Connecting - Sisters of St. Joseph Index


Connecting - Sisters of St. Joseph Index
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
Neighbor with Neighbor and Neighbor with God
VOL 21#3
Spring 2013
s 1873 - 2013
Office of Mission Advancement
Office of Mission Advancement
Mission Statement
The Office of Mission Advancement
of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
fully supports the mission and
ministries of the Sisters. We raise
funds to support all present and future
ministries and to continue the legacy of
the Congregation.
We also provide funds through
donor generosity to care for our elderly
and infirm Sisters. All donations enable
the Congregation to strengthen its
mission of unity and reconciliation
among the people it serves. We thank
our friends and benefactors who
partner with us in this mission.
Connecting is published
semi-annually by the Office of
Mission Advancement of the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston.
Cheryl Duggan
Mary Black, CSJ
Margaret Sullivan, CSJ
Council Liaison
Joanne Gallagher, CSJ
Director of Communications
Darlene Rogers
Assistant Director of Communications
Graphic Designer
Claire Archambault, CSJ
We do not share, rent or sell
our donor list.
The Office of Mission Advancement
makes every effort to list accurately
all information from donors who have
given to the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Boston during the year.
If you find inaccurate information or to
notify us of a change of address, please
call us at 617-746-2114.
From the President
s I gaze out my office window a longstanding maple tree is budding forth with
wisps of spring green. Natural beauty
is emerging to give us new life and new hope,
something much needed in our city and world
after the senseless tragedy of the Boston Marathon
As this edition of Connecting is one of
honoring and remembering, we place the names
of Martin Richard, Krystal Campbell, and Lu Lingzi along with MIT police
officer, Sean Collier, in our list of remembrances. And we humbly honor the
survivors and all who exhibited selfless care, concern, and love in the midst of
mind-boggling mayhem.
“Humanity is better than this. We are a resilient, adaptable species with
a propensity towards community and kindness. . . .Go outside today and
recognize the true nature of humanity. Recognize that together we have the
capacity for unspeakable love. Recognize that our brains evolved to function in
community not to tear communities apart.”1 These words of Erin Neimela in an
Op-Ed piece following the Marathon bombing ring true not only for all affected
by this event, but for us as well.
In his new book, Donald Cozzens states, “If faith is fundamentally relational
and hope can be understood as courageous waiting in solidarity for the healing
of our fractured church and world, it should be clear that love takes us beyond
our egocentric selves.”² Though we are aware Jesus lived this statement, we
know many who are listed in this edition of Connecting also witness to
a relational faith, have the courage to wait in solidarity for healing, and most
certainly go beyond egocentric love. They are Christ’s living presence in this
As Sisters of St Joseph, we have immense gratitude for each and every one
of you who so generously contribute that we might continue to be about our
mission of “connecting neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God.” Your
contributions support many of our sisters in their ministries and provide funds
for the care and comfort for our elderly and infirm.
As we move through spring and anticipate summer let us reflect on the words
of the poet Mary Oliver:
We shake with joy, we shake with grief
What a time they have, these two
housed as they are in the same body.³
With deep gratitude,
1Erin Neimela
Erin Niemela is a graduate student in the Conflict Resolution program at Portland State University and a
PeaceVoice syndicated journalist
²Notes From The Underground – The Spiritual Journey of a Secular Priest, Donald Cozzens, Orbis Books,
2013, p. 46
³Evidence, Mary Oliver, Beacon Press, 2009, p. 13
From the Office of Mission Advancement
n these days of Eastertide, when the springtime of our earth
is bursting with the magnificent colors of flowers and trees, I
write to share the news that this Office of Mission Advancement
is undertaking a search for a new Director. We are looking for
someone qualified and enthusiastic about building on what has
been and striding hopefully into the future with us. While there
may be some changes in the office structure going forward, we
promise that you, our beloved donors, will always be valued
for who you are and what you are able to do with us and for our
ministries to the “dear neighbor.” Thus, the springtime of our
earth mirrors the new moment in this office.
In this issue of Connecting, you will meet several of our
sisters who, though their days of working in a ministerial situation
for which they receive monetary compensation have been
completed, continue to exert themselves in furthering mission as
volunteers. There are ever increasing numbers among us of CSJs
in this category, given our aging. Nevertheless, the mission on
behalf of others remains uppermost in the minds and hearts of
these sisters and they continue to be productive workers in the
vineyard. The wide variety of volunteer ministries is a testament
to the multitude of gifts these sisters have to offer to a needy
world. Their energy spent on behalf of the “dear neighbor” is
generous and dynamic and their interaction with women and men
whom they have never previously met is life-giving. The mission
of Jesus flourishes through their efforts.
Your generosity helps us to support these sisters and their
ongoing ministry on behalf of the People of God. We continue
to be most grateful for your partnering with us in so many ways.
Thank you!
- Peggy Sullivan, CSJ, Council Liasion to the Office of Mission Advancement
If It Doesn’t
Say Boston,
It’s Not Ours
We have, once again, received phone
calls and notes from our friends,
relatives, and donors saying that they
have received solicitations from the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield.
We share many things with our
Springfield sisters: history, tradition,
friendship and a passion for mission. We
do not share finances. We do not share
our mailing list with any other group.
Nonprofits can purchase mailing lists
from magazines and companies. The
Springfield sisters do, and that is why you
receive their mailings.
Our mailings always have our logo:
Always our mailing address is:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge St.
Brighton, MA 02135.
Please be sure your gift
reaches its intended destination.
From the President From the Office of
Mission Advancement
In Honor of List
2013 Jubilarians
Memorial List
CSJ Volunteers
Card Program
Page 2
4 - 12
16 - 32
Pages 8 - 13
Pages 35
Rev. Patrick McLaughlin was omitted as a donor
in the Fall 2012 issue of Connecting. Our
apologies for the error.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 3
he following names have been given by donors through our cards for the living
program. Their lives are celebrated for a special occasion, need, accomplishment,
or because they have contributed to the lives of others through their daily work.
All are remembered in prayer by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and Associates.
January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
2012 Golden Jubilarians
Judy & Frank Adams
Neal Adkins
Rita Agnes
All CSJ Friends
All CSJs
The Allen Family
Anne Alsmeyer
Carol Amaroso
Emily Anderson
Sister Patricia Andrews
Peter Annese’s 93rd
Mary Antworth
Joanne Archambault
Delma Arizia
Kathleen Armstrong
Judy Asper
Sandra Avala
Elizabeth Avery
Grace Avery
Kathleen Avery
Sister Marylena Avery
BHCC Staff 6th Floor
Br. Edward Babinski SJ
Nancy Baker
Peggy Bannon
Peggy (Bulger) Barrett
Ruth Barrett
Tony Barry
Sister Marian Batho
Louise Batrich
Rosario Battaglia
Ann Battle
Rita Bauer
Diane Beagan
John & Dotty Beaudry
Claudia Belgard
Doris Bennett
Alice Berard’s Retirement
Marie Durren Berger
John & June Berlinguet
Jason Biddle
Jane Biggens
Dr. Robert Bonanno
Marguerite Quill Bosman
Claire Bowen
Sister Patricia Boyle
Tina Braceland
Rafael Bracho
Suzanne Bradford
Bernard Brady
Patrick Brady
The Brasco Family
Ben & Helen Brearley
& Family
John & Barbara Brearley
& Family
Richard Breen
Sister Rosemary Brennan
Nancy Brodeur
Helen Bronzo
Loretta Brovelli
Kathie Brown
Sister Louis Marie Bryan’s
Jeanne Bua
Marie Buckley
Martina Buckley
Cathy Bukoty
This is a donation in memory
of Joan F. Hallisey, who was a
good friend. . .thank you for the
wonderful care you gave her in
the last months of her life, and
the special relationship that
Joan has had with the Sisters of
St. Joseph over the years.
George Bulger So. Weymouth, MA
Frances Burchill
George Burke
Helen Rita Burke
Noreen Burke
George V. Burns
Robert Burns
Phyllis Burrows
Paul Butler
Emma Byrne
CSJ 75th Jubilarians
CSJ Leadership Team
CSJ Prayerline
CSJs From Cathedral H.S.
CSJs from Fontbonne
CSJs from Gate of Heaven
CSJs from St. St. Pius V
CSJs from St. Charles
CSJs Sacred Heart
CSJs from ICC Revere
CSJs of Boston
Sister Eustace Caggiano
Mary Cahill
Maureen & John Joe Cahill
Sister Mary T. Cahill
Thomas J. Cahill
Sister Helen Callahan
Sister Marian Callahan
Cathy Calnan
Charlene Camara
Andis Campbell
Anne Campbell
Ardis Campbell
John Campbell
Jane & Tom Cangiano
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Canty
Concetta Cappuccio
Kenneth Carew
Margaret V. Carey
Mary Ann Carey
Gloria Carr
Joan Carr
Sister Kathleen Carr
Charles & May Carroll
Fr. William Carroll
Lauren Carroll
Michael Carty
Constance Casey
Edward Casey
Linda Casey
Norma & Steve Casey
Rev. Robert Casey
Sister Marylou Cassidy
Elizabeth Casterdale
Rebecca Castro
Maureen Cavanaugh
Nate Cavello
Sister Betty Cawley
Patricia Celona
Dolores Centola
Martha Chace
Fay Chelmow
Daniel Chisholm
Dr. Patricia Chisholm
Denise Chmielinski
June Cieri
Charlotte G. Ciommo
Imelda Clancy
Francis J. Codair
Diane Coe
Jennifer Cohane
Denise Cohen
Jean Colbert
Peter Colerico
Fr. Arnold Colletti
Claire Colwell
Sarah Concannon
Sister Margaret Concannon
Denis Condon
John Condon
Sister Eunice Condrick
April Conn
Claire Connell
Claire McNamara Connell
Gerard Connolly
Helen Connolly
Julie Connolly
Michael Connolly
Diane Connors
Sister Anne Conway
Diane Cook
Mary Cooney
Cecilia Corbett
Debra Corey
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Corrado
Dorris Correia
Sister Kathleen Corrigan OP
Nonni Costa
Rev. David Costello
Donna Cottens
Anne & Paul Cotter’s 50th
Wedding Anniversary
Al & Kathy Cotter
Very Rev. Arthur Coyle
Carol Crain
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Crane
Sister Anna Crann
Sister Margaret Crann
Sisters Anna & Margaret
Elsie Cronin
Jean Cullen Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Cronin
Sister M. Christiana Cronin
Tricia Cronin
Ann Crowley
David Crowley
Gerald Crowley
Mary & Tim Crowley
Patricia Crowley
Timothy Crowley
The Crowley-Watkins
Joan Crowther
Jennifer Croyle
Peter Cruza
Sister Romula Cullen
Claire Curnane
Americo Curto
Martha Cusolito
Grace & Mariana
Carl & Elin D’Angio
Sister Anne D’Arcy
Sherill Dailey
Shannon Daley
Ron Danielson
Sister Mitrina Davidson
Susan Davis
Paul DeCamp
The DeCheara Family
Paul DeCheara
Lucy DeFeo
Reggie DeFlumeri
Christine DeLissio
Maria DelRosario’s
Edythe DeMarco
Mary Lynn DeMarco
Ann DeMille
Jim DeSimone
Pam DeSimone
Frank Delaney
Sister Janis Delaney
Rosemarie Delgizzi
Sister Mary E. Demeo
Leo Dermady
Sgt. Deslauriers
Mary & Robert Dever
Sister Eileen Dever
Paula Dewar
Nancy DiAngelis
Denise & Bob DiCenso’s
50th Wedding Anniversary
Kathleen & Paul Ryan
Devin Anne DiChiaro
Barbara DiGregorio
Sister M. Gervasi
Richard DiMare
William DiSciuila
Sister Mary DiVilly’s Jubilee
The Diaz Family
Nancy Dineen
Jeanne Dinkle
Sister Marie deSales
Pauline Dion
John Dobbyn & Family
George Doherty
Kerri & Sean Doherty
Mary Doherty
Sister Maureen Doherty
Cardinal Dolan
Dr. & Mrs. Michael
Donahue & Family
Mary K. Donnelly
Caroline Hayes Donovan
Sister Katie Donovan
Donna Doran
Mr. & Mrs. Doran
Eleanore Dore
Marie Dougherty’s 75th
Margaret Dowling
William Downes
Sister Marie Doyle
Rev. Michael Drea
Catherine Drysdale
Dorothy Duffey
Sister Joan Duffy
Edward Dufrene Jr.
John Dunphy
Jeannine Dwyer
Mr. & Mrs. John Dwyer
Sister Anna Edge
John Edwards
Edna Egan’s 100th Birthday
Elizabeth & Doris
Karen Ellis
Diane Ericksen
Cathryn Erikson
Robert Kelley & Family
The Doane Family
Virginia Farley
Catholic sisters representing congregations from
the Greater Boston area gathered on January 6 to
commemorate the sixth annual National Human Trafficking
Awareness Day. Over 125 sisters, CSJ Associates, friends,
and neighbors attended this prayer vigil to end the evil of
modern-day slavery.
Jerry Farrar
James Farrell
Paul & Marsha Fasberg
Ellen Fay
Dottie Fectew
Russell Fichera
Deacon Field & Family
Manuel Figueiredo
Philip Fili
Maria Fiorillo
First Communicants
Sister Eunice FitzGerald
Georgiana Fitzgerald
Margaret Fitzgerald
Margaret & Bill Fitzgerald
Anne Marie Fitzpatrick
Joseph K. Fitzpatrick
Sister Carol Fitzsimmons
Ann Flaherty’s Sister-in-law
Sister Ann Christine Flaherty
Jim Flahive
Georgia Flanagan
Rev. James Flavin
Ruth M. Fleming
Sister Zita Fleming
Chris Foley
Joan Foley
Lawrence Fortin
Ivy Foshey
Rosemarie Foster
Brian & Tara Foxx
Lorraine Foxx
Fr. Al
Mary Frampton
Mary Franey
Robert Franey
Al Frasso
Jillian Freitas
Carol Friedman
Friends & Family of
Anonymous Donors
Friends & Family of Diane
Friends & Family of Holy
Name CSJs
Friends & Family of Janice
Friends & Family of Joan
Friends & Family of Judy
Friends & Family of Marie
Friends & Family of Sister
Mary Cahill
Friends & Family of Sister
Anne Gavin
Friends & Family of Sister
Anne Marie Ghiloni
Friends & Family of Sister
Barbara Reney
Friends & Family of Sister
Claire Archambault
Friends & Family of Sister
Dominic Condon
Friends & Family of Sister
Ellen Pumphret
Friends & Family of Sister
Greta Turner
Friends & Family of Sister
Helen Sullivan
Friends & Family of Sister
Helen Mary McGonagle
Friends & Family of Sister
Helen Thomas Colbert
Friends & Family of Sister
Jeanne Ibach
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 5
Friends & Family of Sister
Jeanne Marie Doherty
Friends & Family of Sister
Joanne Solari
Friends & Family of Sister
Margo Shea
Friends & Family of Sister
Marian Feeley
Friends & Family of Sister
Mary Nagle
Friends & Family of Sister
Mary Olsen
Friends & Family of Sister
Marylena Avery
Friends & Family of Sister
Regina Harrington
Friends & Family of Sister
Thomas Joseph Bradley
Friends & Family of Sister
Virginia O’Connell
Concetta Gabrielli
Marie Galeota
Rev. Roland J. Galipeau
Vincent Gallucci
Sister Camella Gambale
Sister Estellyn Ganley
John Gapter
Kathleen Garcia
Phyllis Gardner
Bridie Gately
Sister Anne Gavin
Fr. Edward Geary
Marie Gerhard
Maryanne Germano
Barbara Geurald
Francis Ghiloni
Angela Giaquinto
Sister Carlotta Gilarde
Mary Gill
Sister Rosenda Gill
Patricia Barry Gillis
Sister Catherine Gilmore’s
80th Birthday
Sister Catherine Gilmore
Albert Gilson
Sister Margaret Ginty
Sister Mary Elizabeth
Virginia Goggin
Elisbeth “Betty” Gordon’s
95th Birthday
Stephanie Grabowski
Thomas & Mary Graham
Gerry Grant
Jerry Grant
Judith Graves
Christina Gray
Virginia Gregory
J. Peter Griffin
Larry & Mary Griffin
Marjorie Grundstrom
Frank Guidara
Jack Guilbert & Family
Mary Guiney
Matthew Guiney
Michelle Guiney
Anne Marie Gulino
Carol Gulino
Katherine Hackett
Andrew Hall
Eileen Hallisey
Joan Hallisey
Leo Hallisey
Brendan Hanehan
Linda Hansen
Howard Harding IV
Rita Harding
Kenna Hardy
Jen Hartman
Mary Hayes
Rev. Edward Healey
Msgr. William Helmick
Susan Hely
John Hennessey
Deacon Henry
Ben Heriska & Lauren
Christopher Martin Hess’
Charles V. Hickey
Please accept this check in memory
of Sister Avellino. She was my 8th
grade teacher in 1957-58 at Little
Flower School, Somerville, Ma.
She was a dynamic teacher who
demonstrated love of learning.
Rosemary DeSisto Stone Jacksonville, NC
Irene Hickey
Kathy Higgins
The Hines Family
Laurence Hoch
Sister Lee Hogan
John & Mary Hollow
Carole Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Horgan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Horigan
Annette Horlbeck
William Horrigan
Jennie Horsch
Mary Horton
Josephine Housen
Annie Houston
Margaret Hoy
Darlene Hulteen
Carmeline Hurad
Rita C. Hurley
Robert Hurley
John Hynes
Lillian Iannacci
Cindy Inscoe
Pat & Tommie Jackson
Linda Jacobs
Donna Jakubowicz
Sister Terry Jardin
Diana Jay
Marty Jelinski
Ann Johansen’s 100th
LeRoy Jones
Reagan Joyce
Eleanor Judge
Anne Kane
Gregory & Patricia Kanelas’
25th Wedding Anniversary
Gregory Patrick Kanelas
Patricia Ryan Kanelos
Patricia Kasierski
Joan Kavanaugh
John & Nancy Keaveney
The Keaveny Family
Sister Patricia Keefe
Jeanne Kelleher
Madeline Kelley’s 100th
Ann Kelley
Sister Martha Ann Kelley
Mary Kelliher
Ann Kelly
Annette Kelly
Betty Kelly
Pam Kelly
Sister Martina Kelly
Mary Ann Kenally
James Kenealy
The Kennard Family
John Kennedy
Sheila Kenny
Daniel & Anne Keohane’s
Wedding Anniversary
Br. John Kerr SJ
Mary Ellen Keteltas
Sister Anne Kiely
Helen Kiley
Ben A. Killian
Carmel Killoran
Jim & Irene Kilroy’s 50th
Wedding Anniversary
James Kineavey
Claire King
Margaret King
Marilyn King
Fr. Donald Kinght
Mary & Tom Kingsworth
Christine Kinnally
Sister Alice Kirby
Sister Thomasine Knowlton
Rolande Kohn’s 99th
Nancy Kovalski
Mary Ann LaFond
Mary Ann (Shields) LaFord
Kathy LaVita
Margot & Ed Lafferty
Esther & Nancy Lane
Laser Center Of Orlando
Laura B.
Rev. Harold LeBlanc
Claire LeVeille
Mary L. Leary
Roberta Leavitt
Libby Leonard
Donna Lewis
Sarah Lindblad
Melany Lindsey
Richard Little
Sister Patricia Logan
Sister Carole Lombard
Harold Lombardi
Alice Looney
Andrea Mackiewicz Looney
William Looney
Mary Lucey
Michael Lundy
Joanne Luongo
Paul & Ruth Lyman’s 60th
Wedding Anniversary
Paul Lyman
Dennis M. McGann
Dan MacEachern
Kara MacEachern
Elaine MacKinnon
Claire Meehan Mackey
Marynia Mackiewicz
Susan Macomber
Mary Magee
Louise Magnant
Bishop Joseph Maguire
Fr. Sean Maher
Suzanne Maher
Joan Mahoney
Marcia Mahoney
Edward Malloy
Mary Maloney
Julie Manning & Family
Grace Mariano
Sister Paula Hearing Marist
Kerry Markey
Kevin Markey
Antonette Marsella
Kathleen Marie Martell
Cathy Martin
Mary Ann
Nancy Matterazzo
Christina Matthews
Daniel Matthews
Nancy Maughn
Gerry Mayer
Margaret F. Mazzola
Mary & Paula McAuliffe
Ann Marie McBride
Eunan McCafferty
Anne Morton McCarthy
Ellen McCarthy
Heather McCarthy
Sister Dionetta McCarthy
Sister Dorothy McCarthy
Sister Jacquelyn McCarthy
Sister Patricia McCarthy
The Family of Sister
Prudence McCarthy
Alice McCauley’s 90th
George & Ann McColgan
Fr. Jim McConnell
Sister Mary McCormack
Sister Rita McCormack
Sisters Mary & Rita
Nancy McDonald
Alice McDonnell
Peg Shea McDonough’s 90th
John McEwan
Robert McEwan
Lois McEwen
John P. McGann
Kevin M. McGann
Michael McGoldrick
Rev. Fred McGowan
Edith McGrath
Connie & Elena McGreal
Sheila McGurrin
Laraine McIntire
Florence McKenna
Jean M. McKinney
Clare McLaughlin
Julia McLaughlin
Rev. Patrick McLaughlin
Keith McLean
Kristen McLean
Kristina Mclean
Christina Mackiewicz
Paul McNamara Jr.
Paul McNamara Sr.
Bernie McNamara
Jo McNamara
Betty McNeef
Betty McSweeney
William J. Meek
William Merenda
Rev. David Meskell
Carl Meyer & Family
Ed Milch
Marie Miller
Charlotte Mills
Mary Ellen Mills
Leah Mitiguy
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Mizner
Mom & Dad
Theresa & Vincent Monagle
Edward Moore Jr. MD
Msgr. John Moore
Bridget Moran
Paul & Fran Moriarty
Virginia Moro
Patricia Morra
John D. Morris
Ethelwyn Morrison
Linda Morrison
Paul Morse
Angelina T. Mottola
Joan Moylan
Marsha Muir
Angelo Mula
Fran Mulaney
Fr. John Mulloy
Fran Mulvaney
Bob & Clare Mungoran’s
50th Anniversary
Sister Alvernara Murphy’s
90th Birthday
Arlene Murphy
Irene Murphy
Janet & Karen Murphy
Kathy & John Murphy
Sister Mary L. Murphy
Robert E. Murray Jr.
Joseph Murray
The CSJ Leadership Team, sponsored ministries board members
and administrators, Congregation ministries, and mission
effectiveness facilitators attend the CSJ Heritage Convocation.
This event offered the opportunity to learn more about the
heritage, mission and charism of the Congregation.
Nolan Murray
Patricia Murray
Sister Louise Murray
Sister Virginia Murray
Yvonne Muscato
William & Marie Muti Jr.
William & Ann Muti Sr.
Catelyn & Billy Muti
My CSJ Teachers
Bill Nally
Alison Nastari
Mary Nave
Rev. Thomas Nestor
Carol Canniff Newman
Sister Peggy Nichols
Bruce Noddin
Deborah Nokes
The Honorable Joseph
Louise Norcott
Peter Nowd
Norman Nunes
Joann O’Brien
Kathleen O’Brien
Marie O’Brien
Maryann O’Brien
Maureen O’Brien
Richard P. O’Brien
Sister Anne O’Brien
Rev. Kevin O’Connell
Sister Mary Ellen O’Connell
Sister Patricia O’Connell
Sister Virginia O’Connell
The O’Donnell Family
Sister Ann Patrice
Richard O’Halloran
Julie O’Hare
Sister Elizabeth O’Hearn
Joan O’Keen
Rev. Kevin O’Leary
Mrs. Frank O’Loughlin
Mike O’Malley’s 75th
Martha & Bob O’Mara
Robert O’Mara
Jack & Peggy O’Neill’s 46th
Wedding Anniversary
Marion O’Neill
Sister Mary Theresa
Sister Mary O’Rourke
Isabelle O’Shea
President Barack Obama
Robert & Joann Olson
Marguerite Orosz’s 90th
John & Marie Ortiz
Kathie Owen
Joanne Pagano
Paul Paget
Pamela Paragona
Betsy Parker
Jane Pattison
Eleanor Patturelli’s 90th
Eleanor Patturelli
Katherine C. Paul
Sister Mary Pavel
Anthony Pecci
Geraldine Pedrini
Vivian Peirce
Irvin Pellas
Rita Pickett
continued on page 14
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 7
Articles written by freelance writer Judy Wasserman.
Sister Edna M. Barbadoro
hen many people reach the age of
90, retirement is a definite. For Sister
Edna M. Barbadoro, it’s just the
opposite. “I never considered myself
retired,” she said during a recent interview. Sister
Edna is a Samaritan volunteer five days a week and
has been doing this work for 18 years.
Although she was a registered nurse for many
years, Sister Edna said she was always drawn to
pastoral care and chaplaincy. Following a sabbatical
in 1994-95, she realized, “I still had a lot of energy,
but I wanted to pursue something other than
nursing.” She tried her hand at ESL tutoring for
a short time, but her longtime interest in pastoral
care convinced her to pursue that path. Sister Edna
completed training in clinical pastoral care at
St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Brighton, MA, and
about the same time discovered the Samaritans.
After seeing a recruitment notice for the organization
at the Framingham Public Library, Sister Edna
investigated, was accepted, completed the training, and
became a regular volunteer. According to its website,
the Samaritans are dedicated to reducing the incidence
of suicide by befriending individuals in crisis and
educating the community about effective prevention
strategies. The Samaritans is a non-profit, nondenominational organization. Every day, Sister Edna
is at the Framingham office, taking calls, completing
statistical reports, and just being a support for the
other volunteers. She said she considers her work “a
necessary ministry,” which provides an important
service to so many. Sister Edna also believes it was
meant to be that she is a Samaritan volunteer. “I’m
doing something that’s helpful to others. My work with
Samaritans is a vocation within my religious vocation.”
Looking back, she said, “As a long-term listener
on the line, it has made me so aware of the suffering
endured by people through physical illness, violence,
inappropriate behavior, dysfunctional relationships,
and mental illness.” Sister Edna also said, “To think
a person of my years is working with people of all
ages, and that there is such a sense of community and
camaraderie - it is very rewarding, and has been very
“I’m doing something that’s
helpful to others. My work with
Samaritans is a vocation within
my religious vocation.”
Sister Edna explained that volunteers are trained
to listen to the callers, who need to vent. “We learn
to talk 10 percent of the time, and listen 90 percent
of the time,” she said. “The goal of the Samaritans is
to listen and to befriend the caller.” Noting that there
is a long list of regular callers, but also many firsttime callers, Sister Edna said, “We know we can’t be
judgmental, and we can’t fix anything. But we help
callers reflect back on themselves with the hope that
they can then make changes in their lives.”
What kind of calls has Sister Edna taken over the
years? She said she never faced any “imminent risk”
cases, but if a call is distressing for her or any other
volunteer, support for each other is built into the
Samaritan process. The volunteers, she said, “debrief
each other, and we are not alone.”
Sister Edna does remember one instance that was
very touching. She had just lost her youngest sister
to cancer, and when she returned to the Samaritan
phone line, her first caller was a cancer patient who,
like Sister Edna’s sister, was having trouble coping
with the diagnosis. “I think it was providential
that I got that call. My experience with my sister
helped me talk with the caller and be helpful.”
Sister Edna sees her work at the Samaritans as “very
meaningful,” and has no plans to stop. She hopes
others will see and appreciate how valuable the
Samaritans are to the community. †
Sister Barbara greets Wingate resident Edward Foley.
“We acknowledge humbly and gratefully that from those
to whom we minister we receive more than we give,
indeed, in full measure and flowing over.”
Sister Barbara Reney
CSJ Constitution, pg. 32 #4
efore she retired, Sister Barbara
Reney taught seventh grade literature
and writing at Ursuline Academy in
Dedham, MA. She recalls that the
students were “sweet girls,” and she enjoyed her
time there.
Now, she is spending time with older people
and enjoying that too. Three afternoons a week,
Sister Barbara visits with patients at Wingate
in Brighton, talking with them, and spending
time with them in the activity room. “It’s a good
place for me to be. What I do is helpful, and I’m
comfortable meeting people,” she said in a recent
interview. Sister Barbara believes the patients
are happy to see visitors, and that volunteering at
Wingate is all about making connections. Many
years ago, she taught at St. Columbkille, Brighton,
MA, so it was meaningful when she met a Wingate
patient who was a former St. Col’s student who
enjoyed remembering his school days with Sister
Barbara. She sometimes has discussions with
patients about literature, which is rewarding for
both her and the patient.
Sister Barbara admitted she grows attached to
some of the patients, and it’s difficult when they
pass away. But, she remembers how much they
appreciated her visits. “I often hear, ‘Thank you so
much for talking with me.’” As a volunteer, Sister
Barbara knows she’s “in the right place.” †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 9
Sister Prudence McCarthy
“Each of us, regardless of age or health,
by her prayer and the witness of her life
participates in the mission and ministry
of the CSJ Congregation.”
CSJ Constitution, pg. 33 #1-1
ister Prudence McCarthy spent 65 years in education as a classroom teacher, principal, and
administrative assistant at three different schools: St. Matthew in Dorchester, Gate of Heaven
in South Boston, and Sacred Heart in North Quincy, MA. And, if she could, would do it all
over again.
But, luckily for her, retirement has not kept her away from school. For the past eight years, she has
been an assistant in the Fontbonne Academy Library, providing support to both staff and students.
Sister Prudence is there every morning, Monday through Friday, taking attendance, completing office
tasks, maintaining books and periodicals, and “being a presence for the girls.” Her love of teaching and
connecting to students continues at Fontbonne. In fact, it turns out that this year four of the seniors were
her students in kindergarten. They recently told Sister Prudence they remember what she used to say and
do as their kindergarten teacher. Seeing each other at Fontbonne is a “happy experience” for all of them,
Sister Prudence said.
Sister Prudence, who is listed as part of the staff on the library website, is glad she can help out and free
up time for the librarians. “I help them by being there,” she said.
Why does she like to volunteer? “I like being with people, and being busy,” she said. †
Sister Therezon Sheerin
Sister Helen Thomas Colbert
ister Helen Thomas Colbert was
a primary grade teacher for more
than four decades, a substantial
accomplishment for anyone. But,
teaching was not her only job. Sister is someone
who enjoys variety in her life. She has also been
a community organizer in Alabama, a bookkeeper
for a rural health clinic in Mississippi, a dental
receptionist, and more recently, before “I retired
twice,” secretary to the director of the Federation of
the Sisters of St. Joseph, and short-term secretary to
the President of the Congregation.
Sister Helen Thomas tutors a student
of The Literacy Connection.
With that job history, it’s not surprising that
Sister Helen is busy in retirement. What was
thought a one-time meeting has become, for the
last five years, a monthly visit to a prison inmate.
Sister has also been a tutor for The Literacy
Connection. She contributes her gifts and skills in
a variety of ways to support the Congregation’s
corporate stance on human trafficking. As more
opportunities for volunteering arise, Sister Helen
Thomas believes, “It’s wonderful to be able to pick
and choose what you do.” †
or Sister Therezon, her lifetime work in a college
setting was a natural lead-in to the volunteer work
she does now. Sister was affiliated with Regis
College from 1960 to 1995. During her years at
Regis, she was a psychology professor, and, in conjunction
with her writing about women in psychology, she did
archival research. That piqued her interest in archives;
so when the Congregation needed help with its archives,
Sister Therezon volunteered for one year. After courses
at the National Archives Institute, she was appointed the
Congregation’s Archivist. In 2009, she retired and became
a volunteer again. It’s been a rewarding ministry ever
since. In fact, personnel at the Regis and Congregation
Archives collaborate on a regular basis. Her work includes
maintaining the Records of Congregation, including
history, houses and institutions, personnel, education, and
Sister Therezon also helps oversee special collections,
by ensuring their accuracy, their appropriate storage, and
inputting the data online. She works with the Memoirs of
Deceased Sisters, helping families research their loved ones,
and retaining legal documents associated with the Memoirs.
And, on occasion, she has helped researchers access
specific information in the archives. What does she like
best about her archival work? Always interested in history,
Sister Therezon likes putting documents “in a way so
people can do research in the future. For example, making
the Congregation’s archival material available online is
“The archives are a rich resource that helps tell our story,”
Sister Therezon said. She recalls, with a chuckle, there
have been times when she has been working with archival
material, and found information in committee minutes about
herself. “It’s a good reminder” of her past work. †
Sister Therezon discusses archival paperwork with
Archivist Sister Mary Rita Grady.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 11
Sister Claire Archambault
Sister Phyllis O’Callaghan
or 25
Archambault was
a math professor
at Regis College.
But, now, in
retirement, she
has moved on
to some of her
many other
interests. When
she moved to
the Motherhouse
in 2007, Sister
Claire became
known for her
ability to catch
mistakes or
typos in anything she read. It didn’t take long for
staff of the Office of Mission Advancement and the
Communication Office to recruit her to work her
proofreading magic for them. Now, as a volunteer,
she proofs Soundings and all its updates, and
Connecting, and checks the overall layout of
these publications. In fact, Sister Claire will probably
proofread this very story!
Sister Claire said she loves to read and enjoys
the written word, so she appreciates her work as a
proofreader. But, she also likes the variety of the
volunteer work she does.
For example, she provides musical accompaniment
for services at the Motherhouse, works in the library,
and helps maintain files in the archives. In fact, right
after she was interviewed for this story, she met Sister
Pat Andrews for a musical rehearsal.
Prior to moving to Brighton, MA, Sister Claire was a
member of St. Luke Parish. She responded to a request
from the Parish to provide Communion Services in
Belmont, MA, for members of a geriatric program at
McLean Hospital. She also tutored adults at Casserly
House in Roslindale, MA. As a volunteer, Sister Claire
said she likes “being helpful,” and being part of the
community. It keeps her energized, and she certainly
isn’t bored. †
er voice smiles through the telephone.
There’s no question Sister Phyllis
O’Callaghan, who retired in 2004, is happy
volunteering in the Office of Mission
Advancement. Describing herself “as a real people
person,” Sister Phyllis likes showing people they can
accomplish their goals. “I like giving my time and
giving back to the community,” she said during a recent
Her work in Mission Advancement includes “doing
whatever is needed,” including maintaining back-up
files and keeping track of donations. She likes “being of
assistance,” and works well with everyone in the office.
Sister Phyllis appreciates the relationships she has made
during her seven years of volunteering, and all that she
has learned in the process. She also sees herself as a
mentor, supporting and encouraging her co-workers.
Before her retirement, Sister Phyllis was pastoral
associate at Immaculate Conception Parish in Cambridge,
MA where she also directed religious education for
grades 1-10, and provided teacher training. When the
parish closed in 2004, she explored new options, and
luckily, the late Sister Ann Moynihan invited her to
volunteer in the Office of Mission Advancement. Sister
Phyllis’s work there grew from a few hours a week to
two days a week. She believes that not only is she giving
back, but she is also getting much in return.
Sister Phyllis is currently working part-time in funeral
ministry and Baptismal Catechesis (parent instruction)
at St. John Parish in Cambridge, MA in addition to her
volunteer work.†
Sister Peggy Reavy
Sister Peggy (R) during a recent
visit with Bob and Shirley
“Since I had my stroke, we can’t get to church. She (Sister Peggy)
brings communion, ashes - those things that we used to have regularly,
now we have through Sister Peggy, so it continues. It makes a very
big difference having her come here.”
- Bob & Shirley LaFave
ister Peggy Reavy had a long career, 38 years to be exact, as an administrative assistant
at Pope John XXIII High School in Everett, MA. But that’s not all she did. As part of her
ministry, she also visited the elderly in their homes, hospitals and nursing homes. When it
came time to retire, she decided to continue that ministry. And, she’s glad she did.
Happily for Sister Peggy, now she can spend more time on those she visits. They pray together, chat, and
she brings the Eucharist. She also contacts local pastors for them, if needed. Sister Peggy has been able to
participate in their lives and with their families, and believes that is a good thing. “I hear their stories, and I
can be supportive,” she said, and feels humbled to be part of their lives. In fact, because she grew up in the
Everett area, she knows many families there and finds it easy to connect with them, and share their lives.
“It’s easy to relate to each other, and there’s a lot of reminiscing,” she said.
Sister Peggy has also had the joy of attending family weddings, anniversaries, and special birthday
celebrations. “There are blessings galore. By the grace of God, I can be there for them.” Calling the people
she visits her “very special friends,” Sister Peggy said, “I never want to leave them; we’re so close.” †
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 13
continued from page 7
Theresa Pinchera
Theresa Pinshora
Anne & Robert Piscioneri
Frank Polillio & Barbara
Gerard Pothier’s 88th
Kathleen Power
Ruth Power
Barbara Powers
Sister Ellen Powers
Sister James Frances Powers
Edward & Jean Pratt
Jean Pratt
Lil Pratte
Walter Premo
John Prior
Nancy Prior
Sister Ernestine Quealy
Judge Regina L. Quinlan
Sister Lorraine Quinn
Tara O’Brien Quinn
Sister Mary Josephine Quirk
James V. Radcliff’s 50th
Erin Radcliff
Kara Radcliff
Elizabeth M. Rainge
Lisa Razzino & Joseph
Karen Recine
Frances Redihan
Maureen Regan
Peg Reichie
Colleen Reilly
Maura Reilly
Sister Barbara Reney
Eleanor Repucci
Retired CSJs
Mary Virginia Reynolds
Joan Richardson
Steven Richmond
Phyllis Rigali
Jeanne Riley
Marge Riley
Grace Rinaldi
Sister Miriam Ringer
Sister Suzanne Rivard SPM
John & Mary Rivers
Joanne Rizzari
John Roberts
Marion Rogantino
Eleanor Rogers
Ellen Rogers
Kirk Rohle
Melba Romero
Arthur & Eleanor Ronayne
Eleanor Ronayne
Rosemary Ronayne
John Rossetti
Root Routhier
Carole Roy
P. J. Rufo
Michael Rush
Arlene Ryan
Brendon Ryan
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan
John Ryan
Kathleen Ryan
Richard Ryan
Vincent M. Ryan
Richard Rycroft
Sister Stella Sabini
Sister Joseph Frances Salter
Alice Samia
Lisa Sandrelli
Nora Savoy
Mary Scanlon
Sister Barbara Scanlon
I had the good fortune to be taught
by Sister Jeanne d’Arc when I was
a student at Mount St. Joseph
Academy. Even as a seventeen year
old, I recognized her extraordinary
ability to teach and foster learning.
I felt truly blessed to be in her classes.
What a wonderful role model she was
for us! You are all in my thoughts and
prayers at this sad time.
Irene Conte Danvers, MA
James Schmid
Fr. William Schmidt
Mary Schoenfeld
Janice Scibelli
Carole Anne Scott’s 60th
Carole Anne Scott
Carole Anne & Dana Scott
Guy Scrag
Rose M. Scuderi
Peggy Segreve
Helen Sellew
Bira Shanley
Charles T. Shapley
Mary & Paul Shea’s 40th
Wedding Anniversary
Mary Shea
Paul Shea
Sister Geraldine Shea
Sister Mary Shea
Sister Therezon Sheerin
The Shepard Family
The Sheridan Family
Margaret Shields
Ann Simmons
Sister Margaret Catherine
Sister Joan Rea
Sister Joseph Francis
Sister Mary Helena
Sister Rita Marie
Sister Therese of the Child
Sister Kathy Short
Sisters of St. Joseph
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Smith
& Sons
John Smith
Donata Sodano
Gloria Sommersley
Patricia J. Spellman
Claire Spinney
St. Mary Boys H. S. Class
of 1946
Staff & CSJs At BHCC
Marge & Dotty Stinson
Mary Stinson
Sister Dorothy Stinson
John & Marcia Sulfano’s
Charles L. Sullivan IV
Danny Sullivan
Edward P. Sullivan
Frank Sullivan
Fr. Jack Sullivan
Fr. John Sullivan
Kathleen Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
Patricia Sullivan
Penny Sullivan
Rose Sullivan
Sister Mary Blaithin
Sister Peggy Sullivan
Timothy F. Sullivan
Phyllis Surman
Ann Swan
Susan Swanson
George Sweetnam
Judy Swett
Rev. Patrick Tarrant
Michelle Teczar
Connie Tetreault
Verne Tetreault
Bonnie Thomas
Anne Tierney
Kathy Tighe
Elaine Tivnan
Rev. Kevin G. Toomey
Joan M. Troy
Sister Nanine Tuller
Sister Greta Turner
Rev. Kevin Twoomey
Charles Upton
The VanTuyl Family
Sister Teresa Vesey
Emilia Vincente
Rev. Richard W. Visbisky
Cathy Walker
Richard & Sarah Walsh
& Family
Diane Walsh
Sister Mary Donatus Walsh
Dorothy J. Ward
Karen Watz
Laura Weckbacker
Mary Welch
Sister Dorothy Welch
Sister Rita Welch
Judy West
Rev. Lawrence Wetterhelm
Mary Claire Wiegand
Sister Eleanor Wiegand
Marilyn Wilkinson
Mary Wilkinson
Beverly Williams
George Wirtz
Mary L. Woods
The Woodworth Family
Sister Frances Wool
Raymond Yelle
Teresa Yetman
Sister Eleanor Zito
Lorraine Zolla
Richard Zopatti
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Zubrinski †
2013 CSJ Jubilarians
75 – Sisters who entered September 8, 1938
and February 2, 1939
Doroma O’Connor
Ann Marie Masone
Rosenda Gill
(Rosenda Gill)
Helen Fenton
Ricci Lloyd
60th – Sisters who entered September 8, 1953
Ann Donohoe
(Grace Patricia)
Elizabeth Cawley
(Mary Ellen)
Jean Mulloy
(Marie Thomas)
Margaret Horan
(Agnes Cecilia)
Margaret Catherine Sims Diane Neumyer
(Margaret Catherine) (Agnes Miriam)
Patricia Corkery
(Leo Clement)
Marie Faubert
(Miriam deLourdes)
Mari Ryan
Margaret Joyce
(Winifred Marie)
Stella Caramitros
Avis Joyce
Marion Montague
(Marie Frederick)
Patricia Hogan
(Jean Francis)
Marie Thèrése Martin
(Elizabeth Therese)
Phyllis O’Callaghan Francis Marilyn DeCoste
(Eugene Mary)
(Francis Marilyn)
Jeanne Ibach
(Mary Albert)
Marie Ancilla McCarthy
(Marie Ancilla)
50th – Sisters who entered September 15, 1963
Charlotte Gulino
(Philip Maria)
Kathleen Short Mary Ellen O’Connell Patricia Boyle
(George Miriam) (Michael Frances)
(Charles Elizabeth)
Ellen Powers
(John Eleanor)
Catherine Clifford
(John St. Paul)
Frances Wool
(Dennis Joseph)
Susan Reilly
(Marie St. Michael)
Rose Canney
(Daniel Mary)
Patricia Cushing
(Robert Natalie)
Mary Gowern
(Paul Margaret)
Boston 15
emorials - Listed below are the names of those who have gone before us to new life,
for whom the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and Associates have been asked to pray.
January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
Deborah Abbott
William Abbott
Peter Abelli
Emilie Abely
Elias Abourjaily
Helena Adducci
Anna L. Adduci
Laura M. Adelsberg
Scott Adey
Dorothy V. Ahearn
William Ahern
Winnefred Ahern
Anna Aiello
Anna M. Aiello
Antoinette Aiello
Ernest Aitken
Robert J. Albertazzi
Robert Albino
Edward Albrecht
Stephen Alcott
Stanley P. Aldonis
Dorothy Aldrich
Theresa Aleskna
Anna Maria Alessandrini
Salvatore “Red”
Frances M. Alfonso
Michael Alfonso
J. Edward Alikonis
All CSJs
Adolph Arthur Alla
Vina & Jack Allan
Mary Allard
Frederick Allen Sr.
Catherine Allen
Ruth Allen
Salvatore L. Allesandroni
Evelyn Allison
Frederick R. Allonby
Laura Almeida
Romeo Alonzi
Elvira Alterio
Antonetta Altieri
David Alty
Bernice Amico
Dorothy Amirault
Raymond F. Amirault
Helen Amoroso
Samuel F. Anastasia
Constance Anderson
Douglas F. Anderson
Florence Andrews
Edwin Andruk
Mark Angeramo
Courtney Anthony
Carol Antico
Joseph Antocci
Gilda T. Antolini
Albert A. Antonellis
Altilio Antonioni
Victoria Antonitis
Anna Ardolino
Ana Arellano
George Arena
Ellen Arenburg
Margaret Arenella
Janet Arey
Richard D. Armstrong Jr.
Sisters and CSJ Associates listen attentively during a CSJ Associate
Dorothy Arnold
Eileen Arsenault
Francis W. Ascolese
Lena Audette
Michael A. Aufiero
Steven Augart
Walter J. Avery Jr.
Bertha Aviles
Ernest Azone
Theresa Hopkins Babin
Frank Bae
Maureen Bahow
Audrey Bailey
Patricia O’Brien Bailey
Jaina Ferry Bain
Nicholas Baio
John Baker
Larry Baker
Rita I. Baker
David Balzer
E. William Bamber
Kathleen Barbati
Helen Barber
Helen Lee Barber
James J. Barchand
John Barlon
Mary Barlow
Ann Barnett
Florence Barr
Anthony G. Barrasso
Philip Barret
Adeline Barrett
Cass Barrett
Daniel J. Barrett
Elizabeth Barrett
Jane Barrett
Jean Barrett
Marilyn Barrett
Maryellen Barrett
Philip Barrett
Ronald Barrett
Ruth Barrett
Sister Catherine Theresa
Sister Neonilla Barrett
James B. Barron
Paul Barry
Paul L. Barry
Richard J. Barry
Toni Barry
Ginny Bartlett
Daniel C. Barton
Nancy Arone Bassett
Daniel Basso
Robert Basso
Leonard Bateman
Isabelle Batterman
John Battista
James Battles
Mary Baudreau
Gertrude Baulis
Michael Bavaro
Patricia Beaton
David Beatty
George Beatty
George F. Beatty
Donald Beaudry
Philip Beaulieu
Caroline Pollard Beckler
Lisa Beckwith
Stanley T. Beers
Linda J. Belanger
Palma M. Belanger
Gail Bell’s Brother
Elwin Bell
John Bell
William “Bill” Bell
Joan M. Benedetto
Robert A. Benedetto
Doris Bennett
Mary Bennett
Antonio & Beatrice Bento
Elizabeth Berestecky
Melvin Berkowitz
Helen Bernard
Henry Bernard
Mary Bernard
Sister Marie Bernard
Margie Bernotas
Emeline Berry
Evelyn Berry
John Berry
Mary Alice Berry
Exida Bertoni
Sheila Marie Bestick
Dorothy Bettuchi
Mario Biancuzzo
Mike Bieri
Mary Billings
Robert Billotte Jr.
William Bimmler
Agnes Birmingham
Allan R. Biscelli
Elizabeth Bishop
Sister M. Valerian Bishop
Gertrude Blais
Mary Torcivia Blaisdell
Dr. Adrian Blake
Ellen Blake
Joan E. Blake
Cheryl Blanchette
David Blanchette
William Blinstrub Sr.
Jane Bloch
Lex Blood
Sister M. Hughita Blunt
Eugene Blyee
Francis A. Bodio
Mark Bohannon
James A. Bois
Joseph P. Boland
William Boland
Loretta L. Bonetti
Joan J. Bonfiglio
Phylis Bonomo
Florence Borghi
James Bosch
Elena Bosco
Louise Bossie
William Bostil
Gertrude Bottalico
Jean Bouchard
Frances Boudreau
Margaret Boule
Kathy Bourque
Claire Bouton
Lucien Bouvier
Chris A. Bower
Joseph Bowery
Richard Bowker
Marty Bowling
Bernadette Boyd
Diane Boyd
Irene Boyle
Lawrence Boyle
Mary Boyle
Joan Boyt
Alfred Bozzi
James Bradbury
Jack Bradley
Joseph Bradley
Patrick Bradley
Eugene Brady
Patricia A. Brady
Peter Brady
Helen Braithwaite
Lucy Branca
Michael Brandt
Patrick J. Brangan
Maureen P. Brassil
Paul Brassil
Benjamin & Helen Brearley
Mary Breault
Jane Breen
Jean Brenna
Francis G. Brennan
Martin Brennan
William Brennan
Thomas Brennick
Charles & Rose Breslin
Sister Margaret Imelda
Betty Brickley
Georgette Brindamour
Louise S. Brinkammer
Phillip Britto
Josephine Brockgreiten
Dorothy Brodrick
James Brogan
Greta Brooks
Loretta Brovelli
Anna Brown
Daniel Brown
Harold W. Brown
Kathleen Brown
M. J. Brown
Chuck Bruen
Sophie Brunette
Nina Bruno
The Buckley & Mulroony
Alice Buckley
Elizabeth Buckley
Sue Buckley
Margaret Bulger
Paul F. Bulger
Clarence Bunker
Alice J. Bunnell
John C. Burbridge
Rev. William C. Burckhart
John “Dick” Burda
Edith (Mattaliano) Burditt
Wayne Burgemeister
Daniel J. Burke
Elizabeth Burke
Evanne M. Burke
Helen Burke
Henry T. Burke
Kathryn Burke
Paul Burke
Thomas Burke
Virginia G. Burke
Mildred Burley
Eleanor Burns
Helen Burns
Edward Butler
Henri “Ted” Butler
Kevin Butler
Thomas Butler
Jasmine Buzinski
Constance Byrne
Daniel J. Byrne
Boston Higashi School expresses appreciation to the Sisters of
St. Joseph during its 25th Anniversary Celebration.
Sister Bernadette Kenney accepts the award.
Richard (Dick) Byrne
Theresa Byrne
Eloise Cacciola
Marie Caccitore
Joseph D. Cadigan
Dorothy Cadogan
Helen Cahill
Helen J. Cahill
John Cahill
Mary Magennis Cahill
Sister Mary Ona Cahill
Thomas Cahill
Marie Jeanne Cairns
Jennie Calbano
Robert Calef
Robert Calf
Alexander Callahan
Daniel C. Callahan
Francis Callahan
Francis X. Callahan
Francis X. Callahan Jr.
Francis X. Callahan Sr.
Frank Callahan
Helen Callahan
Jean Callahan
Leo Callahan
Mary Callahan
Michael Callahan
Paul Callahan
Paul T. Callahan
Sister Bredelia Callahan
Sister Marian Callahan
Sandra Callery
Sylvia Calmer
Dominic Camelio
Patrick Camerano
Dorothy Alley Cameron
Dorothy J. Cameron
Marion Campana
Dr. James J. Campbell
Edwin Campbell
Etsuko Campbell
Keith Campbell
Krystal Campbell
Nancy Campbell
Robert Campbell
Alan & Nora Camps
Mary Marie Camuso
Bridgit Canavan
John J. Canavan
Malvena Cangiano
Mary Cannon
Jeanne Capabousa
Paula Capeless
Jean Capobianco
Mary E. Capobianco
Mary Hogg Capobianco
Mario Capomaccio
Daniel Capone
Elisa Caporale
Concetta Cappuccio
Donna L. Caramello
Paul J. Carceo
James R. Cardella
April Ambrogne Careaga
Catherine Carew
Anna Carey
Mary A. Carey
Robert Carey
Robert Carlo
Arthur Carlson
Thomas Carmody
Astrid Carmon
Wilma Carnevale
Hugh A. Carney
Arthur Carpinello
The Carr & Smith Families
Alice Constance Carr
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 17
Anne M. Carr
Barry Carr
Bobby Carr
Dennis Carr
Geraldine Carr
Rita Carr
Steven A. Carr
Joseph Carriere
Philip Carrieri
Charles Carroll
Clair Carroll
Nancy Carroll
Rosemaire L. Carroll
Walter Carroll
Nicholas Carrozza
Michael P. Carta
Kevin Carter
Myrtle J. Cartwright
Alfonse J. Caruso
Edith Caruso
Gabiel Caruso
Mary J. Caruso
Dorothy Saya Casano
Joan M. Casano
Charles F. Case
Joseph D. Casey Jr.
Joseph D. Casey Sr.
Daniel M. Casey
Janet Casey
John Casey
John D. Casey
Robert Casey
Patricia J. Cash
Paul Cash
Frank Cassell
Eileen Casserly
Catherine Cassidey
Catherine G. Cassidy
Edward Cassidy
Eileen Cassidy
Kay Cassidy
William Cassidy
Antonio F. Castelejo
Adam Castle
Anthony Cataldo
Rosemary Cataldo
Charles G. Cataloni Jr.
John Catizone
Barbara Catone
Joseph H. Caulfield
Pauline Cavallaro
Pauline Cavallero
Missy Reilly Cavanaugh
Fran Cawley
Frances Cawley
Richard Cawley
Josephine Cefalo
Josephine Cefelo
Joan Cellini
Rose Celona
Gerri Censabella
Paul Cerasuolo
Arlyne Cerone
Ralph “Fred” Cerulli
Juley Chacon
Aimee Chadbourne
Phyllis Chaffee
Albert J. Chalifoux
Alfred Joseph Chalifoux
Anthony Champa
Ann Marie Chaplin
James Chapman
William Charbonnier
Albert Chardavoyne
Jacqueline Charlone
Red Charlton
Anne Lee Chase
Jane Cheevers
Deceased Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012
. . . the mercy of God will gather us
together again in the joy of
eternal life . . .
Salvatore Mercurio
Ursulina O’Rourke
Ann Moynihan
Carol Ann Powers
Stephen Marie Driscoll
Anna Vincent Clark
Helen Thomas
Patricia McEachern
Mary Corbett
Janina Mangion
Eleanor Daniels
Rita Morrissey
Irene Goode
Alvernara Murphy
Claire Treanor
Frances Marie Murray
Marian Callahan
Benjamin Cheney
Anthony Cherin
John Chew
Al Chiappinelli
Bernadette Chiasson
Alice Martha Childs
Daniel Chisholm
Daniel F. Chisholm
James E. Chisholm
Valentine Chisholm
Anthony Chotkawski
Peter Chrisom Sr.
John Christopher
Marie Churchill
Joseph Ciampa
Charles Ciarametaro
Lisa Ciarametaro
Joseph P. Ciarcia
Anthony Michael Ciccone
Francesca Ciero
Frank Cimmino
M. Cinagio
Concetta Cirolo
Tess Citron
Samuel Ciulla
Amelia Civitrese
Margaret Claflin
Marie A. Clampi
Joseph D. Clancy
Robert F. Clark Jr.
Sister Anna Vincent Clark
Sister Edvardas Clark
Katherine Clarkson
The Clasby Family
Barbara Cleary
Sister Lee Clement
Pat Clements
Kathy Cleveland
Derrick C. Click
Kevin Clifford
Thomas Climo
Helen Cloonan
Fr. James J. Close
Edward Coakley
Rhonda Coakley
Mary Kathleen Cobb
Anna Cocchi
Josephine M. Coccoluto
Patsy Cocorocchio
Walter M. Coe
Susan Coffee
Dorothea L. Coffey
Margaret Coffin
Joseph Cogliano
Johanna Cohnen’s Mother
Thomas Colantuono
Don Colbath
Helen Colbert
Dorothy Cole
Eleanor Cole
Antoinette Colella
Joan M. Colella
Peggy Coleman
Thomas Coleman
The Colerico Family
Jack Coles
John D. Coles
Mark Coletti
Russell H. Collamore
Kevin P. Colleran
Kathleen M. Collette
Sean Collier
Alice Collins
Patrick Collins
Sister Jeanne Collins
Susan Collins
Chris Colman
Carmella Colontino
J. Joseph Comeau
Anne I. Conboy
Frank Concannon
Rita Condon
Thomas Condon
David Conley
Gregg Conley
John Conlon
Edward Connaughton
Richard Connaughton
Joseph Connell
Mary Paula Connelly
Paula Connelly
Marion Conners
The Connolly Family
Eleanor Connolly
Ellen Connolly
Helen Connolly
Kathleen Connolly
Madeleine Connolly
Mary Connolly
Philip Connolly
Teddy Connolly
Thomas Connolly
Roger Connor
Marion Connors
Richard Connors
Therese A. Connors
Thomas Connors
Virginia Connors
Christine Murphy Conole
Greg Conoley
Karen Ann Conroy
Carol Considine
Alice Constatino
Jane Conton
Ed Convery
Rita Conway
Shayne Conway
Peter Cook
Tom Cooke & Olga Cook
Dr. Robert T. Cooney
Vincent Cooney
Sister Mary Corbett
Joseph A. Corbo Sr.
Barbara M. Corcoran
Robert “Bobby” Corcoran
Richard M. Cordes
Margaret Corlin
Sister Teresita Corliss
Jessica Cormier
Theresa Cormier
Anthony Corrao
Robert Corraro
Frances Corrigan
Anthony D. Cortese
Matthew Costa
Arthur Costello
John Costello
Louise Costello
Lucia Costello
Miriam Costello
Joyce Cote’s Dad
Louis R. Cote
Morris Cote
Sandra Cotoni
Elizabeth F. Couble
Mary M. Coughlan
Annie Coughlin
Barbara A. Coughlin
Daniel G. Coughlin
Mary Coughlin
Paul F. Coughlin
Mary Richards Couturier
Elena Coviello
Thomas J. Cox
Frances Coyne
Margaret Coyne
Meg Beatty Coyne
Ida Crambelli
Gail (Rogers) Craven
Robert Creamer
Anne E. Creed
Thomas Cremins
Helen M. Crimmins
Anna Crocchi
Tom Croghan
Giovanni Crognale
John J. Cronin Jr.
Anna “Nancy” Cronin
Arthur Cronin
Dorothy A. Cronin
Elsie C. Cronin
John Cronin
John D. Cronin
Joseph Timothy Cronin
Nidia Cronin
Ruth & George Cronin
Sister Mary Ruth Cronin
James Crook Sr.
Theodore Cross
Bill Crotty
Ellen Crowe
Robert Crowe
William T. Crowe
Br. John Crowley CFC
Alice Crowley
Mary Crowley
Robert Crowley
Robert F. Crowley
Timothy Crowley
CSJs of Boston
Walter Cuffe
Walter Cuffee
Jack Cullen
Linda Cullen
Margaret Cullen
Phyllis Cullen
Sister Serena Cullen
Mary Cullinane
Edwin Cummings
Thomas M. Cummings
William L. Cunis
Thomas Cunniff
Joseph Cunning
Lorraine Curley
Mary Curley
Eileen Curran
John Curran
Paul Curran
Peter Curran
Richard “Dick” Curran
Thomas Curran
Laurence Curry
Roy E. Curry
Mary E. Curtin
Rev. James Curtin
Thomas E. Curtin
Laurence J. Curtis Jr.
James Cusack
Eugene Cushing
Arthur Cusolito
Anna Cussen
Robert Cusson
William Cutler
Robert N. Cutting
Rex Cyrto
Jaina Czarkowska
Irene & Edward
Joseph A. Czekanski Jr.
Anthony D’Amore
Mary D’Arcy
Grace D’Isidoro
Evelyn D’Ovidio
Leon DaSilva
A ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston,
the mission of Casserly House is to be a living
presence in our Roslindale neighborhood,
one that fosters unity of people with one
another and with God.
Our motto is:
"Rooted in Boston, Open to the World."
For more information visit our website at:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 19
George Dagher
Sherrill Dailey
Helen Daley
Doris G. Daly
Francesca Daly
Irene Daly
Margaret Daly
John R. Damiano
Sister Ellie Daniels
Mary Darcy
Carmen Dario
Dolores Dauenhauer
Pat Davenport
Jane Davidovitz
The Davis Family
Al Davis
Eleanor Davis
M. Muriel Davis
Mary Davis
Mary F. Davis
David Dawley
James P. Dawley
Gladys Day
Marion DeAngelis
Rose Marie DeAngelis
Philomena DeBenedictis
Mary DeBonis
Dorothy DeCarlo
Robert DeChristofaro
Anthony Luke DeCicco
Eugene DeCosta
Roberta deDoming
Andrew A. DeFrancesco
Jeffrey DeGiulio
Consuelo Nilida Conchetta
de DeGuardia
Praxedes DeLeon
Joseph DeLuca
Taylor DeLuca
Winifred Mary DeLuca
Laurence DeMers
William DeNapoli
Rachel DeOliveira
Thelma Lee DePue
Vincent DeSantis
William DeStefano
Rosalie DeVasto
Paul DeVincent
Frank DeVirgilio
James DeVito
June DeVito
Jack Deady
James Deady
John J. Deady
Deceased Family & Friends
Jane Marie Deery
M. Esther Dehler
James Deitsch
Mary Deitz
Danise Dejordy
Gloria DelBere
Sue DelDott
Dominic DelPrate
Patricia A. DelPrete
Jeffrey M. Delaney
Michael Delaney
Sister Mary Delaney
Dorothea Delano
Pat Delferro
Anna DellaQuilla
Gerard Dembowski
Mary Dembowski
Mary Dembrowski
Sister Anne Demeo
Dorothy Demont
Eleanor Derby
Lenny Derouin
Leonard Derouin
Carol Deschene
Fran Detour
James G. Devaney
Mildred Deveau
Edward T. Dever
Hilary Devereaux
Judith A. Devine
Judy Devine
Marguerite P. Devine
Mildred Devine
Sister Agnes Melly was my aunt, and I know that
being part of your order was the very essence of
her life. I thank you for giving her the opportunity
to serve the Lord in so many and varied ways.
I would also like to thank the staff at Bethany
Healthcare Center for the loving care they
provided Sister Agnes throughout her illness.
Thank you for the important work that you do,
and may you be richly blessed for your efforts.
Susan & John Brown & Family Coatesville, PA
Bridget Devlin
Bridie Devlin
Francis A. Devlin
Robert Devlin
John A. Dewire
Rose Dger
Eric Diamond
Nancy M. DiBenedetto
Charles DiBlasi
Fred DiBona
Dominic DiGiammarino
Carmen DiGrazia
Michael DiLisio
Siro DiMarco
Pauline DiMatteo
Henry DiMinico
Joseph DiNardi
Michael DiNicola
Oscar DiNino
Civita DiNitto
Cosmo J. DiNitto
Maxine DiNunzio
Charles DiOrio
Michaelina DiPella
Charles A. DiPerri
John Victor DiRienzo
Louis DiRusso
William DiScioilo
Rose DiVincenzo
Diodato “Dino” DiVito
Christopher P. Dillon
Daniel P. Dillon
Patricia Dillon
Dianne M. Dingolo
Kim Dinh
Josephine Dinicola
Sister Chabanel Dinn
Barbara Pungitore Diolalevi
Catherine Dion
Christopher Dion
Paul Discolo
Robert Dixon
John Dockery
Louise Dockray
Priscilla Dodge
Richard G. Dodge
Edward “Ned” Doherty
Edward A. Doherty
John & Anna Doherty
Joseph Doherty
Mary Doherty
Sister M. Anna Elizabeth
Sister Rita Francis Doherty
Michael Dolan
Miriam Dolan
Sean Dolan
Sister M. Cephas Dolan
William Dolan
Sister Alice Johnessa
John Donahue
Joseph Donahue
Mary Ellen Donahue
Suzanne Donahue
Patrick Donegan
James M. Donlan
James Donlon
Richard Donnellan
Mary Donnelly
Patricia Donnelly
Patricia Meehan Donnelly
John Donohue
A. Sophie Donovan
Agnes Donovan
Anne Hiltz Donovan
George Donovan
Marguerite Donovan
Mary Donovan
Sister Agneta Donovan
Sister Anne Donovan
Sister M. Ellenice Donovan
Theresa Donovan
Theresa H. Donovan
Carl Donvan
James Dooley
Frank Dooly
William Doran
Danniel Jacob Dorris
Charles Doucette
Joseph James Doucette
Ursala Douganaro
Shirley Dougherty
Ann G. Doughty
Mary Douse
Albert F. Dove
Dorothy Dow
Sister Pauline Marie Dow
Stanley C. Dow
Frank Dowley
William H. Dowling Jr.
Jane Marylena Downes
Richard Downes
Francis C. Downey
Richard Downey
Rita Downey
Thomas & Catherine
John P. Downing Jr.
John J. Downing
Kathleen Downing
Maria Tulia Downing
Mary Downing
Mary Driscoll Downing
Sister Mary Petrina Downing
Ann Cantfill Doyle
Christine E. Doyle
Dorothy Doyle
On November 13, 2012, Kairos Shen, Chief Planner of
the Boston Redevelopment Authority, spoke about the
ongoing and proposed property redevelopment of the
city of Boston during the fifth annual Fall Luncheon of
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston. The event benefits
the Allston/Brighton CSJ ministries. The luncheon was
hosted in conjunction with the Allston Board of Trade,
Brighton Board of Trade, Allston Village Main Streets,
and Brighton Main Streets.
Georgia Doyle
Joe Doyle
Lynn Doyle
Marguerite Doyle
Marion T. Doyle
Ronald J. Doyle
Sister Marie deLourdes
Rose Dozois
Frank Drago
Noelene Drake
Paul Drew
Sister Falisa Drew
David Drinan
The Driscoll Family
Elizabeth Driscoll
Francis Brendan Driscoll
Helen Driscoll
James Driscoll
Janet Hegarty Driscoll
Margerie Owen Driscoll
Robert A. Driscoll
Sister Stephen Marie
John Drohan
Ken Drumheller
Cheryl DuLock
Catherine Dubowik
James F. Duchaney
Yves Emmanuel Ducluzeau
Catherine Duffy
Kay Duffy
Paul T. Duffy
Catherine Dufresne
Nicholas Dugan
Susan M. Dugan
Ursula Duganiero
Darcey Duggan
Michael G. Duggan
Mary Duignan
Pat Dumas
Stella Dumblauskas
Kathryn Dunbar
Noel Duncan
Mary A. Dunleavy
Mary Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. James Dunn
Raymond D. Dunn
Ruth Dunn
Sister Margaret Dunn
Sister Therese Dunn
Stella Dunsky
Mary Dupy
Tracy Durante
James J. Durkin Jr.
Frances Durkin
James J. Dwyer
Joseph Dyzenluski
John Dzierzeski
Sister Kathleen Eagar
William B. Earley Jr.
Edna Eaton
Dick Eccles
Michael A. Eden
William Edge
Shawn Egan
Rose Eklund
Sister Liz Elbert OP
John Elicone
Marie N. Elie
Charles W. Elliott Jr.
Lawrence R. Elliott
James Enos
Richard Enos
James Enrici
Catherine Erickson
Cathryn Erickson
Cathryn M. Erickson
James Escott Jr.
David G. Etsell
Richard Evans
Stan Evenson
Lacy Jane Faber
Diane Faga
Barbara Fagan
Jeanette Fagan
Martin Faherty
Leonard Fahey
Sheila Fahey
Marilyn Fahy
Nora A. Fahy
Christine Fair
Linda Fair
Danile Falasca
William J. Falasca
Sister Annata Falla
Irene Fallon
Rev. John Fallon
Rev. John J. Fallon
William F. Fallon
Family & Friends
Kay Hart & Family
Victoria Farag
Rose Farley
Theresa Farmer
John Farrar
Anthony Farrell
John P. Farrell
Neal Farrell
Robert Farrell
Jesse Peter Farrelly
Joseph F. Fasano
Clyde Faulkner
Sister Rose Therese Favazza
Lorene M. Favreau
Renie Favreau
David Fawcett
Robert Fawcett
Charles Fay
Eleanor Fay
Frank Fay
Mary W. Fay
William Fay
Paul Feeley
Kenneth Feeney
Mary Feeney
Mary B. Feeney
Joseph Felzani
Agnes Fennell
Reggie Fennessey
Thora Ferinquist
Annette Ferragamo
Maria Ferranti
Sally Ferreira
Anthony Ferriero
Alice Ferris
Tim Ferris
Mary Ann Ferrisi
Margaret Ferrucci
Scott N. Ferullo
Pasquale “Pat” Ferzoco
Mary E. Fidelle
Joseph Figueiredo Jr.
Ernesto Figueiredo
Ronald Files Sr.
Harold Filliger
Phillip Fina
Edward Finch
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 21
Christopher Finegan
Charles & Virginia Fini
Sister Marcella Finlan
Donald Finn
Judy Finn
Mary Finn
Paul Finn
Bishop Emeritus Thomas
Jack Finnegan
Franas Finneran
Adeline Finnerty
Richard Finnerty
Jean M. Finnigan
Santina Fiore
Nancy Fischer
Dennis Fisher
Wanda Fitch
William & Gertrude
Donald F. Fitzgerald
John “Tim” Fitzgerald
Josephine Fitzgerald
Mary Fitzgerald
Sister Helen Mary Fitzgerald
Thomas P. Fitzgerald
Sister Patricia Fitzmaurice
Sister Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Timothy Fitzpatrick
John “Joe” Fitzsimmons
Edward Fjeld
Thomas Flaherty Jr.
Anna Coughlin Flaherty
Elizabeth Flaherty
John J. Flaherty
Josephine Flaherty
Mary Flaherty
Nora Flaherty
William Flaherty
The Flahive & Tobin
David Flanagan
Ethel Flanagan
Geraldine Flanagan
Thomas J. Flanagan
Doris Flanigan
James E. Flavin Jr.
Madeline Fleming
Rev. Thomas Fleming
Eleanor Flinkfelt
Catherine Jane Floyd
Sister Marcie Fluet SMSM
Bobby Flynn
Dorothy Flynn
Irene Flynn
Jackie Flynn
Joseph Flynn
Leo Flynn
Robert Flynn
Jean Folan
Christopher Foley
Doris L. Foley
Eleanor Foley
Ellen Foley
G. Foley
Jean Foley
Julianne Foley
Julie Foley
Kathleen Messina Foley
Loretta Foley
Margaret Foley
Margaret Cox Foley
Mrs. E. Foley
Patricia Foley
Paul Foley
Robert Foley
Robert J. Foley
Sheila Foley
Sheila Sullivan Foley
Edmond Forbes
Dr. Richard Forcucci
Ada G. Ford
Elise Ford
Rita Ford
Frank Forde
Al Forgione
Stephen Forkin
David Forrester
Jean Fortier
Arthur E. Foster Jr.
Helen “Audrey” Foster
Stephen Foster
Marguerite Fothergill
Virginia M. Fournier
Marilyn Fowler
Thomas P. Foxx
Thomas Fraher
Rosemarie Francioso
Eugene Fraser
Jessie Fraser
Isaia V. Frattura
Robert E. Frazier
Linda Frechette
Dorrie Sheaver Fretwell
E. K. Fretwell
Mary Eileen Frieh
Eileen Friehl
Chelsea Fuller
David Fussa
Rita Thomas Gagme
Mary Gagne
Beatrice Galasso
Francis X. Gallagher Jr.
Kathy Gallagher
Sister Carlotta Gilarde
receives the 2012 Cardinal Cushing Award
Sister Carlotta Gilarde was
honored by the St. James
Society, established by the
late Cardinal Cushing, for her
ministry in the San Ricardo
Parish in Peru for 27 years.
Sister Carlotta was recognized
for her ministry among the
poor and marginalized who
seek to be freed from systems
and situations that perpetuate
injustice and deny human
dignity and rights.
Mary Gallagher
Rita Gallagher
Sister Bernadette
Sister Marisol Gallagher
Mary Rose Gallo
Celia Galvam
Ann Melanphy Murray
Eileen Galvin
Mary A. Galvin
Kirsten Gamache
Anna Crowley Ganley
Irene Ganser
Lao Garcia Jr.
Thomas Gardener
Thomas Gardner
Peter Garipay
Kathy Garland
Anna Mary Garofalo
Joan Garrity
Rina Gasparini
Kathleen Gasper
Donald E. Gaston
Michael J. Gateley
Joseph F. Gately
Joan Gatto
Beatrice M. Gaudet
Gertrude Gaultieri
Janet Gauthier
Rosamond Gautie
Jane Gavin
Joseph Gavin
Richard D. Gavin
Wayne R. Gavin
Barbara M. Geary
Anne M. Gendereau
Anne Gendreau
Winifred C. Gens
John S. Gentile Sr.
Adeline (Lalli) Gentile
Dr. Joseph P. Gentile
Joseph Gentile
Angie Gentilotti
Sheila Genualdo
Marguerite Genva
Margaret Geraghty
Lorraine Gerecke
Carl Gerhard & Family
Janet M. Ghiloni
Elinor E. Giampa
Arthur Giangregorio
Vincent Giannuse
James W. Gibbons
Barbara Gibson
Barbara Stanley Gibson
Mary Giggey’s Father
John A. Giglio
Mildred Gil
John Gildea
Morris Gilefsky
David M. Gill
John D. Gill
Ralph D. Gillen
Daniel R. Gillette
Catherine G. Gilligan
James Gillis
James M. Gillis
Joan Gillis
Mary Gillooly
Brian Gilman
Mark Gilmartin
Sister Joan Gilmore SC
Robert Gilson
Lillian E. Giordano
Joel A. Giorgio
Vincent Giovenelli
Charles Girard
Patricia Girard
John L. Giuffre
Debby Gleason
Elva M. Gleason
Leo Gleason
Mary Gleason
Thomas Gleavy
Phyllis Glidden
Julianne Glocken
Doris Gloster
Eta Glynn
Janet Glynn
Lynn Goddard
Richard Goddard
Joseph Godfrey
Josephine Goffredo
Casey Gomes
Terri Gomm
Francis X. Goode
Sister Irene Goode
Thomas Gordon
Catherine Goreczny
Robert Gorham
Joseph Gormley
Barry Gorski
John Goslin
Gary Gosson
Arlene Goulart
Francis J. Gould
Carolyn Goyette
Phyllis Graham
Francis Granato
Celeste Grande
Michael Grandmont
Mary Ellen Grant
Margaret Gratiano
Donald Gray II
Margaret Grealish
Mary Grealish
Patrick Grealish
Jonathan F. Greatorex
Margaret Greehan
William Greeley
Harry W. Green
Woody Green
Billy Greene
John Greene
Blanche Gregoire
Amelia Gregory
Virginia Gregory
Fr. Michael Griffin Jr.
Anna & Michael Griffin
Dr. Carol Lee Griffin
Jean Griffin
Joseph Griffin
Joseph A. Griffin
Stephen Griffin
Catherine Griffis
Ralph Grimaldi
Deborah Grimes
Angela G. Grimm
Tom Grogan
Edward Grokulsky
Larry Groth
Maureen Grout
Joseph Gruttadauria
Frances Guarino
Frank Guarino
Chris Gubicza
Dick Guerriero & Family
Makayla Guerriero
Frances Guerton
John Gugliotti
Henry & Louise Guidoboni
Wayne Gulgren
Elizabeth Gulla
Margaret M. Gurnon
Joseph Gurry
Joan M. Gustin
Elinus B. Hadley
Michael Hagerty
Ellen Haggerty
Dorothy Rose Hagopian
Mary Haley
Frederick Hall
Jeannette Hamel
Charles J. Hamilton
Mark Hammond
Michael Handalian
Jim Hanley
Hazel Hanlin
David Hanlon
Brendan Hannahan
John Hannigan
David P. Hannon
Mary Hannon
Mary C. Hansen
The Literacy Connection Program began in 1987. Its
Citizenship Program started in 2005. With the help of
60 plus volunteers and donors, The Literacy Connection
has assisted more than 700 individuals, of whom more
than 100 of them have received their citizenship. There
are presently 150 students enrolled in the program.
For more information visit our website at:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 23
Having known Sister Raynald
for over 28 years, I have had the
privilege of spending time with
her when she was our spiritual
coordinator at the Sacred
Heart Bible School. Her life of
dedication to the Lord is a beautiful
example for all of us. She will be
sadly missed.
Kathy Rowlings Hyde Park, MA
Mary T. Hansen
Mary Hanson
Mary C. Hanson
Dorothea Hanton
Sean Harder
Katherine Hargrave
Arthur W. Harlow Sr.
Diana Harpin
Anne Harrington
John Harrington
Margaret Harrington
Margaret Smith Harrington
Mary Harrington
Nancy Harrington
Ruth Harrington
Ruth Harris
Dolores Hart
Henry Hart
Raymond Hart
Sister Dorothy Hart
Pauline Harte
Frank Harthey
Virginia Hartin
Sister Lillian Hartney
Darrell Hartung
Francis Harvey
Paul Hasenfuss
Sister Mary Hastings
Christine Hatch
Peter Haut
Thomas Havney
Patrick Hawes
Gordon Hayden
Janice Hayden
John M. Hayes Jr.
Ann Hayes
Florence Hayes
Fred Hayes
Leo K. Hayes
Benie James Haynes
Francis Haywood
Robert Hazzard
Joseph Healey
Phyllis E. Healey
Rita Healey
Thomas Healey
Edmond Healy Sr.
Edmund Healy
Mary Healy
Rosemary Healy
William Healy
Mary A. Hefron
Helen Hegarty
John C. Hegarty
Anne Hehir
Mary Eileen Heisick
Harold “Sonny” Helmuth
Marjorie A. Hemegon
Lillian Hemperly
Virginia Henderson
Thomas Heneghan
Thomas Hennessey
Virginia Hennessey
Bartholomew V. Hennessy
Ronald Hennessy
Marjorie Hennigan
Jean A. Herbert
Joseph Hernon
Sister M. Padua
Marguerite Hession
Mrs. Hickey
Donald F. Higgins
James Higgins
Kathleen Higgins
Kathleen Nee Higgins
John Hill
Lorraine Hill
Alan Hillsinger
James D. Hilton
Helen Hitron
Sister Mary Borgia Hoar
John & Nell Hoarty &
Ann Hoaty
Isabelle Hober
Thomas H. Hodge
John J. Hogan Jr.
Audrey Hogan
Bernice Hogan
Kay Hogan
Nancy Hogan
William J. Hogan
MacKenzie Hohl
Corinne Hokanson
Hannah Keohane Holiston
Ann Holland
Francis “Frank” Holland
Margaret (Karen) Holland
Mary Holland
Thomas Honan
Hubert P. Honlon
Hilda Hood
Frank J. Hooker Jr.
Frank Hopkins
Frank A. Hopkins
John Hopkins
Sister M. Paula Hopkins
Paul & Eileen Horgan
George Horner
Dhimitri Hovagimia
Barbara Howard
Carol Howard
Dorothy A. Howard
Judith Howard
Marge Howard
William J. Hoyt
Mary E. Huculak
Christine Hudson
Robert Hudson
Emily Narris Hughes
James Hughes
Ronald Hughes
Kathryn Hulgrave
Frances Ann Humphries
Mica Hunphreys
Danny Hunt
Joan Brouelli Hunt
Marie Hunter
Robert Hunter
Barbara Hurley
Carmel Hurley
Mary Hurley
Randall A. Hurley
Harold E. Hutchings Jr.
Rick Hutchins
Margaret Hutchinson
Sabina Ieni
Stephen Imposemato
Albert Infusino
Phyllis M. Ingaciola
Mildred Insogna
Kerry Ireland
Alison E. Irving
Claudette Jackson
Joyce Guinivere Jacobe
Edward James
George Janette
Jamal Jangi
Eleanor Jannette
George Jannette
Helen Jannsen
Joseph Jansen
Michelle Janson
Marie Regan Jardin
John C. Jarvis
Everett Jeffrey
Robert Jeffrey
Robert Jenkins
Mary Anne Jennette
Tighe Jensen
Betty Joanides
Ned Job
Muriel Jodice
Anne Johnson
Bob Johnson
Jane M. Johnson
Robert Johnson
Theresa Johnson
Winnafred & George
James Johnston
Barbara Jones
Louise Concannon Jones
Margaret Jones
Martha Drinkwater Jones
Mildred M. Jones
Robert E. Jones
Virginia Jones
Margaret T. Jordan
Mary Jordan
Pauline Jordan
Walter Jordan
Edward E. Josephson
Joseph Joyce & Family
Ann (Nancy) Joyce
Elizabeth Joyce
Gerald Joyce
Martin Joyce
Martin F. Joyce
Myrtle Joyce
Patrick “Sonny” Joyce
Patrick J. Joyce
Sister Barbara Joyce
Stephen Kabbas Jr.
Violet Loeser Kalscheur
A. E. Kane
Martin Kane
Patricia Kane
Patricia Welsh Kane
The Kanlans Family
John F. Kanz
Albert B. Karsay
Haile Kassa
Stella Katsiroubas
Colette Kazar
Jennie Keady
Kathleen Keane
Maureen Keaney
Mary Kearney
Mary Ann Kearney
Lorraine Kearns
Dan Keary
Donald Doherty Keating
Mary King Keating
Michael Keating
Veronica Keating
Claire Keefe
Elizabeth Keefe
Elizabeth M. Keefe
Mary Keefe
Andrea Keeley
John Keeley
Marlene Keeley
George P. Keenan
Paul Keenan
Lilly Kehr
Barbara Kelleher
James Kelleher
Marie E. Kelleher
Mary Kelleher
John Keller Sr.
Catherine Kelley
Joan E. Kelley
John Kelley
John A. Kelley
Margaret Kelley
Mary Kelley
Stephen Kelley
Denis Kelliher
Doris A. Kelliher
Elaine Kelliher
Annette Kelly
Colleen M. Kelly
Edward Kelly
Elena Kelly
James Kelly
James “Jim” Kelly
James J. Kelly
James V. Kelly
Kurt Kelly
Marie Kelly
Mary Kelly
Mary (Mickey) Kelly
Mary Donovan Kelly
Mary L. Kelly
P. Brooks Kelly
Paul Kelly
Priscilla Kelly
Thomas Kelly
William Kelly
John Keneally
Nora Frances Keniry
David Kenna
John Kenneally
Michael “Mick” Kenneally
Robert Kennedy Jr.
Eleanor Kennedy
Honey Kennedy
Kathy Kennedy
Mary Kennedy
Mary L. Kennedy
Nancy Kennedy
Anna Kenney
James Kenney
John & Betty Kenney
William Kenney
Mary Kenny
Robert Kenny
William P. Kenny
Michelle Kerr
Jean Kerrins
Larry Keschl
Renee Khachadourian
Bill Kiely
Gladys Kiernan
James Kilcoyne
Mary Kiley
Mary M. Kilgarriff
Ann Killian
Paul Killion
Ann Kilpatrick
Anthony King
Joseph King
Lillian King
Patrick J. King
Sister Barbara King
Tony King
Martha Kingsbury
John Kiniry
Rita Kinneavy
Francis Kinney
Robin Kinney
Sister Catherine Kinsella
Brianna Kirby
Julia & Paul Kirby
Richard Kirby
Robert “Bob” Kirby
Robert J. Kirby
Theodora Klecker
Eleanora Kleponis
Glen Kleven
Wendy Breen Kline
Millard Klinke
Theodora “Terry” Klocker
Sister Mary Jane Knight
Knights of Columbus
Council 269
Dr. Margaret Knoll
Theresa Komar
Katherine M. Kosa
Alfreda Kowalski
Mary Lou Kraemer
Rita & William Kreckler
Angelina Kreegan
John Kreegan
Bob Krim
Leslie Krueger
Janina Kuczynski
Patricia A. Kudryk
Bonnie Kull
George Kunenth
George W. Kunerth Sr.
Beverly Kyle
Ann Kyne
Margaret S. LaBonte
Jack LaCascia
Maria LaCivita
Maurice LaCroix
Gerald, Claire & Jackie
Karen LaPierre
Barbara LaPorte
Barbara LaRosa
Anthony A. LaRusso
Adele Labute
Orienta J. Lacerra
Eleanor A. LaCivita
Maureen Laffan
William Lalli
Bridget Lally
Cecilia M. Lally
Marion Lally
Thomas Lally
Frank J. Lamparelli
Dianne Lanciloti
John T. Landry
Lillian Landry
Anne Lane
Clifton Lane
Esther A. Lane
James Lane
Mary Langan
Denise Langlais
Gerard Langlois
James Langmeyer
John & Mary Lanigan
Antonio Lapolla
Sophia Lapsley
Dorothy Laracy
Robert Larkin Jr.
Robert F. Larkin
Sister Ancilla Larnard
Cresencia Las
Joseph J. Lattinzio
Alice Lavin
Sister Margaret Mary Lavin
Edwin Lawler
Lawrence E. Lawler
Philip Lawrence
Donald Lawton
David Lazar
Henry LeBlanc
Joan LeBlanc
Lawrence LeBlanc
Donna LeBretton
Claudia LeBrun
Joseph E. LeGarda
Helen LeGrow
George Leach
Marion Leach
Rita M. Leach
Dennis Leahy
Marie Leahy
Mary Leahy
Maureen Leahy
Jake Learn
Donald Leazer
Caitlan E. Ledwell
Leo P. Ledwell
CSJ Associates,
and Brighton
employees gathered
at the Motherhouse
chapel at 9:30 a.m.
on Dec. 21, 2012 to
join the nation in a
moment of silence
in remembrance
of the 27 victims
of Sandy Hook
Elementary School,
Newtown, CT.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 25
We would like to thank the families and
friends of the following, for requesting
that donations be made in their memory in
lieu of flowers to the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012
. . . my soul has been freed from death, my eyes
from tears, my feet from stumbling. I shall walk before
God in the land of the living. (Psalm 116: 8-9)
Jane Barrett
Paul Burke
Daniel J. Byrne
Helen Callahan
Mary Callahan
Eileen Casserly
Barry Carr
Richard “Dick” Curran
Mary Darcy
Roberta deDoming
Donald Finn
Christopher Foley
Doris Gloster
Joan M. Gustin
Rita Kinneary
Marie Leahy
Helen (Torpey)
Joseph McCall
Edward Moore
Paul Morse
Ellen H. O’Leary
Francis Oliver
Mary Jo Pineo
Gilda Santosuosso
Charles Leavitt
Sullivan III
Jeanne Vozzella
Grace Waystack
Sister Agnes Lee
Thomas M. Lee
Thomas Michael Lee
Barbara J. Leger
Leo Lemay
Ann Lemieux
Mary Lempesis
Beatrice Lennon
John Lennon
Nancy Lennon
Phyllis Lennon
Phyllis Leo
Rocco Leo
Francis Leonard Jr.
Beverly J. Leonard
John Leonard
Nazareno Leone
Susan Leone
Angela Lepore
Virginia Lepore
Barbara Reynolds Leslie
Jeanette Letizia
Paul Letourneau
Richard Leufesdetd
Leonard Levasseur
Peter J. Leveroni
Carole Levy
Ann Lewis
Wilbur Lewis
Stephen Leyva
Virginia Lichtenberg
Richard Limoge
Richard G. Lind
Mary A. Lindsay
Evelyn Lindsey
Brian Linehan
Christine & John Linehan
Eileen Linehan
Lu Lingzi
Pauline Laugelle Litchfield
Harvey Little
Mao-Fen Liu
Shouen Liu
Frank Livingston
Vincent R. LoCicero
Louis LoSapio
Julia Lobisser
Porzia Lobosco
Patrick Loftus
Timothy Loftus
Lorraine F. Logan
Edward Loh
Sister M. Laurena Loh
Richard Lombard
Amelia Lombardi
Maria Lombardi
Donna Long
Robert F. Loranger Sr.
Isabelle Lorber
Francis Losco
Elizabeth Loughlan
Frances Lowney
Joseph Luca
Dennis P. Lucey
Joan M. Lucey
Mary Ellen Lucey
Edward J. Lunt
Nicolas Luongo
Tom Luukko
Jack Lydon
Patrick Lydon
Sister Petros Lydon
Carol Lynch
Ellen Lynch
Jennifer Lynch
John Lynch
Kathleen Lynch
Marie Lynch
John Lyons Jr.
Sister Helen Cornelia
Lyons SND
Ida Lyons
John J. Lyons
Katherine Lyons
Thomas Lyons
Mary Lyzun
Edna MacCready
Helen (Torpey) MacDonald
Marjorie MacDonald
Martha E. MacDonald
Mary MacDonald
Dougald C. MacGillivary
Alan MacGillivray
Allan S. MacGillivray
Frederick T. MacKay
Mary MacKenzie
Margaret MacKinson
Barbara MacLellan
Marjorie J. MacLeod
Phyllis MacMillan
Sister Elizabeth Clare
Gerald MacNeil
Victor MacNeil
Robert MacQueen
Hollis MacRae
Casey Mack
Gertrude & Robert Mack
Robert P. Mack
Janice Mackey
Mary Cronin Mackey
Frank Mackiewicz
Gary Mackin
Randy Macrae
Catherine Madden
Mary Madden
Sister Catherine Madden
Anna Marie Madrid
B. J. Maffeo
Joseph F. Magee
Phyllis Y. Magee
Ruth F. Magee
Thomas Magri
Anna Maguire
Elizabeth Maguire
Jean Maguire
Jean Chaber Sheehan
John Maguire
Maureen Maguire
Reta Cunningham Maguire
Sister Mary Juan Mahan
John Mahaney
Peg Mahar
Hester “Peg” Maher
Richard (Nipper) Maher
Betsy Maherne
Lois Caruso Mahon
Clara F. Mahoney
Daniel Mahoney
Donald J. Mahoney
Edith Mahoney
Eleanor Mahoney
Frank Mahoney
Joan Mahoney
John Mahoney
Kevin J. Mahoney
Mary Mahoney
Pat Mahoney
Paul Mahoney
Robert Mahoney
Robert Carey Mahoney
Ralph Maider
Henry Mailloux
Harland Main
Charles J. Majka
James M. Maki
Stephen Mallard
Dorothy Mallett
Frank Malley
Mary Lynne Malley
Michael Malloy
Catherine B. Malone
Mildred H. Malone
Richard Malone
Michael & Margaret Maloof
& Family
Rosemary Malvone
Mary Malzone
Patricia Maney
Natale Manfredi
Theresa L. Mangan
Pat Mangas
Mary Mangio
John Mangion
Sister Janina Mangion
Christopher Manguen
Catherine Mann
Mary Manning
Mary K. Manning
Mary Kate Manning
Taylor Manning
Thomas Manning
Thomas Mannion
Edward Mannix
Anthony Manzelli
Steve Manzone
Evan Maravelis
Robert Marceau
Mark Marchand
Romeo Marchand
Donald Marchant
Gloria Marcinkowski
Robert Arthur Marcotte
Brian Margadonna
Albert Maria Jr.
Marjorie Maria
Stephen Maria
Vincent Maria
Kevin Marinele
Patricia Marini
Eleanor Marino
Lucy Marino
Stephen H. Markanan
Kathy Marks’ Mother
Maurice Maroney
William Marple
Charlotte Marquedant
Louise Marrotti
Katie Marshall
Helen L. Marston
Janine Marston
Harry Martell Jr.
Donald Martelli
Paul S. Martellucci
Donald Martin
James Martin
James F. Martin
Jean Martin
Jean C. Martin
Tana Anne Martyn
Phyllis Mascaa
Nicoletta Masiello
Virginia & Virgilia
K. Masterson
Colleen Mastine
Robert R. Masuret
Rita M. Mathieu
Marye Matley
Victor J. Matsur Jr.
Joseph R. Mattaliano
Daniel R. Matthews
Ellen Matthews
William Matthews
Patricia Ann Mattuchio
Sister Mary Thaddeus
Eli Mavros
Ernest M. Mawn
Sister Modwena Mawn
Mary A. Maxwell
Sister Anna May OSF
Marie Mayer
John Mazur
Catherine McAteer
Thomas McAuliffe
James McBain
The McCabe Family
Carol McCabe
Ellen McCabe
John McCabe
Matthew McCabe
Robert McCabe
Jean Ryan McCall
Joseph McCall
Paul McCann
Thomas McCann
Janet McCarron
Christopher R. McCarthy
Eugene G. McCarthy
Gene McCarthy
Jack McCarthy
James McCarthy
John McCarthy
Joseph McCarthy
Lorretta McCarthy
Mary McCarthy
Patricia M. McCarthy
Robert R. McCarthy
Sister M. Aquinas McCarthy
Teresa McCarthy
Theresa McCarthy
William McCarthy
Anna Marie McClure
Francesca McCone
Paul McConnell
Janet McCormack
Mary McCormack
Pauline A. McCormack
Sister Kostka McCormack
Thomas McCormack
Eileen McCrossen
Helen McCue
Michael McCusker
Frank McDermott
Joseph McDermott
Mary McDermott
Mary T. McDermott
Mary Theresa McDermott
Paul F. McDermott
Christopher McDevitt
Patrick “Dan” McDevitt
Anne Marie McDonald
St. Joseph Retreat Center, founded and supported by
the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston,
is a Roman Catholic retreat center welcoming women
and men of all faith traditions and cultures who seek a
deeper relationship with God, self and all creation. In
collaboration with others, we are dedicated to offering
spiritual direction and diverse retreat opportunities
for individuals and groups in a hospitable, peaceful,
beautiful seaside environment.
For more information visit our website at:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 27
Gilbert McDonald
John McDonald
Mary McDonald
Robert McDonald
Sister Hildegarde McDonald
Sister Lillian McDonald
Terrance McDonald
Thomas McDonald
Joseph McDonnell
Mary McDonnell
Ann McDonough
Anne McDonough
Bill McDonough
Dermot McDonough
Emmett McDonough
John McDonough
Mary McDonough
Stephen J. McDonough
Eileen McDougal
Dan McDougall
Harold “Bud” McDougall
Patricia McDowell
Sister Lucian McEachen
Sister Patricia McEachern
John D. McElhiney
Mary Jane McElhiney
Ruth C. McElligott
Caitlin McEnery
Joseph McEngleggart
Jeff McEnroe
James E. McGarvey Jr.
Barbara McGarvey
Katherine McGee
Charles Daniel McGeever
Jack McGhea
Mary McGillvrey
Eleanor McGlame
Jack McGlone
Paula McGoldrick
Eileen McGonagle
Sister Cormac McGourty
Michael McGovern
Donald McGowan
Kathleen McGowan
Edward McGrady
Corinne McGrane
Gerald P. McGrath Sr.
Angela McGrath
Gerald McGrath
John McGrath
Mary McGrath
Mary Lou McGrath
Sister Louise McGrath
Terri McGrath
Joseph McGravey
Jane McGregor
Patricia McGregor
Patricia McGregory
Francis McGuane
Willis McGue
Justin McGuire
Maureen McGuire
Nancy McGuire
David P. McGurl
Cecelia Frances McHugh
Joseph McHugh
John McIleney
Tracy McInerney
Helen R. McKenna
John “Jack” McKenna
John G. McKenzie
Sister Rosalie McKenzie
William McKeon
Billy McKernan
Joseph McKinnon
Joseph “Bill” McKinnon
Margaret McKinnon
Mary McKinnon
Sister Carmelina McLaren
Joseph McLaughlin
Kelly McLaughlin
Leona McLaughlin
Marjorie McLaughlin
Mary McLaughlin
Please accept this donation in loving
and grateful memory of Sister Jeanne
d’Arc O’Hare. At Regis College,
she was an inspiring professor and a
visionary President. She challenged all
to think critically and act lovingly through
knowledge and faith. Indeed, each time I
think of Sister I thank our God! May all
her loved ones share in the well-deserved
eternal peace she now enjoys.
John & Maureen Shea Dolan Sudbury, MA
Mary L. McLaughlin
Sister Amatus McLaughlin
Sister M. Benedict
William McLaughlin
Leo McLellan
Helena McLennan
Joan McMahon
Madelyn Grace McMahon
Robert J. McMahon
Deacon Lawrence McManus
Louis McMenany
Dorothy McMillan
Debbie McNamara
Thomas McNamara
Thomas H. McNamara
Anna McNeil
Arthur McNeil
Mary McNeil
Mary J. McNeil
Ann McNicholas
Thomas J. McNicholas
James McNiece
J. Kevin McNiff
Mark G. McNulty
Ruth Marie McPhee
Regina McPherson
James J. McSheffery
Maureen McSherry
Derin S. McWilliams
Margaret McWonaugh
Josephine Theresa Meade
Michael Angelo Mecolazzo
Fay Rose Medico
June Meehan
Peter Meehan
Margaret E. Meek
Joseph Megnia
Midge Mehigan
George F. Meier
Mr. Mekosky
The Melanson Family
Charles Melanson
John Melanson
Louis J. Melchiono
Margaret Melillo
Mary R. Melin
Jean Melito
Eleanor M. Mellette
Helen Mellonakos
Manuel Melo
Irene Melville
Ada & Solomon Melzack
Judith Menard
Sister Theresa Menard
Jack Menzie
Charles Merchant
Michael Mercogliano
Alice Mercurio
Sister Salvatore Mercurio
William Merenda
Mary Meskell
Ed Messina
Thelma Metrano
Joseph Meuser
Beatrice & Edward
Grace Michel
June Michelson
William (Bill) Midi
Maria Mihaich
Ed Milk
Robert Millard
Barbara Miller
Florence Miller
Herbert Miller
Kathleen Miller
Maureen Miller
Paul Miller
Ruth Miller
Danielle Millerick
Matthew Millville
Donald L. Milmore
Leo & Jean Milmore
Cy Minaisia
Charles Anthony Minehan
Alfred Miseo
Patrick & Margaret Mitchell
& Family
Harry Mitchell Jr.
Kathleen Mitchell
Patrick & Margaret Mitchell
Caterina Moccia
Ruth Mochi
Rico Modini
Joseph Monaco
Ellen Monagle
Marie P. Monagle
Lawrence Monahan
James Moniz
Vita Montalto
Paula Montes
Agnes Mooney
Michael Mooney
Edward Moore
John Moore
John R. Moore
Joan Moran
Mary T. Moran
Louise Moreton
Marian Moretti
Monica Morgan
Thomas F. Morgan
Fr. John Moriarty SJ
Dorothy & John Moriarty
Helen Moriarty
Helen Corbett Moriarty
James Moriarty
Kathleen Moriarty
Kathleen F. Moriarty
Michael Moriarty
Michael A. Moriarty
Evelyn & John Morin
George Morin
Jackie Morin
John Morin
George & Adelaide Morley
John Morley
Patricia Morra
Lena M. Morreale
Ella S. Morrill
Haley Murphy Morrill
James Morrill
Beatrice Morris
Charles Morris
Frances E. Morris
Anastasia Morrison
Ellen Morrison
Jack Morrison
Anne M. Morrissey
Peter Morrissey
Ruth Morrissey
Sister Rita Morrissey
William P. Morrissey Jr.
William P. Morrissey Sr.
Pearl Morse
Alice Mortimer
Bill Morton
George Mosher
Marie Mottola
Dr. Garry Mouslegiany
Elizabeth Moynihan
Marie Moynihan
Rev. T. Joseph Moynihan
Sister Ann Moynihan
Rose M. Mozzicato
Anna Mula
Dorothy T. Muldoon
Drew Richard Mulhearn
Terence Mulholland
Theresa Mulkern
Sister Betty Mulkerrin
Sister Catherine E.
Richard Mullaly
Rita D. Mullen
Robert Mullen
Thomas Mullen
Edward J. Mulligan
Patrick J. Mullin
Jeanne Mullis
William Mulry
Clara Murdock
James Edward Murphy Jr.
Cecilia Murphy
Edward Murphy
Jeannette “Betty” Murphy
Joan Murphy
Karen Murphy
Kevin J. Murphy
Kevin Joseph Murphy
Margaret Murphy
Margaret H. Murphy
Mary Murphy
Pamela Murphy
Paul E. Murphy
Rev. Charles J. Murphy
Rita Murphy
Sister Alvernara Murphy
Timothy R. Murphy
Walter Murphy
William J. Murphy
Betty Murray
Bill Murray
Elizabeth Murray
Elizabeth Crann Murray
Fr. Thomas Murray
Fr. Robert Murray
Harold L. Murray
Julia Murray
Matthew Murray
Patrick Murray
Rev. John Murray
Rev. Thomas F. Murray
Ruth Murray
Sister Aileen Marie Murray
Sister Frances Marie Murray
Virginia Murray
Peter J. Muse
Evelyn Mutascio
Marianne Myatt
Carolyn A. Myers
Annie & Patrick Nagle
John N. Najarian
William C. Nally
Edith Nannicelli
Salvatore C. Nardella
Stellina M. Nardo
Tilly Nardo
Betty Nash
Mary Nash
Maureen Nashawaty
Ellie Naughton
Ann Nava
Lenny Navarro
Julia Neafsey
Bridget Neary
Thomas Nee Jr.
Martin Nee
Lois Needham
Edward Nehiley
Barbara Neiman
Kathleen Neimann
Elizabeth Nelson
Genevieve Nemerowski
Sister Marilyn McGoldrick speaks to students at
St. Joseph Preparatory High School.
Eleanor Nemes
Kimberly Nemit
George Neumeier
Elizabeth Neville
James Neville
Margaret June Nevin
Albert Newcomb
Marie Newman
Joseph & Maria Nguyen
Santino F. Nicastro
James Nichols
Susan Nickerson
Michelangelo Nicolazzo
Susan Nicolosi
Lee Niehaus
Marge Niemiec
Carmel Nixon
Bernice E. Noddin
Edward Nolan Jr.
Betty Nolan
Edward & Gladys Nolan
Josephine L. Nolan
Sister Anne Nolan
Rita Noll
Barbara Noonan
James G. Noonan
Theresa Noonan
Gen Norcotte
Julie Northrup
Mary Moriarty Norton
Paul Norton
Sister Mary Loretto Norton
Martin Nuckles
Mary Patricia O’Brien
Barbara O’Brien
Daniel O’Brien
David O’Brien
Delores O’Brien
Elizabeth “Beth” O’Brien
Helena C. O’Brien
James Michael O’Brien
Joseph E. O’Brien
Kevin O’Brien
M. R. Theresa O’Brien
Meredith O’Brien
Patrick O’Brien
Sean O’Brien
Sister Agnesca O’Brien
Theresa O’Brien
Wanda I. O’Brien
John O’Connell
Julia O’Connell
Mrs. O’Connell
Geraldine A. O’Connor
Dr. John F. O’Connor
Margaret O’Connor
Martin O’Connor
Mary Doyle O’Connor
Paul B. O’Connor
Sister Enessa O’Connor
Thomas H. O’Connor
Mary O’Dea
Thomas O’Dea
Ann B. O’Donnell
Doreen O’Donnell
Jeanne O’Donnell
Mary O’Donnell
Paul O’Donnell
Phyllis O’Donnell
Robert O’Donnell
William T. O’Donnell
Grace O’Driscoll
Susan O’Grady
Gretchen O’Hara
Margaret O’Hare
Joseph O’Hearn
Lawrence “Larry” O’Keefe
Mary O’Keefe
Rita O’Keefe
Brendan O’Leary
Cronan O’Leary
Ellen H. O’Leary
Irene O’Leary
Linda O’Leary
Patricia O’Leary
Teresa O’Leary
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 29
In loving memory of Sister Marisol,
who was a large part of our lives
during her time at St. Thomas
Aquinas in Jamaica Plain. Her
continued friendship was deeply
cherished and appreciated. May
God not only continue to bless her,
but also all of you who have given so
much to so many of us. God Bless.
Carole & Davis McAvoy Dennis, MA
Timothy O’Leary
Frank O’Loughlin
Dr. Austin O’Malley
David O’Malley
John O’Malley
Joseph O’Malley
Thomas O’Malley
Winifred O’Malley
Robert O’Malley
Thomas A. O’Neil Sr.
Evelyn O’Neil
Thomas O’Neil
Kimberlee O’Neill
Marjorie A. O’Neill
Sarah O’Neill
Thomas O’Neill
Mary Jane O’Quinn
John O’Reilly
Sister Ursulina O’Rourke
John O’Shaugnessey
Margaret (Peg) O’Sullivan
Michael O’Sullivan
Catherine O’Toole
Julie O’Toole
Mary C. O’Toole
Mildred O’Toole
Patrick H. O’Toole
Ethel O’Mara
Mrs. O’Neil
Judith Oakman
Mary Lou Obst
Mary Oftring
Thomas Ohmaye
William Ohr
Geraldine Oliphant
Francis Oliver
Katherine B. Oliver
Katherine Olsen
Catherine Olson
Katherine Olson
Patricia Oppedisano
Dorothy Orchard
Sophia Oreszak
Betty Orfanakos
Frances Orlando
Frances D. Orlando
John Orlando
William Orphan
Adolfo Ortega
Thomas Osborne
Carolyn Milewski Ouellette
Alan Overton
Ann Overton
Br. Jeffrey Oxx CFC
Mary Pacheco
Thomas D. Packard
Adam Padaziz
Joanne Padovani
Leo Page
Thomas J. Page
William Page
Jean Pagliuca
Joe Pagliuca
Terry Pagliuca
Laura Paisley
Rosemarie Palermo
Eileen Palladino
Flora Palladino
Flora Palladuo
Arthur Pallotta
Mary Theresa Pallotta
Ted Palmer
Harry Pambookian
Antonio A. Pandolfo
Edythe Pane
Helen Panella
Zeena Pappacoda
Stamatia “Marty”
Viola Pappalardo
Roger Paquette
Ruth Paquette
Pam Paracona
Alice Paradis
Alice Paradise
Rose Paradiso
Vito Pardo
James Parish
Bob Parker
Joseph Parker
Robert Parker
Steven Parker
Margaret Parks
Donald Parnell
Mary Paro
Louise A. Parr RN
Irene Parr
K. Parr
Regina Pasciuto
Cecilia Pasquale
James R. Pasquale
Rosa Patalano
Lauren A. Patch
Henry Patnaude Jr.
Winifred Patrikas
Robert Patten
Edith Patterson
James “Pat” Patterson
Katherine Paul
Walter Paul
Joseph Pavo
Mary Pawlikowski
Kathryn Payton
Miriam Peavey
George Peck
Anne Howley Pelgrine
Anthony Pellegrino
Estelle Pelletier
Roger Pelletier
Alphonse Pelonzi
Theodore Pelosi Jr.
Anne Doyle Pelrine
Miceli Pelusi & Family
Rick Pelusi
Adelaide Penta
Joseph Penta
Mary (Kerr) Penzo
Mary Virgona Pereira
Kathleen Perkins
Rev. Keith Perleberg
Madeline Perman
Veronica Perreia
Fiore Antonio Perri
Clara Perry
George M. Perry
Holly A. Perry
Sister Claire Peters
Gary Peterson
Joseph Petitpas
Gail Petrie
Maria Petrizziello
Francis Pettepit
Grace Pettepit
Robert Pettepit
Evideen Pettipas
Ann Turnbull Phelan
Anne Phelan
Theresa Phelan
Dorothy G. Philbrick
John L. Phinney
Norman A. Phinney
Enricco Piatelli
Sister Mary Ambrosia
Dr. George V. Picard
Elizabeth Picard
Florence Picken
Rita Piecuch
Pauline T. Pierce
William Pierce
Arthur St. Pierre
Shirleyann St. Pierre
Frances Pignato
Andrienne Pike
Joseph R. Pina
Mary Jo Pineo
Meita Piorkowski
Charles “Bud” Pippy
Joseph Pittorino
Charles Pizzano
Michael Placzek
Lloyd Plasse Jr.
Matthew Plevock
Rose Plunkett
Virginia Pochetti
Lola Poirier
Annie Polcari
Ralph & Viola Polillio
Richard Pollis
Bernadine C. Ponticelli
Larry Post
Valerie Pothier
Anne Powell
Johana F. Power
Paula Power
Joseph J. Powers Jr.
John M. Powers
Joseph Powers
Michael Powers
Pat Powers
Patricia Powers
Sister Carol Ann Powers
Tom & Catherine Powers
John (Jack) Prendergast
Joseph Prendergast
John Prenderville
Rolande Presseau
Frances Prestera
Helen Pretty
Joseph E. Price Jr.
John Price
Joseph Price
Mary Prince
Teresa Principe
Bridie Prindeville
Lillian Prisco
Eugene Provenzano
John Puchniak
Harriet Pugsley
Anna J. Puleo
Guy Pulpi
Arthur R. Puopolo Sr.
Rocco A. Puopolo
Mary Purcelli
Gerald Purillo
Mary Pusateri
Anne L. Pushard
Elizabeth (Beth) Quatromini
Lillian B. Queen
Corrienne Queenan
John P. Quigley Sr.
Deacon Edward Quigley
Edward T. Quigley
Mildred Quigley
Ralph Quigley
Kathleen Quille
Sister M. Norena Quilty
Marian Quinlan
Anita Quinn
Kevin Quinn
Paul Quinn
Robert Quinn
David Raboin
James L. Rae
James Rafferty
James V. Rafferty
William J. Ragusa
Marjorie Rainge
Charlotte Rais
John C. Ralli
Eileen Randall
Patricia A. Rapacioli
Rita Raposa
George Rawling
Mary Ray
Corinne Rayburn
Roseann Rayel
Joyce Reade
Donald T. Reardon
Edward Reardon
Ernest E. Reavy
Joseph (Joe) Redding Jr.
Alice Reen
Rita Regan
Sister Alberto Regele
Charles Reidy
Kathy Reilly’s Dad
Catherine & Leo Reilly
David A. Reilly
Frances E. Reilly
Francis Reilly
John J. Reilly
Louise Reilly
Margaret Reilly
Mary E. Reilly
William Reilly
William & Bridget Reilly
William M. Reilly
Muriel Reimers
William Reinald
William Reinold
Charles Renoni
Henry Repaki
Phyllis S. Reppucci
Lawrence F. Reynolds
Manuel Rezendes
Kathi Rhor’s Aunt
Sister Mara Ricca
Sister Paola Ricca
Scott Riccuiti
Ellsworth F. Rice
Glenda Rice
Nancy Rice
Catherine Rich
Martin Richard
William Richard
Bradley Richardson
Timothy Richardson
Marie Ridge
Martin Ridge
Joyce Riggs
Virginia Rigoli
Bill Riley
Eleanor Riley
Louise Riley
Philip Riley
William Riley
Beatrice Rimmer
Rita Rinella
George R. Ring
Peggy Ring
Irene Riordan
John Risotti
Robert Ritchie
Robert C. Ritchie
Carolina Rivera
Margarey Coyne Rixon
Frank Rizzo
John Roach
Paul J. Roache Sr.
Walter Robak
Sylvia Roberge
Henry Robert
Patrick Roche
Robert Rochon
Sister Mary Rock
Angus Rodgers
Michael S. Rodolakis
The Women’s Table
Creating ever-widening circles of love & compassion
The Women’s Table, a woman-to-woman resource
center of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston, empowers
women from all walks of life through education, social
support, holistic health, spiritual development, and
The Women’s Table fosters relationships among women
that promote strength and resilience, self-confidence,
healing and personal growth, in an atmosphere of
mutual respect and love.
For more information visit our website at:
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 31
Sisters hone their skills during a recent
computer class.
Deborah Rodrigue
Arthur Rogers
Milo J. Rogers
Paul Romanski
Rosemary Ronayne
John Rooney
Carol Roote
Elisa Rosa
Gerard Rosa
Margaret Ann Rosa
Carmela Rosata
Anthony C. Rose
Eleanor Rose
George Rose
Keith Rose
Lethe Ann Rose
Marilyn Rose
Diana Rosenberg
Mary Rossi
Armella Roth
Anna Rouse
Mary Olive Rouse
Andrew Rowinski
Meera Roy
T. J. Royane
Leonard Rubin
Jacqueline Ruduazzo
Walter P. Rudy
Sal Ruggiero
Nancy J. Rumasaglia
Sue Rumick
Joseph Ruscowski
Charlotte Ruskiewicz
Carol Fitzsimmons Russell
Catherine Russell
John Dexter Russell
Paul Russell
Armando George Russo
Eleanor Russo
George Russo
Vincent Russo
Barry Ruth
Ann Ryan
Cecilia Ryan
Edward Ryan
Edward T. Ryan
Elinor Ryan
Ethel Ryan
Evelyn A. Ryan
Frank Ryan
George & Catherine Ryan
Joan Grogan Ryan
Margaret Ryan
Mary Ryan
S. “Fred” Ryan
Sheila Ryan
Sister Ada Ryan
Stanley Frederick Ryan
William Ryan
Rosalie Ryder
Shirley M. Ryder
Alice Sabatis
Denise Sacco
Peter J. Sacco
Eda Saccone
Steven Graham Saldana
Rose Salmeri
Rosie Salogiannis
John Salvage
Michael Samerki
Michael Sameski
Philip A. Samko
Joseph Sammartino
Bona Sampson
Frances Sampson
John Sampson
Russell E. Sampson
Frances Sansone
Katherine Santamaria
Anthony Santarpio
H. Edward Santarpio
Eleanor Santoro
Margery Santoro
Mary Santoro
Gilda Santosuosso
Vera Sanviti
Maria Sarno
Gerald Saucier
William Saunders
Sister Ramon Savage
Harriet Savickas
Anna Savioli
David Savoy
Marie P. Sbardelli
Patsy Sbardelli
Nicholas Scali
Mae Scanlan
John Scanlon
Regina Scannell
Anne Schaffer
Loretta Schaffer
Barbara Scheffler
Jane E. Schelle
Anne Marie Schellenberger
Barbara M. Schindler
Eleanor Schmidt
Ellie Schmidt
Louise Schneider
Charlie Schuetz
The Schuster Family
Mary Sciarra
Theresa Scirocco
Steven M. Scordamalgia
Anthony Scott
Marie Scott
Sister Marius Scott
Carol Scotton
Sean Sears
Mary Seibel
Robert Seidel
Camille Senica
Ernest A. Serra
Rose Sette
Charles Severance
Grace Sexton
John Sexton
Paul Sexton
Emily Shaheen
Joseph Shaker
Claire Shannon
Madeline Shannon
Serrino Shardella
James T. Shaughnessy
Carol King Shaw
Ruth Shaw
Arthur Shea
John J. Shea
Lisa M. Shea
Mary T. Shea
Peggy Shea
William Shea
Janice Sheahan
Joseph Sheahan
John Sheedy
Ann T. Sheehan
Anne Sheehan
Barbara Sheehan
Daniel J. Sheehan
Edward Sheehan
Helen Sheehan
Helen V. Sheehan
Joe Sheehan
Joseph Sheehan
Margaret M. Sheehan
Marie (Tobin) Sheehan
Mary Sheehan
Mary E. Sheehan
Robert Sheehan
Sister Alice Sheehy
Paul Sheerin
Lorrane Shephard
Robert Sheridan
Gertrude Shields
Ed Shilo
Anna Mae Shiner
Raymond Shiner
Mary Shinnick
Martha Shocksley
Kimberly M. Sholik
William Short
Dorothy Shute
Grace Shute
Mary Sible
Louis Silva
Richard Silva
Martin Silver
Civita Simeone
Mary E. Simeone
Mary Simmons
Mary Simone
Christopher Simonelli
Helen Simonis
Patrick S. Simpson
Warren O. Sines
Elizabeth Sirois
Sister Anne
Sister Avellino
Sister Francis Sylvia
Sister Georgine
Sister Jose
Sister Loretta Marie
Sister M. Celestine Murphy
Sister Mary Nilus
Sister Mary Sabas
Sister Prudence
Sisters Ursula & Carl
George Siwicke
Stefan Skalinski
Candy Skidmore
Donald Slack
Laura C. Slater
Robert Slayter
Florence Sliwoski
Dorothy M. Sloand
Mary Small
Abby Smallcomb
Alice Smith
Alwyn Smith
Ann Smith
Bill Smith
Catherine L. Smith
David Smith
Dr. Daniel J. Smith
Edward Smith
Fr. Bill Smith
James Smith
Jimmy Smith
John Smith
John (Jack) Smith
John R. Smith
Margaret Smith
Mary Ellen Smith
Steven L. Smith
William Smith
James Smitty
Sister Susan Snyder OP
Brian Snyder
Anne Solari
Josephine Solari
Anne Solorai
Robert Sorabella
Carmela Sordillo
Mable Sorenson
Frances J. Sorgi
Souls in Pergatory
Marie Sousa
Marjorie Southand
Lorraine Souza
William Souza
Julius C. Sozanski
Sister Theresa Sparrow
Frank Spears
Kathleen Spellman
Mary Spencer
Mary Sperduto
Timothy Spernak
John Spillane
Gaetano Spinelli
Claire Spinney
Kevin Spinney
Gloria Sproul
Sister Mary St. George
Larry St. Laurent
St. Mary’s Boys H. S. Lynn
Class of 1942
Trudy Stallings
Richard Stande
Edward J. Stanley Sr.
Lillian & Harold Stanley
Sophie Stanley
Robert Stanzaina
Antonia Starck
Madeleine Stauff
Louisa Lavery Steele
Fran Stephan
Frances R. Stephan
Dave Stetson
Betty Stevens
Elizabeth Stevens
Philip J. Stevens
Steve Stevens
Grace Steward
Mary Aylward Stewart
Michael Stewart
Charles Stickney
Donald Stinson
Eugene Stinson
Harry & Margaret Stinson
William Stockwell
Geoffrey Stokes
Michelle Stone
Elizabeth A. Storms
Sister Irma Helen Stubbert
Calvin Sturge
Stephen Sugar
Daniel Sugrue
Richard Sullivan II
Charles Leavitt Sullivan III
Ann Sullivan
Anna Sullivan
Daniel Sullivan
Elizabeth Sullivan
Helen Sullivan
John Sullivan
John & Mary Sullivan
Kathleen Sullivan
Kay Sullivan
Kevin J. Sullivan
Lillian Sullivan
Margaret Sullivan
Marie Sullivan
Marjorie Sullivan
Martin D. Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
Mary S. Sullivan
Maureen Sullivan
Maureen O’Brien Sullivan
Rebecca Sullivan
Roseanne Sullivan
Sister Ednata Sullivan
Sister M. Trinita Sullivan
Vincent Sullivan
Walter Sullivan
William Sullivan
Anna Supple
Patricia Surette
Mary Surrette
Anthony Susi
Joseph Sutherland
Clara Swan
Rose T. Swanson
William, Margaret & David
Elizabeth Swanton
David Sweeney Jr.
Beatrice E. Sweeney
Carol Sweeney
Edward Sweeney
Norma Sweeney
Rosalie Sweeney
Jane Swiderski
Helen M. Sydell
Mrs. Sylvia
Ada Sypek
Blanche Szopa
Sarah Tachgchetta
Joan Tack
Martha Myers Talley
Conrad Tallon
Paul Tallon
John Tambodleo
Lorenzo Tamboli
John Tarella
Jean Targerson
Florence Taverna
Caroline Taylor
Charles Taylor
Charles F. Taylor
Lynette Taylor
Margaret M. Teague
Lincoln Teal
Edward Tedeschi
Jessica Tedesco
Dorothy “Sis” Teehan
Lorraine Tegan
Richard Tennis
Walter J. Terenzoni
Eleanor J. Terlino
Margaret Terrasi
Linda Tesauro
Rene Testa
Robert Thadeio
Barbara Theison
Charles Thibeau
Eileen Thibeault
Eleanor Thomas
Eva Thomas
Frank Thomas
Maureen Thomas
Sister Helen Thomas
William Thomas
Frank Thompson
Rosemarie Thompson
Betty Glennon Thornton
David Thurston
Paul Tibbetts
Alice Tierney
Baby Alice Tierney
Nancy Tilton’s Mother
Kelly Timilty
Arthur A. Timmons
Dorothy Titnus
Philip Tivnan
John J. Tobin
Katherine Coan Tobin
Edward Toland
John Toland
James Toner
Rebecca Tonkov
Gertrude Toomey
Jane F. Toomey
Andrew Torcivia Jr.
Jean A. Torgersen
Josef Touet
Sister Rita Touet
Gregory Toupouzis
Nicole Shalbey Tourigney
John Townsend
Mary F. Tracey
Sister Catherine Siena
Sister Thomas Joseph Bradley reviews intention cards
on St. Joseph Day 2013.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 33
Sister Mary Scholastica
Barbara A. Tracy
Sister Mary Myles Tracy
Patrick Tranford
Daniel Travers
Daniel O. Travers
Rita Travers
David J. Trayers
Barbara Traylor
Sister Claire Treanor
Mary P. Trecker
Gerry Tresidias
Margaret Tresler
Margaret Tressler
Anthony Trodella
Julia Troy
June Troy
Richard J. Troy
Refa Trozzi
Evelyn K. Trumble
Robert Trusselle
Sister Merici Twiss
Maureen Twohig
George Twomey
The Tynan Family
Richard G. Tynan
Barbara Upton
Brian D. Upton
Diana N. Urnetta
James Vacirca
Evelyn A. Vaillencourt
Mary Valdaro
Guy A. Vallerand
Mary Vallesio
Margaret Vallis
Dorina Valmassoi
James VanEcko
Tim VanTuyl
Carol Vandecasteele
Robert Vaught
James Veilleux
John Venditti
Zola Ventre
Giuseppe Verri
Pino Verri
Linda Verville
Anna Vetrano
Donald Vetterling
Josephine Viggiano
Linda A. Vilaine
Geraldine A. Villard
Marilyn Viruet
Pasquale Vitale
Francis M. Vivenzio
Ann Voght
Ann Vogt
Alice Vollmer
Raymond Votto
Sister Nancy Braceland Honored
The Ignatian Volunteer
Corps honored Sister
Nancy Braceland with
the 2013 Madonna
Della Strada Award on
April 21. The award
honors lives that reflect
the Ignatian values of
direct service to the
poor and of working
and educating for a
more just society.
Jeanne M. Vozzella
Lorene “Reni” Vuolo
Martha Waghner
Richard Waitkus
John Waldron
Clifford Walent
Sister Rose deLourdes Wall
Eleanor Wallace
John Walsh Sr.
Barbara Walsh
David W. Walsh
John Walsh
John “Jack” Walsh
Joseph Walsh
June Walsh
Kayla Noel Walsh
Mary Walsh
Ron Walsh
Rose Walsh
Stephen Walsh
Steven Walsh
Todd Walsh
William Walsh
Richard T. Ward Sr.
Barbara Ward
Catherine “Kay” Ward
Eleanor Ward
Richard Thornton Ward
Sister Mary Alida Ward
Zoa Ward
Anne M. Warren
Hazel Washington
Mary T. Watson
Grace Waystack
Harriet Weaver
Laura Wehr
Mary A. Weidner
Joan Welch
John Welch
Gerhard Weller
Josephine J. Weller
Richard Wells
John Welnicki
Florence Wentzell
Mary Curnane Wernig
Mark Westley
Rev. Lawrence Wetterholm
Sister M. Bernadine Whalen
William J. Whalen
Anne F. Whelan
Margaret M. Whelan
Margaret Whiffen
Dave Whitaker
Bernard T. White
Claire White
Dan White
Elizabeth Mackey White
John White
Karen White
Mary White
Nina White
Patricia White
Rita Pecorari White
Larry Whitney
Robert Wholley
Ruth B. Wicklund
Gerry Wiggin
Elizabeth Wilkinson
Rita Willard
John William
Jack Williams & Friends
Agnes Williams
Anna Williams
Helen Williams
Joseph F. Williams
Mary “Su” Williams
Randolph James Williams
Richard Williams
Walter Williams
Richard Willis
E. Opalene Wilson
Juline Wilson
Robert K. Wilson
Susan Wilson
Donald Wise
Susan Witt
Eugenia P. Witwicki
Eugene “Smitey” Woelfel
Rosemary Woitkoski
Mary Margaret Wood
Louise Woodbury
Christine Woods
Clem Wright
Claire Wyman
Josephine Yannalfo
Stephen Yovino
Kathy Ywvc
Jean Zackular
Carmela Zaffiro
Richard Zampitella
Olga Zanelli
John Zangnillo
Lee Ann Zarrella
Pasquale G. Zarro
Victoria Zdanowicz
Herbert Zeiger
Inge Traud Zekan
Margit Zielonka
Pauline Ziniti
Mary Zins
Vincent F. Zizzo
Janine Zolides
Charles Zucco †
Card Program
Our Memorial Card Program honors those who have passed. Choosing our cards is a generous way of celebrating
the lives of relatives and friends. Throughout the year, those you wish to remember through our card program
are remembered in prayer by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and our CSJ Associates. All donations are
acknowledged by the Office of Mission Advancement.
Gifts to our card program support our elderly and infirm sisters.
If you wish to make a donation, know someone who would like to, or are in need of cards for a relative or friends,
please contact, Cheryl Duggan, Mission Advancement Coordinator at 617-746-2114
or email:
To make an online donation, visit
If you don’t need cards at this time, please pass us along to someone who may.
God Our Refuge
Carmel Lilies
Madonna and Child
Morning Rose
St. Joseph
In Memory Cards Order Form
Please enter the number of cards you are
ordering on the line next to the card.
(Please print clearly)
Light of Peace
#1 God Our Refuge ______
#2 St. Joseph ______
#3 Light of Peace
#4 Carmel Lilies
#5 Madonna and Child ______
#6 Morning Rose
Each card reads:You will be remembered in prayer by
the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and their Associates.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston 35
Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston
637 Cambridge Street
Brighton, MA 02135
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage PAID
Boston, MA
Permit No. 58432
If you do not wish to receive future Connecting mailings, please return your address above,
and we will remove your name from all mailings.
Following the 2013 tragedy on Patriots Day at the Boston Marathon, a
group of Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston and CSJ Associates attended a
vigil for Martin Richard and his family in Dorchester, MA.