Saint Bruno Church - St. Bruno`s Catholic Church
Saint Bruno Church - St. Bruno`s Catholic Church
Saint Bruno Church St. Bruno Parish is a multi-cultural community, founded in 1912, that welcomes everyone to worship God, especially through the Holy Eucharist and Perpetual Adoration, to grow in the faith and to serve the less fortunate in order to be light and truth for others. 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10, 2011 MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS: Sunday 8:00 A.M., 12:00 P.M., 6:00 P.M. Domingo 10:00 A.M. Spanish Saturday 8:00 A.M., 4:30 P.M. (Vigil) Sabado 7:00 P.M. (Vigilia) Weekdays 8:00 A.M., 6:00 PM except Wed. 12 PM & 7:00 PM First Fridays and Holy Days: 8:00 AM & 7:00 PM 3RD FRIDAYS: 8:00 PM (SUNG ADORATION/OUR LADY’S PRAYER GRP) Filipino Mass bawat huling Linggo ng buwan 3:00 P.M. ANOINTING OF THE SICK/UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Please call the parish office when you know of anyone who would like to receive the sacraments but is unable to come to the church. Favor de llamar a la Oficina cuando usted sepa de alguien que quisiera recibir los sacramentos pero no puede venir a la Iglesia. “I will appoint shepherds after My own heart,” says the Lord. ”The Little Parish with a Big Heart” 555 West San Bruno Avenue San Bruno, CA 94066 Tel.: (650)588-2121 Fax: (650)588-6087 Website: OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA TUE.-SAT. 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 2:00 - 5:00 PM RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: (650)588-2121 Ext. 14 Saturday 9-11 a.m. PASTORAL STAFF/PERSONAL PARROQUIAL Rev. Michael Brillantes Pastor Rev. Santos Rodríguez Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Joseph H. Lavulo Deacon Rev. Mr. Ramon de la Rosa Deacon Bea Zamora Administrative Assistant Lupita Mendoza Front Desk Secretary Painisaipalesi Lautaimi Youth Minister Rey Matias Parish Bookkeeper Aulola Lavulo Pastoral Council Chair Maritza Aberouette Finance Council Chair Kacey Carey DRE Teresa Navarro CCD Spanish Veronica Rodriguez Confirmation Kathie Bassett R.C.I.A. * PARISH OFFICE CLOSED ON MONDAYS/CERRADA LOS LUNES * BAPTISMS/BAUTIZOS: Primer Sábado: 11:00 A.M. Clase Pre-Bautismal Segundo Sábado: 12:00 P.M. Bautismos Third Saturday: 11:00 A.M. Baptismal Class Fourth Saturday: 12:00 P.M. Baptisms CCD SCHEDULE/CATECISMO: Grades 1 - 7 Saturdays: 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. CONFIRMATION CLASS: Grades 8-12 Tuesdays starting with 6:00 P.M. Mass CONFESSIONS/CONFESIONES: Saturdays: 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM Wednesdays: 6 pm to 9 pm MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO: Arrangements must be made at least six months before the tentative date of the marriage. Hacer arreglos por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha de la boda. RCIA (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS): For adults interested in the Catholic Faith; those preparing to receive the Sacraments: Thu. 7:00 pm Main Hall Upper Room RICA (INICIACIÓN PARA ADULTOS): Para adultos interesados en la Fe Católica, por favor de llamar a la Oficina Parroquial. WELCOME TO ST. BRUNO CHURCH/ BIENVENIDOS At our Sunday Mass, we come together from all our small communities and celebrate our oneness in Christ. Take a little time to get to know the folks you are celebrating Mass with. En nuestra misa del domingo todas nuestras pequeñas comunidades nos juntamos para celebrar nuestra unión con Cristo. Tomen un poco de tiempo y trate de conocer a la persona que está a su lado acompañándolo en la Misa. . BULLETIN DEADLINE: Tuesday 3:00 p.m. REFLECTIONS / REFLECCIONES GOD’S WORDS Each day we are bombarded with thousands of words. From the moment our clock radios click on in the morning, until the last moment of the day when the television is turned off or someone bids us “good-night,” our life is filled with words. Some words that we hear bring news that leaves us feeling low. Some words lift our spirits. Many of the words we hear are trying to get us to buy something. Some words are hurtful. Today the Church focuses our attention on hearing the word of God. Are God’s words just more of the same—part of the endless stream of words that flow into our ears each day? The challenge today is to allow God’s word to inspire us in new ways so that our outlook and attitudes align themselves more closely with the heart and mind of Christ Jesus. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. LAS PALABRAS DE DIOS Cada día somos bombardeados por miles de palabras. Desde el momento en que suena el despertador en la mañana, hasta el último momento del día cuando apagamos el televisor o alguien nos dice “buenas noches”, tenemos la vida llena de palabras. Algunas palabras nos traen noticias que nos deprimen. Algunas palabras nos levantan el espíritu. Muchas de las palabras que escuchamos tratan de hacernos comprar algo. Algunas palabras son hirientes. Hoy la Iglesia nos hace prestar atención a la Palabras de Dios. ¿Son las Palabras de Dios igual que las demás –parte de una corriente sin fin de palabras que fluyen por nuestro oídos todos los días? El reto hoy es permitir que las Palabras de Dios nos inspiren renovando nuestra perspectiva y actitudes para que estén en mayor consonancia con el corazón y la mente de Cristo Jesús. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. FEAST OF FAITH Little Mysteries Two small rites—or, as one liturgist has called them, “little mysteries”—accompany the preparation of the gifts. The priest or deacon takes a small cruet of water from the server and adds a drop of water to the wine. Then, after the elevation of the chalice (and the incensation, if incense is used), the priest washes his hands. Both of these actions were at first practical, matter-of-fact realities: in the ancient world the wine was usually quite thick, and was generally mixed with water before it was drunk. And in the early church, when the faithful brought forward a great variety of gifts at this time, there was a definite need for the presider to wash his hands! But now these rites serve a purely symbolic function. The mingling of the water and wine is accompanied by a prayer that speaks of the wonderful exchange of the Mass, the mingling of Christ’s divinity and our humanity. And as the priest washes his hands, he prays words of supplication from Psalm 51, acknowledging his own sinfulness in the presence of the assembly before he dares to approach the altar for this most sacred action. —Corinna Laughlin, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” - John 14:23 FIESTA DE LA FE El Vino Mientras que el pan nos da la fuerza, el vino nos da la alegría. Su consumo no es tan esencial como el agua, pero al compartirlo hace sacra la vida aún más, refirma la amistad y significa también la vitalidad humana. El vino es la plenitud de la vida, es símbolo de la felicidad y prosperidad. Siendo el nuevo Israel, la Iglesia, es el nuevo vino que en ofrenda se presenta ante el altar. En el Antiguo Testamento el mismo pueblo de Dios fue comparado con una viña (Isaías 5:1 – 7). Al presentar el vino con el pan al altar, estamos simbolizando nuestra humanidad total, en sus procesos de cambio y aspiraciones más profundas. Este vino que ofrecemos, nos recuerda lo más íntimo y sagrado de un ser humano: su sangre y con ella la vida en todo sentido. Como cristianos, beberemos este mismo vino, siendo ya Sangre del Señor, porque con esta acción estamos dispuestos a beber su cáliz, a compartir su suerte, a asumir su cruz. Ofrecer pan y vino en el altar es ofrecer nuestra propia vida a hacernos pan para que todos coman; vino para que todos tengan vida en abundancia. —Miguel Arias, © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. “Si alguie me ama, el va a mantener Mi Palabra, y mi Padre lo amara, y Nosotros vendremos a el y hacer nuestra vivienda con el.” - Juan 14:23 Month of the Precious Blood “Could you not watch one hour with Me? Matt. 26:40 10 July 2011 PRAYER LIFE / ORACION DE VIDA PERPETUAL ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT ( 24/7 ) For information, please call (650)588-0572 ADORACION PERPETUA DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Para informacion, llame al (650)588-0572 “In His Presence is fullness of joy” Ps. 16:11b “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Luke 12:34 ST. BRUNO CHURCH GIFT SHOP is TEMPORARILY CLOSED until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience. PRAY FOR THE SICK / OREMOS POR LOS ENFERMOS Maritza Aberouette, Jose De Court, Gene Del Rosario, Jerry Espina, Bernice Fragulia, Joseph Garcia, Mary Harmon, Sara Lucchese, Frances Metcalf, Frank and Norma Miranda, Fely Mutiangpili, Tranquilino Nilo, Joaquin Ochoa, Vito Perrone, Sr., Antonio Ponce, Antonio Palafox, Jr., Tomasita Purganan, Veronica Rodriguez, Sedfrey Santos, Cynthia Salter, Kim Marie Scott, Aurora and Artemio Venegas, Rog Villaflor, Randy Wilson. PRAY FOR THE DEAD / OREMOS POR LOS DIFUNTOS For the eternal repose of the souls of: Adonita Bermudez, Zoila Chicas, Woodena Ann Crabtree, Juan Ibarra, Nemesio Gutierrez Gutierrez, James Alexander Henry, Carolina Llamas, Lt. Vincent Perez, Jack Perrone, Leopoldo Ponce, Francisco Prieto, Rosy Sanchez, and Anthony Valerio . Our deepest sympathy and prayers to those mourning the loss of a loved one. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 1:8-14, 22; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Tuesday: Ex 2:1-15a; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Ex 3:13-20; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Ex 12:37-42; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Wis 12:13, 16-19; Ps 86; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 [24-30] TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — My word will achieve the end for which it was sent (Isaiah 55:10-11). Psalm — The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest (Psalm 65). Second Reading — We, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan within ourselves awaiting the redemption of our bodies (Romans 8:18-23). Gospel — Some seed fell on rich soil and produced fruit (Matthew 13:1-23 [1-9]). Mass Intentions / Intenciones de laMisa SATURDAY, July 9th 4:30 pm Ranola Family—Thanksgiving Fely Paguio—Thanksgiving +Antonio Maggi +Milagros Zialcita +Inocencio Cuenco—Death Anniversary +Julia Gonzalez—1st Death Anniversary 7:00 pm +Marcelino Rodriguez — 11th Death Anniversary +Rodolfo Lopez +Isabel Loaiza— Death Anniv. +Maria Hernandez—1st Death Anniversary Margarita Avalos—Salud Ventura Ponce—Salud Guille Rodriguez—Birthday SUNDAY, July 10th 8:00 am +Lorenzo Villaflor 10:00 am +Marcelino Rodriguez 12:00 pm Carey Family—Thanksgiving 6:00 pm Janine and Josiel Almeda—Birthday/Thanksgiving MONDAY, July 11th Feast of St. Benedict 8:00 am +Carolina Llamas 6:00 pm +Holy Souls in Purgatory TUESDAY, July 12th 8:00 am Cynthia & Chris Johnson—Wedding Anniversary 6:00 pm Theresa M.— Special Intention WEDNESDAY, July 13th 8:00 am +Engracia Palad 12:00 pm Perla Santos — 71st Birthday/Safe travel THURSDAY, July 14th 8:00 am +Fanny Palad 6:00 pm Rog & Dee Villaflor—Special Intention FRIDAY, July 15th 8:00 am +Carolina Llamas 6:00 pm +Cesar Reyes SATURDAY, July 16th Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 8:00 am Rhaniel & Melen Rivera—Thanksgiving/Sp. Int. LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW Where has the Word of God landed in the good soil of your life, and how does it bear fruit? Where has it been choked out or lost? LA CORRESPONSABILIDAY VIVIDA AHORA Dónde ha caído la palabra de Dios en el terreno fértil de tu vida y cómo da su fruto? Cuándo la hemos asfixiado o perdido? Copyright c 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. LISTEN Listen and attend with the ear of your heart. - St. Benedict ESCUCHA Escucha y pon atención con el oído de tu corazón. - San Benito “You have crowned the year with your bounty, And your paths overflow with a rich harvest. - Psalm 65:12 Saint Bruno Parish / Iglesia de San Bruno Dear Parishioners: Please turn your cell phones OFF before entering the church. Thank you! Queridos Feligreses: Por favor APAGUE su cellular antes del entrar a la iglesia. Gracias! 2011 NO. CALIF. HOMESCHOOL CONFERENCE Learn about Catholic Homeschooling. Listen to world-class speakers. Take in a college panel… and more! Visit the Northern California Homeschool Conference and Curriculum Fair to be held in Napa on Saturday, July 16, 2011 8 am to 6 pm. Sponsored by Kolbe Academy and Ignatius Press. Call (707) 255-6499 ext. 5 for more information. FROM THE S.F. ARCHDIOCESE In the 3rd Announcement of Clergy Appointments, the Archbishop has notified us that Fr. Rafael De Avila will be joining St. Bruno’s Clergy Staff effective August 1, 2011. He comes from St. John the Evangelist, SF. May the Holy Spirit guide him on his new assignment! Welcome Fr. Rafael de Avila! I NOTICIAS DE LA ARQUIDIOCESIS S.F. En la tercera ronda del nombramiento del Clero, El Arzobispo nos ha informado que el Padre Rafael De Avila se unirá al equipo pastoral de Iglesia de San Bruno. El viene de la Parroquia de San Juan Evangelista, SF. Démosle la bienvenida y pidamos al Espíritu Santo lo guíe en su nueva tarea! Bienvenido Padre de Avila! Do you want to know how you stand in the love of God? Here is your gauge: the more the soul grows in divine love, the greater is its desire to suffer and to be humiliated. This is the sure sign of the sacred flame; the rest is all smoke. YOUR CONTRIBUTION / SU CONTRIBUCION We are grateful for your consistent financial support each Sunday. Please remember us in prayer and offering even when you are not able to be present. Agradecemos mucho su ayuda financiera de cada semana. Por favor recuérdenos en sus oraciones y en sus ofrendas aun cuando no pueda estar presente. JULY 2ND and JULY 3RD 1st Collection: $3, 495.31 2nd Collection: $ 1,102.03 Rel. Ed. Program TODAY’s 2nd Coll.: AAA Next week: Building Fund WEEKLY CALENDAR/CALENDARIO SEMANAL Saturday, July 9th Sabado 10 AM Mem. Mass +Raymond Herrera (CHURCH) 11 AM Baptismal Class (CHURCH) 12 PM Bautismo (IGLESIA) 2 PM Bilingual Wedding Mass Rodriguez/Cutler (CH) 7 PM Spanish choir practice c/o Lucio (ST. GABRIEL) Sunday, July 10th Domingo 1 PM CLP of the HOLD Handmaids (ST. MICHAEL) Monday, July 11th Lunes FEAST OF ST. BENEDICT 9:30a –2:30p Kids’ Summer Camp (MAIN HALL) 6 PM Alcoholics Anonymous in Spanish (ST. GABRIEL) 7 PM Estudio de Biblia (MAIN HALL) 7 PM Esquipulas (UPPER ROOM - small room) Tuesday, July 12th Martes 9:30a –2:30p Kids’ Summer Camp (MAIN HALL) 1 PM YLI (Conference Room) 2 PM Alcoholics Anonymous in Spanish (ST. GABRIEL) 8 PM Tongan Choir (CHURCH) Wednesday, July 13th Miercoles 9:30a –2:30p Kids’ Summer Camp (MAIN HALL) 1130 AM Nutrition Lecture (ST GABRIEL) 6 PM-9PM Our Lady’s Prayer Group (CHURCH) & Confession 7 PM Mass w/ Our Lady’s Prayer Group (CHURCH) 6 PM-8:30 PM Soldiers for Christ (UPPER ROOM) Thursday, July 14th Jueves 9:30a –2:30p Kids’ Summer Camp (MAIN HALL) 2 PM Alcoholics Anonymous in Spanish (ST. GABRIEL) 5 PM Overeaters’ Anonymous (ST. GABRIEL) 8 PM Tongan Choir Practice (CHURCH) Friday, July 15th Viernes 9:30a –2:30p Kids’ Summer Camp (MAIN HALL) 2 PM Alcoholics Anonymous in Spanish (ST. GABRIEL) 5:30 PM Alma de Cristo Kids’ Choir (UPPER ROOM) 7 PM Fe y Esperanza Choir (UPPER ROOM) 7 PM La Purisima (ST. MICHAEL-big room) — St. Vincent de Paul It is necessary to learn how to live with criticism, to keep focused on doing what you know is right. In the wise words of St. John Bosco, to “do good and let the birds sing.” People will mock you and try to discourage you with their words, especially if they are envious of your success. They are like chirping birds. You have to move forward and ignore them. - Fr. Frank Pavone’s Article “Tame your Tongue” This Rock July-Aug 2011 SOLDIERS FOR CHRIST Soldiers for Christ, our Youth Group, meets every Wednesday from 6:00 pm—8:30 pm in the Upper Room of the Main Hall. Everyone whose age ranges from 13-17 are welcome! For a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Please call Paul and Yvonne at 650.366.7093 or go to
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Saint Bruno Church
(650)588-2121 Ext. 14 Saturday 9-11 a.m.
Rev. Michael Brillantes
Rev. Rafael de Avila
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Joseph H. Lavulo Deacon
Rev. Mr. Ramon de la...