Link to Spring Newsletter, 2015 - Casa Allegra Community Services
Link to Spring Newsletter, 2015 - Casa Allegra Community Services
35 Mitchell Blvd., Suite 8 San Rafael, CA 94903 Return Service Requested NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SAN RAFAEL, CA PERMIT NO. 150 by Chris Bonfiglio; Debbie Falvey Retires......................... 1 Dedication Makes A Difference Daily & in the Long Term by Carrie Bossaller; Tom & Nicki......................................... 5 CACS Annual Financial Report; Ready, Set, Go! Human Race May 9, 2015..................... 6 Meet Kelly Moritzburke, Bookkeeper.................................. 2 Holiday Party Memories 2014.............................................. 7 Possibilities Lead to Opportunities in Supported Living; Bocce Memories 2014........................................................... 8 Big Changes for Josh by Eny Campos; IOU Makes a Difference – Julia Pozsgai & Tamar Mag Raine by Dale Dutton........................................ 9 40 Years of Innovation, Possibilities, Opportunities Meet Jayne Verdon, Office Assistant.................................. 3 Out & About with CACS Folks............................................. 4 Volunteers................................................................................10 Grants & Donations, In Honor & In Memory....................11 2015 Vol. 11 No. 1 • • • (415) 499-1116 1975 seems like yesterday and at the same time very long ago! Eileen Falvey and I, in 1975, with $1,000 in our pockets and the help of some wonderful mentors and professionals, opened the doors to our first “group” home in a record 3 months. The Vision for the 5 children who we lived with and cared for in that home on Ridgewood Drive in San Rafael was the same then as it is now: All people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (IDD) regardless of the severity of the disability have the same basic human right to lead meaningful lives with opportunities to be self-reliant and productive citizens. Since that time, Casa Allegra Community Services (CACS) has grown and expanded to provide an array of individually designed services and supports around community living, family, daytime activities and employment opportunities to 50 adults with IDD Throughout our 40 year history, we have been innovators and pioneers in providing services that are now considered accepted practices and commonplace. We were among the first in the state to support people with intensive physical needs in the community rather than in larger congregate settings. We opened the first community based day program in the area. This enabled adults to experience and learn, for example, to shop at the neighborhood grocery store or take an exercise class at the nearby recreation center rather than in the traditional classroom setting. We were the first agency in Marin to support people to live where and with whom they chose under the title of Supported Living. Supported Living Chris Bonfiglio and Josh, December 2014 enables services and supports to be designed around and brought to the individual rather than the individual going to where the services are delivered. We embraced “Employment for All” long before it was a federal and state mandate. And, we were the first in our regional center catchment area to give individuals a structured means of career building and microenterprise development as an alternative to wage employment. I feel so fortunate to be able to lead an agency that is governed by a board of directors who embrace and support the vision. I, the service directors and staff also recognize the importance of family. With the person being served as the focus, we work as a team with family members to be creative and flexible in meeting our Mission: To make a difference in the lives of people with IDD one person at a time. We are celebrating our achievements over the past 40 years and invite you to celebrate with us. ~ Chris Bonfiglio, Executive Director After 26 years, Debbie Falvey will retire from CACS on April 30. While Debbie’s current title is Human Resources and Benefits Manager, her involvement with Casa Allegra goes far beyond the title. A common comment around the office is “Ask Debbie, she knows everything.” Debbie began working at Casa Allegra as an administrative assistant during Chris’ maternity leave. Debbie’s daughter, Diedre was 6 months old at the time. Both Diedre and her youngest daughter, Darcy, spent much of their growing years around Casa Allegra. Debbie will join her husband, Michael, in retirement. Avid baseball fans, Debbie and Michael plan to take it easy and spend time traveling in their motor home. Debbie has been a strong staff advocate and an integral part of the success of Casa Allegra over the years. Her presence will leave a hole and be sorely missed. Thank you Debbie for all you have contributed. 2 Casa Allegra Community Services CACS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, based in Marin County, providing individually designed services and supports for people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities around community living, family, daytime activities and employment opportunities since 1975.. Thank you to Celeste Bonfiglio for a unique and creative fundraiser handmade holiday pillow sales with proceeds benefiting Casa Allegra. Tax ID #94-2775979 35 Mitchell Blvd., Suite 8 San Rafael, CA 94903. Board of Directors Pauline Basaran, President Allen Peters, Treasurer Jane Scurich, Secretary Mia Brown Dale Dutton Cyr Miller Mary Quinlan Finance Committee Allen Peters, Chair Chris Bonfiglio Al Farbstein Michael Scurich Development Committee Mary Quinlan, Chair Pauline Basaran • Theresa Eisenberg Elsa Jimenez • Jeanne Santangelo Belinda Sifford • Patti Somers Consumer Advisory Committee Mia Brown, Chair Cathy Adams • Donna Celestine Elijah Gonzalez • Caitlin Lannon Scarlett Murphy • Kevin Peak Gavin Reimer • Robin Sloan Krystal Tremblay INCOME Program Services ..$3,174,675 Donations .......................$37,062 Special Events ..............$72,789 Grants ............................$20,899 Endowment ..................$36,390 Total ..........................$3,341,815 EXPENSES Program Expenses $2,781,919 Fundraising Cost .........$56,666 Administrative.............$406,077 Total ..........................$3,244,662 NET: ................................$97,153 Note: Prior to depreciation and amortization Income Program Services Dona5ons 1% Special Events 2% 1% Grants Endowment 1% 95% Expenses Program Expenses 2% Fundraising Cost Administra:ve 12% 86% Staff Chris Bonfiglio, Executive Director Eny Campos, Director Supported Living Elsa Jimenez, Director Residential Services Daniel Reichling, Director Day Services Jeanne Santangelo, Development Director Al Farbstein, Financial Advisor Kelly Moritzburke, Bookkeeper Carrie L. Bossaller, RN Debbie Falvey, Human Resources Jayne Verdon, Office Assistant Socorro Gallardo, Consultant Newsletter Editor Jeanne Santangelo Articles & Photos by Staff & Volunteers Contact to be added or taken off our mailing list. We respect your privacy. Your contact information is not shared with outside agencies or businesses. Y ou may not see Kelly when you visit the office but the work she does is critical to the everyday operations and long-term success of Casa Allegra. As Al Farbstein, Financial Advisor and Debbie Falvey, Human Resources look towards retirement, Kelly is helping CACS with ideas for new systems in accounting, bookkeeping and payroll. Kelly lives in Larkspur with her husband Peter, and her 18-year-old twins Fisher and Molly. She recently adopted a rescue dog named Kuiper, who has become fast friends with Ziggy, CACS unofficial service dog. She enjoys mountain biking, hiking, traveling and spending time with her family and friends. 11 Vol. 11, No. 1, 2015 DONATIONS & GRANTS We sincerely apologize if we have ommitted or misspelled any names. GRANTS Bank of America Fdn. Michael Basso Memorial Fdn. Charis Fund The Carl Gellert & Celia Berta Gellert Fdn. George Lucas Family Fdn. Turriseburnea Club Union Bank Fdn. Westamerica Bancorporation GENERAL DONATIONS Susan Adams Alcatraz Cruises All Autos, Inc. Elizabeth Halperin Jacki Anderson Shirley Anderson Don & Nickie Andrews Richard and April Angotti ASF Electric Asian Art Museum Vivien Asleson Sandra Bagnatori Bank of Marin Bernadette Baraty Mitchell & Charlene Barnes Vasfi & Pauline Basaran Robert & Mary Basso William Beck Kimberly Belanga Richard Benjamin Beverlee Bentley Berkeley Repertory Theatre Thomas & Suzanne Berns Anke Betic Felice Betlem Mary & John Bianchi Louise & Harvey Birch Blue & Gold Fleet Elizabeth Boland Chris Bonfiglio Celeste Bonfiglio Gregg Chorebanian & Carol Brandt Jay N. Brown Ron & Jeanette Bruciati Burkell Plumbing Inc. Alana Capozzi Margaret Cavalli Kim M. Chandler Chevy’s Restaurants Fred & Nancy Chiappe Children’s Creativity Museum Georgia Chourre Paula Chumpitaz Peter and Kathy Cimarelli Linda Cimoli Silvie Clerc Shirley Clifford, Training Wheels Preschool Clipped Wings United Airlines Steve Colombo Carla Condon Kay Conneely Annette & Robert Corbolotti John & Celeste Craemer Stanley S. Crask Janice Cumming Mary Cummings John Cunnie Michael Cunnie Mary Alam & Jean Jacques Deshadarevian April Debeauvernet Mario & Juliana Del Piccolo Paul & Theresa Descalso Disneyland Resort Timothy Doody Jerome Draper Kevin W. Dunlop Dale & Donna Dutton Lea Earnheart David & Maxine Eichel George & Theresa Eisenberg Allan Farbstein Rosemary J. Fellows Fine Arts Museums of SF Cole Kinney Fiorenzo & Linda Gardin Jennifer Gennari John & Patricia Giosso Dana Fehler Golden Gate Pharmacy Maureen Murphy Goldfarb Robert & Kimberley Grant Milton & Constance Greenfield Evelyn and Robert Greenwood Mary & John Grillo Thomas & Kathryn Grossi Diane & Victor Guinasso Janice Haley Arlene Halligan James & Lynda Hampton Linda Haskett Michael & Teresa Haskett Elia Haworth Deidre & Robert Hayden Sarah Hayes Janice Hilsman Christopher Holbrook Holiday Inn Express HopMonk Tavern Amy Hosa House of Prime Rib Richard & Marilyn Hunter RC & Lorraine Iavarone Barbara Inwald & Michael Harris Iron Springs Pub & Brewery Erin Kane Mimi Katz Kathy Kay, CTI Transcription Svs. Ellen R. Kerr Venus & Fereidoun Keyhan Andrew & Jennifer Kirmse Steven & Marlene Knox Stephen & Mary Lamb Law Office of Cecilla Lannon Cecilia & Rick Lannon Lawrence Hall of Science Debbie Levy Lise of Copenhagen Diane Litchfield MacLean Appraisals Carol Maher Marin Sanitary Service Glen Mellinger Tim & Tami Mock, Marin Coffee Roasters Jan Mettner Paul and Rachel Markun Larry Mason Leon & Evelyn Mason Matt & Jeff’s Car Wash Mary Ellen McCarthy Walter & Diane McClain Eileen McCrystle Theresa & Andrew McCullough Joseph & Judith McGrath Pat McGrath Patrick & Kathleen Mcilroy McLeran Roofing Todd McPadden David Merin, Superior Coring & Cutting, Inc. John & Regina Milavec Cyr Miller Rory Miller John & Barboni Moore Peter & Kelly Moritzburke Mort Corporation Mountain Play Association Daniel & Caroline Murphy Jane Murphy Kathleen & Michael Murray June 1, 2014 through Jan. 31, 2015 Maureen & Ron Nass Gary Nelson James & Theresa Nevin Heidi Paul Outerwall Panera Bread Robert & Linda Panico Do Seo & Dana Kim Park Margaret Partlow Karen Partoyan-Holleran John & Suzanne Peoples Raymond & Priscilla Petersen Thomas & Anna Philipps Richard Picchi Pier 39 Pizzalina LLC Edward Pohlman Laura Smith Polansky Robert & Lynn Porter Thomas & Mary Quinlan Lorrie Ragozzino John Robbins Eric Roby Julia Ross Sterline L. Ross, Jr. Laurie Roth, Westside Therapy Associates Karol Ruderman Michelle Ruff John Rumsey Mary Sales San Francisco Ballet Assoc. San Francisco Opera Judith Sanford Jeanne Santangelo SaveMart Lauren Schryver Michael & Jane Scurich Stella Scurich Montecito Market Place Assoc. Alex Sifford Benton & Saralynn Sifford Belinda Sifford Lexie Sifford Ira Simon, DDS William and Kathleen Sloan Steven Snyder Clara Solvason Joelle Somers Richurd & Patricia Somers Sonoma Raceway Barbara Stephens Earl & Toni Stewart Redwood Clipped Wings Hal & Joan Strouss John & Margaret Taddeucci Cheryl Tanasovich Laura Targgart Faye Taylor Gerald Tench John and Cecilia Telles Tims Treads Gary & Nancy Towslee Janice Tremblay Peter & Karen Turnbaugh Elilzabeth & Robert Turrini Chancellor Hotel Lorraine Urban George & Linda Vaio Kathleen & Arnold Valcour Van Midde & Son Concrete Juana Villacorta Anne Voisinet Barbara & Larry Walsh Janice Wanigatunga Frank & Sally Williams B. Anne Zishka IN HONOR Chris Bonfiglio Patty Garbarino Mia Brown James Brown & Gaetan Rouleau Bruciati Family Sterling L. Ross, Jr. Pier Sciaroni Michael Bruciati Joy Laurie Allen Anne M. Brooks C.P. Sheetmetal T.E. Carlson Charles & Kathleen Cendak William & Margaret Dale Angelo Damante Angelo Phyllis Sally Grimaldi Catherine Jones Donna Lemmon Judith Mac Emehiser Sherry McKean Ignatius & Bonita Passantino Joseph & Kay Sanchez Pier Sciaroni James J Sherry Tim & Pam Sowerby Robert Spano Dieter & Reyna Vielhauer Joseph C Sanchez Jamie Burris Thomas & Shane Burris Casa Allegra Irmelin Hafstad Kim Chandler Marilee Rocca Johnson Tim & Martha Doody Richurd & Patricia Somers Dale Dutton Family Donald & Mary Burden The Dutton Family Judith Donovan Dusty Dutton M.A & J.B. Dowty Lois Goodall Fellows Family Rosemary Fellows Kathleen Greene Andrew & Mary Greene Nicky Haskett Linda Haskett Kevin McCarthy Frank Antonini Bruce Carruthers Kevin Costello Terrence Costello Patricia Gallagher Deborah Lloyd Patrick & Gina McCarthy Kathleen McCarthy-Boyce Tammy Miller Jim & Carmen Ott Jeffrey & Sharon Porter Marian McCarthy Shaffner & David Shaffner Thomas Spellicy Nancy & Vincent Yalon Jane & Mike Scurich Michael Griffin Robin Sloan Carole Schwartz Joelle Somers Walter Jack Friesen Gregory & Cathy Kohs Joanne Linn Jean & Charles Phillips Betty & Wilfred Swalberg Michael & Mary Somers Richurd & Patricia Somers Diane Scaccalosi Armond Scaccalosi Belinda Sifford Justin Sifford Debbie Sifford William Cottrell Elena Fitzpatrick Alesa Tomsky Robin Aitken-Bullard Krystal Tremblay Valerie Coleman Joseph and Carol McCabe IN MEMORY Jan Alban, M.D. Donna Alban Michael Birch Margaret Anthony Larry Callan Linda & George Vaio Steven Douglas Ray & Imelda Douglas Liam & Florence Falvey Bernadette Baraty Raymond & Maureen Laval Mary Far Edward & Linda Kangeter Mary Farbstein Ruth & Michael Peregrin Eileen Frain Jacqueline Johnson Rudolph & Theresa Keiser Karla Rikansrud Nancy Severson Angelina Garbarino Robert & Kathleen Carrasco William Garibaldi Barbara or James Jacques Willie Garibaldi Harvey & Louise Birch Don Grant (Uncle Don) Patrick & Kathleen McIlroy George Jacques Claudia Lewis Lisa Jay Judith Sanford Eleanor La Franchi George & Linda Vaio Clifford George Martin Karl Minges Clifford Martin Janice Marcham & Ashley Macdougall Mike Manick George & Linda Vaio Richard McRostie Richurd & Patricia Somers Kim Miller Richard & Cecilia Lannon Peter & Scotty Murphy Marlene Avona Arthur & Monika Cooke Janice Haley Mary & Gregory Whitfield Peter & Scotty Murphy & Family Christine Bookmyer John & Wendy Cozzi Peter Murphy Michael & Dorothy Callan Robert Murphy Barbara Northam Robert Murphy Peter Murphy & David Stolich Diana Stolich Julia Peters Kathleen Greene Andrew & Mary Greene Christine Grogan Allen & Susan Peters Dolly Reynolds Lauren Schryver Peggy Rolandson Raymond & Maureen Laval Rose Scotto George & Linda Vaio Walter Shaff Florence Shaff Mary “Pat” Slavin Irmelin Hafstad John Strain George & Linda Vaio Thank You! 10 64 Casa Allegra Community Services Clipped Wings of Marin at Bocce L to R Lorraine Urban, Jan White, Barbara Lee, Laura Richmond & Diane Bazler We sincerely apologize if we have omitted or misspelled any names. CACS lists volunteer opportunities at Kerry Minekheim & Isabelle (Izzy) Gardner, Miss Marin, at Bocce Debbie Falvey & helper pick Bocce raffle winners BOCCE TOURNAMENT Debbie Falvey Michael Falvey Al Farbstein Michael Feno Mary Ellen McCarthy Jane Murphy Steve Murphy Chuck Podesta Daniel Reichling Jeanne Santangelo Patti Somers Linda Vaio George Vaio National Charity League San Rafael Mission Belles Christine Downs Amelia Downs Ellen Minami Elise Minami Michelle Minami Brynnagh Gallagher Cindy Gallagher Ninon Pallavacini Kaelin Pallavacini Carolyn Robello Francesca Robello Marin Catholic High School Kerry Minekheim Clipped Wings of Marin Diane Bazler Jack Bazler Joan Burgarella Ray Burgarella Susanne Kepford Barbara Lee Lorraine Urban Jan White Keven Aleman, Luis & Kaila Campos - Holiday Party Marin Catholic HS Students - Holiday Party National Charity League – San Rafael Mission Belles mothers & daughters at Bocce THANKSGIVING PIES Thanksgiving Pies is made possible by the CVNL’s Holiday Gifts of Love Shirl Ackeret Olivia Bonifacio Ameial Downs Laurie Martinez Ruth McDaniels Emily Muller Allison Salzer Becky Sarlatte Rae Jean Smith Cameron Sullivan Vicky Welisch Julie Will HOLIDAY COOKIES Holiday Cookies is made possible by the CVNL’s Holiday Gifts of Love Shirl Ackeret Marsi Atkinson Jenna Benyon Skye Benyon Tina Davis Amelia Downs Joanna Ellis Abby Frazee Suzy Gibson Catherine Greene Sasha Greeneschmitz Danielle Hirsch Madison Hirsch Charlie Johnson Denise Louie Laurie Martinez Kathleen Minor Allison Salzer Lily Wyle Sarah & River Glenwood Elementary Junior Girl Scout Troop 31705 CASA ALLEGRA HOLIDAY PARTY Reina Araujo Luis Campos Monica Fernandez Larry Mason Mary Ellen McCarthy Anne Newman Jim Santangelo National Charity League San Rafael Mission Belle Allison Bainbridge Carly Bainbridge Audrey Chaddick Gina Chiarolla Liz Chiarolla Caddie Grenier Jenny Macphail-Weller Maggie MacPhail-Weller Grace Martinez Laurie Martinez Cindy Noble Sally Noble Diane Shearin Katie Shearin Natalie Sparks Marin Catholic High School Mark Abrams Sam Abrams Kristen Bell Lindsey Bell Jack Brubaker Alyssa Gikkas Lisa Salvas Terra Linda High School Kevin Aleman Kaila Campos HOLIDAY CARDS Mt. Tam School 6th Grade Class VALENTINE CARDS National Charity League – San Rafael Mission Belles OFFICE ASSISTANCE Caroline Noble, NCL COMPANIONSHIP ACTIVITIES Alison Falvey Marin Catholic High School Kristen Bell Jack Brubaker Peter Brown Toula Falvey Alyssa Gikkas Emily O’Farrell Jake Olson Taylor Powers Kaleigh Sinnott Gianna Sullivan National Charity League - Holiday Party 3 Vol. 11, No. 1, 2015 C asa Allegra Community Services welcomed four young adults, Jonathan, Nicole, Josh and Graham to Supported Living in the past year. Before Socorro Gallardo recently retired, she worked with families to find locations and set up homes with staff support. She continued to assist Eny Campos as Eny transitioned to her new position as CACS Director of Supported Living. Josh Lyons and Jonathan Holbrook may be familiar to many readers as CACS Day Services participants. We are so pleased to be getting to know Nicole Sykes and Graham Saltonstall. by Eny Campos L ast December, Josh Lyons moved in with his good friend Graham Saltanstall. They moved into a three-bedroom, two-bath apartment in Larkspur that Graham’s dad found. Graham and Josh have been friends for a while and now they are housemates. Josh and Graham met at the 3rd Friday dance at Hall Middle School in Larkspur. Josh had been living at home with his mom in Half Moon Bay and was taking the bus to Marin County to visit with his friend Graham. Graham’s parents would pick him up at the Marin Airporter so that Josh and Graham could go to the dances together. Josh usually spent the night at Graham’s on the Friday of the dances. They developed a good friendship, so becoming roommates and moving into their own apartment seemed like a good match. They continue to go to the 3rd Friday dances, take the ferry to San Francisco and do other activities together. They each have support staff which enables them to do their own activities as well. When we met with Josh last year to talk about Supported Living, he was very excited. We asked him who would he like to have as staff and he said “I would like Javier & Josh Monica to be my staff.” Monica used to support Josh in his day program when he previously participated in Casa Allegra’s Day Services (ACS). We could not hire Monica as Josh’s support staff since she is already supporting another client, but we were able to hire Javier, Monica’s son and Josh was very happy about that. He and Javier have developed a good relationship. Josh loves playing video games. He wanted to buy an Xbox game console but was not able to, so Javier gave his own Xbox to Josh as a Christmas gift. Josh was very happy with his new video game device. Josh and Javier are working together on making healthy life style choices. Josh is learning to cook healthy meals and to stay active. He is also learning to pay his bills and manage his money. N ext time you are in the office be sure to say, “Hi!,” to Jayne. She is helping to bring efficiency to a new level for all of us in the office! She is the cheerful voice on the phone on weekdays between 9am and 4pm. Jayne lives in San Rafael with her husband, Phil, and daughter, Kelly. She loves to visit family and friends in England. She has many hobbies and likes movies, reading, knitting, outdoors and her dogs Sophie and Happy. Jayne on the job at the CACS front desk with Julia Pozsgai’s art behind her 64 Casa Allegra Community Services Dinner at the Mall – Debbie Sifford & Cathy Adams History class - Mia Brown & Ginnie Wolff at College of Marin Leighandra Gordley & Jennifer Walsh, owner COMAAT (Changing One Mind At A Time) assisted the Community Living Campaign at the SF Connected Technology Swap Meet. COMAAT encourages working toward inclusion and high expectations for all people, Conditioning Class – Gavin Reimer & Krystal Tremblay at College of Marin CACS Halloween Party - Andy Woo, Dusty Dutton & Dusty’s Puppets, & Caitlin Lannon Caitlin Lannon, Jesus Espinoza, Gavin Reimer & Andy Woo with Holday Cards for all made by National Charity League volunteers Elijah Gonzalez & Dusty Dutton hold card made by CACS folks to say “Thank YOU!” to volunteers 9 Vol. 11, No. 1, 2015 I by Dale Dutton Julia Pozsgai, Butterflies, acrylic painting (portion) Tamar Mag Raine, Joy of Leaves, fabric collage on board (portion) A While preparing for the KPFA Crafts Fair at the end of last year, paintings and handmade clay jewelry spread across the kitchen table, looking like Santa’s workshop, Tamar made a grand gesture referring to all the action and exclaimed, “My Dad would be over the moon about all this!” Since the establishment of her business “Tamarmag’s Unique Creations” Tamar feels she has “really been stretching her wings and learning a lot.” She is living a happy, productive life and knows that A display of art from all her deceased father, who dabbled five artists – Mia Brown, in painting and photography, Day Morrow, Vanessa would share her joy. Castro, Julia Pozsgai & Out in public at Art Fairs, Tamar Mag Raine – is poetry open mics, online, and open to the public in our office lobby at 35 on the radio, she has delighted Mitchell Blvd., Suite in the opportunity to share her 8, in San Rafael. Open inspiration with others. You can daily through April. We see all her unique creations; her hope you’ll drop by and art, jewelry, poetry, and prose, as see some of their work well as hear her recent interview first-hand. (PS – It is on the KPFA Radio Show also for $ale!) entitled “Pushing Limits” by visiting her website at IOU is not an art program – it is not a “program” at all. It is the application of individualized business and career development structure added to the passions, talents, and determination of entrepreneurs with dreams! For more information about IOU microenterprises, call Dale Dutton at 415-891-8374 or visit s a part of our 40th anniversary celebration, Casa Allegra is focusing attention to specific activities which indeed “make a difference” in someone’s life. One of them is an innovative business support service called Income Opportunities Unlimited (IOU), launched in 2007. 5 artists presently receive business/career development support services by IOU. One is our own Mia Brown, about whom much has been written here in past issues. Others are located around the bay in Petaluma, Oakland, Alameda, and Hayward. We have also featured Day Morrow (Hayward), and Vanessa Castro (Alameda) in articles here in the past. Today, we introduce the most recent additions – Julia Pozsgai of Petaluma and Tamar Raine of Oakland. Julia Pozsgai You have seen some of Julia’s work already – her painting was selected from several entrants for the front of 2014’s CACS Holiday card! Julia was recently accepted as “Artist in Residence” at the Art Without Labels gallery in Petaluma (AWOL). She launched Pansy Creations, and occupies her own studio space at AWOL. With IOU business development support, she is emerging as an active member of the art community in Petaluma, as well as in Sonoma where she lives. Since the birth of Pansy Creations Julia has begun to identify herself as a business owner, painter, seamstress, and ceramicist. She loves her business and the increased opportunities her earnings have allowed her. She has been able to buy herself an iPad, a nice camera, enjoyable business lunches, and many fun new art supplies. She has also had the opportunity to gain one-on-one instruction to further her artistic skills. She apprenticed with a seamstress to create her own line of handmade dolls and this spring she will begin a new artistic pursuit as she learns jewelry making. Stay tuned on her website,, to see her soon to be created whimsical jewelry line. Tamar Mag Raine Tamar Mag Raine has pursued art and poetry as a serious hobby for some time, and is now moving into the realm of becoming a known professional for her work. IOU particpants, friends and staff at the KPFA Crafts Fair, Richmond CA 2015 L to R front row: Vanessa Castro, Mia Brown; middle row: Steve Howell, Jenna Lee, Meghan Dunn, Jaquii Quintarilla, Anna Dow, Kefalew Eticia, Day Morrow 8 Casa Allegra Community Services 1st Place Team Holy Rollers – Front: Betty & Wil Swalberg; Rose Gee, Sharon Adams; Back: Ned Adamson Co-Chairs Al Farbstein, Linda Vaio, Michael Feno 2nd Place Team No Name: L to R Clara Solvason, Mark Bassett, Judy Gronski, Marie Waters 10/4/14, Marin Bocce Courts, San Rafael Over 175 players and spectators enjoyed round-robin bocce, delicious catering, silent auction, raffles, wine and Lagunitas beer to help raise much needed and appreciated funds to support the work of Casa Allegra. “Longest Distance Travelled” was Joan Murphy from Chicago! We thank the many who helped to make our tournament a stand out and put the fun in fundraising. Courtside appetizers and luncheon of chicken breast, sausage, pasta and Ceasar salad was catered by Lucca Ravioli Deli of SF. IPA keg was donated by Lagunitas Brewing; Estate Wines Ltd. and Linda and George Vaio donated wine. CACS families, local businesses, museums and event venues donated wonderful silent auction items and raffle prizes. Volunteer help included bartenders from Clipped Wings of Marin, food service by mothers and daughters of National Charity League Mission Belles chapter, set-up by Marin Catholic High School students. A shout out to Steve Murphy our MC and his sister, Joan, who helped mom, Jane, with Raffle Baskets and food shopping. Thank you Co-Chairs Al Farbstein, Michael Feno & Linda Vaio, and the Bocce Committee - Debbie Falvey, Jane Murphy, Daniel Reichling, Patti Somers and Jeanne Santangelo. Team Rolling Stones: Dan Zimmerman, Lorrie Ragozzino, Kathy & Tom Grossi Thank You Sponsors Steve, Nate, Jane & Joan Murphy Felice Ludington, Vasfi & Pauline Basaran Roma Tuscany Lucca RAVIOLI COMPANY, INC. Law Office of Cecilia Lannon • Maysie Tift, MFT Milano The Sifford Family Tom & Jenny Berns Palermo Vasfi & Pauline Basaran Team Burkell Plumbing George Eisenberg (415) 493-2504 Court Sponsors As of 9/29/14. We sincerely apologize if we have omitted or misspelled any names Michael Basso Memorial Foundation Mary Cummings Al Farbstein Kathy Kay James Nevin, Attorney at Law Jane & Michael Scurich Joelle Somers Jane Scurich & Dusty Dutton The Peter Murphy Family David Merin - Superior Coring & Cutting Inc. Alex & Sara Sifford John & Margaret Taddeuci Gary & Nancy Towslee Linda & George Vaio Yoga Center of Marin SAVE THE DATE! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 • 15th Annual Bocce Tournament The Towslee Family 5 Vol. 11, No. 1, 2015 m By Carrie Bossaller, RN A s Casa Allegra approaches its 40th anniversary of service, it is interesting to compare a business anniversary to a wedding anniversary. The celebration of each year of service (and marriage) marks how much has been endured and worked towards to achieve a strong partnership. A successful marriage involves an infinite amount of dedication, time, love and understanding. These same qualities have also been the key to the success of Casa Allegra’s relationship with their clients. Dedication is apparent in Casa Allegra’s two licensed long-term care residential homes. Tom, who lives at the Devon house, has had the opportunity to learn and grow with Casa Allegra’s support since his teenage days. He was among the first to receive support from Casa Allegra’s Residential Living Services. His housemate Nicki has also been at the Devon house since he was a young child. At the Adrian house Jamie and Mike are also long time residents who each moved in as young children. These four men all have different activities and schedules. Tom and Mike work most days at different locations, while Jamie goes to a day program and Nicki has a program at home. Each person’s individual preferences have been taken into account and are reconsidered frequently to help create a comfortable life. Through the years the needs of the clients have changed. As they have gotten older, they have moved from youth into mature adulthood. Family, social activities, jobs and medical appointments have taken precedence. From learning to help care for themselves Nicki at age 5 in 1978 Tom at age 17 in 1975 and communicate “...Each person’s to holding a job and individual preferences participating in the have been taken community, the agency into account and are continues to grow and reconsidered frequently to adjust with the clients. help create a comfortable With this drive, the agency life...” has been able to assist and empower people with disabilities and continues doing so to provide a longterm commitment that ensures stability and support. Interestingly, the ruby is the traditional gift for a 40th anniversary symbolizing the enduring flame of love. As this celebration nears, it is obvious that the fire behind the passion for serving is burning strong and bright. The people supported by Casa Allegra’s Residential Living service benefit greatly from the dedication that Casa Allegra provides for them daily and in the long term. Tom O’Donnell, 57, and Nicki Haskett, 42, relax at home at Devon Drive. Tom has been suported by CACS for 40 years since he was 17, Nicki has been supported by CACs for 37 years since he was 5-years-old, . 2015 Marin Human Race Support Casa Allegra Community Services at The Marin Human Race is a certified 5K & collaborative fundraiser Sat. May 9, 7am to noon, Marin Civic Center Lagoon, San Rafael Help us in our work to make a difference for people with intellectual & other developmental disabilities one person at a time Donate online or register to race at CACS contact or (415) 499-1116 ext. 142 40 Years of Innovation Possibilities Opportunities Casa Allegra Community Services (CACS) is a 501c3 nonprofit Tax ID 94-2775979 Mail to: CACS, 35 Mitchell Blvd. Suite 8, San Rafael, CA 94903 !CASA ALLEGRA 2015 MARIN HUMAN RACE DONATION FORM MAIL TODAY with your donation or donate online at ❒I 2015 Marin Human Race Solicited by: NEWSLETTER _______________________ Fundraisers print your name here support Casa Allegra Community Services in the Marin Human Race. Make check payable to Marin Human Race. would like to donate directly to Casa Allegra Community Services. Make check payable to CACS. Donation is ❒ In Honor of ❒ In Memory of __________________________________TOTAL $__________ ❒I _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ❒ Bill my: ❒ Visa ❒ Mastercard Credit Card # Exp. Date/CVC # (3-digit code on back of card) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Name as it appeaars on Credit Card _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address City Zip _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Phone 75 Vol. 11, No. 1, 2015 Bruciati Family – Front: Italia, Giovanna, Jeanette & Ron; Back: Michael, John & Dominga Mary, Mary Ellen, Kevin & Noel McCarthy, Maria Ramirez 12/14/14 Marin Catholic High School, Kentfield W Ana, Krystal Tremblay Front: Robin Sloan, Evan Kirmse Back: Jennifer Kirmse, Pati Stoliar Reina Araujo, Debbie Sifford e danced the night away to pop music and holiday classics provided by fabulous DJ Jairo Torrez. The people we support through our various services enjoyed meeting up with each other and visiting with family members who drive in from all over the SF Bay Area and Sacramento. One of the joyful highlights of the evening was when everyone, including volunteers and those who use wheelchairs, danced together in the middle of the room. The Holiday Party was coordinated by Eny Campos and made possible with the help of many and the donations of Casa Allegra family members. We especially thank the Holbrook family for underwriting catering by Tagliaferri’s Delicatessen and Café of Novato; Daniel Murphy for beverages and the Lannon family for DJ. CACS staff Secret Santas provided gifts for each of the people we support. Volunteers helped create the magic. Their kindness, bright smiles and big hearts brought great cheer to everyone who attended. Ever popular, gingerbread house making was organized by Anne Newman, as she has for many years now. Thank you Mary Ellen McCarthy & Jim Santangelo, for your cheerful beverage service. We thank the many volunteers who donated baked treats through CVNL’s annual Holiday Gifts of Love program. National Charity League mothers and daughters, Marin Catholic & Terra Linda High School students, CACS staff and family members helped in many ways. They decorated the day before, welcomed guests, helped adults and kids build gingerbread houses, passed appetizers, served buffet dinner, assisted people to their seats with their full dinner plates. Then, at the end of the evening, they accomplished the most efficient take-down ever. Lillian Jeffries, Nicole Sykes Diane Scaacalosi & Ana Ramirez Bobby Ingles & Sharon Halstrom Save the Date: Holiday Party Saturday. Dec. 12, 2015! Lorrie, Denise & Connie Ragozzino, & Lisa Reynolds Patti, Joelle & Richurd Somers
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Michael Feno
Socorro Gallardo
Inside - Casa Allegra Community Services
Please contact, (415) 898-6525
if you would like to know more about how to host a house
party fundraiser to benefit Casa Allegra. We will help you
make it a successful fundra...