- St. Joachim Catholic Church


- St. Joachim Catholic Church
20, 2016
21250 Hesperian
Hayward, CA
94541 |
510.783-2766 |
From the Pastor’s Desk:
The Bishop of Notre Dame Cathedral
in Paris during the early part of the
last century was a great evangelizer
who tried to reach out to unbelievers,
scoffers, and cynics. He liked to tell
the story of a young man who would
stand outside the Cathedral and shout
derogatory slogans at the people entering to worship. He would call them
fools and other insulting names. The people tried to
ignore him but it was difficult. One day the parish priest
went outside to confront the young man, much to the
distress of the parishioners. The young man ranted and
raved against everything the priest told him. Finally, the
priest addressed the young scoffer, saying, “Look, let’s
get this over with once and for all. I’m going to dare you
to do something and I bet you can’t do it.” And of course
the young man shot back, “I can do anything you
propose, you white-robed wimp!” “Fine,” said the
priest. “All I ask you to do is to come into the sanctuary
with me. I want you to stare at the figure of Christ on His
cross, and I want you to scream at the very top of your
lungs, as loudly as you can. ‘Christ died on the cross for
me, and I don’t care one bit.’” So the young man went
into the sanctuary, and looking at the figure, screamed as
loudly as he could, “Christ died on the cross for me, and I
don’t care one bit.” The priest said, “Very good. Now do
it again.” And again the young man screamed, with a
little more hesitancy, “Christ died on the cross for me,
and I don’t care one bit.” “You’re almost done now,”
said the priest. “One more time.” The young man raised
his fist, kept looking at the crucifix, but the words
wouldn’t come. He just could not look at the face of
Christ and say those words any more. The real punch line
came when, after he told the story, the bishop said, “I was
that young man. That young man, that defiant young man
was I. I thought I didn’t need God but found out that I
The Church celebrates today as both Palm Sunday and
Passion Sunday. Today’s liturgy combines contrasting
moments of glory (the royal welcome given to Jesus by
his followers), and suffering (the drama of his unjust trial
culminating in his crucifixion). Proper participation in the
Holy Week liturgy will deepen our relationship with God,
increase our faith and strengthen our lives as disciples of
Jesus. Therefore, during this Holy Week, make it a point
to participate in all the liturgical events particularly on
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil.
----------------------------------------------------------------Little Johnny was sick on Palm Sunday and stayed home
from Church with his mother. His father returned from
church holding a palm branch. The little boy was curious
and asked why. His father explained, "You see, when
Jesus came into town, everyone waved palm branches to
honor him; so we got palm branches today." "Aw,
shucks,” grumbled Little Johnny. "The one Sunday I
can't go to Church, and Jesus shows up!"
El Obispo de la
Catedral de Notre
Dame en París durante la primera parte del siglo pasado
fue un gran evangelizador que trató de alcanzar a los
incrédulos, burlones y cínicos. Le gustaba contar la
historia de un joven que estando fuera de la Catedral
gritaba consignas despectivas a la gente que entraba para
adorar. Los llamaba tontos y otros nombres insultantes.
La gente trató de ignorarlo pero era difícil. Un día el
Párroco salió a enfrentar al hombre joven, a la angustia
de los feligreses. El joven gritó y deliró contra todo lo
que le dijo el Sacerdote. Por último, el Sacerdote se
dirigió al joven bromista, diciendo: "Mira, vamos a
acabar con esto una vez por todas. Te voy a retar a hacer
algo y apuesto a que no lo puedes hacer. Y por supuesto
el joven gritó, "Puedo hacer cualquier cosa que me
propones, enclenque de sotana blanca"! "Muy bien", dijo
el Sacerdote. "Lo único que te pido es entrar al Santuario
conmigo. Quiero que mires directamente a la figura de
Cristo en su Cruz, y quiero que grites tan fuerte como
puedas con toda la capacidad de tus pulmones. "Cristo
murió en la Cruz por mí, y no me importa nada." Así que
el joven entró al Santuario y mirando la figura, gritaba
tan fuertemente como pudo, "Cristo murió en la Cruz por
mí, y no me importa nada". El Sacerdote dijo: "Muy bien.
Ahora hazlo de nuevo." Y otra vez el joven gritó, con un
poco más de vacilación, "Cristo murió en la Cruz por mí,
y no me importa nada". "Estamos casi listos," dijo el
Sacerdote. "Una vez más." El joven levantó su puño,
manteniendo su mirada en el crucifijo, pero las palabras
no salían. Él no podía mirar el rostro de Cristo y decir
esas palabras otra vez. El punto culminante de la historia
fue cuando, después de contarla, el Obispo dijo, "yo fui
aquel joven. Ese joven, ese joven desafiante, fui yo.
Pensé que no necesita a Dios, pero descubrí que si lo
La Iglesia celebra hoy el Domingo de Ramos y Domingo
de la Pasión. La Liturgia de hoy combina momentos
contrastantes de gloria (la acogida real dada a Jesús por
sus seguidores) y el sufrimiento (el drama de su juicio
injusto que culminaron en su crucifixión). Adecuada
participación en la liturgia de Semana Santa nos ayuda a
profundizar nuestra relación con Dios, aumentar nuestra
fe, y a fortalecer nuestras vidas como discípulos de Jesús.
Por lo tanto, durante esta Semana Santa, haz una pauta
para participar en todos los actos litúrgicos, especialmente el Jueves Santo, Viernes Santo y Vigilia Pascual.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------El pequeño Johnny estaba enfermo el Domingo de
Ramos y se quedó sin ir a la Iglesia con su madre. Su
padre regresó de la Iglesia con un ramo de palma. El
niño curioso, preguntó por qué. Su padre explicó, "ves,
cuando Jesús llegó a la ciudad, todos agitaban ramas de
palma para honrarlo; por eso recibimos palmas hoy."
"Ough¡" "El Domingo que no puedo ir a la Iglesia, y Jesús
se aparece!"
Nota de nuestro pastor:
Parish Office
Readings for the week of 3/20/2016 Parish Fax
Parish Email
Lk 19:28-40/Is 50:4-7/Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24/Phil office@saintjoachim.net
Parish Office Hours
2:6-11/Lk 22:14--23:56 or 23:1-49
Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM
Bilingual available T,W,F 4Is 42:1-7/Ps 27:1-3, 13-14/Jn 12:1-11
7:30 PM
Saturday 10 AM-4 PM
Is 49:1-6/Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17/Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM
Sunday 9 AM-4 PM
Is 50:4-9a/Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34/Mt 26:14- Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM
Rev. Joseph Antony Sebastian,
Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/Ps 116:12-13, 15-18/1 Cor 11:23- SVD
26/Jn 13:1-15
Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Friday
Is 52:13--53:12/Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25/Heb
10 AM to 12 PM
4:14-16; 5:7-9/Jn 18:1--19:42
5 PM to 8 PM
Sat Vigil:
(with appointment)
Gn 1:1--2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a/Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, lunes, martes, miércoles, y
10-13, 15-18/Ex 14:15--15:1/Is 54:5-14/Is 55:1-11/ viernes
Bar 3:9-15, 32--4:4/Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28/Ps 118:1-2, 10 AM a 12 PM
16-17, 22-23/Rom 6:3-11/Lk 24:1-12
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Next Sun/Dom:
Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23/Col 3:1 Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVD
-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 or Lk
Parochial Vicar
Monday, Wednesday
~Thursday March 24th
8:30 Morning Prayer Service
7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper
~Friday March 25th
8:30 Morning Prayer Service
12:00 Stations of the Cross and
Thursday, and Friday
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
5 PM to 8 PM
(with appointment)
lunes, miércoles , jueves y
10:30 AM a 12:00 PM
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Ariel Mayormita
Music Director/
7 last words—English
Director de Música
3:00 PM Celebration of the Passion Phone Ext. #223
of the Lord—English
5:30 PM Live Stations of the Cross—
7:00 PM Celebration of the Passion
of the Lord—Spanish
Flor Herce
~Saturday March 26th
Pat Ludwig
Administrative Assistant
8:30 Morning Prayer Service
8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass—bilingual
Faith Formation Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe
Glenda Aragón
Director of Faith Formation
Abraham Gonzalez
Faith Formation Coordinator /
Youth Minister
550-6878 /
Bertha Cruz
Administrative Assistant
St. Vincent de Paul
Office hours
1:00-2:30 PM ONLY
San Vicente de Paul
Gary Enos, President
St. Joachim School
Escuela de San Joaquín
Armond Seishas
Sandra Garzon
School Secretary
St. Joachim Pre-School
Marisa Melgarejo
Everyday Stewardship
When I was younger I used a reflection on youth retreats that depicted a disciple of
Jesus and his concern about how much Jesus loved him. The disciple would several
times over his life ask Jesus the question, "How much do you love me?" Each time Jesus would simply shake his
head, wondering why the disciple would ask such a question. Then Jesus was arrested and sentenced to death,
driving the disciple crazy with his inability to get an answer from Jesus. He was insecure and needed reassurance
that the Jesus he loved cared for him just as much. Finally, he met Jesus before the moment of his execution and
cried out to him to please ease his soul over the concern of how much he loved the disciple. Jesus then answered, "I
love you more than you know. I love you this much," holding his arms out to his side as far as they would go. Then
Jesus was seized while in that posture and nailed to a cross, making that gesture a permanent one for the disciple
and everyone else to see.
I then would play a song entitled, "Thankful Heart," which contained the lyric, "I have a thankful heart, that you
have given me, and it can only come from you." It was a moving reflection every time. After all that concern about
how much the Master loved him, what else could he have but a profound sense of gratefulness? He received his
answer, and with that answer, a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice of love.
Gratefulness is a primary characteristic of an Everyday Steward. On a day like Passion Sunday our gratefulness
should overflow. Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, all things are made new and all things are possible. We
are called to be thankful for all the gifts in our lives because the only reason any of the gifts matter is because of his
ultimate gift: his life. Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS © Liturgical Publications
Vivienne Malig
Sheila Bacallo
Anita Z. Ruedas
Helen Karas
Ken Freitas
Cynthia Crutchfield
Tina Gonzales
Leonor J. Enrique
Arsenio S. Reyes, Jr.
Felicisima Buendia
Primo Cosico
Cynthia Crutchfield
Angel Estuardo Vidal-Cardenas
Geraldeen Mae McKinnom
Teresa Salvador
Luz Datayan
St. Vincent de Paul
Food offering for next
Peanut Butter, Jelly
or crackers
Crema de cacahuate,
mermalada o galletas
March 13, 2016
The Plate Collection
EFT Collection
On Line Giving
TOTAL for the WEEK
~~~ Donation amounts were
unavailable at press time, they
will be reported next week,
Thank You
Every year on Good Friday, a
collection is taken up in every
Catholic Church to support the people and places of the Holy Land.
Christians of the Holy Land rely heavily on the help that comes to
them during this special moment of the year. On Feb. 10, 2016,
Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, sent a letter to the bishops of the world,
appealing to them for aid to the Church in the Holy Land. He
writes “the collection reminds us of an ancient duty, which the
history of recent years has made more urgent, but no less a source
of the joy that comes from helping our brothers. We are indebted to
those who went out from there, carrying the light of faith to the
world. Likewise, we are indebted to those who remained to give witness to that faith, in spite of the conflicts that
have always tortured that Land. Nonetheless, the Christians in the Holy Land care for the places marked by the
passage of Jesus Himself, allowing us to touch, as it were, the truth of our faith. This Land challenges our charity,
as it always has, yet today with a growing urgency. Indeed, every person who lives and works there deserves our
prayers and our concrete assistance, so necessary for the continuation of the work of healing wounds and
fostering confidently justice and peace. We cannot remain indifferent: God is not indifferent! God cares about
mankind, as Pope Francis says ‘God does not abandon us’. This care is expressed by our open hands,
contributing generously. It can also be shown by making pilgrimages without fear to the places of our salvation,
visiting also the schools and centers of assistance, where one can draw near to the local Christians and listen to
their stories.” Cardinal Sandri’s letter to the bishops went on to say “I assure you of the deepest gratitude of the
Holy Father Francis and that of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, which seeks to accompany our
brothers and sisters of the East with attentive care. Kindly extend this heartfelt thanks to all the Christian faithful
of your particular Church.
The responsibility of caring for the Holy Places as well as caring for the Christians living in the Holy Land
belongs to The Franciscans of the Custody of the Holy Land. Their care is important in order to maintain a
Christian presence in a land that is filled with a Jewish and Islamic majority. They maintain the Holy places and
shrines; they build thousands of residential units as well as senior care facilities; they provide medical assistance
for the needy; operate and support schools open to all, regardless of religion or nationality. They provide
scholarships for students to prepare them to get jobs and remain in the Holy Land as part of living Catholic
communities. They Fund young men studying to become Franciscan priests or brothers, and Franciscan
archaeologists pursue ongoing research at the Holy Places discovering historical artifacts.
To be continued… Sources: news.va, proterrasancta.org, custodia.org
panoramio.com, israel-travel-secrets.com
Left your wallet at home?
No Problem!
1— go to www.saintjoachim.net and click on ‘Donate/Pay’
2—select ‘weekly offertory’
3—Select ‘recurring’ or ‘one time donation’
4—enter amount, frequency and account information.
It’s safe. It’s simple. It’s convenient.
March 19-26, 2016
Saturday 4:30 PM
Diane Dinh (healing)
Fidel Castro †
Aniano S. Jacinto †
Joseph Nguyen†
Leonida Onnie Hilario †
Sunday 9:00 AM
Tito Perez (birthday)
Angela Perez (birthday)
Noel Salta & family (thanksgiving)
Agapita Ungah †
Tuesday 7:00 AM
Maria Nguyet †
Sunday 10:30 AM
Lupe Pedroza (birthday)
Wednesday 7:00 AM
Victoriano Reyes († -birthday)
Maria Nguyet †
Sunday 12:15 PM
Josefina E. Acorda †
Elizabeth Fisher †
Saturday 6:00 PM
Manuel Hernandez † (aniversario)
Jesus Magallon Jr. † (aniversario)
Pepe Hernandez † (2nd aniversario)
Ramon & Consuelo Villanueva †
Alfonzo Gutierrez Ortuno †
Angel de Jesus & Jose Ramos †
Manuel Cobarrubias † (aniversario)
Sunday 7:30 AM
Raymunda Estacio Lachica †
Gregorio Lachica †
Teofila Lachica †
Pantaleona Lachica †
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Santiago Gonzalez † (anniversary)
Wednesday 8 :30 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Sunday 2:00 PM
Antonio Chavolla Rico †
Miguel Duenas †
Jesus Briceno †
Sunday 6:00 PM
Samantha Pedraza (18th birthday)
Monday 7:00 AM
Margaret Strelow † (3rd anniversary)
Carmen R. Rodriguez † (anniversary)
Maria Nguyet †
Monday 8:30 AM
Elizabeth Nazang & child
Wednesday 7:00 PM
Paula & David Cruz †
Veronica Morales †
Thursday 7:00 AM
Thursday 8:30 AM
Friday 7:00 AM
Friday 8:30 AM
(special intention)
Rosalina Acob † (anniversary)
Ramilo (Toto) Dizon (40th day)
Saturday 8:30 AM
We Need your Flowers!!!
We are especially looking for Calla Lilies ,
Orchids and Lilacs
Please Bring them to the Rectory Office starting
this Friday or Saturday before NOON
Other Flowers are also welcome
Help us beautify the Church with your
Garden Flowers
March 26 ~~ Holy Saturday
8:30 Morning Prayer Service
March 26 ~~ Easter Vigil
8:00 PM Easter Vigil Mass, bilingual
March 24 ~~ Holy Thursday
March 27 ~~ Easter Sunday
8:30—Morning Prayer Service
7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper—bilingual
March 25 ~~ Good Friday
8:30— Morning Prayer Service
12 NOON Stations of the Cross & 7 Last Words, English
3:00 PM Celebration of the Passion of the Lord, English
5:30 PM Live Stations of thee Cross, Spanish
7:00 PM Passion of the Lord, Spanish
7:30 AM Mass, English
9:00 AM Mass, English
10:30 AM Mass, English
12:15 PM Mass, English
2:00 PM Mass, Spanish
6:00 PM Mass, Spanish
Are you a student in Middle School (6-8th)?...
If so, join other teens your age at our Parish
for the Youth Retreat Why Catholic?
led by NET Ministries
When: Wednesday, March 30th ~ 5:30-9:30pm
Where: St. Joachim’s Gym
Cost: $30
Registration forms available at the Faith Formation
or Rectory Office.
Atención Padres:
Tienes a un estudiante en Middle School (6-8vo grado)?...Tráelo al Retiro
para jóvenes de la Parroquia Por que Católico? guiado por NET Ministries
Cuándo: Miércoles 30 de Marzo ~ 5:30-9:30pm
Dónde: Gimnasio de San Joaquín
Costo: $30
Formas de inscripción disponibles en la Oficina de Formación de Fe o en la Rectoría.