2013_files/SLO Vettes Newsletter June
2013_files/SLO Vettes Newsletter June
Front Page MONTHLY NEWSLETTER June 2013 Also, another event is our club camping weekend at San Antonio Lake. It will be PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Rick Gilbert June 28-30, and we have ten members so far that are bringing their RV's to camp. We have room for more RV's, just let Brian or Debbie know if you decide to join us. Hi everybody, A lot of things happened last month. There were several car shows, cruises, and events. I hope you took advantage of them and enjoyed yourself. Everyone else is welcome to come up on Saturday June 29 to enjoy the day with us. The event chairpersons will have more information in their article. We have several club events and non club events coming up. Brian was also going to send out a flyer with information about the bbq. It could even also be in this newsletter. The first one is The Lake Tahoe Corvette Car Show on June 13-16. Several of our club members are attending that show. Debbie and myself will be going to that show for the first time. There is a BBQ planned for July 4th at the Owen's after the Templeton Parade. That is all for now, hope to see you at some of these events. Go out for a drive and enjoy this fine weather. In the last newsletter I told you about the West Coast Bow Tie Bash on Oct. 12th at Nojoqui Falls. There has been some problems with getting it all together. As it turns out, our club was the only club that showed any interest in the event. With respect, Rick Gilbert President rickgilbert63@yahoo.com So, Bruce Fosdike has called off the car show for this year. He is going to try to do it next year. I would like to thank the following club members who volunteered to help at Bruce's show: Carlos Vivas, Gary McPherson, Chris Petrush, and Dave Foltz. NEXT MEETING June 14th 6:30PM Hoovers Classic Cafe Thank you guys very much! Your support shows what this club is all about. so far that are bringing their RV's to camp. We have room for more RV's, just let Brian or © Atascadero 1 We all met in San Miguel to have burritos for lunch before we got on the road. VP/ MEMBERSHIP Chris Petursh On Saturday morning was the Show and Shine where all the Corvette owners voted on their favorite cars, and about noon there was a fun poker run through the beautiful Monterey countryside, then a nice lunch at the golf course. We are still at 55 memberships. Remember, if you encounter someone with a Corvette who is not a member of SLO Vettes, introduce yourself and ask if they reside in the county and if so, invite them to attend one of our meetings. Give them one of our business cards (if you don’t have any, ask Rick Gilbert for some), and suggest that they check out our website. Then on Saturday evening was the awards dinner where we all received awards for our cars, or as in Rex's case, for being the most fun guy there! There is always something exciting happening when Rex is around! It was a great trip and a fun weekend! Our next meeting is Friday, June 14th at Hoovers Classic Cafe in Atascadero. The next event was the Estrella Wings and Warbirds Car Show on May 11. It is always a very nice show, and many of our members have entered in the past. We did not attend this year, but have heard that it was pretty hot there that day. Hope to see you there! Chris Petrush VP/Membership Now for the upcoming events; chris.petrush@yahoo.com June 14 is our club meeting at Hoover's on El Camino Real in Atascadero. On June 13-16 is the Corvettes at Lake Tahoe Car Show. I believe that there are six couples attending that show, the Owen's, Ott's, EVENTS Debbie Gilbert Hello Friends, McPherson's, Surber's, Foltz's, and Gilbert's. This will be our first time to attend, so we are looking forward to it! How is everyone? Hope you are having a wonderful springtime! The first event of May was the Monterey Car Show on the 3rd through the 5th. The five couples that went were; the Ott's, Petrush's, Dallon's, Foltz's, and Gilbert's. June 28-30 is our club camping weekend at San Antonio Lake. We have the required ten RV's that we 2 needed to get the kitchen/game room for free. There should still be plenty of sites left if you decide at the last moment that you want to bring your RV and camp with us. In case the r e m a i n i n g s i t e s fi l l u p , y o u should probably let Brian or myself know if you will be doing that. Thanks! be at Templeton Park at 6:30. We will not have a food host this year. Please bring your chairs and your drinks and whatever you would like to eat, fast food, food from home, etc. It will just be a nice relaxing change of pace, having our meeting out in the fresh air at a beautiful park. Even if you don't camp, we hope that you will come up on Saturday for the day! Come as early as you want and stay as late as you want! Karl Williams has graciously offered to BBQ the Tri Tip and chicken for us. July 13.......is still in the planning stage. To possibly meet the Central Coast Corvettes in Buellton to join them for lunch. So far, we have seven couples that have showed an interest in doing this; The Vivas', McPherson's, Bravo's, De Simas', Dallons’, Ott's, and Gilbert's. We'll talk with the other club and send out an e-mail with the details. If anyone else is interested, please let us know. We will need to know if you are coming on Saturday, and will need your check of $10.00 per person, by June 17, so we can purchase the right amount of food. We would also ask everyone to bring a separate dish. All the info will be in the flyer that Brian will be sending out or that he has put in this newsletter. It should be a real fun weekend, or Saturday, playing games, going for walks, sitting around visiting, and enjoying a yummy BBQ! Please join us! Have a great month! We hope to see you around! Your event gals, Debbie and Yvonne debbiegilbert55@yahoo.com dave6f5@gmail.com July 4th is the Templeton Parade. I don't know how many members are going to be in the parade this year. But, afterwards, we are going to the Owen's home in Nipomo for a BBQ. There will be an e-mail sent out before hand as to the time, address, and other details. Secretary Kimberly Linse SLO Vettes Minutes 5-10-2S013 Meeting was called to order at 6:33 by Vice President Chris Petrush at Marie Calendars in Pismo Beach. President Rick July 12th is our club meeting. It will 3 contact Doug Owens with phone and email address. was not in attendance. Reports. your name, Templeton 4th of July Parade. BBQ to be held at Doug and Sue Owens afterwards. Vice President /Membership: Chris reported that we now have 55 memberships. 2 guests arrived late. Chris introduced Barb Turk and Dave Yarnold. Sunshine Report: Becky Cyster announced the birthdays and anniversaries for the month. We received a thank you from Woods Humane Society for the donation we made in Marty Almaguer name by the club. Also reported that Jeri Hart fell and broke her hip and leg. Encouraged all to call or send cards for her speedy recovery. Secretary Report: Kimberly Linse not in attendance, minutes read by Chris P. Approved and seconded. Treasure Report: Jan Dallons not in attendance. Jon Dallons reported income and expenses for the month of April. Approved and seconded. National Corvette Museum: present Upcoming Events: West Coast Bowtie Bash, October 12, 2013, Requesting 2 members for judges and 7 to help park cars. It was suggested that we move our Oct meeting to the week prior to the event. Chris P. to email about meeting move and to get volunteers. Dave not Merchandise: Ron not present Newsletter/Webmaster: John Dallons had 2 hard copies of the newsletter available. Reported that the pictures from Monterey were on the website Chris P reported that 10 people and 5 cars attended the Monterey Run. All 5 cars received awards. Announcements: The National Traffic Safety Board has reported a high incident of the low beams failing on 2005 – 2007 vettes. Warbirds Car Show is tomorrow, 5-11-13. It is held from 10-4 50/50 Drawing: $31.50 Lake San Antonio campout on June 29th. You can camp for the weekend or come up for the day. Brian will barbeque and we will potluck the rest. We need 10 campers in order to reserve the group campsite. Contact Brian Cyster if interested. Camping is $38 a night. Meeting adjourned at President Chris PERTs Sherry Vivas spoke about the San Luis Obispo Concours event being held June 7th – June 9th. She is still looking for 53’ – 56’ and 61’ vettes. Glenna Petrush Interim Secretary Sherry Vivas won 7:15 by Vice Respectfully submitted, Kimberly Linse Lake Tahoe show is from June 13 – 16th. For those of you attending, please 4 kj864.thomas@gmail.com SUNSHINE / HISTORIAN Becky Cyester June Birthdays Chris Cameron 6/12 Dave McKeand 6/9 Gary McPherson 6/6 Susan Miller 6/12 Denise Surber 6/18 Ric Rocco 6/2 Judy Suschke 6/9. June Anniversaries Aniversary's Dennis & Sharon Querantes 6/26 Floyd & Lyn Owens 6/24 Dwight & Linda Wood 6/15 Russ & Denise Surber 6/18 Al & Paula Sauvadon 6/22 Ronald & Susan Miller 6/29 Jim & Ann Collins 6/12. Respectfully submitted, Becky beckycyester@gmail.com 5 COME JOIN SLO VETTES FOR CAMPING AT THE LAKE JUNE 28th.-30th. AT LAKE SAN ANTONIO WE HAVE RESERVED A GROUP CAMPSITE IN THE REDONDA VISTA CAMPGROUND AT LAKE SAN ANTONIO. FOR THOSE OF YOU WITH R.V.ʼS BRING THEM OUT FOR A WEEKEND OF FUN AND GAMES. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DO NOT BUT WOULD LIKE TO COME OUT ON SATURDAY FOR THE DAY THERE IS A REC. HALL WHICH IS INCLUDED WITH THE CAMPING, WITH TABLES, CHAIRS, REFRIGERATORS, AND A FULL KITCHEN. THERE IS A BBQ PIT, FIRE RING, HORSESHOE PITS, A LARGE GRASS AREA GOOD FOR GAMES. CAMPING IS $40.00 PER NIGHT WHICH WE WILL NEED BY MAY 20th. PAID TO SLO VETTES WE WILL BBQ TRI-TIPS, CHICKEN WITH BEANS AND BREAD. FOR $10.00 PER PERSON. AND WILL ASK EVERYONE TO BRING EITHER AN APPETIZER, SALAD OR DESSERT. IF YOU ARE COMING OUT FOR THE DAY THE COST TO GET INTO THE PARK IS $10.00 FOR THOSE WHO MIGHT WANT TO RENT AN R.V. FOR THE WEEKEND SKY RIVER R.V. RENTS THEM. 779-7700 PLEASE MAIL CHECKS FOR CAMPING TO BRIAN CYESTER AT 8450 DEL RIO RD. ATASCADERO, CA. 93422 WE WILL NEED A HEAD COUNT OF WHOʼS COMING OUT FOR THE DAY BY JUNE 17th. 6 7 8
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