Report On Giving
Report On Giving
The Study School F o u n d at i o n Report On Giving The World Needs Great Women, and it all starts at The Study. DREAM WITH US GIVING AND GETTING INVOLVED James McDonald F. William Molson & Jeffrey S.D. Tory Great schools look forward and set ambitious goals. With our mission to guide Study girls to reach their fullest potential, we set out in 2014-2015 to lay the groundwork for our new 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. Bringing parents, past parents, alumnae, faculty and staff, leadership teams, administrators and students together to consider the question ‘why do we do what we do?’ helped us to define and plan for The Study of tomorrow. In doing so, our ability to be collectively introspective, to share varied perspectives and to be forward thinking has greatly helped us to determine our own future. Students with a strong sense of community are more likely to be successful both academically, and overall in their lives, and this community is built thanks to our collaboration. There is both simplicity and power in participation, and we are strongest with the support of the entire Study community. Gifts of money, time and expertise to The Study are investments in our girls’ future, and participation at all levels has made a true difference. Chair, The Study Board of Governors I would like to sincerely thank you for your involvement in this process. The Study’s mission to support the development of young women as leaders, innovators and life-long learners truly does matter. As we dream together, great leaders are just getting started at The Study. Chair and Vice-Chair, The Study School Foundation Thanks to your generous gifts, and to careful financial planning and investing, The Study School Foundation has grown steadily over the past years. Guided by our mantra to Get (raise more funds), Guard (be good stewards), and Grow (allow these funds to grow), our endowed funds totalled nearly $5.3 million on June 30th, 2015. Going forward, the Dare to Dream Campaign will allow The Study to embrace a sound and sustainable financial model of autonomy while continuing to offer the same level of educational excellence at stable tuition rates. Achieving financial autonomy will be one of the most visionary and transformational changes the school has undertaken in the last 100 years, setting the stage for the next century. This is an exciting time to ‘Give and Get Involved’ at The Study as we unite together to empower our girls with the gift of education. 2 i m p a c t o f y o u r g i fts “I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of our Study community for your gifts of time, expertise, and financial support. You have helped to make The Study the quintessential place for girls to learn and grow. We are stronger together, and your gifts have a true impact on the future of our girls.” YOUR GIFTS MAKE A DIFFERENCE: HEAD’S INiTIATIVES FUND Nancy Lewis Sweer Head of School I believe in our girls, in our staff and faculty, and in our Study community. We teach your daughters to be creative in their approach to problem solving; we cultivate their broad range of interests, as well as their love of learning. Everything we do at The Study focuses on guiding girls to be exceptional as they reach for their personal best, and discover their place in this world both as individuals and as valued members of our global community. We help our girls to evolve through the development of best practices in every aspect of school life. The Head’s Initiatives fund supports professional development, and drives us to consider what tomorrow’s world may look like as we creatively embrace new initiatives that support our Strategic Plan. Thanks to your gifts, our staff and faculty provide the innovative programs that will catapult our girls, successfully, into the future. Report On Giving 2014 – 2015 The Head’s Initiatives fund also supports experiential learning programs. Learning to code starts in Grade 1. More than sixty of our girls are engaged in robotics, and many are developing game apps or creating 3D animation. Art projects combine visual beauty and complex collaborative storytelling, and mindfulness practices have helped our girls to appreciate the present moment. As well with support from the Head’s Initiatives fund, we proudly welcomed over 200 students and teachers from Quebec and Ontario to our third Annual Leadership Conference. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of our Study community for your gifts of time, expertise, and financial support. You have helped to make The Study the quintessential place for girls to learn and grow. We are stronger together, and your gifts have a true impact on the future of our girls. 3 i m p a c t o f y o u r g i fts Transforming Lives World-class academic institutions such as The Study recognize that the most outstanding young minds and great spirits deserve the opportunity to excel, regardless of their families’ financial circumstances. Thanks to the generosity of our donors we remain committed to removing barriers to accessibility, via merit-based scholarships that acknowledge outstanding academic results and promise, and need-based bursaries which aim to make a Study education as affordable as possible. The Study is proud to have granted financial assistance and awards totaling $426,683, in 2014-2015, to over 22% of our students. “The Study is proud to have granted financial assistance and awards totaling $426,683 in 2014-2015, to over 22% of our students.” When designating your gift to our Direct-Funded Bursaries and Scholarships Fund, or to our Endowed Margaret Gascoigne Bursary Fund, lives are transformed and our student body becomes richer in its diversity. Great women leaders of tomorrow learn in a school where value is placed on critical and innovative thinking, not financial position. For a student receiving assistance, it can be life-changing for both her and her family. The possibility of a broader educational experience is nurtured for all in a climate of diversity. Peer-motivation within a deeper pool of gifted and hard-working young women, striving to be their best, pushes all girls to reach their fullest potential. “Great women leaders of tomorrow learn in a school where value is placed on critical and innovative thinking, not financial position.” Thank you for helping us to ensure that your daughters and their friends, tomorrow’s leaders, can be all that they aspire to be. Your gift is truly a gift of opportunity. 4 “We all knew my daughter was a Study girl from her first interview, but the cost of the education was daunting. We were fortunate that The Study recognized the ‘Study girl spark’ in our daughter, and have graced us with the amazing opportunity of financial assistance that allows her to study here. It has been by far the biggest influence outside of our home. To wonder if she will become a strong pillar of our community in the future goes without saying. The core tenets of The Study run through her, and for that we are forever grateful. Thanks to you, we are able to give her an opportunity like no other.” - Parent of a Bursary recipient, Senior School ---------« The Study est une école centenaire dont le coeur se porte à merveille! The Study est une écolefamille aimante qui soutient ‘ses filles’ lorsqu’elles font face à un obstacle, à un défi, ou même à une difficulté financière. Cette année, l’obtention d’une bourse d’étude a fait toute la différence dans la vie émotionnelle et scolaire de notre fille en lui assurant une sécurité dans la continuité de son parcours académique. » - Parent d’une élève qui reçoit de l’aide financière, à l’école primaire Financial Assistance Awarded including scholarships and bursaries, in 2014-2015 426,683 Dollars granted in financial assistance (including bursaries and scholarships) 58 Percentage growth in the amount of financial assistance granted over the last 5 years 22.4 Percentage of student population receiving financial assistance 14 Percentage increase in students receiving financial assistance, compared to last year i m p a c t o f y o u r g i fts Motivating Learning Environments Enriched learning for all Today in education, ‘how we learn’ is an exciting area of scientific research. At The Study, we work together with our teachers to develop informed and refined pedagogy with concrete, versatile, kinesthetic and interactive strategies. Using integrated educational technology, research-based practices and a specialized teaching approach, we target and support individualized learning profiles to enhance the strengths and address the needs of all Study students. Our skilled educators outline best practices in note-taking, concept development, organizational skills and basic study habits. Thanks to generous gifts to the Enrichment Centre, we took a big leap forward in 2014-2015. A new window brings in natural light, and the feeling of open space has completely changed the ambiance of the room. “More welcoming”, “comfortable”, “relaxed” and “calm” are words used by our students who are using this space. New tables, chairs and a projector offer our educators the flexibility to interact individually and in small groups, allowing us to meet the needs of more students. On any given day, the Enrichment Centre addresses the needs of our Sports Flex students, and those who need time to catch up, in addition to also welcoming students looking to refine their study skills and expand their personal learning. Our toolbox includes advanced educational technology. Interactive notebooks and pens allow the written word to be transferred to pdf format; iPads with specialized apps boost literacy teaching in English and French; stress balls, noise cancelling headphones and wiggle seats quiet fidgeting and increase concentration; comfy bean bag chairs help students focus on enjoyment versus frustration when problem solving or trying something new. The impact of your gifts is tangible – your support has made this a truly amazing learning space. We, and our Study girls, thank you. Report On Giving 2014 – 2015 La vie française La compréhension des traditions culturelles commence par l’apprentissage de la langue et l’habilité à communiquer. À The Study, notre programme de langue maternelle bilingue au niveau primaire est axé non seulement sur la communication orale, la lecture et l’écriture, mais également sur une immersion dans la riche culture québécoise. Lorsque les élèves sont à l’aise et ne se sentent pas inhibées, l’apprentissage d’une langue se fait plus naturellement. Grâce à nos généreux donateurs, notre Francozone est en voie de devenir l’un des espaces préférés de l’école primaire, et nous sommes emballés par l’avenir qui lui est réservé. Nous avons aménagé un nouvel « espace salon » au design flexible et baigné de lumière naturelle, et l’avons équipé de sofas confortables. Nous y avons invité Annie Groovie, une personnalité québécoise, afin qu’elle nous parle de ses expériences et de l’expression créative par l’entremise de ses personnages imaginaires. Auteure et illustratrice de littérature pour enfants, Annie a parlé du pouvoir de l’amitié, de l’imagination et du rêve. Son sourire et son enthousiasme ont rempli la pièce. Vos dons ont permis à nos élèves de vivres des experiences dont elles se souviendront toujours. Can you build it? The Study’s Makerspace is our indoor tech playground, and girls ‘play’ here every day. Our mantra? If you can imagine it, you can build it. The excitement starts in Grade 1 and continues through high school. Coding, programming, game development, 3D scanning and printing, electrical and mechanical engineering – it all happens here. This space is where the freedom to create uses many forms of technology – mixing and matching science, engineering and the arts – in architecture, robotics, electronics and engineering projects that teach our girls to collaborate and think as designers. Thanks to your generosity, Study girls have cutting edge tools at their fingertips, and together, they learn to love to build. 5 A T A G LANCE G i fts f o r t h e f i s c a l y e a r J u ly 1 , 2 01 4 t o J u n e 3 0 , 2 01 5 Giving DONATIONS TO ALL CAMPAIGNS 2014-2015 Annual Giving $213,153 YOUR GIFT DESIGNATIONS Major and Planned Giving $317,285 $530,438 Endowment Funds $222,270 Nicaragua Scholarships, Centennial Book, Misc. $47,374 Total Giving 55% 42% 13.5% Head’s Initiatives $138,454 227 2012-2013 410 Total Gifts = PARTICIPATION MATTERS 6 9.5% 26% Increase in the number of donors over the last 3 years Donors Year 9% 261 2013-2014 351 2014-2015 GIFTS OF ALL SIZES MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT IN THE STUDY SCHOOL FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT FUNDS 209 gifts of $1 to $100 155 gifts of $101 to $1000 46 gifts of over $1000 100 PERCENT FACULTY AND STAFF PARTICIPATION IN THE ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN Direct-funded bursaries, scholarships and awards $50,510 Facilities and Program Enhancements $71,830 2014-2015 $5,285,709 2013-2014 $ 5,052,735 2012-2013 $4,803,035 50 PERCENT PARENT PARTICIPATION IN THE ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN Getting Involved Student Involvement FUNDRAISING 15,360 Dollars raised by and donated on behalf of Study students 13 Community Engagement PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS AND FRIENDS THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO Charitable organizations selected by Study students to receive donations > 40 DONATION PORTFOLIO (Percentage of total donations for each sector) > 3200 Health 64% Education 24% Women/Children 5.5% Animals 5% Other 1.5% DIFFERENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDING: Governing leadership teams and committees, Study Parent Association, Give Week Leaders, Math and Science Fair judges, Career Day participants, Mentors, Class Parents, Events coordinators and many more! Hours collectively volunteered by our community 34 Average number of parents attending Study Parent Association meetings each month COMMUNITY SERVICE > 4000 Number of community service hours offered by girls in the Senior School > 1000 Number of volunteer hours offered by girls in Grades 9, 10 and 11 to prepare for and run The Study’s 3rd Annual Leadership Conference > 30 Number of not-for-profit organizations for whom Study students volunteer 134 FAMILIES WHO MADE DONATIONS DURING GIVE WEEK (MAY 2015) FACULTY AND STAFF GOING OVER AND ABOVE FOR OUR GIRLS Leadership Conferences Trips (Nicaragua, Duke of Edinburgh, Ivy League) Drama, Arts, Music Events Robotics and Technovation Science and Math Fairs Athletics (coaching, intramurals, trips) Civic Engagement (Model UN, Debate, Parlement des jeunes) Clubs (Spanish, Art, Amnesty International) And so much more! 45,859 DOLLARS RAISED IN 5 DAYS DURING GIVE WEEK 7 OUR DONOR S THANK YOU to all our donors DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTED TO OUR 2014-2015 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN Margaret Gascoigne Circle $10,000 + Jean-Guy Desjardins & Suzan Moreau The Study Parent Association Two anonymous donors Head’s Club $5,000 – $9,999 Dany Battat & Elyse Tolchinsky-Battat Yannick Beaulé & Sarah Pannell Michel Brutti & Grace Yang Joan Ivory ’51 Marc Missonnier & Virginia Anderson Derek & Judith Pannell Deirdre Stevenson ’51 Founder’s Club $2,500 – $4,999 Harold & Anat Geyer Robert Gibson James McDonald Philip Nolan & Vincenza La Greca Kevin & Myriam Petrecca Niko Veilleux & Pamela Sierra Trillium Club $1,000 – $2,499 Lawrence Cannon & Dominique Arvisais Wendy Chiu ’87 François de Gaspé Beaubien Anatole Desiatnyk & Brenda Bartlett ’76 Benoit Desjardins Pietro Di Battista & Isabel De Palma Keith & Debbi Eaman Michael Quinn & Susan Einhorn Robert & Heather Faith Christopher Gillespie & Helen Mayer Richard Goulet & Julie Henrichon-Goulet John Hallward & Karma (Price) Hallward ’77 Erwin Hinteregger & Angeles Munoz Fernandes Haifeng Huang and Lei Wang Scott Jones & Sophie D. Jones Bruce & Joëlle Kent Isabelle Komsic David Kostiuk & Jill de Villafranca Pierre Lapointe Kevin Leonard & Stephanie Kouri Louis Ludwick & Erika (Flores) Ludwick ’88 George Malikotsis & Eva Szabo 8 F. William Molson Jean & Jocelyne Monty Jean-Sébastien Monty & Karine Labonté-Monty Robert Munro & Patricia Munro ’48 Clifford Noonoo & Wendy Chui Jacopo Olivieri & Myriam Doucine George Papagiannis & Alexandra Tsotsis Cynthia Robertson ’83 Guy & Odette Savard Nancy Lewis Sweer Sebastien Varin & Julie Pedneault Diana Weatherall ’52 Neil Wiener & Sylvi Plante Guotang & Shuling Yang Anthony & Nancy Zitzmann Two anonymous donors Braeside Club $500 – $999 Yves Bergevin & Elizabeth Hailu Ronsard Bonnet & Ruth-Andrée Jeanty Patrice Brisebois & Michele Gaul Joseph Cohen & Madeleine Persson Cohen Diana Cottingham ’71 James Cottrell & Melissa Phillips ’78 Marc George Darmo & Tiscar Cavallé-Garrido Margaret DeJong ’70 Bruno Dubroca & Regina Visca Stanley Hason & Antoinetta Grassi Hason Xiaoyi Ji & Chen Qu Marie-Françoise Jothy Michel Kaine & Josée Dancause Xenia Kirkpatrick ’65 Dominic Lacasse & Katie Kostiuk ’96 Jean-François Marcoux & Natacha Zénié Giovanni Maselli & Luisita Orsini Wallace & Elizabeth McLeod Robert Morgan & Michelina Paduano Georges & Anne Morin Charles Nicol & Caroline Dillon Kevin & Marie O’Keefe John Paoletti & Diana Iasenza Christina Park-Beaulieu & Jacques Beaulieu Louisa Petropoulos Joseph Sebag & Anne-Julie Beaumont Alireza Seirafi & Ghazal Goodarz Marie-France Senécal Sandra Sharp ’67 Ian & Helgi Soutar Guthrie Stewart & Sarah Ivory ’78 Natalie Wentz ’89 Tung-Por Wong & Loretta Hung Tim Zyto & Valerie Caels One anonymous donor Benefactor’s Club $250 – $499 Jorie Adams ’65 Adam Adelman & Belinda Takahashi Andre Andriopoulos & Effie Koufalis Marc Asheghian & Sandra Cohen Ryad Bedjaoui & Marion Adam de Villiers Lorraine Bergeron Samuel & Anne-Marie Blatchford Karim Boulos & Nathalie Allard Richard Bradeen & Barbara Osler François Campeau & Joy Benson Abdel Charmand & Asmaa Bouanane Isaac Cristoveanu & Christine Kostiuk ’00 Andrey Cybulsky & Daria Trojan Van Essayan & Paola Perez-Aleman Tony & Kathy Fargnoli Grimur Gardarsson & Helga Arnadottir Rona Gomel Ashe ’86 Robert Gordon & Beatrice Bousser Matthew Hunt & Anne Heenan ’88 Sylvie Lafleur Lise Léger-Anderson Ken & Lyne Lu François Magny & Petra Reichert Christopher Manfredi & Paula Bonta Cynthia McCall ’78 George McGinnis* Jean-Pierre Mongeau & Susan Orr-Mongeau Frank Picciola & Tanya Guyatt ’88 Kieran Shore & Robin Grover Renate Sutherland Martin Valasek & Lisa Rambert Barbara Whitley ’36 Ann Yuile Campbell ’68 *Remembered fondly OUR DONOR S G i fts f o r t h e f i s c a l y e a r J u ly 1 , 2 01 4 t o J u n e 3 0 , 2 01 5 MERCI à tous nos donateurs Five anonymous donors Friendship Club Up to $249 Linda Adams ’61 Asher Adler & Cynthia Van Frank Justin Ajmo & Vicki Antginas Faisal Alturki & Basmah Dakhil Mohammad Alzahrani & Nisreen Maghraby Madeleine Arsenault-Cooper ’01 Hadi Ayoub & Jane Pappas Robert Babczak & Samantha Hayes ’86 Steven Backman & Diana Gregory ’79 Constance Barnes ’55 James & Michele Beckerleg Claude & Julie Bédard Lucy Benguigui Line Benoît Cynthia Bensen ’81 Peter Berezin & Sofya Kostina Jessica Berger ’00 Clayton & Cheryl Bertoia Deniz (Barki) Bevan ’96 Alain & Rose Bichar Roland Bienvenu Keith & Judy Bishop Robin Blackwell Ken Bobkowicz & Anna Mignonette Serrano Paula Boggild Talya Boisjoli ’10 Elizabeth Bordeaux ’53 H.W. Borntraeger III Hayk & Talin Bosnakyan Mona Bosnakyan ’02 Stacy Bouchard-Burns & Dana Hostakova Rikki Bowles Kim Brassard Julie Caron Philip Cercone & Colleen Gray Eric Cloëtta & Brenda Williams Andrew Coderre & Mélanie Beaudette Zoe Coombs ’50 Denis & Lindsay D’Aoust Edward de Villafranca Christa Decker Arthur Dedeyan & Naira Akmakchyan Jason Degasperis Report On Giving 2014 – 2015 Catherine DeGuire Olivier Delas & Patricia Briand Li Deng Robin Dick & Gabriella Gobbi Mariyana Dimitrova Vu Ky Dinh & Ngoc Hanh Tu Joseph D’Intino Ramiz Djamalov & Shatha Al-Musawi Joan Dougherty ’43 Diana Dunlap ’70 Pattie Edwards Sofia Essayan-Perez ’11 Verian Farnsworth ’68 Denis Ferland & Joanne Buda-Ferland Jean-Jacques Ferst & Judith-Nadège St Charles Catherine Anne Fetherstonhaugh ’47 Susan FitzPatrick ’60 Tommy Fournier Jennifer Gibson ’86 William & Martha Gontier Yuly Gonzalez Glenn Goucher & Suzanne Barwick ’79 Michael Grecoff & Rebecca Wickett Fang Guan & Brochun Xu Emmanuel Guyot & Delphine Giler Stanley Hason & Antoinetta Grassi Hason Donna Hastings Michael & Sheila Hayes Jean-Karl Hébert & Karine Vinet Shaun Hébert & Sophie Boulet Peter & Heidi Higgins Caroline Hoen ’64 Sarah Howard Guillaume Hugé & Domitille Héron Hugé Belinda Hummel Mario Iacobacci & Lucy Scuderi Lisa Jacobsen Paul & Jana Jast Bradley Johnson & Tamara Ensio Chi-Nan Kang & Ching-I Liang Marinee Kavoukjian Ryan Kennedy & Tara Ramiengar Kathleen Kirkpatrick ’68 Andrew Kouri Barbara Kurtzman Phillips Simon & Kitty Lam Jeong-Min Lee Karine Lemay Mary Lenihan ’54 Marjolaine Leveillé Michael & Gloria Levy; Samantha Levy '16 Jie Liu & Xiu Qin Ye Christopher Lockhart & Chantale Lewis Xiaoxia Li Jun Liu & Yan Tang Jeannie Loo Lisa Lorenzetti Lino Luciani Pu Yun Ma & Yan Yan Yeung Adrian Maas & Yaël Benguigui Jane MacFarlane ’58 Victor Maltsev & Maria Maltseva Lynn Markham Beebe ’65 Claire Marler ’65 Caroline Marshall ’68 Martha McCall ’87 David & Sheila McCall Willa McDougall ’48 Dave McKenzie & Kaye Francis Barbara McKinnon ’75 Don McKnight & Anna Maria Fiocco Malcolm McLeod & Joan Bond Thornton McLeod ’62 Gino Melatti & Susanne Donato Isabelle Metwalli Gildardo Michel-Garcia & Arabella Decker ’87 Adria Minsky ’96 David Minsky & Cathy Lafitte Ken Chi Kit Mo & Helen Li Franca Monaco Aloke & Lopa Mukherjee Margot Nadien ’48 Rosalie Nagler ’71 Jane Nelson ’62 Tamara Ohnona Sarah Ostiguy Patricia Palmieri Louise Paquin Deena Patel Jacqueline Perron-Smith ’13 May Pestano-Trost 9 OUR DONOR S THANK YOU to all our donors DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTED TO OUR 2014-2015 ANNUAL GIVING CAMPAIGN (continued) Diana Pitfield ’48 Elizabeth Pound ’46 Chen Qu & Shiyi Fang Marie-Ève Rioux Suzanne Rodier Ronald Roza & Ali Mindel ’88 Bruce Rutenberg & Paulina FloresRutenberg ’90 Fabienne Saadé Bart & Susan Sambrook Frank Sasse & France Villemaire Samantha Schneider Melodie Schweitzer ’83 Virginia Schweitzer ’86 Juhua Shi & Shuang Chen Sharmelle Silva ’86 Joanie Smith ’76 Deirdre Soffa ’62 Andrew Nicolai Sofin & Lucille Raikes Daphne Spindler ’71 Pierre-Philippe Ste-Marie & Teresa Holden Ste-Marie Barry Stewart & Diane Madrange Stewart Victor Suthren & Lindsay Suthren ’62 Miriam Tees ’40 Anastasia Theophilos ’91 Andrea Tone Laurie Traylen Eliot Turcot & Margaret (Dunford) Turcot ’38* Pascale Valéry Jens Erik Walter & Miranda (Mok) Walter ’88 Yang Wang & Hua Cheng Kevin Waschke & Jana Taylor Sally Wilson ’46 Anne Wonham ’58 Patricia Wright-Gossip Barbara Wybar ’64 Jinglin Xiong Ellen Yambouranis Antonia Zannis Mary Zannis Anthony Zeitouni & Linda Polka Twenty-five anonymous donors *Remembered fondly Fifteen anonymous faculty/staff donors 10 DONORS WHO CONTRIBUTED TO OTHER CAMPAIGNS IN 2014-2015** Margaret Gascoigne Circle $10,000 + Sophie Desmarais Martha Hallward ’48 F. William Molson Jean-Sébastien Monty & Karine Labonté-Monty Ian & Helgi Soutar Anthony & Nancy Zitzmann Two anonymous donors Head’s Club $5,000 – $9,999 Jenny Camacho Founder’s Club $2,500 – $4,999 Nil Trillium Club $1,000 – $2,499 Scott Jones & Sophie D. Jones David Kostiuk & Jill de Villafranca Jean-Pierre Mongeau & Susan Orr-Mongeau Kieran Shore & Robin Grover Nancy Lewis Sweer One anonymous donor Braeside Club $500 – $999 Eve Marshall Benefactor’s Club $250 – $499 Ronald Hébert & Mary Liistro Hébert Friendship Club Up to $249 Nil ** O ther campaigns may include Special Initiatives, Major Giving and Planned Giving *** Organizations contributing to Annual, Special or Major Giving Campaigns OUR DONOR S G i fts f o r t h e f i s c a l y e a r J u ly 1 , 2 01 4 t o J u n e 3 0 , 2 01 5 MERCI à tous nos donateurs THE TRIBUTE GIFTS PROGRAM In honour of : Sister Katharine’s 10th year graduation milestone Jessica Berger ’00 Daughter Sofia ’21 Marc George Darmo & Tiscar Cavallé-Garrido Nieces Katie Kostiuk ’96 & Christine Kostiuk ’00 Edward de Villafranca Daughters Tatiana ’17 & Sydney ’19 Jean-Jacques Ferst & Judith-Nadège St Charles Daughter Taylor’s Grade 11 graduation Harold and Anat Geyer Daughter Vicky ’22 Jie Liu & Xiu Qin Ye Daughter Victoria ’16 Joseph Sebag & Anne-Julie Beaumont Daughter Julia’s Grade 6 graduation Michael Shannon & Janet Cameron Cristina Monica Hauser Pascale Valéry IN MEMORY of : Anne Marjorie (Hayes) Hillis ’53 Robert Babczak & Samantha Hayes ’86 An Invitation to Become the Newest Member of the 1915 Society Planned giving demonstrates long-term thinking and sets the example for others by highlighting the importance of preserving our legacy of excellence for generations to come. It has the potential to perpetuate something of great value and meaning, and may be the ultimate gift you can make, both in size and finality. What better way to celebrate the values of education, or to celebrate your own special memories of The Study and how it has changed your life, than to make a Planned Gift. With many different Planned Giving options, you can realize your own personal philanthropic goals. Education at The Study is about changing lives and creating opportunities. We invite you to join the 1915 Planned Giving Society and to be part of The Study’s vision for the future, to establish a legacy for yourself and your loved ones, and to deepen your connection to The Study. Through Planned Giving you can make a difference in the life of each Study girl who is learning to make her own mark on the world. Margaret (Durnford) Turcot ’38 Eliot Turcot The Tribute Gifts Program provides the opportunity to honour a family member, friend or colleague or to remember a loved one. Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If, however, there are any errors of omissions, please accept our sincere apologies and notify Katie Kostiuk, Director of Advancement. or 514-935-9352 ext 224. Report On Giving 2014 – 2015 What will be your personal legacy? Thank you for letting us know if you have already remembered The Study in your estate plans. We are grateful for your commitment to The Study of the future. To learn about the different ways you can include The Study in your personal legacy, contact Katie Kostiuk, Director of Advancement, 11 Dare to Dream The Study’s Campaign for the Second Century Greatness and innovation stem from dreams, and yet dreams only happen when the conditions are right. The Study’s Centennial has stimulated us to look back and celebrate our achievements. It has also provided the occasion to consider what challenges and opportunities the next century will bring for the school – and what can be done to ensure its continued growth, success and relevance. A goal of $8,750,000 for The Study’s Dare to Dream Campaign ensures our ability to resolve the school’s current challenges, and achieve a new level of innovation, autonomy and excellence. It will take us to a place where all dreams can become realities. How can we make this possible? We are fully aware that the excellence provided by The Study today is only possible because of those who came before us. Parents, alumnae, board members and friends, working alongside teachers and administrators, invested time and money to assure The Study would be the best school possible for future students, their parents and us. They dreamed for us – and we must keep on dreaming. We therefore invite you to Dare to Dream with us. CAMPAIGN PILLARS 12 GOAL The Study will have the financial autonomy to determine its own future. $6,000,000 The Study’s world-class faculty and staff will continue to be empowered through program innovations and professional development. $750,000 The Study will continue to attract the best and the brightest students while preserving socio-economic diversity through increased scholarship and bursary opportunities. $750,000 The Study will be able to offer state-of-the-art learning environments with improvements to our facilities, buildings and grounds. $750,000 The entire Study community will come together to support and celebrate today’s students through a robust Annual Giving Campaign. $500,000 Dare to Dream with us today, by making your Campaign gift For more information including a full Campaign Case for Support and Campaign pledge form, please contact: Katie Kostiuk ’96, Director of Advancement 514-935-9352 ext 224 / Dare To Dream “Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, Gloria Steinem after all, is a form of planning.” Campaign Goal $8,750,000 Current Campaign Commitments (as of $5,867,000 Campaign Volunteer Leadership Campaign Cabinet Co-Chairs Jean-Guy Desjardins Scott Jones Randy Kelly Campaign Cabinet Members Brenda Bartlett ’76 Wendy Chui Jill de Villafranca Kevin Leonard Erika (Flores) Ludwick ’88 Christopher Manfredi James McDonald F. William Molson Jean-Sébastien Monty Michael Shannon Mark Smith Ian Soutar Nancy Lewis Sweer Jeffrey S.D. Tory Report On Giving 2014 – 2015 13 T REA S URER ’ S ME S S A G E How our Endowment is Growing and Why This is Important Jill de Villafranca Treasurer, The Study School Foundation The Study School Foundation is a charitable organization, distinct and separate from The Study, and is responsible for the fundraising that benefits The Study. It oversees the stewarding of funds raised, and the investing of gifts designated to our Endowment, in order to both increase the principal and be in a strong position to support the educational mission of The Study. During the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2015, the Foundation increased its net assets by an amount of almost $233,000 after having contributed $593,168 to The Study. This achievement results from generous donations to our Endowment and to direct-funded designated programs, positive market conditions and sound investing strategies. The Foundation had $5,285,709 in assets as of June 30, 2015. We expect to see a marked increase in the value of our Endowment over the next two years with the ongoing success of the Dare to Dream Campaign, as donors make commitments and begin to honour their pledges. As the size of our asset base grows, the Foundation will be able to increase its annual disbursement to The Study, supporting the strategic initiatives the Board of Governors has identified in its newly released Strategic Plan. The growth of our Endowment is crucial to the current and future success of Study students. Going forward, the Endowment will provide the resources necessary for financial autonomy and sustainability while continuing to allow for greater flexibility and enhanced program enrichment. The growth of our Endowment is crucial to the current and future success of Study students. What is an Endowment Fund? An endowment is a pool of money invested to grow but also to generate income that can support current needs. The pool of money (the principal) remains invested and only a percentage of the income generated is used, thus providing stable financial support for the school in the present, while also allowing the principal to grow over the long-term. Why give to The Study’s Endowment Fund? All gifts and donations are deeply appreciated – every gift makes a difference. It is a contribution to the endowment funds that becomes a gift that keeps on giving, a gift for the present and the future, for your daughter and your daughter’s daughters, a gift that grows in perpetuity. When donating to The Study’s endowment funds, you enable the school to dare to dream. Assets under management (as of June 30th) 2015 2014 2013 14 $5,285,709 $5,052,735 $4,803,035 GOVERNANCE Our leadership teams work together to set the school's strategic direction and ensure that it is supported through fundraising and careful fund management. The strength of character of these women and men, and their profound and unwavering commitment to The Study, demonstrates and inspires true leadership. The Study School Foundation Board of Trustees 2014-2015 Chair F. William Molson Vice-Chair Jeffrey S.D. Tory Secretary Rebecca McLeod ’94 Treasurer Jill de Villafranca Trustees Jean-Guy Desjardins John Hallward Joan Ivory ’51 Scott Jones Jean-Sébastien Monty The Study Board of Governors 2014–2015 Chair James McDonald Secretary Marie-Françoise Jothy Treasurer Philip Nolan Members Brenda Bartlett ’76 Arabella Decker ’87 Erika (Flores) Ludwick ’88 Sarah Ivory ’78 Christopher Manfredi Michael Shannon Adjuncts Regina Visca Anthony Zitzmann The 2014-2015 Report On Giving is produced on behalf of The Study School Foundation. For more information, please contact: Katie Kostiuk ’96 / Director of Advancement,, ext 224 Susan Sambrook / Senior Advancement Officer,, ext 256 Belinda Hummel / Advancement & Alumnae Relations Coordinator, bhummel@thestudy., ext 254 Design: Red l’agence Report On Giving 2014 – 2015 Report On Giving 2014-2015 thestudy.qc .ca | 3233 T he Boulevard, W estmount (Q ue b ec ) H3Y 1S 4