The Drifter - Sacramento Valley Region
The Drifter - Sacramento Valley Region
the drifter Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America December 2006 Get Clicked for Pennies The Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America, now offers generous advertising space on its very active web site. At $100 per ad, this is a one-time paid placement through the end of this year. Contact Advertising Manager Dick MacFarlane at or call 916.482.0652. Direct technical questions may be addressed to Webmaster John Murphy at or call 916.362.8276. 1206 C St., Sacramento, Ca 95814 916.453.1465 2006 Board of Directors President Jeff Kinder 4320 Freemont’s Loop, Rescue, CA 95672 916.765.2801 Volume 44, No. 7 December 2006 Vice President Andy Leight 106 Atfield Way, Folsom, CA 95630 916.984.9624 Upcoming Events Secretary Kevin Dougherty P.O. Box 6006, Folsom, CA 95630 Features and Reviews 916.983.7774 Treasurer Betty Silva 12 Oak Lane, Suisun Valley, CA 94534 3 Zone 7 awards banquet 707.864.0491 Social Director Julia Lynn 916.402.0443 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd #71, Sacramento, CA 95825 5 8 9 9 10 11 It was a WOW tour!!! Share the Wealth Oktoberfest in the Hills Carrera de Sierra XXIX How to host a tour An SVR photo album Columns and Departments 2 From the driver’s seat - Jeff Kinder 4 December social report - Julia Lynn Tom Sisson 209.296.5352 7 Drifting back - Larry Wilson 14537 Surrey Junction Ln, Sutter Creek, CA 95685 14 Replacing gauge faces - Lisa Thomas the drifter 17 October 19 board meeting - Ray Silva Competition & Safety Director Matt Deter 916.630.8924 18 Membership report - Tom Sisson 5645 Harvest Road, Rocklin, CA 95765 19 Goodie store - Tom Sisson 20 The last word - Bud Behrens Membership Director 1 Webmaster John Murphy 3300 Cahill Ct., Sacramento, CA 95827 916.362.8276 Information and Committee Directory Autocross Chair Matt Deter 916.630.8924 5645 Harvest Road, Rocklin, CA 95765 Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian 916.481.2759 5440 Tree Side Dr., Carmichael, CA 95608 209.477.6496 Charity Chair Susan Fleming 916.985.4142 107 Cobb Court, Folsom, CA 95630 Technical Chair Lisa Thomas 530.878.9286 645 Country Rd, Meadow Vista, CA 95722 925.371.2258 Concours Chair Kent Brandon 916.663.1702 3450 Hector Rd., Newcastle, CA 95658 G24 Chair Buzz and Julia Lynn 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd. #71 Sacramento, CA 95825 Past President Kim Nelson 916.933.4282 305 Glen Ridge Wy, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 Editor (Temporary) Bud Behrens 6424 Culpepper Place, Stockton, CA 95207 Zone 7 Representative Larry Sharp, Golden Gate Region 1119 Megan Road, Livermore, CA 94550 Goodie Store Tom Sisson 209.296.5352 14537 Surrey Junction Avenue Sutter Creek, CA 95685 916.402.0443 Advertising Manager Dick MacFarlane 916.482.0652 5740 Windmill Wy #11, Carmichael 95608 Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), pu b l i s h e s t h e Dr i f t e r m o n t h l y f o r i t s m e m b e r s . Wr i t t e n c o n t r i b u t i o n s a n d p h o t o s a re we l c o m e a n d s h o u l d b e e mailed to the edit or. The deadline for material is one month p r i o r t o t h e m o n t h o f p u b l i c a t i o n . S V R m e m b e r s s h o u l d n o t i f y t h e m e m b e r s h i p d i re c t o r p ro m p t l y o f a n a d d re s s change to insure uninterr upted deliver y. All material in this ne w s l e t t e r i s p ro t e c t e d by c o p y r i g h t . Howe ve r, n e w s l e t t e r e d i t o r o f o t h e r s re g i o n s c h a r t e re d by t h e Po r s c h e C l u b of America may reprint any ar ticle provided that credit is given t o t h e a u t h o r a n d Sa c r a m e n t o Va l l e y Re g i o n a n d t h a t T h e Dr i f t e r i s c i t e d a s t h e s o u rc e . the drifter 1 From the driver’s seat by Jeff Kinder, President T his is my last column as president of SVR. Having served with the board and chairs of SVR for the past two years has been an honor and a pleasure. Each member strove to make SVR a better club, and all succeeded. They were all so good at what they did and worked so well together. I have learned something from each. Some will continue on in their positions, looking after SVR for you. Having been involved in more club activities than in the past, the last two years have flown by. I have come to know more members, new and old, than I would have otherwise. It was a pleasure to see new members become more involved in club activities. Some have taken SVR board and chair positions, some have helped with CRAB and tours, and some have been trained to become concours judges. Rest assured that SVR is passing into good hands. Give the new board the same support you have shown me during my time as president. The future for SVR is looking good. The Drifter I ask for your help in finding a new editor – someone to volunteer his or her time to put out The Drifter. Here’s your opportunity to flex your creative muscles. As editor, you will be a board member and can help guide SVR. If you have questions and would like to speak with past editors, contact Elliott and Alice Hoffman, Dennis Stettner, or Bud. They will be glad to talk with you and answer your questions. Activity Notifications Julia Lynn, our social director, has been doing an excellent job of sending out e-mail blasts about our events and activities of interest to SVR members. If you are not receiving them, e-mail Julia at Social@svr. to let her know you do not want to be left out. At the next event you attend, thank the people who have made the effort to provide you a fun activity. Planning Party Our annual planning party will be held on January 11. This is where we get together to plan activities for the year. It’s time to put on your thinking caps now. You must know of places or restaurants you have gone to and thought would be perfect for a club activity or dinner. Bring all your ideas and let’s make 2007 the best year yet. Zone Awards Banquet News Flash! Set aside January 13, 2007. Join us in celebration of SVR members (and other region members, too) at Zone 7 Awards Banquet. (Ed Note – see the ad on page 3.) Wintertime For those who enjoy driving their Porsches in the winter, it is the time to be a little more aware of the condition of your car. Winter brings on periods of reduced traction and visibility. If you park your Porsche in the garage for the winter, you need read no further. Tire pressures are always important, but when there is the drifter rain on the road surface, our cars do not stick as well as in summer. Please make 1 sure to check tire pressure at least once a week. There is one other issue with winter driving: reduced visibility. We all know our driving style and capability. Some of us may tend to drive rather spirited on occasion. As visibility reduces with clouds, rain, and shorter days we need to be more attentive to our driving and that of those sharing the road with us. Some drivers have distractions that take their attention away from what is going on around them. (Used to be, the kids in the back seat was about it.) Today, drivers are talking on cell phones, fiddling with radios, typing messages on Blackberries, drinking mochas, etc. Multitasking may be useful, but such drivers are not paying attention to other drivers, including you. Heck, they are not even paying attention to what they are doing, let alone you. My point is that we need not only be more aware of others, but we should drive more cautiously, since they may not be aware of us, even if they are watching. Drive safely and have fun! the drifter 2 Zone 7 Awards Banquet Series 2006 Saturday, January 13, 2007 Sheraton Pleasanton Hotel (Formerly Wyndham Garden Hotel) 5990 Stoneridge Mall Road, Pleasanton CA (925) 463-3330 Rally Concours Autocross Come celebrate Porsche Club of America Zone 7 2006 champions in Autocross, Rally, and Concours Guest Speaker: Prescott Kelley, Incoming PCA President No host cocktails at 6:00 • Dinner at 7:00 Dinner choices include London Broil or Chicken Piccata $50.00 per person (Includes wine) Indicate your dinner choice on your check, made payable to “Larry Sharp – Zone 7 PCA,” and send to: Larry and KC Sharp, 1119 Megan Road, Livermore Ca 94550, Telephone 925-371-2258 The deadline for reservations is January 6, 2007. Rooms have been set aside at a special rate. Ask for the Porsche Club when making room reservations. If you wish to spend the day in San Francisco, there is a shuttle to BART from the hotel. For a day of shopping, Stoneridge Mall is within walking distance. the drifter 3 December social report by Julia Lynn A nother year is coming to a close and my second term as social director is also nearing its end. I want to say that I have enjoyed serving in this position and hope your new director will enjoy it just as much as I have. And I will be there to support her if she needs it. The yearly planning meeting is just around the corner, so if you have thought about becoming more involved in activities, this will be the time and place to put your ideas on the calendar. There is always help to be had from more-seasoned members in hosting an event if you need it, so don’t be shy about asking for assistance or advice. That also doesn’t mean you can’t add an event later on if something new comes to mind. Just contact the vice president and he’ll get it on the calendar. Some of you might have read the article on touring before, but it’s such a helpful one and always great to include in The Drifter just before the annual planning meeting. The authors, Bill and Cathy Keegan, wrote it when they were the social directors. It will give you some insight on how to host a tour. (Ed. Note – The article is on page 10.) Annual Planning Meeting Thursday, January 11 • 6:00 P.M. Round Table Pizza on Madison Avenue • Cost is $5.00 per person for pizza. Bring your ideas for events in 2007. Notice When you receive this issue, please either call John Murphy at (916) 635-3117 or send an e-mail to and provide your ZIP Code and Date Drifter Arrived You Have a Choice! So why not make the right one when you need auto body and paint work? ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Don Joe 3532 La Grande Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95823 (916) 391-4159 State-of the Art Body and Paint Technology Certified Glasurit Paint (Factory Original for Porsche, Mercedes, BMW) Car-O-Liner Unibody Repair Equipment Enclosed Climate-Controlled Spray Booth Industry-Certified Technicians the drifter 4 It was a WOW tour!!! by Kevin Dougherty photos by Barbara McCrory I t was a small, intimate group that toured to Southern California on Friday, the 13th of October, but what fun we had. The day started off with a glitch, which put us a bit behind, but we made it down south on time. We had a little rain here and there. The folks at the La Quinta Inn & Suites (our host hotel) in Stevenson Ranch treated us like royalty and after a little wine and cheese get-together, it was off to a wonderful dinner at the Outback Steakhouse. The tour on Saturday morning was the hit of the trip. After a short drive to the northern Los Angeles County city of Sylmar, we arrived at The Nethercutt Collection just before 10:00 A.M. and were greeted by curator and archivist, Skip Marketti. J.B. Nethercutt was the co-founder of Merle Norman Cosmetics and founder of The Nethercutt Collection & Museum. Both J.B. and his wife Dorothy had a lifelong passion for the wonderful automobiles of their youth, a passion that continues today in the collection. To ensure the future of the collection and museum, J. B. established a perpetual endowment that will ensure that the museum remains free to the public. Our tour started in the San Sylmar Building with one of the regular guided tours. We met our guide in the lower gallery and after going over a few of the rules and regulations (no flash photography, stay together, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!) we took the stairs up one flight to the grand salon of fine antique automobiles. WOW!!! Twenty to thirty concours-ready vehicles of years gone by, including a Duesenberg worth $5-$10 million (they would not reveal the true value). Rare and limited vehicles filled a room graced with large exotic pillars and crystal chandeliers hanging from the 20-foot ceiling and a black marble floor. On the top floor was a room filled with “music boxes” that could only be described as WOW!!! There was a Wurlitzer Organ in the middle of the room that was 30% larger than the one at Carnegie Hall. One “music machine” played three violins at a time. Many others filled the outer walls of the room. Most were hand made (many in Europe) back in the 1920s through the 1940s. At one end was a dining room that is still used today for special events at San Sylmar. Even the men’s rest room on this floor was something out of the 20s, with gold-plated fixtures and red satin wallpaper. When the music stopped for the last time it was a signal to retreat to the ground floor and out the front door. Our small group said good-bye to the rest of the tour and was greeted once again by Skip Marketti. The large doors closed and we were back in the small area where the tour began. We walked through the display room to an unmarked door and then onto the restoration shop. Again, WOW!!! There were several automobiles in various stages of restoration. One that had come back from the Pebble Beach Concours needed some tweaking. Unfortunately, an old Maybach was locked in a truck ready for transportation to Las Vegas the following weekend. Skip led us around the shop while explaining the ins and outs of what the thirty or so craftsmen do during the various stages of a restoration, as well as describing some of the tools they use. After getting our fill of all of that, it was on to the paint area. Here there were two sealed paint booths and lots of room for prep work. Moving on to yet another room, there was a car made almost entirely of wood, originally built back in the 30s. It was almost stripped down to the bare bones for the second complete restoration of its long life. Skip went into the details of what was going to happen in this car during the approximately 10,000 plus man-hours that were going into this car! Again, all we could say was “WOW”!!! We left this area and went outside for a wrap-up of our personalized tour. Skip lead us across the street to the Nethercutt Museum, where there were about 100 or more cars, along with a library, and a tour of a 1930s-era private train car. After the guided tour of the train, we were on our own to Above: Steve & Barbara McCrory, Ken Reynolds, Catherine Taylor, Kevin Dougherty, Jean & Raleigh Morrow and a 1931 Bugatti Type 51 Coupe ($6,000 when new) at the entrance to the Nethercutt Collection in Sylmar. This was just one of the many stunning and beautifully-restored and award-winning autos of yesteryear on the DerPorscheNuts Slowryde Tour. Photo by Nethercutt Curator/Archivist Skip Marketti. Left: the Grand Salon in San Sylmar. The silver car on the left behind the pillar is the multi-million dollar Duesenberg. Note: there are no Porsches in the Nethercutt collection. We’ll have to work on that. the drifter 5 once again look through a collection of very fine automobiles of years gone by. More WOW!! The group took many photos. At the end of the day, we said good-bye to Raleigh and Jean Morrow, who left us to get home in order to greet their grandson who had just returned safely from Iraq. After returning to our host hotel, a little rest, and dinner at El Torito, we turned in for the night, only to wake up on Sunday to start on tour yet another automobile museum, the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles. It was a much different, but still very fascinating museum, where the five of us strolled down memory lane, looking at the cars and history of times we remember from personal experience. The Batmobile led the “car stars” which were on display. Electric cars from yesterday and today are there. The “red car” streetcar that graced the streets of Los Angeles years ago and a one-of-a kind George Barris car were on display. And, yeah, Ed “Big Daddy” Roth’s original Rat Fink was there! We went up the stairs to see more custom cars by Chip Foose and a couple from Jay Leno’s collection. Up once more to the top floor, where kids learn about the inner workings of cars and can sit on them and play with things. This is definitely a fine way to spend a Sunday in Los Angeles. After it was over, we split up; the McCrorys headed north toward home, Ken Reynolds and Catherine Taylor took a short jaunt out to Palm Springs for a couple of days of R & R, and I went to the City of Hope to see a dear friend who is battling Leukemia. It was a wonderful trip. I’d have to say it was the tour of the year, and we need to thank Ken Reynolds for all the legwork putting the tours together, especially scoring the behind the scenes tour of the Nethercutt. Will we do it again? You bet! Maybe not next year, but when we do, you need to be there! Above: “Herbie” is just one of the numerous “star cars” at the Petersen. Right: Tour leader Ken Reynolds gets the “Greg Peart” feeling on an old Kawasaki police motorcycle in the “touch and feel” section of the Petersen. )TæMAYæNOTæLOOKæLIKEæITBUTæTHISæBUILDINGæISæANæHISTORICALæLANDMARK .IELLOæ0ORSCHEæISæ!MERICASæLONGESTæCONTINUALLYæOPERATINGæ0ORSCHEæDEALERSHIPææ 4HEREæMUSTæBEæAæREASONæWHY -HDKKNæ/NQRBGDæ1NBJKHM æ'RANITEæ$RIVEæ2OCKLIN 3HOWROOMæ(OURSæ-ææ3AææAMææPM 3Uæ!-ææ00ARTSæ-&æAMææPM 3ERVICEæ-&æAMææ00ARTSææ3ERVICEæ3ATURDAYæAMPM /PENæANYTIMEæONæTHEæWEBæAT the drifter 6 November and December 2006 drifting back by Larry Wilson 30 Years Ago (November 1976) The November 5 Pot Luck dinner meeting featured the report from the nominations committee (chaired by Dan Boone with Vicki Willis, Betty Fielding, Rich Farlinger and Arnold O’Shields as members), with floor nominations opened for the 1977 SVR board of directors. SVR-members were urged to nominate their friends and loved ones. “Haven’t seen in ages” members attending included Dave and Delores Johnson and Mike and Mary Pashkevich. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Trish O’Shields. Gary Waldsmith presented a special Dummkopf award, and with a landslide of applause it went to Fred Myeron who had the world’s largest oil leak with his Speedster during the Mendocino Tour (many following cars were rust-proofed forever). The November 14 Low Bucks Autocross was cheap ($1.00 per run), but all proceeds were donated to help make Thanksgiving a little nicer for a needy family. Real turkeys were awarded to real class winners. Tech chair, Mike Willis, announced the recent C.B. installation tech session, hosted by Bob Young at Sportswagen Werke, was very successful. Everyone attending went away better informed of alternative ways to install a C.B. radio in a Porsche. 20 Years Ago (November 1986) The November 1 Napa Valley Crushed Grape Tour by Bob Peake promised to get all participants to Domaine Chandon by 10:00 AM for a private tour and tasting of Napa Valley Brute and some Panache. Then, it was off to the “Most Ostentatious” picnic contest followed by a tour of the hillside winery of Schramsberg Vineyards. Was it over? Nope. Then the group went to Vintage 1870 for more tasting and finally dinner in Napa before returning via the twisty backloads past Lake Berryessa. The November 9 Turkey’s Revenge rally, chaired by John Clever, was the last event in the 1986 SVR Rally Championship five-event series sponsored by SVR member Wyn Robertson and his Continental Auto Service in North Sacramento. The event started in Sacramento and finished near Stockton. Kirk Bradford got lost (he failed the confidence trap) and disputed Clever’s claim of having written the “perfect” rally. The November 22nd Zone 7 annual awards banquet in Stockton was payday for many SVR autocrossers. On hand to receive pictured wall plaques were Cindi Breaux (2nd Class 49), Kern Breaux (1st Class 23), Jack Murray (2nd Class 26), Steve Nieslony (1st Class 1), Cyndee Nightingale (3rd Class 35), Greg Peart (3rd Class 9), Pat Wilson (1st Class 35), and Larry Wilson (1st Class 9). Also winning a plaque, but not present, were Lee Coleman (3rd Class 8), Rich McGlumphy (1st Class 26), Sue McGlumphy (1st Class 38), Linda Mitchell (1st Class 44), Dwight Mitchell (1st Class 18), Bob Peake (2nd Class 9), and Bruce Westrup (2nd Class 18). 10 Years Ago (November 1996) Forty cars registered for the Mendocino Tour, November 1 - 3, with Rik and Lettie Larson as chairs, and the Willis, Weddle, and Catherwood couples served as co-chairs. All entrants thought this edition of the annual trek to the north coast was one of the best, ever. Except, however, the kite-flying contest, scheduled to commence precisely at 3:00 PM, suffered a big problem. The wind died, totally, precisely at 2:59 PM and stayed dead. Kirk Bradford won the newly-coined award for traveling the farthest without getting it up. Gary Thompson and Ray Clements sought assistance from Gary’s pick-um-up truck and were promptly disqualified. Others with equally futile attempts, as documented by Tom and Tambra Kroetz photos in the DRIFTER, were Rik and Lettie Larson, Kim Kinder, Tom Kroetz, Maryann Blount, Ray and Sara Clements, and Tim Fleming. The November 10 rally, Turkey Run, provided two separate rally courses, one for first timers and beginners with no traps, the other with traps on the same route for novices and experts. It was a Zone 7 rally. The start was Davis, the finish in West the drifter 7 Sacramento, Phillip Marks the rallymaster. Fifteen rally cars registered at Mocha Joe’s and traversed six rally legs during the four-hour event. Bob and Marianne Garner (GGR) in Novice Class won the event with the lowest score of 403 points. The SVR duo of J. Toney and Helen Ashuckian won the Expert Class but finished second overall with a score of 571. Other SVR finishers were Berle and Carol Crisp, first in First Timer Class (900 pts.); Enzo Napoli and Gina Haynes, first in Beginner Class (827 pts.); Mike and Sue Ambrozewicz, second in Beginner Class (1,293 pts.); and Jim and Joyce Karver, fourth in Expert Unequipped Class (1,199 pts.). Workers included Dave and Delores Johnson, Rik Larson, Pat and Larry Wilson, and Barbara Bybee. 30 Years Ago (December 1976) Cocktails, dinner, music, dancing, decorate-the-tree contest, and door prizes were on the evening schedule during the December 17 Christmas Party in the Terrace Room, Mansion Inn at 16th and H Street. John and Candy Wong did a super job obtaining door prizes and Kern Breaux obtained a great band. Many old friends were there including the Ray and Frankie Engel, Lew and Lorie Church, Dennis and Eva Kay, and Ben and Myra Myers. In THE DRIFTER, tech chairman Mike Willis asked that all Porsche factory manuals be returned to him so he could add supplements, if issued, and turn them over to the new 1977 tech chair, Larry Wilson. Mike also added that winter weather was here and you should check your windshield washer reservoir for anti-freeze, otherwise it might freeze. Advertisers in the December DRIFTER, from front to back, were Niello Porsche-Audi (two ads), Continental Auto Service, Victory Auto, Strutz Jewelers, C & A (Battery) Distributors, Walt Stickel Body & Frame Shop, Sportwagen Werke, Auto Air & Radio, Frank’s Automotive, Dan Proctor Insurance, Kid-EKorral, and Wes Lasher Porsche. 20 Years Ago (December 1986) Don and Pam Harley chaired a magnificent annual SVR Christmas Party, December 20, at the Cal Expo Turf Club with a schedule of cocktails, socializing, dinner, annual awards, and dancing. The annual awards were the highlight of the evening. Those who trophied in the Continental Auto Service Rally Series were: NOVICE CLASS - Allen and Dolores Weddle and Sharon Williamson (tied for first); BEGINNER CLASS - Ron and Marty Beckemeyer (first), Kirk and Linda Bradford (second), and Don Rasmusson (third). The 1986 SVR Rookies of the Year award went to Ken and Marcella Mitchell. The 1986 SVR Event of the Year went to the Historic Car Race Tour with Herb and Jan Hoover and Bob and Beth Jacobson, Co-chairs. Then (drum roll), Kirk Bradford presented the BIG award, the President’s Trophy, to Cindi Breaux for taking quick action to save the life of fellow SVR member, Bette Wiley, who lost consciousness during the charity auction showing no breathing nor pulse. Cindi, a trained nurse, quickly administered CPR and Betty resumed breathing. Cindi helped keep her stable until the ambulance arrived for a trip to the hospital. Betty made a full recovery. End of an Era: The December 1986 issue was the last DRIFTER produced with a typewriter and reproduced with a copier on legal-sized, plain paper in landscape format. Begin- ning with the January 1987 issue, THE DRIFTER was created by computer with desktop publishing tools and reproduced by offset press on slick, coated paper. 10 Years Ago (December 1996) End of the year Zone 7 awards were presented at the Zone 7 Awards Banquet in Pleasanton. A photo in the January 1997 issue of THE DRIFTER revealed that some award winners from SVR were J. Toney and Helen Ashuckian, 1st place Rally series; Bill Winkler, Zone 7 Rookie of the Year and 1st place, class K, Autocross series; Phil Lawrence, 1st place Wash & Shine class, Concours series; and Masuo Robinson, 2nd place LI class, Autocross series and winner of the “Zone 7 Instructor Shoot-Out.” The December 19 SVR Christmas Party was an open house from 7:00 to 10:00PM at the home of Damon Nightingale chaired by Damon, Cyndee Peart, and Linda Mitchell. The event featured delightful desert for all made by Marie Smith. Reservations were limited. No other coverage of this event. Herb Hoover presented another of his keen tech articles in the December DRIFTER entitled, “Frozen Wipers And RainX.” The bottom line was that Herb doesn’t buy “colored water” to keep his windshield washer fluid from freezing in the snow country. Instead, he uses Dawn dish washing liquid, or whatever his wife, Jan, has under the sink (which lowers the freezing point of water to about 9 degrees Fahrenheit). Add alcohol for lower temperatures. Share-the-wealth by Herb Hoover We’ve had three Share-the-Wealths since the program was reinstated and the response has been good. People enthusiastically buy tickets at each dinner meeting; however, the number of prizes has not been what it should be. So, please bring an inexpensive gift. Porsche-related is best, but other car-related items are good, too. People also appreciate things that you have made, such as craft items. And, of course, wine is always acceptable. We won’t have Share-the-Wealth at the Christmas party or at the planning meeting in January; but it will be back in February, so please bring something and help make this fun event flourish. the drifter 8 Oktoberfest in the hills by Sally Boeck I heard the waiting list was gargantuan and I was glad we had gotten our reservation in early. These progressive events are a lot of fun and very popular. Everyone checked in with Judy Hanna at the Starbucks in El Dorado Hills, paid up, and we were on our way just after 9:30. Following Rich Swenson and Judy Hanna, we wound our way through Ione to Jackson and our first stop, Water Street Antiques. The owner, Terry O’Neill, gave us a short presentation about his business, and then we walked through the buildings. Wow. I’d never seen so much old furniture in one place. Soon we were off and on our way to Tom Sisson’s house outside of Sutter Creek to enjoy all sorts of German appetizers. Everything was very tasty and German steins filled with flowers decorated every table. The place looked great. Tom and Darlene were good hosts. After our fill of appetizers, we hopped back in our shiny cars and followed Rich and Judy to their home for a BBQ. We went along Highway 49 to the town of El Dorado, then on to Shingle Springs and Cameron Park. The main course consisted of German sausages, sauerkraut, potato salad, and beans. Judy even provided German pretzels. We dined on the big new deck, talked Porsche stuff, and had a pleasant time. But, no, we hadn’t had enough to eat. Stuffed to the gills, we made our way through El Dorado Hills to Carol and Ira McKee’s. Here, we were welcomed at the front door (I’d never been let in their front door before) with a big hug. The desserts were quite spectacular. With plenty of sweets and coffee, we relaxed on their front deck (also, never been on the front deck) and enjoyed the evening. Besides the great food, we were lucky to enjoy good weather, the beautiful California foothill fall scenery and color, good company, and a safe trip. Many thanks to all who coordinated this event, including but probably not limited to, Judy Hanna and Rich Swenson, Tom Sisson and Darlene Byerly, and Carol and Ira McKee. Carrera de Sierra XXIX By Rik Larson T he twenty-ninth running of the two-day Carrera de Sierra time and distance rally in September had a small turnout but everyone had a great time. Rallymaster Richard Wetzel had some nice traps built into the course for both days of the competition. No one got lost and everyone made it to the finish on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday’s course began at the Niello Porsche facility in Rocklin (one of the event sponsors). Because of the small number of cars that had pre-entered, it was decided that all of the expert cars would run in the expert unequipped class (i.e. no computers or 1/100ths-reading odometers). And the beginner and novices were combined into one class (one car did not even have a working speedometer or odometer). The route headed east to US 50, cut across at Kyburz to the Mormon Emigrant Trail, then to highway 88, past Kirkwood and finishing in Minden, Nevada. There was the traditional food and drink along with stories about how entrants had navigated the course. A special happening was that almost everyone (entrants and workers) got together for a big Basque dinner at one of the great restaurants in the area. At 5:00 A.M. on Sunday morning, we were all awakened by the sound of several motorcycles starting their engines and revving them up. We had seen several motorcyclists staying at the hotel. Seems that they were getting up early to head into Reno for the final day of Street Vibrations. I had seen a lot of motorcyclists on Saturday while doing the sweep-of-the-course duties. After breakfast, entrants headed back down highway 88 (with visits to Pine Grove and Clinton) before finishing at the Italian Society Park in Martell (just north of Jackson on highway 49). A great buffet was served for all. Everyone was headed home by 4:00 P.M. Thanks, Richard, for a great event. The thirtieth running of this event is already scheduled for next September. Come out and enjoy the great times. We expect to have a tour-only group (similar to past events) where folks do not have to compete in the time and distance rally. We also thank Frank’s Automotive and Wells Fargo Bank (Richard Wetzel) for their support. Results Novice Class Marie and Travis Bushman David and Carol Thistlewaite Jim and Roseanne Bondvich Eric Chevreil and Jerry Karr Region SCCA/SF TRC Sacramento MG Points 1192 1211 1602 1799 Place 1 2 3 4 Expert Unequipped Class Jessica and J. Toney Hubert and Jenny Lee Jim and Joyce Karver Region Sacramento Golden Gate Sacramento Points 292 772 998 Place 1 2 3 Tim Errington/ Donna Singmaster San Diego 1113 4 Al Armellini/Arline Carter Diablo 1198 5 Workers: Richard Wetzel, Phillip Marks, Helen Ashuckian, Rik Larson, Barbara Bybee, Ron and Sally Boeck, Jo Hilling, Keith McMahan, Trische Robertson, Steve Watt and Nancy Hanna (from The Rallye Club), George Morley, Delores McKinnon the drifter 9 How to host a tour by Cathy & Bill Keegan 2004 Social Directors D o you have a favorite road or special place you’d like to shore with your fellow Porschephiles? Do you want to get involved in the club, but you’re not sure how? Hosting a tour is easy, fun, and a great way to get more out of PCA. If you don’t have an idea for a tour, or if you’re not sure you want to jump right in, consider getting your toes wet by offering to help someone else with their tour. Either way, the planning meeting coming up is the perfect opportunity to do just that. To help you prepare, here’s what’s involved in hosting a tour. Four or more months ahead Pick a destination and date, and sketch out a plan. Will it be a day trip or an overnighter? What is the minimum or maximum number of cars due to parking or other considerations? Confirm possible stops along the route (lunch, destination, etc.) to include in an ad. Schedule the date at the January planning meeting or with the social director. What costs (meals, accommodations, prizes, entry fees) will be associated with the trip? Develop a budget and be certain to include at least $2.00 per entrant for the club treasury. If advance money is needed, or if the tour will incur over in $1,500 in cost liability due to guarantees, a budget must be submitted to the SVR board. When is the last date for reservations? Do you need to advise a restaurant or other provider of the number of persons, meal selections, etc.? Will you need to purchase tickets, passes, etc. in advance? Develop and ad for The Drifter, our web site, e-mail notification, and/or an event flyer. Items for The Drifter are due to the editor by the first of the month prior to publication. For example, if the sign-up deadline for your event is the first week of April, you should submit at least a brief teaser ad by January 1st for the February Drifter. You’l need to send a detailed ad for the March issue by February 1st. On March 1st you could submit a “last chance” ad in the April issue, or decide to continue or discontinue your March ad. Three or more months ahead Select a route and begin to develop route instructions. Make notes of times and distances, and remember that a group travels slower than one or two vehicles. Confirm arrangements for your start point and stops or points of interest along the way. Make sure there are rest stops along the route. Make certain the vice president has ordered insurance coverage. If you have costs with providers, make certain you have written agreements. Two months ahead Continue to publicize the event. Make announcements and/or had out flyers at dinner meetings and other events. Have a sign-up sheet available for when people begin to make reservations. Arrange for another member to assist you. Schedule a day a week or two before the “proof ” the route with another car. One month ahead Make arrangements with the social director for an e-mail blast. Obtain the insurance binder from the vice president and have liability release forms (in color) available. One to two weeks ahead “Proof ” the tour by running the route with your helper. Be sure the route is still available and determine whether any road construction will necessitate route changes. Finalize and print the written route instructions, including distances, turn instructions, maps, etc. that you’ll need to distribute on the day of the tour. Recruit at least one photographer; persuade someone on the tour to write and submit a review article for The Drifter. Consider dividing into more than one group if there are over 15 to 20 cars. Recruit helpers to lead and follow any additional groups. Tour day Collect the tour fee and have everyone sign the release form (including drivers, passengers, children – no exceptions). Distribute instructions, maps, etc. as participants sign in. Conduct a drivers’ meeting. Discuss the route. Designate a radio channel and go over protocol and usage. Identify lead, middle, and “backdoor” vehicles. Go over touring rules, such as: headlights on when under way, use turn signals so others know where you are going, keep cars in front of and behind you always in sight, and stay together. Safety is the prime consideration. Be courteous to those on the tour and those you encounter along the way. After the tour Make sure that a review article and photos are submitted to the Drifter editor by the first of the month. You may write the article yourself, but it’s better if one of the participants tells everyone what made your tour fun and enjoyable. Be sure to identify the “people, places, and Porsches” in the photos, include captions if you like. Credit the photographer(s) and don’t forget to thank the helpers. the drifter 10 An SVR photo album Members enjoyed the tour of the Folsom Zoo. At left: Judy Stettner and Janet Kramer, at right: Karen McGlumphy, Kim Nelson, and Rachel Johnson. Photos by Jon Kramer. The Zone 7 concours at Silver Star Recycling had a good turnout. Event chairman Kent Brandon’s 928 had hood strut failure, so the engine judge improvised a novel support. The photo on the right shows what it’s like to be deluged by four concours judges. Photos by Mary Ann Behrens. SVR drivers made a good showing at the Zone 7 autocross in Stockton. Clockwise from lower left: Kerner Breaux shows how it’s done, Lee Deter on a hot lap, the timing crew keeps things running smoothly. Photos by Doug Klein. the drifter 11 the drifter 12 drifter classified Offering PCA Club Member Pricing on Performance and Appearance Products Frozen Rotors Brey-Krause Crow Enterprises Porterfield Pagid Sparco CarGraphic USA UniChip Call or Visit Our Website Phone: (916) 989-0580 the drifter 13 Replacing gauge faces by Lisa Thomas T his month one would think my garage was full of Ferraris rather than Porsches. At one point only one in our five cars was drivable. The Turbo was in the shop for a new clutch, the Cayenne was in the shop for its 30k check-up, the Boxster was down due to a recurring expansion tank leak, and my C4 was on the lift without its suspension. That left the SC, which sits in my carport completely stripped of its interior, waiting to become a racecar. None of that takes into consideration all of the normal p-car projects I had going at the time. In one week, I added a catalytic bypass pipe, replaced the gauge faces, and removed all four corners of the suspension in the C4. Needless to say, I have a lot of material for tech articles. So, on a difficulty scale of one to ten, this is how I would rate those projects: 4 – removing entire suspension, 3 – adding a catalytic bypass pipe, 11 – replacing the gauge faces. I’m not kidding! Most of the upgrades to your car are on the exterior, engine, or under the car, so when you’re driving, you don’t really get to appreciate it as much as those who see it from the outside. Here is a project that you will be able to enjoy every time you get in your car: changing the black gauge faces to white, yellow, red, or even carbon fiber. It’s a personal choice; some people feel this is changing the originality of the car, but it is your car, so do what makes you feel good. In my case, the combination of the Linen grey exterior and black interior was very nice, but it needed a little something extra to make a real contrast and bring the interior to life. I changed my gauge faces from black to white. Here are the before and after pictures. There’s quite a dramatic improvement, no? Once the gauges are removed from they could be to sent out to have the faces put in (after doing them myself, I would probably recommend that), but for the automotive DIY masochists out there, I will outline the procedure. The tools needed include: 1) Flathead screwdriver, 2) Patience, 3) Plastic glue, 4) Tool that comes with the faces for removing gauge needles, 5) Patience, 6) Flathead pliers, 7) Patience, 8) Needle-nose pliers First, use a flathead screwdriver, the tip covered with tape, to gently pry one side of the gas gauge, then the other, until its far out enough to grasp and pull it from the dash. I was pleasantly surprised to find that Porsche had gone to 1-piece connectors on the back of the gauges, rather than the mass of wires that were on the earlier cars, (If you have an early car, get your camera and take close-up pictures of the backs of the gauges so each wire and it’s color can be clearly seen for reference when re-installing the gauges). Once you have the gas gauge out you should not have to use the screwdriver again. You can now just reach through the open gauge hole and push the next gauge out with your fingers. The tachometer is a little more difficult to remove because of the steering wheel. You need to rotate it 180 degrees, slip it past the steering wheel column and then it will come right out. the drifter 14 The clock has a trick to the connectors. The large connector will not come off until you disconnect the smaller black one. The smaller one is the ground connector and the soldering is weak. (I broke the wire off the connector and had to re-solder it). If you use needle-nose pliers to remove the metal part of the connector, you can get the plastic cover off easier. This is what your dashboard looks like when you’re done – YIKES ! All of the gauges are ready for disassembly. Next, take a large flathead screwdriver and pry off the metal ring that holds the glass to the front of the gauge. This seems very destructive, but luckily I have new aluminum rings to cover the black ones when I’m done. Remove the glass once the ring is free and clean both sides. Use the tool provided to remove the needles, be careful to note the position of the hands especially on the speedometer. Remove the two black screws from the face of the gauge and then the faceplate will come free. (Mine were glued and needed a little coaxing). Place the new face and attach with the two small screws.(I scratched mine and had to touch them up with a permanent marker). the drifter 15 The new face had to be notched in order to fit correctly. The two little plastic pieces surrounding the counters have to be glued to the new face on the speedometer. To reattach the metal ring, use flathead pliers to reshape and crimp the metal ring back around the gauge. I used a bit of silicone afterwards to seal around the gauge so moisture could not get in. The reassembly is very easy. I did use a little trick to reinstall the gauges. I placed the rubber gaskets in the dash opening and then applied some soapy water on the inside edge as well as on the outer case of the gauge. The gauges slid right in without any problems and you get a couple of minutes to adjust them before the soapy water dries and the gauges are in tight. Here is the ccompleted project. The time for removal of the gauges was about twenty minutes - and that was being extra careful. It took about half that to put them back in and fire up the car to ensure everything worked. It took three days to put the new faces in! But it was very rewarding. The white faces hide all of the warning lights when they are not illuminated, but when they come on, they are very visible. The turn signal arrows seem to be a lot brighter, too. The gauges are very easy to read and all of the numbers and text are done very well. lisa thomas the drifter 16 Wednesday October 19, 2006 board meeting Call to Order: The was called to order at 6:25 P.M. Attending: Jeff Kinder, Kim Nelson, Julia Lynn, John Murphy, Rik Larson, Helen Ashuckian, Ray Silva, Matt Deter and Cookie Anderson. Absent: Betty Silva, Kevin Dougherty, Dick MacFarlane, and Andy Leight. Minutes: The September minutes were reviewed and accepted, unofficially. New Business: Jeff Kinder saw a plaque from the BMW club on the counter at IPB Autosport and suggested SVR obtain nice Lucite awards to present to all sponsors to show the club’s appreciation: about 1520 awards, spending about $300-$400. Kim suggested spending a bit more to make them very nice, something to be proud of. John and Jeff discussed having Dick MacFarlane send a proposal of new advertising rates for 2007 at a 10% increase over last year. Try to send billing out to advertisers by November or December at the latest. Rik Larson was curious as to the outcome of German Autofest and Euro Sunday; no one had answers. He reported that the Mendocino Tour has 52 cars so far; some from Redwood Region are also meeting up in Mendocino. Old Business: Drifter Update: John Murphy discussed printing options that he researched for the club. Printing Center USA seems to have the best price and interest in doing the newsletter. They will bar code and sort, and the USPS likes working with them. They are in Minnesota, and there is a 7-day delivery time. Rik wasn’t sure about having an out-of-state printer and Kim suggested doing a “sample” mailing with something to see how long it takes to get to California. Rik Larson can do the blueline electronically. It was decided to try the December issue of the Drifter for this printer. John will find out what they need to get started on opening an account and get with Betty on that. Elections: Kim needs candidate statements from Kevin and Betty and needs the ballot put on the web. CRAB 33: Julia presented the CRAB 33 Budget. Board Member Reports: Competition (Matt Deter): Good AX turnout, 27 cars, 8 runs each, but lost money ($400.00-500.00). No incidents at DE event and next AX is 10/29. Rob Sime and Ron Cain are still trying to negotiate Mather Field for AX closer to the club and for CRAB 33. Suggested comping dinner to Ron Cain for Christmas party. Financial Report (Betty Silva): Jeff gave the report from Betty and all looks good! Goodie Store (Tom Sisson): See attachment. Goodie Store made $ 352.50 at the New Member Tour. Webmaster (John Murphy): Hits on web site last month include lookers from Perth, Amsterdam, Australia, and Montana. Drifter: Jeff brought SVR Computer to Matt for “sanitation.” He called Terry Grillo twice to get external drive and manual; still no response. Membership (Tom Sisson): See attachment. We have 654 members and 14 duals. Social (Julia Lynn): Introduced Cookie Anderson to the Board. Rally (Helen Ashuckian): Kids Rallye has about 5 people so far and she has lots of goodies for the kids. Past President (Kim Nelson): Kim reported that the Silver Star Concours went very well. They had 24 cars, so it was smaller but still good for the first Zone concours there. Silver Star needs to grow the swap meet to make it better, similar to PartsHeaven. Silver Star paid $300 towards awards and it is suggested that they spend a bit more next year, perhaps $750. Silver Star was pleased with the event overall and will do it again next year on 10/14/07; Niello is booked for 6/17/07 for their zone concours. We need to finalize Year End Awards for the next meeting. If we need any sponsorship money from Niello, let Kim know. President (Jeff Kinder): Policy Statement meeting will be Oct. 28th from 11:00-2:00. He also talked about 908 story in Panorama regarding the Presidents meeting asking all regions to adopt policy of not accepting anyone’s car/personal belongings for club events (to drive) without written agreement or better yet, not at all, to protect the club. It is suggested that it be in Policy Statement or even the By-Laws. Matt suggested having a floor level of “things” such as ice chest, BBQ’s, etc. of a $100.00 - $500.00 or so value. He also suggested that the board approve an award for Barbara McCrory for her work on our taxes and also to comp her two dinners to our Christmas Party. Everyone in attendance agreed. Meeting adjourned: 8:35 P.M. • Next Meeting: RPM, October 18, 2006 the drifter 17 Membership report by Tom Sisson, Membership Director Special Congratulations to Gary and Alma Thompson with 21 years of membership New Members Benjamin Bustamante & Steven Chastain Sacramento, CA 95814 916/419-7970 ’06 Cayman S Michael Catlin Davis, CA 95617 916/227-2570 Branson Chafey West Sacramento, CA 95691 925/570-1853 Nicole Chappell Roseville, CA 95661 916/645-4809 Robert Dong Fair Oaks, CA 95628 916/446-8264 Jim Downs El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 916/638-7476 Kurt Dunn Sacramento, CA 95825 Frank Fong Sacramento, CA 95831 916/657-7117 Martin & James Fry Nevada City, CA 95959 530/478-8525 Rick & Cathy Gerber Foresthill, CA 95631 408/921-6609 Changes Eric Edelmayer 916/971-1977 ’06 Cayman S Jay & Marie Hendrickson Folsom, CA 95630 916/984-3899 Paul Klein Rocklin, CA 95765 916/928-5166 Tom & Christy Goldthwaite Granite Bay, CA 95746 ’99 911 Brent & Sue Harrington ’03 Cayenne ’79 928 Michael & Pollyanna LeVangie Elk Grove, CA 95758 916/443-4849 ’90 944 ’80 911 Scot Smith & Merry Philips Rocklin, CA 95765 916/315-8456 ’98 Boxster ’97 911 Terrence Soohoo Carmichael, CA 95608 916/202-0005 ’06 Cayman ’05 997 Sharon & Bob Turner Lincoln, CA 95648 916/408-7879 ’04 911 David & Floribeth Wong Elk Grove, CA 95759-0335 916/600-0451 ’86 911 Transfers In Ada Charlene Poole Lincoln, CA 95648 408/776-1559 (from Monterey Bay) ’90 911 Transfers Out Fred Miramontes (to Redwood) Luis Villarreal (to Longhorn) ’06 Boxster S Matt & Ann Hamel Sacramento, CA 95810 916/736-0225 Mark & Ursula Judish Dennis & Nancy Meyer ’03 996, ’56 356, Cayenne Randy & Rita Munson Tina & John Murphy ’06 997 C4S Dave & Mary Parker David & Becky Prince ’99 911 ’92 911 Terry & Tracy Shows ’06 997C4S, ’04 Cayenne Howard Souza ’96 993 Bob & Nancy Thiessen ’80 911 Warren & Joan Walker Tom Ware December Anniveersaries Brad & Judith Croul [5] Robert & Stacy Pye [5] Stuart Honse [5] David & Kimberly De Young [5] Berle & Carol Crisp [10] Gary and Alma Thompson [21] the drifter 18 Santa comes again . . . . Y ou need gifts, we need sales. Let’s get together! Some merchandise is limited due to prior sales, but I can always order what you want and you can give the recipient a note on what is coming! Examples are: Polo shirts with the SVR logo…$30 T-Shirts with PORSCHE embroidered across the front… $18-20. Possible colors: Navy with gold Porsche Red with gold Porsche Black with red Porsche Grey with red Porsche Microfiber Jackets ….$55 Denim Shirts….$35 and up See the different logos that can be ordered on the website. With new shirts you will never have to pull a “Lady Godiva”. BTW, Lady Godiva really did exist in 11th century England, but her name was Godgifu. She was married to Leofric, the hard-nosed Coventry tax collector , whose policies she deemed unduly harsh. But did she protest them by a little streaking on horseback? No source from her time reports that she did and surely someone would have noticed. In fact the story was written 150 years later by a monk, who said that Godiva’s husband offered to let up on the peasants if she sacrificed herself on their behalf by riding nude through the streets, thus pinning a convenient moral on the tale. That’s all that is known about the lady who gave new meaning to the phrase “bare back riding.” Contact your friendly Goodie Store! See Tom Sisson at meetings and events, or contact him at 14537 Surrey Junction Lane, Sutter Creek, CA 95685, 209-296-5352 or e-mail Items can be mailed for a small shipping/handling fee. Index of Advertisers A & S BMW European Body Shop Fabrication Specialties FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Karma Kreations Niello Porsche OK Tire ‘n’ Wheel 13 2 4 13 IBC IFC 12 6, BC IBC PartsHeaven Performance Products The Racer’s Group Reflections in Glass RPM Kart Racing Silver Star Recycling Trackmasteers Walt Stickel Weidman’s Wheels 16 12 13 17 3 13 IFC 7 19 the drifter 19 The last word by Bud Behrens D uring 2006, seven editions of The Drifter were printed and mailed to the members of SVR and our sponsors: one each in January, February, and March, a combined issue that included the months of April, May and June, and one each in the months of August, November, and December. In effect, there were five months in which no Drifters were mailed to our members. This is not good service to or members, nor does it meet the obligation to our advertisers. Hopefully 2007 will see a better record. Don’t let anyone tell you that editing the newsletter of a region of this size is a breeze. It unquestionably requires more of one’s time and effort than that of any board or committee position. (While I don’t keep track of how many hours in each month I devote to The Drifter, I would estimate that it somewhere in the range of 20-25 hours per month.) Nevertheless, that is not an unbearable burden. And the job gets easier as one’s experience accumulates. All of the above is not intended to “turn off ” anyone who is considering taking on the job of Drifter editor but to banish any illusions about the job. (By the way, it is a job, not a position.) Perhaps the best way to work into the position of editor would be to volunteer to serve as co-editor and “learn the ropes.” If you’d like to learn more such a job, call me any day between 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. or send an e-mail message. Drifter Classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members (pictures with text are $15 each); non-members may submit ads, $20 each; pictures with text add $15 each (member & non-member). Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send with ad to PCS-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for two months unless cancelled. Porsches for Sale Porsches Wanted 2002/05 RUF 3600S: Incredibly rare and fun seal gray RUF Boxster converted to the 3.6L X51 motor with RUF exhaust (headers, sports cat, mufflers), springs, RUF aerokit, and more RUF stuff than I have space to list. With approximately 360hp, this car is everything the Boxster should be. Easily outpace most 911s in this car, and enjoy the 2-seater, mid-engine polished handling that goes with it. Less than 13k miles since conversion in early summer of 2005. Asking $72,500 for what I think is the best roadster on the planet. Contact Hill Bullock at 214 418-8329 or (12/06) 993 TARGA: 1996-1998, clean, straight, low mileage, concours quality a plus; condition more important than year. Prefer Arena Red or Blue Metallic with grey or Cashmere interior. Contact Jim Hodos: at (775) 885-1717 office, (775) 8825466 home, (480) 236-1578 cell, email (11/06) 1972 914-6: Recent restoration/conversion by Motor Meister (2/06). 2.4L six and 915 trans (total re-builds), dual carbs, new brakes, suspension, wiring, interior (black), gauges, paint (millennium yellow), tires, etc.; 2.0 wheels, fogs, CD, & luggage rack; 175+ HP, 36K miles, warranty; ready to go. $25,000. Contact Glenn Thiel at (530) 477-7251, email (11/06) Tires & Wheels: 19-inch sport wheels and Michelin Pilot Sport Tires; excellent condition, only 7000 miles. I upgraded the tires and wheels on my 997S and would like to sell the OEM. No track time. Front: 235/35 ZR 19, Rear: 295/30 ZR 19. $2500. Contact Tom at (916) 737-2372 or e-mail Sacramento location. (11/06) Parts/Accessories Wheels, etc: Factory KPZ chrome wheels: three 41⁄2 x 15 (dates 11-65, 1-64, 6-64) one – 5 1⁄2 x15 (date 8-67); fair condition - $130.00 Four 356C or 912 hubcaps with Porsche emblem - $100.00 Bilstein jack, rubber part missing -$60.00. 356 ZF limited slip, bullets, remanufactured - $20.00 each. Telephone (530) 8781027 (Auburn area) or e-mail riedel@ (12/06) the drifter 20 Frank’s AUTOMOTIVE Since 1969 Since 1969 Independent Service and Repair Porsche | BMW | Audi | Mercedes | VW | Volvo Frank Lettini Nick Lettini 5220 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95819 Lic # 010502 916-452-0917 Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Cards Our motto: “If you like our work,tell others. If not, tell us.” Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America Post Office Box 254651 Sacramento, CA 95865-4651 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Permit Number 2840 Sacramento, CA
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