Booklet Windows 78


Booklet Windows 78
Step 6
Marketing on Internet Textalk
Windows 7/8
April –15
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 1
You must know Step 1, 2, 3, 5.
Start your webbreader.
The webpage shows conclusion of the business and how customers get
contact with the business.
Blogg shows a more personal picture of owner of the company. Owner
describe himself or herself and customers may leave a comment and ask
Webbshop is a way to buy from the company. In this case costumer may
pay with card or invoice.
Now you have seen how marketing on internet can be done. As you
probably have figured out you can move between webpage, blogg and
webbshop by links. How the customer can do this is up to you.
You can start several webbshops but every one must have its own
mailadress/username. You can not delete a webbshop. When you decide to
activate a webbshop you hav to pay f.ex. alternative lite is 800 SEK/year.
In this course is no picture handeling. Pictue handeling an picture treating is
in step 13 and 14.
Do exactly what is written here. If you make own solutions you may get
problems later.
You need a mailadress as username for your blogg and a mailadress as
username for your webbshop. You may have the same address but for the
blogg you find out a password and for the webbshop you get password by
mail. Orders from your costumers are sent to that address.
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 2
Emma is living on the countryside. Shee is travelling around and sells her
knitted clothes in different market places but the best market place she
thinks will be internet.
She has earlier placed a webbpage on internet with help from step 5
webbpages. As she has her webbside on webbhotel she also can
create a blog there.
In her planing is also to start a webbshop of her own.
Here Emma informs about her company. She shows where she is, which her
opening times are, which market places she visits and a summarize of her
She is telling about her blogg where she describes her life and where
costumers can ask about the products an even about knitting.
Differens between webbpage and blogg is that blogg gives possibility to a
dialog between Emma and her customers.
She may registrate her blogg f.ex. on bloggportalen where a user may look
for interesting bloggs. An alternative is bloggtop where blogs are shown
after popularity
She creates her webbshop at Here the priceis 66 SEK/month but
you have ti sign for 1 year 800 SEK + moms. You even can find webbshops
for free.
Max turnover for this alternativ is 100 000 SEK/år
Here we use paying alternative invoice and credit card. You may see all
orders on page Orders in your webbshop.
If cutomer has choosen invoice you get costumers adress by mail.
If costumer has choosen credit card 6 SEK will be charged and the rest is
delivered to your bank.
It will take a while to create a webbshop. Start carefully and take your time.
This will give you a good shop.
You will see a lot of details which are not used in this course. Try to get a
good picture of the basic structure before you start thinking about these
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 3
The biggest adwantage by doing webbpages by yourself is not to earn
money but to be able to update pages by yourself.
Do not think you will create an acceptable blogg first time. Concentrate on
basic structure. You will change blogg many times.
Create blogg
Start webbreader and enter
Logg in to control panel by domain and password. (Step 5).
Click blogg.
Click create blogg.
Registrate corresponding to Emmas garner as a name of blogg.
URL-adress to the blogg will be
This adress is on row 1 adresslist. Write your own on row 2 and click
Accept adjustments for time and anonymus letter to the editor. Click
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Here you write about yourself.
If you want to link to a webbpage or webbshop you may write as in picture. The
bold text you get by marking and thereafter click B.
We will create the link later.
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Klicka <Nästa>
Here you registrate a mailadress which is username of your blogg and a
password you find out. This adress is in row 3 adresslist and you may write your
adress and password on row 4.
Klicka <Next>
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Cathegory is fashion.
Click <Next>
You may choose among a number of forms to create your blogg.
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You may study a form by Show and choose it by Choose.
Choose f. ex. the form with three lipsticks.
Click <Create blogg>
Logg out från
Check the blogg
Enter emmas blogg by URL-adress Corresponding to (rad 2).
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Your description of blogg is on top and description of yourself is to the
Suppose yo want to change in description of blogg or about yourself.
Logg in to
Click blogg.
Click Edit on same row as blogg name.
Click About me and About blogg.
Here you may change your texts
Click <Save> if you have changed some text
Logg out from
Make an insertion
Use the URL-adress to your blogg corresponding to (row 2)
An insertion is when you as an owner to the blog write something.
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Under every insertion is the text Comments (0) which means no reader has
written any comment to the insertion or Comment (1) which means one
reader has written a comment.
If you click the word comment you get possibility to read comments and
write a comment by yourself. You may delete a comment when you are
logged in.
Logg in to blogg with the mailadress and password you used when you
created the blogg (row 2)
Clicka Create new insertion.
Write an insertion and click <Send>
Logg out.
Write a comment
Pretend to be a costumer.
Enter corresponding (row 2)
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Click Comments and write a comment and click <Send>
Comments(0) now is changed to Comments (1) and the customer clicking there
can read the comment.
Registrate the blogg.
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Move a bit down the side an click <Registrate your blogg>
Registrate login name corresponding to ullstina.
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Sida 12
Registrate password to bloggportalen which you have found out. (row 6)
Repeat password.
Registrate mailadress corresponding to (Row 6)
Registrate name corresponding to Emma.
Registrate a short presentation: I sell knitted clothes and answer qustions
about knitting.
Go on..
Click <Save>.
Klicka <Registrae>
Test bloggate
Enter (row 6)
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Sida 13
Write corresponding to Emmas yarns and click Search.
Click ullstina when cursor is a hand.
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 14
Here you can see insertions on blogg.
If you click an insertion you can read it.
If you click the name you can read the blogg.
You probably have to create this exercise several times to get an idea how to
plan your own products. Unfortunately you must have a mailadress for
every new webbshop. You can not delete a whole webbshop. You activate
and pay when you think your webbshop is ready.
We will create a simpel webbshop without articlegroups and a webbshop
with two articlegroups. Then you will repeat some works but this is
probably necessery.
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Sida 15
Here you will logg in to your webbshop when you have got your password.
Clicka <Test free> .
Registrate your own data as in picture. (Row 6)
Click <Creae shop>
This mailadress you always have to use when you cummunicate with textalk.
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Sida 16
From this moment you must logg in to your webbshop.To do this you also
need a password. This you will get as mail to your mailadress. Write your
mailadress and password on row 6.
Nobody is able to enter your shop before you have activated it and payed
the invoice. Click <Continue>
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 17
This picture called home will be your start position in the future.
When you start working on your shop there is a demoshop installed. Click
for different alternatives and choose for instance hats and click <change>
Mark Webshop Lite and click <Change>.
Watch the demoshop thru clicking <Show shop>
We are not going to work with pictures in this course. Step 13 and 14 handle
pictures in your shop.
We are going to delete demoshop so do study it carefully now.
Close demoshop by clicking X on top to the right.
Delete demoshop by clicking Delete assortment.
Click Ok.
On this page you will be able to activate your webbshop when it´s ready.
From here you also may logg out from your tool or continue to the page you
are working with at the moment.
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In the middle of page you have URL adress to your webbshop
corresponding to This address is on
row 5. Write your address on row 6.
If you like to link your webbshop from your blogg you enter where you
could make changes in blogg.
Mark the bold text Webbshop and click bottom with earth globe.
Write corresponding to (rad 6)
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Click OK.
Check you can get from webbshop to blogg. Notice this only works when
shop is activated and invoice is payed.
Do in the same way to link to webbpage.
A webbshop with only one shop window
If you in the future want to repeat you have to clear articles and shopforms
to be able to follow the course. Page 38 shows how to do this. Now when
you start a new shop this is done.
Start webbreader and logg in to your webbshop.
We will start with registrating 12 articles in a webbshop without article
In this first example you can see how the webbshop works with paying by
Click Assortment/Articlegroups and check there are no articlegroups
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If there are articlegroups these must be empty to be able to delete.
Registrate articles
Click Assortment/Articles/New article.
Registrate data about the first article and click <Add>
Now you get a message that the article is saved.
Click Articles
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Mark article name.
Click copy
Take away mark for hide article.
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Change size to M and write articlenumber 1002.
Don´t forget to check the description. It is not in the list of articles.
Click <Save>
Click Articles.
Articles are shown as last registrated article is first.
Continue in the same way and registrate these 12 articles.
Name of article
Stickad mössa grå stl. S
Stickad mössa grå stl. M
Stickad mössa grå stl. L
Stickad mössa grå stl. S
Stickad mössa grå stl. M
Stickad mössa grå stl. L
Stickad mössa röd stl. S
Stickad mössa röd stl. M
Stickad mössa röd stl. L
Stickad mössa röd stl. S
Stickad mössa röd stl. M
Stickad mössa röd stl. L
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Gråmelerad, grov
Gråmelerad, grov
Gråmelerad, grov
Gråmelerad, fin
Gråmelerad, fin
Gråmelerad, fin
Klarröd, grov
Klarröd, grov
Klarröd, grov
Klarröd, fin
Klarröd, fin
Klarröd, fin
Sida 23
Any time you can see all registrated articles by clicking Articles.
If you see something wrong you can change by clicking on name of article
and change. If you want to delete an article you can click on trash to the
Click Articles.
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Shop forms
Click Look/Shop forms.
Here is a prototype of a shop form.
You can make shop form deside look of start page and you can use shop
form and still vary look of every shop window.
You can create several shop forms and get more differens between different
shop windows.
Watch the form by clicking <Show shop>
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This is the result of form now.
Click Administrate
Click the name Shop form
Now we will make some adjustments in shop form.
Mark flap property.
Continue quite a bit down on page and check there is a mark for Show
article number.
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Watch flap field layout is marked.
Under flap field layout are flaps top row, left column and foot of page.
Now we will change colour for these three parts to red colour.
Click flap top row.
When you click on the little square in the middle of screen you will have the
the picture as above.
Drag the small arrows in narrow rectangle down to the red area.
Now you will have red colour in the big square.
Click on an appropriate colour in big square.
The laying rectangle under the big square now will be red.
Accept by clicking OK.
The small square in the middle of screen will now be red too.
Click <Save > to see the result in the big picture to the right.
Do in the same way with the three areas.
Click <Save>
Click <Show shop>
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Sida 27
Now we have mainly designed shop form.
Click <Administrate shop>
Click Look/Shop form again.
Click Start page
Click <Optional text/picture>.
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Write Welcome to Emmas yarns
Mark the text and choose size 18 dots and bold with <B>
The empty room will disappear soon.
Click List of articles under square with headline.
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You may add or delete rows with + and – under places of articles. Make sure all
12 articles have a room.
Clicka <Save> and then Look/Shop forms.
Click <Show shop>.
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Sida 30
Colour of shop is red.
Number of articles are shown.
You can read description of an article if you click <Read more>
You get to start page by clicking Start page.
You see 6 capses if you write Knitted cap gray and press Enter where you see
search word+Enter.
That you may go back to start page.
That you can click buy for an article and check what is in wagon.
That you can delete an article from wagon with red cross to the right.
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Sida 31
That you can get back to page of start and continue your shopping.
Click <To cashier>
Write your data. Here you must pay by invoice.
Click <Continue> .
Mark testorder and click <Conform order>
As costumer you will get mail to this address which conferms your order.
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Sida 32
In your webbshop you can see you have got an order.
Click Administrate shop and thereafter Orders.
You have created a webbshop with only one shop window which also is
start page.
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Sida 33
You have made a design of start page with text which says welcome to the
customer and description of all articles in the webbshop.
You have made a test of your webbshop and seen that if a customer
registrates an order you will get a message by mail and at the same time
data is registrated on page Order in your webbshop.
Notice that you are able to work with the prototype until you are satisfied
wih your shop.
Your shop is not reachable from outside til you have activated it and payed
the invoice.
Clearing your shop
Unfortunately there is no fast way to return to start position exept by starting a
completly new shop of course.
Click Assortment/Articles and delete all articles by clicking trash bag to the
right of each article
Click Look/Shop forms/Edit.
Click flap Start page.
Delete all modules by clicking trash bag.
Click <Save>
Now we deside the shop is cleared and we can start a new projectt.
Webbshop with 24 articles, 2 article groups and 2
shop windows
Click Assortment/Articlegroups/New articlegroup
Write Group 1 Caps
Click <Add>
Click <Save>
Click <New articlegroup>
Write Group 2 Sweaters, click <Add> .
Click <Save>
Click Assortment/Articlegroups
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 34
Click Articles/New article and registrate the first article. Notice articlegroup is
group 1.
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Continue and registrate the following 24 articles in the same way as before.
Stickad mössa grå stl. S
Stickad mössa grå stl. M
Stickad mössa grå stl. L
Stickad mössa grå stl. S
Stickad mössa grå stl. M
Stickad mössa grå stl. L
Stickad mössa röd stl. S
Stickad mössa röd stl. M
Stickad mössa röd stl. L
Stickad mössa röd stl. S
Stickad mössa röd stl. M
Stickad mössa röd stl. L
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Grupp 1 Mössor
Gråmelerad, grov
Gråmelerad, grov
Gråmelerad, grov
Gråmelerad, fin
Gråmelerad, fin
Gråmelerad, fin
Klarröd, grov
Klarröd, grov
Klarröd, grov
Klarröd, fin
Klarröd, fin
Klarröd, fin
Tröja grå stl. S
Tröja grå stl. M
Tröja grå stl. L
Tröja grå stl. S
Tröja grå stl. M
Tröja grå stl. L
Tröja röd stl. S
Tröja röd stl. M
Tröja röd stl. L
Tröja röd stl. S
Tröja röd stl. M
Tröja röd stl. L
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Grupp 2 Tröjor
Gråmelerad, grov
Gråmelerad, grov
Gråmelerad, grov
Gråmelerad, fin
Gråmelerad, fin
Gråmelerad, fin
Klarröd, grov
Klarröd, grov
Klarröd, grov
Klarröd, fin
Klarröd, fin
Klarröd, fin
Klicka Sortiment/Artiklar.
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 36
Clicka Look/Shop forms
Click Start page and change.
Make sure first module is optional Text/Picture
Write Welcome to Emmas yarns. Make text bigger and make it bold.
Click <Save>
Click Look and click <Show shop>
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 37
Click Administrate shop.
Shop window for articlegroup 1
Click Assortment/Articlegroups
Mark Group 1 Caps and click Edit
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Sida 38
Here you can choose if shop window for group 1 caps will follow shop form or
be adjusted to a special design for this shop window.
Click flap Look and mark Adjusted look.
Make the first module maxbroad article.
Make the second module articletable.
You can choose number of columns with + and – to the right of columns.
Make place for all 12 articles in group 1 in shop window.
Click <Save>
Click <Show shop>
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 39
Click Edit form.
Click Assortment/Articlegroups
Click Edit for group 1 again.
Click Look and make optional look marked.
In the middle of every modul to he right you find a square where you can choose
Sequense. Change from Latest article to Article increasing.
Check all articles are shown by increasing article number in both modules.
Click <Save>
Check with show shop that it´s the same for the shop.
Return with Edit form.
Shop window for group 2
Click Assortment/Articlegroups
Mark group 2 Sweaters and click Edit
Click Look and make Optional look marked.
Choose first modul Articlelist.
Make place for all 12 articles in shop window.
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 40
Change sequence to increasing article number.
Click <Save>
Click <Show shop> and check.
Click Assortment/Articlegroups. Mark Group 2 and click Edit.
Suppose you like to change place between 2003 and 2010.
Move mark from linked to manual to the right of articles.
Drag cursor to article 2003.
Four different tools are shown : choose article, insert new place, move and
Click Choose article and mark 2010. Clicka OK.
Drag cursor to 2010.
Click Choose article and mark 2003. Klicka OK.
Click <Save>
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 41
Check with Show shop.
If you don´t want to show articlenumber in the finished shop you click
Look/Shop form and click Edit.
Change under flap characteristics and Save.
When you enter your shop you are on start page. There you can choose
some shop window and thereafter return to start page or continue to cash.
Activate your webshop
Click Home.
Click <Click here to activate your shop>.
When you have activated you will get an invoice by mail.
After paying there are 3-5 days delay before your webbshop can be used.
Test your webshop
You may try to use the shop by registrating URL-adress consisting to
Liljedalsdata Step 6
Sida 42
Application about paying by card
Click Adjustments/Methods of paying.
You can make a shop form decide the look of all shop windows for different
article groups. You are also able to adjust every shop window to be unique.
To decide the places of articles in a shop window you can choose between
different modules. You can change the sequence between articles.
You can even change articleplaces with the tools Choose article, Insert empty
place, Move and Delete.
Now you have seen an example of how a number of webbpages can look.
You have been training on building a webbshop selling clothes.
Hopefully you have got ideas about your own business. It´s important you can
update your webbpages, blogg and webbshop.
The best way to start is to begin with something. You probably will change your
webbpages many times but every time the result will be a little better.
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Now remains to link your Startpage or homepage to your blogg, from your
blogg to your webbshop, from your webbshop to your startpage and from your
blogg to your startpage.
This you have trained in step 5.
Searching engines
If you know your customers will find any of your webbpages f.ex. by
adverticing you are very lucky. If you have to get costumers in another way this
may be a problem.
Here is only a short orientation of some points to concider.
Design your webbpages with short text and so many search words as possible.
Search words are words you can imagein your costumers use to find what they
are searching for.
Try to use some word which is uniqe for your company. In this way you can see
if your webbpage is registrated of a search engine.
Take all chanses to link to and from your webbpages. This increases the chans to
be registrated of a search engine.
You can advertice thru googles adwords. You decide a budget per month f.ex.
300 SEK/month and a number of search words. Then your advertisment is
shown adjusted to your budget.
If you have webbpage at you will find alternative statistics in control
panel. There you see how many visits that have been done to your page.
This is a huge subject. To learn more you can use Search Engine Marketing, Inc.
by Mike Moran and Bill Hunt.
Good luck.
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