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fall 2012 newsletter
Family Stor y, p. 2
F u t u r e P r o j e c t , p. 3
Recognition, p. 4
The Dutch Lane Project...
Nine Families with Community Spirit
By Lisa Esposito
he word community conjures up
different images for different folks,
but for the residents of the newly
completed Raritan Valley Habitat for
Humanity homes on Dutch Lane in
Bridgewater, community means HOME.
“Partnering with
RVHFH has been
a great experience
so far…it is an
amazing organization.”
Frantz Brunache, Habitat Homeowner
Aside from being new neighbors, the
common thread among the Dutch Lane
families is that prior to moving here,
they all lacked decent, affordable, and
safe housing. One family had previously
been homeless, living in and out of
shelters. Another family was living with
relatives after the loss of a job meant
they could no longer afford housing.
Another family lived in a neighborhood
where fights, gunfire, and illegal
drug trafficking were not uncommon.
families are grateful to be part of the Dutch
Lane community because they now have a
simple, affordable, permanent place to call
home. The parents are excited that their
children have access to the award-winning
Bridgewater school district; each family
places tremendous importance on the
lifetime value of a good education.
A walk down Dutch Lane quickly illustrates
the uniqueness of this new community. For
example, each of the nine homes has roof
mounted solar panels (donated by First
Solar), an enhanced house design that
improves energy efficiency and provides
85% of all power to the homeowners. The
Partner Families take tremendous pride in
their homes, planting gardens and flower
beds, and many share maintenance tips.
The community’s children are often seen
riding their bikes, playing together, or just
enjoying the fresh air and sunshine in the
safety of their neighborhood.
One factor that helps foster pride and
community spirit among the homeowners
is that each family completed a sweat equity
requirement as part of their partnership
with Habitat. They helped build their own
homes and, in many cases, also worked on
the homes of their new neighbors. Many
of the homeowners note that the skills
they learned during construction will help
them maintain their homes in the years
to come.
Donations to RVHFH don’t just cover the construction
costs, they also build communities.
“Habitat provides is a
tremendous blessing
for our families.”
Michelle Harris, Habitat Homeowner
Dutch Lane is now home to 38 people 12 adults and 26 children. And all of the
To date, your generous support has provided homes to 175 people!
fall 2012 newsletter
2012 Board of Trustees
Executive Committee
Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary Susan Connolly
Silvio Verdile
Sue Duffy
Therese Shick
Committee Chairs
Building Committee Dick Carr
Church Relations Judy Pfister
Family Selection Mary Ellen
Linda Conroy
Family Support Chuck Coombs
Joyce Jonat
Finance Rebecca Dillon
Fundraising Diane Pabst
Human Resources Peter Mercer
IT/Communications Mike Barca
Property Acquisitions Carol Hoffmann
Public Relations VACANT
Newsletter Team
Lory Frenkel
Jon Dugan
Lisa Esposito
Marissa Portuesi
Megan Schuster
Louisa Bartok
Carrie Dubiel
David Hayse
Dan Levitt
William Neumann
Jennifer Yurgel
Editor Writers
Graphic Design
“We’ll be here
for a long,
long time.”
from the
By Marge Richards and Lory Frenkel
fter moving five times in four years, the Centamore family’s journey
toward partnership began about three years ago. “I knew I had to move to an
area where there was a school that could better meet my daughters’ needs,” says
Jessica Centamore, “but the rents were well above what I could afford.” She contacted
RVHFH, attended a Homeowner Orientation meeting, and waited. “I remember getting
the phone call like it was yesterday. I just broke down into tears. It was like this great
weight had been lifted off my shoulders.”
Jessica has happy memories of growing up in Warren with her parents and two brothers.
She’d like to provide the same for her girls: a home that they will remember fondly. “It’ll
be nice when they finally realize that the house is ours, and we’ll be there for a long, long
The family is already making plans for their new home. “The girls are really excited
that they’ll be able to choose the colors to paint their rooms (Mario Brothers theme for
Ashlee and purple for Alyssa). Helping the family along the way are Jessica’s mom, dad,
stepmom, brothers, two uncles, an aunt, many friends, and of course YOU!
With your support Jessica, Ashlee, and Alyssa
are planning a long future in their new home!
Find Land to Build
Future Communities
Residential Lots Located
in Somerset or
Hunterdon County
Minimal Environmental
Concerns and the Availability
of Public Sewer, Water,
and Utilities
Carol Hoffmann,
Property Acquisitions Chair
“We want to plant a little tree when we move in so the
girls can watch it grow as the years progress.”
fall 2012 newsletter
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Bringing New Life to an Abandoned Farm
Elaine Niemann, Kingwood Mayor
Applicants are still being considered for
this project. These are families who fit three
criteria: the willingness to partner and
work hard onsite; the ability to pay while
not being overburdened by a mortgage,
taxes, and insurance; and the need to
leave less-than-adequate living situations
and neighborhoods. Partner families also
receive support from RVHFH during their
transition to homeownership, as Mayor
Niemann notes, “The fact is that RVHFH is
committed to the success of their families.”
In Kingwood we will be building on a
site that has been abandoned for some
time. It is exciting that RVHFH, donors
and volunteers will come together with
the partner families to bring new life to an
area that has been home to generations of
Kingwood residents for almost 300 years.
House Design
“We were fortunate
to connect with
RVHFH and we knew
right away that this
was the right fit
for Kingwood.”
beautiful creek, acres of flowing
meadows, and rural countryside…
sounds like a pretty amazing
neighborhood, doesn’t it? Not what most
people think of affordable housing. Raritan
Valley Habitat for Humanity (RVHFH)
has just such a location picked out for
its newest project in Kingwood, at the
preserved Ukarish Farms. Eight acres that
served as the homestead of the formerly
92-acre farm were subdivided from the
open space acreage for affordable housing.
By Jon Dugan
with support from donors and volunteers
Alan Andreas & Jon Baczewski
ASA Architectural Design of Madison, NJ
This two-family A-frame, farmhouse design
is handicapped adaptable,
has two bathrooms
and will fit in beautifully
with the surrounding area.
Johnson & Johnson ITSS
Can Your Business Become a House Sponsor for One of these SIX Homes?
For Sponsorship Information Contact Warrie Howell
fall 2012 newsletter
Giving Their
Hearts & Souls
and Precious Gifts of Time
By Marissa Portuesi and Lory Frenkel
aking a break from the hard work of
building houses and communities,
RVHFH celebrated its dedicated
volunteers on June 6th.
Honorees gathered at the United Reformed
Church in Somerville, where excitement
filled the air as guests celebrated the spirit
of volunteerism.
“The greatest part about
volunteering with Habitat
is good fellowship with
people of good faith.”
Lincoln Shimomura
Lincoln Shimomura
Recognized for
Nearly 20 Years of Service
Nancy Asbury, Executive Director of the
RVHFH chapter, opened the event with
words of appreciation noting that, “the
volunteers have given their hearts and
souls and precious gift of time.”
2011 was an amazing year for RVHFH
thanks to the dedication and hard work
of its volunteers! Volunteers play a critical
role in supporting Habitat to serve the
communities of Somerset and Hunterdon
After the success of the event, everyone
at RVHFH is eagerly looking forward to
next year’s Annual Volunteer Appreciation
Party and the opportunity to honor another
group of dedicated volunteers!
A delicious selection of food
provided by Alfonso’s Family Trattoria
and Gourmet Pizza, the RVHFH
Board of Trustees, and
Nancy & Charley Asbury
Each year hundreds of
volunteers give back
in a variety of ways,
contributing their time to
committees such as
fundraising & family selection,
as well as working on site
with the building crew
to further Habitat’s mission
of building simple, decent
homes for families in need.
Thank You!
stained glass
votive holders
from Reeti Rouse
go to Oustanding Volunteers.
Just some of the Habitat Youth
Volunteers from Ridge High School
who helped with set-up!
fall 2012 newsletter
Decade of Dedication Award
left to right - Dick Cournoyer, Lincoln Shimomura, Jane Huck, Linda Bradway, Tom Fitzsimons, Lisa Esposito, Dick Carr,
Mindy Shanks, Sarah Verbeke, and Nancy Young) (not pictured - Denise Chang, Ken Schurzky, Silvio Verdile)
Outstanding Volunteers
left to right - Therese Shick (Office Support), Matt Wilson (Habitat Youth), Joan Darkenwald (The Kathleen M. Weidling Memorial
Family Selection Award), Mary Ellen Koscs-Fleming (Site Host Coordinator), Dint Moore (Women Build Program),
Chuck Johnson (Construction), Colleen Duerr (Public Relations and Fundraising), Dawn Domans (Office Support)
not pictured - Reverend Becky Pratt (Community Partner)
Find out how YOU can
Make a Difference.
Go to the “GET INVOLVED”
section of our website
Pass this Newsletter On!!
Give it to a Friend and Do Your Part
in Spreading the Word.
fall 2012 newsletter
Federal Home Loan Bank
Financial Resources FCU
USGA completed three workdays in 2012
Future homeowner Michael Gad (left) & St. Luke’s of Metuchen
July Women Build Day
Picture taken during
photography master
class with professional
William Neumann
5th Annual National Women Build Day
Women volunteers from all 50 states joined together
to raise their hammers at Habitat builds across the
country. These women raised over $5K for this one day
event & sponsor Lowe’s provided another $5K!
First timers, United Stationers raised walls and had fun during their July 2012 workday.
fall 2012 newsletter
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Flemington Brownie Troop 80682
served refreshments at the
Brunache House Dedication
Bridgewater Girl Scout Troop 539
prepared and served lunch for the
National Women Build Day in May
Girls Night Out - August 2012
Partner Families Helen Anane and Marim Fahim work all night long alongside
Women Build Volunteers during the 5th Annual Girls Night Out at Bridgewater
Commons. This event raised almost $3,000 toward the goal of $100K for the next
Women Build home to be built in Kingwood Township.
2012 Mr. Habitat Contest
Anthony Yakely & escort Amanda
Hansen, Immaculata High School
Blueprints and Blue Jeans
at Unionville Winery, Ringoes, NJ
Habitat 5K Run - October 2012
Cold & rain couldn’t keep them away. Overall Male - Measson Cyril 17:22 and Overall Female - Justine Filippelli 22:08
Non-Profit Org.
PO Box 6275, Bridgewater, NJ 08807
US Postage
Raritan Valley Habitat for Humanity (RVHFH) is an ecumenical Christian ministry
committed to improving the lives of hardworking, low-income families by helping
them to build and purchase their own modest, affordable homes. We work in
partnership with people of all faiths and backgrounds from across the community
to offer a “hand-up” to families in need of decent housing. An affiliate of Habitat for
Humanity International since 1992, RVHFH serves Somerset and Hunterdon Counties
in central New Jersey.
New Brunswick, NJ
Permit #982
Raritan Valley Habitat for Humanity is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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Raritan Valley Habitat Women Build
Raritan Valley Habitat Youth
By Megan Schuster
“There’s definitely a lot to gain
from this experience, such as
camaraderie and a sense of well
being which comes from giving
your talents, time, and resources
in a selfless manner to others.”
liana Neyra is the newest member
of our active Women Build team. A
manager and program coordinator at
Janssen R&D, Eliana started as Women
Build Registration Coordinator in June.
Eliana has been busy in her new role,
with several Women Build Workdays
scheduled this fall, which will help
fund the next Women Build home in
Kingwood Township.
With encouragement from her company
to give back to the community, Eliana
said she felt inspired to become a RVHFH
volunteer. She found the position on her
the Janssen R&D’s volunteer matching
site. A married mother of a six-year-old
son with a desire to help others, Eliana felt
this position was a good fit for her while
juggling all her responsibilities.
If you belong to or know of a local
women’s group, please consider
participating in one of our monthly
Women Build Workdays.
Become Our New
Women Build Lunch Coordinator
Contact Us Today
Eliana Neyra