mffitLhfioND 0212015 SU4A8E85AN J JEAI2I?Als Itistheendofterm2alreadyandhalftheyearisbehindus. ldon'tl<nowaboutyou,Ladiesand Gents, but it is non-stop and I feel my batteries need a recharge. battlegettingtheschool feesin. lfyouread Fundraisingisessentialtoourschool,sinceitisanuphilt term L's Chat, you would remember that I asked for any interested parents, passionate about raising funds, to come forward and start a Fund raising committee. To my disappointment there was not one parent who was interested. Therefore, this term's chat is dedicated to the teachers of Bellville Primary School. Fundraising will renraininthehandsofourdedicatedteachers" lwouldliketotakethisopportunitytosayTHANK YOU. lt'snotenoughthough... Therearenowordsof'thanks'forwhattheteachersputinto arrange a talent evening or a fashion show. Just to come up with ideas is a difficult task alone, With Departmental obligations, educating our learners and extra-mural obligations are already enoughtodealwith. Partofthekeyresultareasforateacherinthisschoolisfundraising. The pTessure to make up the fees not received is burdened on the shoulders of the teachers. the nature, attitude and willingness of the teachers to raise as much funds as possible for our school. whether it's a class sale or function, they're on board with a smile. The highlight for me is Asaparent,thanl<yousomuchtoalltheteachersforyourdedication. Asthechairperson,lam honoured to be working with you to battle axe through the gigantic mountain of what it tal(es to run a school financially, with the means at our disposal. I I(now there are many of our teachers who often dip into their own finances to help a learner in need. Aperson/teacherlikethishasheart. Ourteachersarepassionateabouteducationandabout ihe wellbeing of our Iearners. Teaching is not a career for most in the field, it is a calling... lwant the teachers to know that what you are doing, is appreciated. Term 3 in Chairperson's Chat Parental lnvolvement Until next term: Be blessed PS: Checl< out the Bellville Primary School website'za For any enquiries or input regarding the school fees, fundraising or the Chairperson's Chat, please e- mail me at Regards Theresa li{1arp,p,y ts,iirithdia,}... ... 'lio llearrnr€:li5:whro, ce:lieb,IQit:Qd: t,lne;iiri b,iirtlhldlaly,s' a1llll t;lhre: o:v-rq:!i threr Prars;tlt;e:r'fi,,lt a:flrd thier liUriC:l-r.V,Q[,1]€:s-, wlnro'willrli lhiarv;e: t,hieriitis;dluLriiirnrg, tl,lie: l,o,oo,o,ororli1tS, hio,lliicllalyl!i Alls:o, to,..,, IVIlris ller Rtourx (7,6;'/0.4,'),: Aft,e:ri C,a:rer S. Ba,nnho,o, (1X/-"0i5,) ii. tVIi[x]e, tMlrl lK,w"iarlr. li - G,en,e,ral, As:slii5:t.a:nt !. ( 1 8,/;OrS ),'- (22,[at5,)i :' Girla,d]e; Mliris; Lo,ulbrs;eiri' ((1.5,/0-;6,) lMr r s Gio, lld I @t7l ll Aii\) : Gie'rilre, r a li 6 A A s";s,irs;tlar n I E - l-e,atr'nriinig-j D,er p, urrt y F ri il t. s-,uttp-;p-rorrt: nreii par ll Miris;Borte;s,{0t71llatTl))--1-,ltT/iNluilMt A note trorn the music departmemt No more applications for 2O15, PLEASE! The waiting list is full. Breod tog proiect We will continue with the bread tog project next term. Thonk you to everYonefor collecting so diligently. You ore moking o diff erence!!!! 'l MffiAMLY DilCTT@NAR.Y rubbish raddish croducher conductor liglrter litter burn bran might mite str0ng strogh flexibility flexableite suitable harmonica ballet sweat suitabil hummonica balay / honika wider swort worder dangerous greasy contagious expenditure musician dangaras gricy conteges exspentigure mucianine thermometer termomert / themotor A cappella Ackapler/ a callep / alchaphela / themomither / teremoher / thermooter / acupala / achenpela SCARY SCIENCE What is chromatography? (Separating colour pigments) x A person who works with mixtures. * A type of tree Explain what an electrical insulator is. (It does not let electricity flow through,) It is when you test electricity with a fork, It is something that does not burn example is a electrical pole. * * What is a neutral substance? (It is neither an acid nor a base.) x It is something that has two diffed taste like lemon and orangs. x It is the stuff that grow on land like plants; water; sand. Why will it not be wise to taste swimming pool You might turn green and die. x Give at least one use of the following elements (a) copper : acid? (It is corrosive.) : It can be used for shoes that we wear. For chair legs To make spoons and knifes. (b) aluminium : If your nose is blocked you snif aluminium to get the nose to work. .\; Pst! Have You heard? r:;,, ., , :' ' r -'{:lhY' .) i .'.tr 1 ..,,,,r,$jtd.l"N .i'. 't_ .'. I .\ ,, : i] j :, Magical Maritz has done it againl Mrs Lydia Maritz was crowned the WP Champion of Champions! CONGRATULATIONS! ,-.i,.' J;\ir'.1 t l', r r;rY'. ;'/ il')/ =.* r :"',t,ti '\iJ5-,4' "r,\ n )\""/ .n.t:{ lr[')].-.-- -@ Mrs Kirian,s son ffi;;ffi;ffi;;;st " *,,,.;,;ffi;;;;;;"- Mrs Ronerr" teacher. She also coaches the u/11 Netball team' term Grade 3 E Wehopethatshe'ssettledinandthatshewillenjoyhertimeat our school. SCAI{Y SC[Etr\ilCE (Conti nues) What is an all<ali? (It is a base that can dissolve in water.) * An alkali is a type of acid. * An all<ali is a base that has no taste. * An alkali is a substance made for something. Write down the names of the elements with the following symbols Si B Ca Na Li (Silicon) (Boron) LAMIE [.fi (Calcium) (Sodium) (Lithium) : Sithi / Siathic acid / Sitmuin Bargon / Bosman / Bacon Catti Nathi Litmuis / Liqud / Liqides / Litrogen FE OR.XENTATIOIU What is co-ordination? x When you are leading someone to go somewar. x Is that you lose all your thoughts and abilities. x Is when you use a map to go to a place or area. Or you use a Gps to travel. * Means everyone belong to one nation every one is the same no one is better than you. Define "balance". When you eat something healthy. It is where you become fit and jog a lot. x * Define "juvenile". * x x juvenile is a old rock people can hide in when there is a war. Is a person who goes through peer pressure and get pimpels. It is when you talk about a person in Facebook/whatsapp and you gossiping about her. A What is "personality"? x When you are not afraid of something. Explain the term "job shadowing". (When you visit a company where you would like to work to see what they do.) x x x * Job shadowing is a person who does not feel like work or lazy. Job shadowing is to have a notherjob. Job shadowing is working for a company for a limetid time. It means you working with electricity and working with lights. Grade 3 A/E writes to write in their First During the Assessment, Grade 3 had Additional Language (unedited) Ek hou nie van die reen nte van mense siek maak. en dit is okk koet. en dan weet jY nie it gaan reen tie. waan kinders will buite sPeel somigge tYd. en dan moot mense sop maak. En jY kan hoes tot jY kan nie mier aarsime haal nie' en daan wil die mense uit gaan om aarsime haal. RobYn Ruiters Ek hou nie van die reen nie ons kan sik rake n baie hoos ons moet en die huis gan blY as die reen klaY is dun kan hY uit gan + TYler-Jade Jordaan I like the rain it make mY Plot I wet. MY dogs get worter from the rain. And ofrer the rain it a rainbow. I like the rain bekors then I PlaY out srd. Wen it rain we eat soap. At the nithit and coffl i Ek hou van die reen. As dit reen dan maak mY ouma soP vir ons' Somtyts daan hoof ek nie skool toe te gaan nie. MY ouPa maak veer daan sit on bY die veer met ons marshmallows. Ek le in die bed en tv kYk. MY ouPa sit die heter aan daan is die huis waraam' My tannie maak hot chocolate' As dit reen daan kom mY ane tannie naar ons toe' Aidan Mesimela Then we sleeP. Caitlin Bugan l I I I like rain becuase then You can splash in the water' What I reallV I like about the rain is becuase thel plants get water and the dams' I I like rain becuase after a rainstot I I the rainbow comes out l gol Sometimes me and mY friends inside and drink souP Then me { my friends eat warm sweet Pancal Then we make jokes with each otl Chante Bard{ I I \ I ll ra l! lt lt It iriri mxtm.mntr mms i i uost people worl< to earn an (income) budget/ profit/ intrest because they need i,'l money to pay for their personal living expenses. i n neattn epidemic is a wide and often rapid spread of a (contagious) toxic / nasty / irl rabid / distructitze disease that is difficud to control' i i li ll ri MrJsIe i MANnc i Wtrat do we call an instrument with keys like a piano, but you blow into ll ll I I'i ii (Harmonica) x moncauqe / qwana / pitch pipe / pianonist |",,I ll i i i / triangulation / it? blowano i i i ra i wt.r"n we hum, speak or sing, sound comes from our voice box, also called the i (larynx). irlri . tonsils / vibration / caves (Conductor) we call the person who "leads" an orchestra? i wt''rat - doenchantement / productor / Stive Wonder / mechin / opera / narrator i i *nu, do orchestras use to tune their instruments? (tuning fork) archave / croctet / stave / fiddle / conductor i clef will you use when you use a higher note range? (treble) i! Wnlcn x trouble/altra/longer I do we call the style of singing where no instruments are played? (A cappella) i Wflut tempo / body percussion / kwela / duration / the gossiple i i wt.rut is an opera? (A drama set to music) An opera is a person who on the stage and he speaks an announce who's i performing next. i An opera is the type of singing that does not use speakers. An opera is an areana where you sing alone on your loudest' An opera is when a drama sing with the audience. does a percussion instrument produce its sound? (shake it, rub it, beat on it) i now I x It is like a bird in a tree. I I i Wfrat do we call the higher male voice? (tenor) I x tanel /turner/tonic/foerte i lower female i fne I x altour I I voice is called the (alto). i i i i F.lix tryr. . . Whar a luuuuuuuuu<,ng, ttring rerm th!s has btun' Yt t * g*gs m*st he CXHAUSTTDI knu* t ,. ,nd ,ll t d" !5 fa.'tnt Didn'r y<,,,t rhe passages' j,'rst love the Tilent fvening? Y"* RocKED rh. sraq"lllll and t huPt y<''-r st'rdy knu* yoL( are fr*sy wrth exams now far.l. R.*"rnh., whun ir's t[une, lhert's lung winter f"lid'y t ' waiting fut yu'' I Pl.rr. ,u..*b., rr, play saf. d*ring tht h"liday and h"l,' S' that yu* *ill bu rested 2xd ready fu' Titt duing Dun'I furget ru cullect rhusu l'rtatJ rags' %* 9"y' "s greatl Euu yu* next timel t t eiortl,gyy'rn'*|jat;iio-,rr,s,: tig, lLirafiilr D:a;viiidjS; wlitro-r r'erlorl1er5;ernrt.erdl tlnerWr/ei5;tertr'tr'! F-;trorv;ilrntc:er -lLiif'erS,aiv'iingjli'elanni att tlhre S,o,utit,lhr A 'ri'rlqairnr Nlartliorrnra,ll e,o.rmrp,e:t:iitio,rlrr iirnr Drutirbrarnl., ll-,ijair,fnrWie,tflr argo:!;dl atflid: b;tiotilrzer rrlrlle.ldlaill ri'erS;p,e:ctiivlerliy, li o, rn g di ti s:,t;a nr e;er s;wll rilni r,rili ii oB ait, s;erar', for;' (@) HANUFACTUREN & IHIURANCE APPROl'ED REPAIR CENTRE L- :"-:..... [p[mg a$ads witfl'r thein" $tmstneworfl< sfirnee flS7[. For exqefi advice ond hondY DIY tips, tisit d Brights store todoy. ttlrii;...,rr, :,...,.,. :..,' .1,.','i' i,',trll&i ;,1 irl.r..,i i','. il, r' iJlrr)i',-tiir:1';'l .-}\r,. [r:r-:rv:ri.I;;i$ 5o 511r:l+u.tril tocoNV ROAD, gooDwooD aal-sgl gxzs /t',:.. ;i,!iil;d www.brrgh[ 086 I 3ll 777 ' bri{h.r(llbrightt 'o [s*f{$p.s!r$,1]5:teiiiljqiii!rli:lf'l'lliili].]':;ll' za L:':l'iillT'ilqi!!iirari:l!ill:ia-11'l EMAIL: INFO@MLPANEL.CO.ZA WWII'.MLPANELBEATER'.CO.ZA The school accepts no responsibility for any business generated for the mentioned advertisements. ir:,rlqr"ift,nrriiiiq1;rr,;rrj l:.i#iiu+rriqr:, ffiuYHhdm, $ffi[_fl_[Nqffi ffiffi ["ffiTTENffi? []ALL YOIIR LtjCAL PIIftPL[?TY }}^PH[IALI$T i"OilAY! E[]ZARD BARNAR[] "i [ 082 975 1670 pRopERfY r0tlSUtlAr,ll 021 949 6060 EDZARD BARI{ARD.HARCOURTS TO.ZA ,i ri Ycur Cne $top Lawlrli'lcwer ShoP Bellville Branch Head Office Tel: Fax: 021 948 5506 021 948 2940 \\:eltsitc: llrt'tt ntou''zil -;&*-" I i entees esrnnrroru"i __.-..W 1,: +.:.', -, i-' r.-rta1-5 >.? /t r. j a 'ri'.r,. , l :'iiffi'sulBAFllJ ffi f Hiii.i,rijiii i{iI|:i$sffi [ffiffi,ffi+#*ffiffi$ Ef, ..:l tiilj :r.,,ri 'i 'r.r: :.u{ij(s i:l..:'*__ ' Ernnnrr!"rr! !!!!! A B F t- o o D c D J S c A R F H I T E A tu P a R S T U V E W LJ R A ! N E D F G K (5 N 0 P I a N R s T Y Z B E A N I E B D TA' .,8 h-fi T' -J VtI K L M L dt{ I U N \,f z A ^ 0 m p LJ D t) t_ E s V K H !-l L' T W A T E E E I J M E K C M I s T S T U M V U W E x Y c z c D R E F P G R H D I H J K !- N o E t tu0 E P W D T x A N o J K x H N c N L z Y A R V A K E S I E J E R K T L M o c T I T U H V K U W x c B Y B o o T S R D E K L F K L M P N E a R S A T x B o x Y z A B c N D G A H J H A I L M K N S T U V w x Y z A E E I H J K P L A Y s T A N o P c L o U D S a R H P o L M t{ z U A B I J P K R L U V E M x A E F c G o L a P R E R B M [J o c c M o F G L A T H D c N D P I s G 2 A s C D t-l E D F E G R R B o T T !- E S T N o T P a R R N L E S R U T U Y R c c E R S E Y E F G c o B c o B M W a A B F F F E E V F D E M G F o P c o P L o U V R z A B D P I R N o s s D c s T G T H D E J T P U E V L S w o H E F R E A D R G w o P a R M T B c D E F c G I T I o N L M Y D S T U V W x s c I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Wat is'n dialoog? (Wanneer'n persoon praat en 'n ander antwoord.) * lrv I I i punt [n Storie wat van geslag tot geslag oorgedra word') [:ilfr:** I I @ $ +l I I I I I I I I I I Wat behooft aan die einde van'n toneelstuk te gebeur? (Die konflik word opgelos.) i ** I hr^ punt r-^- ^rL,, laaste. Die -. ,-! kom altyd r-^^$^ I I I I I I I I I I Omslrrvf I t I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I Dit is wanneer'n groep saamwerk om te stem of hul teen dit is of vir dit. Wat is'n voll<sverhaal? e I I I I : I (a) ,' * * improvisasie (Jy maak'n storie op soos jy aangaan sonder om te oefen') Dit is wanneer jy skaam en bang is om iets te doen. Is om te improvies. Improvisasie is wanneer iemand deur die noot toets, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I inl spreel<koor (Wanneer'n gedig deur'n groep mense voorgedra word.) i x As almal saam praat in die agtergrond. I I I I I I I I I I I I I tni' ld Y iitt6,swEET',QU0TES ri I rhe followino i ** ^ quotes were found on suaar packets >B* The biggest mal<e -,e, one. ' ' ;;,. ffiilffij|il mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will Elbert Hubbard - Never lool< back unless your are planning to go that way. - Thoreau I I i ** i i oo i I x*' Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. William James - The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human can change his life UV changing his attitude. - William James I I i , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Joyfulness l<eeps the heaft and face young, A good laugh makes us better friends with ourselves and everybody around us. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I EXCELLENT EI{GLXSH The grade 7's had to write a letter to their grandparents in which they tell them tlrat they've asked their parents to buy them a hedgehog as a pet and what their parents' response was. The following letter was written by Andria October in grade 7E. Dear Ma I would like to tell you about how I convinced my parents to buy me my very own hedgehog. It started a week ago. My parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I thought long and hard about this. Then I decided I wanted a hedgehog. Mom freaked out and Dad just fainted. Their answer was, "No!" I cried and begged. I asked them if we could make a deal. I would clean the house every saturday if I could get a hedgehog. After a while they were convinced, Three days later a little creature joined the family. I decided to name him "losh". Unfortunately I had to spend all my savings on his toys, food and cage. It was worth it though, after all, he's mine. I hope to see you soon. Love Your angel Andria FUN FACTS ABOUT HEDGEHOGS 1. Each hedgehog has between 5 000 and 7 000 quils 2. Hedgehogs rely on hearing and smell because they have very poor eyesight' 3. Hedgehogs got their name from their preferred habitat-garden hedges-and the pig-like grunts theY make. 4. Hedgehogs are largely immune to snake venom. 5. A group of hedgehogs is called an "array." 6. There are 17 different species of hedgehog.