MARIA CONTIGIANI CASHMERE FALL /WINTER 2015 - 2016 MARIA CONTIGIANI CASHMERE “Maglieria Contigiani Maria” LA NOSTRA STORIA OUR HISTORY Nel 1987, nel piccolo borgo medioevale di Gualdo Tadino, immerso nel cuore verde d’ Italia (l’Umbria), nasce la “Maglieria Contigiani Maria”, laboratorio da sempre legato all’altissima qualità ed alla UDIÀQDWH]]D GHL VXRL SURGRWWL UHDOL]]DWL FRQ L PLJOLRUL ÀODWL H FRQ WHFQLFKH assolutamente artigianali. Negli anni si q HYROXWD ÀQR D GLYHQWDUH XQ·LPSRUWDQWH D]LHQGDQHOVHWWRUHGHOODPDJOLHULD In 1987, in the small medieval town Gualdo Tadino, nestled in Umbria (also known as “the green heart of Italy”) was born “Contigiani Maria Knitwear“, laboratory always been tied to the high quality and elegance of its products made with the best yarns and with manufacturing techniques absolutely crafts. Over the years the laboratory has considerably grown, becoming a very important company LQWKHÀHOGRIPDGHLQ,WDO\NQLWZHDUWUDGH 1HO OD QRVWUD D]LHQGD GHFLGH GL GHSRVLWDUHLOPDUFKLR´0DULD&RQWLJLDQL´ HGDUHLOYLDDOOHSURSULHFROOH]LRQLIDWWHGL PDJOLHULDXRPRGRQQDOHJDWHDOO·HOHJDQ]D e allo stile proponendo dei capi comodi ed allo stesso tempo con cui farsi notare. In 2005 the company decided to register the trademark ”Maria Contigiani” and started the production of male and female knitwear collections characterized by elegance and style and offering garments designed to give great comfort and at the same time with which to get noticed. L’arte del lavoro a maglia con grande SDVVLRQH H FRPSHWHQ]D q LO QRVWUR ÀRUH DOO·RFFKLHOOR H LO PLJOLRUH ELJOLHWWR GD visita per i nostri clienti; questo ci spinge D UHDOL]]DUH QHO WHPSR SURGRWWL VHPSUH SLSUHJLDWLHUDIÀQDWL The art of knitting with great passion and H[SHUWLVHLVRXUÁDJVKLSDQGRXUEHVWEXVLQHVV card for our customers; this motivates us to achieve through time more and more valuable DQGUHÀQHGSURGXFWV 3HU UHDOL]]DUH L QRVWUL FDSL YHQJRQR XWLOL]]DWH VROWDQWR WHFQLFKH DUWLJLDQDOL DEELQDWHDÀODWLGLDOWLVVLPDTXDOLWjFRPH LOFDVKPHUHODQDPHULQRVHWD To create our garments are used only top quality yarns such as cashmere, merino wool, silk and handicraft techniques are still used today. 2OWUHDOODPDJOLHULDLQFDVKPHUHDEELDPR UHDOL]]DWR XQD VHULH GL DFFHVVRUL VHPSUH XWLOL]]DQGR TXHVWD QRELOH ÀEUD 1HOOH QRVWUHFROOH]LRQLWURYHUHWHLQIDWWLFDSSHOOL sciarpe, guanti e una novità assoluta: la cravatta di maglia. In addition to cashmere products we have manufactured a series of accessories always XVLQJWKLVQREOHÀEHUV,QRXUFROOHFWLRQV\RX ZLOO ÀQG FDVKPHUH KDWV VFDUYHV DQG JORYHV and a new arrival, the knitted tie. I capi Maria Contigiani sono concepiti, SURJHWWDWL H UHDOL]]DWL HVFOXVLYDPHQWH all’interno del laboratorio di famiglia, FDSLFKHHVSULPRQRWXWWDODQRVWUDDELOLWj DUWLJLDQDOH FRPSHWHQ]D H DWWHQ]LRQH DL dettagli . The garments Maria Contigiani are conceived, designed and manufactured within all of our family workshop, which in its handicraft skill, competence and attention to details has its strength. Art. Shirley cod. 1502D LONG JACKET Art. Carol cod. 1503D LUREX TRIM TEE Art. Scarlett cod. 1501D SHORT JACKET Art. Liz cod. 1516D DOUBLE COLOUR STITCH SHORT CARDIGAN Art. Elizabeth cod. 1515D DOUBLE COLOUR STITCH LONG CARDIGAN Art. Vivien cod. 1520D DRAPY COLLAR TEE Art. Bette cod. 1544D LACE SCARF Art. Audrey cod.1535D LEAVES INTARSIA CARDIGAN Art. Sylva cod. 1511D DOUBLE GAUGE CREW NECK Art. Natalie cod. 1506D DOUBLE COLOUR BOAT NECK Art. Marilyn cod. 1509D DOUBLE COLOUR BLAZER Art. Brigitte cod. 1538D DOTS JACQUARD COAT Art. Charlize cod. 1542D LACE CARDIGAN Art. Grace cod. 1541D LACE SL BLOUSE Art. Roxana cod. 1548D FANCY CUFF SWEATER Art. Penelope cod. 1552D SHAWL CARDIGAN Art. Shannon cod. 1545D FISHERMAN RIB CARDIGAN Art. Jessica cod. 1528D STRIPED PENCIL DRESS Art. Catherine cod. 1534D LEAVES INTARSIA ROUND NECK Art. Lana cod. 1551D DOUBLECOLOUR STITCH BEANIE Art. Hilary cod. 1524D HOODIE TEE Art. Sharon cod.1543D PLISSÈ LUREX SKIRT Art. Rebecca cod. 1525D STRIPED ROLL NECK Art. Rose cod. 1505D PENCIL SKIRT Art. Sarah cod. 1553D TIE-BELT Art. Adele cod.1560D DOTS JACQUARD TIE-BELT Art. Eva cod. 1537D DOTS JACQUARD CARDIGAN Art. Lindsay cod.1541D-ML LACE LS BLOUSE Art. Jennifer cod.1521D OBLIQUE COLLAR TEE Art. George cod. 15100U CABLE JACKET Art. Peter cod. 15101U PIED DE POULE DETAILS JACKET Art. William cod. 15106U FISHERMAN RIB ROUND NECK Art. Richard cod. 15104U DOUBLE PIED DE POULE SCARF Art. Robert cod. 15107U FISHERMAN RIB JACKET Art. James cod. 15109U ROSA STRIPED ROLL NECK Art. Errol cod. 15112U CAMIONER SWEATER Art. John cod. 15115U INTARSIA SCARF Art. Stewart cod. 15116U INTARSIA ROUND NECK Art. Harrison cod. 15110U STRIPED TURTLE NECK Art. Ben cod. 15121U LUREX GLENCHECK TIE Art. Brad cod. 15120U LUREX VICHY TIE Art. Philip cod.15105U JACQUARD PIED DE POULE TIE Art. Michael cod.15122U LUREX LEAVES TIE location Le Terre del Verde Maglieria Contigiani Maria & c. snc Via Sabbatini - G. Verdi - 06023 Gualdo Tadino (Pg) Tel. 075.9140726 Fax 075.8500957 -