1400 - Delphine Arias DEVERYWARE - 2015-26-05


1400 - Delphine Arias DEVERYWARE - 2015-26-05
Alerting and Informing citizens
Delphine ARIAS-­‐BUFFARD Director of ins7tu7onal rela7ons Delphine.arias-­‐buffard@deveryware.com o  Specialized in loca%on-­‐based services o  Created in 2003. €10M revenues. 60 people o  Headquarters in Paris. Subsidiaries in Spain and Africa o  12 years of coopera%on with public authori%es (real-­‐7me geoloca7on for public safety, law enforcement, corporate safety) o  Control of digital systems from end to end o  Coopera%ve R&D in 4 clusters + na7onal/european calls o  Member of French CommiRee of Security Industry, Industry Council of Trust and Security, EENA, ETSI o  ISO 9001 /14001 cer7fica7ons o  ISO27001/22301 in progress Problems to solve for
1.  To exchange important informa%on between authori%es and ci%zens before, during and a[er crisis 2.  To include text, pictures, sound and short videos 3.  To broadcast and receive informa7on only in a specific area, anywhere, in people’s language 4.  To be able to simultaneously locate millions of smartphones and communicate within a few seconds 5.  Count them in order to beRer manage broadcast and decisions 6.  Respect privacy : Deveryware set of tools
A Web-­‐service editor for authori7es to send messages to people within a given area A smartphone app to receive mul7ple types of public or private messages based on their loca7on: Public alerts, fellow locator, professional missions, local ads A patented, innova7ve consent management system A comprehensive private cloud system to gather process and distribute data with maximal safety on European ground 4 Consent management with
A patented remote control interface within No7co to allow users to adjust at any 7me their consent to be located: for what usage by whom where when and with what accuracy Will also be available as a web-­‐service 5 2015/04/23 EENA Conven7on 2015 How to motivate people load and use the APP
1.  Several interes7ng uses within the same NOTICO app 2.  Daily use 3.  Viral diffusion 4.  Easy to use Family / friend locator with smart geoalert no7fica7ons City communica7on channel for various facts & events : traffic, pollu7on, allergies, Amber alerts, Local geo-­‐based, chosen adver7zing Emergency/help request Local informa7on / your local u7lity or transporta7on services Mobile workforce management Privacy control No%co: a mul% service receiver Good Deals Friends / family Public Warning System Public Alerts WRU? assistance Good Deals Local life Smart Ci7es Pro Emergency calls External data flows Mobile team management Event Creation
Choose a category Write the 7tle Enter an adress Draw the diffusion area 8 Message redaction
Choose a Severity Write the message To send (add photo, URL if needed) Choose start and end dates 9 Transmission to
Alertes Publiques Météo France Diffusion Confirma7on 10 Dashboard
48 48 messages sent 21 messages read 11 Conclusion
o  A powerful, easy-­‐use system to exchange crisis and local informa7on between authori7es and ci7zens o  A rich APP with mul7ple uses for daily life o  Easy to adapt with local partners o  Evolu7on capability Thank you for
your attention
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