2007 Annual Report


2007 Annual Report
2007 Annual Report
Saint Therese of New Hope
Saint Therese at Oxbow Lake
Mission Statement:
Saint Therese, a Catholic organization
serving seniors of all faiths,
is dedicated to the well-being
of each individual.
“The important thing is
not how much we accomplish,
but how much love we put into
our deeds every day.”
— Mother Teresa
Spirit of Leadership
Dear Friends,
Last year was an exciting one for Saint Therese. We embarked on several new projects designed to expand our reach,
while still maintaining our dedication to our core mission — caring for the well-being of each individual we serve.
Our newest senior living campus, Saint Therese at Oxbow Lake, filled even more quickly than expected and has become
a vibrant community. We published an innovative senior-planning toolkit called SeniVision that we are marketing to the
larger community. Inside you’ll also read about staff members who are leading the way with their
commitment to innovative, compassionate care.
We also continue to cultivate valuable partnerships within the Catholic and health care communities, sharing
resources, plans for the future, and best practices. These partnerships will prove particularly valuable as we face the
looming age wave. In the next 20 years, the number of Americans over the age of 85 will double. The more proactive,
innovative, and knowledgeable we are, the better prepared we’ll be to adapt and respond to the future.
As you read this, we are celebrating our 40th anniversary. Hopefully our founders are proud of all we’ve accomplished.
Since the very beginning, a special “spirit” has prevailed at Saint Therese, and we continue to celebrate and cultivate
that spirit today.
Your continued support and friendship make such a difference. Without your help, we could not continue to offer such
exceptional services and programming.
Francis D. Hagen
Chair, Saint Therese Board
Barb Rode
President and Chief Executive Officer
Spirit of Innovation
Providing excellent care for today’s elders requires an
innovative spirit. At Saint Therese, we take great pride
in being innovators in our field, often leading the way
for other organizations with important advancements
in senior housing, education, and care.
In the fall of 2006, we opened our newly-built campus,
Saint Therese at Oxbow Lake. This state-of-the
art housing community took into consideration the
expectations and needs of today’s seniors, whose active
lives often include businesses, exercise, and a wide
social network. In addition to offering a broad array of
activities, Oxbow Lake’s town center contains a
movie theater, fitness room, coffee shop, and chapel.
The establishment of WiseLife Press, Inc. and the
publication of our book SeniVision is another of our
recent innovations. WiseLife Press, Inc. is committed
to providing informational and educational products
focusing on elder care and senior lifestyle changes.
SeniVision is the first all-inclusive tool-kit designed to
help individuals and families plan for the eventualities
that aging presents while delivering excellent expert
information and solutions on a comprehensive range
of topics.
In 2007, Saint Therese, with several other care centers,
received a large grant from the State of Minnesota to
pilot a fitness program called The BESTAge Quality
of Life Program. The BESTAge program is an exercisebased wellness program designed to improve the
physical and emotional fitness of seniors. The program
is already having a tremendous impact on the
participants’ physical and mental health, and we are
planning to expand the program this winter.
Spirit of Faith
The Saint Therese Pastoral Care Program is one of
the defining elements of our mission and is the
heart of Saint Therese. Ever since its inception, Saint
Therese has prided itself on a commitment to the
Catholic faith and providing a community where
Catholics and all Christians can feel connected to the
faith that has been such an important part of their life.
For 40 years, we have had a relationship with Saint
John’s Abbey in Collegeville and St. Paul’s Monastery
in St. Paul. We are blessed to have an extensive
pastoral care staff, comprised of Benedictine and
Franciscan sisters, a Benedictine priest, and lay staff.
Several of these staff live on-site and are available
24 hours a day for emergencies.
Our Pastoral Care Program offers the following
services to our tenants and residents:
• Daily
friendship, comfort and support
Catholic Mass
• Weekly Christian service
• Daily Rosary
• Music ministry in the chapel
• Prayer service with communion weekly on each unit in
the care center
• Weekly spiritual discussion groups
• A monthly memorial service for those who have passed
• Support groups for vision loss and caregivers
• Participation in care planning
• Support for family members, including bereavement
• Daily
Pastoral Care staff members are readily available to
all of our care center residents. A staff member is
assigned to the residents of each unit. Pastoral staff
greet residents in the morning, help serve their
breakfasts and spend extra time with those who don’t
get many visitors. They give special care and attention
to the critically ill and their families.
Saint Therese’s Pastoral Care Program truly embodies
the spirit of faith that makes us who we are.
Spirit of Care
FOR MANY YEARS, Elroy Torbenson and his wife
Agnes enjoyed a long, happy life together. Elroy grew
up in Fargo and met Agnes at a roller rink in nearby
Dilworth. They raised six children and lived in Duluth
and Milwaukee before finally settling in Minneapolis.
When Agnes was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Elroy
was determined to care for her as long as he could.
But he was also realistic enough to know that, at
some point, Agnes would have to transfer to a care
center. So when they were looking for an assisted
living apartment, Elroy wanted to be sure that Agnes
would always be close by.
“When we visited Saint Therese and I saw that the
care center was right there connected to the apartment, I knew this was the place for us,” Elroy says.
For four years, Elroy was able to care for Agnes in
their Saint Therese Residence apartment. But when
the time came that Elroy could no longer provide
the degree of assistance that Agnes needed, he was
comforted to know that she would be right next door
receiving loving care. “Agnes would not be here
today if not for the great staff on 1 East (Palliative
Care Unit),” Elroy says.
Everyday, Elroy walks to the care center and feeds
Agnes her lunch. He also takes her to mass every
Sunday. “Agnes never would have missed mass,”
he says.
In the residence, Elroy still has the opportunity to do
the things he enjoys. With the exception of macular
degeneration, he is still in excellent health. Like
Agnes, Elroy is a devoted Catholic and attends mass
daily. Every summer, he grows a crop of tomatoes on
the residence patio and shares the extras with staff.
He also enjoys playing cards with other tenants—
cribbage and 500 are two of his favorites.
“It means so much to me that I can be with Agnes
whenever I want,” Elroy says with a big smile. “That
is one of the reasons we moved here, and I’ve never
been disappointed.”
“A test of a people is how it
behaves toward the old. It is
easy to love children. Even
tyrants and dictators make a
point of being fond of children.
But the affection and care for
the old, the incurable, the
helpless are the true gold mines
of a culture.”
dozens of hours of her own time to preparing for the
exam. She passed and continued on to become an
approved palliative care trainer. There are less than
six in Minnesota.
Sue has used her education to provide training in
pain management, symptom management, and care
for the dying for over 30 nurses and nurses aides at
Saint Therese. “I want to have a voice in long-term
care, both at Saint Therese and in the long-term
care community,” she says.
— Abraham J. Heschel
a Jewish philosopher
care than Saint Therese’s Palliative Care Case
Managers, Sue Peterson and Sherrie Willis.
Palliative care is the active, compassionate care of
those suffering with an acute, terminal illness, who
are generally in the last year of life. It shares many
similarities to hospice care, yet the time frame for
hospice care is generally less than six months.
Palliative care can last a year or more.
For Sherri and Sue, caring for the terminally ill is a
labor of love. “We can learn so much from people who
are dying,” Sherrie says. “I try to grow from that,
because they are each so different and each have so
much to offer.”
Saint Therese’s Palliative Care Unit opened over four
years ago and was the first of its kind in Minnesota.
Creating the unit required extensive research, planning,
and remodeling. Sue was involved in the whole
process and became inspired to pursue her certification
as a hospice and palliative care nurse. This is a more
rigorous certification than most, and Sue devoted
Sherrie, who joined the team in 2006, echoes these
sentiments. She dedicated last summer to studying
for her certification exam, and is eager to also become
a palliative care trainer. She says that caring for the
family is as important as caring for the resident in the
Palliative Care Unit, because they are going through
so much too.
Both Sherrie and Sue emphasize how gratifying and
humbling it is to be in a position to make the end of
life a better experience for everyone involved.
Staff like Sue and Sherrie, who are passionate and
compassionate about their work, embody the spirit of
care here at Saint Therese. Sue adds, “Decisions are
made every day that show we put the resident first and
are always trying to be better at what we are doing.”
Spirit of Volunteerism
second Thursday of every month, look no further
than Saint Therese’s coffee shop. That’s the day that
Karl helps Saint Therese Care Center’s men’s group
with their monthly popcorn sale. While the residents
handle the money and bags, Karl runs the popcorn
Karl became connected with Saint Therese during the
time his wife Helen was in our care center. He helped
Freida Messner, one of our Therapeutic Recreation
staff, start a men’s group. In addition to the popcorn
sales, they occasionally take the men’s group on
excursions or bring in a special guest or treat. Karl,
who enjoys woodworking, once made 10 wooden car
kits and brought them in for the group to assemble.
After Karl’s wife died, he continued his involvement
at Saint Therese. In addition to the men’s group, he
helps with Friday happy hours and the Wednesday
program in the auditorium.
Although he helps set up the sound system and
prepare the snacks, one of his most important jobs
is wheeling people to the events so they can be
there and enjoy it. This is a big help to the staff.
But Karl insists he gets more than he gives.
“I get a lot out of being here,” he says, “With my wife
being gone, it gives me something to do. People are
like family here now.”
After two and a half years of volunteering, Karl has no
plans to stop anytime soon. He believes Saint Therese’s
care center is special. “I don’t know any better place,”
he says.
the Auxilians were hard at work, securing donations,
washing windows, scrubbing floors, and making beds.
After the residents arrived, they continued volunteering and raising money through gift shop sales,
membership dues, a yearly boutique and much more.
Over the years, they have raised more than $400,000
for Saint Therese care center and helped purchase
many important items, such as an organ, blanket
warmers, defibrillators, wheelchairs, three vehicles,
and many other needed items.
They also continue to contribute their time by
volunteering in the gift shop or in the care center.
They host special, themed social gatherings for our
residents, such as the annual Christmas party in
December or an ice cream social in the summer.
We are so grateful for their dedication and cannot
imagine where we’d be today without them!
Spirit of Giving
The excellent care and services that make Saint
Therese so special are due, in large part, to generous
support from the community.
Saint Therese serves people of all financial backgrounds; in fact, over 60% of our care center residents
receive financial assistance through the government.
The government determines the rate structure that
provides for the basics of long-term care. The Saint
Therese Foundation fills the gap left after government
funding drops off, raising critical charitable dollars
that provide the services, programs, and facilities
that make Saint Therese such a wonderful place to
call home. Gifts to the Foundation are used to fund
innovative programming, pastoral care, nursing
scholarships, capital improvements, and much more.
Saint Therese acknowledges the individuals, corporations,
foundations, and associations for their generous gifts.
These gifts were given between July 1, 2006, and June
30, 2007. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy
of the names listed here. If you notice any errors or
omissions, please accept our apology and contact the
Foundation at 763-531-5459 to provide us the
correct information.
Photo courtesy of Rand Brugger
Gifts & Pledges
($10,000 or more)
Gifts & Pledges
($1,000 - $2,499)
Frana Companies Inc.
Peter and Patricia Frechette
Doug and Patricia Lewis
Ray and Judy Richelsen Fund
Mike and Susanne Scherer
St. Therese Auxiliary
Donald and Shirley Beck
William and Bea Beddor
Jack Benver
Carlton Cronin
Rick and Ann Cronin
Paul and Sharon Ederer
Financial Concepts, Inc.
R. Jean Gray
Francis and Darleen Hagen
James and Maria Hagen
Susan Haller
Healthcare Purchasing
Horizon Agency, Inc.
KKE Architects
Dr. and Mrs. Warren L. Kump
Donald and Sally Lareau
LarsonAllen LLP
John and Michelle LeBlanc
LeJeune Family Foundation
Stacy and Brad Lind
John and Anne Lohmann
Richard and Carol Mahony
Andrea & Larry McGough Donor
Advised Fund of the Catholic
Community Foundation
McKesson Medical/Surgical
Bryan Michael
Don and Sally Moorhead
Thomas and Mary Ann Newinski
Clifford and Marguerite Olson
Virginia Orvold
Lawrence O’Shaughnessy
Jerry Peterson and
Jayne Carey-Peterson
Piper Jaffray & Co.
RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation
Frances Scherer
Gifts & Pledges
($5,000 - $9,999)
Patrick and Roseann Boran
John and Mary Byron
Catholic Community Foundation
Frey Foundation
Edward P. Hudoba
Robert and Dorothy Ollmann
Barb and Rick Rode
Gary and Carolyn Scherer Fund
of the Catholic Community
Alice Rogers Fund of the
St. Paul Foundation
Gifts & Pledges
($2,500 - $4,999)
“Rise in the presence
of the aged; show
respect for the elderly.”
— Leviticus 19:32
Charity Inc.
Jerry and Ursula Choromanski
Dr. Wm. Chris Downey and
Jeannie Shapiro Downey
Ellen and Gerald Gallagher
Frank Keller
Dennis and Rita Lewis
MOA Marketing, Inc.
North Memorial Health Care
Elizabeth Robinson
Josephine Rosol
The Pajor Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Gifts and Pledges
($1000-$2499), continued
Matthew M. Scherer
Roger and Irma Scherer Family
Fund of the Catholic
Community Foundation
Lucia and James Seidel
Marion Short
Ed Stark
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Thalhuber
The Church of St. Alphonsus
Don and Dolores Traxler
Ronald and Joan Villella
Washburn McReavy Funeral
Rienold and Jane Whiteford
Gifts & Pledges
($500 - $999)
Rand Brugger
Reverend Robert T. Cassidy
Sam Catapano
Mark and Janet Choromanski
Church of St. Richard
Robert and Margaret Delmore
John and Nancy Downey
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Patrick and Beverly Flaherty
Timothy and Teresa Foster
Susan Fuller
Thomas Glodek
David and Marie Goblirsch
James Halek
Linda and Jerry Hansen
James and Anita Hidding
Holy Name Church
Stephen Imholte and
Rachael Scherer
Carol Johnson
Reverend Mark Juettner
Martha Kettler
Karl Kilander
Michael and Barbara Kitlinski
Knights of Columbus 4451
Michael and Agnes Krenn
Donald and Kathryn McCourtney
Daniel McGraw
James and Kathleen Michaelson
Bob Moore
Janet Dolan and William Moore
Victor and Carlotta Newinski
Edward O’Donnell
Olson, Clough & LeBlanc
Leroy and Dianne Osowski
Al and Billie Reger
Charles and Alice Rice Family
Fund of the Catholic
Community Foundation
Dr. Nick and Erin Schneeman
Ann H. Schweim
John and Donna Skagerberg
George and Helen Smrstik
St. Therese Tenants Association
Reverend James Stromberg
Gerald and Elaine Theis
Julie Thomas
Dr. and Mrs. C. Dwight Townes
Jim and Mary Wibbens
Dolores S. Williams
Gifts & Pledges
($100 - $499)
Helen Adams
Marie Altman
Dr. Joseph and Jane Amberg
Lonnie and Kathleen Anderson
Mark and Karmen Anderson
Ellen and Don Ardery
Cheryl Askew
Thomas and Janis Atkins
Denise and Stephen Barnett
Tom and Margaret Barrett
Timothy and Ave Beaupre
Kirkland M. Bell
William and Orla Berg
Bertelson Brothers Inc
Robert K. Bezanson
Mark and Marie Borgen
Gerhard and Carol Brahms
Susan and Kyle Brendefur
Priscilla Brewster
Mary E. Broderick
Richard and Sharon Brodeur
Theresa Brodeur
David Brunello
Art Bruss
Nancy Burke
David and Judith Burns
Stacey and Stephan Cady
Campbell-Sevey, Inc.
Mary Ann Carter
Sharon and William Cassen
Ray Choromanski
Tom and Kari Cierzan
Lawrence and Therese
Donald and Carmen Conlin
Patricia A. Connelly
Martha and John Conrad
Peter and Mary Conzemius
Kevin Cook
Thomas and Denise Cook
William and Anne Cook
John and Marilyn Craig
Crystal Clear Windows
Richard M. Dahinden
Rita Dahlman
Dalco Enterprises, Inc.
Anne M. Dancik
Delores Davis
Gerald and Francis Davis
John Day
Timothy and Anita Decker
Charles Derus and Christine
Robert and Marilyn Devereaux
Bruce and Joyce Durand
Gregory and Colleen Durand
Marilyn H. Duxbury
James and Kathryn Dziedzik
Catherine A. Echert
Grace M. Ederer
John and Mary Ederer
Tom Eiden
Elizabeth C. Quinlan Foundation
Richard and Carole Engen
Felhaber Larson Fenlon & Vogt
Barbara A. Florence
William and Janet Flynn
Michael and Sandra Foley
George Frey
Janet Fricke
Linda R. Furst
Pat Garin
Gearty Delmore Funeral Chapel
Earl and Virginia Geiger
Maria Gfroerer
Janet Gibson
Peter and Dorothea Gilligan
Jane Gleason
Rosemarie Gleason
Marcella C. Gordon
Dianna Grant
Graybrier Foundation
Norma J. Griffin
Growth Resource Partners, LLC
Lois Gruenenfelder
Edward and Margaret Hagerty
Carmelle Hanson
Michelle H. Harrington
Thomas and Mary Hartkopf
Lucille Hartwig
Marijane Hauer
Janet Hegna
Greg and Cindy Heigel
Ed Hentges
Wayne and Marjorie Hergott
Gail Heyda
Jerry and Lorrie Hirman
David M. Hoffmann
Rose M. Hoffmann
Virginia R. Hogle
Thomas Hokr
Iona M. Holland
Gregory and Lori Hollenkamp
Patricia Holloran
Kathryn and Charles Holmes
Janet Howe
Stanley and Lu Ann Hubbard
Teresa Hudoba and
Terry Wander
Anne L. Hughes
Christopher J. Hussman
Edward and Florence
Jack and Bessie Fiterman
Foundation of Liberty
Diversified Industries
Elma Janstrom
Daniel L. Jasper
Jonathan and Jenny Jasper
Agnes Jerutis
Harold and Carol Johnson
Gordon and Maggie Johnsrud
Larry and Renee Jordan
Eloise C. Kaliher
Ronald and Jane Kalin
Kapala-Glodek-Malone Funeral
Daniel and Kay Kaster
Helen C. Keaveny
Jack and Colleen Keeter
Corrine M. Kehr
Anne D. Kelly
Thomas M. Kelly
Robert and Margaret Keppel
Anne Kieser
Helen M. King
Richard and Anne Klein
Bert and Marcia Koller
Kessie Korzenowski
Douglas Lamb
Dennis E. Lamm
Donald and Frances Lamm
Joseph and Joan Lapensky
Mark Larson
Muriel Lehto
Voigt and Mary Jean Lenmark
Lindquist & Vennum
Levy and Nora Lira
Leonard Mackner
Jess and Ellen Madland
Khalid and Marilyn Mahmud
Dianne Makozak
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Manion
Lucille E. Markuson
Clarence and Jean Martin
Dinah J. Martin
Harry Mason
Blanche Matthews
Stephen K. McCracken
Mary E. McKay
Francis and Catherine Meister
Greg and Julie Merz
Messerli & Kramer PA
Metropolitan Ford
of Eden Prairie
Paul and Joni Metz
Charles and Martha Michael
Michaud, Cooley, Erickson
& Associates
Elizabeth Michelich
Robert and Catherine Mitchell
Marlyne Molitor
Debra Morem
Virginia H. Mulcahy
Gerald and Ruth Mullin Fund of
the Catholic Community
Arthur Mulvey
Dennis and Judy Mulvey
Virgil and June Mylan
Rosemary and Lowell Nally
Charles and Maureen Neerland
Steven and Barb Nelson
George and Ann Nemanich
Ronald Neppl
Bernard Newinski
Ed Newinski
Roger Newinski
Northwest Respiratory Services
Georgietta Oberembt
John and Karen Olinger
William and Susan Parsonage
Susan Peterson
Mary Jane L. Piazza
Mary Jane Picone
Arthur and Joanne Popehn
James and Helen Portman
Loisanne D. Prazich
Walter J. Price*
Alan and Renee Quast
Ron and Gloria Raasch
Edwin and Mary Raker
Jeanne Range
John Reger
Richard and Marilyn Reimer
Frances Reiser
Peter and Char Rice
Robbie’s Carpet Service
Mary Ellen and James Roberts
Keith Robinson
Richard and Patricia Rodney
John and Lois Rogers
Al and Phyllis Salsberg
Marilyn Rose Sanft
Margaret Schatz
Gregory and Linda Scherer
Gretchen Scherer and
Jamin Luebke
Mark and Heather Scherer
John and Mary Schommer
L. J. Schommer
Margaret G. Schramm
Thomas and Janice Segar
Judith Shalaby
Hugh and Mollie Sherry
William S. Shimp
Lavonne Skelton
Doris Smietana
Stacy Sochacki
John W. Spilane
Clare Stawarski
Donna J. Stelmaszewski
Sara Sterling
Sally and Jim Strand
Richard E. Streu
Jill Swenson and
Paul Van Fossan
Dorothy Szymanski
Karie L. Tackmier
Evie Taylor
Margaret Temple
Richard and Martha Theilmann
Joseph R. Trainor
Lorraine Trombley
Clayton and Adele Tutland
U. S. Foodservice
Neal and Sharon Van Fossan
Mrs. Elaine Dzubak Villafana
Roy and Audrey Warter
Mary Wehmann
Theodore Weitz
Theresa Westerlund
Martha Wicklund
Vincent and Marion Williams
Sherrie Willis
Dwight and Muriel Wirz
Rachael Wobschall
Charles and Irene Wojciak
Gifts and Pledges
($100-$499), continued
Terese W. Wovcha
Maureen (Mike) Zachmann
Gifts & Pledges
($1 - $99)
Dennis and Kathleen Alm
Allen and Lois Anderson
Dale L. Anderson
Linda Anderson
Elizabeth Andrews
Marilyn Anfenson
Linda Armstrong
Ruth Armstrong
Mary Lou Arnold
Amy M. Arthur
Adeline Ashenbach
Janice and Lawrence Audette
Phil C. Backman
William and Shannon Baker
Delores T. Bakula
James and Barbara Ballinger
Kevin and Sara Ballinger
Mary Bann
Barbara and Don Bartels
Gerald and Barbara
Marion Bauer
James and Lucille Baukner
Maureen Hooley Bausch
Diana Beaudoin
Marie Bender
Bob and Lea Bennett
Donald and Nancy Berg
Eugene and Yvonne Berg
Gary and Lori Berg
Mark and Janice Berg
Ora Berg
Joseph and Dolores Berning
James R. Bettenburg
Marthline Beumer
Ronald and Vicki Bickle
Mark and Mary Biegert
William and Leesa Birch
Ernest and Bernice Bishop
Robert and Suzanne Blewett
Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Bodum
Elaine Bohanon
William and Donna Borgerding
John and Linda Borgestad
Roger and Veronica Boucher
Lawrence and Marie Boutang
Trent Bowman
Calvin and Ann Brager
James and Mary Brainard
Timothy and Penny Brandon
James and Dorothy Brazil
Susan M. Brower
Peggy Brown
C. Broz
Michael Broz and Kathryn
Caufield Broz
Carol and Richard Brunsell
Helen Buckley
Carla Bulman
Delores Buth
Mary T. Caldwell
Brian and Sandy Callahan
Alice Carlson
Joan M. Carlson
Judith Carlson
Loren and Michelle Carlson
Robert and Susan Carlson
James and Dolores Carr
Charles and Ruth Carraher
Helen Casey
Judy Catton
Joseph and Barbara Cavanaugh
Michael and Kathleen Ceaser
Geraldine A. Chesley
Amy Clark
Richard and Deborah Clark
Irene Coleman
Command Tooling Systems
Evelyn M. Commers
Kent and Freda Confeld
Kathleen Connoy
Lyle and Mary Conrad
Mary P. Cordts
Sophie T. Coughlin
Robert E. Coulehan
Lucille A. Crane
Paul Creagan, Jr.
Dennis and Mary Crowe
Juliet Dahlberg
George and Eleanor Dahlheimer
Loretta A. Davanzo
Patricia Delisi
Robert T. Derus
Kenneth and Mary Deutsch
Wayne and Darlene Dewaay
Dex Media
Monica Doran
Henry A. Dorff
Johnny and Jodie Douglas
R. M. Downing and B. J. Downing
Dreyer Medical Clinic
Winifred L. Ducklow
James and Pat Duffy
Gerard and Margaret Dupont
James and Roberta Dupont
Michael and Barbara Eastman
William and Mamie Eggert
Thomas and Linda Eggleston
Thomas and Patricia Ehrhardt
Bruce and Michele Erickson
Charles and Karen Erickson
Richard and Joan Erickson
Walter and Edith Ernst
Charlene Esters
Lawrence E. Etzel
Dennis and Helen Euteneuer
Faegre & Benson, LLP
Brian and Betty Falk
Alfred and Helen Faue
Joyce Ferrie
Francis Feyereisen
Michael and Susan Finn
Sharon Fitzgerald
Susan Flint
Agnes B. Frank
Mark and Sheila Frenzel
David and Barbara Frogner
Johnny and Lee Ann Fugaban
Donald Gannon
Patrick and Barbara Gannon
Gerda A. Gassman
Francis and Dolores Genosky
John and Beatrice Giebenhain
Jeannine Glancey
Lucille E. Gmach
Ilene Goepferd
Florence Gorski
A. Eugene and
Kathleen Gravelle
Anthony Gregorich*
Harriet Gremban
Mark and Susanne Griffin
Sandra J. Griffin
Curtis and Johanna Groth
Gerald and Janet Gruenhagen
John and Amy Hagen
Ruth E Halverson
Craig and Janet Hamilton
Joan Hansen
Gordon Harris and
Alberta Endres
Robert and Lynne Harris
Wally and Margit Hauge
R.J. and Rosemary Havel
Helen Hazel
Jean Healy
Mike and Marilyn Heffley
Robert A. Heichert
Mary K. Heinz
Gerald and Peggy Hels
Mark and Victoria Helseth
Abraham and Sharon
Jeffrey and Mary Hill
Conrad Hlavacek
Melvin and Marjorie Hoagland
Joan Hogan
Dean Holmes
R. Michael and Gretchen Holt
Marilyn Hudak
Daniel and Catherine Huettl
Ryan and Kathie Huettl
Lorraine Hughes
Gloria Husby
Gary and Gail Hymel
IBM Matching Grants Program
Ike’s Wine & Spirits
Thomas and Theresa Ingman
Steve and Sue Jacobs
Josephine Jakala
Ione D. James
Janet Janicke
Kelli Jasper and John Klossner
Willard and Martha Jensen
Edith M. Johnson
James and Maureen Johnson
Leroy and Edna Johnson
Patricia Johnson
Roger and Elizabeth Johnson
William and Joyce Johnson
David and Jeanne Johnston
Helen Johnston
Shirley M. Jonas
Thomas R. Juettner
Theodore and Karen Kaden
Ronald and Elaine Kamps
Barbara and James Kanter
Neil and Shirley Karpe
Raymond and Elizabeth
Herbert Kassin
Patricia A. Kaufenberg
Stephen M. and Theresa Kedzuf
Robert W. Keith
Mary Ann Kelly
Mike and Pat Kerber
Shirley Keto
Karen Kieser
Kelly Kieser
Marilyn Kieser
Rita Kieser
Mary and Mark Kimitch
Theodore and Barbara King
John P. Kingrey
Deanna Kivi
Joyce and Stanley Klescewski
Frank and Nancy Klick
Gertrude Kodet
Patrick and Simone Koehler
Annabelle Kons
Donna Koopman, Trustee
Dale J. Korogi
Helen Kozlak
Valeria Kraemer
Don and Mary Krager
Gladys Krantz
Charles and Antoinette
Michael and Janet Krulich
William and Dolores Kuth
Patti LaBeaux
Mary A LaFontaine
Jan Lahni
Bruce and Caroline Larson
Dorothy M. Larson
Mark and Susan Larson
David and Susan Leader
Katherine Lee
Bradley Lehto
Raymond and Mildred Lemke
Gladys Lenzmeier
Joseph and Mary Leo
Don and Bev Levens
Larry Lewis
Lucille M Lichter
Richard and Loretta Lien
Virginia Liychik
Jay and Shannon Lotthammer
Jane Lund
Richard Lundin
Virginia S. Lyichik
Janet L. Maki
Timothy Maland and
Elizabeth Nasby
Carolyn Malicki
Patrick and Rosemary Manion
Mark and Amy Marchello
Jennie and Jay Marquardt
Patricia and Larry Martin
Barbara Mays
Doug and Dell McAninch
G. Stanley and Joyce McCall
Carol and Gerald McCann
Theodore and Dolores McCarty
Terrance and Sandra McClellan
Paula and John McCrossan
Margaret A. McDonald
Robert and Caroline McFarland
Frank and Virginia McGoldrick
James R. McMenemy
Patrick and Catherine Meade
Peter and Jill Meade
Marcia Merryfield
Gertrude A. Meuers
Florence and Robert Meyer
Elizabeth Miller
Norman and Phyllis Miller
Robert N. Miller
Vivian Miskowic
Raymond and Carol Mitchell
Ned and Mary Mohan
Erma Molan
Kristy Molitor
Diane Morris
Leola Morrissey
Joan L. Mossey
Claudia Motl
G. and Pamela Muelhbauer
John and Lorraine Mullan
James and Marion Mundt
Theodore and Patricia Murphy
Florence M. Murray
Joseph and Judith Murray
Duane and Judith Muyres
Dan and Barb Naughton
Mary Lou Nelson
Stella Nelson
Gary and Mary Margaret Ness
Caroline Nester
Richard and Elaine Newstrom
Lillian M. Niggeler
Karen M. Nolte
Marylou Nord
Douglas and Jane Norris
Douglas and Martha Novack
Gaylord and Susan Novack
Dorothy Nyberg
Scott and Carol O’Brien
Edith O’Connell
Paul and Helen Olfelt
Ruth Ollila
Bruce and Susan Olson
Christine Olson
Connie S. Olson
Douglas and Kelly Olson
Jeanette Olson
Vanita Olson
Leon and Elaine Oman
Lois E. O’Neill
Jeanette Ordonez
John and Mary O’Rourke
Gifts and Pledges
($1-$99), continued
Donald and Bonita Oster
Virginia Osterbauer
Lucille Otto
Jean and Timothy Panchyshyn
Paul and Stephanie Paris
Caroline and Kurt Partoll
Frank and Barbara Partyka
Jennie Pawlicki
Mary S. Peck
Donald Pedersen
Bill and Eleanore Pederson
Charles and Jennifer Pelant
Michael and Theresa Pelant
Gladys Penczykowski
Michael and Victoria Pepek
Susan Peters
Arlene S. Peterson
Jeri Peterson
Richard and Amy Peterson
Kathleen Pfleghaar
Carl and Diane Pierce
Kermit and Shirley Pietz
Mary Ann Pikula
Priscilla Pince
Marcus and Barbara Pohlmann
Warren Posthumus
Maria Potyondy
Herbert Pouliot
Helen M. Prouty
Ronald E. Puhek
Yvonne Quady
Marie Rademacher, OSB
Jay and Joanne Radke
Patricia P. Raffesberger
Nancy and Richard Rainville
RARE - Robbinsdale
Association of Retired
David and Jean Rausch
Betty Redding
John and Joyce Reha
Fr. James Reichert
David and Amy Reilly
Timothy and Elizabeth Reilly
Roman and Gertrude Renner
Darrell Richter
Lena Richter
Ridgedale Merchants
Artemas and Mary Roberts
Lawrence and Beth Rocheford
Kathleen R. Rock
Mary K. Roddy
Michael and Cynthia Roddy
James and Darla Roehl
Diane Rogers
William and Judith Rohde
Venita Rohrback
John Romano
Roof Spec, INC.
Gerald and Stephanie Roth
Robert and Janet Roth
Brother Basil Rothweiler
Roy C, Inc.
Eileen Ruffenach
Kevin and Eileen Rundquist
David and Jenni Runte
George and Carol Runyan
Arthur and Lana Rusch
Carolyn F. Rusch
Gudrin Ryan
John Ryan
Lee and Joan Sacks
Albert and Mary Sajevic
Ronald and Susan Sarat
Shirley Sawyer
Colleen Schapiro
Mary Ann Scheifer
Charles and Shirley Schelin
Sister Doris Jean Schmid
Donald and Romaine Schone
Michael L. Schwab
Ronald Schwachtgen
Richard and Normadail Scott
Edith M. Sculley
Charles and Dolores Seashore
James and Susan Seitz
George and Ruby Sermeta
Margaret Severe
Victor and Marie Shepherd
Steven and Susan Shoemaker
Natalie and Richard Sitarz
Jim and Trish Skaja
Helen Skallman
Paul and Bernadette Snyder
Gayle Sommers
Jane Southwood
Irene Spack
John Sperl
Harry Spillum
Frances S. St. Peter
Revocable Trust
P.A. Stahlhandske
Kathleen and Victor Stein
W. G. and Virginia Steuber
Jack and Eileen Stewart
Evelyn Stezler
Roger and Kathleen Stoick
Nancy Stolhanske
Jeff Storms
Bessie Strachota
Luella Sullivan
Linda Swanson
Elizabeth Swanson
Glenn and Anne Swenson
Susan Tadlock Quirt
Lydell and Stacy Tapp
Anthony and Jennifer Taschner
Tom and Barbara Teresi
Raymond and Carol Terhaar
Richard and Betty Tetzlaff
Irma Thies
Geri M. Timperley
John and Marie Tobin
Catherine Trainor
Mary Trainor
Steve and Carolyn Triplett
Bernice Trombley
Dale Trombley
Mary P. Tschida
David P. Turgeon
Mary Turgeon
Marilyn Tyler
Unityworks! LLC
Justin and Jessica Venhuizen
Delores J Vlasak
Richard and Anne Vosika
Ralph and Geralda Wagner
Rick and Candy Waldemar
L. Warner
James Waters and
Jacquelyn Henning
Walter and Alice Way
Leona Weber
George and Barbara West
Richard and Marcia Whiteford
Toby Whiteley
F. Joseph Williams
Juli A. Williams
Margaret Williams
Eugene and Virginia Wills
Robert and Lorry Witte
Stacy Wittman
Gertrude Wons
Diane Wood
WorksTel, LLC
Barbara J. Young
Leslie and Mary Anne Young
Marlene Zachman
Ann Zajac
Rose Zajac
Jim and Mary Zangs
Joseph Zegan
Dorothy and Thomas Zelenak
Bradley and Paula Zilka
Cumulative Giving
$250,000 & above
Barbara and David A. Koch
St. Therese Auxiliary
The Wasie Foundation
$100,000 - $249,999
Jerry and Ursula Choromanski
Sarah Fagan* Trust
Gerald & Henrietta Rauenhorst
George and Patty Maas
Elizabeth C. Quinlan
Mike and Susanne Scherer
$50,000 - $99,999
Estate of Helen Simons*
Frances Scherer
Estate of Mary Elizabeth Lahiff
Dorothy Flynn*
Dr. James and Catherine
Robert E. and Marilyn* Moore
Eleanor Dolphin*
Stanley Wasie
Elizabeth Hidding*
John and Margaret Linstroth
Lucia and James Seidel
Jacqui Gardner
Estate of Lorraine Joyce
Peter and Patricia Frechette
Francis and Mary Geurs*
Grace Legg
Ellen and Gerald Gallagher
Doug and Patricia Lewis
$25,000 - $49,999
Don and Sally Moorhead
Lawrence O’Shaughnessy
Estate of Gladys Luhmann
Estate of Helen Zanger
Estate of Stanley Feltl
Mary, Margaret and Stanley
Josephine O’Laughlin*
Mary and Eugene Frey
Dr. Jerome Scherek*
Dr. Warren and Patty Kump
John Moorhead
W. E. and Mary Mullin*
William and Bea Beddor
Josephine Rosol
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bros*
Howard Marshall*
Robert and Dorothy Ollmann
Robert and Martha Tickle
Anne Carroll*
Estate of H.S. Kedney
Estate of Rudolph Linn
Katherine Sheehan*
Dennis and Rita Lewis
John and Donna Skagerberg
Estate of Mary Feltl
Rev. Leonard A. Hirman
Thomas and Mindy
Frank & Ruth C. Hetman
$10,000 - $24,999
Rose Totino*
Anne Dolan Kelly
Ann Harhai*
North Memorial Health Care
Rick and Ann Cronin
Estate of Elizabeth Nockels
Ellen Finnegan*
Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family
John and Mary Byron
Estate of Iona Schmitt
Clarence and Julia Scherer*
Joanne D. Jones
Edward P. Hudoba
Ernest F. and Virginia Dorn, Sr.
John and Rose Hoffman
Julia Gertrude Ellis*
Josephine Blum*
Lucille Richards*
Dr. Wm. Chris Downey and
Jeannie Shapiro Downey
Eleanor Leuthe*
Thomas M. Reardon
Jerry and Gloria Wahl
Donald and Kathryn McCourtney
John and Eleanor Donovan
Estate of Hazel Little
John and Pat Manion
Crystal Agency Travel Service
S.D. Herman
Ed Leiter*
Otto Bremer Foundation
Estate of Frank and Martha
Jerry and Jayne Carey Peterson
Estate of Pauline Kelly
Alvena S. Bremner
Margaret Aalbu*
Alice Rogers*
Patrick and Roseann Boran
Florence Florance
Andrew Froehlich*
Crystal Lions Club
Frana Companies Inc.
Estate of Rose Nelson
Fred Lang
Thomas and Kathleen Moore
Alice Reisberg
Patrick and Beverly Flaherty
Vincent and Ruby Johnson
Crystal State Bank
Ruth A. Mullin
Russell Lambert
Barb & Rick Rode
Dolores S. Williams
Joseph Raskop*
Estate of Frances Blake
Frank Fetzner*
Jean Gray
Robert and Margaret Delmore
John McKinnon*
William and Mary LeVahn
Estate of Colleen Hanlon
Ray and Judy Richelsen
Anne Reardon*
Estate of Verna Matyshoke
W.L. Hayes
Larry Kveton
Charles McCall
Estate of Albert F. Kosak
*Denotes deceased
Saint Therese Heritage Society
The Heritage Society recognizes those
who have taken the important step of
supporting Saint Therese by including a
gift in their will, estate plan, or another
form of deferred giving. Members of the
Heritage Society guarantee continued
excellence in care and programming for
the elders in our community.
Donald and Shirley Beck
Bill and Bea Beddor
Francis Boulger
Jerry and Ursula Choromanski
Anne Dancik
Robert and Margaret Delmore
Norma Fricke
Jean Gray
Giles and Joan Guggemos
Lucille Hartwig
Lee Heutmaker
Mary House
Edward P. Hudoba
Eloise Kaliher
Betty Karlsgodt
Anne Dolan Kelly
Helen King
Barbara and David Koch
Kessie Korzenowski
Kay Kramer
Dr. and Mrs. Warren L. Kump
William Laughlin
Muriel F. Lehto
Dennis and Rita Lewis
Blanche Matthews
Bob & Marilyn* Moore
Lawrence O’Shaughnessy
Mike and Susanne Scherer
James and Lucia Seidel
James and Josephine Sharp
John and Donna Skagerberg
George and Helen Smrstik
Marion Tombers
Jerry and Gloria Wahl
Dolores Williams
Special Recognition for
Those Who Have Passed
Clementia Anderson
Harriet Becker
Frances Blake
Josephine Blum
Catherine Boynton
Alvena Bremner
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bros
Elizabeth Busch
Frances Cap
Anne Carroll
Helen Carroll
Helen Casey
Mary Casey
Thomas Chudyba
Anna Dennis
Eleanor Dolphin
Alice Duffy
Msgr. Henri DuLac
Gertrude Egbert
Julia Gertrude Ellis
Sarah Fagan
Shirley Fairbanks
Stanley Feltl
Mary Feltl
Frank Fetzner
Ellen Finnega
Dorothy Flynn
Andrew Froehlic
Ann Gangelhoff
Francis and Mary Geurs
Fred Gonyea
Bob Gran
Johanna Haberland
Colleen Hanlon
Ann Harhai
Elizabeth Hidding
Agnes Hildman
Beatrice Hokanson
Elizabeth Jaegers
Mark Johnson
Lorraine Joyce
Mary Kasbohm
Estate of H.S. Kedney
Frances Kelley
Pauline Kelly
Alvina Kemmetmueller
Marguerite Klein
Elizabeth Koester
Agnes Kolbinger
Albert F. Kosek
Leona Krenn
Mary Elizabeth Lahiff
Alice Lahiff
Ed Leiter
Kenneth LeMire
Philomene Lenz
Eleanor Leuthe
Josephine Levendowski
Estate of Rudolph Linn
Hazel Little
Gladys Luhmann
Estate of Frances MacIver
Howard Marshall
Verna Matyshoke
Rosemary Matz
Mary McAlpin
Rosalyn McCabe
Mary McGraw
John McKinnon
Frank McNally
Margaret Morri
W. E. and Mary Mullin
Marlene Muske
Rose Nelson
Elizabeth Nockels
Josephine O’Laughlin
Elizabeth B. O’Shaughnessy
Ruth Ostlund
Joseph Raskop
Anne Reardon
Margaret Reiss
Lucille Richards
Verlie Roy
Jerome Scherek
Iona Schmitt
Mathilda Schuller
Catherine Shandorf
Katherine Sheehan
Helen Simons
Walter and Helen Sochacki
Hildgegard Tollefson
Blanche Walsh
Helen Zanger
Mary Zepp
Consolidated Balance Sheet:
St. Therese Foundation, Inc. and Affiliates
Financial Summary
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2007
Sources of Revenue and Support
1% 6%
Nursing Care
Housing rent
and services
Assisted living
and home care
Other revenue
Program expense
Plant and
property expense
Fundraising expense
Depreciation and
$ 3,338,051
$ 49,861,595
Revenue and Other Support
Nursing Care
Housing Rent and Services
Assisted Living and Home Care
Therapeutic Services
Other Revenue and Support
Total Revenue and Support
$ 17,628,326
$ 30,851,799
$ 17,573,253
$ 30,955,721
$ ( 103,922)
$ ( 81,147)
$ ( 185,069)
Liabilities and Net Assets
Current Liabilities
Long-Term Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Program Expense
Plant and Property Expense
Fundraising Expense
General and Administrative
Payroll taxes and Employee Benefit
Depreciation and Interest
Total Expense
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets
From Continuing Operations
Loss from Discontinued Operations
Change in Unrestricted Net Assets
How Dollars Are Spent
Payroll taxes and
employee benefits
$ 8,016,378
$ 49,861,595
Consolidated Statement of Operations:
General and
Current Assets
Assets Limited as to Use
Property and Equipment
Other Assets
Total Assets
Please contact Mike Warden, CFO at 763-531-5000 with questions
regarding this financial summary.
Our IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax is
available at www.guidestar.org or upon request.
Spirit of Leadership
The Saint Therese Foundation Board has continued
to work actively in overseeing operations, managing
finances, assisting with fundraising and focusing on
short-term and long-term strategic planning for the
organization. We are grateful for their help and support.
Francis D. Hagen (Board Chair)
Jerry Peterson (Vice Chair)
Patrick J. Boran (Treasurer)
Marcella C. Gordon (Secretary)
Joseph Amberg, M.D.
John P. Byron
Sharon A. Cassen
Reverend Robert T. Cassidy
J.J. Choromanski
Pat J. Connolly
Wm. Christopher Downey, M.D.
Stephen J. Dupont
Kaye Foley
David M. Hoffmann
Stephen Imholte
Reverend Mark R. Juettner
John C. Manion, M.D.
Gregory T. Merz
Clifford G. Olson
Bishop Richard E. Pates
Michael Scherer
Sr. Joan Schneider, OSB
Wayne Thalhuber, M.D.
Rachael Wobschall
William Beddor
Mary F. Frey
Ellen Gallagher
Vincent Johnson
Anne Dolan Kelly
Richard A. Klein
Warren L. Kump, M.D.
Donald Moorhead
Robert Ollmann
Charles E. Rice
Lucia Seidel
Donna Skagerberg
Social Accountability
For all of our 40 years, Saint Therese has taken pride
in the fact that it has always been a good neighbor
and member of the community. As a non-profit organization, we strive to help others within our immediate
neighborhood and beyond. We believe it is also
important to communicate our outreach and support
of the greater community as part of our mission.
Documenting this work is an essential element for
earning public trust and validating our status as a
non-profit organization. During the 2007 fiscal year,
Saint Therese undertook the following activities:
Saint Therese provided over $1.2 million dollars
of free care as a result of Medicaid reimbursement
not covering the entire cost of care. Over 60% of
our residents receive Medicaid reimbursement.
We receive over $20 a day less than the actual cost
of providing the care. If we were to make cuts to
recover these expenses, we would compromise care
of our residents.
• To
foster education and help train future leaders in
our industry, we contribute $12,000 a year to the
University of Wisconsin -Eau Claire to sponsor a
student administrator.
• Saint
Therese hosted four social worker students
from the University of Minnesota -Twin Cities.
• Spiritual
care is at the center of our mission. Our
extensive pastoral care services include staff, liturgical
costs, music and much more. The Saint Therese
Foundation raised $299,000 to fund this vital program.
• Our
staff recruited blood donors for the American
Red Cross. Staff members volunteered their time
and blood for this worthy cause.
• Our
staff participated in trade and professional
associations to expand their skills and to advocate
for social fairness. This is also a way we can share
our experiences and knowledge to benefit others.
• Saint
Therese has a charitable program that can
assist tenants with services if the tenant has to apply
for waivered services for care.
• Tenants
and staff members in our communities
held food drives throughout the year to help families
in need.
• Saint
Therese donated to various community
partners to strengthen their work. Some of these
partners this year included North Memorial
Medical Center, Golden Valley Rotary, Churches
of St. Vincent and St. Gerard, and North Memorial
Community Foundation.
“There are no adequate words to express our
thankfulness to Saint Therese for the care of our
mother and your kindness to our family. Every
staff member we encountered, from beginning
to end, was uncommonly kind, responsive and
knowledgeable. You all strived to know and
appreciate her as the unique person she was.”
— Diane, family member of a resident
Saint Therese Foundation Contacts
Barb Rode President/CEO
John LeBlanc Director of Development
Christine Mages Special Events Manager
Gretchen Scherer Grants/Communications
Janet Gibson Director of Public Relations and Advertising
Saint Therese Foundation
8000 Bass Lake Road
New Hope, MN 55428
PERMIT NO. 00000