Everybody`s Quilt Guild


Everybody`s Quilt Guild
Everybody’s Quilt Guild Happy New Year!! And what a fabulous new
year it is! Cold, yes; snow, not too much. . . or at
least not yet. Thank you to all the brave
members who ventured out into the cold to
attend the January meeting. You get a gold
star! I was quite surprised how many we
had. I’m guessing at least 50. A very special
thanks to Dave and Vanessa for bringing out our
new Bingo equipment and calling. We
appreciate you!
Later this year I am going to introduce a
“President’s Summer Challenge”. The plan is to
use the bolt of fabric that was donated to the
guild by the fabric rep we had speak last year.
The fabric has an Asian/Oriental flare to it so I
thought I would introduce the challenge at our
Mother’s Day Tea. No hints until then so don’t
January, 2015 Upcoming Events January 21 – Mid Month Meeting January 31‐ Veterans Hospice Quilt Workday February 4‐ Meeting & Speaker February 14‐ Christmas Party Meeting February 18‐ Mid Month Silk Ribbon Embroidery March 4‐ Meeting‐ Deadline to Pay Dues March 11‐14‐ Lancaster Quilt Show aqsshows.com/Lancaster March 21‐ National Quilting Day Celebration March 18‐ Mid Month April 2‐ Meeting April 16‐ Mid Month April 29‐May 3‐ Spring Retreat Registration Required Contact Sharon Fleming Many have asked about my new sewing space in
sfleming@antwerpenauto.com or 410‐
the basement. I painted, I organized, and I
404‐3699 moved tons of stuff down there . . . . and
May 6‐ Meeting‐ “Mother’s Day Tea” then . . . three boys (23 yr old) move back into
Begins at 6:30 the house and that took care of that! Back to a
May 20‐ Mid Month total man’s cave! And the quilt for my son’s
wedding you ask? It is just coming out of “time out” and I am hoping to have it
done it time to put in the Baltimore Heritage Quilt Show this March. Pretty
ambitious for me I think.
As always . . . Stay Calm and Quilt on!
January 7, 2015 Minutes
Old Business:
The Christmas Party was greatly appreciated. Some said this was the best
Christmas Party to date.
Sue is still taking orders for the T-Shirt/Sweatshirts.
New Business:
Kathy B. and Megan H. volunteered to audit the records.
Budget changes and requests are needed by the end of the month.
A membership list is being circulated at this, and the next few meetings. Please
check that your information is correct and chose what information you want to have
shared in the directory. If you have any questions, see Megan about it. Each member
can also change their own information by logging in to our website.
Block of the month – Sandie H. won the blocks. Barb M. is retiring from running
the block of the month. She ran it from 1988-2014 with only one year off. All were very
appreciative of her service. Karla R. will be taking over.
The Quilt Show was a great success with special thanks going to Wendy M. and
The mid-month will be crafts – more info to come in newsletter. Contact Barb
McM if you have any questions.
There will be a speaker next month.
Sue Kappes has offered to teach a class on Contemporary Curved Quilts.
Secret Sisters program needs more participants. If interested contact Sharon F.
Jomax is participating the Row by Row experience.
Lois A’s great, great grandmother’s quilt was featured in the Frederick Post and
McCalls Feb 2015 Magazine.
Veteran’s Hospice Quilts –Volunteers are needed to help with the kits. It will be at Zion
United Methodist Church, 2714 Old Washington Road, Westminster. Please sign up at
the mid-month meeting or contact Barb.
The January Mid Month program will be on Wed, January
21st, 2015. We will be doing & finishing 2 projects hands-on: a
snowman pin, and a small stained glass fabric block with a heart
(you can use this technique for any seasonal or center design).
These projects only require you to bring your basic sewing kit
and 3 small pieces of fabric:
 a 10" black square, a 9" "background" piece , and 5" pink
or red for heart
I will bring the rest of the supplies needed.
For 2015 you may want to get a little box that you designate as your EQG basic sewing
kit that you can grab & go for some of our meetings. It seems to me that most of you
don't feel like bringing your machine to each of our meetings, so I'm trying to find some
projects that we can do completely in an hour or so.
 EQG Basic Sewing Kit:
Small scissors
 small Ruler or tape
Hand sewing
 a few straight pins,
& a few safety pins
a Neutral & a black
thread or a bobbin of each
 Glue stick
 Seam ripper
 Pen & or Pencil
2015=At our February Mid Month we will have a guest who will demo Silk Ribbon Embroidery for us.
Upcoming meetings: I will bring several program suggestions, and get your feedback - but I do need
some teaching help and IDEAS! See you January 21st - door open at 6:30. Barb McMahon
The Veterans Hospice Quilts Saturday Sew in will be January 31, 2015.
Located at the Zion Methodist Church 2716 Old Washington Rd,
Westminster, MD 21157
There will be a sign up Sheet at the January Mid-Month meeting if you are
planning to attend Please sign up, so that we have an idea of how many
people are going to participate.
Time will be 9 am to 3 pm. bring a bagged lunch and drink.
Need to bring machines, and all sewing supplies. You might want to pair
up with a sewing buddy and just bring one machine and the other person
can press and get blocks ready. (Just a suggestion)
All Finished quilts are donated to the Loch Raven VA Hospital Hospice Unit.
Any questions call Barb Myers at 410-374-4656
Thank you to everyone that has already paid their dues. If you have not
already paid dues, you can mail your dues to:
Wendy Millender
2780 Washington Way
Manchester, MD 21102
2015 Dues should be sent no later than the March Business Meeting.
Fabric Scraps
We finally found an organization that accepts fabric scraps for recycling! Please note that the Carroll
County Landfill Recycling Center only accepts clothing in their recycling bin. The Adams County Rescue
Mission accepts fabric scraps of any kind that are recycled into carpet backing. Donations can be dropped
off at their location 2515 York Road Gettysburg, PA 17325 717-334-7502. Their hours are Monday- Saturday
8 am- 8pm.
National Quilt Day Celebration
The guild will be celebrating National Quilt Day with a “sew-in” to make blankets for
Project Linus.
Date: Saturday, March 21st
Time: 9-3
Place: Zion UMC Church of Shipley
2716 Old Washington Rd,
Westminster, MD 21157
Please put the date on your calendar. It will be a fun day and a great way to give back to
the community. More information will be available at the guild meeting along with a signup sheet.
Linda Wandel
410-795 6935
Miniature Quilt BINGO
Begin planning a project to contribute to our annual miniature quilt
BINGO. This fundraiser supports our annual scholarship fund. We are in
need of donations for BINGO Prizes, Door Prizes, and Baked Goods.
Please remember to place a permanent label on your quilt. We will need
volunteers to take tickets at the door, sell quilt raffle tickets, sell extra
games & specials, sell raffles, runners, & to help in the kitchen. Flyers,
tickets and signup sheets will be available at the March Meeting.
Sharon Fleming has agreed to coordinate Secret Sisters again for 2015. For Your
Convenience the Secret Sister form is below. Please bring both completed copies
with you to the February Meeting. If you have any questions please contact Sharon
at sfleming@antwerpenauto.com or 410-404-3699.
Secret Sister Secret Sister Name ___________________________________________
Address _________________________________________
City State Zip _____________________________________
Birthday ____________/________________ (mo/day)
Guild Anniversary _________________________________
Wedding Anniversary ______________________________
Name ___________________________________________
Address _________________________________________
City State Zip _____________________________________
Birthday ____________/________________ (mo/day)
Guild Anniversary _________________________________
Wedding Anniversary ______________________________
Favorite Quilt Block(s) ____________________________
Favorite Quilt Techniques __________________________
Favorite Quilt Fabrics _____________________________
Favorite Quilt Shop _______________________________
Favorite Flower __________________________________
Favorite Scent ___________________________________
Favorite Beverage ________________________________
Favorite Snack ___________________________________
Favorite Quilt Block(s) ____________________________
Favorite Quilt Techniques __________________________
Favorite Quilt Fabrics _____________________________
Favorite Quilt Shop _______________________________
Favorite Flower __________________________________
Favorite Scent ___________________________________
Favorite Beverage ________________________________
Favorite Snack ___________________________________
2015 Christmas Challenge
Do you have an antique quilt that you love, but you are afraid to use? Is there a classic or vintage quilt
pattern that you have always admired? Do you have a photo of a vintage quilt
you would like to recreate? HERE IS YOUR CHANCE!!!
Next year’s challenge will be to create a vintage inspired quilt. The fabric
choice is completely up to you. Vintage, Traditional, Reproduction, or
The only rules are 1) it needs to be finished by the 2015 Christmas Party. 2)
Please bring a photo, pattern, or the original quilt that inspired your project.
Prizes will be awarded in both large and small categories.
There will be a Christmas Party Committee Meeting on Saturday, February
14. Please contact Megan Harris for details if you would like to attend. At this
meeting we will be working on a project using Christmas Fabric Scraps (5” or
larger), Batting Scraps (5” or larger), Fusible webbing (5” or larger), and Christmas colored zippers (any
size), trims, and buttons. If you have any of these items that you would like to destash, please bring them
to the January Mid-Month Meeting or February business meeting.
Katharyn Black has a few quilting items she can't use. She has a full size quilt frame never used, best offer no
matter how low. She also has the following for best offer no matter how low: quilting hoop about 24" diameter (nice
and could be used to display a project); and lap frame with base for quilting or needlepoint. Thanks for spreading the
word. Katharyn's new contact information is: 154 Peace Circle, New Oxford, PA 17350, 717-624-3023. Thanks so
Simply Stashing invites quilters to their UFO Nights. It is held on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Please
call the shop to reserve yours seat. 717-359-4121 ext 2.
The Deadline for the February Newsletter is Thursday February 12. Please
send information to
Vice President
2015 Officers & Committees Contacts for EQG
Judy Barnard
Wendy Millender
Anne Chillson
Joanne Letnaunchyn
Committees for 2015
Auditing (Jan 2015)
Kathy Bailey
Megan Harris
Comfort Pillows
Candy Myers
Comfort Quilts
Community Outreach
Project Linus
Bus Trips
Retreat/Fall 2015
Retreat/Spring 2015
Bingo, Miniature
Quilt Show 2016
Raffle Quilt 2015
Raffle Quilt 2017
Block of The Month
Door Prizes
Holiday Party
May Tea
Member’s Fabric
Mid-Month Meeting
Secret Sister
Membership ($30.00)
Newsletter & Website
Nominating Comm.
Libby DallaTezza
Barb Myers
Linda Wandel
Connie Richman
Millie Tracey
Kathy Bailey
Kathy Everly
Jan Lucas
Liz Turnbaugh
CoChair TBD
Sharon Fleming
Ellen Linsenbardt
Marlene Gienow
Vanessa Schlossberg
Jan Lucas
Karla Richards
Meetings & Programs
Vanessa Schlossberg
Karla Richards
Karen Zylka
Megan Harris
Robin Hill
Tracy Oliver
Sandy Muir
Louise Davis
Nova Guynn
Barbara McMahon
Sharon Fleming
Marlene Gienow
Gail Hosmer
Carol Park
Jane Soine
Wendy Millender
Megan Harris
Anne Chillson
Jane Soine
Please Contact Wendy Millender wengonquilting@comcast.net if you would
be interested in this project as a workshop. If we have enough people
interested, it would be scheduled for fall. Prices below are for the supplies.
Workshop cost will be determined by number of participants and location of
class. Instructor indicated that this project can be completed in 1-6 hour
Quick and Cute Tuffets 18” Round, Height varies
This little gem comes together quickly
using the Creative Grids 15-degree Triangle Ruler!
Supplies Needed:
Rotary Cutter and Mat, Long Ruler Basic Sewing
Supplies, 1/4” Foot Thread to match
Strong Twine and Pencil
Staple gun and staples (if you have one - we will share) Creative Grids
15-Degree Ruler - available for pur- chase from instructor for $20.
These following items do come in a kit available for purchase from the
teacher, Erin Underwood, for $100. Please contact her in advance.
Or you can find them yourself - see resources.
• 18” round circle of plywood
4 pre-made legs and hardware to attach them (sam- ples used
Waddell Straight Top Plates from Lowes to attach)
Foam - for an 8” tuffet, get 36” of 4” tall foam; for a 6” high tuffet,
36” of 3” tall foam (use your coupon at JoAnns) or one 6” tall x 18” round precut foam
Contact Erin Underwood
with any questions.
erin@erinunderwoodquilts.com 410-322-9200
(see resources)
Fabric Requirements
Fabric for tuffet
24 strips cut 3” x 21-1/2”
Black fabric to cover bottom (optional)
1/2 yard or 1 fat quarter
2 squares 40” x 40”
Fabric to cover button (provided in class)
one 4” square of fabric
Home Depot and Lowes both carry 18” precut round pine boards and assorted ready-to-finish legs. Lowes tends to keep the
hardware to attach the legs in stock. You may have to go on-line to find them at Home Depot.
Foam Factory, an on-line store, offers precut foam if you do not wish to prepare it yourself in class. They offer a
maximum height of 6”.
Pre-finished legs. Make sure you have the correct hardware to attach legs.
Copyright, 2013, All Rights Reserved Erin Underwood‛s designs are protected by the American Copyright Law. No part of this pattern may
be reproduced for profit OR sharing without the consent of the designer. Written permission must be obtained for commercial use of this
pattern. Thank you for your cooperation.
Contact Sue Kappes or Marlene G. at mgienow@comcast.net if you are interested in this as a workshop.
There are several patterns available, and not all participants are required to use the same pattern.