November 2003 Features and Events:
November 2003 Features and Events:
November 2003 Sacramento V alley Region Valley Porsche Club of America - In its 41st Y ear! Year! lus... Plus... Features and Events: SVR November Dinner Meeting-Riverside SVR Membership Directory SVR Christmas Party Fuchs Wheel Refinishing Charity Auction RPM Indoor Kart Racing 2004 Porsche Parade On the Pole Membership SVR Goodie Store Drifting Back SVR People Places & Porsches Board Meeting Highlights The Social Scene Rally Checkered Flags Drifter Classifieds See “About the Cover” inside... Winter About the Cover ....... Cover....... Our esteemed past president Russ Hildebrand seen here while running the track at Laguna Seca during the US sports Car Invitational October 3-5. On top of a lot of Porsche racing there was a variety of cars racing in various categories from vintage CanAm cars, vintage Nascar autos all the way to Mini’s with their somewhat aggravating whine. There was also a Concours held on Sunday, October 5. The Porsche Corral had a good turnout and was quite impressive. Everyone had a great deal of fun after the weather decided to turn friendly on Saturday. There will be more on the USSCI in the nest Drifter issue. Steve Goltz, SVR Drifter Editor Cover Photo Doug DeV etter DeVetter TracQuest Would you like to drive your car on a Racetrack? TracQuest runs high speed Driver Education (DE) events at race tracks throughout the country. TracQuest DE events are widely known for safety, excellent instruction and tons of track time. These are noncompetitive events with strict rules for passing. UPCOMING EVENTS: Infineon Dec. 8-9 For sign up and more information contact Russ Hildebrand at 916-3838432, visit the TracQuest Website online at, or send e-mail to Sacramento Valley Region - PCA 2003 Board of Directors President Kim Nelson _____________________ 916-933-4282 305 Glen Ridge Way, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America - In its 41st Year! Vice President Dennis Stettner __________________ 916-728-1238 8767 Country Creek Drive, Orangevale, CA 95662 Treasurer Barbara McCrory_________________ 530-272-3390 P.O.Box 959, Penn Valley, CA 95946 Secretary Tom Sisson ____________________ 209-296-5352 14537 Surrey Junction Ave, Sutter Creek, CA 95685 Upcoming Events 3 6 16 17 Membership Roger Turner_____________________ 916-989-1248 5226 Altitude Ct FairOaks, CA 95628 Competition & Safety Bill Thorp_______________________ 707-693-0116 1865 Derby Dr., Dixon, CA 95620 November Dinner Meeting SVR Christmas Party RPM Indoor Kart Racing 2004 Porsche Parade Features and Reviews #2 PartsHeaven 3 7 8, 9 Social Katherine Sheppard_______________ 916-989-0199 Folsom, CA 95630 November 2003 Volume 41, No.11 Membership Directory Online Fuchs Wheel Refinishing Charity Auction -Harvey W eidman Weidman -Kerner Breaux Columns and Departments 2 4 4 5 10,11 12 12 13 14 18 19 20 SVR Coming Attractions On The Pole Membership Information Drifting Back SVR People, Places & Porsches Board Meeting Highlights Rally More People, Places and Porsches Goodie Store The Social Scene Checkered Flags Drifter Classifieds - Kim Nelson - Roger TTurner urner - Larry Wilson - Steve Goltz - TTom om Sisson - Rik Larson - TTom om & Jude Sisson - Katherine Sheppard - Steve Goltz Newsletter Editor Steve Goltz______________________ 916-961-3705 Information and 8528 Via Gwynn Way, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 Autocross Kathy Smalley_________ 707-693-0116 1865 Derby Dr., Dixon, CA 95620 Webmaster Doug DeVetter ___________________ 530-676-9046 Charity Susan Fleming _______ 916-985-4142 3552 Covello Circle, Cameron Park, CA 95682 107 Cobb Court, Folsom, CA 95630 Concours Kent Brandon ________ 916-663-1702 3450 Hector Road,Newcastle, CA 95658 Past President Russ Hildebrand _________________ 916-383-8432 Goodie Store Carmichael , CA 95608 Tom and Jude Sisson __ 209-296-5352 (Home) 14537 Surrey Junction Ave Sutter Creek, CA 95685 Rally Zone 7 Representative Rik Larson _____________ 916-481-6084 Tim Fleming ______________ 916-985-4142 (Home) 2120 Maddox Court 916-381-9100 (Work) Carmichael, CA 95608 107 Cobb Court, Folsom, CA 95630 The Drifter Committee Directory Technical Peter Cross____________________916-972-9046 1095 Sand Bar Circle, Carmichael, CA 95608 Share-the-W ealth Share-the-Wealth Rich and Karen McGlumphy_______916-725-9828 629 Vernon Oaks Drive, Roseville, CA 95678 Advertising Manager: Dennis Stettner ________________ 916-728-1238 8767 Country Creek Drive, Orangevale, CA 95662 SVR W ebsite Website http://www The Drifter is published monthly by the Sacramento Valley Region (SVR), Porsche Club of America, for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be mailed to the Editor. Text files can be sent by e-mail. The deadline for material is the first of the month for publication in the following month. SVR members should notify the Membership Director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright, however, newsletter editors of other regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and The Drifter is cited as the source. 1 SVR Coming Attractions November 2003 Sun Mon Tue Thu Wed Fri Sat 1 Mendocino 2003 GGR Autocross 2 4 3 6 5 7 Zone President’s Meeting Deadline! 9 11 10 12 13 14 SVR Dinner Meeting 16 18 17 19 20 21 Mendocino 2003 TTour our Rik Larson 916-481-6084 8 Mendocino 2003 November Events and Contacts 15 SVR Dinner Meeting Bill & Cathy Keegan 916-316-3853 SVR Kart Racing SVR Kart Racing Fun at RPM Katherine Sheppard 916-989-0199 22 Zone Presidents Meeting Tim Fleming 916-985-4142 23 25 24 26 27 28 29 30 December 2003 Sun Mon Tue 2 1 8 3 4 Fri 5 Sat 9 10 December Events and Contacts 6 SVR Board Meeting SVR Board Meeting Deadline! 7 Thu Wed Any SVR Board Member 11 12 13 SVR Christmas Party 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 You Have a Choice! So why not make the right one when you need auto body and paint work. Fabrication Specialties. SVR Christmas Party Kevin Dougherty PO Box 6006 Folsom, CA 95763 Don Joe 3532 LA Grande Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 391-4159 ✥ State-of-the-Art Body and Paint Technology ✥ Certified Glasurit Paint (Factory Original - Porsche, Mercedes, BMW) ✥ Car-O-Liner Unibody Repair Equipment ✥ Enclosed Climate Controlled Spray Booth ✥ Industry Certified Technicians 2 The Drifter Nov ember November Dinner Meeting 2633 Riverside Blvd. Sacramento Thursday, Nov. 13th SVR member Fred Haines has recently opened up a beautiful, new restaurant just 3 blocks south of the WX freeway. The restaurant is featured in the current issue of SACRAMENTO MAGAZINE and is an experience to behold. Fred has graciously developed a special menu for Club Members ~ a fantastic meal at introductory Grand Opening pricing of $16.50 per person person! STARTERS: Zucchini haystack with parmesan cheese & spicy housemade ketchup Mixed green salad with pistachio nuts, dried cherries, and chevre cheese ENTREES {choice}: RSVP your selection by Nov. 8th to: Fettuccine w/ shitake mushrooms, pancetta bacon, cream & tomatoes Roasted herb chicken w/ pan mustard sauce & yukon gold mashed potatoes Bill & Cathy Keegan Pan seared salmon w/ sun dried tomato thyme butter & yukon gold mashed potatoes 916-415-1539 DESSERT {choice}: Key lime tart Chocolate cheese mousse Cocktails start at 6:00 pm with a dinner you won’t want to miss at 7:00 pm Updated Membership Directory NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE at The Directory is Password Protected for your privacy. The password may be obtained from SVR vice president Dennis Stettner by request at or 916.728.1238. Please provide your PCA membership number when making your password request. The Drifter 3 Calling all Porsches On The Pole By Kim Nelson President Charity Auction – First Impression Well, I went to my first SVR Charity Auction in September and for the benefit of our newer members and for those of you who haven’t been before, I thought I’d talk a little bit about my impressions. First of all, I didn’t read the fine print (anything 10 pt. or under nowadays is fine print to me) and left my lawn chair at home and my picnic lunch – well that’s another story. But, it didn’t take long for Dennis Stettner to give me an extra chair and for Cindi Breaux to give me an extra lunch she had packed just in case someone had forgotten theirs. Now the fun began. There must have been between 60 and 70 club members who showed up for the auction and I was amazed at the number and variety of items that were on hand to be auctioned off. Niello donated quite a few Porsche related items and other donations included things like golf lessons, beautiful hand carved wooden bowls, weekend trips to various places, glassware, wine, beautifully framed art, stuff for the garage – well, you get the picture – there was something for everyone. Our auctioneers, Larry Wilson and Kirk Bradford, were a crack up and kept everyone entertained for hours. True to form with our club, there were a couple of items where the bidding got pretty darn competitive and you just had to realize that “it’s all for charity”. But for the most part, there were some good deals to be had. I know I got a great Porsche blanket that was donated by Niello and a two-ton floor jack that was donated by Roger Walker. Hey, everybody needs two floor jacks for the garage so they can jack up the front and back end of the car at the same time. When all was said and done, we raised about $3600.00 that will be split between the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. Not bad for an afternoon of fun and camaraderie. I’d like to thank Kern and Cindi Breaux for all their hard work in putting this event together for us this year and encourage all of you to come out next year and enjoy the afternoon with your fellow club members and help SVR’s charity efforts. Photo: Bob Peake 4 With 580 plus members in our club I know that we have a lot of beautiful and interesting Porsches out there. We see some of them from time-to-time on tours, autocrosses, Concours, CRAB and other club activities. But a lot of these cars have stories; stories about how they were purchased, about their restoration, about being picked up from the factory, about special trips taken and memories made, etc. On our recent new member tour I was talking with Ray and Betty Silva who drive a beautiful new Boxster. While we were talking, Ray casually mentioned that in the early 80’s he bought a 1951 split window 356 project car and that he now finally has the time to start the restoration. For those of you who know me, you know that my favorite Porsche model is the 356 and in 1951 Porsche made fewer than 1000 cars total. These cars are so rare now that there is a group of people from around the world who have formed the 356 Split Window Registry. And we have one right here in the Sacramento area. Pretty cool! But I know we have a lot of other special Porsches out there that have gone through painstaking restorations, have been picked up at the factory and then driven around Europe before being shipped back to the states, have interesting race histories or have given their owners the “ride of their lives” on the race track. I’d like to suggest and encourage all of you out there that have a story about you car to share it with the club. Let us get to know you and your Porsche a little bit better by writing an article with photo about your car for the Drifter. I think it would be fun reading and a great addition to the Drifter. Give me a call or email if you have any questions and send your articles to our Drifter Editor Steve Goltz at Membership Information By Roger Turner Membership Director WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS AND TRANSFERS! New member TTour our We had a great New Member tour lead by David Sheppard, and a picnic at the Montevina winery. It was a pleasure getting to know some of our new members and also getting them to know us. Hopefully they learned enough about this club to want to get involved. Twice each year the Sacramento Valley Region sponsors a free tour and lunch for it’s new members. The purpose of this event is to help acquaint the new members with the club and its officers, explain it’s activities, answer any questions and have a pleasant afternoon outing. The next New Member Tour will be in May. If you missed this one you are still welcome to join us in the next tour. To all you new members, I urge you to just come out to any of the events. We have tours, autocrosses, concours, social events, something for everyone almost every month. SVR is one A Few Reminders In this issue you’ll find the election form for the 2004 Board of Directors and in the December Drifter there will be a membership questionnaire. Please take a few minutes and vote for the board members (if for no other reason than to show your support and appreciation for the time and energy they put into the club) Also, I would like to encourage you to come out this year for our annual Christmas party at the Sutter Club. We always have a lot of fun at this annual event and I think this year is going to be pretty special. See you on the road. K . The Drifter of the most active Regions in PCA. You’ll easily find something to enjoy and certainly you’ll Drifting Back like meeting the other members. Please be sure to update your membership data. This would include adding e-mail or a By Larry Wilson, change in your e-mail address, your home adSVR Member dress, phone #’s, type of Porsche, etc. Just email or call me with any changes. Also update 30 Y ears Ago (November 1973) Years National, but you will have to do that yourself, The "Thanksgiving Climax" SVR autocross I can’t do that for you. was held at the "Low Bucks" site in NorthNew Members gate's Glenwood Park subdivision (no houses Barry and Melanie Azarcin yet) on the streets of Bollenbaker, Loveland Granite Bay CA. 95746 Way, and Grave Avenue. Allen Weddle and Dan Boone chaired, the entry fee was $1.00 916-932-2802 cash or canned food. Entry receipts went to 01 Boxster Thanksgiving food baskets for the needy. Sam Church Sacramento, CA 95822 916-874-8075 94 968 Baird and Elena Cowan Mather, CA 95655 916-526-7505 80 911 Don Kinkel Cool, CA. 95614 530-745-0226 03 Boxster 20 YYears ears Ago (November 1983) The Drifter ad for the Mendocino Tour, chaired by C.C. Craig and Karen Mangin, promised a "weekend filled with quiet peacefulness." Right. Hill House was headquarters and the kite flying contest was on tap for Saturday. Participants received a wine glass etched with, "Mendocino 83 PCA/SVR" courtesy of member and Drifter advertiser Ted Strutz. The November "Turkey Luck" dinner meeting, chaired by Pam Harley featured a turkey dinner and wine bottled and labeled for the event. SVR members attending the Zone 7 Awards Banquet to receive a trophy included Ray and Sara Clements, Lin Hokana, Stan Breyfogle, Don and Pam Harley, Dwight and Linda Mitchell, Larry and Pat Wilson, Dale and Shirley Newhouse, Ted Colbert, and Mike and Vicki Willis. 10 YYears ears Ago (November 1993) The ad for Turkey Run Rally, by Phillip Marks, promised ABSOLUTELY no off-course excursions. Twenty-five cars entered and all legs except one were protested. After all protested were denied, the results included Rik Larson and John Clever first in Expert Equipped. Helen Ashuckian and J. Toney took third place. Other top SVR finishers included Delores McKinnon and Trische Robertson first in Novice class, Phil Lawrence and Emily Barbee second in the First Timers class. Chris and Shelagh Mackay second in Beginners class. The Mendocino Tour, chaired by Pat and Larry Wilson, included a picnic lunch stop at Weibel Winery and a photo rally on the way to the Little River Inn. All 23 available rooms were booked. Returnees lunched at the Calistoga Hotel Brewery. Entrants received a T-shirt courtesy of Don Joe's Fabrication Specialties and the Dirty Shirt Company of Steve Harris featuring two gents in a 356 Speedster zipping along trying to get a kite up in the air. Dan and Claudia Rowland Orangevale, CA. 95662 916-972-4590 76 912 Changes Paul Camusi 530-872-4102 Sanford Chance Southlake TX 76092 Russell Hilderbrand Carmichael, CA 95608 Peter Hull 916-781-1126 Mark Smedley 03 Boxster Ernest Winston Ridgecrest CA. 93555 Anniversaries Jean-Yves & Linda Thepot [5] Christopher Schofield [5] William & Kevin Goss [10] Charles & Helen Rushing [10] Bruce & Mary Lagomarsino [20] Jack & Connie Presley [20] The Drifter SVR Karting at RPM Nov. 15th Details on page 16 5 9"1Ê,Ê ",9Ê 6/Ê/"Ê// /Ê 1Ê*",- Ê 1Ê"Ê, ]Ê - , /"Ê69Ê," ,-/-Ê*,/9Ê /Ê/Ê8 1-6Ê-1//,Ê 1]Ê£ÓÓäÊ /Ê-/,/]Ê- , /" ,9Ê ,Ê£Ó/ÊÓääÎ]ÊÇ\ääÊ/"Ê / *i>ÃiÊÊÌ iÊ>À`ÊvÊÀiVÌÀÃ]Ê>}ÊÜÌ ÊiÜÊ>`Ê`ÊvÀi`ÃÊvÀÊ>Êii}>ÌÊiÛi}ÊvÊ iÀÀiÌÊ>ÃÊÜiÊViiLÀ>ÌiÊÌ iÊÃi>ÃÊ>`ÊÌ iÊ`ÕVÌÊvÊvwViÀÃÊvÀÊÌ iÊÓää{ÊÌiÀ° 1«Ê>ÀÀÛ>Êi>V Ê}ÕiÃÌÊÜÊÀiViÛiÊ>ÊÌViÌÊvÀÊ>Ê}>ÃÃÊvÊÜi°Ê / iÊÊ ÃÌÊL>ÀÊÜÊvi>ÌÕÀiÊÌ iÊwiÃÌÊÊLiiÀÃ]ÊÜiÃÊ>`ÊëÀÌð />ÀvvÊf{{Ê«iÀÊ«iÀà VÕ`iÃÊÌ iÊ-ÕÌÌiÀÊ ÕL½ÃÊi>ÀÌÞÊÀÃʽÊ"iÕÛÀiÃÊÕvviÌ]ÊÌiÀÌ>iÌ]Ê ÀÊ*ÀâiÃ]Ê ÛiÀi`Ê*>À}]Ê/>ÝÊ>`Ê/«°Ê ÊÀiÃÃÆÊÕÃiÃÃÊÌÌÀiÊ>ViÌÊ>`Ê/i®]Ê>VÊ/iÊÜiVi]Ê>`iÃÊ`ÞÊ`ÀiÃÃÊ>VVÀ`}Þ° ÌÌii\Ê,VÊ>`Ê >`>ViÊ7i`iÀ]Ê>Û`Ê>`Ê>Ì iÀiÊ- i««>À`]Ê>ÌiÊ7>iÀ]Ê iÛÊÕ} iÀÌÞÊ>`Ê >Õ`>Ê Þ« iÀ]ÊVÊ>V>À>iÊ>`ÊÀi}Ê>`Ê Þ`iiÊ*i>ÀÌÊ° *i>ÃiÊÃi`ÊL>VÊÌ iÊvÀÊLiÜ]Ê>}ÊÜÌ ÊÞÕÀÊV iVÊ>`iÊ«>Þ>LiÊÌ]Ê * ÊÉÊ-6,Ê ÀÃÌ>ÃÊ*>ÀÌÞÊÌÆ ÊiÛÊÕ} iÀÌÞ]ÊÊ*"ÊÝÊÈääÈ]ÊÃ]Ê ÊxÇÈÎ]Ê /ViÌÃÊÜÊLiÊ i`Ê>ÌÊÌ iÊ`À°Ê ÊÀivÕ`ÃÊ>vÌiÀÊiViLiÀÊnÌ °Ê *i>ÃiÊÃ}ÊÕ«Êi>ÀÞÊ>ÃÊ>ÌÌi`>ViÊÃÊÌi`° Ê >iîÊÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÊÊÊÊÊÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ Ê VÃi`ÊÃÊÞÊV iVÊvÀÊÚÚÚÚÊÌViÌÃÊ>ÌÊf{{Êi>V ÊrÊfÚÚÚÚÚÚ Ê * iÊÕLiÀÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÊiÊ>Ê>``ÀiÃÃÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚÚ Ê 6 The Drifter Fuchs Wheel Refinishing By Harvey Weidman WEIDMANS WHEELS Fuchs Wheels First to narrow the subject down a bit we will be looking at the Fuchs wheel from 1967 – 1989. Originally referred to as “S” wheels they were later known as Fox Head, Daisy Spoke, ‘S’ package and Fuchs. Today most people refer to them as Fuchs even though many other styles were available from the Fuchs Forging Company. Narrow Wheels The first 911 alloy wheel was available on the 1967 911S and was 4.5" wide. It was basically the same size and offset as the steel wheels. It is unique among the Porsche wheels in that no other wheel is painted like it. It has a dart of black from the lug hole to the cooling hole. This paint was put on with the aid of a mask and was touched up with a brush as needed. As wheel size became larger with the introduction of the 5.5" wheels on the 1968 model cars the wheels were dipped in black paint to produce a definitive spoke and outer rim design. Race Car Wheels In the early 70’s racecars and the legendary 1973RS was available with solid painted (black or color) centers with the outer rim and offset exposed as anodized. These wheels were painted with a mask. Small aside: the 9" and 11" wheels found on race cars were not polished on the tops of the spokes because the wheels are too deep and, as the racing department manager once put it, “they only have to look like Porsche wheels from the grandstand”. The Drifter Polishing Change Painting Choices The amount of polishing on rims changed when 16" diameter wheels were introduced. The wheel is polished down to the center before anodizing. A 15" version of this wheel finish was also made available. It is usually found on the first generation 944 but was also made available on 911 and is standard on many anniversary models. Although most wheels were originally dipped in paint it is better to mask. Dipping is costly and they turn out just like the factory with runs, thin spots, fish eyes and usually they are crooked. The factory paint varies as much as 8mm from wheel to wheel sometimes from side to side on the same wheel. Spray paint is more controllable and it turns out better. Wheel Finish Choose the Paint Carefully To understand how to refinish Fuchs wheels we will briefly look at how they were originally done. Subsequent to the forging process rough areas were ground away, the wheel was then polished, anodized and painted. Reproducing this is difficult primarily because the wheel must be returned to the raw starting point. Choosing the right primers and paint is very important. The correct amount of etch, finding out that all blacks are not the same and trying to get the correct percentage of flattener can be frustrating. The hard part is matching the sheen of the original black. Each sample must be baked before it’s reflecting ability can be measured and compared to a factory samRefinishing Now to the refinish process. First, all paint ple. In our experience we’ve found that a low and anodizing should be removed. The best temperature baked enamel works best. method is combination of media blasting and No Paint Areas cold paint remover. Hot tanks and heavy blast- There are three areas that should not be painting should be avoided…hot tanks are some- ed: the lug holes, the cap hole and the interior times too hot and you would not like to pay for wheel to hub mounting surface. a normalizing (reheat) treatment if you don’t Choose a Good Wheel Shop have to. In conclusion perhaps you’ll agree that refinCheck for W ear and TTear ear Wear ishing wheels correctly is a complicated job. Next it’s time to check for cracks, true, corro- Having said that I have seen some good jobs sion, curb damage and wear. Yes, wheels can done at home and at non-wheel shops as well wear out; usually around the bead area. Check but they usually don’t try it a second time!!! It’s the lug holes, mounting surface, and cap hole. easier and costs less to send them to a wheel The cap hole is where most tire shops center specialty shop, one that knows Fuchs wheels. their wheel balancer so it is good to know if it’s in the center of the wheel. Clean Editors Note: Weidmans Wheels is one of our regular advertisers with an Ad on page 17. Harvey and Sue Weidman work together at Weidman’s Wheels in Oroville, California. They have specialized in correct restoration and/ Finishing Once cleaned the anodizing process is begun or custom painted Porsche and all other wheels or if the wheels are to be left at high polish for more than 25 years then it’s time to mask and paint. The second step in the refinishing process is grinding, polishing and buffing. After this step the wheels are cleaned with clean solvent or lacquer thinner. 7 Charity Auction By Kerner Breaux SVR Member 2. Halloween costumes that brought out the best bids by the Keegan's after being "modeled" by Kirk, however there was an inducement from the entire bidding audience for him to do so before he acquiesced--an extra $100!!! I guess we all now know Kirk's modeling price!!!!! 3. The 20 years of Pano magazines that had Ric Larson bidding against Pat Wilson's invisible bidding partner--yet having the winning bid. 4. The Temple Gong--this item has a story behind it--actually the bidding for it--it seems that an item (a Fu Dog) that was won by some Charity Auction--Results are in!! Another fantastic job by our "Auctioneers Extraordinaire," Kirk and Larry brought out the best in the relatively small (about twenty-five) bidders for the various items brought to the auction tables. It ceases to amaze me how this club responds to this particular event every year and the generosity that flows . Thirty-six Hundred (that's right, $3,600) was raised for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. Auction Items The items up for bid were numerous and I don't think any one could remember all the items that there. However, there were items that I recall specifically that might entertain those that were not in attendance: 1. Marv & Marie Smith, perennial donors of hand carved wood bowls, plates, cups, sconces, mushrooms, etc., plus marvelous cookies and munchies always bring out spirited bidding, and as Chilli said "Squatty, just bid $150 for the bowl and you will get it"--damned if he wasn't right!!! Supermodel Kirk Brandon all the way from San Diego with Kerner Breaux, Sue Fleming and Cindi Breaux in the background Beautiful day, great setting, loads of fun, and all for a worthy cause 8 Photos courtesy of Phil Lawrence The Drifter members at the "White Elephant" dinner a year and a half ago, was "coveted" by another member but, alas, the winners had the last number and she lost out. Both parties were at this year's auction and when appraised of the Temple Gong, both of them wanted it. "That will go nicely in our home," and "that's going home with me come hell or high water since I really wanted the Fu Dog and didn't get it!" Talk about spirited bidding---this was great!!!!!!!! I think this item drew the highest bid of all the items at $280! Great Event As I said I can't remember all the items, but this event is one of the most fun events the club puts on each year. Not only are some of the items priceless but the "banter" amongst the bidders just keeps getting funnier and funnier each year. You could come out and just listen to the remarks and think you were in a night club full of comedians each trying to out do each other. If this event is every recorded it would be a comedic hit!!! The best ones, however are the auctioneers--if you have never attended this event, you have missed out on a lot of humor and some pretty amazing articles up for bid and the "skills" used to sell them are worth the price of admission--which is free!!! Thanks As chairman of this event for the third of fourth time, I would be remiss if I didn't thank those who helped put on this event, Ric Larson, Phil Lawrence, Dennis Stettner, Kirk Bradford, Larry Wilson, my son KJ and my wife Cindi. I am also privileged to belong to a club that opens their hearts and wallets to those people who due to unforeseen circumstances need help. Thank all of you that attended this event and gave so generously. Cathy Keegan telling Bill that it WILL fit him perfectly Brave auctioneers Kirk Bradford and Larry Wilson learning to spoon and fork. The Drifter 9 By Steve Goltz, Editor Your photos are always needed and welcomed! We will try to publish as many as we have room for in each issue. Send your color/ black and white prints or electronic images to Steve Goltz at the address listed on page 1 of the Drifter. Please include a caption or other information regarding the photo. Include a SASE with your prints and we will get them back to you! Promise! Ledson Concours 2 1 2 3 4 5 Photos 1-9 Phil Lawrence 10 1. What a beautiful setting for a Concours 2. View from the winery steps 3. The Cannon’s 356 undergoing evaluation on it’s way to ‘first in class’. 4. Is Kim Nelson (on the right) finding ‘dust’ on Phil Lawrences car? 5. Phil accepting his award and a bottle of wine perfect for ‘Share the Wealth’(he denies this!). Zone 7 Concours Chair Dean Takaka on the right. Phil Wrapped up 1st in the ‘911 wash and Shine” for 2003 Zone 7 with his showing at Ledson. 6. Roger and Jan Walker won ‘first in class’ (Kim must have found something on Phil’s car green 911) 7. Dennis Stettner with his prize 8. Kim accepting his 1st in ‘911 Street’ 9. Bob and Elaine Cannon 1st in ‘356 Wash and Shine’ 10.The entire SVR Concours group at Ledson Winery The Drifter 9 8 6 7 9 9 8 10 The Drifter Photo Bob Cannon 11 Board Meeting Highlights By Tom Sisson SVR Secretary SEPT .24, 2003 BOARD MEETING SEPT.24, Call TTo o Order: The President called the meeting to order at 6:10 P.M. at RPM Motorsports. Present were: Members Kim Nelson, Dennis Stettner, Barbara McCrory, Tom Sisson, Roger Turner, Katherine Sheppard, Steve Goltz, Doug DeVetter, Russ Hildebrand, and Bill Thorp constituting a quorum. Also in attendance were Tim Fleming, Bill Keegan, Kathy Smalley, and Rik Larson. Old Business: Minutes of the meeting of August 27, 2003 were approved as submitted. Reports on the inventory of Club flags, banners and Event of the Year Awards- deferred until a later meeting. New Business: Membership Questionnaire Update-The questionnaire will try to rate current activities as well as determine interest for other types of activities and will be combined with the upcoming ballot to increase participation for both. As an additional incentive to participate, responders will get ½ off the cost of the January planning and dinner meeting. A “review” copy of the questionnaire will be sent to Board members in the near future. Upcoming Elections-There are candidates for all elected Board positions in 2004. November Board Meeting- The November and December Board Meetings will be combined into one meeting on December 3, 2003. Board Member Reports: Treasurer- The financial reports were reviewed and accepted. Membership Director-Reports were submitted showing seven new members and those members whose memberships have or are about to expire. The Director is going to contact National to see if “exit” information is obtained on dropping members. Goodie Store-There were $174 in sales in the September period, and $121.44 in expenditures. Social Director-The Charity Auction was successful, raising about $1700 for each of the charities. Funds are provided by National to help in putting on charitable events. Since these were not used for this event, they will be requested for the Christmas Party. 12 Carrera de Sierra had about 25 participants , of which 13 were on the rally. Upcoming events include the October golf and dinner meeting, the Silver Star Swap Meet, the Octoberfest Progressive Dinner Tour, The Mare Island Tour, and the Mendocino Tour. Competition Director--Bill Thorp is working on autocrosses for 2004. Joint ventures between SVR and both Sierra Nevada and Yosemite Regions appear promising. October also has the last two Zone autocrosses of the year at Millerton Lake near Fresno. Unfortunately, that conflicts with SVR’s Octoberfest. Drifter Editor- The October Drifter is about to be mailed. An effort is being made to find an “Assistant Drifter Editor” so that there would always be someone trained to take over as Drifter Editor. Webmaster-Doug DeVetter has recruited Mark Sides to become Webmaster in 2004. Mark is working with Doug now to” learn the ropes”. Vice President-There have only been four requests for on-line access to the roster. The Drifter is to include a specific ad alerting members to this service—if usage does not improve the service will be cancelled. Past President-No specific report. President-The President gave his time to Zone 7 representative, Tim Fleming. Tim reported that long time SVR member, Lowell Irwin, had passed away. Tim was on the National nominating committee and got in on the interviews.Additional information on use of the trademark Porsche crest and script will be forthcoming in the near future.There may be as many as 1500 cars at the Parade in Hershey, PA. for PCA’s50th Anniversary. It is important to keep in mind why you joined PCA in the first place. Next Meeting Date- The next meeting will be at 6:10 P.M. on Wednesday, December 3, 2003 at RPM Motorsports, Hwy 50 and Bradshaw. Rally By Rik Larson SVR Rally Director Season Finale The 2003 Zone 7 rally season finished up with the 6th event being held on Saturday, October 11th. The three SVR cars that competed in the 5-½ hour event finished by taking the top three places in the Expert class. 1st–JessicaToney and Bill Jonesi(The Rally Club) 2nd–Al Armellini (Diablo) and Rik Larson 3rd–Richard Wetzel and Phillip Marks Carrera de Sierra The 26th running of this event saw 14 cars start on the rally. Helen Ashuckian (running with Shelagh Matthews) had trouble with the battery in her 914 at the first checkpoint and had to drop out of the competition but joined us later at Lake Tahoe. Rally A total of 14 checkpoints were scored with SVR placing very well. 1st in Expert Equipped was Jessica and J. Toney – score of 140 3rd in Expert Equipped was Mary Dachauer and Keith McMahan – score of 630. Keith and Mary just recently transferred from Golden Gate Region 1st in Expert Unequipped was Al Armellini and Rik Larson – score of 209 2nd in Expert Unequipped was Hubert and Jenny Lee --- score of 566; duals with SVR 5th in Expert Unequipped was Bob and Marylyn Van Heuit - score of 812; Cascade Region 3rd in Beginner was Bob Castelli and Carl Graf – score of 1416 Tour In addition to the rally, there were 12 cars that participated in the tour led by Rich Swenson and Judy Hanna. BBQ We all finished up with a BBQ in Loomis that was hosted by George and Nona Morley. Doing the cooking was Ron and Sally Boeck. And a big thanks to all of the workers: Joyce Karver, Fred and Nancy Myeron, Bud and MaryAnn Behrens from Yosemite Region, Larry and Pat Wilson, Phillip Marks, Barbara Bybee, Delores McKinnon. And of course the rallymaster for the event, Richard Wetzel. The Drifter Historics Weekend at Laguna Seca and the Monterey Peninsula Photos Phil Lawrence 1. Dan Rowland is holding a painting of a Porsche RSK while standing by an example of the Beck Spyder he had just ordered. 2. Bill Keegan now knows he will never get to drive Dan's Spyder. Looks a little tight in there Bill! 3. At the R&M auction held at the Doubletree Hotel, Phil Lawrence wonders how much he should bid on this Porsche 908. Sure would make for a fast trip home but no room for your camping gear. ae The Drifter 13 IT’S TURKEY TIME! Thanksgiving is almost on us. Don’t be a Turkey—buy something from your friendly Goodie Store. The “hot” deal of the month are the great denim shirts with the SVR logo at $35 each, just in time for cooler weather and Christmas presents (or even Thanksgiving presents-hey, start a new trend.) And for those that think you are already “hot”, the SVR logo polo shirts are really great in various colors—only $30. No money for the Goodie Store, you say. Well, we can’t help you get more money, but we can provide some trivia about money, etc. Why do dimes, quarters and half dollars have notched edges, while pennies and nickels do not? The US Mint began putting notches on the edges of coins containing gold and silver to discourage holders from shaving off small quantities of the precious metals. Dimes, quarters and half dollars are notched because they used to contain silver. Pennies and nickels aren't notched because the metals they contain were not valuable enough to shave. --------------------Why are many coin banks shaped like pigs? Long ago, dishes and cookware in Europe were made of a dense, orange clay called pygg. When people saved coins in jars made of this clay, the jars became know as "pygg banks." When an English potter misunderstood the word, he made a bank that resembled a pig and it caught on. ---------------------See, when spend money on Goodie Store items, you also get all this wonderful information! We hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving Day feast! GOBBLE, GOBBLE! Contact your friendly GOODIE STORE people! See Tom or Jude Sisson at meetings and events, or contact them at 14537 Surrey Junction Lane, Sutter Creek, CA 95685, 209-296-5352 or E-mail We can mail goods for postal rates. 14 The Drifter 4. The Drifter 15 Sacramento Valley Region to host a MINI PRO MOTO & MINI GRAND PRIX Race Place Motorsports Saturday Nov.15 at 11:00 a.m. We have worked out a great deal that will include: Mini Pro Moto Race Series ~ 2--20 lap heat races with final 10--lap race for the top 10 finaland just for the ladies, we will have a: WOMEN ONLY Mini Grand Prix ~ 2--10 Lap heat races with final 30--lap race {please note, gals are welcome to race wherever you wish, although we will need a minimum of 10 girls to run this special come on out ladies and let’s show ‘em what we got!!!} Cost is $50 per person which includes racing, gear, & meal deal (choice of hot pizza, or chicken strips, chips, and drink) trophies awarded for 1st Ages 16 & over invited to race with group; ages 8-15 must attend special Junior Driver Training Class prior to Please call me in advance for info if inter- Please RSVP no later than Nov.12th to: 95831 Katherine Sheppard (916) 989-0199 16 The Drifter 2004 Porsche Parade The 49th Porsche Parade will be in Fort Worth in 2004 (the week of July 4th). You can check out the schedule and details at their web site at Additional information will be in the November Panorama. Registration will be due in January 2004. There will also be a Drivers Education and Club Race that will be conducted at Texas Motor Speedway during the Parade week. Our Mission: To provide tasteful and unique design while meeting or exceeding our customer’s expectations. Custom or restoration for fine cars, classic Master Craftsmanship with over 25 Years Street Rods, and boats Experience Cabriolet Tops 10 Year Porsche Club Member and Seats Sponsor Door Panels Porsche owner (911, Classic 914) Carpets Visa and MasterCard Accepted Tonneau Covers Car Covers “If you can dream it, we can build it!” — Bob We look forward to the opportunity to serve you! Bob Rinker - Owner & Master Craftsman Erik Carlson - Apprentice Craftsman 11300-G Sunrise Gold Circle, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 858-1808 The Drifter 17 The Social Scene By Katherine Sheppard SVR Social Director CHRISTMAS PPARTY ARTY EXTRAORDINARE The 2003 Christmas Party is deep in the planning stages promising to bring you an evening that you will not soon forget! The committee is working hard to set the stage for an elegant, black tie optional evening at The Sutter Club located in downtown Sacramento, across from our State Capital. Chair, Rick and Candace Weidner, rookie SVR members, but accomplished tour hosts, and 25 year member of the exclusive Sutter Club have secured a prime Friday night date ~ December 12th. The entire committee is committed to bringing you the best Christmas party ever ~ just ask any of them to see how it is going: Kevin Dougherty, Katie Walker, Richard MacFarlane Greg and Cyndee Peart, and yours truly, Katherine Sheppard, along with my hubby David. We will have private use of three of the best rooms in the building – the Bar, Bar Lounge, and the Grill Room. The menu will consist of 20 hot and cold items to choose from at your leisure, plus cheeses and vegetables. Cost for the evening will be $44 per person, so start saving for this splendid evening now! Look elsewhere in this month’s Drifter for the full page ad and web site ad. This is one Christmas Party you will not want to miss and definitely one you will remember! FRIENDS AND FORTUNE COOKIES Back by popular demand was the September dinner meeting at Wong’s Garden in Roseville hosted by Rich and Karen McGlumphy. This establishment welcomes our club every year and always provides way more food than we can bring mouths to eat it all ~ and there were almost 60 folks in attendance! Thanks Rich and Karen for hosting yet another great dinner meeting. CHARITY AUCTION A SUCCESS The Charity Auction held on Sunday, September 14th at Woodbridge Park in Orangevale went off without a hitch. Approximately $4000.00 was raised which will benefit the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Thank you to all who came out and bid on the items for these two worthy causes and a special thanks to Kerner and Cindi Breaux for all your hard work planning this event! NEW MEMBER INITIA TION INITIATION A great group of New Members joined the Board on a fun and informative tour through the Sierra foothills with a luncheon at Montevina Winery. This event is an excellent way for new members to get a feel for how the club is run and to have any questions answered. Thank you to those who were in attendance ~ we hope to see you out at future events. FAST AND FURIOUS KART RACING Prepare yourself for an indoor karting event you won’t soon forget. At 11 am on Saturday, November 8th, we will be meeting at RPM, the indoor kart racing building located at Hwy 50 and Bradshaw. I have worked out a great deal that will include: a Mini Pro Moto Race Series ~ 2—20 lap heat races with a final 10— lap race for the top 10 finalists. And just for the ladies, we will have a Women Only Mini Grand Prix ~ 2—10 lap heat races with a final 30 lap race. Cost is $50 per person which includes racing, gear, and meal deal (choice of hot dog, pizza, or chicken strips, chips and drink). Trophies will be awarded. Come on out and join the fun and friendly competition amongst club members, but be sure to RSVP to me, Katherine, no later than November 5th to or give me a call, (916) 989-0199. See you on the grid… NEED USED PARTS? PORSCHE Mercedes Benz 916-631-7300 800-783-4911 All Parts Guaranteed Worldwide Shipping Silver Star Recycling 11315 Dismantle Court Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 8-5 Mon -Fri 9-3 Saturday 18 The Drifter , By Steve Goltz SVR Drifter Editor Stumpy Mountain Lake we discovered that Pat and Larry Wilson were in Chatereaux, France at the same time as Linda in the 1950’s. (Larry working, Linda thinking about starting kindergarten.) THAT led to a few stories! The point is that if we hadn’t gone on the tour we would have missed out on a great tour and better companionship. Sounds Like Fun, BUT ... BUT... Tour our,, plus... How many times have I heard that? Too many! I used to hear it at home a lot as well, Linda, if she wanted to go to the monthly dinner meeting, on a tour or other club sponsored functions. However, the more we participated, the more we enjoyed the activities and the other club members. When we went on the Tahoe tour Tom Sisson mentioned that the wear on my armrests was a warranty item. Now I have new armrests in my Boxster! If we had stayed home my armrests would be the same and I would be looking on-line for Arctic Silver armrests. (I already checked.) The Spice of Life SVR has a variety of members that is far greater and far more interesting than I would have thought. Linda and I have been members for just over a year and are continually amazed by the variety of people we continue meeting. Of course, it’s also great to see and participate in functions with those we currently know and love as well. Same old people, new things I am continually amazed at what we find out about each other. While picnicking alongside It’ll be Fun When I was doing the ad for the Mare Island Tour Linda looked over my shoulder and told me we should go, sounds like fun! When the monthly dinner meeting rolls around it is no longer a question of whether we will go only a matter of what we are going to eat that night at the meeting. It is no longer sounds like fun, but... Now it’s more like... Let’s go, it’ll be fun! More Now that I’ve given you the sales pitch it really would be great to see a lot more of you at a lot more of the tours, rallies, autocrosses, dinner meetings and more. Sign up for the Karting! Sign up for the Christmas Party! Plan on going to the yearly planning/dinner meeting in January! Go, have fun, meet new people, reacLifesaver Last weekend during the USSCI at Laguna quaint with others, maybe learn a few things Seca I was enjoying the cars and activity until and have a little FUN. If you don’t go you will Phil Lawrence and I were positioned in the never know. PARTICIPATE. wrong place in the hot pits when a PCA group USSCI fired up their engines. I found the pain left in I had a great time at the U.S. Sports Car Invimy ears made me seek refuge away from the tational. I know a lot of hard work went into vicinity of revving engines. We ran across Steve the planning and execution of the weekend McCrory in the Mini Mania tent and he gave which included a councours on Sunday. Doug me set of earplugs that allowed me to fully DeVetter and Tim Fleming (and Sue) were enjoy the next two days. Actually, having been down there organizing and working instead of cursed with overly sensitive hearing, I felt like sitting back and enjoying. We’ll see more on it he had saved my life. in the next issue of the Drifter. Advertiser’s Index A&S BMW Motorcycles Colors-on-Parade/Dent Magic Enterprise Printing European Body Shop Fabrication Specialties Frank’ Frank’ss Automotive IPB - Autosport Karma Kreations Niello Porsche OK TTire ire ‘n Wheel Partsheaven Performance Products The Racer’ Racer’ss Group Silver Star Recycling TracQuest Walt Stickel Weidman’ eidman’ss Wheels 19 13 17 9 2 IBC IFC 17 15, BC IBC 4 15 18 18 IFC 7 17 Sponsors have this logo in their Ads Please support our Drifter advertisers! Stop by and say “Thank You” for their support. With product or service donations and financial support of the SVR, we are able to bring you more The Drifter 19 Drifter Classifieds are available at no charge to PCA members (pictures with text are $15 each) each); non-members may submit ads for Porsches and/or Porsche related parts or accessories, $20 each; pictures with text add $15 each each. Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send with ad to :PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651,Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our advertising manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail (to or provided in electronic format and received by the editor by the 1st of the month prior to publication publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Small disclaimer: Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyers responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for two months unless cancelled. Porsches '85 TTurbo urbo •Black with Black leather •48,000 Miles •new tires-new brakes-new clutch-new injectors-and new battery •$28,500\offer. George Johnson (916) 485-9037 1968 911 T TTarga arga vin # 11870263 2.0L / Webers 5-speed, Fresh paint ( orange ) and carpets. Runs, needs cosmetics, $6800. Contact: Ronald Feinstein (916) 691-6958 1972 914-6 TT.T .T ./Club racecar .T./Club racecar.. Full fiberglass body kit with flying wing; 3.2 engine dynos at 284 H.P. 915 gearbox, Brim Tec brakes. Very reliable. Must sell—will consider any “reasonable” offer. Additional $1,500 for tandem open trailer w/box. Contact: Rich McGlumphy at 916-725-9828 1981 911SC TTarga arga - Zinc Metallic - Great condition inside and out, new Leather seats, newer targa top, lowered, polished wheels and extra set of autocross tires and wheels. $11,900.00 / 916-989-0199 1989 944 S2 vin# WPOAB2940KN451810 125K miles. Original down to the window sticker except for of the new XM radio/CD/AM/FM. Most maintainance records available. Chain and tensioner within last 5K miles. 3.0 liter twin cam 4 valves per cylinder with 53 HP per cylinder and it runs great. Tires are new YOKO AVS in last 3K miles. This car is rare as you probably know. Garaged/Covered. Described as very clean by another Zone 7 member. I would consider trades for an early 80's 911SC or an earlier 914 2.0 or $10,500.00 OBO Contact me online at or 916834-9109 1988 Porsche 911 Factory TTurbo-Look urbo-Look urbo-Look, VIN: WP0AB0910JS122017, Platinum, $39,000.00 oboRare factory 1988 Turbo-Look with factory 935 rear break vents, K-40 radar detector, aser diffuser, extras. Pristine condition with 34,000 original miles, meticulously maintained by a PCA fanatic. Like new. Zero disappointments with this air-cooled beauty. Located in Scranton,Pennsylvania. Call/write for more information, photos, and stories (570)650-8998 or 1974 911 with '94 turbo steel body conversion, 3.3 liter, 4 speed, turbo engine (1980), SC cams, new K27 turbo turbo sway bars, new brakes, new stereo, updated A/C, cobalt blue/linen, 34,000 miles, $23,500. Call 209-532-8638 1986 Porsche 944 TTurbo urbo urbo, Absolutely Mint original condition! 34K miles, Northern California garaged and never in rain or snow. Guards Red, black leather. Professionally and properly maintained; records. Recent timing belt and waterpump; new Yokohamas and battery. Porsche bra, cover, unused compressor and tools. Looking for appreciative new owner! $16K. (916) 652-9015. 2002 Boxster Boxster, red with black interior, 8000 miles, excellent condition, $37,500. Phone 916-780-0862 20 Mainly 356A and a few 356B transmission parts. Main shafts, gear sets, cases. Some engine parts. Reinhard Riedel, Meadow Vista, CA 530-878-1027 or Fuchs alloys 7Jx15, 2 good, 2 better, $800. Fiberglass bumpers and duck tail for 73RS, $500. Complete stock rear bumper for 73 911, $1000. e-mail or call 831-763-2174 Santa Cruz area. 1975 911 S/R coupe. Hit hard left front. All or part Fred Speder 916-652-0500 356C/912 stock chrome wheels and hubcaps dated 11/65 (3) and 1/70 (1). $150.00 for each 1 pair Solex PII split shaft carbs from 69 912. $350.00 Call Russ Bumgarner 530-271-2101 Genuine Porsche 996 sport classic wheels wheels. Continental sport tires;(F) 225/40 ZR18 and (R) 265/35 ZR18. Less than 3000 miles on both wheels and tires. $2,500 OBO. Call (916) 939-0356 928 floor mats mats.Four custom ordered Lloyds floor mats, burgundy with 928S embroidered on the front set in silver. $60.00. Call Susan Hill at 916-201-0898 or 1989 911 Carrera 4, Guards red/black. 247 hp, 6-cylinder, 3.2 liter engine. Only 66k miles and in excellent driving condition - always garaged. Extra set of rims and tires. New battery and recharged air-conditioning system. Automatic sunroof, windows and power leather seats. FM/AM radio with 6-CD changer. This is a classic C4 - great for everyday driving, autocross and more. $27,500. For more information and photos, please call Jim at 707.396.0775 or email at 01 TTwin win TTurbo, urbo, special order slate grey/blk, 6 speed, Nav, 7900k, 1 year remaining warranty, fully optioned 130k sticker. never abused, Mint 95k. Jeff 916-652-4879 Parts 1981 911SC Coupe Chiffon White/Chocolate Brown Full leather. 93K Preserved to showroom condition. Sunroof,polished Fuchs,new pads,clutch & cable,shocks,upgraded CD player w/new speakers,H4 euro headlights,euro tailights,Mocal front oil cooler,no smoke,leaks,rain,dents,dings,or bodywork. Finest example you will find. $18950 Call Ron Ives @ 771-2086 or 1985 911 TTurbo-look urbo-look urbo-look. White gold metallic/brown leather. 43,000 original miles. Concours condition. Driven regularly and extremely well maintained mechanically. 2nd owner, records. $23,500. Pictures available. Contact Greg Adams,, (650) 3452232. 1974 914 2.0 L TT/AX/Street. Red. Built by Bontempi. Loaded. Excellent car, reliable, well maintained. $8500. Also TPD enclosed trailer. 20' $8500. Package $16,000. Contact Bert Del Villano at or 925-684-2790 Wanted 97-98 C2S or 96-98 C4S with less than 10k. 1-2 owners with no paint work/damage. Prefer colors of Ocean Blue, black, arena red, arctic silver, guards red. Highly optioned cars preferred. No tiptronics. Email information to: or call 503-723-6146 Good Porsche Home for Panorama issues February 1998 through May 2003 (free). Call Vito at 965-4390 for convenient pick-up. 1986 to 1989 Porsche 911 Carrera Coupe Coupe. Time Trial to Stock, must be street legal. Reasonable prices only and no salvage cars. Contact: or (408)483-5224 Porsche 914/911 parts or parts cars at reasonable prices. Please, no collector items. Clean out that garage. Contact: or (408)4835224 356 speedster convertible kit car car. Currently on a 71 vw chassis (salvage title),no motor. Comes with a lot of periferals (headlights, top, gauges etc.) in the kit form, strictly a beginning project. ? better donor vehicle might be used.Asking $4800. Sacramento (northern CA) area. 916-797-2196. The Drifter Frank’s AUTOMOTIVE Since 1969 Independent Service and Repair Porsche | BMW | Audi | Mercedes | VW | Volvo 916-452-0917 Frank Lettini Nick Lettini 5220 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95819 Lic # 010502 Our motto: “If you like our work,tell others. If not, tell us.” Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Cards Sacramento V alley Region Valley Porsche Club of America Post Office Box 254651 Sacramento, CA 95865-4651 Prsrt Std U.S. Postage PAID Permit Number 2840 Sacramento, CA The Drifter is published by The Sacramento Valley Region-PCA, and is intended to inform our members of activities and other matters of interest. Typed contributions and photographs are welcome and appreciated, and should be sent to the editor. The deadline for submission is the first of the month prior to the month of publication. Address changes and questions regarding membership need to be submitted to the membership chairperson. The views and opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of The Sacramento Valley Region or its Board of Directors, or PCA, Inc. New Porsches Targa 2004 6 speed Arctic Silver/Graphite Grey IN STOCK NOW!!! Carrera Coupe 2004 6 speed Black/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Carrera Cab 2003 6 speed Midnight Blue/Graphie Grey/Metropol Blue IN STOCK NOW!!! 2003 6 Speed Arctic Silver/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! 2003 6 Speed Orient Red Metallic/Graphite/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Boxster 2004 5 speed Arctic Silver/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! 2004 Tiptronic Seal Grey Metallic/Graphite Grey/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Cayenne S 2004 Tiptronic Basalt Black/Havanna/Sand IN STOCK NOW!!! Pre Owned Porsches Boxster 2000 5 speed Guards Red/Black/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! 1999 5 speed Arctic Silver/Metropol Blue/Metropol Blue IN STOCK NOW!!! Carrera Cab 1998 6 Speed Arctic Silver/Boxster Red/Black IN STOCK NOW!!! Parts Department Visit our web site at OPEN SATURDAY 8AM-5PM
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