers
overseas, and often their point of entry
access rights that can be easily reas-
on return. “A lot of young men and
signed when they leave the base. The
women rotate in and out of this facility,”
locks are easy to install with no wiring
says John Overton, who is in charge of
and provide full audit capability. This
access control for the base. “It’s impor-
additional security element means that
tant to keep things running smoothly.”
the administrator can find out at any
One of the key issues facing the base
time what access code was used and
is the efficient management of person-
when. However, the decisive advantage
nel turnover in the barracks. Whenever a
of the system is ease of management.
unit ships out, it has to be ensured that
Most of the management tasks can be
the living quarters are ready and secure
assigned directly to the units, relieving
for the next group. For this, the base
the burden on the maintenance staff and
needs a flexible and easy-to-manage
giving the units more control over their
access control system. And because the
locks are subject to considerable wear
and tear, they also have to be exceptionally robust.
Seguridad fiable para el ejército | La base
militar estadouinidense Fort Lewis, situada en
el estado federal de Washington, es una
estación de paso para miles de soldados cada
año. Los factores esenciales a la hora de
elegir las soluciones de seguridad, fueron la
flexibilidad y la sencillez de manejo y
gestión del sistema de control de acceso.
Además las cerraduras tenían que ser especialmente robustas y resistentes. Con
E-Plex 5000 se encontró la solución ideal.
Safe haven: the access control system at Fort Lewis is flexible and can
be installed without wiring.
Security Update no. 35–1/2007
| 23
Full speed ahead with platform screen doors
More attractive, more convenient, more secure, more profitable – the great metropolises have to adjust
continually to meet the increasing requirements placed on public transportation. For underground
rail systems, the solution is called “platform screen doors” (PSD). Europe’s first PSD system was installed
in Lille, France, in 1984. Today, PSDs are increasingly the international standard – and in the People’s
Republic of China they are even prescribed by government decree.
In 2006, Kaba Gilgen installed a pilot
PSD system in half-height design at
a platform with ongoing operations.
Pictured: the pilot installation at the
“Invalides” metro station in Paris.
The name of the underground rail
sures and delays. But the separation of
operator in Hong Kong, “Mass Transit
platform from track also allows higher
Railway Corporation”, says it all: millions
arrival and departure speeds and short-
of passengers have to be conveyed on a
ens passenger boarding and alighting
daily basis. In their elegance, the city’s
times; and this in turn enables a signifi-
underground stations are now more redo-
cant increase in service frequency.
lent of the departure areas of modern
Another feature of the stations, which is
airports. The trains come in almost silent-
particularly appreciated by passengers,
ly, the platform screen doors open to
is the even temperatures of their air
let passengers board and alight, a short
conditioning. According to calculations
signal sounds, the doors close again,
and empirical data, a full-height PSD sys-
at the same time as the doors on the
tem in air-conditioned stations pays for
train, and the train moves swiftly off. No
itself in eight to ten years merely through
pressure, no dust, no smell – the passen-
the savings in energy costs.
ger feels safe and comfortable.
Rigorous testing
Surprising energy efficiency gains
despite increased frequencies
The main concern of the operator of
Utmost importance is attached to
operational safety. Redundant and failsafe switching circuits are used to moni-
the rail system is to prevent tragic acci-
tor every unit and ensure that a train
dents as well as the resultant line clo-
cannot enter or leave a station unless all
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Security Update no. 35– 1/2007
A toda velocidad con las Platform Screen
Doors | Más atractivo, cómodo, seguro y económico – los requisitos que debe cumplir el
transporte público en las grandes ciudades
son cada vez más altos. La solución para el
transporte subterráneo son las “Platform
Screen Doors” (PSD), en castellano “puertas
de andenes.” Ya en 1984 se instaló en Lille
el primer equipo PDS de Europa. Hoy en día
los equipos PSD son ya parte del estándar
internacional. Kaba Gilgen, con más de
15 años de experiencia en este terreno, está
considerada a nivel mundial como empresa
experta en sistemas PSD. Actualmente están
en construcción proyectos en Kaohsiung,
Shanghai y Taipei, además Kaba Gilgén equipará la línea de transporte para el recinto
olímpico de Beijing, que estará lista en el
año 2008.
doors are closed and locked. The safety
Paris Métro or the London Underground –
system also, of course, detects any failure
the trend is towards platform screen
ence, Kaba Gilgen is regarded worldwide
of a door wing to open or close, and the
doors of 1.5 to 1.7 meters in height. These
as an expert in PSD systems. Projects
control units permit individual operation
half-height platform screen doors have
are currently under way in Kaohsiung,
by the staff. Hans Krähenbühl and Robert
only marginal impact on the historic
Shanghai and Taipei; and in Beijing,
Hug from Kaba Gilgen stress that “our
architecture; further, they allow for
Kaba Gilgen is working to complete the
systems are rigorously tested at proto-
indirect lighting of the stations and for
Olympic Sub Branch Line by the time
type stage and in production, and then
screens to be put up providing infor-
the Games are held in 2008.
again during installation and at the ac-
mation or advertising space.
With more than 15 years of experi-
ceptance stage. With a million opening
and closing movements, there will be at
most one failure – an impressive result for
such complex systems.”
Pioneering achievement - at night
In existing underground stations,
platform screen doors are only installed
at night, when there are no trains run-
Design flexibility
ning. For the world’s first and biggest PSD
At new underground stations, the
retrofit project in Hong Kong, involving
platform screen doors are integrated into
PSDs extending over 13.5 km in 30 sta-
the overall design, since planners have
tions, a team of 90 worked between
a wide range of colors and materials to
2 a.m. and 5 a.m. for a period of almost
choose from. When upgrading old sta-
five years. What at the time was regar-
tions in Europe, which sometimes have
ded as a pioneering achievement, is now
protected historic status – such as the
standard at Kaba Gilgen.
Metro stations in Shanghai (pictured
on the left) and Hong Kong (below
above) are equipped with PSD systems
from Kaba Gilgen. The Olympic Sub
Branch Line in Beijing (pictured below)
will be completed in time for the Games
in 2008.
Security Update no. 35– 1/2007
| 25
Heavy doors easily moved
Kaba elolegic: digital versatility
The opening and closing of large heavy doors will be a lot easier in future: the F4 swing door drive unit provides motorized
opening of both external and internal doors. The door can be
closed either through spring tension or, if required, by the drive
unit. Automatic passage through the door is enabled by a movement detector or a sensor. Various additional functions are also
available: for example, depending on the installation environment,
light barriers or light sensors can be included as security features.
The drive unit approved by the Technical Control Board provides convenient, automatic door operation and is also suitable
for subsequent installation for existing doors.
Kaba is expanding its range of digital lock cylinders: the Kaba
elolegic digital cylinder will be available in dual cylinder and half
Cómo mover fácilmente puertas pesadas | La unidad motriz F4 mueve
fácilmente puertas de grandes dimensiones de forma motorizada o
mediante fuerza elástica. La unidad motriz permite cruzar la puerta sin
tocarla y puede equiparse con funciones adicionales. También se puede
instalar la unidad en puertas ya existentes.
cylinder designs. The dual cylinder version is readable on both
sides and is ideal for special applications in hospitals, banks and
public buildings. The half cylinder has been developed for interior
applications and has many potential uses in furniture, office, server
cupboards and facility management.
The new designs incorporate the usual high-performance
functions of the Kaba elolegic digital cylinder. A virtually unlimited
number of access media may be programmed onto the new cylinder; extensive time and recording functions simplify its management and operation. The battery-operated cylinders are compatible
with all Kaba elolegic components and can be connected wirelessly
to the Kaba exos online world with the CardLink function.
Kaba elolegic: digital y genial | Kaba lanzará un nuevo producto en
dos versiones: el cilindro digital Kaba elolegic en la versión dual – creado
para aplicaciones en hospitales, bancos y edificios públicos – y en
la versión semicilindro, adecuado para cerrar muebles, armarios de
ordenadores y para aplicaciones en gestión de edificios. Gracias a
la función CardLink se pueden además integrar los cilindros de pilas
en el campo online de Kaba exos.
26 |
Security Update no. 35–1/2007
Flexible thanks to mobile time recording
Double security made simple
Companies with staff working outside the office need maximum flexibility, reliability and transparency if they are to deal
efficiently with mobile business processes. With “B-Net mobile
HR”, Kaba has developed a solution for mobile attendance and
time recording which fulfills precisely these requirements. Time
recording using a cell phone, BlackBerry or PDA means that the
beginning and end of the employee’s work periods can be booked
in directly from where they are. The solution is compatible with all
time recording systems supported by Kaba terminals and can be
integrated easily into new or existing systems.
Más flexibilidad gracias a la gestión móvil de horarios | Con la “B-Net
mobile HR”, Kaba lanza al mercado una nueva solución para la gestión móvil de horarios. Este sistema permite a los empleados del servicio exterior de una empresa registrar los horarios de inicio y final
de su actividad a través de un teléfono móvil, BlackBerry o PDA desde
el lugar donde se encuentren, garantizando así la máxima flexibilidad
y transparencia.
The new E-Plex Entry/Exit Mortise Lock provides double security: it secures both the entry and exit of any access point. Each
side of this robust lock is programmed separately, thus different
codes can be used for entry and exit. In total, each side accommodates up to 300 access codes and also stores the last 9,000 audit
With its double security and a heavy-duty, durable design, the
E-Plex mortise lock is the perfect choice for facilities such as airport jetways, law enforcement holding rooms and hospital psychiatric wards.
Sencillamente el doble de seguro | La nueva cerradura E-Plex provee
doble seguridad al asegurar una puerta tanto desde la parte de entrada
como de salida. Las dos partes de esta robusta cerradura se pueden
programar independientemente. Esta seguridad adicional, combinada
con un formato muy duradero, hacen de la nueva E-Plex una solución
ideal por ejemplo para rampas de acceso a aviones o para instituciones
psiquiátricas de régimen cerrado.
Security Update no. 35–1/2007
| 27
The intelligent locker lock
A lean solution where things get tight
The latest generation of automatic sliding doors provides the
ideal solution for ease of passage in any situation. The sensor
technology controls door-opening operations and ensures personal safety; also, the Bedix control unit is extremely easy to handle. This solution has recently become available for low heights:
the newly developed 100 mm supporting profile is particularly
suited to symmetric or asymmetric installations at lintel or ceiling
level. Its attractive design also makes the new product ideal for internal automatic doors in office buildings.
Another addition to the Kaba elolegic family: the Kaba elolegic locker lock has been designed to fit all common types of cupboards like wardrobes, lockers or cabinets. This way, security and
convenience are combined, and a variety of applications in universities, hospitals, nursing homes, offices or in the transportation
business are suitable.
The battery-operated lock is easy to install and can be managed either locally or from a centralized PC. To operate it, the button is pressed by means of an authorized access medium such as a
key, tag or badge, thereby engaging and releasing the stainless
steel bolt. In the “free locker” mode, temporary and personalized
access rights are activated. The Kaba elolegic locker lock is compatible with the Kaba online world through the CardLink function.
La cerradura inteligente para armarios | Kaba lanzará una nueva
cerradura para armarios. Fue creada para la instalación en roperos,
casillas o consignas, es de fácil instalación y permite una gestión
centralizada. Mediante el modo “selección libre de armario” se puede
programar una autorización temporal personalizada. La cerradura se
puede combinar con los productos Kaba elolegic.
Una solución para espacios reducidos | Gracias al nuevo perfil de
soporte de 100 mm, las puertas correderas automáticas Kaba X-Generation se pueden instalar también en recintos de reducida altura.
Este producto novedad de atractivo diseño es especialmente apropiado
para puertas interiores confortables en zonas de oficina.
28 |
Security Update no. 35–1/2007
How secure is your hardware?
Nowadays, a lot of money is invested in the security of information systems, mainly in the software. But
the hardware also needs protecting – indeed, such protection is obligatory, since European data protection
standards prescribe the physical protection of IT and communication systems. Kaba can provide support
for such security measures and integrate access to the hardware into the overall access control system.
IT security is a major responsibility
“It is a matter of urgency that the
for companies. The loss of data or the
various hardware components be includ-
failure of networks entail huge risks and
ed in comprehensive access systems,” ex-
can result in costs which may jeopardize
plains Joachim Schmidt, Head of Product
a company’s very existence: the content
Communication at Kaba GmbH. This ap-
of an IT cabinet is often worth several
plies in particular to IT cabinets and their
An end to expensive compromises: the
B-Net 91 06 reliably identifies users
of IT cabinets and protects data worth
million euros, as it is in many cases
highly valuable content. They are often
impossible to recover lost data. None-
located in an unsecured area of the com-
theless, risky compromises are still made
pany’s premises and are thus relatively
oped which provides significantly greater
in IT security, and this despite the fact
easy for all staff to access. In the past,
security and thus helps companies meet
that European data protection standards
server cabinets have also usually had
data protection requirements. With the
stipulate that concrete measures be
conventional locks, which meant that
new B-Net 91 06, it is now possible to
undertaken to ensure that IT networks
abuse was not rare: according to the sta-
integrate IT cabinets into access control
are secure from manipulation, and
tistics, around 90% of all IT manipulation
and cabinet management systems – the
prescribe by law the physical protection
is the work of company employees.
users of the cabinets are reliably identi-
of communication systems. Most com-
Kaba has now responded to this situ-
fied through Legic RFID. It goes without
panies concern themselves mainly with
ation with an innovative idea: in collabo-
saying that the B-Net 91 06-based solu-
their software, with less consideration
ration with the leading manufacturers of
tion is suitable not just for new installa-
given to protecting their hardware.
IT cabinets, a solution has been devel-
tions, but also for easy integration into all
the usual makes of existing IT cabinets.
¿Está su hardware en lugar seguro? | La seguridad informática es uno de los grandes desafíos
de las empresas hoy en día. La pérdida de datos o un fallo en las redes conllevan enormes
riesgos y pueden provocar costes que lleven a la empresa al borde de la ruina. Normalmente las
empresas invierte sólo en el software, descuidando la protección del hardware, a pesar de las
medidas que imponen las normativas europeas de protección de datos para evitar manipulaciones en las redes informáticas. Kaba ofrece con el recién lanzado B-Net 91 06 una solución
para integrar el acceso a los armarios de equipos informáticos en el sistema de control y así
protegerlos de un uso indebido.
Security Update
Update no.
| 29
Kaba at “Security China”
Interactive exhibition pavilion
“Métro Cube”
“Security China” is the largest and
most influential exhibition on public
In autumn 2006, “Platform Screen
safety and security in China. It is held
Doors” (PSD) – the modern platform
bi-yearly in Beijing and is comparable
safety solution – became an active experi-
only with the similar security exhibition in
ence for customers and visitors to Kaba
Gilgen in Schwarzenburg: in the “Métro
Whilst Kaba took part in the Shen-
Cube”, an exhibition pavilion, the lat-
zhen exhibition in 2005, last year saw the
est achievements in PSD technology can
Group’s first appearance in Beijing. “This
be lived almost for real. A multimedia
exhibition offers us a unique chance to
show simulates the sights and sounds
visualize the Kaba Total Access strategy
of a metro station and demonstrates
and thus further enhance our profile in
directly the advantages and extra con-
China,” says Andreas Brechbühl, Head of
venience which platform screen doors
Division Access + Data Systems Asia Pacific. This promotion channel also allows
Kaba to create awareness in a growing
market and with potential end-users in
A total of 747 companies took part in
the exhibition, which was held between
October 30 and November 2, 2006, presenting their products and services to
around 100,000 visitors. Kaba exhibited
an array of products and solutions covering automatic and security doors, elec-
bring to customers.
Kaba en la “Security China” | Del 30 de
octubre al 2 de noviembre de 2006 Kaba participó por primera vez en la feria “Security
China” en Beijing. Unas 747 empresas presentaron su oferta a los casi 100.000 visitantes
de la mayor feria china dedicada a la seguridad pública. Kaba mostró una amplia selección de productos y soluciones de la gama del
grupo. Por su carácter único en el mercado
local, las soluciones integradas de Exos 9300
combinadas con puertas de seguridad, así
como la conexión a productos mecatrónicos
despertaron especial interés.
As well as PSDs, the pavilion also
displays the benefits of automatic doors
and sensor barriers. Visitors thus gain
an interesting insight into the Kaba
Group’s varied range of “Station Solutions” products.
tronic access and data control, mechanical and electronic locks as well as lodging
solutions. The integrated systems involving Exos 9300 combined with security
doors as well as the link-up with mechatronic products are unique in the local
market and were greeted with lively
30 |
Security Update no. 35– 1/2007
Pabellón ferial interactivo “Métro Cube” |
El pabellón ferial “Métro Cube” permite
conocer de forma interactiva las novedades
en el campo de los equipos Platform Screen
Doors (PSD) mediante una presentación
multimedial. Además de los equipos PSD,
en el pabellón se exponen puertas automáticas y pasillos vigilados por sensores,
ofreciendo a los clientes y visitantes una
interesante selección de los productos del
grupo Kaba para el sector “Station Solutions”.
Kaba and SAP – integrated
With its SAP solution “B-COMM ERP
for mySAP ERP”, Kaba has been certified
for SAP’s open application and integration platform SAP NetWeaver. This platform enables easy integration of new
Trade shows
Ferias profesionales
Security Show 2007
6.3. – 9.3.2007
15.3. – 21.3.2007
applications – whether from SAP or other
providers. It makes adjustment of interfaces unnecessary or significantly easier.
ISC West (Industrial Security West)
28.3. – 30.3.2007
Las Vegas
Kaba’s SAP-certified solution allows
smooth exchange of data between the
individual SAP modules and the Kaba
subsystem for time + attendance and
production data collection and access
control. The new certification demonstrates once more that Kaba, as a
longstanding partner of SAP, remains
amongst the leaders in technology. Over
1,100 SAP clients worldwide are already
successful users of Kaba solutions.
Shanghai International
Hotel Facilities Fair
4.4. – 7.4.2007
Hannover Messe Industrie
16.4. – 20.4.2007
Personal Swiss
18.4. – 19.4.2007
Moscow Int’l Exhibition MIPS
24.4. – 27.4.2007
21.5. – 24.5.2007
HITEC (Hospitality, Financial and
Technology Professionals)
26.6. – 28.6.2007
Kaba y SAP – una solución impecable | Kaba
ha recibido de SAP la certificación para la
plataforma de aplicación e integración
SAP NetWeaver. La solución “B-COMM ERP
for mySAP ERP” permite un intercambio impecable de datos entre los diferentes módulos
de SAP y el subsistema de Kaba para gestión
horaria y de datos de empresa, así como para
control de acceso.
China International Building &
Decoration Fair
6.7. – 9.7.2007
10.7. – 12.7.2007
ALOA (Associated Locksmiths
of America)
22.7. – 29.7.2007
Zukunft Personal 2007
11.9. – 12.9.2007
Security Update is published in spring
and fall in English (12,000 copies) and
multilingual edition (18,000 copies).
18th year
Kaba Management + Consulting AG
8153 Rümlang, Switzerland
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini
Chief Communications Officer
Volker Bachmann
Simone Fischer
Anita Giger
Werner Kühnlein
Carole Leubler
David Massumi
Jürg Nyffenegger
Joachim Schmidt
Daniela Schöchlin
Reader Service
Corporate Communications
Phone +41 44 818 92 01
Fax +41 44 818 91 94
Design and Realisation
8404 Winterthur, Switzerland
© Klaus Andorfer (page 4–7)
© Eduard Hueber/ (page 7)
Reproduction is subject to permission from
the Chief Communications Officer.
Kaba®, Bedanet®, Bedas®, Com-ID®, Ilco®,
La Gard®, LEGIC®, Paxos®, SAFLOK®, Silca®,
Simplex® etc. are registered trademarks,
CardLinkTM, IntelliboltTM, PowersaverTM etc.
trademarks of the Kaba Group.
Due to country-specific constraints
or marketing considerations, some
of the Kaba Group products and systems
may not be available in every market.