The Delaware Orchid Society
The Delaware Orchid Society
ty ie c o S d i h c r O e Delawar Volume 10, Issue 4 April 2012 Volume 9, Issue 7 December 2011 General Meeting: Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Speaker: Roger Mustalish Topic: “Living on the Edge: Orchid Conservation in Amazonia” Dr. Roger Mustalish is President of the Amazon Center for Environmental EducaƟon and Research (ACEER). He has led more than 70 expediƟons and workshops in the Amazon rainforest of Peru. Dr. Mustalish earned an A.B. in biology from the University of Pennsylvania, a masters in zoology from Michigan State, and a master of public health and Ph.D. in environmental health from the University of Minnesota. He just received a $309,000 grant from the Blue Moon Fund to conduct a major ecosystem assessment in the cloud forest and rainforest of Peru. Dr. Mustalish recently concluded a 34 year career at West Chester University, where he taught courses in environmental science and integraƟve health, served as dean of health sciences and chairperson of the department of health. The mission of the ACEER FoundaƟon is to promote conservaƟon of the Peruvian Amazon by fostering awareness, understanding, acƟon, and transformaƟon. This is achieved by iniƟaƟng environmental educaƟon programs, supporƟng basic and applied research, and protecƟng unique tracts of land. ACEER has been a dynamic force for rainforest conservaƟon for over 20 years. We were the rst in the Western Hemisphere to pioneer the scienƟc applicaƟons of Canopy Walkway systems; scienƟsts have discovered new plant and animal species at ACEER-supported faciliƟes; and new medicines have been discovered at our ethnobotanical gardens. Today we conƟnue to oīer life transforming, experienƟal learning opportuniƟes to a local and global audience. ACEER has touched the lives of more than 1 million people worldwide. Join fellow DOS members for dinner before the meeting at H ollywood Diner (Concord & Murphy Roads) at 5:30– 5:45 p.m. I f you would like to join us, con firm your attendance with Phyllis Railson (302-475-6034) For more informaƟon: Delaware Orchid Society Newsletter - Page 1 THE DELAWARE ORCHID SOCIETY CALENDAR EVENTS OF APRIL 10 DOS GENERAL MEETING Officers PLACE: EMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Scott Cunningham, President John Rogan, Vice-President Joel Balogh, Treasurer Nancy Sato, Secretary TIME: 7:00 PM SPEAKER: ROGER MUSTALISH (ACEER) TOPIC: “LIVING ON THE EDGE: ORCHID CONSERVATION IN AMAZONIA” APRIL 14 DOS ANNUAL PLANT AUCTION PLACE: EMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Board of Directors TIME: 10:10 AM PREVIEW—AUCTION STARTS AT 12:00 Olivia Landis Marie-Christine Viallet Dave Emerson Lynn Fuller Adrian Ross Fr. Jerry Ozlanski, Past President MAY 5 ORCHID SEMINAR & REPOTTING CLINIC PLACE: DELAWARE SEED AND GARDEN SUPPLY TIME: 10:00 AM—NOON MAY 8 DOS GENERAL PLACE: EMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Committee Chairs Program Library Show Table Membership Hospitality Activities AOS Rep MEETING TIME: 7:00 PM Speaker: Leon Glicenstein Mary Jo Gilsdorf Mali Rao Vicki Gawiak John Rogan Vera Lee Rao Lori Weaver Maryann Ozlanski Vicki Gawiak\ Olivia Landis Adrian Ross Lynn Fuller Topic: “Jewel Orchids” JUNE 12- DOS BANQUET PLACE: GREENVILLE COUNTRY CLUB Speaker: David Off, Waldor Orchids Topic: “The Orchid History of New Jersey” I DOS AucƟon Update DelawareOrchidSocietyMeeƟngsare heldthesecondTuesdayeachmonth (exceptJune,JulyandAugust)at EmmanuelPresbyterianChurch, 1006WilsonRoad, Wilmington,Delawareat7PM. Visitorsarealwayswelcome. Juneisourannualbanquetheldat anotherlocaƟon(TBD)andJulyand Augustisoursummerrecess. I Check out our website! Doors open: 7:00 p.m. Social/Judging 7:30 – 8:00 p.m. Business Meeting: 8:00 – 8:15 p.m. Speaker: 8:15 – 9:00 p.m. Show Table/Raffle/Door Prizes: 9:00 Mark Saturday, April 14 on your calendar. It’s our annual auction and our only fundraiser of the year. Plants from Cal Orchids, H & R, Parkside, J & L will complement plants donated by members. We are always looking for some of your divisions, whether they are award winning plants or vigorous specimen. A form to fill out to help Duane make the auction list is included in this newsletter. Please try to send it to Duane by April 11 so he can prepare a list and forward it around to us all. Come, bring a friend or two, and shop or help with the process. Marie-Christine Viallet Delaware Orchid Society Newsletter - Page 2 AOSCorner AnUpdatefromHeadquarters–AOSonthe move. The new AOS mailing address is: The American Orchid Society at Fairchild Tropical Gardens, 10901 Old Cutler The sale of the property to the Slomin FoundaƟon, a Road, Coral Gables, FL 33156. foundaƟon supporƟng those with AuƟsm Spectrum Disorder, was completed on November 20, 2011. The AOS Announcingthe2012MagazineSupplement. orchid collecƟon was moved to temporary growing AOS has an excellent thesis on the genus Cycnoches, space in mid-December managed by a major donor to wriƩen by George Carr which will be published as the the Fairchild Tropical Gardens. Fairchild is now in the third AOS magazine supplement. It is a thorough and process of cataloging these plants and will in the next well-researched paper wriƩen by an expert on this gemonth or so begin their move and permanent installa- nus of orchids that are becoming increasingly popular. Ɵon within the Gardens. On Monday March 26, the We know it will be a valued addiƟon to this volume of furniture was moved from the old locaƟon to our new Orchids. It will mail with the August issue of Orchids oĸces at the Fairchild and we will then begin the pro- and once again we appeal to the membership to make cess of seƩling in. Due to the commuƟng distance, a a small donaƟon to help underwrite the cost of producnumber of AOS employees will not be going with us Ɵon. which will require us to manage the day-to-day business to the best of our abiliƟes. During this interim If each member of the AOS donates merely $2.00, we transiƟon, members may experience a delay with re- will have enough to publish this special 32-page supplegard to requests of the staī and it is recommended ment and cover the increased cost of mailing with the that contact be through the general email address regularly scheduled magazine. Please go to the AOS or through the appropriate com- website and click the 2012 Magazine Supplement link miƩee email addresses. We will do our best to keep for a painless donaƟon of $2.00 through PayPal© for these to a minimum. More informaƟon about the move the producƟon and distribuƟon of the Supplement. Of and transiƟon will be forthcoming in future issues of course you may also donate more than $2.00. Orchids or from Ɵme to Ɵme on the AOS website. Lynn Fuller, Chair AOS Aĸliated SocieƟes CommiƩee April 18, 2012: Mid-AtlanƟc Judging Center, 7:00 pm—10:00 pm. Fairmont Park HorƟcultural Center, 100 N. HorƟcultural and Montgomery Drs., Philadelphia; send cut owers to: Walter Oī, Waldor Orchids, 10 East Poplar Ave., Linwood, NJ 08221 May 12, 2012: Hardy NaƟve Orchid eld trip 8:00 am—5:00 pm ($30 per person) sponsored by the ConƟnuing EducaƟon program at Mt. Cuba. Register at May 16, 2012: Mid-AtlanƟc Judging Center, 7:00 pm—10:00 pm. Fairmont Park HorƟcultural Center, 100 N. HorƟcultural and Montgomery Drs., Philadelphia; send cut owers to: Walter Oī, Waldor Orchids, 10 East Poplar Ave., Linwood, NJ 08221 May 19—23: NaƟve Orchid Conference annual meeƟng (number 11) will be held at the University of NC in Wilmington, NC.. Visit 222.naƟ or email for more informaƟon. June 8—10: Shore Orchid FesƟval—Silva Orchids Delaware Orchid Society Newsletter - Page 3 FEBRUARY2012SHOWTABLE GREENHOUSE Microterangis havaƟana Mary Ann Ullman Masd. Fraseri " Masd. Aquarius " Ascd. Moonlight " Den. Jesmond Fancy " Den. Issy's Nomad (Den. Colin X Den. June Mac) " Phal. Surf Song " Den. Gilliseton Gold " Blc Zul ‘Waiomao Fantasy’ " Blc (Lc. Gold Digger X Hunabu Delight) " Paph. Hsinying Magic " Eria hyacinthoides " Onc. ampliatum John Rogan Dtps. Ruey Lih Beauty " Phal. Sogo Tris " Phal Golden Leopard " Angr. sesquipedale Barry Woolf C. intermediaV. AmethysƟne " Max. maleolens " Max. hennisianum " Max. elaƟor " Lc. (Rojo X Trick or Treat) "BestGrown"ͲJanet Bernhardt Bnfd. Gilded Tower Henny Reiter NONͲGREENHOUSE Phal. Liu’s Fantasy Harry Kutch Unk. Paph " Phal. stuarƟana Barry Wolstenholme Lc. Fire Dance ‘Patricia’ " Den. aggregatum Dave Emerson Unk. Cymbidium " MaxillariaelaƟor BarryWoolf Onc.ampliatum—JohnRogan Phal.GoldenLeopard JohnRogan Delaware Orchid Society Newsletter - Page 4 CongratulaƟonsandthanks—— The 2012 SEPOS Show at Longwood Gardens was a tremendous success for the Delaware Orchid Society. Not only did we earn a First Place Blue Ribbon for our display and 22 ribbon awards for individual plants, we also had a great Ɵme planning, construcƟng, creaƟng, and tearing down our exhibit. More importantly, about 1/4 of our membership contributed in some way to this success. The exhibit went together so smoothly that we actually forgot to break for lunch. Everyone was so excited about our Blue Ribbon that there is already a commiƩee in place for next year and murmurings about parƟcipaƟng in other shows. Don’t forget to submit your plant list by April 11 (or sooner) to Duane for the April 14 DOS AucƟon. See form elsewhere in the newsleƩer. Below is a list of (I hope) everyone who parƟcipated in set-up and tear down, as well as contributed plants: Dave Emerson, Janet Maguire, Steve Chang, Pam Downs, Adrian Ross, Olivia Landis, Sheryl Anzyk, Duane and Judy Erdmann, Lynn Fuller, Vera Lee and Mali Rao, Bea and Sol Fenick, Lori Weaver, Janet Bernhardt, Harry Kutch, Dave Nickey, Barry Wolstenholme and as well as DOS future members Isaac Landis, Kim Bowman and Emma Creech. I thank you all and apologize if I have leŌ anyone unmenƟoned. Pam Bowman, Chair DOS SEPOS Exhibit Plant First Second Third Exhibitor CaƩleya Anita Boye (Sunrise Chalet x …. Chang Ludisia discolor Erdmann Masdevallia bicornis Rao Stelis superbiens Rao CaƩleya skinneri var. alba 'Debbie' FCC/AOS Bowman Dendrobium Spring Dream 'Kumiko' Chang Maxillaria picta Erdmann Maxillaria tenuifolia 'Watereld' Chang Paphiopedilum Charlene [haynadlianum var … Erdmann Phalaenopsis (Shirayukime x I-Hsin Hatsuyuki) Fenick Phalaenopsis hybrid Anzyk Paphiopedilum delenaƟi var. alba 'In-Charm' Erdmann Brassia ShooƟng Star Emerson CaƩleya intermedia 'Alba' Chang Coelogyne lawrenceana Erdmann David Joseph Smith, Wilmington, DE DOS SEPOS Exhibit Plant Exhibitor Dendrobium loddigessii Chang Dendrobium biggibum 'HF' Erdmann Maxillaria pseudoreichenheimiana 'Spot' Erdmann Paphiopedilum druryi Erdmann Paphiopedilum Adronicus [victoria-regina x ….. Ross Honorable Coelogyne accida Erdmann Vanda Rothschildiana 'Pink Sapphire' Anzyk plus others DOS members exhibiƟng in the SEPOS, SJOS, Wardian Case, and GPOS exhibits Delaware Orchid Society Newsletter - Page 5 Vanda coerulea—Steve Chang C.intermediav.amethysƟne Barry Woolf Max. hennisianum Barry Woolf Lc. (Rojo x Trick or Treat) - Janet Bernhardt —’Best Grown” Wils. Tiger brew—Dave Walsh Masd.Aquarius - Mary Ann Ulmann Delaware Orchid Society Newsletter - Page 6 C.skinnerivar.alba'Debbie'FCC/AOS—PamDowns SEPOS Wardian Case with a number of DOS member plants. Delaware Orchid Society Newsletter - Page 7 SEPOS Longwood Show Exhibit Delaware Orchid Society Newsletter - Page 8 Show Plants your name and telephone no.: please mail to Duane Erdmann or call him (610-444-0273) with info if unable to get it to him before APRIL 11 Genus Name including awards blooming size (Y/N) color(s) DOS at SEPOS 2012 ORCHIDSEMINAR ANDREPOTTINGCLINIC May5,2012 10amͲNoon Delaware Seed and Garden Supply, LLC 3624 Kirkwood Highway Wilmington, DE 19808 Phone 302-999-1616 Join Delaware Orchid Society members as they present a seminar on orchid care and answer questions you may have about your orchids. Bringyourorchidswithyouandforanominalfee, youcangetyourorchidsrepoƩed. TheseminarisFREE. Delaware Orchid Society was founded in 1954 and now celebrating its 57th anniversary, The Delaware Orchid Society is a 501(c)(5) non-profit educational organization whose purpose is to help people learn about orchids and orchid culture. Our membership includes novice growers with one or two plants as well as those with private orchid greenhouses. Members live in Delaware and nearby Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland. All orchid enthusiasts are welcome. We have regular meetings on the second Tuesday of each month except for July and August. For more information about Delaware Orchid Society, check out our website at Delaware Orchid Society Annual Auction April 14, 2012 Preview: 11:00 AM Auction Starts: 12:00 For more inf ormation, contact : We will have Orchids in bloom and blooming size ….. as well as some scrawny little ones for younger growers with a high “P to R” ratios (patience to resources). A great place to stock up on interesting plants you might not otherwise find Emmanuel Presbyterian Church 1006 Wilson Road, Wilmington Delaware Orchid Society c/o Lynn Fuller 1401 Pennsylvania Ave, # 1604 Wilmington, DE 19806 More from SEPOS DendrobiumSpringDream'Kumiko'ͲSteveChang VandaRothschildiana'PinkSapphire' SherylAnzyk Delaware Orchid Society Newsletter - Page 9