Fall 2014 - Evergreen Habitat for Humanity
Fall 2014 - Evergreen Habitat for Humanity
Evergreen Habitat News Building homes, communities, and hope since 1991 Fall Issue Building Homes and Hope Around the World Inside this issue: Building Homes and Hope Around 1 the World School Build 2014-15 2 Women Build Tea 3 Women Build Cookbook 4 Spotlight on the Beltran Family 5 Neighborhood Revitalization in Fruit Valley 6 Store Corner 7 Ways to Support Habitat 8 Mission Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope. ________________ BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bruce Armstrong Sherri Bowman Rich Helmke Kevin Hiebert Anita Jinks Barry Kalian Mojgan Kasraei Jeff Miller Linda Reid Susan Riley Brenda Tiefenthaler Stacia White Evergreen Habitat volunteers and Habitat Guatemala Masons working on a construction site in San Marcos, Guatemala. Hoisting seventy pound buckets of sand to pour for mixing concrete. Carrying hunks of rock to lay the foundation. Spreading mortar upon layer after layer of cinderblock. And loving every minute of it. On September 6th, 2014 we sent 10 volunteers, staff members, and donors from Clark County to San Marcos, Guatemala to participate in Habitat’s Global Village program. This is a domestic and international volunteer program aimed at building decent, affordable shelter alongside members of the community. Amidst lush and vibrant flora and dramatic volcanic peaks, we worked closely with local masons and the families they were building for to learn more about Guatemalan culture and history. We saw firsthand the need for simple, decent, affordable housing in a country plagued by earthquakes and poverty. While in Guatemala, our mission was to not only build houses, but to also build relationships and hope. We spent ample time getting to know the partner families we were building for on and off the construction site. For our volunteers, this was the most rewarding experience, especially for our volunteer, Cath Alvey. ________________ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Josh Townsley STAFF Anni Becker Heather Cochrun Kris Cowan Melissa Edwards Leanna Fabian Koko Olszewski Laurie Runyan Evergreen Habitat volunteer Cath Alvey reading “Curious George” in Spanish and English to two of the children we were building for. Group photo of the Evergreen Habitat volunteers, Habitat Guatemala masons and staff, and the partner family we all built for after hiking at a local nature reserve. Cath spent much of her breaks on the construction site playing and bonding with the children. From having tickle fights to reading the beloved “Curious George” books, interacting with the families was easily the Continues on page 2 Evergreen Habitat News Page 2 Building Homes and Hope Around the World Continued highlight for Cath. “Giving the children their own time was so important to me. I wanted to show them that they were important too. After all, they were the ones we were building for. So they could have a better future. They were going to have a better life because of the work we were doing”. The opportunity to send volunteers to Guatemala gave these individuals the chance not only to help build sustainable, affordable homes, but to also get to know a beautiful country and culture. Seeing the world from a different perspective gave our volunteers a new sense of pride and appreciation in the work we are doing not only in our local community, but around the world. If you’re interested in joining us on future Global Village trips, contact Heather at volunteer@ehfh.org! Little Angel helping the masons and volunteers by laying mortar to prepare for the next layer of cinderblocks. Evergreen School District Project Kicks Off Third Year The Geometry and Construction program for the 2014-15 school year is officially underway! This is Evergreen Habitat’s third year working with the Evergreen School District. We have created a unique partnership with Evergreen and Mt. View High Schools Evergreen High School students and staff pose with Bank of America supporters to that allows students to apply kickoff the start of our 2014-15 Geometry in Construction build. what they are learning in the classroom to the construcbut also allows us to build two spoke about the excitement for tion site. homes for families in need, the program and the successes doubling last year’s output. that are sure to come. Ken GarDemand for the program has ringer, recipient of the Everincreased dramatically this This year’s program officially green home, also spoke with the year and for the first time, kicked off in October with the students, allowing them to see each school will build their student’s first day on the confirsthand the affect their work is own home. This not only instruction site. The day was having on the community. A creases the number of stucelebrated as guests from teary-eyed Ken shared, “I have dents we are able to reach Habitat and the School District a degenerative eye disease that RSVP For the Women Build Tea! Save the date for our Annual Women Build Tea this holiday season! The tea will be Saturday December 6th from 11:30 am to 1 pm. The festivities will be held in the beautifully restored Artillery Barracks in Historic Fort Vancouver at 600 East Hathaway, Vancouver, WA. It’s the perfect setting to kick off the holiday season and give back at the same time. Our guest speaker this year will be Rekah Strong, noted community leader with an expertise in diversity and inclusion. Call the office to RSVP today! will cause me to be permanently blind in a matter of years, and has already cost me my job. Before this program I feared I would be homeless but because of Habitat I have found stability again”. Bank of America has joined us this year as a premier sponsor for the program. We are so fortunate for all of the work that BofA does in our community. Thank you! We look forward to watching the students learn and build these homes! Purchase Your Women Build Cookbook Purchase the first edition of the Hors D'oeuvres & Desserts cookbook and enjoy over 300 recipes to make and share with family and friends. Price is $20.00 plus $4.00 in postage. Please order online or pick up a book at the EHFH affiliate and save shipping costs. *The Women Build program recruits, educates and nurtures women to build and advocate for simple, decent and affordable housing in our community. Join us by purchasing a cookbook or becoming a member of our committee. Fall Issue Page 3 Spotlight on the Beltran Family middle son Mario was born, the family learned that he was missing a crucial part of one of his chromosomes, causing him to be mentally and physically handicapped. Because of this, his functioning is limited and he is need of constant care. Soreya poses with her sons (left to right: Mario, Ricky, Tino III) as they celebrate the dedication of the West Family home. Tino and Soreya Beltran were selected for our Homeownership Program in the fall of 2013. They have been married for four years and have three charming boys, Tino III (6), Mario (5), and Ricky (2). Tino works full time as a lead maintenance technician for the Al Angelo Company and Soreya is a recent stay at home mom. When their The family of five currently live in a two bedroom townhome that they have rented for the past 3 years. Their oldest son Tino III sleeps in his own room while Mario and Ricky sleep in the parent’s room. Tino III’s room has no room for anything more than a bunk bed which Ricky, the youngest, is not yet big enough to sleep in. With Mario’s disability, he will always need to sleep in a crib, leaving no other choice but for the little ones to share a room with Mom and Dad. Needless to say, this doesn’t leave much privacy for Tino and Soreya. Not only has overcrowding been a problem with their current living situation, the family also struggles with safety concerns. Mario recently started walking and while the family is excited to have him moving independently, it makes living in a two story townhome very difficult. Tino and Soreya have to carry him up and down the stairs, as this is something he is not able to do on his own .This puts physical strain on both of them as well as the constant worry of Mario falling down the stairs from the top floor. The family is excited to start working on their home, as Soreya has said, “How cool is it to say ‘I helped build the house we are living in’. We are so eager to get our kids into a bigger, safer house that they deserve”. We look forward to building this family a home that will fit their needs, where their child can grow and thrive. Tino and Soreya get started on their Sweat Equity hours as they place trim for the West Family home. Neighborhood Revitalization in Fruit Valley Evergreen Habitat is under way in our third year partnering with the Fruit Valley neighborhood in Southwest Vancouver. We continue to complete “A Brush with Kindness” projects ranging from clearing brush, painting, repairing decks, and installing handrails, to increase values of homes and add new life to the community. If you have work that you would like to get done on your home contact Heather 360-737-1759, or at volunteer@ehfh.org Be sure to stay up to date on what’s going on in Fruit Valley this upcoming holiday season as we celebrate with the Winter Festival. Join us December 13th, from 4 to 6 pm in the Fruit Valley Community Center as we sip hot cocoa, take photos with Santa, and spread holiday cheer! Store Corner If you haven’t already visited the Clark County Habitat for Humanity Store in its new location come check them out! They are now located in the old Curt Warner Chevrolet at 10811 SE Mill Plain Blvd. The new location is bigger and has a wider assortment of donations. Be sure to stop by and say hi now that our affiliate shares office space with the Clark County Store! The Habitat Restores have been instrumental in financially supporting Habitat in our mission to eradicate substandard housing in Clark County. With the help of their shoppers, donors, and volunteers, the Restores will fund 12 homes this year and keep more than 4,300 tons of materials out of the landfill. ............ PO Box 871570 Vancouver, WA 98687 360-737-1759 www.ehfh.org www.facebook.com/EvergreenHabitat Instagram/Twitter: evergreenhfh Non Profit Org US Postage PAID Vancouver, WA Permit # 307 Ways to Support Habitat! Now when you shop online, Amazon will donate a percentage to charity. Visit smile.amazon.com and select Evergreen Habitat. Are you a Thrivent member? Participate in the Choice Dollars program by electing Evergreen Habitat for Humanity as Thrivent Financial for Lutheran’s charitable funds recipient. Donate old cars, trucks, RVs, and boats to Habitat to help build homes! Register your rewards card at fredmeyer.com. Go to the Community Rewards page and select Evergreen Habitat. Code 84510 designates us as your charity of choice!