X - Sacramento Valley Region
X - Sacramento Valley Region
November 2009 On the Cover Never one who put much stock into the “throw-back” genres, this photo changed my mind. Originally published in 1978 it is owned by Patt and Clint de Witt, SVR members since 1967. This infamous photo of the 356 “Pumpkin II” was taken in @ 1973. Photo by: unknown New and improved SVR calendar Go to the SVR home page at www.derporsche.net and take a look at the new and more functional calendar, which includes listings of regional, Zone 7, and national PCA events. You’ll like it! Got Track? TrackMasters Racing is a leader in High Performance Driver Education events in Northern California, and invites SVR-PCA drivers to participate in our events. Infineon - Friday November 6th Infineon - Saturday November 21st Laguna Seca - Friday December 18th Come out and stretch your car’s legs on some of the finest tracks in the country! Fun, safe, and definitely . . . No speeding tickets! www.TrackMasters-Racing.com 2009 Board of Directors President Cookie Anderson president@svr.pca.org Vice President Bill Keegan vicepresident@svr.pca.org Secretary & Niello Event Coordinator Kim Nelson secretary@svr.pca.org Treasurer Betty Silva treasurer@svr.pca.org 916.988.6534 www.derporsche.net 916.415.1539 916.933.4282 707.864.0491 Social Director Babette Hatten 916.772.5280 Membership Director Doug Klein 916.791.4864 social@svr.pca.org membership@svr.pca.org Competition & Safety Director Frederick D.Rauch 916.989.0580 competition@svr.pca.org Webmaster John Murphy webmaster@svr.pca.org Past President Mike Willis pastpresident@svr.pca.org Drifter Editor JR Evinger editor@svr.pca.org November 2009 Volume 47, No. 11 Upcoming Events In This Issue Columns and Departments 02 - SVR November Breakfast 03 - Cookie’s Crumbs 04 - Reif ’s Gas Station Tour 07 - Drifting Back 09 - SVR Annual Christmas Party 15 - SVR Oct. Board Minutes 10-11 SVR Calendar of Events 17 - SVR Nov. Membership Report 14 - SVR Autocross #5 19 - SVR Goodie Store 16 - Pacific Grove Tour 19 - Index of Advertisers 18 - SVR November Dinner 20 - SVR Classified Features and Reviews 05 - Preston Castle Tour 916.858.2304 06 - Anchor Steam Beer Tour 08 - Candy Sweetens Charity Auction 916.363.8313 13 - Potpourri 13 - Tech Article: Smokin’ cont. 916.850.5543 Information and Committee Directory Zone 7 Representative Golden Gate Region Sharon Neidel sharonneidel@yahoo.com Autocross Chair Bob Peake 916.353.1369 Goodie Store Tom Sisson 209.296.5352 Drivers Education Chair Frederick D. Rauch 916.595.3371 Rally Chair Helen Ashuckian 916.481.2759 Charity Chair Tambra Kroetz 916.989.1954 Technical Chair Jim Kinnicutt 916.985.7770 Concours Chair Kent Brandon 916.663.1702 G24 Chair Lee Deter 916.391.9956 Dummkopf Chair Larry Wilson 916.536.9703 Advertising Manager Mike Willis 916.363.8313 bbayou@jps.net 650.508.1308 fdr@fdrmotorsports.com tkroetz@comcast.net kbrandon@ncbb.net Lwilson1230@comcast.net targatom@volcano.net helena@lanset.com jkinnicu@yahoo.com ldeter@yahoo.com mikew@derporsche.net Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America (SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members. Written contributions and photos are welcome and should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for material is one month prior to the month of publication. SVR members should notify the membership director promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by copyright. However, newsletter editors of others regions chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint any article provided that credit is given to the author and Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited as the source. the drifter 1 Join Your Fellow SVR Members At 7811 Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights (Across from Lowe’s) The First Saturday of Each Month The Club is a conversational group dedicated to the enjoyment of its members. It is a friendly group in which there are no strangers. Please join us for an hour or two of conversation about our cars, upcoming events, or anything else that interests you. Meet in the banquet room at 9:00 A.M. Order from the menu and pay for your own meal. Senior Menu Available If you plan to join us, call Herb or Jan Hoover at 916.424.5163 want to see it in your rear view mirror? Call us, we can make it happen! Pacific Power Motorsports 2330 Bates Ave, Suite D5 Concord, CA 94520 925/525-0470 Track & Race Preparation Custom Fabrication Street & Racing Parts Fire Systems Chassis Set-up Alignment Chassis & Engine Dyno Tuning 2 the drifter Cookie Crumb’s cabin in Arnold for the weekend won by Lettie & Rik Larson, Beaded bracelet by Lettie Larson won by Dianna Leight, Rachael Johnson sent a large stain glass panel which was won by Tom Sisson and a small stain glass panel sold to Darlene Byerley making It is time again to elect our 2010 Board of Directors. Jeff Kinder has it a matched pair. One of our new members Andrew Hiroshima been so kind to step forward again this year and do our ballots. You hand carved a beautiful fish which was bid on by several members will receive an e-mail which will direct you to an electronic ballot. and won by Kim Kinder. This worked just great last year. If you do not have an e-mail address in the SVR database, then you will receive a snail-mail ballot. Last but not forgotten Kim Kinder made her caramels that went for $10.00 a bag. For those that didn’t get any I am sorry you reOur Charity Auction for the Folsom Zoo was quite a success. The ally missed out. Next year we might be so lucky to have her make charity auction really depends on all the donations our members some more, you might get a chance to taste her delicious candy. bring. Thank you all. Neillo has always been a great sponsor and Thank you Kim. Other baked goods auction off during the day this year was exceptional. Thank you Neillo Porsche! I want to included cobblers and cookies thank you everyone for taking time thank Tambra Kroetz for doing a great job setting the auction up out of your day to bake them. for 2009. Then a special thank you for all the helpers that pitched in to create a good event. Sally Boeck “the accountant” kept track I would like to thank Tambra Kroetz for helping me write this of the crazy bidders and collected their money. Dianna Leight article. jumped in and organized the silent auction table. Jerry Cupler donated the use of his truck for transporting drinks, ice, ice chests and some of the auctioned merchandise. Last but not forgotten was the Auctioneers, Greg Peart by his clever “trailer décor groupings” kept the audience laughing. Rik Larson and Kerner Breaux kept things moving. Then there was Bill Keegan in the audience waiting for Kern to run out of words. by Yvonne “Cookie” Anderson, 2009 SVR President We had 27 donated items that went for the silent auction. The Porsche Travel Bag was won by Andy Leight, Bob Jacobson Garage Book was won by Bill Keegan, Black Ladies Porsche Sweater won by Cookie Anderson, Black Men’s Porsche Sweater won by Herb Hoover, ½ Cord of seasoned oak firewood won by Sally Boeck, Marv & Ruth offered their Tahoe condo for 5 nights won by Matt & Flora Deter, a dinner with a Taste of Europe by the BS Twins won by Susan Duvall Serota, Jon and Janet Kramer offered there the drifter 3 Mark your calendars for November 8th We are touring to Reiffs Gas Station In Woodland Cost $8.00 Per Person Departing from the “Tower Café” – 16th St. & Broadway – at 9:30 AM. The café opens at 8 AM, so come on down and enjoy breakfast before starting for Woodland. More information lunch information Picnic versus Lunch stop still to come. MARK started his collection with the purchase of a 1930's Wayne Gas Pump at a neighborhood garage sale. Since then he has added a Diner, Barber Shop, Gas Station, General Store and Old Time Movie Theater. Look Hard! Don't think the Car that crashed into the Garage and the little problem he had with the Cessna was a dream. Who knows, maybe they got their License anyway? This crazy collection of Memorabilia is alive and growing all the time. OK, so maybe he is a little Wackey, but you have to say if Rippley's Believe it or Not and Multiple National TV show's like it... it can't be all Crazy... It's a great way to step back into the past and remember how it was or at least how Mark thought it was. For reservations and information contact Mike & Emily Willis, 916-363-8313 Or mikew@cwo.com or ewills@cwo.com 4 the drifter Review - Preston Castle Tour by SVR member John Muphy September 12th was not a usual Saturday at the “Town Center” of El Dorado Hills. Late morning, nearly 40 SVR members and friends gathered from as far away as Orland – 137 miles north – to enjoy another Doug Klein driving tour. Backlit by slate colored and gently weeping skies, the variety of models, years and colors of Ferry Porsche’s legacy turned the mundane parking lot into something special. A striking setting for the Drivers’ Meeting for the tour to the haunted (as many claim) Preston Castle in Ione. As Doug reviewed tour procedures and the rules of the road, thunder rumbled, lightning flashed and a bat with gigantic wings flew ominously above our heads. It was as though some higher force was playing supporting actor to the paranormal part of our day. Yes, this Saturday and the beginning of this tour were indeed unusual – it rarely rains on SVR in September, thunderstorms are even less frequent visitors to the valley and the “bat” was an Air Force B-2 Spirit stealth bomber performing at the California Capital Air Show. Once underway, the skies cleared and the heavens smiled on the beautiful collection of Porsches wending its way through the foothills over appropriately Porsche-roads toward our rendezvous with docents of the “Preston School of Industry.” Though the route was virtually in our backyard, Doug again found and introduced us to “roads less traveled” for our short, 40-something-mile jaunt to Ione. As we rolled out of the last twist and turn into Ione, it was easy to understand why the locals refer to Preston Castle – suddenly materializing atop the hill overlooking the community and demanding attention – as simply, the Castle. Happily, parking was not a problem since we were being treated to a private tour before the Castle officially opened to the public. The four story, 114-year old Castle and its commanding brick tower could never have looked better than with our Porsches arrayed fender-to-fender in the foreground. Opened in 1894 with seven wards, the Preston School of Industry was California’s first rehabilitation (reform) school for youth offenders previously sentenced to serve time alongside hardened criminals at State Penitentiaries like Folsom and San Quentin. The Castle ultimately grew to 46,000 square feet and was supported by several outlying facilities that provided housing and vocational training for thousands of wards before being closed. Abandoned in 1960, it quietly stood vacant and fell into disrepair until the Preston Castle Foundation obtained the rights to begin renovation. Broken into small groups and guided by three very patient and informative Docents, we learned firsthand that the renovation is definitely a work in progress and the Foundation has much to do before the Castle recaptures the stateliness it once possessed. Following our tours, many spent the remainder of the afternoon listening to the music of the SJO “big band,” tasting wines from 15 Amador County vintners, savoring too many gastronomic goodies to count and taking part in the silent auction to raise Foundation funds. As the day ended, we reflected on the good things accomplished that day: we gave our Porsches some exercise, we helped the economy’s recovery one gallon of gas and cup of coffee at a time, we learned a little of the history behind Ione’s Castle guardian, we contributed over $1,600 to continue efforts to renovate the former Preston School of Industry and, most importantly, we enjoyed a few hours with old friends and made some new ones along the way. the drifter 5 Anchor Steam Beer Tour by Herb Hoover, SVR Member Jan and I had a wonderful time yesterday. I hope the others did too. We toured to SF and visited the Anchor Steam Beer brewery where Ryan gave us an interesting history of the brewery and an even more interesting, and noisy, tour. The best part was the tasting after. They make eight beers and the tasting room has six taps and an unending supply for our enjoyment. And enjoy we did. Oh, btw, do you know why they call it steam beer? Beats me; nobody knows. Afterwards we walked down to the Connecticut Yankee, a restaurant that was built in 1907 and looks every year of it, maybe more. They serve good food at reasonable prices but the best part is, the proprieter plays female vocalists from the Big Band era over the music system, and also, one of the flatscreen TVs plays nonstop professional table tennis. If you’ve never seen it before, try to. Those folks are amazing. You will never see faster reactions, even from astronauts. And they hit so hard sometimes both feet are off the floor. Also, they can pick up a ball ten feet back and six inches off the floor and slam it with spin onto the table where the equally amazing opponent slams it back. Wow !! As an interesting aside, I was wondering if we could use the carpool lanes on the way down because we were going during the morning commute and I thot the traffic might be pretty heavy. (it wasn’t). But, as you know, the Bay Area is the only place in CA where you are required to have three people in your car. Everywhere else it is only two. I knew that motorcycles are exempt and also small pickups so it would make sense that sports cars with only jump seats in the back would be exempt too. I called the CHP Academy and talked to the sgt who teaches Vehicle Code and he said that sports cars with jump seats are indeed exempt. The jump seats are not even considered seats. But, I had also talked to a Traffic Officer assigned to the Oakland CHP Office and he told me that they will require three people in the car if the jump seats have seat belts. So there you have it; is that confusing or what?? Our 1973 911 does not have seat belts but our 1968 912 did have seat belts. So what are you gonna do? Since violations are worth $271, I think I’ll play it on the safe side. 6 the drifter Drifting Back – November 2009 by Larry Wilson 30 Years Ago (November 1979) The November 10-12 (Saturday through Monday) Mendocino Tour, chaired by SVR-president and first lady, Ted & Diane Colbert, almost made Ted and Diane permanent recipients of the SVR Dumbkopf Award. After losing half the tour shortly after departure Saturday morning because of incorrectly hand-drawn maps, Ted and Diane managed to collect all wayward cars just before the lunch-stop in Cloverdale, and after a spirited drive out of town (which earned them coverage in the Cloverdale Sunday News), all arrived together at 3:15 P.M. in Mendocino. Most had great difficulty reaching the restaurant for the Saturday evening dinner because the written instructions prepared by Ted and Diane mentioned the restaurant’s name (The Wharf ) but not its location. Most scoured Mendocino with no joy until a check of the Yellow Pages revealed they should be looking 10 miles north in the town of Ft. Bragg. The kite flying contest on Sunday was a hit, and so the weekend was looking good again. . .until the trip for dinner in St. Orres. John and Donna Lewis headed the first group for St. Orres, and five minutes later Ted and Diane headed the radio-less second group of cars. Witnesses in the second group said Ted and Diane drove right past the restaurant in St. Orres and continued on for another 14 miles to Gualala before realizing - “we’re lost again!” They retraced their steps and found the restaurant in St. Orres and the first group on their third round in the bar. Otherwise, the weekend was super, so thought the tour participants, thus saving Ted and Diane the ignominy that permanent possession of the dreaded Dumbkopf would guarantee. Among the participants were Scott and Kathleen Peebles, Jill and Linda Mitchell, C.C. and Launa Craig, Bill and Betty Rhea, Hank and Kathy Feenstra, Jim and Shirley Chandler, Bill and Carol Ann Barr, Allen and Dolores Weddle, Trische and Robin Robertson, Gary Waldsmith and Delores McKinnon, Garth and Vicki Mason, John and Donna Lewis, and Bill and Lendine Nelson. The November 17 Tech Session at Niello Porsche, 4609 Madison Ave., provided a debut of the new Porsche 931 (924 Turbo) by Richard Bartholomew of Porsche-Audi which included a slide show highlighting many details of the car and its engine. SVR gearheads turned out in force for this one. 20 Years Ago (November 1989) The November 10-12 Mendocino Tour, chaired by Rik and Lettie Larson with C.C. Craig and Karen Mangin as tour leaders, started Friday from the El Macero, El Rancho Hotel and headed up Highway 116 past Clear Lake to Wiebel Winery for lunch and wine tasting on a beautiful weekend with spectacular weather. This was the first Mendo Tour for Bob and Mary Siles, John and Arlene Pluth, and Kim McGinnis. Mike, Michelle and Vicki Willis ran backdoor (end of the group to watch for stragglers). After lunch it was on to the Little River Inn for some, and the Albion Inn for others. The traditional kite flying contest was Saturday afternoon at the beach at Big River State Park. Many, however, spent Saturday morning warming-up their kite flying technique (John and Arlene Pluth, Mark and Starla Hirst, the Willis bunch, and C.C. Craig). Contest winners were: Most Original/Best looking kite - Allen Weddle; Highest Flying - the Pluths; Best Navigated - (a tie) Sally Boeck and Don/Margee Grebe; First to Fly - Kim McGinnis; Longest Flying - Vicki and Michelle Willis; Best Effort, but No Joy - Mark and Starla Hirst. Left-it-in-the Hanger - Fred and Fran Siegner. Sunday was shopping and the return trip. November 18 was the Zone 7 Awards Banquet, long awaited by many SVR autocrossers and rallyists who ran the year-long series. Zone Rep, Bud Behrens, assembled Zone 7 PCAers at the Stockton Golf and Country Club for a social hour, dinner, awards ceremonies, and then dancing to live music starting with his favorite, “Here’s That Rainy Day,” in the key of “F.” The concours awards were handed out, but no SVR members were recognized because they either failed to enter an event or gathered insufficient points. The rally series, chaired by Ron Boeck was a different story as SVR entrants swept the top four spots overall for both driver and navigator: First Place Driver - Harvey Cain, 689 penalty points (Expert Unequipped class); Second Place Driver - Allen Weddle, 1,123 penalty points (Novice class); Third Place Driver - Bob Dennison, 1,142 penalty points (Beginner class); Fourth Place Driver - Ray Clements, 1,162 penalty points (Expert Unequipped class); First Place Navigator - Dolores Weddle, 307 penalty points (Novice class); Second Place Navigator - Connie Cain, 689 penalty points (Expert Unequipped class); Third Place Navigator - Elizabeth Carr, 1,142 penalty points (Beginner class); Fourth Place Navigator - Sara Clements, 1,162 penalty points (Expert Unequipped class). Fourteen SVR members received class awards in the Autocross Series: Larry Wilson, Greg Peart, Ken Mitchell, Bruce Westrup, Bud Behrens, Dwight Mitchell, Bob Peake, Kern Breaux, Nikki Duncan, Pat Wilson, Cyndee Peart, Marcella Mitchell, Mary Ann Behrens, and Linda Mitchell. 10 Years Ago (November 1999) At the November 11 Pizza Party/Dessert Bake-Off at Round Table Pizza with Linda McMahen in charge, party goers brought their favorite homemade baked dessert, and the lucky judges got to sample all entries to determine the winners. Entries with a holiday theme (Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving or Christmas) received bonus points. No tickets for Sharethe-wealth? No problem - Rich McGlumphy came to the rescue with a little-known dollar bill serial number drill that proved more fun than the raffle. The Round Table crew served great pizza. About the bake-off. . .Karen Goffin won it with her Amaretto cake. Judges loved it. Best of show! Thirty cars made the trek November 5-7 on the Mendocino Tour chaired by Rik and Lettie Larson. The group included many first timers: Witts, Adams, Doyles, Robinsons, Brandon and McKenzie, and Emily Lloyd. Old folks were there, too: Meuniers, McKees, Groves, and Vidmars. The tour from Mocha Joe’s was led by Dan and Deb Catherwood and Rich Swenson and Judy Hanna. After reaching Little River Inn, the social gathering was held in Mike Willis’ room. The next day, it was Dan and Deb Catherwood versus Tim and Susan Fleming in a golf match. Flemings won. The weather was looking good for the kite contest. So good in fact, Ron and Sally snuck out early to the headlands for highwind testing, which did them no good because the venue was changed to the more sheltered State Park beach at Van Damme. Still good wind. Norb and Judi lost their kite (for a while) but retrieved it from across the highway, then lost it again (for good) stuck high in a tall tree. Mike Lommatzsch had a “killer-kite” which promptly killed a van. Tom Sisson had to “fish-out” his shark kite from the river. On Monday, the Larsons, Murphys, and Barnes stayed an extra day while the rest of the group headed back on Highway 128. the drifter 7 Crazy Candy Maker Sweetens Charity Auction byTambra Kroetz, SVR Charity Chair The auction is always slightly out of control. Auctioneer Greg Peart continued that tradition with a zany sense of humor and eclectic pairing of stuff. A lot of our artists donated wonderful creations from stained glass panels (Rachel Johnson) to a beaded bracelet (Lettie Larson). New member Andrew Hiroshima did an intricate carved fish. Dennis and Judy Stettner earned the “Cleanest Garage” award for bringing the most stuff. Then in a surprise take over Kim Kinder made an offer no one could refuse. Her 10 at 10 was not a Jay Leno ad but 10 bags of her delicious homemade caramels, ten dollars each, all sold in ten seconds. Hands just flew up and the first ten got lucky. Heavy bidding broke out with one of Bob Jacobson’s donations. Greg called the thong a “Porsche Swine-flu mask”, but that did not deter Darlene Byerley, Jim Kinnicutt and Jeff Kinder from bidding fast and furious. Jeff said he will model it at the next dinner meeting. Make your dinner reservations early! On the serious side, we raised $3529.00 for the Folsom Sanctuary Zoo. 8 the drifter Christmas Party 2009 Niello Porsche have most graciously offered their elegant facility in Rocklin as the location for our 2009 Christmas Party. The SVR Board of Directors have made a contribution of $15 to reduce the price per person to $25. SVR Mem ice: $25 P er P erson!! Membber Pr Price: Per Person!! ion Festiv corat ivee Music - Holida Holidayy De Dec ation ionss Delic ious FFo ood Delicious SVR FFrriends - P ors ch pr ise s! Po rsch chees - Sur Surpr prise ises! So cia he Sho wroom - Dinn er in tth he B ay Soc iall Hour in tth Show Dinner Ba ! Special Guest Speaker ! Pete Stout, Editor excellence THE MAGAZINE ABOUT PORSCHE Location: Niello Porsche Facility 4525 Granite Drive, Rocklin, CA Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009 Reservations Due Prior to 12/7 Time: Social Hour, 5:30pm Dinner: 7:00pm Holiday Attire Mail Reservation and check (made payable to SVR PCA) to: Tom Sisson C/O Darlene Byerley, 7740 Juan Way Fair Oaks, CA 95628 For registration questions, contact Tom at: targatom@volcano.net the drifter 9 SVR November/December Calendar of Events Date 4 6 7 8 14 16 21 21 29 Date 2 5 12 12 18 Event Location November SVR Monthly Board Meeting RPM Motorsports Driver’s Ed - TrackMasters Infineon SVR Monthly Breakfast Reiff’s Gas Station Tour Special Transition Board of Directors Meeting SVR Monthly Dinner Autocross Driver’s Ed - TrackMasters Club Function Event Waffle Square , Citrus Heights Reiffs Gas Station, Woodland 2009 and 2010 Board Members Brickhouse Restuarant , Elk Grove Infineon Infineon Decorate Christmas Tree, CA Auto Museum Contact Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports. com Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163 Mike & Emily Willis 916.363.8313 Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Mike & Emily Willis 916.363.8313 Bob Peake 916.353.1369 Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports. com Kim Nelson 916.933.4282 Location December SVR Monthly Board Meeting RPM Motorsports SVR Monthly Breakfast Waffle Square , Citrus Heights 356 Car Breakfast Marie Callender’s, Citrus Heights Christmas Party SVR Christmas Party, Niello Rocklin Drivers Ed - TrackMasters Laguna Seca Contact Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163 Jim Hardie 916.972.7232 Kim Nelson 916.933.4282 Frederick Rauch fdr@fdrmotorsports. com 10 the drifter SVR January/February/March Calendar of Events Date 2 6 16 ??? Event SVR Monthly Breakfast Waffle Square , Citrus Heights SVR Monthly Board Meeting RPM Motorsports Pot Luck/Game Night Sacramento: Portuguese Chapel 2009 Zone 7 Awards TBD Date Event 3 6 9 SVR Monthly Board Meeting SVR Monthly Breakfast SVR Monthly Dinner 2010 Events Planning Meeting 18 Location January Date Event 3 5-7 6 9 SVR Monthly Board Meeting Tour to Pacific Grove SVR Monthly Breakfast SVR Monthly Dinner Location February Contact Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163 Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Sharon Neidel Contact RPM Motorsports Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Waffle Square , Citrus Heights Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163 TBD Dave & Kaye Mitchell 916.721.3650 Annual Member Meeting to determine schedule of events for the New Year thru April 2011 Round Table Pizza, 9500-1 Greenback Ln, Folsom Location March RPM Motorsports Pacific Grove Waffle Square, Citrus Heights TBD Contact Cookie Anderson 916.988.6534 Jim McMahen 916.924.1463 Herb & Jan Hoover 916.424.5163 Check out the latest calendar information available online at www.derporsche.net Information regarding 2010 Zone 7 events is available at www.zone7.pca.org the drifter 11 , Loren Burgess cember 10th 2008 2:55 pm De puts the finishing touches on a 993 track car w e know porsches Whether you’re looking for regular maintenance using Genuine Porsche Parts or planning your next track event, The Racer’s Group has the parts and race-seasoned technicians to keep your Porsche running at its best. • track-proven performance parts and accessories • professional service and maintenance for street and track cars • complete chassis set-up including corner balance and alignment • trackside parts and support at Thunderhill and Infineon • driver development and coaching services • your car or ours, racecar rentals available To get the very best performance from your Porsche, call, click or email us today. 707.935.3999 • www.TheRacersGroup.com • sales @TheRacersGroup.com 1995 S. McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954 12 the drifter Potpourri by pdkporsche Well not much to report this month. That was not unexpected since it was the first time the column appeared. Rik Larson did report a couple of items that are interesting and so I used them. One of our members, Bill Keegan, was interested in the new Porsche Panamera. He even took a test drive down at the unveiling in Carmel in August. Things were looking just fine until Bill realized that the car was longer than his BMW, in fact even long enough to not fit in his garage. I did check out the panamera.com web site. Very interesting. It has sound, screen savers, family history (meaning Porsche cars), TV commercials, etc. Take a look. Rik further reports that Jim McMahen and Joe Schumacher captured first place in their classes for the 2009 Zone 7 Concours series. Seven events were presented. Results for all the events are at www.zone7.pca.org. It is a rather interesting web site. I checked out the autocross series for Zone 7 but did not find the overall results. The autocross series this year was comprised of four events. And then a final report from Rik regarding rallies. This time it is J. and Jessica Toney winning Class S in the SCCA United States Road Rally Challenge held in Wisconsin. It is actually three events in one weekend. This is a winner-take all weekend. Entrants compete in GTA (non-timed gimmick rally), Touring (straightforward time-speed-distance), and Course (trap) rallies. That is it for now. Send your gossip or gripes to: pdkporsche@gmail.com Tech Article: Smokin’ – Continued by Jim Kinnicutt With special thanks to Jim Webber – Niello Porsche Hello to all. Jim here again with a follow up to last month’s article on blowing smoke. I want to first say thank you for some of the questions I have received and we will be talking about them in the upcoming issues. In the next article I am going to take a look at the PDK tranny and its operation. I would really love to get some input on driving impressions from some of you that have experienced this cool tranny first hand. Perhaps some of you that got to drive the Panamera while we were in Monterey?? Give me a call or hit me on eMail anytime. If you don’t, I know who some of you are and I will likely be calling you! Q: This question was submitted by Doug Klein: “After starting my 997 (Carrera 4S), which had been parked for about a month, it blew out a large cloud of smoke. At the same time, a picture of an engine in profile appeared in the dash. It was much larger than the standard check-engine symbol and was followed by the message “Engine Diagnostics-Workshop”. After idling for 15-20 seconds, the symbol and message flickered and went out. I have had no problems since. A smaller puff of smoke seems typical after the car’s been sitting for a couple of weeks. A: The “997 Diagnostics – workshop” message… even if the vehicle is working great and there are no other signs on dash, It would be a good idea to have an Authorized Porsche dealer inspect for codes and document the event. Even if they don’t find anything, it only takes a few minutes and you will have it documented in case of future issues. In regards to the smaller puff of smoke, please refer to last month’s article “Blowin’ Smoke”. It came out in print after this question was submitted. If you have any questions you would like to discuss, please get them to me as early as possible to give me time to do the research and make the deadlines. By the way, I need to have my article completed a full MONTH in advance of the next issue to make deadlines. That means research time included! I look forward to hearing from you! Remember, these questions are open to ALL Porsches, so let’s hear from some of the 356ers as well! Thanks!! Jim Kinnicutt jkinnicu@yahoo.com the drifter 13 SVR Region Autocross #5 Saturday, November 21, 2009 Infineon Raceway Paddock (TMR Running Drivers Education on Main Track) Setup at 7:00 A.M. Registration at 8:00 A.M. Afternoon Registration from 11:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. First car out at 9:00 A.M. No open exhaust Instructors and loaner helmets available Fee: $35.00 per driver Questions? Contact Bob Peake at bbayou@jps.net. BMW • PORSCHE® • MINI Schatz & Krum – Independent BMW – Porsche® FACTORY CODING & PROGRAMMING I Tune-ups I Brake Service I Transmissions I Electrical Repairs I Alignments Factory-Trained Technicians Since 1985 14 I Fuel Injection I Computer Diagnosis I High Performance Upgrades I Air Conditioning 916-381-3144 8460 Belvedere Avenue Sacramento, CA 95826 www.schatzandkrum.com the drifter October 14, 2009 SVR board meeting by Kim Nelson, SVR Secretary President Cookie Anderson called the meeting to order at Financial Report: Betty Silva 6:30PM. Betty reported that the club is financially strong and has money in the bank Attending: Kim Nelson, Cookie Anderson, Jerry Cupler, Rik Larson, Doug Klein, Babette Hatten, John Murphy, Betty Silva, G24: Lee Deter Frederick Rauch, Bill Keegan, Ann Hitchcock, Kevin Dougherty, No report. Phil Woods Goodie Store: Tom Sisson Minutes: The September minutes were reviewed and accepted. Cookie reported that Tom would like to retire from the Goodie Store after many years of service to the club and asked the Board OLD BUSINESS: to start talking with members who might have an interest. Board Member Badges: Doug Klein reported that the cost of SVR Member Badges is $6:00. However, by the time tax and Membership Director: Doug Klein postage is added it costs approximately $16.00 and the club cur- SVR has 570 primary members with 470 affiliate members for a rently charges club member $12.50. total of 1046. The club also has 6 dual members. We had 7 new members last month with no transfers out. NEW BUSINESS: Board Guests: Cookie introduced 3 guests that are running for Social Director: Babette Hatten SVR Board positions. The guests included Ann Hitchcock, Phil Cookie is chairing a potluck and game night on January 16th. Woods and old-timer Kevin Dougherty. Tech Chair: Jim Kinnicutt New SVR Badges: No report. Doug passed around a sample of a new Board Member Badge for use in 2010. After a lively discussion where size, type style and Webmaster: John Murphy color were discussed, Cookie asked for a vote to change Board John noted that he had a major computer crash that had both he Badges be placed on the November agenda. and the website down for the count for 2 weeks. He is now back up and running - and hopes the website will follow suit. Christmas Party: Kim reported that the Christmas Party Committee would like to Vice President: Bill Keegan do a one-time mailer to the membership to promote this years Bill updated the calendar for Board members Christmas Party. A motion was made and seconded to authorize up to $400.00 for the mailer. The motion passed unanimously. Past President: Mike Willis The Board also suggested that we send personal invitations to all No report. of our local Drifter advertisers for the Christmas Party. President: Cookie Anderson BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: No further information reported. Charity: Tambra Kroetz Cookie reported that this years Charity Auction generated Meeting adjourned: 7:49 P.M. $3792.36 in revenue. A motion was made for the club to donate Next Meeting: RPM Wednesday, November 4, 2009 at 6:30 P.M. an additional $207.64 for a total of $4000.00. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. This year’s recipient of the proceeds from the Charity Auction is the Folsom Zoo. Competition: Frederick Rauch Frederick reported that SVR will have an autocross on November 21st at Infineon Raceway and that Track Masters is comping the cost of the parking lot used for the autocross. Frederick also noted that he has come across a very good deal on head socks that club members use when they borrow one of SVR’s helmets. Betty made a motion to authorize Frederick to purchase 100 head socks for approximately $100.00. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved. Advertising: Mike Willis No report. Drifter: JR Evinger No report. the drifter 15 Pacific Grove Tour 2010 March 5th, 6th and 7th The Pacific Grove Tour is back. We will be leaving Sacramento on the morning of Friday, March 5, 2010. We have 20 rooms reserved (if we go over 20 that is ok) this year and 8 of them are already booked. Innkeeper Robert Boerner has graciously offered Sacramento Valley Region members a 15% discount if we book our rooms before the end of the year. Be sure to mention that you are SVR members in order to receive the discount. Also make sure you include your email address. After booking your room, you will be receiving a trivia question from Pacific Gardens. The first person to respond with the correct answer will receive a very nice prize at the end of the tour. Tour cost will be $5.00 per car. Please RSVP Jim McMahen at jimmcmahen@hotmail.com or 916.924.1463 The Inn’s address and phone number are: Pacific Gardens Inn 701 Asilomar Boulevard Pacific Grove, CA 93950 1.800.262.1566 www.pacificgardensinn.com Seven (7) day cancellation notice required 16 the drifter November Membership Report by Doug Klein, Membership Director The Sacramento Valley Region has 570 Regular Members, 470 affiliate members and 6 dual members, for a total of 1,046 members. Membership is down by just 2.5% since the first of the year, a surprisingly small number given current economic conditions. New Members: Davin and Rebekah Anthony Roseville CA 95678 davinanthony1@yahoo.com 916-206-3556 2005 Boxster S Black Jon Bennett Sacramento CA 95828 tnf95828@frontiernet.net 916-682-1212 Paul Lanman, Alison Lanman paullanman@yahoo.com Tom Plumb and Maria Reyes Sacramento CA 95814 916-706-2190 Jay Hoop and Kathleen Russeth Lincoln CA 95648 kerryhoop@hotmail.com 916-434-9922 1982 911 SC Coupe Bob Lucia Mendocino CA 95460 ferdie83@aol.com 916-434-9922 1982 911 Coupe James O’Bryon Rancho Cordova CA 95742 jobryon@norcalgold.com 916-296-0253 1989 911 White Interested in having fun with other Porsche enthusiasts? It’s easy! Join at www.pca.org (credit cards accepted) or email Doug Klein at membership@svr.pca.org or call 791-4864 for a paper membership application. Congratulations to the following on their: The new SVR database has space for two email addresses for each member. Want SVR emails sent to both your home and work addresses, or to another family member? Email the second address to membership@svr.pca. org, and I’ll include it in the database. Changes: Rober and Toni Hoy 530-318-2660 toninbob@gmail.com Stephen and Keiko Kashiwada slkash@aol.com One Year Anniversary: Marilyn and Bill Almgren Alex and Leang Bauer Andy and Lily Hiroshima Michael Huang and Emmaline Ju Marc and Gretchen Levine Mellunee and Michael Murphy Jonathan Stover Ten Year Anniversary: Ron Williams and Margaret Charzan Placerville CA 95667 ron@metatelabs.com 530-621-1997 2009 Boxster S Green Congratulations to Leo and Nancie Droughton, Jim and Joyce Karver, and Delores Johnson for 40 years of PCA membership! William Turpie and Beverly Hegg 916-759-6898 2001 Boxster S Yellow John and Kathryn Carreiro Auburn CA 95603 jcarreiro@wavecable.com 530-320-8856 2009 Boxster Guards Red Fourty Year Anniversary: Bob and Elaine Cannon Robert and Kathy Murray Kim Nelson Fifteen Year Anniversary: James Howard and Betty Nelson Ira and Carol McKee Greg and Ann Pasiuk Howard Sellers Twent-five Year Anniversary: Bryan and Mary Hayes Thirty-five Year Anniversary: Mike and Emily Willis When changing your mailing address, email address, phone or any other information, remember to update both PCA (the national organization) and SVR (your local club). The two data bases are separate and independent. Updating one does not update the other. Update PCA by logging on to the national web site, www.pca. org. Update SVR by emailing changes to Doug Klein at membership@svr.pca.org. Why join the Porsche Club of America??? Driving tours to the best wineries and most scenic locales Porsche tech sessions Delicious BBQ picnics Drive at Infineon and Laguna Seca Monthly dinner parties/meetings Autocross to learn car control skills Porsche tech sessions…and more If you want to have a great time with other friendly Porsche enthusiasts, log on to www.pca.org (credit cards OK) or email/call Doug Klein at membership@ svr.pca.org / 791-4864 for a membership application. the drifter 17 Our November SVR Dinner will again be at the Brickhouse Restaurant and Lounge in Elk Grove 9027 Elk Grove Blvd. Suite 100 (old town Elk Grove) Mark your Calendar for Monday, November 16th 6:30 Socializing -- 7:00Pm Dinner Our dinner will be served family style consisting of the following: Their special Pot Roast Italian Baked Chicken All with Soup, Salad and two pastas Four course dinner will be @29.00 each. (Corkage $10.00) Please note that we will be on vacation from September 30th to October 16th. Space is limited so reserve early and deadline is November 6th For reservations and information contact Mike & Emily Willis, 916-363-8313 Or mikew@cwo.com or ewills@cwo.com 18 the drifter GOODIE STORE MANAGER NEEDED by Tom Sisson, SVR Goodiestorekeeper N o ads or trivia this time. After about 30 years of running Goodie Stores for various clubs, including about 10 for PCA-SVR, I have decided to hang up my shingle and turn SVR’s Goodie Store over to someone else effective the first of January, 2010. I am hoping to find a volunteer to take over the store before that time so I can introduce them to our clothing vendor and let them know something about the merchandise and procedures. We are proud to announce that Dream Car Solutions has opened it’s exclusive detailing services to the public! This once members only service is now available to exceed your expectations. THE WORKS I think some fresh thinking could improve sales. Besides it is a good way to get to know a lot of the club members, and have some fun at the same time. If anyone is interested, please let me or Cookie Anderson know. You can find our contact information on the Drifter masthead. Thanks for your patronage through the years. Tom Sisson $150.00 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Wash Vacuum Interior cleaned and Conditioned Stain removal and carpet repair Engine cleaned and dress Under carriage cleaned Removal of impurities in paint Paint restoration and repair Scratch Removal High speed polishing Paint sealants and waxes Custom matched paint touch up’s 916-374-1921 ( STORAGE AND TRANSPORT SERVICES) www.DREAMCARSOLUTIONS.COM Index of Advertisers A & S BMW Dream Car Solutions FDR Motorsports Frank’s Automotive IPB – Autosport Niello Porsche OK Tire ‘n’ Wheel Pacific Power Motorsports Performance Products The Racer’s Group Reflections in Glass RPM Kart Racing Schatz & Krum TrackMasters Walt Stickel the drifter 3 8, 19 19 IBC IFC OBC IBC 2 6 12 20 16 14 IFC 17 19 Drifter Classifieds Drifter Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members. Non-members may submit ads at $20.00 per ad. Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of the month prior to the month of publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for three months unless cancelled. Parts for Sale 996 Carrera 18-inch full set of wheels: Porsche 993 Chrome 17” Cup Wheel Set Boxster -- Chrome plated rear deck luggage rack. Used only once for trip to Portland Parade. $50.00 Contact: Set of 4 17” chrome Cup wheels from my Keith McMahan at (530) 367-3265 or: Porsche 993. Straight, non damaged, as keithmcm@macnexus.org removed from my car, except for the one wheel that has curb rash. Factory take off part numbers 993.362.134.06 18x7.5” ET50 offset 993.362.140.04 18x10” ET65 offset The tires are still mounted, however, the rear tires are bald. Although the fronts have some tread, they are now going into the wear bars. Wheels are all straight but with some curb rash. These will look sharp on a 986 Boxster or good for a set of winter wheels. $375 o.b.o. call Rich Tsai 530.219.8125 or e-mail rich@singlelens.net Cayenne S 18-inch Wheel: For Sale 1985 Porsche 944 with118,000 miles. Located in West Sacramento. White with Black leather interior. 5 speed. Options include: sun roof, air conditioning, CD player, custom wheels. Mechanics records are available. $4200 OBO Contact Neal at 530.906.7035 or yogialil6@yahoo.com Part Number: Wheel Sizes: Tire Sizes: 993.362.128.00 9Jx17-ET55 Rear 255/40ZR17 993.362.124.06 7Jx17-ET55 Front 255/55ZR17 Factory take off part number 7L5.601.025 A 18x8” ET57 offset No curb rash or bend, but slight scuffing on the wheel face (can be polished or touched up). Perfect to replace damaged wheel or use as a full size spare. $80 o.b.o. call Rich Tsai 530.219.8125 or e-mail rich@singlelens.net What this all means is that even though the tires are still mounted, I am selling this set for the value of the Chrome wheel set. $600. Please let me know if you have any questions. Jeff Kinder (916) 765-2801 993cab@sbcglobal.net 20 the drifter Frank’s AUTOMOTIVE Since 1969 Since 1969 Independent Service and Repair Porsche | BMW | Audi | Mercedes | VW | Volvo 916-452-0917 Frank Lettini Nick Lettini 5220 Folsom Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95819 Lic # 010502 Our motto: “If you like our work, tell others. If not, tell us.” Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover Cards Sacramento Valley Region Porsche Club of America Post Office Box 254651 Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
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