October 2014 Newsletter - Construction Federal CU
October 2014 Newsletter - Construction Federal CU
Banking Made Better Celebra OCTOBER | 2014 For 40 years, we have been helping individuals and companies that build America. We still believe in our Country’s greatness and we also believe in our members. Join us and experience banking made better, service the way it used to be. Helping people live better lives is what we do, every day. n n n n n n n n n n Personal & Business Checking & Savings Accounts Direct Deposit ATM Access 24/7 Auto, Home, Boat Loans VISA IRAs Money Market Accounts Certificates of Deposit Home Equity Lines of Credit Online Home Banking Access 24/7 www.cfcuonline.com 40 Years! ting Construction Federal Credit Union Building Together Dear Valued Members, , hope that this note ¿nds you and those that you care about doing Zell. <our credit union is doing great and remains 5 Stars-Superior. :ith the leaves falling, snoZ isn¶t far aZay and that brings to mind the added costs most people experience during the Hanukkah and Christmas Season. Our VISA remains exceptional, priced at just 6.87% APR, it is the very best choice for you. While others may offer 1% cash back, ask yourself if being charged 10.99% APR ± .99% APR, makes that make sense. It doesn¶t. Transfer your balance to your neZ CFCU VISA for no added fee, fast and easy. /ast year you Zill recall, the massive data breach experienced all over the United States Zith Target Stores. This Zas a real nightmare for many, but CFCU Members Zere immediately protected. We scanned all VISA and Debit Card use for the time frame that Zas in Tuestion, identi¿ed the affected Members, turned those cards off, phoned the Members and reissued neZ cards right aZay. 1ot one of our Members experienced loss over this. I Zant you to knoZ that I have implemented the migration of all CFCU VISA and Debit Cards to a more sophisticated card Zith added fraud protection. EMV-enabled cards, (named for its developers: Europay, MasterCard and VISA); have an embedded microprocessor chip that encrypts transaction data differently for each purchase. EMV is used primarily in Europe and Asia and is steadily being adopted as the standard type of credit card ZorldZide. Because the transaction information is encoded uniTuely every time, it¶s harder for criminals to pick up useful payment data pieces and use that information again for another purchase. Compare that Zith the traditional magnetic strip cards used in the United States, Zhich contain ³static´ data payment information that never changes. All that a thief has to do is lift that information to create a fake card before going on a shopping spree. HOURS Main Office: Monday - Friday 9-5pm Branch Offices: Weekdays 9-7pm Saturday 9-2pm 24-hour ATM service available at all locations. The responsibility of protecting your money is our ¿rst priority. /ook for your neZ EMV Card Zith microchip protection in the not too distant future. “In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” - Thomas Jefferson CFCU at 0 years old, is better because Ze have you as a Member. I am so proud to serve you, thank you for making us one of the Strongest Credit Unions in America! Think good thoughts, be positive and never give up. 1ever. Thanks for your loyalty. Respectfully, Jim James M. Finn President & Chief Executive Officer jfinn@cfcuonline.com 0DLQ2IÀFH %LQJKDP2IILFH3DUN7HOHJUDSK5RDG6XLWH%LQJKDP)DUPV0,_0DLQ1XPEHU)D[ Bauer Financial, an independent national bank and credit union rating service, has once again given CFCU a 5-Star Superior Rating. This exceptional rating indicates the continued strength and stability of Construction Federal Credit Union. RATES BANKING MADE BETTER Savings & Certificate Programs MINIMUM INVESTMENT 6DYLQJV$FFRXQW &KHFNLQJ$FFRXQW Share Certificates PRQWK 2 month PRQWK PRQWK 6 month 6 month PRQWK PRQWK PRQWK-XPER PRQWK PRQWK 24 month 24 month PRQWK PRQWK PRQWK PRQWK APY* 0.10% 0.10% 0.04% 0.11% 0.15% 0.17% 0.21% 0.23% 0.31% 0.43% 0.83% 0.60% 0.67% 0.70% 0.73% 0.71% 0.75% 0.74% 0.77% greater than greater than less than greater than less than greater than less than greater than greater than less than greater than less than greater than less than greater than less than greater than Federal Holidays COLU M BUS DAY Monday, October 13, 2014 VE T E RAN ’S DAY Tuesday, November 11, 2014 $OODFFRXQWVPXVWPDLQWDLQDEDODQFHWRUHFHLYHD monthly dividend. Accessed fees could affect annual yield. 8SWRGD\SHQDOW\IRUHDUO\ZLWKGUDZDORQFHUWLILFDWHRI deposit accounts. T H A N KSGI VI N G Thursday, November 27, 2014 0.87% IRAs -XPER greater than $GYDQWDJHVWR&UHGLW8QLRQ,5$V CH RI STM AS Wednesday, December 24, 2014 Thursday, December 25, 2014 ,QVXUHGXSWRE\IXOOIDLWKDQGFUHGLWRI US Government 1R/RDGLQJ)HHV 1RDQQXDOIHHVIRUPDLQWDLQLQJWKHDFFRXQW 1RKLGGHQSHQDOWLHVIRUHDUO\ZLWKGUDZDORWKHUWKDQ WKRVHE\,56 'HSRVLWVFDQEHPDGHWKURXJKWKHFRQYHQLHQFHRI payroll deduction (DUQLQJVSDLGDQGFRPSRXQGHGTXDUWHUO\ Loans NE W YEAR’S Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Thursday, January 1, 2015 APR** /RDQ6HFXUHGE\6KDUHV 8SWRPRQWKV 9HKLFOHV 8SWRPRQWKV 8SWRPRQWKV Up to 72 months 9HKLFOHV 8SWRPRQWKV 5.00% 1.99% 2.99% 3.99% 4.60% 9HKLFOHV 8SWRPRQWKV 9HKLFOHVEHORZ 8SWRPRQWKV /LQHRI&UHGLW +RPH,PSURYHPHQW 8SWRPRQWKV 5.00% 5.875% 5.00-11.00% <HDU)L[HG)LUVW0RUWJDJH <HDU)L[HG)LUVW0RUWJDJH <HDU)L[HG%DOORRQ)LUVW0RUWJDJH $PRUWL]HGRYHU\HDUV 5.875% 4.55% 4.10% 3.95% A CFCU Credit Card Is AlZays +(/2&(Program Suspended) PRIME RATE as published in the Wall Street Journal, PLUS 1.00% MIN APR is 5.00%; MAX APR is 12.00% 1HZ%RDWV 8SWRPRQWKV %RDWVROGHU 8SWRPRQWKV Recreational Vehicles 4.99% 5.50% 5.00-8.00% 9,6$3ODWLQXP3UHIHUUHG 6.87% Rates are subject to change to meet market conditions. Please contact the Credit Union for updates. $3< $QQXDO3HUFHQWDJH<LHOG $35 $QQXDO3HUFHQWDJH5DWH A Smart Choice Construction Federal Credit Union offers one of the absolute best tools available anyZhere, a Platinum Preferred VISA at an unbelievably loZ rate of 6.87% APR. Our VISA Cards provide exceptional rates and loZ fees, as Zell as the convenience and service you deserve. Why not apply today? Just call or stop by, or visit www.cfcuonline.com to apply from the comfort of home. VISA PLATINUM PREFERRED 6.87% APR* APR Annual Percentage Rate. Credit cards issued upon approval of credit. Rates and terms subject to change Zithout notice. Contact the Credit Union for complete details. )HGHUDOO\LQVXUHGE\1&8$ © CUAdvantage.com • 877.799.0784