the fifth icap global conference - International Christian Alliance on


the fifth icap global conference - International Christian Alliance on
FOR: PRACTITIONERS (Leaders/Founders) involved in ministries with victims/survivors of human trafficking/
prostitution; People wanting to start ministries; Anyone wanting to support ministries and learn about the issues.
INSPIRING PROGRAM: Worship, Prayer and Music, Plenary Speakers;
Workshops by Experts in Their Field; Networking Opportunities
Speakers: Dr. Dan Allender is known internationally for his speaking and writing about the Christian response to sexual
abuse and is founder of the Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. In one of his recent books, Sabbath, he builds a
case for “Delight” by looking at the Day of Sabbath as a celebration of God’s re-creative and redemptive love — hence,
our conference theme! He finds his own Delight through his family and fly fishing.
ICAP Leadership Team member Mariliana Morales is the Founder of “Rahab
Foundation”, based in San Jose, Costa Rica. Since 1997, Mariliana and her staff have
ministered with victims of sexual exploitation, providing a holistic recovery program
aimed at healing, reintegration and prevention. In 2009 she was honored with the
Heroine Against Modern Day Slavery Award in Washington, D.C., presented by U.S.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Dan Allender
ICAP Leadership Team member Serawit (Cherry) Teketel Friedmeyer is the Founder
of “Ellita-Women At Risk” based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Reaching out to women in
prostitution since the early 90’s, she and her team seek to create an unconditionally
accepting community which transforms lives through counseling, education and
prevention. Using their vast experiences and knowledge, they also offer extensive
trainings and support for projects and individuals throughout the African continent.
Dr. Tony Campolo is a world-renowned inspirational speaker, sociologist, theologian Tony Campolo
and author of more than 35 books. He is professor emeritus at Eastern University and
one of the founders of the “Red Letter Christian” movement.
Pre-conference Seminar: Dan Allender will lead a pre-conference seminar, “To Be Told” (sharing your story).
Participants will have the opportunity to name and bless their stories of tragedy (death) and redemption (resurrection), and
how God is revealed through them. Click here for an application. (Application to attend the seminar is due by 2/15/14.)
Post-conference extended-Stay Package: An optional extended-stay package will be offered for those who would like
to stay after the conference to relax, decompress and enjoy the beauty of the conference center grounds.
Additional Conference Leadership
Music and Worship Leader: Brad Berglund - A gifted musician (classical
guitar), pastor, author and spiritual director, Brad has a passion for sensitively
and creatively bringing groups together to worship God. He is the Founder
and Director of two organizations: Illuminated Journeys and Reinventing
Sunday and enjoys working with church musicians, pastors and worship
committees throughout the world.
Conference Facilitator & ICAP Leadership Team Coordinator: Rev. Dr.
Lauran Bethell is a Global Consultant with International Ministries (American
Baptist Churches USA), and is internationally recognized for her work among victims of human trafficking.
Sunday, May 18
1:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:00-6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
Registration Begins
International Welcome
Opening: Worship/Speaker
Social Time
Monday-Thursday, May 19-22 - Morning
10:30-12 Noon
8:30-10:00 a.m.
Worship, Speakers, Testimonies
10:00-10:20 a.m.
10:30-12 Noon
Monday-Thursday, May 19-22 – Afternoon & evening
12:00- 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m.
3:00-4:30 p.m.
5:00-6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Inspirational Programming
8:30 p.m.
Social Time
Friday, May 23
7:30-8:30 a.m.
Breakfast and then Departure
APPLICATION TO DESIGN AND LEAD A WORKSHOP: Do you have expertise that you would like to share with the
group? Please consider submitting an application to present a workshop. Download the application form, including the
selection criteria, here.
ICAP GLOBAL CONFERENCE 2014 PACKAGE PRICES: Packages include room, program fee and meals (dinner
Sunday through breakfast Friday). Early arrivals and later departures will incur additional fees to those listed below.
Housing Options (Prices do not include 5.5% Wisconsin state food and beverage tax.)
Per Person Per Person
Premium: Private bath with air conditioning and a mixture of bed configurations.
Mid-Level: Private bath with air conditioning and a mixture of bed configurations.
Economy: (limited availability) Private bath with air conditioning and 1 or 2 beds.
> Three and four bedroom houses are available for groups; call for rates.
> Commuter/Day Guest Package: $100 plus the cost of meals taken.
The conference center cannot assign roommates; you must specify your roommate when registering.
Scholarships: Those coming from developing countries automatically receive a $200 scholarship toward lodging expenses at GLCC.
Questions: Contact Marion Kobow at Green Lake Conference Center, Green Lake, WI USA OR (920) 294-7329; To register, call (920) 294-3323
SPONSORSHIPS NEEDED: Help is needed with the cost ($1,000) to bring practitioners and others from developing
countries to the conference. To sponsor someone who could not otherwise afford this opportunity, contact Marion Kobow,
conference coordinator: or (920) 294-7329.
Conference hosted by Green Lake Conference Center (GLCC) and ICAP.
Sponsors: GLCC and Worldwide Gifts of Green Lake (, International Ministries
(, and Make Way Partners (
International Ministries
For more conference information, visit!
Special Opportunities
To Be Told Seminar – led by Dr. Dan Allender. This is a pre-conference offering. The number of participants is limited
to 35 people. Package begins with arrival after dinner, Thursday evening, May 15; program begins with breakfast on
Friday, May 16 and ends with lunch on Sunday, May 18. The seminar will close with two final sessions during workshop
time on Monday, 5/19 and Tuesday, 5/20.
The seminar is designed to help you name and bless the stories of tragedy (death) and redemption (resurrection) that
have been used by God to make you a unique revelation of God’s story. This seminar will be built on three assumptions:
Your story brought you into this work and it is imperative for you to know and love the story God has written in and
through your life.
We are in a war, at times, against our own story, and due to fear, shame, or anger, we often fail to know our own
story. It takes profound courage to look into the face of death and resurrection.
Engaging our story is best done with others in community who equally want to know God in and through the
stories he has written for us to live.
Dan will lead the teaching sessions and you will be invited to tell your story in small groups with facilitators who are
graduates of The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology. Each participant will be asked to listen to a podcast about
story before they write an 800-1000 word story. A story must be submitted before the conference and the group leader
will interact with your writing during the week.
Those who would like to join in this special offering will be required to submit an application form and will be notified, in
advance, of their acceptance into the seminar. Application to attend the seminar is due by 2/15/14. Notifications will be
made shortly thereafter with further information.
If your application to attend this seminar is accepted, please contact Marion Kobow, OR
(920) 294-7329, to register. The total cost per person to attend the pre-conference seminar and the ICAP Global
Conference is $916 for a single room or $625 for a double room (includes room, meals and program fee; state sales tax is
additional for food and beverage).
Post-conference Extended-Stay Package: An invitation from Lauran Bethell is being offered to those who would like to
stay after the conference to relax, decompress and enjoy the beauty of the conference center grounds. There will be no
scheduled program—just time to enjoy fellowship—or solitude—as you wish. Lone Tree Lodge, within reasonable walking
distance of the main conference area, has been reserved for lodging and a group gathering place, for use by this group
only. Meals will be in the same location as for the ICAP conference. In addition to the cost of the ICAP Global
Conference, the cost of this extended-stay package, per person, is $285 for a single room, $192 for a double room, or
$176 for a triple room (begins with Friday, 5/23 dinner and ends with Monday, 5/26 breakfast). If you would like to
participate in this offering, please contact Marion Kobow to register.