May 1, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral


May 1, 2016 - St. James Catholic Cathedral
St. James Cathedral
215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801
Phone: 407-422-2005—Fax: 407-422-2009
Month of
Mother of All
May 1, 2016
Reverend John McCormick
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Vilaire Philius
Rev. Serge Pardo
David Gray , Carlos Sola &
Patrick McAvoy
Pastoral Ministry:
Sr. Mary Katherine Palisin, SND
School Principal: Dawn Helwig
Bishop of Orlando
Most Reverend John Noonan
The joke is that it is difficult to find a guilty person in prison. We all seem to have an
explanation for our missteps and quite often it is just not my fault. The alibi varies from the
way I was raised. to the supervisor at work. or the priest in the confessional. “The lap top
made me do it.” The Easter season has almost reached its conclusion. Where do I find
myself as we near Ascension and Pentecost and must assume responsibility for the spreading
of the Gospel? It is true that there are many things happening in the world around me that
are contrary to my faith based beliefs. I am reminded of something that Cardinal John
Henry Newman wrote : “I thank God that I live in a day when the enemy is outside the
Church, and I know where he is and what he is up to. But, I foresee a day when the enemy
will be both inside and outside the Church… And I pray now for the faithful who will be
caught in the crossfire.” This can be a reference to shepherds who have misled the flock, but
also to myself, if simply I am not as good as I should be. Even St. Paul would admit, “I
know what is right, but I do what is wrong.” Sometimes, it is just me.
This past Saturday, April 23, early in the evening, we were treated to some wonderful
German food by Willow Tree Cafe and our own Dan Witucki and his group provided us with
some great and enjoyable German music entertainment. While we should be concerned
about what is not right in our lives, see the good that is around us. We celebrate investiture, a
life of commitment to service at the altar of countless generations of young men and
women, several of whom are off to another facet of their lives. On the other hand, it would
be a welcome achievement if we could put the Catholic Appeal to bed as it were. At this
juncture, we are $7,330.73 short of our goal with a participation of 26.5% of
registered households. Out there somewhere, I pray souls will say, “Sometimes, it is just
God Bless,
Fr. John
There will be a baby bottle
fundraiser to benefit JMJ Life
Center. Empty baby bottles will be
distributed on Mothers’ Day
weekend, May 7-8, at each Mass.
Take a bottle home and put your
spare change in , then return the filled bottles the
weekend of June 4-5. If you want to make a
donation by check, make it payable to JMJ
Pregnancy Center. Thank you for your help!
On Sunday, May 8, at the
10:30 AM Mass, we will honor
the Blessed Mother with a
traditional May crowning. All
children who received First
Holy Communion this year are
asked to wear their communion
attire and bring a flower or bouquet to offer
to the Blessed Mother during the Mass.
Tickets are on sale for this fabulous fiesta with dinner
and music on Saturday, May 14 in the Social Hall.
Dinner is at 6 PM, show begins at 7 PM. Don't miss
this night of fun. Bring the family! Tickets are available in the Parish Office and order forms are available on the website. If you need further assistance,
contact Elizabeth at 407-422-2005 ext 106 or Valerie
Please remember in your prayers
our parishioners who are ill,
Helen Gladas, Kathleen Muldoon,
Walter Znosko
Married Couples, would you like a special weekend at San Pedro where you will find a peaceful
and God-centered atmosphere for you and your
spouse? Do something GREAT for your marriage! The next Diocesan Marriage Encounter is
May 20-22. For more information or to register,
call Bob & Sheila at 407-647-4289 or
WWME.ORG. You will be glad you did!
Frank Sevick
WANTED: Part-time maintenance
workers for the Cathedral.
Details, qualifications and the
application are available on our
website at, or
call Larry at 407-422-2005.
Vigil (Saturday) 4 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Spanish),
5 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole)
Weekdays: 7 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8 AM
Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM
Adoration and Exposition: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon Pro-life Holy Hour Wednesday 6 PM
A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple
“…do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”
John 14:27
Dubsdread Ballroom
Doors open for registration at 5:30pm,
gaming runs from 6-8:30pm
Join us for a chance to win prizes, mingle with
incredible people and enjoy classic casino
games like Blackjack, Roulette, Craps and slot
machines. Tickets: Early bird tickets are $40
until May 15, $50 after and at the door. Price
includes $25,000 in casino chips, two drink
tickets (beer, wine, soda) along with hot hors
d'oeuvres. A cash bar is available. Email for tickets.
Our limited human understanding cannot begin to
understand the immense power of God. Instead of
trusting in God, we think we can control every
outcome. Do you want to make God laugh? Tell
Him your plans. The next time worry, anxiety or fear
creeps in, thank God for all He has given you and
trust He has a better plan for you.
Stewardship April 16 & 17
St. Vincent de Paul
For your convenience, electronic funds transfer and credit
card giving is available at
Thank you for placing God first!
Children grades KK -8
summer 2016
S O A R Saints On A Road
Upcoming SOAR Events
July 7-9 Real Orlando 2016 at St. James Cathedral.
Save the dates for these middle school service days!
All 6-8 graders. This event will count for
Confirmation Service.
For more information, email
Stay connected with us on Instagram! sjcsoar
St. James School Drama Club presents:
Join us for an adventure Under the Sea!
Thursday, May 12 at 7 PM
Friday, May 13 at 7 PM
SJCS Assembly Hall
Tickets: $5. Cash only please.
Concessions, flowers and more will be available for
purchase and all proceeds support the SJCS Drama Club.
If you are looking for fun ways to introduce your
child to new experiences,
experiences please consider our
Summer Program.
Program Whether your child is
interested in exploring new interests, creating
original artwork or learning a new language,
St. James Cathedral School has something for
For more information ,contact
Jeff at 407=841-4432 ext 107
Come join PRIME TIMERS on
Monday, May 16 at 1 PM in the
Social Hall for our annual farewell
pizza party! No formal program is
planned, just time for fellowship and
fun and saying goodbye until September. This will
be the final luncheon for the 2015/16 year. We will
resume on Monday, September 19. mark your
calendars now for the first meeting of the
2016/1717 year. Luncheon reservations are
required no later than MONDAY, May 9 for the
luncheon on Monday, May 16.
For reservations, phone Mary Alice
at 407-423-4433 and leave a
message. Cash donations for lunch
will be accepted at the door.
Bishop John Noonan invites you to the Diocese of
Orlando’s annual
Corpus Christi
procession on Sunday,
May 29, the Solemnity
of the Most Holy Body
and Blood of Christ.
Join Catholics from
across the Diocese of
Orlando to publicly
express our belief in
Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed
Sacrament. Bishop Noonan will lead the
procession at the Basilica of the National Shrine of
Mary, Queen of the Universe (8300 Vineland Ave.
in Orlando) as participants pray, sing and reflect on
the Mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist. The
procession will follow the 6 PM Mass. Bishop
Noonan and participants will pray at Eucharistic
Altars of Repose, highlighting the music and
traditions of various ethnic communities in the
Diocese of Orlando. For further information, go
Monday, May 2
7:00 AM
12:10 PM Ken Giessuebel †
Tuesday, May 3
7:00 AM
12:10 PM
Wednesday, May 4
7:00 AM Pily Zelones
12:10 PM Dr. Ray T. Foster †
Thursday, May 5
7:00 AM
12:10 PM Paul & Jean Palisin †
Friday, May 6
7:00 AM
12:10 PM Irene Connors †
Saturday, May 7
8:00 AM Mounira Nasrallah †
12:10 PM Joseph & Mary Bowman †
Sunday, May 8
7:30 AM Anne Leblanc †
9:00 AM Joseph J. Groom †
10:30 AM Dolce Foyo †
12:15 PM Maria Begona Cid †
5:00 PM Marianna Colagiovanni †
Podría ser la persona en el espejo
La broma es que es difícil encontrar culpables
en la cárcel. Todos parecemos tener una
explicación para nuestros errores y
frecuentemente no es nuestra culpa. Las coartadas
varían desde esa fue la manera en que me criaron
hasta el supervisor en el trabajo o el sacerdote en
el confesionario. “La computadora me hizo
hacerlo”. El tiempo de Pascua ya casi llega a la
conclusión y, ¿dónde me encuentro cerca de la
Ascensión y de Pentecostés y debo asumir
responsabilidad por compartir el Evangelio? Es
cierto que hay muchas cosas pasando en el
mundo alrededor nuestro que son contrarias a mi
fe y a mis creencias. Me acuerdo de algo que el
Cardenal John Henry Newman escribió: “Le
agradezco a Dios que vivo en un momento en
que el enemigo está fuera de la Iglesia y sé dónde
está y qué está tramando. Pero preveo un día en
que el enemigo estará dentro y fuera de la
Iglesia…y oro ahora por los fieles que se
encontrarán con el fuego cruzado”. Esto puede
ser una referencia de los pastores que han
descarrilado a su rebaño, pero también a mí
mismo, ya que simplemente no soy tan bueno
como debo ser. Hasta San Pablo admitiría, “Sé lo
que está correcto, pero hago lo incorrecto”.
Este sábado pasado, 23 de abril, temprano en
la mañana, tuvimos la oportunidad de disfrutar
sabrosa comida alemana en el Willow Tree Café y
Dan Wituki presentó música alemana muy
agradable. Mientras deberíamos estar
preocupados por lo que no está bien en nuestras
vidas, veamos lo que es bueno a nuestro
alrededor. Celebramos la investidura, una vida
comprometida con el servicio al altar e
innumerables generaciones de jóvenes, hombres y
mujeres, muchos de los cuales están en otra faceta
de sus vidas. Por el otro lado sería bienvenido el
logro de cumplir con Nuestro Llamado Católico.
En este momento estamos cortos de nuestra meta
por $7,330.73 con una participación del 26.5% de
las familias registradas. Allá afuera, rezo por que
las almas digan, “algunas veces, soy yo”.
Dios los bendiga,
Padre John
Corresponsabilidad una forma de vida para un
discípulo agradecido
Colecta: 17 de abril……$1,818.87
¡Gracias por colocar a Dios primero!
Sábado, 4 de junio
Centro Familiar
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
5900 Oleander Dr.
8 AM – 5 PM
Costo: $10 (incluye desayuno y almuerzo)
Contactos: Carmen-407-281-9457

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