John L. Lebduska - H.H. Robertson Floor Systems


John L. Lebduska - H.H. Robertson Floor Systems
John L. Lebduska
Professor Lebduska has served as a Special
Lecturer at the School of Architecture New Jersey
Institute of Technology for over 20 years. Prior to that
he was an adjunct professor at the School of
Architecture of the City College of New York and
has served as a guest lecturer at Cor nell
University. His subjects are: Const ruction,
Professional Practice, Environmental Control
Systems, and Life Safety in Contemporary Buildings,
in both undergraduate and graduate studies.
Professor Lebduska has practiced architecture
for more than 30 years. His projects include:
science buildings, banks, medical facilities,
libraries, schools, and offices. Many of his projects
involved coordination of complex computer and
wire management systems.
He is currently conducting research on composite
materials, flame spread and smoke development
issues; the use of new mineral by-products as build­
ing materials and the aspects of life safety that re­
late to wire management systems.
Thi report i reprinted, and it di tribution authorized, by penni ion of John L. Lebdu. ka.
It is made available by H.H. Robertson Floor Sy tern for the u e of it customer .
General References
NF.P.A. Life Safety Code Handbook 7997.
/'lew York City Building Code.
NF.P.A. 75 Standard Protection of Electronic
Computer Data Processing Equipment, 1998
Mechanical and Electrical Equipment of
Buildings, 7th & 8th editions, Stein & Reynolds.
Electrical Systems for Architects 1995,
Aly S. Dadras NC.A.R.B.
3. NF.PA. 251 or A.S. T.M.E.-874 "Methods for
Fire Tests of Through Penelralion Fire Stops."
U.L. Fire Resistance Directory.
B.O.C.A. Building Code.
6. /'lational Electrical Code.
10. /'I.C.A.R.8.-Professional Development Program
"Fire Safety in Buildings," 1996.
7 J. /'IFPA 90A Standard for the Installation of
Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems.
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