Shelby County Fair 2016


Shelby County Fair 2016
Fair 2016
A supplement of the
of events
page 12
2 Saturday, July 23, 2016
Fundraising continues
to support fairground
SIDNEY — The Shelby County Fairgrounds
Improvement Campaign continues to solicit
and accept pledges and donations that will support the construction of a new grandstand and
fund other needed projects.
Campaign organizer Fair Funding, of Cincinnati, will have a booth where fair-goers can
make donations. At press time, more than 60
pledges from companies, individuals and the
State of Ohio totaled $458,000. The figure
includes gifts from every member of the Shelby
County Agricultural Society board. There are
also an additional 28
companies and individu“There are
als whose pending supplenty of streets port is estimated at more
still available
than $300,000.
As part of the camfor naming
there are certain
— Steve Eddingfield
For instance,
Campaign organizer
that runs
Fair Funding
past the fair office to
the track will be named
Cargill Way and the track will be named Cargill
Raceway, thanks to donations by the Sidney
Cargill plant. There will also be an Alvetro
Avenue and several other company and individually named streets.
“There are plenty of streets still available
for naming opportunities,” said Fair Funding’s
Steve Eddingfield.
The goal of the campaign was $1.5 million.
In January when the campaign was announced,
it was said that the $1.5 million sum would pay
for a 2,000-seat stadium with a roof, including
grounds preparation, electrical wiring within
the grandstand and lights around the track,
repay the county for its loan of $78,000 for
fundraising consultants’ fees and begin some
additional, smaller improvement projects on
the fairgrounds.
Fair Secretary Jerry Schaffner had said in
January that the goal could could be scaled
back if the initial goal seemed unachievable. In
March, he said that a simpler installation — a
grandstand with a roof — would cost about
“As everyone knows, the fairgrounds are the
face of the community to thousands of people
that come to the fair each year from other
areas,” Eddingfield said. “As it continues to
be updated and improved, it will attract more
events which will directly benefit local businesses and the county overall.”
Sidney Daily News
Carload night big change for fair
By Patricia Ann Speelman
SIDNEY — Carload
Night is Monday.
The biggest news
about the 2016 Shelby
County Fair is a change
in the schedule for Carload Night. That’s the
night that fairgoers can
pile into vehicles to gain
admittance to the fair
for a reduced price. It
has been on the same
night during fair week for
many years, but this year,
it changes to Monday.
From 4 to 9 p.m., at
Gate D, vehicles will be
charged $30 no matter
how many people are
in them. The price gets
vehicle occupants admission to the fair and all
Other changes were
necessitated by scheduling two days of horse racing at the grandstand.
“The horse racing
industry in Ohio has
come back,” said Shelby
County Agricultural Society Secretary and fair
Director Jerry Schaffner.
“Because it had gone
down, we could get racing done in one night.
Having two nights means
paying another day for
the starting gate, the
photo finish (equipment),
and so on. Because of the
racinos, we get a percentage (of profits). That will
help pay for expenses. So
now, there are two nights
of racing.”
Harness races will
take place Tuesday and
Wednesday, beginning at
5 p.m.
The cheerleading competition was moved to
“It will be the first
night of the fair instead
of the last,” Schaffner
said. The tractor pull
has been scheduled for
Thursday and the pig and
calf scramble for Friday
night. The demolition
derby will be Saturday
“Mud bogs will be
Saturday at noon and
the draft horse show will
be Friday at 9 a.m.,” he
added. In the past, the
demolition derby and
the pig and calf scramble
have drawn the largest
grandstand crowds.
This year, spectators
will be watching from
rented bleachers. The
former grandstand was
demolished in March.
The bleachers will accommodate 900 people. In
2015, the two largest
events had audiences of
about 750 people, each.
“So there should be
plenty of room,” Schaffner said. “And other
small bleachers may be
added.” Admission to
the grandstand will be
free for the cheerleading
competition, the horse
races and the human tractor pull, which is set for
Monday. A $2 admission
fee will be charged for the
demolition derby, the pig
and calf scramble and the
tractor pull.
Rabbits proliferate
Fair-goers may have to
search to see the poultry
exhibits this year. That’s
because so many rabbits
have been entered that
bunny cages will fill the
tent that usually serves
rabbits and poultry.
“They’ll be somewhere,
but not where people can
typically see them,” said
4-H Youth Development
Educator Laura Norris.
According to Norris,
after 2015’s fair that was
devoid of poultry because
of fears about avian flu,
many 4-H members who
might have had poultry
projeccts switched to
rabbits. As a result, the
Junior Fair tattooed some
700 market rabbits last
month. Exhibitors can
tattoo up to seven rabbits
but can exhibit just five,
so there won’t Norris
doesn’t expect to see 700
rabbits at the fair.
“But we’ll see 500,” she
said. In past years, 500
have been tattooed and
many fewer were exhibited.
“And that’s just market
rabbits. That doesn’t
include breeding rabbits,”
Norris said. Breeding
rabbits don’t stay at the
fair. Their owners take
them for judging on Sunday and then take them
To accommodate poultry this year, pens will be
put in available areas in
Baby Land and chickens
may join ducks, geese and
turkeys in the poultry area
behind Show Arena II.
Besides rabbits, there
has also been an increase
in registrations of pygmy
goats for the 2016 fair.
Norris noted that the
week before the fair is
just as busy as fair week
for Junior Fair participants. Prefair week, as it
is known, is 4-H cooking,
sewing, craft and photography projects are judged.
“The amount of projects that the kids take is
awesome,” Norris said.
“We have a whole week
of prefair judging. Some
counties have only one
day. It’s fascinating, the
commitment these kids
have to these projects.”
Shelby County is
known especially for the
quality of its Junior Fair
photography entries.
There will be seven photography judges this year
to assess them all.
“Shelby County is one
of the top five counties in
state fair winners in photography,” Norris said.
“One of our judges is also
a state fair judge and she
says she judges more here
than at the state fair.”
Kids corn pit
Breezy Yinger, of
Jackson Center, and
Mitch Bambauer, owner
of Bambauer Fertilizer
& Seed Inc., of Jackson
Center, will install a new
attraction for the youngest fair-goers. The Kids
Corn Pit will be near the
mechanical rides and will
be open for unsupervised
play by children 5 and
“It’ll be a big sandbox
with corn instead of
sand,” Yinger said. “We’ll
have some shovels and
buckets to play with. The
area will be fenced in and
under a tent, but parents
will have to supervise
their own kids. There
won’t be someone there
all the time to watch.”
Broadbeck Seeds will
supply the tent. Bambauer will supply the corn.
The pit will be about 16
feet long, 8 feet wide
and 2 feet deep. It will
take approximately 200
bushels of corn to fill it,
Bambauer said.
“I hope this is something that can continue
(in future years), especially if kids enjoy it,”
Yinger said.
Aluminun can drive
Shelby County Animal Rescue Foundation
(SCARF) has issued
a challenge to Shelby
County 4-H clubs: The
club that takes the most
aluminum cans to the
fairgrounds during
the fair for recycling
in SCARF’s Cans for
Canines program wins a
pizza party.
4-H club members —
and the general public —
can contribute cans from
1 to 4 p.m. each day of
the fair. Cans should be
dropped off at the Shelby
County Sheriff’s outpost on the fairgrounds.
There, D.A.R.E. Officer
Brian Strunk will oversee
members of the office’s
Explorer Post, who will
weigh the cans and load
them onto trailers for
transport to the recycling
Each 4-H club will be
credited with a donation
equal to the value of the
cans. If a club’s donation
reaches qualifying levels,
the club will be recognized on the wall of fame
when SCARF builds a
new animal shelter.
Reach the writer at 937-538-4824.
Visit the SDN booth
Staff report
SIDNEY — Shelby County fair-goers
will want to check out the Sidney Daily
News booth in the Merchant Building
this year. And for fair-goers who renew
their subscriptions or get a new subscription they will have the chance to
win a berry bowl.
The special subscription rate available only during the Shelby County Fair
will be $109 for the year or $59 for six
months. Subscriptions must be paid for
at the time of purchase with cash, check
or credit card.
Those paying for a subscription will
have the opportunity to spin a wheel to
win the 2016 piece of pottery offered
this year. The quantity is limited due to
the death of the owner of Liberty Pottery in Roscoe Village, Coschocton.
A set of 125th anniversary glasses
will be given to those subscribers who
don’t win a piece of pottery.
The Sidney Daily News fair booth
will be manned on Sunday from 10 a.m.
to 10 p.m. and on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The SDN photographers will take
photos of all junior fair exhibitors who
are the top winners in their categories.
Exhibitors may bring their trophy or
ribbon to be photographed with their
Junior Fair participants will receive
photo cards from judges. The cards
should be filled out and brought with
the project/trophy/ribbon to the newspaper’s photo area, located in front of
the dairy barn.
Photographs are taken of overall contest winners. If there is no such award,
then winners of contests with 10 or
more pre-fair registered entrants will
be photographed. In some cases, judges
will select photo card recipients.
The newspaper also will use photographs of overall winners for Senior
Fair (open class) contests with at least
2016 Berry Bowl
2016 SDN glasses
10 entrants registered. There will be
the overall winners for whole shows
when available. A list of eligible winners will be in the secretary’s office during fair week and also with the newspaper photographer on duty.
It’s the responsibility of the eligible
winner to bring is or her project to the
newspaper’s photo area, If the project
cannot be brought to the area, please
contact the photographer to arrange a
time for a photograph,
A photographer will be at the photo
area Monday-Friday from noon to 1
p.m. and 5-6 p.m. On Saturday, the
photo area will be manned from 6-7
Also, don’t forget to grab a copy of
the Sidney Daily News for complete fair
coverage. A special fair results section
will be published inside the daily paper
beginning Wednesday, July 27, through
Wednesday, Aug. 3.
Results also will be posted to our
website at and to
our Facebook page.
Sidney Daily News
Saturday, July 23, 2016 3
Special days at the fair
Staff report
Admission Prices
• General Admission: $9 (this
is for 36 inches or taller and
includes admission to the fair
and all mechanical rides where
ride height is permissible)
• Season Passes: $25 (Season Pass holders will be able to
purchase discount ride bands by
presenting their season pass at
the Michaels Amusements Ticket
• Sidney High School and
Emerson School (handicap parking only): Free
• On fairgrounds (limited to
livestock exhibitors and merchant exhibitors only): $30
Veterans to be
honored at fair
Staff report
SIDNEY — Military veterans will be honored at the Shelby County Fair when the annual Veteran’s Day is held Monday, July 25.
Veterans and their spouses will be admitted
to the fair free all day on July 25. The day is
sponsored by Area Energy & Electric.
A service officer from the Shelby County
Veteran Services Commission will be located
next to the Free Entertainment Tent to answer
questions and provide information about veteran and dependent benefits. Also, ID cards
will be made for eligible veterans.
This year’s program will start at 7 p.m. in
the Free Entertainment Tent. Entertainment
will be provided by the Fairlawn Children’s
Choir. Also taking part will be honor guards
and the American Legion Post 217 firing
squad. Taps will be played. Refreshments will
be served after the event.
Also as part of Veteran’s Day, a drawing will
be held for tickets to Kings Island. The winning veteran will get four adult tickets, a parking pass, and drink wristbands. The tickets
are good during Kings Island’s 2016 season
when open to the general public.
Drawings also will be held for four $50 Visa
cards. The veteran must be present to win
and must have appropriate identification. One
of the following items would suffice to show
eligibility as a veteran: DD-214; Active Duty
Military/Retirement ID card; National Service
Organization membership card; VAMC photo
ID; or an ID card issued by the Shelby County
Veteran Services Commission.
Ride Specials/Themes
• Sunday, July 24: Coupon Day
- Sponsored by Tri Co. Insurance
and Hemmelgarm Services
Regular admission. Check the
fair website ( to print off
• Monday, July 25: Carload
Night, Coupon Day and Veterans
Day - Sponsored by Area Energy
& Electric
Veterans and spouses admitted free all day. A service officer
from the Shelby County Veterans
Services Commission will be
located next to the free entertainment tent to answer questions and provide information
about veterans and dependent
benefits. The Veterans Day Program will start at 7 p.m.
Carload night includes entry to
the fair and all rides for everyone
in your vehicle for $30. Begins
at 4 p.m. at Gate D only. Must be
purchased by 9 p.m.
• Tuesday, July 26: Senior
Day - Sponsored by Honda of
Senior Citizens Day registration begins at 8 a.m. in the free
entertainment tent. There will be
blood pressure checks and health
screenings from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
The Sidney Senior Center Singers will perform at 11 a.m. and
door prizes will be given away at
11:30 a.m. There will be a free
lunch for seniors starting at noon
while supplies last.
• Wednesday, July 27: Wrist
Band Day One, Industrial Day
One - Sponsored by Detailed
Machining and Silveus Insurance
Special prices through participating business and industries
in and around Shelby County.
Wrist bands must be purchased
at these business and industries
only for $7 and admits one person and ride all day.
• Thursday, July 28: Kids Day
- Sponsored by Buckeye Ford and
Edison Community College
Everyone 16 and under will
be admitted free until noon
with $7 special ride bands to be
purchased by noon at Michael’s
Amusements ticket booths.
• Friday, July 29: Best One
Tire/Sidney Tire Day at the Fair
Special $7 wrist bands can be
purchased at Best One Tire or
Sidney Tire locations. Admits
one person and ride all day.
• Saturday, July 30: Wrist
Band Day Two - Sponsored by
First Call NAPA Auto Parts
Special prices through participating business and industries
in and around Shelby County.
Wrist bands must be purchased
at these business and industries
only for $7 and admits one person and ride all day.
Senior Citizens
Day is July 26
Staff report
SIDNEY — Who will be the oldest man and
woman attending this year’s Shelby County Fair
and who will be the couple married the longest?
Those questions will be answered when the
annual Senior Citizens Day is held Tuesday, July
26. The day is sponsored by Honda of America.
Registration begins at 8 a.m. in the Free Entertainment Tent, where blood pressure and health
screenings will be offered from 9:30 to 11 a.m.
Entertainment will begin at 11 a.m. in the Free
Entertainment Tent. The Sidney Senior Center
Singers will perform. Also during that event, door
prizes will be given to the oldest woman, man and
and couple married the longest.
Beginning at noon, free lunch (while supplies
last) will be provided to senior citizens.
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Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News
Sisters Emma Brunson, left, and Sophia Brunson, both of Sidney, children of Mark and Kelli Brunson, try to win a fish by throwing ping
pong balls into glass bowls at the 2015 Shelby County Fair.
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Sidney Daily News
Events planned at the natural resources area
Staff report
SIDNEY — You won’t want
to miss the natural resources
area at the Shelby County Fair.
It will be even bigger and better than ever in the Community Foundation Hall (former
Grange Hall), July 24–31. The
building will be open daily
from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m., with
a special opening time of 8
a.m. on Tuesday, July 26, in
celebration of Senior Citizen
Day at the fair.
Free! Fun with Nature Crafts
will be offered for children
every day during the fair at 3
p.m. and 7 p.m. by members of
SEEC (Shelby Environmental
Education Coalition). Plan to
join the free fun!
The North Central Ohio
Solid Waste District will have
a drawing for a brightly colored Adirondack chair made
from recycled plastics. The
Shelby County Master Gardeners will have many free fact
sheets available. The Shelby
Soil and Water Conservation
District will have a video
depicting numerous accomplishments in conservation
from around the county. They
will also have a wide selection
of printed materials to aid
children and adults with their
conservation journey.
“Libraries Build Strong
Communities”— stop by the
Shelby County Libraries’ booth
in the natural resources area
and get the latest information
on the Amos Memorial Public
Library’s upgrade and expansion plans.
The Shelby County Farm
Bureau will have a new “hands
on” kiosk for guests of all ages
to try their hand at questions
about agriculture. What a fun
way to learn about the source
of our food and fiber!
Also new this year will be
casting games for kids of all
ages to help them fine tune
their fishing skills, sponsored
by the Shelby County Sharpspurs Chapter of the NWTF on
Kid’s Day, Thursday, July 28,
from noon to 6 p.m.
When planning your trip to
the Shelby County Fair be sure
to allow plenty of time to visit
the exhibits in the Community
Foundation Hall Grange Hall.
The members of SEEC (Shelby
Environmental Education
Coalition) invite you to enjoy
Courtesy photos
Children who visited the natural resources area during the 2015 Shelby County Fair were able to make a craft.
not only the exhibits but also
to stop by for a free cold drink
of water and a place to eat,
rest or visit with friends inside
the building. There will also be
beautiful landscaping to enjoy,
courtesy of the Jason Weigandt
Landscape Company.
Members of SEEC participating in the fair include;
Shelby Soil and Water Conservation District, North
Central Ohio Solid Waste
District, Shelby County Farm
Bureau, city of Sidney, Water
Treatment Plant, Wastewater
Treatment Plant and Parks
and Recreation, Friends of the
Shelby County Park District,
Shelby County Master Gardeners, Lake Loramie State
Park, Shelby County Libraries, Pheasants Forever, Inc.,
National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF), Shelby County
Chapter and USDA, Natural
Resources Conservation Service.
Other partners that make
the Community Foundation
Hall one of the most popular
places to visit on the fairgrounds include; the Rainbow
Gardeners’ wonderful flower
show with the exciting theme
of “Shelby County Treasures,”
along with the culinary, canned
All types of activities and exhibits can be found in the Community Foundation Hall during the Shelby County Fair.
goods, grain, seeds, hay,
fruits and vegetable entries.
It all makes for a very full and
interesting place to visit. The
Shelby County Relay for Life
Team will be a new partner in
the building this year.
The partners of SEEC, along
with the Shelby County Fair
Board and the Rainbow Gardeners’ Club invite fairgoers
and their family to join them
in the natural resources area
at the Community Foundation
Grange Hall during the Shelby
County Fair. Conservation
will be a BIG part of the great
2016 Shelby County Fair. For
more information about the
activities planned, call Lynda
Adams, education coordinator
for the Shelby Soil & Water
Conservation District at 937492-6520, ext. 2589.
Another exciting Kid’s Day scheduled for county fair
Staff report
SIDNEY — Kid’s Day is
always an exciting day for
little ones to have their own
designated day of fun at the
Shelby County Fair, and this
year will be no exception.
This year, Kid’s Day will
be Thursday, July 28. Everyone age 16 and younger will
be admitted free until noon
with $7 special ride bands
to be purchased at Michael’s
Amusements ticket booths.
Rides will open at 1 p.m.,
close from 5 to 6 p.m., and
close at 11 p.m.
Sponsored by Buckeye
Ford and Edison Community College, Kid’s Day
will feature a show at noon
in the Free Entertainment
Also on Kid’s Day, the
Kiddie Tractor Pull will be
held at 2:30 p.m. in the Free
Entertainment Tent. Children will be able to compete
in the following classes:
ages 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8. BMI
Multi Works sponsors the
tractor pull.
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Dressed as a chicken Clayton Purvis, left to right, high fives Jayda Tucker
and her sister Mika Tucker, all of Sidney, the girls are the children of Whitney
Tucker and Lawrence Watkins at the 2015 Shelby County Fair.
Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News
3620 State Route 47
Sidney Ohio 45365 | (937) 498-0222
Sidney Daily News
Saturday, July 23, 2016 5
World of Wonders highlights fair entertainment
Tribute bands, quartets
and others slated to appear
SIDNEY — There’s all
types of entertainment at
the 156th Shelby County
Fair. Fair visitors will be
able to get two shows
for the price of one and
sometimes more than
The World of Wonders
Amazement Show is
bringing some out-of-this
world entertainment to
the fair, slated for July
24-30, 2016.
“It’s the No. 1 side
show in the country,”
said Jerry Schaffner, fair
secretary, when the act
was signed to play at the
fair. “They play at state
shows and fairs all year
Ten acts are part of
their show. Featured acts
include sword swallowers, fire eaters, decapitation illusion, divas of
danger, snake charmer,
the world’s strangest
strong man and human
block head.
“The big show will be
over by the gazebo,” said
Schaffner. “The Escape
Explosion Show will be
by the milk house.”
The Escape Explosion
Show is a self-contained
show which features
escapes from ropes,
chains, handcuffs and
giant whiskey barrel.
The show’s finale will
feature a performer hanging upside down from a
30-foot tall aerial rigging.
The person will be in a
straight jacket.
“All of the shows will
be free,” said Schaffner.
“On Tuesday and Thursday, there will be four
shows. On the other days
of the fair, there will be
three shows.”
The World of Wonders
will be located next to
the gazebo. Show times
are 4, 6 and 8 p.m. on
Sunday; 4, 6 and 8 p.m.
on Monday; 2, 4, 6 and
8 p.m. on Tuesday; 4, 6
and 8 p.m. on Wednesday; 2, 4, 6 and 8 p.m.
on Thursday; 4, 6 and 8
p.m. on Friday; and 4, 6
and 8 on Saturday.
The World of Wonders
Escape Show will be
located next to the milkhouse. Show times are 5,
7 and 9 p.m. on Sunday;
5, 7 and 9 p.m. on Monday; 3, 5, 7 and 9 p.m. on
Tuesday; 5, 7 and 9 p.m.
on Wednesday; 3, 5, 7
and 9 p.m. on Thursday;
5, 7 and 9 p.m. on Friday; and 3, 5 and 7 p.m.
on Saturday.
The free entertainment
tent will be the place to
be each evening Tuesday
through Saturday as
special performers have
been booked for the fair.
On Tuesday, July
26,Haywired will be
performing at 8 p.m.
Haywired is comprised
of five talented musicians
who play today’s hottest
newest style of country
music. All five members
hail from Ohio. The band
was formed in 2011 with
a dream and just a couple
shows that year. What
was to follow was that
Haywired developed into
more than just a group
of guys in a band, to a
group of guys that have
become family.
Members of the band
include Jarid Kohlrieser,
of Cridersville, Brian
Mackenbach, of St.
Marys, Matt Rainsburg,
of Lima, Zach Whetstone, of St. Marys, and
David Gregory, of Dayton.
On Wednesday night,
July 27, the sound of the
Beatles will fill the tent
as The Sweet Beats-ABeatles Tribute Show
takes the stage. Their
performance will begin
at 8 p.m.
The Sweet Beats-ABeatles Tribute Show
will be performing hits
such as “She Loves
You,” “I Want to Hold
Your Hand” and “Twist
& Shout.” The band
features four of the most
experienced Beatles
musicians and actors in
the United States. They
are dressed in original
Beatles costumes and use
original instruments.
The Absolute Journey
Tribute Band will take
the state Thursday, July
28, at 8 p.m. The band
brings the music of Journey to life during their
performance. Riccardo
Curzi is the lead vocalist
of the tribute band.
Ernie Haase & Signature Sound will be
performing Friday, July
29, at 8 p.m. Ernie Haase
& Signature Sound is a
Southern Gospel quartet
which was founded in
2002 by Ernie Haase, former Cathedral Quartet
tenor, and Garry Jones,
former Gold City pianist.
Members of the quartet
are Dustin Doyle, Devin
McGlamery, Paul Harkey
and Ernie Haase.
A special return
appearance is planned
for Saturday, July 30,
when Clark Manson
brings his country music
back to the fair. He will
be performing at 8 p.m.
in the free entertainment
Manson grew up
in Covington and he
wanted nothing more
than to become a country
singer and songwriter.
In the summer of 2014,
The finale of the Escape Explosion Show will happen 30 feet in the air as the performer, who is hanging upside down, tries to escape from
a straight jacket.
A fire eater
is part of
the World
of Wonders
Show which
will be
daily at the
2016 Shelby
County Fair.
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**Area Energy & Electric, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer**
6 Saturday, July 23, 2016
Sidney Daily News
Clark Manson takes
a selfie on a fan’s
phone during his
performance in the
entertainment tent
at the 2015 Shelby
County Fair. Manson
will be returning
to the 2016 Shelby
County Fair when
he performs on
Saturday, July 30.
From page 5
he released “I’m On It”
and”Running With the
Night” album. His album
climbed the iTunes
charts, peaking at No. 30
on the day of its release.
He has gained more than
60,000 Twitter followers and fans around the
According to his bio,
Manson memorized the
words to “Achy Breaky
Heart” when he was just
a toddler. When his parents realized how important music was to the
toddler, they took him
to any fair, festival or
concert so he could experience all types of music.
He attended a George
Strait concert when he
was five years old. He
also attended the annual
Country Concert shows
in Fort Loramie.
He received his first
guitar when he was nine
years old. He taught himself how to play it and by
the time he was 12, he
could play “Knockin’ on
Heaven’s Door.”
While perfecting his
musical talents, Manson
attended college — two
years at Wittenberg University and two years at
Wright State University.
A late night party in a
dorm room led Manson
to playing a free show
at the college. He built a
loyal fan following and he
formed a band with his
hometown friend, Nick
Christian. They were
scheduling 150 shows
around Ohio before they
knew what happened to
Manson went to Nashville and recorded a project of tunes co-written
by another hometown
friend, Dustin Blythe.
A radio station in Lima,
Ohio, added some of
Manson’s songs to their
In 2015, Manson was
booked at the Shelby
County Fair and Country
Concert. He will be making return performances
to both venues in 2016.
Special entertainment
is planned each night of
the fair at the gazebo.
Debbie Flynn will be
performing Sunday, July
24, at 6:45 p.m.
Wired for Christ will
present their show Monday, July 25, at 6:45 p.m.
Steve Rosenbeck will be
performing Tuesday, July
26, at 6:45 p.m.
The Guitar Kids will
be performing Wednesday, July 27, at 6:45 p.m.
Thick and Thin will
bring their talents to the
fair on Thursday, July 28,
at 6:45 p.m.
The First United Methodist Church Youth Band
will be performing Friday, July 29, at 6:45 p.m.
Cory Breth concludes
the week with his performance Saturday, July 30,
at 6:45 p.m.
Eric Burgasser | Sidney
Daily News, file
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Saturday, July 23, 2016 7
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Sidney Daily News
8 Saturday, July 23, 2016
Sidney Daily News
Candidates vie for
king, queen crown
Staff report
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SIDNEY — The 2016 Shelby County King and Queen
Contest will be held on Sunday, July 24, at 7 p.m. in the
Free Entertainment Tent on the Fair grounds.
Private interviews were held on Tuesday, July 19, starting at 4 p.m. at the extension office.
There are eight girls and seven boys competing for
the queen and king crowns for the fair. All contestants
must be a member in good standing of one of the following organizations: FFA, 4-H, or Girl Scouts and meet all
eligibility requirements and must exhibit in the Shelby
County Junior Fair. Each person must be 12 years of age
by Jan. 1.
King candidates for the 2016 Shelby County Fair are:
• Luke Bohman, 18, son of Steve and Jenni Bohman,
of Russia. He is a 2016 graduate of Russia High School
and is a member of Russia Livestock 4-H Club.
• Mark Siefring, 18, son of Vern and Carmen Siefring,
of Russia. He is a 2016 graduate of Russia High School
and is a member of Russia Livestock 4-H Club.
• Josh Miller, 17, son of Dan and Sue Miller, of Botkins. He is a 2016 graduate of Botkins High School and
is a member of Botkins Livestock 4-H Club.
• Tristin Stangel, 16, son of Jason and Karen Stangel,
of Houston. He will be a senior this fall at Houston High
School and is a member of Houston Livestock 4-H Club.
• Evan Burden, 16, son of Tim and Jill Burden, of
Sidney. He will be a junior this fall at Sidney High School
and is a member of Scissors To Sheep 4-H Club.
• Colton Rose, 16, son of Jeff and Amy Morris, of
Jackson Center. He will be a junior this fall at Jackson
Center High School and is a member of Progressive
Livestock 4-H Club.
• Nathan Poeppelman, 17, son of Tom and Laura
Poeppelman, of Anna. He will be a senior this fall at
Anna High School and is a member of McCartyville Producers.
Queen candidates for the 2016 Shelby County Fair are:
• Brianna Barlage, 17, daughter of Brian and Denise
Barlage, of Fort Loramie. She will be a senior this fall
at Fort Loramie High School and is a member of Merry
Mod Makers 4-H Club.
• Erin Gaerke, 18, daughter of Jason and Judie
Gaerke, of Russia. She is a 2016 graduate of Russia High
School and is a member of Russia Livestock 4-H Club.
• Megan Maurer, 16, daughter of Jim and Linda Maurer, of Fort Loramie. She will be a senior this fall at Fort
Loramie High School and is a member of Merry Mod
Makers 4-H Club.
• Sara Maurer, 18, daughter of Jim and Linda Maurer,
of Fort Loramie. She is attending Ohio State University
and is a graduate of Fort Loramie High School. She is a
member of Fort Loramie Livestock 4-H Club.
• Sarah Monnier, 16, daughter of Paul and Doris Monnier, of Houston. She will be a junior this fall at Houston
High School and is a member of Scissors To Sheep 4-H
• Mindy Schmitmeyer, 18, daughter of Gary and Kelly
Schmitmeyer, of Anna. She is a 2016 graduate of Anna
High School and is a member of McCartyville Producers
4-H Club.
• Claire Spicer, 17, daughter of Gary and Marian Spicer, of Anna. She will be a senior this fall at Anna High
School and is a member of Shamrock Stitchers 4-H Club.
• Allie Voisard, 16, daughter of Luke and Kim Voisard,
of Sidney. She will be a senior this fall at Houston High
School and is a member of Houston Livestock 4-H Club.
Contestants will be interviewed by a committee of
judges appointed by the Junior Fair Board advisers. The
contestants will be judged on leadership, participation
and achievement, ability to talk, poise and appearance.
All contestants will be introduced on stage and will be
required to do a three minute “original” speech during
the 7 p.m. contest. The speech may be no longer than 3
minutes and will be timed. Contestants whose speeches
exceed the time limit will be penalized.
Public interviews of finalists will be held at the Fair.
One king candidate and one queen candidate will be
recognized for their congeniality as voted on by the contestants.
Three finalists for queen and three finalists for king
will be named during the contest. Only one contestant
will be crowned queen, and only one contestant will be
crowned king. The remaining two finalists in each contest will be ranked and recognized as runners-up.
The king and queen will receive a monetary prize of
$150 each. The first runners-up will receive $50. The
second runners-up will receive $30. Mr. and Miss Congenitally will be awarded $20 each.
105 East Pike St.
Jackson Center, OH 45334
Sidney Daily News
Saturday, July 23, 2016 9
Photos by Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News
Aubree Topp, left, of Botkins, daughter of Phillip and Carrie Topp, talks with her cousin Kinley Topp, of Botkins, daughter of Keith and Kindra Topp, while Kinley waits to show her Jersey spring yearling at the
2015 Shelby County Fair.
Driving a purple pick-up truck Joel Schmerge, of Botkins, out pulls another truck in the back-to-back
truck pull at the grandstand at the 2015 Shelby County Fair.
A 1928 Model A Ford driven by Steve Jones with Jennifer Harless in the front passenger’s seat arrives
at the Shelby County Fair car show at the 2015 Shelby County Fair.
Grant Carity, of Anna, son of
Michael and Bonnie Carity,
leads his yorkshire barrow to
the show arena at the 2015
Shelby County Fair.
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10 Saturday, July 23, 2016
Sidney Daily News
Iconic rides return to fair
SIDNEY — The Shelby
County Fair’s midway will feature two iconic rides this year
that have not been part of the
Shelby County fair for a number of years.
Michel’s Enterprise Inc., who
supplies the rides, will install
a regular Ferris wheel and a
merry-go-round along with 15
other rides guaranteed to give
fair-goers thrills, chills and
plain old good times.
“Trying to find good quality
ride companies is hard,” said
Fair Director Jerry Schaffner.
He noted that at trade shows,
there are fewer than a third the
number of providers who used
to attend when Schaffner started booking them 33 years ago.
“People just don’t want to get
into the business, I guess,” he
said. That’s why he’s pleased
that Michael’s Enterprise will
return this year. The company’s
rides always pass inspections
and are safely run and maintained, he said.
The rides are coming to Sidney from Kentucky and won’t
be open until 4 p.m., Sunday,
of fair week. They will open at
4 p.m., Monday, too, so that
the operators can get some rest
after their journey north and
their installation of the equipment.
“We want to make it safe
for everyone,” Schaffner said.
Tuesday through Saturday,
rides will open at 1 p.m.
Schaffner didn’t know what
all the rides would be when he
spoke with the Sidney Daily
News early in July, but he did
say that the following rides
would be at the fair: Scat, Cliff
More vendors
at county fair
SIDNEY — The Shelby County Fair will host
more vendors in 2106 than it has in the past several years, according to Director Jerry Schaffner.
“It might get kind of crowded,” he said of the
areas outside the Merchants Building where some
vendors set up tents.
Companies who will offer goods and services at
the fair will be Wilson Health; NaNa’s; Swings and
Things, selling lawn furniture; Del Cid Satellites
Inc., Dan Daley, hats, belts, telephone accessories
and flags; Dicke’s Lawn Service, pavers and lawn
care; Grace Baptist Church/Fair Ministries; Everdry Waterproofing; Poor Farmers RV Sales, camper
tailers and recreational vehicles; Dennis Johnson;
J.C. Williams, airbrush tatooing; Lalmine Sidibe,
ball caps, handbags and belt buckles; Upper Valley
Career Center; Hollie Williams, arcade; Workforce Partnership; Rising Sun Express; Tactical
Solutions; Democratic Party of Shelby County;
Cut Right Equipment, Dixie Choppers; Emerson
Climate Controls; Farmer’s Elevator, feed, fertilizer and shavings; the Gideons; J&L Power Equipment, agricultural equipment; Jones Chiropractic;
Edwin F. Nickol Monuments and Republican Party
of Shelby County;
In the Merchants Hall, fair-goers will find
Melinda Smith, Avon; Bath Creations, Bathfitter; Edward D. Jones & Associates; Fogt’s Water
Conditioning; Gutter Shutter; Home Remodelers;
Freedom Chiropractic; Improve It Home Remodeling; Kiss Seamless Siding; Leaf Filter; NK Telco;
Norwex; Ohio Department of Natural Resources;
Reliable Vacuums; Renewal by Anderson; Right to
Life of Shelby County; Scentsy Wickless Candles;
Shelby County Family and Children First; Shelby
County Health Department; Shelby County Engineer’s Office; Sidney Daily News; Signature Home
Styles; Spherion; Thermal Gard Windows and
Doors; and Tri-County Board of Recovery and
Mental Health Services.
Hanger, Musik Express, Vertigo, Slide, Superman, Monkey
Maze, Sizzler, Loop-O-Plane
and Screamer.
Wristbands that sell for $7
and include admission to the
fair and free rides are available
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and all area branches of US
Bank. The bands are good on
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Bands can also be purchased
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Tire for use on Friday.
Fair food
always a favorite
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for purchase at First National
Bank of New Bremen, AAA,
Amos Memorial Library, Farmers Elevator, Ron & Nita’s, Pioneer Electric Co-op, Clancy’s,
Sidney Tire, Best One tire,
First Call Auto Parts NAPA
SIDNEY — After an absence of
some years, Italian sausage will
return to the Shelby County Fair in
2016, according to Director Jerry
“And Micki’s Kitchen will have
pies and sweet corn,” he said.
Other food vendors ply their
wares as follows:
M&M Concessions, of Bradford:
Polish and Italian sausage and
steak and mushroom sandwiches.
Crazy Red Head Canteen, of
Troy: grilled cheese sandwiches
and tater tots.
AMT Concessions, of Granville:
cheese curds.
Adams Apple Cafe, of Port Jefferson: lunch stand.
M&B Peanuts, of Logan: peanuts and jerky.
Boy Scout Troop 97, of Sidney:
soda pop.
Hardin United Methodist
Church, of Hardin: lunch stand.
Houston Community Center, of
Houston: lunch stand.
Shelby County Dairy Boosters,
of Anna: ice cream, ice milk and
Shelby County Pork Producers,
of Fort Loramie: lunch stand.
Chester Foods Ltd., of South
Vienna: French fries, waffles, lemonade and cotton candy.
The Chill Wagon, of Wapakoneta: Polar Shock slush products
and fresh fruit cups.
Chinese Gourmet, of Bushnell,
Florida: Chinese food.
Chuck’s Foods, of Arcanum: tenderloins and veggie pizzas.
Downs Concessions, of Russells
Point: Lemonade, French fries, soft
Dippin Dots, of Litchfield: Dippin Dots ice cream.
Fleihmans Concessions, of KittsHills: soft serve ice cream.
FTG Concessions LLC, of West
Milton: tenderloins.
Fun Foods Concessions, of Tif-
fin: mini melts and doughnuts.
Grumpy’s Barbecue, of Greenville: pulled pork, barbecued brisket and pork chops.
Hall’s Country Kettle Corn LLC,
of Bellefontaine: kettle corn.
Hot Diggity Doggers & More, of
Belle Center: unspecified items.
Kosmic Italian Ice, of Xenia: Italian ice.
Linkous Enterprise, of Marengo:
shaved ice, fruit drinks and homemade ice cream.
Myers Concessions Inc., of Elida:
Niese Concessions, of Harrod:
pizza, elephant ears and cotton
Pa’s Pork, of New Carlisle: pork
sandwiches and pork skewers.
R&B Enterprises, of Lima: funnel cakes.
Rismiller’s Concessions, of Arcanum: funnel cakes, elephant ears,
deep-fried Oreos.
Wilson Foods, of Sidney: London
broil, Italian sausage, French fries,
homemade potato chips, walleye,
Sidney Daily News
Saturday, July 23, 2016 11
Carl Budnick, of Baltimore, Ohio, judges a batch of single fryer rabbits at the 2015 Shelby County Fair.
Photos by Luke Gronneberg | Sidney Daily News
Crowned the 2015 Shelby County Fair Queen on Sunday was Mary
Buehler, of Anna.
Lindsey Carr, left to right, daughter of Heather McClain, Craig Carr and stepdad Chad McClain, Alexia Graves, of Sidney, daughter of Pam
and David Graves, listen to 4-H adviser Jamie Hoverstreydt as Alexia waits to compete in western riding at the 2015 Shelby County Fair.
Sara Bornhorst, of Fort Loramie, daughter of Ted and Jane
Bornhorst, competes in the Jr Fair King and Queen Contest at the
2015 Shelby County Fair.
An industrial air compressor
sales and service company
Austin Borchers, of Jackson Center, son of Greg and Penny
Borchers, competes in dairy judging by 4-H and FFA kids during the
2015 Shelby County Fair.
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Jerry Funk, of Sidney, throws up mud as he competes in a
Demolition Derby at the 2015 Shelby County Fair.
12 Saturday, July 23, 2016
Sidney Daily News
Tuesday, July 26
Senior Citizens Day
Sponsored By Honda Of America
Sunday, July 24
Coupon Day
Sponsored by
Tri Co. Insurance & Hemmelgarn Services
8 to 10 a.m. Articles accepted in book dept. #9 Horticultural Building
9 a.m. Gate D & Infield Pits open - TruckWeigh in
starts Gate D Only
10 a.m. Leonard Schaffner Mixed Open Horseshoe
10 a.m. Open Boer Goat Breeding Show Kent Feeds
Livestock Arena II
10 a.m. Church Service Free Entertainment Tent
11 a.m. Back-to-Back Truck Pulls starts Infield -Free
Noon opening ceremonies at the flag pole
1 p.m. Special Day For Special Athletes Welcoming
Ceremony Gate A Pop Up Tent by Horse Arena
2 p.m. Leonard Schaffner Mixed Open Horseshoe
2 p.m Open Feeder Calf, Steer & Heifer Shows Kent
Feeds Livestock Arena I
2 p.m. Hardin-Houston High School Band Free Entertainment Tent
3 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
4 p.m. Rides Open Midway
4 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next To Gazebo
4 to 7 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
Rides close 5 to 6 p.m.
5 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next to
6 p.m. District V Jersey Show Kent Feeds Livestock
Arena I
6 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
6 p.m. Open Class Bake Goods Auction EMS Building
6 p.m. Little Mr. & Miss Shelby Co. Fair Free Entertainment Tent
6:45 p.m. Debbie Flynn Gazebo
7 p.m. Cheer and Dance Competition Free Grandstand
7 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
7 p.m. Jr. Fair King & Queen Contest Free Entertainment Tent
7 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
8 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
9 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next to
Monday, July 25
Coupon Day
Spouses Admitted Free All day Car Load Night - Sponsored By
Area Energy & Electric
8:30-10:30 a.m. Articles accepted in book categories
#11 Community Foundation Hall
10 a.m. Open Class Dairy Shows Kent Feeds Livestock Arena l
Noon Flower Show Judging Begins Community Foundation Hall
Noon to 1 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
3 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
4 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next To Gazebo
4 p.m. Carload Night Starts (Must Be in by 9:00 P.M.)
Gate D Only
4 p.m. Rides Open Midway
4 to 7 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
5 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
5:30 p.m. Open Class Barrow Show Kent Feeds Livestock Arena ll
6 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
6:45 p.m. Wired For Christ Gazebo
7 p.m. Open Class Gilt Show Kent Feeds Livestock
Arena ll
7 p.m. Richard Prince Memorial Human Tractor Pull
Free Grandstand
7 p.m. Mixed Doubles Horsehoe Pitching Horseshoe
7 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
7 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
7 p.m. Veterans Program Free Entertainment Tent
8 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
9 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next to
8 a.m. Sr. Citizens Day Regristation Begins Free
Entertainment Tent
9:30 to 11 a.m. Blood Pressure Checks & Health
Screenings Free Entertainment Tent
11 a.m. Entertainment - Sidney Senior Center Singers
Free Entertainment Tent
11:30-noon Door Prizes and awards to oldest
and couple married the longest Free Entertainment
Noon free LUNCH — To Seniors While Supplies last
Free Entertaient Tent
Noon to 1 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
1 p.m. Rides Open Midway
2 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
3 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
3 p.m. Beef Cook Out Behind Kent Feeds Arena I
3 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
4 to 7 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
4 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next To Gazebo
Rides Close 5 to 6 p.m.
5 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
5 p.m. Harness Racing Free Grandstand
6 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next To Gazebo
6:45 p.m Steve Rosenbeck Gazebo
7 p.m. Mens & Womens Class A&B Horseshoe
7 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
7 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
8 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
8 p.m. Haywired Free Entertainment Tent
9 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
Wednesday, July 27
Industrial Day One
Sponsored by
Detailed Machining-Silveus Ins. Group
Noon to 1 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
1 p.m. Rides Open Midway
3 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
4 to 7 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Office
4 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next To Gazebo
5 p.m. Harness Racing Free Grandstand
5 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
6 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
6:45 p.m. The Guitar Kids Gazebo
7 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
7 p.m. Mens & Womens Class C&D Horseshoe
7 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
8 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
8 p.m. The Sweet Beats-A Beatles Tribute Show Free
Entertainment Tent
9 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
Thursday, July 28
Kid’s Day
Sponsored By
Buckeye Ford & Edison Community College
11 a.m. Open Breeding Sheep Show Kent Feed Livestock Arena
Noon to 1 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fairboard Office
Noon Kid’s Day Program Free Entertainment Tent
1 p.m. Rides Open Midway
1 to 7 p.m. Blood Donor Appreciation Tent TBA
2 p.m. Wonders Of The World Free Show Next To
2:30 p.m. Kiddie Tractor Pull Northside of Old Bathrooms
3 p.m. Wonders Of The World Free Escape Show Next
To Milkhouse
3 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
4 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next To Gazebo
4 to 7 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
5 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
Rides Close 5 to 6 p.m.
6 p.m. Truck and Tractor Pulls Gate D Only Grandstand $2.00 Charge
6 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
6:45 p.m. Thick & Thin Gazebo
7 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
7 p.m World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
8 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
8 p.m. Absolute Journey Tribute Band Free Entertainment Tent
9 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
Friday July 29,
Best One Tire/Sidney Tire Day at the Fair
Sponsored by Best One - Sidney Tire,
Ride & Admission bands at either location
9 a.m. Draft Horse Show Gate D
10 a.m. Beef Cook out Behind Kent Feeds Livestock
Arena l
Noon to 1 p.m. Bank opens Secretaries Office
1 p.m. Rides Open Midway
3 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
4 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next To Gazebo
4 to 7 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
5 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
Rides Close 5 to 6 p.m.
6 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
6:45 p.m. First United Methodist Church Youth Band
7 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
7 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
7 p.m. Open Doubles Mixed Women & Men Horseshoe Courts
8 p.m. Pig & Calf Scramble Grandstand $2.00 Charge
8 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
8 p.m. Ernie Haase & Signature Sound Free Entertainment Tent
9 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
Saturday, July 30
Wrist Band Day Two
Sponsored by First Call NAPA Auto Parts
11 a.m. Loin Cook out Behind Kent Feeds Liv. Arena I
Noon to 1 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
Noon Mud Bog Mania, In Field Grandstand $2 admission
1 p.m. Rides Open Midway
3 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
3 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
3:30 p.m. Dynamic Championship Wrestling West of
4 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
4 to 9 p.m. Bank Open Senior Fair Board Office
Rides Close 5 to 6 p.m.
5 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
5 p.m. Smash It Demolition Derby Grandstand $2.00
6 p.m. Jr. Fair Barnyard Olympics Kent Feeds Livestock Arena I
6 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next to Gazebo
6 p.m. Cory Breth Gazebo
7 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Escape Show Next To
7 p.m. Clark Manson Free Entertainment Tent
7 p.m. Free! Fun with Nature Crafts! Community
Foundation Hall
8 p.m. World Of Wonders Free Show Next To Gazebo
9 p.m. All animals released after the fair
Since 1946
Best of luck to all the
4H & FFA Participants
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Fort Loramie, Ohio 45845-0013
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