Discovery Walk (Grade 6-7)
Discovery Walk (Grade 6-7)
Name _________________________ The Butchart Gardens Discovery Walk (Grade 6-7) Look for the sign that says “Start Here” and keep walking until you see the sign that says “Upsteps to Sunken Garden” turn left here. Sunken Garden: 1. This garden was made in an abandoned limestone quarry; the quarry was reclaimed by Jennie Butchart to create something new. Can you think of things that were needed to make this happen? Circle the answers you think are correct. a) soil b) water c) plants d) trees If you chose them all, you were right! All the soil was brought in from surrounding farms by horse and wagon, and many plants came from seeds that grew in Mrs. Butchart’s flowerfields . 2. The quarry used to have limestone in it; limestone was used to make the cement that Mr. Butchart shipped all over the world. How many things can you see that are made of cement? 3. The chimney that you see is 54 meters tall; it was part of the kiln (like a big oven) that was used in the making of cement. There used to be 3 chimneys. If they were all 54 meters tall what would be the total height of all 3 put together? Draw a picture of yourself beside the chimney. Walk through the Sunken Garden, past the Ross Fountain and up the road to find the Totem Poles. 1 The Totem Poles: 1. These totem poles were carved by First Nations carvers in 2004. Read the sign and write the name of each carver and which native band he is from. 2. Write down the names of all the animals and birds you see on the totems. Each animal or bird has a special meaning in the First Nations culture. 3. Draw a picture of your favorite animal or bird. What do you think it represents? Walk through the Rose Garden and you will find the Japanese Garden. Find the Torii Gate and walk through it. 2 Japanese Garden: 1. This was Mrs. Butchart’s first garden; she made it before she made the Sunken Garden. The Japanese Garden was finished in 1908. How many years ago was that? 2. Water is very important for all gardens. Water and sun help plants and trees to grow strong. The Japanese Garden has many ponds and waterfalls. As you walk through this garden make a list of how many ponds and waterfalls you see. 3. Did you find the boar scarer? It is made of a special plant called bamboo; there is bamboo growing in many places in the Japanese Garden. Draw a picture of a bamboo branch with leaves. What else is bamboo used for? Walk up the stairs out of the Japanese Garden. 3 Star Pond and Italian Garden: 1. Mr. Butchart kept his ducks in the Star Pond. How many points are there in the star pond? 2. Walk through the cedar hedge archway and you will be in The Italian Garden. This garden was once a tennis court. You are now at the back of Mr. and Mrs. Butchart’s home. What part of the house do you think was the bowling alley? Draw a picture of the bowling alley. 3. Do you see the statue of Mercury? Mercury was a messenger of the gods in Greek mythology and his story is very interesting. Mr. and Mrs. Butchart bought Mercury when they were in Italy. How many sets of wings can you find on him? Walk through “the tunnel” and you will find Tacca. Tacca is a statue of a boar, and if you rub his nose you will have good luck! 4 Thank you for visiting! The Butchart Gardens Discovery Walk Word Search Can you find all the highlighted words; circle each word as you find it. The Butchart Gardens is a very beautiful place. It was once a limestone quarry where Mr. Butchart made CEMENT. Over 100 years ago JENNIE BUTCHART turned the limestone quarry into a SUNKEN GARDEN. You will see a fountain named the ROSS fountain. Is was named after Ian Ross who took over The Garden from his grandparents. I hope you found the TOTEM POLES. They are carved out of a cedar tree. In the ROSE Garden there are 2500 rose bushes! We grow a famous poppy called the Tibetan BLUE poppy; we also have a TULIP named after Jennie Butchart. In the JAPANESE Garden there is a lot of water and from there you can see the ocean. In the ITALIAN Garden you will find the statue of MERCURY, he has 3 sets of wings. Do not forget to stop and visit TACCA before you leave and rub his nose for good luck! S U N K E N G A R D E N X V B Z M E R C U R Y O L L L Q S L T T W Q M P O Z S B P R T X U U C G M J P L Q S W K J N M E L M U J A P A N E S E P Q B Z I J E N N I E B U T C H A R T P K P K L M R Q T R D S D C A T R D S P O K K M N P Y G M C H Y P W S X I T A L I A N Z C T P C E M E N T L K U M C P A P T O T E M P O L E S L Y T C 5