program listings - Halifax Public Libraries


program listings - Halifax Public Libraries
Alderney Gate
Captain William Spry
Cole Harbour
Dartmouth North
Halifax North Memorial
J.D. Shatford Memorial
Keshen Goodman
Musquodoboit Harbour
Sheet Harbour
Alderney Gate SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult Steampunk Book Club with the Jules Verne Phantas�cal Society Get together with a group of fellow Vernians to honour the arts, cra�s, and aesthe�c of sci‐ inspired by the Indus‐
trial Revolu�on. You in your costumed glory are welcome. This month, the discussion will abound as we talk about Jules Verne's book 2889. Sun, Sep 11/3 PM‐4:30 PM Memory Boot Camp with Drs. Gail Eskes and Ryan Wilson Memory is like a muscle ‐ it can work be�er with training and prac�ce. If you would like to improve your memory, join the Memory Boot Camp for three sessions of educa�on, workouts and challenges with Drs. Gail Eskes and Ryan Wilson. Session 1 will outline how memory works and the science behind making memory be�er. Sessions 2 and 3 will focus on goal se�ng, skill build‐
ing and prac�ce, prac�ce, prac�ce! Par�cipants should plan to a�end all three sessions. In partnership with Brain Repair Centre at Dalhousie Uni‐
versity. Mon, Sep 12/12 PM‐1 PM Registra�on begins September 6, Registra�on required PROGRAM LISTINGS Descrip�ve Movie Night Saving Mr. Banks Rated PG Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson bring to life the surprising untold true story about the making of Mary Poppins ‐ one of the most treasured Disney clas‐
sics of all �me. Please note: These monthly lm screenings are audio de‐
scrip�ve for those who are blind or par�ally sighted, although all are wel‐
come. Mon, Sep 12/6 PM‐8:30 PM Memory Boot Camp with Drs. Gail Eskes and Ryan Wilson Memory is like a muscle — it can work be�er with training and prac�ce. If you would like to improve your memory, join the Memory Boot Camp for three sessions of educa�on, workouts and challenges with Drs. Gail Eskes and Ryan Wilson. Last �me (Session 1), they outlined how memory works and the science behind making memory be�er. For Sessions 2 and 3 the focus is on goal se�ng, skill building and prac�ce, prac�ce, prac�ce! Par�cipants will get the most out of the series if you plan to a�end all three sessions. In partnership with Brain Repair Centre at Dalhousie University. Mon, Sep 19/12 PM‐1 PM Registra�on begins September 6, Registra�on required Evergreen Writers Group Always welcoming new par�cipants, the group gets together every third Wednesday for discussions, feedback, guest speakers, and workshops for aspiring writers. For more informa�on, call 902‐463‐5612 Wed, Sep 21/10:15 AM‐12:15 PM Memory Boot Camp with Drs. Gail Eskes and Ryan Wilson Memory is like a muscle — it can work be�er with training and prac�ce. If you would like to improve your memory, join the Memory Boot Camp for 3 ses‐
sions of educa�on, workouts and chal‐
lenges with Drs. Gail Eskes and Ryan Wilson. Already, in Session 1, memory and the science behind making memory be�er was reviewed. Today is a con�nua�on Session 2, which is fo‐
cusing on goal se�ng, skill building and prac�ce, prac�ce, prac�ce! Par�cipants will get the most out of the series if you plan to a�end all three sessions. In partnership with Brain Repair Centre at Dalhousie University. Mon, Sep 26/12 PM‐1 PM Registra�on begins September 6, Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 2
Alderney Gate SEPTEMBER 2016 A�� A� E����� Social Media Strategies with Janine Basha, Social Media Expert Confused about hashtags? Interested in Instagram? Looking to leverage your brand online? Stop by to chat about all things social media related with Janine Basha, Marke�ng and Communica�ons Manager for Halifax Public Libraries. Fri, Sep 29/10 AM‐12 PM Kni�ng and Crochet Social Bring your wool, needles, and hooks and join other yarn‐crazy people to chat, exchange ideas, and work on your current crea�on. Coffee and tea are available. This monthly program is held on the last Friday of each month, un‐
less there is a holiday. Fri, Sep 30/10:30 AM‐12 PM D�������� C�������� H����� T��� P������� First Things First: Time Management Do you feel there is not enough �me to do everything you should and want to? Learn �ps and tools to achieve a be�er life balanace. Call 902‐460‐4555 to register. In partnership with Nova Sco‐
�a Health Authority and IWK. Fri, Sep 30/12 PM‐2 PM Registra�on required PROGRAM LISTINGS Conversa�on Corner Prac�ce English and meet new friends while learning about local community and culture. You will discuss current events and topics of personal interests in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. Like all library programs, this is free. Saturdays/9:15 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 17, Registra�on required Kids Chess for Beginners Ages 7+ with adult parent/caregiver Have you always wanted to play chess? Join Don Bidgood of the Dartmouth Junior Chess Club to learn the basics. This session is for absolute beginners, and a parent or adult caregiver will be expected to stay (and learn!) with each child. In partnership with Dartmouth Junior Chess Chess. Sat, Sep 24/1 PM‐3 PM Registra�on required Family Fort A�ernoon All ages Join us on this day off from school to build a fort for your family and friends, share in some campre songs and sto‐
ries, and then curl up in your fort for some reading fun. Fri, Sep 30/2 PM‐3:30 PM Registra�on required, Group registra�on re‐
quired Saturday Game Day Giant Games All Ages Get your game on at the library! Each month will be a different, hands on ac�vity or experience that will be fun for kids and grown ups alike. Drop‐in for some gaming fun. Sat, Sep 10/10 AM‐3 PM Sat‐ART‐day Chalk Art, Wet or Dry! All Ages It's Sat‐art‐day at the library! Drop in for a different ar�s�c experience or technique each month, and let your crea�vity soar! Create your own, or collaborate with your family or friends. Sat, Sep 17/10 AM‐3 PM Super Science Saturdays Magnet Racers All Ages Unleash your inner mad scien�st! Drop‐in for a family‐friendly scien�c experiment or ac�vity every month. Sat, Sep 24/10 AM‐3 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 3
Alderney Gate SEPTEMBER 2016 Preschoolers Symphonies For Sprouts with Symphony Nova Sco�a Ages 3‐5 Symphonies for Sprouts is presented by Symphony Nova Sco�a each fall at Halifax Public Libraries. The goal is to introduce your young child to music and mo�on in a fun and comfortable environment. Two musicians show‐off their instruments and explain how they work while playing familiar, deligh�ul tunes. Children are encouraged to dance and conduct the music. In part‐
nership with Symphony Nova Sco�a with Mari�mes and Northeast Pipeline. Mon, Sep 19/11 AM‐11:30 AM Group registra�on required, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Baby and Tot Time Ages 0‐35 months Drop‐in and introduce your child to the wonderful world of books! Mondays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 12, No program September 19, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Tales for Tots Ages 19‐35 months Engage your toddler's imagina�on and develop early literacy skills. Caregiver must be present. Tuesdays/10:30 AM‐11 AM Begins September 20, Registra�on required PROGRAM LISTINGS Shake, Ra�le, and Read for Groups Ages 0‐5 This entertaining, high‐energy program for young children and their caregivers will focus on the importance of oral storytelling, rhymes, and music in the development of pre‐reading skills. Wednesdays/9:45 AM‐10:15 AM La pe�te histoire âges de 3 à 5 ans Lecture en français, mots de vocabu‐
laire et une ac�vité pour les en‐
fants.Pour plus des renseignements, contacter Shirley au 902‐832‐3785. En partenariat avec La Piroue�e. Thursdays/12:30 PM‐1:30 PM Shake, Ra�le, and Read Ages 0‐5 This entertaining, high‐energy program for young children and their caregivers will focus on the importance of oral storytelling, rhymes, and music in the development of pre‐reading skills. Wednesdays/10:30 AM‐11 AM Baby's First Books Ages 0‐18 months Treat your li�le one to the experience of books, the rhythm of music, and the fun of group play. Caregiver must be present. Fridays/10:30 AM‐11 AM Group registra�on required Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Story�me Ages 3‐5 Stories, songs, nger plays, and rhymes help children experience independent group ac�vity, gain pre‐reading skills, and develop a love of reading. Thursdays/10:30 AM‐11 AM Begins September 15, Registra�on required Bébé et moi de la naissance à 2 ans Un groupe de jeu avec des chansons et des ac�vités pour les parents et les bébés. Pour plus de renseignements, contacter Shirley 902‐832‐3785. En partenariat avec La Piroue�e. Thursdays/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM commencer á 22 septembre commencer á 22 septembre Begins September 16, Registra�on required Teens Game Night! Come play one of our board games, or try out the new PS4! Game Night will happen the rst Wednesday of every month. Email Barb at for special requests. Wed, Sep 7/6 PM‐8 PM Geek Night! The third Wednesday of each month we'll have a gathering of a different fandom. This month’s theme is Suicide Squad! Email Barb at with sugges�ons for future programs. Wed, Sep 21/6 PM‐8 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 4
SEPTEMBER 2016 Alderney Gate PROGRAM LISTINGS Create Night! Come create, invent, or cra� at the library. All our supplies are available for you to indulge your inner genius. This program will happen the last Wednesday of every month. Email Barb at for any special requests. Wed, Sep 28/6 PM‐8 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 5
Bedford SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult Bedford Sackville Au�sm Support Group Open to primary caregivers of people with Au�sm Spectrum Disorder, these mee�ngs are an opportunity to share and learn from other families experi‐
encing the challenges and joys that can come with caring for a person on the spectrum. You are welcome to join us on the rst Tuesday of every month. Tue, Sep 6/7 PM Excel Basics Spreadsheet basics including equa�ons and charts for complete beginners. Wed, Sep 21/2:30 PM‐4 PM Registra�on required S�tch Social Whether you sew, knit, or crochet, bring your latest project and chat with others over coffee. Thu, Sep 22/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Book Club The Bone Clocks, by David Mitchell Discover new authors, meet new peo‐
ple, and share insights. Tue, Sep 27/2:30 PM PROGRAM LISTINGS Newcomers’ Conversa�on Group (Beginner Level) Meet with our skilled instructors and other adults new to Canada. Enjoy coffee, make new friends, and improve your language skills. Contact infor‐
ma�on desk staff for more details. Mondays/9:30 AM‐11:30 AM No program September 5, Registra�on required Newcomers’ Conversa�on Group (Intermediate Level) Meet with our skilled instructors and other adults new to Canada. Enjoy coffee, make new friends, and improve your language skills. School‐aged chil‐
dren are invited to a�end our Chil‐
dren’s language learning session also offered during this �me. Contact infor‐
ma�on desk staff for more details. Saturdays/10 AM‐12 PM Registra�on required Kids Movies The Jungle Book Rated PG A�er a threat from the �ger Shere Khan forces him to ee the jungle, a man‐cub named Mowgli embarks on a journey of self discovery with the help of panther, Bagheera, and free spirited bear, Baloo. Sat, Sep 10/2:30 PM Cupcake Wars Age 5‐12 Join us for Bedford Public Library’s rst annual Cupcake Wars! We will supply cupcakes, icing, and a variety of tasty (and not so tasty) toppings, but the decora�ng is up to you. Each round will feature a surprise twist, and the winner of each will walk away with a fabulous prize. Which dessert will take the cake? Sat, Sep 17/2:30 PM Lego at the Library Ages 5+ Let your imagina�on run wild with the library's Lego collec�on. Create some fun for the whole family. Tue, Sep 27/10 AM Children’s English Language Skills Program Ages 5‐12 Join us for a morning of fun and learn‐
ing as we work on homework, play games and meet new friends, all while prac�cing our English language skills! Parents are invited to a�end our New‐
comers’ Conversa�on Group also offered during this �me. Saturdays/10 AM‐12 PM Begins September 17, Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 6
SEPTEMBER 2016 Preschoolers Puppet Show Ballet Cat: The Totally Secret Secret All ages While Ballet Cat and Sparkles the Pony are trying to decide what to play, they each share an important secret. Thu, Sep 15/10:30 AM Puppet Show The Case of the Disappearing Books All ages Can Detec�ve Pig solve the case of the disappearing books before there are no books le� in the library? Thu, Sep 29/10:30 AM J’apprends en famille‐bebe Ages de la naissance a 2 ans Un groupe de jeu avec des chansons et des ac�vites pour les parents et les bebes. Pour plus de renseignements, contacter Shirley a la Piroue�e au 832‐
3785. En partenariat avec La Piroue�e, votre Centre de ressources et de ser‐
vices a la famille.. les mardis/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Bedford PROGRAM LISTINGS Family Drop‐in Ages 0‐5 A short story�me followed by free play with puzzles and cra�s is sure to de‐
light and entertain your child. There’s something here for everyone, including a baby corner complete with infant toys. Wednesdays/10:15 AM‐11 AM commencer á 20 septembre, enregistrement requis Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 7
SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult ZEN: Z��� ��� L���, E����������, ��� N������ S����� Your Secret Map Psychic Astrologer Deborah Young will join us for a talk on the ancient tradi‐
�on of Astrology and how understand‐
ing your Birth Chart‐Sacred Map leads you to a deeper understanding of your life's purpose. In Partnership with Deb‐
orah Young Astrology. Wed, Sep 14/7:30 PM Registra�on required ZEN: Z��� ��� L���, E����������, ��� N������ S����� What's Your Story? with Roxanne Walsh, cer�ed Funeral Celebrant Join Roxanne on an introspec�ve jour‐
ney of self‐discovery and a celebra�on of life. Through a hands‐on ac�vity, you will create a life map that explores the concept of a Legacy as something we build every day that we live. In partnership with Roxanne Walsh. Fri, Sep 16/2:30 PM Registra�on required Cpt. William Spry PROGRAM LISTINGS ZEN: Z��� ��� L���, E����������, ��� N������ S����� Finding Time to Pause All it takes is a second ‐ to pause, breathe, and experience inner peace. We can all learn to step back from a reac�on or feeling and nd peace in a quiet space inside. In partnership with Brahma Kumaris Medita�on Centre. Wed, Sep 21/7:15 PM‐8:45 PM Registra�on required Halifax Cultural Days: Oriental Dance Workshop Ages 13+ Join us for a fun and exhilara�ng belly dance lesson for people of all ages and body shapes. Have fun learning new, groovy moves, express your inner ar�st, and hone your own style of movement. Put a smile on your face and get those hips loose. Fri, Sep 30/2:30 PM Registra�on required Bridge at the library Meet and play with bridge lovers. Some Bridge experience is necessary. Wednesdays/1 PM Women's Conversa�on Club Are you a woman who has newly immi‐
grated to Canada? Join us on the last Friday of every month to meet, share, and discuss your experiences. Enjoy mee�ng people from other countries and making friends in Halifax. In part‐
nership with YMCA. Fridays/1 PM‐3 PM Begins September 2 Kids Water for the World with Engineers Nova Sco�a All ages Join the pros to build a water lter from simple materials, hear what a career in engineering is like, and learn how engineers help others. In partner‐
ship with Engineers Nova Sco�a. Tue, Sep 20/6 PM Registra�on required Pre‐Teen Drop‐in Ages 8‐12 Come out for free food, games, and fun theme nights! Wednesdays/6 PM‐7 PM Begins September 14 Preschoolers Puppet Shows Robert Munsch's Moose! All ages Luke and his family are surprised to nd a moose in their backyard one day, and while each family member has an idea of how to get rid of the moose, Luke’s sister comes up with a surprising solu�on. Sat, Sep 17/11 AM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 8
Cpt. William Spry SEPTEMBER 2016 Family Drop‐in Ages 0‐5 Families! Enjoy a variety of ac�vi�es together, including stories and songs. Tuesdays/10:30 AM Begins September 13 Story�me Ages 3‐5 Stories, songs, nger plays, and rhymes help children experience independent group ac�vity, gain pre‐reading skills, and develop a love of reading. Fridays/10:30 AM PROGRAM LISTINGS Teen Zone Ages 12+ The Teen Zone is a unique program that challenges expecta�ons of what a library space can be. This is your place to hang out, meet new people, play games, explore your ar�s�c side…and have fun. In partnership with HRM REC. Thursdays/6 PM‐8 PM Begins September 15 Begins September 16 Teens Connect the Dots Led by the Youth Project Ages 18 and under LGTBQ youth and friends ‐ drop in, make connec�ons, and have fun! Led by the Youth Project. For more infor‐
ma�on, call (902) 429‐5429, or email Adam. Program is held the last Tuesday of every month. In partnership with The Youth Project. Tue, Sep 27/6 PM‐8 PM Begins September 27 Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 9
SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult Movie I Saw the Light Rated PG The story of the country‐western sing‐
er Hank Williams, who in his brief life created one of the greatest bodies of work in American music. The lm chronicles his rise to fame and its tragic effect on his health and personal life. Starring Tom Hiddleston and Elizabeth Olsen. Fri, Sep 2/10 AM The Night Sky According to Star Trek: Where Empires Exist with Tony Schellinck of Stareet Academy Star Trek fans are invited to a�end the Stareet Academy Astronomy 101 class. Special guest lecturers include a Romulan, a Klingon, and a surprise per‐
sonage of great importance. Be warned that anything can happen when these former enemies are put together. Audi‐
ence cosplay encouraged. Host Tony Schellinck, aka Dr. Bartholomew Stran‐
gelove, is harmless instructor at the Stareet Academy and the writer/
director of The Night Sky According to Star Trek: Where Empires Exist. Tue, Sep 6/7 PM Central PROGRAM LISTINGS SMU L������� Soccer: A History of Brazil with Rosana Barbosa This course will trace the historical forces behind the evolu�on of soccer in Brazil – from an elite sport to a na�on‐
al passion with unifying powers. Topics include the transi�on to a slave‐free society, immigra�on, the development of a na�onal iden�ty, urbaniza�on, the military dictatorship, as well as gender divisions and the role of the media and economics behind the popularity of the sport. In partnership with Saint Mary's University Con�nuing Educa�on. Wed, Sep 7/1 PM F����� W��������� Hench‐Kin’s Guild of Halifax RPG Club for Adults and Teens The Hench‐Kin's Guild of Halifax is a new club dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs), including Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and many more! These games are fun, social events, and no prior experience is necessary. Everyone 14+ is welcome. The club meets the rst Wednesday and the last Saturday of every month. Mon, Sep 7/5‐8:30 PM SMU L������� Urban Sociology: Introduc�on & History with Val Johnson This course rst explores how crucial ci�es are to the world and Canadian history, especially ci�es’ long‐standing promise and inequi�es, including how coloniza�on, racism, and L'nu and Black resistance have made Halifax. Our inves�ga�on then expands to re‐
lated dynamics in today’s ci�es: eco‐
nomic inequality; paid and unpaid work; fear and violence; queer spaces; sustainable ci�es and climate change; and “crea�ve city” solu�ons for smaller ci�es and social jus�ce. In partnership with Saint Mary's University Con�nuing Educa�on. Thu, Sep 8/1 PM F������� D������� S����� Paul Thomas Anderson's There Will Be Blood with introduc�on by Chris Campbell Rated PG This widely acclaimed masterpiece features the Academy Award winning performance of Daniel Day‐Lewis (Best Actor, 2007). Daniel Plainview and son are independent oil men, looking for prospects in California at the turn of the 20th century. They are challenged by a young preacher, Eli Sunday (Paul Dano), whose own ambi�on is match by Plainview's. Their ba�le forms the centre of a scary, darkly comic histori‐
cal journey into an abyss of madness. Chris Campbell is a blogger and mem‐
ber of NSCC Screen Arts faculty. Thu, Sep 8/5:30 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 10
SEPTEMBER 2016 Book Club Grist, by Linda Li�le Penelope MacLaughlin marries a miller and gradually discovers he is not as she imagined. Nonetheless she remains determined to make the best of life at the lonely mill up the Gunn Brook as she struggles to build a home around her husband’s eccentrici�es. His in‐
creasing absence leaves Penelope to run the mill herself, providing her with a living but also destroying the people she loves most. Thu, Sep 8/7 PM Registra�on required Acous�c Song Circle Budding and experienced musicians, you are invited to join our monthly musical gathering. We welcome all types of acous�c instruments and in‐
vite people with all skill levels to share their music with others. Bring copies of songs, including guitar chords, if possi‐
ble, so that other par�cipants can join in the song. Please bring your own in‐
strument, your singing voice, or just your admira�on for good music. Sat, Sep 10/2 PM‐4 PM Central PROGRAM LISTINGS Chess in the Library Join us for this instruc�onal and recrea‐
�onal program! While the program's goal is to teach novice players the rules and basic strategies of the game, the emphasis is on fun, enjoyment, and learning something new. Chess is a pas�me that has been embraced by young and old alike and played in many cultures throughout the world for cen‐
turies. Known as the royal game, it can help develop logic and spa�al thinking and improve planning, memory, deci‐
sion making, judgment, crea�vity and concentra�on. Sun, Sep 11/1 PM‐4 PM F������� D������� S����� Paul Thomas Anderson's Magnolia with introduc�on by Kendra Barnes Rated 18A An epic mosaic of interrelated charac‐
ters in search of love, forgiveness, and meaning in the San Fernando Valley. Starring Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Julianne Moore, Tom Cruise, William H. Macy, and Tom C. Reilly. Featuring songs by Aimee Mann. Tom Cruise won a Golden Globe for his perfor‐
mance and Magnolia was nominated for 3 Academy Awards (Best Original Screenplay, Best Song, and Best Sup‐
por�ng Actor). Kendra Barnes is a Sen‐
ior Film Programmer with Carbon Arc Cinema. Sun, Sep 11/1 PM‐5 PM Yoga Flow Connect to your breath, play with bal‐
ance, build strength, and increase exi‐
bility. This session is suitable for all levels and great for beginners. Please bring a mat. To register, visit event‐ and search for Yoga Flow. Sun, Sep 25/2 PM‐3 PM T�� R������ I���������� F��� S����� Pride Denied: Homona�onalism & The Future of Queer Poli�cs with guests Ardath Whynacht and Nova Sco�a Rainbow Ac�on Project Pride Denied explores topics such as homona�onalism and pinkwashing in the context of the 2014 World Pride fes�val in Toronto, focusing on ac�vist, ar�s�c, and academic resistance to the mainstreaming and corpora�za�on of LGBT poli�cs. In partnership with The Radical Imagina�on Project and Cine‐
ma Poli�ca. Mon, Sep 12/6:30 PM Websites for Beginners with Wordpress An introduc�on to crea�ng a blog or website using the popular WordPress service. Learn how to get started with WordPress, including choosing layouts and op�onal features. The presenta‐
�on also covers how to obtain a web site name. Tue, Sep 13/6:30 PM‐8 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 11
SEPTEMBER 2016 Singer Songwriter Maura Whitman Live Performance All ages Maura Whitman’s unique style and talent as an up‐and‐coming singer/
songwriter is solely driven by her love of music and compelling passion to share her gi�. In the prime of her youth at age 14, Maura is a powerful young ar�st from Halifax, Nova Sco�a. Tue, Sep 13/7 PM‐8:30 PM A Le�er from Steve Pa�erson Join Steve Pa�erson, award‐wining comedian and host of CBC Radio’s The Debaters, for an in‐conversa�on event to celebrate The Book of Le�ers I Didn’t Know Where to Send. Pa�erson’s le�ers have long been a staple of his stand‐up rou�ne, and they prove that no subject ‐ or target ‐ is safe. He would like men to stop wearing Span‐
dex shorts. He would like gluten to explain itself. He would like his nine‐
year‐old self to know everything will be all right. Wed, Sep 14/6:30 PM F����� W��������� Movie School of Rock Rated PG A diehard rock guitarist‐turned‐
subs�tute‐teacher transforms a class of 5th graders from a strict elementary private school into a high‐voltage rock group ‐ leading the kids on to victory in the local ba�le of the bands compe�‐
�on. Wed, Sep 14/6:30 PM‐8:30 PM Central PROGRAM LISTINGS Author David Adams Richards Principles to Live By With his newest masterwork, author David Adam Richards con�nues to astonish us, weaving familiar themes in fresh ways. The unforge�able charac‐
ters in Principles to Live By are rooted in his beloved Miramichi region, but his storytelling, displaying his celebrated genius for plot and his extraordinary empathy, has expanded here to en‐
compass the poli�cally complex mod‐
ern world. David Adams Richards has won many awards including the Giller and both Governor General’s awards for Fic�on and Non‐Fic�on, and he is a member of the Order of Canada Thu, Sep 15/7 PM Movie 45 Years Rated PG Award‐winning actors Charlo�e Ram‐
pling and Tom Courtenay give career‐
dening performances as Kate and Geoff. As they prepare to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary, their marriage is shaken when unexpected news threatens to change their lives. Fri, Sep 16/10 AM SPECIAL ALL‐BRANCH PROGRAM Word on the Street Takes Over the Library It's a dream date for all book writers and readers. Come out to see as many authors as you can. Making the library buzz are Denise Adams, Dave Atkinson, Danila Botha, Alex Bou�lier, L.E. Carmi‐
chael, RH Downs, Diane Carmel Leger, Bill Carr, Lesley Choyce, George Ellio� Clarke, Jan L. Coates, Michael Cobden, Christy Ann Conlin, Karin Cope, Emma Fitzgerald, Melody Fitzpatrick, A.C. Geisel, Danny Gillis, Lawrence Hill, Jen‐
nifer Houle, Dean Jobb, Kate Inglis, Phonse Jessome, Colleen Jones, El Jones, Stephen Kimber, Peggy Kochanoff, Janice Landry, Allison Law‐
lor, Bahia MacHoul, Alex W. MacLeod, Beatrice MacNeil, Kevin Major, Jaime Lee Mann, Jill Mar�n Boutelier, Janet Maybee, Elaine McClusky, Linda Moore, Melanie Mosher, Sean Muir, Riel Nason, Vernon Oickle, Candy Pal‐
meter, Barry Parsons, Moira Peters, Craig Pinhey, Sally Reardon, Edmund Redeld, Harvey Sawler, Sarah Sawler, Jon Ta�rie, Deborah Toogood, Steve Vernon, Alice Walsh, Budge Wilson, and Joel Zemel. There are also some special moments with One Book Nova Sco�a, Glenna Jenkins' Family History Workshop, and Pitch the Publisher. Word on the Street is one of Halifax's most invigora�ng and inspiring com‐
munity days. Come over and pop into the different sessions and celebrate the people who make us feel and think in the best possible ways. Sat, Sep 17/11 AM‐4 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 12
Central SEPTEMBER 2016 P���� C����� F��� S����� Fall for Camping! Experience the magic of camping in Autumn. Especially when these longer nights mean more �me for stargazing! Join Parks Canada for cozy indoor campre stories and explore the con‐
stella�ons. Fun for all ages. In partner‐
ship with Parks Canada. Sun, Sep 18/2 PM Author and Hor�culturalist Todd Boland Wildowers of Nova Sco�a Nova Sco�a is home to about 1500 species of na�ve and naturalized plants. Todd's eld guide helps novice and expert botanists iden�fy the com‐
mon wildowers of Nova Sco�a, in‐
cluding some rare na�ve species. Todd is the Research Hor�culturalist at the Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden, and he hosts a popu‐
lar CBC radio gardening show in St. John's. In partnership with Boulder Publica�ons. Sun, Sep 18/2 PM PROGRAM LISTINGS F������� D������� S����� Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master Rated 14A Haunted by his past, WWII veteran and dri�er Freddie Quell crosses paths with a mysterious movement called The Cause, led by Lancaster Dodd aka The Master and his wife Peggy. Their twist‐
ed rela�onship is the core of this lm, which earned 3 Academy Award nomi‐
na�ons for Best Actor (Joanquin Phoe‐
nix), Best Suppor�ng Actor (Philip Sey‐
mour Hoffman) and Best Suppor�ng Actress (Amy Adams). Mon, Sep 19/5:30 PM Build Your Own Android App Ages 12+ Want to make custom apps for your Android phone or tablet but don't have any programming experience? MIT App Inventor allows you to drag‐and‐drop building blocks to create a basic, fully func�onal app within an hour or less. Tue, Sep 20/6:30 PM‐8 PM Registra�on required What Can Ants Teach Us About Medicine? with Dr. Clarissa Sit, Asst. Professor of Chemistry, Saint Mary’s University Some ants grow their food inside their nests, at a “fungus farm” fed by grass and cut leaves. In other words, ants are growing their own mushrooms. To pro‐
tect their farms from infec�on and parasite a�acks, these ants get help from a special bacterium that they keep on the surface of their bodies. These bacteria produce an�bio�cs that can destroy invading parasites without endangering the farm. Join Clarissa as she discusses this fascina�ng process that has implica�ons for modern medi‐
cine. In partnership with Saint Mary's University. Tue, Sep 20/7 PM F����� W��������� Deep Cuts Vinyl Music Club The Fugees' The Score Ages 16+ Come on out and enjoy music the way it should be: Experienced. Not quickly consumed, but in its en�rety. Together with vinyl lovers of all ages. The Score, cer�ed six �mes pla�num, is regarded as one of the greatest hip hop albums of all �me. It was ranked number 477 on Rolling Stone magazine's 2003 list of the 500 greatest albums of all �me. Wed, Sep 21/7 PM‐8 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 13
SEPTEMBER 2016 P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Session 1: Statues and Silence Hosted by Kaitlin Verge, B. Ed. How are Canadian communi�es ad‐
dressing the tension between com‐
memora�ng the se�ler history of Cana‐
da and recognizing the harms that co‐
lonialism have visited upon Indigenous peoples? Prisma�c hosts a community discussion on efforts to reconcile through a cri�cal analysis of local histo‐
ries.This discussion will provide an op‐
portunity to examine how different communi�es are addressing historical reali�es and giving voice to communi‐
�es that have been silenced. In part‐
nership with In partnership with Pris‐
ma�c Arts Fes�val. Thu, Sep 22/9:30 AM P��������� 2016: T�� TALK Session 2: Conict/Culture/
Community How is culture shaped and impacted by conict and war? Which stories are visible and which stories are not being heard, and how war has impacted the diverse fabric of our Nova Sco�a com‐
muni�es? Prisma�c is partnering with Mount St. Vincent’s University’s Net‐
work for Community‐Engaged Re‐
search on War to present current aca‐
demic work that examines ar�s�c ex‐
pression during �mes of war. In part‐
nership with Prisma�c Arts Fes�val. Thu, Sep 22/12:30 PM Central PROGRAM LISTINGS P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Session 3: Resilience and Rebirth Take an in�mate look into the lives of young Iranian women who are rebuild‐
ing their lives with the support of the OMID program. Prisma�c is proud to present ‘Glass House’, a feature‐length lm directed by Hamid Rahmanian and produced by Melissa Hibbard, that rais‐
es awareness of the challenges facing some young women in Iran and the work that OMID con�nues to provides in Tehran and beyond. In partnership with Prisma�c Arts Fes�val. Thu, Sep 22/7 PM P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Performance: El Jones El Jones is a spoken‐word ar�st and teacher from Halifax, Nova Sco�a who uses hard‐hi�ng poetry to empower and make change in the community. Finding her poli�cal heart in the Afri‐
can Nova Sco�an community, El Jones con�nues to make her voice and pur‐
pose heard. In partnership with Pris‐
ma�c Arts Fes�val. Thu, Sep 22/5:30 PM African Nova Sco�an Community in Halifax: A Retrospec�ve Photo Exhibit A photo journey and celebra�on of Halifax's vibrant African Nova Sco�an community through the ‘40s and ‘50s. Join us to put faces to names and names to faces and to experience a sampling of history. In partnership with The Delmore "Buddy" Daye Learning Ins�tute. Thu, Sep 22/6:30 PM P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Performance: Chris Derksen Cris Derksen, a 2016 Juno Nominee, is an Indigenous cellist and composer known for building sound layers in cap‐
�va�ng performances. Her music braids the tradi�onal and contempo‐
rary in mul�ple dimensions, weaving her tradi�onal classical training and her aboriginal ancestry with new school electronics, crea�ng genre‐defying music. In partnership with Pristma�c Arts Fes�val. Fri, Sep 23/11:45 PM P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Sylvia D. Hamilton: Poetry and Film Sylvia D. Hamilton is a Nova Sco�an lmmaker, writer and educator. She is widely respected for her documen‐
taries that re‐examine Canadian Histo‐
ry with a focus on the perspec�ve of African Canadians.We are pleased to showcase Sylvia’s newest work this year on the Prisma�c stage. In partner‐
ship with Prisma�c Arts Fes�val. Fri, Sep 23/1 PM P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Ar�st talk: Najet Ghanai In partnership with Prisma�c Arts Fes�‐
val. Fri, Sep 23/4 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 14
SEPTEMBER 2016 P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Session 4: A Reconcilia�on 109 years in the Making In 1907, due to the neglect and poor planning of engineers, tragedy struck on a bridge under construc�on in Que‐
bec City. The bridge collapsed, killing 75 men, including 33 Mohawk men from Kahnawake. This event has had long‐term, but separate effects on both the Indigenous community and the engineering profession. Prisma�c 2016 will be presen�ng a dance perfor‐
mance, The Quebec Bridge, by Barbara Diabo. In partnership with Prisma�c Arts Fes�val. Fri, Sep 23/9:30 AM P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Session 5: Speaking Up and Speaking Out How do we reach “mainstream” audi‐
ences / communi�es with the stories, voices, opinions and concerns of mi‐
nority communi�es? Join moderator, El Jones, a Halifax‐based poet, educator and journalist, in a discussion that ex‐
plores the challenges of bridging the gap through one’s professional work. In partnership with Prisma�c Arts Fes�‐
val. Sat, Sep 24/9:30 AM Central PROGRAM LISTINGS Hench‐Kin’s Guild of Halifax RPG Club for Adults and Teens The Hench‐Kin's Guild of Halifax is a new club dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs), including Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, and many more! These games are fun, social events, and no prior experience is necessary. Everyone 14+ is welcome. The club meets the rst Wednesday and the last Saturday of every month. Sat, Sep 24/11 AM‐5 PM P��������� 2016: T�� TALK Performance: Eljuri Eljuri is a passionate guitarist and sing‐
er whose music encompasses La�n tones, rock avour, and toe tapping beats. Born in Ecuador and raised in New York City, her life has been lled with music and the arts. Growing up she knew there was only one path she would choose: music. Her excep�onal talent has been compared to that of Carlos Santana. Make sure to check her out – she is going to rock the Prisma�c stage. In partnership with Prisma�c Arts Fes�val. Sat, Sep 24/11:30 AM P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Session 6: Arts at the Grassroots Arts educa�on as a tool of empower‐
ment. Ar�s�c expression to heal and grow. Music and poetry to bring people together and nd strength through community. Prisma�c welcomes Timar Dina, the founder of Music Liberatory, a Halifax‐based grassroots organiza�on that aims to drama�cally increase the number of female instrumentalists by providing meaningful, fun, and free music programming for women and girls In partnership with Prisma�c Arts Fes�val. Sat, Sep 24/12 PM P�������� 2016: T�� TALK Performance: Ursula Johnson Ursula Johnson is an emerging Mi’kmaw performance and installa�on ar�st. She graduated from the Nova Sco�a College of Art & Design and has par�cipated in over 30 group shows and 5 solo exhibi�ons. Her perfor‐
mances are o�en place‐based and em‐
ploy coopera�ve didac�c interven�on. Johnson has been selected as a nalist for the Salt Spring Na�onal Art Prize and has twice been long listed for the Sobey Art Award. In partnership with Prisma�c Arts Fes�val. Sat, Sep 24/12 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 15
SEPTEMBER 2016 Celebrate Symphony Week with Symphony Nova Sco�a Come on out and hear Symphony Nova Sco�a’s full orchestra performing high‐
lights from their upcoming concert season, including excerpts from Bee‐
thoven’s Seventh Symphony, Copland’s Appalachian Spring, Swan Lake, and The Nutcracker. This concert is a great way to experience a live orchestra for the rst �me, and all ages are wel‐
come. To learn more about Symphony Nova Sco�a’s 2016/17 concert season, visit www.symphonynovasco� Presented by Symphony Nova Sco�a in partnership with sponsor Wilson's Fuels. Sun, Sep 25/2 PM Water for the World with Engineers Nova Sco�a All ages Learn to build a water lter from sim‐
ple materials, and nd out how engi‐
neers can help increase global access to clean water. In partnership with Engineers Nova Sco�a. Sun, Sep 25/3 PM‐4:30 PM Central PROGRAM LISTINGS Batman Day Ages 14‐Adult Batman Day celebrates the anniversary of the character’s rst ever appear‐
ance, which was in Detec�ve Comics #27 way back in May 1939. Dress as your favourite Gotham hero or villain, make Batman related bu�ons and swag, join in on an awesome Injus�ce Tournament, and get feeling nostalgic with a viewing of Tim Burton's Batman. There could be prizes, snacks, and lots more fun! Movie screening begins at 6 PM. Mon, Sep 26/3:30 PM‐8 PM T�� R������ I���������� F��� S����� Every Cook Can Govern: Documen�ng the Life, Impact, and Works of CLR James This historical tour‐de‐force inter‐
weaves never‐before‐seen footage of C.L.R. James himself with personal con‐
tribu�ons from those who knew him and astute historical and poli�cal anal‐
ysis from leading scholars of his work. Crowd‐funded, crowd‐featured, and crowd‐lmed, this unique produc�on li�s the lid on the life of a �reless, fear‐
less and uncompromising revolu�on‐
ary. In partnership with Radical Imagi‐
na�on Project and Cinema Poli�ca. Mon, Sep 26/6:30 PM The Dalhousie Review Public Reading Series with John Wall Barger (poetry) and Elaine McCluskey (c�on) This series features readings of poetry and c�on published by local authors in The Dalhousie Review Mon, Sep 26/7 PM Our Ancestors Are in Our Land, Water, and Air: A ‘Two‐Eyed Seeing’ Approach to Researching Environmental Health Concerns with Pictou Landing First Na�on Responding to the longstanding pollu‐
�on of Boat Harbour, and the environ‐
mental health concerns and social ten‐
sions around it, the Pictou Landing Na‐
�ve Women’s Associa�on has mobi‐
lized community‐based research and capacity‐building to determine: “Are we ge�ng sick from Boat Harbour?” Wed, Sep 28/5:30 PM F����� W��������� Lord of the Rings Trivia Night Ages 12‐Adult Should you choose to accept this noble quest you will journey to the inner sanctum of Halifax Central Library and embark on a ba�le of knowledge, wits, and heart. In other words, compete in our Lord of the Rings Trivia challenge! Wed, Sep 28/6:30 PM‐8 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 16
SEPTEMBER 2016 Film Screening and Discussion Screenagers Screenagers probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director's own, and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games, academics, and internet addic‐
�on. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scien�sts, solu�ons emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world. In partnership with Halifax Independent School. Thu, Sep 29/6:30 PM Movie Me Before You Rated PG A girl in a small town forms an unlikely bond with a recently‐paralyzed man. Once she discovers he is planning on assisted suicide, she creates a schedule of ac�vi�es and trips together in hopes of changing his mind. Starring Emilia Clarke (Game of Thrones) and Sam Clain. Fri, Sep 30/10 AM The Art of Belonging ‐ A Workshop for Newcomers This 10‐week course led by local ar�st Mahnaz Sobhani will introduce you to different formats of art, like pain�ng, photography, sculpture and pouring. In the nal week, you will create an exhi‐
bi�on for Wadih M. Fares wall. This is a free program and all materials will be provided. Call 490‐5706 to register. Tuesdays/10 AM‐12 PM Begins September 27, Registra�on required Central PROGRAM LISTINGS Media Studio One‐on‐One Appointments Need some help with your music and media skills? One‐on‐one appoint‐
ments in the media studio are availa‐
ble. We can help you ne‐tune your recording technique, build your pro‐
duc�on and mixing skills, and assist you with your graphic design projects. Contact the Welcome Desk to book your appointment. Wednesdays mornings Central Conversa�on Club Prac�ce English and meet new friends while learning about local community and culture. You will discuss current events and topics of personal interests in a fun and relaxing atmosphere. This is a free program. Call 490‐5706 to reg‐
ister. Thursdays/10 AM‐12 PM Begins September 15, Registra�on required Kids F����� F������� W�������� ��� K��� Adventures in Storytelling Ages 4‐6 Come with your favourite book to read. We are going to explore turning them into a play and ac�ng them out. We will try lots of different ways to tell a story and express ourselves. In partner‐
ship with Atlan�c Fringe Fes�val. Sat, Sep 3/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM F����� F������� W�������� ��� K��� What Happened Next?! Ages 7‐9 Ever wonder what happens a�er you nish reading the last page of your favourite book? In this class we’ll be using improv games and character work to imagine the next, unwri�en chapter of our favourite stories. Bring your imagina�on! In partnership with Atlan�c Fringe Fes�val. Sat, Sep 3/1 PM‐2 PM F����� F������� W�������� ��� K��� My Story! Ages 10‐12 Everyone one has a story to tell. In this 2‐hour workshop we’re gonna look at the basics of storytelling using inspira‐
�on from your favourite book, life ex‐
perience, and improv! In partnership with Atlan�c Fringe Fes�val. Sat, Sep 3/2:30 PM‐4:30 PM The Hangout Crazy Comics Ages 8‐12 Work together with your friends to write and draw your own comic strips using provided templates. We'll print and bind them all into books for you to take home the next week. As usual there will also be snacks, videogames, and lots of fun. Thu, Sep 8/3:30 PM‐4:30 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 17
SEPTEMBER 2016 Fall in Love with Dance! with Halifax Dance Ages 3+ Join professional dancers for a morning of crea�ve movement and all types of dance‐fun. In partnership with Halifax Dance. Schedule: 10:30‐11 ‐ Crea�ve Dance Class 11‐11:30 ‐ Try on a Tutu! (includes try‐
ing on costumes, tutus, and other dance accessories) 11:30‐12 ‐ Hip Hop Dance Class 12‐12:30 ‐ History of Dance with a live dance demonstra�ons Sat, Sep 10/10:30 AM‐12:30 PM LEGO at the Library Ages 5+ Let your imagina�on run wild with the library's Lego collec�on. Create some fun for the whole family. Children age 3‐4 may a�end with a caregiver. Sun, Sep 11/2 PM‐4 PM The Hangout BINGO! Ages 8‐12 Join us a�er school for a few rounds of BINGO and a chance to win some deli‐
cious prizes. Plus, there will be cra� supplies, video games, snacks, and lots of fun. Thu, Sep 15/3:30 PM‐4:30 PM Central PROGRAM LISTINGS Author Lindsay Carmichael Fox Talk Ages 5+ Ever wonder where domes�c animals came from? Why they look the way they look and act the way they act? Learn about a remarkable experiment that decoded domes�ca�on. Based on Lindsey's award‐winning book Fox Talk, this program includes a video of experi‐
mentally‐domes�cated foxes and an‐
swers the eternal ques�on, “What does the fox say?” Thu, Sep 22/10 AM‐11 AM Group registra�on required The Hangout Kine�c Sand Fun Ages 8‐12 Make and play with home‐made ki‐
ne�c sand, the squishy, squeezable sand that you can mold and shape in your hands. As usual, there will also be snacks, video games, and cra� sup‐
plies. Thu, Sep 22/3:30 PM‐4:30 PM Art Day with Ross Creek Centre for the Arts Ages 8+ Drop‐in to make awesome art. Ross Creek staff have planned fun for all ages, so whole families are encouraged to come be inspired and then take home your own masterpieces. Please note that children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. Teens and adults welcome. In part‐
nership with Ross Creek Centre for the Arts. Sat, Sep 24/1 PM‐4 PM The Hangout Build‐A‐Thon Ages 8‐12 Get crea�ve and show us your best builds. Materials provided as well as some tasty prizes. Plus, there will be cra� supplies, video games, snacks, and lots of fun. Thu, Sep 29/3:30 PM‐4:30 PM Preschoolers Mini Movers Crea�ve Movement with Halifax Dance Ages 3‐5 Your children’s crea�vity and imagina‐
�on will ourish in this hands‐on class. We'll use singing, games, oor pa�erns, and basic dance steps to de‐
velop motor skills, spa�al awareness, social interac�on, and individual devel‐
opment skills. Thu, Sep 8/10:30 AM‐11 AM Puppet Show The Boy Who Cried Wolf All ages Watch as your favourite story comes to life. Sat, Sep 24/10:30 AM‐11 AM Group registra�on required, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 18
SEPTEMBER 2016 Baby and Tot Drop‐In Ages 0‐2 Books, toys, social �me for parents and caregivers Mondays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 12 Story�me Ages 3‐5 Story�me features great picture books, felt stories and rhymes, songs and more. This program fosters independ‐
ence as children a�end without care‐
givers or work towards that goal. Tuesdays/10:30 AM‐11 AM Begins September 13, Registra�on required Daycare Groups—Welcome to Shake, Ra�le, and Read Ages 2‐5 Pre‐registered daycare groups can Shake, Ra�le, and Read with Alys and her harp. This ac�ve musical story�me incorporates singing, movement, and instruments to help children develop pre‐literacy skills through song, rhyme, and stories. Content is geared towards ages 2‐5 with adult par�cipa�on. Eve‐
ryone is invited to put their listening ears, singing voices, and dancing feet to good use! (The program repeats at 10:45 for families). Wednesdays/10 AM‐10:30 AM Begins September 7, Group registra�on required Central PROGRAM LISTINGS Families—Welcome to Shake, Ra�le, and Read Ages 2‐5 Families can Shake, Ra�le, and Read with Alys and her harp. This ac�ve mu‐
sical story�me incorporates singing, movement, and instruments to help children ages 2‐5 develop pre‐literacy skills through song, rhyme, and stories. Content is geared towards ages 2‐5 with adult par�cipa�on; babies and tots are also invited to a�end and par‐
�cipate as they can. Everyone is invited to put their listening ears, singing voic‐
es, and dancing feet to good use. Wednesdays/10:45 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 7, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Baby's First Books Ages 0‐18 months In this program babies hear stories, songs and rhymes and interact with other babies. Parents and caregivers learn new songs and fun things to do with baby, plus have some social �me with other grown‐ups. Wednesdays/2 PM‐2:45 PM Begins September 14Registra�on required Tales for Tots Ages 19‐35 months Stories, songs, rhymes, toys and more, specially chosen to engage and delight toddlers. Parents and caregivers learn fun new things to do with their tots, but also have �me to socialize with the other grown‐ups. Thursdays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 15, Registra�on required Family Drop‐in Ages 0‐5 The whole family can enjoy a variety of ac�vi�es including stories and songs. Fridays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 9, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Teens Teen Zone Pancake Night Ages 12‐18 Show breakfast who’s boss and have pancakes at night with your choice of fun toppings! And as usual, we have video games, cra� supplies, board games, music, iPads, laptops and lots more fun. Thu, Sep 1/6 PM‐8 PM Teen Zone Let's Make Homemade Ice Cream! Ages 12‐18 Come learn how to make homemade ice cream and make your own sundae. And, as usual, we have video games, cra� supplies, board games, music, iPads, laptops, and lots more fun. Thu, Sep 8/6 PM‐8 PM Hip Hop Party Come out and party with Halifax DJ Eric Murphy while he spins some great tracks and answers some of your ques‐
�ons about DJ'ing. It's gonna be off the hook! Mon, Sep 12/4 PM‐5:30 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 19
SEPTEMBER 2016 Teen Zone Bad Art Night Ages 12‐18 Grab some gli�er, paint, and elbow macaroni and come try your hand at making the worst artwork imaginable. You could win prizes for your horrible art. And, as usual, we have video games, cra� supplies, board games, music, iPads, laptops, and lots more fun. Thu, Sep 15/6 PM‐8 PM From Wax to Tracks Learn about sampling and beat making by building a classic hip hop beat from the ground up. Mon, Sep 19/5 PM‐6:30 PM Teen Zone Tech Showcase with Halifax Makerspace Ages 12‐18 In celebra�on of Science Literacy Week, come explore new technology and try your hand at something new. In partnership with Halifax Makerspace. Thu, Sep 22/6 PM‐8 PM Teen Zone Lip Sync Ba�le Ages 12‐18 You’ve seen the show, laughed at the an�cs, now it’s �me to show off your own performance or root for your friends! All skill levels welcome! Thu, Sep 29/6 PM‐8 PM Central PROGRAM LISTINGS Teens Open Studio Jam Ages 12‐18 Join us on Friday a�ernoons in the me‐
dia studios. You can prac�ce playing a variety of instruments, add your vocals to the mix, and experiment with sam‐
ples and sounds. Fridays/3:30 PM‐5:30 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 20
SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult Book Club 11/22/63: A Novel, by Stephen King Discover new authors, meet new peo‐
ple and share insights monthly. Call for Book Club membership info. Wed, Sep 7/7 PM‐8:30 PM Registra�on required Cole Harbour Harvest Fes�val Art Show & Health Fair Community ar�sts host a display of their own work in the Library program room while the Library's Health re‐
sources are on display upstairs at the Health Fair. Sat, Sep 10/11 AM‐2 PM Fall in the Garden Master Gardener Aileen Reid joins us again to discuss harves�ng, replan�ng, and the prepara�on before winter of your growing beds and soil. Wed, Sep 14/7 PM Registra�on required Cole Harbour PROGRAM LISTINGS Home Warming Program Everyone deserves to be comfortable in their home regardless of income. Michael MacKay of Clean Founda�on tells us how income‐qualied home‐
owners across Nova Sco�a can access home energy assessments, and up‐
grades that can reduce energy bills and help make your home more comforta‐
ble. Find out about eligibility, how to apply and what you can expect as a par�cipant. The program is a collabora‐
�ve effort between Efficiency Nova Sco�a and Clean Founda�on. Wed, Sep 21/7 PM Kids Kni�ng for Charity What difference can a few people and some le�over yarn make? Last year our kni�ers donated dozens of warm hats and scarves and created three hand kni�ed blankets for programs that help people. We use simple pa�erns and donated yarn. Join us! Next up: nger puppets for IWK. (Dona�ons of yarn are welcome.) Wed, Sep 28/6:30 PM‐8:30 PM Preschoolers Registra�on required S������ L������� W��� Water for the World with Engineers Nova Sco�a Grades 4‐6 Join the pros to build a water lter from simple materials, to hear what a career in engineering is like, and to learn how engineers help others. Tue, Sep 20/10 AM‐11 AM Group registra�on required Read‐A‐Jig‐Jig for Groups Ages 0‐5 Read a Jig Jig and away we'll go with music, stories, and more! To register please call 902‐490‐3820. Wed, Sep 14/9:30 AM‐10 AM Begins September 14, Group registra�on re‐
quired Read‐A‐Jig‐Jig for Groups Ages 0‐5 Read a Jig Jig and away we'll go with music, stories, and more! To register please call 902‐490‐3820. Wed, Sep 28/9:30 AM‐10 AM Begins September 14, Group registra�on re‐
quired Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 21
Cole Harbour SEPTEMBER 2016 Puppet Show Pete the Cat: Rocking In My School Shoes Not sure which Pete loves more, wear‐
ing his school shoes, or singing his song, come and sing‐along with Pete's cool, groovy tunes. Thu, Sep 15/10:30 AM‐11 AM Free �ckets given out 30 min before event S������ L������� W��� Sizzling Science! Ages 0‐5 A Read‐A‐Jig‐Jig STEM special! It's Sci‐
ence Week, so let's mix, x, and build with bricks. We'll even see some sci‐
ence tricks. Wed, Sep 21/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Puppet Show Birthday for Bun‐Bun All ages What will make Bun‐Bun's birthday special? Thu, Sep 22/10:30 AM‐11 AM Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Puppet Show Uncle Farley's False Teeth All ages Where have Uncle Farley's teeth gone? Something is shy here! Thu, Sep 29/10:30 AM‐11 AM Free �ckets given out 30 min before event PROGRAM LISTINGS Read‐A‐Jig‐Jig Ages 0‐5 Read a Jig Jig and away we'll go with music, stories, and lots more fun. Wednesdays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 14, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Baby and Tot Time Ages 0‐18 months Join us for stories, songs, rhymes and more!. Wednesdays/1:30 PM‐2:15 PM Begins September 14, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event 3‐5 Story�me Ages 3‐5 Join us for stories, cra�s, ac�vi�es, and more fun! Parents or Caregivers are to accompany their 3‐5 year olds and sib‐
lings of other ages are welcome. Fridays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Anime Club Grades 7‐12 Addicted to Anime? Mad about Man‐
ga? This club is for you! Join fellow enthusiasts every second week to watch series and talk anime. Snack provided. Tue, Sep 20/6:30 PM‐8:30 PM Teen Zone Grades 7‐12 Meet with friends and make new ones on our teen‐friendliest library night. Programs based on your ideas, plus video games, art, music and snacks. Thursdays/6:30 PM‐8:30 PM Now weekly! Fall session begins September 1 Begins September 16, Registra�on begins Sep‐
tember 1, Registra�on required Teens Anime Club Grades 7‐12 Addicted to Anime? Mad about Man‐
ga? This club is for you! Join fellow enthusiasts every second week to watch series and talk anime. Snack provided. Tue, Sep 6/6:30 PM‐8:30 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 22
Dartmouth North SEPTEMBER 2016 PROGRAM LISTINGS Adult Preschoolers Registra�on required Group registra�on required Crochet and Kni�ng Club New to crochet or kni�ng ‐ or a sea‐
soned pro? All are welcome. Supplies are provided. Sat, Sep 3/2:30 PM‐3:30 PM Cra�ernoon 8‐bit Keychains Cra�ing is a wonderful way to relax, be crea�ve, meet other cra�ers, and have fun. Supplies are provided. Thu, Sep 8/2:30 PM‐3:30 PM Registra�on required Magic: The Gathering A Wizard's Tournament Newbies or seasoned pros to Magic the Gathering can unite in ba�le for a chance at a grand prize. Free packs of cards for registrants (your colour of choice). Sat, Sep 24/10:30 AM Puppet Show Paper Bag Princess Watch as your favorite stories comes to life. Wed, Sep 28/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Teens Teen Night Ages 10+ Come by the library to hang out, play games, make cra�s, watch movies, and lots more fun. Thursdays/6 PM‐7 PM Begins September 22, Registra�on required Registra�on required Crochet and Kni�ng Club New to crochet or kni�ng ‐ or a sea‐
soned pro? All are welcome. Supplies are provided. Tue, Sep 27/6:30 PM‐7:30 PM Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 23
Halifax North SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult Movie Me Before You Rated 14A A girl in a small town forms an unlikely roman�c bond with an injured man she's taking care of. Sat, Sep 3/1:30 PM‐3:30 PM Movie The Meddler Rated 14A A widow from New York City follows her daughter to Los Angeles in hopes of helping her daughter, but ends up helping everyone else! Sat, Sep 10/1:30 PM‐3:30 PM Movie Now You See Me 2 Rated 14A The magical team called the Four Horsemen resurface and are forcibly recruited by a tech genius to pull off their most impossible heist yet. Sat, Sep 17/1:30 PM‐3:30 PM 3rd Wednesday Environmental Movie The Age of Stupid Rated PG A future archivist looks at old footage from the year 2008 to understand why humankind failed to address climate change. In partnership with Fusion Hal‐
ifax. Wed, Sep 21/6:30 PM‐8:30 PM PROGRAM LISTINGS Movie The Conjuring 2 Rated R Lorraine and Ed Warren travel to North London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by a malicious spirit. Sat, Sep 24/1:30 PM‐3:30 PM Kids A�er School Drop‐In Ages 7‐12 A safe, suppor�ve, and supervised space for kids to hang out, eat healthy snacks, and par�cipate in fun ac�vi�es including gaming, art, and hands‐on science. In partnership with St. George's Youthnet. Fridays/3:30 PM‐4:45 PM Begins September 9 Preschoolers Story�me Ages 3‐5 Stories, songs, music, and rhymes! Join us on Thursdays as we share our favor‐
ite stories and develop a love of read‐
ing. Thu, Sep 8/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Puppet Show Ages 3‐5 Watch as your favorite stories come to life at Halifax North this Autumn! Thu, Sep 15/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Preschool Dance Party Ages 0‐5 Are you ready for a preschool dance party? We hope you are! Come by and move to kids classics, fun songs, and soon‐to‐be favourites! Thu, Sep 22/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Story�me Ages 3‐5 Stories, songs, music, and rhymes! Join us on Thursdays as we share our favor‐
ite stories and develop a love of read‐
ing. Thu, Sep 29/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Baby and Tot Time Ages 0‐36 months Drop‐in and enjoy the wonderful world of books, the rhythm of music, and the fun of play! Fridays/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Begins September 9 Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 24
SEPTEMBER 2016 Halifax North PROGRAM LISTINGS Teens Board Game Club Ages 12+ Silly games, smart games, tricky games, crazy games, huge games, quick games, fun games! Games about space, games about trains, games about history, games about zombies, games about war, games about stories, games about pirates, games about anything! Thu, Sep 29/6:30 PM‐8 PM Teen Night Ages 13+ This is your place to hang out, meet new people, play games, explore your ar�s�c side…and have fun! In Partner‐
ship with Community YMCA. Wednesdays/5:30 PM‐8:30 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 25
SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult Movie Sing Street Rated 14A Set in 1980s Dublin, this new lm from John Carney (Once and Begin Again) follows 14‐year‐old Cosmo as he deals with being the new kid in school while trying to ignore moun�ng discord at home. A edgling musician, he forms a band, starts wri�ng songs, and making DIY videos, and, with a growing con‐
dence and swagger that emulates the best rock heroes of his era, takes a swi� turn toward a future full of possi‐
bility alongside a lively crew of collabo‐
rators. � Tue, Sep 6/7 PM Author Budge Wilson A�er Swissair On September 2, 1998, Swissair Flight 111 plunged into the sea near St. Mar‐
garet's Bay, killing all 229 on board. In the days, weeks, and months a�er the crash, local residents supported the inves�ga�on and, more cri�cally, they comforted the families of the vic�ms. In response, Budge Wilson wrote a collec�on of poems "in gra�tude and in celebra�on of the thousands of men and women who suffered‐during the months and years that followed the crash." Share in his experience. Thu, Sep 15/7 PM J.D. Sha�ord PROGRAM LISTINGS Movie Love & Friendship Rated PG Lady Susan Vernon takes up temporary residence at her in‐laws' estate and, while there, she is determined to be a matchmaker for her daughter Frederi‐
ca ‐ and herself, too, naturally. Star‐
ring : Kate Beckinsale, Chloë Sevigny, and Xavier Samuel. Based on the novel wri�en by Jane Austen Tue, Sep 20/7 PM Parent, Baby & Tot Drop‐in with Jo Becke� Meet other parents for coffee, tea and conversa�on while your baby, tot or preschooler plays. Also, get help with breas�eeding ques�ons or latch con‐
cerns. Jo Becke� is a doula and CAPPA‐
trained lacta�on educator. Tuesdays/10:30 AM‐12 PM Scrabble Join us for an a�ernoon of Scrabble and Quiddler. Wednesdays/2 PM Kids Mari�me Rep�le Zoo Ages 5+ Travel the world with the Mari�me Rep�le Zoo and meet some cold‐
blooded and scaly creatures, including snakes, tortoises, lizards, and even an alligator! Thu, Sep 1/3:30 PM Build an Ar�culated Hand All ages Learn about STEAM ‐ Science, Technol‐
ogy, Engineering, Art, and Math ‐ as we make an ar�culated hand using fun foam, straws, and string. Sat, Sep 24/11 AM‐12 PM Movie Oddball Rated G An eccentric chicken farmer, with the help of his granddaughter, trains his mischievous dog Oddball to protect a penguin sanctuary from fox a�acks in an a�empt to reunite his family and save their seaside town. Thu, Sep 29/6:30 PM Muck & Guck Dot Art & Circle Pain�ng All ages Dress for a mess and paint in circles as we explore poin�llism, the Australian aboriginal dot pain�ng and op art. Fri, Sep 30/11 AM‐12 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 26
SEPTEMBER 2016 J.D. Sha�ord PROGRAM LISTINGS Preschoolers S�������� STEAM for Science week Ages 1‐5 It’s Science Literacy Week! Join us for some stories, songs, and a cra� with Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math themes. Fri, Sep 23/11 AM‐12 PM Teens The Teen Challenge Build a Busy Box with Li�le Bits Ages 10+ It will not be easy. It will be fun! Tue, Sep 20/3:45 PM‐5 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 27
SEPTEMBER Keshen Goodman 2016 PROGRAM LISTINGS Special News Adult Happy 15th Birthday Keshen Goodman Public Library! We’re 15 years old this year!! Join in and help us celebrate with cake, music, shared memories, and special guests. Everyone is encouraged to ll out one of our special cards and share your favourite memory of Keshen Goodman Public Library. If you have some photos of our mighty library from over the years we’d love to see those too! The special memory cards are available on September 1, and we'll hang them in �me for the celebra�ons for everyone to read and enjoy. Stay tuned for our announcement of the September celebra�on date. Movie The Finest Hours Rated PG Based on the extraordinary true story of the greatest small-boat rescue in Coast Guard history, The Finest Hours is a tale of courage, loyalty, and honor in the face of overwhelming odds. When a massive storm strikes off the coast of Cape Cod, it rips a T-2 oil tanker in half, trapping more than 30 sailors on its rapidly sinking stern. As Captain Bernie Webber and his crew set out in a 12seat rescue boat to save them, Chief Engineer Ray Sybert struggles to buy his men more �me. Fri, Sep 2/2 PM Skype A demonstra�on of Skype. Learn how to call your friends and rela�ves around the world for free over the Internet. Tue, Sep 6/6:30 PM Registra�on required Lightweaver Crea�ons Student Art Show with ar�st Joanne Coleman Join ar�st Joanne Coleman and her students for a demonstra�on of their work and techniques. Wed, Sep 7/7 PM‐8:30 PM T�� F������� �� H����� 5 Steps to Promote Brain Health and Posi�ve Aging: An introduc�on Five key research-based ac�ons to protect your brain and keep you healthy. In partnership with Fountain of Health. Thu, Sep 8/1 PM Go Seniors, Go for A Walk! Walking Trails Explore some great local trails that are nearby the Library. Bob and Wendy McDonald of the Halifax North West Trails Associa�on are leading this expedi�on to discover our walkable neighbourhood. Wear suitable comfortable footwear. In partnership with Halifax North West Trails Associa�on. Tue, Sep 13/1:30 PM Introduc�on to Guitar, Week 1 of 4 with Patrick Drake Join Patrick to learn guitar chords and a few simple songs. No experience is necessary. Please bring a guitar. Par�cipa�on at all 4 sessions is strongly encouraged. Please call 902-490-6410 to register. Tue, Sep 13/7 PM‐8:30 PM Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 28
SEPTEMBER Keshen Goodman 2016 PROGRAM LISTINGS Book Club Two Solitudes, by Hugh MacLennan In his vivid portrayals of human drama in pre-war Quebec, Hugh MacLennan focuses on two individuals whose love increases the prejudices that surround them un�l they discover that "love consists in this, that two solitudes protect, and touch and greet each other." Join us for our monthly book club discussion. New members are welcome. Wed, Sep 14/1 PM S����, ��� ����� �������� Dwarf Planets: An Update with Paul Heath, Royal Astronomical Society‐Centre The Solar System is full of mysteries. With each space probe we send out, we get answers to many ques�ons that we had but at the same �me we generate many, many more ques�ons. We will look at what the New Horizon and Dawn space cra� have told us about Dwarf planets and what ques�ons the probe's discoveries have led us to. In partnership with Royal Astronomical Society - Halifax Centre. Wed, Sep 14/7 PM T�� F������� �� H����� 5 Steps to Promote Brain Health and Posi�ve Aging: Stay Socially Ac�ve Being social improves your brain performance and lowers your risk of demen�a and depression, and it increases longevity. In partnership with Fountain of Health. Thu, Sep 15/1 PM Movie Miracles From Heaven Rated PG This lm is based on the incredible true story of the Beam family. When Christy (Jennifer Garner) discovers her 10-year
-old daughter Anna ( Kylie Rogers) has a rare, incurable disease, she becomes a ferocious advocate for her daughter's healing as she searches for a solu�on. A�er Anna has a freak accident, an extraordinary miracle unfolds in the wake of her drama�c rescue that leaves medical specialists mys�ed, her family restored, and their community inspired. Fri, Sep 16/2 PM Internet 101 An introduc�on to the Internet and Web browsers. PREREQUISITE: Computer Basics or basic mouse, keyboard and Windows skills. Fri, Sep 16/2:30 PM‐4 PM Registra�on required Laughter Yoga with Helen Fong This “laughing for no reason” form of yoga emp�es the lungs of stale air and balances the different energies in your body. Good for stress relief and be�er immune system. Sat, Sep 17/2 PM Celebrate Symphony Week with Symphony Nova Sco�a's Library Players The Library Players go for Baroque! Join Max Kasper (bass), Yi Lee (violin), and Anita Gao-Lee (violin) for an informa�ve and fun look at some of your favourite Baroque composers. Enjoy music by Corelli, Bach, Handel, Telemann, Pachelbel, and others. To aid your enjoyment of the music, Max will also tell you entertaining stories about the composer’s lives. Beau�ful music and funny, informa�ve stories. What could be be�er?! Thank you to sponsor Wilson Fuels Co. In partnership with Symphony Nova Sco�a. Mon, Sep 19/12 PM L���� I���������� F��� S����� Criminal Law Learn about Canada’s adult criminal jus�ce system, from deten�on and arrest to trials, sentencing, and Charter rights. The roles of police, defence lawyers, Crown prosecutors, judges, and proba�on officers are also explained. Call 902-406-8618 to register. In partnership with Legal Informa�on Society of Nova Sco�a, Nova Sco�a Barristers’ Society, Legal Aid Nova Sco�a, ISANS, Dalhousie Legal Aid Service.. Mon, Sep 19/6 PM‐8 PM Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 29
SEPTEMBER Keshen Goodman 2016 PROGRAM LISTINGS Introduc�on to Guitar, Week 2 of 4 with Patrick Drake Join Patrick to learn guitar chords and a few simple songs. No experience is necessary. Please bring a guitar. Par�cipa�on at all 4 sessions is strongly encouraged. Please call 902-490-6410 to register. Tue, Sep 20/7 PM‐8:30 PM Registra�on required S����, ��� ����� �������� Aliens: Where are they? with Dr. Robert Thacker, Astronomy Department, Saint Mary's University When it comes to movies, aliens are everywhere. Where it comes to real life, we've not heard a peep. So where are they? How many might be out there? How could we detect them? In this fun and thought provoking talk, Rob Thacker will take a look at how we can scien�cally go about searching for life on other planets and es�mate how likely we are to nd something. In partnership with The Royal Astronomical Society – Halifax Centre. Wed, Sep 21/7 PM T�� F������� �� H����� 5 Steps to Promote Brain Health and Posi�ve Aging: Change How You Think About Aging Did you know that a posi�ve outlook impacts the aging process itself and increases longevity? In partnership with Fountain of Health. Thu, Sep 22/1 PM MSVU L������� Hard Times: Literature and the Indus‐
trial Revolu�on The Calm Before the Storm: Britain on the Eve of Revolu�on A�er the Industrial Revolu�on, Britain emerged as an industrial Superpower, but at an enormous cost. This 4-week course explores the ways in which period authors responded to the changes taking place. Presented by Dr. Chris Ferns, Professor Emeritus in the Department of English at Mount Saint Vincent University. In partnership with Mount Saint Vincent University. Fri, Sep 23/1:30 PM Water for the World All ages Join Engineers Nova Sco�a to build a water lter from simple materials, hear what a career in engineering is like and learn how engineers help others. In partnership with Engineers Nova Sco�a. Special loca�on: Mobile Food Market, Titus Smith Park, Fairview Sat, Sep 24/11:30 AM‐1 PM Human Rights Law The right to be free from discrimina�on is fundamental in Canada. This session will talk about steps that you can take if your human rights are violated. In par�cular, the Nova Sco�a’s Human Rights Act and services offered by the Nova Sco�a Human Rights Commission will be discussed, as well as rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Mon, Sep 26/6 PM‐8 PM Go Seniors, Go for A Walk! Walking Trails Explore some great local trails that are nearby the Library. Bob and Wendy McDonald of the Halifax North West Trails Associa�on are leading this expedi�on to discover our walkable neighbourhood. Wear suitable comfortable footwear. In partnership with Halifax North West Trails Associa�on. Tue, Sep 27/1:30 PM Introduc�on to Guitar, Week 3 of 4 with Patrick Drake Join Patrick to learn guitar chords and a few simple songs. No experience is necessary. Please bring a guitar. Par�cipa�on at all 4 sessions is strongly encouraged. Please call 902-490-6410 to register. Tue, Sep 27/7 PM‐8:30 PM Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 30
SEPTEMBER Keshen Goodman 2016 PROGRAM LISTINGS S�tch in Public Day with The Town Clock S�tchers Join the S�tchers to celebrate na�onal s�tch in public day. Learn some new techniques, try your hand at some s�tching, or just watch as they work on a variety of projects. In partnership with The Town Clock S�tchers. Wed, Sep 28/12:30 PM‐5 PM Essen�al Oils 101 How to S�mulate Your Mind and Senses Botan�cal essences can be used from everything from home-keeping to health and wellness. Join Jennifer Aiken, pharmaceu�cal chemist and aroma therapist, for an introduc�on to the many proper�es of essen�al oils. Wed, Sep 28/7 PM T�� F������� �� H����� 5 Steps to Promote Brain Health and Posi�ve Aging: Stay Physically Ac�ve Being ac�ve has a wide range of benets on your mind and body, and it is never too late to start moving. In partnership with Fountain of Health. Thu, Sep 29/1 PM MSVU L������� Hard Times: Literature and the Indus‐
trial Revolu�on Early Responses: Jane Austen and Walter Sco� A�er the Industrial Revolu�on, Britain emerged as an industrial Superpower, but at an enormous cost. This 4-week course explores the ways in which period authors responded to the changes taking place. Presented by Dr. Chris Ferns, Professor Emeritus in the Department of English at Mount Saint Vincent University. In partnership with Mount Saint Vincent University. Fri, Sep 30/1:30 PM Microso� Word Create, edit, format, save and print a document using Microso� Word. PREREQUISITE: Beyond the basics or basic mouse, keyboard and windows skills. Fri, Sep 30/2:30 PM‐4 PM Registra�on required Bridge Meet and play with other bridge lovers. Some experience is necessary. Mondays/10 AM‐12:45 PM No program September 5 Go Seniors, Go Join us for adult colouring and tabletop board games. Tuesdays/1 PM‐4 PM Women's Conversa�on Group Are you a woman who has newly immigrated to Canada? Join us to meet, share, and discuss your experiences. Enjoy mee�ng people from other countries and make friends in Halifax. Sessions includes literacy skills help and self-development . Wednesdays/10 AM‐12 PM No program September 7, Registra�on required Thursday Evening Conversa�on Group Meet with long-�me residents to improve your language skills by discussing current events, culture, and other topics. Some English language skills are required. Thursdays/7 PM‐8:30 PM Registra�on required Kni�ers' Circle Fellow kni�ers from all different parts of the world are invited to share stories, kni�ng �ps, and make new friends! Dona�ons of yarn are always welcome. Fridays/10 AM‐12 PM Tradi�onal Rug Hooking Join our ‘hookers’ and learn tradi�onal rug hooking techniques or work on your own project. Beginners welcome. Fridays/10 AM‐1 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 31
SEPTEMBER Keshen Goodman 2016 PROGRAM LISTINGS IT Classes for the Nepali Learner Adult Learning basic computer skills, internet searching, email and word processing. This class is in Nepali language only. Sponsored by Nova Sco�a Office of Immigra�on. Saturdays/10 AM‐12 PM Begins September 10, Registra�on required Saturday Conversa�on Group 1 Beginner Level Adult Newcomers, come out and meet your community, make connec�ons, prac�ce your conversa�on skills, and get some literacy support. Call 902-4906410 to register. Saturdays/1 PM‐2:30 PM Registra�on required Newcomer One‐on‐One Computer Help in English and Nepali Adult Newcomers can meet one-on-one for an hour to learn computer skills in English and Nepali. Sponsored by Nova Sco�a Office of Immigra�on. Saturdays/1 PM‐4 PM Begins September 10, Registra�on required Saturday Conversa�on Group 2 Intermediate and Advanced Level Meet with long-�me residents to improve your language skills by discussing current events, culture, and other topics. Saturdays/2:30 PM‐4 PM Registra�on required Kids Lego at the Library Ages 5+ Let your imagina�on run wild with our enormous Lego collec�on! Sat, Sep 24/2:15 PM‐3:30 PM Preschoolers Grandparents Rock! Celebrate Grandparents' Day with stories, songs, rhymes, and a cra� for that special grandparent in your life. Sat, Sep 10/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Puppet Show The Three Li�le Pigs Ages 3+ Celebrate the upcoming Science Literacy Week with this classic fairy tale. Can the three pigs use their STEM skills to build a strong enough house? Wed, Sep 14/10:30 AM‐11 AM Puppet Show The Three Li�le Pigs Ages 3+ Celebrate the upcoming Science Literacy Week with this classic fairy tale. Can the three pigs use their STEM skills to build a strong enough house? Sat, Sep 17/10:30 AM‐11 AM Family Drop‐in Ages 0-5 Join us for stories, songs, and a cra�. Each week, we will explore a different theme. Mondays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 12 Story�me Ages 3-5 Stories, songs, nger plays, and rhymes help children experience independent group ac�vity, gain pre-reading skills, and develop a love of reading. Tuesdays/10:30 AM‐11 AM Begins September 13, Registra�on begins September 6, Registra�on required Piroue�e...à la vole�e! âges de 3 à 5 ans Lecture en français, mots de vocabulaire et une ac�vité pour les enfants. En partenariat avec La Piroue�e, votre centre de services à la famille. Pour plus des renseignments, contacter name Shirley à la Piroue�e au 902-8323785. les mardis/12:30 PM‐1:30 PM Begins September 20, Registra�on required Tales for Tots Ages 18-35 months Engage your toddler's imagina�on and develop early literacy skills. Caregiver must be present. Thursdays/10:15 AM‐10:45 AM Begins September 15, Registra�on begins September 6, Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 32
SEPTEMBER Keshen Goodman 2016 PROGRAM LISTINGS Tales for Tots Ages 18-35 months Engage your toddler's imagina�on and develop early literacy skills. Caregiver must be present. Thursdays/11:15 AM‐11:45 AM Begins September 15, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Baby's First Books Ages 0-18 months Treat your li�le one to the experience of books, the rhythm of music, and the fun of group play. Caregiver must be present. Fridays/10:15 AM‐10:45 AM Begins September 16, Registra�on begins September 9Registra�on required Baby's First Books Ages 0-18 months Treat your li�le one to the experience of books, the rhythm of music, and the fun of group play. Caregiver must be present. Fridays/11:15 AM‐11:45 AM Begins September 16, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Family Drop‐In Ages 0-5 Families! Enjoy a variety of ac�vi�es together, including stories and songs. Saturdays/10:30 AM‐11 AM Begins September 24 Teens Anime Club Ages 12-18 Join us for the rst Anime Club of the school year! We'll be watching the Origin: Spirits of the Past movie (Rated PG) while we share our summer adventures and eat popcorn. Thu, Sep 1/6:30 PM‐8:15 PM Teen Drop‐In Ages 12+ Kick start the school year with DIY school organiza�on projects. Thu, Sep 8/3:30 PM‐4:30 PM Teen Drop‐In Board Game Speed Da�ng. Ages 12+ Check out the library’s board game collec�on in 15 minute slots. Thu, Sep 22/3:30 PM‐4:30 PM YMCA Homework Club for Newcomer Youth Ages 12+ Are you a teen who is new to Canada? Join us for a safe and friendly environment where you can get help with your homework, prac�ce your conversa�onal English, and make new friends. In partnership with YMCA. In partnership with YMCA. Tuesdays/3 PM‐6 PM Begins September 13 Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 33
SEPTEMBER Musquodoboit Harbour 2016 PROGRAM LISTINGS Adult Book Club RelaƟve Happiness, by Lesley Crewe Discover new authors, meet new peo‐
ple, and share insights monthly. Wed, Sep 21/5 PM‐6 PM Rug Hooking Together Join a fun group of rug hookers every Tuesday a�ernoon. Conversa�on and laughs are included. Tuesdays/1 PM‐3 PM Begins September 13 Quil�ng Come quilt an evening away in a quiet comfortable se�ng in the company of others at the Musquodoboit Harbour Library Wednesdays/6:30 PM‐8 PM Begins September 14 Kni�ng Together with Knit Wits Relax and enjoy the company of other kni�ers. Bring your own yarn and nee‐
dles. All ability levels are welcome. Thursdays/6:30 PM‐8 PM Begins September 8 Women on Wheels Bring a bike, helmet, and brown bag lunch to the library. We'll take a ride on the trail and meet at the library for a lunch and learn! Fridays/11 AM Pain�ng Together Join a lovely group of painters every Friday a�ernoon as they work on their own projects. Fridays/1 PM‐3 PM Begins September 9 Kids Puppet Show Join Esmeralda and crew for another round of fun and laughs with this month's puppet show. Tue, Sep 20/11 AM‐11:30 AM Puppet Show Join Esmeralda and crew for another round of fun and laughs with this month's puppet show. Sat, Sep 24/11 AM‐11:30 AM Teens Connect the Dots Ages 18 and under LGTBQ youth and friends ‐ drop in, make connec�ons, and have fun! Led by the Youth Project. For more infor‐
ma�on, call (902) 429‐5429, or email Program is held the rst Tuesday of every month. In partnership with The Youth Project. Wed, Sep 7/6 PM‐8 PM Preschoolers Family Drop‐In All ages Drop in for stories, rhymes, songs, cra�s, and fun every Friday morning. Fridays/10 AM‐11 AM Begins September 16 Begins September 9 Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 34
Sackville SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult S�tch Niche Whatever your interest‐‐kni�ng, cro‐
che�ng, needlework‐‐join us for an evening of s�tchery and conversa�on. Share ideas and peruse the newest cra� books. All levels are welcome. Wed, Sep 7/7 PM‐8:40 PM Book Club The DecepƟon of Livvy Higgs, by Donna Morrissey For two trauma�c days, Livvy Higgs is besieged by a series of small heart a�acks while the ghost of her younger self leads her back through a past dev‐
astated by lies and secrets. Wed, Sep 14/7 PM S�tch Niche Whatever your interest‐‐kni�ng, cro‐
che�ng, needlework‐‐join us for an evening of s�tchery and conversa�on. Share ideas and peruse the newest cra� books. All levels are welcome. Wed, Sep 21/7 PM‐8:40 PM Begins September 21 PROGRAM LISTINGS Kids Water for the World with Engineers Nova Sco�a Ages 7‐11 Join the pros to build a water lter from simple materials, to hear what a career in engineering is like, and to learn how engineers help others. Wed, Sep 21/3 PM‐4:30 PM PD Day Special Pokémon Unplugged Ages 5‐12 Explore the world of Pokémon without an app! Sign‐up for a morning of Poké‐
mon‐themed ac�vi�es including a Pokémon scavenger hunt and snack. Fri, Sep 30/10:30 AM‐12 PM Registra�on required Tween Zone Ages 11‐13 Teens and Tweens: hang out, chat, play games, cra�, and meet new friends. Snacks provided. In partnership with Kinsmen Club of Sackville. Tuesdays/3 PM‐4:30 PM Begins September 13 The Drop Ages 7‐11 A safe, suppor�ve, supervised space for kids to hang out, eat healthy snacks, and par�cipate in fun STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) ac�vi�es. Wednesdays/3 PM‐4:30 PM Begins September 14, No program September 21 Preschoolers Puppet Show Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! All ages Watch the beloved characters of Mo Willems including Piggie, Gerald, and Pigeon, come to life in this special pup‐
pet show. Wed, Sep 14/10:30 AM‐11 AM Puppet Show Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! All ages Watch the beloved characters of Mo Willems including Piggie, Gerald, and Pigeon, come to life in this special pup‐
pet show. Fri, Sep 23/10:30 AM‐11 AM Baby's First Books Ages 0‐18 months Listen to stories, learn new songs, and share in interac�ve play. Tuesdays/10:30 AM‐11 AM Begins September 13 Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 35
SEPTEMBER 2016 Sackville PROGRAM LISTINGS Songs and Stuff Ages 0‐5 Sing, snap, clap, or tap! Join us for fun, interac�ve performances of your favor‐
ite songs, rhymes, and stories. Wednesdays/10:30 AM‐11 AM Begins September 21 Family Drop‐In Ages 0‐5 The whole family will enjoy stories, songs, cra�s, and play. Thursdays/10 AM‐11 AM Begins September 15 Teens Connect the Dots Ages 18 and under LGTBQ youth and friends ‐ drop in, make connec�ons, and have fun! Led by the Youth Project. For more infor‐
ma�on, call (902) 429‐5429. Program is held the rst Tuesday of every month. In partnership with The Youth Project. Tue, Sep 6/6 PM‐8 PM Teen Zone Ages 13‐18 Hang out, meet new people, play games, do homework, and explore your ar�s�c side. Fun workshops and interes�ng programs offered weekly based on ideas from teens like you! Snacks provided. Drop‐in 6 PM/ Pro‐
gram 7 PM In partnership with HRM Recrea�on. Thursdays/6 PM‐8:30 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 36
SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult Book Club Good To A Fault Discover new authors, meet new peo‐
ple, and share insights. Wed, Sep 7/6:15 PM‐7:30 PM Registra�on required Author Wendy Miller Breen Banished Book Launch Wendy Miller Breen grew up in Moser River. During her career as a banker, she and her husband and their two, now adult children lived in many plac‐
es, but a part of her heart always re‐
mained in the �ny villages of the East‐
ern Shore. In this upli�ing story, she brings to life the struggles of a sophis�‐
cated young Scotsman and his interac‐
�ons with the kindly old Moser family of Moosehead, and how they teach him the true importance of life. Ban‐
ished is her rst novel. Thu, Sep 15/6 PM‐7:30 PM Paint Group Do you paint or would you like to try your hand at pain�ng? Watercolor, oils, sketches etc The paint group meets at the Sheet Harbour Library to paint and socialize every Tuesday morning. If interested, please call the library at 902‐885‐2391 or drop by for more informa�on. Tuesdays/10 AM‐12:30 PM Sheet Harbour PROGRAM LISTINGS Preschoolers Puppet Show Mucky Moose Calling all children to come and have fun with the puppets. Poor Mucky Moose wants to live in the forest, see what happens as he tries to t in. This program is an all ages welcome puppet show. Wed, Sep 14/3:30 PM‐4:30 PM Stories & Cra�s Ages 3‐5 Stories & Cra�s is an 8 week program designed for preschoolers age 3‐5 years. This program allows children to independently par�cipate in ac�vi�es such as art, music, story games and ac�ve games. Please call Parks and Recrea�on 902‐885‐2988 to register. In partnership with Parks and Recrea�on. Tuesdays/1 PM‐2:30 PM Begins September 20, Registra�on required Baby and Tot Time Ages 0‐18 months An interac�ve program for infants/
toddlers and their caregivers that fos‐
ters a love for books, songs and rhymes. This weekly program uses rep‐
e��on to enhance skills that you and your child can use at home Fridays/10:15 AM‐11 AM Begins September 13 Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Jul 22. 37
SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult The Crystal Lyre A Vibra�onal Sound Demonstra�on The crystal lyre is a unique instrument that was inspired by the ancient Greek lyre, making it a perfect marriage of old and new. It has eight pure quartz tubes and includes the seven notes and the octave of the C major scale. It creates an unparalleled harmonic that is sooth‐
ing, relaxing, joyful, and serene, and its dynamic tone resonates with all who experience it. Come out, replenish yourself with posi�ve energy, and ex‐
perience a profound inner state of well
‐being. The performance lasts approxi‐
mately 15‐20 minutes. Tue, Sep 6/12 PM‐12:20 PM Author Budge Wilson AŌer Swissair On September 2, 1998, Swissair Flight 111 plunged into the sea near St. Mar‐
garet's Bay, killing all 229 on board. In the days, weeks, and months a�er the crash, local residents supported the inves�ga�on and, more cri�cally, they comforted the families of the vic�ms. In response, Budge Wilson wrote a collec�on of poems "in gra�tude and in celebra�on of the thousands of men and women who suffered‐during the months and years that followed the crash." Share in his experience. Tue, Sep 6/7 PM‐8:30 PM Tantallon PROGRAM LISTINGS Book Club The Girl on the Train, by Paula Haw‐
kins A debut psychological thriller that will forever change the way you look at other people's lives. The discussion promises to be lively. If you are inter‐
ested in joining the Library's book club, please do and call us at 902‐826‐3330, or stop by the Informa�on Desk to sign up. Tue, Sep 13/7 PM‐8:45 PM Registra�on required Li�le Stars: Intro to Relaxed Kids If you have children with high energy or high stress, this program could be just what you need. Drop‐in for an in‐
troduc�on to child‐centred relaxa�on techniques with Krystle Sandiford. re‐ Tue, Sep 20/1:30 PM‐2 PM Travel by Fives with Nancy E. Chesworth, MSVU Wondering where to go? Nancy is here to help. Because your personal best des�na�on depends on many factors, this session suggests a way to shorten the list and nd the best places for you.Nancy will share sugges�ons of the ve best des�na�ons for rst �me travellers, the ve best for experienced independent travelers, and her person‐
al ve favorite places. Nancy E. Ches‐
worth works in the Department of Travel and Tourism at Mount Saint Vincent University. Tue, Sep 20/7 PM‐8:30 PM Pelvic Health Talk with Katerina Miller Katerina is a physiotherapist with the Pla�num physiotherapy and rehabilita‐
�on group. She focuses mainly on pel‐
vic health, trea�ng urinary incon�‐
nence, prolapse, pain during pregnan‐
cy, pain with in�macy, core strength, and op�mizing the pelvic oor to your demands of daily life ‐ from walking, caring for your child, to going for a run and working out. In partnership with Pla�num Physiotherapy. Thu, Sep 22/7 PM‐8:30 PM Women in Conversa�on Are you a woman who has newly immi‐
grated to Canada? Join us to prac�ce your English skills while mee�ng other people, sharing experiences and learn‐
ing about your new community! Wednesdays/10:30 AM‐12 PM Begins September 14, Registra�on required Needle Niche Cra� Social Group Meet in the lounge with this social group and bring along any of your nee‐
dle cra�s and join in with this fun group.Kni�ng, croche�ng, quil�ng, embroidery—share your passion or develop a new hobby. Thursdays/7 PM‐8:50 PM Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 38
SEPTEMBER 2016 Games at the Library Join us for an a�ernoon of games such as Scrabble, Crib, or 45's with old friends and new. Please bring a friend or two or your own games to join in the fun. All are welcome. Fridays/12:30 PM‐2:30 PM Bridge at the Library Mixed “Kitchen” style‐ all new mem‐
bers with some experience with Kitch‐
en Style Bridge are welcome to join. Fridays/1 PM‐4 PM Public Health Informa�on Sessions Breas�eeding Support Parents with children ages 0‐5 Drop‐in twice a month for a free ses‐
sion with a Public Health Nurse. In partnership with Nova Sco�a Public Health. Tuesdays/1:30 PM‐2:30 PM Public Health Informa�on Sessions Paren�ng Support Parents with children ages 0‐5 Drop‐in twice a month for a free ses‐
sion with a Public Health Nurse. In partnership with Nova Sco�a Public Health. Tuesdays/1:30 PM‐3:30 PM Begins September 27 Tantallon PROGRAM LISTINGS Public Health Informa�on Sessions Making Meal�mes Ma�er Parents with children ages 0‐5 Drop‐in twice a month for a free ses‐
sion with a Public Health Nurse. In partnership with Nova Sco�a Public Health. Tuesdays/2:30 PM‐3:30 PM Kids Homeschoolers at Tantallon Dewey Numbers 000‐099 All ages Let us help you with your homeschool‐
ing plans. Register with the Library's group and drop‐in for our monthly pro‐
grams by contact Eric at 902‐826‐3330 or email This month's session features Dewey Num‐
bers 000‐099, which covers the history of books, libraries, and a deeper intro‐
duc�on to the Dewey Decimal system. Thu, Sep 8/2:30 PM‐3:30 PM Registra�on required S���� S�������� Variety Pack‐o‐Fun All ages Games, ac�vi�es, toys, and play‐
sets...who knows what you'll nd! Sat, Sep 17/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Puppet Show The Back to School Blues All ages Watch as your favourite story comes to life. Thu, Sep 22/3:30 PM‐4 PM Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Preschoolers S���� S�������� Puppet Show The Back to School Blues Watch as your favourite story comes to life. Sat, Sep 24/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Story�me Ages 3‐5 Are your children ready to begin inde‐
pendent learning through stories and music? This program will get them and you started, including introduc�ons to French music and vocabulary. Tuesdays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 13 Songs and Stuff Ages 0‐5 Sing, snap, clap or tap! Join us for fun, interac�ve performances of your fa‐
vourite songs, rhymes, and stories. Thursdays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 15, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 39
SEPTEMBER 2016 Tantallon PROGRAM LISTINGS Family Drop‐In Fables & Frolics Ages 0‐5 The whole family can enjoy a variety of ac�vi�es including stories and songs. Fridays/10:30 AM‐11:30 AM Begins September 16 Teens Teen Sci‐Fi/Fantasy Club Ages 13+ Come on out and get your geek on! Whether you're a teen with a taste for Sci‐Fi and Fantasy or a teen who reads geek, watches geek, plays, dresses, and breathes geek, this is the club for you. Thu, Sep 15/7 PM‐8:30 PM Leading Readers Interviews and Training Ages 15‐18 New and returning volunteers to our Leading Reader's program are request‐
ed to a�end this training session. We will discuss the responsibili�es of our volunteers, techniques for working with children, and ways to engage them through many forms of literacy. Applica�ons are due before a�ending this session. Wed, Sep 28/4 PM‐5 PM Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Aug 22. 40
Woodlawn SEPTEMBER 2016 Adult Movie Ma�nee Mothers & Daughters Rated PG Interwoven stories of what it is to be a mom seen through the lens of rock star photographer Rigby Gray. Starring Chris�na Ricci, Courteney Cox, Susan Sarandon. Wed, Sep 7/1:30 PM Free �ckets given out 60 min before Evening Movie The Big Short Rated 14A Four denizens in the world of high‐
nance predict the credit and housing bubble collapse of the mid‐2000s, and decide to take on the big banks for their greed and lack of foresight. Star‐
ring Chris�an Bale, Steve Carrell, Ryan Gosling. Wed, Sep 7/6:15 PM Free �ckets given out 60 min before Movie Ma�nee Maggie's Plan Rated 14A Maggie falls in love with a married pro‐
fessor. Then, in a strange twist, the young woman discovers that she has fallen out of love with him and would like to set him back up with his wife. Starring Greta Gerwig, Julianne Moore, Ethan Hawke. Wed, Sep 14/1:30 PM Free �ckets given out 60 min before PROGRAM LISTINGS Movie The Meddler Rated PG Marnie Minervini is a woman who has a posi�ve outlook on life despite deal‐
ing with the recent death of her spouse. She decides to make a fresh start by reloca�ng to Los Angeles to be near her daughter Rose. Equipped with her cell phone and plenty of money on‐
hand, Marnie heads out to begin her new life in Los Angeles. On this jour‐
ney, she hopes to make new friends, discover a new purpose for her life and maybe even nd love again. Starring Susan Sarandon, Rose Byrne, J.K. Sim‐
mons, Jason Ri�er. Wed, Sep 14/6:15 PM Free �ckets given out 60 min before Movie Ma�nee Me Before You Rated PG A girl in a small town forms an unlikely bond with a recently‐paralyzed man. Once she discovers he is planning on assisted suicide, she creates a schedule of ac�vi�es and trips together in hopes of changing his mind. Starring Emilia Clarke and Sam Clain. Wed, Sep 21/1:30 PM Free �ckets given out 60 min before Evening Movie Money Monster Rated 14A Financial TV host Lee Gates and his producer Pa�y are put in an extreme situa�on when an irate investor takes over their studio. Starring George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Jack O'Connell. Wed, Sep 21/6:15 PM Free �ckets given out 60 min before Discover Your Personal Strengths This Emo�onal Wellness program will help you discover your character strengths through ac�vi�es and learn the benets of applying them in life situa�ons. To register, call 902 460‐
4560. Library walk‐ins are always wel‐
come! In partnership with Dartmouth Community Health Team. Tue, Sep 27/6:30 PM Book Club Go Set a Watchman, by Harper Lee Go Set a Watchman features many of the characters from To Kill a Mocking‐
bird some twenty years later. Return‐
ing home to Maycomb to visit her fa‐
ther, Jean Louise Finch—Scout—
struggles with issues both personal and poli�cal, involving A�cus, society, and the small Alabama town that shaped her. Tue, Sep 27/7 PM Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Jul 22. 41
Woodlawn SEPTEMBER 2016 Movie Ma�nee Love and Friendship Rated PG Lady Susan Vernon takes up temporary residence at her in‐laws' estate and, while there, is determined to be a matchmaker for her daughter Frederi‐
ca ‐‐ and herself too, naturally. Based on the Jane Austen novella. Starring Kate Beckinsale and Chloe Sevigny. Wed, Sep 28/1:30 PM Free �ckets given out 60 min before Bridge Meet and play with other bridge en‐
thusiasts. Some experience is neces‐
sary. Mondays except holidays. Mondays/10 AM‐12 PM Newcomers' Kni�ng Group Kni�ers from all different parts of the world are invited to share stories, cra�‐
ing �ps, and make new friends. Every‐
one is welcome! In partnership with ISANS. Tuesdays/1 PM‐3 PM Needle Niche Join us for an evening of s�tchery and conversa�on. Share pa�erns, s�tches, yarn, advice, and projects, and draw inspira�on from the library's cra�y resources. From beginner to ad‐
vanced, everyone is welcome. Tuesdays/7 PM PROGRAM LISTINGS Nourishing Mamas Breas�eeding & Mothering Support Drop‐in with Dr. Sarah Hardy, ND Please join us at the breas�eeding and mothering support drop‐in. Whether you are in need of guidance or have experience to share, enjoy the support of other new moms in your communi‐
ty, ask all of your ques�ons, nd solu‐
�ons to challenges, and embrace a joyful breas�eeding and mothering experience. Babies and young children welcome. Fridays/10 AM‐11 AM Kids In‐Service Movie The Jungle Book All ages (Rated PG) Fri, Sep 30/1:30 PM Free �ckets given out 60 min before event Fun Zone Ages 7‐11 Drop in and join us a�er school for all things FUN! We will have cra� sup‐
plies, games, PS4, Minecra�, and more. There's something for everyone! Snacks will be provided. Fridays/3:30 PM‐4:30 PM Begins September 16, No program September 30 (come to in‐service movie instead!) Preschoolers Fall Cra� Table All ages Drop‐by and make a fun Fall cra�. Sat, Sep 24/open hours Puppet Show Children Make Terrible Pets All ages Watch as your favourite story comes to life. Fri, Sep 30/10:15 AM‐10:45 AM Free �ckets given out 15 min before event Puppet Show Children Make Terrible Pets All ages Watch as your favourite story comes to life. Fri, Sep 30/11 AM‐11:30 AM Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Story�me Ages 3‐5 Stories, songs, nger play, and rhymes help children experience independent group ac�vity, gain pre‐reading skills, and develop a love of reading. Tuesdays/10:15 AM‐10:45 AM Begins September 13, Registra�on begins Sep‐
tember 7, Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Jul 22. 42
Woodlawn SEPTEMBER 2016 Story�me Ages 3‐5 Stories, songs, nger play, and rhymes help children experience independent group ac�vity, gain pre‐reading skills, and develop a love of reading. Tuesdays/11 AM‐11:30 AM Begins September 13, Registra�on begins Sep‐
tember 7, Registra�on required Tales for Tots Ages 19‐35 months Engage your toddler's imagina�on and develop early literacy skills. Caregiver must be present. Wednesdays/10 AM‐10:45 AM Begins September 14, Registra�on begins Sep‐
tember 7, Registra�on required Tales for Tots Ages 19‐35 months Engage your toddler's imagina�on and develop early literacy skills. Caregiver must be present. Wednesdays/11 AM‐11:45 AM Begins September 14, Registra�on begins Sep‐
tember 7, Registra�on required Baby's First Books Ages 0‐18 months Treat your li�le one to the experience of books, rhythm of music, and fun of group play. Caregiver must be present. Thursdays/10 AM‐10:45 AM Begins September 15, Registra�on begins Sep‐
tember 7, Registra�on required PROGRAM LISTINGS Baby's First Books Ages 0‐18 months Treat your li�le one to the experience of books, rhythm of music, and fun of group play. Caregiver must be present. Thursdays/11 AM‐11:45 AM Begins September 15, Registra�on begins Sep‐
tember 7, Registra�on required Family Drop‐in Ages 0‐5 The whole family can enjoy a variety of ac�vi�es including stories and songs. Caregiver must be present. Fridays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 16, No program September 30, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Family Drop‐in Ages 0‐5 Families! Enjoy a variety of ac�vi�es together, including stories and songs. Saturdays/10:30 AM‐11:15 AM Begins September 17, Free �ckets given out 30 min before event Teens Connect the Dots Led by the Youth Project Ages 18 and Under LGTBQ youth and friends, drop in on the third Tuesday of every month, make connec�ons and have fun! Led by the Youth Project. For more infor‐
ma�on, call 902‐429‐5429. In partner‐
ship with The Youth Project. Tue, Sep 20/6 PM‐8 PM Pop‐Up Library at EPEC We are hos�ng a monthly Pop‐Up li‐
brary on the last Tuesday of every month during lunch�me at the Eastern Passage Educa�on Center. Students will have an opportunity to make re‐
quests for materials, check‐out materi‐
als, learn about e‐resources, and more. In partnership with EPEC Jr. High School. Tue, Sep 27/11:30 AM‐1:30 PM Begins September 27 YOLO A�er School Program at Ellenvale Jr. High Grades 7‐9 (youth from all schools are welcome) Woodlawn Public Library is going to school! This is a safe and suppor�ve program for youth to hangout, eat healthy snacks, check out new books and magazines and par�cipate in fun ac�vi�es.Youth from all Jr. High Schools are welcome. In partnership with Ellenvale Jr. High School. Wednesdays/3 PM‐4:30 PM Begins September 21, Sign‐in upon arrival Teen Machine Ages 14‐18 Thursday nights are kind of a big deal around here. That's cause it's Teen Night! We got snacks, games, art, per‐
formance, movies, and more. Come check us out. Oh, and did I men�on it's totally free?! PLEASE NOTE: Parents/
Guardians, please pick‐up youth at 8 p.m. Thursdays/6 PM‐8 PM Begins September 16, Registra�on required Visit or the branch informa�on desk Visit or the branch information desk for
program information. Listings printed on August 22.
for current program informa�on. Lis�ngs printed on Jul 22. 43
branch locations & hours
* Labour Day to Victoria Day
Alderney Gate
60 Alderney Dr.,
Monday - Thursday: Friday & Saturday:
10 am - 9 pm Adult Services: 10 am - 5 pm Youth Services: *2 pm - 5 pm Borrowing / Renewals:
TDD for Hearing Impaired:
15 Dartmouth Rd.,
Tuesday - Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
10 am - 9 pm Information:
10 am - 5 pm Borrowing / Renewals:
*2 pm - 5 pm
Captain William Spry
16 Sussex St.,
Tuesday - Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
10 am - 9 pm Information:
10 am - 5 pm Borrowing / Renewals:
*2 pm - 5 pm
5440 Spring Garden Road,
Monday - Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
9 am - 9 pm General Inquiries:
9 am - 6 pm Adult Services:
12 pm - 6 pm Youth Services:
Borrowing / Renewals:
Cole Harbour
51 Forest Hills Parkway,
Cole Harbour
Tuesday - Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
10 am - 9 pm Information:
10 am - 5 pm Borrowing / Renewals:
*2 pm - 5 pm
Dartmouth North
105 Highfield Park Dr.,
Wednesday & Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
12 pm - 5 pm General Inquiries:
12 pm - 9 pm
10 am - 9 pm
10 am - 5 pm
Halifax North Memorial
2285 Gottingen St.,
Tuesday - Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
10 am - 9 pm Information:
10 am - 5 pm Borrowing / Renewals:
J.D. Shatford Memorial
10353 St. Margaret’s
Bay Rd.,
Wednesday & Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
Keshen Goodman
330 Lacewood Dr.,
Monday - Thursday:
Friday: & Saturday
10 am - 9 pm Information:
10 am - 5 pm Borrowing / Renewals:
*2 pm - 5 pm
Musquodoboit Harbour
Village Plaza
7900 # 7 Highway,
Musquodoboit Harbour
Wednesday & Thursday:
10 am - 5 pm General Inquiries:
2 pm - 8 pm
10 am - 5 pm
10 am - 2 pm
636 Sackville Dr.,
Lower Sackville
Tuesday - Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
10 am - 9 pm Information:
10 am - 5 pm Borrowing / Renewals:
*2 pm - 5 pm
Sheet Harbour
Blue Water
Business Centre,
22756 # 7 Highway,
Sheet Harbour
Wednesday & Thursday:
10 am - 4 pm General Inquiries:
3 pm - 8 pm
10 am - 4 pm
10 am - 1 pm
3646 Hammonds Plains Rd.,
Upper Tantallon
Tuesday - Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
10 am - 9 pm General Inquiries:
10 am - 5 pm
*2 pm - 5 pm
31 Eisener Blvd.,
Monday - Thursday:
Friday & Saturday:
10 am - 9 pm General Inquiries:
10 am - 5 pm
*2 pm - 5 pm
Borrow By Mail
General Inquiries: 902-490-5753
12 pm - 7 pm General Inquiries:
2 pm - 8:30 pm
10 am - 3 pm
8:30 am - 4 pm Telephone:
Toll Free:
Teleaccess: 902-490-5845
Book a Computer: 902-490-5780 (or book online)
For your convenience, materials can be returned to any of the above listed branches.
Computer Learning Lab
Free Parking
Public Use Computers
Book Drop
Self-Service Hold Pick-up
Meeting Rooms
Wireless Internet
Wheelchair Accessible
Home Delivery