2013_files/SLO Vettes Newsletter August
2013_files/SLO Vettes Newsletter August
Front Page MONTHLY NEWSLETTER © August 2013 VP/ MEMBERSHIP Chris Petursh PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Rick Gilbert Hi everybody, Again, we’re still at 55 memberships. We We are now at 58 memberships. Barb Turk and Dave Yarnold joined (and had three guests at the June meeting. Hope you are staying cool! Stephanie Ponti and her husband Bob Krivinko (possible new members?) and I would like to thank the Owen's and Ott's Jim Rask, a friend of Carlos and Sherry for the wonderful BBQ after the Vivas. I’m seeing a lot of Corvettes out Templeton Parade. This is what it is all and about, manyfood, of which arefriends, not about.......good great and familiar to me as belonging to club fantastic cars to get them all together! members. I (when possible) always leave a card on club the Corvette theheld driver/ Our next meeting or willif be at the owner is present, up the club. this If you Templeton Park. talk Remember, is happenyour "Bring to see own someone chair, food, in a Corvette and drink". There is usually enough shade for all of that’s not a club member, ask if they’re us. Ron will be there with all of the club local and invite them to one of our merchandise that us he out. has on hand, and meetings to check participated) at the Templeton 4th of July parade. I used to work with Barb at the county (Glenna still does) and have been trying for years to get her to join. Skip French talked to one of our members at the parade and subsequently, he and his significant other, Kathy McGinnis, joined at our July meeting. Also coming to the meeting and joining was Jason and Beth Brock. Barb drives 2005 red convertible; Skip a 2009 Atomic Orange coupe and Jason and Beth a 2007 black convertible. Please welcome them to the club and introduce yourselves. Also at the meeting was Erroll McMahon, who belonged to the club many, many years ago. Erroll left with an application and hopefully, it’s sitting at the P O Box waiting to be picked up. Please remember to wear your name tags to the meetings and events as to make it easier for all of us to remember who you are. will be offering us some good deals. th at Marie he Also,next Our if you meeting need is to July order 12something, will help youinwith that.Beach. Callender’s Pismo Hope to see there! The web site you is back up and running and is a great way to find out what is going on. owe Jon a big thank you for his ChrisWe Petrush effort in maintaining it. VP/Membership Well, that is about all for now! Hope to chris.petrush@yahoo.com see you at the park this month, Our next meeting will be at the park in downtown Templeton at 6:30PM on August 9th. It’s BYOF/BYOB (bring your Respectfully, own food and booze/drinks). Your President, Finally, as many of you know, Glenna and I have sold our home and are downsizing to a much smaller home. I have 2 of the original “satin” cub jackets if anyone is Rick rickgilbert63@yahoo.com 1 We had a lot of hot hot weather, as many of you know! interested. One is large and the other extra-large. E-mail me at chris.petrush@yahoo.com if interested. Be sure to let Ron Lazaronni know if you need to order one of the newer club jackets. "This Months Events" August 9th.....SLO Vettes club meeting at Templeton Park. Come at 6:30. Bring your chairs, something to eat for your dinner and something to drink. Enjoy having our club meeting out in the fresh air under the shade of the big, beautiful trees! See you at the next meeting. Chris chris.petrush@yahoo.com August 16 ......Atascadero Cruise Night. EVENTS Debbie Gilbert At 5:30PM. We will meet at the Car Wash on El Camino Real, (South of Morro Rd./ Hwy 41) We will be selling hamburgers and all the fixings for $5.00 a person. Some of the members will be bringing salads, chips, desserts, etc. Hopefully, Jon will be making his famous yummy French fries! For those of you who would like to cruise, you will need to get an application from the City of Atascadero. I believe the cost is $25.00 or $30.00. It is a fun night for the club to eat and watch all the neat cars go by! Hi everyone, First of all ......I want to apologize to Vicki and Richard! In last months newsletter, I accidentally left their names off of the list of club members that camped at Lake San Antonio in June. They were there with us, and we had a great time! "This is what we did last month" Hope you had a great month! See you at Templeton Park! July 4th.......19 club members drove their cars in the Templeton Parade. Our club usually wins an award, but sadly we did not receive one this year. Debbie debbiegilbert55@yahoo.com dave6f5@gmail.com July 4th........After the parade we all went to the Owen's house for BBQ tri~tip and chicken. Everyone brought side dishes, salads, and desserts. The food was delicious, Doug's BBQ meat is yummy every time! We all had a great time visiting! NEXT MEETING AUG 9th 6:30PM Templeton Park July 12th.......SLO Vettes club meeting. July 13th........SLO Vettes joins Corvettes of Fresno in Buelton. BYOF / BYOB 2 per person. The car show at Atascadero Park will be the next day. The Gold Tour will be on Sept 20th thru Sept 22nd. The cost is $425 per couple and includes 2 nights stay at Murphy’s Historic Hotel, dinner Friday and Saturday nights, lunch Friday and 2 event Tee Shirts. Jan is accepting deposits. The Ragged Point Run is September 29th. Secretary Kimberly Linse SLO Vettes Meeting Minutes 7-12-13 Meeting at Marie Calender’s was called to order by President Rick Gilbert at 6:30 pm. Newsletter and Webmaster:" Jon Dallons reported that the website is back up after being dark for a week. The newsletter is going well. Vice President Report:" VP Chris Petrush reported that the club now has 56 memberships. Barb Turk and Dave Yarnold joined this month. Guests included Skip French and Kathy McGinnis and Jason and Beth Block. Merchandise: "Ron Lazzaroni reported stock is getting low and he will have a blow out sale at the Aug. meeting at Templeton Park. He asked that we all start thinking of what we might want to order in the future. Secretary Report: VP Chris Petrush read the minutes from the June meeting for Secretary Kimberly Linse. Motion to approve by Brian Cyester and seconded by Jan Dallons. Motion was approved. Sunshine: Becky Cyester reported that Donna Ramos is selling her vette. July birthdays and anniversaries were announced. Treasurer Report: Report given by Treasurer Jan Dallons. Motion to approve by Skip French and seconded by Rex Ott. Motion was approved. New Business: President Rick reported that there may not be a Lake Tahoe Show next year. Lompoc Car Show is Aug. 10th. Rex has a C5 Targa top for sale. Raffle was held with misc. items donated by Chris Petrush. Events:" Events Chairperson started her report with an apology to Chris and Gary for not including them in her report for June. They won 3rd place at the Lake Tahoe Show. She also reported that Vicki and Richard were at the Lake San Antonio Camping trip. 50/50 Raffle was won by Debbie Gilbert. Her half of the pot was $32.50. Debbie reported that we did not win anything at the 4th of July Parade in Templeton. Coming events include 7-13-13, Buellton, Solvang Run. The next meeting will be held on Aug 9th at the Templeton Park. Please bring your own food and drinks. Hot El Camino Cruise Nite will be held on 8-16-13, from 6:30 – 8:30. Meet at the Car Wash on El Camino. The meal will include hamburgers, fries and drinks. The cost is $5 Meeting adjourned at 7:20 by President Rick Gilbert. Respectfully submitted by Glenna Petrush for Kimberly Linse 3 kj864.thomas@gmail.com TEMPLETON 4th of JULY PARADE 4 SUNSHINE / HISTORIAN Becky Cyester August Birthdays Randy Huhn 8/3 Russ Surber 8/4 Valerie Cochran 8/5 Tina Palmer 8/14 Debbie Hoover 8/16 Kimberly Linse 8/16 Jeri Hart 8/23 Gary Hurley 8/25 August Anniversaries Doug & Sue Owen 8/18 Rex & Georgia Ott 8/31 Congratulation to Chris McPherson for bringing home several ribbons and awards for her baked goods, cookies and pies at the Mid State Fair this year. Good Job! Becky SLO Vettes meets up with members from the Corvette Club of Fresno in Buellton. July 13th beckycyester@gmail.com 5 SLO VETTES The Corvette Club of San Luis Obispo County September 20th - 22nd GOLD TOUR After many years, SLO Vettes will return to the gold country in the High Sierras. We will stay at the Murphys Historic Hotel which is centrally located in the city of the same name. This hotel has a rich history and claims that “both presidents and bank robbers have stayed here”. Wineries, art galleries, Calaveras Big Trees State Park, Yosemite National Park, Moaning and Mercer Caverns and numerous other activities are all easily accessible. The weekend includes: ! ! ! Two nights stay at the Murphys Historic Hotel ! ! ! Dinner Friday and Saturday night ! ! Lunch Friday ! ! Two event Tee Shirts ! ! Activities to keep you on your toes ! $425 per couple We are now accepting deposits. Questions ? Jan (805) 712-1111 Join your fellow club members for a memorable weekend! 6 SLO Vettes will be assembling at the usual spot, The El Camino Car Wash, 7200 El Camino Real. It is recommended that you have your car in the vicinity by 5:30 PM as the city will be closing down the street and you will be unable to get to the car wash to park your car. By the same token, please respect the car wash and allow room for them to complete the cars that they are washing. Park on the street in front of the car wash if necessary until we can move in. 7 8 9
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