CHURCH OF ST. AUGUSTINE, LARCHMONT, N.Y. MAY 31, 2015 THE MOST HOLY TRINITY SUNDAY NOTE FROM THE PASTOR: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Matthew 28: 16-20 Pastor’s Corner A PICTURE OF GOD A first memory of God: “I was two or three,” he remembers, “and I was angry about something. Very angry. I threw a tantrum and flew through the house crying and stomping. I ran and hid under my bed where I lay muttering to myself about how awful my mother was and how much she hated me. Finally, when I ran out of steam, I looked out from under the bed to see that my mother had been sitting quietly the whole time in the rocking chair, holding a glass of milk and patiently waiting. She wasn’t angry at all, just waiting until I was ready to climb into her lap to be comforted. . . . “[This] may be my earliest memory of any kind . . .a memory of God because it’s what I think of when I read, God is love.” Today’s solemnity of the Trinity celebrates the many ways that God makes his presence known in the manifestation of his love in our lives and our world. God is the very love that creates, nurtures and preserves: love that is Father/Maker, Son/ Beloved, Spirit/Sustainer. God is the source of the forgiveness we give and receive and the reconciliation we work to bring about. God is the justice we seek for every human being we call brother and sister in the providence of God. God is the source of all good things, from the air we breathe to the grace we experience in the kindness of the heart. May today’s Solemnity of the Trinity be a re-connection for us with the many ways God makes his loving presence known in our lives. From “Formation is Lifelong” by Robert Owens Scott, Trinity News, Trinity Church Wall Street.) There will be NO 6:45 am Mass on the Mondays of the Summer Holidays Independence Day, Monday, July 6th Labor Day, Monday, September 7th PARISH STEWARDSHIP We are grateful to all who contribute so generously each week. We do recommend that you use parish envelopes or ParishPay. Please call the rectory for details or to register. The Collection for last week was $ 4,386.00 Total ParishPay was $2,945.00 Total Collection — 7,331.00 Attendance last weekend was 697 Thank you for your support and generosity. MASS INTENTIONS Week of June 1st – June 7th Monday, June 1st 6:45 am Katherine Samon (Living) 9:00 am Terence Murphy Tuesday, June 2nd 6:45 am 9:00 am Linda Keery Wednesday, June 3rd 6:45 am 9:00 pm Teresa Mercaldo Thursday, June 4th 6:45 am Camp St. Joseph Alumni 9:00 am Rosemary Knox Friday, June 5th 6:45 am 9:00 am Rev. Gerard Connolly Saturday, June 6th 9:00 am 5:00 pm Tom Gallin Sunday, June 7th 9:00 am Barbara Maria Smeets 10:30 am John I. Bosco 12:00 pm Margaret Prestopino 5:00 pm Mary Ellen Kane WE PRAY For those who are ill, including: Ellen R. Barbieri, Bill Battalia, Peter Benjamin, Frank Booth, Nelly Carillon, Debbie Coangelo, Teresa Cogan, Caryn Colombo, Catherine Cooney, Conall Crean, Soledad DeChavez, Bernier De Comes, Lewis Cox, Father Joseph DeSanto, David DiPietro, Mary Ann Dolan, Roger Dufort, Mark Elliott, Loren Finnell, Marty Gary, Robert Glickman, Alessandria Glickman, Eleanor Gordon, Mary Haid, Kerry Hegarty, Robert Heyde, Vicky Holness, Harvey and Mary Humphrey, Carol Hrabsky, Mary Jordan, Maria Kim, Theresa Kim, Dorothy Vandernoot Lakso, Rose Leghorn, Martin Martinez, Virginia McLaughlin, Elizabeth Murray, Doris Nogueira, Mildred Oswald, Doris O’Toole, Jack Pastor, Richard Payne, Mary Rizzo, Katherine Samon, Theresa Schiavone, Arthur Stock, Susan Testa, Joan Troccoli, Rosemary Walsh, Nicholas James Walsh, Missy Wey, Mary Williams. May they find healing and comfort in Jesus Christ. STEWARDSHIP APPEAL 2015 St Augustine Parish has met and exceeded its Appeal Goal! Currently over $112,000 has been pledged. Although the goal has been reached, that does not mean that our efforts should stop. Our parish receives 60% of all monies raised over goal. The appeal supports so many different ministries and programs that cannot stand without our help. We would love to have every family participating in such a worthy cause. Thank you again for all you do and for your support for the important work made possible by the Cardinal’s Stewardship Appeal. MAY FLOWERS Thank you to all who have donated flowers to Our Lady’s altar throughout the month of May. Flowers have been donated this week : From Betty Page in Memory of Marion Russell From Maria Kim In Memory of Helen Simon Kim, Scholastica Lee and Kijung Kim From Nancy Manion In Memory of Don Manion RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS Our Religious Education program formally begins in First Grade. Two years of preparation are required to receive the sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist in second grade. Confirmation is conferred in 9th grade or beyond with continuous, weekly attendance every year from 1st through 9th grade. New Registration forms for 2015-2016 have been sent to the homes of all registered families. New families, particularly of first grade children can obtain a registration form from our website: in the link: Religious Education, by printing it and sending it in with the fee. Registration forms are also available at the Religious Education office in the French American School from Sister Suzanne. An early bird discount is afforded families who register before June 1. The deadline for registration is June 30. After that date a late fee of $50 will be applied. Please contact Sister Suzanne with any questions or more information. CATECHISTS NEEDED FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We have been blessed with over 60 catechists on our religious education program of 600 young people. The ideal is having a catechist and catechist assist present in every class of 12 to 14 young people. Therefore, additional catechists and assists are always needed. Sister ST. TERESA OF AVILA Suzanne will be your mentor and guide. Sessions for learnThis year is the 500th anniversary of the birth of ing the art of teaching our faith will be provided. Please Teresa of Avila, mystic and Doctor of the Church. A call 834-9523 or email Sister Suzanne at srsuz4.5 hour film made for Spanish public television will be with your questions, and preferably shown in three parts, each 1.5 hours, at our parish: your interest in passing on our faith to our young people. Pt I. Monday, June 1, 1:30 pm & 7:30 pm (both in Catholic Library) CONFIRMATION Pt. II. Wednesday, June 3 at 1:30 pm & 7:30 pm (both Congratulations to all the young people who in Rectory) received Confirmation on Saturday, May 30th at St. Pt. III Wednesday, June 17 at 1:30 & 7:30 pm (both in Augustine Church. Many thanks to the parents, catechists Rectory) and staff of the Religious Education Department and espe- PARISH MINISTRIES RETREAT Mary Beth Werdel, parishioner and Professor of Pastoral Counseling at Fordham University, will leading us for an evening retreat, (7:00—8:30 pm) for all parish volunteers on Tuesday, June 16, in Kenny Hall. Come join with other parish ministries of our parish—Catechists, Parish Council members, Adult Faith Formation Team, Lectors, Ems, Greeters, Scripture Study Facilitators, CYO Coaches, Bereavement Group, Seniors, Midnight Runners, etc., etc., etc.! Please RSVP to or Wendy Gittings at 834-1843. FOOD PANTRY The items requested for May are PASTA, SOUP AND CEREAL cially to the Director Sister Suzanne Duzen and Bishop Dominick J. Lagonegro. BEREAVEMENT GROUP The next session of the Bereavement Support Group will begin Monday, June 1—July 20 at 1:30 pm in the rectory. The group is available to provide pastoral care and comfort to those who are dealing with the loss of a loved one. Please call 914-834-1220 to register or for more information or email AN INVITATION TO COME & SEE If you would like to know more about how Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church can make a positive difference in your life, please contact us; Sister Muriel Cooney, O.P. 914834-1220 ext 23, or Ann Betkowski, 834-1220, JOIN US NEXT SUNDAY FOR THE ST. AUGUSTINE PARISH PICNIC, JUNE 7TH 5:30—8:00 pm School playground ALL ARE WELCOME Please join us at the Annual St Augustine Parish Picnic on the playground behind the church. Come for Food, Fun, Fellowship and to meet parishioners old and new. For more information or to volunteer to help please call the rectory, 914-834-1220 or email or sign up on the poster at the entrance to the church. Volunteers are needed for set up, clean up, etc. and or bring your favorite dessert! VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED FOR MIDNIGHT RUN St. John’s Episcopal Church will be hosting Midnight Run on Friday, June 5th. Volunteers are needed to make sandwiches for the run. Please contact MaryAnn DeFeis directly at or call her at 914-8331803 for details by June 1st. If you are able to help, please contact MaryAnn DeFeis first before dropping off any food at the church. Thank you for your continued support. 3 CHOICES FROM THE CATHOLIC LIBRARY The subject which has the greatest number of books catalogued in the Library of Congress is…? Yes, it’s Francis of Assisi. Check out a classic volume edited by Otto Karrer, Saint Francis of Assisi: The Legends and Lauds under B (for bio) on the second Catholic Library shelf in the back of the church. Or in this Easter season, try The First Easter: What Really Happened? By H.J. Richards (call no. 236.8). If your taste runs more toward theology, Stanley Hauerwas’ A Community of Character shows why “any consideration of the truth of Christian convictions cannot be divorced from the kind of community the church is and should be.” (call no. 241). HEALTH FAIR Saturday, June 6th, St. Thomas Episcopal Church will sponsor a Health Fair, 10:00 am—2:00 pm. The day will include free health screenings, free health information, exhibits and fun for the Whole Family. St. Thomas Church, 168 West Boston Post Road, Mamaroneck, NY 10543. For more information, please call: 914-835-1512. EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT GROUP THOMAS MERTON Beginning Saturday morning, June 13, at 11:00 am in the Catholic Library, (Larchmont Avenue door of school building nearest to the public library), we will be listening to a series of lectures by Thomas Merton, O.C.S.O., on Prayer and Growth in Christian Life. Merton was a masterful teacher, and a spiritual sage and guide for the countless men and women. His autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, has sold over a million copies and been translated into more than 15 languages. 2015 marks the 100th anniversary of his birth. All are welcome. YAI CENTRAL PARK CHALLENGE Join us on June 6th in Central Park, NYC for the YAI (Young Adult Institute) 5K Challenge. This 5K race, beginning at the Bandshell just inside the park from the 72nd Street entrance, kicks off a full morning of events from 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon. A 3K walk will follow the 5K, and everyone who runs is invited to join the 3K for free. All of the proceeds go to supporting YAI’s special education pre-schools, residences, and healthcare programs. For more information visit MOVING? NEW TO THE PARISH? Our warmest welcome to all who worship with our parish family, whether long-time residents or newly arrived in the parish. If you are not registered, or need to update our records, please complete this form and place it in the collection basket or mail it to the rectory or register by visiting the Parish website at NAME________________________________________ A free 6-week Employment/Networking Support Group is being offered at the RDC Center for Counseling & ADDRESS_____________________________________ Human Development, 52 N. Broadway, White Plains, NY on June 1, 8, 15 and 22 6:30 to 8:00 pm. Resume Writing, CITY/STATE__________________TEL______________ Using the Internet, LinkedIn, Interviewing…) will be addressed. To register or for more information, contact Pat EMAIL _______________________________________ Sheridan 798-1103