drupa Experience! A Private Turn-key VIP Tour June June 1
drupa Experience! A Private Turn-key VIP Tour June June 1
Special Invitation for drupa Experience! A Private Turn-key VIP Tour June June 1-6, 2016 members from THINKING ABOUT DRUPA IN 2016? If you are considering drupa next year, take a look at the program put together by Printing Industries Alliance. drupa runs from May 31 to June 10, 2016 in Dusseldorf Germany. Inkjet printing promises to dominate this year’s show with highlights encompassing print, functional printing, packaging, production, multi-channel, 3D printing, and green printing. drupa 2016 promises to explore new target groups with state of the art technologies and new solutions. You may have first-hand memories or certainly have heard about the unplanned hassles that can offset the wonderful drupa experience. It is a gigantic event that is very special and a must experience for every senior manager in the graphic arts industry. Those hassles can include overpriced, poor hotel rooms (anything less than 4 stars in Germany), long and difficult commutes from outside Dusseldorf, and the inability to get appointments and access to the key exhibitors. The Printing Industries Alliance has the solution with our 2016 drupa Experience! A Private Turn-key VIP Tour. The 2016 drupa Experience tour offers deluxe accommodations in Dusseldorf convenient to the airport and just minutes to the Fairgrounds. A full American breakfast gets you off to the right start every morning. Guests will enjoy scheduled VIP Private Exhibit Tours with the leading industry suppliers including: There will be ample time left for participants to make stops at other exhibits each day. Each participant will be responsible for their own flights, allowing them to tack on other travel before and after drupa. The Private Turn-key VIP Tour fee of $3,500 includes: 5 nights lodging at the Sheraton Dusseldorf Airport Hotel with check in Wednesday, June 1, 2016 and departure Monday June 6, 2016 5 day show credentials and catalogue. Show tickets include free round trip transportation to the trade fair via public bus or train. 2016 drupa Experience! A Private Turn-key VIP Tour R E S E R VAT I O N F O R M PAY M E N T S C H E D U L E : Reservation deposit by Dec. 31, 2015: $1,000 5 monthly payments Jan. 2016 - May, 2016: $500 Total cost: $3,500 __________________________________ Name Opening night reception on June 1, 2016 __________________________________ Free full American breakfast each day prior to departing for the show __________________________________ Happy Hour June 3, 2016 __________________________________ Guided and scheduled Executive VIP briefings at key drupa exhibits including Canon, EFI, Heidelberg, Highcon, HP, International Paper, Kodak, Konica Minolta, Landa, MGI Digital Technology, Muller Martini, Ricoh, and Xerox. Your drupa tour guides will be PIA’s Tim Freeman and Marty Maloney who are both drupa veterans. There are only 20 rooms available, so the Private Turnkey VIP Tour will sell out quickly. Give us your commitment today and mark your calendars for a Wednesday, June 1, 2016 arrival and a Monday, June 6, 2016 departure. Call Tim Freeman at (716) 6913211 or Marty Maloney at (203) 912-0804 for additional info or to put your name on the Private Turn-key VIP Tour roster today. Company Phone Email Please contact me with further information Please reserve a spot for the 2016 drupa experience for the following: __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Name __________________________________ Credit Card Exp. Date __________________________________ Signature fax: 323-724-2327 | email: kristy@piasc.org