Fourth Sunday of Easter


Fourth Sunday of Easter
Stephanie Alvarez, Ashley Bautista, Jesus Bautista, Savannah Briggs, Nancy Calvillo, Sara Carr, Dulce Casados, Ezequiel Casados,
Brook Clark, Arely Cruz, Marianna Cruz, Rebeca Cruz, Alex de Anda, Bryan de Anda, Justin Deras, Juan Espinoza, Ramiro Espinoza,
Lisa Estrada, Ryan Farr, Jesus Flores, Steven Flores, Rhegan Gage, Guadalupe Galvan, Gustavo Garcia, Sergio Garcia, Laura Gomez,
Ramon Gomez, Hannah Hale, Ashley Hernandez, Brandy Hernandez, Christopher Hernandez, Emiliano Hernandez, Katie
Hernandez, Nicholas Hruby, Jocelyn Juarez, Kelsey Kagan, Christopher Lavigne, Kesia Lopez, Ava Lopez, Benjamin Martin, Daniela,
Martinez, Nayeli Martinez, Veronica Martinez, Carlos Morales, Elizabeth Morales, Ailyn Moreno, Jacqueline Moreno, Jocelyn
Moreno, Jonathan Moreno, Magno Moreno, Vianney Muñoz, Selena Murrieta, Richard O’Brien, Hialmar Olivares, Hiromy Ortiz,
Aldo Perez, Gabriela Perez, Osvaldo Perez, Jocelin Rangel, Koby Reagan, Jose Reyes, Paola Robledo, Shawn Rodriguez, Esmeralda
Rojas, Marina Rojas, Kailey Ruiz, Kevin Ruiz, Jasmin Sanchez, Elian Saucedo, Evelyn Saucedo, Sienna Smith, Jordan Solis,
Darianna Sosa, Mark Stiles, Blaine Tanner, Eileen Toledo, Elizabeth Tornicasa, Jefreey Udave, Jovanny Velazquez,
Cassandra Ventura, Juan Ventura, Adilene Zamora
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Cuarto Domingo de Pascua
Mother’s Day 2014
To all of you who enjoy the blessing of
having brought new life into this world,
you who are mothers, may this be a
most joyful day and may you be
honored by your families as is fitting.
Kermit the Frog of Muppet fame sang
about it not being easy to be green.
You may hear me complain during the
time God gives me with this parish that
it is not easy preparing homily material
for any given Sunday BECAUSE….
There is a liturgical calendar that
determines the feasts, seasons, readings
and proper prayers. Then there is a
civil calendar that gives us federal and
state holidays, heroes, events and
concerns to be honored and
remembered. Then there is breaking
news of war, natural disasters, or health
issues and such. All of these things
clamor for the preacher’s attention,
direction or response.
Today, the liturgical calendar gives us
Jesus speaking of the Good Shepherd
in John’s Gospel and declares this to be
the world day of prayer for vocations.
In the United States this Sunday is
Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is on the
10th of May in Mexico, Guatemala and
El Salvador regardless of the day of the
week that the 10th may be, like the 4th
of July is here.
So, on any given Sunday to which
theme is the homilist to pay attention?
I almost always give priority to the
readings of the day. BUT mothers,
motherhood, and such are primal
themes, essential to life as we know it.
We can joke or ponder about which
came first, the chicken or the egg, but
at a personal level our mothers came
first. Without them we would not have
life at all. They are our first teachers
about life, love, responsibility, grace
and forgiveness. Some mothers
struggle under the burden, most fulfill
their role admirably with no small
measure of gracefulness.
I raise a toast today and ask God’s
blessing for all women who have the
honor to be called mother. I thank
God for my own mother and for the
gift of life she gave me. May our hearts
be grateful for that which we have
received from them, may our eyes be
open to appreciate the challenges and
sacrifices the bore for us, may our ears
be open to hear the wisdom they have
shared with us. May God bless them
through us as he has blessed us through
This is a photo of my own mother used
in a newspaper ad for the company
where she worked. It was taken shortly
before her death. She is on the left.
Saturday, May 10th
5:00 PM ....... For the 1st Anniversary of the death of Mrs. Deidre Etheridge,
requested by the Mahorner family
Sunday, May 11th
8:00 AM ....... For the health of Arnold Pelletier and Carroll Pelletier,
requested by Patty LaBonte
10:00 AM ..... For our Parish families
12:00 PM ..... Por Thania González en agradecimiento a Dios por haberse
graduado del colegio, a petición de Rubí Cedillo
Laura’s Morning Hours
∼Mon - Wed
Juana’s Sun. & Afternoon Hours
∼Mon - Tue
Monday, May 12
Clases de Ingles II
St. Bartholomew
Tuesday, May 13
Rosary & Morning Prayer Sanctuary
Prayer Group
6:00 pm
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
Wednesday, May 14
8:30 am
Rosary & Morning Prayer Sanctuary
Communion Service
9:00 am
St. Bartholomew 6:00 pm
Clases de Ingles II
Brass Players
La Salette Hall
6:00 pm
St. Simon
6:30 pm
Thursday, May 15
Rosary & Morning Prayer Sanctuary
St. Judas
Loving Hands Group
Clases de Ingles I
St. Thomas
8:30 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
6:00 pm
Friday, May 16
Rosary & Morning Prayer Sanctuary
Holy Hour
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
Saturday, May 17
9:00 am
Carr Baptism
St. Judas
10:00 am
Children’s Knitting
La Salette Hall
11:00 am
Sanctuary/Cry Room 3:30 pm
5:00 pm
Sunday, May 18
Kenyan Group Mtg
St. Judas
Kenyan Mass
8:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
4:00 pm
The mission of St. Francis Faith Formation is to support and encourage Catholic parents in their
vocation of forming their children in the Catholic faith.
Now the order which prevails in human
society is wholly incorporeal in nature.
Its foundation is truth, and it must be
brought into effect by justice. It needs to
be animated and perfected by men's love
for one another, and, while preserving
freedom intact, it must make for an
equilibrium in society which is
increasingly more human in character.
But such an order—universal, absolute
and immutable in its principles—finds
its source in the true, personal and
transcendent God. He is the first truth,
the sovereign good, and as such the
deepest source from which human
society, if it is to be properly constituted,
creative, and worthy of man's dignity,
draws its genuine vitality. (26) This is
what St. Thomas means when he says:
"Human reason is the standard which
measures the degree of goodness of the
human will, and as such it derives from
the eternal law, which is divine reason . .
. Hence it is clear that the goodness of
the human will depends much more on
the eternal law than on human
reason." (37-38)
ost loving God and Father,
you created us in your image and
likeness and blew into us the Spirit of life,
a portion of your own divine Spirit. In the
fullness of time you sent your Son to live
among us, to witness to your glory and to
redeem us by his sacrifice on the cross.
We confess, Father, that all that we have,
all that we are able to do is your gift to us.
You have blessed us beyond what we could
ever deserve.
As grateful stewards we return to you, in
the service of your divine kingdom, a
portion of the time, talents and treasure
that we have received in honor of your
goodness to us.
Lord God, we want to be your good and
faithful servants.
The Council of
Catholic Women will
be hosting
a day retreat open to
all men and women in
the parish. The retreat
will be held on
Saturday, May 31st from 9 am to 4 pm.
Our beloved and dynamic Fr. Roy Lee will
be our guest speaker for the retreat, so
please save the date and plan on an
exhilarating day with the Lord!
Excerpt of Pope John XXIII’s Pacem in Terris, Provided
by Justice & Peace Ministries, Archdiocese of Atlanta
*To receive the weekly excerpts by
email, send a request to, with “Praying
Pacem in Terris” in the subject line.
Registration for Faith
Formation is now
open. To enroll,
please see Amparo
Paniagua at the Faith
Formation office or
print a registration
online on our
REGISTRATIONOur Summer Seminarian,
Mr. José Caudillo, from Gainesville,
Georgia will be here at St. Francis in June
and July. José is in his third year of
college studies at St. Joseph´s Seminary
in Covington, Louisiana. It will a special
joy, as it was last summer with Tim
Nadolski, to have a seminarian who is a
native of this Archdiocese.
Faith Formation Summer Session
registration has begun, each session is
limited to 40 students. June 23-27 (this
session is already filled!) and July 7-12
8am-5pm. For more information, please
contact Cindy Caughman at
770-382-4549 Ext. 17 or
You are invited
to a tea party!
All ladies 16 and
are invited to
May 17th 2pm-4pm
the CCW for
LaSalette Hall
New Family Portrait Directory
Sign up for your family portrait today.
Everyone who participates will receive a
complimentary 8 x 10 professional family
portrait, plus a Smart Phone App. And a
printed book.
The dates for photography will be: May
15th, 16th, 17th. We need everyone to
participate to help make this directory
current and up to date.
Quick Tip for our photos: Wearing solid
bright colors is something to keep in mind
to help your portraits look fresh and crisp.
Thank you for your participation and smile!
Time is flying by and our Church Directory
is progressing beautifully. We need all
members participating to insure that the
new directory will be completed.
If you have not scheduled an appointment,
please sign up NOW. Families who may
have forgotten are being contacted by
phone as a reminder that we need everyone
for this important event. Remember,
for a successful directory program we need
every one of our church families
An attractive new church family directory
for the membership is in process. This
professionally designed directory will
include family portraits of all members, and
a roster of the church membership names,
addresses, and phone numbers.
Families that are photographed and who
have approved their portrait will get a free
copy of the new church directory.
Additional quality family portraits will be
offered at competitive prices.
Your family is needed to help make this
directory complete. SIGN UP NOW. Sign
up posters located in the church lobby for
your convenience, or call the parish office
at 770-382-4549 ext. 10 during the week. A
professional photographer will begin taking
family portraits at the church on May
RSVP by May 15th
678-986-9413 or
The mural behind the names
depicts the ruins of San
Damiano Church, Italy where St. Francis
received the commission from God to
rebuild His Church. In the distance the
town of Assisi overlooks his efforts.
Just as St. Francis rebuilt this small country
Church, so we have built our Church for the
Please pray for our active duty Military
Paul Varvel
Deidre Brou
José Dias
Jessica Dias
John Wallner
Chris Echevarría
Chris Soares
Will Chastain
Zachary Chaffin
C. J. Osier
May 10-11 - St. Francis Building Fund
BIRTHDAY THIS WEEKMay 12thEvelyn Alvarado, Jason Barrett,
Cornelius Harris, Nicholas
Kraut, Jose Moreno, Hugo
Rangel Jr., Raciel Reyes, Rylee
Romero and Molly Wilson
May 13thDan Burge, Jesus Diaz, Erastus
Kihungi, Alexis Kraut, Tracey
McLeod, Elizabeth O’Connor
and Alondra Quintero
May 14thSusana Calderon, Jhon De la
Rosa and Bernarda Serrano
May 15thAna Arbelaez, Karen Culberson,
Imelda Martinez, Alan Ortiz and
Alice Terry
May 16thJorge Fonseca, Molly Ketchel,
Lloyd Medina, Charles Redmon,
Constancio Robledo and Jessica
May 17thJames Arvid, Darien Cemprom,
Alex Chavez, Viggo Del Pozo,
Fareed Kadum, Johan Poroj and
Laurie Wallner
While we appreciate your donations to the
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, please send
any contributions directly to:
Archbishop’s Annual Appeal
P.O. Box 6065
Albert Lea, MN
Thank you for your support of the Appeal.
May 18thCecilia Betancourt, Baylee
Evans, Julio Fonseca, Jacinta
Kihiu and Esteban Toribio Jr.
"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with
The "Hail Mary" is based on the angel
Gabriel's greeting to Mary in the book of
Luke. St. Luke portrays Mary as the model
disciple because she exemplifies the
teachings of Christ. It is my favorite
prayer. In fact, May is my favorite
month. It brings back all the memories of
the May Crowning, the music and the
devotion we learned at a very young age
from our Moms, our Grandmothers and
the Sisters who taught us in our past lives.
The stories of Mary all revolve around her
patience, her strength in a time of despair
as she watched her beloved Son die and her
acceptance of her role as a model for all
Catholic women.
And here we are. Most of us came from
some place else. Some of us were
transferred. Some of us came to avoid one
more winter of snow and ice. Some came
on vacation and decided this would be a
great place to retire. We brought our faith
and our traditions with us. We came to a
place where our numbers were likely much
smaller that they were in other areas.
Today's theologians are in agreement that
we didn't arrive here because of that variety
of reasons. But rather, it is the will of the
Holy Spirit. We came here to share our
faith and to make it known to those who
are not familiar with our worship and our
traditions. Have you thought of yourself as
an evangelist? We have brought our
treasured traditions and we have rethought
our roles from the 1950s, 60s and 70s. We
are the faithful of the 2000s. We slogged
our way through changes in language,
changes in the apparel of our Sisters,
changes in the roles of our clergy and a
plethora of other "alterations in style." I
still don't understand that word
"consubstantial." We are professionals
when it comes to living through
changes. And, in addition to that, though
they were difficult, we know that they were
right thing to do.
It seems we have a new role in a new
location. We are called to step out into our
community and make ourselves
known. We are called to invite our
brothers and sisters to come join us in
social affairs and in opening our traditions
to those who have only heard about
us. Those of us who involve our lives in
Community Outreach ask you to join us in
making our presence known in the
community. It is the mission of this
ministry to be present to the needs of our
We support as many of the non-profit
organizations in Bartow County as we can
possibly manage. We are called to support
those who are hungry, jobless, in need of
clothing and those who value life and work
towards saving the unborn. This week, we
have made our first stop at the refuge for
battered women. We have, on a few
occasions, sent a woman to this haven in
cases where she may not have felt
safe. This week, when we called, they were
pleased to hear from us and they welcomed
our offer of support. We delivered several
bags of toiletries which are always a need
for those who have come in an emergency.
Luckily, we have found a source of Pop
Tarts at a very reasonable price. We can
buy a case for about $50.00. The price is
right and they deliver the case to our front
door. If you have been donating Pop
Tarts, would you like to take a white
envelope every week or every month and
put five dollars or ten dollars in the
envelope? Put "Outreach" on the front of
the envelope and put it in the
collection. By the way, $20.00 is perfectly
acceptable. The Pop Tarts are given to the
Back Pack Program during the school year
and to the Summer Program for Kids
during the summer.
Our homeless shelters are always in need of
groceries and cleaning supplies. Toiletries
are an essential. Some personal items, we
buy at the dollar stores. Cleaning supplies
can be purchased through a
warehouse. We shop wherever we get the
best prices. We are committed to using
your donations with great care.
We are known in our community as
generous givers and that is how we should
be known. We can do more. We can reach
more people. We can tell the story of our
faith in an instant by responding to the
needs in our community. Thus, we always
need your financial support. Being there
when needed is easy for us. Our next
logical step is to make our neighbors
welcome to come to our worship and to
see us celebrate our traditions and
understand who we are. Theologians tell us
we were sent here for a specific reason. We
must be about doing what we sent to do.
Respect for Life Prayer
God of life and love
You created us in Your image
And sent Your Son to bring us life.
Instill in us a respect for all life,
From conception to natural death.
Empower us to work for justice for the poor.
Nourish us that we may bring food to the hungry.
Inspire us to cherish the fragile life of the unborn.
Strengthen us to bring comfort
to the chronically ill.
Teach us to treat the aging with dignity
and respect.
Bring us one day into the glory of everlasting life.
We ask through Christ our Lord.
Saint Francis of Assisi Loving Hands
knitting and crocheting ministry welcomes
you to visit with them each Thursday from
10:00 am to noon here at St. Francis.
We will teach beginners to knit and crochet
and we encourage and teach our members
to learn new knitting and crocheting skills.
We also support other ministries such as
the Military Ministry and the Meals on
Wheels Ministry. We help the needy, the
sick and homebound by providing knitted/
crocheted items to nursing homes and
Tallatoona Pre-School students.
If you are looking to help others, be
creative, and socialize, we welcome you to
join us.
Carole Day 770-845-8003 and Kay Nealy
Next meeting will be on Wednesday, May
14 at 6:30 PM in the LaSalette Hall. All the
ladies of the Parish are invited to join this
wonderful Ministry.
Mission Statement:
The National Council of Catholic Women
acts through its members to support,
empower and educate all Catholic women
in spirituality, leadership and service.
NCCW programs respond with Gospel
values to the needs of the Church and
society in the modern world.
Cuarto Domingo de Pascua
Entré al cuarto del hospital, con una
flamante camisa de cuello romano, una
bien recién marcada, releída y seriamente
estudiada Biblia bajo el brazo: era el
seminarista-soldado que llegaba a su
primera batalla en el frente pastoral para
instruir, guiar y consolar. En el primer
momento no vi a nadie en la cama, sólo
tubos y alambres de monitores que
terminaban misteriosamente entre las
sábanas. Finalmente pude distinguir la
figura frágil debajo de ellas, un cuerpo
calvo y enflaquecido por los tratamientos.
La voz me pareció salir de sus ojos
hundidos y persistentes que se lanzaban
en mi dirección con sorprendente vigor:
"¡Si me lee ese *&(^!%$##%!! salmo del
pastor, arranco el *&(^!%$##%!! enchufe
yo misma!" Abruptamente me senté en la
silla más cercana, no porque necesitaba
quedarme en el cuarto, sino porque mis
piernas se sintieron flaquear y pensé que
me fallaban. Cuando la cabeza dejó de
darme vueltas miré a mi alrededor y noté
cantidad de tarjetas con el Salmo 23,
"Huellas en la arena" y otras. Yo tenía mi
Biblia con la punta doblada en el Salmo
23, pero el Espíritu Santo -como sucede
muchas veces- vino a rescatarme y me
guió a una hoja anterior. Juntos rezamos,
"Dios mío, Dios mío, ¿por qué me has
Más tarde me enteré que nadie había
permitido a esa mujer, tan seriamente
enferma, procesar espiritualmente la
angustia y el enfado que sentía por su
enfermedad. Semanas más tarde, ella me
dijo: "Siempre pensé que era la tarea del
Pastor no dejarme caer en el valle de la
muerte; ahora sé que su tarea es estar allí
conmigo." Estos pensamientos parecerán
extraños durante el tiempo de Pascua,
pero nos recordamos del Buen Pastor
rezando el Salmo 22, abandonado en la
cruz, sólo hace unas pocas semanas. Al
escuchar y cantar sobre las imágenes
consoladoras del pastor, es bueno que
recordemos que hay alguien
probablemente sentado cerca de nosotros
que está en un valle oscuro, o que tal vez
nosotros mismos estemos atravesando
por uno, o tal vez estamos por entrar en
uno que no sospechamos. Pero tenemos
la fe de la resurrección para pastorearnos;
una fe que no sólo vive en nosotros, sino
en la Iglesia, el Cuerpo de Cristo, en
nuestro Buen Pastor resucitado y vivo por
el Espíritu. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Company
El tono de alegría de
los tres domingos
pasados se ensombrece
hoy. Las tres lecturas
nos recuerdan el
sufrimiento, la muerte
y el pecado. Nosotros,
igual que la audiencia
de Pedro en la primera lectura, podemos
preguntar, "¿Qué tenemos que hacer?" Y la
respuesta es la misma: Tenemos que
convertirnos. O, como Pedro dice en su
primera carta, nos hemos extraviado como
las ovejas perdidas y tenemos que regresar
al pastor.
En el Evangelio de hoy Jesús se describe a
sí mismo como el pastor y sabemos que fue
una de las primeras imágenes de Cristo en
la Iglesia de los apóstoles. El pasaje de hoy
continúa el tema más sombrío de las dos
primeras lecturas. El peligro acecha y las
ovejas necesitan protección. Podrían seguir
un guía falso, podrían ser robadas o
destruidas. Sólo con Jesús estarán a salvo.
Sólo con Jesús lograremos la vida eterna.
El orden vigente en la sociedad es todo
él de naturaleza espiritual. Porque se
funda en la verdad, debe practicarse
según los preceptos de la justicia, exige
ser vivificado y completado por el amor
mutuo, y, por último, respetando
íntegramente la libertad, ha de
ajustarse a una igualdad cada día más
humana. (37-38)
Extraído del Pacem in Terris del Papa Juan XXIII,
Suministrado por Los Ministerios de Justicia y Paz,
Arquidiócesis de Atlanta
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Si desea recibir los extractos semanales por
correo electrónico, envíe su petición a, y escriba
“Reflexionando sobre la Pacem in Terris” en
la Línea de asunto.
CLASES DE INGLES Las clases de Inglés del nivel 2 continúan
todos los Lunes y Miércoles a las 6 pm. Las
clases de los principiantes son los Jueves a
las 6 pm. Para mas información, por favor
póngase en contacto con Marjorie Jiménez
al 678-736-0631.
DACA: Deferred Action for Childhood
Think Inside the Box
Mr. Gary Furin, an Immigration Attorney
from Atlanta has offered to do 25
applications for the DACA free of charge.
To find out more GET THE BOX!
Ask Elvis Hernandez 770-596-2083
Or Nuria Martinez 678-620-6099 or speak
to them after Mass about getting a BOX
that has the information you need.
Sacramento de la Reconciliación
Todos los sábados de 3:30 PM a 4:30 PM.
Para confesiones privadas llame a la
oficina para hacer una cita.
moroso y Bondadoso Dios y
Padre, tu nos hiciste en tu imagen y
semejanza y soplaste en nosotros el
Espíritu de la vida, una porción de tu
propio Espíritu Divino. En la plenitud de
los tiempos tu enviaste a tu Hijo para vivir
entre nosotros, para dar testimonio de tu
gloria y para redimirnos por su sacrificio en
la cruz.
Profesamos, Padre, que todo lo que
tenemos y todo lo que podemos hacer es
por los dones que tu nos has dado. Tu nos
has bendecido mas de lo que merecemos.
Como mayordomos agradecidos
devolvemos a ti para el servicio de tu reino
divino, una porción del tiempo, talentos y
tesoro que hemos recibido en honor de tu
bondad para con nosotros.
Señor Dios, queremos ser tus buenos y
fieles servidores.
Please remember those who are sick and their loved ones in your daily prayers. To add a name to the list, please call the
secretary at 770-382-4549 x 10.
Harbeke, Brian
Harper, Robert
Hartman, Julie
Hassan, Ramina
Hauss, Robert
Hazelgrove, Jane
Hickom, Lewis
Higgins, Gerald
Holbrook, Angela
Holmes, Paula
Horton, Alyson
Horton, Scotty
Hudson, Diane
Hunnicutt, Aaron
Isaac, Tammy
Kraut, Ron
Krickich, Walter
Kreuz, Ken
Kubeczka, Vincent
Lechutta, Emily
Whom To Call
Fax Number: ........ 770-382-4506
Secretary ................ Mrs. Laura Adams ................. 770-382-4549 ext. 10
(Morning Hours)
Secretary ................ Mrs. Juana Cruz ..................... 770-382-4549 ext. 10
(Afternoons & Sundays)
Pastor ................... Msgr. Daniel Stack ................ 770-382-4549 ext. 10
Deacon .................. Rev. Mr. Miguel Echevarría . 770-382-4549 ext. 10
Bookkeeper .......... Mrs. Debi Borgelt ................. 770-382-4549 ext. 15
Building ................. Secretary ................................. 770-382-4549 ext. 10
CCW ...................... Mrs. Kathleen Kolp .............. 770-334-3312
Church Shop ........ Mrs. Janet Rooney ................. 770-386-1405
Clases de Inglés .... Ms. Marjorie Jiménez............ 678-736-0631
Pastoral Care Mty Ms. Kay Nealey ..................... 770-382-3296
Homebound Mty . Mrs. Rita Belisle ..................... 770-382-4482
Faith Formation ... Mrs. Amparo Paniagua ......... 770-382-4549 ext. 16
Youth Minister ..... Ms. Cindy Caughman ........... 770-382-4549 ext. 17
Finance .................. Mr. Mike Horner ................... 770-606-9833
K of C ................... Mr. Adam Martin .................. 770-382-3296
La Salette Hall ...... Secretary ................................. 770-382-4549 ext. 10
Liturgy ................... Rev. Mr. Miguel Echevarría . 770-382-4549 ext. 10
Loving Hands....... Mrs. Carole Day .................... 770-845-8003
Music ..................... Mrs. Patty Kincaid ................ 770-314-3881
Music-Funerals ..... Mr. Jack Kerrigan .................. 770-445-6300
Outreach ............... Mrs. Lenore DeMarco .......... 770-383-3115
................................ Mrs. Kathy Barmore ............. 770-966-1148
Parish Council ...... Mr. Ron Barmore .................. 770-966-1148
Sound Tech .......... Mr. Josh Yates ....................... 678-206-4961
Yarn Angels .......... Ms. Kay Nealey ..................... 770-382-3296
Sat 5:00 pm......... Mrs. Flo Lundee .................... 770-386-3407
............................. Mike and Jean Annis ............. 770-974-4139
Sun 8:00 am ........ Dr. Jean Johnson ................... 770-607-9475
............................. Bob and Barbara Forth ........ 770-425-7967
Sun 10:00 am...... Ron and Lisa Mazur.............. 770-386-0528
................................ Mr. Tom Russell .................... 770-382-1417
Dom 12:00 pm... Javier y Elisabeth López...... 678-283-3073
............................. J. Cruz Morales ...................... 678-574-5160
Sacristan .............. Mrs. Mary Struebing ............. 770-607-0640
Lee, Haley
Leonard, Alyssa
Little, Gavin
Lockhart, Katy
Luscri, Josephine
Lynch, Joe
Lyon, Marcus
Mahany, Angela
Martínez, Alondra
Matherne, Paul
McKeever, Kat
Metz, Debbie
Morris, Bobby
Mullins, Holly
Nicole, Michel
O’Connor, Betsy
Orwick, Ida Mae
Owens, Will
Parmenter, Linda
Pogue, Michelle
Ponce, Rafael
Popham, R. J.
Proctor, Jenna
Quibano, Mercedes
Redondo, Jose
Roberts, Cade
Roquette, Bonnie
Ross, Carolyn
Ruggirello, Paul
Sands, Lisa
Schielke, Shirley
Smith, Barbara
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Trace
Smith, Velma
Stone, Cherrie
Stout, Barbara
Swanson, Dave
Tidwell, Kathy
Thomas, Linda
Thorne, Pearl
Trahan, Catlin
Trahan, Leon
Turner, Pearl
Vasquez, María
Velez, Grimilda
Ward, Eric
Webster, Morgan
Welsandt, Truman
Williams, Marjorie
Wiltrout, Marilyn
Wise, Matthew
Wurm, Nicholas
Cruse, Mary Anne
Cruwys, Phyllis
Deyo, Lorraine
Dubey, Dorothy
Dugat, Sean
Ely, Gregory
Emory, James
Eutuzzi, Jim
Ferguson, Bill
Fontanez, Lilian
Forth, Arainna
Fritz, Daniel T.
Fritz, Pamela
Galloway, Cammy
Gargula, Chris
Giannelli, Andrea
Giannelli, Maryanne
Gillem, Carol
Gorman, Lorie
Griffith, Teresa
Msgr. Daniel Stack:
Deacon Miguel Echevarría:
Laura Adams:
Juana Cruz:
Debi Borgelt: Bookkeeper
Amparo Paniagua: Dir. Of FF
Cindy Caughman: Youth Dir.
850 Douthit Ferry Road Cartersville, GA 30120
Teaching English Here
Marjorie Jimenez 678-736-0631
Dhays Gruber 787-630-5856
Teaching English at Douglas
United Methodist Church
Lenore DeMarco 770-383-3115
Bartow Collaborative
Kathy Barmore 770-966-1148
Respect for Life
Lucille Ussery
Military Outreach Ministry
Miles Chesley 770-382-4549 x10
Meals on Wheels
Theresa Corcoran 770-386-9413
Week of May 3rd & 4th
Barrett, Linda
Bassett, Marc
Beavers, Dianne
Beddy, Ellen
Behringer, Mary
Boivin, Doris
Bond, Sandy
Boysen, Dolores
Brody, Neal
Brown, Jim
Burger, Christopher
Buxton, Hayden
Calver, Alan
Canine, Bob
Casale, Sam
Castro, Merced
Caughman, Allie
Chernega, Jeff
Childers, Matt
Cosgrove, Debbie
5:00 pm ................................ 152 ......................... $1,726.25
8:00 am. ................................ 140 ......................... $1,643.50
10:00 am ............................... 265 ......................... $1,829.34
12:00 pm............................... 386 ......................... $1,049.00
Mailed In ............................................................... $ 404.00
Online Giving ...................... 12 ........................... $ 495.00
TOTALS. ............................ 943 ......................... $7,147.09
Capital Campaign.............................................. $1,600.00
May God Bless our contributors for their generosity today and everyday.