Newsletter February 2015
Newsletter February 2015
1|Page February, 2015 Annunciation Catholic Elementary School Edmonton Catholic School District - IB World School 9325–165 Street, Edmonton AB T5R 2S5 Phone: 780.484.4319 Fax: 780.484.3072 Email: Newsletter February 2015 Administrators’ Message To start off with this month, we’d like to congratulate Mrs. Trautman and her family! They have been blessed with the safe arrival of beautiful Finn Robert who was born at the beginning of December. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Trautman, big brother Liam and Baby Finn many blessings and are looking forward to a visit from Finn very soon! As you are aware, Mr. Edwards has assumed the position of acting assistant principal until Mr. Estephan, our current assistant principal, returns from his medical leave. At this time, we have no specific date as to when he will return; however, he is doing well in his recovery from his preChristmas surgery and greatly appreciates all of our thoughts and prayers. Because of the unexpectedness of events, we did not yet have a replacement teacher in place for Mr. Edwards’ Grade 5 homeroom class. We are happy to announce that Miss Katherine Esposito has been hired for the Grade 5A homeroom position for the remainder of Mr. Estephan’s medical leave. Miss Esposito is a recent U of A graduate and has been teaching Grade 5 at St. Dominic Catholic School since the beginning of the year. She is extremely hard working and so very excited about this opportunity. We are very fortunate to be able to welcome such an enthusiastic teacher to Annunciation School. Again, we wish Mr. Estephan all the best while he is on leave and we are looking forward to his return. Please be reminded that on Tuesday, February 3, 2015, all staff members will be involved in a district-wide Faith Development Day at the Shaw Conference Centre. There will be no instruction of students at school on that day. This year, our theme is: Life of Grace, Journey of Shalom. Catholic education is an awesome vocation and responsibility. By being involved in the education mission of the church, Catholic schools provide a hopeful response to the great mysteries of life in an increasingly complex world. Faith Development Day provides staff, as a community of faith, with the opportunity to become more deeply aware of the faith foundation of our lives and to find inspiration to enter into our life’s work with deeper conviction. We are pleased to welcome Father Raymond Carey as our guest speaker. We also welcome Bishop Gregory Bittman who will celebrate the Eucharistic Liturgy with us. This month, we also celebrate Valentine’s Day. A kind-hearted Roman priest, St. Valentine aided young Christians who were being persecuted by Claudius II and as a result was imprisoned. While imprisoned, he converted guards and their families to Christianity. Upon discovering this, Emperor Claudius sentenced him to death. St. Valentine is the patron saint of love, young people and happy marriages. An interesting fact is that because of the abundance of St. Valentines 2|Page February, 2015 on the Roman Catholic roster, you can choose to celebrate the saint multiple times each year. Besides February 14, you might decide to celebrate St. Valentine of Viterbo on November 3. Or maybe you want to get a jump on the traditional Valentine celebration by feting St. Valentine of Raetia on January 7. Women might choose to honor the only female St. Valentine (Valentina), a young woman martyred in Palestine on July 25, 308 A.D. Whenever you decide to celebrate, enjoy! Random Acts of Kindness Week is being celebrated from February 9-15. Classes will be participating in many activities to recognize the event. “When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” ~The 14th Dalai Lama, Head Monk of The Gelugpa Lineage Of Tibetan Buddhism During February, we start our planning for the next school year. We are now accepting new registrations for the 2014-2015 school year. Our Open House is on Wednesday, March 11 at 6:30 pm. We appreciate you spreading the word about our great school to your friends and neighbours! Jennifer De Stefanis-Dimas Principal John Edwards Acting Assistant Principal The Season of Lent – Letter from Archbishop Richard Smith Dear Friends, I seems as though we just finished celebrating the Christmas season. I pray that you had time to celebrate the birth of Christ surrounded by family and friends. The Church liturgical seasons of Lent and Easter are now upon us. These two important liturgical seasons are best understood when celebrated in the light of the Easter Triduum, also known as the Great Three Days. The Easter Triduum begins on the evening of Holy Thursday and extends until the evening of Easter Sunday. The Church witnesses in a profound way to the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ, His Life, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension. The season of Lent is a period of forty days before Easter beginning on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015, and ending on Holy Thursday April 2, 2015. During the season of Lent we are reminded of the themes of penance, fasting, and almsgiving. These actions assist each one of us in our preparation for Easter. The Easter season, which is celebrated for fifty days, begins on Easter Sunday April 5, 2015 and ends with the Solemnity of Pentecost on May 24, 2015. The Easter season allows us ample time to truly celebrate the Risen Lord, who is our Saviour and Redeemer. May God continue to bless each of you during the holy seasons of Lent and Easter. Sincerely, Richard W. Smith Archbishop of Edmonton 3|Page February, 2015 Scholastic Book Fair The Annunciation School library was transformed into a cavalcade of books during our bi-annual Scholastic Book Fair. The book fair ran all week during the first week of December and many families chose to purchase gift items as Christmas presents. The book fair profits for the school amounted to $1850.00 which will be placed towards purchasing more print resources for the library. That is WONDERFUL! Thank you to our entire school community for your generous support of this event. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Joy for her work in organizing and running the event. Congratulations Grade 6 Annunciation Volleyball Team! The Grade 6 volleyball teams have lots to be proud of! They participated in the St. Thomas More volleyball tournament that was held on Thursday, January 29 and should be proud of their results. Our mixed volleyball team won gold in the St. Mary tournament that was held on Saturday, January 31. What a great accomplishment for our students and what a proud moment for our whole Annunciation community!!!! A very special thank you goes out to our very committed and proud coaches, Mrs. Ostrowerka and Mr. Koper, for all of their time and dedication. School Council Annunciation School would like to thank our school council for approving funding for our upcoming Artist in Residence Program which will be taking place in February and March. Karen McCullum, our artist in residence, will address the art curriculum with specific reference to the skills objectives in all grade levels using the medium of clay and sculpture. The results from the program will assist teachers and students in acquiring skills and techniques which come from a person who is an expert in this area. Art offers the opportunity for children to problem solve. These skills can be applied to other subject areas. It helps to develop kinesthetic abilities, spatial relationships and allows students an opportunity for personal self-expression. Art is a creative way of building awareness that art is important in society and a landmark of every culture. Parents are always welcome to join us for our School Council meetings. Our most recent meeting was held on Wednesday, January 28th at 6:30 pm in the staffroom. We invite you to attend our next meeting which will be held on Wednesday, March 4 at 6:30 pm. School Council meeting minutes can be found on our school website. Thank You Mayfield Save-On-Foods! January was a great month to try new things from Save-On Foods at Mayfield! All students were able to try different kinds of "Dave's Killer Bread". In February, Save-On is giving us different kinds of coconut water, kale salad and a 4|Page February, 2015 specific deli cheese. Look for the display made up of pictures and decorations made by our students. U of A and EA Practicum Students In February, we are excited to welcome two U of A student teachers as well as four educational assistant (EA) practicum students. We would like to welcome U of A student, Jenna Hunt, who will be joining Mrs. Shevalier-Lavin’s homeroom and Emma Plante who will be joining Mrs. Jenning’s Kindergarten class. These two student teachers are guaranteed to have a great field experience under the expert guidance of Mrs. Shevalier-Lavin and Mrs. Jennings. Our four EA practicum students will be joining the classes below for the entire month of February. • • • • Mrs. Szelewicki’s Kindergarten Homeroom Mrs. Jenning’s Kindergarten Homeroom Mrs. Esposito’s Grade 5A Homeroom Mrs. Ostrowerka’s 6B Homeroom Grade 6 Transition Passports Students in grade six will be issued their Transition Passports for junior high on Monday, February 9. The student ‘Transition Passport’ is a tool that indicates to the student’s current elementary school his or her intentions related to registering for junior high school. It is not a registration document. Parents are asked to complete the blue page in the passport, then return it to Annunciation School. Completed passports are due on or before Tuesday, March 10, 2015. If a student wishes to attend a school other than their designated junior high school, we will forward the passport to the indicated school. Student Transition Passports will be sent to junior high schools by Friday, March 13, 2015. The junior high principal will then indicate acceptance or non-acceptance. Random Acts of Kindness Week: February 9-15 We believe kindness creates conditions which lead to a caring environment for students, teachers and community members. Everyone benefits when individuals, schools, and communities embrace kindness. For more information and resources regarding Random Acts of Kindness Week and how you can support the event at home, please check out the following website: Here are 15 ideas from the official website to get you started: 1. Year of Kindness Box: Create a New Year’s tradition. On the first day of the new year, start a Year of Kindness Box. Throughout the year, fill up the box with: compliments you received, 5|Page February, 2015 thank you notes, moments of kindness you witnessed, acts of kindness you did, inspiring quotes, etc. Then after the year is over, review the contents! 2. Create a Gratitude Journal: A five-minute a day gratitude journal can increase your long-term well-being by more than 10 percent. That’s the same impact as doubling your income!" From Happier Human 3. Three Compliments: Compliment the first three people you talk to. 4. 52 Thank You Notes: Express your gratitude for the people in your life, write one thank you note every week to a different person: Need a quick thank-you note format? Check out The Five Minute Thank You Note. 5. A Kind Twist on Happy Hour: Invite a group of people you know (friends, family, coworkers) to the happiest of happy hours and spend one hour doing acts of kindness for others. 6. Positive Sticky Notes: Carry a stack of positive sticky notes with you wherever I go. Post them when you're somewhere that needs a little bit more kindness. 7. Morning Kindness: Before you get out of bed, focus on kindness. Think of a kind motto for your day or text a positive good morning note to a friend. 8. Daily Positivity: Every day, think of a random person. Send them a positive message (text, email, social media post, phone call, letter, etc.) 9. Volunteer: Think of a cause you care about or a group in your community that could use some help. Volunteering has some serious health benefits too. 10. Beautify Your Surroundings: Spend 10 minutes picking up litter in your neighborhood, park or other commonly visited locations. 11. Kind Body Image: Place positive body image sticky notes on dressing room mirrors. 12. Coupon Fairy: Save unused/unwanted coupons and put them next to relevant products next time you're at the grocery store 13. Be Kind to the Earth: Research ways to be kind to the environment and reduce your carbon footprint. Here are seven ideas to get you started. 14. Smile: According to an article from Psychology Today, "Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness." 15. Self-Kindness: Do one kind thing every week for yourself. Enjoy a treat you love, exercise, eat a healthy meal, or do something you love and rarely have time to do. Alberta Education Accountability Pillar Survey As an annual check-up on the education system, the Accountability Pillar provides an opportunity for Alberta Education and school authorities to ensure that we are equipping students for success. The Accountability Pillar uses a set of 16 indicators consisting of surveys of students, parents and teachers on various aspects of quality; student outcomes such as dropout and high school completion rates; and provincial assessments of student learning. From January to the end of February, Alberta Education will be conducting the annual Accountability Pillar Survey. In January, parents of students in Grades 4, 7 and 10 received a survey from Alberta Education. In February, teachers will be completing their surveys online at school and Grades 4, 5 and 6 students are completing the Tell Them From Me Survey. This year, the District is implementing 6|Page February, 2015 a new survey to replace the Accountability Pillar Survey that was previously only taken by Grade 4 students at our site. The Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey will help teachers and principals know students’ feelings towards school, any problems that may be occurring at the school, and ideas for making the school better. This is a chance for students to communicate what they think. All surveys are anonymous and ask questions about experiences with the school. In addition to English and French, the parent survey is available in Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic, Blackfoot, Cree, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog and Urdu. Your participation in the survey helps provide important information on the quality of education your child is receiving, so we encourage you to return your survey promptly. Survey results will be available to school authorities in May 2015, and will be reported publicly as part of their 3-Year Education Plans and Annual Education Results Reports. Annunciation Registration and Open House Dates We are currently accepting registrations for new students for the 2014-2015 school year for all grades. To register for Kindergarten, children must be 5 years of age on or before March 1st, 2016. We once again are projecting two full-day kindergarten classes. If you know of anyone who is planning to register their child for Kindergarten, please have them call the school office at 780-4844319 for more information or drop by to register. Our Open House for Kindergarten to Grade 6 will be held on Wednesday, March 11 at 6:30 pm. We have limited spaces in many of our grades, so if your friends are planning to register with us, please encourage them to do so at their earliest convenience. We know that our best form of advertising is your sharing of the good things that are happening at Annunciation. We thank you for passing on this information to any parents you know who may be considering our school for the fall. Thank you for spreading the good news! Winter Walk Day – February 4 Schools, community groups and workplaces around Alberta are taking time to walk at least 15 minutes outside during Winter Walk Day which is being held on Wednesday, February 4, 2014. Annunciation students and staff will be participating too! The event is being organized by Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation SHAPE Program (safe, healthy, active people everywhere) in hopes of encouraging people to find ways to keep active during the winter. The total amount of minutes walked by Annunciation students, staff, parents and guests will be logged in and added to the provincial total. We welcome parents/guardians to join us!!! Just ask your child’s homeroom teacher when they will be conducting their walk, and be ready to participate! We are going to try to beat our total of 5550 minutes from last year. 7|Page February, 2015 Kindergarten News! The Kindergarten B students of Annunciation Elementary IB World School have been learning about various shelters around the world. Our IB unit of inquiry focuses on the purpose of shelter and how certain shelters are better suited for specific environments. The students worked in groups to build a hut or an igloo. They were provided with various building materials such as Lego, wooden blocks, foam blocks, straws and unit cubes. Some of the students shared their prior knowledge with their group members. ``A hut has some sticks and mud to put it together. We can curve the straws to make a roof.” After much cooperation and perseverance, the students used iPads to document their structures and then drew what they had created. One student shared, "They got some squares. They got some rectangles, triangles. We made an igloo. They have some rectangles. If you go inside it, you freeze." The students are excited to inquire more about other shelters. 8|Page February, 2015 9|Page February, 2015 Grade 4 and Kindergarten Exhibiting the IB Learner Profile Attribute of Caring and the IB Attitude of Being Cooperative The grade four students buddied up with the Kindergarten students to assist them with snowshoeing. The Kindergarten students were extremely grateful for the help they received from the grade four students. The students were caring towards one another and realized the benefits of cooperating. 10 | P a g e February, 2015 11 | P a g e February, 2015 West Meadowlark Community League – Upcoming Events February 4 - Winter Walk Day. Everyone is welcome to meet at the hall at 6 pm and walk around the neighborhood until 7 pm. Hot chocolate will be served in the rink shack afterwards (side door of hall). If the weather is below -20 C, the event will be cancelled. February 21 - West Meadowlark Community Ski Day at the Edmonton Ski Club. Only West Meadowlark members can benefit from the group rate. Memberships are still available for sale but only to residents within West Meadowlark’s boundaries. March 10 - Outdoor Soccer Registration at Doubletree Hotel (previously the Mayfield Inn) from 6-9 pm. All community leagues will be in attendance. The WMCL is forming a Civics Committee - We are looking for volunteers who would like to represent the community at Councillor Andrew Knack's monthly meeting. This committee would address specific neighbourhood concerns like pedestrian and traffic safety. The committee would also provide a voice for community views on issues ranging from planning and development to neighborhood safety. Contact WMCL at 780-484-6132 or email Information for Parents with Young Families – Parent Link Parent Link Centre is a Free Drop-in Centre for parents with young children or new mothers. They also offer registered programs. You can find more information at They are located right here in West Meadowlark at the Cabrini Centre, 16811-88 Ave (the tower behind the Misericordia Hospital). Not only do they have programs, they offer parent education and developmental screening. They also can help find the right services and information for your family. They offer family support, such as: Clothing Exchanges - The next one is on March 2-6, 2015 Bread Day - Donated bread can be picked up in their main lobby on Mondays and Tuesdays. Coats for Kids and Families - If you need a winter coat, they can be picked up from their lobby. Car Seat Installation Support - Make an appointment with their trained car seat technicians to ensure that your car seat is installed correctly. Call 780-489-2243 for more information on these services. Annunciation All-Stars Reading Program Our monthly draw for our Annunciation All-Stars was held on January 30 and we are pleased to congratulate our lucky winners who will enjoy lunch with Mrs. De Stefanis-Dimas, Mr. Edwards and Ms. L’Hoir on Friday, February 6, 2015. • • Kindergarten: Nicholas and Heleck Grade One: Cesar and Max 12 | P a g e • • • • • February, 2015 Grade Two: Sofia and Lucrecia Grade Three: Kenna and Sandy Grade Four: Justin and Gabriel Grade Five: Justine and Tristen Grade Six: Jeremy and Andrew Thank you to Ms. L’Hoir for coordinating our Annunciation All-Stars Reading Program, and thank you to our parents for encouraging their children to read and participate! Congratulations Mrs. Lisa Ground ~ Mrs. Canada Globe Classic 2015! One of our parents, Mrs. Lisa Ground, was recently appointed the title of Mrs. Canada Globe Classic 2015 ( and was at Annunciation School to volunteer with our January hot lunch. Since 1996 the Mrs. Globe pageant has been producing one of the most recognized and celebrated international pageants for misses in the world. It is a celebration of beauty, culture, and charity for women. Congratulations, Mrs. Ground! IB News February 2015 Our Learner Profile this month is caring. Caring people show a sensitivity towards the needs and feeling of others. They have a sense of personal commitment to action and service. Curriculum Connections with the learner profile: 13 | P a g e February, 2015 •In language – Caring people show responsible, caring attitudes toward the use of language and they value literature for the insight it gives into the feelings of others. •In mathematics – Caring people recognize and value the power of mathematics as a way of understanding & solving problems and as a way of appreciating the beauty & fascination of the subject. •In science and technology – Caring people treat their environment with sensitivity and respect. They are conscious of the power of science to sustain or damage the environment and they are developing a sense of responsibility regarding the impact of their actions. •In social studies – Caring people demonstrate empathy for others. They participate in solving classroom, school, family, local, and global social problems. How can parents help to develop students who are caring at home? •Role model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child all the time. Your child has big eyes and ears and notices everything you do. Using kind words, helping people without being asked, being an active listener all show your child that you care about people. Even a simple thing, like holding a door for someone, shows your child that you are aware of others around you and want to help them. •Think about how your family can get involved with community organizations. •Reduce, Reuse & Recycle. Sometimes this can be challenging, but make the effort to establish these habits in your home. By developing children who care about the environment, you are helping the future of the globe. •Smile. •After reading a book, spend some time considering how the people in the book acted. Was someone in the book caring? All of the time or just some of the time? Were all of the characters in the book caring or just some of them? Some books to consider: • • • • Lily’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Seuss The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle As always, we welcome questions about the IB programme in our school. Sarah L’Hoir is the coordinator for our Primary Years Programme (PYP). She can be reached at 484-4319 or at Sarah.L’ IB Learner Profile Attribute Certificates The IB learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes for the 21st Century. These values infuse all elements of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) and serve to inspire, motivate and focus the work of the students and teachers, uniting them in a common purpose. 14 | P a g e February, 2015 There are 10 learner profile attributes, and our school focuses on one each month. For the month of January, our focus was on the learner profile attribute of being BALANCED. Students are asked to reflect on their growth of each learner profile attribute monthly, once at the beginning on the month, and a second time at the end of the month. To recognize students for their efforts and growth, the teacher selects students to receive a certificate. Below is a list of our award recipients for the month of January: January – Balanced Learner Profile Attribute Certificate Recipients KA Gabriel KB Crisbal 1A Sonovia and Tyrell 1B Abigail, Suzanne and Steev 2A Breanna, Alexis and Harold 3A Joaquin and Kenna 2B Luke, Dayle, Hamare and Anthony 3B Shelton, Mikale and Sweet 4A Amelia, Ira and Deo 4B Kirstein and Rozagen 5A Eric, Matthew and Olimpia 5B Juliane and Ethan 6A Alaisa, Aubrey and Anna 6B Aisosa, Ralph and Erine 15 | P a g e February, 2015 February 2015 Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 Faith Development Day for Staff 10 11 12 14 Wear Red for Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 Anti-Bullying Wear Pink Day Teachers’ Convention Teachers’ Convention Hot Lunch No School No School 16 17 18 Family Day Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday No School Artist in Residence Program Begins Mass at Annunciation Parish at 9:00 am Breakfast for Students at the Parish 22 23 Grade 4-6 Ski Trip 24 7 13 Random Acts of Kindness Week Feb. 9-15 15 6 Saturday Annunciation Reading All-Stars Lunch No School 9 Friday We Are One – Zumba Anti-Bullying Program Annunciation Reading All-Stars Draw *Please note that specific classroom events will be communicated to parents through the classroom teacher. As well, please be aware that other events may arise over the course of the month. February 2015 The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail. ~ Isaiah 58:11 This scripture passage is one that speaks to us deeply as we begin the Lenten season. As Jesus enters into the desert to prepare for His death, He knows that God is with Him. He is taking this journey, difficult as it is, with love in His heart. Isaiah tells us clearly that when we undertake the fasts in our lives with love and in the pursuit of justice, our rewards are immeasurable. There are so many events in addition to the beginning of Lent that will take place this month. February marks the beginning of our Open House season. If your child is transitioning to a new level, looking for a focus program, or if you are moving, this is an excellent opportunity for you to visit schools and learn more about program options. Visit to learn more. Our entire staff is gathering on February 3 to listen to the wisdom of Father Raymond Carey and to celebrate the Eucharist. Many schools will participate in Random Acts of Kindness week, which begins on February 9. All teachers in the greater Edmonton area will come together on February 26 and 27 to engage in sessions that address a broad spectrum of topics relevant to teaching and learning in Alberta schools. All members of the public are invited to join in this learning opportunity by listening to speaker Carl Honoré, author of In Praise of Slow. This session takes place on Thursday, February 26 from 6:45 to 8:45 pm in Hall D of the Shaw Conference Centre. I would like to share my great appreciation for the partnership of our parent community that has been clearly evident in two recent areas. Thanks to all of the parents who participate in our online budget survey. The feedback from 1929 families, our highest participation rate ever, provided invaluable opinions on what our budget priorities should be in the upcoming year. As well, thanks to the generosity and support of students and families in our schools and departments and to our staff through payroll deductions, the Edmonton Catholic Schools’ Sign of Hope and the We Care Challenge raised $132,592.38 to support the important work of Catholic Social Services! May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. ~ Romans 15:13 1 Alberta educators are focused on growing students’ competencies to be Engaged Thinkers, Ethical Citizens with an Entrepreneurial Spirit. Alberta Education is now posting school stories of how school communities across the province are achieving this goal. To see these stories, go to Alberta Education’s Inspiration in Action website: As part of our Transform professional development program, we are contributing our classroom and professional development stories to this site. Although we are continually submitting stories to this website, presently, there are examples from H.E. Beriault and Louis St. Laurent under “Engaged Thinker” and St. Augustine for “Entrepreneurial Spirit”. Here is some valuable information on Terms of Use of websites your children may be using. When your child creates an account on a website they may be using, they are subject to the Terms of Use of that website. These terms are typically written in legal language and may be difficult to understand. Knowing what you as a parent should look for when considering allowing your child to create an account on a website they’re using can help you decide if you’re comfortable with your child using the site. Here are some things to look for in the Terms of Use, often found as a link at the bottom of the main site page: 1) Age restriction: Many (but not all) sites such as YouTube, Facebook, and other social media sites have an age 13 restriction for users to create an account, or permission from a parent. Other sites such as Prezi have far more restrictive terms of use which state that the site is intended for users 18 and older. 2) Personal Information: What personal information is the site requesting from your child, and are you comfortable with your child sharing this information? A good rule of thumb is to never share more personal information than is required by the site, and to create ‘nicknames’ wherever possible instead of providing a real name. 3) Public Gallery: Some sites (e.g. GoAnimate) give users access to a public gallery of works that other users have created. In some cases, the content of these sites may not be considered appropriate. In his Ash Wednesday homily last year, Pope Francis shared the importance of Lent for us as Catholics. “Lent comes providentially to reawaken us, to shake us from our lethargy”. As you begin your walk through the desert with Jesus, who journeyed for our salvation, may you be ever mindful of the state of the world around you and of your ability to effect positive change. Sincerely, Joan Carr, Superintendent 2 A Bite of Health Annunciation Catholic Elementary IB World School February, 2015 Making the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice Choose Like a Champion! The beverages that your child drinks have an effect on his or her health. Children need plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration and provide nutrients for good health and growth. Having healthy options available before and after sporting events can help your child choose like a champion! What are some healthy choices? What beverages would the champions drink? Offering your child milk or fortified soy beverage will help your child get enough calcium, vitamin D and protein to perform like a champion! Water is also an excellent choice when your child is thirsty. Making it easy! Making sure that kids have a personal water bottle (for sanitary reasons) when they are playing, involved in sporting activities, in school or traveling can keep them alert, active and hydrated! Did you know most healthy beverages come in a to-go option? This makes it easier to grab a healthy beverage and get active! Don’t forget to reuse or recycle plastic water bottles. Or better yet, use a refillable, stainless steel water bottle. The environment will thank you! Do you know who this famous football player is? Choosing milk is choosing like a champion! Taken from Adapted from Alberta Health Services Sugar Shockers. Water is best when it comes to quenching your thirst! Milk or Juice? Registered Dietitians recommend you serve milk for many reasons: 1) Milk has less sugar than juice 2) Milk has vitamin D for healthy bones 3) Milk products provide up to 16 essential nutrients WHAT ABOUT SPORT DRINKS? Plain, cool water is the best source of fluid during sports or other activities that last less than one hour. Fluid replacement beverages or sport drinks can be used during intense sports or activities that last more than one hour. Keep in mind that these drinks are high in sugar and shouldn’t be offered when your child is not active. Fight dehydration (or a lack of fluid) by encouraging your child to drink water before during and after sport. Give your children a water bottle to sip from when they are not active. Encourage your children to bring a water bottle to all exercise or sporting activities. Remind them to take a break every 10 to 15 minutes when they’re exercising to drink. Make sure that water is available after games or practices. MILK MUSTACHE RECIPE! Take 2 teaspoons of vanilla yogurt and 1 teaspoon of milk. Stir together to make a thick, yummy paint. Paint mustache on upper lip. Try at home and have a family milk mustache contest! Who can have the thickest, weirdest or coolest mustache? Annunciation Catholic Elementary IB World School A Bite of Health FEBRUARY 2015 Making the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice RATE YOUR SUPER SNACKS The food rating system is a simple way to separate healthy foods from the less healthy foods. This rating system puts all foods into three categories, based on specific nutritional criteria. The three categories include: Choose Most often These foods should be consumed daily, and in amounts and appropriate portion sizes, based on age category. These foods are all recommended as healthy choices in Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide. Choose Sometimes No more than three servings from the Choose Sometimes category are recommended per week. Foods in the Choose Sometimes category may still provide beneficial nutrients, but they tend to be higher in added sugar, unhealthy fat and sodium (salt). Choose Least Often Eating these foods is not recommended. One serving could be eaten once a week. Be sure to check out the school bulletin board to see what snacks fit in each category! Taken From: Alberta Health Services “Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth—An Overview TZATZIKI (cucumber and yogurt dip) What you need WHAT FOODS FIT? Check out the lists below to get an idea of what foods fit in the “Choose Most Often” category for each of the four food groups. Try some of these snacks at home or in your lunches for work or school! Vegetables and Fruit Fresh, frozen or canned vegetables or fruit without added salt or sugar Fruit canned in juice Unsweetened 100% fruit juice Grain Products Whole grain bread, naan, pita, wrap, pasta or rice Unsweetened whole grain hot and cold cereals Small, low fat whole grain muffin or cookies Lower fat unsalted whole grain crackers Plain popcorn Milk and Alternatives Low fat milk (skim, 1% or 2% MF) Unflavoured fortified soy beverage Low fat cheese (less than 20 % MF) Plain yogurt (fat free, 1% or 2% MF) Meat and Alternatives Skinless chicken and turkey Broiled, baked or canned fish without sauce Lean sliced luncheon meats (chicken, beef, ham) Tofu Eggs 3 Cucumbers 1 tsp or 5 ml Salt 2 cups or 500 g Plain yogurt, low fat 2-3 Garlic cloves, minced 1 tbsp or 15 ml Vinegar 1/2 tsp or 2 ml Lemon juice 2 tbsp or 30 ml Olive oil 1/4 tsp or 1 ml Dried mint 1/4 tsp or 1 ml Dried dill To taste Pepper How to cook: 1. Peel cucumbers and scoop out seeds. 2. Grate into medium bowl. 3. Sprinkle salt over cucumbers and mix well. 4. Allow to sit for about 30 minutes. Squeeze out liquid. 5. Mix cucumbers with remaining ingredients. Chill in refrigerator. 6. Serve with whole grain pita, whole grain bread or fresh vegetables for dipping. For this and more healthy recipes, visit: s.html