Step 6 Marketing on internet Textalk Mac OS X Maj –16 Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 1 Beginning You must know Step 1, 2, 3, 5. Webbpages Start your browser. Enter This webbpage show an conclusion of this company and how customers get contact with it. Blogg Enter Blogg show a personal picture of the company. Owner maybee describe himself or herself and customer may give a comment and ask questions. Webbshop Enter Webbshop is a way to buy from company. In this case costumer can pay by card or invoice. Now you have seen marketing on internet. Of course your costumers are able to move between webbpages, blogg and webbshop. How they can do this is up to you. You can build several webbshops but everyone must have one specific mailadress. You can not delete a webbshop. When you have decided to activate a wbbshop you have to pay for itvery year. This course does not show handeling pictures. This is treated in step 13 and 14. Follow the text carefully. If you take own decisions you maybee get problems. Emma You need a mailadress as username for your blogg too. You may have the same but for your blog you have to find out a password and for webbshop you get password by mail. Orders from your costumers will be sent to this address. Emma is living in the countryside. She is travelling around selling knitted clothes in different markets but she is thinking the best market is internet. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 2 She has earlier published a webbpage on internet through working with step 5. As she has webbpage on webbhotel she even may create a blogg there. She even is going to start a webbshop. Homepage Blogg Webbshop Here Emma is telling about her company. She is telling about her adress what her opening times are which markets she is visiting and a conclusion of her products. She create a link to her blogg where she is writing about her life and thoughts and her costumers can ask about the products and about knitting. The differens betweeen homepage and blogg is that blogg gives possibility to a conversation between Emma and her costumers. She is creating her webbshop with a tool at Like a webbhotel she has to pay a subscription. Though she can work with several shops for training. She doesn´t have to pay until she wants the shop be reachable for her costumers. If she wants to start a completely new shop she must have a new username which is a new mailadress. Here we use paying by invoice and card. All orders are written on page Order in your shop. If costumer has choosen invoice you get your costumers adress by mail. It will take a lot of time to create a webbshop. Take your time. In this course there are lots of details not mentioned. Do exercise a lot on basic structure before you start concider details. Blogg The most important with creating webbpages and webbshop by yourself is not to get money but to update pages by yourself. Don´t think you shall create an acceptable blogg first time. Concentrate on basic things. You are going to change blogg many times. Create a blogg Start and login to Control panel by domain and password (Step 5). Click blogg. Click create blogg. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 3 Write corresponding Emmas garner as name of blogg. URL-adress to blogg is This address is on row 1 adresslist. Write your own on row 2 and click <Next>. Accept Adjustments and cclick <Next> Here ere you write about yourself and the blogg. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 4 If you like to link to webbpages or webbshop you can do as in picture. Bold text you can make by pressing B. We are going to create links later. Click <Next> Here you write mailadress which is username for blogg and password you find out by yourself. This adress is on row 3 in adresslist and you can write your adress and password in row 4. Click lick <N <Next> Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 5 Categori is Fashion Fashion. Click <Next ext> You may choose among a number of forms for your blog. You may try a form by Show and decide a form by choose. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 6 Choose f.ex. form with three lipsticks. Click <Create blogg> and logout from Check the blogg Check the blogg by URL-adress corresponding to (row 2). Your description of blogg is on top and description of yourself is to thee right. Suppose you want to change description of blogg or about yorself. Login to Click blogg. Click Edit on same row as name of blogg. Click About me an About blogg. Her you can change text. Click <Save> if you have changed. Logout from Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 7 Creating an insertion Use URL-adress adress tto your blogg corresponding (row 2) An insertion is when you as owner to the blog write something. Below insertion is text Comments (0) which means no user has been writing a comment to insertion. Comments (1) means 1 user has written a comment. If you click comment you can read a comment and you can delete a comment when you are log logged in. Login to blogg blogg. Click Create insertion insertion. Write an insertion and click <Send> Logout. Write a comment Pretend you are a customer. Enter corresponding (row 2) Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 8 Click Comments, write a comment and click <Send> Comment (0) has been changed to Comment (1) and a user clicking there can read the comment. Webbshop This tool from textalk give you possibility to choose between a classical version and mobile version. If you like to try mobile version you make a change on startpage. You are not able to delete a complete webbshop but you can delete all articles and clear the form of a shop to restart from the beginning. You activate and pay for the shop when you are ready to show the shop on internet. We are going to create a simple shop without article groups and a shop with two article groups and two shop windows. Enter Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 9 Click webshop. Write name of your shop and username (Row 5) Click <Create Create shop shop> Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 10 From om now you have to login to your webbshop. To do this you need a password.This will be sent to yourr mailadress. Write mailadress and password row 6. This startpage will be your start position in future. Demoshop When you start there is demoshop installed. Soon we will delete it so if you will keep it you need to do some print screen. Click for different alternatives and choose f.ex. hats and click change. Marka Webbshop shop small and click <Change>. Study shop by clicking < <View shop> Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 11 We will not work with pictures. Step 13, 14 deals with pictures. Close demoshop by clicking Administrate shop on top to the right. Delete it by clicking delete demo assortment. Click Ok. On this page you can also change to a mobile phone mode. On this page you also are able to activate your shop when it is ready. From here you also can continue to the page you are working with. In the middle of the page you have the URL-adress to your shop corresponding This adess is on row 5. Write your own on row 6. If you want to link to your shop change this in blogg. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 12 Mark Webbshop and click bottom with globe of earth. Write corresponding (row 6) Click OK. If you like to test if you can get from blogg to webbshop this only works if you have activated and payed for the shop Do in the same way to get to webbpage. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 13 A shop with only one shop window Click Assortment/Articles and delete all articles, if there are any, by clicking trash bag to the right. Click Article groups and delete all article groups if there are any. If you in future want to repeat you have to delete all articles and forms to be able to follow the course. Page 38 is showing how to do this. Now we start by registrating 12 articles in shop without articlegroups. In this first example you can pay by invoice. If there are articlegroups they have to be empty to be able to be deleted. Registrate articles Click Assortment/Articles/New article. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 14 Registrate data about the first article and click <Add> Now you get a message the article is saved. Click Articles Mark article cle name name. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 15 Klick Copy. Delete mark for Hide article article. Change size to M and write article number 1002. Don´t forget to check description. This is not in article list. Click <Save> Click Articles. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 16 The articles cles are shown as last registrated article is shown first. Continue in the same way and registrate 12 articles. Article name Num Number. Stickad mössa grå stl. S Stickad mössa grå stl. M Stickad mössa grå stl. L Stickad mössa grå stl. S Stickad mössa grå stl. M Stickad mössa grå stl. L Stickad mössa röd stl. S Stickad mössa röd stl. M Stickad mössa röd stl. L Stickad mössa röd stl. S Stickad mössa röd stl. M Stickad mössa röd stl. L 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 Group Description Price Gråmelerad, grov Gråmelerad, grov Gråmelerad, grov Gråmelerad, fin Gråmelerad, fin Gråmelerad, fin Klarröd, grov ov Klarröd, grov Klarröd, grov Klarröd, fin Klarröd, fin Klarröd, fin 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Anytimee you are able to see all articles. If you see something wrong you can change by clicking article name and change. If you will delete an article click trash bag. Click Articles cles. Shop forms Click Utseende Utseende. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 17 This is a prototype of a shop form form. In this casewe have only one form of startpage. Watch result of form by clicking <View shop> This is present result of form. Click Administrate shop. Click Apperance/ Apperance/form of shop Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 18 Now ow we will change the form of shop. Mark flap ap characteristics characteristics. Move a bit down the page and make sure show article number is i marked. Make sure flap fieldlayout is marked marked. Below flap field layout there are flaps head of page, row on top, left column, middle column, right column, row at bottom,, foot of page. page Suppose se we wan want to change three parts to red colour. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 19 Click flap ap row on top When you click the small square in the middle of screen it looks like above. Dragg the small arrows in the small rectangle to the read area. Now ow you will have red colour in big rectangle. Click suitable colour in big rectangle The laying rectangle below the big one now will be red redAccept by clicking OK beside the laying rectangle. The small square in the middle of screen now will be red too. Click <Save > to see result in big picture to the right.. Do in the same way with foot of page. Click <Save> > Do in the same way with left column Click <Save> Now we will have the same red colour in the three parts. Click <View View shop> Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 20 Now ow we have designed form of shop mainly. Click Administrate shop Click Utseende/Chop form Click <Optinal text/ text/picture>. Write Welcome to Emmas yarns Mark text and choose size 24 bold. Move down and cclick Article list below rectangle le with headline. You may add or delete with + and – below articles. Make sure all 12 articles are shown. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 21 Make sure no other modules are shown. You delete a module with trash basket Click <Save> >. Click <View View shop>. Check: Colour is red. Article number ber is showm showm. You can read description of an article by clicking <Read Read more> more Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 22 You get to startpage by clicking Startpage. You see 6 caps if you write cap grey as searchword You can click buy for an article and see what is in your wagon. You can delete an article from wagon with red cross to the right. You can return to startpage and continue shopping. Click <To cash > Write your data. H Here you must pay by invoice.. Click <Cash> . Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 23 As a costumer you get mail to this adress which conf confirm rm your order. Click Continue Kontrollera att Testbeställning är markerad. Klicka bekräfta köp Click Administrate butik. Check mail. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 24 In your webbshop you can see you have got an order. Click beställningar Click Administrate ate shop then Order Conclusion You have created a w webbshop bbshop with only one shop window which also is startpage. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 25 You have created this sta startpage tpage with text wishing costumers costumer welcome and description of all articles in your webshop. You have used your webbshop and seen that if a costumer has registrated an order you get message by mail and at the same time data is written on page Beställningar in your shop. You can work with your prototype until you are ready but it can not be reached from outside til you have made it active and payed for you your shop. Clean your shop Unfortunately there is no fast way to restart ex except ept starting a new shop with another user name. Click Assortment/Arti ortment/Articles and delete all articles by clicking trashbag to the right or mark all articles and click Perform on marked/Delete. Click Utseende/Shop Shop form form. Click flap Startpage page. Delete all module modules by clicking trash bag. Click <Save> Now ow we consider the shop is cleaned and we can start a new project. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 26 Webbshop with 24 arti articles, 2 artikelgroupss and 2 shop windows Click Assortment Assortment/Articlegroups/New articlegroup Write Group 1 Caps Click <Add> Click <Save> Click <New articlegroup clegroup> Write Group 2 Sweaters click <Add> . Click <Save> Click Assortment Assortment/Articlegroups Click Articles/New ew article and registrate first article. Article group will be group 1. Click <Add> Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 27 Continue and registratet these hese 24 articles in the same way as earlier. Article name Num Number Group Description Price Stickad mössa grå stl. S Stickad mössa grå stl. M Stickad mössa grå stl. L Stickad mössa grå stl. S Stickad mössa grå stl. M Stickad mössa grå stl. L Stickad mössa röd stl. S Stickad mössa röd stl. M Stickad mössa röd stl. L Stickad mössa röd stl. S Stickad mössa röd stl. M Stickad mössa röd stl. L 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Grupp 1 Mössor Gråmelerad, grov Gråmelerad, grov Gråmelerad, grov Gråmelerad, fin Gråmelerad, fin Gråmelerad, fin Klarröd, grov Klarröd, grov Klarröd, grov Klarröd, fin Klarröd, fin Klarröd, fin 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 Tröja grå stl. S Tröja grå stl. M Tröja grå stl. L Tröja grå stl. S Tröja grå stl. M Tröja grå stl. L Tröja röd stl. S Tröja röd stl. M Tröja röd stl. L Tröja röd stl. S Tröja röd stl. M Tröja röd stl. L 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Grupp 2 Tröjor Gråmelerad, grov ov Gråmelerad, grov Gråmelerad, grov Gråmelerad, fin Gråmelerad, fin Gråmelerad, fin Klarröd, grov Klarröd, grov Klarröd, grov Klarröd, fin Klarröd, fin Klarröd, fin 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 Click Assortment /Articles. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 28 Click Utseende Utseende/Shop form Click Startpage page and change change. Check first module is Optional Valfri Text/Picture. Write Welcome to Emmas yarns yarns. Make text bigger and in bold. Click <Save> > Click <Show Show shop shop> Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 29 Click lick Administr Administrate shop. Shop window for arti articlegroup 1 Clicka Assortment Assortment/Articlegroups Mark Group oup 1 Caps and click Edit. Here ere you can choose if shop window group 1 will follow shop form or if you want to have a special look for this shop window. Click flap Look and mark Adjusted look. . Choose Maxbroad Maxbroadarticle firrst modul. Choose aticletable for second module. You can choose number of columns with + or – to o the right of columns. columns You can add or delete rows of columns with + or – below last row. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 30 Make all 12 articles cles in group 1 have room in shop window. Click <Save> Click <Show Show shop shop> Click Edit article clegroup Click Assortment Assortment/Articlegroups Click Edit for grooup 1. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 31 Click Utseende/A Utseende/Adjusted look To the right in themiddle of each module you find a square where you can choose sort range. Change from last registrated article to article number increasing. Check all articles are shown after increasing article number in both modules. Click <Save> Check with show shop it is same for shop. Shop window group up 2 Click Assortment Assortment/Articlegroups Mark group 2 Sweaters and click Edit Click Look and mark adjusted. Choose first module Articlelist. Make all 12 articles get room in shop window by clicking +. Change sorting to Article number increaseing. Click <Save> Click <Show Show shop shop> and check. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 32 Click Assortment/Articlegroups. Mark Group 2 and click Edit. Click flap Utseende Suppose you like to change place between 2003 and 2010. Move mark from connection to manal to the right of articles. Place cursor on article 2003. Four different tools are shown: Choose article, New place, Move and Delete. Click Choose article and mark 2010. Click OK Move cursor to 2010. Click Choose article and mark 2003. Click OK. Click <Save> Check by Show shop. If you don´t want to show article number in the ready shop click Utseende/ Shop form . Change below flap characteristic and save. When costumer enter shop customer enter start page. From there costumer can choose a shop window and thereafter return to startpage and continue to cashier. Activate your shop Click Startpage Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 33 . Click <Click here ere tto activate your shop>. When you have activated you will recieve an invoice by mail. When you have payed it will take some days before your shop may be used. Test your shop You can test to use your shop with URL URL-adress adress corresponding to Application pplication about paying by card Click Settings/Paying Paying/Inställningar/Betalningsmetoder. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 34 Conclusion You can create a shop form to decide look of all shop windows for different article groups. To decide place for articles in a shop window you can choose between different modules. You can change plces between articles. You can change place with tools Choose article, Insert an empty place, Move and Delete. Now you have seen an example of a number of webb pages. You have practised on buildin building a shop selling clothes. Hopefully you have got ideas about your own business. Best est way to start is to do something. Probably you will change your pages many times butt this is a normal way to work. Now ow it is time to link your Homepage/Startpage to your blogg, from your blogg to your webbshop, from your webbshop to your Startpage and from your blogg to your startpage. This you have practi practiced in step 5. Searching engines Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 35 I f you know your costumers will find your webbpages f.ex. wth help of advertisment you are lucky. If you have to get costumers in some other way you may have a problem. Here we only mension a couple of points to concider. Design your webbpages with a little text but many searching words. Searching words are words you think your costumers use to find what they are looking for. Try to use words which are unique for your company. In this way you can see if your page is registrated in some searching engine. Take all chanses to link to and from your webbpsges. This will increase chances to be registrated by a searching engine. You can advertice by google adwords. You decide a budget and a number of searching words. Your advertisment will be shown in relation to your budget. If you have a webbpage at you will find statistic over your domain. This is a huge area but there is a lot to read in books and on internet. Good luck. Liljedalsdata Step6 Sida 36
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