november 2003 - Junior League of Boca Raton
november 2003 - Junior League of Boca Raton
Volume 14, No. 3 November 2003 hand painted tile 954.492.8710 Happy Thanksgiving! N OVEMBER G ENERAL M EMBERSHIP M EETING : TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, 2003 SOCIAL HOURS 6 P.M. - MEETING 7 P.M. 1181 South Rogers Circle Condor Place - Suite 2A Boca Raton, FL 33487 RENAISSANCE BOCA RATON HOTEL, 2000 N.W. 19TH STREET (I-95 & GLADES ROAD) Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Boca Raton, FL Permit No. 163 • • • • • • Let’s Be Thankful! Tis’ The Season To Be Hungry! Holiday Fire Safety Vote! Recruiters Needed Dentistry Today Restores Quality Of Life “ I D E N T I F Y I N G C O M M U N I T Y N E E D S , C R E AT I N G C A R I N G S O L U T I O N S ” Exciting. Fast. Leaders in the Field. With a lot of cheering fans. If you want your next print media proj ect to come out a winner, call us. From a strong start to a great finish, Cheetah Graphics will give you something to cheer about. And you can bet on that! IN-HOUSE DESIGN LAYOUT SCANNING COLOR PROOFS PRE-PRESS FILM PRINTING PUBLISHING SHORT RUN BOOKLETS LONG RUNS NEWSLETTERS MAGAZINES HIGH SPEED DIGITAL COLOR AND B&W COPY SERVICES 1845 South Dixie Highway • Pompano Beach, FL 33060 • Phone: 954.784.5509 • Fax: 954.784.1988 Visa • Mastercard • AMEX JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON “Identifying Community Needs, Creating Caring Solutions” 2003-2004 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT......................CAROLYN ARNOLD PRESIDENT-ELECT....................LISA BARISO VP COMMUNICATIONS.......LESLIE JACKSON VP COMMUNITY AFFAIRS......KRISTEN ROSS VP PERSONNEL...............WANDA HARROLD VP PLANNING.................MICHELE TOOMEY VP FINANCE ................SHARON MCGUIRE TREASURER ................JACQUELINE REEVES FUND DEVELOPMENT.....KAREN WADOWICZ NOMINATING/PLACEMENT.............KATHY ADKINS PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ......HEIDE TAYLOR P.R./MARKETING................KARA DONVITO SUSTAINING ADVISOR.......CAROLE PUTMAN PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE EDITOR...........................SUZANNE SPINELLI CHAIR-ELECT......................ANNE CONKLIN ASSISTANT EDITOR.................STACEY HIGH ASSISTANT EDITOR........ADRIANA VELASCO WEB SITE COORDINATOR.....ANNE CONKLIN LAYOUT ARTIST ..................ROBIN PHILPIT THE BRIDGE IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY (ONCE DURING THE SUMMER) BY THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON, INC. NOVEMBER 4TH IS THE DEADLINE FOR THE DECEMBER BRIDGE OCTOBER 28TH IS THE DEADLINE FOR THE DECEMBER BRIDGE ADVERTISEMENTS BRIDGE EMAIL ADDRESS: BRIDGE@JLBR.ORG JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON (561) 241-2708 FAX (561) 241-2764 EMAIL: JLBOCA@AOL.COM OFFICE HOURS: MON. - THURS., 8:30 A.M - 4:00 P.M. OFFICE MANAGER: LINDA HALSTEAD COOKBOOK OFFICE (561) 998-2665 FAX (561) 241-6348 TOLL FREE: (866) 574-9229 NEW EMAIL ADDRESS: COOKBOOK@JLBR.ORG OFFICE HOURS: T, W, TH, 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. COOKBOOK OFFICE MANAGER: MARY LAVALLE EVENTS HOTLINE: (561) 241-0641 WEB SITE: WWW.JLBR.ORG NOVEMBER GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH SOCIAL 6 P.M. - MEETING 7 P.M. RENAISSANCE BOCA RATON HOTEL 2000 N.W. 19TH STREET THE BRIDGE NOVEMBER 2003/VOLUME 14 NUMBER 3 THE COMMUNICATION BRIDGE BETWEEN THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON, ITS MEMBERSHIP, AND OUR COMMUNITY. FEATURES: TIS’ THE SEASON TO BE HUNGRY ..................................................................6 LET’S BE THANKFUL ......................................................................................7 HOLIDAY FIRE SAFETY ..................................................................................8 DENTISTRY TODAY RESTORES QUALITY OF LIFE ..........................................29 DEPARTMENTS: PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE ..............................................................................5 MEMBER OF THE MONTH ................................................................................9 HATS OFF ......................................................................................................9 CARING HEARTS ............................................................................................9 WALL OF HONOR ................................................................................18 & 19 SUSTAINER NEWS ........................................................................................26 ROVING REPORTER ......................................................................................30 MINUTES ......................................................................................................31 TRANSITION REPORT ....................................................................................32 BULLETIN BOARD ........................................................................................33 LIST OF ADVERTISERS ..................................................................................33 LINES OF COMMUNICATION ..........................................................................34 CALENDAR OF EVENTS ................................................................................34 NEWS FROM COMMITTEES: DIAD ..........................................................................................................10 PUBLIC ISSUES & ADVOCACY ......................................................................11 KIDS@HOME ................................................................................................12 CHILDREN’S PLACE SOUTH ..........................................................................12 WOMAN VOLUNTEER OF THE YEAR ..............................................................13 COOKBOOK ..................................................................................................14 TRINKETS & TREASURES ..............................................................................15 FAMILY PORTRAIT DAY ................................................................................16 FUND ENHANCEMENT & DEVELOPMENT ......................................................17 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN ......................................................................................20 NOMINATING/PLACEMENT ............................................................................22 MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................23 INTERNAL PR ..............................................................................................24 MEMBERSHIP SATISFACTION & TRAINING......................................................25 TRANSFERS ..................................................................................................25 MEMBERS AT LARGE ....................................................................................32 THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON, INC. IS AN ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN COMMITTED TO PROMOTING VOLUNTARISM, DEVELOPING THE POTENTIAL OF WOMEN AND EFFECTIVE ACTION AND LEADERSHIP OF TRAINED VOLUNTEERS. IMPROVING THE COMMUNITY THROUGH THE ITS PURPOSE IS EXCLUSIVELY EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE. THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON, INC. AND THE ASSOCIATION OF JUNIOR LEAGUES INTERNATIONAL, INC. REACH OUT TO WOMEN OF ALL RACES, RELIGIONS, AND NATIONAL ORIGINS WHO DEMONSTRATE AN INTEREST IN AND COMMITMENT TO VOLUNTARISM. 3 Carolyn Arnold, Psy.D. Staff Psychologist 4 The Bridge November 2003 PRESIDENT ’S MESSAGE President’s Perspective I continue to be amazed by the women of the Junior League of Boca Raton. Every time I turn around, someone is receiving an award, being commended by her peers or launching a new idea or event. I know that at any event in our community there is bound to be a Junior Leaguer somewhere in the ranks. I had a great experience the other day. I attended the annual Soroptimist International Awards Breakfast. JLBR had nominated Linda Davidson and Cindy Krebsbach, both sustainers, for their years of service and dedication to the League. Cindy received the award in the volunteer category. This, in and of itself is remarkable considering the resumes of the other nominees. However, Cindy is in good company. Eight JLBR members have received Soroptimist Women of Distinction awards since 1993 including Elizabeth Pankey-Warren and Lisa Mulhall, both JLBR past presidents. Later that day I had the pleasure of catching up with an old friend from JLBR. She related a great story about an annual fundraising event in her community that she started as a result from working on a League fundraiser. Many of our members go on to start businesses, become professional fundraisers and outstanding volunteers. When you look around the Boca Raton community, everywhere you will find members of our League accomplishing amazing feats. I commend each and every one of you for your dedication to community service through the JLBR. You truly make a difference each and every day. In the spring of 2001, the New York Junior League (the first ever) reached its 100th birthday. There was a fabulous conference and celebration and each and every moment was more inspiring then the last. Maya Angelou was the keynote speaker at the gala and since then I have wanted to share with you a poem that she wrote and recited that evening. It is a wonderful characterization of Junior League women and says, more eloquently than I ever could, what I feel about all of you. Phenomenal Woman Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size. But when I start to tell them, they think I’m telling lies. I say, it’s in the reach of my arms, the span of my hips, the stride of my step, the curl of my lips. I’m a woman, phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me. I walk into a room just as cool as you please, and to a man, the fellows stand or fall down on their knees. Then they swarm around me, a hive of honey bees. I say, it’s the fire in my eyes, and the flash of my teeth, the swing in my waist and the joy in my feet. I am a woman, phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me. Men themselves have wondered what they see in me. They try so much, but they can’t touch my inner mystery. When I try to show them, they say they still can’t see. I say, it’s in the arch of my back, the sun of my smile, the ride of my breasts, the grace of my style. I am a woman, phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me. Now you understand just why my head’s not bowed. I don’t shout or jump about or have to talk real loud. When you see me passing, it ought to make you proud. I say, it’s in the click of my heels, the bend of my hair, the palm of my hand, the need for my care. ‘Cause I’m a woman phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me. . . . Maya Angelou, 2000 Fondly, Linda Davidson Carolyn Arnold Cindy Krebsbach 5 FEATURE TIS’ THE SEASON TO BE HUNGRY! BY ANNE HENDERSON It’s November again, the start of the holiday season and (gasp) diet season. Every year I start out November with a diet in anticipation of the holidays. My reasoning is that if I announce to the world that I’m on a diet then I will be less likely to over-do it with holiday treats (at least in public, anyway.) Works great in theory. All good diet books recommend that you keep a food diary with what you ate and the mood you were in, so you can more accurately spot trouble areas. I thought that was a good idea, so I tried it. Here are the results from my first day: satisfy the sweet craving. 7:00 a.m.: Decaf coffee - there has been a lot of evidence that caffeine messes with your metabolism. 9:00 p.m.: Snack of Turkey Roll up (Weight Watcher’s - 2 points) and a glass of milk. Diet books recommend eating a protein snack before bed - I forget why but it has something to do with boosting metabolism or not being so hungry next day. Sounds like a good plan. Milk is from Pamela Bloor’s diet (my mother - she says it helps you sleep and that if I don’t drink milk I will get osteoporosis – yikes!) 7:15 a.m.: More Decaf Coffee - the first one didn’t quite do it and I’m still a little groggy. 7:30 a.m.: Regular coffee - what’s wrong with messing with your metabolism, anyway? Maybe it will boost it a little 8:00 a.m.: Discarded crusts from daughter’s “PB & J” for lunch box. Doesn’t count - isn’t really a food. 8:30 a.m.: Bacon and Cheese Omelet, extra Bacon (Adkins’ Diet.) 10:30 a.m.: Snack of Cheese and Crackers (Sugar Busters) I’m not really hungry, but the books say eating a snack will stop binging later on - wouldn’t want that to happen. 12:30 p.m.: Lunch - Soup (Cabbage Soup Diet) and sandwich with one slice of whole wheat bread, turkey, lettuce, tomato, mayo (South Beach Diet)- okay - I was going to use whole wheat, but my healthy, no preservative, totally organic $5 loaf of bread had a suspicious growth, so I had to use kid’s white bread, which is loaded with preservatives and probably will stay fresh for at least a year. Compensated by choking down a spoonful of wheat germ - I’m sure it will be fine. 2:00 p.m.: Apple - The box of Ho-Ho’s I bought for the kids lunch box is screaming my name. Maybe if I eat an apple, it will The Most Unique Holiday Gift For the Animal Lover in Your Life? BEAUTIFUL BEASTS FINE ANIMAL PAINTINGS BY JULIE FEINGOLD 2:05 p.m.: Ho Ho. 2:07 p.m.: Another Ho Ho (Damn!) 4:00 p.m.: Kids home - they want Oreos for a snack. Ate one by mistake. (How did that happen?) Oh well, Dr. Pasquale’s diet suggests that you have one binge day a week to help you not get bored and stick to the plan - maybe today is the day! 6:00 p.m.: Dinner of grilled salmon, spinach and salad (Suzanne Somers.) Feeling very virtuous. Rewarded self for good behavior with ice cream. (It’s ok, it was low fat.) After reviewing the log, I could spot a few troublesome areas, so I thought I would turn to my hero, Dr. Phil, for help. I bought his new book from the bookstore and sat down to read it. There are, apparently, seven keys that promise to “open the doors to a new life for me.” (Only seven? Who knew it was that simple?) Unfortunately, I fell asleep while reading it – not that it was boring - I was just weak from lack of food, no doubt. I had a dream that I was a guest on the Dr. Phil show and our interview went like this: Dr. Phil: “Anne, are you ready to GET REAL about your diet?” Anne: “Yes Sir” (I am slightly in awe of Dr. Phil.) “I am so serious I started a log” (I hand him my diary.) Dr. Phil: “ Ho- Ho’s, Oreo’s? You need to change your thinking, girl! How’s it working for you?” Anne: (confused) “Er… quite well, actually. I … um, like HoHo’s.” Dr. Phil: “You can’t change what you don’t acknowledge.” Anne: (Unsure what to say.) “Right.” (I just acknowledged that I like Ho - Ho’s what more does he want?) Dr. Phil: “Anne, are you confusing body image with self image?” Anne: “Yes” (Me and the rest of the women in America, and possibly half of Europe, too!) Dr. Phil: “You need to stop that TODAY!” (561) 883-6767 recommended by De Joachim & Kimberly Presson 6 The Bridge November 2003 Anne: “Uh . . . Dr. Phil . . . exactly how do I go about doing that?” . . . continued on page 7 FEATURE LET’S BE THANKFUL! BY SUZANNE SPINELLI As the holidays draw near and thoughts of turkey, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie fill our minds, it’s good to take some time and give thanks to all those who have made a difference in our lives. The Bridge has asked Board members and Committee chairs to thank community and League members who have made positive contributions to the JLBR this year. We are so grateful for all your heartfelt volunteerism and now is the perfect time of year to tell you so! Pamela Disher, Member at Large: The Members-At-Large committee consists of two people. There is the crazed and frantic Member-At-Large and then there is Cheryl Scardina. Although Cheryl is an associate active this year, she agreed to take an active role out of friendship and her dedication to the JLBR. The other Member-At-Large doesn’t know where to begin to thank her for all her hard work and continuous support. She constantly surprises me with her enthusiasm, creative ideas, writing and public speaking skills. I might add the writing and public speaking skills are newly acquired since September! Cheryl is truly a special woman, one who I am honored to work with in the JLBR and also call my dear friend. Johanna Felberbaum, Chair, Woman Volunteer of the Year Committee: Countess Henrietta de Hoernle for serving as Honorary Chair and hosting a wonderful reception for the candidates. Wachovia Bank and Harry W. Weede, Jr., Executive Vice President, for sponsoring and underwriting the Woman Volunteer of the Year Award. Saks Fifth Avenue, Barbara Wolfson, General Manager, and Nadia Squarcifico, Public Relations and Special Events Manager, for the spectacular fashion show. Autohaus Pompano for their continued support of the Woman Volunteer of the Year Luncheon and for 1,000 teddy bears. Maria Morejon, Co-Chair, Membership Satisfaction and Training Committee: Mary Jo Nobles has done the Palm Pilot Training two years in a row. Mary Wyns has done the Grant Writing Seminar the past two years and will help us again this spring. Both have done this through the Membership Satisfaction and Training Committee. Lourdes Delfin, Co-Chair, Cares Committee: As Co-Chair of the CARES committee, I would like to give thanks to Jeanne Brander for taking the time to assist me as Co-Chair. Her willingness to serve and excitement about learning about community projects is much appreciated; to Carole Putman for staying with CARES and offering her experience and fervor to our committee members; and to all my committee members for bringing their personal and professional talents, energy and focus along to make this year a great success. Carole Putman, Sustainer Advisor, Board of Directors: I cannot imagine the Community Resource Center becoming a reality without Pattie Damron’s leadership and vision. For two years she has worked tirelessly and without a break. This building will be our gift to the community, but it is Pattie’s gift to us . . . and we should be very thankful. We are thankful for Peter and Anne Vegso and the Countess Henrietta de Hoernle for their support of the Community Resource Center and their faith in us to carry out the mission of this amazing project. Michele Toomey, V.P. Planning: Thanks to Carolyn Arnold for her vision and assistance with the new Planning Council, Pattie Damron for her endless contributions to the JLBR Capital Campaign, Linda Halstead for keeping our League together and organized and doing it with a smile, Cindy Krebsbach for continuing to work tirelessly with the Community Foundation to make our Grant Writing Library a reality, Peggy Jones for agreeing last minute to Chair the Community Resource Center (Programming portion) and Angela Miller for her constant professional legal advice and for her in-depth knowledge of our By-Laws and Policies. TIS’ THE SEASON TO BE HUNGRY! Dr. Phil: “We need to go to a commercial break, but before I do I am going to tell you the one MOST important thing to GUARANTEE your success. If you do nothing but this one thing, you will lose all the weight you want. It is…” Brrring! Brrring! Oh no! The phone rang and I woke up! Just as Dr. Phil was going to reveal THE SECRET! Now I will never know and I will be destined to fail miserably at the diet game forever! Now I am going to have to resort to some really drastic measures (like diet and exercise.) Incidentally, you know how it’s so much easier for men to lose weight than women? I could kill my husband. He came in today and said, “Look! I lost 5 lbs.! That salad you made CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 me eat for lunch today really worked! Do I have to do it again tomorrow?” ALMAN & KATZ, D.M.D., P.A FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY BLEACHING CROWNS BRIDGES IMPLANTS Steven R. Alman, D.M.D., F.A.G.D. 7820 Glades Road, Suite 250 Boca Raton, Florida 33434 (561) 460-0007 Beeper: (561) 936-5798 7 FEATURE HOLIDAY FIRE SAFETY BY ANNE CONKLIN What time of year do you think you are most likely to experience a residential fire? Why, the holidays, of course. Between the cooking, heating and celebrating, the holiday season can prove to be the most dangerous time of year when it comes to fires in the home. According to the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) January is the peak month for home fire deaths, with February and December following close behind. During these months, smoking and heating equipment are the main two causes of deaths. Cooking is the leading cause of home fires and the resulting injuries year-round and smoking is the main culprit of home fire deaths overall. We want all of our Leaguers and their families to be safe and sound this holiday season, so when you’re celebrating, please keep the following safety tips in mind: ily get underfoot. Always turn off portable space heaters when you leave a room or go to sleep. Keep heaters three feet from anything that can burn including walls, bedding, and clothes. Blow out candles when you leave a room. Be sure that candle holders are big and deep enough to catch dripping wax and keep the candles from tipping over. NEVER burn candles in children’s bedrooms. If anyone in your home smokes, provide them with large, heavy, non-tip ashtrays. Always pour water over any butts or ashes before throwing them away. Make sure electrical cords are in good condition, with no cracked or frayed areas. Keep matches and lighters out of the sight and reach of children - preferably in a locked cabinet. If food is cooking on the stove, never leave the kitchen. Keep the stove clear of anything that could catch fire: paper, towels, curtains, or potholders. Any fuel or liquid that could catch fire such as gasoline, propane, or kerosene should be stored in a safe container outside the home, preferably in a locked storage shed. Make the area around the stove a “kid-free zone” - no kids or pets within three feet of the stove, where they could eas- The holiday season is right around the corner. Please make it a safe one! Personal Childbirth Trainer Diane Ellen, R.N. Hello! My name is Diane Ellen and I help women have the most positive childbirth experience possible. I have over 14 years experience as a Registered Nurse in labor and delivery, postpartum, and newborn care. Although childbirth can be foreseen as an exciting and rewarding event, there is a certain amount of worry that most expectant mothers feel, especially if it is their first baby. My specialty is to work with these women by providing relevant information and emotional support before, during, and after the delivery. Prior to labor, my specialized program includes spending time with the pregnant woman and her significant others. I use a variety of teaching techniques, props, and informational handouts to help explain what to expect during labor and delivery. During labor, I provide companionship, support, and reassurance as well as explanations of medical terminology and procedures. After delivery, my support and attention continue for a couple of hours and may include breastfeeding assistance. There is follow-up home visit after the birth. Please consider allowing me to be a part of your delivery experience! 8 The Bridge November 2003 (561) 302-1919 cell MEMBER OF THE MONTH FIRST YEAR MEMBER EXTRAORDINAIRE BY LINDA GUNN & PAMELA DISHER We are delighted to announce that our October Member of the Month is none other than Susan Hunter! Susan began her relationship with the JLBR just last year. Upon completing her New Member class, she immediately joined the B.R.E.T. committee and became quite an asset. Her innovative ideas and enthusiasm proved to be priceless. up with the financial tracking system the committee is currently using. She took it upon herself to implement a plan that would track everyone that turns in their ticket stubs and money. It was just a matter of time before she was recruited to her current placement, the Show Me the Money fundraiser. Her committee members unanimously agreed that she is the brain behind the operation. For example, she worked diligently all summer putting together the Show Me the Money bags that were distributed at the September General Membership meeting. What a huge hit they were! Susan is one of those special members that shows up first at all the committee meetings, offers to do anything and will put in any amount of time necessary to get the job done. She is a wonderful person to be around and will even throw in a surprise or two! For instance, as a New Member last year, Susan was single but she just recently announced she’s now happily married! We are all so proud and happy for her, all our best wishes to Susan and her new hubby! It was Susan that came up with the awesome idea of carrying the Show Me the Money theme throughout the entire presentation. She paid attention to even the smallest detail: she ordered customized pencils, bubblegum coins, large money bills and even a stamp to decorate the bags with - all imprinted with Show Me the Money. Based on the amount of tickets the committee sold so far, it’s a job well done! Did we mention that this work is done after she works all day as a math teacher? Her natural “math” abilities have really come into play with her expert money management skills in relation to budgeting purposes and help in managing the committee’s ticket sales. As Linda Gunn, Show Me the Money chair, said, “Susan is a wonderful and absolutely amazing woman. We’d like to thank her for all her hard work and hope she keeps it going strong!” On behalf of the entire JLBR, congratulations Susan! We are honored to have you aboard as a first year active. How inspiring you are to all the other New Members! Our energetic first year active was also responsible for coming HATS OFF TO . . . Marcella Roberts and Renee Feder for coordinating a wonderful Woman Volunteer of the Year Candidates Tea at Boca West Country Club! Mary Lavalle for joining Kids@Home as the sustaining advisor. We are thrilled to have you! Summer Publications Committee: Michele Weizer-Simon, Stacey Quinn, Barbara Philip, Doreen Zic and Kristen Braaten for doing such an awesome job putting together the 2003-2004 yearbook! It looks fantastic! Lourdes Delfin, Peggy Jones and Joanne Butcher for taking time on a Saturday to speak to the New Members about the community projects they care so much about. They made Super Saturday . . . SUPER! Membership Development committee members Gina Gigli, Loretta Rauenhorst, and Jennifer Shesser for planning Super Saturday for the New Members. It takes a lot of time and energy and these three women took time out of their busy schedules to make it an incredible day. Mary Lavalle for distributing over 100 Yearbooks at the Sustainer Luncheon and helping to save the League money on postage. To the 84 JLBR members that so graciously volunteered to sign-up for our Meals on Wheels program. This will allow the Members-At-Large to greatly expand on their meal delivery program. CARING HEARTS The Junior League of Boca Raton gratefully acknowledges the following people and companies for their “Caring Hearts:” General Membership Meeting and to the Sustainer Luncheon for distribution. “Ring, Ring” . . . We will have an awesome phone system in the Vegso Community Resource Center thanks to Paul Adkins! Thank you, Paul, for your incredible expertise! Special thanks to our guys at the construction site for all their help and expertise! The Vegso Community Resource Center is a dream come true thanks to you! Michael Quinn for delivering Yearbooks to the September Dan O’Connell & Norm Shapiro 9 COMMITTEE NEWS DIAD - LOTS OF CHOICES & LOTS OF FUN The fun has begun! The DIAD Committee has already coordinated participation in a bunch of community events and League activities, and its members are excited about the ones coming up! BY AMY BLAKE on the Halloween festivities, then find us in the spring to volunteer for an egg hunt, or anytime during the year to read stories to the kids at the Sibling Shelter. For instance, you can catch a taste of the holiday season by sponsoring a family for Thanksgiving! Sign up before the General Membership meeting in November. Turkeys are being provided by C.R.O.S. Ministries. Volunteers will provide a decorated box loaded with a cooking tin and the ingredients for all the holiday fixings. To donate food with C.R.O.S. Ministries on a more regular basis, find a DIAD shift at 9:30 a.m. on the first Thursday of each month at the Caring Kitchen in Delray Beach. Here volunteers make bologna sandwiches for after-school snacks. This is a fun and fast D.I.A.D commitment and requires a $20 donation for purchase of sandwich supplies. The JLBR provides 250 sandwiches each month. Last month, one great time to volunteer was at Halloween, assisting Trick-or-Treating at the Sibling Shelter. This successful annual event was, as always, probably as fun for the volunteers as it was for the kids! We thank the volunteers who contributed their time to this event. If you’re sorry you missed out Other great and meaningful DIAD volunteer opportunities are available with the Special Olympics, and with Habitat for Humanity. In fact, the D.I.A.D Committee just assisted with a Special Olympics Bowling Day on October 4th and with the building of a Delray home on November 1st. These were fun shifts and time very well spent for our volunteers. More shifts will be available this year for the Special Olympics and for Habitat for Humanity. We would like to thank the volunteers for these events, as well as those who assisted the Children’s Assistance Committee with their involvement in the Community Health Fair. . . . continued on page 11 HUSBAND OF GAIL KRUMHOLTZ, SUSTAINER 10 The Bridge November 2003 COMMITTEE NEWS VOTE BY YVONNE LANZON Get ready to vote ladies! It is your Public Issues and Advocacy Committee bringing your State Public Affairs Committee update. SPAC has worked hard all summer to update our issues. The following are Public Stands and Position Statements to be voted upon at our General Membership Meeting. With all of the Leagues approval we will be able to lobby on behalf of the 15,000 women in our Florida Leagues. Please take a moment to read, and get ready to vote! Public Stand on Young Adults Emerging from Foster Care: The Junior Leagues of Florida support opportunities for those young adults emerging from the foster care system so that they may become self- sufficient members of our society. Position Statements on Bullying: The Junior Leagues of Florida recognize the severe effects of bullying on the everyday lives of children. We therefore support initiatives to reduce the number of bullying incidents, and reduce the incidents’ effects. Public Stand on Drivers Licensing Frequency and Transportation Alternatives: The Junior Leagues of Florida recognize the high incidence of traffic accidents experienced by drivers under the age of 24 and over the age of 70, and we therefore support the enforcement of statewide mandates for license renewal frequency meeting minimum Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles standards. We also support improved public transportation to provide driving alternatives. DIAD - LOTS OF CHOICES & LOTS OF FUN Busy this Holiday season? Combine your holiday shopping with a DIAD shift at the Town Center Mall! The JLBR is contributing to the Spirit of Giving Toy Drive for four weekends, beginning November 20th. Many shifts will be available at the mall for those available to help collect toy donations from holiday shoppers. You can provide toy donations at the mall, or bring a donation to the General Membership Meeting. Toys will even be available on the tables at the General Membership Meeting in November for purchase for the Toy Drive - how CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 convenient is that? Shifts will be posted on the JLBR web site as they become available. Information will also be available at the General Membership Meetings. And don’t forget, there will be a prize from Tiffany & Co. for the volunteer with the most shifts! A big thanks also goes out to the volunteers who worked at the Health Fair. Our Habitat for Humanity is November 1st. COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Two JLBR Past Presidents combine nearly 20 years of experience and fresh enthusiasm. Let us help you find your way home! Barbara W. Hill REALTOR 706-3237 Judy B. Hilsmier, G.R.I. REALTOR 451-5065 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE, INC. 555 SO. FEDERAL HIGHWAY SUITE 100 BOCA RATON, FL 33432 11 COMMITTEE NEWS KIDS@HOME PARTICIPATE IN COASTAL CLEANUP The Kids@Home committee along with the young adults from the program arrived at John Price Park in Lake Worth on Saturday, Sept. 20th at 9:00 a.m. not knowing what to expect from the chosen community service activity. We were handed garbage bags and latex gloves and pointed in the direction of the water. We were told to pick up garbage and make sure we documented everything we gathered. The surrounding areas were filled with other garbage collecting volunteers so we jumped in three cars on the search for good garbage. We found an area, parked the cars and we were off! The Kids@Home Community Service Team made up of Phoebe Chapman, Alyson Baugh and Dayna Coffer organized the cleanup to give the young adults in the Kids@Home program a chance to give back to their community. The goal of the team is to provide access and participation in community projects that will get the kids involved. A total of four events will be held this year in September, November, January and March. The Ocean Conservatory sponsors the cleanup as an international event every year on the third Saturday in September. Last year items such as razors, braided hair and chapstick were found, making the need for an annual coastal cleanup increasingly evident. So, I bet you are wondering what we found. It started out slow with some candy wrappers, glass and soda cans and became much more “exciting” as the day went on. All in all we found a leg (Barbie’s leg, don’t worry), fish bones, band-aids, clothing and a few unidentifiable objects. All in a day’s work! CHILDREN’S PLACE SOUTH & YOU This year our committee is trying to make some small but important changes in the way we and other League members provide support for Children’s Place South. As many of you know, the League, through its Children’s Place South Committee, hosts holiday parties throughout the year. We are there for every major holiday with arts and crafts projects for the children to enjoy, along with some great food and special gifts. Now that the expansion is complete and our committee’s time is not so consumed with the construction project, we thought it would be nice to spend some more time with the kids themselves, in addition to the usual holiday festivities. GOOD NIGHT, SLEEP TIGHT Lori Fertel (owner) Phone: 561-278-3921 (a Junior League Member) The Bridge November 2003 ★ Bedding ★ UNIQUE BEDDING at and www.surferbedding. com Adult 12 Crib Bedding ★ Children’s Bedding ★ ★ Hawaiian Print Bedding ★ The Halloween DIAD has been a great success and has allowed League members who are not part of this committee to lend their support to the shelter by trick-or-treating with the kids. Our committee has decided to try to build on that by coming up BY JERI MCDONNELL BY MICHELLE REIDER with additional DIAD opportunities for League members to spend time with the children. In the past, there have been a few DIAD shifts for story-reading. In addition to that, we are trying to get some volunteers to help out with homework, especially with the older children. Although it seems like a well-worn cliche, you can make a difference in these children’s lives just by sitting with them for a few minutes and reading with them or helping them work through a math problem. Please be on the lookout for DIAD shifts and sign-up! Original Creations by Robin Philpit “One of a Kind Invitations” Stationery and Address Labels Business Cards Emergency Cards for Children & Adults Luggage Tags for more information call Robin at 750-99036 (a Junior League Member) COMMITTEE NEWS TIME FOR TEA BY JOHANNA FELBERBAUM Those who were fortunate to receive an invitation and attend the 2003 Woman Volunteer of the Year Candidates’ Tea on October 2nd were treated to a warm and elegant afternoon. It has been a tradition that the Honorary Chair of the annual awards luncheon hosts a reception for nominees, a guest from the participating organization, financial underwriters contributing at the patron level and higher, representatives from Wachovia Bank and the Junior League of Boca Raton. Countess Henrietta de Hoernle, this years gracious Honorary Chair, chose Boca West Country Club for the afternoon event. Marcella Roberts and Renee Feder, sustaining members of the Woman Volunteer of the Year committee, coordinated the details to produce a lovely tea. The room was trimmed with shades of white and cream. Each table was decorated with beautiful, realistic faux floral centerpieces generously brought in for the occasion by Le Faux Chateux. Guests had a wide array of delicious food and beverages from which to choose, ranging from traditional finger sandwiches, to sumptuous pastries and scones and an outrageous fruit display. The candidate’s tea offers nominees and organization representatives a chance to mingle with one another and get to know League members and sponsors from Wachovia in a more intimate setting. Most all the attendees are volunteers and having that in common provided lively conversations and a wonderful affair. If you liked the Grand Prize Raffle bracelet at the WVOY Luncheon, come see the entire collection of Sudi Jewels at Michele Broadfoot’s 117 Thatch Palm Cove, Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club Tuesday, November 11, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday, November 12, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Men’s Night Only on Tuesday, November 11 from 5 - 7 p.m. (put together a holiday wish list) They’ll enjoy wine and cheese while they shop for you! For more information: Preview the collection at: 561-367-1339 or 13 COMMITTEE NEWS HURRAY FOR SAVOR THE MOMENT Give me an S . . . Give me an A . . . anyway, you get the picture! It’s football season in Florida and that means time to cheer! And eat of course! Our first hurray goes to Savor the Moment (STM) which turned four years old on October 1st. We are almost at our third reprint of this popular award-winning cookbook that has sold over 35,000 copies to date. This year looks to be another strong selling season. Yeah Team - We sold over $1,300 in swaps and STM cookbooks at our first General Membership Meeting Go Team Go - STM was the best-selling book at the Atlanta Gift Show V-I-C-T-O-R-Y- STM is branching out to the tourism and real estate markets and we’re selling to hotel conventioneers. Holiday season is just around the corner and that means time to think about gifts. Savor the Moment makes a great gift for the following individuals on your list Family members, Grandma, Mom, Sisters-in-law, Sisters, etc. Gifts for your children’s Teachers or School Helpers Domestic Helpers, your Cleaning Lady, Babysitter, Pool Man, Mail Man, or your regular Handy Man Business Associates and/or Customers We will have wrapped copies of STM at our November and December General Membership Meetings so buy your copies 14 The Bridge November 2003 BY ANITA KREILEIN then! Also, let us know if you would like to have your book customized in a gift basket by calling the cookbook office. We can meet your needs and pricing! So pull up your easy chair and turn on your favorite college or pro football team game and enjoy a piping hot bowl of White Chicken Chili while you root for your team! You may even imagine colorful fall leaves around you! White Chicken Chili Serves 10 1 pound dried Great Northern beans 2 1/2 pounds boneless chicken breasts 2 medium onions, chopped 1 tablespoon olive oil 4 garlic gloves, minced 2 (4 oz.) cans chopped green chiles 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 2 teaspoons ground cumin 3 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese 1 1/2 teaspoons dried oregano 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 tsp. cayenne 5 cups chicken broth 1 (12 oz.) can beer 1/4 teaspoon lemon pepper 1/4 teaspoon white pepper salt to taste . . . continued on page 15 COMMITTEE NEWS TRINKETS & TREASURES DONATION TIME Yes, it’s that time of year again. The Trinkets & Treasures Committee has begun collecting donations for our annual Thrift Sale, which will take place on February 27 and 28, 2004. In order to store the donated items, we are renting storage space at Public Storage, located at 190 N.W. 20th Street, on the corner of 20th Street and Dixie Highway in Boca Raton. We have scheduled the following dates for drop-offs of your merchandise at the storage unit. November 8, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. November 22, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. December 13, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. January 10, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. BY ALISON SICILIANO February 7, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. We will be collecting the following items on all drop-off days: women’s clothing, men’s clothing, children’s clothing, accessories, jewelry, children’s toys, furniture, linens, kitchenware, housewares, office supplies, books, electronics, sporting goods, hardware, lawn and garden, crafts, sewing materials, and holiday decorations. Merchandise does not need to be tagged or priced, however, we will only accept merchandise that has been properly stored in boxes or sturdy shopping bags, i.e., no trash bags please! For jewelry, buttons, and other very small items, please place them each in a ziploc bag. If you are interested in completing your two hour and four hour fundraiser shifts, you can sign up on the JLBR web site to help collect items at the storage unit on the above dates. We are looking forward to a memorable Trinkets & Treasures this year, but we can’t do it without the donations from each and every one of you! January 24, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. HURRAY FOR SAVOR THE MOMENT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 Rinse and pick the beans and combine with water to cover in a large bowl. Let stand for 8 hours or longer. Ladle into serving bowls. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Garnish with salsa and sour cream. Combine the chicken with cold water to cover in a large saucepan. Simmer for 15 minutes or until tender. Drain, cool and chop the chicken. Note: As a time-saver, substitute 2 cans of rinsed white beans for the dried beans. Saute the onions in the olive oil in a saucepan until transparent. Stir in the garlic, green chiles, cumin, oregano, cloves and cayenne. Saute for 2 minutes. Drain the beans and add to the saucepan. Add the chicken broth, been lemon pepper, white pepper and black pepper. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Simmer for 2 hours or until the beans are tender, stirring occasionally. Add the chicken and cook until the chicken is heated through. Stir in 1 cup of the cheese. Season with salt. The Linton Medical Park 4800 Linton Boulevard, Suite D-505 Delray Beach, Florida 33445 561.638.9963 YOUR FAVORITE EUROPEAN DESIGNERS LORIANI HANDBAGS ~ ACCESSORIES CALL NOW TO BOOK YOUR HOME SHOW CLARE GOYETTE DENESS 561-251-1961 Dr. Moroco, a Junior League of Boca Raton member, is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University and Northwestern University Dental School. She completed advanced specialty training in Orthodontics at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Moroco has practiced orthodontics in the Boca Raton/Delray area since 1993. 15 COMMITTEE NEWS CAPTURE THE MOMENT BY JULIANNE CARELLI Picture this . . . a private portrait session with a professional photographer for you and your spouse, family or friend. This is the Junior League of Boca Raton’s (JLBR) newest fundraiser, Family Portrait Day. The funds raised will benefit the JLBR and help to support its numerous worthwhile causes benefitting children, families and arts and culture. It’s an opportunity you won’t want to miss! “With the sunset spots already sold out, we’re on our way to making this not only a great fundraiser for the League, but a great opportunity for League members, friends and their family,” Durante mentioned. League members can also participate by signing up for a two or four-hour fundraising volunteer shift. Several time slots will be available. Sign up at the November General Membership Meeting.. For more information about Family Portrait Day, please contact Lori J. Durante at 706-9420 or The Family Portrait Day Committee encourages you to be there for the lights, camera and action with Junior League member and photographer Darcy Plimpton Sims of Savor the Moment cookbook CD- ROM fame. She will be taking the portraits November 14-23 at the beach at South Inlet Park off Camino Real Blvd. in Boca Raton. Sunset appointments are sold out, however, several other slots are available throughout the week. Payment secures your appointment. Available sessions are $250, which includes your session fee, photo development and negatives. League members are encouraged to spread the word to family members and friends interested in participating in having their portraits taken. Lori J. Durante, chair of the Family Portrait Day Committee, says, “This is a wonderful opportunity especially with the holidays around the corner.” The feedback and response for portraits has already been positive and steady. 16 The Bridge November 2003 (l-r) Family Portrait Day Committee: Kristen Calder, Chair Elect, Jill Patterson, Tibisay Vasile, Julianne Carelli and Lori Durante, Chair COMMITTEE NEWS FUND ENHANCEMENT & DEVELOPMENT JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON MONTH AT MARIOS FEATURING: “DINING FOR DOLLARS” AND “ANTIQUES, ANTIQUES AND MORE ANTIQUES!” The Fund Enhancement & Development Committee is currently coordinating several special events with local businesses, restaurants and retailers. These “minifundraisers” are win-wins because the business gets promoted via the JLBR, the JLBR gets promoted within the community and money is raised that will eventually go back into the community via JLBR projects. We are very excited about these upcoming special events! Marios of Boca has invited the JLBR to be the recipient of their “Dining for Dollars” event, highlighted with a not-to-be-missed complimentary lecture by a local antique expert. “Dining for Dollars” will take place November 9th-15th and the JLBR gets 5% of all lunch and dinner sales for the entire week. The highlight of the “Dining for Dollars” week is the evening BY MANDY FAUST of Wednesday, November 12. Marios will sponsor a special speaker on antiques: Discussions will include: “How to Find the Right Antiques to Complement Your Current Collection,” “Antiquing 101 for the Novice,” and “Discovering and Uncovering Those Hideaway Antique Shops (Locally and Out of South Florida.)” A question and answer period will follow. This is complimentary for everyone and anyone. Please tell all your friends, family and neighbors -antique enthusiasts or novices - to come out to Marios for dinner and drinks on Wednesday, November 12 and experience this complimentary antique lecture. JLBR is also thrilled that Marios has designated November as the “Junior League of Boca Raton Month.” In addition to the special events mentioned above, Marios will be distributing information about JLBR during the month of November and talking to their customers about JLBR. Marios is located at 1901 N. Military Trail at the Holiday Inn across from Kings Market in Boca Raton. For more information please contact Mandy Faust on the Fund Enhancement & Development Committee at or (954) 439-1241. Do you have any ideas for new (or established) restaurants or businesses that want to partner with the JLBR for a fun, minifundraising event? Contact Karen Wadowicz, Chair of the Fund Enhancement & Development Committee at or 954-382-4983. 17 JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON Wall of Honor* Partnerships with the following generous donors are acknowledged with gratitude by Funding The Future: Meeting Community Needs Campaign Premier Partners Vegso Family Foundation Countess Henrietta de Hoernle Regal Partners The Cobb Foundation Jacob Burns Foundation Schmidt Family Foundation Majestic Partners AutoNation, Inc. Janice V. Middlebrook Mary McCarty, District IV County Commissioner Mr. & Mrs. Frank Newman Wachovia Foundation Noble Partners Admiralty Bank James & Marta Batmasian Boca Raton Resort & Club City of Boca Raton Sylvie & Bernard Godin Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memorial Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Ray C. Osborne Reiling Family Foundation Rutherford, Mulhall & Wargo Mr. & Mrs. G. Robert Sheetz Elizabeth C. Taggart Toppel Family Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Keith C. Wold Distinguished Partners Kathy & Paul Adkins Carolyn & Charles Arnold Yvonne S. Boice Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bok Norman, Jeanne & Joey Brander Marina & Jim Chaney Dr. & Mrs. Robert Craske Carolyn & Rodney Cunningham Pattie & Richard Damron Susan & Edward Diener Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kennedy, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Michael Krebsbach Wendy & Ralph Kulberg Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lawless Kenneth & Tammie Page Ron & Brooke Qualk Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Rochon Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ruzika Exceptional Partners Mayor & Mrs. Steven Abrams Anonymous Beerman Foundation/Barbara & Bill Weprin Boca Raton Magazine/John & Margaret Mary Shuff Camiccia-Arnautou Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Comparato Aaron Arnold Memorial Fund Dr. & Mrs. Steven Alman Caroline & Rodney Angstadt Sheila & David Aucamp Helen & James Ballerano Lisa & George Bariso The Bloomingdale’s Fund of the Federated Foundation Carol & Joseph Borrow Michele & James Broadfoot Jeff & Joanne Butcher Phoebe & David Champman Juliet B. Ciambrone Tami & Steve Constantine Mary Ladd Cope Dr. & Mrs. James Cook Christine & Richard Critchfield Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Critchfield Mary & Frank Csar Joyce & Thomas DeVita Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deyo Mr. & Mrs. David Blaine Dickenson Lindsay & Paul Duval The Bridge Celebrated Partners Edwards Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Scott Elk Renee & David Feder Lauren Forbes Marc B. Franklin Kimberly & Jay Galeota Mr. & Mrs. James Genero Michael & Lucille Gioia Lori & Greg Glover Louise & John Glover Mary Cheryl & John Hargrove Wanda & John Harrold Patsy Chamberlain Hedrick Barbara & Doug Hill Judith & Donald C. Hilsmier Jeanette & Ray Himes Jacobsons Stores, Inc. Mark & Peggy Jones Kuafman, Lynn, Inc. Debora & Ward Kellogg Kristine & Mark Killip Beth King & Bill Hager Dr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Kornblue * Represents gifts of $1,000 and over 18 Comerica Private Banking Caron & Bob Dockerty Johanna & Rick Felberbaum Thomas & Rita Head Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Ingalls Bette & John Miller Carole & Charles Putman November 2003 Mary C. Lavalle Janet & Vince Little Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lobello Janie & Duncan Lott Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mackey, III Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Malfitano Mr. & Mrs. Richard Malone Mr. & Mrs. Guy Mancini Emily McMullin Mary & Joe Meloy Merrill Lynch Susan & Tom Mersch Dr. & Mrs. Michael Morejon Robert & Anna Morgan Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mulhall, III New Member Class 2002 Mary Jo & Randy Nobles Northern Trust Bank Barbara & Jack O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Michael Owen Kesia & Ted Parkhill Barbara & Michael Phillip Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rubin Skip & Laura Stoltz Catherine C. Toomey Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Warren Mrs. Eleanor Zaccagnini Karl & Dorothy Preusse Edie Marie K. & David T. Rattner Mr. & Mrs. Jason Reeves Kristen & Kevin Ross Ann & Charlie Rutherford Susan & Joe Saxton Anastasia Schauer Thomas & Constance Scott Mr. & Mrs. William Scott Betty & Norman Shapiro Dr. Michele Weizer Simon Mr. & Mrs. Carter Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ternus Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thompson Jennifer Baur Tomazin Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Toomey, Jr. Julia A. Trevarthen Marjorie W. Waldner Lisa & Timothy Warren Pamela & John Wirt John & Susan Whelchel Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Zimmerman Capital Campaign Donors as of Oct. 7, 2003 Thank you to all the donors listed below for taking a leadership role in the Funding the Future, Meeting Community Needs campaign. Aaron Arnold Memorial Fund Mayor & Mrs. Steven Abrams Kathy & Paul Adkins Admiralty Bank Caroline & Rodney Angstadt Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Steven Alman Tricia & David Anderson Caroline & Rodney Angstadt Carolyn & Charles Arnold Amy & David Asher Sheila & David Aucamp Carol Auerbach AutoNation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William Bahr Helen & James Ballerano Lisa & George Bariso James & Marta Batmasian Jeanne & Gene Bauer Jennifer K. Bazzell Beerman Foundation/Barbara & Bill Weprin Matt & Chrissy Biagiotti Amy Blake Betsy Bleich The Bloomingdale’s Fund of the Federated Foundation Boca Raton Magazine/John & Margaret Mary Shuff Boca Raton Resort & Club Yvonne S. Boice Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bok John & Gail Bonani Carol & Joseph Borrow Laurel P. Marray Boynton Jeanne & Norman Brander Cathie Braun Janet Bridges Michele & James Broadfoot Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buck Kathryn Burnett Leanne B. Burns Julie & Thomas Buser Jeff & Joanne Butcher Kristin & Glen Calder Camiccia-Arnautou Charitable Foundation Julianne Carelli Patti Carpenter Marina & Jim Chaney Phoebe & David Chapman Soozie Childers Juliet B. Ciambrone City of Boca Raton The Cobb Foundation Polly Cochran Comerica Private Banking Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Comparato Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Conklin Randy & Jill Conrad Tami & Steve Constantine Mary Ladd Cope Dr. & Mrs. James Cook Shirley Cousins Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Craske Christine & Richard Critchfield Jennifer & Richard Critchfield Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Critchfield Mary & Frank Csar CSR Heavy Construction, Inc. Carolyn & Rodney Cunningham Pattie & Richard Damron Laurie Dankowski Daphne Seybolt Culpeper Memorial Foundation Mrs. Francis A. Davis, Jr. Melinda Dehoff Katherine Delucca Joyce & Thomas DeVita Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deyo Mr. & Mrs. David Blaine Dickenson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dickinson Susan & Edward Diener Deborah L. Director Caron & Bob Dockerty Nancy Dockerty Suzie T. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dreker Lindsay & Paul Duval Linda Eckelson Edwards Foundation Ellen Elam Mr. & Mrs. Scott Elk Ms. Laura Eppert Mr. & Mrs. David Feder Johanna & Rick Felberbaum Kathy & Nate Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fimiani Janann & Cliff Fine Adriana Finnvold Elizabeth T. Fitzsimmons Lauren K. Forbes Marc B. Franklin Kimberly & Jay Galeota Mr. & Mrs. James Genero Michael & Lucille Gioia Lori & Greg Glover Louise & John Glover Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Godin Cynthia Goldberg Linda B. Gunn Adrienne & David Haag Cathy Hanson Mary Cheryl & John Hardgrove Lisa Harmer Wanda & John Harrold Thomas & Rita Head Patsy Chamberlain Hedrick Anne & Walker Henderson Stacey High Barbara & Doug Hill Judith & Donald C. Hilsmier Kristina L. Hilson Jeanette & Ray Himes Countess Henrietta de Hoernle E. Jean Holmes Reneé A. Holmes Diane S. Hopkins Steve & Vicki Hull Susan M. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Ingalls In Rem Solutions Leslie Jackson Jacob Burns Foundation Jacobson Stores, Inc. Linda Deery Jennings Chris & Wendy Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David O. Johnson Mark & Peggy Jones Mr. & Mrs. Michael Jones Patricia Joseph Kaufman, Lynn, Inc. Debora & Ward Kellogg Dr. & Mrs. Ben Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Ben Kennedy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. Hopkins Kennemer, Jr. Leslie Keyes Kristine & Mark Killip Beth King & Bill Hager Marti Kinsel Patty Kirsch Dr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Kornblue Henry & Christine Kraft Dr. & Mrs. Michael Krebsbach Krumholtz Orthodontics, P.A. Jan Kucera Wendy & Ralph Kulberg Liska Langston Yvonne Lanzon Mary C. Lavalle Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lawless Brooke A. Liberty Janet & Vince Little Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lobello Janie & Duncan Lott Marsha Love Dorothy MacDiarmid Mr. & Mrs. David E. Mackey, III Francesca Maines Mr. & Mrs. Richard Malone Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Malfitano Mr. & Mrs. Guy Mancini Irene Marino Memorial Fund Mary McCarty, District IV / County Commissioner Jeri McDonnell Sharon McGuire Emily McMullin Mary & Joe Meloy Merrill Lynch Susan & Tom Mersch Janice V. Middlebrook Bette & John Miller Laura & Brad Mitchell Robert & Anna Morgan Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Morejon Joan Mosely Mr. & Mrs. Scott Raymond Moss Mr. & Mrs. John T. Mulhall, III Mr. & Mrs. Frank Newman New Member Class 2002 Diane Nestor Mary Jo & Randy Nobles Jeanne F. Nolan Northern Trust Bank Barbara & Jack O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Kevin W. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Ray C. Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Robert O’Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Owen Mr. & Mrs. John L. Page Kenneth & Tammie Page Virginia & Peter Page Sharon Paggi Louise Parker Kesia & Ted Parkhill Anna Parrot Helen Peck Michael & Barbara Phillip Robin & Tom Philpit Laurie Pohl Karl & Dorothy Preusse James & Debra Prevor Publix Super Market Charities Carole & Charles Putman Ron & Brooke Qualk Edie Marie K. & David T. Rattner Joe & Loretta Rauenhorst Michelle Reider Mr. & Mrs. Jason Reeves Reiling Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rochon Eleanora K. Rolfe Cristina Anderson Romiza Kristen & Kevin Ross Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rubin Ann & Charlie Rutherford Rutherford, Mulhall & Wargo Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ruzika Lee Ann Ryan The Ryan Family Susan & Joe Saxton Thomas & Constance Scott Mr. & Mrs. William Scott Anastasia Schauer Schmidt Family Foundation Betty Schulz Mrs. Marsha B. Searcy Betty & Norman Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. G. Robert Sheetz Molly Shuff Simms Family Foundation Dr. Michele Weizer Simon Elizabeth Small Alice S. Smith Lisa M. Smith Sharon Smith Mark & Susan Spence Samantha Stetson Shanna St. John Michelle Stuart Laura & Skip Stoltz Mr. & Mrs. Carter Strickland Sunrise Rotary Club of Delray Beach Diana Swords Elizabeth C. Taggart Heide Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ternus Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thompson Jennifer Bauer Tomazin Catherine C. Toomey Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Toomey, Jr. Mary Glynn Toomey Toppel Family Foundation Julia A. Trevarthen Cliff & Samantha Vassallo Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vegso Adriana Velasco Kristen L. Virostek Wachovia Foundation Marjorie W. Waldner Karen A. Wadowicz LuAnn M. Warner-Prokos Lisa & Timothy Warren Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Warren John & Susan Whelchel Terry Whittemore Barbara S. Williams Pamela & John Wirt Dr. & Mrs. Keith C. Wold Dale & Jim Workman Mrs. Eleanor Zaccagnini Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Zimmerman 19 COMMITTEE NEWS ANSWERS TO SOME QUESTIONS BY CINDY KREBSBACH Please join me for a tour of the Vegso Community Resource Center on Tuesday, November 11 at 9:30 a.m. Let’s meet at the entrance and see the facility as it is coming together! RSVP to Cindy Krebsbach at 561 750 5453 or JLBR offices and files will move in December 2003 and the facility will be ready for use in January of 2004! The spring Membership Development committee is thrilled to be able to educate the spring New Member class and all future new members in this facility. All committees and councils: please contact Linda Halstead at 241-2708 or to reserve your 2004 dates and rooms. The building is almost finished. We are so thrilled with our good fortune. The building is now secured with all windows and doors in place and construction workers are starting on the excavation of the grounds. The trailers will be off the site before this article goes to press! As the building is going up there are many plans being made by lots of committees for the upcoming opening of JLBR’s Signature Community Project. (Come to the tour so you can see the rooms!) The Funding Resource Center (AKA grant library) will open when we fully furnish the library in January 2004. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions from the Programming Committee: What JLBR meetings can be held in the new facility? The Countess de Hoernle building will allow us to have Finance, Planning, Personnel, Communications and Community Council meetings, Board, Governance Council, New Member meetings. In addition, caregiving roundtables, “in League” and “out of League,” education sessions , sustainer functions, luncheons and clubs, Past President council, the Funding Resource Center (AKA Grant Library) and all the educational opportunities that the Nonprofit Resource Institute and Donor’s Forum will be offered in the facility. Currently JLBR has seven General Membership Meetings per year where members convene in one room. These will continue to be held at a local hotel. The Internal PR committee has turned General Membership Meetings into financially profitable events for the League through vendor tables, raffles and corporate sponsors. The seven General Membership Meetings did not warrant additional square feet in the building. Will we charge fees for other Non-Profits to use our facility? Usage policies and procedures are currently being researched by Ingrid Kennemer and Kris Killip. How soon will we be able to use the building? Carolyn Cole Arnold, Psy. D., P.A. Intelligence Testing Psychotherapy 7300 West Camino Real Boca Raton, FL 33433 What will the Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties do for us? The Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties is an official member of the Cooperating Collection out of New York. This organization collects grant writing resources and materials and makes them available to the public. The Funding Resource Center located in the Vegso Community Resource Center will be a satellite center. The Community Foundation will hold “train-the-trainer” sessions so we can educate others on how to use the Library. There are several thousand nonprofits in Palm Beach County who will use this library -- and many students who will be able to research scholarships. JLBR has applied for a grant from the Community Foundation to help us outfit the room according to the Foundation Center’s specifications. Can I be trained on how to use the Funding Resource Center? Yes! Please contact Peggy Jones at 368-7320 or If you are interested in learning more about our partners who will help provide education in the Vegso Community Resource Center here are their web sites: Community Foundation of Palm Beach & Martin Counties: Foundation Center: Donors Forum: Nonprofit Resource Institute: What kinds of trainings will the Nonprofit Resource Institute and the Donor’s Forum offer at the facility? A sample: Risk Management Guide for Nonprofit Developing a Realistic Marketing Plan Designing and Printing Collateral Material Building Relationships with Corporate Sponsors How to run a Capital Campaign How to be a Successful Board Member Recently several Junior League members and I attended a South Licensed Psychologist #PY4850 20 The Bridge (561) 338-6995 . . . continued on page 21 November 2003 COMMITTEE NEWS FUNDING THE FUTURE BY PATTIE DAMRON FUNDING THE FUTURE: Meeting Community Needs is now in its final countdown! Con-firmation letters from the Capital Campaign were recently mailed out to all donors of $1,000 plus to confirm the exact name to be recognized on the Wall of Honor. If you haven’t made your gift yet please do so immediately so you won’t be left out. The Wall is currently in the final design phase so please return the letter as soon as possible so that your generosity will be acknowledged the way you would like! All gifts from JLBR members will also be honored on a special Membership Plaque that is expanding every day! This plaque will recognize the member’s name as it appears in the 20032004 yearbook. If your name has changed please contact Sue Diener at or Pattie Damron at REMEMBER: Campaign deadline is December 1, 2003 . . . make your gift today and celebrate the future of the Junior League of Boca Raton! ANSWERS TO SOME QUESTIONS Florida regional symposium entitled: Collaborating to Foster Civic Engagement. Secretary of State Glenda Hood gave the opening remarks. She referenced her volunteerism many times during her remarks. (She is a past president of the JL of Orlando.) There were many different For-Profit and Non-forprofit organizations represented. The symposium centered on how government, business and nonprofit organizations can achieve public purposes through cross-sector collaboration, alliances, and partnership. Our facility will be centrally located to be able to provide space for performance based collaborative meetings such as this to be held. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20 Circle, #2A, Boca Raton, FL 33487. You will be so proud of JLBR and of what we were able to accomplish with the help of so many people. Join us, you’ll be glad you did! Is it too late to have your name listed as a contributor? It’s not too late, but hurry! The deadline is Dec. 1, 2003, and every donation is appreciated. Please send your tax deductible one time or multi-year donation to JLBR, 1181 South Rogers Community Foundation of Palm Beach & Martin Counties’ Grant Library in Palm Beach - Planning for our branch library at Vegso Community Resource Center Name: Date: Address: Phone: I/we pledge a total of $ . Enclosed is a check in the amount of $ . All gifts made by Junior League members before December 1, 2003, will be honored on a Membership Plaque. PAYMENT SCHEDULE Annually Quarterly Date: Amount: Date: Amount: Date: Amount: WALL OF HONOR CATEGORIES Premier Partners........................................$100,000 and above Regal Partners ..........................................$50,000 to $99,999 Majestic Partners ......................................$25,000 to $49,999 Noble Partners ..........................................$10,000 to $24,999 Distinguished Partner....................................$5,000 to $9,999 Exceptional Partners......................................$3,000 to $4,999 Celebrated Partners ......................................$1,000 to $2,999 Please charge my gift in the amount of $ to Account #: Expiration Date: Signature: Visa MasterCard American Express Check here if you wish to remain anonymous Please print the name you want to appear in donor recognition materials: 21 COMMITTEE NEWS HOLIDAY PREPARATIONS BY STEPHANIE CRITCHFIELD The temperature has finally dropped a little, nightfall arrives sooner and the winter annuals are in the ground. But all it really takes is a stroll through the mall to see that the holidays are already here. In the midst of our respective holiday traditions, it is time to try a new one regarding the League’s Holiday Gatherings. Instead of our usual December social, we will switch gears a bit and hold more intimate gatherings at members’ homes. These new venues are sure to provide a warmer, more personal atmosphere consistent with the closeness of the holiday spirit and our mission as members. Each home will offer a different theme, such as a cookie exchange, wreath and floral design, last minute shopping and more! Please contact Nicole Mugavero at 740-0156 or or Laurie Dankowski at 392-8901 or with any questions about these fun themed events. With the holiday spirit in mind, there are still a few committees seeking volunteers - Cookbook, Trinkets & Treasures, Publications, Membership Training & Satisfaction, Community Resource Center Endowment Fund, Community Resource Center Programming, and Membership Development. This would give those interested in double-placing a terrific opportunity to assist with committees in need. Please contact your Nominating Placement advisor or Kathy Adkins at if you would like to lend an extra 22 The Bridge November 2003 hand or if you have any questions. Just as a reminder, your responsibilities for the coming year are as follows: 1. FINANCIAL COMMITMENT (pick one of the following): $100 underwriting WYOY or Trinkets & Treasures Purchase four cookbooks $122.72 In-Kind donation to WVOY or Food & Wine (minimum value $250) Donation to Trinkets & Treasure (minimum value $100 – to be defined by Trinkets & Treasures committee) Purchase (or acquire and sell) $100 worth of tickets for the $10,000 drawing for “Show Me the Money” 2. ANNUAL DUES 3. ONE DIAD SHIFT 4. ONE FOUR-HOUR FUNDRAISER SHIFT 5. ONE TWO-HOUR FUNDRAISER SHIFT 6. COMPLETE PLACEMENT INTERVIEW CEMENT ADVISOR IN THE SPRING. WITH A NOMINATING/PLA- Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your Nominating Placement advisor or Kathy Adkins at Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Day! COMMITTEE NEWS RECRUITERS NEEDED BY CANDACE BERRY-VAUGHN The Membership Development Committee is off to another exciting year with 42 dynamic women in the 2003 Fall Class. And while “fall” has bareCynthia Reagan Candace ly begun, we are already Muench Such Berr Berry-Vaughn y-Vaughn thinking “spring” as we begin our preparation for the 2004 New Member Class. As one of this year’s Chair-Elects, I have the responsibility of recruitment and Candidate Education Sessions. For months I agonized over how I would accomplish this. Where to recruit, how to recruit, and who to recruit became the questions of the hour. Finally, an “Aha” . . . moment! I thought about my introduction to the Junior League. On three different occasions my exposure to the Junior League led to three awesome experiences. My first encounter - New York. I was meeting a college friend for a “quick” appearance at a function she had to attend. Well that “quick” appearance was a Junior League fundraiser at the Schomberg . . . and we closed the place! My second League encounter was the Woman’s Conference sponsored by the Ft. Lauderdale chapter. All I knew was Katie Couric and Mrs. Fields of Mrs. Fields Cookies would be there and so would I! My third opportunity to hear about the Junior League was at Michael’s gym. Of all the places! I know this sounds funny, but this encounter is my most treasured because of the awesome woman that I met and the wonderful friendship established. So to Michele, my college friend; the Ft. Lauderdale Junior League; and my dear friend Susan LeBrun, thank you for the awesome experiences and thank you for easing my agony with this year’s placement! Let’s face it ladies - recruiting . . . it really does begin with us! SUPER SATURDAY In our continuous effort to grow and strengthen our League, we are asking every member to assist with our recruiting efforts by participating in our Candidate Referral Campaign during the months of October and November. In each of these months, we are asking members to refer and invite other dynamic women to join the League. What does it cost? Only you talking to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers about the Junior League of Boca Raton and all of the wonderful things that we do! Also, for the month of November, we are encouraging members to bring a friend to the General Membership Meeting. To add some fun, Membership and Development is sponsoring a Candidate Referral Raffle. It’s as easy as 1-2-3 and here is how it works: 1. By referring a candidate, you will get to enter your name in the drawing. 2. If your candidate(s) attend a Candidate Education Session, your name gets entered into the drawing again. The next Education Sessions will be October 23 and November 10th at the Boca Community Center 7 p.m. 3. If your candidate(s) completes the requirements for joining the New Members Class your name gets entered into the drawing again. (i.e., completes an application and submits required fees.) The more candidates you refer, the more chances your name gets entered in the drawing. The drawing will be held at the February General Membership Meeting. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make a difference or the chance to win a fabulous prize. To ensure adequate preparation for seating and food for November’s meeting, please contact the League Office or Candace Berry-Vaughn at (561)558-2817 by November 10. BY REAGAN SUCH One of the most important and educational days for the New Members is Super Saturday. This year’s event was no exception. Successfully coordinated by committee members Gina Gigli, Loretta Rauenhorst and Jennifer Shesser, we visited some of the JLBR’s community projects, as well as the future site of the Vegso Community Resource Center. Our New Members were very impressed and have a better understanding of what we do. First Dan Brennan from Kids @ Home came to speak, since they do not have a facility to visit. Then Lourdes Delfin showed them the old and new facilities of In the Pines, and they could not believe the difference between the two. Next we saw Children’s Place South/Sibling Shelter and learned how much has been contributed over the years. Peggy Jones was a great teacher. Then Joanne Butcher educated the women about the New Pines Neighborhood Center’s after school care programs as well as Dixie Manor. Resource Center and explained exactly what purposes the building would serve. Then it was back to the Community Center for a fantastic lunch provided by Brewzzi’s Restaurant. Overall the day was very successful. Of all the activities the New Members are involved in, Super Saturday is probably one of the most enjoyable and mind expanding. Everyone learned more about each other and the projects our League works so hard on. We then cruised by the site of the new Vegso Community 23 COMMITTEE NEWS BRING A FRIEND IN NOVEMBER Do you know anyone who might be curious about just what goes on at those Junior League meetings? Or perhaps you have a friend who is new to the area and may be interested in joining? November’s General Membership Meeting is a great opportunity for members to share our organization and our spirit with others. If you haven’t done so already, please contact Candace Vaughn at 561-558-2817 or Linda Halstead in the League office with your guest’s name. November is also time for DIAD’s annual Toy Drive and by popular demand there will be toys available for purchase during the meeting. Each item will be priced at $10. As always, donations of new, unwrapped toys are welcome. Gift certificates in denominations of $10 or so are particularly desired for the many teenagers who are often forgotten. Please show your support and help our community’s less fortunate children. Our vendors this month include September Girls Cocktail Napkins, Sharon’s Stones, Marcia Goldstein Gifts, Bead It Beautiful, Grand Optical Sunglasses, SMAX Gifts, Tropical Totes Handbags, Mexican Pewter, Kimmie & Heidi Designs, The Bloomin’ Pineapple, and Really Good Cookies. Please support these wonderful vendors as their underwriting allows us to invest more money in our community projects. Don’t forget your holiday shopping list! Home By Health Care... Those Who Care We offer Home Health Aides Certified Nurse Aides HomeMaker / Companions Live-ins Case Management Assistance with Shopping & Appointments Household Accounting Monthly Reports PERSONAL SENIOR SERVICES, INC. A Nurse Registry Lisc # NR 30211019 References Provided Mary Kelly President (a Junior League Member) 24 The Bridge 190 West Palmetto Park Road Boca Raton, Florida 33433 (561) 368-7422 November 2003 BY JENNIFER CRITCHFIELD And speaking of the holidays . . . Be on the lookout for upcoming information on December’s social gatherings. Plans for cookie exchanges, shopping events, gift wrapping, wine tasting, and help for coping with holiday stress are all in the works. A fun way to celebrate the season while socializing with new and old friends. We still have sponsorship opportunities available for the March and May meetings. If you or anyone you know may be interested in donating raffle items, please contact Dana Patterson (561573-7620 or or Jennifer Critchfield (561-276-0313 or If your committee needs a table or AV equipment, please contact Robin Deyo ASAP at 561-750-3173 ext. 212. See you November 11 at the Renaissance Hotel. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. COMMITTEE NEWS TRANSFER UPDATE BY KAREN SCHLESINGER The Transfer Committee will be working with Membership Satisfaction & Training to hold the first Wine Tasting Interest Group of the year. A casual wine tasting social will be held in November with a date, time and location soon to be established. So if you are interested in wine and/or would like an opportunity to gather and chat with some other Leaguers, then keep this fun, optional event in mind. While there will be more information on that, in the meantime, here’s the scoop on our four new transfers . . . Mary Coleman has been a League member for six years and worked on committees such as Cookbook, Chairs that Care, Community Projects and Public Affairs. Although she has lived in Boca Raton for many years, it wasn’t until she started working for the American Heart Association in Boca that she decided to transfer from Fort Lauderdale’s Junior League. Mary is Corporate and Social Relations Director for the Heart Association and an adept fundraiser. Since she is also an early American History buff, she’s going back to school to earn a degree in history at FAU. It is fitting that she collects 18th and 19th century children’s literature, rare first editions and antique postcards. She also enjoys activities such as hiking, nontechnical mountain climbing, kayaking, tennis and sailing. Celeste Krikorian recently moved to Boca Raton from Memphis along with her husband, Fazken, and their two young daughters, Sophia and Natalia. They moved to the area to open Gem Precision Fine Jewelry, their new jewelry store located in Royal Palm Plaza. When she’s not busy running the new business, she enjoys playing with her girls, going to the movies, trying new restaurants, and, of course, chatting about jewelry. Celeste was born in Memphis, attended the University of Mississippi for undergrad and law school, and completed her degree in environmental law at George Washington University. She has been in the League since 1999 and her past projects include Special Events and a committee that mentored 5th grade girls. Tiffany Batchelder is married to Darin and they have two kids-Zack who’s three and Kayla who’s 15 months. She is a stay at home mom and enjoys decorating. To stay active she does aerobics, rollerblades and likes both water and snow skiing. Tiffany was born in Waterloo, Iowa and attended Central Connecticut State University. She transferred from Fort Lauderdale into the Boca Raton League since JLBR is more conveniently located to where she lives in Coral Springs. And last year, two of her friends who live in the same Coral Springs’ community as she does, also transferred into JLBR from Fort Lauderdale. This is Tiffany’s second year as an active member. Her previous placement was on the Family Picnic committee. This summer she traveled to Aruba with her family and Rhode Island with four of her longtime girl friends, her daughter and their kids for a “girls” trip. Deborah Quiroga was born in El Paso, Texas and that is also where she attended the University of Texas for undergrad. She then moved to Florida to earn her master’s degree at the University of Tampa. She currently works for MCI in Human Resources and Habla Español. This summer, a job transfer within MCI relocated her from Tampa to Boca Raton. All settled now in South Florida, she and her boyfriend, James, are serious sports fans who enjoy going to sporting events and have season tickets to the Dolphins. Deborah has been a Junior League member since 2000 and she was previously on the Fun Book committee where she visited children in the hospital and entertained them with coloring books and arts and crafts. Please take an opportunity at our next GMM or JLBR event to welcome our fabulous new transfers. HAVING FUN AND MAKING NEW FRIENDS Would you like to meet more League members? Are you looking for another way to socialize with women who have the same interests as you? It is easy - all you need to do is join one of the Junior League interest groups like: Bunco, Book Club, or Wine Tasting. A number of people have already signed up to join the fun and make new friendships . . . thank you! If you would like to assist in coordinating any interest group or be a member, please let us know. New interest groups will be forming as we identify members and coordinators for them. We will have a table at the General Membership Meeting so stop by and sign up or just call Maria Lasso Morejon (561) 447-9106 or Catherine Timm (561) 649-2861. BY CATHERINE TIMM Back again by popular demand, the Grant Writing Seminar will be taught in spring once the new Vegso Community Resource Center opens. There will be a sign up sheet at the Membership Training and Satisfaction Committee table for those who are interested. The Bridge DID YOU KNOW. . . ? Advertising in THE BRIDGE is a great and economical way to reach 800+ ideal potential customers in our community? To advertise in THE BRIDGE contact: Robin Philpit at 561-750-9036 or . . . Che eck out rate es on page e 34 25 SUSTAINER NEWS SUSTAINER SCOOP BY LOU ANN SUCH First, a final thank you to Chris Heathcott for her gracious hospitality at our fall luncheon. We have never had so many attend this event. It was so elegant. We even had a piano player in addition to luscious food. Next, wasn’t that a great Woman Volunteer of the Year luncheon? (Now, I am writing this article in the beginning of October, so I have no idea how wonderful it really was, but Johanna Felberbaum, the chairman is so good and organized that any event she takes on is sure to be successful.) Thank you to our Dinner Group chairs, Lucille Gioia and Carol Auerbach for planning a great dinner get together. Thank you to Liz Locke for planning our first “Stitch and Beach.” Our Capital Campaign has gone amazingly well, as has the construction of the new Community Resource Center. The building will be completed in November. Then we shall slowly move in during December. Early January will be the official opening. Remember, your name can be included on the membership plaque in the community room if you donate any amount by December 1st. Yes, the deadline has been extended to December 1st, so dig deep and contribute to our Capital Campaign. AND, if you want your name on The Wall of Honor, a mere $1,000 or more will put you there. Note: A special function will be held there in the spring for the Sustainers. (I suggested a “Happy Hour.”) Betsy Bleich and Marina Chaney will figure out the details, so look forward to another sustainer event. Now here’s what is happening in the month of November for active Sustainers. BRIDGE GROUP I: Friday, November 7th, Hostess: Jeanne Gifford 561-994-8966 (Bridge Group I always meets the first Friday of every month) BRIDGE GROUP II: Tuesday, November 18th, Hostess: Check with Jackie Johnson 561-395-7412 (Bridge Group II always meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month) BOOK GROUPS I & II: Thursday, Nov. 13th November Book: Bel Canto by Ann Patchett Noon, Group I: Hostess - Elena Armbrust RSVP 561-361-7819 Group II: Hostess - Check your Email STITCH AND BEACH: Thursday, Nov. 20th 11:30 a.m., Seagate Club, Delray, A-1-A. Come to stitch, beach and lunch! Questions call Chair - Liz Locke 561-994-4609 MOVIE DAY: Wednesday, November 19th, 11:00 a.m., Muvico Theater: Movie to be determined. Plan to have lunch . . . continued on page 27 Whether you are buying or selling, work with a professional. Lucille has 17 years of Real Estate experience. Visit her company web site at to find out more about her and her 30 day marketing plan. Lucille takes a specialized approach as a real estate professional. Her first step is to sit down with you and listen to your wants, needs and desires. Then she gives you options by educating you. This approach helps you make the most intelligent decision possible about the important choices involved in buying or selling real estate. Lucille wants to build a life-long relationship with you as your real estate consulLUCILLE GIOIA, Broker/Owner NATIONWIDE REALTY 561-391-7440 email: 26 The Bridge November 2003 tant. By providing you with exemplary personalized service beyond your expectations, she will help you achieve your goals quickly, easily and with a minimum of stress. Lucille knows that her client’s complete satisfaction and subsequent referrals are the basis of her future business. That’s why she gives YOU her undivided attention when you need it...while you are buying, selling or waiting to close the transaction. In return for this high level of service, Lucille hopes that you will consider her your real estate consultant “for life”...not just for one transaction. SUSTAINER NEWS SUSTAINER SCOOP CONTINUED FROM PAGE 26 and see a movie. Chairs: Karen Bandy - 561-893-0447 and Joan Genest 5612- 338-8627 GOURMET CLUB: Dale Workman is doing the Culinary Demonstration on January 28th from 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. The class is closed because it is so full from the fall luncheon sign ups. HOUSE TOURS: Victoria Park Holiday Home Tour Set for December 6 - 7, 2003. The tour provides a rare opportunity to explore the exquisite interiors and lush gardens of some of the most distinctive private residences in this enchanting neighborhood. The tour begins at the Virginia Shuman Young Elementary School at Broward Blvd. and N.E. 9th Avenue. Free parking and trollys are available at the school. Tickets may be purchased in advance for $15 or purchased the day of the tour for $20. Advance tickets can be purchased by sending your check payable to VPCA, P.O. Box 4472, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308. For more information call Steve Kelley at (954) 5234115. old and new. Dinner Group Museum Tours Sketch Class Bridge Group Book Group Travel Group Gourmet Club Movie Day Stitch and Beach Concert Group Lunch Bunch House Tours Call Marina Chaney with questions . . . 561-998-2392 or call me, Lou Ann Such, 561-368-8838 or email me (NEW RSUCH if you have any news, views, ideas or suggestions for this, our Sustainer Page. Stay tuned for the next exciting and revitalizing issue of SCOOP! HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING! PALM BEACH TROPICAL FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW: Organized by Debbie Abrams, this event will take place on Saturday, February 21st. Join your sustainer friends for a trolley ride and luncheon at the Palm Beach Tropical Flower & Garden Show. Lunch will be served by the intra coastal, overlooking Palm Beach. (Are you noticing the pattern of our new interest groups? They all revolve around food.) Attention: If you have not signed up for one of these interest groups, it is not too late. Just call the chair and let her know that you would like to join us. Marina Chaney explained that this is all that is happening in November, not including the hundreds of benefits that we should attend, plus making a huge turkey and all the trimmings. December will be left open, and then in January many new interest groups will begin. Here’s a list of our interest groups, JLBR Needs Hostesses for our February Cottage Meetings! Tuesday, February 10th (day or evening) Please contact Nicole Mugavero at 561-740-0156 or NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 5 9 10 11 Jan Andrew Honey Bernstein Betsy Bleich Kerry LoBello Susan Hutchens Susan Doyle Laura Applewhite Rhoda Cobb 14 18 19 23 24 Virginia Page Janet Fuchs Patricia Cayce Maryann DeShields Wendy Horton Daphne Maingot Kelly Husak 27 Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D. Serving Boca Raton with Dental Excellence for 18 years (561) 394-9000 Veneers Whitening General Dentistry “We Make Beautiful Smiles a Reality” 28 The Bridge November 2003 DN10118 DN10118 HEALTH NEWS DENTISTRY RESTORES QUALITY OF LIFE Many people are becoming aware of the life changing impact that restorative and cosmetic dentistry can have on health, life and attitude. Every day patients are replacing old, dark, corroding mercury fillings with natural color, composite fillings and scheduling their hygiene appointments every three months (not six) to ensure long-term dental health. Madison Avenue has helped to promote the idea of dazzling, bright smiles, prompting men and women to try various methods available to whiten their teeth. Patients with crooked or missing teeth, spaces, discoloration and other symptoms are restoring their smiles to their natural form and function with state-of-the-art cosmetic dentistry because they understand that a healthy, attractive smile impacts total wellbeing, self-esteem and both personal and professional relationships. We feel that the practice of dentistry involves more than just creating beautiful smiles. Dentistry must also address a person’s overall health and inner being. There are always options from which you can choose when deciding on dental treatment. Sometimes the choices may be as simple as selecting the type of restorative material to use in a filling or crown. At other times, patients have ground their teeth down to “buds.” Is it caused by stress and tension or is it a question of the occlusion ~ the way that your upper and lower teeth fit together? If you are contemplating major dental decisions such as cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, or full mouth rejuvenation or if you suffer from: headaches tightness in the facial muscles pain or stiffness in the jaws, neck and back stuffiness or ringing in the ears dizziness tingling in the fingertips BY KENNETH A. MOGELL, D.M.D. Perhaps you can be helped through neuromuscular dentistry. Why? This philosophy looks closely at the relationship between the position of the teeth and the posture of the head. If we make the assumption that a person’s present bite (occlusion) is always best, traditional dentistry would restore a bite to that same position. That position may be “programmed” in your brain, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the present jaw position and the muscles holding it in place are optimal . . . especially if you are in constant discomfort. In fact, when a person’s bite is out of alignment (malocclusion), extra stress is placed on the facial and neck muscles which often leads to other health-related issues. An improper bite can also cause you to clench and grind and wear down your teeth. Neuromuscular dentistry allows us to readjust the bite to its natural and comfortable position and can relieve the problems caused by upper body muscular stress. Neuromuscular testing is non-invasive. There are no injections and no pain. Computer technology helps us to study the pattern of jaw opening and closing with regard to the jaw, teeth and muscles. How? The computer documents the exact point at which your lower jaw is being held in relation to the upper teeth and can measure the activity of the key muscles that control the jaw while they are “firing” and while they are at rest. If these diagnostic tests determine that your jaw position and bite need adjustment to alleviate stress on the muscles, full mouth rejuvenation then realigns the bite and the upper body to a relaxed neuromuscular position. The new science of full mouth rejuvenation is a blend of artistic design combined with predictable science. Full mouth rejuvenation and neuromuscular dentistry can help you improve your health and your quality of life. Dr. Mogell has been practicing dentistry in Boca Raton for the past 19 years. Since graduating from the University of Florida Dental School in 1984, he has continued his postgraduate work at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. He is a member of American Dental Association, Florida Dental Association. American Academy of Pain Management Diplomate, and American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. your choice of treatment becomes very important. Serving Entrepreneurs, Executives and Families since 1985 Paul M. Lawless Chartered Financial Consultant 1877 South Federal Highway, Second Floor Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Telephone: (561) 361-8140 ext. 232 Lawless, Edwards & Warren Financial Advisors Securities are offered through Ameritas Investment Corp. (AIC), member NASD/SIPC. Investment advisory services are offered through The Advisors Group, Inc. (TAG), registered investment adviser and an affiliate of AIC. Paul M. Lawless of Lawless, Edwards & Warren, Financial Advisors (LEW) is registered with AIC and an associated person of TAG which is unaffiliated with LEW. 29 ROVING REPORTER NOVEMBER SNIPPETS! BY CHERYL SCARDINA & PAM DISHER As November is the month for the JLBR Annual Toy Drive and Thanksgiving, we thought it would be fun to share some of our member’s favorite toys . . . Linda Gunn said her favorite toy is her boyfriend because he is such fun to play with! Leslie Jackson loves to play on Play Station 2 with her children, that is when they can get the controls away from Mom! Who doesn’t remember the Easy Bake Oven? Shalise Demott loved hers. Remember those great little cakes? Imagine this; Pamela sustainer Joyce Devita’s favorite “toy” is her cross trainer machine - no wonder she looks so great! Tracey Rossi enjoys watching her two favorite guys sitting on their Cheryl BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN! Imagine the joy that you could spread by purchasing a toy or toys at the November General Membership Meeting. This would be the perfect way to begin the season of giving: helping children that are less fortunate by allowing them to create some of their own memories. Who knows? Perhaps the toy you purchase could become a child’s favorite toy! All this in the true spirit of giving and sharing with others. From our homes to yours, we wish all of you a safe and blessed Thanksgiving holiday. XOXO Your Members-At-Large BY ADRIANA VELASCO, ROVING REPORTER We asked some of our members to list places they thought were excellent for finding great bargains. Here are their tips for you: Mary Lavalle (Sustainer) Festival Flea Market - Pompano Beach Tuesday Morning - various locations Harley Davidsons. Dad’s is real (his favorite toy) while her son’s is battery operated. Jennifer Critchfield Target - various locations Gap Online - maternity wear Old Navy Online - maternity wear Samantha Vassallo Home Goods - Boca Raton Katrina Dixon Home Goods - Boca Raton Jolly”s Antique Mall - Hallandale ABC Carpet & Home - “Great Decorations!” - Delray Beach Sandra Jameson Nordstrom - “Great Sales!” - Boca Raton Have fun shopping ladies!!! A Fabulous Fashion Season with A Stellar Collection for Glamour~polish~sophistication Coordinated Groups for Casual ~ Professional ~ Cocktail Magnificent Fabrics ~ Couture Details For Misses Sizes 0 ~ 16 in Most Groups Fashion Week Shows Held at The Seagate Club ~ Delray Beach August 21st - 29th and November 11th - 17th For Details or to Schedule Your Special Showing A percentage of sales will be donated to the Junior League’s Capital Campaign Fund 30 The Bridge November 2003 Clare Goyette Deness 561-251-1961 A Junior League Sustainer Martine Rousseau 561-350-1317 MINUTES MINUTES BOARD OF DIRECTORS, AUGUST 26, 2003 The Junior League of Boca Raton’s Board of Directors Meeting was called to order by President Carolyn Arnold on October 7th at 7:03 p.m. Attending: Carolyn Arnold, Lisa Bariso, Kristen Ross, Kathy Adkins, Jackie Reeves, Kara Donvito, Leslie Jackson, Jessica Johnson, Carole Putman, Karen Wadowicz, Wanda Harrold, Angela Miller and Elizabeth Pankey-Warren. Absent: Michele Toomey and Sharon McGuire. Lisa Bariso made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion was seconded by Wanda Harrold and passed. President’s Comments: Commended the Board for smooth operations of the League. Councils and committees functioning with little problem or complaint. Community Council: In order to allow the project chairs more time to better identify the committee needs for the following year, it was moved and seconded to change Policies #6 and #7 on page E-37 and E-38: #6: Projects meeting the JLBR Criteria will be reported and recommended to the Community Council and the Board of Directors by their December meetings. #7: A report shall be made to the general membership during their January meeting listing those agencies requesting funds, and a simple explanation of the request. A straw ballot will be conducted, gauging the general membership, including New Member interest. The Community Project ballot will continue to be presented to the Board of Directors at its February meeting and voted on at the March General Membership meeting. DIAD - Moved to approve the following additional DIADs: Carver Estates Chef Night (October 23), In the Pines Sports Day (October 25), Sibling Shelter Halloween event (October 31), Spirit of Giving Toy Drive (Nov. 22 Dec.18), Deerfield Beach Historical Society Halloween Party (Oct. 31), CROS Ministries (Nov.), and Halloween at the Y (October 25). Seconded and approved. The Project Development committee recommended that the League take on no new projects for the 2004-2005 year. A review is being conducted on current community projects to see if our support will still be needed. Planning Council intends to come forward with a recommendation for the optimal number of community projects for next year. Public Issues and Advocacy - Community Council recommends the following position statements be adopted by JLBR: Public stand on Young Adults Emerging from Foster Care - The Junior Leagues of Florida support opportunities for those young adults emerging from the foster Tulane Kidd Interiors, Inc. MARSHA L. LOVE INTERIOR DECORATOR A past JLBR President 2263 N.W. 2nd AVE., SUITE 101 BOCA RATON, FLA. 33431 PHONE 561-395-2848 FAX 561-395-9226 care system so that they may become self-sufficient members of our society. Seconded and approved. Public Stand on Bullying - The Junior Leagues of Florida recognize the severe effects of bullying on the everyday lives of children. We therefore support initiatives to reduce the number of bullying incidents, and reduce the incidents’ effects. Seconded and approved. Public Stand on Driver’s Licensing Frequency and Transportation Alternatives - The Junior Leagues of Florida recognize the high incidence of traffic accidents experienced by drivers under the age of 24 and over the age of 70, and we therefore support the enforcement of statewide mandates for license renewal frequency meeting minimum Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles standards. We also support improved public transportation to provide driving alternatives. Seconded and approved. Communications Council: Continuing to introduce the new JBLR Logo and branding. Planning to revise the “Why Volunteer”ad that has appeared in the newspaper. Personnel Council: October Member of the Month nominated, and approved. Nominating/Placement - Moved to change the following policy: Section IV. Placement Obligations and Privileges, G, 1 page E-26. If an active member takes a sabbatical leave then that year will only count towards active years served for sustainer status if the member returns to active status following the leave. If after the sabbatical leave, the member wants to go sustaining or associative active then the sabbatical leave year will not count towards active years served. Seconded and approved. Finance Council: New mini-fundraisers: Bloomingdale’s Girls’ Night Out (October 23) and Mario’s “Dining for Dollars” (November 10 - 16 with a Junior League speaker event on November 12). Treasurer’s Report approved. Planning Council: Building is coming along quickly. Capital Campaign - deadline for Wall of Honor and Members Wall is December 1, 2003. We are just a few thousand dollars away from reaching our Capital Campaign goal. Then the Endowment Fund campaign will begin. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Pankey-Warren LAST CALL..... FUNDING THE FUTURE: Meeting Community Needs Junior League of Boca Raton Vegso Community Resource Center Countess de Hoernle Building Capital Campaign deadline December 1, 2003 Don’t be left out, make your gift/pledge today! You still have 30 days to help shape the future of the Junior League of Boca Raton. We have raised over $1.75 million but we still need your help to “open the doors” fully furnished and equipped ready to serve the community! 31 TRANSITION REPORT HISTORY OF THANKSGIVING & ITS CELBRATIONS Throughout history mankind has celebrated the bountiful harvest with thanksgiving ceremonies. Before the establishment of formal religions many ancient farmers believed that their crops contained spirits which caused the crops to grow and die. Many believed that these spirits would be released when the crops were harvested and they had to be destroyed or they would take revenge on the farmers who harvested them. Some of the harvest festivals celebrated the defeat of these spirits. would fall from the moon and those who saw them would be rewarded with good fortune. Harvest festivals and thanksgiving celebrations were held by the ancient Greeks, the Romans, the Hebrews, the Chinese, and the Egyptians. The Hebrews: Jewish families also celebrate a harvest festival called Sukkoth. Taking place each autumn, Sukkoth has been celebrated for over 3000 years. When celebrating Sukkoth, which lasts for 8 days, the Jewish people build small huts of branches which recall the tabernacles of their ancestors. Inside the huts are hung fruits and vegetables, including apples, grapes, corn, and pomegranates. On the first 2 nights of Sukkoth the families eat their meals in the huts under the evening sky. The Greeks: The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods and goddesses, one being their goddess of corn, Demeter. She was honored at the Festival of Thesmosphoria held each autumn. On the first day of the festival married women would build leafy shelters; on the second day they fasted; and on the third day a feast was held and offerings to the goddess Demeter were made - gifts of seed corn, cakes, fruit, and pigs to secure a good harvest. The Egyptians: The ancient Egyptians celebrated their harvest festival in honor of Min, their god of vegetation and fertility. The festival was held in the springtime, the Egyptian’s harvest season. When the Egyptian farmers harvested their corn, they wept and pretended to be grief-stricken. This was to deceive the spirit which they believed lived in the corn. They feared the spirit would become angry when the farmers cut down the corn where it lived. The Romans: The Romans also celebrated a harvest festival called Cerelia, which honored Ceres their goddess of corn (from which the word cereal comes). The festival was held each year on October 4th and offerings of the first fruits of the harvest and pigs were offered to Ceres. Their celebration included music, parades, games and sports and a thanksgiving feast. The United States: In 1621, after a hard and devastating first year in the New World the Pilgrim’s fall harvest was very successful and plentiful. Since they had beaten the odds, were at peace with their Indian neighbors, their Governor, William Bradford, proclaimed a day of thanksgiving that was to be shared by all the colonists and the neighboring Native American Indians. In 1817 New York State adopted Thanksgiving Day as an annual custom. By the middle of the 19th century many other states also celebrated a Thanksgiving Day. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln appointed a national day of thanksgiving. Since then each president has issued a Thanksgiving Day proclamation, usually designating the fourth Thursday of each November as the holiday. The Chinese: The ancient Chinese celebrated their harvest festival, Chung Ch’ui, with the full moon that fell on the 15th day of the 8th month. This day was considered the birthday of the moon and special “moon cakes”, round and yellow like the moon, would be baked. The families ate a thanksgiving meal and feasted on roasted pig, harvested fruits and the “moon cakes”. It was believed that during the 3 day festival flowers TRANSITION REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER SUBMITTED BY LINDA HALSTEAD CHANGES: Rosemary Auclair (S) e: Kathryn Burnett (A) h: 243-8648 Susan Diener (S) e: Ellen Elam (S) 219 S.E. 7th Avenue h: 330-6819 Juliette Fuller (A) h: 289-6274 Jane Hoffstetter (S) 32 The Bridge 653 N.W. 10th Court Boca Raton 33436 Brooke Qualk (S) 280 Royal Palm Way Debbie Stine (S) h: 241-3189 Mary Glynn Toomey (A) 3620 Delray Bay Drive, Apt. 502 Delray Beach 33483 h: 279-2395 Patricia Trevarthen (S) 901 .S.W 4th Avenue, B-1 Boca Raton 33432 h: 394-5149 November 2003 Kyle Van Hoeven (NM) Correction: KYLE e: c: 813-767-8300 e: from JL of Tampa TRANSFER IN: TRANSFER OUT: Tiffany Batchelder (A) 6258 N.W. 125th Avenue Coral Springs 33076 h: 954-796-6585 c: 954-234-7815 e: from JL of Greater Ft. Lauderdale Diane Kohlmeyer (S) 1101 River reach Dr., #219 Ft. Lauderdale 33315 to JL of Ft. Lauderdale Deborah Quiroga (A) 250 Mizner Blvd., # 511 Boca Raton 33432 Paula Long (S) 30 River Birch Circle Madison, MS 39110 h: 601-898-2930 to JL of Jackson, MS Debra Shannon (S) 417 Mosswood Blvd. Indiatlantic, FL 32903 h: 321-409-5806 to JL of South Brevard, FL Mary Paige Timberlake (A) 18307 Taffrail Way Cornelius, NC 28031 h: 704-892-6985 to JL of Charlotte, NC BULLETIN BOARD LIST OF ADVERTISERS 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. LITTLE LEAGUER 1. The Center for Precious Minds ..............4 2. Beautiful Beasts ......................................6 3. Steven R. Alman, D.M.D.........................7 4. Diane Ellen, R.N. ....................................8 James A. Krumholtz, D.D.S. ..........................................10 Judy Hilsmier/Barbara Hill/Coldwell Banker ................11 Good Night, Sleep Tight ................................................12 Robin Philpit ...................................................................12 Michele Broadfoot ..........................................................13 Ann Rutherford ..............................................................14 Loriani International ......................................................15 Jacqueline Moroco, D.D.S ..............................................15 North Broward Preparatory Schools ..............................16 Lynn University ..............................................................17 Carolyn Arnold, Psy.D.. ..................................................20 Savvy on the Ave ............................................................22 Personal Senior Services, Inc..........................................23 Lucille Gioia/Nationwide Realty ....................................26 Kenneth A. Mogell, D.M.D ............................................28 Paul M. Lawless..............................................................29 Janie Lott.........................................................................29 Juliana Collezione ..........................................................30 Tulane Kidd Interiors, Inc...............................................31 Mark Wilt...... ..................................................................33 NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 2 3 7 10 12 13 14 Cara Lynn Kerr Elizabeth Gallo Nancy Dockerty Diana Swords Priscilla Missita Laurie Pohl Laurie Dankowski Stacy Lovit Jennifer Tackett 16 Lara Eppert 20 Lauren Lapon 21 Geraldine Drpic Pamela 21 Alison Merring 22 Michelle Duffy Kari Soltys Kyle Van Hoeven 23 Lee Ann Ryan 25 Jaime Veccia 26 Lori Fertel 27 Elizabeth Becker 28 Kristin Foret 29 Leslie Jackson 30 Jessica Brand HOW TO GET YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE BRIDGE T HE J UNIOR L EAGUE WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS ON THE BIRTH OF THEIR LITTLE LEAGUERS: Kristin and Tom Winter on the birth of their son, Thomas William, born on Aug. 5th, 7 lbs. 8oz. 19½ in. Michele and Richard Buck on the birth of their daughter, Audrey Michele, born on Sept. 4th, 7 lbs. 6 oz., 19½ in. Robin and Jeffrey Schnars on the birth of their daughter, Haley Lauren, born on Sept. 8th, 6 lbs. 10 oz., 20 in. Denise and Robert O’Sullivan on the birth of their son, Shawn Michael, born Sept. 23rd, 7 lbs. 14 oz., 19½ in. Heide and Samuel Taylor on the birth of their son, Samuel Hardy Taylor, Jr., born on Sept. 28th, 7 lbs. 12 oz., 20 in. PASSINGS THE MEMBERS OF THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF BOCA RATON EXTEND THEIR SINCERE CONDOLENCES TO THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS: Elaine Wold on the death of her beloved husband, Keith. Tammy Anstett on the death of her beloved grandfather. Debbie Director on the death of her beloved grandfather. Kimberly Kroll on the death of her beloved grandfather. Congratulations to Cindy Krebsbach for receiving the Soroptimist International’s Award in the Volunteer Category SAVE THE DATE NOVEMBER IS “BRING A FRIEND” MONTH! Bring a friend to the November General Membership Meeting Tuesday, November 11th Social at 6 p.m. - Meeting at 7 p.m. Renaissance Boca Raton Hotel Share the fun, facts and future of the Junior League of Boca Raton with a friend, neighbor or colleague! Cheryl To announce in THE BRIDGE the birth of your baby, your engagement, your new marriage, your graduation, the death of your loved one, or any other news you want to share, please submit your information to either Pamela Disher or Cheryl Scardina Members-at-Large at or 33 LINES OF COMMUNICATION BRIDGE PATRONS The Publications Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous support of THE BRIDGE from the BRIDGE PATRONS listed below. Your yearly contribution of $75 will help us give more to the community by absorbing some of our publishing costs. Thanks to you, we are well on the way to becoming a self-supporting publication! Kathy & Paul Adkins Karen B. Archer Carolyn & Charles Arnold Mr. & Mrs. David Aucamp Carol Auerbach Teri Baker-Kennedy Marta Batmasian Patsy Chamberlain Hedrick Polly Cochran Mrs. Tami Constantine Pattie & Richard Damron Mr. & Mrs. Thomas DeVita Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deyo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Diener Mr. & Mrs. Scott B. Disher Mr. & Mrs. Peter Donovan Kara & David Donvito Elysa & Scott Elk Johanna & Rick Felberbaum Annie Greene Jeanette & Ray Himes Mrs. John O. Hopkins Leslie Jackson Dr. & Mrs. Michael Krebsbach Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Lavalle Law Offices of Bill T. Smith, Jr., P.A. Dr. & Mrs. John Lindsay Emily McMullin Janice V. Middlebrook Jacqueline R. Moroco, D.D.S., M.S., P.A. Lisa & John Mulhall Jeanne F. Nolan Robert & Denise O’Sullivan Robin & Tom Philpit Mary Plum Stacey Hannan Quinn Michelle A. Reider Michelle & Bob Rubin Peggy & Stephen Ruzika Barbara A. Simoni Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Snyder Catherine C. Toomey Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Toomey, Jr. Stephanie Vernon-Critchfield Dr. Michele Weizer-Simon Denise & Jordan Zimmerman BRIDGE DEADLINE & ADVERTISEMENT RATES December’s BRIDGE articles are due by Tuesday, November 7th and January BRIDGE articles are due by December 2nd. Articles should be e-mailed to the League office at: and please fax a “hard copy” to Robin Philpit at (561) 447-9173. If submitting pictures, please call Robin at (561) 750-9036 for instructions. Deadline for ads in the December issue is Tuesday, October 28th and for the January issue is Tuesday November 25th. Payment for ads should be mailed to the League office. If ad is not “camera ready,” a design fee will be charged. ($35 for single and double size business cards and $50 for half and full page -b/w). For more information, please call Robin Philpit at (561) 7509036. AD SIZE SINGLE RUN RATE 3 OR MORE RUN RATE $50.00 $45.00 $100.00 $100.00 $90.00 $90.00 $125.00 $400.00 $375.00 $112.50 SINGLE BUSINESS CARD (3.5” x 2”) DOUBLE BUSINESS CARD Horizontal (7.25” x 2”) Vertical (3.5” x 4”) 1/2 PAGE (7.25” x 4.25”) PAGE (front inside or back outside - color) PAGE (back inside color) $375.00 $350.00 NOVEMBER 2003 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday National Family Caregiver Month Share the Care 2 3 4 9 10 7 pm Board Meeting Saturday 1 5 6 7 8 JLBR General Membership Meeting Veteran’s Day 12 13 14 15 19 20 26 27 BRIDGE Deadline 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 34 11 The Bridge Advertisement Deadline for the January BRIDGE November 2003 Thanksgiving Day 21 22 28 29 October S M T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 W 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 S M 1 8 15 22 29 T 2 9 16 23 30 T 2 9 16 23 30 F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 December 7 14 21 28 W 3 10 17 24 31 T 4 11 18 25 u o y d i d e r e h W get that bag? by appointment only: 1111 N.W. 3rd Avenue, Delray Beach telephone: 561-272-3258 fax: 561-279-4958 Volume 14, No. 3 November 2003 hand painted tile 954.492.8710 Happy Thanksgiving! N OVEMBER G ENERAL M EMBERSHIP M EETING : TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11TH, 2003 SOCIAL HOURS 6 P.M. - MEETING 7 P.M. 1181 South Rogers Circle Condor Place - Suite 2A Boca Raton, FL 33487 RENAISSANCE BOCA RATON HOTEL, 2000 N.W. 19TH STREET (I-95 & GLADES ROAD) Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Boca Raton, FL Permit No. 163 • • • • • • Let’s Be Thankful! Tis’ The Season To Be Hungry! Holiday Fire Safety Vote! Recruiters Needed Dentistry Today Restores Quality Of Life “ I D E N T I F Y I N G C O M M U N I T Y N E E D S , C R E AT I N G C A R I N G S O L U T I O N S ”